Will rhododendron grow in a large pot? Indoor rhododendron - features of cultivation and care

Frustrated owners very often write to me... former owners of rhododendrons, saying that they bought this beautiful plant, planted it, even watered it, but it ungratefully died! And so 2, 3, 4... n times.
Often, these purchases are accompanied by all sorts of not entirely adequate advice from the seller, such as “keep it only in full shade/absolute sun”, “it should be left in a pot for the first year”, “pour more humus into the hole when planting”, “you need mycorrhiza and mushrooms", etc. We will consider all these points later, but for now a little more about buyers.
Many owners of necro-rhododendrons attribute the death of their pet to growth-stimulating fertilizers - I-know-they-grow-them-and, they say, they stopped giving stimulating fertilizers and that’s it - the rhododendron was offended and left this new cruel world.

In general, why am I all this? Yes, sometimes sellers are wrong with their crooked advice, but, alas, in most cases the buyer is to blame.
By the way, if the seller is not just a random hired worker at a garden center, but a person who is directly related to growing plants, he will not talk such nonsense. Unfortunately, in a large garden. centers, sales consultants and staff who deal with plants are absolutely different people. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of someone’s stupidity, we will learn a few basic points that will preserve the life of plants and allow us to observe their gorgeous flowering every year in the future.

This is my juvenile Ledebur rhododendron. It is already blooming and has never died yet!

Here are its flowers against the background of another evergreen rhododendron

And this is a bunch of rhododendrons that are set aside for replanting

And now we come to the most important thing...

"Rhodes" - Greek. "rose", "dendron" - Greek. "tree" and literal translation " pink tree"However, this is only a name and, by and large, rhododendron has nothing to do with either one or the other. This is a plant from the heather family and all the usual methods of growing trees and shrubs are not suitable for it from the first day of the seedling’s life. And that’s even the case not that, more precisely, not only that rhododendrons need extremely acidic soil - acidic soil is found in gardens and vegetable gardens quite often, but it still does not suit them. Rhododendrons have very thin and fragile roots - they are literally like cobwebs Some even compare them to mycelium.
Therefore, the first and basic rule of planting rhododendrons is: only in light soil! Roots as thick as a hair cannot penetrate our standard soil from the garden! And no mycorrhiza will save you.
If you take a purchased seedling, remove it from the pot and bury it in heavy soil, it will die. If you are replanting in a pot bigger size and add heavy earth - he will die. If you think that sand is light earth, it... well, you understand, right?

Rhododendron should grow in light, loose, moisture-permeable soil. How to organize this?
You need to take good black soil, and peat is better(only sour, otherwise everyone sells it now) and mix it all with pine litter from pine forest(pine is best, with cones, bark and branches). Proportion 1:1 for litter and peat with a small amount of soil. If the land is without peat, there is more litter.
I don’t have peat and there’s no way to get it, but I have black acidic soil and I mix it with litter somewhere around 1:2, 1:3 - and I plant rhododendrons in this.
If you need to land in open ground, and not into the pot, then the wide one digs and deep hole, is filled with the same mixture (more litter should be given) and the rhododendron is planted. The diameter of the hole is at least a meter, because the earth will return and deoxidize. At the same time, every year you need to add the same litter under the rhododendrons. It even looks nice and acts as mulch. Ideally, organize the planting of rhododendrons so that they grow in groups and somewhere under conifers.

If the soil in which you planted your now deceased seedling was very different from the one on bottom photo- the soil killed him!

Most of my grown evergreen rhododendrons - they were not replanted this year

In the summer, we put our rhododendrons in the front garden, where they will remain until mid-autumn, and then go to winter under the leaves.
We cannot plant them yet, because we need a global replacement of the soil in the front garden. This is our plan for the next couple of years.

Everything is neatly hidden behind flowers

And these are recently planted seedlings from last year - 378 pcs.

In general, all you need to remember from this post is that rhododendrons should grow in coniferous “garbage”. In nature they grow under coniferous trees and so be it.
They should not be left in a pot for the first year (after purchase) - this is absolutely pointless. In addition, caring for rhododendrons in pots is much more difficult - in summer the pots overheat, which is bad for the root system, and light soil dries out quickly, so you have to water it twice a day. I don’t have an alternative yet, but if you do, it will make your life much easier.
Putting a rhododendron in a pot in the sun will slowly fry it; putting it in deep shade will make it unhappy.

About mycorrhiza (for those who believe that without it nothing grows, everything will die and we will all die) - all this is in the coniferous forest floor.

This is all. Let your rhododendrons grow and delight with flowering!

Indoor rhododendron (lat. Rhododendron)

Family– heather

Origin– China, India, Japan

Among indoor species There are two most common rhododendrons: Sims's Rhododendron (Rhododendron simsii) and Rhododendron obtusum (dwarf shrubs ranging in size from 30 to 50 cm in height).

