Heather what does this flower mean? Heather plant - use at home, in medicine and magic


Heather is a discreet flower, not lush, but charming. Small lilac-pink flowers they look like bells and are densely scattered on the inflorescence branches.

Heather flowers and leaves are small, but there are many of them on one plant, so flowering heather thickets from a distance look like delicate pinkish-violet clouds.

In rock gardens, it is not wild heather that is usually grown, but its cultivated varieties.

In 1994, 18 varieties of heather were donated to the Main Botanical Garden in Moscow by German specialists.

The name of this genus related to to the Vereskov family and includes only one species, comes from the ancient Greek word kalynein - “to clean”, since since ancient times heather has been used to make panicles.)))

Despite its modest size heather is a relative of macrophylla rhododendron and strawberry tree . And blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, wild rosemary.

Wild heather grows in Russia in pine forests, on forest edges and rocky slopes, as well as in peat bogs.

Scotland also called the land of heather honey, and in ancient Scotland heather was depicted on the coat of arms of one of the clans.

Legends of the Heather

An old Scottish legend says that the humble Heather was the only one who, at God's request, agreed to grow on bare, windswept hillsides. For this, God rewarded him with increased endurance and natural charm, as well as the aroma and qualities of a honey plant.

Once upon a time one Scottish princess was waiting to return her husband from a military campaign. The only thing left of her beloved is a white silk scarf and memories of the days spent together. The princess cried her eyes out and one of her tears fell on a purple heather flower. At that same moment, the flower became white, like the silk scarf of a loved one. The legend is silent about how this story ended.

I would like to believe that the wife still waited for her husband after the war - after all, since then White heather is considered a symbol of good luck in Scotland.

Heather is dedicated to the Roman and Sicilian Venus Ericite, and in Egypt and Phenicia to Isis. Isis's brother, Osiris, was imprisoned in the heather in Byblos, where she went in search of him. Set killed Osiris and threw his coffin into the river. River waves carried the coffin with the corpse of Osiris to the shores Gebala (Bybla), They threw him onto land, and he remained lying on a young sprout of heather. While Isis was wandering, the heather managed to grow, surrounded the coffin of Osiris and hid it inside its trunk. And after some time, King Gebal, while walking, saw a beautiful tree and ordered it to be cut down and made into a column for his palace.

In Japan there is still a tradition burn the heather at Wakakusayama , Mount Wakakusa.. Now this is an unusual festival (January 12), but earlier on Mount Wakakusa the monks set fire to the Heather, whose thickets (heather) reached 33 hectares (80 acres), after which the warrior monks knocked down its flames.

perhaps it:

a) an attempt to resolve a 1000-year-old dispute over the border between two Nara temples;
b) an effective way to reduce the population of various small evil spirits;
c) the remains of ancient Japanese hunting equipment.

Magic Application

Heather is used in magical rituals to cleanse your home and yard from evil spirits and evil spirits.

Heather disperses any witchcraft. It is good to plant heather in the garden, best on the eastern and northern sides. This will bring protection to your home, good luck and financial well-being to you.

White heather protects against violence, and heather ale- a healing drink - brings comfort.

The most famous legend

Once upon a time, on the northern heather fields of Scotland, there lived brave and strong people- Picts. Only they possessed the secrets of preparing a miraculous drink - heather honey, which gives people strength and youth. The King of Scotland decided to master the secret and sent his army to this tribe to find out everything about the drink. But the freedom-loving and proud people did not reveal the secret of preparing the drink and took it to the grave.

Robert Stevenson recreated the legend of the tragedy that took place on the heather fields and wrote a ballad "Heather honey". I always remember this legend when I see thickets of heather in the forest...

According to one version, the name of the plant “heather” comes from the Old Slavonic “vrasenets”, which means “frost”. Indeed, the small pinkish-lilac flowers covering the shoots of this shrub are very reminiscent of frost. This is probably why heather symbolizes such sad things as hopelessness, separation and loneliness.

