Spells that attract money. Strong salt spells: attract love and luck

Today we will talk about attracting love into your life, about how to make a love spell yourself at home that cannot be removed. Let's continue the topic love magic. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, ask you to read carefully in order to get the maximum benefit from my material in terms of understanding how to make a real love spell on a loved one at home.

Among the rituals related to love magic, the most popular are home love spells for men that can be done. These magical rituals for self-love spelling a guy at home are captivating with their simplicity, lack of side and negative consequences, but with their help you can really bewitch your loved one, strengthen your feelings, and rekindle passion in your partner’s cooled heart.

Making a love spell at home - what you need to consider when working independently

You can quickly bewitch your beloved man different ways. Each method has power and invariably has a magical effect on a person. Some love spells work to suppress and coerce the victim, others, such as real love spells with spells on the threshold of a house, work more gently, leaving a person with the illusion of his own choice.

Strong love spells at home that cannot be removed(more correctly, it is not easy to remove if the magician-performer has the opportunity to repeat the work on time), help the sorcerer to accomplish great things, attract the love of people, create necessary and profitable situations.

You can bewitch absolutely anyone at home if you are in love or have a very strong motivation (for example, to bewitch a rich man), have the necessary talent for magic, and are not used to giving up in the face of difficulties. To achieve a person’s love, you need a motive, it can be anything, no one will judge you, because magic is magic, with its help goals are achieved, and here everyone has their own morals.

Those who have done love spells on their own at home give different reviews about magical rites. Depending on which method of bewitching a man was chosen: light white love spell, runic, cemetery, etc., who exactly did it - a green beginner or a master who casts spells for himself, or conducts a private magical practice, the objective results of the work also depend. In addition, the result of love spells made at home is influenced by a lot of uncontrollable factors.

It’s not easy to bewitch a person’s love at home.

It is even more difficult to keep him close and get the desired behavior from him. You need to know and be able to do a lot, but if you are talented, not lazy and ready to learn, success will come. When thinking about how to make a love spell at home using a photo and implement it, first decide what effect the best way suits your situation - black magic or white (natural, neutral, for harmonizing relationships or influence through the spirits of the Christian egregor).

White love spells at home strengthen the sympathy in the lover’s soul that he already feels for you, but the influences of black magic, which cannot be removed without appropriate practice, force a person to fall in love with a complete stranger. If you are a beginner and don’t know whether the description of the ritual in front of you is black or white, it’s quite easy to understand.

You just need to carefully read the text of the love spell for a home love spell on a man.

Black love spells made at home always contain formulations that force the object to “dry”, “suffer”, “not see the white light” and the joys of life. This is not the case in white conspiracies for a guy’s love.

  • The direction is taken to challenge sympathy,
  • arousing feelings of love in a person
  • and affection.

The practice of performing white love spells on a loved one at home implies minimal negative consequences for both parties.

When you are thinking about how to make a black love spell yourself, do not forget about the possible negative consequences. Remember that black ways to truly bewitch a guy suppress the will of the victim, therefore, before trying a person, before reading a plot at home, set for yourself good protection, so as not to have negative consequences and setbacks from your magical work in the future.

Remember about unwanted side effects, which can manifest themselves as aggressive attacks on the part of the victim of a home love spell with the help of menstruation, depressive states, craving for alcohol as an attempt to get away from a situation that is incomprehensible and uncomfortable for a person, etc.

So, we conclude: it is necessary to correctly choose a magic love spell which you will do yourself at home, prepare for it competently and carry out the work without errors. The combination of all factors leads to success, and any mistake is a risk of either not getting a result at all or ending up with a negative experience. Let's see how you can influence your loved one on your own, how to cast a love spell on your doorstep yourself.

White love spell on the threshold of a house - to revive fading feelings in a lover

This proven love spell made at home is good when you live with the object of influence. If you suspect that your loved one’s feelings and interest in you have weakened, do not let the situation develop into a serious problem. Here's a way to . This easy way to bewitch, a simple spell on the threshold that attracts and returns a person’s feelings.

You need to prepare:

  • 2 thin church candles,
  • 2 pieces of red wool thread,
  • and a photo of you together.

You need to do a real love spell at home at sunrise. In white magic this is permissible, in addition, the choice of this time contains the symbolism of rebirth, light and new life. Just as the sun rises and the world awakens, so dormant love awakens and blooms again.

Tie the candles to each other, while reading the words of the conspiracy for your loved one:

“I tie the candles, I intertwine the fates of (name) and (name), I bind.” Light the candles, let them burn for a while, look at the photo, visualize mutual love with your partner. Then drip the wax three times onto your image and your partner's image. Each time say this: “I seal our union with the wax of a church candle. (Name), I awaken your love for me (name). Amen"

Extinguish the candles with your fingers (never blow out candles used in a home love spell for a man’s love!), and. Leave the photo near the threshold, covering it, for example, with a rug. Your beloved husband must step over him. Then you need to take out the photograph, wrap the remains of the candles in it, tie it with thread, while reading the words of the love spell on the threshold of the house:

No sooner said than done. My wish will come true, love in (name) will awaken. Amen". Keep the structure away from prying eyes.

When the power of the white love spell made by yourself at home has dried up, you need to get rid of the ritual accessories by burying them in the ground. If your beloved husband is infatuated with another woman (rival), first do an ostuda, or other rituals of lapel magic, for example, a complex of witchcraft quarrels. Without this, your work to attract a man’s love will not yield results. For everything has its time and place. White truly effective love spells at home have good feedback, many who have performed such love spells note their softness and stable effect on the victim.

A simple love spell made at home on a guy’s doorstep

The peculiarity of the love ritual is that you need to do it not on your own threshold, but on the threshold of your beloved guy. This is hardly a full-fledged love spell on the threshold; it is rather a dry spell that needs to be done in combination with other magical rituals to attract and arouse sympathy in the heart the right person. Calling a lover can work one-time and as an effective love spell, which is also good in a situation where difficulties arise in personal, non-virtual communication.

For a man who has a long-term love affair or is married, such a home love spell is rather weak. But for a young guy who does not have a stable connection and is not burdened with obligations, this method of attraction can be a good choice.

