Windmill with a vertical axis. Homemade wind generator for home and garden: principles of operation, diagrams, what kind and how to do it

Payment for electricity today takes up a significant share of the cost of maintaining a home. IN apartment buildings, the only way to save money is to switch to energy-saving technologies and optimize costs using multi-tariff schemes (night mode is paid at reduced prices). And if available personal plot You can not only save on consumption, but also organize independent energy supply for your private home.

This is a normal practice that originated in Europe and North America, and has been actively implemented in Russia over the past couple of decades. However, equipment for autonomous power supply is quite expensive; the payback to “zero” does not occur earlier than after 10 years. In some states, it is possible to return energy to public networks at fixed rates, this reduces the payback time. IN Russian Federation To obtain a “cashback” you need to go through a number of bureaucratic procedures, so most users of “free” energy prefer to build a wind generator with their own hands and use it only for personal needs.

Legal side of the issue

A homemade wind generator for the home is not prohibited; its manufacture and use does not entail administrative or criminal penalties. If the power of a wind generator does not exceed 5 kW, it is classified as a household appliance and does not require any approval from the local energy company. Moreover, you are not required to pay any taxes if you do not make a profit when selling electricity. In addition, a homemade generating windmill, even with such productivity, requires complex engineering solutions: it’s easy to make it. Therefore, the power of a homemade product rarely exceeds 2 kW. Actually, this power is usually enough to power a private home (of course, if you do not have a boiler and a powerful air conditioner).

In this case, we're talking about on federal legislation. Therefore, before making a decision to make a windmill with your own hands, it would be a good idea to check the presence (absence) of regional and municipal regulations that may impose some restrictions and prohibitions. For example, if your house is located on a specially protected natural area, the use of wind energy (which is a natural resource) may require additional approvals.

Problems with the law can arise if you have troublesome neighbors. Windmills for home are classified as individual buildings, so they are also subject to some restrictions:

Types of generators

Before deciding how to make a wind generator with your own hands, let’s consider the design features:

According to the location of the generator, the device can be horizontal or vertical

According to the generated voltage rating

Typical examples of homemade wind generators

The design of the wind generator is the same, regardless of the chosen scheme.

  • A propeller that can be installed either directly on the generator shaft or using a belt (chain, gear) drive.
  • The generator itself. This can be a ready-made device (for example, from a car), or a regular electric motor, which generates electric current when rotated.
  • Inverter, voltage regulator, stabilizer - depending on the selected voltage.
  • Buffer element - rechargeable batteries that ensure continuity of generation, regardless of the presence of wind.
  • Installation structure: mast, roof mounting bracket.


Can be made from any material: even from plastic bottles. True, flexible blades significantly limit power.

It is enough to cut cavities in them to take in the wind.

A good option is a household windmill made from a cooler. You get a finished design with professionally made blades and a balanced electric motor.

A similar design is made from a cooler for computer power supplies. True, the power of such a generator is scanty - unless you light an LED lamp, or charge mobile phone.

However, the system is quite functional.

Good blades are made from aluminum sheets. The material is available, it is easy to mold, and the propeller is quite light.

If you are creating a rotary propeller for a vertical generator, you can use tin cans cut lengthwise. For powerful systems, halves are used steel barrels(up to a volume of 200 liters).

Of course, you will have to approach the issue of reliability with special care. Powerful frame, shaft on bearings.


As mentioned above, you can use a ready-made automobile or electric motor from industrial electrical installations ( household appliances). As an example: a wind generator made from a screwdriver. The entire structure is used: engine, gearbox, cartridge for attaching the blades.

A compact generator is obtained from a printer stepper motor. Again, the power is only enough to power LED lamp or smartphone charger. In nature - an irreplaceable thing.

If you are comfortable with a soldering iron and have a good understanding of radio engineering, you can assemble the generator yourself. Popular scheme: wind generator using neodymium magnets. Advantages of the design - you can independently calculate the power for the wind load in your area. Why neodymium magnets? Compact with high power.

You can remake the rotor of an existing generator.

Or create your own design, with the manufacture of windings.

The efficiency of such a windmill is an order of magnitude higher than when using a circuit with an electric motor. Another undeniable advantage is compactness. The neodymium generator is flat and can be placed directly in the center coupling of the propeller.


The manufacture of this element does not require knowledge of electronics, but the viability of the entire wind generator depends on its strength.

For example, a mast 10–15 meters high requires properly calculated guy wires and counterweights. Otherwise, a strong gust of wind may topple the structure.

If the generator power does not exceed 1 kW, the weight of the structure is not so large, and issues of mast strength fade into the background.

Bottom line

A homemade wind generator is not as complex a design as it might seem at first glance. Taking into account the high cost of factory-made products, you can save a lot by making a home wind power plant using quite affordable materials. Taking into account the small costs of creating a windmill, it will pay for itself fairly quickly.

Video on the topic

IN Lately there is a rapid increase in popularity alternative sources energy. The use of wind is one of the most popular areas in the energy sector, so many people are thinking about buying a vertical wind generator for their home. Craftsmen are trying to build such an installation with their own hands, which is quite possible.

general information

The task of a modern vertical windmill is to convert wind power into electrical energy. The first prototypes of such an invention appeared a long time ago, but in those days people did not attach the same importance to them as they do now. Concerning modern installations, then they are characterized by a lot of advantages and provide a stable supply of electricity, which is quite enough for domestic needs. In some European countries, the share of consumed energy resources generated by wind farms is 25%. Denmark is among them.

Vertical wind generators are superior to classical ones in some respects horizontal types, which is due to the specific design and operating principle. They, unlike models with a horizontal axis, have practically no components and mechanisms that are oriented towards the wind flow. Because of this feature, any hydroscopic loads are significantly reduced, and the structure takes on an arbitrary position regardless of the direction of the wind flow. At the same time, such windmills have a simpler design, which makes it possible to build them at home.

Among the key types of installations with a vertical axis of rotation are:

  • orthogonal design;
  • Darrieus mechanism;
  • Savonius mechanism;
  • wind turbine with helicoidal design.

Main advantages

The main advantage of a vertical wind turbine is its ability to operate at low altitude, producing high level Efficiency And although a horizontal wind generator is more productive, a vertical one does not have to use complex mechanisms or expensive equipment, while the design is highly reliable and has a long service life.

Due to the special profile of the blades and the specific shape of the rotor, the unit provides the best performance indicators that do not change depending on the wind movement. Compact models for household use are equipped with three (or more) rotating elements that can instantly capture a gust of wind and begin the process of converting it into electrical energy. They operate at a wind force of 1.5 m/s, which significantly increases their efficiency and efficiency.