  • A bouquet or wreath of these flowers received as a gift from our ancestors served as a hint of a cooling of relations between loving people. If one of them transferred his feelings to another person, then he gave heather to initiate separation.
  • A plant with such negative energy has never been brought into the home in Europe. It was believed that the appearance of a lilac bouquet on a table or fireplace could cause the death of one of the family members. But heather smoke has always served as an excellent means to cleanse the home of negative energy and any dark entities.
  • Non-traditional colors have long been interpreted more positively. For example, a purple bush symbolizes a feeling of admiration for unusual, exclusive beauty, and its snow-white relative means protection from any adversity and the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
  • Since school days, everyone has known the sad legend about heather honey. However, in Scotland, the legendary ale and its main component, heather flowers, have always been considered a sign of freedom of feelings, ease of decisions and naturalness of actions.
  • On the other hand, a plant that survives in the harsh northern regions was associated with perseverance in achieving a goal and common sense, allowing one to stop at the very last moment, so as not to commit irreparable stupidity at the peak of emotions. It was believed that a dry sprig of heather hidden in clothes would keep people from rash actions and help them not to stray from their intended path.
  • In the countries of Scandinavia, this modest shrub, oddly enough, symbolized a seductive woman who had a special, lasting attractiveness for men. Therefore, based on its flowers, the Celts prepared various magical potions that made the stronger sex lose their heads from female charms. But a sprig of white heather served as a talisman for the weaker sex against any violence.
  • Vrasenets are often called “rejuvenating grass.” It is believed that if you always carry a sprig of it with you, you can maintain health and visual attractiveness for a long time. In addition, the heather amulet guarantees the favor of fortune and protection from the evil eye.
  • By placing dried flowers in your wallet or purse, you can attract monetary luck. Such a talisman will keep you from thoughtless expenses and help you accept correct solution in a difficult financial situation and will become a source of original ideas that will allow you to receive significant income.
  • If heather is an undesirable plant in the house, then its thickets under the windows or in the yard will become an effective defense against the penetration of negative energy, evil spirits, evil and envious individuals into the home. In addition, planted in the north or east, the bushes will bring real wealth to the family.

The flowers are small, with a 4-separate calyx of lilac-pink color, a 4-separate bell-shaped corolla, slightly smaller than the calyx, colored lilac-pink color, has 8 stamens and one pistil with a superior ovary. The flowers are collected in multi-flowered terminal racemes.

  • Family: Heathers (Ericaceae)
  • Homeland: North Africa, Southern Europe, Caucasus.
  • Stem: evergreen branched from 30 to 70 cm tall.
  • Leaves: small, up to 2.5 cm long, up to 1 cm wide, sessile, triangular, imbricated, arranged on the stems in 4 rows, completely covering the surface of the stems.
  • Fetus: capsule, ripens in September-October.
  • Flowering period: July-September.
  • Illumination: bright light, partial shade.
  • Watering: abundant in the warm season; does not require watering in winter.
  • Content temperature: summer +20-25°C, winter up to - 10°C, many varieties require winter shelter.
  • Flowering period: depends on the variety.
  • Reproduction: seeds, root division, cuttings.
  • Retains viability in soil for up to 40 years.

Where does heather grow?

Naturally grows throughout almost the entire territory of Europe - from the north to Mediterranean Sea, in Siberia, Morocco, the Azores, the Komi Republic and Belarus. Widely distributed in forest areas of the European part of Russia, where heather mainly grows in pine forests, in their clearings and edges, swamps, peat bogs and wastelands. It forms huge multi-kilometer thickets called heathers. It often grows on mountain slopes and in areas with rocky soil.

Heather: plant species

There is only one species in the genus - common heather (Calluna vulgaris) and about 300. Varieties of heather differ in the timing of flowering and the color of leaves and flowers.

Decorative heather (Calluna Salisb)- a small, up to 50 cm tall evergreen shrub with small needle-like leaves. The flowers are small, lilac-pink, white or purple and bell-shaped. Heather placed indoors blooms from autumn to mid-winter, at a temperature of no more than +12°C.

Tree heather (Erika arborea)- an evergreen, bushy tree, growing up to 5 m tall, with small bluish leaves, up to 1 cm long, needle-shaped, bare or short-pubescent. Widely bell-shaped flowers are small, up to 3 cm long, white, collected in a complex pyramidal inflorescence 20 to 40 cm long. Flowers with a pleasant aroma. Blooms profusely in March-April. In culture since 1658.

Heather pink (Calluna Rose)– evergreen shrub up to 90 cm in height and up to 50 cm in diameter. The stem is straight, thin, and has rigid branches. The narrowed-oval leaves are bright green, elongated, up to 1.5 cm long, growing without cuttings directly from the stem. Hanging flowers are cylindrical, red, pink or white, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in straight, thin, terminal racemes 10-15 cm long. Blooms in April-July. It is an excellent honey plant.

Garden heather- a group of frost-resistant varieties differing in bush height, leaf and flower color, divided into 3 categories: tall, medium-tall and low-growing varieties.

Tall varieties 50-70 cm tall

Long White Heather– with green leaves and white flowers.

Beale) – with dark green leaves and light pink double flowers.

Golden (S. Aurea)- with yellow leaves in summer, brown-red and purple flowers in winter and autumn.

Alport (S. alportii)- with dark green leaves and dark pink flowers.

Medium-growing varieties from 30 to 40 cm

Plenums of the Elbe (Alba Plena)– green leaves, double flowers, white.

Boskoop– in summer the leaves are golden-yellow, in winter and autumn they are copper-orange, the flowers are lilac-pinkish.

Darkness- with green leaves and purple-red flowers.

Hammondii- leaves are light green, flowers are white.