By the way, indoor rhododendron is often called azalea, and this is partly true, since today some types of rhododendron are called azalea. Previously, azalea was classified as a separate species.

Types of home rhododendron

Caring for indoor rhododendron at home

Temperature. Autumn/winter – cool temperature (11-14 °C), spring/summer – room temperature (18-22 °C). The plant does not like higher temperatures.

Lighting. Soft sunlight. No direct rays!

. Indoor rhododendron should be watered only with settled water, since the plant does not tolerate chlorine and lime. Additionally, it is better to slightly acidify the water with lemon juice.

The soil should always be moist, so watering should be frequent (reduce slightly in winter). During the flowering period, azaleas must be sprayed from below.

Feeding. Spring/summer - special mineral fertilizer without chlorine once every 2 weeks; during the period of bud setting - superphosphate in a dosage of 15 grams per 10 liters of water.

Earth mixture. Heather soil, hydroponics. If not, a mixture of peat and coniferous soil in a 1:2 ratio with a small part of river sand can be a good replacement.

Transfer. After indoor rhododendron blooms in the spring, it is transplanted into acidic soil in a low, wide pot. The procedure is performed once a year for young plants and once every two to three years for adults (the roots are delicate, so replanting must be done carefully to avoid damage).

Reproduction. Typically, propagation of indoor rhododendron is carried out from May to August, semi-lignified stem cuttings. They need constant watering and spraying. During the propagation period, the cuttings are covered plastic bag or a jar. The required temperature for rooting is 20-25 °C. The development of the root system occurs within a month and a half, after which the cuttings are planted in a pine-peat mixture in small pots.

Possible problems when growing indoor rhododendron

Short flowering. The cause may be dry air, direct sunlight, or lack of watering. Solution: move the plant pot away from heating systems and spray it with water daily.

Yellow leaves. There is clay in the soil or water for irrigation. Solution: water only with soft, acidified water.

Leaf crinkling. Reasons: dry air, very bright sun, heat, insufficient watering. Solution: increase air humidity, remove the plant from sunlight, increase watering.

Pests and diseases of indoor rhododendron

Hairy aphid– settles on young shoots, and in case of serious damage – on leaves. To combat mild lesions, simply take a cotton swab or soft brush, moisten it with soapy water and clean the plant. After a break of 7-10 days, spray three times with a solution of soapy water or pharmaceutical tincture calendula.

Tarzanemus mite- one of the most difficult azalea pests to remove. It settles on buds, flowers, young leaves, but it is quite difficult to see it with the naked eye. The appearance of a mite on your plant will be indicated by lightening of the leaves, curling of young shoots, and lack of flowering (if the damage is severe). A means of combating ticks is an infusion of wood ash (per 10 liters hot water dilute 500 grams of ash, leave for 24 hours, strain). Repeat the procedure three times in 7-10 days.

Septoria– a disease caused by a fungus of the genus Septoria. The leaves of affected plants develop rusty or brownish-gray spots. At an advanced stage of the infection, rhododendron leaves dry out and fall off. To protect against the fungus, the plant is sprayed every 10 days with one percent Bordeaux mixture.

Victoria Bagheera specifically for the site All about flowers

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Discussion: 3 comments

    thank you, very comprehensive information

    They gave me a rhododendron, but the leaves turned yellow and the flower died.

Clouds from flowering bushes delicate pastel and bright colors decorate any place, be it a park, alley, slopes alpine slides or a garden in a private courtyard. The rhododendron plant belongs to the heather family; English homeowners first began to grow it; some, as a sign of respect for the beautiful flower, call it an alpine rose.

Russia allowed itself to be decorated with an airy and cloudy flower only in the 18th century. The harsh climate of the country scared off gardeners, but over time it became clear that the plant develops and grows without any problems if conditions for its existence are created.

Decorative compositions from rhododendron

Group plantings

Planting flowers in a group arrangement, spectacular plants are suitable for decorating recreation areas, parks, alleys emphasize the edges of paths and lawns. The flower loves damp places, so rhododendrons are grown along the banks of artificial reservoirs in the Moscow region. Planting and maintenance do not require much effort, and the park has a majestic atmosphere. Original enclosing borders are created by a mass of flowering plants.

When creating decorative groups, do not mix evergreen bushes with colored specimens. Tall plants are placed in the center of the composition, with low-growing species highlighting the edges. A favorite technique of designers is the combination coniferous species with bright rhododendrons. When decorating hills and hedges, they try to combine a variety of color shades that are similar in scale. Violet, pink and white colors complement each other beautifully. The arrangement of yellow, orange and red bushes nearby, which perfectly complement the interior, creates a feeling of a bright holiday. Photos of rhododendron flowers are shown below.