During operation, the installation does not produce noise or sound characteristic of large windmills, which is considered an indisputable advantage. It also does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, does not require frequent maintenance and continues to supply high-quality energy to the room for a long period of time. If you make a list of the advantages of vertical wind generators, then it will consist of the following points:

  1. Maximum environmental friendliness.
  2. Ability to operate without additional fuel.
  3. Economical.
  4. Lack of complex and frequent maintenance.
  5. Work on the basis of inexhaustible energy.

If the wind turbine is designed correctly, it can turn a private premises into an autonomous facility for generating electricity, becoming an additional source of income. However, in addition to the advantages, such units also have disadvantages:

  1. Expensive. Factory models from foreign brands are quite expensive, but Russian-made vertical axis wind generators are quite affordable.
  2. Decent noise level. This disadvantage is present in large industrial wind turbines, since domestic developments are almost silent.
  3. Unstable power.

The last feature of wind turbines is considered the most significant, but experts get rid of it by installing several batteries. It is also important to note that the performance of a wind farm can be affected by weather conditions, which are often unpredictable. There are many more advantages of such an energy generator than disadvantages, so the issue of installing it in a private home is becoming more and more relevant.

Operating principle and classification

The operation of a vertical windmill is based on the principle of magnetic levitation. When turbines rotate, impulse and lift forces are generated, as well as actual braking forces. Due to the first two, the blades of the installation begin to move, which causes activation of the rotor and leads to the creation of a magnetic field. The system operates autonomously and does not require the owner's participation.

Despite the general principle of operation, wind-catching devices may differ in their design. And although this has virtually no effect on efficiency and productivity, it helps to find the best option for specific tasks in a specific area.

If we talk about orthogonal systems, they are built on the basis of a strong axis of vertical rotation and several blades that are located at a distance from the central base. The system does not require the installation of additional guide units and operates fully in any wind. The vertical position of the main shaft allows the drive to be installed at ground level, which greatly simplifies further operation or repair work.

The only weak point in orthogonal generators is the support nodes. They don't have much service life, which is explained by the need to work under high loads exerted by the rotor. To prevent rapid damage to the system, supporting parts must be maintained in a timely manner, replacing failed elements with new ones.

Among the disadvantages of devices of this type are the impressive weight of the blades, as well as a lower efficiency indicator compared to horizontal-axis devices. But for domestic purposes, such wind generators are quite enough. They cope with their work responsibilities in the best possible way.

Models with Darrieus and Savonius rotors

Devices based on the Darrieus rotor are equipped with a vertical axis of rotation and two or three flat blade systems that do not have a characteristic aerodynamic profile and are located at the base and at the top. The operating principle of the installation is based on the strength or direction of the wind. The advantages of such a windmill include:

  1. Maximum rotation speed.
  2. Possibility of mounting the drive system directly on the ground.
  3. Easy to inspect and maintain.

Models with two blades interact with the wind only when there are strong gusts. If the wind flow is not intense enough or evenly flowing, they remain motionless. The disadvantages of wind turbines with a Daria generator include vulnerability to dynamic loads and a relatively low efficiency index.

As for wind devices equipped with a Savonius rotor, they have semi-cylindrical blades and provide high torque even when the wind is not strong enough. The maximum power of wind generators of this type reaches 5 kW, so they are practically not used as an independent workstation. Instead, the devices began to be used as a tool for accelerating Darrieus rotor models. Due to significant shortcomings, mass production of such equipment is considered unjustified.

Other types

Wind turbines equipped with a multi-blade rotor are a high-quality modernization of classic orthogonal models. Their work is based on a rotor complex of several blades arranged in two rows. The outer tier is static and acts as a guiding mechanism, capturing the wind flow and compressing it. Due to this technology, the actual wind speed increases significantly.

The second tier consists of moving elements that perceive air flow from the outer blades at a certain angle. This configuration makes the device highly productive and significantly increases its efficiency. But systems with a multi-bladed rotor are not cheap, so average consumers opt for simpler and more affordable solutions. However, energy experts say the unit offers the best efficiency in its class and can operate even in light wind conditions.

Helicoidal wind turbines, which are an improved version of orthogonal devices, are also widespread on the market. In these devices, the blades are twisted in an arc, which ensures effective capture of the wind flow and stable rotation. The use of advanced rotation technology reduces the dynamic load on the main working elements, which has a positive effect on the service life of the installation.

Devices with a helicoid rotor have maximum reliability and are able to cope with heavy loads. But during operation they can produce noise and additional sound waves.

Unfortunately, this type of wind turbine has not gained wide popularity due to its high cost. This is explained by the fact that the production of helicoid devices is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process, which involves the use of complex technology.

Vertical-axis devices

As for vertical-axis generators, they differ from previous types in the location of the blade system. In a vertical configuration, it resembles an aircraft wing with an axis parallel to the vertical shaft. In its design features, the invention is slightly similar to the Darrieus rotor, but it has a lot of advantages and unique features.

This generator works much faster than other models, so its efficiency indicators are noticeably higher. In a short period of time, the installation produces the required energy resource and meets the energy consumption needs of consumers.

Also, the advantages of the system include maximum reliability and durability, the ability to cope with impressive loads and relative cheapness. Due to these characteristics, vertical-axis generators are very popular and are market leaders.

DIY making

Even the most simple models Wind generators are quite expensive, so not everyone can afford to buy such a device. Because of this, folk craftsmen and talented inventors began to make productive mechanisms with their own hands.

It is not difficult to make a vertical-axis type wind generator. To do this, you need to find suitable components, draw up drawings and follow the instructions. With minimal gusts of wind, such a windmill will start working, delighting its owners with affordable and high-quality electricity. To create a future generator you need to prepare:

  • rotor - movable unit;
  • blade system;
  • axial mast;
  • stator;
  • batteries;
  • inverter;
  • controller.

At self-production It is recommended to use lightweight plastic for the blades, which has good elasticity. The rest of the raw materials are afraid of all kinds of influences and quickly deform, so it is better to focus on plastic structures.

Before starting production, you need to take into account that such a device is not powerful enough and is significantly inferior to factory samples in terms of performance. In order not to be disappointed in homemade design, it is better to make it 2 times more powerful in advance than mentioned in the instructions.

Without a doubt, the wind generator is one of the most useful inventions of our century. And you don’t have to be an oligarch to acquire such a system, because with minimal effort you can make it yourself.

In modern life, high-quality rotary models function perfectly. They feature original pre-fabricated masts.

Rotor structures differ in the location of the axis of rotation relative to the surface of the earth.

general characteristics

These mechanisms are endowed with a number of significant features compared to wind turbines with a horizontal axis. They do not have as such nodes for orientation to the wind flow. This significantly reduces all hydroscopic loads. Due to its structure, in absolutely any wind direction, the structure is located in a completely arbitrary position.

