Human reserve capabilities: myth or reality (interview with the magazine “Self-Defense Without Weapons”). Human superpowers - transphysics - self-knowledge - catalog of articles - unconditional love

Man is an incomprehensible creature. It happens that he lives an average life, but then some event happens that greatly shakes him up, and everything changes. A person exhibits certain superpowers. Today, many examples have been recorded that show human capabilities that can manifest themselves in extreme conditions or in some congenital diseases. Of course, these abilities can be developed independently. We will talk about all this in this article.

What are human superpowers?

There are quite a few abilities that can be classified as “super”. Moreover, they are not available to most people. So, what can be classified into this category:

  • Clairvoyance. This ability involves seeing what is impossible for the ordinary human eye.
  • Telepathy. The ability to hear or see the thoughts of another person.
  • Clairsentience. With the help of this ability, a person can read information from the general information field not only of our planet, but of the entire Universe. This also includes developed intuition.
  • Clarity of smell. A person who has this ability can acutely sense all odors, and people can gain not only the ability acute sense of smell, but also perfect taste.
  • Claircognizance. This ability is a bit like clairvoyance, but clairvoyance involves clear knowledge that simply pops into your head when you need it. Knowledge can absolutely anyone.
  • Psychometry. An interesting ability that involves the ability to find out information about a person from a photograph or read it from any objects.
  • Telekinesis. Using thoughts, moving any objects.

Of course, these are not all the superpowers that a person can have. Some can receive, others have phenomenal memory or the ability to perform complex calculations in their heads. Although some scientists do not consider these abilities impossible at all, because in their opinion, in the distant past, every person possessed them.

Ancient civilizations that have sunk into oblivion reached their heights thanks to special human capabilities. And now some part of our brain is simply sleeping and only through training can it be awakened and made to work at 100%.

Can a person develop superpowers?

You can continue further independent work and learn visualization. At this stage, you will be able to gain control over your senses, learn to sense the world not only through ordinary organs, but also through supersenses. Only after this can you begin to train a certain human superpower. There are quite a lot of exercises for raising potential, so you should choose the one that is most suitable for a beginner.

However, the most in a simple way will find an experienced teacher for yourself. He will be able to correctly reveal your abilities, and also protect your path from some mistakes that are possible if learning occurs on your own. He will also be able to see the negative programs that already exist on your subtle body and help you get rid of them (and this is important for further spiritual development).

It should be noted that many people had their superpowers suppressed in childhood by adults who simply did not know how to develop this child's gift. Today it is recommended to take a close look at the growing little man and contribute in every possible way to his development, since such abilities will help him become a full-fledged person in the future.

Extreme conditions and superpowers

There are many recorded cases of people developing superpowers after some tragic accident or under extreme conditions. After that, they either remain or disappear. For example, a case was recorded when a pilot, after an accident, was able to survive in the tundra with broken legs, and his body temperature dropped to 33.2 degrees.

There were also cases when a person survived after being hit by lightning, strong radiation, or, gaining greater strength, in a fight with a strong animal or element. It is believed that in such cases the human body and brain turn on at full capacity, thus performing previously impossible actions.

Many people who found themselves in a critical situation spoke afterwards about a certain slowdown or stretching of time, which made it possible to escape from danger. We can say that a person is quite capable of controlling the space-time continuum, but, unfortunately, he cannot do this consciously. Perhaps all of humanity will have to make a lot more effort to learn to control our body and capabilities.

Vivid examples of people with superpowers

In the history of past centuries, as well as in modern history, there are many references to people who had various phenomenal and extrasensory abilities. Perhaps the most famous is the ancient predictor Nostradamus, who described many events of modernity and the recent past, as well as the Bulgarian predictor Vanga.

There are quite a few “uniques” in the scientific community, for example, Academician Ioffe kept all the tables of logarithms in his memory. Sergei Garibyan, our contemporary, during a scientific experiment revealed that he has a phenomenal memory, as he remembered more than a thousand sentences in various languages ​​that he did not know at all.

As we see, human special abilities are not a myth at all, but something real. Of course, many ordinary people are skeptical about psychic abilities, but one cannot deny the fact that many people possess them and are also able to control them. For example, bioenergetics and psychics who are able to heal a person from physical and spiritual illnesses. It just takes a little persistence and desire to gain the ability, but not everyone has that.

Sixth planetary shell

Human superpowers

Speaking about new human capabilities, one cannot fail to mention the so-called supercapabilities of the brain. N. Bekhtereva writes about this: “We have known about the superpowers of the brain for a long time. These are, first of all, the innate properties of the brain, which determine the presence in human society of those who are able to find the maximum of correct decisions in conditions of a shortage of information introduced into consciousness. Extreme cases. People This kind of people are valued by society as possessors of talents and even geniuses! A striking example of the superpowers of the brain are the various creations of geniuses, the so-called speed calculation, almost instantaneous vision of the events of a whole life. extreme situations and much more. It is known that it is possible for individuals to learn a variety of living and dead languages, although usually 3-4 foreign languages ​​are almost the limit, and 2-3 is the optimal and sufficient number. In the life of not only talent, but also the so-called ordinary person, states of insight sometimes arise, and sometimes as a result of these insights, a lot of gold is added to the treasury of human knowledge.”

It is obvious that it is the expansion of consciousness that contributes to the emergence of new abilities in a person. Therefore, this is the evolutionary path of humanity, which in the future will open up more and more superpowers of the human body, which expresses the manifestation of its integral structure, i.e. The wave properties of the human matrix will be revealed more and more. We can give a number of examples that show that the human wave structure, just like the corpuscular structure, is capable of perceiving the world around us and “reflecting” information both in the brain (corpuscular level) and in wave structures.

For example, it is known that many people who have experienced clinical death describe their condition outside own body. In the moment clinical death they see from the outside not only themselves, but also what is nearby. According to the results of a study by N. Bekhtereva, several percent of women in labor also experience a condition as if the “soul” comes out. Women giving birth feel outside the body, observing what is happening from the outside, and do not experience pain. It is clear that at this moment there is a switching of consciousness from the corpuscular level to the wave level. Moreover, the visual images that are formed in the brain at this time are caused by the mutual influence (or stimulation) of the wave field itself. What happens according to the principle of wave-particle duality, which was mentioned earlier, which consists in the fact that all changes that occur at the corpuscular level are reflected at the wave level, and vice versa.

The same conclusion is confirmed by the research of Swiss professor Olaf Blank. After observing the condition of his patients at the University of Geneva Hospital, Blank came to the conclusion that the phenomenon known as “the exit of the soul from the body” during clinical death could be caused by electrical stimulation of the brain. At the moment the zone of the brain responsible for the synthesis of visual information is processed by current, perception disturbances occur, and patients experience a feeling of extraordinary lightness, flight, the soul seems to be floating under the ceiling, observing from the outside everything that is happening around.

But the most indicative of the wave nature of man and his integral structure is the phenomenon of “alternative vision”. I will give a short excerpt from an article by N. Bekhtereva (Science and Life Magazine, N7, 2001). “But now, at the very end of my life, I’m sitting with Larisa at a large “meeting” table. I’m wearing a bright red wool mohair poncho donated by my son. “Larissa, what color are my clothes?” “Red,” he answers calmly. Larisa, and in response to my stunned silence, begins to doubt, “maybe it’s blue?” “Under the poncho I have a dark blue dress.” “Yes,” Larisa says further, “I still can’t always clearly determine the color and shape, I still need to practice." Several months of very hard work by Larisa and her teachers are behind us... They all taught Larisa to see. I was present at almost every session of teaching vision to the completely blind Larisa, who lost her eyes at the age of eight - and now she is 26! The blind girl - the girl has adapted to life... She probably tried very hard, because evil fate seemed to leave her no choice.” Reading these lines, you experience a piercing feeling of admiration and pride for a person who managed to overcome his illness.

But the uniqueness of this phenomenon is that “alternative vision” is generally inherent in every person. V.M. Bronnikov has developed a method by which one can learn to “see” without the help of the eyes. In 2002, the Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted research to study the alternative vision of sighted and visually impaired individuals and a number of manifestations of brain activity. The study involved 7 senior high school students who were trained according to the method of V.M. Bronnikova. I will give the results of the study.