Single landings

Beautiful spreading bushes planted alone for lawn decoration or highlighting tall tree. Such a luxurious bush looks great near a bench, table, gazebo, or a breather into the house. A good design technique is to grow rhododendrons in separate large flowerpots or containers that are moved as needed to decorate different parts of the yard or garden.

The varieties most often grown in individual pots are compact bushes, for example, rhododendron kusinsky and various evergreen species. Some varieties are bred for industrial pruning; cut branches are stored for 20 days without loss of decorative effect.

Some types of flowers are beneficial for the human body. These include the following types:

  • Daursky;
  • Caucasian;
  • Golden;
  • Yellow;
  • Schlippenbach.

High content in rhododendron leaves ascorbic acid allow use herbal decoctions to restore immunity. But the leaves of the plant are consumed with caution, as they contain toxic substances that are harmful to the human body. To treat heart disease, vascular abnormalities, epilepsy, articular rheumatism, prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of herb in a glass of boiling water. With constant use, this drug removes fluid from the body, normalizes the heartbeat, reduces shortness of breath, and helps overcome colds.

Contraindications for taking the drug orally

There are some reasons for taking the drug: The plant cannot be used for medicinal purposes:

  • the child’s body does not tolerate drugs from the plant;
  • pregnant women react poorly to decoctions and infusions of the flower;
  • people suffering from kidney diseases and having necrotic changes in body tissues are treated with other means.

Before using medicinal infusions from rhododendron herb, consult a doctor for consultation, even if the above-mentioned deviations from the standard condition are not visually detected.

Rhododendron cultivation technology

Soil for planting

They begin to breed the flower in the spring; early planting in the ground gives the plant time to adapt and take root. If the variety has a closed root system, then the flower lands in more late time . To do this, prepare beds with acidic, loose soils rich in humus. A mixture of peat, leaf soil, fallen pine needles is used as a substrate, and mineral fertilizers are added. Photos of the plant can be viewed on the Internet.

The plant is planted in holes up to 70 cm wide to a depth of 40 cm. In heavy clay soils, the plant is buried less, only 20 cm, while the hole expands to 1.2 m. Before this, the planting site is filled with peat or a substrate prepared in advance, the pH of which is 4.0-5.0. Mixtures recommended for growing:

  • acidic peat, soil containing pine needles and foliage, coastal sand in a ratio of 3:3:1;
  • sawdust, acid peat, river sand in a 1:2:1 solution;
  • sour peat, compacted needles, sawdust, river sand in a consistency of 2:1:1:1.

All mixtures are enriched with mineral fertilizer (170-220 g per cubic meter), sulfur is added to them in an amount of 50-60. If the acidity of the soil is insufficient, then it is acidified with undiluted sulfuric acid, which is added in an amount of 1 ml per 10 liters of water. Acetic, citric, oxalic and other acids are used (4 g per 10 liters of liquid).

As an oxidizing agent, the use of electrolyte from batteries is justified, which is added in an amount of 20 ml per 10 liters of water. In addition to acid, the electrolyte contains sulfur, which further enriches the soil. Do not plant plants in pure peat or a mixture of peat and pine needles. This mixture is a poor conductor of moisture to the root system. Before planting in the soil bottom part The plants are placed in a vessel with water and wait until air bubbles stop rising to the surface; after this procedure, the bush is ready for planting.

Drop off point

Representatives of the Yellow, Japanese, and Schlippenbach varieties burn in strong sun in middle and southern areas, so they are covered with shields from the direct rays. Varieties that are resistant to heat, but afraid of the wind - Sticky, Pink and Canadian after summer, in early autumn must be protected with artificially constructed huts from the piercing currents of cold air. The optimal place for planting plant bushes is the north-eastern and northern surfaces of the slopes in Russia and Ukraine.

In northern harsh winter conditions they plant Frost-resistant plant varieties: Pointed, Ledebura, Daursky, Sikhotinsky, capable of withstanding temperatures up to 40 degrees below zero without freezing.

Rhododendron should not be placed next to growing linden, maple, chestnut, birch, or willow trees; such plantings have a detrimental effect on the development of flowers. These trees actively suck moisture from the soil; the bush, without receiving enough moisture, will die. The proximity of coniferous plantations or fruit-bearing trees is optimal, but their crowns should not shade the rhododendron.

Flowers grow well on wet soils, but excess moisture, for example in swampy areas, is removed using a drainage system. Bushes are planted on raised beds, if there is a threat of spring floods and partial flooding of the site. The elevation above the liquid level should be at least 15 cm; the edges of the bed are fixed with stones, among which flowering bushes look very picturesque.

Carrying out care

If planting is done technologically correctly, then caring for the plant will not be difficult. The main one is ensuring proper watering. Apply soft water, without a large amount of dissolved salts. Weeds around the bush are removed carefully; they are pulled out. Loosening tools are not used so as not to damage nearby roots.