Because of this, it is simpler in its implementation. In such mechanisms, the occurrence of rotation creates the lifting force of the blades, as well as resistance forces.

Types of mechanisms with a vertical axis of rotation:

  1. Orthogonal design.
  2. Darrieus mechanism.
  3. Savonius mechanism.
  4. Design on a multi-blade rotor with a guide vane.
  5. Generator with helicoidal design.

Orthogonal wind generators

Such a generator contains more than one blade. The blades are located parallel to the axis and are located at a certain distance from it.

The mechanism under consideration is considered the most effective and functional. If we talk about some of the disadvantages of such a generator, then during its operation a certain noise effect is created. In addition, a lot of effort is spent on maintaining its functioning. At the same time, the structure, as a rule, has a short lifespan of support units due to large dynamic loads.

Generators with Daria rotor

We should pay tribute to this mechanism - it is characterized by great power and speed. In addition, the rotor has a fairly low cost. The disadvantages include low efficiency. Moreover, this design is not able to start independently with a uniform oncoming flow.

Generators with Savonius rotor

This type of generator is quite widely used for the high-quality functioning of household power plants. By its design, such a rotor is a wind wheel with several semi-cylinders that continuously rotate around its axis.

The main advantage of the rotor is the following: the wind wheel constantly rotates in the same direction and is absolutely independent of the direction of the wind flow. The disadvantage of this is the low efficiency of wind flow energy utilization.

This type of generator is considered the most functional of vertical rotors. Similar performance is achieved by using an additional row of blades. One of the rows absorbs the wind flow and then feeds it to the second row of blades. At the same time, the flow itself is compressed.

This transformation leads to a significant increase in the flow speed, as well as the power of the rotor as a whole. This improves system performance. This happens due to the use of a significantly larger number of design blades.

A design with such a system is endowed with a much quieter rotor rotation. This characteristic advantage reduces the load on the supporting units. As a result, the service life of the mechanism is significantly increased. At the same time, the cost of the rotor is quite considerable due to the complex technology of its production.

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical axis mechanisms

The benefits include:

  1. Absence, as such, of additional need for costs for special equipment, the action of which would be aimed at determining the direction of the wind blowing and directing the generator towards the air flow;
  2. A small number of moving parts, as a result of which the costs of production and subsequent repairs are quite insignificant;
  3. The design of such a rotor is lower and when servicing it there is no need for special lifts to accommodate maintenance personnel at a height;
  4. The high efficiency of the rotor is absolutely not affected by either the angle or speed of the wind flow direction.

However, it is necessary to clarify the fact that further various studies are constantly being carried out aimed at increasing the functionality of this type of wind turbines. This happens due to the fact that rotors with a vertical axis also have their own certain disadvantages.

These include:

  1. Quite a large volume of system blades;
  2. The efficiency of such a windmill is approximately three times less than the efficiency of a mechanism with a horizontal axis.

What should you consider when choosing?

Before the decision to purchase this type of mechanism arises, a number of certain conditions should still be taken into account. For example, if strong wind currents are not observed in your home region, then using such a rotor design will not, in general, pay for itself.

For a given area, a generator with a relatively low power is better suited. The opposite is also true - in nature there are often areas of terrain where air masses change their direction several times every 24 hours. In this particular embodiment, on the contrary, it is permissible and possible to use a rotor with a vertical axis.

DIY making

First you need to make a so-called turbine.

For this we need:

  1. Manufacturing of upper and lower supports. Marking is best done using a jigsaw. It is necessary to cut two circles of the same diameter from plastic. A 30 cm hole should be made in the center of the first circle. This will become the upper support.
  2. Let's take the most ordinary car hub. Let's make four holes of the same size on the bottom support. This will allow us to strengthen the hub.
  3. We will make a detailed sketch to illustrate the location of the system blades and mark on our support located below those areas where the prepared corners will then be attached. They are designed to connect the blade and support.
  4. Now put the blades in a stack, tie them and cut them to required size. The length of the blades directly determines how much wind energy they are able to receive. However, there is also instability with strong wind flow.
  5. Let's mark the blades for attaching the corners. Next, we drill special holes in these blades.
  6. We fasten the support and blades using prepared corners.

We make the rotor with our own hands:

  1. Place two rotor bases on top of each other, at the same time we seem to combine two holes and draw a side mark. Subsequently, this step will allow us to position them correctly.
  2. Now let's make two small cardboard templates and carefully glue them onto the bases of our magnets.
  3. Let's mark the magnet. To determine the correct polarity, as a rule, a magnet with electrical tape is used.
  4. Next we need epoxy resin with a hardener. We apply it on the bottom side of the magnet.
  5. We bring the magnet quite carefully to the edge of the rotor base.
  6. Now you can glue our magnets actually go to the rotor.
  7. To make a second rotor, the magnets should be placed in a different polarity opposite the first rotor.

We manufacture the stator:

Stator– a unit consisting of 9 coils. They are divided into 3 groups. Each group has three coils. The coils themselves are 24 AWG wire with 320 turns. The parameters of the coils can be changed directly.

This depends on the voltage required at the output:

  1. If you wind the coils manual method, then it's quite difficult. To facilitate the process itself, we will make a simple device - a winding machine. The turns of the coils are wound in the same direction. The beginning and end of the coils should be wrapped with electrical tape and lubricated with epoxy.
  2. When the coils are already wound, it is necessary to check the identity. You can use regular scales for this. Then we measure the resistance of our coils.
  3. The manufactured coils are placed on wax paper with a diagram marked on it. The fiberglass is located around the coils themselves. Next, drill holes in the stator for the bracket.
  4. The pipe for attaching the hub axis is obviously cut off. Bolts will be screwed into the holes created to hold the axle directly.

Stator assembly

Final assembly:

  1. We drill 4 holes in the upper rotor plate.
  2. Let's rest four pins on the plates and install the rotor on them. The rotors experience attraction, which is why it is necessary to make this device.
  3. We align the rotors in relation to each other.
  4. Carefully and evenly lower the generator. After this, you should unscrew the studs and remove all the plates. We install the hub and screw it on. Cap washers and nuts are typically required to secure the blade support to the generator.
  5. Now the generator can be considered assembled. We spin the windmill and measure the parameters.

Generator assembly

Such a rotor can be implemented not only to provide electricity to residential and office premises. For example, the stator is capable of generating high electrical voltage, which can be used for high-quality heating household appliances. It should be clarified that alternating current is converted to direct current. This can be used for charging batteries, heating containers with cold running water, power supply of lanterns and lighting devices.

