Who is the Archangel of God Michael? Archangel (Archangel) Michael

Over all nine angelic ranks, the Lord placed Archangel Michael, whose name from the Hebrew language means - who is like God. The veneration of St. Archangel Michael in the Orthodox Church dates back to the most ancient times. According to the meaning of the word, Michael is an Angel possessing extraordinary, unparalleled spiritual power. The Holy Church presents a majestic historical picture of the divinely luminous deeds of the Archangel of the holy ethereal Heavenly Powers, depicting him everywhere as the first in the rank of the heavenly hosts, an activist and warrior for the glory of God and for the salvation of the human race.

Saint Archangel Michael performed his first feat of battle in heaven. Satan, once the brightest of all the heavenly spirits, rebelled against God, decided to humiliate the glory of the Lord, committed the first apostasy in the entire universe and carried away many other spirits with him. Then the Holy Archangel Michael, as a faithful servant of God, having gathered all the angelic ranks and armies, who were not carried away by the destructive example of Satan’s exaltation, loudly cried out: “Let us become good before Him who created us; and we do not think anything contrary to God.” And standing in first place in the host of disembodied spirits, he began to sing a solemn song: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts!” (Thu.Min. November 8th).

Following this, the spirits of evil were cast out from heaven.
The Revelation of St. John the Theologian tells about the battle in heaven: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they did not stand, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev. 12:7-9).

But as a consolation for believers, it is given to see in Revelation that this primordial struggle with the enemy of our salvation will end in the perfect victory of the Lamb (Rev. 19 and 20), and that in the fight against the serpent we have supreme defenders and patrons, led by the Holy Archangel Michael.

When on earth the destinies of God were revealed in a special way over the chosen Jewish people, then the Church points to the Holy Archangel Michael as the guardian, champion and defender of the people of God.

In the prophet Daniel, Archangel Michael also appears to be the special protector and patron of the Jewish people, always standing up to defend the Church from all her enemies (Dan. 10, 13, 21; 12, 1).

The Church, in its hymns and prayers, calls Archangel Michael the first, the leader and champion of the ethereal Angels, and the leader of the Angels, the oldest among the regiments of Angels, the mentor of the heavenly ranks (service November 8 (21).

Therefore, Archangel Michael is depicted in a warlike form, with a spear and sword in his hand, having a dragon under his feet, that is, the spirit of malice. The white banner that adorns the top of his spear means the unchanging purity and unshakable loyalty of the Angels to the Heavenly King, and the cross with which the spear ends makes it known that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and the victory over it by the Archangels themselves is accomplished in the name of the Cross of Christ, accomplished through patience and humility and selflessness.

The Apostolic Scripture tells that the Archangel Michael argued with the devil about the “body of Moses” (Jude 9), and served his burial, but the devil opposed it. Archangel Michael, the guardian of the Jewish people, contrary to the evil wishes of the devil, hid the grave of the prophet Moses so that the Jews, prone to idolatry, could not worship him as God.

The Archangel of the Lord's power, Archangel Michael, appeared to Joshua during the capture of Jericho: “Jesus, being near Jericho, looked and saw, and behold, a man stood before him, and in his hand was a naked sword. Jesus came to him and said to him, “Are you one of ours, or one of our enemies?” He said: no; I am the captain of the army of the Lord, now I have come here. Jesus fell with his face to the ground, and bowed down, and said to him, “What will my lord say to his servant?” The captain of the Lord's army said to Jesus, “Take off your sandals from off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” Jesus did so” (Joshua 5:13-15). This appearance of Saint Archangel Michael inspired Joshua with hope for heavenly help. Soon the Lord Himself appeared to Joshua and taught him a method in which Jericho, the first strong city in the land of Canaan, was successfully taken.

Antiquity was so deeply confident in the authenticity of the appearance of Archangel Michael to Joshua that on the site of the appearance, even in the first times of Christianity, a monastery was erected in the name of St. Archangel Michael.

In general, the Holy Archangel Michael of the pre-mirrable rank of Chief, a servant of the glory of the Divine and the all-praised commander of the Angels, helped the Israelites in their battles with enemies on the way to the Promised Land and accompanied Moses throughout his difficult life.

September 6 Art. Art. The Orthodox Church celebrates a holiday called “Remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael, which happened in Chonekh (Colossae).

In Phrygia, near the city of Hierapolis, there was a temple in the name of Archangel Michael and with it a healing spring. The pagans, dissatisfied with the fact that the temple served as a place of special veneration for Christians, decided to destroy it. For this purpose, they connected two mountain rivers into one channel and directed the flow towards the temple. But through the prayers of Saint Archippus, who lived at this temple, Saint Archangel Michael appeared and, with a blow of his staff, opened a chasm, which absorbed the water released onto the temple, and this place received the name Khona (hole, chasm). Russia was also honored with the appearance of the Archangel Michael, like other countries.

It was in 1608 in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra during the Polish invasion of Rus', when Archangel Michael appeared to Archimandrite Joseph, who was at that time the rector of the Lavra, with a radiant face, with a scepter in his hands and said to the enemies who had besieged the monastery for several months: “Soon Almighty God will give you vengeance.” And the enemy, having stood at the walls of the monastery without any success, was forced to retreat in shame.

