Thermal curtains water horizontal industrial. Thermal curtain with water heating

Thermal curtain protects the microclimate of a heated warehouse from cold environment, generating in anticipation of the storage air barrier. Of course, such a system requires constant energy replenishment, but the overall energy consumption of a warehouse equipped with a thermal curtain only decreases. After all, the air barrier prevents the room from getting cold, reducing the cost of heating the storage.

In addition, there are ways to reduce the energy consumption of the thermal barrier itself by optimizing the way the air is heated. AND good example A similar optimized scheme is a water thermal curtain that heats the air barrier using the energy of the coolant circulating in the warehouse heating system.

Advantages of water-type thermal curtains

  • Firstly, such curtains consume a minimum of energy, “powered” by the thermal circuit of the warehouse heating system.
  • Secondly, such curtains stabilize the temperature in the protected room, creating ideal conditions storage of the most “capricious” inventory items.
  • Thirdly, water curtains not only protect, but also heat the entrance to the warehouse.
  • Fourthly, thermal curtains eliminate the appearance of drafts, improving the working conditions of warehouse personnel.
  • Fifthly, such curtains can be modified from a heater to an air conditioner. Moreover, such a transformation is carried out by disconnecting the curtain circuit from the coolant circulation system in the heating system. After this, the curtain begins to work like a huge fan, conditioning both the warehouse entrance and the storage itself.

That is why the scope of application of water curtains can be the widest, extending from thermal shielding of the vestibules of large warehouse openings to protecting the interior of a store or cafe from dust and insects.

How does a water heated air curtain work?

A water-heated thermal curtain operates on the principle of an air convector. That is, powerful fans blow a stream of cold air - taken in at floor level - through the heating circuit (outlet from the heating system). As a result, a dense stream of hot air is generated, directed parallel to the plane of the protected opening.

Moreover air flow the curtains are formed by a special turbine - radial fan, pumping air through the cochlea body. Therefore, water curtains are mounted either horizontally (in the lintel area) or vertically (on the side of the opening, occupying ¾ of its height).

The curtain control unit can be either mechanical or electrified. The latter option assumes the possibility of automating the curtain control process. However, regardless of whether the water heat curtain is controlled by mechanics or electronics, this unit must regulate both the turbine speed and the heat transfer of the heating circuit.

The air curtain is started by command from a remote or stationary remote control or limit switch. That is, in the first case, the thermal curtain operates constantly or during unloading and unloading of goods. In the second case, the start signal is the fact that the doors to the warehouse are opened. Accordingly, after closing the opening, the curtain turns off.

Choosing a water thermal curtain for a warehouse

In the process of selecting thermal curtains, as a rule, the following criteria are used:

  • Dimensions of the turbine (casing length).
  • Device power.
  • Air curtain performance
  • Type of device control node.

In addition, the dimensions of the opening itself - the height of the lintel and the distance from the edge to the wall, which will determine the type of curtain (horizontal or vertical) - can also have some influence in favor of choosing one or another model.

Moreover, the dimensions of the turbine must correspond to either the width (for horizontal curtains) or the height (for vertical devices) of the opening. Although usually the dimensions of the curtain fit into size range 0.6-2 meters, but if the opening is wider or higher, then devices with a longer body are selected.

The power of the curtain is determined by the volume of the protected room. Moreover, if for every 25-30 cubic meters the volume of the room will have to be at least 1 kW of thermal power, then the curtain can also be used as heating device, warming the vestibule.

The performance of the curtain is determined by the area of ​​the protected opening. Moreover, the main performance criterion is the air flow speed. At the end (at the floor) it should be at least 2 m/sec. It is this criterion that determines the power (performance) of the turbine, measured by the volume of air flow pumped in one hour. And for one square meter the opening area accounts for at least 350 m3/hour of turbine productivity.

In short, choosing a veil is a very complex procedure. Therefore, in the absence of practice in engineering calculations, curtains are selected according to manufacturers’ recommendations, focusing on standard models.

