Photo of a large expansion of snowdrops. Snowdrops - miniature bells in thawed areas

The lovely snow-white snowdrop is the first to please the eye with its truly winter severity and touching tenderness. Spring has not yet become the full-fledged mistress of its domain and a white fluffy blanket covers the ground, and a small fragile flower is already fighting for a warm ray of sun. The legendary “Tears of Eve” remind us of a lost paradise and fill our hearts with a vague sense of pristine beauty.


The snowdrop, whose Latin name is galanthus, which means "milk flower", belongs to the amaryllis family, which includes eighteen species and two natural hybrids. Being a perennial herb with a bulbous root, snowdrop appears in early spring and lives no more than four weeks. The height of the stem reaches thirty centimeters; different subspecies differ in the shape and size of the corolla.

Snowdrops grow in the forests of Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Turkey and the shores of the Caspian and Black Seas. Flowers prefer areas that are accessible to sunlight, although they can grow in the shade. However, they cannot tolerate places near swamps or springs with standing water. They are not demanding on the composition of the soil, subzero temperatures stand firm. With a lack of moisture, flowering slows down, so in an artificial environment galanthus needs additional watering.

The plant has an elegant white corolla with three long outer petals and three short inner ones. At the very edge of the petals there are barely noticeable green spots. On a low flexible stem there are several narrow dark green or grayish leaves. Only one flower grows from one bulb of small diameter.

Popular varieties

Of the twelve species of snowdrop growing in the post-Soviet space, the most common are:

  1. Elvis's snowdrop. A species with rather large round flowers, native to Asia Minor. The height of the stem can reach twenty centimeters. The leaves have a pleasant bluish tint.
  2. Snowdrop snow. Flowering period - second half of March, grows in wooded areas throughout Europe. It has a small corolla with a slit compared to other species. The height of the stem is from ten to fifteen centimeters, the leaves are pale green with a grayish tint.
  3. Snowdrop is snow-white. The most common species, with more than fifty subspecies and the longest flowering period. WITH inside fragrant corolla decorated yellow spots. The length of the stem is on average ten centimeters, the bluish, keeled leaves are covered with a waxy coating.

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Galanthus snow-white received its name in the first half of the 18th century from Karl Lineus, the famous naturalist. In Europe, this type of snowdrop is also known as “snow earring”, “snow bell”, “snowflake”. Regardless of where it grows, it blooms equally mesmerizingly - the tightly compressed bracts open spectacularly as soon as the flower breaks out from under the snow.

Under "red" protection

As the first flower of spring, the forest snowdrop suffers every year from excessive displays of human love. Yearning for the green beauty of nature, people mercilessly pluck every single specimen they come across, often not leaving even a bulb. The “cleansing” of flowering islands reaches a special scale during the spring holidays.
Such neglect of the plant world led to the fact that galanthus quickly joined the list of endangered species. Now the flower is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. Environmental legislation provides for liability for unauthorized actions that lead to the death of the snowdrop population.

The Red Book contains detailed description rare species of galanthus indicating external structure and features of vegetative propagation.

According to the provisions of the Permanent Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the joint efforts of almost all countries of the world are active work to restore the plant population and develop effective measures his protection.

In the Red Book you can also find a description of the species and subspecies of snowdrops protected in a certain area. This could be a list of endangered plants both in the region and in a particular country. Authorities can pass local and national regulations. At the same time, it is possible to organize comprehensive measures to save the population and expand the plant’s range.

Planting and propagation

After flowering ends, galanthus bulbs remain dormant underground until autumn. And only in the second half of September do they awaken in order to grow roots and bloom again in the spring. Visible growth and blooming of flowers lasts until the first leaves appear on the trees.
Snowdrops take root well in loose soil with plenty of moisture. When planting in clay soil, add a small amount of sand and organic fertilizers. As soon as galanthus begins to germinate, you can apply inorganic fertilizers. It is not recommended to cut the leaves before they are completely dry.

Everyone knows whose photo is even in the children's primer. It's small beautiful plant first to come to life after winter. First it produces a couple of leaves, and very soon it blooms with white bells with drooping heads. He's not afraid of anything winter frosts, nor snow. And if numerous white bells cover the carpet, it is a sure sign that spring is coming. After all, it is the snowdrop flower that warns us about the approach of warm days.