Low-growing varieties from 20 to 30 cm

Hamilton (J.H. Hamilton)- with yellow leaves and double flowers of a red hue.

Marleen- with dark green leaves and purple flowers.

Dark Star- with dark green leaves and semi-double ruby-red flowers.

Scottish heather

Scottish heather (Calluna vulgaris Hill)-, a highly branched, evergreen shrub, from 30 cm to 1 m in height. Stems with red-brown bark and thin, often rooting branches. The leaves are small, sessile, green, short-needle-shaped, imbricated, arranged in 4 rows.

The leaves are almost triangular in shape, arrow-shaped at the base, with a blunt apex. The flowers are small, pale lilac or less often white, collected in a multi-flowered one-sided raceme. The calyx is shiny, 4-parted. Eight stamens, a pistil with a tetrahedral upper ovary and a long style. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds.

Common heather (Calluna vulgaris)

It is a perennial, evergreen, pollinated shrub with a height of 20 to 70 cm and a width of up to 45 cm. Common heather has scale-like, imbricate-overlapping, triangular, dark green sessile leaves up to 2-2.5 cm long. The bell-shaped corolla is slightly irregular in shape, lilac-pink, less often white, with fused petals. The flowers are located at the ends of the side shoots and are collected in dense racemes.

Flowering period: July-August, after which the perianths do not fall off and common heather retains its attractive appearance.

Graceful heather (Erica gracilis)

The plant is native to South Africa. Graceful heather is an evergreen shrub up to 50 cm tall with short lateral shoots and very small, up to 5 mm long linear leaves of light green color. The flowers are elongated-oval, pubescent, goblet-shaped, constricted at the throat, bright red. Flowers are collected in 4 pieces. at the short ends of the shoots.

Blooms in October-February. There are varieties differing in flower color. An indispensable variety of heather for winter gardens, landscaping bright rooms and forcing.

Diseases and pests of heather

The culture is incredibly resistant to disease and is practically not affected by pests, but fungal and viral diseases are possible. Heather is mainly affected by diseases and pests when it is not properly cared for or kept in too damp soil.

The most common disease of heather is sulfur rot, which affects the plant and develops when elevated level soil and air humidity. When the first signs appear (a gray coating on the shoots, falling leaves and partial death of young shoots), it is necessary to treat the plant with the antifungal drug Fundazol or Topaz, and in case of more severe damage, use a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Treatment is carried out in 2-3 doses with an interval of 6-10 days, and preventative treatment held in early spring or late autumn.

The leaves turn brown and the tops of young shoots wither - waterlogging of the soil or excessive fertilization.

If the young shoots dry out and the leaves become covered grayish-white coating, then this is a powdery mildew infection. Antifungal drugs are used for treatment.

Deformation of shoots and flowers, uneven, uncharacteristic coloring of flowers and leaves are obvious symptoms viral diseases from which there is no way effective treatment. In this case, the plant must be dug up and burned, preventing the spread of the disease.

The most common pest is scale insects. Morning spraying with soapy water helps effectively in the fight.

Heather in the garden plot

Due to its unusual appearance, noticeable, abundant, long-lasting and beautiful flowering, heather garden plot takes its rightful place. Heather does not require special care, is drought-resistant and thrives in the shade, which allows it to be used as a decorative flowering plant that complements the overall picture of the garden.

With proper care, you can easily create a closed continuous carpet of heather plants, very picturesque both in individual heather gardens and in compositions with tall plants, on alpine hills or as a border along paths.

Heathers with decorative shapes look very impressive coniferous plants or beautiful flowering shrubs and are great for decorating the foreground of a site.

Use of heather

Heather has been used since ancient times in winemaking, brewing and for dyeing yarn in shades of yellow. Currently, heather is used in a variety of areas:

  • V agriculture used as a forage plant;
  • dried shoots and flowers are used as fillers for fragrant pillows and for making winter bouquets;
  • dried and crushed flowers are used as a seasoning for appetizers and first courses;
  • in landscape design;
  • for making heather tea.

In many countries, heather is grown on an industrial scale for the extraction of honey, the production of pharmacological preparations and further processing into feed additives for animals.

Medicinal properties of heather

Chemical properties. The above-ground part of the plant contains such elements as:

  • about 7% catechin tannins;
  • 0.3-0.86% glycoside arbutin and ericoline;
  • quercitrin;
  • arbutase enzyme;
  • starch, resins, gums, flavonoids, carotene;
  • compounds of potassium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus;
  • organic acids and dyes.

But the most valuable substance contained in heather is silicic acid, which affects the condition of connective tissues.

The medicinal properties of heather are used in medicine as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative, expectorant, hypotensive, astringent, wound-healing, diaphoretic and diuretic. Allows its use in practical medicine at:

  • inflammation Bladder and renal pelvis;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • diarrhea and entercolitis as an astringent;
  • nervous excitement, as a sedative and hypnotic;
  • catarrh of the stomach with high acidity;
  • rheumatism, gout, stones and sand in the kidneys, cough;
  • cystitis, prostatitis, liver and spleen diseases.