Popular models of water-type thermal curtains

Industrial-type curtains are produced by only a few manufacturers of heating equipment. Moreover, the most notable participants in the industrial thermal curtains market are the companies Ballu, Teplomash, Frico, Tropic. Therefore, below in the text we will consider popular models of water-type thermal curtains from only these brands.

Water curtains from Ballu

The Russian company Ballu offers about a dozen models of water-type thermal curtains. Moreover, the cost of industrial versions of curtains mounted in an opening up to 4.5 meters high ranges from 20-35 thousand rubles (horizontal curtains) or 180-220 thousand rubles (vertical curtains).

Promising horizontal water curtains from this company include the following options:

  • Model Ballu BHC-H20-W45 is a device with a heat output of 41 kW and a capacity of up to 5 thousand m3/hour, generating an air barrier of 2 x 4.5 meters. The cost of BHC-H20-W45 is 35-37 thousand rubles.
  • Model Ballu BHC-H10-W18 is a device with a heat output of 18 kW and a capacity of up to 2.5 thousand m3/hour, generating a thermal barrier of 1x4.5 meters. The cost of this model is 22-23 thousand rubles.

Popular vertical water curtains from the Ballu brand include the following options:

Model Ballu Stella BHC-D25-W45 is a device with a heat output of 45 kW and a capacity of up to 5000 m3/hour. Such curtains cover a 3.5-meter opening. Moreover, they can be mounted on both the left and right sides. And the length of the BHC-D25-W45 case is 2.5 meters! The cost of this model reaches 250 thousand rubles.

Model Ballu StellaBHC-D20-W35 is a device with a heat output of 35 kW and a capacity of up to 4700 m3/hour. The height of such a curtain is 2.2 meters, and the cost is 218-220 thousand rubles.

Frico thermal water curtains

The Swedish company Frico produces both high-performance industrial air curtains and maintenance devices commercial real estate And trading platforms. Moreover, in the first segment, the following types of industrial curtains can be distinguished from the Swedish brand’s assortment:

    • Model Frico AR3515W – device hidden installation, serving an opening of 1.5x3.5 meters. Moreover, the heat output of this model does not exceed 23 kW, and the productivity is 1.3 thousand m3/hour. The cost of the energy-efficient air curtain AR3515W reaches 235 thousand rubles.
    • Model Frico AGН4WН – device mixed type installation (both vertical and horizontal installation), serving an opening with dimensions of 2.5x6 meters. Moreover, the heat transfer of such an installation reaches 90 kW. And productivity is up to 14 thousand m3/hour. The cost of AGIN4WН is 627-628 thousand rubles.

  • Model Frico ADCSV25WL is a device with a mixed power supply circuit for the heating circuit (water and electric heating), generating a barrier with dimensions of 2.5x3.5 meters. Moreover, ADCSV25WL is mounted only vertically. The heat output of this model is 52 kW, and productivity is up to 2000 m3/hour. The cost of the ADCSV25WL model is 568-570 thousand rubles.

In short, the Frico brand has quite interesting solutions, demonstrating enviable energy efficiency and versatility of the installation process. But Swedish curtains are not cheap - the cost of industrial models reaches 1.5 million rubles.

Domestic curtains of the Teplomash company

Thermal curtains of the Russian company Teplomash can be distinguished both due to their performance and due to the attractive exterior of the housing. Moreover, Teplomash curtains will cost no more than 30-80 thousand rubles. Among the promising models, it is worth highlighting the following devices:

  • Vertical curtain Teplomash KEV-52P6140W, serving an opening with a height of up to 3.5 meters. The heat output of such an installation reaches 28 kW, and productivity – up to 2.4 thousand m3/hour. Moreover, the height of the column of such a curtain is 2 meters, and the cost is 58 thousand rubles.
  • Teplomash KEV-100P4060W moisture-resistant curtain designed to protect car wash gates. Moreover, the height of the opening protected with the help of KEV-100P4060W reaches up to 5 meters. The heat output of such a curtain is 56 kW, and the productivity is 6.2 thousand m3/hour. The cost of this model reaches 63-64 thousand rubles.
  • Industrial curtain Teplomash KEV-170P7011W, which can block the entrance to a depot, warehouse, garage, with an opening height of up to 7 meters. The heat output of such a curtain is 89 kW, productivity is 9800 m3/hour. However, the price of the industrial version of KEV-170P7011W does not exceed 58-60 thousand rubles.

