How to achieve maximum absorption of food so as not to eat in vain - Om Activ. Good reviews justify the cost of stay

A person’s health and longevity directly depend on his lifestyle, in which adequate and regular physical activity plays a key role. In order to provide the body with such a load in conditions modern life many enroll in sport sections And GYM's or train at home. But it often happens that such activity does not bring the expected results, especially if the ultimate goal of training is effective weight loss, and disappointment in sports sets in. There can be many reasons for this state of affairs and, of course, each case must be considered and analyzed individually. But experts say that the lack of effectiveness of fitness training is often to blame for the basic incompetence of most people in the basics of fitness and physiological processes in the human body. In our information age, a huge number of novice athletes are still captive of misconceptions and doubts. Therefore, it is high time to understand the basic truths and myths of fitness in order to get the maximum benefit from your training.

This truth is well known, proven scientifically and in practice: people who regularly perform any physical exercise live longer than those who ignore such activity. In addition, sports fans noticeably better quality life, they are less worried about various diseases, excess weight and stress.

The most important thing is to choose the right type of activity, taking into account the availability possible contraindications, and correctly distribute physical activity, taking into account individual physiological parameters (age, body type, degree of fitness). The quality of training does not depend too much on the place where it is held, but directly on consistency and regularity, as well as on the enjoyment during and after classes. Therefore, when choosing a fitness direction, you should also take into account your own preferences so that classes bring joy and not irritation. If you like dancing, you can dance or do rhythmic gymnastics; if you don’t like running, it’s better to choose cycling or doing physical exercise with a skipping rope.

Muscle pain, or soreness, after fitness classes is a frequent subject of controversy among novice athletes. Some consider the appearance of soreness a sign of the effectiveness of training, others argue that muscle pain is evidence of microtrauma muscle fibers, and such reactions of the body should not occur if the intensity of the load is correctly selected and the exercises are performed technically correctly. Both are partly right, so you should study in detail the issue of muscle pain during and after training.

It is clear that physical exercise should not cause painful sensations. If this happens, it indicates an incorrectly selected load and incorrect execution technique, which can lead to injury. Therefore, if pain and an unbearable burning sensation appear in the muscles, which occurs due to micro-tears of muscle fibers, you should stop performing the training element or the entire fitness workout. During and after exercise, there may be a feeling of some discomfort in the muscles and general fatigue, but in no case sharp pain.

As for muscle pain in the days following training, this phenomenon is explained by the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue, the production of which is stimulated by intense physical activity. Therefore, on the one hand, soreness can really indicate that the training time was not wasted, and on the other hand, it can indicate excessive loads. To prevent sore throat from occurring, fitness experts recommend gradually increasing the load, distributing it evenly, combining a variety of exercises, and strictly adhering to the frequency of training. If, however, delayed muscle pain appears, then in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to increase blood flow to the muscles in order to “wash” lactic acid from the tissues.

Quantity and quality of physical activity to achieve the desired results

Regularity and consistency of training is an important factor in performance, especially if we're talking about about playing sports for the purpose of effective weight loss. But moderation is necessary in everything. A fanatical passion for sports can only be useful for professional athletes. In other cases, the result does not depend on the amount of time spent on fitness classes, but on the quality of the training itself, which is manifested in the literacy of drawing up a training program and technically correct execution of the exercises.

To maintain muscle tone, most people may need morning exercises or physical activity of a general strengthening nature for 20-30 minutes. To solve problems with your figure, the optimal frequency and duration of classes is 1-1.5 hours three times a week. The body needs time to recover, without this you should not wait positive results building muscle or effectively losing weight. In addition, by training for wear and tear, you can only harm your health, and not strengthen it.

Nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy body and achieving workout results. For example, effective weight loss is only possible with a combination proper nutrition with physical activity, and a diet for building muscle mass has a number of its own characteristics. At the same time, it is mandatory to take special sports nutrition and drinks during fitness activities is greatly exaggerated and is more of a successful marketing ploy by manufacturing companies than a real necessity if your plans do not include professional sports.

For most people, when performing regular exercise, it is enough to adhere to the principles of a healthy and balanced diet to ensure that all the body's needs are met. nutrients, and also do not forget to observe the norm of fluid intake to maintain metabolic processes. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that although fat cells will be broken down, the scale readings may be unpleasantly surprising. This occurs due to the formation of muscle cells in the area of ​​the fat layer, which are heavier than fat cells, although they occupy less volume. Therefore, the statement that fitness classes can help you get rid of extra pounds is not entirely true. As a result of regular training, your figure will become slimmer and more toned, but the number of kilograms may remain the same, so the results of work in the gym should be judged by the decrease in body volume, and not by the readings of the scale.

