Homemade barbecue from a barrel - simple and beautiful! New barbecue from an old barrel Barbecue from a steel barrel drawings and photographs.

In today's smoky bustle of time, the main feature of a day off is outdoor recreation. And oxygen saturation of the body stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Then, in choosing the composition and usefulness of dishes, the flight of imagination is not limited! But the traditional menu always includes barbecue, the smell of which attracts both adults and children. Retail outlets offer many options for barbecues. However, if you have time and desire, you can do it yourself. For example, from an old metal barrel. At the same time, the strength and durability of such a homemade product is beyond doubt, but the costs are completely absent.

Materials for work:
1. Old metal barrel- 1 PC.;
2. Iron bar – 1 pc.;
3. Rivets for a hand rivet gun – 6 pcs.;
4. Angle grinder (grinder), hammer, drill, pliers, hand rivet gun.

Stages of work:
First stage: give the barrel a shape.

Picking up a barrel the right size, put it on the beam and align the two edges, forming the bottom of the grill.

The result is a semicircle with a bottom.

Second stage: cut out the main hole.
Using a grinder, we make a longitudinal cut parallel to the bottom of the grill - along the body of the barrel (at a height of 30 centimeters, not reaching the edges of the barrel by 15 centimeters on each edge)

On both sides of the bottom cut we make slits up at a distance of 40 centimeters.

We get rid of the dangling piece of tin by making a cut parallel to the bottom. It turns out that the main opening of the barbecue is a window. For safety reasons, we bend the lower edge of the learned “window” inward using pliers.

Third stage: form the side folds.
Just above the already formed bottom of the grill (10-15 centimeters), we make a cut parallel to it, 15 centimeters long.

We turn the angle grinder 90 degrees and form a perpendicular cut, deepening it to the bottom line.

We bend the edges of the cuts inward on both sides.

In order to get an even bend in the area of ​​the bottom of the grill, you can tap it with a hammer, placing a corner surface.

For safety reasons and to stiffen the bottom, we fold the protruding edges of the grill into a triangle.

On the opposite side of the barrel we make similar cuts and bends. It turns out the frame of the future barbecue.

Fourth stage: connecting the seams.
To connect the joints of the side seams, use a thin drill bit to make two holes at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other.

We use a rivet gun to connect the walls of the grill (insert the rivet into the hole, set the gun, rivet). Similarly, we fasten the joints of the remaining bends (three more: one on the same side of the barrel and two on the other).

Fifth stage: we attach the iron bar - stand.
Cut out the iron strip to the required length.

Using a thin drill, we make three holes in it, slightly offset from the edges and in the center.

WITH reverse side grill we make similar three holes (with the same thin drill and at the same distance from each other).

Among the many designs is a barbecue made from a barrel attracts with its simplicity and accessibility. The container, laid horizontally, is carefully cut longitudinally either into two equal parts, or about a third of the side part is cut out, which will serve as a lid. The bottom of the barrel should not be touched in order to maintain the rigidity of the structure. The lid is mounted on hinges, equipped with a handle and stops for fixing it in the open position. Most of the barrel serves as a tray where the grate is installed, and coals are placed on the bottom. For convenience, the grill must be installed on legs or other support.

For work you will need:

  • Grinder with cutting and grinding wheel.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.
  • Electric drill with a set of drills.
  • Tape measure, ruler, square.
  • Hammer, core, pliers, screwdriver.
  • Kit wrenches, file.

The materials must be prepared:

  • Steel barrel.
  • Metal corner.
  • Heat-resistant paint (it is recommended to use the material for painting car mufflers).
  • Spray bottle, brushes.
  • Self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts.
  • Personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves).

The most necessary tools and materials.

In some cases, additional devices available to the user may be necessary.

Where to begin?

The work will begin choosing the volume of the future barbecue and creating a working drawing. In practice, designs made from 200-liter barrels have proven themselves to be effective, allowing you to cook a lot of food at once and creating optimal temperature regime. Production of working drawing - important stage, during which the final formation design solution, details are being worked out, the design of the stand is being thought out, etc.