Defense of Russian cities Holy Mother of God was always carried out by Her appearances with the Heavenly Host under the leadership of the Archangel Michael. Therefore, the faith of Orthodox Christians in the help of Archangel Michael in all troubles, sorrows, and needs is strong.
Archangel Michael in the Old Testament is referred to as “the great prince who stands for the sons of the people,” he stands before the Throne of the Lord. In the Old Testament, Saint Archangel Michael was the Guardian Angel of some of the leaders and rulers of the people of Israel; in the New Testament, the Orthodox Church recognized him as a champion and intercessor of all; she encourages each and every true Christian to appeal to the first of the Angels for help and intercession before God. The Church recognizes Archangel Michael as her Divine adornment, and the world below as a protection and affirmation (service September 6 (19), can. p. 1). She teaches that the Holy Archangel Michael, with divine fortress, goes around the whole earth, taking away those who call on his divine name from the cruel (ibid., pes. 3), calls him a divine preacher, a non-fasting representative of the faithful, a guide and punisher of the lost (canto 3), a prayer book for saving people (Song 3). In a word, she forces everyone to cry out to the great Archangel of God: “Under the shelter of your divine wings, those who take refuge in faith, Michael, divine mind, protect and cover through all of life: and at the hour, Archangel, terrible mortal, you appear as a helper to all of us most welcome” (service on November 8 (21), art. on praises.).

So, Archangel Michael is the conqueror of adversaries, the deliverer from all troubles and sorrows, the protector of all Orthodox Christians from visible and invisible enemies and evil spirits.

They pray to Archangel Michael for deliverance from sorrow upon entering new house and on the foundation of the house, on the protection of the throne and the state, on the salvation and preservation of Russia.
September 6 (19) celebration “Remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael, who was in Khoneh (Colossae)” (IV).

November 8 (21) The Holy Church glorifies all the Heavenly Powers, headed by Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is glorified as the leader of the Heavenly Forces and this holiday is called the Council of Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly Forces.
Those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, that is, the name Michael, are best distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and self-sacrifice.

Archangel Michael is revered in many countries as one of the main saints. His image is considered exalted in the Christian religion, as well as among followers of Judaism and Islam. This character is at the head of the Holy Host, consisting of angels and archangels, so he was given the title of archangel. A prayer addressed to Saint Michael gives protection and patronage to the supreme being who rules the nine orders of angels. The meaning of the name Michael - “who is like God” - identifies him with the heavenly ruler and endows him with unprecedented spiritual power.

Origin story

The Warrior of Light is revered in three world religions, but the origin of his image is shrouded in mystery. Researchers disagree on this issue. It is believed that the name Michael was known already in the 8th century BC and was used by people who inhabited the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates. Scientists suggest that the legends about the saint are rooted in the religion of ancient Persia, in which it was customary to divide the warriors of light and darkness into two opposing camps.

The cult of the archangel is associated with folklore. Beliefs said that Michael appeared on three mountain peaks, on former place habitat of the pagan deity Odin. Hence the saint’s feast day, which falls on September 29. This is the date of the harvest and festival in honor of fertility. Since the 8th century, images of the Archangel Michael were applied to German battle banners.

He patronized the German troops fighting the Hungarians who invaded foreign lands. Michael was often associated with Siegfried, the dragon slayer. Occult teachings mention the name of the archangel. Sacred texts also contain stories about him.

The biography of Archangel Michael is full of events that made him revered even among Muslims. The stories and legends that accompany it say that Michael, the leader of light, leads the army of the Lord into battle against the forces of evil and darkness controlled by Belial. In Islam, as well as in Christianity, the Archangel Michael occupies a high position. He is God's messenger, giving kindness and grace to human hearts. Michael also commands the clouds. He monitors the observance of God's law and will be present at the Last Judgment as the protector of all lost believers.

The history of Archangel Michael goes back centuries, since its source was the Bible. It tells how, long before the appearance of the first man in heaven, a war occurred due to the fact that Dennitsa, having experienced pride, rebelled against the Creator. He was expelled along with several angels who supported him. Having turned into demons, they represented the side of darkness, and the Archangel Michael, who spoke in defense of the Creator, led his army. The Book of Revelation describes the struggle of angels with the dragon, when the ancient serpent, the embodiment of the devil, was cast down to earth.

Archangel Michael is mentioned as a heavenly warrior in the Book of the Prophet Daniel. There is also a belief that Michael helped the people of Israel in their search for the Promised Land. Scientists doing research Holy Scripture, it is believed that he led the Israelites through the Black Sea, using a pillar of fire to force the waters to disperse. The Old Testament tells about the actions of the heavenly messenger, who is personified with the Archangel Michael.

People often turn to the saint asking for health. It is believed that it protects against evil forces that provoke ailments and helps to resist them. There are many magical springs in the world that bear the name of the saint. According to legend, Michael guards the gates of heaven, protecting them with a sword from uninvited guests.

Attributes and meaning

St. Michael was depicted more often than others by artists different eras. His image is in great demand in painting and icon painting, sculpture and stained glass. Usually the archangel is depicted in military armor, modernized in accordance with the time when the image was created. He appears before the viewer in the guise of a Roman legionary, endowed with an ordinary or flaming sword. Sometimes a spear appears in his hands, which appears in images where he acts as a protector of the path to the tree of life.

The archangel's head is rarely protected by a helmet. The headdress is replaced by a crown, symbolizing power. Sometimes Michael holds a shield decorated with a monogram of intertwined Greek letters “X” and “R”, a star of David and a cross. Under his feet is a dragon, a snake or a freak, struck by a warrior of light.