The bush is fed in May and June, and liquid solutions are used for watering. mineral fertilizers intended for this type of plant. Effective is the use of the popular fertilizer Kemira-universal, the dry granules of which are placed under the bush. At the end of the feeding season, in the last ten days of June, the plant is watered with a prepared solution of potassium sulfate. A bucket of water at room temperature a tablespoon of fertilizer dissolves. This amount is enough for watering square meter planting area of ​​young plants. Adult plants are watered with water with 2 tbsp dissolved in it. l. potassium sulfate. This concludes the fertilization period.

Pruning rhododendron to improve cultivation is not necessary, but it is carried out to create a decorative shape of the bush immediately after flowering begins. In the first days of June, they get rid of unnecessary root shoots and overly elongated shoots, and during the maintenance process, they cut off dried and damaged branches of the plant. Decorative pruning the bush delays the appearance of the first flowers and slows down growth somewhat. Fast-growing species tolerate pruning best. Faded buds plants are removed, preserving axillary buds; the operation accelerates growth and preserves lush flowering in subsequent years.

Irrigation water quality

Natural humid conditions in mountainous areas indicate that the plant loves to spray the bush with leaves and flowers. Rhododendron should be watered thoroughly, but in moderation. The acidity of irrigation water plays an important role, which does not exceed a value of 4-5. River water at room temperature or collected moisture after rain is well suited for these purposes. Using artesian or tap liquid enriched with magnesium and calcium salts will gradually clog the soil and the bushes will lose their attractive appearance.

In order for the rhododendron to develop and delight the eye with beautiful flowering, use acidified water for irrigation:

  • citric acid is diluted in an amount of 3-4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • half a glass of vinegar is diluted in a bucket of water;

The intensity of watering is increased during the flowering period. In dry autumn without rain, the plant is watered abundantly, which will be a decisive factor for a good winter. In dry and hot summer weather, rhododendron is sprayed with drip irrigation, trying to prevent sunlight from falling on the leaves at this time.

Very unpretentious plant in terms of propagation, it is carried out by seeds, cuttings, grafting, division, cuttings. The seeds of the plant are sown on the surface of the soil; if it gets to a depth of even a centimeter, the plant will not grow. Shoots appear on the bush after 12-20 days, which depends on the variety of seeds, which differ in different rates of emergence and germination.

After the shoots appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers, and drainage is provided to the root system for constant air access. Watering is carried out through a mesh or by spraying, subsequently covering glass vessels to maintain soil moisture in indoor conditions. The glass covers are removed several times a day to prevent rotting. Containers with seedlings are placed in a bright place, but without exposure to scorching sunlight. During the first year of growth, seedlings rise to 5 cm in height, some varieties begin to branch.

Long-awaited flowering begins 3-10 years from planting, the time of appearance of buds depends on the variety. If we talk about vegetative division, then flowering is observed already in the second or third year, the root system of the cuttings develops after 1.5-2 months. Rooting of cuttings and active growth is ensured proper watering, spraying, heating and care. Transplantation of developed cuttings is carried out in the autumn. Cuttings overwinter at room temperature about 5ºС, for example, in closed verandas or greenhouses.

In the spring they are planted in the soil, using soil familiar to rhododendrons. Layering produces a small number of bushes, and a limited number is also obtained by dividing the bush. Therefore, if you need to decorate a large surface of a garden or park, then propagation using seeds is preferable. After the plant has been grafted, you can often see blossoming flowers on one bush. different shades.

Wintering plants

Some deciduous rhododendron species refer to winter-hardy varieties and do not require additional shelter for winter period. They wrap only the neck of the bush. Evergreen rhododendrons provide shelter; in winter they do not freeze so much as dry out, so they require protection from wind and sun. Plants are opened after the soil has warmed and thawed.

Azalea (rhododendron) is rightfully on the list of the most beautiful indoor plants. Bright flowers bloom in the depths of winter, adding a unique atmosphere to the room. However, this beauty is very whimsical and requires constant attention.

  • 1 Who is Azalea
  • 2 Planting and transplanting
  • 3 Azalea care
  • 4 Reproduction
  • 5 Reviews from flower growers
  • 6 Video: nuances of growing azaleas

Who is Azalea

The homeland of azaleas (or rhododendrons) is the humid highlands of the northern hemisphere. In nature, the height of these plants ranges from 10 cm to 10 m.

When in the mid-18th century, the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus described 3 evergreen and 6 deciduous plants from this family, he classified the first as rhododendrons, and the latter as azaleas. Since then, rhododendrons, which are grown in closed ground(at home or in greenhouses) are called azaleas.

This plant is quite whimsical. However, all the care efforts are justified by the luxurious flowers that azalea bestows on its owners.