Visual observation. All 7 people easily read, wearing a mask that tightly covered their eyes, almost any presented text, only sometimes there were short pauses on unfamiliar words, and the subjects also moved freely in the room, avoiding obstacles (armchairs, chairs)... Subject K.Z. wearing a “blind” thermoplastic mask, she confidently, without delay, named signs, and also described pictures on the computer screen, the existence of which she had not been warned about. Based on the results of the exposure, 100% identification of the presentations in the files was noted, as well as a coincidence of the records of the two protocols. The protocols were signed by the study participants and are stored in the archives of the Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences...

In order to check the repeatability of the results and statistically evaluate the differences, it was decided to conduct further research in such a way that in one session the subject would work both without a mask (condition I) and with a mask (condition II). With subject V.B. Two such sessions were held. In the first session, the subject performed 120 trials without a mask, then 240 trials with a mask, and another 120 trials without a mask. In the second session, the sequence of work with and without a mask was reversed.

When visually observing the behavior of the subjects under study, a convincing impression is indeed created that they have the ability to see when closed eyes, i.e. presence of an alternative vision. Study with subject K.Z. in the laboratory of S.V. Medvedev showed that a person is able to see images on the screen with his eyes completely covered by a mask. The use of a laboratory-made mask and double-blind control significantly reduces the possibility of manipulation of the results by subjects or their teachers. The possibility of fraud, moreover, is unlikely if we take into account that the contingent of subjects were mainly teenagers, some with serious visual impairments. Thus, one should conclude that the phenomenon of “alternative vision” exists.

Physicist S. Davitaya proposed to evaluate the formation of alternative vision as a phenomenon of direct vision, thereby emphasizing that we're talking about about the possibility of direct information entering the brain, bypassing the senses. And this once again emphasizes that information about the world around us comes to a person not only through the senses. The phenomenon of “alternative vision” is directly related to the human wave structure. Information about the surrounding world, reflected directly in wave structures, is transmitted to the corpuscular level (to the brain), stimulating visual images in the corresponding parts of the brain.

This unique phenomenon indicates that in human evolution, current superpowers will become ordinary, ordinary properties of every person in the future. Thus, we can conclude that both the alternative vision and the phenomenon of the “soul” leaving the body during clinical death have the same nature, and is explained in the nature of the human wave structure.

Another example about superpowers from an article by N. Bekhtereva. More than thirty years ago, stimulating one of the subcortical nuclei, neurophysiologist V.M. Smirnov saw how the patient literally before his eyes became twice as “smarter”: his ability to remember more than doubled. Before stimulation of a certain point in the brain, the patient remembered 7+2 (that is, within normal limits) words. And immediately after stimulation - 15 or more. It was an artificially induced superpower of the human brain. The stimulation was short, the phenomenon “didn’t stick,” but, nevertheless, it answered the question of what and how provides superpowers. It became clear that the activation of certain, and probably many, brain structures plays a crucial role in providing intellectual superpowers. As N. Bekhtereva writes: “We were all so afraid then of the possible cost of the brain for the superpowers that were so suddenly revealed. After all, they were revealed here not in real conditions of insight, but in a semi-controlled, instrumental way.”

I can’t help but cite as an example the unique superpowers of the polyglot man Willie Melnikov, who knows 103 (!) foreign languages, and with whom I am personally familiar. After being seriously wounded in the head and concussed during the war in Afghanistan, not only his ability to foreign languages, but also completely new creative possibilities opened up. As he himself defines, a new language is only considered learned when one begins to write poetry in that language.

Components of superpossibility

Now let’s talk about how the phenomenon of “superpower” can be realized in the human body. Since we are more interested in objective indicators of the phenomenon, we will use studies of the electrical activity of the brain. It is known that electroencephalograms of the human brain reveal several basic rhythms of brain activity.

1. delta rhythm (from 0.5 to 4 Hz, A - 50-500 μV) is recorded during deep sleep, is not accompanied by dreams, this is the rhythm of an unconscious state;
2. theta rhythm (from 5 to 7 Hz, A - 10-30 μV) corresponds to sleep with dreams, as well as hypnotic and trance states of consciousness, this is the rhythm of the subconscious;
3. alpha rhythm (from 8 to 13 Hz, A - up to 100 μV) is observed in states of deep rest, calm wakefulness, prolonged monotonous activity, this is the rhythm of calm consciousness;
4. beta rhythm (from 15 to 35 Hz, A - 5-30 μV) is observed during active work brain Each participating nerve cell discharges according to its specific function at its own rhythm. As a result, activity becomes completely asynchronous and is recorded in the form of fast waves of high frequency and low amplitude. The frequency of these waves varies from 13 to 26 Hz, and the amplitude decreases as brain activity increases. This is the rhythm of active consciousness.
5. gamma rhythm (from 35 to 100 Hz, A - 15 μV), observed when solving problems that require maximum concentrated attention, this rhythm is associated with a state of creative elation, emotional excitement (some researchers suggest eliminating the concept of gamma rhythm and using the expression "high-frequency beta rhythm").

The main rhythms are arranged in increasing frequency, starting with the slowest delta rhythm and ending with the high-frequency gamma rhythm. The state of consciousness in each case, as can be seen from the table, changes from a state of deep rest to active and overactive. As you can see, there is a clear correlation between brain activity and oscillation frequency. We can conclude that the evolution of individual consciousness is carried out due to an increase in the frequency of oscillations of brain activity. The amplitude is also indicative in this case. The amplitude of slow oscillations is significantly greater than that of fast ones. Thus, interpolating the above correlations, the brain in the future should learn to produce fast oscillations with high amplitude, which is confirmed by studies of the brain of a blind girl during training in alternative vision. Describing the study of the biopotentials of Larisa’s brain, N. Bekhtereva points to the dominance of the beta rhythm and single and group sharp waves. As Bekhtereva herself suggests, in in this case It is legitimate to talk about the use of Larisa’s brain in the conditions of her life’s super task not only of ordinary excitatory processes, but also of hyperexcitation, which is reflected in the EEG. Analysis of infraslow potentials also emphasized the high dynamism, depth and intensity of physiological changes in Larisa’s brain.

Consequently, the evolution of the brain, associated with an increase in the frequency of fluctuations in brain activity, will require maximum concentrated attention from a person against a background of hyperexcitation, i.e. in a state of high creative enthusiasm and emotional excitement. However, there is a “but” here. The fact is that this condition is associated with epileptiform activity, and more simply put, it is typical for patients with epilepsy in the most severe form. Those. During an objective study, it was possible to show that in the electroencephalogram (EEG) training in alternative vision manifests conditionally pathological mechanisms that work beyond the norm. This means that if a person wishes to learn alternative vision, it is quite possible that he will simply become an epileptic instead.
Pathology, in this case epilepsy, manifests itself when high-amplitude electrical activity that occurs in a certain area of ​​the brain involves almost the entire brain in synchronous activity as a result of resonance phenomena. An obstacle to the spread of such resonance phenomena is defense mechanisms, caused by ultra-slow physiological processes that are associated with an emotional component. Although this form of defense can also have its own pathological face - when intensified, the defense prevents the development of emotions, up to the appearance of conditions defined as emotional dullness. As you can see, learning alternative vision is a very subtle process, bordering on both sides with different forms of pathologies.

But, what should also be emphasized, the implementation of learning is possible only if a person is not driven by curiosity, but by a real internal need. Because only in this case are true deep inner experiences available, forming a variable component of the U-field, which in turn generates a variable component of the S-field, which together gives rise to a stable pattern of alternative vision. The inhibitory mechanisms of this process (i.e., so that the process does not turn into pathology) are located both at the wave and at the corpuscular level, in particular, in the brain.

Why do I dwell in such detail on the description of the learning mechanism, because the development of superpowers is possible in exceptional conditions, in fact, on the verge of human capabilities, or in clinical cases on the verge of life and death. Superpowers of “ordinary” people manifest themselves when it is necessary to solve super-tasks. At the same time, the brain is able to use conditionally pathological mechanisms in order to optimize its work, in particular, hyperactivation, which is natural only with sufficient protection that prevents the powerful assistant from turning into an epileptic discharge. Yes, you have to pay for everything, and again I think with sadness that the task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for creating the world. Larissa developed an alternative vision because she had no other choice. Willy Melnikov discovered phenomenal abilities for foreign languages, because there was no other way to overcome severe headaches after a concussion.