Heather is used as an external remedy for rashes, body ulcers, rickets, eczema, allergies, burns and as a wound healing agent. Baths with heather are very effective for swelling of the legs due to kidney and heart diseases and rheumatism, and powder from dried flowers is sprinkled on festering wounds.

According to an ancient legend of the Scottish people, God asked the plants which of them wanted to be on the bare mountain slopes, which were mercilessly blown by the wind? The only one who responded to the question was heather. For this, God rewarded him with endurance, beautiful lush flowering and wonderful aroma.

Common heather is a representative of shrubs from the Heather family. The leaves are tetrahedral and scaly. The height of heather reaches about 25 cm. Types of shrubs are divided according to the shade of their leaves.

The leaves come in a wide variety of colors: green, silver, yellow, orange, bronze and even brown and red. Blooms in the form of a brush in which it is collected a large number of small fragrant flowers pink, purple, white, cherry or raspberry shades. The flowering period occurs in July-August. At this time, the heather, inconspicuous at first glance, turns into a multi-colored fragrant carpet that can decorate the gloomiest stone wasteland.

Plant for a long time preserves inflorescences, which even when dried remain bright, juicy colors until late autumn. At first glance, you wouldn’t even think that the plant has bloomed.

The title photo shows a modern variety of common heather, Peter sparkes.

The exact place of origin of the plant cannot be determined. It is distributed in the northwest of America, as well as throughout the European continent with a variety of climatic conditions: from Siberia to the Mediterranean, in Morocco and the territories of the Azores Islands.

There are several versions of how heather was introduced to the American mainland. One of them says that in ancient times the plant was used in dry form for stuffing mattresses. While traveling, they could easily get by ship from Europe to America. Ancient legend The Scots also contains a certain amount of truth: heather is able to survive and amaze with beautiful blooms in the most lifeless harsh corners of nature with a difficult climate: heathlands, peat bogs, mountains, wastelands, swamps - any such territory can become its habitat.

Heather stems and flowers have been used in everyday life since ancient times. So the word itself, translated from Scottish, literally means “to cleanse” due to the fact that a broom was made from the plant. The leaves were used to make yellow dye. An alcoholic drink was even prepared from heather - heather ale(similar to beer).

Types of heather

Heather derives its name from the Greek word kalunei means "to clean". The name of this plant can also be found in ancient Slavic, then it was called “varesnets” or “frost”.

The plant is represented in its genus by one species - Common heather (lat. Calluna vulgaris), but there are about 500 different varieties distinguished from each other by decorative differences in the characteristics of the leaves and flowers. Due to their large number, varieties are usually divided into 6 groups according to common characteristics:

  • with green leaves;
  • with green leaves and white flowers;
  • with a silvery coating on the leaves;
  • with a golden coating on the leaves;
  • with double structure of flowers;
  • with non-opening flower structure.

Not all varieties of shrubs turned out to be suitable for cultivation in the Russian climate. Let's look at the most popular among them.

  • Variety "Carmen"- was bred in 1968 in Holland, belongs to the group of plants with green leaves. Initially it was considered a mutation, but then it was registered as a separate variety. The shrub is evergreen, has a round shape and a height of up to 40 cm. The spherical shape is achieved due to the width of the bush about 50 cm. The leaves are dark green, the bark is brown. It blooms in panicles up to 20 cm long, the flowers are pink-violet. The flowering period in different territories of Russia is different due to the diversity climatic conditions. In the European part of the country, the flowering period occurs from mid-August to late September, in Moscow and the region - from September to October. Heather of the “Carmen” variety is best planted in a brightly lit area. The plant is frost-resistant, but it would not be amiss to cover it with spruce branches.
  • Heather variety "Hammondii""is a member of a group of plants with green leaves and white flowers. The bush is native to England, where it was bred in 1850. Is an evergreen shrub spherical(height - 40 cm, crown width - 50 cm). The leaves are small. The bark is brown. Panicles with flowers reach a length of 20 cm. Grows well in a brightly lit area. The maximum growth of shoots shows on fertile peat soils. The variety is often used landscape designers for creating compositions or as part of heather gardens. The shrub is frost-resistant, but for protection from too low temperatures It would be useful to cover it with spruce branches.

  • Among the varieties with silver-colored leaves there are: heather "Jan Dekker", which is valued for its compact size (height about 15 cm, crown width about 30 cm). The clusters of flowers are dense, the flowers themselves have a pink-purple hue. The leaves are slightly pubescent, resulting in a silvery color. The flowering period is in September.
  • Heather Melanie (Calluna vulgaris "Melanie")- an evergreen shrub of compact shape with a height of 50 to 60 cm. The leaves reach a length of 1 to 3 cm, needle-shaped in a light green shade. The flowering period occurs in the autumn months - September, October. The inflorescences consist of white flowers. Light-loving shrub, but can tolerate light partial shade. It tolerates heat well, but may suffer from early autumn frosts. The bush is pruned in early spring.