The structure in question is installed at a height of 4 meters on the edge of a mountain cliff. The flange, which, as usual, is located at the bottom, allows for quick installation of the rotor - you only need to tighten four bolts. But for reliability, it would still be more advisable to weld them.

Vertical windmills can be rotated using a weather vane. For them, the direction of the wind flow is essentially unimportant.

A factor that must be taken into account when choosing a rotor installation location is the wind force itself. Wind force data for the area being studied and of interest can be easily found on the Internet. An anemometer will also help - special device to measure the strength of the wind flow.

Systems from global and Russian manufacturers

Nowadays, about 75 states of the world community use it quite widely. Wind energy remains very popular and an integral part of our modern life to this day. Manufacturers South America and Asia are rapidly promoting the development of this popular industry.

China is one of the largest suppliers to the wind energy industry in the global market. In India there are quite a few a large number of wind turbine production with a total capacity exceeding 3000 MW.

In our country, the wind energy industry is developed in many cities and regions. Production wind rotors there are in cities such as: Moscow, Tashkent, Astrakhan, Uzbekistan, Saratov, Omsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk, Anapa and Krasnodar.

Global manufacturers include such well-known companies as: Vestas, GEEnergy, Goldwind, Enercon, DongfangElectric, SiemensWind, UnitedPower.

Price overview

The cost of rotor systems mainly depends on the power of the wind power plant. In other words, a 2 kW design can be purchased for $6,200. For 10 kW, the pricing policy for a similar wind turbine is $40,000. In order to recharge a car battery or mobile phone, you can become the owner of a relatively small 0.6 kW station.

Such a station will cost no more than $3,000. Rotors naturally have their own differences in price, and this usually depends on their varieties and the manufacturer. Cost of rotors Russian models, as a rule, 1/3 cheaper than their Western counterparts.

At the same time, the quality indicators of stations, in general, do not, as a rule, have significant and tangible differences. It is advisable to purchase a wind generator only if you have the means to invest a large amount of money in a long-term investment if there are suitable weather conditions in your region of residence.

Alternative energy today is developing at a very fast pace. For example, the vertical axis wind generator is no longer a new product. In the near future, renewable sources may significantly replace standard power plants. They have many advantages. For example, it is not difficult to make a vertical wind generator with your own hands; it is not very expensive. Moreover, for its production you can use available materials. As for the installation of such a unit, you should already think about where to install it. Perhaps in your case, installing the structure will not be practical.

What is the product?

The presented design is a special generator for generating electrical energy by moving air currents (wind). In appearance, the device resembles a regular mill with blades and a high mast, at the base of which is the generator itself. Naturally, such a device must not only be properly designed, but also properly equipped.

The movement of the “wings” is provided by the wind, so the energy source is renewable. The higher the mast, the more stable and higher the power generation will be. Naturally, to manufacture such a device you will need certain materials and devices for converting alternating current into direct current. You will find out later how you can make a vertical wind generator with your own hands. The main thing is to be patient and willing to work.

Areas of application of the design

Basically, such a unit is installed during the construction of power plants. However sometimes thrifty owners use it at home. This device can be used both in the city and in the countryside. In order to build an entire power plant, you will need a fairly large area and many wind turbines.

The energy generated in this way can be supplied to meet the needs of private consumers or industry. Naturally, in the latter case, you need to consider the economic feasibility of using such a source of electricity.

Advantages of the device

Before you make a vertical wind generator with your own hands, you must definitely find out its advantages. Among them are the following:

Low operating costs, ease of installation and maintenance. You can do all this yourself. You won't need a lot of time or money for this.

You can design a vertical wind generator with your own hands.

Quick installation. The main thing is that the device is firmly fixed so that the force of the wind does not break it.

Safety for the external environment, since the production of such energy is not accompanied by harmful emissions and does not require the disposal of waste materials. Plus, the source is renewable, so you don't have to worry about running out of resources.

The possibility of using sufficiently large areas occupied by such a power plant for growing agricultural products.

Saving money. Firstly, the cost of such electricity does not depend on the dollar exchange rate or market prices for standard fuel. Secondly, you do not need to extract and process raw materials. Thirdly, the structure is installed near the consumer, so there are no additional costs for transporting electricity. In addition, wind does not need to be purchased from other countries, which can inflate the price.

Disadvantages of the device

Before making a wind generator, you also need to consider all the disadvantages that accompany its use:

The considerable cost of the design, which was produced industrially. This drawback can be easily eliminated, since you can build a mast and blades from available materials. Naturally, the quality of the result in both cases may be different. Therefore, it is worth deciding whether you can design the unit yourself.

Low prevalence of products, which gives rise to a lot of speculation regarding their operation and effectiveness.

The design produces a fairly high noise level and can also affect the quality of transmission of television or radio signals. Much depends on how far away the windmill is from the house.

Wind is an unstable source of energy as the weather can be calm. In this case, the generator will simply be useless.

The only negative impact for environment is that birds can get caught in the blades and die.

In some cases, when installing a wind turbine, the aesthetic appearance of the landscape suffers, although this is not a problem for minimalists.

Installing a power plant will require a considerable area.

Classification of units

Before you make a wind generator, you should understand what it is like. The following types of structures can be distinguished:

1. With cylindrical blades. Such a unit has high torque, although it is quite large in size. The disadvantage of the device is considered to be not very good productivity. In addition, such a device is quite heavy.

2. Vertical-axial. They have a large number of blades, which are located vertically to the surface of the earth, while they are parallel to the mast. Such devices are productive and efficient, but they are quite expensive.

3. Helicoidal rotary wind generator. Its peculiarity is the shape of the blades: they are curved diagonally. Thanks to this, they rotate evenly. The disadvantage of this installation is its high cost, as well as loud noise. It is very difficult to build the blades of a vertical wind generator of this type on your own, since this requires special equipment.

4. Multi-blade. They are quite efficient in generating energy, but are expensive. They have two rows of blades and impressive sizes.

The wind generator, a photo of which you can see in the article, is quite good manufacturer energy if you choose the right design.

Is it possible to make the device yourself?

Naturally, many craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to build such a structure with my own hands. Of course you can. First you need to decide on the type of product, as well as the tools you will use and the appropriate materials.

It should be noted that you can assemble a homemade vertical wind generator from what you have on hand. For example, an old gas cylinder or metal barrel. You also have the opportunity to use old steel sheets or even fabric. It all depends on what kind of device you want to build.

What materials are needed for the work?

So, before you make a windmill with your own hands, let’s consider the question of what you will build it from. You will need the following materials:

1. Sheets of plywood (its thickness depends on the height of the structure, as well as on the number of blades and can be 0.5-1 cm). It is from this material that the part of the installation that will rotate is most often made.

