A conspiracy to dream about your beloved girl. What needs to be done to make your loved one dream? Decoding and interpretation of sleep Conspiracy

You can make a man fall in love with you in the most different ways, including magical ones. There is a conspiracy to dream about your beloved man. As a result of this conspiracy, he will think about you the entire next day. His soul will be full of feelings about you and in the end he will simply come to the girl right on the doorstep.

The effectiveness of a conspiracy through a dream

Ancient magicians said that conspiracies through dreams are one of the most effective conspiracies. This is very simple to explain. As the famous Freud said: “dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.” So, magicians believe that making someone fall in love through a dream is an even more effective event than a regular love spell. After all, what a love spell is is a ritual through which thoughts about you are imposed on the person you are interested in.

When a conspiracy occurs through a dream, the attitudes towards falling in love are absorbed by a person much more successfully and act much more powerfully. As you know, our subconscious desires are sometimes much stronger than conscious ones, so this is where attitudes towards love are recorded in the subconscious.

When to carry out a sleep spell?

You can dream about a man using magic in the following life situations:

  • You might dream of a guy with whom a girl had a fight and now doesn’t know how to make peace. Perhaps there is not enough willpower to come up first and start a conversation, or maybe the guy is very proud and himself rejects all her attempts to make peace.
  • A conspiracy to dream about a loved one can be used if a girl is unrequitedly in love with a guy. This option is especially relevant when the girl tried to attract the guy’s attention using conventional methods, but nothing worked. Then, having dreamed about it, his beloved will definitely pay attention to her and see in her an interesting young lady.
  • You can dream about a guy even if he is your ex-boyfriend. For example, you just broke up, but almost immediately realized that you made a mistake and want to make peace. When your loved one sees you in a dream, the best memories of you will appear in his mind and he will want to return to the good old times.
  • If a woman wants to beat a married man with the help of a sleep spell, then this is also possible. But in this case there may be unpleasant consequences for the customer herself.
  • It is very good to dream about your loved one if you are at a distance from him. When lovers are at a distance, it is not so easy to maintain a high degree of love in a relationship. As a result, your interest young man may be directed towards other girls. A conspiracy to appear to him in a dream will keep his interest in you.
  • If you notice that your beloved man has begun to be interested in other girls or you frankly know that he has a mistress, then also appear to him in a dream. Then, on a subconscious level, he will turn to you again, and the other woman will simply cease to interest him.

These are exemplary situations in which you can safely cast a spell to appear to a man in a dream. These spells can be used in other cases.

Spell for sleep

This love dream spell will not require any special rituals. The only thing is that it should be carried out during the waxing moon. Then nature itself will help your loved one to have the necessary and powerful dream.

As an additional measure, for the atmosphere you can read this plot among candles. Light them, sit among the candles and read the following text:

“When the Servant of God (the man’s name) goes to bed today, the first and last thing he will see in his dream today is the Servant of God (his name). I should come to you in a dream, I should draw you into loving myself, I should sneak into your heart. I ask the higher powers to remind him of me. He sees me and falls in love. Yes, let him wake up with that love for me. He will wake up, realize that he loves me and come to me. I send myself to my dear one in a dream, I give myself to my dear one in a dream, since I cannot do it in reality.”

After this, you need to put out the candles and immediately go to bed. It is advisable to read such a spell for sleep when you are already very sleepy and feel that you are about to fall asleep.

Most likely, the very next day you will receive news from your loved one. He will remember you. Gradually, he will develop a feeling of love for you, this is how the sleep spell works.

Plot for a toy

A spell to dream about your boyfriend can be placed on a toy. But for this you need to buy a new toy. First think about your beloved man. Think about which animal or character it reminds you of. And based on these thoughts, you can choose a toy. That is, you should associate the toy with your loved one. Choose it with your soul, then the ritual will be especially successful. Before you go to bed, hug the toy and read the following magical text on it:

“I dream about you this night, short and deep. If you see me, feel the brightest feelings for me, my betrothed, hear me. As your clear eyes close from daytime fatigue, you will see my image of the Servant of God (name of the man), I will also see you in a dream, be able to love and accept you completely. Ask yourself a question, how are you doing without me? Everyone will receive theirs in a dream; the night keeps our love under its cover. And when you get up early in the morning, you will go to the servant of God for the love that the night promised us. I hug you, I’m always with you.”

After that, hug the toy tightly and fall asleep. The one to whom you spoke the text will definitely see you that night. Some carry out this hex on a photo of a loved one.

This plot is for cross sleep. This means that the girl will also dream of her beloved young man.

By the way, there is such a ritual special power. But it doesn’t always work out 100%, because people have to be at least a little tuned in to each other. But, if this is so, then the slander has a very high result.

Waning moon spell

Eat love spells which are best done on the waning moon. This one is one of them. It is done on a decreasing basis because you are getting rid of everything bad that you had with this person, thereby making room for a happy future.

The girl who performs this ritual needs to go out into the open light of the waning moon and turn three times counterclockwise and say this magic word:

“I turn back time, remove all the bad things. Let today the servant of God (name of the man) dream of all the good things, all the best that was connected with me by the servant of God (his name), see me, feel happy at the same time. Understand that you can’t live without me. The future image of our happiness come to him. The power of our love will overcome him and he will come to my doorstep tomorrow.”

