Uvarov and Russian tour of the university idea. Historian Pavel Uvarov: “There is no greater delicacy for a publisher than a negative review”

Pavel Yuryevich Uvarov is a major specialist in the field of medieval studies and early modern times, well known both in our country and abroad, the author of more than 250 works. History of France - home research topic Pavel Yuryevich. This is evidenced by his monographs “The French of the 16th Century: A View from the Latin Quarter” (M., 1994), “France of the 16th Century: Experience of Reconstruction Based on Notarial Acts” (M., 2004), “Under the Arches of the Palace of Justice. Seven legal conflicts in France of the 16th century" (Moscow, 2017), as well as a doctoral dissertation, written on the basis of a scrupulous study of notarial acts. The study of notarial acts allowed him to show France and the French of the 16th century through the prism of social, legal, anthropological and micro-history.
Pavel Yuryevich is one of the “practicing historians” - those who like to work directly with the source, draw inspiration from it and can use it to see a person from the distant past. It is not without reason that some of his works are devoted to the problem of “restoring” the individual destinies of people of the past and, thus, understanding a specific personality. This “restoration” is one of the main merits of P.Yu. Uvarov as a historian.
Pavel Yuryevich, as a researcher, has the ability to look at an event in history in a special way - from different sides. This is evidenced by a number of important scientific conferences he held and, in particular, the international conference “Bartholomew’s Night. Event and Controversy" (1997), followed by the publication of her materials, which collected various approaches to this resonant event of the 16th century against the backdrop of the era of the Wars of Religion in France.
Another side of the scientific creativity of P.Yu. Uvarov is his attention to the problem of elite intellectual labor and medieval universities. Pavel Yurievich's master's thesis, defended in 1983 at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. IN AND. Lenin, was devoted precisely to this issue. The University of Paris in his research is in many ways the focus of European universalism, a corporation that is not only capable of teaching dialogue with royal power, but is also a kind of “school of representation.”
Not ignored by P.Yu. Uvarov and historiographical issues.
He professionally examines what, and most importantly, why and how to write
historians. In his works he demonstrates what evolution is
lution of the historiographical process in France and other countries,
explores the specifics of various areas of historical knowledge
in modern Russian medieval studies. The monograph “Between “hedgehogs” and “foxes” is devoted to the peculiarities of the scientific creativity of French and domestic medievalists (R. Munier, E. Le Roy Ladurie, A.Ya. Gurevich, O.I. Varyash, etc.), problems of historiography. Notes on historians" (M., 2015).
P.Yu. Uvarov heads the Department of Western European Middle Ages and Early Modern Times at the Institute of Historical Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and is the executive editor of the main scientific journal of domestic medievalists, “The Middle Ages.” He is also a member of the International Commission on the History of Universities, a member of the editorial boards of such publications as the French Yearbook and Historical Studies.

Question: People of what faiths can come to the lectures?

Answer: Any. There are no religious restrictions.

Question: Does your department train clergy, and for whom?

Answer: No. The department does not train clergy. The Department of Theology is interdisciplinary. It offers several general humanities courses. Their visits are at the choice of students.

Uvarov Pavel Yurievich

Pavel Yurievich Uvarov- Russian historian, specialist in the field of Western European history of the Middle Ages and early modern times. He studies the history of France, the history of Russian-French relations, the history of universities, historiography, and the social history of Europe. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since May 25, 2006 in the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences.

Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin (1978), in 1983 he defended his thesis “University of Paris and public life medieval city(on French-language university works)", in 2003 - a doctoral dissertation "French society of the 16th century: experience of reconstruction based on notarial acts." Main Researcher Institute of World History Russian Academy Sciences, Head of the Department of Western European Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Head of the Russian-French Center for Historical Anthropology named after. M. Blok Russian State University for the Humanities (2006-2010). Member of the International Commission on the History of Universities (ICHU) under the International Committee of Historical Sciences, is a member of the academic councils of the Institute of History of Universities of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian State University for the Humanities. Since 2013 - Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for History and the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Man in Everyday Life: Past and Present".

Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities (teaches courses in the history of France, cultural history and historiography); also teaches a course on the history of the Middle Ages at the State Academic University of Humanities. Since 2009, head of the Department of Social History, Faculty of History, National Research University " graduate School economy". Visiting professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris and the universities Paris4-Sorbonne, Paris1-Panteon, Rennes-2. Professor Emeritus Russian universities(Tomsk, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Kazan, Stavropol). Head of a number of summer schools.

Since 2015 - Professor at the Department of Theology of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Executive editor of the magazine "Middle Ages", member of the editorial boards of the magazine " Russian history"and the almanacs "Odysseus: a man in history", "French Yearbook", "Historical Research". Editor of volume II of the academic “World History” (2012).

Main scientific works and major publications in recent years:

French society in the era of cultural turning point: From Francis I to Louis XIV / Under. ed. P.Yu. Uvarov and E.E. Berger. M., IVI RAS, 2008. 284 p. (18 p.l.);

Margeret Jacques. State Russian Empire. J. Margeret in documents and research: (Texts, comments, Articles) / Ed. An. Berelovich, V.D. Nazarova, P.Yu. Uvarov. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures, 2007. 552 p. (Studia historica);

France 16th century Experiments in reconstruction based on notarial acts. M.: Nauka, 2004. 35 pp.

French society in an era of cultural change: From Francis I to Louis XIV. / answer ed. the author will enter. articles, translations and comments - P.Yu. Uvarov. M. IVI RAS, 2008. (Supplement to the journal "Middle Ages". Issue 3). 284 pp.;

Feudalism: concept and realities / ed. AND I. Gurevich, S.I. Luchitskaya, P.Yu. Uvarov. M., IVI RAS, 2008;