So, we make an easy love spell on an unmarried guy at home on our own.

Needed for business pure water. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will make you happy - you won’t need much. All you need to do is spray the threshold and front door with the hex the right man. While doing this, read this simple love spell spell on the threshold of a house 9 times:

(Name), as soon as you step over your threshold, you will come to me. You won’t turn, you won’t leave the path, you won’t turn to another, you’ll end up with me (name). My word is strong as flint. There is power in the word. Amen". Leave according to the rules, and keep quiet about what you did.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Love spell on the threshold of a house - how to use a conspiracy to bring your husband back

There are many known rituals of practical magic, both black and white. You can approach these rituals in different ways; they have their own characteristics and their own inconsistencies. However, many rituals really work.

I'll tell you how to do it love spell at home to get your husband back? You can use any love spells that are suitable for correcting your situation, or you can try to return your husband to your home threshold with a spell. Do this. Standing on the threshold front door, rest your hands on the doorposts and read the plot three times:

“I condemn the threshold, I speak, so that my husband (name) cannot live without this house, without me, the servant of God (name), he misses me, he yearns for my body, he does not devour thoughts of me in sweet dishes, he does not drown his melancholy with wine. Be, my threshold, strong, strong, mold my conspiracy. Castle for my speeches. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is necessary to cast a home love spell to return your husband to his family and wife on the waxing Moon. Speak to the threshold for several days in a row, preferably during the entire growth phase. It’s not a bad idea to back up this conspiracy on the threshold with a set of love spells for love, longing and the return of a person.

You probably know that the threshold has long been great value for a person. This goes back to those time immemorial, when many dangers awaited people in the outside world.

This was the sacred meaning of the concept. The threshold is what protected against external threats, real and “magical.”

They could feel calm and comfortable only beyond this conventional border.

Then sweep everything onto a dustpan or cardboard and throw it away along with the tool. Don't be sorry! Don't let bad things stick to you.

How to point out ill-wishers

A few words about how you can. You know, these methods are known to everyone, they are no secret. Just use them wisely.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy any more toys or new things for your children, nor will you please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

It is not necessary to pour water or sprinkle earth under the threshold on every occasion. This way you can do more harm to yourself.

Anger and hatred, the desire for revenge, these are very bad things, useless to anyone. They eat from the inside, like cancer tumor. It's better to forget and forgive.

And this is how you can “spoil” the threshold.

  1. Go to the churchyard on Tuesday. This is done at sunset.
  2. A handful of earth is taken from a fresh grave (but not with bare hands).
  3. You should immediately go to the enemy's doorstep.
  4. Don’t talk to anyone along the way, don’t go home under any circumstances.
  5. The earth is poured nearby (a handful).
  6. You need to say the following:

“The dead are calling you (enemy’s name). You will find shelter with them. Your eyes cannot look, your legs cannot walk, your belly cannot eat. This is my revenge!

You also need to wash your hands before you cross your threshold. Most often they take water with them and use it. When you go to your place, be sure to throw a couple of banknotes (coins) at the intersection. Say:

“I called you, but I tied you under the threshold (name of the enemy)! Sit there and wait for payment!”

It also happens that water is poured under the threshold. But it's not simple.

For guidance, take holy water. Put in the jar:

  • dead rat;
  • Golden ring;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • charcoal.

Half a glass of water is poured on top.

Then they spit there seven times. Each portion of saliva is accompanied by the following words:

“I curse the family from the first to every one! May you look and not see, speak but not hear, suffer and weep, know no peace!”

This liquid is kept in a dark place for seven days. Then it is strained and poured onto the threshold of the enemy’s house at midnight, when there is neither moon nor stars in the heavens.

The rat should be buried under a living tree, ordering it to guard your own peace. Payment is to give to the beggars for the entire seven days while the “revenge” lasts.

How to get rid

We talked about what to do if you suspect something is wrong. Only this will not be enough. Evil intention still came to the house, it should be driven away, dispelled or returned to the enemy.

And even if you add rat water, you won’t be able to collect it on a dustpan with a broom. It is necessary to carry out a protective cleansing ritual.

If you haven't already, be sure to buy Trinity. It should not be large and conspicuous. If you’re embarrassed, choose a tiny icon so that it’s not visible. Buy only in the Temple.

Secondly, in the evening of the day when you saw the damage under the door, fry the salt. Throw three handfuls onto a hot frying pan and heat for about fifteen minutes. At the same time, stir the salt, saying:

“As white is salt, so is my life bright. I burn out the black, I return my happiness. The devils who come to the house, let them pass by and go to hell. Whoever thinks evil against me (or us) will return to the underworld whistling. Amen!"

Pour the salt into a linen bag. It will be useful to you in the future. In the meantime, pour a little under the threshold, saying “I’m closing the house, driving out the enemies!”

And the third way. You need to take it and run it over the threshold, saying:

“Lord, save me! Remember me in your prayers! Lord, You are with me! Under Your protection. There is no stronger one. Take away the evil! Turn back to the enemy! Let him swallow and suffer himself, don’t think about me! Amen!"

Talk to the nursery

Whisper the conspiracy over the threshold of the children's room.

As truly and truly as the Lord lives and exists, so truly and truly will His heavenly Angel protect me, God the Father is my defense, God the Son is my strength, God the Holy Spirit is my strength. Angel of the Lord, kill all my enemies. Be baptized.

Conspiracy over a crib

Whisper the spell over the head of the crib.

God the Father is for me,

God the Son for me

God the Holy Spirit is above me,

Let these three fight for me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A spell to make children sleep well

Whisper the spell before putting your child to bed.

Observe, Lord, have mercy, close, protect, protect my child from every evil that exists in this world from the east to the west, and from all four countries, and from every unclean spirit. Amen.

Whisper the pantry

Before whispering, you need to disassemble the pantry and put it in order.

Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy on me, a sinful servant of God. I, the servant of God (name), protect myself with a cross and worship the cross, at sea on Okeyan I am covered with an iron board. Retreat, demon, from the two doors and from the four corners, there is no place for you here, here is the place of the Holy Sepulcher with me, the servant of God (name), and the four evangelists Matthew, Marco, Luke and John the Theologian and the friend of Christ suffered for Christ and put the seal . Amen.

