For the second time a year, the gardens bloom, or what the signs say: the apple tree bloomed in August. Has the cherry blossomed? Warm autumn is to blame! Folk signs cherry

Birch tree in the yard - lightning is not scary.

Our Ancestors noticed that lightning never hits a birch tree. How to explain this? Unknown. But it is so. If a birch tree grows next to a house, then those who live in this house are not afraid of thunderstorms. Well, if there is no birch tree nearby, then it was customary to stack birch branches in the attic. Old people say that even these branches can protect from thunderstorms.

The birch has opened its leaves - start planting in a week.

This sign is based on many years of observations of our ancestors. It has been noticed that if the birch tree begins to turn green, then in at least five or six days the air temperature will rise to ten degrees, and a cold snap is no longer expected.

You can’t plant a willow - you shorten your own life.

Trees need to be planted. It is not in vain that the proverb says that a man must give birth to a son, build a house and plant a tree. It’s just been noticed that not every tree can be planted. The old people say that their Great-Grandfathers noticed that the one who planted a willow will die in the year when this willow grows so much that it can be used to make a holder for a shovel. Want to check it out? Please. But our Grandfathers are not going to check this sign.

The snow has fallen, but there are leaves on the cherry trees - the snow will not last long.

Over many centuries, villagers have noticed that if early snow falls and the cherries have not yet had time to shed their leaves, then there will be a thaw very soon. Real winter comes only when the last leaf falls from the cherry tree, and not before.

Don't cut down a tree on a new moon - it will rot.

This sign is associated with the features of the lunar cycle and the influence of these features on the water that is available on our planet. Our Great-Grandfathers noticed that it was during the new moon that the trees filled with water. And even if these trees are then dried, they will not dry, but will begin to rot. So, the second sign follows from this - on a new moon you cannot stock up on firewood for the winter.

The leaves on the oak tree are developing - good for catching pike.

It has been noticed that pike are not always caught. You need to know the moment when to go for pike. And old fishermen noticed that at the moment when the leaves on the oak trees begin to bloom, the pike begins to eat. It is precisely at this moment that you need to catch her.

There are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms - it will be a snowy winter.

This sign is associated with the peculiarity of the hazel tree. If a cold winter is expected, then there will be a lot of nuts. The hazel tree always tries to produce the maximum harvest if it feels that a harsh winter awaits us.

The aspen is trembling - the cattle is full.

For many years, people have been observing trees and have noticed that when aspen leaves tremble, there will definitely be a good harvest of oats, barley and wheat. And once there is a harvest, there will always be something to feed the cattle. Everything is very simple.

Aspen chips in sauerkraut - the cabbage will not turn sour.

This is true. It is believed that aspen has some antiseptic properties that can slow down the process of food spoilage. It was this property of aspen that our ancestors used to prevent sauerkraut from turning sour for a long time.

Usually in the old days the walls wooden house They made them of oak, the floors and floors were oak. This arrangement of wood contributed to the best protection of a person from the influence of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore wasted strength in the shortest possible time, since oak easily transfers its energy to a person through direct contact, and its strength allows us to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder people said: “Strong as an oak!”

Oak takes a long time to get used to people. Sometimes six months or a year pass before he really begins to consider you his. But if he accepts you into his heart, he will not let you go and will never forget you! A piece of his power will be with you wherever you are. Oak has the ability to transmit its energy over vast distances. If he has accepted you, his leaves will imperceptibly reach out to you when you come, and his young branches will cling to your clothes, not wanting to let you go. If a double acorn falls into your hand from your favorite tree, save it! In itself, it is a talisman of good luck in business, but in in this case its power will be greater, since it is supported by the wishes of the oak itself. A simple fallen acorn speaks of changes awaiting you, perhaps somewhat unexpected and confusing, but which will always lead to the better. A fallen green branch with green foliage - crossings.


People have developed a large number of legends and beliefs about this white-trunked tree. Birch is believed to have protective powers. By touching it, you can get rid of negative energy and restore strength.

In ancient times, they believed that if you poured water in which a sick person was bathing under the roots of a birch tree, the illness would go into the ground.

Some attributed ominous properties to birches. Do not touch wood with growths. It is believed that growths on birch trees are the result of black magic.

It is not recommended to plant birch trees close to home. According to popular belief, this tree can cause female diseases and even infertility.

Our ancestors tried to avoid lonely growing birches. It was believed that under such a birch tree rested the soul of an innocently murdered person. They tried not to drink birch sap from the trunk of such a birch tree, since, according to legend, the blood of the deceased flows instead of it.


Cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and abundance. If you light a fire near this tree during its flowering period, you can attract money.

With the help of cherries one could get rid of diseases. The patient's pillow was stuffed with cherry leaves collected before sunset. This helped overcome the disease.


Oak is a symbol of power and stability. According to ancient signs and superstitions, an oak planted near a house helps to achieve success in work and attract money to the house.

Oak was also used as a way to attract family well-being. On the wedding day, the newlyweds had to walk around the oak tree three times, holding hands. This, according to tradition, was supposed to make the marriage strong, happy and long.


Linden was considered the lightest tree. With its help they got rid of diseases. All human ailments remained on this tree in the form of growths. It was impossible to beat cattle with linden rods, otherwise they would die.

There are a large number of signs and superstitions about this shrub. It is believed that rose hips attract love and family well-being. If you plant a rosehip bush near your house, peace and harmony will reign in the family. You can also use rose hips to attract a successful marriage. To do this, the girl needs to cut a flower from the bush during its flowering period, dry it and store it under her pillow.

There are a lot of signs associated with trees. It is simply not realistic to list all these signs. And some of these signs cannot even be explained. But we still need to listen to what our Ancestors knew. This makes life easier, and many problems can be avoided.

It is difficult to imagine an orchard on a personal plot without a tree such as a cherry. It looks wonderful in spring when it is covered with a delicate cloud of white or slightly pinkish flowers. And on a sultry July afternoon, it’s so pleasant to feel the cool smoothness of a juicy, slightly sour berry on your tongue. Looks very impressive Cherry tree in autumn, when its foliage takes on a reddish-ochre hue. Even in winter, frost-covered openwork branches delight with their elegant lace.

However, in addition to its undoubted practical benefits and decorative properties, cherries are also a very useful neighbor from a mystical point of view. Its proximity to home serves as a guarantee of prosperity and protection from evil spirits, and there are many lucky signs associated with good energy.

  • Our ancestors were sure that if during flowering the plant was fumigated with smoke from a fire, it would bring real wealth to the owner. This belief has a very practical basis. After all, if you warm a flowering tree on cold spring evenings and nights, protecting the delicate ovaries from freezing, then it is quite possible to count on a rich harvest of berries.
  • Cherry growing near the house scares away negative energy from the home and all household members, and works as a real amulet, protecting against the evil eye or damage. At the same time, a lucky tree attracts good luck and prosperity to the family.
  • For a long time, cherry blossoms have served as an effective love talisman. If a young man and a girl met under its branches, then their feeling promised to be mutual and strong. A lonely person had only to wrap his hair around a flowering twig, and his soulmate would immediately appear on the horizon of life. But the one who decided to break the cherry twig covered with flowers was in for serious troubles in his personal life: from a quarrel with a loved one to final separation or even the death of the chosen one.
  • However, “cherry” signs are associated not only with blossoming tree. For example, to avoid the risk of choking on berry pits, the soles were rubbed with cherry leaves. Foliage helped a sick person to recover from an illness. To do this, it was necessary to spend several nights on a pillow stuffed with it.
  • Cherries helped predict the weather and crop prospects. If it bloomed profusely in the spring, then the peasants expected a lot of mushrooms and began to sow dill. But if it suddenly bloomed a second time at the end of the season, then those who had previously feasted on the berries were threatened with various terrible troubles, including the death of someone close to them. In autumn we looked at the falling leaves from a tree. If it has not completely flown around before the first snow, then real winter will not come soon.
  • Even cherry pits helped young girls. To find out the immediate prospects for marriage, it was enough to just sort through the breast left after the delicacy. During the fortune-telling process, one should say: “Very soon, next year, the year after that, I will remain an old maid.” The very last bone will predict your future fate.