Scientifically, this plant is called galanthus. It belongs to the genus of perennial herbs from the Amaryllis family, which unites eighteen subspecies. The plant is most common in the Crimea, the Caucasus and the Most species - about sixteen - are found in the Caucasus.

No one names the exact number of varieties of this plant. The snowdrop flower, so beloved by us, the photo of which even children will recognize, is a low herbaceous plant with two linear leaves up to twenty centimeters long. They come out immediately, simultaneously with the flower stalks.

Single, drooping bells have a white perianth consisting of six leaflets. The outer three are elliptical or obovate, while the inner ones are wedge-shaped and have a green spot at the top. Snowdrop is a flower with a pleasant, but very weak scent. It has round, fleshy fruits in the form of a box with three compartments. They contain a few black seeds. The latter have a succulent appendage to attract ants, which take them away and thus spread the plants.

The snowdrop flower has ovoid or conical bulbs, which are a compact group of modified leaves planted on one common base.


The best time to plant this plant is from July to September. For prolonged warm autumn planting can be extended until early November. Today on the market the snowdrop flower is often sold in bloom, but this is not entirely correct, because as soon as planting material ends up in the ground, its leaves wither and turn yellow, and soon die completely. And although the bulb remains alive, it can be weakened. True, the next year such a plant blooms weakly or does not bloom at all, although it does not die.


Galanthus bulbs do not tolerate drying. They cannot be kept in the air for more than a month, but if it is not possible to plant them in the ground, they should be sprinkled with sawdust or shavings and placed in a plastic bag. Bulbs are planted according to next rule: placed in loose soil at a depth equal to two bulbs, and in heavy soil at a depth equal to one bulb. But in any case, you cannot plant snowdrops deeper than five centimeters.

Snowdrop is a flower that itself regulates the depth of germination of its root system. If it is planted too deep, it forms a new bulb on the peduncle, but at the required depth.


First spring Flower- snowdrop loves shaded but sun-warmed places and soil with good drainage. When transplanting wild species, you need to choose a more illuminated area. This culture is winter-hardy, which is not surprising. After all, the first snowdrop is a flower that breaks right out from under the snow. In autumn, galanthus should be covered with a small layer of loose compost.

You need to be careful when feeding this crop. Snowdrop can't stand fresh manure, therefore complex mineral fertilizers are most suitable for it.

These plants are bred for floral decoration of areas. They look very beautiful in large groups, both in rock gardens and as carpets - under bushes and trees in light partial shade. Some landscape designers use snowdrops to create white lawns in the middle of lawns.


The Amaryllidaceae family includes eighteen species. The most common of them is the white snowdrop. His homeland is the forests of the Carpathians. The flower reaches fifteen centimeters in height. This species also includes Viridapisis, which blooms in February, Lutescens, which has an identifying mark - a yellow spot, as well as double Flore Pleno, Pusi Green Tip, Ophelia and many others.

Another species is the Elwes snowdrop, native to Asia. It, unlike previous varieties, is taller - up to twenty-five centimeters. It has bluish-green wide leaves, large spherical. This is the very first snowdrop. Its flower appears in early February. Today, many Elwes hybrids have been bred, which are distinguished by decorativeness and great endurance. The most popular is the Arnott variety with large flowers that have a fragrant aroma.

Other species such as Galanthus plicatus or Folded, which gave rise to many interesting garden forms, Icarian, which came to us from Greece and today grows beautifully in Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi, as well as snowdrops of Forster, Voronov and many others are widespread in the botanical gardens of our country.

Uncontrolled collection of these wonderful representatives flora led to the fact that many varieties had to be listed in the Red Book. This means that every year it becomes more and more difficult to meet them in their natural environment.

Home care

These flowers can be grown not only in the yard, but also at home - in a pot or bowl. The snowdrop, which is the first to bloom among all bulbous plants, produces buds in the middle of winter. To do this, it must be taken out of the room.

Because the we're talking about about a very hardy and cold-loving plant that can survive at temperatures up to ten degrees below zero, it is not difficult to guess that it is warm room will die. Therefore, during flowering, you need to keep the snowdrop in a very cold room.