I want to finish the analysis of this sublevel with the words of Vernadsky: “...All of humanity, taken together, represents an insignificant mass of matter on the planet. Its power is connected not with its matter, but with its brain, with its mind and its work directed by this mind... Noosphere there is a new geological phenomenon on our planet. In it, for the first time, man becomes the largest geological force. He can and must rebuild the area of ​​his life with his work and thought..."

Causal sublevel (40th level)

The causal sublevel of the sixth level determines new human capabilities in managing natural and social systems. We have already said that finding more general systemic patterns removes the restrictions imposed by interactive laws. And within the framework of human superpowers that have emerged, his managerial aspirations will become comparable to a planetary, interplanetary (and more) scale. Let's consider what the mechanism of such a transformation is associated with.

As mentioned above, each specific pattern consists of a set of interactions of a certain type within a certain system, and at the same time has a particular character in a more complex system. general patterns. For example, specific laws of a socio-economic formation specify social patterns in relation to given political, economic, socio-psychological characteristics, and general social laws grow from even more universal laws considered by systems theory, in combination with defining characteristics social form movements (Nazaretyan A.P., 1991, p. 148). Access to the supersystem level allows you to change certain parameters of the system and its fundamental constants, which in turn change the laws operating in it.

The activity of purposeful humanity constantly creates new conditions under which uncontrollable variables become controllable, i.e. the same objective laws (social, biological) manifest themselves differently and lead to different results than under previous conditions. This means that by controlling the conditions of the process over a wider range, it is possible to purposefully change the implementation of objective laws. Thus, an intellectual subject, controlling processes on a scale comparable to the scale of an integral system, thereby determines the content of the laws that develop in it: relying on more universal networks of dependencies, changing (expanding) the set of determining factors, he transforms laws of a more specific order . This assumption implies the prospect of control over fairly deep physical processes. In the extreme, this means that humanity is gaining the ability to change the nature of physical laws almost on a galactic scale.

But in any case, the ability to change physical laws, even if only on our planet, will become a reality only when quantitative calculations of changes in entropy and negentropy in proposed actions become an indispensable condition when making any decisions. Currently, a certain system of universal human values ​​is trying to perform this function. Therefore, if such preventive actions will allow humanity to prevent in advance the irreversible increase in entropy in environment, which can lead to an irreversible catastrophe, then we can talk about the reality of the continued existence of humanity.

A person’s awareness of his own place on a planetary scale gives him the basis to make the right decisions when participating in events that may affect the interests of the entire biosphere, taking into account all the consequences of the decisions made. In this case, competent pragmatic assessments also acquire the status of highly moral assessments, where the concept of morality determines the shift of proprietary interests towards the interests of the supersystem, i.e. the whole society. It is clear how the concept of morality intersects with the concept of protecting the interests of the supersystem. Thus, at this sublevel, the defining criterion of mental structures that claim to be a global information model is their morality, i.e. the ability of information models not only to perform advanced modeling, but also its ability to foresee catastrophic consequences in the decision-making process. This allows us to conclude that a sufficiently high level of intellectual development turns morality, for its part, into a critical tool for checking the appropriateness of actions.

Formation of your own value system

Control sublevel (41 steps)

For the control sublevel, the main criteria that determine the appropriateness of the actions of developing systems become a system of moral values, which is organically integrated into the information model. Therefore, the criterion of the control level is the formation of a critical instrument for checking for expediency in the form of morality and morality (with sufficient high level intellectual development) as an anti-entropy function. And this should be a system of normative regulators that takes into account the quantitative change in entropy and negentropy in the supersystem.

The value system of society is built on the moral principles of each individual. Consequently, the evolution of moral social systems will be determined by the evolution of each person individually, since through the internal transformation of individuals, a moral transformation of the entire society is possible. Therefore, the formation of one’s own value system plays an important role in the evolution of the planet.

Since evolutionary transformations consist in structuring the energy of the U and S fields, i.e. to transfer it to a low-entropy state, then the task of each person is to accumulate negentropy in his own wave structures. We are considering 49 stages in the evolution of the planet, each of which has its own integral structure shell (ISM). Man, being a part of the ISM, also has 49 shells. The accumulation of negentropy on each of them is an extremely difficult task, therefore it is not possible to accomplish this in one life, so we have to incarnate again and again in different human bodies, because Only at the corpuscular level there is the possibility of accumulation of negentropy. The incarnation of a person into a physical body with the specific goal of accumulating negentropy at a certain level determines his a priori goals, or his goal-setting function. But, as we have already found out, a priori development goals are most often practically impossible to determine. In this case, they are replaced by certain internal ideals, which a person unconsciously strives for throughout his life.

In addition to abstract ideals, a person also has his own value system. And if the ideals of a person are provided by the ISM, or rather, the holonomic level of human development, then the personal system of values, basically, is developed by everyone himself, and it is usually determined by his control level. Therefore, when talking about moral values, you need to understand how they differ from ideals. In fact, ideals are united in their essence and can emerge or become more specific throughout human life, but the value system is not unique; it may well change depending on circumstances. A specific value system is developed by the control sublevel of a person and usually helps for a certain period of time. Most often, moral values ​​are not generally valid, in other words, virtues that become real values ​​for one person may leave another completely indifferent. They are able to determine the main direction life path person over periods of years or decades. Therefore, the value system differs from holonomic ideals in much greater concreteness.

Like any other autonomous system, a value system can go a long way in the evolutionary development of each person, which is expressed in the periodic change of one system to another. A change in moral values ​​is perceived by a person as a fundamental change in fate. New ideals that arise to replace the old ones only clarify the direction of human development. And the old, outdated ideal seems not clear enough or too crude, but never the opposite of the current one. But value systems can sometimes literally be turned inside out, which is often accompanied by severe stress and temporary loss of ground under your feet, but you need to look for it, and sometimes new values ​​are discovered in a completely unexpected place. In this case, it must be remembered that the holonomic sublevel is a natural protection for the control sublevel. Metaphorically speaking, a real ideal gives a person orientation in space, and a real value creates a feeling of solid ground under his feet and a feeling of actually walking the path.

And again, “His Majesty” conflict comes to the forefront of evolutionary progress if a person consciously resists the fulfillment of existential (holonomic) goals. Now the nature of internal conflicts is that holonomic goals, expressed by existential values, are repressed into the subconscious when it becomes clear to a person that he is not able to achieve them. As a rule, this repressed part strongly contradicts and does not agree well with the one reflected in consciousness. If values ​​are in an unconscious state, at the level of instincts, then they act in the same way as suppressed instincts act. And any suppressed content inevitably provokes false attitudes. Now these repressed elements return to consciousness in a distorted form. Since ideals, presenting certain requirements for fulfillment specific tasks, force a person to work all the time on his own improvement, because Only by eliminating shortcomings in one’s own nature can a person reach a new level of development. But instead, the subconscious helpfully gives the person the attitude that there are no shortcomings. In this case, a breakthrough occurs to the causal level, and all repressed shortcomings will manifest themselves at the event level through external conflicts.

Such conflicts are best viewed as a mirror that provides a person with the opportunity to see himself from the outside. Internal problems are highlighted in clashes with other people, and the more a person does not want to see shortcomings in himself, the more often conflicts occur. It is useful to learn to constantly attribute irritation and displeasure with the object of external contemplation to one’s own account, remembering that the visible imperfections of the external world are nothing more than a symbolic reflection of the shortcomings of the internal one, so when we are irritated by the sloppiness of children, in fact this is a transferred reaction to our own carelessness. And again, thanks to conflicts, a person is able to evolve. The ability to correctly understand the conflict that has arisen and see it the real reason, lying inside one’s own distorted vision of “your beloved self,” helps to correctly form your own value system. The educational process aimed at inner world helping a child understand his own experiences is the only way to promote a correct perception of the world. Again we return to the original thesis: we understand the world through ourselves and through ourselves.

The questions raised here, from my point of view, are the most relevant, because... show that the problems of learning and moral education are on a different plane than we imagine. We can and should talk a lot about this, convincing that a person’s own world, his essential experiences are inseparable from the external world, interconnected with it, and determined by its laws. I touch on many issues very briefly because I do not want the length of the text to exceed reasonable limits. And here, too, you have to cut yourself off, although the conversation has just begun.