Western artists considered scales to be an attribute accompanying Michael. It was the scales that symbolized the role of the hero at the Last Judgment, during which Michael will weigh positive and negative actions, letting him into heaven or dooming him to the torment of hell.

Much less often, the archangel is described with a banner or standard in his hands. According to Latin tradition, he is considered the standard bearer of Salvation and Holy Trinity. The banner is also an attribute of a warrior faithful to his cause.

On Russian icons, Michael was depicted riding a winged horse with a horn at his mouth. He held a book and a cross or sword, slaying the devil in the form of a dragon. This image was called Archangel Michael Voevoda and was traditional in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Many icons depict not only how the archangel kills the serpent, but also the life of the great saint. Some stories are connected with the phenomenon in Heropta or the “miracle of Flora and Laurus,” whom he trained to rule horses, making them patrons of animals.

Archangel Michael in culture

Saint Michael is often mentioned in literary monuments: in the Old and New Testaments, in the Book of the Prophet Daniel. In the Apocalypse we're talking about about the army he gathered and how the battle went with. In the Epistle of Jude he is described as the archangel of God.

Religious literature is divided into canonical texts and apocrypha, which have not received official church recognition. The Apocrypha Book of Enoch describes the significance and role of Michael in the lives of the ancient Jews. The Qumran scrolls, found on the Black Sea coast, tell the story of Michael, the leader of an army going against the angels of darkness. The Qumran community existed in the 2nd century BC, and this fact allows us to appreciate the depth of history associated with St. Michael.

The Apocrypha, in which Michael is first mentioned, echoes the Hebrew story. Eschatological works that raise the question of the end of the world and the afterlife appeal to the story of Michael and Lucifer.

The Archangel in the role of a judge calling souls to the Last Judgment is depicted on icons.

The 4th century Gospel of Nicodemus describes Michael's mission as bringing saved souls to heaven. The Revelation of Paul echoes this. In "Walking"

Mother of God in Torment" tells that Michael accompanied the Queen of Heaven on her way to hell. The Apocryphal Revelation of John the Evangelist tells of the patronage of mortals on the Day of Judgment.

Ancient Jews and Muslims called Michael Mikael, believing that he was the guardian of one of the cardinal directions, like Raphael and Uriel. The Koran calls the saint Mikail. Muslims believe that the archangel is endowed with emerald-colored wings.

In Orthodoxy, Michael is the guardian of God's law, protector and warrior. He is the patron of the “militant church”, uniting all who remain faithful to the Creator. The prayer and akathist dedicated to the archangel have a sacred meaning. They have powerful energy and are pronounced by believers and spiritual mentors during a service or visit to a temple. This is part of the religious culture, preserved by the peoples of the world for many centuries.

Orthodox icons depict Archangel Michael countless times. He is a fighter against the devil, a defender of the truth of God, whose image was located in every temple and church. The most famous image of the Archangel Michael is considered to be the icon that he painted.

It depicts a warrior of light in a scarlet robe with golden wings and a spear in his hands. His forehead is adorned with long hair flowing over his shoulders, and his gaze is piercing and convicting. This image was created in the canonical tradition of Orthodox icon painting.

Reading the Bible, from time to time I would like to ask the question: why is there no explicit indications about Christ, our Lord and Savior in the Old Testament [except for prophecies]? Why, before the coming of Christ, God was considered One and Jewish believers never had questions about the fact that they should worship someone else besides the Most High Yahweh (Mark 12:29,32)?

And yet there are many places in the Hebrew Scriptures to which attention should be paid in connection with the topic: The Mystery of Christ Jesus.

For example, let's take a passage from the book of Exodus:

'' Here, I send an angel before you keep you on the way and bring you to the place that I have prepared. Watch yourself before His face and listen to His voice; do not persist against Him, because He will not forgive your sin, for My name is in Him” (Ex. 23:20,21).

So what kind of Angel is it that has the power to forgive or not forgive sins? So, let's explore this topic with you in order.

Part 1 Archangel Michael, who is He?

In the book of Genesis it is written: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... (Gen. 1:26). Further in Genesis 2:18 the word ''let's create''’ is also indicated in the plural. So who was this second one? For example, angels could not participate in creation together with the Almighty for the reason that then none of them would claim that he was the co-creator of the universe (Gen. 14:22,23, Job 38:4,7). At the same time, it cannot be argued that the Almighty was the sole Creator. Why? For example, in the book of Exodus, in chapters 19 and 20, it is written that God spoke directly to Moses; however, Acts 7:37,38 points to the Mediator - the Witness, the Archangel Michael (Jude9).

In the future, one of the most striking references to the Witness - the Archangel of the Most High is a passage from the book. Joshua 5:13-15. From the relationship between this Prince of Hosts (Dan. 10:21; 12:1.) and Joshua, one can judge that this was the same Person who appeared to Moses on Mount Horeb from the burning bush (Exod. 3: 2-5.)

The next chapter [Joshua 6:1-19.] describes a prophetic sign that points to the seven trumpets and seven seals of the book of Revelation and the end of the wicked world (Rev. 11:17-19.).

And this also happened and will still happen under the leadership of Archangel Michael (Ex. 23:20-23. Dan. 12: 1. Rev. 12: 7-9; 19: 11-14).

