All-season closed gazebos with barbecue: advantages and disadvantages, design options. Enclosed gazebos with barbecue Enclosed gazebos with barbecue

Currently, a closed gazebo is considered something familiar in Everyday life. The presence of a barbecue only enhances it positive traits. There are a huge number of variations of this simple structure; the choice remains with the owner of the site where it is planned to build it.

Selecting a construction site

When housing is a place permanent residence, it is more profitable to build a closed gazebo with a barbecue inside. Their varieties are very common, so it is easy to choose the most suitable option that will fit harmoniously into the landscape design. In version with closed openings it is possible to connect heating devices when the air temperature drops, which increases the frequency of use of the gazebo in the cold season. The location of the gazebo on the site should be thought out to the smallest detail. A view from the windows onto the road or vacant lots is not the best option.

The design of the building must comply with common principles not only in architecture, but also in color scheme.

It is necessary to investigate the land ownership or its plan. The proximity to living quarters and communications provides a huge advantage. The distance from the planned barbecue area to the house cannot be less than 8 meters in accordance with fire safety rules. It is worth considering the location in relation to neighboring areas in advance so as not to cause discomfort to their residents. A large-area gazebo should be built on sunny place possessions, small buildings look better in the shade of trees. The approaches to the future building need to be cleared of obstacles and paths laid.

Project development

In order to ensure that the financial investment for the construction of a gazebo is not large, you should clearly think through the entire project down to the smallest detail.

At the design stage, it is necessary to resolve issues such as:

  • choose the building material from which the warm gazebo will be made. The walls for the “winter” option should be made of brick or wooden beam, which will provide comfort in cold weather, since these materials have low thermal conductivity. If it allows financial side, construction can be made from new generation materials. They are more durable, but at the same time more expensive;
  • choice the most suitable option roofs;
  • decide on the pouring method and type of foundation. For closed options gazebos are used tape or monolithic foundation from slabs;
  • The design idea of ​​a gazebo can be implemented in any form. The main thing is that it fits into the landscape of the surrounding area;

  • you should choose the type of barbecue, which will reduce the cost of building a base for it;
  • it is necessary to think through the communications that will be connected to the building under construction;
  • provide ventilation hatches and high-quality chimneys, since safety comes first;
  • the shape, size of windows, methods of glazing should also be determined at the project stage;
  • variations of indoor and outdoor lighting.


Walls built of brick last for many decades. They are quite practical and different high quality. In general architectural style The color scheme of brick products is selected in accordance with the color scheme. It can be either natural red or white. But it is worth considering that white brick is less resistant to retaining thermal energy, because it cools much faster than red brick.

When building a closed gazebo made of brick, you should opt for the foundation belt type, since the frame will have quite a lot of weight.

Brick construction has the following positive aspects:

  • the service life is unlimited, it is durable;
  • you can choose any form of gazebo;
  • it is possible to combine different materials;
  • wall cladding inside and outside can be varied;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • the ability to install and secure a barbecue of any type.

The negative aspects of a closed brick gazebo include the following:

  • preparation of a solid, strong foundation is required;
  • the price value depends on the price of the brick and its quantity.

Wooden gazebo

Such a structure will delight with environmental safety. Natural colors and aroma of wood help improve the health of the body. Buildings made of wood harmoniously combine into a single whole with country-style design. But any wooden room with a barbecue inside must necessarily meet conditions of increased fire safety.

The advantages of a wooden gazebo are the following:

  • uncomplicated appearance that harmoniously fits into the surrounding nature;
  • reduced construction time;
  • the foundation may not be solid, but lightweight;

  • environmentally friendly materials;
  • healing components individual species wood;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity.

With many advantages, there are also disadvantages such as:

  • tendency to rot high humidity. To avoid it, you need to treat the surfaces with a special primer solution;
  • under the influence of negative meteorological conditions, the shape of the structure may be disrupted;
  • increased tendency to cause a fire. IN in this case requires a good ventilation unit and treating room surfaces with fire-fighting solutions.

Marking and laying the foundation

Before laying the foundation, it is necessary to prepare the site. If there is turf, it is removed along with fertile layer soil. Sprouting greenery and plant roots will cause rotting with associated unpleasant odors. If the soil is sandy, the site for the building is covered with crushed stone, gravel, and unnecessary garbage. Compact and cover tightly with a layer of sand. On clay soil, it is mixed with soil and compacted tightly. Ensure free flow of water from the walls and base.

