Saturn transits: a time of unfavorable changes. Transit of Saturn in houses and aspects


Saturn's cycle is even longer than that of Jupiter. Saturn makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 29.46 years. One zodiac sign Saturn passes in 2.5 years. Saturn stays in one degree for approximately 9–11 days (in the retrograde phase up to one and a half months).

Transits of Saturn are very important for a person. Transiting Jupiter, being in a certain field, shows the area in which a person will experience the most favorable conditions, where a happy coincidence of circumstances can help him. The field along which transit Saturn moves indicates an area where a person has to work hard, repay debts and make every effort to achieve something. The result in both cases does not always correspond to the efforts made. In the case of Jupiter it is most often higher than expected, in the case of Saturn it is usually lower than expected.

In classical astrology, Saturn has always symbolized great misfortune. In our time, the perception of Saturn is not limited to these narrow frames. Saturn, as we already know, symbolizes cooling, compression, hardening, inhibition, limitation, numbness. On the physical level, this can be perceived as obstacles, delays, heaviness, clumsiness, difficulties in progress; on the psychological level - as despondency, depression, suffering, depression, and so on. Whatever field Saturn enters, it begins to restore order. Where Saturn is, there is always a lot of work and problems that you cannot escape from - sooner or later they will have to be solved anyway. This does not mean that if Saturn is in any field, then nothing but trouble can be expected. Indeed, the area where Saturn is located is one of the most problematic for a person. In order to solve the problem that Saturn sets for a person, he often has to suffer, endure humiliation, experience troubles, correct mistakes and make enormous efforts to get at least a small result. This work is not only physical, but also spiritual. Passing sequentially through the fields of the horoscope and forming another aspect with the natal planet, Saturn indicates what important task a person will have to solve at the moment, where he will have to linger in order to hone his skills or repay a debt. But Saturn not only takes away, he also gives. Yes, he is stingy, so even the little he gives has to be earned, but he is also fair, so diligent work is always rewarded.

Years when Saturn returns to its natal position or forms a square or opposition to it are always difficult for a person. These are the so-called “crisis” years, when a person faces problems. The essence of the problem describes the field in which natal Saturn is located, the field it rules in the Radix, and the field along which transit Saturn moves. The severity of the experience and the methods for resolving the next crisis depend on the strength of the impudent Saturn and on the aspects that it has in the Radix and in the transit picture of the horoscope. Here we must understand that, firstly, the crisis is a temporary phenomenon (its duration can be calculated from the ephemeris), and secondly, if a person does not groan and become despondent, but accepts trials with calmness, patience and humility, then he will come out of The winner of this crisis will gain invaluable experience. A victory that was achieved with difficulty is always highly valued by both the person himself and those around him. In addition, a crisis, as a rule, forces a person to reconsider some views on life. In general, his system of values ​​may radically change, which is especially evident at the moments when Saturn returns to its natal position (29–30, 58–59 years).

No less significant is the period when Saturn forms a conjunction or negative aspects with the natal Sun. This is also a difficult period for a person when he is faced with alienation, isolation, and obstacles. It’s as if a vacuum is forming around the person, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening. It is important here not to try to break through this vacuum, but, on the contrary, to use this time for solitude, to take care of yourself and your business.

As we mentioned earlier, transits that form the same combinations of aspects that are found in Radix are especially significant. So, if there is a square of the Sun and Saturn in the Radix, you should note the position when transit Saturn connects with any point of this square or forms a tau-quadrature with it, and be especially careful if at the same time the transit Sun and Saturn also form a square between yourself.

It is clear that a lot depends on what position Saturn occupies in the Radix and what relationship it has with the other planets. People for whom Saturn in Radix has a weak status and negative aspects with other planets of Radix are forced to struggle with difficulties and hardships from an early age. The problem with these people is that they do not know how to take advantage of opportunities, even when they appear, therefore, with any transit aspect of Saturn, they have to overcome doubts, fear, and fight their indecision. Their path to the goal and spiritual insight is thorny and tortuous. Most of these people are so hardened in this struggle that they begin to perceive any crisis as another challenge of fate, which they overcome with varying degrees of success. But if a person does not want to learn from mistakes and blames everything on his “bitter fate” and “ evil people“, at the moment of the next crisis, he may break down and fall into a protracted depression, and this, in turn, can lead to suicide.

People with a strong natal Saturn usually endure periods of crisis, as they are faced with the strong influence of Saturn from an early age. They do not wait for manna from heaven, but are accustomed to achieving everything themselves. They carry out their plans with enviable tenacity, perseverance, diligence, diligence and patience, which often helps them achieve significant results.

A person begins to understand and use the full potential that Saturn can provide no earlier than by the age of 30. Until this time, experience is being accumulated, so the influence of Saturn is felt by a person mainly on the material level and most often negatively. As a person grows older and gains experience, he learns to perceive the vibrations of Saturn and use them correctly.

Favorable aspects indicate that with a certain diligence, perseverance, endurance and patience, it is possible to achieve very real tangible results: gain a foothold in conquered positions, move up the ladder career ladder, finish the job you started. They contribute to the slow but steady improvement of the affairs that Saturn affects by transit. It is these aspects that help to establish strong, reliable connections, implement long-term plans, and increase the material base. At this time, a person has to be realistic, he strives for a specific result and brings any task to the end. To do this, you need to discard or put aside for a while everything that interferes with achieving your intended goal, and focus only on it. Good for establishing order both in the material world and in the internal spheres. When transiting Saturn aspects the Sun or its natal position, a period of self-knowledge begins. It's time to dive into yourself, analyze and weigh everything that has boiled over, to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Unfavorable aspects, as mentioned above, create obstacles, difficulties, crisis situations, bring delays, slowdowns in business, material losses and moral losses. They often affect the state of health, especially if it is an aspect with the natal Sun or Moon or the I, VI, XII fields are affected. Astrological statistics show that the death of the owner of the horoscope often occurs during the period of the negative aspect of the transit Saturn to the Moon, the Sun, the dominant of the first field. This happens because the negative aspects of Saturn undermine a person’s physical strength, reduce his ability to resist illness, and despondency, lack of faith, and pessimism take away the last mental strength, and then the person simply stops fighting for life. In general, depending on which planets and fields are involved, deterioration is possible at this time financial situation, job loss, failure of a business or career, breakup, alienation, isolation, etc. For example, with negative aspects to the Sun, a person feels that he has been betrayed, abandoned, that he is being neglected, and that they are trying to humiliate him. From all this he loses self-confidence and self-esteem falls. With negative aspects to the Moon, melancholy, a feeling of abandonment, lack of care and participation appear. With negative aspects to Venus, a person feels unloved, unnecessary, rejected. During the period of the negative aspect of Saturn, one should not count on a positive result. You will have to come to terms with the fact that either it will not exist at all, or it will appear in a completely different form than expected, or you will have to pay a very high price for it, disproportionate to the physical and moral costs.

Retrograde. Once a year for four and a half months, Saturn is in the retrograde phase of its motion, which affects an arc of 7 - 8 degrees. Like Jupiter, Saturn's retrograde affects social life, rather than in person. To some extent, we can say that the phase of retrograde Saturn is much “closer in spirit” to those people whose Saturn is also retrograde in the Radix. It is possible and even necessary to take into account the factor of Saturn's retrograde for those people who are engaged in business or are members of any serious structures, for example, occupy a government post or are representatives of the law. But Saturn retrograde does not have any obvious impact on personal life. As in the case of Jupiter, retrograde Saturn reveals problems in those areas of life that are associated with the zodiac sign in which it is located at the time of retrograde.

When considering the possible influences of retrograde Saturn, one should first take into account general rules concerning retrograde planets, namely: any retrograde planet slows down matters that fall within its sphere of influence, it seems to turn back time and forces a person to retrace his steps, and more than once. A retrograde planet returns us to things abandoned halfway or unfinished for a number of subjective or objective reasons, provides an opportunity to correct mistakes, adjust plans, and introduce additional components. For this reason, during the retrograde period, you should do old things rather than start new ones. Saturn is no exception. The period of its retrograde phase of movement is the time of completing things, summing up results, revisions, revising plans, making changes to plans, etc. At this time, perestroika and reorganization of everything that fits the definition of “structure” often begin. Thus, when Saturn is retrograde, the feeling of inviolability, fundamentality, stability disappears, and the spirit of change begins to hover in the air. Although these changes may be limited, for example, to the change of one or two managers, and this is where the reorganization ends. For global and radical changes, Saturn alone is not enough; more powerful forces are needed here, and besides, Saturn swings for a long time. Before the changes have time to affect the entire structure, the retrograde phase ends happily.

For this reason, it is not recommended to start new things during Saturn retrograde. Saturn gives a thorough approach, requires planning, calculations, approvals, approval by higher authorities, and it takes a lot of time to develop. Moreover, during retrograde motion, the planet’s speed is minimal, and this delays the process even more. There is often simply no time left to complete the plan and implement it. In addition, when Saturn begins its direct movement, it will require a revision of many provisions adopted during the retrograde phase. As a result, the matter will drag on for an indefinite period of time. As with other planets, the retrograde period should be used as a preparatory phase, but not as an initial phase. In business, for reliability, it is better to rely on what is well known and time-tested. During this period, it is not recommended to sign long-term contracts, register businesses, buy real estate, move, or get married.



15.12.1910 – 20.01.1911

14.01.1938 – 06.07.1939; 22.09.1939 – 20.03.1940

03.03.1967 – 30.04.1969

07.04.1996 – 09.06.1998; 25.10.1998 – 01.03.1999

During this period, harmonious Saturn can bring to the fore people who are ideological, courageous, capable of making their own decisions and ready to take responsibility for their actions, but, in general, Saturn is incompatible with the freedom-loving and wayward Aries, so it manifests itself here in a unique way. On the one hand, he, as a planet of limitations, tries to suppress initiative and drive the individual into the framework of the system. On the other hand, it is at this time that heroic leaders emerge, assertively and decisively pursuing their line. First, someone stands out from the people who boldly declares his protest and calls for a fight, then he organizes a riot or putsch, becomes a hero, after which he easily becomes an autocratic leader with unquestionable authority. Moreover, he himself can proclaim himself a ruler or commander. So, at the beginning of April 1938, Hitler officially declared himself commander-in-chief. But Saturn here often treats folk heroes quite harshly, so in the years when he moves through the sign of Aries, they more often die than win. Thus, in 1967, the hero of the Cuban revolution, Che Guevara, died, and in 1996, Dzhokhar Dudayev was the first president of the Republic of Chechnya to come to power by force.

In the years when Saturn passes through the sign of Aries, special attention is paid to the military sphere, the development of strategically important industries (metallurgical, steel, military, etc.), order is restored in various sports organizations, people with extensive experience and experience are promoted to leadership positions proven themselves as professionals high level. High demands are placed on leaders. In the absence of negative aspects from Saturn, disarmament may begin in these years, the withdrawal of troops from their home countries, and there may be a reduction in the size of the army either in certain territories or in some branches of the military.