This ritual is good to perform if your loved one is now at a distance from you. Perhaps you had a fight, and now both of you have more negativity than positivity in your minds. This also happens in a married couple, then the husband will be returned to the couple with the help of such a dream. So, such slander allows you to shift the focus to the good in the couple.

Every night we are able to have a dream, and maybe even more than one. Dreams are capable of reflecting what we have lived through; we visualize what we see and process it in our thoughts. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed the significance of dreams and paid attention to even the smallest details. It was believed that if you see a person at night, he is thinking about you, so many tried to use magic and read a spell to dream about a loved one; for this, sometimes it is enough just to imagine the person all day long, and before going to sleep, read a prayer to God.

Vision in hand

So what exactly are our sleepovers? Falling asleep is a state of rest that should occur at certain time intervals. Few individuals can boast of the ability to control the plot of a dream and see lucid plots. Ask a question of interest, receive the same answer as during wakefulness. Since time immemorial, it has been said that morphaeans carry certain messages to their chosen ones. As a rule, such energy messages are usually associated with the future. In ancient times, it was believed that morphaeans come to a person at the behest of a higher power, they can warn about something, the main thing is to correctly interpret what they dreamed about. For this purpose, huge volumes of commentary books were compiled.

The girls used the effect of conscious vision in their conspiracies in order to dream about their beloved and through their half-sleep they penetrated into the consciousness of their beloved. Having dreamed of each other, lovers, being at a distance, could see each other and convey their messages. There is a ritual that will allow lovers to talk; it must be activated at midnight:

  • We put a mirror in front of us, light candles, one candle should be shorter than the other;
  • We place a photo of our chosen one behind the mirror;
  • you need to concentrate and see the appearance of a man through the looking glass: “Look at me, honey, I’m here, I’m yours. I want to invite you to talk. Come to me in a dream, and I will come to your mercy in a dream”;
  • After extinguishing the candles, go to bed.

It is believed that a husband and wife who are constantly together, during separation, are able to see the same vision in a dream; to do this, you need to look in the mirror and say:

“Husband (wife), let’s share my reflection with him in half, and we’ll be here.”

All for two

In order to dream about a guy, the conspiracy will require you, as in any spell, to believe in what is happening, and this is not so difficult when we're talking about about love. Such spells may be needed for various reasons:

Whatever the reason, the result is important - penetration into someone else's subconscious and controlling it. By the way, such practices were used in Ancient Egypt, as evidenced by historical records on parchment. In a dream we can do whatever we want: soar in the clouds, run, ride hot-air balloon, travel around countries - so why not use these properties with those you like? Since time immemorial, women have used a sleep spell for two in order to dream of a man.

  1. Firstly, you need to think about what your sleeping will be about a day in advance. Use help in composing signs - take a dream book.
  2. Secondly, plan the scenes in your dreams in such a way that you remember even the smallest details.
  3. Go to bed before ten in the evening, then it will be easier to fall asleep: “When I go to bed, I think about you, love! Come to our dream, I’m waiting.”
  4. As we fall asleep, we begin to mentally watch a movie of our own imagination, which your loved one will dream about in a moment.

One of the ways to dream about a guy is to perform a ritual with a bouquet of flowers. Flowers must be wildflowers, preferably collected with your own hands and rhizomes. Trim the roots and place the flowers in a vase with some water. Wash and dry the roots. Place a bouquet of field plants under your pillow before going to bed. We put the roots in any vessel, set it on fire and say:

“With smoke I will fly far into the sky. Just as the smoke is light, so am I light, I will come to your slumber, wait for me!”

Scatter the remains of the ashes to the wind. Now let's go to bed.

Moon spells

All rituals have always been in effect, but lunar rituals are more suitable for those beauties who want to use a conspiracy to dream to make a person fall in love with them. On a full moon, you should look out the window at the moonlight and whisper:

“I’ll dream, by your mercy, that’s me. Get to know me, I am your love. God’s servant (name) love me!”

Repeat seven times and go to bed.

Take a sheet of paper, any format, preferably dark in color, and write a message on it:

“Mother Moon, you came to me again. I was waiting for you, I prepared a request. I ask you, come to your loved one, look out the window. Make him remember me, let him get bored, and come to me in the morning.”

We burn the plot and scatter the ashes in the wind.

A strong conspiracy is made on the rising moon. Before the ritual, you need to undo your braids, go outside, and bow to the new moon:

“The month is young, beautiful, like my betrothed. The night is dark, so show me the way to a sweet home, lead me to it. Light the way."

Also, on the full moon, a ritual could be performed to remind:

“I remind you of myself, don’t forget me, don’t change your beloved for distant seas. I’ll send you news about my native land.”

On a waning moonlit night, in order to appear to a guy in a dream, a candle was lit on the window:

“The month is waning, the candle is fading, as soon as the wax melts, my appearance will appear to you.”

Collect spruce needles, quietly put one in the guy’s pocket, put the rest under the pillow at home:

“Just as these needles grew on one branch, so we will walk in pairs. I will dream about you, fate will lead you to me.”

In general, I don’t want to call the desire to dream about my soulmate or the one whom my heart has chosen as magic. Simply, we people all have a gift - our energy makes thoughts material, if you think about a guy all day, then even without spells he will feel that you belong to him. But still, if you want to be one hundred percent confident in yourself, it is better to read a simple plot using white magic.