The stems and leaves of the plant are poisonous; azalea should be kept away from small children and pets.

Azalea blooms very beautifully

Azaleas varieties

  • Indian. The main ancestor of varieties of indoor azaleas is the natural species Indian rhododendron, or Simsa, which grows in humid mountain forests. He gave rise to many different hybrids. The flowers are large, bright, pink-red, up to 5 cm in diameter, usually located 2–6 in the leaf axils. There are other colors: white, yellow, red, cream, and two-color.
  • Japanese. The flowers are smaller than those of the Indian one. Japanese azalea is grown in the garden mainly in regions with a mild and humid climate. Flower colors are white, lilac, pink, red and red-orange.
  • Deciduous varieties. Series hybrid varieties, descended from the Pontian azalea. These are shrubs 1–1.5 m in height. The flowers are very bright: white, yellow, orange, red, pink. They bloom at the same time or before the leaves bloom. Winter-hardy, can withstand temperatures down to -29°C.

Photo gallery: azalea varieties

Deciduous varieties of azaleas are winter-hardy

Japanese azalea is grown in regions with mild and humid climates.

Indian azalea - the ancestor of the most popular varieties

Living conditions in different seasons (table)

Season Temperature Lighting Humidity
Spring Summer 10–15оС. This temperature is difficult summer time, even in middle lane Russia. Therefore, azalea rarely blooms in summer. Direct exposure to sunlight is unacceptable; diffused light is required. You can take it out into the garden and dig it directly into a pot in partial shade. 70–80%. Under the pot there should be a tray with damp pebbles or moss.
Autumn winter In October-December - 6–10°C (for successful formation of flower buds), in January-February - 15–17°C (this temperature stimulates flowering). Scattered light. Spray every day. The drops should be small, because large ones leave spots on the plant. During flowering, refrain from spraying.

Planting and transplanting

As a rule, azaleas are bought or given as a flowering plant. After the plant has flowered, the plant needs to be replanted.

It is not common to find indoor plants that require acidic soil with a pH level of 4–4.5. For planting, it is better to buy special soil for azaleas (or acidophilic plants, i.e. those that love acidic soil), since it is quite difficult to collect it yourself. Don't forget about the drainage at the bottom of the pot.

When transplanting, tender roots do not need to be freed from the ground.

The azalea's root system is superficial, so the pot will need to be shallow and wide. The roots are very tender, so the azalea is replanted by transferring an earthen clod. IN new pot then they just fill it up required amount land.

Azaleas up to 3 years old are replanted annually in late spring, and older ones - once every 2 or 3 years.

Azalea care


The soil in the pot should always be moist - but not soggy. For irrigation, it is ideal to use rain or melt water, or, in the absence of such, settled water. Since azaleas love an acidic environment, you can periodically add irrigation water lemon juice (5–7 drops per 1 liter of water). Many gardeners use this method of watering: they pour it not into the pot at the root, but into a tray, and the plant itself “pulls out” the required amount of water.

An azalea must have a tray under the pot - water should be poured into it

Top dressing

For feeding, you should use a special fertilizer for azaleas. Feeding schedule: in spring and summer - weekly (the fertilizer must be prepared in accordance with the instructions). In winter and autumn, when buds are forming, the plant should be watered with a superphosphate solution (15 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

The most best fertilizer for azaleas - a special one, which can be purchased at a flower shop


Proper, timely pruning of an azalea bush is the key to high-quality, abundant flowering. Pruning is done in May. New shoots are pinched so that 4–5 leaves remain on them. If about flower bud a shoot appears and is cut off.

You can choose the type of crown - tree-like or bush-like. To make a small tree, you need to select the strongest branch (this will be the trunk), and cut off the remaining shoots. The trunk should be tied to a support for stability. When the height of the shoot reaches the right size, the top is pinched, after which the plant begins to branch. After this, you sometimes need to turn the plant, pinching the shoots, achieving a ball shape.

Pruning allows you to give the plant different shapes

To form a bush, shoots are pinched at a distance of 10 cm from the surface of the ground. To ensure uniform development of the branches, turn the pot from time to time.

In subsequent years, this form is maintained, and weak branches that thicken the crown and unhealthy branches also need to be removed.

Bush form of azalea

Flowering period

Azalea flowers are magnificent - their decorative nature attracts gardeners. Cut flowers stay fresh for a long time; one inflorescence can easily replace a bouquet. The plant blooms in winter, bringing spring freshness into winter everyday life.

The bud, swelling, produces 2–4 buds. When the flowers fade, they need to be removed along with the flower stalks, then the bush will delight with flowering longer. It is also necessary to remove the seed pods, since the plant expends energy on ripening the seeds.

Blooming azaleas are an amazingly beautiful sight

Rest period

At the end of spring, when flowering ends, azaleas enter a dormant period. The plant is pruned, replanted if necessary, removed to partial shade or taken out into the garden. Watering, spraying and fertilizing do not stop.