Negative aspects are very unfavorable for rulers and leaders at all levels. They become not very popular, are criticized, and lose the trust and support of the people. A hard-line policy can lead to resistance, an outburst of indignation, riots, and pogroms. At this time, the president may lose his seat, and a split in the government is possible, leading to his resignation. There is a possibility of an armed overthrow of the legitimate government. The state can make laws that prohibit something or limit individual freedom. Acts of aggression are possible: on November 30, 1939, the USSR invades the territory of Finland (the beginning of the Finnish War), and on the next Saturn revolution, on August 20, 1968, it sends troops into Czechoslovakia. During these years, there has been active armament and mass conscription into the army, against which protests are possible. An increase in crime and outbreaks of terrorism are also possible.


20.01.1911 – 07.07.1912; 30.11.1912 – 26.03.1913

06.07.1939 – 22.09.1939; 20.03.1940 – 08.05.1942

30.04.1969 – 18.06.1971; 10.01.1972 – 21.02.1972

09.06.1998 – 25.10.1998; 01.03.1999 – 10.08.2000;

16.10.2000 - 20.04.2001

Here Saturn feels more at ease than in the sign of Aries, since the Earth is his native element. At this time, people are distracted from wars and conflicts; they are busy with issues of survival and energy accumulation. Taurus is a sign of fertility, therefore, Saturn, passing through the sign of Taurus, can reduce harvests, and therefore the quantity of certain products will decrease. This entails the need for additional expenditure of public funds on their purchase. This is especially true in those states where the influence of Saturn is strong.

At this time, funds are invested in construction, agriculture, and energy; control is introduced over the use of allocated funds, the level of profit, and the safety of the manufactured product. Increased attention is paid to issues of agriculture and industrial production, supplying the population with food and consumer goods, equipping jobs and production standards. Laws are passed regulating the working day. On June 26, 1940, the USSR issued a decree that established a six-day working week with an eight-hour working day. At the same time, dismissal due to at will, and for marriage or absenteeism they could be put on trial. In the absence of negative aspects from Saturn, during this period order is restored in the above-mentioned industries and departments, and knowledgeable and experienced people are promoted to leadership positions. Depending on the aspects, at this time it is possible either an increase in wages or a freeze, the same with prices, tax and bank rates. In this regard, the purchasing power of the population either increases or decreases. There is a reorganization of management and control departments, new structures are created and old ones are abolished, and personnel managing finances or energy resources are strengthened. For example, in 1970 in Great Britain the Ministry of Prices and Incomes was liquidated and the Department of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment were created.

Negative aspects may indicate rising inflation, devaluation of funds, economic or energy crisis, bankruptcy or liquidation of enterprises, bank collapses, mass layoffs. Natural disasters are possible, which lead, for example, to the destruction of crops over large areas. At this time, prices for essential goods may rise, which can cause unrest and riots (riots, strikes, arson in Gdansk in December 1970, which spread to other cities in Poland, due to rising prices for food, fuel and clothing).


24.08.1914 – 07.12.1914; 11.05.1915 – 17.10.1916;

07.12.1916 – 24.06.1917

20.06.1944 – 02.08.1946

02.08.1973 – 07.01.1974; 19.04.1974 – 17.09.1975;

14.01.1976 – 05.06.1976

This transit strengthens conservative tendencies. People do not want change, but want everything to remain in its place, they strive for peace and quiet. Wars and conflicts subside, a truce is declared, troops are withdrawn from foreign territories, the size of the army is reduced, and soldiers return home. Issues related to borders are being resolved (July 1945, Potsdam Conference, at which the problems of the post-war world order in Europe were discussed, including territorial issues). In this regard, states or peoples often return territories that historically belonged to them. Independence at this time is often not won, but is granted due to prevailing circumstances or agreements.

Saturn here brings order to areas related to fixed assets, real estate, agriculture, mining, food production, preschool education and primary school. Much attention is paid to the family, the social assistance system is reorganized, a system of benefits designed to stimulate the birth rate is developed, housing construction plans are reviewed and approved, and laws regulating housing issues are issued. Saturn in Cancer returns people to their roots, division occurs along national lines, which, with negative aspects, can lead to clashes and ethnic conflicts. If Saturn does not have negative aspects, then people try to strengthen their ties with their homeland. Against the backdrop of a general increase in the volume of housing construction, there is a clear tendency to acquire land and build their own house on it; such concepts as homeland and patriotism are returning to society. With negative aspects, people become uncomfortable in their native land, so population migration increases at this time.

Negative aspects, as already mentioned, sometimes give rise to conflicts on ethnic grounds, which can develop into a civil war. At this time, there is a sharp confrontation between the people and the authorities. Dissatisfaction with the methods of government and laws adopted is growing; protests, demonstrations, strikes, and in some cases pogroms and acts of vandalism are possible. Much during this period is turned upside down, true national and universal values ​​are denied or distorted and replaced with fictitious or false ones, intolerance towards people of other faiths and foreigners is instilled. A decrease in the standard of living of the people is possible, for example, an increase in prices for essential products; famine is possible in some areas.


17.10.1916 – 07.12.1916; 24.06.1917 – 12.08.1919

02.08.1946 – 1,9.09.1948; 03.04.1949 – 29.05.1949

17.09.1975 – 14.01.1976; 05.06.1976 – 17.11.1977;

05.01.1978 – 26.07.1978

If you look at the events that accompanied the passage of Saturn through the sign of Leo, you will see that this transit most of all concerns famous, high-ranking people and artists. Thus, during this transit, the Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand I, the Emperor of Austria-Hungary Charles I, the King of Romania and the King of Laos abdicated the throne. Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Mao Zedong, Premier of the State Council of China Zhou Enlai and American rock singer Elvis Presley have died. Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped. They tried to kill V.I. Lenin and US President Ford. The CIA planned plots to assassinate foreign political leaders, including Fidel Castro and Patrice Lumumba. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was sentenced to death, and Slovak President Josef Tiso was executed. Mahatma Gandhi, the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family were shot. Dutch ballerina Mata Hari was shot as an agent of German intelligence. Ugandan President Idi Amin was declared President for Life. Leonid Brezhnev simultaneously becomes Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU and Chairman of the Supreme Council. The monarchy was restored in Spain, and Japan became a constitutional monarchy.

During the period of Saturn's passage through the sign of Leo, scandals associated with big names are possible, and crimes of the century are committed. On the night of June 17–18, 1976, during the so-called “rat robbery,” a gang of twenty people entered the basement of the Societe Generale bank in Nice. Their "catch" amounted to fifty million francs (ten million dollars). This robbery is considered one of the world's largest bank robberies. Currency reform, an energy or financial crisis, major achievements, high-profile scandals, and persecution of people of science and art are also possible. The revolution of 1917 occurred while Saturn was in the sign of Leo.

During this transit they become topical issues related to children, theatrical and artistic activities, sports, show and gaming business. These areas will face difficult years, as Saturn does not welcome carefree pastime. Inspections, censorship and bans on certain types of activities are possible. This is especially true for the entertainment and gambling industry. New rules will be introduced, someone will be forced to close their establishment.

Among people leading an open or secular lifestyle, pseudo-asceticism is becoming fashionable, i.e. flaunting your wealth is becoming unfashionable, as is self-praise. It is much more difficult to become one of the “chosen ones” at this time. In general, many changes occur during this period. Saturn is purging commanding staff at all levels of government. There is a change of leaders, serious, experienced people who know what they want are becoming in demand.

Negative aspects are manifested by the unpleasant qualities of Leo and Saturn, which have already been written about more than once. Armed skirmishes, fires, an increase in the number of terrorist acts, assassination attempts on leaders, and crimes in which children are somehow involved are possible. In severe cases, this is a period of terror and dictatorship.


12.08.1919 – 07.10.1921

19.09.1948 – 03.04.1949; 29.05.1949 – 20.11.1950;

07.03.1951 – 13.08.1951

17.11.1977 – 05.01.1978; 26.07.1978 – 21.09.1980

Here Saturn arranges a test for professional suitability. Protectionism fades into the background; when hiring or promoting, the first thing people pay attention to is professional qualities, level of training, the ability to apply their knowledge in practice and, of course, hard work and diligence. At this time, production standards and staffing schedules are reviewed, everything related to the work process is regulated, from hiring to dismissal. In this regard, all kinds of workplace inspections and layoffs due to staff reductions are possible. Issues of technical re-equipment, providing workplaces with the necessary equipment are being resolved, great attention is being paid to training personnel and improving their qualifications. Enterprises are liquidated, for example, due to their illegal or semi-legal status or due to environmental problems. There may be troubles associated with non-compliance with safety regulations. It is becoming difficult to obtain a license for any activity. Wages may be frozen or reduced due to revision of production standards.

The role of trade unions and other workers' associations is increasing. The number of strikes and protests related to working conditions or wages increases during this period, and not only workers, but also employees go on strike government agencies. So, in 1979, a wave of strikes swept across Great Britain, in which, in addition to workers, school and hospital workers and even janitors and garbage collectors took part. These strikes resulted in the largest number of working days lost since 1926. In 1980, strikes swept Poland. In Gdansk, strikers, led by Lech Walesa, seized a shipyard.

Reforms may concern healthcare and the production of medicines; for example, a new system for the provision of medical services is being introduced, fees for medical services are being increased, and benefits are being streamlined. Saturn in Virgo may reveal a new disease (for example, AIDS), or doctors announce new drugs or methods of combating serious diseases. In 1978, the World Health Organization declared that the smallpox virus had been completely eradicated from nature and only small quantities remained in specialized laboratories. Also at this time, new rules may be introduced regarding the keeping of pets, the provision of services to the population, the timing of conscription into the army may be changed, or compulsory service may be abolished.

During Saturn's passage through the sign of Virgo, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and established the European Court of Human Rights.

Negative aspects of Saturn often reveal blatant facts of abuse in the industrial sector. For example, ignoring safety precautions, which leads to human casualties, violation of technology, release into the atmosphere or water harmful substances. Man-made disasters, crop failure or crop loss, outbreaks of diseases, the emergence of new diseases, an increase in the number of occupational diseases are possible; scandals related to dishonest performance of duties medical workers and so on.