And here we come to the most interesting part. In the book of Rev. 19:13,14, the Apostle John writes about the King of kings, who is also called the Word of God and the Prince of armies. For example, the prophet Daniel was told:

‘’And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the children of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since people existed until now; But at that time all of your people who are found written in the book will be saved” (Dan. 12:1).

And our Teacher Christ said this:

‘’And then they will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:27,28).

So aren't these descriptions pointing to the same Person? Or are these Personalities completely different?

To get even closer to the answer, let's discuss the question of why our Lord Christ is called Jesus?

Many of us understand that this name literally means: “salvation from Yahweh.” However, in the sense of type, we can turn to the scripture from Hebrews 3:15-19; 4:3-9, which indicates that the leader of Israel, leading to “rest” i.e. the promised land was Joshua.

*** Joshua, successor of the prophet Moses in governing the Jewish people. He came from the tribe of Ephraim and originally bore the name Heb. הוֹשֵׁעַ (Hosea), cognate with the second part of the name Yehoshua, and also meaning “salvation”, but not explicitly mentioning the name of God. He was renamed Jesus by Moses as a sign that through him God would save the people of Israel from the disasters of wandering in the desert and bring them into the Promised Land. [copied from Wikipedia] ***

However, in fact, a much more important role in this was assigned to the Archangel Michael, who walked before them in the cloud (Exodus 13:21,22; 23:20-23.) and was called the Prince of Israel - Dan.10:13,21. Later our Master said: ‘’The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath’’ those. ‘’peace’’; it is He, Christ Jesus, who is the main successor of Moses, the greater Joshua [He who leads into true rest]; and this is how it is said:

‘’This is the Moses who said to the children of Israel: The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers; Listen to him. This is the one who was in the meeting in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, and who received living words to pass on to us” (Acts 7:37,38)

The Apostle John also wrote:

‘’All things came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being. In Him was life, and life was the light of men. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father” (John 1:3,4,14).

These strong expressions indicate the weight of such a Person as our Lord Christ; however, all important events of Old Testament times point to Archangel Michael as the representative of the Most High God. With this consideration of the facts, we can come to the conclusion that this indicates the same Person.

In the Gospel of John it is written: “I can do nothing of Myself. As I hear, I judge, and My judgment is righteous; For I do not seek My own will, but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30). It is “with two and three witnesses that every word will be established” (2 Cor. 13:1), therefore the Father did not create the universe alone - but together with the Firstborn Son, the Archangel Witness. The Apostle Paul also wrote about this quite clearly: ‘’Who is the image of the invisible God, the first begotten of all creation; For it pleased [the Father] that all fullness should dwell in Him” (Col. 1:15,19.). And yet, despite the truly great role of our Lord, it is worth paying attention to this question: “Is He the Most High Ruler?”

Part 2. Trinity?..

The Lord said: “For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, so that everyone may honor the Son as they honor the Father.” He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him” (John 5:22,23).

However, pay attention to the prophecy: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that I will raise up a righteous Branch for David, and a King will reign, and will act wisely, and will execute judgment and righteousness in the earth” (Jer. 23:5). Also in the prophet Daniel, about Christ it is indicated in the FUTURE tense: ''Know therefore and understand: from the time the commandment goes out to restore Jerusalem until Christ the Ruler, there are seven weeks and sixty-two weeks...'' (Dan.9:25) .

Despite the fact that our Master has always had a special favor with the Heavenly Father (John 17:5.), He received the anointing as the Son of the Lord here on earth in the 1st century AD. The Prophet David wrote about this: “The Lord said to Me: You are My Son; I have NOW begotten You; ASK of Me, and I WILL GIVE the nations for Your inheritance and the ends of the earth for Your possession" (Ps. 2:7,8). This can be argued on the basis that nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures will we find anything that in any way indicates that Jesus Christ was the Son of God before coming to earth (Isaiah 9:6.).

Let us take for example the passage from the prophecy of Isaiah: “Behold, My Servant, whom I hold by the hand, My chosen one, in whom My soul delights. I will put My spirit on Him, and He will proclaim judgment to the nations; I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, and I will hold Your hand and keep You, and will make You a covenant for the people, a light for the Gentiles” (Is. 42:1,6). Please note that in the original text the word ''Youth'' is translated as ''servant'', ''slave'' [also see: Isaiah.52:13,15; 53:11].

When the Almighty pointed to the Angel Michael, the Leader of the Jews (Ex. 23:20-23.), then this “Servant” - Leader was not yet the High Priest, because. Hebrews 10:4-7 indicates that this happened in the 1st century AD. Moreover, the Firstborn Son was begotten by the Heavenly Father “before all creation” (Col. 1:15); He is also the firstborn in the sense that before our Master no one had yet been born of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 11:11,12.). Also, He became King and Lord only when He sacrificed Himself - Isaiah 53:12. Hebrews 10:12,13. And only from the 1st century AD. we receive the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit [the three Witnesses].

And finally, it is worth paying attention to this question: what can we learn from Scripture about the future of our Lord Christ? For example, in the book of Revelation, chapters 21 and 22, it is indicated that Christ the Lamb will always be on the throne with the Heavenly Father. But the Apostle Paul writes this: “And then the end, when He will hand over the Kingdom to God and the Father, when He will abolish all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death, because He has put everything under His feet. When it is said that all things were subjected to [Him], it is clear that except for Him Who put all things under Him. When he puts all things in subjection to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things in subjection to Him, so that God may be all in all” (1 Cor. 15:24-28). How to understand these passages of the Bible, which at first glance may seem contradictory?