To appear dear at night, collect dried flowers or a bunch of straw. We put one branch under the pillow, burn the rest, and collect the ashes in a bag. In the morning, after sleep, scatter the contents of the bag into the wind:

“I will come to you every night until you look at me in reality.”

Let's look in detail at a love spell to make a guy dream without a photo so that he gets bored - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


Read strong conspiracies for a guy’s love-sickness for a girl on your own

Girls will never stop reading conspiracies that make their beloved guy feel melancholy, so that he gets bored and yearning and in every possible way looks for an opportunity to quickly meet his beloved who read the plot for him to be very melancholy. If you decide to bewitch your loved one so that he “dries” and yearns for you and quickly marries you, use one of the following conspiracies, and which of them you will read - it’s up to you to decide from the wind or from the photo, one important condition to read, it is necessary to say the words of the spell for melancholy for five days at sunrise, standing at home near the open window and read the morning spells for the boy’s melancholy so that only in this case the plot for the strongest love longing will work very quickly.

Read the spell for melancholy to the wind

In order for a person to yearn for you, you need to stand up in the wind and say the words of the following conspiracy for severe melancholy. But if you read this yourself strong conspiracy in response to a guy's longing for love for a girl, if you go out to a crossroads in windy weather and, after reading the words, see a whirlwind and have time to spit at it, your beloved guy will not only yearn and miss you, but will also be very bewitched by you. For the rest of his life, a person will love only the one who performed this magical rite on him. Words of a strong conspiracy to the wind that you need to read yourself:

I’ll get up and bless myself, I’ll go out crossing myself,

From door to door, from gate to gate to the blue sea.

There are twelve brothers standing there, I’ll go closer to them and bow lower.

Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island on the blue sea,

On the island there is an oak tree, under this oak tree lies a burning slab, a melancholy melancholy.

Raise this slab, take away this melancholy,

Bring it, place it on the zealous heart of the slave (name).

Give him melancholy, sadness, so that he yearns, grieves,

So that he could neither live, nor be, nor day,

Not an hour to waste, not a minute to while away.

With you, red sun, with Mother Mary, dawn of the morning,

Evening Marimyana, Midnight Ulyana, with you, bright moon.

I would walk, I wouldn’t hang around, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t linger, I would think, I wouldn’t think,

I would smoke, I wouldn’t light up, I would walk, I wouldn’t go on a spree,

I would eat, I would not overeat, I would drink, I would not drink, I would sleep, I would not fall asleep,

In the morning he got up and thought about me, slave (name).

Lighter than the midday wind, faster than fire lightning,

Let another girl seem scary to him,

Like a lioness, like fiery creatures, like terrible sea creatures,

Like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch.

And for him, slave (name), I am a firebird.

A strong conspiracy to yearn for a photo of a guy

The most powerful way to make your beloved guy miss you is to use the following plot to make the guy miss you a lot. For the ritual, we will need a photo of a young man on whom we will read a plot to miss a girl, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to leave the house to carry out the ritual. At midnight on the full moon, stand at the crossroads holding a photo of your beloved guy to your chest with your arms crossed together and start reading these ancient words of the strongest love spell for a guy’s strong longing for a girl after which he will definitely marry you:

An open field, a wide expanse, I call my brothers here,

13 devils, drink, take a walk, feast, remember the slave (name).

Drink (name)’s blood, sit on the stone board,

Give him a grave longing for me, God's servant (name)

So that he would be deeply bored, suffer greatly, grieve with grief, and weep blood.

How a sister cries for her brother at the memorial,

Grandfather misses grandma during the funeral service.

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't think about anything,

no labor, no work, no joy, no care.

Neither in the morning nor in the afternoon, neither by water nor by fire.

Do not erase with prayer, do not sweep away with a broom the thoughts of slave (name) for me,

I lock God’s servant (name) with a padlock and lock it with a key.

Pike in the water, finishing in me.

As long as I'm alive, my work will not be interrupted,

In prayer, do not pray away, do not remove, do not wash away.

So it will be now and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After this, silently return home and, without talking to anyone, take a running shower (rinse off at least from a basin), washing off the negativity from yourself. After that you can talk and live ordinary life without telling anyone about holding this strongest magical ritual to bore a person. Always carry the photo of the guy on which you read the spell for melancholy with you (you can have it in your purse). After this black conspiracy, a beloved guy located at any distance, very sad, will come to the girl who made this strong plot for melancholy with an offer to marry him.

Strong spell for melancholy

On the island of Buyans strong wind walking. Both day and night he sharpens stones,

Let the wind go to my beloved, sharpen his heart and make him sad,

Let the heart of God's servant (name) cry, sob,

His longing for me (name), a meeting with me, waited and waited,

My beloved could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat without me.

Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk, so would he (name of a loved one) without me ( given name).

I could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor on a day with the sun, nor on a night with the moon.

Amen, amen, amen!

After reading this powerful plot for melancholy, expect news from your beloved man. After inducing lovesickness, the guy will miss you very much. In practice, very often a loved one calls on the phone to make an appointment. The longer he does not come out to communicate with you, the more the longing for love will pinch the soul and heart of the man on whom the plot for severe melancholy was read, and you should take a wait-and-see attitude and wait for the spell for boredom - longing to take effect.

Conspiracy to make a guy sad

And here is another promised love spell for your loved one’s melancholy, so that he misses you greatly, yearns for you and seeks a meeting. You can induce lovesickness by looking at the photo and reading the following plot.