Conditions for growing at home

Two months after planting should be kept in complete darkness. Then he will need to completely exclude direct sunlight.

The optimal temperature for the bulb in the dark is about zero degrees, and during flowering - a maximum of 10°C, otherwise the plant will die.

After planting the bulb, the soil should be thoroughly moistened and then left alone, without watering, until the pot is moved to light. After this, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture by watering twice a week.

Snowdrops cannot be sprayed. Moreover, during flowering they need good ventilation, and when it ends, you need to cut off the wilted heads and let the leaves die naturally. If the plants have been fed, they need to be transplanted into open ground. Otherwise, they will not bloom again in the same pot.

The best species to grow at home is Galantus nivalis - a common snowdrop that blooms from mid-winter to April. Today, unfortunately, you can rarely find this flower in an apartment or even in a garden. And in vain! After all, even when winter still reigns all around, you can be sure that its days are numbered, when from under the snow, crawling through dead wood, a snowdrop flower appears on the site, and when it grows at home in a pot, then the “weather” is good and the mood in the family secured.

Galanthus (milk flower) - translated from Latin language, stands for snowdrop. This species belongs to the Amaryllis family.

This plant is no more than 20 cm high, has a flat and oblong leaf shape of a dark green color. Buds, most often white, begin to bloom in mid-spring, probably in early April. The length of the inflorescence is no more than 4 cm. The flower is single, closed, resembles a drop. A fleshy capsule with oblong seeds and a juicy appendage is the fruit. The plant blooms for about 30 days. During its flowering, it plays the role of one of the very first honey plants, giving nectar to bees, for which it received its name.

There are about 18 subspecies of this plant and more than 50 varieties in the world. The most common habitat is: Middle lane Russia, Crimea, Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, the western part of Asia Minor.

Snowdrop prefers to grow near trees, bushes, and meadows. Grows well in moist and loose soil. Reproduction occurs through seeds and bulbs. In the scales of the mother bulb there are children, which next year grow like an independent flower.

By chemical composition, snowdrop - poisonous plant. The stems and leaves contain an alkaloid - galantamine, and the bulbs - navredin. Primrose is dangerous to human health and causes a severe allergic reaction. Scientists are studying the use of poison to treat Alzheimer's disease.

This is a perennial plant. Bulb with a diameter of no more than 3 centimeters. Each of them produces only one pedicel, as well as 2-3 inner petals.

The snowdrop is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. Because of its beauty and early flowering, the flower is plucked en masse for the purpose of sale during the spring holidays, which leads to the extinction of this species. The sale of forest primroses is prohibited by law Russian Federation, and violators face fines and administrative penalties. Trade is allowed only for greenhouse-grown flowers, with certificates and accompanying documents.

Option 2

Snowdrop is the first flower of spring of the Amaryllidaceae species, perennial flower with a rhizome in the form of a bulb. The bulb is round and not large sizes, up to 3 cm in diameter.

The first flowers to emerge from the snow in early spring are snowdrops. When the snow has not yet melted, when the birds have not yet arrived from warm regions, when spring is just beginning to approach, snowdrops are already giving their beauty to those around them.

There are 19 species of snowdrop and 2 hybrids, of which several flower species are on the verge of extinction.

The leaves are pushed out of the ground along with the flower. The leaves are oblong and dark green in color, as is the stem that holds the flower. The bell-like flower is white and may have green inclusions.
The snowdrop bush is usually not tall and can reach up to 10 cm.

Snowdrops bloom for a long time; if there is no rapid warming, then flowering can last up to a month, then the petals fall off the flower. After the loss of the petals, the seed capsule (the middle of the flower) begins to ripen.

The box is round and, like the stem with leaves, has a dark green tint. The box contains three compartments with seeds.

By the time the box begins to ripen, the sun has already warmed up and everything has begun to wake up. Beetles and various insects begin their movement towards the box with the seeds, and thus begin to drag the seeds along their paths in the ground, giving the seeds the strength to take root. Before autumn, the seeds will take root and begin to develop a bulb.