07.10.1921 – 20.12.1923; 06.04.1924 – 13.09.1924

20.11.1950 – 07.03.1951; 13.08.1951 – 22.10.1953

21.09.1980 – 29.11.1982; 06.05.1983 – 24.08.1983

Depending on additional factors during this period, both the strengthening of good neighborly relations, the emergence of strong alliances (the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - December 30, 1922, the creation of the UN Disarmament Commission - January 1952, the creation of the Socialist International - March 1951), and international tension, mutual ultimatums, confrontations. This is a time of truce, separate negotiations and resolving issues diplomatically, although open clashes are also possible, including military ones, although they are not very pronounced and occur only in the case of serious additional negative factors. Basically, the case ends in an international scandal, an ultimatum, a severance of diplomatic relations or loud public statements. So, on November 30, 1950 (during the Korean War), US President Harry Truman said at a press conference that, if necessary, America would start a nuclear war, and this horrified the European allies, since given the balance of forces existing at that time this would start the third world war. Saturn in Libra, thank God, is strong enough and knows how to restrain warlike impulses, so that a world war was avoided. In 1952, Great Britain reduced military spending altogether.

Saturn in Libra, like Saturn in Leo, influences famous people, public figures, artists and diplomats. They are going through hard times: the expulsion of all Libyan diplomats from the country - May 1981, the mass dismissal of cultural figures in the USSR - 1981, the murder of John Lennon - 12/08/1980, the murder of the Soviet diplomat Vorovsky in Lausanne - May 1923. While Saturn was in the sign of Libra, the wedding of the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer took place (07/29/1981). At the same time, Saturn was in square to the Moon and Mars (conjunction), which indicates a dysfunctional marriage.

Libra is a sign of partnership and a thirst for justice, so during this transit, partnerships either strengthen or fall apart. On the one hand, people strive for “legitimate” relationships, on the other hand, they become too picky and demanding of their partners, which gives rise to a wave of divorces. During these years, there has been an increase in the number of marriages with large age differences, and the desire for justice leads to an increase in litigation. Saturn in Libra often frees one from unnecessary partners and even rulers (both Stalin and Brezhnev died when Saturn was at the end of the sign of Libra - 27 and 28 degrees, respectively).

At this time, many laws were also being revised, attempts were being made to eliminate past injustices: US Indians became equal citizens (June 1922); In Genoa, at a conference of 29 states in April 1922, Russia was demanded to recognize the debts of the tsarist and provisional governments and return to the former owners of nationalized enterprises owned by foreigners before 1917.

Negative aspects may indicate a confrontation between the people and the authorities, a government crisis, an aggravation of the international situation, attempts to resolve issues from a position of strength or through confrontation. Opposition tendencies are intensifying, attempts at a coup d'etat, seizure of power through conspiracy, intrigue, and cunning maneuvers are possible. There are frequent high-profile assassinations, murders, trials (the trial of the “gang of four” in China, November 1980), and military conflicts (the dispute between Argentina and Great Britain over the Falkland Islands, 1982). Failure of contracts, termination of contracts, high-profile divorces of famous people are possible.


20.12.1923 – 06.04.1924; 13.09.1924 – 03.12.1926

22.10.1953 – 12.01.1956; 14.05.1956 – 10.10.1956

29.11.1982 – 06.05.1983; 24.08.1983 – 17.11.1985

Saturn in Scorpio is a serious examiner, sending a lot of tests, so this is a time of losses rather than gains. During this period, everything physically and morally obsolete, as well as everything that hinders progress, goes away and is destroyed. In the case of a positively aspected Saturn, one can expect streamlining of the financial sector, measures aimed at industrializing the country, and increasing its energy and economic potential. During the years of Saturn's passage through the sign of Scorpio, the first rocket with a liquid rocket engine and a hydrogen bomb were tested, and the world's first nuclear power plant was put into operation (Obninsk, 1954).

Tax rules are introduced or clarified, the fight against unearned income begins, the system of benefits and payment of compensation and insurance compensation is streamlined. Many small, unprofitable enterprises and industries are closing and merging with strong and stable ones. Naturally, fabulous profits are not expected, but it is quite possible to obtain loans and credits for serious, calculated and well-founded projects. In general, people at this time use economic levers to solve many problems. In interstate affairs, these may be economic sanctions against those states that violate the “rules of society,” or the provision of loans with certain conditions, the purchase of a controlling stake in an enterprise, etc.

During the period of Saturn's passage through the sign of Scorpio, there are usually no open military conflicts. This does not mean that there is peace and grace - at this time there is a secret, hidden war, which can break through with an uprising within the country, a rebellion, a coup d'etat is possible. In other words, something was brewing inside, Saturn came and dotted all the i's. March 1985 is considered the beginning of “perestroika”. It was conceived as a policy of peaceful economic and political reconstruction of the country (under the influence of Saturn). This might have been the case if Pluto, which was then in conjunction with Saturn, had not intervened in the matter. And what is associated with the influence of Pluto no longer depends on the will of a particular person or even a group of people. Through them the process was launched, and then nothing depended on them; they themselves became hostages of this process. In general, at this time, attempts to restore law and order lead to unpredictable results. A state of emergency may be introduced in the country, an economic or socio-political crisis (Hungary, 1956). In the years when Saturn “walked” through Scorpio, many high-ranking (and not so high-ranking) heads fell from their shoulders. And because of arrogance, because of inappropriate behavior, because of corruption scandals, because of connections with criminal elements, because of reprehensible love affairs. In February 1956, at a closed meeting of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Nikita Khrushchev made a report in which he exposed Stalin’s policies: “On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences.” At this time, so-called “purges” are carried out (by the way, they are also possible when Saturn passes through the signs of the Earth and Aquarius, but in Scorpio they are especially destructive both for the country as a whole and for the people who fell under the crest of this purge). So, in one year (1954), in January and October, the following resolutions were adopted: “On serious shortcomings in the work of the party and state apparatus” and “On significant shortcomings in the structure of ministries and departments of the USSR and measures to improve the work of the state apparatus.” In 1983, a grandiose “cleansing” of the party ranks and state apparatus was carried out in China.

Spy scandals, provocative actions against political opponents, expulsion of official representatives of other countries from the country are possible (in September 1985, Great Britain expelled 25 diplomats from the country; in response, the Soviet Union also expelled 25 British diplomats from the country, later they again “exchanged pleasantries”).

Negative aspects here bring a lot of trouble. Mass unrest and strikes are possible, in which many people are involved and which entail enormous casualties. A devaluation of the national currency, numerous bankruptcies, and bank collapses are possible. There are frequent repressions and bans, for example, bans on social or political activities. Extreme measures that do not justify themselves (Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign). Rampant crime and terrorism, underground arms trade, man-made and other disasters (poisonous gas leak at a pesticide plant in India, 1984), natural disasters, accidents, collapses, destruction of buildings, etc.


03.12.1926 – 15.03.1929; 05.05.1929 – 30.11.1929

12.01.1956 – 14.05.1956; 10.10.1956 – 05.01.1959

17.11.1985 – 14.02.1988; 10.06.1988 –12.11.1988

This is a difficult time for ambitious people who have already achieved something in life or are following this path. The triumphal procession slows down, obstacles may arise along the way, and enthusiasm may quickly fade. Saturn tests everyone for loyalty to the idea, firmness of intentions and purity of thoughts. Therefore, dismissals, removals from positions, and reshuffles both in the highest echelons of power and in the lower ones are also possible here. Old communities are collapsing (Hungary’s withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact, 1956, the Baltic republics from the Union, 1986-1988). New public and political organizations are being created (the creation of the European Economic Community - “Common Market” - and the European Atomic Energy Community - “EURATOM”).

Here Saturn strives to streamline everything that concerns international relations. Any – diplomatic, trade and economic, scientific, ideological. The role of international organizations that are involved in resolving interethnic conflicts is increasing. Countries gather at conferences to develop a unified strategy for a long period of time, create alliances, sign joint agreements and long-term treaties. During these years, monitoring of the implementation of international conventions is carried out, measures are taken to resolve international disputes, and issues related to borders are resolved. An invasion of foreign territory is possible: in 1956, the USSR sent its troops to suppress the rebellion in Hungary, Great Britain sent airborne troops into the conflict zone related to the Suez Canal, and arrived there armed forces UN. By the way, the UN peacekeeping forces were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1988 (almost at the exit of Saturn from the sign of Sagittarius).

During this period, various restrictions and additional requirements are introduced for those who cross the border, try to immigrate to another country, and try to establish business with foreign partners. This makes life somewhat more difficult for those who are engaged, for example, in international tourism or trade with other countries, but it gives stability, which is important in business. Saturn in Sagittarius can limit the possibility of leaving the country, but it can also contribute to the return of voluntary and forced emigrants or political prisoners to their homeland, and sometimes an international exchange of prisoners occurs. In December 1986, Soviet authorities allowed Andrei Sakharov and his wife to return to Moscow from Gorky, where they had lived in exile for seven years. Saturn in Sagittarius is quite controversial. On the one hand, it can facilitate the acquisition of real estate abroad, on the other hand, it can deprive a person of his homeland, making a person an exile. When moving to a new place of residence in a foreign country while Saturn is in Sagittarius, you need to be prepared for difficulties; the adaptation period in this situation is prolonged and difficult.

Also at this time, Saturn focuses on issues related to education and the development of science. Reform of education, mainly higher education, is possible. Whether it will be successful or not depends on additional factors. Requirements for the quality of education and teacher qualifications are increasing. The same is true in the religious and cultural spheres. Depending on the status of Saturn, this will be either persecution or restoration of justice.

Negative aspects may indicate international scandals, anti-government protests, demonstrations, clashes with authorities, conflicts on national or religious grounds (ethnic conflicts in Ceylon, anti-Armenian pogroms and massacres in the city of Sumgait in Azerbaijan). Catastrophes and natural disasters are possible - fires, floods, prolonged heavy rains, earthquakes. As well as man-made and environmental disasters (Chernobyl tragedy).


15.03.1929 – 05.05.1929; 30.11.1929 – 24.02.1932;

13.08.1932 – 20.11.1932

05.01.1959 – 03.01.1962

14.02.1988 – 10.06.1988; 12.11.1988 – 06.02.1991

Saturn has come as a sign of his rule, so here he is unfolding in full force. This is the time to achieve goals, complete long-term projects and start new ones. Since Capricorn is a sign of executive power, this transit primarily concerns people holding leadership positions. Depending on the indicators of the personal horoscope, strengthening of positions, a new step on the career ladder, or summing up results, often disastrous, are possible here. Saturn takes into account professional qualities, hard work and dedication to work, and rejects any excesses, empty talk and praise. He requires results, not promises, explanations, so more often than a takeoff, a fall occurs at this time (the execution of Ceausescu). Moreover, this affects not only the living, but also long-gone rulers: on the night of October 31, 1960, Stalin’s body was taken out of the Mausoleum and buried near the Kremlin wall, it was decided to remove all monuments to Stalin, and settlements rename with his name. Thus, Saturn in Capricorn completely debunked the once all-powerful ruler.

During this period, governments change everywhere for various reasons, parliaments are dissolved, ministers are rotated, even entire countries disappear into oblivion (at midnight on October 2, 1990, the German Democratic Republic ceased to exist, Germany was united). In general, with Saturn in Capricorn, both the unification of states and departments and their fragmentation can occur (in 1960, the Union Ministry of Internal Affairs was liquidated and republican Ministries of Internal Affairs were created).