The Apostle Paul, in addition to having a higher Pharisee education, was born of the Holy Spirit; which means he could correctly understand Scripture (John 14:26.). If we look at such passages from his letters as: Galatians 4:22-31. Hebrews 7:1-22. etc., then we will see that there are many prophetic signs in the Hebrew Scriptures [Matt. 12:40-42]. One of them, which will help us more clearly understand the role of Christ, we can see in the 41st chapter of the book of Genesis.

Pay attention to this: “You will be over my house, and all my people will keep your word; Only with the throne will I be greater than you. And Pharaoh took his ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand; He dressed him in fine linen, and put a golden chain around his neck; ordered to take him to the second of his chariots and proclaim before him: bow down! And he set him over all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh said to Joseph: I am Pharaoh; Without you no one will move his hand or his foot in all the land of Egypt” (Gen. 41:40,42-44). After betraying his brothers and being in prison - the underworld, Joseph received the power to be the second ruler on earth, the leader of the entire kingdom of Egypt, and also the provider - the breadwinner of Israel. This is precisely the role of the Archangel Michael and later the Teacher of Christ - John 6:27,30-33. Matthew 4:4. John 1:14. Despite such greatness of Joseph's power in Egypt, he was second to Pharaoh; the Son of God occupies the same position in relation to the Heavenly Father.

So, during the journey to the promised land, the leader of the Jewish people was Archangel Michael; but having suffered from his fellow Jews, becoming the Messiah the Redeemer, He received power over everything that exists (Matt. 28:18.). That is why in the book of Revelation chapters 21 and 22, it is indicated that the Lamb of the Lord will reign with the Father forever - but... In 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, the Apostle Paul more clearly explains the role of the Archangel Christ after the thousand-year period of judgment has passed unrighteous (Rev. 20:1-3,7-10.). After all wickedness and the devil himself are destroyed, then the words from the prayer will be completely fulfilled: “Our Father... Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” All remaining humanity will receive holiness [this will be approximately the beginning of the 8th millennium - the circumcision of the Jews on the 8th day was a prototype of this]. Then humanity will no longer need the priesthood; the heavenly temple of the co-priests of Christ (Rev. 20:4-6.) will be abolished and will become part of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Kingdom of the Most High - Galat.4:26. Rev. 21:1,10,12,14,17.

When wickedness is finally destroyed, and therefore the last enemy is death, then the mission of Christ, Intercessor and Priest will be fulfilled; and our Lord, having the majestic position of the Son of the King, will Himself submit to the Father. May God be all in all (1 Cor. 15:28)!.. Amen.


Friends, with this article I am opening the “Angelology” section on my website.

This column was conceived a long time ago, but, apparently, only now it has received the final blessing from above and is beginning its life. Actually, according to the plan, I should have first written an introductory article with detailed description of our Archangelic and Angelic Hierarchy. I think it will be in the near future. And today I start with Archangel Michael, since this will be an article with practical recommendations and practices of interaction with this Archangel.

There are probably few people on Earth of completely different religions, cultures, and nationalities who have not, at least once, heard about Archangel Michael. This is one of the few Archangels who is revered in all religions. But this article will not have any religious orientation. This is simply a statement of information about the powerful, limitless and endless loving Essence from the upper steps.

Although the Bible tells about the miracles of Archangel Michael, he is not the property of any religion. Archangel Michael protects absolutely all beings from the Hierarchy of our God. It doesn’t matter what religion a person is, what race or nationality he is. Even a categorical atheist, every person can count on the support of Archangel Michael at any time.

In Doreen Virtue's book "The Miracles of Archangel Michael" it is written about him like this:

The word archangel comes from the Greek expression “the greatest messenger of God.” "Arch" means "first" or "greatest" and "angel" means "messenger of God." The name Michael comes from Aramaic and Babylonian words meaning “like God.” Thus, Archangel Michael is “the greatest messenger like God.” In other words, Michael carries messages of pure love, wisdom and power straight from the Creator.

Mikhail does not accept worship, rituals and various other nonsense invented by people to make the process mysterious. In general, in the Universe there are absolutely precise and logical laws that do not provide for procedures of worship, praise and other similar rituals. All rituals and procedures were invented exclusively by people pursuing their own goals. And they are aimed at increasing complexity, increasing mystery and significance. simple processes. And here, as for me, there can be two reasons. Either show your superiority to those who don’t know, or simply deceive the human mind, which looks for a catch in everything simple. Give it to him with complications, as long as he accepts it and acts for the good.

So let's return to Mikhail. In fact, he does not require any complex rituals of worship. He is practical and always ready to help at the first call.

Archangel Michael is the lord of the first Divine ray. Archangel Michael is a pronounced masculine energy, although these Essences do not have gender in ours in the usual sense. But in the Universe everything is harmonious. Therefore, each Archangel has his own Archeya - the Essence with feminine energy. The archean of Archangel Michael is called Vera.

The color of Archangel Michael is bright red. This is a warrior, a protector. Michael is a zealous guardian of the Divine order, infinitely just, loving and kind.

Michael's Day is Sunday.

Michael is the patron saint of the military and police. Mikhail's masculine energy is reflected in the ways he helps us. Next we will look in detail at what and how you can contact it.

