What to give a person to tell the truth. Conspiracies to find out the truth

Basically, everyone wants to learn how to recognize lies. Of course, it’s very cool when we see that they are lying to us. This is a useful skill and should be developed to avoid being a sucker. But the question is: what should we do when we saw and recognized a lie by all the signs? Should we tell our liar about this!? It is unlikely that he will admit that he is lying. Therefore we will use psychological methods who can force a person to tell the truth.

Method "Surprise"

This method, when correct use, can force a person to tell the truth. Its essence lies in the fact that during the conversation you should suddenly interrupt and ask a question that interests you. The conversation should be structured neutrally, with as much sympathy for the interlocutor as possible in order to win him over. Thus, you force the person to relax and trust you.

Take care of counterattacks in advance, because the person will probably understand your trick and try to laugh it off or hush up the topic. Therefore, always have something ready that will prompt the person to answer the question. Or ask a question of interest in the presence of other people who, just like you, want to hear the truth.

"Blackmail" method

Blackmail is not dirty method, so feel free to take it into service. With the help of blackmail, you can also force a person to tell the truth. You just need to act in the following way. Feel for a person’s “sore spot” that you can grab and demand whatever your heart desires. After this, confront him with the fact that if he does not tell the truth, then an investigation will follow. If a person has not told you the truth, then be sure to put your promises into action, perhaps this will shake his self-confidence and force him to tell the truth.

The "I Know What You're Hiding" Method

This method is often used by operatives to force a person to tell the truth. During the investigation, a lot of evidence is revealed, which, if correctly compared, can paint a picture of the incident. This picture (not the whole, but only part of which you are absolutely sure of) is shown to the suspect and after that the phrase is said: “It will be better if you tell everything yourself!” After this phrase, a person has a feeling of fear that everyone really knows about his actions and he begins to tell the truth.

"Trust" method

This method is the purest and most sincere of all, which will force a person to tell the truth. Its essence is that it should be done so strongly that the person feels that he can tell you the reason why he lied. The main disadvantage of this method is that it only works among friends and loved ones. Although it’s difficult to call this a disadvantage, because it is so important for us that our loved ones trust us and tell the truth.

Method "Logical problem"

A simple and at the same time complex method to understand in order to force a person to tell the truth. To use it, you need to understand how lies work. When a person lies, he tries to present the situation so that it looks like the truth. At this moment, a logical chain of consequences is formed in his head and he is completely focused on it. At this very moment, you need to create a shocking situation for the liar, thereby breaking his logical chain. It’s very easy to come up with a situation that will shock your interlocutor. For example, when you notice that a person is lying, start singing and dancing loudly, or ask a personal question that will force the other person to switch thoughts.

The “tell the truth” conspiracy will help you find out the truth from a person who, for reasons unknown to you, is hiding it. Sometimes, knowing the truth is “more expensive”, but in most cases it is the only way to solve problems and restore justice.

How it works

What the truth sometimes means to us. Knowing the truth helps you understand how you are treated in the team, whether your loved one is faithful and honest with you. And how many times, without knowing the truth, we make mistakes in raising children. Such problems are solved with the help of psychologists who help people understand themselves and find out the true state of affairs.

But what to do if the person from whom you expect the truth and an honest attitude towards yourself does not compromise. To correct the situation, magic is used, which acts more gently and does not put pressure on the human psyche. With its conspiracies and rituals, more than one complex problem has been solved since ancient times. And in this case, there is also a whole arsenal of methods that will help bring anyone “to clean water».

The people have one proven way to tell the truth. You need to get a person drunk, as they say: “What a sober man has in his head, a drunk man has on his tongue.” But this method of finding out the truth is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, the rituals proposed below will make it possible to find out the truth without pressure.

Such rituals should be carried out very carefully. If a person starts from “better the bitter truth than a sweet lie,” then one must be prepared for the possibility that one may hear facts that will not fit in one’s head. Usually this leads to a break in relationships, major scandals and simply not the desire to live with such a “truth”.

But also positive sides, learning the truth, too. The information received helps people better understand each other, which significantly strengthens relationships. A husband who has wanted a child for a long time, but his wife is silent, for some unknown reason, can find out about this secretly.

As a rule, conspiracies to make a person tell the truth are quite easy to carry out at home. Without involvement strengths of magic.

In what cases are rituals performed to obtain the truth?

  • To obtain information about competing companies that are trying to ruin your company with the help of full-time employees;
  • To resolve conflict in the work team;
  • If a wife suspects her husband of going “to the left”;
  • When children, especially teenagers, often hide the truth from their parents;
  • When friends keep silent about the truth, which can greatly upset you or even throw you out of your life.

To find out the truth in a dream

When you need to find out certain information, but a person does not make contact, then perform a ritual and read the conspiracy to the truth.