When the project has been drawn up, the building drawings have been completed and the site has been prepared, you can begin to mark out and lay the foundation. The stability of the future structure, the clarity and safety of its forms depend on the correct and precise location of the base of the gazebo. The size of the foundation is affected by the massiveness of the gazebo. If the building is light, you can make the base in the form of pillars. This option is economical. For large, weighty buildings, a slab foundation is most often installed; in the future, it can play the role of a floor covering. The ribbon type of base is suitable for any gazebo. An insulated frame model most often stands on a reliable foundation.

Creating a floor

The basis of the future floor can be made from beams. The connection of such materials occurs with self-tapping screws and boards. Each wooden part must be impregnated with protective agents against insects and rot. The coverage can be varied. Depending on the capabilities, you can choose a floor-mounted ceramic tiles, concrete base, self-leveling floor or parquet option.

Convenience should be combined with practicality and ease of cleaning.

Construction of walls and roof

Along the contour of the gazebo, corner beams are placed on which the entire mass of the built roof will be supported. The walls are made completely closed or with openings, which will subsequently be glazed. After installing the racks, the top trim of the beams is performed. For a reliable connection, corners are used, and they are also used to connect the racks to the base. The next step in construction is the implementation of the middle level piping, if it is included in the project. After the walls are erected, construction of the roof begins. At self-construction A ridge or single-slope roof is popular. Cover its surface with various materials: ondulin, tiles, polycarbonate and others.

Barbecue device

Before finishing the surfaces in the room, you need to install stationary grill. Options can be different - made of brick, stone or metal. Stone or brick grill implies the presence of a strong foundation. For a wooden gazebo, a mobile barbecue is more suitable. Installation brick device better provide to an experienced master. The base for the grill should not be less than 30 cm.

Then they lay double layer brickwork and design a recess for solid fuels. After this, a niche is created for the food preparation area. Most often it is about seven rows of bricks laid out in continuous masonry. After this, a chimney and pipe are installed. A special canopy must be installed on top of the pipe to protect against precipitation. A necessary condition A gazebo with a barbecue is considered to have windows. They will help ventilate the room from gases and smoke that appear after burning coal or wood.

Portable type The grill is very convenient because it can be used both during the season and during trips to nature. Such products are made of thin sheets of iron and are light in weight. For quick assembly there are fastenings on the sides. Negative quality portable barbecue is short term services. After a year of constant use, the iron base becomes bent and burns out. When exposed to moisture, the grill becomes rusty, which also shortens its service life and degrades the quality of work. Keep hardware It is necessary in a dry room, and they should also be processed and cleaned from carbon deposits in a timely manner.

Every person comes to Vacation home to relieve yourself of the burden of worries that have accumulated during the work process, and take a break from the quickly annoying bustle of the city.

At the dacha, pleasant celebrations and feasts are often held, the main dish of which is mainly barbecue.

Yes, you can go to the forest, to a river or lake, but what to do if you want to relax in the winter season? Right, build on your own suburban area closed gazebo with barbecue.

In this article we will tell you what your winter barbecue house can look like, the designs of which you will either draw up yourself or order from specialists.

A closed gazebo with barbecue is an excellent solution for any garden

Winter gazebo- a bright, memorable and colorful element personal plot. It can be built in a classic, strict style, but it will be much more interesting to “turn on” your imagination to the maximum and create a truly unique building.

If your imagination is not enough, then on our website, including on this page, closed gazebos with barbecue grills are presented in a huge variety in the form of photos and even ready-made drawings.

Although you will spend a little time building a gazebo and Money, but such an element will become an integral part of the garden area and will be able to ennoble your dacha and make it more luxurious.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a closed winter gazebo with barbecue

Such a structure is a fairly serious and capital structure. Therefore, before you take on the project of a winter gazebo with barbecue and begin its construction, you need to understand in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the new building.

