How to wash kitchen towels in a washing machine. How to wash and bleach kitchen towels using traditional methods

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Indicators of cleanliness in the kitchen are the countertop, various utensils and even a towel. The latter is constantly used in the process of cooking, washing dishes, and gets dirty very quickly, in a matter of days. In this regard, women have a question about how to wash kitchen towels from old ones greasy stains, keeping their original appearance. There are several secrets using available tools.

Benefits and methods of boiling

Since ancient times, housewives have had a tradition of boiling very dirty things. Heat able to cope with almost any contamination. In addition, this method helps to get rid of not only grease stains, but also the smell associated with a used kitchen towel.

There are several boiling options. Each has its own characteristics. The most popular and effective methods are:

  1. With vegetable oil. Inside volumetric metal container pour 2/3 of water, add approximately 250 ml sunflower oil. Next, towels are placed in the container. It is recommended to boil them for 20–40 minutes.
  2. With baking soda. It is added to a container of water (a tablespoon of product per liter). The boiling process lasts about half an hour. It is better to process light-colored kitchen textiles in this way.
  3. Boiling with laundry soap. The product is usually grated. Prepare a solution: take two tablespoons of soap shavings per liter of water. Kitchen linens are placed in the resulting mixture and brought to a boil. After 25–35 minutes, the stove turns off, the water cools down, and then the item is rinsed.

White or light-colored items are subjected to the boiling process. Dark or bright items may lose color saturation. After boiling, the towel must be rinsed in any way.

Many housewives prefer to remove heavy stains from kitchen towels by boiling

How to wash with home remedies

Modern housewives prefer to use washing machines to remove stains, purchasing expensive detergents for their home. But the result leaves much to be desired. Often it seems that stains are not washed out, but penetrate even deeper into the fabric.

As practice shows, the most effective ways to combat grease stains are folk remedies, proven by time and experience. They typically include ingredients that are found in every home and are therefore considered affordable. Of course, you will need to spend a certain amount of time and effort, but it is worth it. The result will exceed all expectations, the linen will again acquire an excellent appearance. Experts recommend trying several options to choose the most suitable one in terms of results and time spent.

Mustard powder

Mustard is considered an excellent remedy for grease stains. It effectively washes the item and has a disinfecting effect. There are two main options for its use:

  1. Mustard powder is diluted in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the contaminated area. Then the towel is folded and placed in a bag for 7-8 hours.
  2. The powder is diluted in large capacity with water. A towel is placed inside. All contents are boiled for about half an hour.

After removing stains using mustard powder, washing is required. Both manual and machine are allowed. After washing kitchen towels with mustard, the products will look like they were just purchased.

Mustard powder not only copes well with various stains, but also has a disinfecting effect

Table vinegar

As a rule, vinegar is the first thing that comes to mind when looking for a means to remove stains from any type of surfaces and materials. He acts as his lifesaver for every housewife. Table vinegar can also remove grease stains, returning your kitchen towel to its excellent appearance. It is suitable for both hand and machine wash.

The first option implies that the product should first be soaked in water with the addition of 150–200 ml table vinegar. The temperature of the liquid should be above room temperature. After an hour, wash the towel with detergent, then rinse well.

The second option requires less time. All you have to do is place the towels in the machine, put required amount detergent, and add about one glass of 9% vinegar to the conditioner section. In the washing mode settings, the longest wash with the highest possible temperature is selected. When finished, hang up the towels immediately.

Vinegar is added to the softener compartment of the washing machine.

Laundry soap

A complete assistant in the question of how to wash kitchen towels at home is laundry soap. Regardless of the type of contamination, shavings are usually used. To prepare it, rub a piece of laundry soap on a coarse or fine grater.

There are several methods for using laundry soap to remove old grease stains. The most common method is the one described below. Metal utensils half filled with water, to which a crushed piece of laundry soap and baking soda are added. Kitchen linen is immersed in this mixture, the container is placed on hob, boil for about 20 minutes. Then the product is thoroughly washed and rinsed.

An accelerated version of how to wash kitchen towels from grease is possible. The products are thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap until a layer is formed that covers the entire surface. Next, the towels are wrapped in plastic bag. After 7-8 hours, it is recommended to hand wash and rinse them.

The action of laundry soap will be more effective if used together with soda

Ammonia + glycerin

A fairly mild, gentle product for removing greasy stains from kitchen towels is a combination of glycerin and ammonia. It is important to follow certain recommendations. First, based on the amount of kitchen linen, you need to prepare a large container, which is then filled with water. room temperature. Add ammonia(ratio with water - one tablespoon per liter) and a little glycerin. Mix all components thoroughly. Dip the products into the resulting solution and leave to soak for a couple of hours. Afterwards, wash the kitchen towels in this container. At the final stage, you need to rinse things with enough water. If all requirements are met, textile products will look like new.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is ideal for removing old greasy stains. Initially, the solution itself is used without adding other components. Areas requiring cleaning are treated with hydrogen peroxide. In this state, the towels are left to act on the composition for half an hour. Next, it is recommended to wash and rinse them.

To give not too soiled towels a “fresh” look, you can use another method. Take a container of water at room temperature and add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Dirty towels are immersed in the resulting solution. Soak should be about fifteen minutes. Then the laundry is washed in cool water.