The time for the ceremony is when the moon is in its waxing phase. The night chosen to find out the truth must be clear so that moonlight penetrates the room. After the person is sound asleep, go to the window, open the curtains and say:

“I call upon you, the Lord our God, glorious and praised. Giving life to all living things and guiding it. I ask you, Lord, open the lips of your servant (name), put a petal of truth in them, so that it blossoms into the flower of truth that I want to hear. Amen"

After speaking the words, go to bed. As soon as a person starts talking, you will definitely wake up and hear what he will talk about. Be sure that the person will not even know that he talked last night in his sleep.

Conspiracy to talk

In order to find out the truth and challenge your opponent to a frank conversation, a conspiracy to talk will help with this. Before. Before calling a person for a conversation, prepare for it.

The night before, write the name of the person you plan to meet on a piece of paper. Light a church candle and holding a sheet of paper high above the flame so as not to burn it, read the plot:

“The servant of God (name) will tell the whole truth, and the Servant of God (name) will tell me the truth. Let him not be afraid to open his lips and talk to me with his soul. Your Lord is true on a universal scale and among it is a drop of truth of my interlocutor. Let us conduct the conversation with hearts open to the truth, and not with false thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Fold the enchanted sheet of paper and place it at your head. After the conversation, burn the leaf and scatter the ashes to the wind. You need to know that the ritual works in two directions, that is, the person who performs it is also exposed to its effects. Which makes the future conversation honest and frank on both sides.

A conspiracy from someone who lies

The conspiracy that is proposed has great power and in the future the person will no longer have to doubt the truth of the words spoken by the interlocutor. It is read at home when:

  • You feel that the child ran away from class or got a bad grade, while carefully hiding the truth;
  • Bring to light the person who for a long time pretended to be a friend, but in reality started something nasty against you;
  • So that work colleagues do not lie and deceive, thereby exposing them to the failure of some business;
  • So that your husband is frank and honest towards you.

“If anyone goes against me and decides to lie to me, let his lips close in a sore bite and stay that way. Let it be".

If a person intends to tell a lie, then say the following conspiracy:

“As soon as you lie, you will immediately stutter and choke on saliva.”

“On the way, along the path, the companion will not deceive, nor will he brighten up the conversation with lies. There will be truth and truthfulness in his words.”

How to get someone to tell the truth

A magical conspiracy and ritual that is carried out on the eve of the meeting will help you find out the true purpose of a conversation with colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

You need to prepare for this ritual. What do you need:

  • A medium-sized round mirror with a clean surface without cracks or scratches;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Church candle;
  • A box of matches.

Place a piece of paper over the candle flame with the name of the opponent of tomorrow's conversation written on it, make sure everything is reflected in the mirror and read:

“Lord God, help me open my heart and open my eyes so that I can see the truth hidden behind the black veil of lies. Amen".

Roll up the sheet and hide it in inaccessible place. Once the conversation happens, it must be destroyed.

So that the husband does not lie

To prevent a person from lying. And even more so if this is a husband, you need to read the following plot:

“I conjure you (name) to tell me (name) only the truth, in the name of our Lord, who will not tolerate lies and knows the whole truth. Forever and ever. Amen".

When your spouse goes to bed, cross his mouth and say:

“Lord, help me, your servant (name), to save your servant (name) from lies and lies. So that neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor during the day or at night, words of lies are uttered. And if he tells a lie, let his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth, let his lips become numb, and his eyes darken. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on a liar

A conspiracy cast against a liar in order to isolate himself from his lies is a good alternative to medical treatment methods. The fact is that in medicine they use pills that help a liar correct his situation. They act on the subconscious, and the eternal liar begins to tell the truth. But this is a radical method that can affect human health.

Therefore, it is enough to arm yourself with a photograph of a liar and learn the words of the conspiracy:

“It’s bad for you to lie. From the truth. Which sits inside you, it turns you inside out. Your life without her is good and calmer. But as soon as you look into my eyes, the truth will flow out of you in a mad stream, which has been sitting in you for years. And you will free your soul from your lies and it will be easier for me to live with your truth. Let it be this way and not any other way. Amen".

After that. A person will start telling the truth as soon as he looks into your eyes. Direct eye-to-eye contact always provokes a person to be frank, especially since it is backed up by a conspiracy.

As people say: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” This also applies to the fact that before demanding truthful words and honest treatment from someone, look at your own behavior. decide whether you are honest enough with people and whether you always tell the truth. Therefore, before demanding that someone tell the truth, try to tell it yourself always and everywhere.

People lie quite often. Sometimes they hide the truth so as not to hurt the feelings of their neighbors, and sometimes in order to whitewash their personality. People value their reputation and do not like to be exposed. But sometimes knowing the truth is vital. tell the truth? Effective ways search below.