Interesting facts about snowdrops

  • The snowdrop has its own day; on April 19, many countries around the world celebrate “Snowdrop Day,” which was approved by the British back in 1984.
  • Snowdrop contains galantamine, which helps treat Alzheimer's disease, but scientists are still studying the effect.
  • Most flower species are listed in the Red Book, so it is better to start growing flowers rather than looking for flowers in the forest for a bouquet.
  • Some countries have associated superstitions with snowdrops, to the effect that snowdrops are the flowers of the dead.
  • But among the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, snowdrops are a reliable amulet against evil spirits and evil spirits.
  • Snowdrop is also called Milk flower.

Flowers are grown in greenhouses, gardeners plant plots in the gardens and they grow, bringing beauty with the first rays of the sun.

Snowdrops have been delighting with their beauty for a long time in different parts of the world.

Report 3

Snowdrop is the most early flower. From the Greek galanthus, meaning milky flowers.

Snowdrop is a genus of perennial flowers in the amaryllis family. These are flowers from the order Bulbaceae.

Snowdrops grow in sunny areas, but also in shady place they feel good too. They only dislike damp places with stagnant water.

The classic galanthus bud is pure white with small green-yellow splashes on the edge of the petals. The flower resembles the shape of a bell, the resulting structure and location of the petals: three petals in each row. Near the stem of the snowdrop there are 2 leaves 1 cm wide. The leaves are elongated, narrow and flat in shape, with a dark green or gray-green color. The bulb is round, approximately 3 cm in diameter. Each bulb produces 1 flower.

Currently, there are 18 known species of snowdrops - galanthus, and 2 hybrids created by nature. 3 types of them are well known and popular to everyone:

  1. The snowdrop has more than 50 varieties. This species blooms first among other varieties, but its flowering period is the longest - about 1 month. The height of the snow-white snowdrop is from 7 to 12 cm. The flower buds are fragile, pure white with light yellow large splashes on the petals. Snow-white galanthus exude a delightful aroma.
  2. Snowdrops are the most famous and popular for us. The flowering of the species begins in the second half of March. The snowdrop is 10 - 15 cm high. The buds differ from the rest in the cut of the petal. The bud size is medium, bell-shaped, pure white with a green mark on the front row of petals.
  3. Snowdrop Elwes. Distribution areas: forests of Asia Minor. Flowering begins early in March. The flowers are large in size, from 15 to 25 cm in height. The buds are white, spherical, large.

At first glance, snowdrops are unpretentious for a gardener, but as it turns out, snowdrops are very demanding of the soil. For the bulb to bloom fully, it needs soil well fertilized with peat and humus. The flower should be replanted after the leaves die off, which occurs approximately in the month of July. During this period, the roots of the galanthus bulb have already died, and the new root system hasn't appeared yet. The bulb is planted in soil 6-8 cm deep. As a rule, snowdrops bloom well in a well-chosen location for many years and do not need to be replanted. You can also plant snowdrops with seeds, but in this case the fruiting bulb will form only in the third year.

Because of people's love for these delicate flowers, the population is declining sharply every year. Poachers, in order to make money, pluck an unlimited number of snowdrops for sale. To protect this species, the snowdrop was listed in the Red Book.

Message about Snowdrops

There are many in the world different colors. They may differ in color, shape, size, and even function. There is a flower that is considered a harbinger of the coming of spring. Such plants are called snowdrops.

Snowdrops are nimble flowers.

Yes it is. They rush to bloom in early spring and produce seeds, while the foliage on the trees has not yet developed and the entire forest is penetrated by the sun's rays. To do this, they use bulbs and tubers hidden in the ground, in which supplies have been stored since the fall. nutrients! Because snowdrops live so quickly, seeing them is a very rare find.

A brief description of.

Galanthus is the second name for these flowers. At first they belonged to the Liliaceae family, but now they belong to the Amaryllis family. In Russia there are 12 species. They can also be found in Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor and the Caucasus, where they are most diverse (the presence of 16 species).

Galanthus – perennials with a bulb whose diameter ranges from 2 to 3 centimeters. The bulb consists of scales and renewal buds. The leaves appear along with the buds, 2 to 3 pieces each, usually linear. The color of the leaves varies from light green with admixtures of yellow to dark green. The base of the leaves is either wide or narrowed. The peduncle is cylindrical, equal in length to the bract, and shiny. The perianth is made up of 3 outer and 3 inner leaves. Snowdrops are pollinated by butterflies, beetles, flies and bees. The column is filamentous. The fruit is a fleshy capsule that opens along the sides. Seeds in the shape of a ball.