Seal the dream from the wiles of the devil

Whisper this spell over your pillow before going to bed.

And for the fear of the saints, the archangel Michael and Gabriel, and the saints the angel Raphael and Naphael, and Uril, and Rahuel, and Panuphrus, and Saphael, and Naphael, and Otrael, and Samazail, and Kaphtzill, and Samoil, and all your incorporeal saints for the sake of strength I testify to the heavenly ones and forbid them by character and these angelic seals and these prayers, which are written and inscribed in this character. May fear be in her days or as a hedgehog and seal this character, and this angelic seal, and prayers, and those words with a candle, and a candile, and incense forever and ever, forever and ever. For fear and for health, and for honor, and for the many self-interests of the wise man, who reveres the heavenly God and worships that one in spirit and body. The key and lock, Your Life-giving Cross of the Lord, and the ten holy seals of angels, and the seal of the wise king and prophet Solomon to help. Forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for sleep

Read before you go to bed.

Lord, Lord, great archangel Divine Michael, when you hear me, your servant of God, calling You for help. Hear me, your servant, speed up, fly to the aid of me, the servant of God, defeat those who oppose me by the power of the Holy Spirit and the holy life-giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Holy Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, and the holy heavenly powers, the archangel and the angel, prophet and apostle, and martyr, and martyrs, and luminaries, and reverend fathers, and women, and great saints. Michael the Archangel, my assistant, always be your servant of God, deliver me from the charms of the devil and wicked people. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer over the marital bed

Read before bed.

Just as the great Saint Nicholas delivered three men from the naked sword and from vain death in the hand of the world, so deliver your servant of God (name) from all evil, and misfortune, and the dreams of the devil, come on this day and at the hour of fierce sleep from all hostility to the path and in the house, the one floating on the water, and the one walking in the desert, and in every place protect me from the bloodsucker devil, and from my enemies, visible and invisible, from the eyes evil people. Amen.

A conspiracy to have bread in the house

Place the bread on the table and make a cross-shaped cut in the center of the bread. When you make the cut, say:

How old are the sun and moon, so long will there be bread in my house.

This bread should be divided according to the number of household members and everyone should be given a piece to eat.

Spell over bread so that there is always food in the house

This plot is read over white round bread.

Remember, O Lord, David and all his meekness: as they swear to the Lord, having promised to the God of Jacob: if I go into the village of my house, or go up to my bed, if I give sleep to my eyes and slumber to my every side, and peace to my soul, until I find a place O Lord, a dwelling for the God of Jacob. Behold, I heard in Euphrath, I found in the oak fields. Let us go into His villages and worship the place where His nose stood. Rise, O Lord, into Thy rest, Thou and Thy holy ark. Your priests will be clothed with righteousness, and Your saints will rejoice. For the sake of Thy servant, David, do not turn away the face of Thy anointed one. The Lord has sworn to David in truth, and will not repudiate it: I will plant the fruit of your body on your throne. If your sons keep My covenant, and these My testimonies, which I will teach, and their sons will sit on your throne forever. For the Lord has chosen Zion, and will it be his dwelling place. This is My rest forever and ever, here I will dwell as I please. I will bless his catch, I will satisfy his poor, I will clothe his priests with salvation, and his saints will rejoice with joy. There I will make the horn of David grow; I will prepare a lamp for my anointed one. I will clothe his enemies with cold, and on them my sanctuary will flourish.

Lock and key spell

Insert the key into the front door lock (with inside), lock the door and whisper directly above the key:

With us Christ is standing with the saints and prophets, and initiators, and martyrs, and evangelists Luke, Marco, Matthew, Ivan, and the holy passion-bearers of Christ, and the Great Martyr George and Dimitri, Boris and Gleb, those of me, the servant of God (name), and the temple they protect and protect mine and cover it with their honest scepters and the Life-giving Cross, they drive away Soton and the devil and the saints of his companions with me and with my temple, the holy angels and archangels and all the heavenly power of Christ and I, who worship the Honorable and Life-giving Cross, and glorify the saint Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. King of Glory, Jesus Christ, Nike. And that key was placed in the okiyan sea under a white stone, and that sorcerer and sorceresses of the okiyan sea should not drink, nor the key from under the white stone, nor should they spoil me, the servant of God (name), and do not ruin my temple forever. Amen.

Spell for the housekeeper

If you have a housekeeper, whisper the following spell to her:

Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, I believe in the Most Pure Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From the Holy Spirit the holy water of the holy sea-ocean. There is a white stone latar on that holy sea-okiyan, on that white stone latar there is a golden throne, on that golden throne sits the Most Pure Mother of God, in right hand keeps his gold sprinkled. And I, the servant of God (name), worship the Most Pure Mother of God, and the Empress Most Pure Mother of God sprinkles from her right hands of gold Her grace of God and the Life-giving Cross, Her incorruptible robe, on the servant of God (name) and on the throne in her house. With His mercy, the incorruptible robe and the Life-giving Cross on the servant of God (name) and on the throne in her house. Amen.

Salt spell

God our Savior, who came to Jericho under Elisha the Prophet and healed the harmful waters with salt, bless this salt yourself and offer it as a sacrifice of joy. For you are our God, and to you we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Take fine salt, cross it 12 times and say:

Amen. Amen. Amen. Where are the nations reeling, and people learning in vain? The kings of the earth appeared, and the princes gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ. Let us break their bonds and cast their yoke away from us. He who lives in Heaven will laugh at them, and the Lord will mock them. There is a table in the field, the Throne of the Lord, on that Throne sits the Heavenly King Himself, and everyone bows to Him, everyone trembles before Him, and the sky, and the earth, and the stars, and the moon, and the red sun, and the white dawns, and every creature of His obeys, and the powers of hell do not disobey, and do not speak contrary, and do what the Lord commands. So, every person placed under me would bow to me, the servant of God (name), and would not dare to speak contrary to his word and disobey, and would do what I command. It started with an amen, it ended with an amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy on coals

For slander, take birch charcoal– you need to burn it out yourself.