The advantages of a winter gazebo with barbecue include:

  • safety. A building made of brick will be absolutely protected from fire;
  • reliability and durability. Long lasting service life is ensured through the use of high-quality, but at the same time inexpensive materials;
  • low maintenance. A closed gazebo with barbecue does not require regular maintenance repair work to maintain her neat appearance;
  • variety of design. Due to the solidity and reliability of the foundation, any materials can be used to finish the building. A good solution would be to use a natural stone. Glass is also useful, especially in cases where a gazebo with glazing is being built.

As for the disadvantages, among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • heavy weight. Because of this, the structure requires the construction of a full foundation;
  • high price. Ordering some building materials can significantly impact your budget;
  • complexity. If you are new to the construction industry, then it will be quite difficult for you to cope with the construction of a gazebo;
  • lack of mobility. Due to the solidity of the structure, you will not be able to move it in case of unsuccessful placement or in the process of change landscape design plot.

How to build a winter gazebo with a barbecue oven yourself?

Photo 1. Empty space in the garden plot; Finding and preparing a place suitable for installing a winter gazebo is the first stage of construction.

To get a high-quality and reliable structure, you must follow a clear sequence of actions:

  • deal with stages of construction;
  • choose a place where the building will be located;
  • create a project and drawing;
  • select materials and assemble a set of tools;
  • acquainted with rules fire safety .

Construction stages

Before starting construction, it is necessary to understand the order of the stages of construction. You will need to do:

  • creating a project;
  • marking the territory;
  • foundation construction;
  • construction of roof and walls;
  • construction of a barbecue oven.

Selecting a project and drawing

Design and creating a drawing- a fundamental part of the construction of a winter gazebo with barbecue. After all, this stage entirely determines how the building will look after completion and how reliable it will be.

As for drawings, there are two main types winter gazebos: combined and free-standing.

The last type is a separate building, which has everything you need for relaxation. Separately standing gazebos resemble small houses with many windows.

Combined gazebos with barbecue harmoniously combine summer and closed design. The building area is divided into a central insulated part and a canopy with benches located around the perimeter.

Take care of foundation construction. It must be at least in the area where the stove will be installed in the future. As for the dimensions of the building, they should be selected depending on the size of the kitchen and guest areas.

IMPORTANT pay attention to water supply and electricity. After all, the comfort of using the building depends on this. In addition, the gazebo can include not only a barbecue, but also a full kitchen, which is equipped with a sink, a cutting table and a small hob.

For arrangement guest area One dining table and chairs will be enough. Not bad design solution there will be an installation comfortable rocking chair or a trestle bed where you can take a little nap.

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How to choose the type of brick for construction?

Most optimal material For all-season gazebo it will be a brick. But if you are going to build a gazebo from it, then you should be prepared that it will cost more than if you build from wood. What type of brick do you prefer? There are some useful tips in this aspect.

  • Firstly, you can use practically any brick color, starting from the standard and most common - red and ending with a variety of silicate colors. The first option is the strongest and most durable.
  • Secondly, if you are not going to have weekly get-togethers with friends, then building material you can save and buy sand-lime brick .
  • Thirdly, for a brick gazebo, be sure to build strip foundation . Its shape can be any, but the standard ones are rhombus, hexagon or square.

What tools will you need?

In addition to choosing building materials, you need to take care of preparing the necessary tools.

You may need:

  • shovel;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer and router;
  • grinder and chisel.

If you are going to carry out more complex manipulations, then also stock up on:

Photo 2. A welder uses a portable welding machine to cut a metal sheet. You may also need such a tool to implement especially complex project gazebos.

Building the foundation

It is better to choose for a winter gazebo strip foundation. Its features include reliability, durability and ease of manufacture.

IMPORTANT: the foundation should not settle, because in this case the gazebo will warp or completely collapse.

To create formwork, you can use plywood or regular boards. As for the choice of cement, it completely depends on weather conditions. So, if you are engaged in construction in summer period, then a good solution would be the brand M200.

When building a foundation, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • do not allow clay to enter in the composition of sand;
  • make sure that the solution contains a large number of gravel(1.5 times more than usual);
  • water should be at least half from the entire mass of the mixture;
  • The solution must be prepared according to the following proportions: three parts sand, five crushed stone and one part cement;
  • remove the formwork only after 3 days have passed from the date of filling.

We carry out the laying step by step

Photo 3. Smooth brickwork ensures the strength of the walls of the future gazebo and its highly aesthetic appearance.