Social self-identification of medieval man / Ed. A.A. Svanidze, P.Yu. Uvarov. M.: Nauka, 2007.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher, Head
Education, academic degrees
  • Doctor of Science: 2003, specialty 07.00.00 “Historical Sciences and Archeology”, dissertation topic: French society of the 16th century. Experiences in reconstruction based on notarial deeds
  • Candidate of Sciences: 1983, specialty 07.00.00 “Historical Sciences and Archeology”, dissertation topic: University of Paris XIII – beginning. XIV centuries and social life of a medieval French city"
  • Moscow State pedagogical institute them. IN AND. Lenin, 1978, faculty: history, specialty “History”
Scientific interests:
  • history of the Middle Ages and early modern times, social history of France, history of the medieval city, history of universities, Franco-Russian relations of the 16th–17th centuries, historiography.
Membership in organizations and editors. collegiums:
  • foreign member of the International Commission on the History of Universities (ICHU), resp. editor of the magazine “Middle Ages”, member of the editorial board of publications: “Odysseus. Man in History", "French Yearbook", "Historical Research". Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on History.
  • As a visiting professor he taught at Paris4-Sorbonne universities; Paris1-Panteon; Rennes-2; EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), as well as in a number of Russian universities (Stavropol, Tomsk, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, GAUGN (Moscow), etc.).
  • From 2006 to 2010 – Director of the Russian-French Educational and Scientific Center for Historical Anthropology named after. Mark Blok RSUH (professor). Since 2009 – Head of the Department of Social History of the Faculty of History of the State University Higher School of Economics.
Main publications in recent years:
  • Between hedgehogs and foxes. Notes on historians. M.: New Literary Review, 2014. 276 p.
  • France of the 16th century: Experience in reconstruction based on notarial acts. M.: “Science”, 2004. ISBN 5-02-009829-9. 511 p.
  • Frenchmen of the 16th century: a view from the Latin Quarter. M.: IVI RAS, 1993. ISBN 5-201-00432-6. 249, 38 pp. (2nd ed.: 1994)
Collective monographs, collections of articles:
  • [Ans. ed.] Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. 2012. Issue 2 (10). Medieval studies: new approaches to periodization.
  • [Ans. ed.] The World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Science”, 2012. ISBN 978-5-02-037560-4 (vol. 2). 894 pp.
  • [Ans. ed.] The Long Middle Ages. Sat. in honor of Professor Adelaide Anatolyevna Svanidze / Rep. ed. P.Yu. Uvarov, A.K. Gladkov. M.: Kuchkovo pole, 2011. 576 p.
  • [Ans. ed.] Reformation and “New Ideology” in Europe in the 16th–17th centuries. (Supplement to the journal “Middle Ages”. Issue 5.) M.: IVI RAS, 2010. ISBN 978-5-94067-325-5. 378 pp.
  • [Ans. ed.] French society in the era of cultural turning point: From Francis I to Louis XIV. (Supplement to the yearbook “The Middle Ages”. Issue 3.) M.: IVI RAS, 2008. ISBN 978-5-94067-253-1. 283 p. (jointly with E.E. Berger)
  • [Ed.] Feudalism: concept and realities. M.: IVI RAS, 2008. ISBN 978-5-94067-219-1. 278 p. (jointly with A.Ya. Gurevich, S.I. Luchitskaya)
  • [Ans. ed.] Margeret Jacques. State of the Russian Empire. J. Margeret in documents and research: (Texts, comments, Articles). M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures, 2007. ISBN 5-9551-0199-3. 552 pp. (Studia historica) (jointly with An. Berelovich, V.D. Nazarov)
  • [Ans. ed.] Social self-identification of a medieval person. M.: “Science”, 2007. ISBN 978-5-02-035549-1. 327 p. (jointly with A.A. Svanidze)
  • [Ans. ed.] Construction of the social. Based on the summer school "How to be a medievalist: new scientific challenges and university courses in the history of the Middle Ages and early modern times." M.: Editorial URSS, 2001. (jointly with I.V. Dubrovsky)
  • [Ans. ed.] St. Bartholomew's Night: event and controversy. Sat. articles. M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2001. ISBN: 5-7281-0316-2. 250 s. (jointly with N.I. Basovskaya)
  • [Ved. ed.] City in the medieval civilization of Western Europe. T.3. A man inside the city walls. Forms of public relations. M.: “Science”, 2000. ISBN 5-02-010183-4 (vol. 3), 5-02-008554-5. 378 pp. (jointly with A.A. Svanidze)