If you want the object of your love to feel sad and want to meet you, read the following words of a spell for longing above his photo:

I, a slave (such and such), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the yard to the gate, I will go into an open field, to the sub-eastern side, in the sub-eastern side there is a hut, in the middle of the hut there is a board, under the board there is melancholy. Melancholy cries, melancholy sobs, waits for white light, White light The red sun is waiting, rejoicing and having fun! So he waited for me, a slave (such and such), rejoiced and had fun; without me he could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, either at dawn or at evening; just as a fish cannot live without water, like a baby cannot live without its mother’s milk, without its mother’s womb, so a slave (such and such) without a slave (such and such) could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor eat. in the morning dawn, not in the evening, not in everyday life, not at noon, not with frequent stars, not with violent winds, not on a day with the sun, not on a night with the moon. Dig, melancholy, eat, melancholy, into the chest, into the heart, into the whole belly of the slave (such and such), grow and give birth through all the veins, through all the bones with aching and dryness for the slave (such and such).

All of the above conspiracies for melancholy need to be read independently. The effect of a spell for melancholy that is read in the evening begins the very next morning, provided that the ritual is carried out correctly; only in this case, strong melancholy will force your loved one to quickly come to you or call.

A conspiracy to make a guy dream: its features and purpose

Colorful and realistic dreams are imprinted in the memory for a long time, especially if they involved a loved or liked person. Sometimes such dreams even push you to take certain actions. It is for this reason that sleep can be a wonderful magical remedy.

Even in the old days, girls used various conspiracies, with the help of which they managed to inspire dreams about themselves in a handsome and sweet-hearted guy. And such conspiracies turned out to be very effective, because dreams are tightly connected with the subconscious. And it, as is known, greatly influences a person’s actions in real life, after all, psychologists have proven that dreams express our hidden desires.

Thus, using a spell to dream about a guy, any girl will be able to influence the young man she is interested in through his subconscious, and thereby attract his attention, make him think about himself and push him to start a new or strengthen an existing relationship .

You can say special magic words in order to dream about your lover on any day, unless this is specifically stated in the ritual. Conspiracies that are read during the full moon phase are especially powerful. It is best to do the ritual immediately before going to bed. For the plot to work successfully, you only need to pronounce it in good physical shape. The performer should not be in a bad mood, sick or tired at this time. You also cannot perform the ritual with negative thoughts towards the young man. And of course, desired result It will only happen if you don’t doubt the power of magic, your abilities, and believe in the conspiracy.

Dream spells do not belong to the category of strong magical effects. Their goal is not to suppress the will and subconscious of a person, not to force him, but to guide him. Conspiracies to make a guy dream are a technique of white magic, so their use does not bring any harm at all. But this does not mean that you can use them countless times - abuse can lead to the opposite effect, and you will completely stop appearing in your loved one’s dreams.

What are the conspiracies to make your beloved guy dream?

Spell on a round mirror

This plot is read on a small round mirror, on the surface of which the name of your beloved guy is written with a marker or cosmetic pencil. The words must be pronounced so that the warm vapors of your breath touch the mirror. The text is read 3 times:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (boyfriend's name) rest and sleep, and see me in a dream. Amen!"

The enchanted mirror must be placed under your pillow so that the reflection is directed upward. At night, your loved one must have a dream with your participation. When you wake up in the morning, you need to rinse the mirror under running water.

You can use this spell several times, but keep the mirror wrapped in a clean cloth so as not to lose the information imprinted on it.

Moon conspiracy

Look at the moon, sign the sign of the cross on your mouth and say:

This spell can be used no more than 3 times in one month.

A conspiracy to make a guy dream about smoke

With the help of smoke, it is easy to inspire your beloved guy to dream about himself, since the information will be delivered by the wind. For this plot you will need a bunch of dried grass. It is advisable to prepare it yourself. To do this in the summer, pick a bunch of green grass with your own hands and dry it.

Take a bunch and take out the longest blade of grass from it, put it under your pillow. Burn the remaining part in a fireproof container near an open window or window, saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Smoke-smoke, go to God’s servant (guy's name) . So that the haze spins and spins in the wind, so that I can dream about my dear one at night. Amen".

Say the spell all the time while the smoke is blowing. Throw the remaining ash from the straw into the wind.

Another smoke plot

Tear out 3 twigs from an old broom and set them on fire at night (you can do it on the balcony or street). Blow the smoke in the direction where your loved one lives and whisper:

“I fan the smoke - I evoke passion. I am sending ashes to help me - in the footsteps of the one whose tracks were covered. I wish the servant of God (boyfriend's name) to have a dream. Let him know no peace, in his dreams he only looks at me. Let it burn with the fire of love for me, the red maiden (own name) ”.

Conspiracy in the photo

Take fresh single photos of yourself and your loved one. Place them right sides together, wrap them in a piece of white natural fiber fabric (cotton, linen), there should be no seams on the piece. Place the photographs under your pillow and say:

“By the power of love I conjure you, servant of God (guy's name) : see me in your dreams. Please, recognize me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me!”

You can keep these photographs under your pillow for as long as you like, but the plot needs to be updated every evening (read again).

Rain spell for a guy to dream about

The peculiarity of this plot is that it is read in rainy weather, preferably during a severe thunderstorm with downpour. Place your palms under the raindrops and say the words:

“Drip, drip, rain, lull the darling to sleep. Let him dream, let us meet. Let him look at me, he won’t see enough. Let him love me, he won’t stop loving me. Just as you, rain, are mighty and strong, so is my word strong. Amen!"