After the drawing has been created, it is necessary to rinse the barrel thoroughly. Fill it completely with water and pour it out immediately before the sediment settles. Dry the container in the sun to release any vapors that may be present inside. This will avoid fire or even explosion when cutting metal.

Must be removed old paint, otherwise it will begin to bubble and lag when heated.

Firewood selection

Firewood for barbecue is important element, on which the taste and quality of cooked food depends. It is recommended to use only deciduous wood, since coniferous wood has a high resin content, which makes food bitter. The best option is firewood from trunks fruit trees, capable of providing even heat and giving food a subtle, pleasant aroma. You should not use aspen firewood - the smoke released contains toxic substances.

How to cut a barrel?

To the surface of the barrel Using a marker and ruler, mark cutting lines. The barrel can be cut exactly in half, which will allow you to use one part as a lid or make another grill out of it. Another option is possible, when the cut off part is smaller than the main one.

In this case, the cutting line does not reach the ends by about 2-5 cm, so as not to disturb the rigidity of the barrel.


  1. The side surface of the barrel is marked according to the selected size and shape.
  2. Use a grinder with a cutting wheel to carefully cut off the required part.
  3. The edges of the cut on the barrel and lid are carefully cleaned of burrs, and unevenness is smoothed out.

The cut edges of the lid and side surface of the barrel must be secured with a corner, which is secured either with self-tapping screws or by welding. After welding, the edges are processed again with a grinder and a grinding wheel.

If you decide to cut the barrel in half, similar actions are performed, the only difference will be the passage of the cutting line through the end of the container.

Creating a frame

The frame, or stand, should have a height that is comfortable for the owner. The best option it is considered 0.9-1 m (counting together with the barbecue), but each person has his own preferences. There can be many options for frame design:

  • A cross made of two rectangular frames connected in the middle part.
  • Semicircles with legs into which the barrel fits.
  • Conventional supports connected by a rectangular horizontal frame, inside which a barbecue (barbecue) is installed.

Other options are also possible.

There are no significant advantages of one method over another; the choice is determined by the taste and personal preferences of the owner.

Manufacturing stages

Let's look at how to make a grill from a steel barrel. Procedure(from the very beginning):

  1. Washing and cleaning the barrel inside and out.
  2. Cutting according to the selected option.
  3. Edging the edges with a corner.
  4. Assembling the stand.
  5. Installation of hinges and handles (after installation, they can be temporarily removed so as not to interfere with further actions).
  6. Accession supporting elements for installing a grid or support for skewers.
  7. Final procedures.
  8. Processing of the internal compartment.

The inside of the barrel is usually covered with deposits from previous materials stored in it. Used to remove plaque various ways, the simplest and most effective of which is firing.

The plaque ignites, separates from the walls and is easily removed from the inside.

Brazier with cutout

This design is convenient because wind flows do not enter the pan, there is no ash residue on the prepared dishes. During operation, the lid tilts back and does not interfere with cooking, and when finished, the grill closes.

Brazier made from two halves of a barrel

This option is easier to work with, since all operations on the halves are almost identical. The only difference is the installation of the handle and interior design- one part requires the installation of a grill and supports for skewers, the second can serve as a stand or shelf for ready-made dishes.

Barbecue smokehouse

There are designs for smokehouses made from metal barrels, but they are completely different from the option under consideration.

Using a barbecue as a smokehouse is impossible without additional improvements.

Refinement to smokehouse

To create a smokehouse based on a barbecue, you need to create additional element - compartments for storing fuel, installed instead of a support under the grill. It is another barrel, equipped with a cutout of such a shape that the barbecue fits into it on top without cracks or gaps. This is important because smoking efficiency is reduced due to smoke loss. Both compartments are connected by a chimney through which smoke enters from below into top part(barbecue). To do this, it is convenient to use the cork hole available in both barrels. The result is a kind of smoke generator that also serves as a stand for the barbecue.


To paint, you must first prepare the surface - clean, degrease, sand it. Some of this work is done before cutting the barrel, the rest just before painting.