2. Thin sheet steel, duralumin, flexible plastic (fiberglass and fabric can also be used, but the latter option will be the least reliable).

3. A durable metal rod, the diameter of which must be at least 10 mm. Its height is about 60-70 cm. This rod will be the base of the turntable.

4. Fastening elements (nuts, bolts, rivets).

5. Wooden blocks or metal corners to fix the structure in a vertical position.

In principle, this is the main list of materials needed for work. During the execution of the action, some other preparations may be needed.

Required Tools

Before you make a windmill with your own hands, you should collect what you will use. You will definitely need these tools:

Electric drill and drills for it.

Metal scissors.

Electric jigsaw with blades for wood and steel.

Wrenches or riveter.

Shovel and other tools for earthworks(if the structure will be fixed to the ground).

Ruler, pencil, compass.

In addition, you need a wind generator circuit, but it is not difficult to find. You can even do it yourself, but this will require some calculations.

Features of blade manufacturing

When the wind generator circuit is ready, you can begin to manufacture it. First, let's start producing the rotating part. The blades of a vertical wind generator are made of plywood. Before cutting them out, try to draw a cardboard template. To do this, use a pencil, ruler and compass. The length of the blade for the wind generator is 19 cm, and the width at the edge is 9 cm. You will need to cut 6 parts, which will then be connected in pairs. The shape of the blades is drop-shaped.

Use a jigsaw to cut the workpiece. The cut should be neat and even. To connect the parts and form the wings you will need wooden planks, length 53 cm.

The blades of a vertical generator must be at an angle. Typically it is 9 degrees to the center of the turntable. Naturally, this indicator can be adjusted after the structure is completely completed. Next, the blades should be assembled and attached to the connecting strips. In this case, self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. You need to drill a hole through the parts and the bar at the same time. If necessary, you can use glue. In addition, the strips should not extend beyond the edges of the parts. Try to align them as much as possible. The quality of the design will depend on this.

Next, the blades for the wind generator and all wooden parts should be wrapped in metal. This is necessary so that the wood does not deteriorate under the influence of external conditions (rain, snow). Rivets or bolts can be used to secure the metal.

Now you can fold the vertical axis generator.

Features of manufacturing and assembly of the entire structure

Let's start attaching the wings to the central axis (steel rod). For this, circles cut from plywood are used. To draw them correctly, use a protractor. The diameter of these circles is 20 cm with a disk thickness of 1 cm. In their center it is necessary to make a hole into which the rod can be threaded.

Next, the finished wings should be attached to the axle. To do this, screw 2 nuts on both sides of the rod at a distance of 6 cm from the edges. Next, circles are put on it and also screwed with a nut. The discs must be fixed tightly enough. As for the wings, they should not be tightened very loosely, but they must be able to rotate. Naturally, at this stage of assembly you need to set the correct angle of rotation of the blades.

In principle, a homemade vertical wind generator is almost ready. You just need to make a frame-rack on which it will be mounted and rotate freely. To make it, you can take metal corners of the required height. Naturally, you can also use wooden beams. Please note that the wind force can be strong, so you need to try to ensure maximum stability of the frame. Before connecting all other devices, the windmill must be checked and the necessary adjustments made.

Please note that the rotor pitch can be dynamic or static. In the first case, the operating speed range is higher. However, it will have to be equipped with blades of a special shape. This is quite expensive and technologically complex. With a static rotor pitch, you only have one specific speed. The windmill can no longer spin faster. Although in this case the reliability of the device is higher, and the frequency of breakdowns is reduced.

In addition, when rotating the windmill, it is necessary to ensure that the structure is balanced. In this way you can maintain its integrity. In addition, the wind can be very strong, and the speed will have to be reduced. For this, a special centrifugal regulator is used. It slows down the speed of the blades if it exceeds the allowed limit. If the wind is weak, then the efficiency of the unit can be increased using a chain mechanism.

A vertical wind generator, the price of which is about $200-300 or more, can be made independently. To generate electricity, a windmill can be connected to a conventional car device. A small generator is enough for you to provide light in the house, connect chargers, power a laptop or other small devices. In addition, you will also need a converter that will convert direct current into alternating current. You also need a voltage stabilizer that will make the mini-station safe to operate.

That's all the construction features homemade installation to generate electricity through wind movement. Good luck!

How to make a vertical wind generator

Wind generators are divided according to the type of placement of the rotating axis (rotor) into vertical and horizontal. We looked at the design of a wind generator with a horizontal rotor in the previous article, now let’s talk about a wind generator with a vertical rotor.

First of all, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of a vertical windmill.

Low noise level - wind, the wheel makes virtually no noise and does not interfere, there is no characteristic whistling of the propeller.

Simplicity of design - making such a wind generator and installing it will not be particularly difficult.

Reliable design - all components are compact and easy to maintain.

The main disadvantage of the design of a wind generator with a vertical rotor is its low speed; such a wind turbine must be installed in an area with a prevailing wind speed of more than 4 m/s.

There is practically no protection from hurricane winds - if in a horizontal windmill during a hurricane, the folding tail is automatically activated and turns the wind wheel, then in such a design you need to manually jam the rotor, or, as an option, close the contacts at the output of the coils.

How to make a vertical wind generator.

First of all, if you decide to make a windmill with a vertical axis, you need to decide on a generator.

Since the vertical wind generator is low-speed, you will therefore need a generator capable of charging the battery at sufficiently low speeds.

A car generator is not entirely suitable for this design, since it produces charging current at speeds of more than 1000 rpm. For a car generator, you need to use a pulley with a gear ratio of 4 - 5 and modify the generator itself.

It is more practical to use an axial generator as a generator; you can make it yourself; the manufacturing process is described in this article.

Scheme of an axial generator for a wind generator.

Manufacturing a wind wheel for a vertical windmill.

A wind wheel (turbine) consists of two supports, upper and lower, as well as blades.

The wind wheel is made from sheets of aluminum or stainless steel; the wind wheel can also be cut from a thin-walled barrel. The height of the wind wheel must be at least 1 meter.

In this wind wheel, the bending angle of the blades sets the rotation speed of the rotor; the greater the bend, the greater the rotation speed.

The wind wheel is bolted directly to the generator pulley.

Wiring diagram for wind generator.

The generator is connected to the controller, which in turn is connected to the battery. It is more practical to use a car battery as an energy storage device. Since household appliances run on alternating current, we will need an inverter to convert 12 V DC to 220 V AC.