Simple words before you fall asleep yourself

At night, already in bed, imagine your loved one, his features, dream that you are nearby, together. At the same time say:

To make the guy miss

When love at first sight ignites between a guy and a girl, it is believed that such a feeling is the strongest. And, indeed, there are many examples confirming this fact. But what if the feeling flared up only on one side, and the other didn’t even understand that someone had fallen madly in love with her?

It often happens that a girl, suffering for a man, writes to him, when they meet, looks meaningfully into his eyes, tries to find an excuse to be near him. But he doesn't care. He doesn’t even imagine that she can’t imagine life without him. Bitterness and resentment accumulate in a woman’s soul, because the feeling is not mutual. What to do? A conspiracy to make a guy miss, write, meet, or dream about him will help her change the picture of events for the better.

To make the guy yearn

In order for the conspiracy to have an effective effect on the object of adoration, and for the loved one to miss you, you need to clearly imagine the image of your loved one. It’s even better if you have an object in your hands that belongs to a man, his photograph. A white love spell will definitely work if you read it at dawn, noon and sunset for several days in a row. The text must be spoken in a whisper or out loud:

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the light, more beautiful, there is no one better than me. I will go into an open field, into a wide expanse, and there I will find seventy-seven stone ovens. On those stones there are fiery cakes, oohs, sighs, love stirs, seventy-seven oohs, seventy-seven sighs, aahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love languor and impatience. Get up, go, find God’s servant (name), drag him, lead him to me, to God’s servant (name). I will fill him, I will lure him, I will take him into confinement. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself on his heart and liver. He would think about me, wouldn’t forget me, wouldn’t indulge in food and drink. He missed, grieved, cried and grieved for me, God’s servant (name), wailed with bitter tears, but as soon as he saw, he would not let go of me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This is enough for your loved one to miss the girl day and night.

What to do to make him dream

The plot to make a guy dream about it and make him feel sad can be read on any day except Monday. For the ritual, you need to take a small mirror and write the name of your chosen one on it with a cosmetic pencil, marker, or felt-tip pen. This magical action will give results very soon. In order for a guy to write or come, the spell must be repeated 3 times before going to bed, and then put the mirror under the pillow with the reflection up. The words are:

I am reflected in the mirror surface,

I appear to my beloved in a dream.

(Man's name) sleep and rest,

And see me in a dream. Amen.

Ritual for meeting a guy

A girl in love is pining because the guy is not nearby, but in another city, or serious circumstances force him to always be out of her sight. What can you do to make your loved one miss you and then come? Simple actions will bring the long-awaited moment closer, and the beloved man will appear on the threshold, making her heart tremble with excitement. It is advisable to read the plot in the evening, with the curtains tightly closed. It is better to illuminate the room not with the light of a lamp, but with the warm fire of a candle. The words are as follows:

Lord, prepare me for the journey. And give me " green light" for relationships. Reveal for me the secret of my acquaintance. Give me everything I need. Give me the opportunity to be confident in (name of my loved one) or give me the opportunity to be disappointed in him. Save me from wasting my time in vain. Organize the meeting I need so that I understand my prospects. My heart skips a beat and worries. Sympathy has arisen and is growing. Don't let me perish in torment. Bring (name of your loved one) on a date. I will pray to You for this. My God, my Vizardas. I will praise You and greet You. Don't let me miss my chances. Khantaa upar.

The woman will not believe her eyes when she sees with her own eyes that he has come.

How to get news from him

The plot for a guy to write must be read when dusk is gathering. If there is a piece of paper on which there are lines written by the hand of the chosen one, it will also be useful during the ceremony. It is necessary to light a church candle and, pronouncing the cherished words, burn on the fire the paper touched by the man’s hand. Love spell text:

My clear falcon, servant of God (name), desired, beloved and long-awaited! Let the straight path only lead you to me, and let the voice of the Great Lord call you to write to me. Remember me more often and don’t forget to write (3 times)! May you not leave me even for a minute, for my words are strong and sincere! Amen.

When reading any of the proposed conspiracies, you need to clearly imagine the desired image and believe that your plan will come true. If a girl admits even the slightest doubt about what should happen, the ritual will be ineffective and she will have to wait for the result long time. And on the other hand, before resorting to the services of white magic, it is worth thinking: maybe a sincere conversation with the chosen one will give much better results?

A conspiracy to dream about a guy and interest him

A conspiracy to dream about a guy is used to remind a loved one of yourself. Often this magical effect is used in cases where you are in love with a person, but he does not pay attention to you. And seeing you in a dream, your chosen one will certainly become interested in you, and, therefore, the likelihood of developing a closer relationship increases.

Effective rituals for dreaming

There are a huge number of different rituals. Most of them can be carried out in any phase of the moon. But magicians believe that this type of influence is most successful during the full moon.

Any conspiracy to dream about a loved one is classified as white magic and is therefore harmless. But at the same time, it will be successful only if you believe with all your heart in the power of magic.

Appeal to the Moon

A ritual that uses a spell containing an appeal to the moon is best performed outdoors. During the ritual, the moon should shine in the sky. If it is not possible to go outside, then you can perform the ceremony near a window, which must be opened in advance.

Previously, the conspiracy, which contains an appeal to the night luminary, should be written on a piece of paper.