I was thinking about how to achieve maximum results from my employees. Increasing productivity has always been the most important and challenging task for managers at all times.
Managers solve this problem in different ways: some pay a lot of money, others train and develop their staff, others come up with different systems. Every sales organization has super sellers whom everyone looks up to with admiration and respect. These people show results many times above average. What sets them apart from the rest? How do they manage to do more? And most importantly, how to transfer their experience to others? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article.

First you need to figure out what distinguishes super sellers from the rest of the sales staff? I’ll say right away that we will not consider parameters that we cannot influence, for example: age, education, gender, work experience, etc. Let's consider only as well as .


Do the best salespeople know the product better than others? On the one hand, it would be logical that the one who knows better sells more, but in practice everything is not so straightforward. Most of the outstanding sellers reached their level very quickly, while certification shows that many have a below average level of knowledge. This applies to both the product and the product that needs to be sold. Very often a great seller cannot answer simple questions: ? and so on. Therefore, a tool such as training will not be able to seriously affect the number of sales. Naturally, in every organization, employees must be trained, and the better the training system is set up, the easier and faster your employees will achieve high results. Naturally, the level of knowledge must be checked at least once a quarter; naturally, you must conduct training to improve your skills and to master a new product or to refresh your knowledge on a seasonal product.



You can talk about motivation for a very long time, divide it into types and subtypes and show the importance of motivation. Only one thing is important - the best salespeople are people with very strong internal motivation. You need to understand that any result, including a large number of sales can only be achieved through hard work. And the more an employee works, the more he sells. The problem is that the seller has a lot of excuses for his poor results and it is difficult to verify them. For example, at a factory everything is simple, the result can be assessed in quantity finished products and so on. Sales in this regard are a more complex process; some clients need to be led to a purchase for a very long time and only after days and months have passed will we see the result.

It is clear that a manager cannot stand behind the seller’s back all day and monitor whether he is selling correctly, but these are not always applicable and it is important to ensure that the seller himself is interested in a high result. Naturally, there are a lot of methods for monitoring and evaluating personnel, there is also such a wonderful tool as “mystery shoppers,” but all this does not motivate people, but simply gives you an understanding of the current situation. Probably everyone has come across sellers who are uninterested in selling, who simply did not want to communicate with you and seemed to be deliberately dissuading you from buying. The seller has a lot of opportunities to avoid communication with the client or make this communication short and ineffective. That is why motivation must come from within and the stronger it is, the better.

It is strong internal motivation that is the main thing distinctive features strong seller.

But how to create strong internal motivation?

First, you need to understand what the employee is motivated by, how he breathes and lives, and if he doesn’t have strong motivators, then help him find them. Then you need to connect this motive with the goals of the company, then all that remains is to maintain this motivation.

It is important to understand that most people, without your help, are not able to force themselves to work; in order to understand this, you just need to look around and see how many beggars and poor people there are around. What prevents these people from changing their fate and receiving a decent salary? Nothing but your own laziness and unwillingness to work and change yourself. Most are not ready to leave the comfort zone they are in.


In order to achieve the maximum from the seller, the manager needs to solve several complex problems.

  1. Build a training system so that knowledge is easily absorbed by sellers;
  2. When training, devote 80% of your time to practice, trying to instill sales skills. Train sellers in nonverbal communication and rhetoric, and sometimes psychology;
  3. The line manager is required to devote a lot of time to motivating staff. Applying both individual and group motivation;

I would like to draw attention to the fact that not everyone is born for sales and many will not be able to become outstanding salesmen due to a lack of talent. Therefore, spend more time on those who have a predisposition to sales, this is well written in the book “First, break all the rules. What the world's best managers do differently by Marcus Buckingham and Kurt Coffman.

In this article we will look at how to squeeze out the maximum win rate in situations where we have an overpair post-flop and illustrate this with the example of 3 typical hands.

How do you play your overpairs after the flop? A few years ago the following statement was popular: “ Play them quickly or you'll miss out on value“.

Despite its simplicity, this will be a good recommendation in most situations. The point of this tip is to get the most value when you are most likely ahead of your opponent.

However, nothing in poker is simple, so let's look at some more tips that will help you increase your winnings with overpairs postflop.

1. Consider stack depth when choosing bet sizing

If we 3-bet preflop, then postflop we should usually use a bet size that allows us to move all-in on the river without overbetting. This is quite easy to do with 100bb stacks, because to bet on the river we will only need to bet 60% of the pot on each street.