Application of snowdrops.

Mostly - ornamental plants. Large quantities are planted on ridges or alpine roller coaster. Another of these flowers is the alkaloid galantamine, which is used in medicine.

Curious facts about snowdrops.

  1. Several species are in the Red Book.
  2. People may confuse snowdrops with blueberries or anemones.
  3. Translated from Latin, snowdrop is “milk flower”.
  4. Naturalist Henry Elwes collected galanthus into one collection.
  5. You will be fined for illegal collection and sale. An ordinary citizen will get off with 3 thousand rubles, but legal entities you will have to pay 300 thousand rubles!

Option 5

This flower is known for the fact that, earlier than other representatives of the flora, it pleases humanity with its friendly, small, graceful bells.

General characteristics of snowdrop

The snowdrop belongs to the genus of the Amaryllis family. His natural environment growth - climate of temperate latitudes: Asia Minor, Caucasus, Europe. There are more than 20 types of galanthus (the second name for the milk flower).

Most of the snowdrop subspecies have no aroma, and only some species are distinguished by a subtle fragrant odor. Special care they do not require, and have excellent frost resistance. They prefer sunny areas, grow worse in shade, and do not like places where fluid stagnates. They can grow in one place for 4-5 years, then the flower should be replanted.

The leaves of galanthus emerge from the ground along with the buds, have a green or bluish-green color, and are up to 1 cm wide. The flowers of natural snowdrops are usually white in color (if the flowers are painted a different color, they are conditionally related to woodlands). There are green spots along the edges of the petals. 1 flower consists of 6 petals. From 1 bulb 1 plant is reproduced. Snowdrops vary in height and flower shape.

The only drawback of snowdrops is their early wilting. After the galanthus has faded, its leaves remain green for some time, but dry out as the weather warms up.

3 most popular types of galanthus

In total, there are 2 natural selection hybrids and 18 species of snowdrops in nature. Almost all of them are listed in the Red Book. The most popular of them are 3 groups:

  1. Snow-white snowdrop. It blooms earlier than all representatives of its genus, flowering lasts almost a month. Height of this flower from 7 to 12 cm, the flowers are white, have a small yellow spot inside, smell nice. There are more than 50 varieties.
  2. Galanthus snow is the most common type. Begins to bloom in mid-March. It reaches a height of up to 15 cm. The flowers are medium in size; nature has endowed them with a large cut.
  3. Elwes snowdrops are the largest in size. The height of the flower can reach 25 cm, while the width of the leaves reaches 2 cm. The flowers are spherical, voluminous, and white in color.

Medicinal properties of snowdrop

In recipes traditional medicine Primroses are not used, there is a great danger of poisoning. The appearance of the snowdrop is very deceptive, and the friendly spring beauty is very toxic. Using galanthus without consulting a doctor can lead to nausea, dizziness, and decreased heart rate. But this plant has found application in the production of potent medicines for the treatment of a number of diseases, such as:

  • cerebral palsy and polio;
  • inflammatory disorders nervous system, polyneuritis, radiculitis;
  • traumatic damage to nerve endings.

Since 1984, many countries have celebrated a spring holiday - Snowdrop Day. It was established in Great Britain, and since due to climatic conditions In this country, it blooms in mid-spring, so the celebration falls on April 19.

Snowdrop Diamond is the hardest mineral, the name of which is translated from ancient Greek as “indestructible”. Due to its high hardness, the mineral is very wear-resistant during friction.

This animal belongs to mammals, to the squirrel family. Its name was created from the old Russian susati, which at that point in time meant to hiss.

Poisonous mushrooms differ from non-poisonous ones by the content of toxins in their composition, which cause poisoning. For availability toxic substances In mushrooms, the environmental situation is closely related, these can be heavy metals and pesticides.

Hello, Dear friends! Spring! Spring is outside! Spring days! Nature wakes up from its winter sleep. The snow is slowly melting and March is already in a hurry to please us with its first beauty. The first spring flowers, snowdrops, appear right out of the snow.