Another common option for removing grease from kitchen linens is to mix several components. For five liters of water you will need one tablespoon of ammonia and two of hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to heat the resulting solution, avoiding boiling. Dip dirty towels into the hot liquid and stir for 2–3 minutes. Then rinse in clean water.

Lemon acid

Citric acid has high stain-removing properties. With its help, fat is easily removed from fabric. Since this product is always at hand, it is quite possible to keep kitchen linens in perfect condition. It is enough to adopt a few simple rules.

Before you start treating the product with citric acid, you should wash it with laundry soap. Afterwards, rinse the towel under running hot water. The procedure lasts until the item becomes warm. This is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the product used.

Then the towel is wrung out. The main thing is not to overdo it. The fabric should remain slightly damp. Citric acid is applied to old grease stains; the exposure time is about one hour. Then the product is thoroughly rinsed.

Before use citric acid the towel should be pre-washed with laundry soap


The product includes special components whose action is aimed at combating fat. Therefore, a towel with old stains can be washed using your usual hair wash product. Several options are possible, each of which has its own distinctive features.

The easiest way is to use the soak before washing method. It consists of treating the contaminated surface with shampoo. After this, the towel is left for 20–25 minutes. Next, use a regular machine wash according to the usual algorithm. The hostess will only have to take out a towel and hang it to dry.

It is easy to wash off dirt by hand by adding shampoo to the water. A towel is immersed in the solution, washed and left there for 5–10 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water, which should always be hot. Finally, you need to rinse the towel thoroughly until the foam is completely washed away.

Before washing, kitchen towels should be soaked in water and shampoo for a while.

Silicate glue

No matter how strange it may sound, ordinary silicate stationery glue can work wonders. This is a method for housewives who do not know how to wash old greasy stains from kitchen towels. To prepare an effective solution you will need several ingredients: water, one tablespoon of silicate glue, a little detergent. Liquid is poured into a prepared container that can be heated. The required amount of silicate glue and detergent is added to it.

Then the basin is placed on the switched on hob, towels are placed inside. It is important that the water completely covers the contents. It is recommended to boil for about half an hour. After cooling, the product should be rinsed thoroughly.


Another way to remove old grease stains is bleaching. Used for kitchen towels light shades without any bright patterns. At the same time, it is recommended to choose oxygen-containing preparations for washing in an automatic machine. Depending on the means used, there are two options:

  1. Wash with bleach. Suitable for both manual and machine processing. It is recommended to wet the towel in cold water. After this, you should immerse it in a basin or automatic machine. Add bleach, a little detergent, wash, dry.
  2. Washing kitchen towels with added vegetable oil. You must first prepare the solution. Add two tablespoons of dry bleach mixed with sunflower oil (50 g) and 1/2 cup of detergent to a container with 5 liters of hot water. The ingredients are carefully mixed. Towels are soaked in the solution for two hours. Then washing and rinsing are required. The effect of whitening towels with vegetable oil will exceed all expectations.

It is recommended to use proven options as a whitening agent. It is not advisable to experiment in this situation. Linen may lose its original appearance. The most popular chemical whitening products include Belizna, BOS, Levrana Freshbubble, ECO, Vanish, Oxi.

When removing stubborn greasy stains, you should take certain precautions. There is no need to use radical cleaning methods more than once a month, otherwise you can ruin your kitchen linen. Experts recommend boiling and bleaching only white or light waffle towels. The structure of other fabrics, as well as bright colors, will lose their original properties under the influence of aggressive drugs and boiling water. The towel will become unsuitable for further use.

To get rid of old stains on colored or terry towels, it is preferable to use more gentle ones. folk remedies or oxygen-containing bleaches. They act gently, do not damage the structure of the fabric, and do not affect the color.

Don't forget about own safety. When using traditional methods, for example, when washing kitchen towels with mustard, there is no adverse effect on the skin of the hands. But when choosing more radical methods, it is recommended to use gloves. They will protect the skin from negative impact detergents.


The cleanliness and tidiness of kitchen textiles worries every housewife. Kitchen towels perform not only a practical, but also an aesthetic function - they set accents in the interior and add coziness. But how to protect textiles from stains? How to wash kitchen towels and get rid of stubborn dirt? Especially for you, a review of the most effective and available ways in our article.

The cleanliness and appearance of kitchen towels is important


Use salt to remove stains from kitchen towels. This method is universal and suitable for both white and colored fabrics.

Dilute the saline solution in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. table salt per 1 liter of water (for severe dirt and stubborn stains, you can make a “stronger” solution). Soak the towels for at least 1 hour, and then wash as usual.

Salt will help get rid of stains, protect white linens from gray casts and maintain the richness of dark and bright towels. Simply add a cup of table salt to the rinse water.

Use salt to remove stains from kitchen towels

Laundry soap

Proven and effective remedy, if you want to wash kitchen towels from grease. Can be used for white and colored items.

Rub damp towels generously with soap, wrap in a plastic bag and leave overnight. In the morning, gently dry the laundry and wash as usual. At machine washable To enhance the effect, you can add soap shavings to the drum of the washing machine.