Holonomic sublevel (42nd level)

The formation of an intellectual subject capable of controlling the processes occurring in the supersystem leads to the idea that absolute natural limits to the possibilities of intellectual control are excluded natural processes any scale. Moreover, according to system-wide laws, the transformation of intelligence into an active metagalactic factor is theoretically inevitable. Due to the presence of an effective mechanism through which the prohibitions imposed by objective laws are overcome, the transformation of intelligence is especially clearly realized in human technological activity. But at the same time, we cannot assume that this process is inevitable, because at any moment it can be interrupted due to the death of humanity. We cannot downplay the system-wide patterns that were initially inherent in evolutionary development. Perhaps an uncontrolled increase in entropy will lead to the destruction of only humanity, preserving the biosphere in a more or less intact state. Whether it be a nuclear war or new incurable diseases caused by environmental violations, for example, it can be assumed that further environmental pollution will cause the transformation of AIDS viruses, which will become airborne, and then the death of all humanity will be inevitable. Then, due to the fact that only humanity will perish, the mental (fourth) level of creation will be freed, which will have to be filled with developing intelligence on a new biological basis. One can even guess what biological species will be able to occupy the vacated trophic “mental” niche. Reading about the amazing abilities of rats in the field of survival, using the rudiments of individual consciousness, it is quite possible to assume that rats will participate in the development of the next civilization. Even the fact that after testing nuclear weapons in Pacific Ocean on one of the atolls, of all the living creatures, only rats remained alive, which speaks in favor of the fact that after the Third World War it is quite possible that a rat “humanity” will be created. It is not difficult now to understand that the legends about a highly developed civilization associated with Atlantis may also have a real basis, because its disappearance was most likely due to an increase in entropy in the environment. Although this could not necessarily be associated with pollution of the physical environment, but, say, with an increase in entropy at the mental level of creation. Here we are talking about the fact that an increase in entropy at any earthly level leads to the self-destruction of any self-organizing systems. After the destruction of Atlantis, the mental level began to be filled on the basis of new biological creatures associated with the order of primates, from which a new humanity, belonging to Homo sapiens, soon arose. It would not be bad, in this case, to consider the disappearance of Atlantis one of the best warnings to us, i.e. to all current humanity. And if someone is outraged by the fact that the Christian God could easily drown the sinful, from His point of view, humanity, then the problem here is not to save humanity, but to save at least the planet. Because otherwise there will be neither humanity nor animals and flora, no planet at all.

Thus, the concepts of morality and morality, which are responsible for the increase and decrease of entropy in the supersystem, become one of the main anti-entropy functions of self-organizing systems. Therefore, for example, the high anti-entropic orientation inherent in the commandments of Jesus Christ makes the value system proclaimed by him universal. Only thanks to its anti-entropy, it existed for 2 thousand years, and will continue to exist as long as any other physical laws. Now it is not difficult to logically prove the rationality of any of the commandments given in the Gospel, based on the proposed concept of existing patterns. And the action of the anti-entropy mechanism in each of them practically becomes obvious. Christ taught his system of values, not based on any physical laws; they simply did not exist at that time, so his commandments had to be taken solely on faith. But now we can already understand that morality and morality are the essence of the category of knowledge, not faith. How would you answer the question: “Do you believe that your tooth hurts”? If a person clearly realizes that he has a toothache, then the question of faith simply will not arise. We believe or disbelieve only if we do not have specific knowledge. So the question of faith in God is determined only because we do not know whether He really exists or not. But if a logical information model appears in which the presence of God is an indispensable attribute, which is at the same time capable of logically describing all the interdependencies of the surrounding world, then the question of faith disappears by itself.

Despite the fact that we have defined the control level of the planet as an evolutionary stage of social consciousness, it is clear that at first only some individuals will begin to master it. So, at the previous level, we established that the ability to create vortex flows of mental energy allows a person to control the causes of events within his own destiny. Now the ability to combine many flows into a single field will allow one to influence the course of events of the entire society, for example, an entire nation.

Controlling the flows of external energy that create the causes of certain events radically changes our ideas about the reality of the world, since such control becomes available to actions that go beyond the limits of known cause-and-effect relationships. That is why natural absolute limits to the possibilities of intellectual control of natural processes of any scale are practically excluded, which in turn gave rise to the concept of a “miracle” among the people. Although Blessed Augustine in the 3rd century AD. e. said: “A miracle is a phenomenon that does not contradict the laws of nature. A miracle is a phenomenon that contradicts our ideas about the laws of nature.”

People who have reached the control level of creation in their development can realize the truths of this level and learn to manage cause-and-effect relationships that influence the historical course of society. Thanks to this, such people began to be called prophets, and the control level can therefore also be called the level of prophets, just as the causal level was called the level of geniuses. In this case, we can call a prophet a person who has localized in his consciousness, or, in other words, has in his information model, not only established cause-and-effect relationships, but also the ability to use them, changing any situation in the right direction. Therefore, we will assume that any person who reaches the sixth level becomes a prophet. For example, Jesus Christ. Just think about what kind of personal energy you need to have in order to change the fate of the world for the next two thousand years! We can name several more famous personalities who managed to change the fate of the world: Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc.

Podvodny A. 1992, p.54
Podvodny A. 1992, p.84
Jung K.G. 1994, p.132
Podvodny A. 1992, p.79
Nazaretyan A.P., 1991, p.184

Human behavior in different extreme situations can be different:

People experience fear, danger and confusion

They experience feelings of impasse and discomfort

They behave recklessly, apathetically, do not look for a way out of the current situation,

Others, on the contrary, are in a hurry to make a rash decision.

In an extreme situation, you need to concentrate, calm down, begin to analyze, evaluate and, if possible, control the situation. In these conditions, it is necessary to communicate constructively and positively with others, use relaxation techniques, and have an understanding of survival and safety.

In extreme conditions, a person must focus on studying the situation, on the specific situation in which he finds himself. You need to know that danger can come from anywhere, so it is difficult to predict. In the event of an unexpected turn of events, the main thing is not to get confused and to adequately perceive the event. Practice shows that in emergency situations a person temporarily experiences a state of confusion, when he does not perceive what he sees and hear, and his perception of the environment around him decreases.

However, a person quickly gets used to it and begins to perceive what is happening adequately. Later, a state of fatigue and overwork sets in. In these conditions, the level of anxiety should not be allowed to become unbearable, because this leads to breakdowns aggressive behavior against others and even against himself. A constant state of tension is dangerous for human health, because... quickly depletes his psycho-physiological capabilities and leads to errors in behavior.

An experienced person who has experienced or previously worked in crisis conditions feels better protected and experiences less stress. However, this phenomenon can not only be positive, but also carries with it Negative consequences, because A constant threat provokes nervous tension in the body.

It is very important to correctly navigate real and imaginary threats and learn to overcome fear.

In extreme conditions, a person develops a complex of reactions that mobilizes all psychophysiological potential. It is he who helps to find support, master oneself and cope with the situation, and sometimes accomplish what seems beyond human strength. Help always inspires trust and respect for a person. This might come in handy. One of the main tasks is to avoid injury. But if such a nuisance does happen to you, do not panic and do not rush to say goodbye to life.

Realize that the worst is behind you. You are alive and must survive. Keep in mind that, according to statistics, the majority of those who die from wounds are people who panicked. They die from fear, from shock, and not from the consequences of injury. Predicting the development of the situation in disaster zones is a dubious task. Anything can happen. Do not indulge in adventures involving penetration into the affected area. Don't play with death.

In case of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and other emergency situations, mass casualties of people can occur suddenly and simultaneously. A huge number of wounded and injured will need first aid. There simply are not enough professionals - nurses and doctors for each victim, and they cannot always arrive in the area of ​​disaster as quickly as the situation requires. That is why immediate assistance can only be provided by those who are close to the victim in the form of mutual aid, or by the victim himself, if he is capable, in the order of self-help.

Explosions during terrorist acts, fires, earthquakes, floods, landslides, transport accidents - all of them usually lead to numerous casualties. The role of timely and skillfully provided medical care is undeniable. Its main and main principle- warning and mitigation dangerous consequences. First medical aid is provided at the site of the injury, and its type is determined by the nature of the damage, the condition of the victim and the specific situation in the area emergency.