Of course, we all, even small children, know that they exist. Many have seen them. But what do we know about them? I don't think so much. And therefore, I propose today to learn as much as possible about snowdrops, so that you can later tell your classmates.

Lesson plan:

What kind of flowers?

So, snowdrops appear on the edges of forests and meadows, along river banks in March-April. They look right out from under the snow. That's why we got ours beautiful name.

A strong stalk of a pair of shiny green leaves and White flower with a green edging, similar to a hanging bell, are pleasing to the eye. Grow in large groups, and not one flower at a time.

You can grow these delicate flowers and in your garden or vegetable garden. The main thing is to provide them suitable conditions. They love moist, nutritious soil that is warmed by sunlight.

There are about 18 species of snowdrops in nature, for example:

  • snow-white;
  • Caucasian;
  • Alpine;
  • snowdrop Voronova and others.

They are common in Central and Southern Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. There are especially many snowdrops in the Caucasus, where you can find representatives of 16 species of this plant.

The harbingers of spring bloom for 3-4 weeks, then the flower petals fall, and in their place appears a round box with three compartments in which black seeds are stored.

Beauty is under threat

All types of snowdrops are protected by the Red Book of Russia. Therefore, they cannot be picked and sold. But they rip it off and sell it. And if they sell, then they buy.

And you and I can help snowdrops survive. To do this, you just need to stop buying bouquets from merchants. After all, if there is no one to sell flowers to, then there is no need to pick them.

But flowers are threatened not only by pickers and bouquet sellers. Other unfavorable factors are:

  • deforestation, which reduces the area where flowers grow;
  • trampling and destruction of the forest floor in which the bulbs are hidden;
  • ecological problems(pollution of soil, water, air).

To date, the Red Book has assigned snowdrops the third category.

This means that they do not disappear yet. But they are found in limited areas and in small numbers. And if measures are not taken, then soon we will no longer be able to admire these magnificent creatures.

Snowdrops in creativity

Snowdrops, with their extraordinary fragile beauty, have inspired many people to create.


Here are some poems.

There are also funny, comic versions)

To some, these white flowers resemble the tears of the Snow Maiden.

And for some, heroes.


In the painting by Pavel Eskov, white snowdrops bloomed among white birch trees, very beautiful)

There is still snow all around, but in the thawed patch white flowers are already rejoicing in the spring, cheerfully nodding their bells to the sun. The author of this painting is the artist Yuri Vladimirovich Sizonenko.

Nikolskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna saw the first spring flowers like this. Very unusual)


Try asking your friends these interesting riddles)

Fairy tales

There are quite a lot of fairy tales about “snow droplets”. I'm sure you definitely know one of them! This tale is called "Twelve Months". I suggest you watch it right now.

Snowdrops have something to surprise you with:

In general, there are many beautiful and interesting things in nature. I advise you to read the article about the hummingbird bird, and also about the seahorse.

That's all for today!

I wish you amazing spring discoveries!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Shortly after Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, winter came. It lasted a long time, severe frosts reigned on the ground, and the cold, merciless snow spared absolutely no one. In the end, Eva could not stand it and burst into tears. She cried not so much from pain and cold, but from regret about the mistake she had made and about the lost paradise. And then the Lord took pity on her - and turned her tears into the most delicate flowers of this world. This is how snowdrops appeared in the snow, signaling the arrival of spring.

The forest snowdrop has long been a symbol of spring, purity, youth and freshness, and also says that you need to rejoice in both the present and the future, and drive away memories of failures from your heart - so it is not surprising that these gentle, beautiful flowers are extremely popular.

Snowdrops, the first flowers of spring, or as the Greeks called them, galanthus (“milk flowers”) belong to the genus of perennial herbs of the amaryllis family, are early small-bulbous plants and are listed in the Red Book.

IN wildlife Snowdrops grow in the forest: in the center and south of the European continent, there are many of them on the coast of the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as in Asia Minor. These flowers prefer sunny areas, although they grow without problems in the shade, but they do not tolerate areas with stagnant water.