Laundry soap works well on greasy stains. However, it will not help get rid of old and ingrained marks. Soak and wash towels immediately after soiling.


Baking soda is an effective stain remover and whitening agent. It acts gently on linen without disturbing the structure of the fabric.

Dilute baking soda with water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and soak the laundry for 1 hour. Then wash as usual. If you want to further whiten light-colored kitchen towels, add ammonia to the solution (0.5 tbsp per 1 liter of water).

If there are old marks on the towels, you can additionally treat them with soda paste before soaking. Mix baking soda with water to form a paste, apply to stains, and leave for 30 minutes. Then start soaking.

Homemade fabric softener can be made from baking soda and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Dilute the ingredients in water and rinse with kitchen towels


You can remove grease, rust and mold from kitchen towels using table vinegar. Soak kitchen towels in vinegar (6% or 9%) for 15-20 minutes. Using a soft toothbrush, scrub particularly dirty areas and wash the laundry as usual.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will help wash dirty kitchen towels. It softens dirt and copes well with stubborn stains.

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 5 liters of boiling water. l. vegetable oil, washing powder and dry stain remover (you can use laundry soap shavings instead). Soak the laundry until the solution cools completely. After the procedure, wash the towels as usual. If the laundry is heavily soiled, you can soak it for several hours.

To get rid of stains on kitchen towels, you can use both sunflower and olive oil.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will help remove stains and whiten kitchen towels. This way you can get rid of traces tomato sauce and beets, as well as old stains.

Wash the towels, wring them out and sprinkle citric acid on the stains. Leave for impact. For fresh stains, 10-15 minutes are enough, for old stains it will take about 1 hour. After the procedure, shake off the acid and rinse the towels.


Modern housewives advise using microwave to wash kitchen towels.

Lather the towels with laundry soap and place them in a plastic bag. Wrap the bag (but do not tie it) and place in the microwave. In medium power mode, turn on the oven for 1.5 minutes. Take a minute break and start again for 1.5 minutes. Carefully remove the towels and rinse thoroughly in water. Stains and unpleasant odors will disappear.

To remove a bag of laundry from the microwave, use tongs or oven mitts. Hot!

Dishwashing liquid

Regular dishwashing liquid will help remove greasy stains from kitchen towels.

Apply the product to the stains and leave for a day. After the procedure, rinse the towels thoroughly and wash as usual.

After soaking in dishwashing liquid, rinse the kitchen towels thoroughly. Dish detergent foams a lot and can lead to unpleasant consequences.


Although outdated, it is a very effective way to get rid of stains.

Dilute a standard amount of powder or soap shavings in an enamel bucket, add soda or salt to enhance the effect (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). You can add a little dishwashing detergent. Boil the towels for 30 minutes (or 1 hour if heavily soiled). After the procedure, rinse the laundry thoroughly.

Never use the boiling method on brightly colored kitchen towels.

If you need to bleach

You can read about all bleaching methods in our article “How to bleach white things.” For printed towels and light-colored fabrics, you can use the following methods.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can wash kitchen towels at home using peroxide. It helps get rid of yellowness and old stains.

Pour peroxide onto stains or, for heavy stains, soak towels completely in the solution. Leave for 30 minutes and wash as usual.

When using hydrogen peroxide to remove stains or bleach, remember that an open jar has a shelf life of 1 month. After this time, there will be no effect from use.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate will help not only wash kitchen towels from old stains, but also bleach them.

Add to the bowl with hot water standard amount of washing powder. Dissolve in a glass warm water several crystals of potassium permanganate (make sure that the sediment is completely dissolved) and add to the water with the powder. Mix well and soak the pre-washed laundry. It is better to cover the basin with cling film. Leave the laundry until the water cools down and then rinse thoroughly.

A solution of potassium permanganate will not only help remove old stains from kitchen towels, but will also whiten them


Mustard will help wash kitchen towels and get rid of greasy stains. The method is suitable for delicate fabrics and towels with colored prints.

Prepare a solution (1 tablespoon mustard powder per 1 liter of water) and let it brew for 3 hours. Then strain thoroughly using cheesecloth and immerse the towels in the resulting solution. Exposure time is from 30 minutes to 3 hours. After the procedure, wash your laundry as usual.

For stubborn stains, dilute mustard powder warm water until it becomes a paste, apply the resulting product to the stains and leave for 6-8 hours. Clean off the mustard and wash the towels.

Mustard powder is used to bleach and disinfect kitchen towels

Boric acid

Boric acid removes stains from waffle and terry towels well.

Dissolve 2-4 tbsp in a bowl of hot water. l. boric acid and soak the laundry for 2 hours. Then wash as usual.

To keep your kitchen towels clean and looking great, follow these simple tips:

Use the table and the stain removal methods described above for stains of various origins.

Problem Solution
Fruit stains Apply hair shampoo to the stains, soak for 1-2 hours
Stains from coffee, tea and cocoa Dilute ammonia with water 1:1, soak stains for 30 minutes
Tea Mix ammonia and glycerin 1:4, apply to stains
Mold Soak in vinegar or peroxide for 15-30 minutes
Yellow plaque Hydrogen peroxide, laundry soap
Oily stains Vegetable oil, dishwashing detergent
Unpleasant smell Soda, potassium permanganate
Old stains Peroxide, citric acid
Red wine Salt + warm water
Tomato sauce, juices Salt, soda, vinegar
Berries Lemon juice and vinegar 1:1, apply to the stain for 15 minutes
After soaking stains, be sure to wash towels as usual.