Magic words can be like this:

This spell, looking at the moon, must be repeated three times. Then you need to light a match leaf and throw the ashes into the wind.

This ritual should be performed late at night. After it you can’t talk to anyone, but you need to go to bed as quickly as possible. You need to try to fall asleep with thoughts about your loved one.

With magic smoke

In order to dream about your loved one, you can perform a strong ritual with smoke. For such an effect, you will need to use a small bundle of straw or hay.

Before the ritual begins, you need to place one straw or dry blade of grass under your pillow. Then the natural attribute is placed on a metal dish or tray and set on fire next to a pre-opened window or vent.

After the smoke appears, the following magic phrases are spoken:

The words must be spoken repeatedly until smoke is visible. Ashes from burnt straw or hay should be scattered to the wind.

Simple ritual with photo

A very simple but effective ritual can be performed using a photograph. In addition to a fresh photograph, you need to prepare one church candle and a small container filled with water.

The photograph should show your loved one alone. Such a photograph is placed on the table, and a candle is lit in front of it, and a container of water is placed next to it. You can use tap water in the ritual.

First you need to sit opposite the photo of your loved one, so that you can see the image of your loved one through the flame. After carefully looking at the photo, you need to imagine the scene in which you would like to dream about your loved one. The better you can visualize it, the more successful the ritual will be.

Then you should look at the surface of the water and imagine the image of your loved one on it. As soon as this can be done, the water from the container should be thrown out the window.

While saying the following words:

After reading the plot, you need to sit in silence, dreaming about your loved one and wait until the candle burns out.

This ritual is quite difficult to perform, as it requires maximum concentration. In this regard, it can only be carried out by people with good natural abilities.

With mirror

In order to dream about your loved one, you can perform a magical act with a mirror. But for such an influence to be successful, you must have strong feelings for the person.

First, you need to write the name of your loved one on the mirror surface, and then read the spell so that you touch the mirror surface with your breath.

The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

After this, you should quickly go to bed, and the mirror should be placed under the pillow with the mirror surface facing up. In the morning, be sure to take out the mirror and rinse it under running water. cold water and hide it. It is no longer recommended to use this mirror for household purposes, but you should not throw it away. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated after some time.

If your chosen one came to visit you and left a wet shoe print on the floor, then you can take advantage of this and perform a ritual aimed at making him see you in a dream that night.

To do this, you need to approach a fresh trail and speak to it in these words:

The mark should not be wiped off until the morning, and that night you will definitely dream of your chosen one.

You should know that any conspiracy aimed at making your chosen one appear in a dream can provoke the appearance of your loved one in your dreams. But this does not confirm that the conspiracy was successful. Most likely, this indicates your impressionability. Success depends entirely on your confidence in own strength and belief in magic. It is very important to carry out the ritual in a positive mood; a depressed mood makes the effect ineffective.

A conspiracy to dream about a boyfriend or loved one

Interesting dreams, full of colors, are especially memorable for a long time, they can even push you to take some action. Dreams are a type of magic, so there are ways to dream about a person who is interesting to you for some reason. Since ancient times, girls have performed various rituals to dream of a guy they like. Similar visions

help start start love relationship, or strengthen existing ones.

A dream is the work of our subconscious, and, therefore, everything that happens in dreams is either already in it, or, on the contrary, will be imprinted in the morning.

How to perform the ceremony

Spells to induce sleep can be cast on any day and at any time, if there are no additional clarifications in the ritual itself. The girl performing the ceremony must be in excellent physical shape, have good mood and not be too tired. On critical days, it is better to postpone the ceremony.

Types of conspiracies

There are many ways to dream about someone in a dream. In this article we will look at the simplest and safest of them.

On a round mirror

You need to take a round cosmetic mirror and write the name of the guy you want on the glass. You need to pronounce the spell by bringing the object almost close to your lips so that your breath touches the surface of the mirror. Spell on how to dream about the person you love:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (Boy's name) rest and sleep, and see me in a dream. Let it be so!"

After reading the spell 3 times, you need to place a mirror under the pillow so that its reflection is directed upward. In the morning, rinse it under running water.

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Say while looking at the moon:

The dream is about me, only for you, God's servant (boyfriend's name). Amen.

In the summer you need to go to a meadow or forest, pick fresh grass and dry it. Take the longest blade of grass from the bunch and immediately put it under the bed. You burn the rest near open window and read the spell:

“Smoke-smoke, go to the guy’s name). So that the haze spins and spins in the wind, so that I can dream about my dear one at night. Let it be so".

Or you can take three twigs from an old broom and set them on fire outside at night. At the same time, you need to blow on the smoke so that it flies towards your target’s house and in a whisper read the spell on how to dream of a person in a dream from a distance:

“I fan the smoke - I evoke passion. I am sending ashes to help me - in the footsteps of the one whose tracks were covered. I want (boyfriend's name) to have a dream. Let him know no peace, in his dreams he only looks at me. Let it burn with the fire of love for me, the red maiden (his name) So be it.”

You will need 2 photos - the guy you want to dream about and yours. They need to be wrapped together in natural fabric white, and it should be solid, without seams.

Read the spell on how to dream about the guy you like:

“With the power of love, I conjure you, (guy’s name): see me in your dreams. Please, recognize me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me! Let it be so".

Keep both photos under your pillow.

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A conspiracy to dream about a loved one is often used by young enchantresses.