Saturn in Capricorn is focused on creation and achievement, so it is not aggressive. International wars at this time they do not break out, although local conflicts based on the struggle for power, division of spheres of influence, etc. possible. In general, in case of disobedience at this time, such harsh measures are applied that any protest quickly fades away. If a coup d'état occurs, the military usually comes to power. Or states gain independence “by agreement”, in connection with prevailing external circumstances, i.e. they get it with little blood (“song” revolutions in the Baltic states). This is a time of disarmament, reduction of arms costs, declaration of a moratorium, withdrawal of troops from foreign territories (withdrawal of US troops from Iceland, 1959; withdrawal of Russian troops from European countries, 1990).

This transit helps to strengthen borders, their definition and approval. Although it may destroy some of them. During the transit of Saturn through the sign of Capricorn (August 13, 1961), the Berlin Wall. It was destroyed when, having completed a full cycle, Saturn returned to the sign of Capricorn (November 9, 1989). True, the destruction of the wall was also facilitated by Uranus, which by that time had also entered the sign of Capricorn.

Negative aspects indicate tough management measures, dictatorship, attempts to solve problems by force (Desert Storm, storming of a television center in Vilnius), tougher penalties for offenses, as well as the possibility of anti-government protests and riots. Scandals involving high-ranking people, accusations of corruption, high treason are possible. Crop failure, crop death due to cold or other negative factors (invasion of the Colorado potato beetle), and famine due to this are also possible. And also natural disasters, often earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, etc.


24.02.1932 – 13.08.1932; 20.11.1932 – 14.02.1935

03.01.1962 – 24.03.1964; 16.09.1964 – 16.12.1964

06.02.1991 – 21.05.1993; 30.06.1993 – 29.01.1994

Aquarius is first and foremost a sign of freedom. Aquarius values ​​nothing more than freedom. This principle applies to literally everything. Saturn is the planet of restrictions, so in Aquarius it can manifest itself both as a limiter of freedoms (the shooting of the White House in 1993) and as a destroyer of any connections and structures (the collapse of the USSR, the termination of the Warsaw Pact and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). Saturn either unites people around an idea, and then they create commonwealths and enter into agreements on joint activities, often scientific (the agreement between Great Britain and France on the construction of the Concorde supersonic passenger plane in 1962 and on the construction of the Channel Tunnel in 1963 ); the agreement between Great Britain and France on the peaceful use and joint exploration of outer space (1962) and the joint experiment of these two countries - the launch of the Echo-2 communications satellite). Or it creates complete chaos, then everything that once united people collapses. This is often expressed in strikes and riots that cover large areas or involve large numbers of people (worker unrest in Novocherkassk lasted for almost two years and spread to other cities of the USSR).

During this transit, as with Saturn in Capricorn, a political crisis and a change of power are possible, but unlike Capricorn, where changes are somehow predictable, with Saturn in Aquarius changes often do not lend themselves to any logic, because a different one is at work here. Logic is not earthly, but higher. Often a change of power occurs due to external, unplanned circumstances. Yes, ex union republics gained independence not through a long struggle, but by the “will of heaven.” For Khrushchev, his removal in 1964 also came as a complete surprise. By the way, displacement was made possible by uniting people with different personal goals in the name of one common goal. In fact, it was a quiet (Saturn) coup d'etat.

Aquarius is the sign of scientists and inventors, Saturn makes it possible to achieve a goal, to obtain the result of long research, therefore, during the years of Saturn’s passage through the sign of Aquarius, many developments finally come to their logical conclusion, when it is possible to formulate and describe the results obtained, and declare them. If we take only 1964, we can see that it was very rich in discoveries and inventions; special achievements concerned research and space exploration.

This year, construction began on a radio telescope in Latvia, an astrophysical observatory was launched in Estonia, at least two supernovae were discovered, and carbon dioxide was discovered on Mercury. To be fair, it should be noted that this year Uranus was in the sign of Virgo, which also contributes to the development of science and technology and new sensational discoveries, but space is the prerogative of Aquarius. Saturn, passing through this sign, “harvested the harvest,” summed up the results and outlined development prospects for the future for everything related to this area. In addition, at the same time new materials and drugs were created, including a drug for arrhythmia and synthesized insulin, new variety high-yielding winter wheat, construction of the first stage of the world's largest gas pipeline Bukhara - Ural was completed. And this is only a small part of the achievements for which 1964 is famous.

The negative aspects of Saturn during this period are very dangerous due to their unpredictability (the Caribbean Missile Crisis of 1962, when a literal miracle saved the world from nuclear war). At this time, people can commit incomprehensible, meaningless actions, which nevertheless bring a lot of trouble and often entail human casualties. Here we can recall the same Caribbean crisis, the creation of the State Emergency Committee, the shooting of the White House, Khrushchev, who crushed young artists and knocked on the podium of the UN General Assembly (whether he knocked or not knocked - historians’ opinions differ here - these are, in principle, not important, legends – this is also the prerogative of Aquarius). On days of such events, people understand little about what is happening, and this gives rise to chaos, panic, and chaotic actions. For this reason, there is a danger of being involved in illegal actions, of falling under the influence of militant organizations calling for the overthrow of the existing system, or of all kinds of newfangled sects. The number of disasters, terrorist attacks, the danger of hostage-taking, aircraft hijacking, and explosions is increasing. Natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes) can be especially destructive.


14.02.1935 – 25.04.1937; 18.10.1937 – 14.01.1938

24.03.1964 – 16.09.1964; 16.12.1964 – 03.03.1967

21.05.1993 – 30.06.1993; 29.01.1994 – 07.04.1996

Pisces completes the zodiac circle. Everything freezes and prepares for a new birth. Saturn - the planet of debt and obligations - comes in handy here, since it is well known: in order to let in the new, it is necessary to part with (pay off) the old. The time has come to take stock, recognize and correct mistakes, and prepare to perceive something new. In other words, Saturn puts an end to many matters here.

If Saturn does not have negative aspects, then justice is restored, facts that were hidden or not revealed become known. They amnesty political prisoners (amnesty for all political prisoners in the State Emergency Committee case), restore the rights of dissidents, give the opportunity to return to their homeland for those who were once forced to leave it, or “open” the borders for free entry and exit from the country, which they did, albeit briefly, Fidel Castro in 1994.

Saturn in the sign of Pisces is a psychologically difficult position, since at this time old sins come to light in one way or another, awareness of one’s unseemly actions comes, and on this basis a feeling of guilt and repentance arises. Moreover, often this repentance is too late, and this makes it even harder. In 1995, Queen Elizabeth II and Japanese Prime Minister Tomishi Murayama repented to other countries. The state and people remember those who were undeservedly forgotten, try to compensate for what was lost or confiscated to those who are still alive, and perpetuate the memory of those who have already passed away. For example, works that were not published during the author’s lifetime may see the light of day.

In this regard, new laws are issued and amendments are adopted regarding civil rights, immigration, social security (pensions, benefits), medical care (in 1965, free medicines were prescribed in the UK) or affecting the conditions of detention of prisoners, etc.

Pisces is a sign of mysteries, secrets, omissions, while Saturn strives for certainty and at the same time is distinguished by restraint; one cannot call him talkative. In this regard, during the passage of Saturn through the sign of Pisces, revelations of secret affairs, arrests, trials and investigations in connection with espionage activities, as well as secret communications and negotiations, secret activities, intrigues, and intricate political moves are possible. At this time, reorganization may occur in secret departments, and in general a lot of things happen that are hidden from the eyes of the common man. For example, completion of work on secret equipment, change of the highest master of a secret society, any changes in the charter of a spiritual order, etc.

The negative aspects of Saturn are always difficult to bear, and especially so in the sign of Pisces. At this time, the number of desperate people increases; they are overcome by a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and the meaninglessness of existence. These states are fueled by external events that a person cannot influence in any way. At this time, complete lawlessness is happening, laws are ignored and used in a way that is beneficial to the stronger side. The politics of fear is being intensified: in the 30s - Stalinist repressions, in the 60s - Brezhnev’s persecution of dissidents, during which punitive psychiatry was actively used, in the 90s - the rampant mafia (“brothers”). Spy scandals, kidnappings, racial unrest, clashes on religious grounds are possible (Dudaev’s call for a “holy war” against the “infidels”). In the 90s, many sects were formed or appeared, including totalitarian ones, “messiahs” and “prophets” appeared. Disease outbreaks, epidemics, and devastating natural disasters are possible.

3.3. Transit of Saturn through the horoscope fields


From the moment Saturn enters the first field of the horoscope, a new period begins, which is not yet entirely clear, for clarity will appear only with the cumulative analysis of Saturniare (a horoscope constructed at the moment of Saturn’s return to its natal position). The old cycle of Saturn’s passage through the fields of the horoscope has ended; from the moment of its connection with the Ascendant, a new almost thirty-year cycle begins. The years when Saturn moves along the first field are always difficult for a person. Considering that Saturn is a slow planet, this may take several years, especially since the extent of the field is different for each person.

This is a particularly difficult period for young people, since they have not yet gained the experience that Saturn gives. Saturn makes you stop, think, rethink, calculate everything and only after that move on. Young people do not like to wait, they are in a hurry to live and do not yet know the wisdom that he can give, so they perceive this time as a period of failures, problems, obstacles, and stagnation. If by this time a person has already grown up, he can behave in two ways. Or he finally abandons something old and tries to find his new path, relying on the experience he has already gained. Or he begins to protest against what is happening to him. This is especially pronounced if Saturn, while passing through this field, makes negative aspects to any natal planets.

At this time, a person is busy with himself, so he may look somewhat aloof, always preoccupied, does not want outsiders to interfere in his affairs, although the person himself may feel that everyone has abandoned him, no one wants to come to the rescue, so he has to do everything yourself. In general, life and people at this time place increased demands on people. He may be entrusted with, or he will take on, some responsible mission, often one that he can bear. On the one hand, he complains that everyone has put the blame on him alone, on the other hand, he does not allow anyone to get close to himself and his affairs. In a positive aspect, this period contributes to the development of internal composure, concentration, self-confidence and the ability to cope with affairs and difficulties independently. At this time, many illusions leave a person, he becomes more restrained and serious, capable of soberly assessing himself and his actions.

Negative aspects can cause depression, melancholy, depression. A person feels lonely, abandoned, betrayed by everyone. Congenital complexes make themselves known, which gives rise to uncertainty and clumsiness. The difficulties and problems that accompany this period become too burdensome for him, and then he falls into despair. There is another side of the same coin: internal complexes can come to the surface in the form of impudence, insolence, a person becomes self-willed, does not want to obey anyone or anything. He can manifest himself as a despot and tyrant, be cruel, too demanding, and consider himself deprived. He reacts painfully to any restrictions, which can result in insubordination and violations of discipline. During this transit, a person is most often himself to blame for many troubles, but often he is literally literally haunted by misfortunes. Based on this, it is better to abandon important plans and decisions or be prepared for a lot of hard work and little result.