  • Heather variety "Beoley Gold" belongs to the group of plants with golden leaves. The shrub has a spreading shape, reaches a height of about 35 cm, the crown width varies from 50 to 60 cm. Flowers white shade, the brushes reach about 12 cm in length. The flowering period occurs in September.
  • Heather variety "Kinlochruel" is a representative of the group of plants with double flowers. The shrub is dense, wide-spreading, height is about 25 cm, the crown in diameter can reach about 40 cm. The variety is valued for its snow-white double flowers collected in lush clusters. Flowering period is September.
  • Heather varieties that have flowers that do not open appear unusual. This includes "David Eason"- a spherical shrub of small height (20 cm) and a spreading crown (25 cm). The leaves are dark green, the flowers are pink and purple, the racemes are narrow. Flowering period - September.

Plant propagation methods. Landing rules

Heather can be propagated in several ways: cuttings, cuttings and seeds.

  1. When propagated by cuttings for planting them, use deep holes dug from each other at a distance of 50 cm. Do not bury root collar plants. The soil in the hole should be compacted well, watered and mulched with sawdust or peat. If the cutting is planted in heavy soil mixed with clay, then a good drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of each hole.
  2. Propagate heather by cuttings It’s quite simple: an adult bush will eventually form many shoots spreading along the ground. It is enough to fix one shoot on the soil, sprinkle it a little and wait for the rapid development of an independent root system. Then the seedling will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.
  3. Growing heather with seeds- the longest and most labor-intensive method. Heather seeds are sown on a layer of nutrient soil and wait for the first shoots after about 21 days. The resulting sprouts are transplanted into spacious boxes. IN open ground heather can only be tolerated after 2 years.
  4. The most common method of heather propagation is dividing the rhizome of an adult bush into parts. Old stems are removed, each plot is planted in a new hole.

Proper planting of a shrub is the key to its future good growth and abundant flowering.

Heather can be planted in open ground both in spring and autumn.

It has been experimentally established that the plant takes root best when planted in the spring. Indeed, with this method the shrub will have a greater chance of growing a powerful root system capable of withstanding winter frosts. Additional protection in winter consists of covering with spruce branches, leaves or sawdust.

Heather Dark Beauty

Plant care rules

Heather care involves regular abundant watering, monitoring soil acidity levels, applying annual fertilizing (about 40 g of fertilizing per square meter). Not all types of plants need to loosen the soil - in some species root system too close to its surface and may be damaged.

The rules for caring for heather in different areas of our country will contain some differences due to very different climatic conditions. So natural factors The Urals and Moscow region with possible severe and frosty winters, spring and autumn frosts require additional covering material on the bush. Summer in these areas can be either abnormally dry or rainy, so the watering regime must be adjusted in each individual case.

Planting in a pot. Growing indoors

Let us outline the basic rules for caring for heather shrubs indoors:

  1. For irrigation use only soft, settled water. room temperature. Rainwater will also work.
  2. You need to water abundantly. Multiplicity - as the top layer dries. The shrub does not tolerate dry soil.
  3. The temperature of heather in summer varies from 18 to 25 degrees, in winter - from 8 to 12 degrees Celsius.
  4. The room should be regularly ventilated to bring in fresh air, but it is better to protect the heather from drafts.
  5. In spring and summer, heather needs regular spraying with soft water. This will help avoid pest infestation.
  6. Periodically make the substrate more acidic by adding sulfur or spruce bark.
  7. As the root system grows, I transplant the heather into a larger container. The earthen lump is not disturbed. The frequency of transplantation is once a year.
  8. Regular pruning of the bush, which stimulates more active growth and flowering.

Heather in landscape design

The shrub is loved all over the world due to its ability to form a bright and memorable landscape. The color variety of the shrub allows you to create limitless combinations. You can use a planting of only one shade of heather, but a combined flower bed will look much more impressive. The variety of types of heather will allow you to select varieties for different periods so that you can ultimately get a garden that blooms from early spring to late autumn.

Scotland is a world where nature surprises with a combination of a certain asceticism and modesty with the brightness and depth of colors. The mauve heather, dissolved in the emerald green fields, is inextricably linked with the national image of Scotland. It is known that its territory accounts for three quarters of all the world's heather thickets. According to an old Scottish legend, heather turned out to be the only plant that, at the suggestion of God, agreed to grow on open hillsides blown by cold winds. And in gratitude for this, the Almighty rewarded the plant with elegant flowers with a charming aroma. This small evergreen shrub with narrow tetrahedral leaves and delicate small flowers resembling miniature bells, occupies a very special place in the culture and traditions of Scotland. For several centuries, heather filled the lives of Scots with practical meaning.