Remember to sort your laundry by color before washing. Do not wash dishtowels with clothes and separate light-colored towels from bright and dark colors

Take care of your kitchen towels and they will keep you clean and fresh for a long time. We hope that our tips will be useful to you. Have you already tried one of the methods? Share your experience in the comments.

Kitchen towels not only help in cooking, but also participate in the design of the kitchen interior. For this reason, it is extremely important to keep it clean. Due to frequent use, the fabric gets dirty almost every day. It happens that towels are so dirty that regular washing no longer helps.

How to wash kitchen towels at home without boiling so that they look fresh and tidy again? There are several options for doing this, and each is effective in its own way.

Removing stains without boiling

To wash a kitchen towel, use household chemicals and folk remedies. Regular laundry soap can also deal with stains.

To do this, soak the contaminated area of ​​​​the fabric and rub it with soap. Place the towel in the bag so that no air gets in. After a day, take out the product and rinse it. Also remove stains by placing a towel in cold water

with table salt for three hours, then send it to

Types of kitchen textiles

disposable towels.

Washing with bleach They perform several functions at once: remove stains and odors, disinfect and brighten.

  • There are several types: optical
  • – contain substances that reflect light, so the fabric becomes lighter; containing chlorine
  • – can destroy the fabric with frequent use, suitable only for items made of cotton and linen; oxygen

– come in the form of powder or gel, gel-type whitens things at +40°C, powder – only from +80°C.

  1. Whitening procedure:
  2. Before putting things into the machine, they fill them with water.
  3. Pour the powder and add bleach (150-170 ml).

Wash as usual. Housewives often use “Whiteness”. This chlorine-containing detergent is suitable for washing linen and cotton items.

  1. Procedure:
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. products for 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

Use of folk remedies

How to wash kitchen towels at home? There are several proven and effective ways removing stains.

Lemon acid

The product washes kitchen towels. To obtain a solution, add 2 tbsp to 100 ml of water. l. acids. Soak the fabric for 1 hour, then machine wash or simply rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Effectively removes old stains. To do this, pour the entire bottle into 100 ml of water. Soak the fabric for three hours. Then soak for half an hour with powder and wash.

Boric acid

Add 10 g of acid to 1 liter of water and mix. Soak for three hours at +50°C. Afterwards, rinse and wash with laundry soap. This method removes yellowness and old stains well.

Mustard (powder)

The product is diluted in water to a pasty state. Apply to contaminated areas and leave for 2 hours. Afterwards, wash off the mustard and wash the fabric in a machine.

Dish detergent

The cleaning gel is applied to the fabric and rubbed into the stains. Leave for 12 hours, rinse and machine wash.


Copes with fruit stains. The towel is left in warm water for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wring out the fabric and put it in a container. Add shampoo and foam the contents. After 40 minutes put in washing machine.


Eliminates tea and coffee stains. This product is mixed with water 1:1. Apply the contents to the area of ​​contamination and leave for 50 minutes. Then put the fabric in water with washing powder for half an hour. Machine washable. If the stains are old, rub ammonia into them with a cotton sponge. Then rinse the fabric.

Extra salt

Copes with stains from tomato juice and red wine. 1.5 tbsp. l. salts are poured into 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the contaminated area and rub with a sponge. Then leave the product for 50 minutes and repeat the procedure. Next, wash with soap and cool water.


Kitchen textiles are rinsed in hot water. Afterwards, rub the fabric with laundry soap and put it in a bag. The contents are placed in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Then take it out and rinse well.


Cope with mold and odor. Pour powder into the machine, select the maximum temperature and pour a glass of vinegar into the conditioner compartment. When washing by hand, place towels in a solution of water and vinegar (1:1) and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse.

Attention! To prevent the appearance unpleasant odor on washed towels, they are hung out in the sun or placed on a hot radiator.

Washing light soils

First of all, choose a good powder. When washing light-colored fabrics, use bleach. Since the towels are not heavily soiled, no special recipe is required. Machine washing is sufficient. To not only wash the fabric, but also kill bacteria, set the maximum temperature.

Important. Wash light fabrics at 90°C, colored fabrics at 60°C.

Soaking options:

  1. Using vegetable oil. Add a glass of washing powder and 3 tbsp to the pan. l. oils Pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 10 hours. Afterwards they are washed in a machine.
  2. Using soda and liquid laundry soap. Add 3 tbsp to the water. l. soda and soap and leave for 2 hours. Then machine wash at +90°C.

Removing stains by boiling

Sometimes even a machine cannot wash towels that are too dirty. In order not to throw things away, they use a more painstaking method - boiling:

  1. Add water to the pan 2/3 full. Pour 2 tbsp. l. stain remover or washing powder.
  2. Place the container on the stove and place the soiled towels.
  3. Reduce heat to medium, stirring contents.
  4. After the solution boils, reduce the heat a little more.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on how dirty the fabric is.
  6. Use tongs to take the fabric and place it in an empty container to cool.
  7. Wring out thoroughly and rinse.