Paint can be applied either by spraying or manually using a brush.

What paint should I use?

Considering the specifics of the barbecue, you will need matte black paint that is resistant to high temperatures. The best option would be special paint for car mufflers. A regular coating will not work, since when the case heats up, the paint layer will bubble and peel off.

Grinding and firing

All these operations are easiest to perform mechanically. An electric drill with an attachment is suitable for grinding, firing is best done with a torch, and for painting an electric airless sprayer is used.

These devices significantly speed up work and allow you to get optimal results.
Useful video about making a barbecue from a barrel

Advantages and disadvantages

A DIY brazier made from a metal barrel has the following advantages:

  • Possibility to cook various dishes, not just kebabs.
  • Simplicity and convenience of cleaning, repair or maintenance.
  • You can cook many dishes at one time.
  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Convenience, economical use.

The disadvantages include:

  • The metal's tendency to corrode.
  • The walls of the grill become very hot.
  • Difficulty or impossibility of transportation.

The article describes all the pros and cons that a barbecue made on the basis of metal container. The stages of work to create the structure are listed, as well as the tools and materials needed to create such a barbecue at home.

Barbecue from a barrel in a few hours

Vacationing at the dacha is most often associated with cooking barbecue in pleasant company. Some people have portable fryers in their arsenal, but more often than not, connoisseurs of tasty and juicy meat prefer to use more impressive devices. If you don’t want to make it out of concrete and brick, then it’s quite possible to build your own barbecue out of a barrel in a few hours. What's the best way to do this? What available materials and tools will be needed in the process of making such a device?

Advantages and disadvantages

A barbecue made from a metal barrel has an undeniable advantage. With its help, you can not just fry meat, but cook it correctly while maintaining juiciness and taste. Thanks to the large roasting pan, which heats up very well and evenly, the meat turns out delicious. The advantages are also:

  • Easy to care for, quick to clean;
  • Ability to transport over short distances;
  • Cost-effective;
  • Ability to repair yourself if necessary;
  • Even distribution of heat inside the fryer.

If you do combined option, then it is quite possible to cook both traditional shish kebab on skewers and juicy barbecue. An ordinary barbecue that can be disassembled cannot cook such delicious meat.

The disadvantages of a barbecue maker from a barrel include:

  • High susceptibility to corrosion. Therefore, it should be covered or hidden during bad weather.
  • There is a possibility of getting burned if safety precautions are not followed, since the entire surface of the barrel heats up quite strongly.

What you need for work

You can make a grill from an old metal barrel or even a gas cylinder. It is important to take into account that it is prohibited to use a container in which poisons, chemicals or fuel have been cut. A 200 liter container will make an excellent barbecue that can satisfy all the wishes of food connoisseurs fried meat. To Work with gas cylinder much more difficult. In order to make a barbecue from a barrel with your own hands, you will need special tools and additional materials:

  • Grinder with a circle for cutting and grinding;
  • Welding machine;
  • Jigsaw for metal;
  • Steel corner with identical shelves of at least 45 mm;
  • Grid mesh;
  • Metal door handle;
  • Four wheels on a metal base (for transportation);
  • Door hinges;
  • Bolts;
  • Roulette.

Frame preparation

The first step is to make a frame that will securely hold the grill. The optimal height is considered to be 90 – 100 cm. To do this, you should weld the prepared metal corners at an angle of 90°. On one and the other side, two drains are installed, connected by a jumper. The height of the jumper should not exceed 25-30 centimeters from the ground to ensure reliable stability. Attach a wheel to each drain. It is important to ensure that there are no distortions in the frame, otherwise the barrel grill will not be as effective and of high quality.