Michael stands at the head of the entire Angelic Hierarchy. The rest of the Archangels and Angels are subordinate to him. Therefore, you can call on Archangel Michael regardless of the question. He will direct you to someone who will help you in the most optimal way. Subordinate to Archangel Michael is the Angelic Legion called the “Army of Mercy”. They very jealously monitor the energetic purity of the space and, at your request, will protect you from any negative influence.

How to contact Archangel Michael

As we have already said, Michael does not require any rituals or worship. It may seem so simple that it’s not even real, but it is true: you can turn to him simply by saying “Archangel Michael, help!” Believe me, there is plenty of this. Better yet, start implementing this communication into your life and you will see everything for yourself.

Of course, you can address a specific problem. To do this, simply contact him with a request to help solve such and such a problem in the most optimal way for everyone. You will be surprised at how miraculously solutions will come.

My family and I have long become a habit of communicating with Archangel Michael. We turn to him so often that it is already clearly felt strong connection between us. Often you only need to think, and Mikhail already helps. Don't be afraid to overload him with your requests. After all, an Archangel is not a person in a physical body. Do not think that if you asked him for a trifle, he will be offended or at this time will not be able to help someone with a more complex problem.

Archangels are the most powerful energy Essences and we cannot fully understand their existence with our three-dimensional physical brain. Just take it for granted that by helping you, he can help billions more beings throughout the Universe. And for him there are no problems, small or large, for him there are: whether they called him for help or not!

That's right, pay special attention to this. If you need help, be sure to call on the person from whom you want to receive this help. The principle of good will is clearly observed in the Universe. If you don't ask for help, then they won't give it to you. Don't think that they already know. There, of course, they see and know everything, but without asking they help only in the very, very in case of emergency when a person is in danger deadly danger, and according to the program of life, it is not yet time for him to leave. All! The rest, please, voice it! Yes, a representative of the Devil’s Hierarchy may rush to your aid without asking, but I think it’s clear what’s the point in rushing for them.

People often believe that by turning to the Highest, they are burdening them. No, it's different here. The more often you apply, the stronger the connection between you and the time between the request and the result decreases.

Don't be shy, but be respectful and don't blame if something doesn't happen with the result you expected. Believe me, they know better, they are doing everything as well as possible for all participants in the process and the global turn of the situation. Maybe you need to lose small change now in order to gain something bigger. Help from above is always for the good. Trust and thank! Don't forget to give thanks. Gratitude is an energy exchange. They gave it to you - you returned it. This is important, do not accumulate energy debts.

You can also contact Archangel Michael according to the NBR principle. You can read more about this practice of communicating with Angels.

In what cases should Archangel Michael be invoked?

In fact, as I already wrote, Archangel Michael is the head of all the Archangels of the Hierarchy of our God. Therefore, if you do not know which Angel or Archangel to call in a particular case, feel free to call on Michael. He will send exactly who you need at the moment to help you.

But Mikhail also has his own direct support functions. First of all, he is a defender. He can be called upon in all cases when you need protection. It doesn't matter what kind of protection you need. This could be the protection of property, loved ones, the planet, your energy, business - absolutely all areas are subject to the protection of this Archangel. You can ask him for protection both out loud and mentally. We do not always have the opportunity to say out loud a request to the Archangel. For example, in the boss’s office this is unlikely to be possible. But mentally call: “Archangel Michael, please help, support me and protect me!” - it's always possible. And help will come.

Michael’s protective functions extend to all levels of the Universe. Therefore, protection from negative energies and negative entities of the lower astral is also for him. To do this, you just need to ask him for such protection. From time to time, when you feel that you need to ask again, ask again. You simply update this protection and strengthen it.

Mikhail blocks absolutely everything negative for the person asking. There is such a thing as energy bindings. These connections arise between all people between whom contact occurs. For example, you helped someone, but this person turned out to be energetically weaker than you. On the subtle plane, in most cases, a connection is formed between you and the person, without knowing it, is slowly fed with energy from you through this channel. You can also connect to someone and pull from them. But people do not always have clean energy structures. You can pull one on yourself that won’t seem too small. In general, these connections are not useful in any case. And you need to get rid of them periodically.

Here I will give an effective practice for disconnecting from consumers with the help of Archangel Michael.

Close your eyes and imagine that endless tubes are stretching from you in different directions. Say: “Archangel Michael, please cut all the pathological connections that exist in my energy structure and life.” And imagine how a powerful angel with a sword of violet light, one by one, cuts these threads and tubes around you from all sides. Clearly imagine that the incision sites immediately collapse, heal and compare with your overall structure. When you feel that you have enough, be sure to say thank you and open your eyes.

What are the consequences of this practice. First, you may feel discomfort in the places where these tubes were in your energy structure. Gradually, if you put yourself in order in this way at least once a week, you will begin to notice how something unnecessary will leave your life. At first, those who feed heavily on your energy may hysterically interfere with your life, but don’t give up. They will understand that the shop has closed and will disappear on their own.

Technical malfunctions - also to Mikhail

This is an amazing area of ​​interaction. Since Mikhail’s energy is truly masculine, he is very often invited to help solve men’s issues. For example, equipment breakdown. Doreen Virtue's books describe many cases when, after conversion, they began to work technical devices. But reading is one thing. I already have a lot of my own evidence of the miraculous return of equipment to operation after turning to this powerful Archangel for help.