After flowering, the plant is pruned, replanted if necessary, and removed to partial shade.

Table: care errors and ways to eliminate them

Problem Cause Solutions
Leaves fall The balance of conditions of detention is disturbed - too dry or too wet air, temperature too low or too high Control humidity levels and temperature
Spider mite If it does not bloom, spray the plant often (the mite does not like a humid environment), and when flowering, use a soap solution and chemicals.
Leaves turn yellow Chlorosis develops Acidify water for irrigation. Monitor the temperature level (15–16°C). Spray with Ferovit or magnesium sulfate.
Damage by scale insects (you can recognize it by the brown plaques that appear on the leaves) Treat with soapy water. If there are large numbers of scale insects, use chemicals.
The leaves are drying Azalea moth (visible to the naked eye, has the shape of a caterpillar) Collect pests by hand. Treat the plant with a chemical.
Low air humidity Spray, place on a tray with wet pebbles.
Heat Observe temperature regime(15–16oC).
The plant is exposed to direct sunlight Provide azaleas with diffused lighting.
Insufficient feeding Adjust the feeding regime.
Little light Provide azaleas with good indirect lighting.
Root rot due to excess water Reduce watering. You may have to replant the plant: remove it from the pot, wrap the roots with thin paper to absorb excess moisture, and leave for 2 days. Plant in new soil.
Leaves dry out during flowering Not enough water Provide the flower with more water.
The leaves turn black Thrips damage ( small insect, not always visible to the naked eye) Treat with Karbofos (according to instructions).
Rhododendron mite infestation Treat with Diazinon (according to instructions).
The plant withers, does not bloom, or blooms poorly Poor quality soil Replant the flower in high-quality soil. Adjust the feeding regime.
The tips of the leaves turn brown Watering with hard water Use soft, settled water for irrigation.

Photo gallery: problems when growing azaleas

The cause of wilting may be poor quality soil.

Spots on leaves may be signs of chlorosis

There can be many reasons why leaves dry out.


Azalea reproduces:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Propagation by seeds is difficult and difficult; this method is used by professionals.

At home the best way propagate azalea - cuttings.

  • For propagation, a semi-lignified cutting 5–8 cm long is required (they need to be cut from May to August).

    Cuttings are harvested after flowering

  • Treat a fresh cut with a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin).
  • Plant vertically, 2 cm deep into an acidic substrate (for example, sphagnum peat).

    The cuttings are planted vertically, buried 2 cm in the ground.

  • Cover with a jar or film, periodically remove the cover for watering and spraying.

    For better rooting, you need to arrange a greenhouse for the cuttings

  • The temperature in the greenhouse must be maintained at 25°C and the lighting must be good.
  • The cuttings will take root in 1 month.
  • An azalea grown from a cutting will delight you with its flowering after 2 years.

    Video: rooting azalea

    Bush division

    Azalea can also be propagated by dividing the bush. When replanting, with the utmost care, a 3–4-year-old bush is divided in two and planted in another pot.

    If you want to become the owner of the most luxurious indoor flower, then the azalea will be worth the attention, which is famous for its chic and abundant flowering. But it often happens that after purchasing a flower, after some time it begins to die. The fact is that azalea is very whimsical and capricious plant which needs special care. If you want a flower to delight you with lush and unusual flowers, then you have to create for it ideal conditions.

    Fastidious beauty indoor azalea: how to care for it at home photo

    This name is given to a certain group of plants belonging to the genus Rhododendron from the Heather family (Ericaceae). At the moment, the flower belongs to a separate genus called Azalea.

    Indoor rhododendron

    Azalea or, as it is often called rhododendron, is one of the unique and incredible indoor plants. She won the love of those around her thanks to her lush inflorescences, capable of awakening spring even on the coldest winter evening. Although some are afraid to have her because of her capricious nature.

    Azalea or alpine rose is a small, rich green bush strewn with many bright flowers.

    There are many different types of azalea inflorescences, among which there are: simple and double, corrugated or fringed.

    In addition, this small bush can also decorate a wide color palette: pink, white, red, purple shades of flowers. And also mixed colors, or changing into each other. Depending on the flowering period, there are both early and late flowering plants.

    Is azalea a flower or a tree?

    azalea tree

    The dwarf flowering bush is an evergreen plant native to China and Japan. Also found in the area southern Europe and North America.

    "Azalea" translated from the original Greek means dry. It received such an unusual name because appearance, since it is mainly a small dry shrub.

    In Russia, this plant began to spread at the beginning of the 20th century. The first places where one could meet such unusual flower, were botanical gardens and greenhouses.

    « Pink tree"why such a name? Yes, because rhododendron from Greek is divided into two parts: “rhodon” means rose, and “dendron” means a simple tree.