Build process

How to make a grill in a few hours? The main thing is to carry out all the steps correctly and adhere to the recommendations. Making a barbecue from a barrel with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • Using a grinder, cut a rectangular hole in the side of the metal container. It is later used as a lid. The side edges must be at least 15 centimeters. In order to place 10 skewers, it is enough to have a capacity of 30 cm.
  • Using a welding machine or bolts, it is necessary to secure the two parts of the barrel with loops. Weld a metal handle to the lid for ease of use.
  • To properly equip inner part you need to weld plates or corners there. The fryer will be installed directly on them.
  • To create draft and air circulation in the side parts of the barrel, it is necessary to make holes using electric drill. The lid can also be perforated if future plans include using the structure as a smokehouse.
  • The finished grill needs to be fixed to the frame. In this case, it is important that the drain hole of the container is at the top. This will be the exhaust hole. In the future, it is better to insert a piece of pipe into this hole.

If desired, you can coat the barbecue from the barrel with heat-resistant paint yourself. This will allow the structure to fit harmoniously into the landscape of the dacha or house.

Having country cottage area, most owners are thinking about installing a barbecue. In addition, a good rest is characterized by cooking barbecue and shish kebabs - you cannot do without a barbecue oven.

A simple grill made of a couple of bricks may be suitable for barbecue, but you cannot prepare a juicy barbecue on such a structure.

Can be purchased ready-made grill or make it yourself. The only question is the choice of the type of barbecue, which can be mobile or stationary.

For production stationary barbecue concrete or brick is used. The mobile oven is made of metal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

The main advantages of this solution:

  1. easy to clean, repairable and low maintenance.
  2. It is convenient and safe to use. Welding work can be done independently.
  3. The metal retains heat well, resulting in the meat being cooked quickly and evenly. The cost of this design is acceptable for any budget.
  4. A barbecue made from a barrel is very convenient when transporting short distances.

However, such a device is not resistant to corrosion, it heats up quickly, so if precautions are not followed, you can get burns.

What advantages does it have? Find out how to make such a greenhouse with your own hands in our article.

A good solution for a summer house is also metal grill, manufacturing instructions for which are in a full step-by-step version.

Required tools and materials

The main part of such a barbecue is a metal barrel.

Please note that You cannot use barrels that were previously used for fuels and lubricants.

Also for making original design need to prepare:

  • door hinges;
  • 4 rubber wheels for transporting the barbecue;
  • steel corner from 45 mm;
  • metal door handle;
  • wire mesh.

The main tools for carrying out the work are the following:

  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • grinding and cutting disc;
  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw for metal;
  • bolts;
  • sheets of steel.

The grill can be made from old barrel any sizes. In addition, you can use an old gas cylinder.

On the picture approximate diagram, using which you can make a barbecue from a barrel.

Manufacturing instructions

How to make a barbecue from a barrel? The whole procedure takes place in several stages.

Preparatory stage - cutting

It will not take much time to produce the structure, but will save cash, which can be spent on purchasing new equipment.

The barrel barbecue model can be produced in two variations - with or without a lid. The first model is made from two halves, and the second - from one.

Regardless of the chosen option, you should draw a schematic image of the future design with detailed description all parameters and details. The drawing will be the main assistant in the work process.

The second stage in creating a barbecue is preparing all the components. First you need to cut the barrel in half with a grinder to the height of the container (for both versions).

But you can cut out only the top part of the barrel, which will later become the lid.

The edges of the cut barrel are cleaned and freed from various irregularities. After preparing the barrel, you should decide on the parameters of the corner for framing the opening.

If you cut the barrel in half, attach door hinges to one part, connecting them to the main part of the container, you get a finished lid.

Frame making

First, the steel angle is cut in half. Optimal height the frame will be 1 m, and its width should correspond to the width of the metal container.

For the side of the frame you will need horizontal and vertical racks, which are arranged according to the following scheme:

  • the horizontal top rack is installed from the top edge at a distance corresponding to the outer radius of the container;
  • lower horizontal stand mounted at a height of about 20-25 cm from the edge of the vertical bottom.

All 4 racks must be laid out on a suitable surface and connected welding machine at an angle of 90º.

Using a similar scheme, you need to make the other half of the frame; as a result, both frames are combined into a common structure, so they must be the same. The side parts are mounted to each other with steel angles.

This stage of work requires attention, because any error will result in the grill being uneven.