At this time, large physical exercise, hard, exhausting work, overwhelming obligations, fraught with overwork. Overload can cause a person to get sick. In general, during the period when Saturn is in the first field, a person’s general physical condition worsens due to a decrease in vitality. Old sores make themselves known, periodic lethargy, drowsiness, lack of appetite, and blues appear.


Here, as well as in other fields, Saturn can give something positive only if in Radix it has a strong cosmic status, it is devoid of negative aspects and has no relation to malefic fields. In all other cases, he rather takes away and limits than gives. Where Saturn is located, there are always a lot of worries and problems.

As you know, field II is responsible for the means that a person needs to provide himself with everything necessary to maintain life. Therefore, Saturn in this field poses serious tasks for a person. At this time, he is concerned about his financial situation (present and future), since the opportunities to earn money during this period decrease. Depending on aspects and other factors, a person may lose his job or additional income, he may have difficulty finding a job, or due to a lack of orders or components, a person is forced to go on unscheduled leave. There can be many reasons for losing a job. From one’s own negligence, negligence, lack of discipline, to events of global proportions that do not depend on the will of man, for example, due to the revolution, when everything collapsed and people lost their jobs en masse.

If there is still work, then this transit may indicate production problems, an increase in the amount of work for the same salary, or difficulties associated with financing. There may be a decrease in production volume, a decrease in profits, unplanned additional expenses, and delayed wages. At the most favorable conditions may mean stabilization and strengthening of positions in the workplace. In other words, in the event of a mass layoff, a person remains in the workplace, but, we repeat, if he himself has Saturn in a favorable position in Radix. If not, he will be one of the first to be fired.

It is clear that at this time a person needs to treat money and material resources very carefully. The ability to save or save money is significantly reduced, so you should introduce a regime of saving and carefully planning your spending; you should not buy anything spontaneously. Although, with Saturn favorably located in Radix, and in the absence of negative transit aspects, serious acquisitions are quite possible, for example, the purchase of land, real estate, large and high-quality things. In other cases, the purchase or sale of property will be accompanied by various difficulties, for example, the seller or buyer will refuse the deal at the last moment, problems will arise with obtaining a loan, prices will change, other urgent expenses will appear, etc.

During the transit of Saturn through the II field, it should be taken into account that energy is restored slowly during this period; a person needs more time to regain strength, therefore here, as when Saturn passes through the I field, one should calculate one’s strength and not work to the point of exhaustion.

Negative aspects indicate a lack of energy, apathy, and reluctance to work. This is a period of deterioration in financial situation and loss of property. Brings waste, unjustified expenses, lack of money, debts, poor nutrition. Unfavorable for obtaining a loan, large purchases, real estate transactions: purchases, sales, rentals. Problems at work and in business, including in solving legal issues. Unfavorable for cleansing the body, fasting or diets not recommended by a doctor.


Saturn in this field reduces the need for contacts with the outside world and makes a person take the people around him more seriously. At this time, he is in contact with a limited number of people, communicating only with those with whom he is connected by necessity, duty or working relationship. At the same time, the person becomes more restrained, cautious, detached, he tries not to engage in extraneous conversations, or circumstances force him to do so. A very good time to destroy unpromising, unnecessary connections. Although necessary connections may be interrupted, a friend or the right person it simply disappears from view and becomes difficult to find. For example, he left, changed his phone number and place of residence, etc. At the same time, Saturn here can provide useful contacts. New acquaintances can be very useful in the case of a positively aspected Saturn, or very burdensome in the case of a negatively aspected one.

Also, this transit may indicate a cooling of relations with relatives, friends, colleagues - they may require attention and care, the illness of one of their loved ones is possible, and therefore a person often has to do their work for them. Very often this transit indicates that close people will be far from a person when he needs their help or advice.

On the one hand, at this time there may be some difficulties with studies. For some reason, a person will not be able to continue his studies, he has to take a break from his studies, or take academic leave. On the other hand, it is possible that a person will have to completely immerse himself in educational process, strain yourself to master a subject that is difficult. A person can take up the study of serious sciences, such as mathematics. In any case, Saturn, passing through this field, requires concentration, diligence and systematicity in the study of any disciplines, as well as testing theory with practice. What is studied under the influence of Saturn is remembered forever.

Written work at this time progresses slowly, but is distinguished by its fundamentality and clarity, although with some dryness of presentation, so during this period it is especially good teaching aids and scientific publications.

With a good Saturn, this is a favorable time for signing long-term contracts. Travel is good only for business.

Negative aspects create problems associated with a person’s immediate environment. A person (often unconsciously) rejects communication, distances himself from the people around him, and takes offense at them. This can be facilitated by unpleasant circumstances into which a person and someone from his environment were drawn, after which alienation sets in. Possible misfortune with someone close to you, illness, departure, quarrel, breakup. Relationships with elderly relatives or people senior in rank and position are especially difficult. Often dependence on the environment, loss or trouble due to friends or relatives.

Inconsistencies in business, violation of agreements, problems with paperwork, signing important papers. It is difficult to obtain the necessary information, or it turns out to be incorrect. There is a danger of deliberate misinformation. Problems in studies, expulsion from educational institution. You must be careful when traveling; unpleasant incidents or accidents may occur on the road.


Here, transit Saturn ties a person to the problems of family, home, parents. During these years, he has to resolve difficult issues related to moral or material obligations to them. This could be caring for parents due to their illness, which forces the person to work from home or leave work altogether. Or his own physical condition does not allow him to leave the house. But Saturn can not only tie you to the house, but also separate you from it. For example, a person at this time can completely abandon the house, which creates a tense situation in the family, he feels such discomfort in own home that he is ready to run wherever his eyes look. This state is possible without visible external conflicts in the family. A person simply wants to leave, change his place of residence. At this time, a person may leave the family, and young people decide to live separately from their parents.

In general, this transit can be expressed as a person’s desire to be alone. A person becomes either cramped or cold in the house, so he tries to find a warmer or more secluded place. Saturn, however, does not really contribute to peace, but the desire to be alone is characteristic of it. The older a person gets, the greater his need for peace. What exactly makes a person desire solitude or what forces him to do so will be shown by additional factors of Radix and the transit situation.

In exceptional cases, if Saturn has a favorable cosmic status in Radix and does not have any negative initial and transit indicators, it, passing through this field, can contribute to stability and even some success in matters related to agriculture, real estate, construction, food production food, household equipment, home repairs. Good for purchasing an apartment or house, construction, major alterations, repairs. Often the need for this is caused by factors beyond the control of a person.

Negative aspects aggravate the conditions caused by Saturn passing through this field. At this time, protracted conflicts in the family, parental dictates, serious illness or the loss of one of the parents or family members are possible. Moreover, the loss includes all possible options: from leaving home to death. Economic problems arise, for example, the need for serious repairs arises, for which there is neither the strength nor the means. Internal family problems, piled-up responsibilities that seem to have no end, can become so unbearable that a person, accusing his family of callousness, can break off relations with them, from which he himself will suffer. There may be problems related to obtaining citizenship, court cases regarding the alienation of property, rent, sale or purchase of real estate, etc. Or the destruction of a house for any reason, for example, due to poor technical condition or due to natural disasters (collapses, earthquakes, floods) or social upheavals. Or loss of harvest for the same reasons.


Here, Saturn either helps to strengthen love relationships (in some cases, it can even contribute to marriage proposals) or indicates the possibility of breaking up the relationship. But even with positive aspects, a person may experience some cooling, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, or feel detached from a loved one. He may think about the seriousness of the relationship and the advisability of its development. A long separation from your lover is possible, or some other circumstances interfere with meetings. All this causes anxiety, fear, and creates a feeling of uncertainty, so a person strives for certainty in relationships. In some cases, this position may indicate a love or creative relationship with a person who is much older or has a strong position in society. An old love affair may be renewed.

Children and everything connected with them may require serious attention. There may be problems that come through them. A person either himself realizes responsibility towards them, takes on their development and education, or he is forced to do so by circumstances. Saturn, passing through the V field, reduces the chance of having children; women may have problems with pregnancy, labor may be prolonged. In some cases, transit may indicate separation from children.

Saturn, by its nature, does not welcome adventurers and does not like risk, so you should be careful in everything related to gambling, entertainment, speculation and other financial adventures. Difficult with creative self-expression, so at this time it is better to improve your creations rather than start something new. Recognition is difficult to obtain at this time. Although in the case of an exceptionally favorable position of Saturn, for example, if he is the ruler of the X field in Radix, it is quite possible that the owner of the horoscope will receive well-deserved recognition, and perhaps, through his creation, will gain immortality. But it also happens that a work presented to the public at the time of Saturn’s passage through the V field goes unnoticed, but it may be remembered later, with a more favorable transit position of the planets. Therefore, Saturn in this field is not at all an obstacle to creative work, things will just go much slower.

Negative aspects indicate problems with loved ones and children, dissatisfaction with relationships with them. Depending on additional indicators, this could be forced separation from children (for example, during a divorce), a serious illness of a loved one or child, and even death, if indicated in Radix. Children at this time demand increased attention, they may withdraw into themselves, reject their parents, older children may leave home. Contact with adult children is lost.

Often this transit leads to disappointment in a loved one, and may indicate betrayal, a serious break in relationships, bringing suffering to the owner of the horoscope. In some cases, there is a decrease in sexual needs, and a person may give up love altogether. It is better for women to avoid conceiving. With appropriate additional indicators, problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth are possible: caesarean section, miscarriage or post-term pregnancy. It is a very unfavorable time for an abortion.

Losses are possible due to gambling, speculation, and financial fraud.


This is one of the most harmonious positions of Saturn, since the patience, concentration, and methodology characteristic of it are perfectly suited for matters related to the VI field. In the case of positive natal indicators and the absence of negative aspects, Saturn stabilizes the situation at work and favors those whose profession requires qualifications and increased attention. At this time, a person may be entrusted with responsible work, but one still cannot expect a promotion or special encouragement. Saturn does not consider that performing work duties even with increased zeal is something out of the ordinary. During the period of Saturn's passage through the VI field, you should not voluntarily change jobs or quit. Finding a new job will be much more difficult than at other times. It’s a different matter if a person for some reason lost his job, which is quite possible if Saturn makes a negative aspect to any planet, especially a malefic one.

This is a period when you have to devote a lot of time to ordinary, routine affairs. It is possible that a person will have to take on the responsibilities of a nurse or guardian. Or there will be a need to take your health seriously. Often during such a transit, a person begins a course of treatment or diet, cleanses the body, undergoes medical examinations, a course of physical therapy, and so on. Usually preference is given traditional medicine, but the old ancient methods of treatment, which have stood the test of time, are not forgotten. The same goes for nutrition. A person can become a naturopath, a vegetarian, or another healthy lifestyle. As you can see, Saturn really brings a lot of useful things here, but the main thing here is still not to go to extremes, beyond which diet, fasting or hardening turns into a mockery of the body.