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Birch tree in the yard - lightning is not scary. Our Ancestors noticed that lightning never hits a birch tree. How to explain this? Unknown. But it is so. If a birch tree grows next to a house, then those who live in this house are not afraid of thunderstorms. Well, if there is no birch tree nearby, then it was customary to stack birch branches in the attic. Old people say that even these branches can protect from thunderstorms.

The birch tree has opened its leaves - start planting in a week. This sign is based on many years of observations of our ancestors. It has been noticed that if the birch tree begins to turn green, then in at least five or six days the air temperature will rise to ten degrees, and a cold snap is no longer expected.

You can’t plant a willow - you shorten your own life. Trees need to be planted. It is not in vain that the proverb says that a man must give birth to a son, build a house and plant a tree. It’s just been noticed that not every tree can be planted. The old people say that their Great-Grandfathers noticed that the one who planted a willow will die in the year when this willow grows so much that it can be used to make a holder for a shovel. Want to check it out? Please. But our Grandfathers are not going to check this sign.

The snow has fallen, but there are leaves on the cherry trees - the snow will not last long. Over many centuries, villagers have noticed that if early snow falls and the cherries have not yet had time to shed their leaves, then there will be a thaw very soon. Real winter comes only when the last leaf falls from the cherry tree, and not before.

Don't cut down a tree on a new moon - it will rot. This sign is associated with the features of the lunar cycle and the influence of these features on the water that is available on our planet. Our Great-Grandfathers noticed that it was during the new moon that the trees filled with water. And even if these trees are then dried, they will not dry, but will begin to rot. So, the second sign follows from this - on a new moon you cannot stock up on firewood for the winter.

The leaves on the oak tree are developing - good for catching pike. It has been noticed that pike are not always caught. You need to know the moment when to go for pike. And old fishermen noticed that at the moment when the leaves on the oak trees begin to bloom, the pike begins to eat. It is precisely at this moment that you need to catch her.

There are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms - it will be a snowy winter. This sign is associated with the peculiarity of the hazel tree. If a cold winter is expected, then there will be a lot of nuts. The hazel tree always tries to produce the maximum harvest if it feels that a harsh winter awaits us.

The aspen is trembling - the cattle is full. For many years, people have been observing trees and have noticed that when aspen leaves tremble, there will definitely be a good harvest of oats, barley and wheat. And once there is a harvest, there will always be something to feed the cattle. Everything is very simple.

Aspen chips in sauerkraut - the cabbage will not turn sour. This is true. It is believed that aspen has some antiseptic properties that can slow down the process of food spoilage. It was this property of aspen that our ancestors used to prevent sauerkraut from turning sour for a long time.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, and the floors and flooring were oak. This arrangement of wood contributed to the best protection of a person from the influence of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore wasted strength in the shortest possible time, since oak easily transfers its energy to a person through direct contact, and its strength allows us to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder people said: “Strong as an oak!

Oak takes a long time to get used to people. Sometimes six months or a year pass before he really begins to consider you his. But if he accepts you into his heart, he will not let you go and will never forget you! A piece of his power will be with you wherever you are. Oak has the ability to transmit its energy over vast distances. If he has accepted you, his leaves will imperceptibly reach out to you when you come, and his young branches will cling to your clothes, not wanting to let you go. If a double acorn falls into your hand from your favorite tree, save it! In itself, it is a talisman of good luck in business, but in this case its power will be greater, since it is supported by the wishes of the oak itself. A simple fallen acorn speaks of changes awaiting you, perhaps somewhat unexpected and confusing, but which will always lead to the better. Fallen green branch with green foliage - crossings.
There are a lot of signs associated with trees. It is simply not realistic to list all these signs. And some of these signs cannot even be explained. But we still need to listen to what our Ancestors knew. This makes life easier, and many problems can be avoided.

Oak is one of the most energetically powerful trees in central Russia. Oak in Rus' has always been considered a holy tree associated with masculine energy and power. Oak conducts the energy of the planet Jupiter into our world and is directly related to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. These energies determine world processes, the destinies of people and nations, and allow people to control their own destinies.
The energy of this tree has the power to “raise the dead.” If a person manages to establish contact with an oak tree, this tree will be able to give him such powers that will not only prolong his life, but will also have a beneficial effect on the fate of his children and grandchildren, up to the fifth generation.

You should never break or chop oak for fun!!!

Oak is one of the few trees capable of transmitting information over vast distances. And if you cripple an oak tree in Moscow, you will not receive support from other oak trees anywhere. Oaks are single growers; they have energetic connections only with trees of their own species, regardless of the distance between them. This allows them to grow quietly in solitude without losing their strength. Oak loves energetic people. His masculine energy It is not very indicated for women, as it can give them fullness and excessive self-sufficiency, which will interfere with meeting the opposite sex. For women born in the sign of Sagittarius, it is useful to stand under an oak tree on their birthday and mentally discuss their life plans with it. Such a meeting can help quickly implement the plan.

Period of activity of the oak: in the morning it is little active, mainly serves its own needs, sleeps from 15 to 17 hours, willingly begins to communicate from 18 hours, but the real surge of strength comes after 21 hours. He falls asleep at 3 am and sleeps until noon. Oak stabilizes the energies of the human body, cleanses the biofield (especially the upper chakras), and fills it with powerful, even, fiery power. The power of oak is akin to the energy of the liver. It helps increase activity and eliminates congestion. The energy of oak has a particularly beneficial effect on the liver itself, on cardiovascular system and urinary tract, increases the activity of germ cells (sperm and eggs). Promotes the birth of healthy and strong children. Oak energy treatment on a living tree is carried out in nature and involves staying under the tree for 20-30 minutes, the first 5 minutes. Face the tree to establish contact, the remaining time - back to the oak.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, and the floors and flooring were oak. This contributed to the best protection of a person from the influences of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore wasted energy in the shortest possible time, since oak easily transfers energy to a person upon contact with it. Oak wood is less susceptible to rotting, because... stores huge reserves of light energy, which it releases for centuries.

Let Irinushka add...
There are two trees in Rus' - bushes, which were endowed with magic by ancient beliefs. They were even “tied” by family ties, despite the fact that they were not related. For many centuries, viburnum and rowan have been preserved and revered, saddled with a considerable range of concerns. They protect the house, look after health and ward off the evil one. There are many rituals, folk signs and festive celebrations associated with them.