My husband and I were driving in a car from one city to another. We opened the window to ventilate the interior and something shorted in the window lifter. The window did not close. It's cold outside, it's a long drive, there are no hundred nearby. At the very least, we were guaranteed to catch a cold after such a trip. And the window is completely open. Neither here nor here. Naturally, whoever immediately remembers a good deed, husband, let’s tinker. I even took the door apart, twisted it, turned it - to no avail. We suffered for probably about forty minutes. But then it dawned on me. And I said: “Dear Archangel Michael, please help us with the door, let it work optimally and we will get home safely. Thank you, dear!” Not even ten seconds had passed, the husband was upset Once again presses the lift button and the window closes without a single problem!

The same thing happened with the alarm. In the evening, leaving the car - the alarm has shorted out and does not turn on. But then the husband immediately realized and five minutes later he was already at home, leaving the car with the normal alarm on.

And in our family alone we can count more than a dozen such moments, from a non-working TV remote control to absolutely wonderful things.

Yes, for motorists, if you are stopped by traffic cops, the first thing to do is ask for help and order an NBR. You will get tired of being surprised how everything is solved! This Archangel knows his business, he is an amazing helper and protector!

He has a sense of humor. What else? It happens that a difficult problem is solved, not only easily, but also with such a twist that for a long time later you remember not how horrible dream, but like a fun adventure.

Friends, communicate with your helpers from above as often as possible. They are nearby and always ready to help. All we need to do is ask and thank you.

Of course, in this small article I have not outlined even a millionth part of who this Great Archangel really is. But the most important thing I wanted was to convey to readers this opportunity, which many do not know about. I will write more about Angels and Archangels, this topic is very close to me and I adore this area of ​​esotericism. But no one is stopping you from finding the works of Doreen Virtue, Mark and Elizabeth Claire Prophet, and Elena Svitko.

And using this link you can order the practice of cleansing and protection with the help of the energies of Archangel Michael.

With it you can:

Remove “ties” from the outside - disconnect third-party consumers of your energy;

Peel thin shells;

Put protection;

Align and harmonize your energy fields.

I wish you well and happiness!

Nata German

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As the commander-in-chief of God's army, the holy Archangel Michael, who defeated and expelled Lucifer, continues to wage a daily struggle against evil forces. IN different religions the world reveres him as the main angel, they turn to him for help in the most difficult life situations.

The role of Archangel Michael

Angels are messengers of God, conveying God's word to people, responsible for the fate and life choices of every person. Angels are constantly fighting against evil forces, preventing people from accepting the dark side.

Archangel Michael is one of God’s closest helpers. In the Orthodox Church he is called “the leader and commander-in-chief of the army of the Lord.” This angel leads the warriors of light, preventing evil from seizing power over the world and people. In Hebrew, his name means "equal to God."

The saint has his own story: Michael opposed Lucifer when he, along with the fallen angels, rebelled and renounced God, trying to throw the world into the abyss of fear and pain, seizing power over humanity.

“No one can be like God!” said the main angel and called on the forces of light to help. Michael imprisoned the fallen angels in hell, and continues to hinder the evil forces that are trying to regain power over the world.

Archangel in different religions

The saint is mentioned not only in the Orthodox Church. Among the Jews, Archangel Michael is the leader of the army opposing the forces of darkness. Together with other archangels - Gabriel, Raphael and Oriel - he carries out the will of God.

In Islam, he is revered as an angel of the Lord who lives in the seventh heaven and helps people in their troubles and sorrows. Michael gives grace, support and hope to those in need.

Asians turn to the archangel for help in curing ailments that arise due to dark forces trying to take over their souls. According to the Greeks, the saint helps people pass into the world of the dead and is present at the moment a person says goodbye to life.

In Orthodoxy, the Holy Archangel Michael protects the souls of the dead at the Last Judgment, preventing people who lead a righteous life from going to hell, directing them under the protection of heavenly forces. The commander-in-chief of the army of the Lord with a sword in his hands defends the gates to paradise.

Since ancient times, it has been common practice to build churches in honor of the saint. Temples were built in places where a source of living water gushed out from under the ground. The churches were called St. Michael's because their throne icon was the image of St. Michael.

Many military leaders, going to battle, relied on the protection of this angel. Byzantine coins with the image of the archangel, who was rightfully considered the protector of warriors and the oppressed, have survived to this day.

The Miraculous Power of Prayer

The Holy Archangel Michael is not only a fighter against evil, but also the first assistant in all the troubles of mankind.

To address the saint, you can use various prayers collected Orthodox Church in special collections. You can address the angel in your own words. You just need to sincerely believe that your appeal will be heard.

Mikhail is a reliable protector and assistant in various everyday situations. It is customary to turn to him for help in the church with requests:

  • about the healing of bodily ailments;
  • with bad thoughts and anxiety in the soul;
  • when tormented by internal demons;
  • protection and assistance during travel;
  • in case of misfortunes with children and family discord;
  • protection from the evil eye, evil thoughts and dark forces.

The Archangel of God, Michael, will help in sorrow and sorrow. It protects people affected by war, natural disasters and robbery. The saint inspires humanity to do good deeds. Mikhail performs miracles every day: he protects you from troubles and irreparable mistakes, and helps you in your work.

Daily morning prayer helps Archangel Michael throughout the day. The heavenly guard protects weak and insecure people, giving them strength for various accomplishments, strengthens a person’s faith in God, cleanses them of doubts, and delivers them from resentment, fear and evil hidden in their souls. Sincere appeal to the saint protects the house from visible and invisible enemies, evil words, lies and betrayal.