The problem of the state, behavior and activities of people in extreme situations

The problem of the state, behavior and activities of people in extreme situations with a vital threat in last years is of serious concern to scientists and practitioners around the world. However, until now, the main attention of researchers has been focused primarily on studying the consequences of such situations - medical-psychological, economic, socio-political, etc. It should probably be recognized that, despite the significant amount of sufficiently substantiated data on the impact of various extreme factors and features of the organization of rescue and anti-terrorism operations, a number of aspects of the problem, in particular, the dynamics of the condition and behavior of victims and hostages are among the least studied to date. At the same time, it is the specificity of the reactions of victims, as well as their dynamics over time, that largely determine the strategy and tactics of anti-terrorist operations, rescue, medical and medical-psychological measures, both directly during an emergency and subsequently.

Results of a study of people exposed to extreme factors during military, anti-terrorist operations and disasters

In the abstract we will consider the generalized results of studying the state, mental and behavioral reactions, as well as the activities of people exposed to extreme factors. These data were obtained by M.M. Reshetnikov in the process of research conducted during and after military operations accompanied by significant losses in Afghanistan (1986), an earthquake in Armenia (1988), the disaster of two passenger trains as a result of a gas explosion near Ufa (1989), and the rescue of the crew of the Komsomolets submarine ( 1989), as well as a survey of military personnel and rescuers undergoing rehabilitation after anti-terrorist operations and an analytical study of materials from other similar situations.

Due to the specific conditions and taking into account ethical principles, the examination involved mainly victims, military personnel and rescuers who either did not need emergency medical care or belonged to the category of victims with mild and moderate severity of injuries. Because of this, most of the data obtained were characterized by a certain fragmentation, and holistic ideas were formed by comparing disparate observations.

The data obtained made it possible to distinguish 6 successive stages in the dynamics of the condition of victims (without severe injuries):

1. “Vital reactions” - lasting from several seconds to 5 - 15 minutes, when behavior is almost completely subordinated to the imperative of preserving one’s own life, with a characteristic narrowing of consciousness, reduction of moral norms and restrictions, disturbances in the perception of time intervals and the strength of external and internal stimuli (including the phenomena of psychogenic hypo- and analgesia even with injuries accompanied by bone fractures, wounds and burns of 1-2 degrees up to 40% of the body surface). This period is characterized by the implementation of predominantly instinctive forms of behavior, which subsequently transform into a short-term (nevertheless with very wide variability) state of numbness. The duration and severity of vital reactions largely depends on the suddenness of the impact of an extreme factor. For example, during sudden powerful tremors, as during an earthquake in Armenia, or a train crash near Ufa at night, when most passengers were sleeping, there were cases when, realizing the instinct of self-preservation, people jumped out of the windows of swaying houses or burning cars, onto some seconds “forgetting” about your loved ones. But, if they did not receive significant damage, after a few seconds social regulation was restored, and they again threw themselves into collapsing buildings or flaming carriages. If it was not possible to save loved ones, this determined the course of all subsequent stages, the specifics of the condition and the prognosis of psychopathology for a very long period. Subsequent attempts to rationally dissuade people from the fact that instinctive forms of behavior cannot be resisted or resisted turned out to be ineffective. Appealing to the latest tragic events, it should be recognized that, in part, a similar situation was observed after the sudden explosion of a mine and the start of the mass execution of hostages.

2. “The stage of acute psycho-emotional shock with phenomena of overmobilization.” This stage, as a rule, developed following a short-term state of numbness, lasted from 3 to 5 hours and was characterized by general mental stress, extreme mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, heightened perception and increased speed of thought processes, manifestations of reckless courage (especially when saving loved ones) with a simultaneous decrease critical assessment of the situation, but maintaining the ability to carry out purposeful activities. The emotional state during this period was dominated by a feeling of despair, accompanied by feelings of dizziness and headache, as well as palpitations, dry mouth, thirst and difficulty breathing. Behavior during this period is subordinated almost exclusively to the imperative of saving loved ones with the subsequent implementation of ideas about morality, professional and official duty. Despite the presence of rational components, it is during this period that panic reactions are most likely to manifest and infect others with them, which can significantly complicate rescue operations. Up to 30% of those examined, with a subjective assessment of the deterioration of their condition, simultaneously noted an increase in physical strength and performance by 1.5–2 times or more. The end of this stage can be either prolonged, with the gradual appearance of a feeling of exhaustion, or it can occur suddenly, instantly, when the active people found themselves in a state close to stupor or fainting, regardless of the situation.

3. “Stage of psychophysiological demobilization” - its duration is up to three days. In the vast majority of cases, the onset of this stage was associated with an understanding of the scale of the tragedy (“stress of awareness”) and contacts with those seriously injured and the bodies of the dead, as well as the arrival of rescue and medical teams. The most characteristic of this period were a sharp deterioration in well-being and psycho-emotional state with a predominance of a feeling of confusion (up to a state of a kind of prostration), individual panic reactions (often of an irrational nature, but realized without any energy potential), a decrease in moral normative behavior, refusal from any activity and motivation for it. At the same time, pronounced depressive tendencies and disturbances in the function of attention and memory were observed (as a rule, those examined cannot at all clearly remember what they were doing at that time, but, naturally, these gaps are then “filled”). The leading complaints during this period were nausea, “heaviness” in the head, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite, severe weakness, slowness and difficulty breathing, and tremors of the extremities.

4. The subsequent dynamics of the condition and well-being of the victims is largely determined by the specifics of the impact of extreme factors, the injuries received and the moral and psychological situation after the tragic events. Following the “psychophysiological demobilization” (with relatively high individual variability in terms), the development of the 4th stage, the “resolution stage” (from 3 to 12 days), was observed with sufficient consistency. During this period, according to subjective assessment, mood and well-being gradually stabilized. However, according to the results of objective data and participant observation, the vast majority of those examined retained a reduced emotional background, limited contact with others, hypomimia (mask-like appearance), decreased intonation coloring of speech, slowness of movements, sleep and appetite disturbances, as well as various psychosomatic reactions (mainly from the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and hormonal sphere). By the end of this period, the majority of the victims had a desire to “speak out,” which was implemented selectively, aimed primarily at persons who were not eyewitnesses of the tragic events, and was accompanied by some agitation. This phenomenon, which is part of the system of natural psychological defense mechanisms (“rejection of memories through their verbalization”), in a number of cases brought significant relief to the victims. At the same time, dreams that were absent in previous periods were restored, including those with disturbing and nightmare content, in various options transformed the impressions of tragic events.

Against the background of subjective signs of some improvement in the condition, a further decrease in psychophysiological reserves (by the type of hyperactivation) was objectively noted, the phenomena of overwork progressively increased, and indicators of physical and mental performance decreased significantly.

5. The “restoration stage” of the psychophysiological state (5th) began mainly at the end of the second week after exposure to the extreme factor and was initially most clearly manifested in behavioral reactions: interpersonal communication intensified, the emotional coloring of speech and facial reactions began to normalize, jokes appeared for the first time, causing emotional response from others, dreams were restored in the majority of those examined. In the state of the physiological sphere, no positive dynamics were detected at this stage either. Clinical forms of psychopathology, with the exception of transient and situational reactions, were not observed in the “acute” period (up to two weeks) after exposure to extreme factors. The main forms of transient psychopathology (according to the leading symptom) in victims, as a rule, are: asthenic and depressive states - 56%; psychogenic stupor - 23%; general psychomotor agitation - 11%; pronounced negativism with symptoms of autism - 4%; delusional-hallucinatory reactions (mainly during the drowsy period) - 3%; inadequacy, euphoria - 3%.

6. More late dates(after a month) in 12% - 22% of victims, persistent sleep disturbances, unmotivated fears, recurring nightmares, obsessions, delusional-hallucinatory states and some others were detected, and signs of astheno-neurotic reactions in combination with psychosomatic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems were determined in 75% of victims (“delayed reaction stage”). At the same time, internal and external conflict potential increased, requiring special approaches.

Appealing to the events in Beslan, it should be recognized that the severity and dynamics of the condition of the victims may be significantly different. When a person loses his parents, the world becomes empty, but, nevertheless, sad as it is, this corresponds to everyday ideas and the natural course of events. When children die, all the colors of the world fade, for many years and decades, and sometimes forever.

A few words about the modification of society. The intensification of basic anxiety and the deterioration of the psychophysiological state of people, even those located thousands of kilometers from the tragedy, is a well-known fact, which is based on the inevitable psycho-emotional inclusion of the subject in any observation. It would be worth especially emphasizing that it is “observation” (or “visual sequence”, the broadcast of which, it seems, should be “dosed” against the backdrop of full meaningful coverage of events). The inevitable psycho-emotional inclusion forms the phenomenon of “complicity” and subsequent identifications. The main form of identification in a cultural community is identification with victims and survivors, which suggests the need for broad social therapy. However, in some cases, defensive-unconscious “identification with the aggressor” is possible (especially among young people), which can lead to an increase in delinquency and crime.