Holy Lord, Vlasey and Ofanasey, send me, Lord, goodness and health, good people to praise, and bad people to envy, happy guests to my house. I speak, I speak, I whisper, I whisper to the coal, to the dark wood, to the church building. And how can my sentence and reprimand never be revealed to every evil person forever and ever, true Christ, step in with your step, cover with your incorruptible robe. Just as singing in the temple is not exhausted, so goodness and health would not be exhausted in my house forever. Amen.

Conspiracy over seeds

This conspiracy is read over the seeds so that there is wealth in the house. Take a handful of unroasted seeds and whisper over them:

I will become a servant of God, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, I will go into an open field. The true Christ sent the archangel Michael with the angels and the apostles to me. Send me, O Lord, the true Christ, all good things, give, O Lord, to good people to praise, to bad people to see. Seed for you, birds of Christ, and good for my house. Amen.

After this, you need to feed the seeds to the birds.

Spell on beans or beans so that there is harmony and wealth in the family

Take a mug, preferably a metal one. Pour beans or beans into it, and not just a handful, but count them so that the number is even. Cover the top of the mug with your left hand, and hold the handle with your right. Take off your shoes, remove your belt, cross, icon, and let your hair down. Walk around the house with a mug, shaking it so that the beans rattle like a rattle. You need to go around each room clockwise.

Say it like this:

On the thirteenth day of the dark night, demons came to the barn to thresh peas, they threshed peas until the first roosters. The peas rattle like thunder, but my family doesn’t make noise, doesn’t scold each other. Just as there are a lot of peas, we have a lot of goodness. My word is strong and molding. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The plot must be repeated in every room. When you finish walking around, throw the beans out of the mug; you must not eat them under any circumstances.

Conspiracy against misfortune on the mirror

You need to hang a large mirror on the wall. In addition to the mirror you will need church candle. Wait until the full moon falls on Sunday.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, from twelve to three in the morning, go to the mirror, light a candle, hold it in front of you and say three times:

Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from the fear of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and cry for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.

Then put out the candle, wrap its remnant in a white cotton rag, put it under your mattress, make sure that the bundle does not disappear from there.

Knife plot

Lord God Jesus Christ, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity with all the heavenly powers. The formidable commander, Archangel Michael, the Archangel with the Life-giving Cross and with the Holy Gospel, and with the holy censer, and with the holy damask scepter, is armed against you, lessons and admonitions, with all the heavenly powers, with the cherubim and with the seraphim, and the many-eyed with the thrones, and the authorities, and with angels, and with archangels, and with apostles, and with saints, and with holy fathers, and with righteous men, and with holy women, and with all the saints who pleased the Lord Jesus Christ, and with the four evangelists: with Mark, with Luke, with Matthew, with Ivan the Theologian, giving you hiccups, and hernia, and every kind of damage, with all unclean spirits, a thousand wounds every day, and on the other, a thousand wounds every night, driving you away, lessons and admonitions, found and flooded, and let down , and all damage, and shaking, and heaviness, and yawning, melancholy and sadness with all unclean spirits from the servant of God (name). Flee persecuted by the Lord God Jesus Christ, by the power of the cross and this prayer. Amen.

Conspiracies from envious neighbors and gossips

These spells are used to protect a home from envious neighbors. They must be whispered onto a piece of paper on which the conspiracy is written. Then burn the leaf and sprinkle the ashes on the threshold of your house.

There is an oak tree, Dorotheus, on the seashore, under that oak tree sits the woman Solomoneya; the same woman Solomoneya washes away and dissuades the house of God's servant (name) from rumors, rumors, gossip and envy. Not to be in my house with rumors, rumors, courts, gossip, envy from neither barefoot, nor naked, nor simple-haired. Queen of water, red maiden, wash the steep banks, yellow sands, wash my temple from every bad word. Amen.

* * *

Lord, bless, Father, clothed yourself with heaven and covered the clouds, and prayed to the miraculous cross of Christ and the martyr Yegor. Tie it, Lord, my adversary’s tongue cannot say anything to me. Place, O Lord, like sheep and tongueless, a goat more wicked than me; create, Lord, the servant of God (name) like a wolf, like a fierce lion, through the prayers of the Holy Mother of God and all your saints. Amen.

* * *

Lord our God, creator of heaven and earth, and the great sea, and all breath. The Lord created the earth in its firmament, and then the stone was created with the earth, the earth vegetated and gave fruit, but the Lord forbade the stone. The earth does not give fruit and growth, but the stone washes it with water in the seas and rivers, and in all moving waters, and from the water the stone does not bear fruit and growth and does not rot, it lies in the earth and in the water, and on the top of the earth, and This stone has no weather, neither on earth, nor on water, nor strong winds, nor clouds, nor rain, nor from dew, nor from frost, nor from thunder, nor from lightning, nor from heat, nor from cold, nor from scum, neither from ice, nor from slana, nor from snow. Amen.

* * *

In the name of the Father, God, our father, do always with us according to your discretion, do not forsake your mercy from us, Abram for the sake of your beloved, and for Isaac, your servant, and holy Israel, whom you pray to all the saints, give your peace to the Mother of God for us, as one generously put the shooting keys under the white stone Alatyr, closed by the lock, the prayer is on the servant of God named, and that lock should not be unlocked by either the Beltsy, or the Chernets, or the Chernitsa, or the sorcerer, or the witch, neither the little one, nor the old one, nor heartfelt, protect me from all baptized and unbaptized people, the servant of God named. Who are my adversaries, all kinds of people, faithful and unfaithful, with their military weapons not to wound and kill me, the servant of God named. Always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen, amen, amen.

* * *

There is a sea-Akiyan, on that sea-Akiyan there is a white Alatyr stone, under that stone there are nine damask locks and three nine silver keys. Sorcerers and sorceresses, and sorcerers and sorceresses, and heretics and heretics from all over the world do not come together, and do not drink the guznas of the Akyan-sea, and do not lift the Alatyr stone, and do not grab the whale fish and do not take out the keys and locks, do not unlock, and words do not dissuade my prayers, and do not kill me, the servant of God (name). From now until forever and ever. Amen. The end and glory to God.