  • [Ved. ed.] City in the medieval civilization of Western Europe Vol.2. City life and activities of citizens. M.: “Science”, 1999. ISBN: 5-02-008570-7 (vol. 2), 5-02-008554-5. 345 pp. (jointly with A.A. Svanidze)
Articles, chapters in collective monographs:
  • Dictateur et patriote: dialogue difficile à travers deux sièles: Raoul Spifame et Jean Auffray // Confessiones et nations. Discours identitaires nationaux dans les cultures chrétiennes: Moyen Âge – XXe siècle / Textes réunis par Mikhaïl-V. Dmitriev and Daniel Tollet. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2014. pp. 127–141.
  • University – the daughter of two fathers? History as an argument in court and a means of social consolidation (Paris, 1586) // People and texts. Historical almanac. 2013. Historical knowledge in the context of book culture. M.: IVI RAS, 2014 pp. 183–226.
  • A reminder of the “Middle Ages,” old and new // Ancient Rus'. Questions of medieval studies. 2014. Vol. 3. pp. 96–102.
  • Who Founded the University of Paris? A History of a One Sixteenth-Century Lawsuit // History of Education & Children’s Literature. 2014. Vol. IX. No. 1. R. 227–250.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2014. Vol. 75. No. 1–2. pp. 5–7.
  • “Ordo advocatorum” in search of its heroes: The work of Antoine Loisel and the strike in the Paris Parliament in May 1602 // Middle Ages. 2013. Issue. 74. No. 3–4. pp. 363–389.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2013. Issue. 74. No. 3–4. pp. 5–6.
  • XII century and the secret of the medieval West: “Finding forms” // Middle Ages. 2013. Issue. 74. No. 3–4. pp. 42–59.
  • Projects of reforms in France during the reign of Henry II (1547–1559) // The phenomenon of reforms in the West and East of Europe in the 16th–18th centuries. / Ed. MM. Kroma, L.A. Pimenova. St. Petersburg: European University Publishing House in St. Petersburg, 2013. pp. 35–47.
  • International conference “Religious wars in France of the 16th century: new sources, new research, new periodization” (St. Petersburg - Vyborg, June 14–15, 2012) // Middle Ages. 2013. Issue. 74. No. 1–2. pp. 311–315. (jointly with N.I. Altukhova)
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2013. Issue. 74. No. 1–2. pp. 5–7.
  • “We are writing World History...” // Motherland. 2013. No. 8. August. pp. 15–16.
  • The World on the Eve of the New Time // World History. T. 3. The World in Early Modern Times / Ed. V.A. Vedyushkina, M.A. Yushima. M: “Science”, 2013. pp. 10–33.
  • France in the second half of the 15th – 16th centuries. // The World History. T. 3. The World in Early Modern Times / Ed. V.A. Vedyushkina, M.A. Yushima. M: “Science”, 2013. pp. 136–158.
  • Is the Middle Ages over? // The World History. T. 3. The World in Early Modern Times / Ed. V.A. Vedyushkina, M.A. Yushima. M: “Science”, 2013. pp. 752–774.
  • Fundamentalist notes on social history // In search of truth. collection for the anniversary of Academician A.O. Chubaryan. M.: IVI RAS, 2013. pp. 350–358.
  • Season of hunting for opponents // Motherland. 2013. No. 6. June. pp. 4–6.
  • “Parfaict estat politique de la ville de Paris”: l’urbanisme de Raoul Spifame // Les histoires de Paris / Sous la dir. Th. Belleguic et L. Thurcot. Paris: Hermann, 2013 T. 2. P. 320–331.
  • Under the cover are centuries. The academic publication answers the question in a new way: “Where did the Russian land come from?” // Search. 2013. No. 23.
  • Historians are divided into those who work with sources and those who do not work with them // Dialogue about the book “The Scientific Community of Historians of Russia: 20 Years of Changes” // Russian History. 2013. No. 1. P. 4–12.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2012. Issue. 73. No. 3–4. pp. 5–8.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2012. Issue. 73. No. 1–2. pp. 5–9.
  • On the way to the early modern era [Electronic resource] // Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. 2012. No. 2 (10). pp. 15–16. [http://www.history.jes.su/issue.2012.1.3.2-10-/s207987840000305-4-1]
  • On the role of the 12th century in the history of the West. Consumer notes [Electronic resource] // Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. 2012. No. 2 (10). pp. 14–15. [http://www.history.jes.su/issue.2012.1.3.2-10-/s207987840000306-5-1]