Boiling with soda:

  1. Boil water in an enamel pan.
  2. Add a glass of soda and stir.
  3. Place towels and boil for about an hour.
  4. Wash by hand or machine.

Boiling with soda and laundry soap:

  1. Add soda and grated soap to a pan of water.
  2. Everything is mixed and towels are laid out.
  3. Boil for half an hour. Then wash with bleach.

With washing powder and silicate glue:

  1. Heat 3 liters of water.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. and powder. Stir until smooth.
  3. Dip the towels and boil for half an hour.
  4. Rinse in warm water.

Helps remove grease from towels home remedy– , baking soda and stain remover:

  1. Add refined oil (2 tbsp), stain remover (100 g), washing powder (50 g) and soda (2 tsp) to a container of water (5 l).
  2. Boil for two hours, stirring the solution.

Boiling with ammonia:

  1. Add 1/2 tsp to water (5 l). alcohol Boil the contents for three hours.
  2. Rinse and wash.

Pollution prevention

  1. Do not touch greasy pans or lids with a towel. Then you won't need to wash them every day.
  2. It is recommended to use several products alternately so that they do not have time to get too dirty.
  3. White towels are washed with bleach.
  4. Clean items are ironed. This will make them less dirty and softer.


However, kitchen textiles can be restored to their former neatness. There are many ways to whiten and remove stains. It is not necessary to resort to household chemicals, folk remedies can easily cope with this.

Every day in the kitchen the housewife faces various types pollution. Stains from coffee, wine, tea, vegetables, butter, beets or meat broth are difficult to remove from dishcloths. Oily stains are the most painful problem. To remove such stains by hand will require a lot of effort and time, and regular machine washing will quickly ruin the fabric.

It turns out that there are several simple, but effective ways, capable of extending the life of washed oven mitts and other things. With the right approach to washing, terry and waffle fabrics will retain impeccable freshness and pleasant appearance for many years.

How to remove greasy stains and unpleasant odors from kitchen towels by boiling?

Boiling is an old grandmother's method that very effectively removes dirt, greasy stains and fats from hard waffle towels, but is absolutely not suitable for colored and delicate fabrics. This method can be used if there is no washing machine in the house.

The method of boiling fabrics in hot water has its own characteristics. Below are the main nuances that affect the final result:

  • for 4 liters of water (about the amount of liquid required to wash 8-10 dirty kitchen napkins), add 6 tablespoons of powder or bleach;
  • cook the towels after boiling for 20 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the degree of contamination;
  • After completing the procedure, the tissues are rinsed under cool running water.

If you don’t have powder on hand, you can replace it with a mixture of soda and laundry soap in a 1:2 ratio. Washing with the addition of soap alone is possible, but the cooking time must be increased.

To restore the whiteness of the potholders, add 25 g to a pan of boiling water along with the powder. soda ash and half a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide. The digestion procedure is continued for at least 1 hour.

How to do without boiling?

The boiling procedure brings visible results, but takes a lot of time from housewives. You can put textiles in order using others folk ways. How else can you wash kitchen towels at home without prolonged cooking?

It is not necessary to purchase expensive household chemicals and modern cleaning products. Objects and substances that can be found in any kitchen can rid your favorite things of ingrained dirt. The most effective and affordable means are listed below.

Microwaves will come to the rescue

What do a microwave oven and washing towels have in common? It turns out that with the help of a modern stove you can not only cook and heat food, but also easily get rid of yellow traces of fat and old stains.

It is necessary to thoroughly rub the towel with soapy water, then place it in a transparent plastic bag. Close the bag carefully (do not tie it tightly!) and put it in the microwave. Adjust the average power (450–600 W) and set the timer for 1.5 minutes. After sound signal open the door, carefully turn the bag over and turn on the oven again for 1.5 minutes. Then carefully take out the napkins, wash and hang to dry.

This method is quite simple, economical and accessible to any housewife. After washing in the microwave, kitchen towels will become fresh, and there will be no trace of the unpleasant odor.

Soaking with salt, sunflower oil, mustard, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide

The simplest and most affordable products will help remove grease stains. For example, you can soak towels in a solution of table salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. product per 1 liter of water. The solution should be slightly warm. Soak soiled towels in it for about 1 hour, then wash and rinse in clean water. Salt perfectly removes stains and preserves color without harming the fabric.

Stubborn stubborn grease stains can be effectively removed with sunflower oil. To do this, you need to boil water in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of oil and washing powder. Leave the towels in the water overnight and rinse in the morning as usual.

If you need to remove dried stains on colored fabrics, mustard will come to the rescue. To do this, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of mustard powder in 1 liter of water, leave for 2 hours, strain the solution through a sieve or cheesecloth and immerse towels in it. The water should be slightly warm when mixed with mustard. After 2–3 hours, you can wash the towels as usual.

Using vinegar, you can refresh the color of kitchen textiles and get rid of unpleasant odors. To do this, add 1 tsp to 5 liters of water. vinegar. Place towels in the solution for 10–12 hours, then wring out and rinse in clean water.