* * *

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner in the name of a glorious Christian, who has taken the path against different people and military. It’s not different people who are coming against me, but I’m carrying a cross. Do not shoot the baptism with the life-giving cross, the servant of God will not be able to reach me with the name of the cannon and for the timlya and the shotgun, and from any iron to the writing pulk. From now on and forever, affirmation through prayers. Amen. Amen. Amen.

* * *

Reverend fathers and Zasimo, Sovvati, Solovesky miracle workers, with the bright ugly youths of Christ for the sake of Christ, save me, close, protect me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God (name), from adversaries and from all my enemies, visible and invisible, on the battlefield from the Tatars and from the Cheremysy, from Lithuania and from the Germans, from the Chuvash, from the Mardva, from the Turks, from the Germans, from the Shemalokhs, from every Izmaltem family, and from their wicked weapons, and from every saber, from an ax and from a sword, from pressure, from spears, from bows and arrows, from lead bullets and from fishing rods, and from cannon, and from all kinds of iron, gray and white, blue, red, and from all kinds of red honey, and from wire, bones. Trouble, stop, don’t come to me, but put the tree’s forend into the ground, the feather into the bird, and the chick into the sky, and the glue into the fish, and the fish into the seas, and the little one into the ground. Amen.

* * *

And there is a place in the middle of the earth, Jerusalem, in holy Jerusalem is the tomb of the Lord, and at the holy tomb of the Lord he rose and came down from the holy mountain with the twelve holy apostles, with their own hands, the Holy Spirit, and the cross of Jesus in silver and gold over Adam’s head, silver and gold are indestructible, no that gold is red in this world, so would I, the servant of God (name), not be red in this world, reddening me, the servant of God. Verb, we know, my words, the Lord, under Adam’s head, under the cross in the ground, will block the key with His hands and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen. The cross in the earth is indestructible and so will I, the servant of God (name), forever. Amen.

* * *

The servant of God (name) will stand, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, as the sun rises and the month at the highest command, and like kings and princes, and kings, and military leaders, and mayors, and all people, so would they look at the servant of God (name) the beauty of the sun and the moon in the eyes, their beauty would be upon me, the servant of God (name). And like a Japhant stone loved by name, so would they love me, the servant of God, just as this precious stone was loved by kings and kings, and cavaliers, and mayors, governors and rulers, and all people, so would they love me, the servant of God (name) .

* * *

And just as they love the table with food and love the whole Orthodox world, like the table with food, so I, the servant of God (name), would say to my servants as an angel: go around and keep and protect this servant of God (name) from burdens and troubles and adversity, and how the servant of God (name) goes and what other ranks of the servant of God (name) and you yourself would hold on the servant of God (name), so that the boss would be the servant of God and his master, so the boss would rejoice at me, servant of God (name).

* * *

He who lives in the highest, sits on cherubim, walks in thunder, has lightning, calls down clouds, pours water over the face of the whole earth. Lord, Heavenly King, judge yourselves against our enemy the devil. Amen.

* * *

Lights Michael the Archangel and Gabriel, and Uriel, and Araphael, and Pomagail, cherubim and terrible seraphs, protect me, the servant of God named, with your golden shields from the sword and from the tapor, and from the spear, and from the knife, and from arrows, and from sulits, and from all unclean weapons, and from all unclean hordes. Amen.

* * *

No weapon can be used against the servant of God through the prayers of the Mother of God and all your lights. Have mercy on us and me, a servant of God born and prayed for and baptized by name. Forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

* * *

Lord, bless, Father! I will ascend to Mount Sinai, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Awaken yourselves to God's prayers in the name of the river with the prayer of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos, ever-virgin Mary, whose honorable and glorious robe stands like Blachernae, protect the sovereign's incorruptible robe. And trouble, stop, help the cross of the world of our Lord God Jesus Christ. Be with me my guardian all-holy. Trouble, don’t come to me with the prayer of the Holy Elijah. Stop, trouble, do not come to me, the servant of God named, by prayer through the holy Prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John. Stop, trouble, do not come to me in prayer through the archangels Michael and Gabriel, and the angels, and the archangels, the cherubim and seraphim and the many-readers. Stop, trouble, don’t come to me through the four evangelists John the Theologian, Luke, Mark, Matthew. Stop, trouble, don’t come to me through the creation of heaven and earth. Amen.

* * *

Stop, trouble, do not come to me through the prayers of my guardian angel, the servant of God in the name of my sinful soul and body. Stop, trouble, do not come to me through the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, who created the entire universe from the beginning of this world and the stars of heaven, through the burial of our Lord Jesus Christ. Stop, trouble, do not come before me, servant of God named, through prayers, be with me the power of God and the prophets of the Most Pure Mother of God. Stop, trouble, don’t come to me with the prayers of the Mother of God and go to me with your ears and sideways, and as hard as you can, and backwards with all sorts of weapons and everything. Close, bright Mother of God, with your honorable coat and amaphora from all military weapons and that merciful accomplishment in one affirmation. Amen.

Spell on flowing water to ward off unpleasant people from home

Clean the floor for unwanted guests as soon as they leave. Speak into the water:

The water spreads and my enemies scatter. Amen.

Options for fortune telling for black bread, from competitors, a spell for salt, protective spell for salt, sugar, poppy seeds, pepper, rice, for the love of a husband, from a mistress, for a loved one and for a husband to love. In addition, there is love plot on sea ​​salt, for melancholy, for quarrel, for separation, from drunkenness. A love spell has also been proposed for spilled salt at work, for divorce, to make your loved one miss you, and a spell for cleaning jewelry.

How to remove a salt spell

A spell about salt can be removed with the same salt. Pour salt into a clean frying pan and put it on the fire for 15 minutes. If after this time the salt only crackles slightly, there is no damage to you. It’s worse if the salt in the frying pan begins to crack, rise and smoke. In this case, you need to go outside with the frying pan and pour salt under a tree with the words:

“They wanted to spoil me,
yes I forgive you
and I will return the damage to you.
Let it be so. Amen!"

If you are asked for anything in the near future, you should under no circumstances give it. The person asking has most likely damaged you and wants to return it to you again.

Salt spell to return damage to the one who did it

At midnight, take salt, pour it onto a saucer, light a candle and cross the salt with it and read the Lord’s Prayer three times.