Snowdrop flowers are white and have green spots at the very edge of the petals (plants of other colors are not snowdrops). The elegant bell-shaped shape of galanthus is given by the structure of its petals: the flower has six petals, three of which are outer (longer), three are inner (shorter).

This flower has few leaves, the shape is narrow, flat, dark green or gray-green. Galanthus leaves are usually about 1 cm wide. The plant's bulb is round in shape, from which only one flower grows, and small: about three centimeters in diameter.


In total, there are 18 species and two natural hybrids of galanthus, most of which are listed in the Red Book. Twelve of them grow on post-Soviet space(most of all in the Caucasus).

Three types of these plants are especially popular:

  1. Galanthus are snow-white. The white snowdrop (has more than 50 varieties) not only blooms earlier than all its relatives, but also blooms the longest - about 30 days. These plants are of medium length - from 7 to 12 cm; their flowers are graceful, white, with a yellow spot inside, and have a pleasant aroma.
  2. Snowdrops are snowy. Snowdrops are one of the most popular species of this plant; they bloom in mid-to-late March and grow in the forests of Europe. Height - from 10 to 15 cm, leaves are flat, gray-green in color, width from 0.4 to 1 cm, length - 10 cm. The flower of this plant species has a cut, but otherwise looks like most representatives of its genus - medium in size, with drooping bell, white with a green spot.
  3. Galanthus Elwes. Elwes snowdrops can be seen in the forests of Asia Minor, and they begin to bloom earlier than snowdrops and are larger in size. The height of the Elwes snowdrop is from 15 to 25 m, the leaves are bluish-green, their width can rarely reach 2 cm, and the snowdrop flowers are white, large, spherical.

Plants of the Red Book

The forest snowdrop turned out to be a victim of human love, because after a harsh snowy winter, people hungry for greenery are not averse to bringing home a bouquet of snowdrops and decorating their apartment with them. They are picked completely in vain - by this time the forest snowdrop has just appeared, it does not have a special appearance, since it has not yet bloomed, and these flowers do not last long - only a few days.

If the forest snowdrop used to grow in many countries, now there are extremely few galanthus left, since people, picking them to make a bouquet of snowdrops, often also spoil the bulb, rendering it completely unusable.

These plants suffer especially at the beginning of spring, during the spring holidays, when on March 8 women are given these delicate-looking flowers.

The forest snowdrop is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species, which means picking and collecting it in the forest in order to form a bouquet of snowdrops is prohibited. At the same time, as long as there is demand, there will always be supply, and therefore, already at the end of spring, snowdrops picked in the forest are sold in huge quantities on the streets and markets of both large and small cities.

When buying forest snowdrops, you must always keep in mind that poachers thus receive a good income and a tangible incentive to find, dig up snowdrops in the snow next year and bring them to the city (no fines provided for by law scare them, after all, the benefit is still greater).

Greenhouse plants

If you really want to please yourself and your loved ones with galanthus and bring home a bouquet of snowdrops, you can purchase plants grown in greenhouses (to make sure that the seller is not a scammer, just ask him for a certificate). Flower growers grow this plant with pleasure, since it is not very difficult to do.

Flowers are not absolutely unpretentious: despite the fact that they tolerate changes in weather and temperature well, they are very demanding of the soil - therefore, to plant these flowers, gardeners specially purchase a snowdrop greenhouse, ideal for installation in the ground or in a greenhouse (it prevents the soil from overcooling and creates optimal conditions for growing galanthus).

Before planting the bulbs, the soil is well fertilized with peat or humus. It is extremely undesirable to plant these plants in the spring during the flowering period, since they rarely take root and almost always die. A snowdrop is transplanted into a greenhouse after the leaves of the flower have died (mid-summer), when the old snowdrop roots have already died off and new ones have not yet appeared.

Considering that it is difficult for dried bulbs to take root (and they are mostly sold in this condition), they should be planted in the ground immediately after purchase to a depth of 6 to 8 cm. Flower growers recommend replanting snowdrop plants once every five to six years. Snowdrops grow well without transplanting and for a longer period.

These plants can also be planted with seeds - but in this case you will have to be patient: the seedlings will bloom in best case scenario in the third year. Seeds must be sown immediately after they are collected, as they very quickly become unusable and lose their viability.