Viburnum is a fairly common plant in Ukraine and Central Russia, found in the Middle Urals and the southern part Western Siberia, a frequent visitor to the Caucasus. She has been revered and known since ancient times; epics and legends speak about this. One of the old Slavic legends explains why viburnum berries with bitterness... “Sisters” were always “invited” to the wedding. Viburnum in wedding ceremonies served as a symbol of the purity of the bride. If on the first wedding night the girl turned out to be “honest,” viburnum branches were hung under the roof of the house, and the wedding table on the “second day” was decorated with viburnum bouquets. The bridesmaids, leading the young woman out of the bedroom, sang a wedding song about viburnum, which is “pure as white snow.”


Signs are an important part of the people's worldview, accumulating over centuries. Since ancient times, people have endowed trees with magical properties, since for them trees are material for buildings and the primary source of fire. Assessing situations from their own and the lives of the surrounding world and drawing a parallel with the natural world, people created signs.

In ancient times, the Slavs had a custom of planting a fruit-bearing tree on the day a child was born; in the event of his illness, the tree’s fate was determined: the tree begins to dry out - the child may die, the tree turns green - a positive prognosis for recovery, the tree falls - the child will die.

It was believed that every person had a double among the trees;

It was not allowed to break linden branches - otherwise you will lose your horse (fall), if the branch is returned to its place, the horse will recover;

If you cut down an old linden tree or it falls on its own from the wind, expect trouble (the person who cut it down or a member of his family may die);

It was believed that if a linden tree withered in the garden, it was a bad omen for its owners;

On the nascent moon, trees were not cut down, since they would eventually rot;

A tree planted on the grave of a murdered person will certainly indicate who committed the crime;

A fruit-bearing tree died and fell in the garden - death is possible in the family;

All broken branches and even small chips are a harbinger of losses;

They never cut down a creaking tree, believing that it was the human soul that was suffering.

Common name: witch tree, white willow, rustling tree

Planet: Moon
Element: water
Deities: Artemis, Ceres, Hecate, Persephone, Circe, Hera, Mercury
Plant parts used: branches

Willow is one of those trees that is known among almost all nations. Signs, proverbs, and sayings about it have survived to our times, and potions, amulets, and willow fortune telling are an indispensable attribute of magic today.

They say that the willow is so strong because it is the first of all the trees to bloom and manages to receive the purest and brightest spring power from the sun.

Willow is a feminine, lunar tree, and is dedicated to lunar goddesses and lunar magic. Willow is often called the tree of creation. It obeys the world law and has the ability to restore the harmony of the world.

In ancient times, altars were decorated with willow branches for rituals. An echo of this ritual, dating back to impenetrable antiquity, has been preserved in the bright day of Palm Sunday, which celebrates the message of the Christian world. In modern Christianity, these ancient beliefs have degenerated into the custom of keeping consecrated Palm Sunday inflorescences in houses as protection against spoilage, and its flowers were eaten along with porridge. Bunches of branches blessed in the church, according to legend, acquire cleansing powers. With their help, they tidied up their homes, sweeping away the garbage that had accumulated over the winter. They burned the garbage and then steamed in the bathhouse, lashing themselves with these branches and saying: “Health goes to the house, illness goes to the forest!”

Since ancient times, willow flowers, collected in the spring on the waxing moon (best if in Cancer), were considered a home amulet, and amulets bracelets were made from the young branches. There is a belief that a willow amulet can make its owner eloquent, wise and calm. Willow amulets can be recommended to keep with them for lecturers, teachers and other people whose profession involves speaking or speaking. This is especially important for creative, poetic people. Willow gives a person mystical abilities to master the word. Willow gives eloquence and courage, but at the same time you can get a tendency to despondency and self-examination.

Due to the fact that willow is associated with the Moon, some healers advise using it for those who are overly hot-tempered and aggressive. The energy of willow will be able, with its “cold” aura, to balance the excessive “fire” of such people.

Contact with willow or willow calms, relaxes, and relieves headaches. The most suitable hours for recharging are from 18:00 to 21:00, in cool weather. Knocking on willow wood will bring good luck. Place willow leaves under your pillow on the night of the full moon and you will have a prophetic dream.

Residents of Ukraine call the willow the “sorrow tree” because it alleviates not only physical, but also spiritual suffering. The best effect is achieved when treatment with willow is accompanied by a special spell. Willow willingly takes away all ailments and mental discomfort from people.

To make your wish come true, tie a knot on a willow branch. When the wish comes true, the knot should be untied and the tree should be thanked, and the twig should be saved so that the tree does not suffer.

Willow branches are a remedy against the evil eye. Willow has special vitality and reliably protects against the forces of evil. To protect the house from evil spirits, willow branches were often hung on the gate. There was a belief that with such a talisman you could protect your home from evil spirits, sorcerers and witches - not a single black magician could overcome the magical barrier of the willow aura.

Among the Slavs, wreaths woven from thin willow branches are known as a love spell. The girls left wreaths on the road along which their chosen one was supposed to pass. In this way they tried to bewitch their loved one.

In European countries, there was such a method of New Year's fortune telling for a betrothed: on New Year's Eve, the fortuneteller had to throw a boot into the crown of a willow tree. If the shoes got stuck in the branches, it means that he will soon meet his “other half”.
A decoction of the leaves for love spells was mixed into the drink. Maybe it works, but willow bark is so bitter that there are few people who like to drink it. And it’s difficult to give something to drink after deceiving the victim; the offered cup turned out to be too bitter.
Willow is an assistant in love witchcraft. A willow twig was sewn into the seam of clothing to hold the man. It is believed that if you wrap young willow branches around the legs of the marital bed, the spouses will always be faithful to each other.

Willow branches make excellent base rims for a special amulet - a dream catcher (Dream catcher in English). This is due to the ability of willow to protect against nightmares, fear of death and hellish visions. During the day, it is also useful to carry a couple of twigs with you to get rid of anxiety and restlessness.

There is such a coveted item - a magic wand. Who among us as a child did not dream of having her in his hands! In many fairy tales, a magic wand or wand was made from a willow branch. Remember what Harry Potter's mother's wand was made of? "Willow, 10 1/4", graceful, flexible (great for a sorceress)."

For the peoples who inhabited the British Isles in ancient times, the connection between the willow and witches was so obvious that the English words “witch” - “witch, sorceress, sorceress” and “wicked” - “evil, wicked, sinful, unclean, dangerous” come from one and the same ancient name for willow (hence “wicker” - “willow twigs, wicker basket”). If a modern Englishman suddenly decides that he needs to make “witch’s besom” - a witch’s broom (say, he finally understands what thing his beloved girl must have), he has detailed instructions for the manufacture of this witchcraft item. You just need to take an ash stake, birch branches and fagots willow twigs and use willow branches to secure this vehicle.

Willow has always been considered a reliable remedy against the evil eye and damage, but sorcerers and witches used it for their spells. It all depended on the purpose for which it was used. In itself, this plant is neither “good” nor “bad”; it obeys the laws of balance and justice, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature. But at the same time, willow has the properties of increasing any magical effect, be it protection from evil or inducing damage.

Burning willow wood, according to legend, brought bad luck. Many plant magic specialists do not recommend planting willow in the yard, but somewhere nearby, or along your usual route. Willow, like poplar, is one of those trees that do not give energy, but take it away. Willow can be called an "energy vampire", but a humane vampire - it takes away negative energy from you. And then, returning home from work, you will pass by the willow tree and give it the negative energy accumulated during the day. But remember, when the negative energy ends, the willow will take on positive energy. Therefore, you need to be very careful with her.