  • The brilliance and poverty of periodization [Electronic resource] // Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. 2012. No. 2 (10). pp. 0–1. [http://www.history.jes.su/issue.2012.1.3.2-10]
  • Was there a Eurasian Middle Ages? Reflections on the “medieval volume of World History” // Political anthropology of traditional and modern societies. Materials of the international conference / Rep. ed. N.N. Kradin. Vladivostok: Far Eastern Federal University Publishing House, 2012. pp. 435–450.
  • What are the "Middle Ages"? // The World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 5–15.
  • Feudalism in the view of modern medievalists // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 16–32. (jointly with I.V. Dubrovsky)
  • China in the era of the “six dynasties” // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 84–105. (jointly with A.L. Ryabinin)
  • Byzantium in the era of the “Dark Ages” and iconoclasm // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 203–215. (together with A.A. Chekalova)
  • China in the 7th–9th centuries. // The World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 282–297. (jointly with A.L. Ryabinin)
  • The Song Empire in China // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 322–338. (jointly with A.L. Ryabinin)
  • “The Great Mutation” of the West (X–XII centuries) // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 414–466. (jointly with Yu.E. Arnautova)
  • Paths to the emergence of medieval states // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 484–485.
  • “Old Empires” // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 485–490.
  • China at the end of the 13th–15th centuries // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 643–662. (jointly with A.L. Ryabinin)
  • “The luxury of feudalism” // World History. T. 2. Medieval civilizations of the West and East. M.: “Nauka”, 2012. pp. 810–818.
  • I na tym wszystko się skończyło… Rosja w roli “wielkiego mocarstwa historiograficznego” // Humanistyka krajowa w kontekście swiatowym. Doświadczenie Polski i Rosji / Pod red. J. Axera i I. Sawieliewej. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 2011. P. 125–140.
  • Western sources about the Russian Troubles: a premonition of a “new wave” (instead of an entry) // Middle Ages. 2011. Issue. 72. No. 3–4. pp. 98–109. (jointly with V.D. Nazarov)
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2011. Issue. 72. No. 3–4. pp. 5–8.
  • La perception de l'oeuvre d'E. Le Roy Ladurie en URSS et en Russie // Histoire, écologie et anthropologie. Trois générations face à l"oeuvre d"Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. Paris: Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS), 2011, pp. 411–425.
  • Drawing in the sand: Reasoning about the text of Sergei Kozlov // New literary review. 2011. No. 110. pp. 37–40.
  • Corporation of Interpreters // Cultivator. 2011. No. 3. pp. 31–40.
  • Si vous n’étudiez pas l’histoire, votre histoire sera écrite par d’autres, et ce sont eux qui vous l’enseigneront // Le courier de la Russie. No. 194 (du 22 juillet au 2 septembre 2011). P. 12.
  • Family values Spifamov (breaks and continuity in the Parisian lineage of the 16th – 17th centuries // Middle Ages. 2011. Issue 72. No. 1–2. pp. 274–305. (together with R. Desimon, E. Miy)
  • Interview with P.Yu. Uvarov with the head of the editorial office of Catholicism " Orthodox Encyclopedia» N.I. Altukhova // Middle Ages. 2011. Issue. 72. No. 1–2. pp. 12–21. (jointly with N.I. Altukhova)
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2011. Issue. 72. No. 1–2. pp. 5–11.
  • Early Modern Time: A View from the Middle Ages // New and Recent history. 2011. No. 2. pp. 109–120.
  • Are Russian historians read abroad? // Knowledge is power. 2011. No. 5.
  • Universities of the Russian Empire through the eyes of a medievalist (in defense of the “idol of origins”) // Long Middle Ages. Sat. in honor of Professor Adelaide Anatolyevna Svanidze / Rep. ed. P.Yu. Uvarov, A.K. Gladkov. M.: Kuchkovo pole, 2011. pp. 342–357.
  • Verify with Clio // Expert. March 21–27, 2011. No. 11 (745). pp.78–83.
  • Social designations of the French nobility according to notarial acts of the early modern era // Nobility in the history of Old Europe / Ed. S.E. Fedorova, A.Yu. Prokopyeva. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2010. pp. 336–347.