Undiluted peroxide removes single stains well. A few drops of the product should be applied to the stain, left to act for half an hour, and then washed by hand or in a machine. This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics, but it removes old stubborn stains well.

Rubbing greasy fabric with laundry soap or citric acid

How to wash a towel that has stains from beets, carrots or tomatoes? Regular laundry soap and citric acid will come to the rescue.

You need to wet the cloth in warm water, then rub the towel generously with soap until foam forms. Lightly squeeze out excess moisture and sprinkle citric acid onto the stained area. Leave to act for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. If the stains are deeply ingrained, the exposure time of citric acid can be increased to 1 hour.

Using dishwashing detergent

In any kitchen there is a dishwashing gel that can be used not only for its intended purpose. With its help, housewives get rid of greasy stains on kitchen napkins. To do this, you need to apply the product precisely, leave it overnight, and in the morning wash the towel by hand or in the washing machine.

If the stain is old, it will not be possible to completely remove it the first time. In this case, the procedure is repeated after some time. It is not advisable to wash towels too often in this way - dishwashing detergent can corrode the fabrics.

Hand and machine wash

What is the best way to wash towels - by hand or in a machine? This does not affect the quality of washing. Most housewives choose the second method - having a washing machine in the house greatly simplifies housework and saves time.

Useful tips for washing towels in a machine:

  • It is advisable to wash terry fabrics separately from others;
  • Sorting by color is necessary - white towels cannot be washed with colored napkins;
  • The drum should be filled no more than 2/3 full, otherwise traces of soap suds will remain on the towels;
  • It is not advisable to wash kitchen towels using conditioner - this product is more suitable for bath terry products;
  • the optimal machine washing temperature is 60 degrees for terry towels, 90 degrees for light waffle towels;
  • After finishing washing, you must immediately remove the towels from the drum so that they do not smell damp and moldy later.

If you don’t have a washing machine, it doesn’t matter – terry and waffle fabrics can be washed just as well by hand. In addition, machine washing is not suitable for towels made of delicate materials.

To facilitate manual process, need to:

  • before washing, dilute the powder in warm water and soak towels or oven mitts in it, leaving for 2–3 hours;
  • Do not spare water when rinsing - it is better to do this in a large basin;
  • to soften the fabric and make the towels soft, add a couple of tablespoons of table vinegar to the water;
  • When washing, avoid excessive friction, otherwise the fabric will quickly lose its appearance;
  • At the end of washing, rinse the towels thoroughly in cool water and hang to dry.

How to restore freshness to washed terry towels?

Kitchen towels are rarely terry, but a housewife who decides to take a risk can use them to create the impression of coziness and comfort. Frequent washing with harsh chemicals and bleaches has a detrimental effect on fabrics, thinning them and making the color dirty and gray.

To restore freshness and shine to terry towels, you should resort to the following methods:

  • boiling fabrics in a soap solution with the addition of soda for 20 minutes;
  • boiling in water with the addition of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - for 8 liters of water take 2 tablespoons of peroxide and a few drops of ammonia;
  • bleaching using washing powder, vinegar and sunflower oil - for 8 liters of hot water, take 1/3 cup of powder, 1 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • pre-soaking in a solution of table salt or dishwashing liquid.

Correct washing and spinning mode

Washing mode “terry towels” in washing machines No. How to correctly set the temperature and spin on the display so as not to harm the fabric?

  • temperature – 40–60 degrees;
  • spin – 600–800 rpm;
  • “extra rinse” mode – for more thorough rinsing;
  • “pre-soaking” mode – in case of heavy contamination.

Before starting washing, it is advisable to add fabric softener to the special compartment - thanks to it, terry towels will remain soft and pleasant to the touch. Optimal time washing such fabrics – 1–2 hours.

To make the washed fabric look fluffy again, you need to add soft balls to the drum for washing down jackets. A regular tennis ball will do.

After washing, it is unacceptable to leave towels in the machine drum. To avoid the appearance of a moldy smell, fabrics should be immediately hung on a clothesline or a special clothes dryer.

What products are best to use?

It is better to wash terry towels with liquid detergents– You can find special washing gels in the household chemicals store. Dry laundry detergent makes fabrics harsh and rough. When choosing a liquid product, you need to carefully study the composition - it is advisable that the washing gel contains balm and silicone, thanks to which the towel will become fluffy. But chlorine and phosphates are destructive to soft terry fabric.

Features of drying terry towels

At the end of washing, the terry cloth should be removed from the machine immediately. Before drying, it is advisable to shake the towel - the villi will straighten out, and it will look more fluffy and voluminous.

How problematic is it to wash kitchen towels, how to make them clean again? Some women prefer to put up with it, some regularly buy new ones, and some wash off any stains without any problems at all, using such recommendations.

Traditional methods of dealing with stains

The choice of washing powders, bleaches and other household chemicals, the manufacturers of which unanimously promise amazing results, is huge. But more and more housewives are turning to washing methods that our mothers and grandmothers successfully used for help. Their advantage is not only accessibility. Their effectiveness is much more important.