However, if the effective stack size is slightly deeper than 100bb, then we will have to use a larger bet size to place on the river. If the stack size is much deeper, then we will have to use overbets.

Let's take a look at the hand Ryan Fee played against Garrett Edelstein on Live at the Bike:

Comment from Douglas Polk:

On this draw flop, we want to bet kings 100% of the time and choose a large bet size.

Rhyne bets $3,300 (~60% of the pot) and Garrett calls.

Turn ($12,175):

On the turn, Ryan overbet $16,000.

Comment from Douglas Polk:

The turn is perfect place for an overbet because Garrett's range has many different draws and few flopped sets. Our kings also block in our opponent's range, meaning hands that will definitely fall on the turn. At this point, Garrett either ready hand, or a strong draw that can call.

Ryan can balance his value overbet on the turn with bluffs like or (depending on what his range is overall).

Garrett calls again.

River ($44,175):

Ryan shoves $39,350 and Garrett calls with .

Comment from Douglas Polk:

After overbetting the turn, Ryan can move all-in for 90% of the pot on the river.

As for pushing on the river, such a play is mandatory here. For Ryan to be behind his opponent's range, Garrett would have to have a slow-play set on the flop (unlikely), a set hit on the river (unlikely), or pocket aces that didn't show up on all the streets (also unlikely).

2. Sometimes slowplay with the least vulnerable overpairs

As already stated, in general we should try to play our overpairs quickly. However, sometimes situations for slowplay will still arise. Slowplay in such spots will be beneficial due to the fact that:

  • It strengthens our check range;
  • It provides the opportunity to make large value bets on later streets after checking on the previous street;
  • It can provoke opponents into bluffing (especially important when the opponent is an aggressive player).

Consider the hand of Douglas Polk against Daniel “DANMER” on Live at the Bike:

Comment from Douglas Polk:

Sometimes checking our strong hands on such dry textures is a good idea. However, I like to check here with less vulnerable hands (JJ or AA) rather than KK or QQ.

When the effective stack size is 1.5x the pot, we should use a small sized c-bet (~25% of the pot) as a 4-bettor.

Douglas c-bet $2,800, Daniel calls

Turn ($16,200):

Daniel checks again

Comment from Douglas Polk:

The turn card is fantastic for us. When middle pair pairs in a 4-bet pot, it will often mean that opponent has KJs, QJs or JTs, and these hands now only have 2 outs. Moreover, the turn does not form any FDs, so AsQs or , which the opponent could have floated on the flop, now have very little equity.

Considering the opponent's low equity coupled with the fact that there is very little money left in the stacks relative to the pot, this spot would be excellent for checking play. Playing this way will allow us to increase the effectiveness of our bluffs on the river after checking the turn and give our opponent the opportunity to bluff on the river if our opponent floated on the flop.

Douglas checks backhand

River ($16,200):

Daniel pushes, Douglas makes a quick call

Daniel shows

3. Don't let a check-raise on the flop prevent you from betting big on later streets.

A check-raise after a c-bet on the flop always makes us wonder if we're up against our opponent's set. However, if we call a check-raise and our opponent checks on the turn, we shouldn't be afraid to bet our overpairs.

Consider the hand of Douglas Polk against Shaun Deeb at Poker Night in America:

On the flop we c-bet against two opponents and get a check-raise from the BB.

While advertising on mobile devices tends to be highly effective, this trend is beginning to decline as novelty factors fade. That being said, mobile advertising can irritate people even more than most other forms of advertising.

To realize the benefits of mobile, advertisers must focus on audience engagement and relevance while respecting personal space (which mobile devices are often associated with) and the ability to reward people in a way that is valuable and meaningful to them.

Mobile advertising is still a relatively new phenomenon, but with the increasing use of smartphones and tablets to access the Internet, advertisers are paying more attention to the potential of this segment. Many people go to social media daily (if not hourly), and smartphones make this process even more personal and immediate. This represents a huge opportunity for mobile advertisers, but there are also pitfalls to avoid. This is exactly what Millward Brown's new review focuses on.


Analysis of more than 450 mobile advertisements, incl. banners, videos and apps from Millward Brown's Market Norms database shows that mobile advertising is effective. It typically produces higher scores on dimensions such as brand awareness, ad awareness, message perception, likeability and purchase intent than online advertising.