Before starting construction of walls, the foundation should be laid roofing felt layer, which will prevent moisture from flowing from the ground to the walls.

Brick laying starts from the doorway and continues along the entire perimeter of the building.

You need to build walls to the height you need.

Check their levelness regularly using a level.

Once the construction process of the walls is completed, you can mount wooden posts on them, with the help of which you will form hipped roof .

The next steps are the installation of a barbecue and the construction cutting table. For convenience, you can first lay out the bricks on the floor to outline the contours, and only then begin laying.

IMPORTANT: Upon completion of the construction of the stove and barbecue, it is necessary to fill out the seams.

Construction is being completed design work.

All you have to do is cover the roof of the gazebo, lay the floor, decorate the interior and process the structure moisture-repellent impregnation.

Where is the best place to place a barbecue in a gazebo? Optimal location of the gazebo on the site

Make sure that closed gazebo was located as far as possible from flammable trees and buildings, but at the same time close to a water source and a house.

Since the gazebo is a place for preparing and eating food, it must be placed away from garages, toilets, and compost heaps.

When choosing a place for the stove, take into account the fact that in this case the gazebo will be divided into two zones: kitchen and living room. For a barbecue, it is necessary to equip an area where you can place a barbecue, fuel for it and all the necessary equipment. All this should be included in the drawing of the gazebo.

Fire safety rules for operating a barbecue inside and outside the gazebo

In order for the gazebo to be a place of relaxation, and not a constant problem and danger to the health and life of vacationers, when using and constructing it, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • there must be a grill protected by roof;
  • to prevent the accumulation of smoke and soot inside the building, it is necessary to equip chimney;
  • masonry must be processed fireproof mixture or other compounds that will help the material withstand high temperatures.

Winter gazebos with barbecue: projects and photos of finished buildings

Photo 4. Closed gazebo with barbecue and glazing: a drawing that shows the dimensions of the future building and the location of some elements in it, such as a hood.

Photo 5. Project of a winter gazebo with a brick barbecue: a computer model that allows you to see how the future structure will look on a green lawn.

Photo 6. small house barbecue stands on the edge of a country estate. Projects of such buildings are low-cost.

Photo 7. Elegant gazebo with barbecue and glazing on a country plot. As you can see from the photo, despite its small size, it is quite spacious and cozy.

Photo 8. Country winter gazebo, neatly integrated into the forest landscape. The project takes into account all the features environment, which creates harmony between nature and structure.

Useful video

If you have a project for a closed gazebo with a barbecue ready, but it is winter outside, there is no need to wait until spring to bring it to life. Construction work can also be carried out in the winter season. Watch a short video about how this happens.

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A gazebo is a place in the country where you feel comfortable in any weather. They build it not only for holidays and ceremonial materials. Another similar design is ideal for quiet family dinners and evening tea parties. If you decide to build a building yourself, then you need to approach this process with full responsibility.

What are they made of?

In fact, today there is a sufficient amount of materials that can be used in the construction of a closed gazebo. Each of them has its own operating characteristics.


A closed gazebo made of wood is universal option. The fact is that such a structure can be erected on any site, without taking into account landscape conditions.

Closed wooden gazebo with barbecue

The main advantages of such gazebos include:

  1. Low cost.
  2. During construction there is no need to use complex equipment and expensive tools.
  3. The construction is distinguished by its long service life and reliability.
  4. Simplicity and low cost of construction.
  5. This structure can be installed on a light base.


This material should be used in the construction of permanent garden buildings. He has a lot of weight and needs full solid foundation. In addition, only a wealthy person can build a stone conversation.

But this design has its advantages:

  1. A brick gazebo is not affected by sparks in the area, so you don’t have to worry about it catching fire.
  2. A gazebo made of stone does not require additional maintenance or restoration work.
  3. Stone objects are characterized by high strength and long service life.
  4. The capital structure will serve reliable protection from winds, rains and even frosts. Thus, you can even celebrate the New Year in a stone gazebo.


It will be almost impossible to get a forged gazebo with your own hands if you do not have the proper experience. So the only option would be to buy finished design. But then you will have to shell out a decent amount of money.