The rituals of the conspiracy are simple, and the effect is amazing. It has long been known that the subconscious of one person can come into contact with the subconscious of another person. This phenomenon is being studied in detail by laboratories in developed countries.

Judging by ancient manuscripts, they were able to transmit images from person to person back in the ancient Egypt. Among the famous masters of recent times, Wolf Messing, a parapsychologist of the last century, was famous for the art of transmitting thoughts.

Unfortunately, not everyone can have such a gift. However, conspiracies may well replace extraordinary abilities. For example, a conspiracy to dream about a loved one affects the subconscious a certain person and causes a dream with the participation of the performer of the ritual.

The variety of conspiracy rituals for a guy to dream about is explained by the variety of circumstances in which an appearance in a dream is desirable. The appearance of a girl in a guy’s dream will mean that she is his secret desire, which can additionally attract his attention and love for her.

Conspiracy to the Moon

This plot must be done during new month, but especially strong effect will be on the full moon.

  • Before the conspiracy, you need to loosen and wash your hair
  • Wait until midnight and, if the Moon is not visible through the window, go out into the yard so that the light can be clearly and completely visible.
  • Form your palms into a mouthpiece. Catch the luminous silhouette of the Moon in the hole of your folded palms.
  • Trying not to change the position of your hands, you need to whisper the following conspiracy into the “horn”:

“I'm dreaming. I dream with love. I'm dreaming. I dream with sadness. I'm dreaming. I dream with you. Moon, queen of dreams, send sleep to his shelter!

After you have performed the sleep ritual for your loved one, you need to return to the bedroom as quickly as possible and fall asleep in order to dream about your beloved.

Sleep for two

This is a very amazing ritual that allows you and your man to dream about each other and participate in the overall plot of the dream.

It is difficult for a person to imagine all the possibilities that simple conspiracies can provide him with. The main thing in the success of this conspiracy is unconditional faith in the action of the ritual. Faith is the main force of the conspiracy.

  • First, you need to become a “scriptwriter”: come up with a dream plot for the first five to seven minutes. To compose the plot of a dream, you can use the symbols of dream books.
  • You need to “scroll” the planned dream plot in your head several times so that it is remembered without the slightest difficulty. Play out the roles for yourself, make sure that your loved one’s dream becomes interesting from the very first moment.

  • Before going to bed, read the following:

“I open the gates of the kingdom of sleep, I send an invitation to my loved one!” Before you touch your head to the pillow: “while I’m dreaming, I’m waiting at the gate for my beloved.”

  • As soon as your head touches the pillow, begin to play out the plot from which your dream together will begin.
  • Try to fall asleep immediately so that your imagination gently flows into sleep. Under no circumstances do not get up or open your eyes, otherwise the plot will have to be postponed until the next time, and each time it will become more and more difficult.

Bouquet of daisies

There is another old conspiracy that can make a young man have a dream with your participation.

For the ritual, you need to collect a small bouquet of daisies, and the flowers must be uprooted. As soon as you bring the flowers home, cut off the roots. Place the flowers in a vase with water in shady place. And the roots need to be washed well and left to dry. sunny place. As soon as the roots dry to the point of brittleness, you can begin the ritual.

  • Place a bouquet of daisies under your pillow.
  • You burn the roots on a plate near the open window, into the opening of which the month looked in at that moment.
  • As soon as the roots begin to smoke, read the plot:

“It smokes, it smokes, it creates a dream. Haze into a dream, and a dream for my beloved, so that my dear one will dream about me.”

As soon as you read the plot, you need to lie down and fall asleep. Thanks to such simple actions you will be able to dream about someone important to you.

Talking in your sleep

This is a conspiracy for those who do not know where a loved one is, but want to dream about him and talk. For successful conspiracy The girl will have to undergo a test - she must not eat or sleep for 12 hours. When these conditions are met, it is easier to enter the dream space in full consciousness, that is, you will be aware of the dream in the same way as you are aware of reality.

For the ritual you will need a photo of your lover, a couple church candles and a mirror.

  • Place a mirror on the table in front of you and light candles. Place the candles along the edges of the mirror, but the left candle should be located higher than the right.
  • TO back side You lean the mirror against a photograph of a young man. The image of the photo is facing the mirror.
  • The next step is to concentrate and, helping yourself with your imagination, try to see the image of your lover’s photograph through the mirror.
  • As soon as you can imagine the face of your loved one in the reflection of the mirror, read the spell: “I look through the looking glass, I bring out my beloved in speech. Neither for scolding, nor for argument, but for cordial conversation. Whether on earth, in the sky or on the water, I will dream of you, and I will dream of you.”
  • After reading, you need to go to the bedroom and lie down, but you need to try not to fall asleep until the young man comes to you.

Sleep spells are perhaps the most beloved by young enchantresses. The rituals to dream about your loved one are not at all difficult, but their effectiveness amazes the imagination. You only need to touch the edge of enchanting science once to believe in miracles. Author: Igor Vaskin

Love is a great feeling, and very often incomprehensible, one-sided, bitter. If you are unrequitedly in love or the object of your dreams torments you with uncertainty, you can attract his attention to yourself by using a spell. To unobtrusively make a young man think about you, you need to dream about your loved one.
Go to bed before midnight, turning off the light, and reading the prayer “Our Father”, then a prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant, asking him in his own words to create a miracle, reminding the slave (name) of you. Then close your eyes, visualize the image of your loved one and say three times:

“Servant of God (name), wait for me, I am coming to you to be with you all night until the morning. Let it be so. Amen".