Source: Market Norms for online, last 3 years since Q4 2012, AdIndex Norms for Mobile since Q4 2012

Online (2,012 campaigns, 2,324,781 respondents),
Mobile: Mobile - total (320, campaigns, 221,548 respondents)

This result is likely due to several factors: the novelty of mobile advertising, the fact that mobile advertising takes up a larger screen share than online advertising, and more focused attention due to screen size and technology limitations.

The novelty factor passes:
Mobile advertising rates are showing a downward trend

Base: 2008 (22 campaigns), 2009 (39 campaigns), 2010 (65 campaigns), 2011 (68), 2012 (117)
Difference ()=Viewers - control group

As the gap between mobile and online advertising narrows, improving mobile creative is becoming an increasingly important factor. Millward Brown's data shows that the best mobile advertising can increase brand awareness by 17%, brand attractiveness by 14% and purchase intent by 18%. Conversely, the most ineffective advertising examples can have a negative impact on the brand.

Source: Millward Brown, AdIndex Norms database for mobile advertising from Q4 2012

Base: Mobile - total (117 campaigns), (64,722 respondents).
Difference (_)=Viewers - control group


Attitudes towards advertising on mobile devices are much less positive than towards most other media; Millward Brown's AdReaction 2012 study, covering 18 countries, shows that attitudes towards advertising on mobile devices were hardly more favorable than towards unsolicited advertising on mobile devices. e-mail(i.e. to spam). The situation may improve as awareness of mobile advertising develops. But despite this, because many people are still new to the idea of ​​mobile advertising, and because the platform offers its own unique set of capabilities, advertisers and agencies should stop and think before simply launching their online campaigns into the mobile segment.

Source: Millward Brown

However, while attitudes toward most mobile advertising formats are generally unfavorable, posts in social media news feeds are viewed more favorably than others.

With the exception of news feed posts, there is virtually no difference in perception of other mobile ad formats

Source: Millward Brown

However, the data by category varies greatly. In general, people are more interested in receiving mobile advertising related to the services and offers of online shopping sites, newspapers, magazines and local restaurants than advertising from beverage companies or car companies. However, this problem can be overcome with appropriate targeting.

Mobile users want content from many categories
Which companies or brands would you most like to see advertised on your mobile devices?

Sample: smartphone and/or tablet users, average data
Source: Millward Brown


Through database analysis and qualitative research, Millward Brown has identified the factors that contribute to mobile advertising success. However, these elements cannot be considered a recipe for guaranteed success - they can be adjusted if there are serious creative arguments. In addition, other factors (such as targeting) must be present to achieve success.


The need to involve the audience in communication is one of the key factors that follows from qualitative assessments of the most successful examples of mobile advertising. If consumers like or engage with an advertisement (for example, through humor), or if they are able to identify further development, then such advertising has a greater chance of success.


One of the key advantages of mobile advertising is the ability to adapt the advertising message to the specific time and place in which contact with the consumer occurs. Advertisers can use this opportunity in several ways, depending on their product category and circumstances. Time and location are often critical in situations such as when people are looking for restaurants. If you are a credit card company, knowing that your potential customers are currently in mall or at a car dealership, you can tailor your advertising message accordingly.

Another way to ensure relevance is through contextual targeting. One of the striking examples: the mobile site of a fashion magazine, where viewers were greeted with advertising fashion brand full page.

Showing respect

Given this attitude towards mobile advertising, it is especially important to show your respect in this segment. Don't interrupt people. Be careful to wait for a natural break before offering your message to viewers. People are only willing to be distracted by your message for a short time before they want to go back to what they were doing, so taking a break for a 30-second ad is unlikely to be received well. Think about the relationships you are trying to build. No need to bombard people. Avoid all sorts of “gimmicks and tricks” that may displease the audience. Avoid complex processes that may take a long time or drain your battery. Finally, make it clear how you can turn off these ads.


Typically, mobile advertising results are better when the ads offer coupons, games, and premium content. Five advertising campaigns that Millward Brown studied for mobile advertising loyalty network SessionM were more effective than other mobile advertising.

Statistically significant difference between the control group and those watching at the 90% confidence level

Current page: 1 (book has 14 pages total) [available reading passage: 10 pages]

Nikolay Kurdyumov
Your Garden: How to Maximize Yield = Garden Savvy

© Kurdyumov N. I., photo, text, 2013

© Publishing House "Vladis", ill., 2015

© LLC Publishing House AST, 2016

Chapter 1
Success is normal (my applied philosophy)

It's not easy to rise above yourself,
And everyone can hardly handle it.
But we are all so tall
What ceiling did you choose?