Made of metal

If you decide on this option, then the gazebo will have the following advantages:

  1. A metal gazebo will become a real decoration of the garden landscape.
  2. In addition to the gazebo and, it is fashionable to make and install, as well as other decorations, such as lanterns. This will update the landscape and create a fabulous setting.
  3. The durability of the building, which is achieved by covering its surface with a protective primer.

Often during construction garden gazebo use a combination of the above materials. This decision justifies itself in all respects, both practical and aesthetic.

It will also be interesting to see what a plastic gazebo for a summer house looks like:


Today there are a sufficient number of closed gazebo projects that will please even the most demanding owner.

Chalet style

If we consider this project, then untreated wood or real stone is used to arrange the floor in such a gazebo. Constructions of this type are distinguished by reliability, comfort and good quality. But this will help you understand what closed brick gazebos look like and how they are built.

The following key features can be highlighted:

  1. The roof has a wide overhang. It can extend beyond the walls by 1.5 m. This is necessary in order to protect bearing structures from the harmful influence of weather.
  2. Hip and sloping roof- This is not only an aesthetic move for the chalet, but also a practical solution. Snow will accumulate on such a roof, which will give the gazebo additional thermal insulation qualities.
  3. Wide cornices.
  4. Inside the gazebo there is a discreet decor. It is enough to apply varnish to just one surface of the wall to place hunting trophies there. To create a less military atmosphere, you can decorate the building with branches of dry grass and wildflowers, and pottery.

But what kind of gazebos exist from profile pipe and polycarbonate, and how it can be built, this will help you understand

The video shows a closed chalet-style gazebo:

Decorative ceilings, beams and other parts are made only from wood. They do not need to be painted, as it is important to preserve the natural structure. Just cover them with varnish or special compounds.

Classic style

Designs of this type combine conciseness and correct linear outlines. The base of such arbors is hexagonal or quadrangular.

When constructing a building, wood, marble, stone and metal can be used. When finishing, pastel shades and materials are used natural colors. Bright elements are extremely rare.

To decorate the external space it is worth using wooden gratings, forged elements, cornices. For a gazebo in classic style The presence of fresh flowers is important. They can be in pots, bouquets or garlands.

But what drawing of a gazebo with dimensions is the most popular, and how to choose it for yourself is described in great detail

The video shows a closed gazebo in a classic style:

Oriental style

When choosing such a building, you need to understand that there are no certain boundaries for interior design. But most often people choose the Japanese-Chinese direction. It is advisable to locate the structure near a pond. Although it would look good on a hill.

The structure is never installed on the ground. The base should be raised by 50 cm. When constructing a gazebo, only natural materials. This includes stone, wood, reed, bamboo. The roof is multi-tiered, and its corners are directed upward. You can also see a drawing of a wooden gazebo.

In the video - in oriental style:

As for the decoration of the gazebo, calmer shades are used for these purposes - pastel, the colors of light birch, cherry blossoms. When decorating, you can use partitions or curtains, with which you can organize your personal space. As for furniture, multifunctional products are chosen for such a gazebo - low tables, wicker chairs, wooden podiums.

Modern style

When building a gazebo, you can use not just one material, but a combination of them. For example, plastic or glass can be diluted with wood or stone. Polycarbonate is most often used for roofing.

Closed gazebo in a modern style

The structure should be erected on a flat surface, but landscape conditions are not particularly important. When finishing they can use calmer and bright hues. Here's how to make windows in a gazebo, and how to choose the ones you need. This will help you understand

In Provence style

This option is most often used when building a gazebo in the country. When erecting a structure, it must be spacious and large-scale; it must contain plenty of space for a table, armchairs and a sofa. Projects that feature windows decorated with lace curtains look great.

In Provence style

At interior decoration They use a combination of granite on the walls and regular whitewash on the ceiling. The floor is made of rough boards. Furniture can be forged, wicker or wooden. When finishing, a plum shade can be used. But how you can attach a gazebo to your house, and how to do it correctly, will help you understand this

Enclosed gazebos with barbecues are an excellent option for year-round outdoor recreation. If you choose the right material and arrange the building inside, then you can celebrate holidays in it even during bad weather. So come to construction work and the choice of materials should be done responsibly so that the completed construction pleases you not only with its appearance, but also a long service life.