Sunflower oil

This method actually works. Oil, which most often causes stains on kitchen towels, can combat even very severe stains because it dissolves grease, and it is easily removed from the fabric.

You can dissolve 2 tablespoons of oil, soda and regular bleach in a bucket of very hot water (it is better to take it in powder form), put the mixture on a towel and leave until the liquid has cooled completely.

Afterwards, rinse alternately in cold and warm water, wring out, put in the washing machine and wash as usual.

You can mix 2 tablespoons of oil, vinegar and mustard powder, dissolve in a bucket of water and soak the towels overnight. Then, in the same way as in the previous version, rinse in cold and warm water and wash in a machine.

If your towels are very dirty, the following recipe will help. Mix 2 tablespoons of oil, washing powder and dry bleach, add 5 liters of water, bring to a boil. Immerse towels in the liquid and leave them for several hours. Bring everything to a boil again and let cool. All that remains is to rinse and wash in the machine.

Dishwashing liquid

Using gel or dishwashing liquid to wash kitchen towels makes perfect sense. The products contain substances that effectively dissolve even old fat. The easiest way is to apply the liquid to the stain, lightly wash it with your hands, let it sit for a while, and then wash it in the machine.

If you don’t want to easily remove the stain, but want to renew the entire towel, you can soak it in a solution of a spoonful of dishwashing liquid and a liter of hot water and leave it for several hours or overnight. Then rinse in clean water and, if necessary, put in the washing machine.

Very old and dirty towels can be easily soaked, but brought to a boil over low heat and “boiled” for several minutes. After cooling, rinse thoroughly.

Note! There is a downside to using dishwashing liquid to wash kitchen towels. It is very difficult to rinse and often leaves streaks.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is a proven way to remove even the most difficult stains over the years. There is a huge selection in stores, but the most effective are still 72% blocks Brown. Even if you just wash the product and leave it to sit for a while before the main wash, the stains will come off perfectly.

For running options there is a method with 100% results. You need to slightly moisten the towel, soap it well and put it in a bag. It must be tied and left for a day. Afterwards, place the towel in a bowl of well-hot water and let it sit for a while. If all the stains are gone, all that remains is to rinse; if not, you need to wash it in the machine additionally.

Soap and soda interact well with each other. The towel should be soaped and put in a bag or simply soaked in a soapy solution for several hours, and then, without rinsing, washed in a machine, adding 5 tablespoons of soda instead of powder.

If the towel is terribly dirty, and there is no hope of returning it to its former beauty, do not rush to throw it away. Prepare a solution of 5 liters of water, a bar of soap (grate) and 4 tablespoons of soda. Boil the towel for 30-60 minutes, and then let it cool in this liquid.


Simply adding vinegar to the softener compartment during washing will make your towels much cleaner. And there are other ways to use it to combat stains.

One of the most effective is a solution of 5 liters of water and a liter of 9% vinegar. The towel should be immersed in it for 12 hours, or better yet for a day, and then washed as usual.

Stains can be washed off well if you soap the fabric with laundry soap, let it sit for a couple of hours, and then put it in a solution of vinegar and water (1:1) for an hour.

The disadvantage of washing with vinegar is the smell, which is quite difficult to get rid of even after several washes. But here you have to choose: either cleanliness or smell.

By the way, apple cider vinegar does not have such a rich smell. So you can use it instead of a table one.


Mustard powder not only perfectly removes stains, but is also a proven method of disinfection.

You can dilute it to a paste, lubricate it with a towel, paying more attention to especially severe stains, and then put it in a bag and leave for 12-24 hours. Afterwards, just rinse in warm water or machine wash.

A solution of 50 grams of mustard and 5 liters of hot water also works well. Soak the towels for 3-5 hours, and then wash them in a machine.

Important! Mustard not only renews kitchen towels, but also effectively whitens them.

Potassium permangantsovka

If you regularly soak towels before washing for at least 15-30 minutes in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, they will eventually become almost like new. But potassium permanganate also works in cases where results need to be obtained quickly.

To do this, add 10 drops of a pre-prepared saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate to 5 liters of boiling water, mix with a finely grated bar of laundry soap and soak the towels for 8-12 hours. The solution perfectly removes stains and also whitens effectively.

You can restore freshness and cleanliness to very old, dirty towels using a method that many housewives call the “Double Impact.” To do this, the textiles must be washed in a machine, and then soaked in a solution of 200 grams of washing powder, liters of water and several granules of potassium permanganate (the water should be light pink). Cover the top with cling film or put on a plastic bag and let stand for about 5-8 hours. Then machine wash again.


Dirty kitchen towels can be washed using a salt solution. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 tablespoons of coarse salt in 5 liters of water, soak the textiles for 60-90 minutes, and then wash them in the usual way.

You can prepare a more powerful solution. To do this, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in 5 liters of very hot water, not boiling water.

Soak the towels for 5-6 hours, or better yet overnight. Then rinse and wash.

If the fabric is very dirty, it doesn’t hurt to additionally soap it with laundry soap and let it sit in a plastic bag for a couple of hours before soaking.

Note! More than one housewife has been convinced that it is with the help of salt that not only grease is removed, but also stains from coffee, juices and blood.