T. Smirnova

I always feel great pleasure when meeting with in successful ways life. You can’t, you can’t, and suddenly – there is! Impossible, unthinkable, but here - here it is! Everyone got used to it, got into it, absorbed “patience and work…” with mother’s milk, but one took it and didn’t believe it, checked it, thought about it and bang! - did an order of magnitude better. And it couldn’t be simpler—how didn’t you think of it before?! The most interesting thing is what comes next. Then friends admired it, the press made a fuss, science criticized it, and success quietly sank to the bottom. And for major successes you often have to fight, and brutally. Success does not take root in our world. Why? Well, the holders of power and science cannot live with people who do not need their control and care. Politicians will not be able to sell anything to them: their income rests on our inability and helplessness. But success is the essence of life itself. Achievements, like seeds, settle, wait, but then germinate. Progress still happens, and only because someone once showed: this is both better and simpler.

Examples include darkness in different areas.

At the end of the century before last, agronomist I. Ovsinsky tripled yields and completely eliminated the problem of drought in his fields, using his no-till farming system. It created a sensation and sank into the abyss of the arable crop rushing forward. Read more about this in “Mastery of Fertility.” No-till farmers are following in his footsteps. Their result is high yields with triple profitability. About their experience - “Peace instead of protection.”

A contemporary of Ovsinsky, the legendary fruit grower Nikolai Gaucher worked with trees so delicately that he gave them any shape and created branches or fruits anywhere at his discretion. Thank God, he wrote a detailed thick manual, which I found out about by chance and found it with difficulty in the library storage room. There will be a chapter about his art.

I.V. Michurin worked just as successfully with heredity fruit crops. He learned to direct the development of hybrids in the right direction. He showed how to bring varieties to reliable fruiting in each specific area. I am sure that if his program had been implemented, we would not have bad and unfruitful gardens at all.

And what about V. Fokina’s flat cutter? A simple staple is lighter than a hoe, but performs twenty operations, replacing all garden tools, except, perhaps, a sprayer and a shovel.

Brothers, the state does not need our success. Let be! But no one prevents us from applying it, being interested in it, creating it for ourselves personally. Amazingly, we studiously ignore all these achievements. We don't even try to find out about them. Our success rate is unforgivably low. My experience shows: everything that is considered normal and familiar is in best case scenario a tenth of what is possible. But these ascetics shouted with all their might: “People, I could do it, and I know for sure that you can too! Just want it, and everything will work out!..” And then five years ago it hit me: success is a way of thinking. And technology that can be learned.

Mastering success is a topic for a separate book. Success has its own anatomy, of which it is appropriate to mention only the main thing here.

The old woman from Chorzow saw nothing good from her nieces, and day after day she beat them with a belt in order to achieve something good.

Two problems prevent us from getting closer to success: the inability to see the result 1
The result is a goal visible in detail, in all details, and that is why achieved.

And the fear of being self-determined 2
Self-determination - I mean the ability to decide everything for yourself, up to the invention of your own methods, methods and “scientific laws”. The main thing is that they improve life – both yours and those around you.

Both, by the way, are not natural properties of the mind at all, but artificially created flaws. This is nice: it means you can get rid of them. The result is when you see in detail how it should be, plus the desire to achieve it. There should be a pumpkin here: orange, 80 kg, it will lie here, by the path, and everyone will admire it, and then I will make marshmallows out of it and give it to all my friends... My son will become healthy, developed, independent and sociable, and he will not have problems with his studies... With this woman we will live in perfect harmony and raise four beautiful children...

Law: if there is a reasonable goal and there is no doubt, everything turns out inevitably. If the goals coincide, it becomes a good partnership. If there are no goals, we give them to those who have them. And we find ourselves as pieces in someone else’s game.

Law: Without presenting the exact result, it is impossible to invent ways to obtain it. Simpler: it is always unclear how to do something that is not clear. Fact: It turns out that we almost never think it will work out. Moreover, we often have no idea what to think about it! How many people imagine exactly what this tree will be like? This garden? Company, home, husband, family, your health, business?..

The opposite of result is process, or turnover. This is when everyone together feels spiritual comfort, entrusting their results to others - superiors, morality, religion, relatives, each other... We live in a process: we go to doctors, sit at a desk, get married, get divorced, mutilate our body, dig a garden. The success here is clearly not ours, but those whom we trust and pay, for whom we work. But at least you can complain about life together, and this is such a thrill!

It’s hard to imagine that you decide everything, absolutely everything for yourself solely on your own?.. But this is exactly what a normal, reasonable person does. And that's why he's successful.