And the Teplomash brand has very presentable and productive horizontal curtains with lighting, designed to serve store openings, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants.

Thermal curtains of the Tropic brand

This manufacturer produces a whole series of water-type curtains - “Tropic X”. But not every model in this series belongs to the industrial segment of this equipment. And if you go through all the lineup series "Tropic X" then to the segment industrial equipment Only three settings can be attributed, namely:

  • Model Tropic X432W, with which you can protect even a 5-meter opening. Moreover, the productivity of this curtain is 5,000 m3/hour, and the heat output is 32 kW. Moreover, this particular model has high degree moisture protection. Therefore, the X432W can be installed at the entrance to a car wash. The cost of this model is 71 thousand rubles.
  • Model Tropic T224W, with which you can protect an opening with a height of up to 3.5 meters. The heat output of T224W reaches 24 kW. And productivity is up to 2600 m3/hour. Such curtains can protect the entrance to a warehouse or workshop. The cost of T224W is 42 thousand rubles.
  • The Tropic X540W model is designed both for the protection of warehouse premises and for working in the humid environment of a car wash. Moreover, the height of the opening protected with the X540W reaches 5 meters, and the heat output of this model is 40 kW. The productivity of this thermal curtain is 6600 m3/hour, and the air speed at the exit from the nozzle is 16 m/sec. That is, with the help of the X540W you can protect the room from cold, dust, and exhaust gases blown out by a dense stream of warm air. The cost of the X540W is 67-68 thousand rubles.

As a result, despite the limited assortment, the Tropic X series demonstrates quite decent functionality and performance, which can be purchased for reasonable money.

One of the main types of climate control equipment that reduces the heat loss of a building, a water thermal curtain that can operate in the presence of a network central heating or hot water supply.

Installations of this type are successfully used when it is not possible to install electrical units in residential and domestic premises, production workshops, office and shopping centers.

Operating principle of a water heat curtain

Modern air thermal curtains, water ones, are an improved heater that ensures the creation of a cut-off flow in door and window openings different sections. The air flow is created using ventilation unit, which may have different design. The cut-off curtain is heated when air passes through a water heater, which is connected to the hot water supply network.

This design has a number of advantages compared to traditional electric heaters:

The use of thermal curtains in various modes allows not only to prevent the penetration of cold air into the room in winter. When the coolant is turned off, it works effectively even in the summer heat; in addition, such devices prevent insects and small animals from entering the room being serviced.

Classification of water thermal curtains

Experts classify thermal water curtains according to a variety of technical characteristics. Moreover, each modification is most effective only for protecting premises under certain conditions.

According to thermal power, they are distinguished:

  • Household (local) thermal curtains, which can be used for installation on openings of small cross-section. Most often, such installations can be found on the windows of stalls, small retail outlets, and cash registers. They are also used as window curtains in residential premises.
  • A medium-power thermal curtain is effective for opening heights of up to 3 meters. This category includes most modifications used to protect entrances to shopping and office complexes.
  • To protect the opening at a height of up to 7 meters, powerful thermal curtains are used. Most often they can be found in production and warehouse premises, logistics centers.
  • For large openings, heavy-duty curtains are used. Basically, such devices are manufactured to individual orders based on specially developed projects for the energy supply of buildings.