Negative aspects indicate problems at work. Conflicts, lack of mutual understanding with colleagues, alienation, condemnation, isolation from the team, disfavor of superiors, reprimand, censure, dismissal, period of unemployment are possible. Or at this time a person has so much work that he physically does not have time to do it; all the routine, non-prestigious or low-paid work can be dumped on him. Accidents or accidents at work are possible, errors that give rise to serious problems.

Negatively aspected Saturn in this field portends a deterioration in well-being due to fatigue and overload, and an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Treatment at this time is usually ineffective. Danger of injury, falling from height, colds.

Pet owners may have trouble with their pets.


As with transit through the III field, Saturn here limits the number of contacts with the outside world. A person becomes more reserved, cautious in making acquaintances, narrows his social circle as much as possible to truly the right people and those to whom he has moral (and sometimes material) obligations. This transit can give a heightened sense of responsibility to other people and a heightened sense of justice. In the case of a favorable natal Saturn, this transit helps to strengthen partnerships, both business and marital. If a person lives in an open marriage, Saturn, entering this field, inclines him to legitimize the relationship. Saturn in the 7th field may indicate marriage with a person at least seven years older or with an authoritative person who occupies a respectable position in society.

Saturn in this field is set up for serious business cooperation and long-term partnerships, so social events, presentations, exhibitions, etc. he visits only when necessary. During these years, he is not very inclined to have fun and waste time. Despite the fact that Saturn is a planet of limitation, compression, and coldness, it is located in the VII field, where a person, willingly or unwillingly, becomes noticeable in society. Saturn here can manifest itself through strict judgments about the owner of the horoscope. A person has to take care of himself, since society will judge his every step very harshly. What Jupiter, Venus and the Moon easily get away with here is not forgiven to Saturn.

In the absence of negative indicators for natal and transit Saturn, this transit promotes the conclusion of long-term contracts and favors professional affairs related to the specifics of this field.

Negative aspects indicate a lack of mutual understanding with partners, disputes, conflicts, and litigation. Rejection and even rejection of a person by the society in which he moves, disagreements between business partners, loss of trust, troubles and losses through marriage or business partners are possible. During this period, enemies, competitors, and opponents may become more active and create obstacles for the owner of the horoscope, trying to denigrate him and belittle his merits. Litigation is possible, which will most likely end not in favor of the owner of the horoscope. An unfavorable time for any legal affairs, concluding transactions and contracts, for social and political activities. Negative aspects of Saturn in this field may indicate illness of a marriage partner or painful dependence on him. This transit also often creates a crisis in marital relationships, which can lead to divorce. Sometimes the decision of the spouses to live separately for some time (until Saturn leaves this field) helps to prevent a breakdown in relationships. If Saturn, when passing through the VII field, forms negative aspects to malefic planets, it is not recommended to register a marriage. Firstly, the marriage may not take place, may be postponed, or may be prevented by various circumstances. Secondly, a marriage concluded in such years is unlikely to be happy.


In general, an unfavorable transit, bringing a period of trials, suffering, losses, and fatal events. In the best case, if a person does not go beyond the framework of contracts and the law, there will be no special problems in business, except that he will have to work a lot and hard. Saturn does not promise fabulous profits, but he will give what is expected. Investments should be made only in proven enterprises and, in general, deal only with long-standing, well-established partners. At this time, a person may find himself involved in serious situations and matters that he will not be able to refuse (for example, he may be sent to a dangerous job or given a secret assignment). He can take part in rescue work, become a witness to a disaster (in the case of a favorably aspected Saturn) or a victim of it (in the case of an unfavorably aspected one), therefore such primordial qualities of Saturn as composure, restraint, patience, fortitude can serve him well.

If possible, then during such a transit one should not decide on extreme actions unless absolutely necessary. In the case of negative aspects of Saturn to malefic natal planets, serious injuries and fractures that threaten disability are possible. In the worst case scenario, you could pay with your life. Although more often during Saturn’s passage through the VIII field, a person witnesses someone’s death. It could also be the death of a loved one.

Saturn here can cause delays or difficulties in matters related to taxes, insurance, inheritance. In the case of negative aspects, big problems, material and moral losses are possible. Misunderstandings, disagreements, and conflicts arise between business partners related to joint finances. The financial condition of the marriage partner may deteriorate. Often this transit results in a decrease in sexual desire, problems in this area, and the absence or loss of a sexual partner.

Negative aspects create a very difficult atmosphere. At this time, severe destructive events, loss of loved ones, suffering from betrayal of a loved one are possible. The usual rhythm of life usually breaks down, a person has to solve complex problems, often requiring full dedication of physical and mental strength. It is possible to lose money due to fraud, forgery, or incorrectly invested funds. Deception or betrayal of a business partner, robbery, accident, disaster, fall from a height, assassination attempt, imprisonment. There is a danger of suffering from a natural disaster, being caught in a landslide, an avalanche, being covered with earth, becoming a victim of a criminal, or being involved in a crime.

At this time, you should not take out a loan, borrow money, purchase securities, assume obligations, commit illegal actions, or conflict with the law and tax authorities.

Health may suffer due to nervous overload. Hidden diseases may appear.


If Saturn in Radix has a favorable cosmic status and does not have any negative natal and transit aspects, during this transit it brings stability to the affairs of the IX field, guarantees the strengthening of business ties with foreign or distant partners, facilitates the conclusion of long-term deals and agreements, and provides support for influential of people. May indicate gaining authority among foreign colleagues, recognition in professional circles. With a favorable combination of circumstances, it is even possible to establish your own scientific school, scientific organization, social movement, political party. A person who is abroad has a chance to gain a foothold there and obtain legal status to live on foreign territory. Or the person abroad “does not let him go”, and he will have to stay there. It is possible that the father will go abroad. Travel is possible, although it is preferable for it to be purposeful - this is not the right time for entertaining and educational travel.

Often during this transit a person decides to take his education seriously. He either enters a higher educational institution or resumes his studies there - in other words, he begins to “gnaw on the granite of science.” good time for self-education and self-determination. A person can also remember God, accept the rite of baptism, and become a diligent parishioner. A decisive turn towards spiritual development is possible. A person determines for himself the religion that he will serve, and can take any spiritual vow.

Negative aspects entail difficulties associated with business, foreign partners, loss of connections or mutual understanding with them. Possible undermining of authority, loss of trust, breakdown of agreements, loss of influence. This is not the right time for investment, especially if it involves foreigners. In general, you should be on your guard with them, as all sorts of troubles can come from them. There may be problems while abroad, clashes with people of a different nationality or religion, robbery or other illegal actions aimed at the owner of the horoscope. Problems often arise with returning home (for example, loss of a passport, recognizance not to leave, imprisonment). There may also be problems with entering higher education institutions, passing exams, defending a graduation project, or publishing a book. There may be conflicts with the authorities due to participation in public protests, etc. Travel (especially long-distance) is undesirable. There may be problems obtaining a visa or residence permit. The danger of unpleasant incidents on the road, disasters, accidents.


If there are no natal contraindications, then during this period a person can reach certain heights. Saturn gives the opportunity for advancement to people who are focused, persistent and hardworking; here it, as it were, tests a person’s perseverance and professionalism, and gives the opportunity to achieve a cherished goal. And if he passes the exam, then at the moment when Saturn passes through the X field of the horoscope, he may be offered a job or a responsible post in a government structure. Or a person opens his own business. This is facilitated by increased professional ambitions and the desire for power and independence. In general, if a person has a goal, then with due persistence it is quite achievable at this time. During this period, the owner of the horoscope can count on the help of older people and high-level managers. He may be faced with serious tasks, he may be involved in political affairs, and with positive additional indicators, he may occupy one of the key positions and be elected to government bodies.

If a person does not strive for power, this transit may indicate a promotion, a responsible assignment, hard work, mastering a new profession, gaining authority among professionals, achieving a goal, or victory over difficulties. This is a time of self-affirmation, professional growth and public recognition.

Negative aspects create difficulties in professional life, accompanied by strategic mistakes and problems with career growth. On the one hand, to achieve his goals, a person can pursue a very tough policy, stopping at nothing and pursuing only his own interests. Success in this situation is possible, but usually short-lived. Saturn, although persistent in his pursuit of the goal, is fair, therefore, sooner or later, a dizzying rise will be followed by a fall, and the entire structure built by man will collapse overnight. For example, a person achieved position at the expense of a high-ranking patron. If this patron dies or loses his post, then the owner of the horoscope loses his warm home and all his privileges. On the other hand, at this time a person can be “hounded” by enemies and careerists who try, by hook or by crook, to denigrate him and not give him the opportunity to advance. They can use any methods for this, even illegal ones. In other words, a negatively aspected Saturn in the X field makes a person undesirable to society and it tries with all its might to squeeze him out of its circle, to trample him as a professional. In this regard, a person can experience humiliation and unfounded accusations, but it is possible that by his actions he puts himself outside of society, and then it deservedly rejects him. There may also be troubles associated with the father or mother, their illness, injury, loss of position, etc.; problems with government agencies, law enforcement agencies, influential people, employers.


For a person leading an active lifestyle, this period is quite difficult, since it requires solitude, internal work on oneself, and understanding of the processes taking place around one. A person in his bustle simply does not have enough time to think about anything, and Saturn, voluntarily or involuntarily, stops a person and forces him to look back at what he has done over the years while Saturn walked across the Zodiac (the other 11 fields). XII pope is the field of summing up and correcting mistakes, and Saturn is the planet of duty, which together forces a person to temporarily distract himself from worldly affairs and take care of the “soul.” In other words, it's time to pay off your debts. If a person tries to evade this and continues to run in a circle, Saturn will still return him to his place, creating a kind of vacuum around the person, through which it can be quite difficult to break through. Therefore, if a person resists the obvious, he has a hard time at this time. If he consciously or instinctively obeys the dictates of Saturn, he will discover many positive things. For example, take care of yourself and what has been put off all the time, for which there was no time. Those around you subconsciously sense a person’s need to be alone and often unconsciously try not to disturb him. This transit often lays the foundation for the study of arcane sciences, psychology, parapsychology, and philosophy. Good for psychological and occult practice, secret affairs (naturally, noble, not criminal), as well as for voluntary solitude in monasteries, ashrams, spiritual communities, etc. This is a time of voluntary service, helping neighbors who are in trouble or broken by fate.