Lemon acid

The effect of citric acid is similar to using vinegar for washing. You can soak kitchen towels in a solution of 1 teaspoon and two liters of warm water before the main wash.

You can return kitchen towels to their original appearance using a solution of a glass of water, the juice of one medium-sized lemon and a sachet of citric acid. It is necessary to evenly distribute the resulting mixture over the contaminated fabric and put it in a bag for 2-3 hours.

Important! When working with lemon juice or citric acid, be sure to use protective gloves!

Boric acid

Boric acid, which costs mere pennies and is sold in any pharmacy, works better than any stain remover, and also whitens remarkably.

There are several ways to use it for kitchen towels:

  1. Wash with detergent hand wash in warm water, dry slightly, soak in a solution of 500 ml of warm water and half a teaspoon of boron powder for 2 hours. Rinse. If necessary, wash in a machine or by hand.
  2. Prepare a solution of finely grated laundry soap and a bucket of hot water. Add 3 tablespoons of liquid boric acid to it. Soap the towel, soak it in the solution for 4 hours, then wash it by hand or in a machine.


You can use both baking soda and soda ash to wash kitchen towels. When choosing a recipe, use exactly the option that is suggested in it. Calcined is more effective in fighting stains, but food grade is absolutely safe.

This is interesting! Relatively recently, scientists were able to announce that the ancient Egyptians fought pollution with the help of soda.

If the towels are not too dirty, you can pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda into the powder compartment and machine wash the towels on the highest temperature.

For average soiling, you need to prepare a hot solution from washing powder (according to the instructions on the package), add a spoonful of soda ash (per liter) and soak the towels for 3-5 hours. After squeezing, transfer to the washing machine and wash as usual.

Very dirty towels should first be washed and then soaked in a warm solution of 10 liters of water, a pack of baking soda and a bar of laundry soap. Leave for several hours, and then bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes.


Using hair shampoo is one of the innovative ways to deal with stains on kitchen towels. You can use any, but it works best on oily hair. This shampoo can be added to the powder compartment in the washing machine or used for pre-soaking.

But you can also apply shampoo directly to the stain, especially if it was left by fruit or fruit juice. Leave for 3 hours and machine wash.

This method works when the towels are not too dirty. The disadvantage is unpredictable chemical reactions with the powder used for the next wash after soaking.


Ammonia copes well with various types of contaminants. The easiest way to use it is to prepare a solution with water (the components are taken in equal proportions) and soak towels in it. For more noticeable effect You can pre-wash them.

A solution of water, ammonia and glycerin works well (taken in proportions 2:2:0.5). Soak for at least 5 hours, you can leave it overnight.

If you need a 100% result, you should mix a finely grated bar of laundry soap, 2 tablespoons of soda ash and a bottle of ammonia (50 ml). Dissolve the mixture in five liters of water, heat it, put in the towels, bring to a boil and boil for about a quarter of an hour. Leave until completely cool, then rinse and wash in a machine or by hand.

Silicate glue and soap

Silicate glue is present in many cleaning products, but you can prepare the composition yourself. You need to take a spoonful of glue, a bar of soap, and dissolve it in 4 liters of warm water. Lay out the towels, let stand for a couple of hours, then boil for a few minutes.

Works 100%. But there is one minus. This product does an excellent job of removing stains on white fabric, but is not suitable for colored items. They may fade or fade.

Citric acid and soap

If the towels are moderately soiled, you can first thoroughly soap them with laundry soap, and after a couple of hours, rub them with citric acid (use gloves!), leave for five minutes and rinse. To make the result more noticeable, you can wash the towels in a machine.

Important! It is laundry soap with citric acid that allows you to remove beetroot or tomato sauce stains from fabric.

You can prepare a saturated soap solution and add a little citric acid to it (half a teaspoon per liter). It is enough to soak towels in it for 30 minutes before the main wash so that they retain their original appearance for a long time.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is very easy to restore freshness and cleanliness to kitchen towels with the help of peroxide, which is in every home medicine cabinet. In contact with the stain, the liquid enters chemical reaction, freeing fabric fibers from dirt and stains.

The easiest way is to prepare a solution of a liter of water at room temperature and two tablespoons of peroxide and soak towels in it for a couple of hours, and then wash them by hand or in a machine.

If the towel is not completely dirty, but only a few stains need to be removed, you can apply peroxide directly to the area, leave it for half an hour, and then wash it.

Japanese method for removing old stains

This method in our country is called lazy. It's ideal for those who don't have a washing machine, or for those who simply don't want to turn it on because they have a few towels.

The water must be heated to 60 degrees and poured into a bucket. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, a glass of mustard powder and a spoon of 9% vinegar.

Dirty towels should be placed in a bucket and sealed so that the chemical processes occurring in it bring the best possible result. The easiest way is to use film for this or simply put a plastic bag on top.

After 12 hours, you need to take out the laundry and rinse it, alternating cold and hot water at least 4-6 times.

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave

No matter how many ways there are to wash kitchen towels, more and more new ones are constantly being invented. Washing in a microwave oven is considered one of the innovative ones.

To do this, you just need to soap the fabric with laundry soap, put it in a bag and put it in the microwave oven for 1.5 minutes at a power of 600 W.