Prayer establishes a connection between the believer and the archangel, thanks to which a person feels a special inner peace and tranquility. You can order a prayer service to St. Michael in the church.

The holiday in the church dedicated to this angel is celebrated on November 21 (old style 8). On this day, it is better to leave hard work and household chores, devoting time to your family. On this day it is forbidden to quarrel and sort things out, or to recall old grievances.

When going to church, you need to be in a positive mood. Sincerity is important in prayer: only words coming from pure heart, will reach the Archangel Saint Michael.

The meaning of the icon of Michael

To find out what the Holy Archangel Michael looks like, just look at the icons. The face of the saint is always the same, only the general composition is different: it can be a portrait or a full-length image. On the icons, the archangel is armed with a spear pointed towards the defeated enemy, symbolizing dark forces. His weapon is decorated with a cross. The angel is dressed in armor and a bright red cloak.

You can find other images of the Archangel Michael. In them, God's helper is dressed in chain mail, armed with a sword and shield, he is completely ready for battle to repel the attack of visible and invisible enemies. Icon painters depicting the saint in this way endowed him with the traits of Roman commanders - determination, determination, fearlessness.

The place to place the icon of the archangel is important. The best place- a specially selected corner in one of the rooms in which you can arrange a prayer place. A lamp with incense should be placed next to the icon.

Miraculous apparitions of Archangel Michael

History has preserved many different legends about the great deeds of Archangel Michael.

  1. A miraculous phenomenon in Khoneh. Legend has it that in gratitude for saving his beloved daughter, one of the residents of Phrygia built a church named after the saint on the site of a healing spring. ABOUT miraculous properties water became known in other cities. Not only the Orthodox turned to Saint Michael for help. The Gentiles who found themselves in these places also asked for protection from the chief angel of the Lord. For more than 60 years, Arkhip Herotopsky was the rector of the temple. For their sincere faith in God, the pagans decided to kill the clergyman and destroy the church. Having removed the boulders dividing the river, they directed the flow of water towards the temple. At the moment of danger, the priest fell on his face and turned to the archangel in prayer, asking him to avert the misfortune and protect the shrine from destruction. The prayer was heard: Michael himself came to the aid of the believers. Appearing near the temple, with a blow of his powerful spear he divided the nearest mountain into two equal parts and redirected the river flow there. This saved the church from destruction. Subsequently, the incident became overgrown with many myths, and the mountain plain was named Khona, which is translated from Hebrew as “cleft.”
  2. Roman plague. History has recorded another fact miraculous healing. In 589, an outbreak of plague broke out in Italy. Having practically lost hope of salvation, people still did not stop praying. Committing procession Around the city, Pope Gregory the Great noticed the figure of St. Michael on a hill. The Archangel overshadowed the people sign of the cross and disappeared, after which the sick began to be healed, and the plague receded. To preserve the memory of this wonderful event, the Romans built a mausoleum in honor of Michael, called the Temple of the Holy Angel.
  3. Rescue of Sipont. In 630 the city was attacked by pagans. Residents prayerfully turned to the Lord for help, trusting in his protection. The messenger of heavenly forces was the Archangel Michael, who appeared to the bishop with a prediction of an imminent victory. The saint inspired the inhabitants to fight, healed mental and physical wounds, after which he appeared to the pagans, who, having seen such a miracle, not only laid down their arms, but also accepted the true faith. Having survived the salvation, the residents of the city intended to build a temple that would bear the name of the archangel, but Michael gave them a new message: not far from Sipontus, in the mountain there is already a holy throne, which should serve as the basis for the future temple. A source of water with healing properties was found near this place. Pilgrims from various parts of Italy flocked to the temple in the hope of finding help in their needs and consolation in grief. Today, the city of Monte Sant'Angelo is built on this territory.
  4. A sinner who took the path of truth, becoming a saint. During the reign of the great Trajan, there lived the beauty Evdokia, famous throughout Italy. The woman was famous not only for her external appearance, but for her cheerful and free disposition. She loved to have a good time, not observing chastity, indulging in all kinds of pleasures. One evening, her attention was attracted by a beautiful voice coming from the street, which was reading prayers, talking about the sin of adultery and talking about the inevitable Last Judgment and the loss of the soul. It was Saint Michael who appeared to the sinner. The next day, Evdokia called a clergyman to her so that he could teach her to pray and confess. After a week of strict fasting and prayers, Saint Michael appeared before her and took her to heaven, where he showed how souls live in paradise, after which they returned to earth. Since then, Evdokia began to lead a righteous life, devoting herself to serving God.
  5. The miraculous salvation of Novgorod. Chroniclers described this event in the Volokolamsk Patericon. In 1240, Novgorod was attacked by the Khan's army. To save the people and the city, the Lord sent his assistant there, the Archangel Michael, who encouraged the people in distress and gave them hope for salvation. The saint appeared to the enemy army and forbade them to attack the city, ordering them to leave.
  6. Joan of Arc. The military leader heard the voice of Archangel Michael in her mind. He told her what to do to win. On his advice, Joan crowned Charles VII. Later, the archangel himself appeared to people and took part in battles, supporting the French at the Battle of Orleans.


History has preserved many facts about the miraculous appearance of Archangel Michael. The saint always acted as a defender of the oppressed and the needy, being on guard of the Lord and preventing the victory of dark forces over humanity. A prayer addressed to an angel will help in any difficult situation. Sincere words will give you the opportunity to find peace of mind, will heal the tormented soul and drive out evil spirits.