An enclosed gazebo with a barbecue is a multifunctional room in which you can spend time pleasantly in any weather. A warm gazebo can be used throughout the year, regardless of the outside temperature. At the same time, the feeling of unity with nature, for which people go to the countryside, is not lost. Enclosed gazebos with barbecues are quite complex structures in terms of engineering. It is necessary to maintain lightness in them, creating a sufficient level of thermal insulation. Another problem is finding the fireplace indoors. It is necessary to consider issues of fire safety and removal of combustion products. But if you put your head and hands to work, a winter gazebo with a barbecue will become the highlight of the yard. It will be a gathering place for family and friends both on weekdays and on holidays. Let's consider the main stages of constructing a gazebo for a summer house with a barbecue.

First of all, you need to determine a place for a winter gazebo. Because the inner space This glazed building will be protected from environmental influences; it can be built at a considerable distance from the house. Initially, you need to assume that fuel, furniture, dishes and other accessories will be constantly stored in the gazebo. This means that hosts will not have to make endless treks to bring everything they need for a picnic. It is best to build winter gazebos and summer kitchens on an elevated place that is not visible from the street and neighbors. This is the only way to fully enjoy the peace and quiet. However, you should not move closed gazebos with barbecues far into the garden. You will have to lay paths to them and regularly clean them of snow and debris. And this unnecessary waste time, effort and money.

You cannot build gazebos with a fireplace next to the following objects:

  • external and adjacent fences;
  • toilets and cesspools;
  • residential buildings, garages, sheds and cabins;
  • transformer booths;
  • tall trees and large bushes;
  • premises where animals are kept.

A glazed gazebo with a barbecue should not be located under power or communication lines. It is also not recommended to build brick gazebos over underground pipelines and power cables. Under the pressure of heavy buildings, buried communications can collapse.

Construction design

You can make a project for a closed gazebo with a barbecue yourself. There is no need to contact specialists for this. So that the building lasts for a long time and without major repairs, it is necessary to provide for all the nuances of construction.

Projects for winter gazebos must necessarily contain the following information:

  1. Foundation. As a rule, pergolas, summer kitchens and glazed verandas are assembled on columnar or pile foundations. A wooden floor is laid on top of the grillage. But the grill in a closed gazebo cannot be placed on flammable materials. The best solution There will be a production of a monolithic slab covered with tiles. This solution is also good because it is possible to install a warm electric floor.
  2. Walls. Warm walls imply the use of high-quality insulation material. The best solution is stone wool laid in wooden frame. The inside walls are finished with plasterboard. This material does not support combustion. Better yet, buy it already ready-made sandwich panels. They can be dismantled to summer season to enhance the feeling of unity with nature and ensure good ventilation.
  3. Windows and doors. Glazed gazebos allow you to admire the surrounding landscape while staying warm and comfortable. Glass doors will only complement this idyll. Insulated buildings are glazed with multi-chamber bags that retain heat in the room and practically do not let it out.
  4. Roof. To preserve the heat of the roofs of warm kitchens and gazebos, a multi-layer cake is made from roofing material, insulation, vapor barrier, plywood and finishing. Ceilings must be sheathed with material resistant to low temperatures.

Based on the decision made, drawings and diagrams are drawn up, then calculations are made necessary equipment and building materials.

Tools and materials

To build a light house, the set of devices and equipment that is available in every household is sufficient.

A do-it-yourself insulated gazebo is made with the following tools:

  • concrete mixer;
  • perforator;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Grinder;
  • cordless screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • shovel;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • set of spatulas;
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • mounting knife;
  • paint brush.

A do-it-yourself insulated gazebo with barbecue can be made from various materials. The choice depends on the style in which the site is decorated, the climate and the preferences of the owners of the land plot.

But there is a list of materials that will be required when constructing insulated gazebos of any type and size:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • geotextiles;
  • beam;
  • boards;
  • fittings;
  • antiseptic liquid;
  • fire retardant;
  • wood primer;
  • acrylic paint;
  • ceramic tile;
  • glue and grout for tiles;
  • fireclay and red ceramic bricks;
  • chimney pipes;
  • purlin for the roof.

This list can be continued depending on what ideas the owners of the dacha want to implement during construction.

Foundation arrangement

As a rule, plumbing communications are not connected to a separate building. Setting them up is time-consuming and expensive, and the likelihood of pipes freezing in winter is very high. Based on this, the foundation is made without any holes, which greatly simplifies the task.