People are mysterious creatures. It is not always possible to understand the motives of your friends' actions. But nevertheless, any effect must have a cause. To find out the truth, you will need to think about why the person is hiding it. Once you find the answer, it will be easier to act. How to force a person to tell the truth? Apply manipulation. This technique works flawlessly if used correctly. Tell the person that you need to know the truth, and if the person does not tell it now, then you will have to take extreme measures. Say this phrase, but do not make any clarifications. An innocent person will say that he did nothing and has nothing to tell you. While the guilty person decides to find out what kind of punishment will await her. Once you are convinced that the person is lying, it will not be difficult to put the squeeze on him. For example, a wife who wants to hear the truth from her husband may say that she will now go pack her bags. A man who does not want to lose his beloved will tell everything as if in spirit.

Make a man angry

Thinking about effective method which will make a person tell the truth? How can you find out the information you are interested in without using force? You need to piss the person off. The method is designed for people nervous system which leaves much to be desired. If you know that a person cannot control the impulses of his rage, then start irritating him with something. When the person reaches the extreme point of his boiling point, ask a question that interests you. What a person would never say in a reasonable state, he may tell you in a fit of anger. People who cannot control their emotions will try their best to piss off their opponent. And if a person sees that he can’t do it, he will be able to tell him the most terrible things. For example, a wife who wants to find out if her husband is cheating on her can drive the man crazy through a domestic quarrel, and then ask his other half a question of interest. To take revenge on his wife, the husband will tell about his betrayal in every detail.

Find evidence

Sometimes, in order to bring a person to clean water, you have to make a lot of effort. If you have time, collect evidence of guilt. Having such items on hand, it will be easier to bring a person into a frank conversation. How to force a person to tell the truth? You need to start the conversation with a casual conversation. Then, instead of asking another question about life or current affairs, ask a question that interests you. A person may be confused for a few seconds, but then he will pull himself together and tell you a lie he has already invented. At this point, you need to get evidence of his guilt and ask him to tell the real story again, not a fictitious one. The person will not expect such a development of events, so she may become confused. Before the person starts making up lies, start making threats. Gently encourage the person to tell the story, but do not put too much pressure on the person, otherwise he will withdraw and not say anything.


This form of truth discovery is considered not very worthy. A person who respects his opponent will not resort to blackmail. But sometimes people have no choice. A person who does not want to admit to lying can be blackmailed. How to force a person to tell the truth? Psychologists are sure that every person has a weak point, and if you press on it, he will tell everything. You need to find a person's weak spot. Perfect option- this is a secret of a person that only you have. For example, if you need to find out the truth from a colleague who is hiding something, you can blackmail him by telling him that you will tell the whole office about his misdeeds if he does not tell you the truth now. Depending on how much important information the person is hiding, she may succumb to blackmail, or she may not. In this situation, you will need to remember a more serious secret, the disclosure of which can definitely harm the reputation of your opponent.


How can you force a person to tell the truth? You must act suddenly. If your friend is hiding information from you, then you should start a conversation with him on some abstract topics. Talk about life, about common hobbies, and then, casually, directly ask a question that interests you. Put a person to sleep and make him believe that you have no idea about anything. The person will calm down and relax. This is the moment to ask the question. Moreover, this must be done in the most friendly tone, so that the dirty trick does not reach the opponent immediately. A person can answer right away and only then realize that he let it slip. This method only works with people you know well. If you know a person, have an idea of ​​his reactions and ways of conducting a conversation, it will not be difficult for you to lull his vigilance.

Personal benefit

A person will be more willing to contact you if you can outline to him the personal benefits of your conversation. But under no circumstances deceive the person. For example, offer the person information in response to their information. This way you can find out the truth without ruining the relationship. But remember that you cannot give away other people's secrets. If you decide to tell a person something, tell him the information that is in the public domain, but about which your opponent had no idea before the conversation.

Is it not so easy to bring a person to light and she does not agree to admit guilt? Then you can accuse yourself of some crime and say that you do not consider it shameful to hide this part of your biography. Seeing a frank attitude on your part, a person can also boast about his misconduct.

It's impossible to think through everything

Remember that a person who lies will not be able to think through the whole story. Therefore, start listening to the fairy tale that your opponent will present to you instead of the truth. Become an attentive listener and clarify all the details. An abundance of details can confuse a person, and he will begin to get confused in his testimony. You can actively pretend that you don’t notice that the person is lying. Listen to the story until it ends. And at the end of the story, summarize. Tell the person that you know they are lying. Provide as evidence all the inconsistencies that you manage to find during the story. Don't be afraid to seem rude. Insistently demand the truth. When both you and your opponent realize that the lie has been exposed, there will be no point in lying. But for authenticity, check the second story by going into detail. After all, this story may turn out to be false.