Do-it-yourself vertical windmill (5 kW)

The activities of both individual people and all of today's humanity are practically impossible without electricity. Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing consumption of oil and gas, coal and peat is leading to a decrease in the reserves of these resources on the planet. What can be done while earthlings still have all this? According to the conclusions of experts, it is the development of energy complexes that can solve the problems of global economic and financial crises. Therefore, the search and use of fuel-free energy sources is becoming the most urgent.

Renewable, ecological, “green9raquo;

Perhaps it is not worth reminding that everything new is well forgotten old. People learned to use the power of river flow and wind speed to obtain mechanical energy a very long time ago. The sun heats our water and moves our cars, powers spaceships. Wheels installed in the beds of streams and small rivers supplied water to fields back in the Middle Ages. One windmill could provide flour to several surrounding villages.

At the moment we are interested in a simple question: how to provide your home with cheap light and heat, how to make a windmill with your own hands? 5 kW power or a little less, the main thing is that you can supply your home with current to operate electrical appliances.

Interestingly, in the world there is a classification of buildings according to the level of resource efficiency:

  • conventional, built before 1980-1995;
  • with low and ultra-low energy consumption - up to 45-90 kWh per 1 kW/m;
  • passive and non-volatile, receiving current from renewable sources (for example, by installing a rotary wind generator (5 kW) with your own hands or a system of solar panels, you can solve this problem);
  • energy-efficient buildings that generate more electricity than they need earn money by passing it on to other consumers through the grid.

It turns out that your own home mini-stations, installed on roofs and in courtyards, can eventually become a kind of competition to large power suppliers. Yes and governments different countries encourage in every possible way the creation and active use of alternative energy sources.

How to determine the profitability of your own power plant

Researchers have proven that backup capabilities winds are much greater than all the accumulated fuel reserves of centuries. Among the methods of obtaining energy from renewable sources, windmills have a special place, since their production is simpler than the creation of solar panels. In fact, you can assemble a 5 kW wind generator with your own hands, having the necessary components, including magnets, copper wire, plywood and metal for the blades.

Experts say that a structure not only of the correct shape, but also built in accordance with the right place. This means that it is necessary to take into account the presence, constancy and even speed of air flows in each individual case and even in a specific region. If the area periodically experiences calm, calm and windless days, installing a mast with a generator will not bring any benefit.

Before you start making a windmill with your own hands (5 kW), you need to think about its model and type. You should not expect a large energy output from a weak design. And vice versa, when you only need to power a couple of light bulbs in your dacha, there is no point in building a huge windmill with your own hands. 5 kW – power sufficient to provide electricity to almost the entire lighting system and household appliances. If there is a constant wind, there will be light.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands: sequence of actions

At the location chosen for the high mast, the windmill itself with the generator attached to it is strengthened. The generated energy is transmitted through wires to the desired room. It is believed that the higher the mast design, the larger the diameter of the wind wheel and the stronger the air flow, the higher the efficiency of the entire device. In reality, everything is not quite like that:

  • For example, strong hurricane can easily break the blades;
  • some models can be installed on the roof of a regular house;
  • a properly selected turbine starts easily and works perfectly even in very low wind speeds.

Main types of wind turbines

Designs with a horizontal axis of rotation of the rotor are considered classic. They usually have 2-3 blades and are installed at a high height from the ground. The greatest efficiency of such an installation is manifested with an air flow of constant direction and its speed of 10 m/s. A significant disadvantage of this blade design is the failure of the rotation of the blades with frequently changing, gusty wind direction. This leads to either unproductive work or destruction of the entire installation. To start such a generator after stopping, a forced initial rotation of the blades is necessary. In addition, when the blades actively rotate, they produce specific sounds that are unpleasant to the human ear.

A vertical wind generator (“Volchok9raquo; 5 kW or other) has a different rotor placement. H-shaped or barrel-shaped turbines capture wind from any direction. These structures are smaller in size, start even at the weakest air flows (at 1.5-3 m/s), do not require high masts, and can be used even in urban environments. In addition, self-assembled windmills (5 kW - this is real) reach their rated power at wind speeds of 3-4 m/s.

Sails are not on ships, but on land

One of the popular trends in wind energy now is the creation of a horizontal generator with soft blades. The main difference is both the material of manufacture and the shape itself: self-created windmills (5 kW, sail type) have 4-6 triangular fabric blades. Moreover, unlike traditional structures, their cross-section increases in the direction from the center to the periphery. This feature allows you not only to “catch9raquo; weak wind, but also to avoid losses in hurricane air flow.

The advantages of sailboats include the following indicators:

  • high power at slow rotation;
  • independent orientation and adjustment to any wind;
  • high weathervane and low inertia;
  • no need to force the wheel to spin;
  • completely silent rotation even at high speeds;
  • absence of vibrations and sound disturbances;
  • relative cheapness of construction.

DIY windmills

The 5 kW of required electricity can be obtained in several ways:

  • build a simple rotor structure;
  • assemble a complex of several sailing wheels arranged in series on the same axis;
  • use an axle design with neodymium magnets.

It is important to remember that the power of a wind wheel is proportional to the cubic value of the wind speed multiplied by the swept area of ​​the turbine. So, how to make a 5 kW wind generator? Instructions below.

You can use a car hub and brake discs as a basis. 32 magnets (25 by 8 mm) are placed parallel in a circle on the future rotor disks (the moving part of the generator), 16 pieces per disk, and the pluses must alternate with the minuses. Opposing magnets must have different meanings poles. After marking and placement, everything on the circle is filled with epoxy.

Coils of copper wire are placed on the stator. Their number should be less than the number of magnets, that is, 12. First, all the wires are taken out and connected to each other in a star or triangle, then they are also filled in epoxy glue. It is recommended to insert pieces of plasticine inside the coils before pouring. After the resin has hardened and been removed, there will be holes left that are needed for ventilation and cooling of the stator.

How does it all work

The rotor disks, rotating relative to the stator, form a magnetic field, and an electric current arises in the coils. And the windmill, connected through a system of pulleys, is needed in order to move these parts of the working structure. How to make a wind generator with your own hands? Some people start building their own power station by assembling a generator. Others - from the creation of a rotating blade part.

The shaft from the windmill is engaged by a sliding connection with one of the rotor disks. The lower, second disk with magnets is placed on a strong bearing. The stator is located in the middle. All parts are attached to the plywood circle using long bolts and secured with nuts. Between all the “pancakes” Be sure to leave minimum gaps for free rotation of the rotor disks. The result is a 3-phase generator.


All that remains is to make windmills. You can make a 5 kW rotating structure with your own hands from 3 circles of plywood and a sheet of the thinnest and lightest duralumin. Metal rectangular wings are attached to the plywood with bolts and angles. First, guide grooves in the shape of a wave are hollowed out in each plane of the circle, into which the sheets are inserted. The resulting double-decker rotor has 4 wavy blades attached to each other at right angles. That is, between each two plywood pancakes fastened to the hubs there are 2 duralumin blades curved in the shape of a wave.