Willow is used in dowsing. With the help of vines, experienced dowsers can find water, iron, and many other things hidden in the earth.

**Signs of Willow
Do not plant a weeping willow under windows - it will bring misfortune, you will cry forever
Decoction of willow branches - for cough
If the willow is covered with frost early in the fall, then there will be a long spring
If a willow blooms at the top during summer bloom, there will be a good harvest, if it blooms in the middle - an average harvest, if it blooms at the very bottom - there will be a crop failure

**Signs Cabbage
When planting cabbage seedlings, you should never laugh, because the cabbage leaves will wrinkle and will not be smooth.
While cabbage seedlings are being planted, you can’t look not only at the rye field, but even stand facing it
If cabbage seedlings are watered with water taken from the first autumn snow, then worms will not eat such cabbage
That cabbage will be white, which was planted during the hours when the moon was in the sky
If you place the cabbage with the same broom that was used to sweep the stove before Easter cake cookies, the worms will immediately leave not only the cabbage, but also the garden

**Signs Potato
Digging and eating potatoes, as well as other vegetables, must begin on the exact day of the week on which the Annunciation fell, then the vegetables will not be wormy and will not rot; in extreme cases, you need to start digging potatoes on Saturday

**Signs Cedar
When double cones appear on a cedar tree, women will give birth to twins that year

**Signs Hemp
To prevent birds from eating hemp, while sowing it, you need to blindfold your eyes and say: “How can I not see?” white light, so the birds would not have seen my seed"
In order for good hemp to grow, boiled chicken eggs are placed in bags with seeds and scattered across the field along with the seeds.

**Signs of the Forest
Travelers who are not familiar enough with the forest, watchmen, berry pickers and mushroom pickers should wear a shirt turned inside out so that the goblin does not pester them and so as not to get lost
The oak tree rustled - to bad weather
In winter the forest is noisy - to the thaw
If the forest turns black in winter, it means bad weather, but if it turns red, it means good weather.

**Signs of Lipa
It is dangerous to cut down a linden tree, because whoever cuts it down will certainly get lost in the forest

**Signs Burdock
For headaches you should put May burdock on your head
Burdock roots - for colds

**Signs Poppy
Self-sown poppy is always tastier than the seeded one, although the latter is more violent than the first.
When poppies are sown, you cannot talk to anyone, despite the need, in extreme cases, you can answer with a nod of the head, but not more than three times, otherwise the poppy will be born with empty heads

**Signs Raspberry
If the first raspberry harvest of the summer is good, then the early rye will be good, the second - the second rye harvest will be good, the third - the late rye will be productive
A failure of the raspberry harvest foreshadows a failure of the rye bread harvest.

**Signs of Fly Agaric
There are a lot of fly agarics in the forest - to mushrooms

**Signs Vegetable
Vegetables should begin to be dug up on the day of the week on which the Annunciation fell this year, or on Saturday, so that they are not worm-eaten and do not rot.
If any vegetable produces a lot of leaves and little fruit, then next year it will all go into fruit.
When a housewife treats someone with her vegetables in the garden, she should not choose, but serve the first one available, otherwise the growth of all vegetables will stop
Any loan of vegetables while they are still growing in the garden has a very beneficial effect on the growth of others, so you should not regret borrowing vegetables
But under no circumstances should you borrow vegetables on the days they were sown.
What will the taste of the first vegetable eaten in the garden be like, the same will be the taste of the last one eaten there
Whatever the housewife intends to sow in the garden, she first of all goes to the fence and through it throws a few seeds onto the prepared place, and then enters the garden and sows: the sown vegetables will be good growing and tasty

**Signs Cucumber
Cucumbers sown on Wednesday or Friday usually taste bitter
Cucumbers should be salted for the new month, just like all preparations in general.
Pickles must be shaken in a tub or barrel on the day of the Exaltation (September 27), then they are better preserved

**Signs of Oleander
If there is a girl-bride in the house, then you cannot keep an oleander flower, otherwise the girl will not get married

**Signs Alder
If there are a lot of catkins on the alder tree during flowering, then there will be a good pea harvest in the coming summer

**Signs Walnut
Anyone who wants to find a lot of nuts should, when leaving the yard, throw a full handful of sand in front of him, but not look in that direction until the sand settles down and the dust clears, after which you will collect as many nuts as there were grains of sand in the handful
Whoever picks and preserves the first color of a nut will be able to use it to find treasure on the night of Ivan Kupala
An abundant harvest of nuts can be determined by the corresponding harvest of rye or spring bread
A thunderstorm on the Feast of the Annunciation portends a rich harvest of nuts
The double nut and especially the triple nut should be saved and not eaten; the one who finds such a nut is considered lucky, and the one who constantly carries it with him, every enterprise, every work will be happy and successful
It is a sin to eat nuts before the Exaltation
If you cook nut shell in a tightly closed pot and wash the hairy part of the body three times with this decoction, then all the hair from that place will fall out and will never grow again

**Signs of Aspen
If you hit a cow or horse with an aspen stick, they will dry out

**Signs Pepper
You should not trample pepper that spills on the floor: a quarrel may soon occur between family members

**Signs of Moss
It is not advisable to keep this plant at home, as it portends a quarrel.

**Signs Ivy
Whoever has ivy in his house must inevitably be subject to misfortune

**Signs Sunflower
If, when sowing a sunflower, the sower eats the seeds, then the sown sunflowers will be pecked by sparrows

**Signs of Seedlings
When preparing a seedling, you need to be careful that the feces of goats, sheep or birds do not get there - the seedlings will burn
You need to sow seedlings and plant them on the very day when the first snow fell in the fall
When planting seedlings, it is good to smear your hands with lard, then the worms will not eat the plantings
When planting the first seedlings, you need to grab the head with both hands so that the fruits are large, round and strong, like the head
It is useful to water the planted seedlings with water in which the sheep were washed before shearing.
To prevent worms from infesting cabbage seedlings, it is good to water them with water from the first autumn snow collected for this purpose in the garden

**Signs Radish
The radish will definitely go into the trunk if the housewife looks at men during sowing
The radish will be especially bitter and will go up the trunk if it was sown on the day when smoke came out of the chimney in a straight column
If one of the radish lovers uses a knife to cut it from the bottom, and not from the top, starting from the sprout, then although he will eat a lot of it, he will not have radish burps

**Signs of Turnip
In order for good turnips to be born, a woman must wash herself and dress in a clean dress before sowing, and let her hair down during sowing.
For a good harvest of turnips or radishes, when sowing, you should say: “Mouse in the hole!” - and at the same time spit three times

**Signs Rye
If in someone's rye there are knotweed, that is, double ears of corn, then this foreshadows the appearance of twins in the house, but if such knotweed is given to a sheep, then twins will be born to her, and not to the owners, and then, with all the desire, neither the owners nor their relatives will not have twins for the rest of their lives
Rye sown on Tuesday and Saturday will yield much better than rye sown on Wednesday and Friday
With a good rye harvest, there is abundant fishing