According to the installation method, horizontal and vertical thermal water curtains are distinguished. Most often, horizontal modifications are used, which are mounted above the doorway. The use of several such units makes it possible to protect even very wide openings. When installing vertical curtains, they are mounted on one or two sides of the entrance, and their height must cover at least 2/3 of the opening.

In some cases, built-in curtains are used, placed behind suspended structures ceiling. In this case, only the air supply decorative grilles remain visible.

The most popular brands of thermal water curtains

Products from both domestic and Western manufacturers are widely represented on the market. The most popular products are from the following brands:

Domestic water thermal curtain "Teplomash"- most famous in Russia trademark. This manufacturer is one of the few that has launched the production of curtains for openings with a height of 12 meters or more.

The company's products are reliable and easy to operate (they use automated systems, simplifying the selection of the required operating mode).

The advantages also include the affordable cost of Teplomash thermal curtains. Thus, a unit for an opening up to 15 meters can be purchased for 80-100 thousand rubles, and small household models for 15-20 thousand rubles.

Swedish water thermal curtain Frico belongs to a fairly expensive price segment.

The average cost of a model with a capacity of 800-900 cubic meters of air per hour is about 140-150 thousand rubles.

Experts attribute traditional Swedish quality to the advantages of this brand’s equipment, great design. These curtains are widely used for installation in shopping and entertainment centers.

International production holding Ballu produces a significant amount of climate control equipment and heating units. The corporation's production facilities are located in countries of Eastern Europe and Asia.

Features minimal energy consumption. The company produces equipment for protecting openings of various sizes.

The average cost is about 20-30 thousand rubles. The product line also includes units that meet more stringent design requirements, although their cost significantly exceeds 100 thousand rubles.

Basic rules for installing water heat curtains

To install thermal curtains, you must use only standard mounting brackets provided by the manufacturer. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance from the ceiling or side wall of at least 30 cm. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the unit due to difficult air intake from the unit.

When installing horizontal curtains, it is necessary to select a kit that covers the entire width of the opening, otherwise certain areas of dips in the created drip will be observed.

Water thermal curtains from well-known global and domestic brands with delivery and installation within 2 days, with a 7% discount from the official equipment supplier.

Water curtain

A unique development in the field of heat conservation at minimum consumption electricity.

Water curtain the main components, which are the metal casing, the heat exchanger, the fan and the fan motor, are designed and installed mostly where electric curtain does not suit its characteristics.

Due to heating the air by extracting heat from the water, the water thermal curtain has a much greater heat transfer, this makes it possible to install more in this equipment powerful fan. Thus, a water air curtain can significantly heat the air flow and at the same time cover much larger openings and entrance gates. Thermal curtains from heating are controlled through a 2- or 3-way control valve, which opens or closes with an electric drive.

Water thermal air curtains are equipped with a control board, which sends a signal to open or close the control valve. At open position From the tap, water as a coolant enters the heat exchanger, which is blown by a powerful stream of air; in this way, at the exit from the thermal curtain, we have a powerful warm stream of air, which, if calculated correctly, fully performs all the functions of air protection.

It is very important to choose and buy correctly water curtain to get exactly the results you expect from this equipment.

When purchasing water thermal curtains, remember that price is not the most important factor. The main thing is to take into account the same important characteristics, which significantly affect the efficiency of the curtain.

We have the right selection water thermal curtain You can buy it absolutely inexpensively and at the same time it will serve you for a long time and with high quality.

In view of their design features some elements of the room leads to the fact that the heat leaves it freely, giving way to the street cold without a fight. It is no secret that being in such conditions is not only uncomfortable, but also fraught with health consequences. This problem can be solved using the so-called thermal curtain. The principle of its operation is to create a barrier that prevents the leakage of heated air from the room and the penetration of cold air from the street into it.