This structure is mounted in the center on a steel pin, which will transmit torque to the generator. Self-made windmills (5 kW) of this design weigh approximately 16-18 kg with a height of 160-170 cm and a base diameter of 80-90 cm.

Things to consider

Windmill-“barrel9raquo; can even be installed on the roof of a building, although a tower 3-4 meters high is sufficient. However, it is imperative to protect the generator housing from natural precipitation. It is also recommended to install a battery energy storage device.

To obtain alternating current from direct 3-phase current, a converter must also be included in the circuit.

How to make a vertical wind generator with your own hands

Recently, fans of renewable energy sources have given preference to vertical wind turbine designs. Horizontal ones are becoming history. The point is not only that it is easier to make a vertical wind generator with your own hands than a horizontal one. The main motive for this choice is efficiency and reliability.

Advantages of a vertical wind turbine

1. The vertical design of the windmill catches the wind better: there is no need to determine where it is blowing from and orient the blades to the air flow. 2. Installation of such equipment does not require a high location, which means that a vertical windmill with your own hands will be easier to maintain. 3. The design contains fewer moving parts, which increases its reliability. 4. The optimal profile of the blades increases the efficiency of the wind turbine. 5. The multi-pole generator used to generate electricity is less noisy.

We'll tell you how to make parts and assemble a vertical wind generator with your own hands.

Algorithm for making a turbine with your own hands

1. The supports (upper and lower) of the blades are two concentric circles of the same size. They are made from ABS plastic - cut with a jigsaw. A hole with a diameter of 300 mm is made in one of them (it will be the top one).

2. The lower support should rest on the hub, which can be used as a hub passenger car. To connect the parts you need to mark and drill 4 holes. 3. When assembling a vertical wind generator with your own hands, pay special attention to fastening the blades. For correct location blades need a template. On the lower support we draw a six-pointed star (Star of David), the corners of which will be on the edge of the circle. We project the drawing onto the upper support. The blades are made of thin sheet metal in the form of strips 1160 mm long, the width of which is slightly larger than the side of the star beam.

4. The blades are secured with two corners at the top and bottom, and they should be bent so that a quarter circle is formed. They are placed one behind the other along a circle, placing them on the edges of the rays.

We make a rotor

1. The bases for a rotor with a diameter of 400 mm are cut out of plywood 10 mm thick. Permanent neodymium magnets with high inductance are attached along the outer radius using liquid nails or epoxy glue. They are arranged similarly to the numbers on the watch dial (exactly 12 pieces), observing the polarity (it is recommended to mark them). To prevent the magnets from moving out of their place, they are temporarily fixed with spacers made of wooden wedges.

2. The second rotor is made similarly and symmetrically to the first. The difference is in the polarity of the magnets - it should be opposite.

How to assemble a stator

The stator is assembled from 9 inductors. There should be three groups of series-connected coils (3 pieces per group): the end of the previous one is connected to the beginning of the next one (star configuration). The coils are located symmetrically at the vertices of three triangles inscribed in a circle. Winding is performed with copper wire 0.51 mm in diameter (type - 24 AWG). 320 turns are required. This will allow you to get a voltage of 100 V at 120 rpm at the generator output. turbines. You can make a vertical wind generator with your own hands with different output voltage and current parameters by reducing/increasing the number of turns and diameter winding wire stator. The turns of the coils are wound in the same way. It is necessary to observe the direction of winding and mark its beginning and end. Epoxy glue is applied over the outer turn and electrical tape is wound in four places to prevent unwinding.

Rules and nuances of connecting coils

The ends of the coils must be cleaned of varnish insulation. Connections are made by soldering. The coils prepared in this way are placed on a paper sheet, on which a diagram of their location is applied (in accordance with the position of the permanent magnets of the rotor). Secure them with tape. All free fields of paper (except for the centers of the coils) are sealed with fiberglass, pouring epoxy resin with a hardener. The winding terminals must be located outside or inside the stator. To attach the bracket, holes are made in the stator.

Final assembly and installation

The following are assembled onto one axis (from top to bottom): the lower support of the blades, the disk with permanent magnets(upper rotor base), stator, lower rotor base and hub. All components are attached with studs to the bracket. For good contact we use bolts made of of stainless steel. Having finalized the remaining details, we get the finished device. A vertical windmill with your own hands should be installed in an open area, where the wind force is greatest. It is advisable that there are no tall structures nearby. Then the wind generator will efficiently generate electricity, which will help save money.

Wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation

This section contains various designs wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation, made by fans of this type of wind generator. There are many types and variations of vertical wind generators. The simplest Savonius or simply barrels, and the more advanced Daria rotors, which are more revving, but here each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Onipko rotor

Description of the Onipko rotor. What is this? Another project to find investors or is it a really effective wind generator

Vertical wind generator

Vertical wind generator of unusual design

An interesting design of a wind generator, the generator of which is made of asynchronous motor, but the generator is made with three stators and a triple rotor. The two-blade rotor with polycarbonate blades also rotates in an unusual way.

Windmill made from barrels with folding blades

Wind generator made from tin barrels. The generator is made of a 2.2 kW asynchronous motor, the rotor of which is converted to neodymium magnets. Drive to the generator is belt driven. The windmill blades are folding with centrifugal weights, although in the wind they open and close when moving into the wind.

Wind generator from a motor-wheel

Some photos of a small vertical wind generator. The wheel motor from a scooter was used as a generator; the torque was transmitted to the generator by a chain, the ratio was approximately 1:2.5. Rotor dimensions are 1*1.6 meters, mast height is 9 meters. In an average wind, this windmill produces up to 3A and 17v to charge an alkaline battery.

Wind generator for water intake

The design of this wind generator, which has already become legendary in the vastness of the RuNet, drives a homemade pump, and it pumps water from the lake. Initially, the windmill was supposed to charge the battery, but too low speeds negated all attempts to generate electricity.

Vertical wind generator, Ugrinsky rotor

Homemade wind generator with a vertical axis of rotation and a rotor size of 0.75 * 1.6 m. The design of the blades according to the drawings of the Ugrinsky rotor is an improved Savonius, in fact, KIEV of this design is higher. The structure is made of two blocks with an angle of 90 degrees, the material is plywood and aluminum. The generator for this windmill is of an axial type using permanent magnets.

The power of the wind turbine is about 50 watts in a wind of 7-8 m/s.

Home-made wind generator of the Savonius type

Homemade vertical wind generator with a rotor size of 1.8 * 1 m. As a generator, a converted car generator.