**Signs Rose
From the day the roses bloom until the last day of August, lunchtime is dangerous.

**Signs of Rowan
If beads made from rowan fruits are hanging on the wall near the bed unmarried girl suddenly they tear and fall apart, this is a sure sign that a wedding will take place in the near future. In addition, in which direction there are more berries, the future groom should be expected to come from there.
If suddenly the mountain ash growing in the yard begins to hurt and dry out, it means that not everything is going well in the family. The reason may be an evil spell cast by someone, frequent discord and quarrels. This may also mean that love has left the married couple of this house.
The abundance of berries on the mountain ash foreshadows a large harvest of rye bread
A large harvest of rowan - to smallpox
The more flowers there are on the rowan tree, the rainier the coming summer will be, and the more barren the bread harvest, and the greater the buckwheat harvest.
Whoever loves to eat rowan berries will suffer from toothache
If the leaves of the mountain ash wither and remain for the winter, then there will be severe frosts

**Signs of the Garden
You should not allow the first fruits of a young tree in the garden to be eaten by someone else, and not your own, from the family. This will lead to the fact that fruits will begin to fall off from old trees. As for the young tree, there will be no fruit on it for as many years as there are pieces that are plucked and eaten by a stranger. The best thing is to pick flowers or the first fruits in the ovary, and not allow them to ripen
The garden blooms late - to the death of the owner
If any tree blooms a second time in the garden, this portends misfortune for the owner and even a dead person in the house, who will most likely be the owner or mistress, especially if the apple tree blooms in the fall
When it is cold during the flowering of the gardens, then the same cold will remain during the harvest of rye bread.

**Signs Seeds
To prevent planted vegetables from being eaten by worms, before planting, their seeds are placed in a drilled beetroot, the hole in which is plugged with a beetroot plug (as is known, beetroot is the only vegetable that worms do not eat) and left for two days, after which the seeds are supposedly given protective properties. properties of beetroot

**Signs Lilac
Finding a five-petalled lilac flower is lucky; if you eat it after making a wish, it will certainly come true

**Signs Currant
A rich currant harvest portends a weak harvest of spring bread

**Signs Tobacco
Those who smoke tobacco have a pale matte color to their body.
If the tobacco in the snuff box sticks to the lid, the weather will be damp

**Signs Grass
Where green grass grows, there is water nearby

**Signs Pumpkin
If pumpkins rot, this portends pestilence.
A bountiful pumpkin harvest, no matter how joyful in the economic sense, portends domestic misfortune

**Signs Hops
The demonic potion, according to the schismatics, grew on the grave of a famous harlot, just like tobacco, but if tobacco grew from her womb, then hops grew from her head, therefore hops are somewhat nobler than tobacco
Hops in a boot saves you from damage

**Signs Bird cherry
The bird cherry blossoms - the nightingales arrive

a lot of things according to signs....
A wedding ceremony is also associated with the viburnum, which in the old days was called “breaking the viburnum.” On the table for the young people they placed a ham of meat and a bottle of wine, tucked in with a bunch of viburnum with a scarlet ribbon in the leaves. They were not touched until the bride and groom went around all the houses in the village, treating all relatives, neighbors and visiting guests. Upon returning to the wedding table, the groom “destroys” the ham and, having “split” the viburnum, distributes the wine, treating those sitting at the table. Everyone tried the viburnum wine, asking the newlyweds to drown out its bitterness with a sweet kiss. Isn’t this where the famous Russian “Gorko” came from?

Along with viburnum, its friend, the curly rowan, was revered at weddings, the red berries of which reminded people of the “lightning color of Perun,” and the branches were taken as a symbol of his club. Such a high comparison was not accidental. Rowan served as a talisman, a tree against evil and unclean things. With rowan branches, the matchmaker certainly walked around the house where the newlyweds were to spend the night. Particular attention was paid to the bed. Rowan leaves lay under the pillows, and a sprig of rowan with magical symbols carved on it was always placed next to the marriage bed. To prevent spoiling the newlyweds, the matchmaker put rowan leaves in their shoes, the bride wore rowan beads, and the groom attached a bunch of berries to his belt.

Rowan protects and prevents illness.
Rowan has always been a talisman that protected the living from the kingdom of the dead. It is not for nothing that immediately after the funeral, a small cross made of rowan branches, tied with red threads, was placed on the grave of a deceased person. Returning from the cemetery, the peasants secured rowan branches on the doors so that the deceased could not return home. Giving the mountain ash sanctity, it was kept, forbidding cutting and breaking. This ban was not based on paper, but on beliefs, and therefore was stronger than state laws. It was believed that a person who “offended” a rowan tree would soon get sick and die. Before breaking a rowan branch, one was supposed to bow to the tree and explain to it why they were taking part of it from him. Then the rowan will not harm the offender, but, on the contrary, will do what is asked of it. A fool who dares to break off a rowan tree just like that will have to struggle with his teeth and ask for forgiveness from the tree, on his knees. There was even a special spell for toothache, which was pronounced in front of a tree at dawn. “Rowan, rowan, take my illness, from now on I won’t eat you forever.”.

According to popular belief, rowan helped to get rid of not only tooth decay, but also more serious ailments. The Magi treated people by asking them to crawl through a rowan bush three times, and then stand every hour, pressing their backs tightly against the rowan trunk. It was believed that in this way the body was completely cleansed of the cause of the disease. The patient was given rowan juice for several days and fed with rowan berry paste.

There are many folk signs associated with rowan and viburnum. “Wait for the warmth, since the potassium has bloomed,” the peasants said when they went to sow flax. If you finish sowing it before the viburnum flowers fly around, the harvest will be excellent. The flowering of rowan trees was considered a favorable time for planting cucumbers, beans and pumpkins. If the tree bloomed late, they waited for a long autumn. I noticed the folk calendar and the viburnum harvest. If there are few berries, the autumn will be dry, and if the rowan branches burst under the bunches, it means that the autumn rains will come, and the coming winter will be frosty.

In August, Kalinov Day was celebrated on the 11th. It was often subject to frosts, which were popularly called Kalinnikami. Fearing them, the peasants said: “Lord, sweep away Kalinnik with darkness, that is, with fog, and not with frost.” If the morning of Viburnum Day was foggy, an excellent harvest of oats and barley was expected. In September, which was popularly called the mountain ash, two whole rowan holidays were celebrated. On the eighth day of the month they greeted Natalya the mountain ash. If it was cold on Natalia in the morning, it means that winter will be early and cold. On this day, they began to collect bunches of rowan berries, hanging them to dry in barns and attics. Half of the harvest was left on the branches for the birds. On September 23 a special holiday began. On this day, the name day was celebrated at the rowan tree. Immediately two saints Peter and Paul were called “field ash” in her honor. After them, in the last week of September, the berries, caught by the first frosts, were collected for jams and medicines. They were considered the most valuable and useful.

WHEN NOT TO PLANT or SOW Folk signs for gardeners!

Potatoes cannot be planted on Palm Week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays - they will spoil.

If spring is early, then cabbage, like onions, is sown in the fourth week of Lent or later - in the fifth.

If spring is late, then sowing is done in the last days of Holy Week, especially on Saturday.

It is better to plant sunflowers on Saturday, before sunrise or after sunset. The latter is preferable. When planting, they are silent and do not bite the seeds.

Both sowing and planting beets are undesirable during Palm Week.

It is better to sow peas at dawn, on Holy Thursday or Saturday, in late April and early May.

It is better to soak the seeds for sowing carrots early in the morning. And it is advisable to sow without strangers.