The habit of giving our decisions to others, otherwise “believing in...”, leads us to a really funny situation: we spend hours, months, years doing what we are absolutely convinced of (because we were convinced!), but we get something completely different what we want, and we manage not to see it! More than one generation has graduated from schools without learning anything, and universities without mastering a profession. Never once did rudeness and cruelty reach ultimate goal, but the habit is stronger. Not a single patient became healthy by visiting doctors. Where does such naivety come from?

Afraid of being responsible for ourselves, we see the reasons for failure in someone or something else, somewhere outside. But this is a pure illusion. Only what happens to you is what you imagine to be yourself, within yourself. If there are decisions and aspirations, they come true. If there are doubts, doubts come true. If you believe someone in order to push responsibility onto him, it is not your intentions that come true, but his intentions: after all, he came up with it, and you simply agreed.

– I want to have everything!

- Okay, have it your way. You had it all!

Dialogue with Goldfish

It turns out that this world is organized simply and fairly. You yourself, your emotions, your importance and values ​​right now are an order to the Universe, the Lord, the Cosmos, whatever you want. And it always gets done. The problem is one thing: we don’t realize what we really want, and therefore we don’t know what we order. We are disingenuous with ourselves, brothers.

Ordering is not what you think in your head. Everyone can think beautifully! And what you really feel. What you really are. There’s a guy tearing his shirt: “I love you!!!”, but there’s no sign of love... In fact, he’s accusing: “You don’t love me!” Well, if he asks you not to love, we will respect you... Or Aunt Motya over there, she won’t leave the clinic: “I really, really want not to get sick! - he says, - but the damned disease does not go away...” Well, have it your way - let the disease not go away. “Damn, there’s no money again!..” - okay, okay, we’ll do as you ask. “They don’t care about me!..” - as you say, dear, as you say. Well, there is no refusal from the Universe for anything, even if you cry!

If you rejoice, you get what you rejoice at. Live as if you already have it - and it comes. Get angry, irritated, tense - you get what you get angry at. You demand it and you get it. After all, a demand is essentially a refusal: “it doesn’t exist.” What you fear comes. What is given is exactly what you cycle on, what knocks you out, touches you, what attention stuck– it doesn’t matter whether it makes you happy, infuriates you or drives you into depression. Because any emotion is already an intention.

Therefore, never look for excuses outside - look within yourself. And so useful tool search: if something doesn’t work out for you, then you need to do something completely different, regardless of your feelings and beliefs. And if it’s deeper, you have to feel something else, believe in something else. It is your current beliefs that have led to failure.- it’s a fact! So why are you holding on to them?..

Whatever one may say, to become successful, you must not be afraid to become different. It's simple, brothers. Our beliefs are our own blinders and “carrots for the donkey.” They are “faithful,” which means we need them exactly as much as they create our personal happiness and delight those around us. That's the whole “algebra of harmony”. You see that you are not happy - take off these blinders, free yourself! Friends say it simpler: be yourself.

What is happiness? Probably a lot of it is anticipation. The feeling of movement, the desire to achieve, to grow, the feeling of growth, of one’s strength and the pleasant tingling of a new skin, which is great to flaunt until a new goal dawns.

Intelligence is the ability to see results and create your own success. Every time I meet a successful gardener, this is exactly what I see. Usually such a person respects himself very much. He is inquisitive and observant. He has no blinders on his eyes. He does not like to work in vain, but loves to think, achieve success and relax. Appreciates convenience and beauty. He only does what he decides to do. Is not obliged to. Does not depend. Not afraid. He perceives life and his person with humor. Doesn't follow standards, but creates them. It's terribly interesting to be with him!

Dacha is smart and stupid

It's hard to do nothing.

But we are not afraid of difficulties!

According to my observations, the dacha situation as a whole is as follows: 10% of actions are aimed specifically at the result, another 30% are directed against the result, and 60% are aimed at combating these thirty. Well, that’s how aware we are of what we want and what we do. I think we are just as effective in other things.

Summer residents belong mainly to two opposing camps. The first ones are looking for pleasure and relaxation at the dacha. Let's call them romantics. For the latter, the dacha is an opportunity to grow food: what a vacation it is, the weeds are growing! These are realists, they are also workaholics.

Romantics are now a clear minority. And they would have a good rest, but “workaholism” is a contagious disease. Its two main forms - planting and digging disease - are easily transmitted through contact and through popular scientific literature on gardening. And romantics are becoming infected in droves. Women who are obsessively inclined to order are more likely than men. Among men, former good and excellent students who believe in the printed word are especially vulnerable.