Historians claim that heather was used by ancient Celtic tribes four thousand years ago. For a long time heather was used for utilitarian purposes in everyday life: to cover the roofs of houses, to weave all kinds of household utensils, to dye leather and fabrics yellow; very often it was the only food for Scottish sheep in these harsh regions. Currently, feed flour prepared on the basis of heather is superior to straw in its beneficial qualities. But, in addition, according to ancient beliefs, the plant has enormous magical powers. It was credited with the ability to drive away evil spirits from homes, so since pagan times, heather has been used for ritual decoration of houses and holidays. Using the subtle aroma of the plant, heather was included in all kinds of aromatic potions.

From July until late autumn, the heather blooms very generously and abundantly, filling the pinkish-lilac fields with a light honey aroma. Being an excellent honey plant, heather at the time of its flowering attracts a huge number of bees to the vast fields. It was in August Many beekeepers in Scotland are seeking to move their apiaries closer to the heather fields, where the plant, being one of the most persistent and main honey plants in Scotland, produces sweet nectar in both dry and rainy weather. Honey obtained by bees on heather fields is distinguished by a high content of minerals and protein compounds. Amazing aroma and tart taste - business card heather honey. And after prolonged storage, the taste and aroma becomes more expressive and unique. Scottish heather honey confidently occupies its niche in the gallery of honey aromas. Heather honey is actively used in the preparation of the famous Scottish liqueur Drambuie, which is a complex composition of aged Scotch whiskey, heather honey, mountain herbs, and dates back to 1745.

Being a very good healer, heather enjoyed great respect even in medieval herbalists, where its beneficial effects on the human body were described. Modern medicine recognizes a wide range of medicinal qualities due to the complex chemical composition of the plant. It has been established that heather contains many organic acids, complex phenolic compounds, alkaloids and minerals. It is no coincidence that heather is a constant component of plants grown in the “pharmaceutical gardens” of Britain.

Heather wood turned out to be attractive due to its qualities. In the foothills of Scotland, in the small town of Pitlochry, there is a factory for the production of jewelry and souvenirs from natural material - heather tree stems. Forty years ago, a small Scottish company patented a process for processing the woody stems of the plant to produce uniquely designed jewelry, called heathergems by the Scots. The process of processing, coloring and pressing heather stems allows you to create patterns that are amazing in their fantasy color. The stems, dyed in various colors using natural dyes, are pressed under very high pressure into blocks from which craftsmen cut intricately shaped natural stones, polish them, varnish them, and then very skillfully frame them in silver. Each such product embodies the exquisite palette of colors of Scottish nature. And heather has remained the most recognizable symbol of Scotland for several centuries.

Celtic style© 2010-2012. Copying materials is prohibited.
Direct indexed link to the Celtic style website when quoting required.

The wind that moves the heather

It's time, it's time to go to Britain, where in August and early September the sun rises over the already blooming heather fields, to lilac-pink Wales and Yorkshire parks, to the heaths of Brighton, the foothills and lakes of Scotland, to the chalk slopes, to the forests and to the lighthouses of the very edge of the earth in Cornwall, where the rocky mountains are, where the clouds sleep, where the river frolics in early youth, where the quail leads its chicks in search of food through the thick heather (Robert Burns, impressed by the flowering of the heather)

North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire, North York Moors National Park

South Yorkshire, Higger Tor, Peak District

Yorkshire, Langsett Reservoir, Peak District

Cornwall, Porthtowan

Cornwall, near the village of Trewellard

West Cornwall, Pordenack Point

Cornwall, near the village of Zennor

Cornwall, St Agnes

West Cornwall, Pendeen

Devonshire, Dartmoor, Tavy Cleave and North Devon Coast

Derbyshire, Derwent Edge, Peak District

West Sussex, Lavington Common and Derbyshire, Derwent Edge, Peak District

Derbyshire, Peak District

Cornwall, Coverack, Lizard Point

Wales, lighthouse on South Stack Island

North Derbyshire, The Peak District, Stanage Edge and West Cornwall, Pordenack Point

West Midlands, Shropshire

Hampshire, New Forest National Park

Scotland, Isle of Skye

Scotland, near the village of Strathpeffer

The Tweed Valley, Drumelzier, Scottish borders

North Derbyshire, The Peak District, Stanage Edge

Derbyshire, Derwent Edge, Peak District

Based on community materials Cheaptrip+ Secret and obvious places in Great Britain + Nature therapy

photo: Stuart Billington, Linda Moore, rocketman 2007, Tall Guy, ClydeHouse, The Brit_2, richdown3rd, Darren Schofield, johnelamper, Calum Dickson, Martin Levers, René Visser, Philip Goddard, Karl Williams, Libby Hall, Philip Goddard, Simon Philpotts, Kevin Munro (Scottish Highlands), velton, Karl Willams, Andrew George, Richard Gosney, Kathleen Clemons, Alex Nail, Russell Turner, Trevoe Cotton, Stuart Bilington, Stephen Sellman, Giles Clare, John Dominick, Tim Smaley, Lason Theaker, Al Power , Nigel Danson, Tehhi Sheck, Laurent Gaillard, Bart Hoga, Matt Hart, Paul Newcombe, Gilles Felten

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#1 Where the heather blooms


In Northern England there is a nature reserve - the Yorkshire Moors National Park. This area attracts with the mesmerizing beauty of its landscapes. Steep mountains and lakes scattered in the valleys inspired many artists and poets.