It is preferable to plant pumpkin on market day or Tuesday.

The birch tree's earrings burst - it's time to sow bread.

Fluffy “lambs” have appeared on the willow and daffodils are blooming - it’s time to sow radishes, red cabbage, lettuce, early radishes, and kohlrabi.

Potatoes are planted when elderberry and bird cherry blossom. The cherry blossoms mean you can sow corn. The oak is developing - time to sow peas.

Onion seedlings need to be planted before the frogs croak.

The cherries are blooming - sow dill.

The flowering of hazel and violets is the most suitable time for sowing carrots and parsley.

When the lilacs begin to bloom and the round heads of the leotards turn yellow in the meadow, sow summer head lettuce.

The frog croaks - the oats will say: “Sow me.” The latest time to sow oats is when the apple trees bloom.

The best time to sow barley is when the leaf on the oak tree is the size of a penny.

The rowan tree is blooming - you can sow cucumbers and tomatoes.

The flowering of viburnum reminds you that you need to plant cucumbers and tomatoes.

The flowering of viburnum reminds you that you need to sow pumpkin and squash.

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Signs about cherries.

Cherry is a tree especially revered by our ancestors. It blooms before it puts on foliage, symbolizing the arrival of the human soul into earthly life. Delicate fragrant cherry flowers were associated with a pure virgin bride, sweet berries - with happy motherhood, The Cherry Orchard- with a prosperous family.

Cherries were always planted near the house to attract good luck and prosperity to all residents.

If a guy and a young woman met for the first time under the branches of a cherry tree, this is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Breaking off the branches of a flowering tree means illness and trouble.

Abundant flowering heralded an unprecedentedly rich harvest of mushrooms.

The secondary blossoming of the cherry tree promised death to those who feasted on the fruits of this tree.

The cherry promises many fruits if the first berry is eaten by a woman who has just given birth to her first child.

If this tree has not yet said goodbye to its foliage in the fall, expect a thaw.

Snow that falls before the cherry leaves have completely fallen will melt quickly.

The cherry blossoms are in bloom - it’s time to sow dill.

Winemakers planted this tree in the vineyard to improve the taste of wine.

To avoid fatally choking on a cherry pit, you need to rub your shoes with leaves from this tree.

If love never happens, and waiting is completely unbearable, there is a way out: you need to go to the nearest forest, find a wild blooming cherry tree there and tie a strand of hair from your wild little head onto its branch.

Also, on the bright holiday of Easter, active young people went to the forest in search of a perfectly slender tree, doused it with wine and dashingly cut it down, brought it to the central square of their native village, decorated it with bright ribbons, elegant scarves and organized festivities around it with songs and fiery dances.

A fire was lit under the branches of cherry blossom trees to increase the yield of the land.

If someone in the family was seriously ill, they plucked leaves from this tree and stuffed them into a pillow, which they placed under the suffering head.

9 best varieties of common bird cherry

Our ancestors also planted bird cherry trees near the house. And not only because it blooms beautifully and exudes a wonderful aroma. During flowering, the tree releases phytoncides into the air, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. It was believed that standing in the shade of a tree could ward off illness. Let's take a closer look at the varieties of common bird cherry and its areas of application.

Folk signs associated with bird cherry blossoms

The tree blooms in May or early June. Flowers collected in oblong inflorescences smell pleasant and attract bees. Bird cherry is an excellent honey plant. This is another reason why they tried to plant them near houses or on personal plots. The tree or shrub is widespread throughout Russia: from the European part to Siberia and the Far East. That is why, along with the birch, it can be considered a symbol of the Central Russian Plain.

Bird cherry in bloom

The most common type is the common bird cherry, also called carpal bird. She throws out clusters of white inflorescences. Of the 20 tree varieties, 7 are cultivated on our territory. Among them stand out decorative types. Their unusually beautiful inflorescences, from yellowish multi-colored to double pink, are used in landscape design to decorate garden and park compositions and personal plots.

But for most people, fragrant flowering symbolizes the renewal of nature and an optimistic spring mood.

What types of bird cherry are there?

In addition to the common bird cherry familiar to everyone, The Virgin Cherry variety has taken root. This beautiful plant migrated from North America.


The tree grows up to 15 meters. Unlike the brush cherry, which has black fruits, the virginia bunches of berries are dark red.. Blooms with white inflorescences. The plant looks especially impressive in autumn. The leaves turn burgundy-red. Tolerates hot weather and winter well. Loves moist soils and light. Propagates from seeds and root shoots. Virgin bird cherry has several varieties, depending on the type of fruit (black, yellow, light red). The shape of the tree is short and with drooping branches (weeping bird cherry).

Common Colorata

It looks more like a bush, as it reaches a height of up to 5 meters. The unusual leaves, colored in shades of purple and red in spring, turn green by summer. In autumn the foliage turns red again. But the plant is especially beautiful during the flowering period. Lush pink inflorescences with a delicate almond aroma. The twigs and bark also have a purple tint. It sends out shoots from the root, so it reproduces easily. Loves moisture, light, tolerates winter well. Like most types of bird cherry, it is susceptible to spring frosts. Black fruits ripen by August.

The main habitat is North America, but has taken root in the temperate latitudes of our country. Powerful tree with a well-developed crown up to 20 meters. Bright green foliage in summer, turning yellow-red in autumn. It is called “late” because it blooms 2 weeks later, in late May-early June. Black round fruits ripen at the end of August. The fruits are twice as large as those of ordinary bird cherry, juicier and without an astringent aftertaste. It is also called “rum cherry” due to its dessert taste. It makes delicious tinctures. The tree is highly self-fertile, tolerates winter well, and has a powerful root system.

Antipka (Magalebskaya)

An amazing shrub with powerful roots that can live up to 200 years. Not picky about soil, can grow on rocky slopes. The Middle East and Europe are considered their homeland. The value of this variety is that it is perfect for cherry and plum rootstocks. Since bird cherry belongs to the plum family. The bush is used to strengthen crumbling slopes. The bark of the shrub contains coumarin, an aromatic substance used in perfumery. Small white inflorescences cover the entire bush during flowering, emitting a pleasant aroma. The fruits are small and black.


It has taken root well in middle and northern latitudes. Characterized by abundant flowering. Dark fruits Brown have a sweet-sour and tart taste. High yield and early date ripening and winter hardiness make the tree suitable for growing in cold climates. A tree up to 5 meters high produces up to 15 kg of berries.

Self-fertile and Sakhalin (Siberian cherries)

Early ripening varieties, the berries ripen in July, bred by Siberian breeders. They tolerate frosts well. Give a consistently good harvest of up to 20-22 kg. Resistant to diseases. They easily tolerate spring frosts. Trees with a powerful crown up to 8 meters bloom with large white inflorescences. The varieties differ in the taste of the berries.

Small-serrated Amanogova (sakura)

Sakura Amanogova has the most beautiful blossoms. Bird cherry belongs to the genus of plums, according to its species characteristics it belongs to cherry.. Therefore, the famous Japanese sakura is also a bird cherry. Small-serrated Amonogova decorative tree dome-shaped. Double white and pink flowers cover the entire tree. Extraordinary beautiful bloom and delicate aroma glorified sakura as one of the miracles created by nature.

Ssyori (Far Eastern, Ainu)

A beautiful powerful tree reaching 10 to 20 meters in height. Distribution area: Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. When the inflorescences bloom, they are colored red-purple, later turning white. The length of the inflorescence is up to 15 centimeters, with a beautiful bell-shaped flower shape and a delicate aroma. Large berries up to 12 mm.

Healing properties of wood

Healers in ancient times knew about the healing properties of the plant, which are contained in the bark, leaves and berries.

Therefore, they were actively used for treatment:

  • phytoncides, which are contained in the bark of the tree, were used in the form of decoctions or made tinctures. The bark was removed in thin strips in the spring. Used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fever and diaphoretic. Tinctures help well with rheumatism.
  • for lung diseases A decoction of leaves and flowers is useful. An infusion of flowers treats the mucous membranes of the eyes. The bark is used to treat rheumatism;
  • Bird cherry decoction

    • fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. Vitamins P, the so-called flavonoids, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Amygdalin (B17, most abundant in bones) is used as an antitumor and anticancer substance. Sugars, citric acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, essential and fatty oils (in the seeds), mineral elements, including molybdenum and titanium, are contained in the fruits. Therefore, they are used as a restorative remedy for many stomach diseases and colds. Tannins and astringents from the fruit are used to combat diarrhea;
    • It is thanks to these properties that bird cherry has found application in medicine and home cooking.

      Use in cooking

      Bird cherry is widely used in cooking. The berries are inferior in taste to their relatives - cherries, cherries and plums. due to their slightly astringent taste and sourness, but they are healthy for the body and aromatic.

      Dried berries are ground into flour. Used as an additive to bakery products. The baked goods acquire a delicate delicate aroma.


      • a cake is baked from bird cherry flour;
      • make delicious bird cherry kvass;
      • tinctures and liqueurs are made on its basis;
      • fresh berries are an excellent filling for pies;
      • make jelly, fruit drinks, syrups;
      • young leaves can be used for salads;
      • make tea;
      • making jam.
      • Bird cherry is especially valuable for the northern regions, where berries that can be grown in temperate latitudes cannot ripen.

        Bird cherry is widespread throughout our country. It pleases with its flowering and delicate aroma. Used in medicine and cooking. Gardeners are planting new varieties. Decorative tree species are used in landscape gardening. Poets and writers wrote about bird cherry with warmth and love.

        Alder blossom. When does alder bloom?

        The flowering of alder depends on its place of growth and type.

        Alder usually blooms early in the spring. Even extremely early - before everyone else. The alder may not have leaves at this time. The fact that the alder is blooming is immediately noticeable. Long, loose catkins (male inflorescences of many staminate flowers) hang from the branches.

        Seaside alder blooms in autumn, October - December.

        Flowering occurs before or during leaf bloom.

        Alder blossoms in April - May. The timing of flowering depends on the zone (latitude) in which the tree grows. Alder usually flowers before its leaves appear, or around the time they bloom.

        On one tree, staminate (male) and pistillate (female) flowers are formed simultaneously.

        The famous “alder earring” is male flowers from which pollen flies. Female flowers less noticeable ones are small bumps (up to 2 cm). Pollen falls on them, fertilization occurs, and fruits are formed - flat small nuts.

        Signs and superstitions associated with the money tree - why it falls, dies, blooms

        There are more signs and superstitions around the money tree than around many other plants. Proper care watching this plant in someone's house will bring wealth, prosperity and happiness to the family. Also, the fat woman is able to show what kind of energy currently prevails in the home and talk about what awaits the inhabitants of the house in the future in terms of financial stability.

        Care tips

        It is believed that the closest energetic connection between the money tree and the inhabitants of the home is established when it is grown with one’s own hands from a seed or a small shoot. For this plant, attention and care are even more important than for others. It is worth adhering to the following guidelines:

      • You should really make friends with a fat woman so that she can help you maintain your material well-being. To do this, it is worth giving her maximum attention and care. This indoor flower loves communication - you should tell it about your financial problems and thank it for its help. The environment is best suited for this.
      • It is worth taking care that dust does not accumulate on the leaves of the plant - this is harmful both from an energy point of view and objectively has a detrimental effect on the health of the fat plant.
      • It is best to place a pot with this plant in the south-eastern part of the apartment. However, you should make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
      • From time to time it is worth tying bills to the money tree or placing them between the leaves. From time to time it is worth replacing them with new ones.
      • Other care signs

        It is believed that a money tree should not be placed next to electrical appliances, and vice versa. This especially applies to televisions, microwaves and mobile phones. The fact is that this technique takes away positive energy plants.

        This plant loves the color red - it enhances the energy effects of the money tree. An excellent solution would be to plant the fat plant in a red flowerpot. You can also tie it or the plant itself with a red ribbon.

        For each change or money received in any other way, it is worth separating one coin and placing it on the ground next to the money tree for a while. This will enhance the beneficial effect on material well-being.

        It's not just money that loves counting. Periodically counting the leaves of the money tree will help increase your chances of acquiring wealth. This process can be combined with dusting - thus, you will combine caring for the plant and raising money.

        Burying a coin in a pot

        Exists great way significantly enhance the energy of the money tree in the long term. At the moment when you plant the crassula in a pot or flowerpot, you should place a few coins in the soil.

        Several ways to perform the ritual:

      • Coins in any quantity are placed at the bottom of the pot before filling it with soil and planting a money tree;
      • According to another belief, there should be a fixed number of coins, namely three pieces. In this case, the energy of the plant will be the strongest and most focused;
      • According to Feng Shui supporters, there should be an even number of coins, namely eight;
      • Another way is to place three coins under the flowerpot itself.
      • Flowering money tree - meaning

        Crassula is a plant that blooms quite rarely. It's worth showing best care behind it indoor flower so that this moment comes as quickly as possible, since during its flowering it has the greatest impact on finances. Flowering also portends imminent enrichment.

        Another bonus that you can get the moment the plant blooms is the opportunity to make wishes that are likely to come true. Material dreams and ideas are best suited. During this period, the inhabitants of the house will receive profit from a variety of and often unexpected sources.

        Why is the money tree dying?

        Do not prematurely panic and worry if you find the money tree has died symbolic meaning and a harbinger of financial collapse. Such an annoying nuisance can happen to any indoor plant.

        To begin with, you should pay attention to the following points:

      • How well the care was provided;
      • Maintaining optimal levels of moisture and temperature;
      • Fertilizer frequency.
      • It is worth adjusting your own care for the plant. If the changes made do not lead to anything and the plant continues to disappear, it is worth cutting off the healthiest shoot from it and replanting it, growing a new money tree.

        If some of your Crassula leaves have dried out and fallen off, this is a good sign, as they symbolize gems. It’s worth collecting them carefully and carefully storing them in your wallet to attract additional profit.

        If all the leaves have dried out and fallen off, this is a bad sign. However, its consequences can be prevented by carrying out such measures as replanting the plant and its additional fertilizer.

        Money tree as a gift

        A common question is whether it is possible to give a money tree. There is a clear answer to this: tea tree - great gift, especially if it is presented for a wedding.

        This plant will play an important role in the financial well-being of the future family. Tying it with a red ribbon will help to simultaneously give it a gift-like appearance and enhance its energy.

        Also, using a scarlet or red ribbon, you should tie several banknotes, beautifully rolled into a tube, to the tree. It is important to give this flower with only the brightest thoughts and pure intentions. Wishes for prosperity and happiness should be sincere and joyful.

        Many people believe that a money tree should not be given as a gift or moved from house to house, as this action will lead to deterioration. financial situation both the one who gives the plant and the one who accepts the gift. If you believe in this sign and are afraid of it, the person accepting the tree can pay the donor a small symbolic amount. This will protect both of them from all sorts of risks.

        Cherry blossom problems: causes, solutions, prevention

        Cherry is one of the most common fruit trees in the gardens. It can be found both in private households and in large industrial complexes. This berry is eaten fresh and dried, used for various types of preservation, and, together with the petioles and leaves, is used in the medicinal industry. But getting a large and high-quality harvest is not always easy. The basis for the abundant fruiting of cherries, like any fruit tree, is, of course, flowering. If on this important stage If there were any problems, then the gardening season may be unsuccessful.

        How and when cherry blossoms

        Many different varieties of cherries are grown in our country. Depending on the timing of flowering and fruit ripening, they can be divided into groups:

        • early varieties begin to bloom in early May;
        • in mid-May trees bloom, which will produce a harvest in the middle period (early July);
        • cherries with late buds open towards the end of the last spring month.
        • Depending on the climate of the region or local weather conditions, the flowering dates may shift slightly.

          The flowering period is short - from 2 to 5 days. White or pink flowers are collected in umbrellas and usually appear simultaneously with the leaves or a little earlier.

          The flowering period is at the same time the moment of pollination, on which the percentage of ovaries of the future harvest depends on the cherry. This is influenced by weather conditions, because they determine the activity of pollinating insects and the viability of flower pollen. Moreover, not only cold and rainy weather, but also too hot for spring (more than 30 o C) can be unfavorable.

          The future harvest depends on the weather during cherry blossoms

          Often gardeners can observe an unpleasant picture: after abundant flowering The cherry tree does not bear future fruits, or the tree did not bloom at all in due time.

          Cherry doesn't bloom

          In this case, there are several possible reasons. Each of them has its own characteristics and solution methods.

          Young garden

          If a year after planting you are saddened to discover that the young cherries have not bloomed, do not rush to get upset. Be sure to make allowances for the fact that the trees have not yet reached full strength; they may not bloom even with favorable conditions. In a couple of years, the young cherries will grow and become stronger; with proper care, flowers will definitely appear on them.

          The tree is tired

          There are cases when cherries, which had previously fruited successfully for several years, did not bloom. If the weather conditions were good and no signs of disease were found during inspection, then most likely the tree needed rest. Probably, next year the cherries that have gained strength will again please with a good harvest.

          Trees get tired on soils with little nutrients.

          This is one of the most dangerous reasons that can manifest itself in different time of the year. For example, if the autumn turned out to be unusually warm, then the cherry tree, instead of entering the dormant period at the usual time, may produce new shoots. But with the onset of winter, the flowering buds on them will freeze.

          Late spring frosts are also common, especially in middle lane Russia. A sudden drop in temperature during established warm weather can cause irreparable damage to a tree. -4 o C is the critical point at which buds die, at -2 o C - flowers, at -1 o C - ovaries.

          If you know that similar phenomena have been observed in your region for several years, then try to take care of your garden in advance. Create conditions to delay the moment of flowering. To do this, during the period when the snow has not yet melted, it is necessary to throw it in a large volume in trunk circle. Thus, when it gets warmer, the roots of the cherries will remain in the cold, which will artificially delay the moment of bud formation and, accordingly, flowering.

          If warm weather has already established itself, the buds have formed, but suddenly the weather forecasters promised a decrease in temperature, it is necessary to use the smoking method or the sprinkling method. This is done in order to maintain optimal conditions for the cherries.

          Table: how to save cherry blossoms

          The ice crust on the trees will serve as protection that retains heat during late frosts

          If your region falls into unfavorable climate zone, choose late-flowering varieties in advance. There are also varieties that initially have high resistance flower buds To low temperatures: Generous, Raspletka, Crimson, Lyubskaya, Orleya, Apukhtinskaya, Ural ruby.

          Lack of nutrition

          If cherries grow in poor or highly acidic soils, such as sandy or peaty soils, they may be lacking nutrients. To reduce acidity, add lime or chalk to the soil. To enrich land with a small amount of nutrients, fertilize with organic fertilizers. To do this, you can use humus, which must be added to a depth of 10 cm at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m2 of crown projection. This feeding should be done in April and no more than once every 2–3 years.

          Humus will provide trees with nutrients for a long time

          Weakening cherries by diseases

          Another reason for the lack of flowering may be disease damage to the tree. If you find negative signs, then preventive measures It’s too late to do this and it’s necessary to do urgent garden treatment.

          Table: cherry diseases

    1. Burning affected leaves, branches, fruits, as with coccomycosis, will reduce the spread of the fungus.
    2. Before the flower buds bloom, the cherry and the ground underneath it are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux mixture.
    3. After the tree has flowered, apply 1% Bordeaux mixture.
    4. You can also use Abiga-Pik, Horus, Fthalan, Kuprozan (according to instructions).

    Photo gallery: the most common cherry diseases

    Video: how to deal with moniliosis

    Cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit

    There are several reasons that influence the lack of cherry harvest, even if the flowering period was favorable.

    Lack of pollinators or good conditions for pollination

    It should be remembered that many cherry varieties are not self-pollinating. Therefore, to ensure ovaries, it is necessary that trees grow nearby, which will serve as pollinators for each other. When selecting varieties for these purposes, it is important to take into account the timing of flowering and fruiting. It is necessary that they match. Sometimes, if there is no space on the site for planting pollinators, they are grafted into the crown of already growing trees.

    If there are no pollinators in the garden, this does not mean a complete lack of harvest, but cherries will be able to use their potential by no more than 7%, and those varieties that are self-fertile - by 40%.

    Pollination efficiency is also affected by weather conditions. If the flowering period is rainy and cold, both the quality of pollen and the activity of pollinating insects decrease. Additional spraying of cherries with sugar syrup will help attract them. It can be prepared by dissolving 1 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 liter of water.

    The bee is the gardener's main friend and ally in obtaining a large harvest.

    Unfavorable conditions of detention

    If initially the place for planting cherries was chosen poorly, then in the future this will be the reason for the lack of harvest. Cherries will bear little fruit in shaded areas.

    As with lack of flowering, poor soil quality can impact yields. To preserve as many ovaries as possible, from which the berries will develop, it is necessary to support the cherry by spraying with nitrogen fertilizer, for example, a 40% urea solution. This procedure is carried out twice: the first time 1.5 weeks after the end of flowering, the second time 14 days after the first feeding.

    Do not forget to feed the cherries in a timely manner so as not to resort to emergency measures. Cherries are not picky and require fertilization every 3–5 years. And on fertile soils, there may be enough nutrients that enter the soil from a layer of mulch laid out in the root circle.

    Mention should also be made of the necessary process of crown formation. After all, a too thick, irregular crown will prevent insects from approaching the flowers, and the cherry tree will devote most of its energy to foliage growth rather than fruiting.

    Video: how to trim cherries

    Cherry dries after flowering

    As a rule, strong unnatural splendor of the flower cover does not indicate the health of the tree, but completely the opposite. At such moments, this is the last attempt of a dying tree to devote all its strength to creating large quantity seeds for subsequent propagation.

    The most effective method against cherry death is prevention of all possible causes.