The construction of the foundation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Marking and tracing of terrain. A contour is outlined, the dimensions of which exceed the design parameters of the slab by 20 cm on all sides. The stock is necessary for installing the formwork. The correct dimensions are checked along the sides and diagonals.
  2. A pit is dug 50-60 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is cleared of roots and compacted well. Its bottom is lined with geotextile fabric. This technique will prevent erosion of the shock-absorbing cushion from under the slab.
  3. The formwork is being made. For its manufacture, plywood or third-grade board is used. Curvilinear sections are made of tin or flexible plastic. The top edge of the formwork should be 25-30 cm above the ground level.
  4. Sand and crushed stone are poured into the pit in a layer 20 cm thick. The pillow is carefully leveled and compacted. Supports for the reinforcement frame are installed on the crushed stone.
  5. A spatial frame is made from reinforcement. The rods are fastened together by welding, wire or plastic ties. The frame is laid on a stand and firmly fixed to them.
  6. The concrete solution is mixed. The optimal proportion of crushed stone, sand and cement is 4:3:1. Immediately after preparation, the solution is poured into the formwork. Air is removed from it with a steel rod.
  7. The horizontal position of the foundation is checked and leveled with a spatula. If this is provided for by the project, mortgages are inserted.

Poured foundations must be covered immediately plastic film to protect concrete from precipitation and prevent cracks.

Construction of walls and roof

After the concrete has completely hardened, waterproofing is laid on it. As a rule, roofing felt is used for this. If the project involves construction wooden building, then it is laid on top of the roofing felt bottom harness from timber. Since this part of the structure will experience the strongest pressure, it is better to use cedar or larch timber.

After this, the following events are carried out:

  • vertical racks are installed;
  • the upper frame made of timber is fixed;
  • crossbars are placed, openings for doors and windows are marked;
  • electrical and telecommunication wires are installed;
  • OSB or chipboard panels are screwed onto the frame from the outside;
  • a vapor barrier film and insulation are laid;
  • The frame is closed from the inside.

If there are no special requirements for the gazebo in terms of design, then it is better to choose a simple one pitched roof. It can be done within 1 day.

The roof is installed in the following sequence:

  • Transverse logs are attached to the top trim;
  • Membrane fabric is attached with staples over the lag;
  • fits roofing material, a hole is left for the chimney;
  • basalt wool slabs are inserted between the joists;
  • the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film;
  • a rough ceiling or finishing is attached to the frame.

After the walls and roof are erected, a warm floor is laid, and frost-resistant tiles are glued on top of it. The final stage of construction is the installation of windows and doors. You can do this yourself, but it is better to entrust such specific work to the manufacturer so as not to void the warranty.

Construction of the hearth

Before installing a barbecue indoors, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the walls, ceiling and interior items of the gazebo from catching fire. A distance of 3 m between the fireplace and upholstered (cabinet) furniture is considered safe. wooden walls and other flammable objects. A frame gazebo with a stove does not pose any fire hazard if measures are taken to protect the wood from fire.

For this purpose the following events are carried out:

  • wood treatment with fire retardant;
  • covering the floor with metal or ceramic slabs;
  • installation of a powerful hood that draws out sparks and smoldering embers;
  • usage chimneys with effective thermal insulation;
  • installation of high-quality purlins where the chimney passes through the roof.

After finishing the operation of the fireplace, it is necessary to completely clean the combustion part of smoldering coals. You can leave the gazebo after cooking only after the stove is completely extinguished.

I came across a video on the Internet Nikolai Tarasov“Gazebo with stove complex” from the forum ForumHouse. Nikolay shares his experience of building a gazebo with a barbecue, barbecue and stove, talks about the problems he encountered and gives clear figures.

Gazebo made of logs by Nikolai Tarasov

In my opinion, the review is very revealing and useful for those people who are interested in building such a structure.

At the end of the article there will be a video from which all the photos and comments for this review are taken.

The initial idea was to build an open gazebo from rounded logs with a stove complex and a dining area on a summer cottage.

Furnace complex of Nikolay Tarasov

Subsequently, it was glazed, since the wind was constantly blowing in the open area, and the owners felt discomfort inside. Then electricity was installed: lighting and several sockets were installed.