The equipment that creates such a curtain varies depending on the heat source. The latter can be water or electricity. Experts say that a water thermal curtain is more economical option. At the same time, her advantages are not diminished at all, because she:

  • Reduces heat loss in the room;
  • Creates a barrier for both cold air and dust, insects, exhaust gases;
  • Helps blur the boundaries of temperature values ​​inside and outside the room;
  • Reduces to almost zero the possibility of drafts, which is important for health;
  • Allows you to save money on heating during the cold season;
  • Makes it possible to keep the front door open without the usual inconveniences associated with it.

The fan creates a thermal curtain. Due to its high power, it produces a strong air flow. It is this that acts as an obstacle to the warm air leaving the room. For such a device to operate, it is necessary to have central heating, since the heat source of such a curtain is precisely hot water.

Installation of such equipment is quite labor-intensive, but this will soon be compensated for by its efficient work and low maintenance costs.

As a rule, installation is carried out above the doorway or to the side of it. In the first case we're talking about about the horizontal curtain, and in the second about the vertical one. If you plan to install a vertical thermal curtain, then all calculations are recommended to be made based on the fact that its height should be ¾ (or more) of the height of the doorway.

The fan is the main working element

A radial fan that creates an air flow barrier is rightfully considered the main structural element device that creates a thermal curtain. The fan turbine, located along the entire length of the device, ensures maximum efficiency and uniformity of air flow.

The engine of the device is usually mounted on the side of the turbine, but there is another option: a centrally located engine is flanked by small turbines on the sides. This solution is relevant in cases where the expected length of a solid turbine exceeds 80 cm. It is quite difficult to manufacture it. A simplified version of the arrangement of turbines and engine is, of course, cheaper, however protective properties such a curtain will be inferior to the traditional version.

Installation diagram


To control the curtain, at least two switches are usually used: one for the fan, the other for the heating elements. Additionally, the device can be equipped with two- or three-stage heating regulators. Once a certain temperature is reached, the device may automatically turn off if it has a thermostat installed.

The control panel for various models can be wired or built-in. The latter option most often occurs when installing small curtains (over windows and doors). This is due to the inaccessibility of the control buttons. Remote controls are convenient because they can be installed in the desired location.

In premises such as a warehouse or hangar, it is advisable to use a limit switch. Its advantage is that it only operates the device when the door is open.

What to look for when choosing

The main criteria for choosing a water thermal curtain are:

  • device power;
  • its length;
  • management and regulation capabilities;
  • performance indicators;
  • type of instalation.

A number of criteria have already been considered, so it is necessary to dwell on the rest in more detail.

Curtain performance

It determines the speed of the air flow generated by the fan and the possible installation height. Example: if you install a curtain over a doorway 1 m wide and 2 m high, then it should “drive” about 700-900 m3 of air per hour. This performance will provide an air speed of 8 m/s near the device itself and 2 m/s near the floor. The degree of performance is directly proportional to the price of the product.


It matters if the curtain is intended to be used as a heat source for heating the room. It is not advisable to purchase a device with high power for places where there are no heating problems.

If you purchased a device with a heating function, then keep in mind that the air coming out of it will not be hot, just a little warm. This is achieved by intensive blowing of the heating elements.

The length of the device can vary between 60-200 cm. The most popular length is 80-100 cm, as they are suitable for standard window and doorways. For industrial facilities other quantities are required. The length of the devices for them is calculated simply: it is equal to the width of the opening or slightly exceeds it.

Thus, the thermal curtain is an effective and modern remedy maintaining heat in the room, regardless of its area.

When cold outside air enters a heated room, several significant problems are created at once. Firstly, heating costs increase sharply, as they say, heating the street. Secondly, these sensations are far from pleasant, which can also lead to deterioration of health. Such problems can be solved by installing a thermal curtain; it will create a reliable barrier to cold air.

Depending on the heat source used, air-thermal curtains divided into electric and water. The latter are distinguished by their efficiency, using hot water from central heating as a heating element. These devices have become widespread due to several advantages:

  • protecting the room from cold air and heat loss;
  • protecting people indoors from drafts;
  • additional heating of the room in winter;
  • maintaining cool conditioned air in summer;
  • additional barrier against dust, insects, exhaust gases from the outside;
  • low costs of use, unlike electric thermal curtains.