After the frame is made, wheels are attached to it. To make transportation more convenient, a convenient handle is attached to the frame.

Place the container on the frame so that the drain hole is at the back and top. It will act as a small exhaust pipe. Inserts into the exhaust hole metal pipe the required diameter.

The barrel stand can have various configurations:

  • in the shape of two semicircles into which the barrel will be placed;
  • a frame designed to match the parameters of the barrel (the manufacturing process is described above);
  • a pair of crosspieces welded from a corner, having unfolded corners according to the size of the barbecue.

Treatment of the internal compartment

When making a barbecue from a metal barrel, work must be carried out both from the outside and from the inside. Corners are welded into the inside of the container.

To make a roasting pan, you can weld 2 corners on the sides, and the remaining two in the center of the container.

For coals, a couple of corners placed on the side walls will be enough. They are located from the bottom at a height of about 10 cm. At such corners there is metal grid, on which you can cook a barbecue.

The grill with a lid can be used as a smokehouse, for which a chimney is mounted to the side.

For convenience, shelves and tables can be attached to the sides of the barrel. In this case, it should be welded to the barrel metal brackets, where a metal or wooden covering is additionally attached.

Using the same scheme, you can make a barbecue from an oxygen or gas cylinder. But it should be borne in mind that their width will be smaller and will only be suitable for short skewers.

Surface treatment

To paint the grill, you should purchase heat-resistant paint, since other types of coatings will not work here. After the paint has dried, the grill will be ready for use.

You might think about original finish designs so that the end result is a unique design.

Paints that can be used for coloring

The following heat-resistant coatings are suitable for barbecues:

  1. Powder thermal paints. They are suitable for the barbecue, but it is difficult to work with them yourself because they require high-temperature firing.
  2. Organosilicon enamels. The coatings are resistant to temperatures up to 600ºC.
  3. Oxidation. This procedure is not simple, but it can be done at home. The grill bowl is treated with 5% sulfuric acid, boiled in a concentrated solution of soap and boiled in a solution of sodium hydroxide for 1.5 hours. After this, the grill is treated with a non-stick layer that protects the metal from rust and corrosion.

It’s easy to make a barbecue out of a barrel, but the only difficulty is using a welding machine.

Vacations are often spoiled by a prefabricated barbecue purchased at the supermarket, which is always trying to fall apart and ruin the holiday. So that this season nothing stops us from enjoying preparing delicious barbecue, let's consider the option self-made convenient and practical barbecue.

In contact with

The design of our future device is as simple as anything ingenious. Two parts of the barrel will serve as a tray with coals and a lid. Cut exactly in the middle and connected by iron door hinges these half-cylinder shaped parts must be installed on metal legs. A steel grid is placed on the wide side of the lower half-cylinder, on which we will place our juicy pieces of meat. Pour ready-made barbecue charcoal onto the bottom of the same component. The upper half-cylinder will serve as protection from gusts of wind during cooking, and when the grill is not in use, the top cover will protect against moisture penetration inside.

Pros and cons of barrel construction

TO positive qualities devices include:

  1. Material. Metal is easy to clean from coals and grease. It does not require maintenance and can be easily repaired if necessary.
  2. Mobility. When going out into the countryside, the structure for making barbecue can be easily loaded into the trunk of a car.
  3. Price. Made with my own hands from scrap barbecue will cost mere pennies, and will require only “direct” hands.
  4. Safety. The likelihood of a fire when using a homemade kebab maker is minimal.

As a disadvantage, the metal's susceptibility to oxidative corrosion can be eliminated. If the barbecue is not protected from rainwater and is not stored in the garage during the off-season or country house, it will rust pretty quickly.

Materials and tools that will be required

First of all, you will need a 200 liter metal barrel. from solvent, alcohol or paint. It will serve as the basis of our design. Also, materials needed:

  • diesel fuel;
  • heat-resistant paint;
  • metal tape 25 mm wide. and 10 mm, thickness 1.5 mm;
  • steel corner with shelves 25*25 mm;
  • square pipe with a side of 25 mm.