Traditional methods

How to force a person to tell the truth? Conspiracies and other magical actions that you can use to bring a person to clean water greatly harm your karma. It is better not to use witchcraft; firstly, it is useless and acts by the method of self-hypnosis, and secondly, it greatly reduces your vital energy. It is much more effective to force a person to tell the truth in a dream. How to do it? Good results can only be achieved from those individuals who often talk in their sleep. What do you need to do? Give the person a little push to awaken their consciousness. You don't need to wake the person from the sleep state. The person must continue to doze. Ask any question you have and wait. Soon the person will formulate an answer and completely satisfy your curiosity.

How to force a person to tell the truth? Magic, fortune tellers and conspiracies do not work. Don't waste your time or money. Charlatans may promise you miraculous elixirs of truth, fragrant oils or magic words. All this will not produce the desired effect, you can’t even hope for it.

Greetings to my readers! Gentlemen, does a person always need to know the truth? After all, there are situations about which they say: . This is when lying does not harm anyone. And it is, perhaps, much easier to answer than the question: “How to find out the truth?”

How to recognize a lie: psychological techniques

IN Everyday life we are often deceived. Moreover, a lie can be either insignificant or very large.

How to force a person to tell the truth? This question is often asked by teachers, psychologists, police officers, businessmen and specialists in many other areas of profession.

Such situations arise in the family. Husband-wife, parents-children. Knowledge of simple psychological techniques will help you gain time when solving various life problems, and will also facilitate the process of finding out the details of the situation. Some of them.

Sudden question

The process of applying this technique can go like this. Call the interviewee for a confidential conversation, talk to him gently and kindly, showing in every possible way that you are on his side. Suddenly you ask a question, as they say, “head-on,” that is, unexpectedly.


This method is very effective when you know what your interlocutor is afraid of losing. For example, for a child it is deprivation of a computer, for a friend it is the loss of friendship. For those who have committed a crime for the first time - a description of all the delights of prison life, etc.

Please note that if you said “A”, you must also say “B”, because empty promises will not lead to positive result. And they will lie to you next time.

I know the truth!

This method works when you are 90% sure that you know the truth. But you want to hear confirmation of your suspicions from the interviewer. For example, you can say that you heard him tell the details of the deception in a dream. This technique is good because it helps preserve friendships and family.

Non-standard question

Formulate the question in a special way. Compose it in such a way that there are several answer options.

Clarifying questions

Ask your interlocutor as much as possible about the details of the incident. For example, these could be questions “Why?”, “Why?” "What colour…?" and others. There should be no pauses between them, so that there is no opportunity to navigate and come up with new version.

Different formulations

Ask the question in different ways. A person, repeatedly talking about a situation, will still someday give out other details that can lead you to the truth.

Video ↓

In this video there is additional information: how to find out the truth ↓

Friends, now you know how to find out the truth. Some will be helped by one of them, while others will have to work hard and show maximum tact and patience in order to obtain the cherished truth. 🙂 Share this information with your friends on social networks.

This question is often asked by teachers, psychologists, police officers, businessmen and specialists in many other areas of profession. Such situations arise in the family. Knowing simple techniques will help you gain time when solving various life problems, and will also facilitate the process of finding out the details of the situation. Some of the most humane of them are given below.

Sudden question

The process of applying this technique can go like this. Call your interlocutor for a confidential conversation, talk to him gently and kindly, showing in every possible way that you are on his side. Suddenly you ask a question, as they say, “head-on,” that is, unexpectedly. It is advisable to increase the volume of your voice so that other participants in the conversation who are interested in a truthful answer can hear it. And then your interlocutor will not have the opportunity to avoid answering.


This technique is very effective when you know what your interlocutor is afraid of losing. For example, for a child it is deprivation of a computer, for a friend it is the loss of friendship, for someone who has committed a crime for the first time, a description of all the delights of prison life, etc. Please note that if you said “A”, you must also say “B”, because empty promises will not lead to a positive result. And they will lie to you next time.

I know the truth

This technique works when you are 90% sure that you know the truth, but want to hear confirmation of your suspicions from your interlocutor. For example, you can say that you heard him tell the details of the deception in a dream. This technique is good because it helps preserve friendships and family.

Non-standard question

Formulate the question in a special way. Compose it in such a way that there are several answer options.

Clarifying questions

Ask your interlocutor as much as possible about the details of the incident. For example, these could be questions “Why?”, “Why?” "What colour...?" and others. There should be no pauses between them so that it is not possible to get your bearings and come up with a new version.

Different formulations

Ask the question in different ways. A person who talks about a situation many times will still someday reveal other details that may lead you to the truth.

These techniques will help you get to the truth. Some will be helped by one of them, but others will have to work hard to get the cherished truth.