Then go outside and pour out the salt and say:

“They wanted to spoil me,
yes I forgive you
and I will return the damage to you.
Let it be so. Amen!"

Return home and go to bed without saying a single word to anyone.

Protecting your home with salt from enemies, conspiracies, from the evil eye

Read the Lord's Prayer over the salt and place it in all corners of your home. A day later, when the salt has absorbed all the negative energy directed at you, collect the salt and take it out of the house, pouring it under a tree.

Clean the house, wash the floor and sprinkle all rooms with holy water.

Maundy Thursday conspiracies for salt

Early in the morning on Maundy Thursday, when all members of your family are at home, read the Lord’s Prayer and let everyone take a handful of salt and pour it into one common bag. This will be the so-called “Thursday” salt.

It is considered to be “clean Thursday” salt. protects against the evil eye and diseases, so it is used as a talisman and eaten on holidays.

Salt spell to sell land, remove negativity, for successful trading

Salt is best for magical rituals, since it easily absorbs, and subsequently also easily releases the energy of conspiracies.

Read the Lord's Prayer over a pinch of salt early in the morning, and then throw it over your left shoulder in the right place - and luck will certainly smile on you, and all the negativity will remain behind you, in the past.

Salt love spell and its consequences

If a love spell on salt was performed by a White magician, then it does not have a negative effect on a person, or the consequences of the conspiracy will be minimal. The object of magical influence may experience slight malaise or a change in mood, due to the fact that he will experience an urge to take some action against his will.

If salt was used to perform rituals of Black Magic, then the consequences of this can be very serious both for the object of influence and for the magician himself (especially if he practices occasionally or is new to this matter).

Spell for salt from alcohol, for selling a car, for wealth

A spell for alcohol addiction is made over salt, which is then mixed into the alcoholic’s food:

“Water is omnipresent and salt is salty!
Salt the servant of God (name0
bottomless throat drinking bitter vodka.
Deliver him from the green serpent,
that destroys the sinful soul.
Drown and dry up all his hops.
Let it go to waste green kite!
Servant of God (name) do not drink from now on! Amen!"

A conspiracy to sell a car is done directly next to the car. The charmed salt is thrown under the wheels of the car.

“I’ll bring you a new owner,
break up with him and take a liking to him!
You will move to new mansions,
you will visit an unknown land.
Everything will be fine and the buyer will be happy!”

A spell for wealth can be done over salt on the waxing moon. The charmed salt is poured into a bag and used as a talisman.

“How can I not know either trouble or misfortune?
and to be a rich merchant's wife!
I'll tie the salt in a bag,
I'll add money to money!
Let him come and gain strength!”

Salt spell for the Annunciation

On the eve of the Annunciation, a linen bag with salt is placed in the oven where bread is baked and baked there for about half an hour. You can't talk during this time. You can only read prayers.

The enchanted Annunciation salt healed the sick and was added to the food of children, protecting them from the evil eye.

A very strong salt spell for quick weight loss, for toothache, to get your husband back

A clean scarf is spread on the table, a saucer of salt is placed, a candle is lit and the Lord’s Prayer is read three times.

After which they place their palms on a saucer of salt and ask their Guardian Angel to fulfill their desire. The request can be of a very different nature - from the return of the husband to getting rid of extra pounds. The main thing is to speak with sincere faith that this event will definitely happen. If you hear a slight tingling and warmth in your palms, you have done everything right and your wish will come true. After the ritual, the charmed salt should be buried in a secluded place.

A salt spell can relieve toothache. To do this, take a pinch of salt in your hand, find a mouse hole and throw it there as far as possible with the words:

“Gnawing mouse, take the salt from me,
and take away the toothache!”

In a maximum of half an hour, the toothache should go away.

Spell for salt on the full moon

A simple word, used casually, can throw you off balance for a long time. If the words were spoken deliberately, with some specific purpose, then one can only imagine what a huge charge of destructive or creative energy they can carry.

Most spells made on the full moon have creative power. These include conspiracies for success and wealth, beauty and health. Using another attribute - salt, which is especially sensitive to the slightest vibrations of energy, even beginners in magic and witchcraft can perform the necessary spells.

How to make a spell for bread salt water

Cover the table with a clean tablecloth, place a glass of water and a saucer of salt on it, and place round bread next to it. Break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt and put it in a glass of water. Read the plot:

“Pure water is the sister of the Prophet Elijah.
Today take salt and bread,
Help the servant of God (name).
Perform a miracle and remove illnesses. Amen".

Then the patient needs to read the “Our Father” prayer and drink 3 sips of water. At the same time, you tell him: “Drink to your health!” With the same water you can draw a cross on a sore spot if a specific part of the body hurts.

Spell on bath salts for illness

A salt bath is an excellent preventative and restorative remedy. It is done quite simply. You will need two containers with warm water. One is for the arms, the other is for the legs. Two handfuls of salt are poured into each of them, on which the top and lower limbs. The duration of the procedure is 7-9 minutes. The sensations from such baths are interesting. If you experience chills or malaise, you have been jinxed. To warm up, take extra hot shower. This will also wash away the negativity remaining on you.

Spell for salt from quarrels in the family, from unwanted guests, to cleanse the house, from evil neighbors

It’s not for nothing that they say about people who perfectly understand each other perfectly, are friendly, inseparable and happy that they “ate more than a pound of salt.” “Thursday salt” will help to make your family strong, protected from evil neighbors and unwanted guests, which should be added to dishes, especially when your whole family gathers at the table.

The name of salt comes from the fact that it is spoken in Maundy Thursday. To do this, prepare a special canvas bag, into which each family member should put a handful of salt. Then the salt is mixed and the prayer “Our Father” is read over it.

It is advisable to use Thursday salt before the new celebration of Easter. If some salt still remains unused, use it to clean your home.

To do this, salt is scattered in all corners and left to lie there until the morning. Overnight it will absorb all the negative energy and cleanse your home.