A typical situation arises: the wife is a realist, and the husband has no choice but to become a militant romantic. The dacha is covered with stumbling blocks, and apples of discord ripen in bags right on the bushes of potatoes devoured by the beetle. We are faced with the so-called female dacha syndrome (WDS). We will mention these “diseases” later.

So: both of them treat the dacha, in my opinion, not optimally. After all, in its essence, the dacha is our cohabitant, that is, a symbiont 3
Symbiosis is a mutually beneficial cohabitation in nature. Ants and aphids, fungus and algae in lichen, us and our intestinal bacteria. In fact, symbioses are superorganisms, or superorganisms. Symbionts are essentially “organs” of a superorganism.

Our plants are the same as friends, favorite pets or relatives (if, of course, they are your friends). This is a partnership. But not every cohabitation is a partnership.

Firstly, partnership is communication and mutual interest. Imagine that you are friends according to the instructions: I read it, said the text, did something, no answer is needed, what’s next in the text?.. Absurd! But remember: this is exactly how, or almost like this, we feed our babies. Not an equal, not a partner - a subject for feeding. Kindergarten - where children are raised in garden beds. So different - the same, like plants. But even plants are really different, and there will be no partnership if you don’t listen and look closely at their answers. I am already silent about the fact that plants are spiritual beings, and you need to communicate with them. I’m silent because I still don’t really know how...

Secondly, the symbiosis is mutually beneficial. You give the plants what they need, they give you what you need. You are more to them - they are more to you. This is an upward spiral of partnership, each step of which is success. Symbiosis always increases the freedom of both partners. Otherwise there would be no cohabitation in nature. Try to answer the question directly, without beating around the bush: does your garden, your plot, increase your personal freedom? A positive answer is considered honest if you never complain about it.

“But how can you not depend here!? We want a harvest, but give the plants watering, fertilizers and protection!” This is the view of a realist: he knocks out the harvest at any cost. But I don’t want the harvest... I create conditions for the plants to feel good, I interfere minimally - the crop grows on its own. I decided: in any case, I have enough of everything – and that’s enough for me.

Romantics, on the contrary, do not obsessively want to strain themselves: it is easier to buy crops at the market. And rightly so: you get tired enough on weekdays. The only pity is that plants can grow on their own - not the way or the way you want. Without you, the garden quickly grows wild. A minimum of knowledge and effort is required, at least to create a lawn. Otherwise the garden will not fulfill its purpose. main function- to please the owner. Then why is it needed?

The relationship with the garden appears in the form of a graph (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

Zone 2. You are literate and diligent, but prone to workaholism. Good harvest annoying, but satisfying, and also justifies your complaints about lazy relatives. You already know how to grow plants. All that remains is to move away from the templates and fight unnecessary labor costs!

Zone 3. The main thing is not the harvest, but rest. Great! Buy a mower, lawn the entire garden and sponsor your wife without objection (most romantics are men!) if she wants to grow or build something.

Zone 4. Our ideal. And ten years later I will repeat: I met it only in the form of separate fragments. Respond! I’ll come with a camera and be sure to describe your experience.

Algebra of harmony?..

Work is not a wolf, but a product of force and distance.

How to measure success garden plot? Let's deduce the formula for fun. The numerator is what we get from the plot: harvest, relaxation or pleasure. That is recoil. Divide it by the area, and we get the return with square metersite efficiency. Usually this is the limit. But this is not success yet! We missed the main thing - you. By creating kilograms and beauty, you can get poisoned with karbofos or get sciatica, quarrel with loved ones, fall out of a tree, and ultimately die from some kind of stroke. A success never requires sacrifice. Therefore, the denominator is your labor and time costs. And most importantly – nerves.

The success of a summer resident = site efficiency / costs, nerve-hours-rubles.

People were not included in the formula for economic indicators in our country. Ultimately, this led to the collapse of our economy. Never forget to include yourself in any formula. Otherwise, the formulas don’t work and the result is a lie. This is the grain of truth for which this arithmetic joke was written.

Chapter 2
How to create a garden that won't have to be remodeled

Utopia of a template garden

Oh no, don’t think about the garden at the table!
Go out of the house and, without fear of obstacles,
Walk around the area with a pencil in your hands,
Imagine general form, and only then sit down.