It's time, it's time to go to Britain, where in August and early September the sun rises over the already blooming heather fields, to lilac-pink Wales and Yorkshire parks, to the heaths of Brighton, the foothills and lakes of Scotland, to the chalk slopes, to the forests and to the lighthouses of the very edge of the earth in Cornwall, where the rocky mountains are, where the clouds sleep, where the rivers frolic in their early youth, where the quail leads its chicks in search of food through the thick heather. Robert Burns wrote, impressed by the flowering heather.

England's largest lake, Windermere, is also located here. On its most picturesque shores, the villages seem painted on. A lilac-violet “carpet” spreading across the endless wastelands. The endless heather fields make an unforgettable impression with their richness of colors.

Heather is an amazing plant. If you look closely at its branch, the simple scale-like leaves and small, bell-like flowers will most likely not cause admiration. But once you get into a clearing overgrown with bushes, shimmering with all shades of color, you will freeze with delight in a dense cloud honey aroma, amidst the busy buzzing of bees

And I remember Robert Stevenson’s poems, heard once in childhood, read to sad music in a cartoon:

Drink from heather
Forgotten a long time ago.
And he was sweeter than honey,
Drunker than wine.
It was boiled in cauldrons
And the whole family drank
Baby honey makers
In caves underground.

Tart heather honey charms some gourmets literally right away. There are also those who cannot stand the bitter taste of heather honey.

Symbol of Scotland heather shrub of immortality

However, true connoisseurs in the UK value this honey so highly that it has been given the name “honey Rolls-Royce”. The origin of this honey is already clear from the name: bees make heather honey from nectar, which they take from the branchy evergreen shrub of the common heather.

There is an old legend. After God created Scotland - with its inaccessible rocks, endless moors and hills - he alternately asked the mighty oak, the fragrant honeysuckle and the beautiful rose to settle in these places, but the oak, the honeysuckle and the rose refused.

This region turned out to be too harsh, too gloomy. Only a modest bush agreed - low-growing, with tiny flowers - heather. The Lord rejoiced and rewarded the courageous plant with the strength of oak, the fragrance of honeysuckle, and the tenderness and sweetness of a rose. And people chose a modest bush as their talisman. And as long as Scotland exists, the heather will bloom!

Thanks to Stevenson's famous ballad, this plant is associated with Scotland for many. Meanwhile, wild heather grows and occupies vast areas not only in the British Isles, but also in North-Western and Northern Europe, Siberia and Asia Minor.

Heather is one of the flowering plants, but when this shrub does not bloom, it looks more like some kind of conifer. Its leaves are extremely small and short, in appearance they resemble the needles of cypress, juniper, and coniferous spruce, and just like spruce, the leaves-needles of heather do not fall off in the winter. They remain on the plant for several years, and the heathers overwinter green.

When the heather blooms in the second half of summer, the entire space becomes pink-lilac from its flowers. Heather blooms for a long time, more than two months, until the coldest weather, and even after flowering ends, the dried flowers do not change color.

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At the beginning of autumn, peace and quiet reigns on the site - many plants have faded and rare fading flowers can be found somewhere in the corners. Few bees appear to collect pollen on flowers and other insects.

Legends about flowers. Heather

To diversify your plot at this time of year, plant heather. Heather blooms profusely in autumn, when many plants have long since faded. Fragrant flowers attract the eyes and delight the hearts of summer residents. And it seems that summer continues.

What is common heather? This is a low-growing evergreen shrub of compact size with slow-growing shoots. The shoots contain incredibly fragrant flowers that attract bees to your area. It has long been known that it is a good honey plant. Varieties differ in flowering time. Having planted on the site different varieties, you can admire the flowering of this plant from early summer to late autumn.

What varieties of heather winter in the Moscow region

Climate in Middle Zone countries vary greatly every year - there are warm winters or too cold and snowless.

To ensure that the plant survives the winter, it is recommended to plant cold-resistant varieties. These include:

Allegro is a compact and dense bush with carmine-red flowers. The shoots reach 50 cm in length. They grow up to half a meter in width. Tolerates frosty winters well, especially under cover.

Alba Plena is a small bush (up to 50 cm in height) with a long flowering period (up to 2 months). Gardeners are pleased with the presence of snow-white flowers and terry leaves. Resistant to strong temperature changes in winter period. Guaranteed to withstand winter under cover.