Conspiracy against cheating husband (so that the husband does not cheat)

Ordinary salt will help prevent your husband’s infidelity if you read a spell over it on the waxing moon, and then from time to time add it to your husband’s favorite dishes:

“Your wife is smart and pretty,
any heart.
And others have stupid and grumpy wives,
bland and uninteresting.
You and I are husband and wife, bread and salt.
Without bread it’s not satisfying, and without salt it’s not tasty.”

How to make a salt spell for beauty

A beauty spell is done on the full moon. Take a half glass of water and pour a pinch of salt into it. Now you need to shake the water in the glass in a counterclockwise circular motion, thinking about what you want to improve in your appearance in order to feel like a beauty.

After this, the water is placed on the windowsill. Thus, it will be charged with the energy of moonlight. Over the next day, you should drink all the water in the glass, taking no more than three sips at a time and saying the following words:

“Moon water!
Shares beauty with the girl!”

Conspiracy to salt under the threshold

Take a handful of salt and pour it into the bucket in which you wash the floor. Wash the threshold of your house with this water and say:

“I wash it away from the house and kick it out
illnesses and misfortunes, various misfortunes.
Turn away from me
and return to the owners.
Forget me! I didn’t call you!”

It can be difficult to get into someone else's house, so it is often aimed at the threshold: you stepped over it - and the job is done, there is no need to enter the house. Therefore, now we will learn to protect the threshold of our home.

1. On Friday at noon, take your left hand from wooden salt shaker three pinches of salt and throw them into a bucket (basin) of water. Wash the threshold with this water three times, saying:

WITH It is salted with olive oil, soaked with water, the salt does not rot, and does not stick to my house. Turn away, roll away, come back! Go away, I didn't call you. Amen.

Pour out the water at a pedestrian intersection.

2. Take a broom and sweep the threshold three times, saying each time:

IN I have sorrows, illnesses, illnesses, damage, lessons, extraneous, extraneous ones. The threshold is marked, blessed by God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to avoid lining

You already know about the lining, you understand that you can get rid of it. But it’s better not to have this evil spirit in your home. That’s the rule for you: if you find something at the door of your apartment, do not bring it into the house and do not touch it with your hands or feet. It’s better to take paper or a broom and dustpan at home, collect everything and take it outside. And then burn with Jesus Christ, “Our Father” and the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

If you find something foreign in the apartment itself, do not take it into your hands! Take it with paper and deal with it immediately - burn it with the words:

ABOUT drive to the sky, ash to the ground. I burn away bad thoughts, I burn away the enemy’s scourge. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to protect the home

Take a white candle and a sharp knife. Make seven notches on the candle with a knife at the same distance from each other so that you get carved candle. Light a candle. On the first day, let the candle burn down to the first notch while you do your morning chores around the house, then extinguish the flame and leave it until the next day. The next morning, light a candle and let it burn until the next notch. On the seventh day, after the candle has burned out completely, take the remnant, wrap it in paper with the text and hide it at home in a safe place (preferably under the floorboard).

WITH This is a temple, not built by me, built by God, erected by all the saints. Saint Nicholas dug a hole, Saint Athanasius paved the floor, Saint Paraskeva the roof of the wing, Saint Michael the Archangel cut down the windows, Saint Kirik laid the threshold, Saint Simeon fixed the door. What is my house worth? God's temple, protected by the saints, prayed to by God, the earth is his support, the sky is his roof, the Protection of the Mother of God is his protection. Lord Jesus Christ, come, help, defend this temple from all evil. Queen of Heaven, protect everyone in this house from all sorrow, quarrel, and evil slander. Amen.

Amulets for home

Amulet doll

You need to make a small doll with your own hands. Take a white handkerchief, put a little cotton wool in the middle of the handkerchief, add a small cut strand of your hair to the cotton wool and tie it with a silk thread to make a head. Then take a piece of natural colored fabric and fasten it under the doll’s head to make a sundress. You can put a small scarf on the doll’s head, decorate the dress with embroidery or an apron - that’s up to you. You can also draw a face. But the most important thing is to hide a piece of paper with a talisman under the doll’s skirt. The amulet doll should be stored in a visible place, preferably so that the sun's rays fall on it.

G The Lord reigns, hell is destroyed, Satan is destroyed. Amen. The holy saints walked: Saint Joasaph, Saint Nicholas, Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. They went to the holy Mount Athos to pray to God, they prayed for me, a sinful, unworthy servant of God (name). Holy saints, glorifiers of Christ! Pray to the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies every creature, so that he will sanctify this creation of mine, a small doll as a great amulet in my house. Pray for it, consecrate it, tell her to guard the house. Let no stranger, adversary, or enemy approach my house. Neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor in the midday haze, nor in the darkness of the night, nor in the moon, nor in the stars, nor in the sun, nor in the clouds, not for any bad hour, not for any good hour, from now until century of centuries. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Bread amulet

Take a small edge of black bread, put a leaf with a talisman there and cover it with bread crumb so that the leaf is not visible. Then dry the bread and store it so that no one will find it.

X bread and wine, and the Lord who gives life! With this bread I seal my dwelling, with this bread I block it, with this bread I sanctify, with this bread I protect. Bread of the Lord's Body, just as Satan will not approach the Lord Jesus Christ, but will perish, so the enemy will not approach my house, the thief will die, the adversary will be crushed, the hater will hang himself, the envious person will go blind, and every evil thought will scatter before this bread, like dust before the wind. . The bread dries, and my enemy dies. Amen. Amen. Amen.

(Speak on a piece of bread and put it behind the icon.)

Protected my handwritten amulet, my words are cut down forever. Stay at home, don't attack the enemy. Amen.

Charms against thieves

1. If you are afraid for particularly valuable items stored in your apartment, then buy a white scarf (linen or cotton) and, on the new moon, hang it out the window at night. Then, at dawn, take a red church candle, light it and move it over the scarf three times, as if drawing a cross. At the wedding hour (14.00) of the same day, wrap your valuables together with the amulet in this scarf and hide them.