Operating principle and installation of water thermal curtains

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: the fan inside the device creates a high-speed air flow, as a result of which warm air does not leave the room, and the outside does not penetrate it. The heat source of such an air curtain is hot water from the central heating system.

The installation of this unit requires large financial and physical costs, but all this pays off in full later due to low costs and high power. Devices of this type can most often be found in industrial enterprises, but they are also indispensable in other commercial premises or Catering with a large flow of visitors.

Installation is carried out directly in the area front door: horizontal curtains - above the door, vertical curtains - on the side of the entrance opening. note that vertical curtain should not be less in length than the height of the doorway.

The main element of a water thermal curtain

This element is a radial fan, which creates the necessary high-speed air flow. Such a single turbine should be located along the entire length of the thermal curtain. The fan creates a uniform air flow, and its motor is mounted on the side of the device.

But there are units with an engine in the center, and turbines located on the side of it. The reason for this may be the high cost of manufacturing turbines longer than 70 cm. Of course, such simplified curtain designs cost several times less, but do they bring the required effect? Indeed, in the central part of such a device there is no required high-speed air flow, and this leads to a decrease in the main protective function thermal curtain.

Water curtain control type

For a water heat curtain there must be at least two switches: for the fan and the heating element. Additionally, two- or three-stage heating power regulators, a switch for the second speed of fan operation, and a thermostat for maintaining the set temperature can also be installed.

Control of the device depends on the selected model. There is a mechanical control built into the air curtain body, as well as control using a remote control. However, the first option is used only on small models intended for installation on door and window openings standard sizes. This situation is easily explained: the buttons on the body can only be reached at arm's length, and high-power water curtains installed, for example, in warehouses and workshops, are more convenient to control from the remote control.

It is very convenient to use a limit switch in the design of the curtain. It activates the thermal curtain only when the gate or door is open. This device is also good for its economical use.

Criteria for choosing a thermal curtain

When choosing a water curtain, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • device length;
  • curtain power;
  • device performance.
  • installation method;
  • type of device control.

The performance of the device affects the speed of the air flow, and accordingly affects the maximum installation height. In order to save money, you should not buy a water curtain with a lower capacity than necessary. Incorrectly selected curtains will not bring the desired effect.

Power is also the main parameter when choosing a thermal curtain, especially if the device’s function includes heating the room by heating the air. On average, to heat a room of 10 m², you need a device with a power of 1 kW. But it should be clarified that the air at the outlet of the thermal curtain will never be hot, since heating elements have high speed blowing

Curtain length different models and manufacturers, there are 60-200 cm. For standard doorways, models with a length of 80-100 cm are well suited. In general, the choice of the length of the water curtain depends on the width of the opening: either equal to it or slightly larger. This rule must be observed so that the air flow of the curtain can completely block access to outside air.

Prices and reviews for popular models of water thermal curtains

The main manufacturer of water-heated air curtains is Ballu. The models offered by this company will satisfy various buyers. Existing commercially available devices are intended for home and industrial enterprise, with mechanical and automatic control, horizontal and vertical installation or universal models.

Regarding the prices for the series for standard openings no more than 3 m high, then the manufacturer Ballu offers the Ballu BHC-8W device with a power of 8.7 kW for $140. The productivity of the device varies from 1100-1400 m³/h due to the ability to switch speeds. Universal installation provides for horizontal and vertical installation with pipes coming out from both the left and right sides of the housing. The model includes a wired control panel.

With $340, you can purchase a Ballu BHC-36W device with a power of 34 kW, due to which maximum height installations can reach 4 meters. The Ballu BHC-36W water-heated air curtain is equipped with a remote control, has three speed modes and a capacity of 2600-5000 m³/h. The device also assumes universal installation and connection to the heating network.