Boskop - low-growing variety heather (up to 0.4 m). It attracts the attention of gardeners with its beautiful flowers with a pinkish tint and bright copper-colored leaves. It blooms for one month - from the beginning to the end of September. Copes well with Moscow frosts.

Heather propagation methods

One of the most popular ways to grow garden crops on a plot is to buy a seedling and then plant it. If you have several bushes in your garden, you can propagate them yourself using the following methods:

  1. Dividing the mother bush is the easiest and most popular propagation method. Dig the bush out of the ground in the fall, clear the roots from the soil and divide them into small parts. Plant each part on the plot.
  2. Sowing seeds is one of the most labor-intensive methods. It is used mainly for breeding new varieties. Decorative features mother plant are not inherited by young bushes.
  3. Cuttings are popular with gardeners who do not want to damage the heather using the division propagation method. Trimmed apical shoots are shortened to four centimeters in length and planted in moist nutrient soil. Keep indoors at a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Planted in spring.

Planting garden heather

The plant easily tolerates transplantation from one place to another. IN special care does not need. But it is demanding on the composition of the soil - it grows well in drained (loose) and acidic soil. When providing the right soil, the plant develops well and pleases from year to year, beautiful blooms. The recommended time for planting in the spring is the end of April, and in the fall - the beginning of October. Heather planting technology:

  1. In a dry, sunny place, dig a large hole 5 times the size of the root system. Make a gap of at least 30 cm between the holes.
  2. Fill the planting hole with fertile heather mixture. An excellent option is high-moor peat. If there is no peat, then the following substrate will do: mix sand, peat and tree bark humus in a ratio of 1:3:2.
  3. Place the bush in the hole with the roots straightened and cover with earthen mixture. Water generously to moisten the soil.
  4. To retain moisture, mulch the soil around the seedlings with peat or pine needles. It is advisable to choose mulching materials that increase soil acidity.


An unpretentious plant, common heather, does not require special care.

In summer, monitor the soil moisture - water every day in dry weather, once a week in cloudy weather. In the spring, for better growth and flowering, plants are fed with granular or liquid fertilizers.

Although the garden crop tolerates winters well with moderate sub-zero temperatures, it is still not a bad idea to provide shelter for the winter. In late autumn, sprinkle trunk circle earth or covered with spruce branches. In spring, the shelter is removed.

More information about planting and caring for heather is described in the video:

From this article you learned that in the conditions of the Moscow region, you can grow heather on your site and enjoy beautiful blooms from year to year.

2011 Thinkstock

Autumn flowers, for example, amazing heather, are similar to late love - just as discreetly beautiful and proud. The heather stands out as lilac islands among the dark autumn greenery, already touched by the cold. Gardeners are hunting for new heather varieties to decorate their gardens. Heather flowers look like bells - purple, lilac-pink, light purple, cream and white. The leaves show all shades of green and can sometimes be brown, silver, bronze, orange, red. Romantic people buy heather in pots and decorate their home and balcony with it.

The bees happily feast on the nectar of the late honey plant and bring delicious and slightly tart honey of dark yellow and red-brown color: “Heather bloomed here, the hum of bees stood over the open spaces...” (R. Burns).

Florists collect dry heather twigs to make a flower arrangements. Herbalists prepare heather for the winter. Poets, writers and artists admire it and describe it in their works. Cooks prepare wine and ale from heather.


Common heather – Callura Vulgaris (L) Hull belongs to the heather family of the genus Ericaceae.

Heather. Scottish Legends Plant

The height of this evergreen plant varies from 20 to 100 cm, and its age can be quite respectable - 45 years. Today there are over 500 varieties of heather.

Heather is found in pine and mixed forests, on forest edges, clearings, and swamps. Heather blooms in the second half of summer and blooms until the end of autumn. In England, heather blooms from mid-autumn to mid-spring. But, unfortunately, this is impossible under Russian snow. But often even snow cannot hide the beauty of heather: on a dry plant, bright perianths dried to the fruits remain until next summer.

2011 Thinkstock

Heather was once used for heating rooms, for making brooms, for dyeing fabrics yellow, for road flooring and for landscaping. sleeping place: “Such a bed is not only soft, but also elastic; besides, the heather at the time of flowering spreads a pleasant aroma” (T. Smollett “The Travels of Humphrey Clinker”).

Heather roots are used to make beautiful smoking pipes: they are beautiful, retain the aroma of tobacco well and are not afraid of temperature changes. The famous heather pipes were made in the French city of Saint Claude. Writers A. Tolstoy and Georges Simenon were admirers of heather pipes.

Language of flowers

In the language of flowers, white heather says that all wishes will come true and good luck will come, lilac - about admiration, purple - about beauty. But the symbol of heather flowers is loneliness.