For the ritual to be successful, it should only be performed in good physical shape. Dreams are the result of our memory and imagination. For a sick or tired person, the request to higher powers turns out to be distorted.

A spell used to make a person dream

On the waning moon, before going to bed, go out onto the porch or balcony and light a pine torch there, saying three times:

“Smoke, fire, bring it to (betrothed’s name). I spun around: (turn around three times clockwise around your axis) and I dreamed about you. Amen".

Dip the splinter into a container of water and say:

“Will I dream?”

Throw away or burn the extinguished splinter

Make your chosen one see himself in a dream

Looking at the moon, cross your mouth and say:

“A dream about me, only for you - God’s servant (name). Amen".

You can make a conspiracy no more than three times a month.

A strong conspiracy to appear in a dream to your loved one

Take a small bunch of straw and burn it while standing at the window. First, remove one straw from the bundle and hide it under your pillow. While burning straw, say three times:

“Go, smoke, to the servant of God (name), so that the smoke curls and swirls in the wind, so that I, the servant of God (name), will dream of me every night. To be, in my opinion."

The simplest and effective advice is about visualization. You must clearly, down to the smallest detail, imagine a dream or a picture of an upcoming date. The power of thought is capable of much, even changing the situation, creating miracles! Visualization is supported by a simple ritual.

Take Blank sheet paper, write the name of your loved one on it, set the sheet on fire over a candle flame, put it in a vase with dry rose petals, wait until it all burns, while saying:

“With the power of love I conjure the servant of God (name): see me in a dream, recognize me, come to me, love me!”

The ashes of burnt paper and rose petals need to be scattered to the wind. This can be done both on the street and through a window.

On the trail

If your chosen one came to visit you and left a wet shoe print on the floor, then you can take advantage of this and perform a ritual aimed at making him see you in a dream that night.
To do this, you need to approach a fresh trail and speak to it in these words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), do not wipe your trace, my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one), but leave it until the morning. With this I remind you of myself and appear in your dreams. Amen".

The mark should not be wiped off until the morning, and that night you will definitely dream of your chosen one.
You should know that any conspiracy aimed at making your chosen one appear in a dream can provoke the appearance of your loved one in your dreams. But this does not confirm that the conspiracy was successful. Most likely, this indicates your impressionability. Success depends entirely on your self-confidence and faith in magic. It is very important to carry out the ritual in a positive mood; a depressed mood makes the effect ineffective.

How to make yourself see yourself in a dream


Two candles;
A photograph of the person you want to dream about;
Your photo;
White fabric made from natural material.

So what exactly are our sleepovers? Falling asleep is a state of rest that should occur at certain time intervals. Few individuals can boast of the ability to control the plot of a dream and see lucid plots. Ask a question of interest, receive the same answer as during wakefulness. Since time immemorial, it has been said that morphaeans carry certain messages to their chosen ones. As a rule, such energy messages are usually associated with the future. In ancient times, it was believed that morphaeans come to a person at the behest of a higher power, they can warn about something, the main thing is to correctly interpret what they dreamed about. For this purpose, huge volumes of commentary books were compiled.

The girls used the effect of conscious vision in their conspiracies in order to dream about their beloved and through their half-sleep they penetrated into the consciousness of their beloved. Having dreamed of each other, lovers, being at a distance, could see each other and convey their messages. There is a ritual that will allow lovers to talk; it must be activated at midnight:

on the contrary, we expose ourselves to a mirror, light candles, one candle should be shorter than the other;
We place a photo of our chosen one behind the mirror;
you need to concentrate and see the man’s appearance through the looking glass:

“Look at me, honey, I’m here, I’m yours. I want to invite you to talk. Come to me in a dream, and I will come to your mercy in a dream."

After extinguishing the candles, go to bed.

Plot for a toy

A spell to dream about your boyfriend can be placed on a toy. But for this you need to buy a new toy. First think about your beloved man. Think about which animal or character it reminds you of. And based on these thoughts, you can choose a toy. That is, you should associate the toy with your loved one. Choose it with your soul, then the ritual will be especially successful. Before you go to bed, hug the toy and read the following magical text on it:

“I dream about you this night, short and deep. If you see me, feel the brightest feelings for me, my betrothed, hear me. As your clear eyes close from daytime fatigue, you will see my image of the Servant of God (name of the man), I will also see you in a dream, be able to love and accept you completely. Ask yourself a question, how are you doing without me? Everyone will receive theirs in a dream; the night keeps our love under its cover. And when you get up early in the morning, you will go to the servant of God for the love that the night promised us. I hug you, I’m always with you.”

After that, hug the toy tightly and fall asleep. The one to whom you spoke the text will definitely see you that night. Some carry out this hex on a photo of a loved one.

This plot is for cross sleep. This means that the girl will also dream of her beloved young man.

By the way, such a ritual has special power. But it doesn’t always work out 100%, because people have to be at least a little tuned in to each other. But, if this is so, then the slander has a very high result.

That is why it is good to carry out such a ritual if you have quarreled with your beloved man or if, therefore, you want to return your ex-boyfriend. Because you and this person are definitely still in tune with each other. Some magicians believe that you can ask your loved one a question in a dream, an answer to which you still cannot get in real life. But this is for those who like to communicate in their sleep.