If a person correctly understands the tasks of this period, then nothing special threatens him. But if, at the time of transit of any planet through the XII field, something unpleasant happens to a person - illness, injury, bullying or something else - you should think about what debts are making themselves felt, what was done wrong, and try to correct the mistakes. The Moon runs through this field in 1 - 4 days (depending on the size of the field), its influence manifests itself in the form of a fleeting reminder, reproach, regret, repentance. Saturn turns these same numbers into years, asks strictly, but also gives time to improve the situation. Refusal to ask for help at the moment when Saturn passes the XII field of the horoscope can cost a person dearly. In this field, he reminds a person of the truth, expressed in the saying “don’t swear off prison or scrip,” and therefore confronts him with unfortunate, wretched, seriously ill people and with those who have fallen and strayed from the true path. He will help them - someone in difficult times will lend a helping hand to him too.

Blackmail, harassment, stalking, forcible detention, arrest, placement in charitable or correctional institutions, etc. are also possible; what exactly this will be will be shown by additional natal and transit aspects. All this can happen not only to the owner of the horoscope himself, but also to someone close to him, in which case he still suffers. In some cases, expulsion, exile, forced emigration, and travel problems are possible.

If a person feels unwell during this transit, this is most likely a manifestation of a hitherto hidden illness, which may be incurable, or its treatment will require a lot of time and effort.

The Sun and Saturn have always been considered antagonists in astrology since ancient times, like light and darkness. And indeed, here is the picture that is created during the passage of Saturn through the constellation of the Sun in the horoscope of any person: slowing down and inhibition of all physiological functions of a given person, constraint and oppression of his will and power, narrowing of the sphere of influence of a given person on other people, any kind of financial difficulties and material nature, loss of job or demotion, etc.

Transits of Saturn through the Sun

If the Sun and Saturn in the radix are connected by favorable aspects, then during the transit of Saturn over the constellation of the Sun, the influence of Saturn will not be harmful. Rather, on the contrary: most often during this period of time, which will last several years, Saturn will create a slow, but also persistent and lasting improvement in all matters in the field of profession, position, work, or, although with great difficulty, but reliably, will provide the opportunity to participate in large events or get a long-term loan to build or purchase your own home, farm, property, etc.

If in the radix there is no connection at all between the Sun and Saturn, then everything will depend on the simultaneous influence of the other transiting planets. At times, the influence of Saturn makes itself felt in the open, especially in the presence of obstacles, inhibitions, and delays.

Saturn does not give so-called “accidental happiness” at all; it forces you to receive all benefits only with difficulty, great difficulty. Saturn always shows its real face when it makes unfavorable and harmful aspects, quadrature or opposition in radix with the Sun. In these cases, he mercilessly reduces both the physical strength of the person and his spiritual strength of resistance.

Appears depressive state and various kinds of somatic suffering of the body, all bring only losses and damages: business, enterprises, transactions and speculation... everywhere and everywhere, instead of success, only failures. Imaginary connections and connections appear, imaginary alliances or connections, everything is wrong and wrong, even the position at work comes into a state of vacillation and hesitation.

During this period of time this person must be ready to accept any blows from fate. There can be any losses, both materially, financially and socially. It all depends on which houses of the horoscope both planets are in and what additional influences they receive from the other transiting planets.

For example, if the Sun is in the X house of the horoscope, then in this case transiting Saturn will bring a crisis in the field of profession, work or position, as well as various mistakes and failures or organic damage to the body.

All bets are relaxed, all activities are difficult: a lot of work and work, little success and luck, and even less appreciation and approval. During this period of time, you should refrain from any participation in financial transactions, because there is not the slightest chance of winning or luck, or a lucky break.

Transits of Saturn through the Moon

Compound; unfavorable aspects of transiting Saturn with natal Moon

The exact conjunction of transiting Saturn with the Moon’s place in the radix creates strong disturbance in a person’s soul, followed by depression and shaky mood. In the female horoscope this manifests itself much more strongly than in the male one, because the female soul is more sensitive, more receptive than the male.

In men's horoscopes, this applies more to relationships with a spouse or mother, and to family relationships in general. This transit may also begin separation. If the Moon in radix is ​​in houses 1, 6, 7 or 12, i.e. in houses indicating the health of a person, the transit of Saturn will cause organic attacks of mental origin, as well as illness and sometimes death of the spouse or mother or other elderly relative of the woman.

Disharmonious incidents or events in marriage, especially due to jealousy or mistrust or due to internal alienation or disappointment in one's feelings, etc. At home and in the family, an atmosphere of excitement, indignation and anxiety is created, requiring mandatory relief in the form of trips or small trips that can bring short-term changes.

A change of environment will help you successfully overcome this period. IN women's horoscopes this transit often creates unnecessary worries and troubles, anxiety or annoyance, anger or evil deeds against one’s own home, i.e. against close relatives or friends, colleagues or co-workers.

This transit has a particularly strong effect in cases where the Moon and Saturn are unfavorably connected in the radix: the strength of resistance and mental adaptability and the spiritual defensive will are reduced, creating mental relaxation and passivity. A woman with such a constellation in the radix during this transit often gets sick and suffers from the diseases indicated by the sign in which the Moon is located in the radix.

Such horoscopes are considered very burdensome; the world of feelings for these women must overcome frequent severe crises. In men's horoscopes, these phenomena are expressed differently: they have less influence on the psyche, but they strongly manifest themselves in married life with a spouse.

And in home environment, and in love affairs the same problems are repeated, burdening marital cohabitation, and the emotional experiences themselves because of the spouse leave him only with mild depression.

Transits of Saturn through Mercury

Here intellectual activity enters a slow but deep channel. Mercury under this transit loses its lightness, mobility and resourcefulness, becomes slow and deep both in the sphere of thinking and in the business sphere.

This transit has a good effect if in the main horoscope Saturn and Mercury are connected by a good aspect, especially for scientists involved in solving serious scientific problems, and for writers who popularize scientific problems, because this transit deepens thinking, consciousness and feelings; This incident can give a person excellent contemplation and creativity, creating spiritual balance. On the other hand, the transit of Saturn dampens the ability to adapt, muffles lightness, mobility and resourcefulness.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Saturn with Mercury

With bad aspects, this transit can bring depression, contradiction and obstacles and create a predisposition to hard work and unnecessary worries and troubles, causing complications with external environment and lead to frustration and anger.

Transiting Saturn conjunct Mercury

Creates deep thinking, concentration, clear consciousness, sober mind and controlled feelings. A very favorable period for intellectual work and travel.

The ability to adapt is dulled, lightness, mobility and resourcefulness are stifled. Depression, contradictions and obstacles. Extra work and hassle, frustration and anger. Complications with the outside world.

Mistakes at work, bad letters, difficulties in trade, enmity, falling to the lower strata of society, disputes, quarrels, nervous illnesses, stupid debts, execution with forced executions, penalties), loss of official papers, documents, conflicts with the elderly and Jews, deterioration of financial affairs, attempted suicide. This period is completely unsuitable for visits.

Favorable aspects of transiting Saturn with Mercury

Contemplation and creative energy. Spiritual balance. A very important period for concentration, for scientific research work, for scientists and writers, for testing mental strength. Useful time for financing and investment in houses and real estate, long-term agreements and contracts, wills, trade and travel, moving, contacts with older people, favorable correspondence.

Transits of Saturn through Venus and its aspects

Deepening feelings and connections. Disappointments, difficulties. This transit in most cases leaves a deep mark in the world of feelings, in the sphere of sensuality and impressionability, affects inclinations and impulses, influences love and sex life, which are the strongest factors in a person’s life.

Favorable aspects of Saturn transiting Venus

With good aspects between both planets in the radix, this aspect will have a harmonious influence, causing a deepening of feelings of a positive nature. At the same time, other nuances of Saturn’s specificity will appear: difficulties and seriousness, insufficient inspiration, sluggish emotional experiences in relation to those closest to people.

Often such a person unexpectedly quickly connects himself with a partner much older than himself. Often enters into alliances in connection with a specific goal: the possession of a solid material base, which later creates a certain kind of complications and difficulties in the sphere of love, feelings and eroticism, in the field of joint marital cohabitation and family life.

But this will always be a serious union, with a consciousness of duty and responsibilities, full of worries and troubles. Compound. Sobering and disappointment, cooling of feelings and solitude, financial failures.

Unfavorable aspects of Saturn transiting Venus

Disappointments, difficulties, obstacles, seriousness, lack of inspiration, alienation in love, depression, loneliness, financial difficulties, illness, sexual perversion, immorality.

During the activity of negative transits and progressions of Saturn, even the most cheerful people may lose all their optimism. During such periods, people are more susceptible to depression, erroneous judgments, as well as immoral actions and unworthy feelings - hatred, intolerance, callousness, stubbornness, complacency, etc. In addition, during the period of Saturn activity, we are more prone to illness and making critical mistakes.

Oddly enough, when we are under the influence of the most unfavorable cycles of Saturn, we are unshakably confident that we are right and that we are taking the only right actions. Thinking that we may be seeing things in their true light for the first time, we may suddenly and completely change our minds about anything, betray everything we hold dear, and walk away from what is truly best for us. During such periods, we are irresistibly attracted to all the most unfavorable, unnecessary and destructive things. In other words, these are times when we are determined to do exactly what will cause us the most harm.

It is during periods of Saturn transits that you tend to do incorrect choice and be guided by the wrong messages, enjoying chaos and ultimately reaping suffering.

It must be remembered that there is not a single positive transit of Saturn, except for more or less quiet transits of Saturn (0, 120 and //) to Mercury and Uranus. All other Saturn cycles signal problems, and of all the transits and progressions of Saturn, the following should be highlighted:

  • Saturn 90 150 180 Earth- This is the worst transit and progression of Saturn. On a scale of 0 to -200 in terms of strength of adverse influence, they easily reach -250 (that's not a typo).
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Jupiter- Time of unfavorable changes. Problems that you didn’t have time to deal with and that were quietly brewing under the radar can manifest themselves in full force during such a transit or progression. At the same time, even the smallest of these problems can turn into intractable ones.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Chiron- Time of grief and collapse of illusions. If you meet someone during the active transit of Saturn to your Chiron, then a relationship with this new person will only cause you pain and grief. This is true even if, simultaneously with the transit of Saturn, you have the most favorable Golden and Cinderella transits.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Neptune- Transit and progression of the almshouse. The probability of losing your last shirt.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Pluto- Transit and progression of serious financial and business failures.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Uranus- Transit and progression of notoriety and political failures.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Ceres- Transit and progression of business and financial failures.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Juno- Transit and progression of betrayal, financial problems and deception.
  • Saturn 90 150 180 Vesta- During this transit or progression, you may turn into a person who is shunned by everyone.

When you are under the influence of such transits and progressions, you have to deal not only with external problems beyond your control, but also with your own ill-considered actions.

These transits destabilize the nervous system, making many uncontrollable and easily excitable, which often ends in a nervous breakdown and depression. Even worse, these transits are blocked by common sense - you can do a lot of stupid things that will take years to correct.