After such tragic situations, as a rule, the unity of the nation increases and at the same time people feel the need for some bright changes, so that everything in life becomes more honest, noble, sincere, better than it was before, which imposes special obligations on representatives of all government bodies.

The human body is created with a large reserve of capabilities. It has been established that the human spine under extreme conditions can withstand a load of 10 tons.

A person uses the reserve of safety endowed by Nature very rarely, once or twice in his entire life, and sometimes this reserve may turn out to be completely unclaimed. Safety margin is a guarantee of our survival, biological protection, and is used only when it comes to life and death.

Fear and a sense of self-preservation at the time of an extreme situation “allows” the human body to fully use this reserve, but most people resort to their emergency reserve quite rarely. But once a person has used the entire reserve of his capabilities, then for the rest of his life he never ceases to be amazed at how he managed to do it.

In front of face mortal danger When the threat to life is colossal and death seems inevitable, the human body can work miracles. There are many examples of this.

An elderly man, when he was chased by an angry bull, literally jumped over a two-meter fence, although in his youth he was not an athlete.

The polar pilot was repairing his plane and suddenly saw a polar bear behind him, who lightly pushed the pilot on the shoulder with its paw, as if inviting him to look back. In the next fractions of a second, the pilot was already standing on the wing of the plane, located above the surface of the earth at an altitude of about two meters. Later, the pilot could not explain how he managed to do this.

A child is under the wheel of a car, and his mother, in order to save her child, lifts the car as if the car had no weight.

In St. Petersburg, a two-year-old child fell out of a 7th floor window; his mother barely managed to grab her child with one hand; with her other hand she held onto the brick of the cornice. Moreover, she did not hold on with the whole hand, but only with the index and middle fingers, but with a “death grip”. When the woman was removed, her rescuers, with great effort, barely unclenched her fingers. Then they spent several more hours calming down and persuading the woman to let go of her child’s hand.

There is a known case when, during a flight, a bolt got under the pedal in the cockpit of an airplane and the control jammed. To save his life and the car, the pilot pressed the pedal so hard that he cut off the bolt like a blade of grass.

The Nedelya newspaper published an interview with pilot I.M. Chisov, whose plane was shot down by a Messerschmitt in January 1942 over Vyazma. “...the plane began to fall belly up. I had to leave the car. The astro hatch, through which you can get out, turned out to be below my head (and I myself was upside down). Well, the altitude began to take its toll: the hoses leading to the oxygen devices were broken. And the hatch cover latch got jammed! If they had told me before that the astro hatch could be knocked out with a punch, I would never have believed it; but I discovered it in exactly this way (I still don’t understand how I did it), - said I.M. Chisov.

There was a fire in the house, and the old woman, “God’s dandelion,” saving her lifelong possessions, dragged a huge chest from the second floor of the burning house. After the fire, two young, healthy guys hardly carried this chest onto his former place.

In 1997, two fairly tipsy Belarusians climbed into an enclosure with bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha; they wanted to pet the bison. Either she didn’t like the smell of alcohol, or she wasn’t in the mood for a lyrical wave, she didn’t accept the tenderness of her fans. Literally after a few minutes of their acquaintance, one of them was sitting on the fence, and the second, less agile, was slightly touched by a horn. The drunkenness passed instantly, the only hope was for my feet. He found himself on the other side of the three-meter fence in the blink of an eye. Since there were no witnesses to their record, the super-fast running and jumping over an obstacle were not included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 1998, the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” told readers about such a case that happened to a carpenter from the taiga village of Bazhenovka (Kemerovo region). A carpenter was walking through the taiga and came across a sleeping bear. His fear was so great that he grabbed a log lying nearby and ran with it as fast as he could to his home, three kilometers away. Only in the courtyard of the house did the carpenter throw down the log and catch his breath. Later, when he wanted to remove this log from the road, he could not even lift it. To this day, the carpenter cannot understand why he needed this log, because without it he could have run much faster.

On winter road an accident occurred that resulted in human casualties. To save her injured 40-year-old son, a 70-year-old woman put him on her back and walked 13 km through deep snow with such a burden, never stopping or lowering her precious burden. When rescuers on a snowmobile made their way to the scene of the accident, following the woman’s footprints, all along the way they saw only the tracks of one pair of feet.

Human capabilities are revealed not only in stressful situations. But also as a result of long-term training, for example, among athletes. Previously, athletes did not even imagine that they could reach a height of 2 m 35 cm, that they could jump 8 m 90 cm in length, that they could lift a barbell of 500 kg in three movements: snatch, clean and jerk, bench press. In August 1985, 23-year-old athlete from Kyiv Rudolf Povarnitsyn cleared the 240 cm bar in the high jump. And literally a few days later, another athlete Igor Paklin conquered a height of 241 cm. The javelin throwers overcame the 95-meter mark. In June 2005, 22-year-old Jamaican runner Asafa Powell set a new world record in the 100-meter dash of 9.77 seconds. Now athletes dream of jumping in height over 241 cm, long jumping 9 m, and lifting half a ton in two movements.

Having lived their lives, most mortals never make use of their capabilities, but each of us is pleased to realize that somewhere deep within you lie enormous forces, that you have a colossal memory, which in a moment of mortal danger can save your life.


From time to time, weightlifters remind society of themselves with their original tricks with weights, setting records in the process. The press does not forget to tell its readers about this.

In the Basque Country (Spain), traditional weight lifting competitions are regularly held. In 1987, Inaki Perurena was recognized as the strongest among the Basques: he lifted a concrete block weighing 300 kg three times in a row.

At the end of the twentieth century, a teacher at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, Captain Vyacheslav Khoronenko, made a serious claim about himself. At first, the athlete's favorite sports equipment there were weights. Using weights of varying weights, he set many weight lifting achievements - more than 70 national records, more than 10 top world records. So, during the course of 24 hours he lifted a one-pound weight 18,108 times (almost 300 tons) - an absolute world record.
The athlete pushed a two-pound weight, sitting in a split, until he broke the record listed in the Guinness Book of Records - 55 times. Setting records on the platform was not enough for the weightlifter, and he, with a two-pound weight, sank to the bottom of the pool and, sitting in the splits, lifted the weight 21 times in 52 seconds - the time for which he managed to hold his breath. It could be argued that Archimedes' law applies underwater. Indeed, water makes the weight 7-8 kg lighter, but the conditions for lifting weights are not entirely suitable for humans.

V. Khoronenko soon got tired of weights. In addition, it turned out that in Europe weights are not taken seriously. There, spectators admire the lifting of weights, but some special kind of weights. For example, in Holland, athletes lift and throw boulders at a distance. The Belarusian strongman replaced the weights with a 40-kilogram keg of beer, and after some time set an absolute world record: within 24 hours he lifted the keg 3,150 times, for a total of 126 tons. At the same time, it was necessary to comply with strict conditions: rest only 5 minutes after every hour of lifting weights.

In 2000, Sergei Matskevich set a world record for lifting a one-pound weight for five hours - he jerked the weight 7030 times without a break.

In 2000, a Belarusian strongman from Bobruisk, 39-year-old Vladimir Savelyev, set a world record: over the course of 24 hours he lifted a 24-kilogram weight alternately with his right and left hands 19,275 times, which totaled 462 tons 600 kg. V. Savelyev is a biology teacher by profession, but outwardly he does not look like a hero - height is 175 cm, weight is 100 kg.

In November 2000, 26-year-old Vahan Sargsyan, a former Armenian weightlifting champion, demonstrated a unique strength trick. First, Vagan stripped to the waist, and then began to pierce himself with hooks from of stainless steel. He inserted one hook into both hands, and hooked two hooks onto the skin of his chest. Assistants attached steel cables to the hooks, which were stretched to a minibus weighing 1,540 kg. It’s amazing that this short, frail man, weighing 65 kg, moved the car and dragged it a distance of about 8 meters!