    In the East, azalea is considered a symbol of peace and joy. Besides, in eastern countries Beautiful bonsai are created from such an unusual plant. As a rule, to create bonsai compositions, samples of these varieties are selected: Rhododendron impediteum and Rhododendron indicum


    Nowadays there are many different domestic varieties, which originated from two main species.

    • Indian azalea, Sims rhododendron or as it is also called Simsi azalea (Latin name Rhododendron simsii)

    The shoots of this species are covered with small bristles. The flowers are funnel-shaped and their circumference does not exceed 3.5 cm. The colors of the inflorescences can consist of two shades or be decorated with small specks.

    • Japanese azalea or obtuse rhododendron (Latin name Rhododedron obtusum)

    This type of plant has shiny leaves and funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. It has the status of the national flower of Japan, not falling behind sakura in its popularity. Quite often used in Japanese compositional gardens.

    The most popular varieties of indoor rhododendron

    Caring for azaleas at home

    Azalea flower

    In our houses and apartments climatic conditions Not suitable for azaleas at all. The fact is that the ideal weather for an unusual bush, from the end of November to the very end of January, is warm, slightly foggy autumn days.

    The plant requires a temperature of +10 to +12°C, and sometimes in the presence of high air humidity, a night temperature not exceeding +6 to +8°C is sufficient for rhododendron.

    In special greenhouses, maintaining ideal conditions for a flower is not difficult, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about our apartments.

    A flower installed close to a radiator begins to suffer from a chronic lack of humidity, beautiful and lush flower, just recently blooming, before our eyes turns into a dried out dying bush.

    How to properly care for azaleas at home

    But, even despite their vagaries in care, many indoor gardeners give their preference to azaleas.

    If provided proper care, then you will surely be able to enjoy original flower in his apartment. And it is possible, and even desirable, to admire such beauty during flowering not only on your own, but also in the company of close friends.

    We repeat that indoor rhododendron, a very capricious creature. In order for this plant to delight you with its inflorescences, it will need decent care, which is described below.

    What should the lighting be like?

    After you become the owner the most beautiful flower we need to find the best one for him appropriate place. Azalea is a light-loving plant, but strong sunlight can kill it.

    From October to November, buds begin to form on the plant, so you need to provide it with sufficient light. For this, fluorescent lamps are suitable, which can be used to periodically illuminate the azalea.

    The most suitable temperature for indoor rhododendron

    For a flower to survive in an apartment, it will need a positive temperature, varying from 10 to 14 degrees during the daytime, and from 6 to 8 degrees at night. high humidity. This mode is most suitable for warm, slightly foggy autumn. If you follow all the necessary rules for caring for the plant, it will grow well even at a temperature of 18°C.

    The most dangerous time of year for azaleas is summer, because the sweltering heat can quickly kill it. Will help the flower survive at this time balcony, provided that it is not located on the south side. You can also save the plant using an air conditioner, setting its temperature no higher than 20°C.

    Proper watering is the key to successful growth and beautiful flowering

    In order to grow a flower at home, you need to follow some rules for watering it.

    For rhododendron it is very important that the air humidity is high. An azalea growing in an apartment suffers from dry air in heating season. To prevent the plant from dying, be sure to regularly spray it with settled water.

    Do I need to fertilize a houseplant?

    There are special fertilizers for azaleas, which are: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfite, ammonium sulfate and superphosphate used in spring and summer period 1 time per week.

    In winter and autumn, when buds appear, you need to dilute superphosphate with water in a ratio of 15 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

    Azaleas differ from most plants in that they prefer to grow in acidic soil.

    When choosing a soil, you should choose the following options.

    1. Heather soil is most suitable for azalea growth.
    2. Peat soil is no less suitable.
    3. You can create the soil yourself, using 2 parts of a coniferous mixture and one part of peat soil, adding a little river sand to the resulting soil.
    4. Also, the plant will do well in soil purchased from special stores and sold for acidophilic plants.

    When and how to prune an azalea

    If you want the plant to grow and develop properly, you need to trim unnecessary shoots at a certain time, as well as pinch some of its stems. As a rule, pruning of the plant should begin in early May.

    Remember, the splendor of the bush determines how many flowers it will produce.

    The more foliage you leave, the fewer buds will form.

    Be sure to remove all weak and elongated leaves.

    All last year's stems must also be shortened.

    Thanks to pruning, you can form a healthy and luxurious bush. In order to prune the plant, you need to stock up on sharp pruning shears, wiping it with alcohol in advance. To prevent infection from entering wounds.

    How to care for an azalea in a pot and form a beautiful crown

    The crown of an azalea can be in the form of a small tree or bush.

    Azalea bonsai

    • If you want to form a tree, then you need to find the straightest and strongest branch from a small bush. It will serve as the future trunk, on which all other shoots should be removed.