  • Preface // Religious education in Russia and Europe in the 16th century. / Ed. E. Tokareva, M. Inglota. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, 2010. pp. 5–12.
  • Education and religion: projects of university reforms on the eve of the Religious Wars in France // Religious education in Russia and Europe in the 16th century. / Ed. E. Tokareva, M. Inglota. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, 2010. pp. 155–170.
  • In memory of Alla Lvovna Yastrebitskaya (11/15/1932 – 05/30/2010) // Middle Ages. 2010. Issue. 71. No. 3–4. pp. 392–395.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2010. Issue. 71. No. 3–4. pp. 5–10.
  • Between “hedgehogs” and “foxes”: Perception of the work of Le Roy Ladurie in the USSR and in Russia // French Yearbook 2010: Sources on the history of the French Revolution of the 18th century. and the Napoleonic era / Rep. ed. A.V. Chudinov. M.: Quadriga, 2010. pp. 75–92.
  • La reconciliation manqué des Spifame. Domination, transgression et conversion (XVI–XVII siècles) // Epreuves de Noblesse. Les expériences nobilitaires de la Haute Robe Parisienne (XVIe–XVIIIe siècles / Sous la dir. de R. Descimon et E. Hadad. Paris: Les Belles letters, 2010 P. 87–107 (Avec R. Descimon et E. Milles)
  • Les fragilités de la reproduction familiale // Epreuves de Noblesse. Les expériences nobilitaires de la Haute Robe Parisienne (XVIe–XVIIIe siècles / Sous la dir. de R. Descimon et E. Hadad. Paris: Les Belles letters, 2010 P. 85–86. (Avec R. Descimon)
  • At the origins of the university corporation [Electronic resource] // Lecture by Pavel Uvarov, given on February 12, 2009 at the Bilingua club as part of the project “ Public lectures Polit.ru".
  • Revenge of social history [Electronic resource] // Lecture by Pavel Uvarov, given on February 17, 2010 in Kyiv, at the “House of Scientists” as part of the project “Public Lectures “Polit.UA”.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2010. Issue. 71. No. 1–2. pp. 5–9.
  • “We are losing it!”: The community of Russian medievalists between 1985 and 2010. [Electronic resource] // Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. 2010. No. 1. pp. 5–6. [http://www.history.jes.su/issue.2010.1.3.1/s207987840000028-9-1]
  • “But that’s where it all ended.” Russia in the role of a “great historiographical power” // National humanitarian sciences in a global context. Experience of Russia and Poland. M.: Publishing house of the State University-Higher School of Economics, 2010. pp. 121–139.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 4. pp. 5–7.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 3. P. 5–9.
  • The university environment and political power in Europe in the 12th–13th centuries. – revenge of social history // Political culture in the history of Germany and Russia: collection. scientific articles. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2009 pp. 175–190.
  • In the “clearing” of early modern times // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 1–2. pp. 129–138.
  • Notes after the fact // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 1–2. pp. 90–97.
  • Why medievalists? // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 1–2. pp. 45–51.
  • The fate of the magazine “Middle Ages” // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 1–2. pp. 8–13.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2009. Vol. 70. No. 1–2. pp. 5–7.
  • Roland Mounier – historian // The historian and his era. Second Danilov Readings. Tyumen: Mandr i Ka, 2009. pp. 287–291.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 4. pp. 5–8.
  • Roland Mounier is a historian with a reputation as a conservative (preface to the Russian edition) // Mounier R. The Assassination of Henry IV (May 14, 1610) / Trans. from fr. M.Yu. Nekrasov, ed. V.V. Shishkina. St. Petersburg: “Eurasia”, 2008. pp. 5–20.
  • Confessional identities and the birth of social classifications in France at the end of the 16th century early XVII centuries // Religious and ethnic traditions in the formation of national identities in Europe. Middle Ages - Modern Times / Ed. M.V. Dmitrieva. M.: “Indrik”, 2008. pp. 87–96.