Omar Khanapiev, a 30-year-old strength gymnast from Dagestan, set a record in 2001: he grabbed a cable with his teeth, moved a TU-134 plane and dragged it a distance of 7 meters. On November 7 of the same year, the strongman, in the same way, dragged railway locomotives weighing 136 and 140 tons, respectively, over a distance of 10 and 12 meters. And two days later, Khanapiev, in the port of Makhachkala, moved and dragged a tanker with a displacement of 567 tons through the water at a distance of 15 meters.

In 2002, 30 men and 8 women from 20 countries came to Malaysia to show off and flex their muscles. The audience had something to be surprised about. Dutchman Yamo Hams moved and pulled a 16-ton truck behind him. Canadian Hugo Girard picked up a set of weights with a total weight of 260 kg, lifted them and carried them around the stadium for several meters. Women were not inferior to men either; the weaker sex has proven that it is not weak. American Shannon Hartnett demonstrated the same as Hugo, but her weights were twice as light. Swede Anna Rosen lifted three trucks weighing three tons off the ground. Pole Mariusz Pudzinovsky wanted to repeat this act, but he could only lift a two-ton truck. And American Jill Mills ran around the stadium with an 80-kilogram shield.

In September 2003, forty-year-old Georges Christin from Luxembourg, nicknamed “Steel Teeth,” came to Yaroslavl with one goal - to set a new official record, 24 in a row. In his homeland, Christophen is quite famous person: he lifted a table with a woman sitting on it with his teeth, dragged a 20-ton carriage with his teeth for a distance of 200 meters, lifted three sports planes with pilots, etc. In Yaroslavl, a Luxembourger moved with his teeth and dragged along the Volga for a distance of 10 meters 120- a ton ship with passengers whose weight was 2830 kg.

In 2003, multiple kickboxing champion 29-year-old Nugzar Gograchadze dragged a train weighing 228 tons with his teeth over a distance of 4 meters. This is 70 cm and 5 tons more than the record recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Nowadays, Vasily Virastyuk is considered the most powerful person in Ukraine. His parameters: weight - 140 kg, height - 191 cm, chest volume - 142 cm, neck volume - 49 cm, biceps volume - 49 cm.

At the beginning of 2004 in Lvov, with a large crowd of people, he moved a couple of five tram cars and stretched them over a distance of 17.9 meters; each car weighed 20.3 tons. Then, practically without resting, the hero took a box-case with steel blanks in both hands, each box weighed 171 kg. Task: take these “suitcases” as far as possible. But at the 19th meter Virastyuk tripped - the load touched the ground. Angry at the failure with the “suitcases,” Virastyuk decided to move a road train of ten Mitsubishi-Karisma cars, each car weighing 1,600 kg. The strongman pulled this road train to a distance of 19.4 meters.

People have always been interested in what lies beyond ordinary perception, what is inaccessible to the majority. However, along with interest, there was also fear due to the lack of reliable information and the unknown. Recently, paranormal or unusual abilities of people have become the subject of social and scientific research, philistine gossip and newspaper publications. What kind of abilities are these? Where do they come from?
Despite the fact that the human body has already been well studied by doctors and scientists, mysteries still remain that are beyond our understanding. There are many amazing cases that happened with ordinary people and published in the press. Some events simply cannot be explained by modern science.

So, perhaps the most famous case occurred when a mother was walking with her little son and got distracted. The child ran out onto the road and was hit by a car. Seeing this picture, the baby’s mother rushed to his aid and lifted the car. It is this case that in our time is most often described by scientists as proof that the human body has hidden abilities.

Another fairly famous incident occurred during the war. The pilot got stuck due to a bolt caught in the mechanism steering. Fearing death, the pilot began to pull the handle with all his strength and miraculously was able to right the plane. After landing, the mechanics carefully examined the controls and found a sheared bolt. As a result of the examination, it turned out that in order to cut such a bolt, a force of 500 kilograms would be required.

One man was walking through the forest and accidentally came across a sleeping bear. Out of fear, he grabbed a log lying nearby and rushed to run towards the nearby village. When the danger was over, he threw the log to the ground, caught his breath and looked at it. It turned out to be a huge tree trunk, which he later could not drag alone from the road. The man could not even explain to himself why he grabbed this log.

But such incredible stories happen not only when it comes to one’s own salvation.

There is another case. When the child fell out of the 7th floor window, his mother managed to grab him with one hand, and with the other she held on to the brick of the cornice, with only two fingers - the index and middle. She held on like that until the rescuers arrived, who then with difficulty unclenched her fingers.

A 70-year-old woman carried her 40-year-old son, who was involved in an accident, for 13 kilometers on her back, never stopping or lowering him to the ground.

Some researchers claim that a person uses only 10% of his abilities. And this applies to both the body and the brain.

The hypnologist Vul demonstrated an amazing ability - he had the ability to suggest at a distance. Wohl sent a letter by mail, in which the word was written in his handwriting: “Sleep!” If the patient had already been to see this doctor before, then upon receiving the letter he immediately fell asleep.

The French pop artist Michel Lotito had an amazing ability - he can eat anything he sees. When he was still a child, he “ate” a TV, and from the age of 15 he began to entertain people for money, eating rubber, glass and metal. Because Michel ate the plane (although it took about 2 years to eat it), he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Biologist K. Richardson can spend an entire night in a cage with lions. For unknown reasons, the lions accept Richardson as one of their own. Thai Ngoc from Vietnam has not slept at all since 1973 - it started after he had a fever.

The phenomenon of Monica Tejada.

There are many such inexplicable phenomena in our world. An amazing phenomenon is demonstrated to scientists by Monica Tejada from Spain. Even metal objects bend under her gaze.

There are no tricks here. The scientists placed steel wire in a sealed glass vessel. However, this did not stop Monica from bending the solid thread into the shape of a dinosaur with a closed mouth. During this process, instruments recorded an increase in the girl’s body temperature and a decrease in her blood pressure. This combination leads doctors to a dead end. At the same time, the electroencephalograph showed biocurrents characteristic of a sleeping person. Monica has another gift - she can diagnose diseases.

In New Jersey, on the outskirts of Trenton, in the 40s, there lived a 90-year-old man named Al Herpin. There was neither a trestle bed nor a bed in his shack - Al Herpin had never slept in his entire life. The old man, who lived to that age, outlived the doctors who examined him. Al Herpin's appetite and health were good, and his mental abilities were average. Of course, after a day's work he was tired, but he could not sleep. The old man would simply sit in a chair and read until he felt rested. After regaining his physical strength, he returned to work. Doctors were unable to explain their patient’s chronic insomnia, just as they could not explain the source of his longevity.

There is a known case that occurred in a Russian village. There lived an old sick woman named Matryona. She could not hear well, could not see, and could hardly walk. One night her house caught fire. The whole village ran to the fire. Imagine the surprise of the people when they saw this old woman climbing over the high fence. Moreover, she was holding a large chest in her hands, which several men later could not lift. Where are the limits of human capabilities? And do they exist at all?

In Mexico City on Olympic Games in 1968, a track and field athlete named Robert Beamon was able to jump almost 9 meters. Of course, it seems impossible, but Robert's record was broken. And the record, which was set in 500 BC in Ancient Greece, looks absolutely fantastic - the athlete Fail then jumped almost 17 meters in length.

In New York in 1935, an absolutely normal-looking child was born. However, he lived only 26 days. After an autopsy, it turned out that the child had no brain. Although it is known that even the slightest damage to the cerebral cortex can lead to death.

The fact that there are people in the world who live with foreign objects in their bodies does not surprise anyone now. But an incident that occurred in one of the New York hospitals seems simply incredible. A person came to the hospital with a slight illness. Doctors conducted an examination and found more than 250 objects in his body. There were only 26 keys in the patient’s body. The man did not say where there were so many objects in his body.

An equally striking case occurred with a 12-year-old Russian boy who went to the hospital in a small town with complaints of dizziness and weakness. During the examination, doctors discovered a bullet wound in the heart area. It is unknown how the boy received such a wound, and most importantly, how he survived. X-ray determined that the bullet was in the solar artery. The boy was urgently sent to Moscow, where the bullet was removed from his body. She made an incredible journey in the body - she punctured the lung and entered the heart, which pushed her out into the aorta. The bullet moved along the vessel until it hit the solar artery.

The famous psychiatrist and neuropathologist Cesare Lombroso had a very solid reputation in the scientific world. In his book “What After Death,” he told an incident that happened to a 14-year-old girl. She became blind, but at the same time she had a completely new and amazing ability to see.