      Once the length of the shoot reaches the size most suitable for you, you need to pinch its top, which will allow the tree to begin to produce branches. In the future, you need to regularly turn the growing tree and pinch the side branches in a timely manner. This will allow you to form a crown on the azalea like a tree.

    • If you want to make a bush, then you need to pinch the cuttings, stepping back from the ground about 10-12 cm. The upper parts of the side branches also need to be pinched, not forgetting to turn the plant, which will allow it to be not a one-sided, but evenly developing bush.

    Transplanting a plant

    After the beauty has bloomed for the first time, it is recommended to replant it.

    The azalea root system is quite superficial, so it needs to be replanted in a low pot. Also its roots are very delicate, so you should not loosen the soil around the bush. This was the reason why this type of plant is not replanted, but transshipped.

    Do not disturb the earthen lump under any circumstances or try to clean it root system from old soil.

    You need to add fresh soil to the container where you will replant the bush. In order for a young azalea to grow and develop well, it must be replanted once a year, carrying out the procedure in the spring. An adult azalea requires replanting once every 2 or 3 years.

    Reproduction of azaleas, what methods exist

    Practiced somewhat perfectly in various ways, thanks to which you can breed this plant:

    1. Seminal
    2. Cuttings
    3. Dividing the bush
    4. Vaccination method

    Growing azaleas from seeds

    This is a rather complex process that requires serious effort. It is most often used by flower growers to breed new exotic varieties.

    Propagation by cuttings

    Usually, indoor rhododendron or azalea are bred in this way. The most suitable period is summer.

    To do this, you will need semi-lignified cuttings that have buds. They must be planted in the ground, covered with a glass jar or bag. Do not forget to water and spray the cuttings generously. Do not allow flower buds to appear on it.

    It will take about 2 months for the cutting to take root. At this moment it must be transplanted into a previously prepared container. To form required type crowns, pinch out extending trunks.

    Cuttings of azaleas in summer video review:

    Dividing the bush

    As a rule, it is used only if the azalea bush is at least 3-4 years old. The plant is divided into several parts, taking into account the fragility and tenderness of the root system, which is very easy to damage.


    Use at home this method reproduction is impossible. It is used only by professional flower growers.

    More often, this method is used to combine several different varieties on one master sample.

    The resulting result is a stunning success, since inflorescences of different shades will appear on such an azalea, and even on one bud there is a visible mixture of color.

    Basically, such examples of the art of breeders can be observed at various exhibitions and presentations.

    What can rhododendron suffer from, and what pests can attack it?

    This type of plant is quite susceptible to attack by a wide variety of pests, among which it is worth noting:

    An unusual pest that damages azalea leaves, after which they begin to dry out and soon crumble. Adult pests move onto healthy leaves, forcing them to curl into tubes, where they can continue to grow until they are dealt with.

    • Greenhouse whitefly.

    It also attacks foliage, leaving sugary secretions on it, where the sooty fungus lives. This pest can carry some diseases that are dangerous to many indoor plants.

    • Greenhouse aphid.

    Aphids live in large groups, so if it attacks a plant, then most of the leaves on the bush are twisted. In addition, due to this pest, the development and growth of the plant may be delayed.

    • Strawberry mite.

    Is the most dangerous pest capable of attacking this flower. Only the leaves that appear are not even, but take on the appearance of a boat. Not just a few large healthy buds appear on the plant, but many small ones. Leads to a slowdown in plant growth and subsequently to its death.

    • Flat red tick.

    It can damage both cuttings and queen cells, as well as adult plant bushes. Leads to browning, wilting and shedding of leaves.

    These plants, like no other, are susceptible to some kind of illness.

    Diseases can be:

    • powdery mildew
    • chamois rot
    • rust
    • fusarium, etc.

    In order to deal with them, you need to purchase the appropriate preparations and treat the azalea with them, according to the recommendations.

    How to choose a healthy plant

    When you decide to buy yourself an azalea, be sure to choose a medium-sized plant. The fact is that it is very difficult for larger flowers to take root in a new place, but small azaleas may die due to lack of strength. Inspect all the leaves to make sure the plant is healthy.

    We offer simple methods for rejecting unsuitable plants:

    • When buying an azalea, pay attention to the presence of unopened buds; if there are many unopened buds, then long flowering and joy are guaranteed.
    • Dried leaves speak of negative phenomenon– drying out your indoor pet. The survival rate of such a specimen is quite low!
    • When azaleas have very large and dark foliage, one can immediately suspect that hormonal fertilizing was used. It is better to refuse this offer.
    • When lightly shaken, the leaves should not fall off. This is also a bad sign.
    • If you find that there are traces of cobwebs, any stains or insects on it, then you should postpone the purchase until you find a healthy azalea.

    Growing azaleas at home video: