Audiobook of Uspensky myths of ancient Greece. Audiobooks Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece listen online for free

Theseus - greatest hero ancient Greek mythology. Noble and fearless. It was he who defeated the terrible Minotaur - a monster with the head of a bull. The Minotaur is imprisoned in the Labyrinth, from which...

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Ancient Greek culture left us with a legacy amazing myths about almighty gods and wise goddesses, about dangerous journeys and glorious campaigns.
"...And Zeus took the high sky under his hand. And his brothers took control of him: the shaker of the earth Poseidon - the sea, and the gloomy Hades - the underworld. And the divine Law reigned in the world. And the gods gave birth to new gods and heroes among people. And it became like this."
Fight the gorgon Medusa, defeat the sea monster and win the heart of the beautiful Andromeda - only a true hero - brave and proud - can do all this. Will Perseus be able to prove his right to be called the son of Zeus himself?
The legend of the brave hero has also reached us. Ancient Greece- Hercules. To atone for previous sins and gain immortality, Hercules must perform twelve labors.
Theseus is the greatest hero of ancient Greek mythology. Noble and fearless. It was he who defeated the terrible Minotaur - a monster with the head of a bull. The Minotaur is imprisoned in the Labyrinth, from which it is impossible to leave. Once every nine years, seven of the bravest young men and seven of the most beautiful girls entered the Labyrinth. And the ferocious monster spared no one! How will Theseus defeat the monster? Who will help him?
The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is a beautiful and sad love story. Having lost his beloved, Orpheus goes after her to the underworld, to the formidable god of death Hades. After all, life without his beloved is difficult and unbearable, and no earthly joys can help Orpheus forget the beautiful Eurydice.
The ancient Greek hero Jason goes to distant Colchis for the Golden Fleece. Many dangerous adventures befall Jason and his friends.
Performers: Burnaevsky A., Karachentsov N., Rybalka S., Zorkina N., Borisov D., Volkova M., Dedik R.
Playing time: 06:06
Format: MP3
Media: 1audio
For children 6-14 years old.



Type: audiobook
Genre: Legends
Kun N.A.
Performer: Fedosov S.
Publisher: Ardis
Total playing time: 10 o'clock 23 min.
Audio: MP3
audio_bitrate: 128


Ancient myths and legends, which are more than three thousand years old, are extremely interesting and educational. They testify to that distant time when Olympus was inhabited by omnipotent gods who decided the destinies of people, when heroes took part in exciting fights and bravely rushed to fight evil.

The book by Nikolai Albertovich Kun belongs to the Russian classics: through it, many generations of our compatriots have discovered the world of ancient legends and beliefs. Expressiveness and clarity of presentation, brilliant knowledge of the spiritual heritage of Ancient Greece are the main features of N.A.’s book. Kuna.

For the first time you have the opportunity to hear full version wonderful book.

Add. information:

Published in two books:
1. Gods and heroes
2. Ancient Greek epic

I only have Gods and heroes.


Mr President, Grozny


08-10-2014 11:38:42


ON THE. Kun - Legends and myths of Ancient Greece: "Agamemnon and his son Orestes", "Theban cycle"

Author: Kun Nikolay
Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: Mythology, Folklore
Publisher: ARDIS

Duration: 10:25:35
Description: Ancient myths and legends, which are more than three thousand years old, are extremely interesting and educational. They testify to that distant time when Olympus was inhabited by omnipotent gods who decided the destinies of people, when heroes took part in exciting fights and bravely rushed to fight evil. The book by Nikolai Albertovich Kun belongs to the Russian classics: it has been used by many generations of our compatriots from...


Legends and myths of Ancient Greece (Nikolai Kun)

ISBN: 978-5-9533-3004-6

Author: Nikolay Kun
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: myths and legends
Publisher: "Veche". Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 464
Description: Book by Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877-1940), famous Russian historian and teacher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Moscow State University, “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece” is the most authoritative collection of legends and traditions of the classical epic; it is a reference book for children and adults in many countries of the world. Based on materials from the book by N.A. Kuna already long years V educational institutions Russia and the CIS countries are...


Legends and myths of Ancient Greece

Year of manufacture: 2005
Author: CD com
Performer: Nikolay Karachentsev
Genre: Myths and legends
Number of pages: 3
Description: Gods and heroes. Argonauts. Labors of Hercules.
Add. information: 3 hours 13 minutes.


Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek epic (Kun Nikolai)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Kun Nikolay
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Mythology, Folklore
Publisher: ARDIS
Performer: Stanislav Fedosov
Duration: 10:45:05
Description: For the first time you have the opportunity to hear the full version of the wonderful book by Nikolai Albertovich Kuhn - an outstanding specialist in ancient history and literature. In the literary treatment of ancient myths about the campaign of the Argonauts and the Trojan War, the wanderings of Odysseus and the tragedy of King Oedipus, Kuhn relied on the famous works of ancient Greek authors: Homer’s poems “The Iliad” and “Odyssey”, the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Eurypi...


Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Part I-II (Kun Nikolai)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Kun Nikolay
Year of manufacture: 2006-2007
Genre: Legends, educational
Publisher: Balance
Performer: Efremov Sergey
Duration: 20:48:42
Description: The book "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" by Nikolai Albertovich Kuhn - an outstanding specialist in ancient history and literature - in the author's title it sounds differently "What the ancient Greeks and Romans told about their gods and heroes." Myths and legends that are more than three thousand years old are interesting and educational. They testify to the time when Olympus was inhabited by omnipotent gods who decided the destinies of people, when her...


Legends and tales of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome (Kun Nikolai)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Kun Nikolay
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Legends and tales
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Kirsanov Sergey
Duration: 20:18:31
Description: The content of the book by the late Professor N.A. Kun, one of the most authoritative Soviet historians of ancient Greek culture, is a systematic retelling of Greek myths (tales about fantastic creatures: deities, heroes and monsters who allegedly lived in ancient times in Greece and its surrounding areas countries). Legendary deities personified various...


Myths of ancient Greece (Kachur Elena) ]

Format: audio play, MP3, 148-320 kbpskbps
Author: Kachur Elena
Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: Children's Publishing House "Elena"
Performer: Vladimir Bolotin, Oleg Abramov, Arina Kirsanova, Anatoly Ivanov, Taisiya Avedikova, Evgeny Kondratiev, Dmitry Urosov
Duration: 04:44:00
Description: The exciting adventures of Odysseus, the journey of the Argonauts, the exploits of Hercules - an anthology of legends of ancient Hellas in the form of fascinating performances. Your child will easily learn many terms, concepts and knowledge while having fun. The distribution includes all five books in the series: 1. Daedalus and...


Tales of the Hellenes. Myths of Ancient Greece

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Children's literature, legends and myths
Publisher: Seventh Book
Performer: Oleg Isaev
Duration: 10:34:57
Description: Many centuries ago, the ancient Greeks, peering into the star-studded tent of the night sky, saw more than just a cluster of stars. They were seen in all its grandeur and beauty legendary heroes and mythical creatures ascended to heaven by the almighty gods. A collection of the most legendary tales and myths of ancient Hellas, telling about the exploits and wanderings of Odysseus, Hercules, Perseus, Jason and the Argonauts. Contents 0 ...


History and culture of Ancient Greece (I.E. Surikov (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-9551-0355-6
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: I.E. Surikov (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Encyclopedic Dictionary
Publisher: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures
Russian language
Number of pages: 792
Description: The book is the first in Russian encyclopedic Dictionary, entirely dedicated to ancient Greek civilization and covering all its components, paths and specifics of development. Ancient Greek civilization occupies a special, unique place in the history of mankind: it largely became the foundation on which all subsequent European societies were subsequently formed...


Series "A.N.O.M.A.L.I.Y."

ISBN: 978-5-271-46319-8, 978-5-271-40752-9, 978-5-271-37765-5, A.N.O.M.A.L.I.Y.
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Artemy Ulyanov, Alexey Fomin, Andrey Orlov
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre fiction. Fantasy. Mystic
Publisher: AST, Astrel, Poligrafizdat
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: List of books Artemy Ulyanov - "Ostankino. Zone of the Damned" Ostankino. 16th century. A gang of oprichnik Orna is rampant in the surrounding area. Arson, robbery, torture... A failed sacrifice ends for the guardsman with a mysterious and terrible death in the swamps. Ostankino. Our days... In the area...


N. Makhno: truth and legends. L. Zadov: a man from counterintelligence (Bespechny T.)

Author: Bespechny T.A., Bukreeva T.T.
Format: 96 kb/s, MP3
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Historical literature
Publisher: You Can’t Buy It Anywhere
Performer: Igor Murashko
Duration: 11:49:23
Description: The truth about Nestor Ivanovich Makhno makes its way through. In previous years, next to his name there was always the word “Anarch”, “Enemy of the working people and the revolution”, “Leader of criminal gangs”, etc. In literature and cinema we saw Makhno as the most cruel person, there were many bloody legends about him. Well, how could legends not appear if Makhno was in his Civil War fought with all the authorities without exception...


Legends and myths of the Ancient Sovk (Alexey Didurov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Alexey Didurov
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Contemporary prose
Publisher: VIMBO
Performer: Alexey Bagdasarov
Duration: 08:34:51
Description: Moscow of the 50s, 60s, 70s... Much of what is happening today to Russia and to us originated and matured on the crooked and humpbacked Moscow streets, in echoing alleys and in the depths of the courtyard passage labyrinths of the capital of the USSR . Fates, plots, personalities, types and characters of the adventurous tragicomic theater of urban life - these are the objects of the author's view of Alexei Didurov, who wrote this book in which...


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Format: FB2 / RTF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: S. Valov (editor)
Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Myths, Legends, Epic
Publisher: World of Books; RIC Literature
Russian language
Number of pages: ~6000
Description: Myths and legends of the peoples of the world - the greatest cultural heritage humanity, interest in which has not waned for many centuries. And not only because they themselves are masterpieces of human genius, collected and summarized by many generations of great poets, writers, and thinkers. Knowledge of these legends and myths...


What Zarathustra did not say. Myths and legends of ancient Iran (Cancer I.)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Rak I.
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Mythology
Publisher: SiDiKom
Performer: Vadim Maksimov
Duration: 08:44:35
Description: “...Kersaspa with his with my own hands made a war club and went to look for the evil serpent Servara. It was a horned monster, from whose mouth yellow poison streamed, poisoning everything around. They said that Servara has teeth as long as a human arm, each ear is the size of fourteen blankets, each eye is the size of a wheel, and horns are like branchy trees. And now Kersaspa rode his horse from one end to another, and wondered: why...

It is worth remembering that legends are created by imagination ordinary people. Stories about heroes and their exploits, gods and their super abilities, mysterious natural phenomena and creatures are fictitious. Their origin is of the same nature as legends and fairy tales. And now these works represent an invaluable heritage that belongs to all of humanity.

Myths did not come into being in the form and form in which we know them. This is a type of oral creativity and, passed from one to another, its appearance changed significantly over time - the Greeks passed on stories from mouth to mouth, born of the union of truth and fiction.

The inspired works of the poets Homer and Hesiod, the famous works of Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus allow us not only to get an idea of ​​the legends existing in that culture, but even to fully experience the events described in them. The plots of the legends are so diverse that they boggle the imagination. And the fashion for creating your own myths based on existing ones has completely expanded the creative scope of this type of folklore.

And in the fourth century BC, specialists began to appear in Greece, focusing on the preservation of this fertile layer of culture, and they were called “mythographers.” Some of them, for example D. Samoisky, specialized in compiling genealogical tables and studying tragic myths. These are experts such as:

  • Hippias
  • Herodotus of Heraclea
  • Heraclitus of Pontus and others.

Here you can listen online to the most interesting myths and legends of the wonderful Hellenic era. Audiobooks Myths and legends of ancient Greece - welcome to the ancient world!