IN The Lord Savior came out from the city of Jerusalem, twelve were coming to meet him: babies, youths, young men, men and old men. The Lord asks them: “Who are you, twelve, where are you going?” They answer him: “We are the months of God, we are going to holy baptized Rus', to live forever.” Says the Lord: “I name you, the twelve months of God: January - the Baptist, February - the Saint, March - the Faster, April - the Resurrectionist, May - the Ascensionist, June - the Trinity, July - Peter and Paul, August - the Assumption, September - the Ascensionist, October - protector, November - Archangel, December - Christmas. Go to Baptized Rus', protect the baptized people, souls, bodies and their homes, at every time, at every moment, for all twelve months, from the thief, from the scoundrel, from the robber, from the murderer and destroyer.” I didn’t say so, the Lord said so, I didn’t write it, the Lord controlled my hand. Whoever comes to my house in those twelve months will step on his own heart, crush him, break him, and take his soul to hell. By the power of the Lord my word is strong and molded. Amen.

2. If you are leaving home for a long time, then you need to attach the piece of paper with the amulet to the outside of the front door, preferably next to the lock.

P The day came and went. Night came and went. So you too, rogue thief, would come and pass by my holy house, past my wide yard. Walk past, look straight, don’t look around, don’t look at my house, don’t step on my threshold, don’t look at my property. If you enter the house, you will find your death, you will not return back, you will remain forever. I will burn you, I will chop you up, I will sweep you away.

3. Go around the whole house, every room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet with a lit white candle. In each room, read the amulet from a piece of paper. Then wrap the candle melt in it and hide it in the house.

A angels, archangels, cherubim and seraphim! And all the heavenly forces, fiery, airy, approaching invisibly, flying around me, protecting my soul! Save, save, defend the house, protect from the adversary enemy, from the thief, from the robber and the thief; dispel evil intentions, unclean thoughts, dispel them, burn them with fire, shut them up with the power of God! Century after century, from now until century. Amen.

4. This is a talisman against thieves for a year. On any Monday afternoon, hide a piece of paper with a talisman next to the threshold of your bedroom (from the inside).

M Ech, fire, arrow, spear, pitchfork, flail, knife and fork - stab, burn, chop, saw, thresh my enemy, my adversary, the envious and hater, the thief and robber, the unclean destroyer. Thief, thief! It’s better for you not to approach my house, not to look at my property. If you grab the staple, you will run into a sword; If you step on the threshold, you will burn in fire; If you cross the threshold, you will be stabbed with a spear; If you enter the room, you will get a pitchfork in the side; If you take hold of my belongings, you will be beaten with flails; If you decide to run away, you will be cut up with a knife and a fork, and you will be cast into hell for Satan to eat. There is no way for you to reach my threshold, the way to me is guarded by angels, formidable angels, archangels of God, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Yehudiel. They stand on all four sides and don’t let anyone in, neither the evil one, nor the annoying one, nor the thief, nor the villain. Just as they stand forever, stand, not die, and glorify God, so will my house stand forever. I said, I wrote on tablets of stone, the righteous word of God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

5. This amulet will make sure that a thief who sneaks into your apartment will lose his mind and will not be able to find the door to get out. But he will know for sure that if he puts back what was stolen, there will be a way out. On Friday before any church holiday walk around the entire apartment with a burning candle, stopping at each corner and reading the amulet from a piece of paper. Then leave the piece of paper with the amulet in any shoes that are in the hallway and which no one will definitely wear until you return. Upon return, take out the amulet and place it near the icons.

WITH Holy Angelina, Holy Valentine, Holy Ulyana, Holy Friday, from my house devilry let him back away, roll through ravines, retreat through dark forests, drown in slimy swamps, get stuck in quicksand. Do not enter, enemy, into this house, in this house the saints ate and drank, celebrated the Table of Christ, left, locked the locks, abandoned the Holy Spirit. Those locks are closed with silver keys, and the keys are raised to heaven, placed on the throne of God, shone with cherubim and seraphim, guarded by formidable angels, surrounded by the saints of God. On Friday I fast, on Saturday I pray, on Sunday I go to church. As long as I do this, my house will remain safe and sound. Amen.

6. If you are afraid that any particularly valuable item may be stolen, pick it up or touch it and read this amulet on a piece of paper. Then wrap this thing in a leaf with a talisman and hold it for a day. If it is impossible to wrap, then simply place the piece of paper with the amulet under it or on it (with the text facing the surface of the thing).

I I’m not speaking a conspiracy, I’m building a garden wall, an iron fence, a stone garden, from the ground to the sky; it is driven into the ground up to forty arshins, up to forty forties; he went up to forty miles into the sky, up to forty forty thousand; no one will pass that tyn, will not jump over, will not climb over, but will only go around by. The servant of God (name) wrote, and the Lord Jesus Christ defended. I’m done with words, I’m done. Amen.

7. When leaving home for a long period of time, read the paper and close the door. Then you should leave the piece of paper with the amulet at the entrance, hiding it well, for example, behind a battery. When you return, try to find him. If you find it, keep it at home, putting it in the Bible. If you don’t find it, then there will be no trouble.

D Believe me, I lock the house, I don’t leave the house to emptiness, not to desolation, but I hand it over to Christ himself, the true God. Lord, I’m leaving, I’m leaving my house to You, stay in the house, don’t forget about me. Where the Lord is, there is no place for Satan, and a thief cannot take away anything. I’m going with a light heart, the angel is with me! I lock the door, leave Christ, the Mother of God and all the saints. My word is strong, it is sculpted to the deed. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From uninvited guests

Hide the leaf with the amulet well in the hallway.

G I will defend myself with the Lord, I will be covered with the Holy Protection. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother of God, cover my house with your Holy Veil, so that an uninvited, unexpected, unexpected guest, coming from a strange direction, a foreign spirit, carrying a bad spirit, will not see it. Cover the roof, cover the walls, cover the threshold and gate. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that no one enters your house

Hide the leaf with this amulet in the hallway.

TO I roll and roll rugs, I roll rolls away from the house, rolls, linings, mortgages, butts, eyes that are beveled, tatters that touch, all troubles, all misfortunes, all evil: witch obsession, evil thoughts, damage, infection, unclean spirit, passerby sorcerer, dashing visiting What I write, I will not erase, I write as a talisman for the house forever. Amen.

Housewarming plot

When moving to new house or new apartment, bring the cat in, saying:

IN from you, master, a furry beast to a rich yard.