The result was a rather impressive, but very beautiful building.

Technical characteristics of the gazebo and stove complex

To understand how to properly build such a gazebo, I suggest familiarizing yourself with technical characteristics the resulting building. Comments on construction will be provided along the way.

Otherwise how building and you can’t name it: when my father saw her, he said that easier dacha build :)

  • Dimensions: rectangular shape 4 by 7 meters;
  • Foundation: columnar;
  • Material: rounded log 220 mm;
  • Roof: 50 square meters. Four-slope. Plywood on the rafter system + soft roofing.
  • Glazing: cold, sliding windows.

The stove complex (also known as grill and barbecue) is located on a solid foundation. The material is brick, covered with wild stone. The complex includes:

  • Fireplace part (barbecue, barbecue);
  • Stove (for a cauldron, frying pan, saucepan);

Subtleties of building a gazebo

First of all, you need to choose a free and as level place as possible for the construction of the building. Experience suggests that the stove can be installed even on a slope, using pillars like chise as support. But still, the smoother the site, the cheaper and more reliable.

The gazebo can be located on an ordinary columnar foundation, however, the stove itself must stand on a solid and stable concrete surface.

Foundation thickness

The walls and roof must be erected simultaneously with the construction of the barbecue, barbecue and oven complex, since the structure for frying meat requires a chimney (which is sometimes more expensive than the oven complex itself). A hole is made in the roof for the chimney, which is subsequently closed and insulated.

A rounded log is a bold solution for a wooden building with a barbecue, barbecue and stove. All fire safety measures must be observed. In addition to a solid foundation, it is necessary to properly equip the space around the complex for frying meat.

Therefore, the construction of a stove for a gazebo with your own hands must be approached with full responsibility. Advice an experienced stove maker will be very useful (you can get it on a specialized forum).

The floor around the oven must be protected from fire and food (fat usually drips from the meat, something spills, breaks, etc.). Good stuff tiles and porcelain tiles are considered, which are easy to clean and do not rot. Wood can be used to lay the floor around dining area and free space.

Initially, the gazebo was made as an open one. After construction, it had to be converted into a closed one, since the wind blew strongly in this area. It was decided to glaze the room with sliding windows. The upper gables were covered with a block house. Bottom part was closed acrylic glass(for this we had to cut out grooves so that there were no gaps). You can see all the glazing photos below on the slider.


Calculation of materials and cost of work

The construction took 10 cubes of rounded logs. Eight were needed to build the walls and two to build the roof. The price of a cube differs in the regions, for example, in Penza, 1 cube of rounded log costs about 6,800 rubles. The harvesting of logs takes place within approximately one month (winter forest is used).

Cost of a gazebo without a stove complex 200 thousand rubles

The owner admitted that the cost of the entire premises, excluding the stove complex, was 200 thousand rubles. Of these, about 50 thousand went to the construction of the roof rafter system and styling soft roof. All the remaining money was spent on glazing, electricity and additional materials.

The stove itself, of course, cost the owner a lot. This project includes a major and fairly high chimney, the construction of which was also expensive. Even if you take on part of the work of building a gazebo with a grill and a barbecue stove, the materials themselves will still cost you a pretty penny; this pleasure is expensive.

Video review of a gazebo with a grill-barbecue-stove complex

I offer your opinion a video review of my own gazebo from Nikolai Tarasov. In it, Nikolai shares his experience of constructing the above-described “building” with his own hands, what problems he encountered and how he solved them. The video is presented by the ForumHouse website.

Open or closed gazebo with barbecue, barbecue and stove?

In one of the articles about we cited many various options and projects on how to build a room in a similar style. All of them are conventionally divided into two types: closed and open.

As it turned out, free space with open window openings can “play a cruel joke.”


Having built open gazebo, people were faced with constant winds and lack of indoor comfort. The building had to be glazed immediately, which entailed additional costs; windows were not planned in the project.

In the end, everything turned out “to the mind”, and it was also very beautiful, but still an unpleasant moment occurred.


Therefore, before building anything on your site, be sure to think about the issue of winds. You may need advice from builders, however, such a serious factor is definitely worth clarifying, so that later the joy of building a gazebo does not quickly pass.