Incorrect choice

It is during the periods of Saturn transits that you tend to make bad choices and be guided by the wrong messages, enjoying chaos and ultimately reaping suffering. During such periods, you believe that your intuition is leading you in the right direction, that you soberly assess your strengths and difficult situations, while you make mistakes for which you will have to pay for a long time.

Another sad aspect of Saturn cycles is that they block the spiritual system support exactly when we need it most. It is at such moments that we lose faith in ourselves, in our strengths and in the justice of the Universe. And it is during periods of negative Saturn transits that we feel most unhappy, deprived, lonely and abandoned, or angry with life and fate. As believers would say: Saturn cycles block our ability to hear the voice of angels.

People, under the influence of these extremely unfavorable transits, tend to tread the dangerous path of illegal transactions and expose themselves to unreasonable risks. First of all, it is clear that it is better to always remain in harmony with the law. Secondly, the time of activity of any of these transits is so unfavorable that any of our dubious actions will not go unnoticed.

During the transit of Saturn, it is contraindicated to seek a promotion or look for new job, start an important project or open your own business

Another problem is that when others think about us during such periods, they focus solely on our shortcomings. And this means that during the activity of any of the above transits, we are contraindicated to seek a promotion, look for a new job, start an important project or open our own business, conduct business negotiations or give presentations.

In terms of personal life, these transits and progressions are no better. For example, you might come up with the idea break off relations with those closest to you- leave your family or break off relationships with those who suit you best, only to find yourself in the arms of those who are simply contraindicated for you. Don't do this, no matter how strong the temptation, because when the storm passes, you will regret what you did and most likely want to go back. Only the situation may develop in such a way that you will have nowhere to return. If you are single and suddenly the idea of ​​getting married comes to your mind, do not do it under any circumstances! An example of this is that each of which she concluded during unfavorable transits, as well as which was destroyed due to the unfavorable aspects of Saturn, which were active at the time of registration.

DO NOT MAKE ANY SURPRISE MOVEMENTS during negative transits and progressions of Saturn. The best survival strategy in such times is to not make any critical decisions or change anything in your life until the unfavorable period is over. Whatever “bright” thoughts come to your mind during periods of activity of unfavorable Saturn transits, ignore them.

Minimize business contacts and attending social events during periods of peak transit activity (7-5 ​​days prior to accuracy). In addition, in order not to create additional difficulties for yourself during an already stressful time, it is advisable to treat everyone around you with the utmost politeness and correctness, because you may need their help and support at any time.

Don't invest and try to avoid large purchases(house, car), because there is a high probability of losing large sums of money. In addition, do not try to be lazy and carefully fulfill all your obligations, since any mistake or negligence on your part at work can be fatal.

One of the main reasons that people are prone to numerous problems during the activity of Saturn transits and progressions is that they they lose the ability to think soberly, lose faith in themselves, in their family and loved ones. If you do not allow this to happen to you, then you will be able to survive the negative cycles of Saturn without much loss.

Based on materials from the Magi Society,

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You can find out your periods of unfavorable Saturn transits by ordering a consultation on the methodology from an astrologer by mail [email protected], or by filling out the form below:

Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

- During this period, negative character traits such as intolerance, recklessness, stubbornness, cruelty, hatred of others or ill will may become especially pronounced.
Partnership/love and marriage:
- The selfish behavior of the native will be in sharp contradiction with friendly relations, love and family happiness. Circumstances related to caring for others will often arise. During this period, the possibility of separation should not be ruled out.
Work and business relationships:
- During this period, the fallacy of the planned work activity or business relationship should become clear. In a team, situations are possible that undermine the authority of the native.
Material sphere and financial relations:
- A clear trend of losses will lead to a decrease in living standards or to the delay of shareholder transactions, which were supposed to serve to improve the financial situation. In addition, these transits will be unfavorable for the acquisition of land holdings and for starting or continuing construction work.
- Mental overload and depression will negatively affect all areas in the native’s body. Metabolic disorders, rheumatism, gout, joint diseases (especially knees) and infectious diseases will accompany the native during these transits.

Transit - Business

A period of anxiety regarding the state of your affairs, pessimism, concern and disappointment. Various obstacles and delays make it difficult to complete even the easiest work and resolve basic issues. This is a fairly long period (up to three months), but occurs only twice in every thirty years of life. Onerous duties, burden of responsibility and obligations. An unfortunate combination of circumstances prevents free expression in almost any field of activity. Financial difficulties, direct losses and losses. Conflicts with management, influential people, public or official organizations, restrictions on their part. You will have to postpone for a while the conclusion of deals and contracts, especially those designed for a long period, because even if there are no obstacles during their signing, they will still not bring anything good. All unreasonable steps will echo in the future. Probably, one way or another, you will have to take part in solving the problems of your superiors.

Transit - Health

Serious, health crisis period. A severe mental state aggravates the course of chronic illnesses and often contributes to the development of acute diseases into the chronic phase. This is especially true for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases. This is a period of intensive aging of the body. The likelihood of accidents, injuries, and serious illnesses increases significantly. Conception is undesirable, problems with pregnancy are likely.

Transit - Love and family

A period of crisis for marriage and personal relationships. An extremely bad time to get married. The very maintenance of good relations seems impossible. Conflicts or obstacles from elderly relatives, the need to care for them, and fulfill difficult obligations. In general, this is a bad period for household, economic, property and financial matters. Your budget can suffer greatly without the prospect of replenishing it. Conception is not desirable.

I am not a person of the system.. I DO NOT recognize dogmas (these are the low energies of Saturn and Mercury. By the way), including astrological ones.

And I KNOW for sure that the intense aspects of any planet in dynamics or natal can be complex (depending on karma, on the efforts made in life to overcome difficulties, on willpower and fortitude, on submitting to fears or overcoming them, etc., etc.

BUT!! They can and DO HAPPEN, despite the “evil” position in the natal (exile, fall, defeat) - they can be practically unnoticeable, and even positive.

1) about one square of Saturn:

We will talk about the owner of this card (my husband)))

As you can see, “evil” Saturn is in exile (in Cancer), and is defeated by Mars.

Because Saturn makes a square to the 7th ruler Mars in the natal. standing practically on the DSC, then any transit also affects the DSC.

One period of the squared trans. Saturn to itself (including triple passage through the DSC) and nat. The moon lasted quite a long time: 11 months.

But first - a preface to explain what's what :)

He emigrated to Germany in August 1996.

Settlement, all the “settlement” matters, immediately studying at the university in Cologne.

In May 1997 I (from Russia) flew to Once again to Italy on business. And Yaroslav decided to come to me there - we haven’t seen each other for more than six months. Despite the fact that not everything worked out very, very easily and quickly, he still managed to organize everything - and arrived on May 17th. These days, Saturn ascended his Dsc and Mars (the ruler of the Dsc, standing on his Dsc in the natal) as the first passage.

August 1997 - Saturn turns (in an orb of 2 degrees) square towards the MC and itself. We decide that I will fly in the fall.

When passing through the DSC with the second pass (being in the orb of the square to one’s natal self), we met again)))))

A couple of months later, not for the first time))) he proposed to me (on the third passage of Saturn across Mars (U7), still in convergent square to transit Saturn).

The marriage was registered on the tr square. Saturn to nat. Moon (U10) - in his natal, Saturn is in conjunction. with the Moon with an orb of 6 degrees). It’s not surprising - because my husband is 20 years younger than me))) (he has indications in the natal chart for marriage with a woman older than him, just as there are aspects of widowhood (which is natural with such an age difference).

In addition, during transits Lilith walked along his Asc. and Venus (U 1) - according to Lilith in Pisces))))

Second episode)))

The period from the end of November 2010 to August 2012 (almost almost 2 years):

three passes along the Asc, Saturn square to one’s natal self,

Saturn square to the Moon (three passes).

December 2, 2010 - Saturn enters Asc with the first pass: my husband received a very good 13th salary and at the same time they announced a salary increase. True, for a small amount - 120 euros, but still. In addition to Saturn on Asc in transits of the Sun through Neptune (2nd house, exact), trine conjunct. Jupiter-Uranus (orb. Jupiter - 12 minutes) to natal Moon on MS (ruler 10).

Not reaching a degree to the “pure” square to itself (18 degrees 14 minutes), transit Saturn turned 2 degrees from the Asc (15 degrees 16 minutes Libra) - and went through the 2nd pass (retro phase) again along the Asc. (beginning of February 2011). He was offered a position that did not provide a financial increase, but gave him increased responsibility, status and the opportunity to move from the general office to a quieter place - to the boss’s office)))

September 2011 - third passage along the Asc - judging by the astro diary (I have been keeping an astro diary since 2007 - although I don’t write down all the little things, but I still remember a lot based on the events. Sometimes travel notes in my passports help me - and they are all stored, this is the order - keep all passports from the moment of entry to emigration))) - so this is the owner of this card. which we are considering transit did not notice at all.

September-October 2011 - square tr. Saturn to himself (natal in Cancer, having a defeat, “evil”) - no (I emphasize - NO) negative events and even inner feeling the person didn't have it. There was a lot of work - interesting, responsible, because he was finishing his second degree and was about to start his graduation project. More precisely. began to develop a topic, which later became the topic of the diploma. At the same time working full time at my workplace.

(By the way, about the dogma that you can’t start anything new on the Saturn square... YOU CAN! The project that he started at this time was very successfully implemented at the enterprise after a year and a half, bringing him huge savings.

In 3(!) passes with a square to the Nat. Nothing sad or frightening happened to Luna, with the exception of one very fundamental quarrel on the third pass (it was not a quarrel, but a rather fundamental statement from the wife). Considering that we never quarrel at all (well, he can snort - having a conn. Mars-Jupiter square Saturn - ideas about justice sometimes bite him))). It was quite harsh here (on my part). It lasted several days.

On August 30, 2012, he defended his diploma (second higher education, evening. He had to work a lot.

BUT:) - he always learns easily, copes well, he is somehow “tailored” to learning ability)))). I can’t help but take off my hat to his composure during the learning process (of any kind), his ability to correctly prioritize without compromising the main business and loved ones, to his desire to dig into the foundation, understand the essence (!) - and then... in a year or two he may forget with the same ease. what shocks my Virgo-Mercurian foundation))) (Gemini is Gemini)))

Saturn moved 2 degrees from the square to the Moon (there was also a return of the Nodes and trine of Uranus to Venus) (ruler of Asc) - and we flew on a luxurious vacation: Singapore and Bali. :)

Small note:


So leave your fears about Saturn))))

Saturn is an acceptance of responsibility - or a reminder of Fate about it... This is a duty - or a response for previously undertaken obligations or an answer for unfulfilled obligations (to your Soul, to tasks undertaken before incarnation - including Because he is the Guardian of Karma.

Saturn is “cement” to some extent; it cements or strengthens relationships.

If Pluto is the instrument of karma, then Saturn is its guardian. Her “caretaker”, if you will. Observer. Prompter.))))

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