Jacques Delisle

Often in the literature some examples of plans are given, standard circuits bookmarks of gardens. Now, after twelve years of gardening, it is clear to me: such recommendations are practically ineffective. Firstly, all summer residents are different, and it is rare that a prospector will agree to use a ready-made plan. Secondly, all areas are different: the soil is not the same, the road is not there, the slope is different, the forest belt is nearby, etc. And the template does not work. Finally, the seedlings are all different, to such an extent that often the merchant himself, when shot, will not admit what he actually sold. Therefore, model gardens do not actually exist. In fact, each gardener is attached to a specific plot and owner. And the diagrams are simple general ideas and topics for magazines.

The production garden has hectares and equipment. And we only have a few hundred. There the main thing is the cheapness of the work and the effort, here it’s quality and beauty, which is what we are ready to invest in. There are “squares”, but here we have an environment for living with pleasure. In front of the garden is the same apartment, only made of plants. There I planted a string and that was it, but here it’s better not just to plan, but to design.

It doesn’t matter whether there is a garden or not yet. You begin to create it only when you have thought it up, seen it and decided, what this or that piece of it will be like. A goal appears - and the garden becomes interesting to you. But you try to stick it in anyhow, as if according to someone else’s scheme, and you no longer create, which means you don’t inhabit.

The unconscious attitude itself brings chaos. For example, it pushes you to buy a completely unsuitable plot. Or it gives rise to outbreaks of soot disease. Faced with a fascinating variety of cultures and the “concern” of compassionate neighbors (“Well, take it! Such a cherry, it’s such a pity if it goes to waste!”), a person completely loses the ability not to plant everything that comes into his hands. And the more impressionable the nature, the sooner a skinny forest appears where a garden was meant. The cure for this could be a piece of land, about half a hundred, by mutual agreement, given by you to the disposal of the “patient” to create a nice jungle. If, of course, the dacha is registered in your name. And if not... ask for fifty for yourself. If they give it - great, fence them off, sow them with a lawn, introduce a quarantine regime - and be “healthy”!

Apple trees won't bloom on Mars!

The sun is setting...

But in vain!


Eat different places. Plant a garden in some need to, in others – Can, and in the third it is clear useless, and therefore it is impossible.

Being a Southern gardener, I never thought of writing this chapter. We don’t have any particular problems with this: “stick the shaft in and it grows!” - visitors say. “Yeah, it’s growing, but it’s wildly fattening and bears almost no fruit, it’s a pest!” – I clarify, rubbing my work calluses. What can I say – slight frosts, warm. And the soils are fertile. We need to know one thing for sure: do not plant stone fruits where there is water in the spring. Do not plant them in lowlands where reeds, reeds and sedges grow! The roots are suffocated, frosts flow down here - the garden suffers and slowly dies. Well, it’s even worse if the place is open to blowing dry winds. They blow out moisture both in winter and in summer. And so - plant anywhere.

But in Siberia a good place for the garden - science, art and a goal not for weak brains. I can only say the main thing, summarizing the opinions of several successful Siberians.

There are very few places in Siberia where it makes sense to plant a garden. These are microzones with a particularly warm and temperate climate. First of all, the banks of large non-freezing rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Water accumulates a lot of heat and softens weather fluctuations. Then - the southern and southeastern basins, valleys between the hills, protected from the winds. Here the sun's heat is captured and stored. I think all steppe places, heated by the sun and protected from the wind by forests, hills and other elevations, are also suitable.

Damp lowlands, northern and western hollows of gorges and tracts, wetlands and flooded areas, as well as windy, wind-blown steppe areas and hills are definitely not suitable for a garden. Of course, a particularly stubborn enthusiast can invent some methods here: fences, heat storage devices, shelter for the winter, frost-resistant varieties and rootstocks... But this is a feat of labor, which will be discussed in a separate book.

Principles of garden planning (Workshop with steps)

Catching two crocodiles is very simple: catch five, then release three - and you're done!

Step 1

If you really decide to put planning into practice... then I already admire you: you are a model of awareness! Well, then, please, set aside a couple of hours of time. And read this chapter carefully: the modest author wrote it many years after he himself planted the garden at random! But it’s already reluctant and difficult to correct!!! Take paper, different pens and pencils: you will need to make notes, answer questions, and even draw something.

The purpose of this step is to SEE THE GOAL. Just imagine your garden at its most general outline. Details - as the chapter progresses. When it's over, you may end up with a pretty shabby course project. Hang it on the wall and check the completion. And you will see: things will begin to move exactly in the direction planned.

Of course, you can call a specialist. But then use him as a consultant: actively participate in the process yourself. Otherwise, he alone will get both the experience and the creative thrill (the fee no longer counts).