The power of a wind turbine is 60 watts in a wind of 10 m/s, which is not much, but the generator needs to be improved.

DIY vertical wind generator

Do-it-yourself vertical wind generator Alternative energy today is developing at a very fast pace. For example, the vertical axis wind generator is no longer a new product. IN

Now it is quite possible to get free electricity using wind. There are several options for wind turbines: with a vertical and horizontal axis. Almost anyone can assemble a vertical wind generator with their own hands; read our article on how to do it correctly.

The principle of operation of wind generators

The operating principle is the same in all modifications of wind turbines. During the rotation of the blades, three types of physical effects are generated: lifting, impulse and braking forces. As a result of the influence of these forces, the stator begins to move, and the rotor on the stationary part of the generator begins to create a magnetic field and electric current moves through the wires.

There are a large number of design options for wind generators; they differ not only in power, but also in their appearance. The structure of most wind turbines includes: a generator, blades, an inverter, and a multiplier. An inverter is used to convert the received charge into direct current. A multiplier is a gearbox that is designed to increase the number of shaft revolutions. Gearboxes are not installed on all wind turbines, mainly only on large and powerful wind turbines.

Three-phase alternating current is generated due to the rotation of the rotor. The resulting energy is sent through the controller to battery. Next, the inverter converts the current and makes it stable; it is in this form that it can be supplied to power household appliances or lighting.

How to make your own vertical wind generator

You can make a windmill yourself at home. First you need to decide on the type of wind generator. Depending on their design, wind turbines are:

  • with a vertical axis of rotation: Darrieus rotor, Savonius wind generator;
  • with a horizontal axis of rotation: parallel or perpendicular to the wind flow.

Some wind turbine models combine several types of installations. Let's consider an example of creating a hybrid windmill that combines the design of wind generators of the Savonius and Darrieus types.

Assembling the rotor

To assemble the rotor, you need to purchase:

  • 6 neodymium magnets D30xH10 mm;
  • 6 ferrite ring magnets D72xd32xh15 mm;
  • 2 metal disks D230xH5 mm;
  • epoxy resin or glue.

Instead of metal disks can be used saw blades suitable size. 6 neodymium magnets are placed on one disk, alternating their polarity, the angle between them should be 60 degrees on a diameter of 165 mm.

Ferrite ring magnets are placed on the second disk using the same principle.

To prevent the magnets from moving while the windmill is operating, they must be filled at least halfway with epoxy glue.

We manufacture the stator

First you need to wind 9 coils of 60 turns each, for this you use enameled copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm.

Next, the coils are soldered together: the beginning of the first coil with the end of the fourth, the fourth with the seventh. The second phase is connected in the same way through two coils, only they start soldering from the second coil. The connection of the third phase begins with the third coil.

A mold is made from plywood, parchment paper is placed in it, and a piece of fiberglass and spools are placed on top.

It's all pouring in epoxy resin. After 24 hours, the finished stator is removed from the mold.

Generator assembly

All parts of the generator are ready, all that remains is to assemble them.

The generator itself will be attached to the bracket with the hub using studs. Let's take a closer look at the assembly process.

Generator assembly steps:

  • 4 threaded holes are made in the upper rotor for studs. They are necessary so that the rotor “sits” smoothly into its seat;
  • 4 holes are made in the stator for mounting the bracket;
  • the lower rotor is placed on the bracket with the magnets facing up, and 4 threaded holes are also drilled in it for the stud;
  • a stator is placed on the lower rotor;
  • The second rotor is placed on top with the magnets facing down. All this is fixed between each other and the bracket with the hub using studs and nuts.

The hub (flange with bearings) must be purchased separately: Bottom part The hub should have a diameter of 1.5 inch pipe.

The order of fastening all parts is presented in more detail in the diagram below:

1 - connecting element; 2 — blade support; 3 — top part rotor; 4 - magnet; 5 - bushing; 6 - stator; 7 — lower part of the rotor; 8 - nut; 9 — hairpin; 10 - hub; 11 - axis; 12 — bracket for stator mounting

We make blades

The blades can be made of wood, fiberglass and other materials. It’s faster and easier to make this part of the wind generator from sewer PVC pipes. Better to use pipes orange color, since they have good density and are not afraid of direct sunlight.

For a vertical wind generator you will need 4 blades made of PVC pipe and 2 orthogonal (curved) blades made of galvanized sheet. This design will allow the windmill to rotate even in light wind conditions at a speed of 2-3 m per second. We take meter-long pieces of PVC pipe and cut them lengthwise into 2 equal parts. We cut out semicircles from tin according to the dimensions of the future blade and fasten them with bolts along the edges of the pipe.

To make orthogonal blades, you will need a standard 0.75mm thick galvanized steel sheet. First, two pieces measuring 1 x 0.4 m and four teardrop-shaped pieces are cut out with metal scissors. Then the steel sections need to be bent and “droplet” sections attached to the edges.

The blades are attached in a circle to the frame; it can be welded from a profile square pipe 20x20 and corners 25x25. The dimensions of the frame and the distance between the blades can be seen in the diagram below:

Assembling the wind generator structure

A mast is welded from water pipes of various diameters; its height depends on the area where the wind generator will be located and its operating conditions, but in any case it must be higher than the roof of the house.

In advance, you need to prepare a three-point reinforced foundation for the sectional mast. A generator is screwed to the finished mast on the ground. Next, the frame with blades is bolted to the generator. The mast with the windmill is attached to the foundation using two hinged supports and is raised to a vertical position using a winch. After the mast is raised, the third support is bolted to the base of the windmill. Additionally, the mast must be secured using a guy rope.

Electrical part

The windmill will produce 3-phase alternating current. Using a bridge rectifier consisting of 6 diodes, we convert it to direct current.

This makes it possible to charge the battery at 12 V. To control the charging of the battery and prevent its overcharging, use a standard car charging relay PP-380.

An inverter is connected to the battery, which allows you to convert the resulting 12 V DC into 220 V AC with a frequency of 50 Hz.

The result of a wind turbine: efficiency calculation

Test tests of the wind generator at different wind speeds showed the following results:

  • at a wind speed of 5 m/s we get 60 rpm - 7 V and 2.3 A = 16 W;
  • at a wind speed of 10.6 m/s we get about 120 rpm - 13 V and 3.4 A = 44 W;
  • at a speed of 15.3 m/s approximately 180 rpm - 15 V and 5.1 A = 76.5 W;
  • at a wind speed of 18 m/s we get 240 rpm - 18 V and 9 A = 162 W.

Basically, the windmill produces 16-45 W, since winds of more than 15 m/s are rare. However, if you install a high-speed propeller, then you can get better results.