  • Medieval French model of university and “nation” // Russia and the world: panorama historical development: collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of History of the Ural state university them. A. M. Gorky. Ekaterinburg: [NPMP “Volot”], 2008. pp. 458–467.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 3. pp. 5–8.
  • The French model of universities, “nations” and regionalism // Universities and regional development. Kazan: ShchShShch "Ship", 2008. pp. 91–97.
  • The fugitive bishop and his message // French society in the era of cultural change: From Francis I to Louis XIV / Ed. P.Yu. Uvarova, E.E. Berger. (Supplement to the yearbook “The Middle Ages”. Issue 3.) M.: IVI RAS, 2008. pp. 62–72.
  • Spifam Jacques. Message sent to King Henry the Second by the Bishop of Nevers in May 1559 [Scientific. publication of the manuscript, translation and comments] // French society in the era of cultural change: From Francis I to Louis XIV / Ed. P.Yu. Uvarova, E.E. Berger. (Supplement to the yearbook “The Middle Ages”. Issue 3.) M.: IVI RAS, 2008. pp. 72–90.
  • Claude Aton - a writer of everyday life of the French Troubles: The mystery of the “common man” // French society in the era of cultural turning point: From Francis I to Louis XIV / Ed. P.Yu. Uvarova, E.E. Berger. (Supplement to the yearbook “The Middle Ages”. Issue 3.) M.: IVI RAS, 2008. pp. 91–103.
  • Memoirs of Claude Aton. Fragments from the First and Second Books. [Translation and comments] // French society in the era of cultural change: From Francis I to Louis XIV / Ed. P.Yu. Uvarova, E.E. Berger. (Supplement to the yearbook “The Middle Ages”. Issue 3.) M.: IVI RAS, 2008. pp. 104–147.
  • About Early Modern France, or the Cultural Evolution of a Disenchanted World // French Society in the Age of Cultural Turning: From Francis I to Louis XIV / Ed. P.Yu. Uvarova, E.E. Berger. (Supplement to the yearbook “The Middle Ages”. Issue 3.) M.: IVI RAS, 2008. pp. 6–19.
  • “A madman teaches a wise man”: a marginal lawyer of the 16th century. // Imagines mundi. Almanac of studies of general history of the 16th–20th centuries. No. 5 Ekaterinburg: Ural State University Publishing House, 2008. Series Intellectual History. Vol. 3. pp. 197–212.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 2. pp. 5–6.
  • Old order social naming in French notarial acts: nobility and notables // Middle Ages. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 1. pp. 56–67.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 1. pp. 5–10.
  • Prospects for social history and notarial sources (French example) // Proceedings of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences 2006. M., 2007. pp. 3–13.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2007. Vol. 68. No. 4. pp. 5–10.
  • To the reader: On the social identity of a medieval person // Social self-identifications of a medieval person / Ed. A.A. Svanidze, P.Yu. Uvarov. M.: “Nauka”, 2007. pp. 5–8.
  • Social classification and self-identification of Parisians of the Old Order era // Social self-identification of a medieval person / Ed. A.A. Svanidze, P.Yu. Uvarov. M.: “Nauka”, 2007. pp. 180–192.
  • Historians still have freedom. In any case, there is something to run from. Answers to questions from K. Kobrin // Emergency reserve. 2007. No. 4. P. 54–72.
  • Anniversary Interview with L.P. Repina // Middle Ages. 2007. Vol. 68. No. 3. pp. 103–107.
  • From the editor // Middle Ages. 2007. Vol. 68. No. 3. pp. 5–8.
  • Posthumous wanderings of Abelard and Heloise // World and Clio. Sat. articles in honor of L.P. Repinoy M., IVI RAS, 2007. pp. 132–156.
  • French king. His trials and his defendant (the case of Philippe Cavelier, 1546–1553) // The Art of Power. Sat. in honor of prof. ON THE. Khachaturian. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007. pp. 236–257.
  • Introduction. How the notes of Captain Margeret were published // Margeret Jacques. State of the Russian Empire. J. Margeret in documents and research: (Texts, comments, Articles). M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures, 2007. pp. 7–41. (jointly with A. Berelovich, V.D. Nazarov)
  • An essay by J. Margeret about Russia (transliteration and typesetting of French text, translation into Russian) // Margeret Jacques. State of the Russian Empire. J. Margeret in documents and research: (Texts, comments, Articles). M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures, 2007. pp. 42–187.