Tools that we will use in our work:

  • electric Bulgarian saw;
  • welding inverter;
  • metal cutting disc for grinder;
  • grinding disc for grinder;
  • electric drill and set of drills;
  • spray gun for applying paint;
  • roulette;
  • permanent marker.

Manufacturing stages

  1. Washing the barrel. Before sawing the barrel, you need to remove any remaining solvent from it to prevent an explosion. To do this, pour a full barrel of water and pour it out immediately. After this, it is recommended to leave the barrel in the sun to allow any remaining solvent vapor to escape.
  2. Using a tape measure, measure the circumference of the barrel. The result obtained must be divided by 4. The resulting figure is the distance that must be set aside from the traffic jams in order to find two opposite points on the base of the barrel, equidistant from the traffic jams. We mark these points on both sides of the base with a marker, draw two straight lines connecting opposite points of the cylinder along the surface of the barrel.
  3. Using a grinder, carefully saw the cylinder in a circle. Don't forget about safety glasses. We cut against the grain cutting disc so that the grinder does not get bitten by the metal and is not torn out of your hands.
  4. Let's move on to cutting the edging of our future barbecue. We will make the edging from the corners. We measure the corner along the length of the sides of the barrel section. You should get 2 long and 2 short. Conventionally, we saw the upper part at 45 degrees, the lower part at 90.
  5. We use a welding inverter to weld all 4 corners into the edging, after which we try on half the barrel to fit it in size.
  6. The legs of the future design are cut from a square pipe, length 900-950 mm. We saw off one side of the leg at an angle of 15 degrees so that there is a slight spread of the legs for better stability.
  7. We insert the legs into the space between the base of the half-cylinder and the frame of the corners, mark with a marker the intersection of the edging of the barrel.
  8. Using a grinder, we cut out the edging so that the leg fits close to the barrel.
  9. We collect all the elements and weld them together.
  10. Steel tape 25 mm. we will need to make guides for a mobile support from skewers. We measure the tape according to the inner width of the future grill and cut it off. You need 2 guides and they should be located along the edges of the grill on the inside. We put it in place and weld it.
  11. We make the mobile support for skewers from a corner. To do this, measure one shelf of the corner along the outer edges (along with the frame) of our barbecue, and the second along internal space between the guides. Using a grinder, we cut out a rectangular piece from one shelf of the corner.
  12. Our next step is to give the future device for cooking kebabs a marketable appearance. To do this, insert it into the grinder grinding disc, and remove all irregularities and welds. The entire structure, as a result of the grinding process, should be smooth, glossy and shine in the sun.
  13. From a ten-millimeter tape we bend a poker that is slightly longer than the width of the future barbecue.
  14. Removing rust and dirt from the surface of the barrel, in this way we prepare it for the next stage - firing.
  15. Burning is necessary in order to remove paint from the surface and degrease it before applying paint. We will burn it with diesel fuel prepared in advance for this purpose.

We take a rag, moisten it with diesel fuel, and use it to apply diesel fuel to the surface of the barrel. Then we set fire to the rag. To make your task easier, use a fire starter or ethyl alcohol. Just splash a little alcohol on the burning rag from afar. Next, we wait until all the diesel fuel burns out and the paint peels off from the barrel. Even if paint stains remain here and there, it’s okay, the fire destroyed all harmful substances.

Holes for blowing in homemade grill It is not recommended to do this, as the coals will be hotter and will smolder longer.

Upgrading a barbecue from a barrel to a smokehouse

By repeating steps 4 to 9, we will get a cover for a barbecue made by ourselves. By welding, by welding door hinges and a handle from a steel strip, our barbecue will become lockable. This means that you can not only fry kebabs in it, but also use it for hot smoking fish and lard. To do this, you just need to make a smoke outlet hole in the top cover using an electric drill. Thus, we get two devices in one. The lid also needs to be sanded, fired, and painted.

The entire manufacturing process will take no more than 5 hours, and in the next few years you will be able to treat your whole family to fragrant May Day kebabs. Bon appetit!