Dr. Lombroso conducted research, which revealed that the girl sees through her left earlobe and nose. To exclude the slightest possibility of the girl’s eyes being involved, during the experiment the doctors covered them with a bandage so that peeking was completely excluded. However, despite Taken measures, the girl could easily read blindfolded and distinguish colors perfectly.

When a bright light flashed near her earlobe, she blinked, and when the doctor wanted to put his finger to the tip of her nose, she jumped back screaming that he wanted to blind her. There was an astonishing shift in the senses that affected more than just vision. When the experimenter brought the solution ammonia to the girl's nose, she did not react. But as soon as he brought the solution to her chin, she jerked in pain. She could smell scents with her chin.

It must be said that some people are able to completely control the abilities of their body. These include primarily Indian yogis. Perhaps the most amazing ability of yogis is that they can stop the beating of their own heart. Yogis can put themselves into a state of “death” - the heart’s work and breathing slow down, and other vital processes stop.

A yogi can remain in this state for quite a long time. So what powers are hidden in a person? Based on the above, we can assume that the capabilities of the human body are limitless. You just need to learn to control them.

Diamond tears

A woman named Hanuma, living in Africa, earned the nickname "Diamond" for her unusual ability to cry diamonds. Since childhood, Hanuma has not cried. The first time this happened was at the age of nine, when the girl peeled onions for the first time. Imagine the surprise of the girl’s parents when hard crystals began to fall from her eyes instead of tears.

The girl's father was a jeweler and, having examined the small crystals, he easily determined that they were real diamonds. The parents decided to keep Hanuma's unusual abilities a secret, and the father used his daughter's crystals to make jewelry, which was in great demand. One of the clients suspected something was wrong and submitted the diamond for examination, as a result of which it turned out that the stone had organic origin. The girl became famous throughout the world. But scientists have not yet been able to uncover the secret of diamond tears.

Man is ice

Dutch resident Wim Hof ​​is not sensitive to any cold. Thanks to his unusual abilities, the Dutchman conquered mountain peaks in only his underwear, swam long time in icy water and performed many similar feats.

Doctors carried out examinations of the body of an amazing person, but the results of the studies did not show any deviations from the norm in Vim’s body after cold procedures. The Dutchman's unusual abilities allow him to feel comfortable in conditions that would be fatal for any other person.

"Perpetual motion machine"

The baby, named Ret Lamba, who is three years old, has never slept in his life. He is awake around the clock. Ret’s parents, of course, were not delighted with their son’s abilities, but most of all they were concerned about the child’s health. However, as repeated medical examinations have shown, lack of sleep does not affect Ret’s health in any way; the boy is absolutely healthy.

Recent research has cleared up the picture a little. It turned out that the brain and nervous system The amazing child's brain is designed in a special way, thanks to which the boy does not need sleep, his brain rests while awake.

Man is a reptile

History knows of cases where people had the ability to replace their skin with a new one, just like reptiles do. Born in 1851 in Missouri, S. Buskirk began changing his skin as a child. The most amazing thing is that this always happened on the same day - June 27th. The skin began to become rough, and then fell off in large pieces. She came off her arms and legs like gloves or socks.

After the old skin fell off, one could see in its place young, pink and tender skin, similar to that of newborn babies. Over the course of several years, Mr. Buskirk assembled a “leather” collection.

Glowing patient

Anna Monaro, who suffered from asthma, began to look like a fluorescent lamp in 1934. During her illness, a bluish glow emanated from her chest. This phenomenon lasted for several weeks and was documented by doctors. Sometimes the color of the glow changed to red and green. No one has been able to explain this phenomenon.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and magnetic organisms that have become quite developed in this woman's body and are therefore emitting a radiance" - in other words, another way of saying, "I don't know." Another doctor proposed the theory of electromagnetic radiation, linking it with certain chemical components found in the patient’s skin, which was close to the then fashionable theory of bioluminescence.

Dr. Protti, who made a lengthy statement regarding his observations of Signora Monaro, suggested that her poor health, together with fasting and piety, had increased the amount of sulphides in the blood. Human blood emits rays in the ultraviolet range, and sulfides can be made to luminesce by ultraviolet irradiation, which explains the glow emanating from Signora Monaro's breast (The Times, May 5, 1934).

Anna Monaro

The proposed theory did not explain the strange periodicity or localization of the bluish flashes, and soon the confused researchers fell completely silent.

Gould and Pyle's 1937 book Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine describes the case of a woman suffering from breast cancer. The light emanating from the sore area of ​​the chest was sufficient to see the dial of a clock several feet away...

In Hareward Carrington's book Death: Its Causes and Related Phenomena, there is a mention of a child who died of indigestion. After death, the boy's body began to emit a bluish glow and spread heat. Attempts to extinguish this radiance led to nothing, but it soon stopped on its own. When the body was lifted from the bed, it was discovered that the sheet under it was burned... The only case of light emission was practically healthy person(not counting, of course, the saints) is described in the magazine “English Mechanic” dated September 24, 1869:

“One American woman, going to bed, discovered a glow on the top of the fourth toe of her right foot. When she rubbed her leg, the glow increased and some unknown force pushed her fingers apart. A stench emanated from the leg, and both the light emission and the smell did not stop even when the leg was immersed in a basin of water. Even soap could not extinguish or reduce the glow. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and was observed by the woman’s husband.”

The Church views the phenomenon of “firefly people” approvingly. Pope Benedict XIV wrote: “...It must be recognized as a fact that there is a natural flame that sometimes becomes visible around the human head, and it also seems true that sometimes fire can emanate from the whole body of a person, but not like a fire rushing upward, but rather in the form of sparks flying in all directions.”

People are lightning

The body of an ordinary person is capable of generating small amounts, but not storing electricity. However, there are people whose unusual abilities are that they can accumulate electricity within themselves, and, when appropriate, release it onto surrounding objects.

For example, the journal Prediction published an article in 1953 that talked about a baby who electrocuted doctors. For another whole day, he retained tension within himself and was dangerous to others.

But it also happens that unusual abilities awaken in people only with age. A Chinese worker in 1988 began to notice some changes in his body, but could not understand what it was until he accidentally shocked his colleague, knocking him down.

Rif Mukharyanov is one of those people who were able to survive a lightning strike.

Back in 1965, Reef was struck by ball lightning, and he miraculously survived. Over time, he began to see strange dreams, which soon began to come true - his psychic abilities began to awaken.

When he had completely recovered from his illness, he became seriously ill good friend. The doctors did not know what to do and just shrugged, and it was then that Reef decided to take advantage of his new opportunities. Literally two weeks later, the friend stood firmly on his feet.

Living magnet

There are also people who have magnetism. The most amazing case of manifestation of magnetic abilities is the case of the American Frank McKinstry. His body was pulled towards the ground. Magnetism manifested itself especially strongly in the mornings. Frank had to move very quickly, without stopping, because his body would stick to the ground if he stopped for a couple of seconds, and then the man could no longer continue moving without outside help.

Often people do not realize that they have some unusual abilities. A resident of Germany, Erika Zur Strindberg, discovered the magnetic abilities of her body after watching a TV show that talked about the magnetism of a Russian woman, Natalia Petrasova.

Just out of curiosity, the German woman put a spoon to her chest and it “stuck” to the woman. Then Eric was hung with almost all the cutlery to make sure he had an unusual ability.

Unusual abilities remain to be unraveled

Many scientists agree that this kind of ability is potentially inherent in every person, but they manifest themselves only in extreme situations or after severe life shocks. An example of this hypothesis is the fortuneteller Vanga, who, having lost her sight, gained the ability to foresee the future, the present of people and their past.

Also, the famous German clairvoyant Wolf Messing became the owner of his unusual abilities after he spent for a long time in a state of clinical death. This happened when Messing was eleven years old.

There are many cases where people, having emerged from clinical death, acquired the ability to read minds and speak in previously unknown or even dead languages. An amazing incident happened to the polar explorer pilot Grigory Popov. While repairing the plane, Gregory heard some rustling behind him, and turning around, he saw a polar bear - one of the most dangerous predators. The pilot did not have time to understand anything, as he already found himself at a two-meter height - on the wing of the plane. He climbed there in one leap.

Does every person have some hidden abilities or are they possessed only by exceptional individuals? Why were these abilities given to them? Do these people have some kind of purpose from above? Modern science is not able to give answers to the questions posed, since they lie in a plane that is not yet within the scope of serious scientific research.