Moon in Pisces - Moon in signs - Planets in zodiac signs - Library - Star Club. Mars in Scorpio in the women's horoscope

The moon in the sign of Pisces manifests itself in very many faces and diversity - this is one of the most powerful and unpredictable positions of the night luminary. In this sign, the Moon gives a person increased emotionality, sentimentality and sensitivity. Often the lunar Pisces is a mystery not only to others, but also to himself. Such a person has a very plastic and flexible psyche, an unconventional worldview and a penchant for everything mysterious and unknown. Easily amenable to hypnosis and suggestion, he often experiences periods of melancholy, depression, and apathy. He is distinguished by his special emotional sensitivity to everything that happens. He often serves his loved ones as a cozy “vest” in which it is so nice to cry.

Moon Pisces seeks salvation from his fears and failures in psychotropic drugs or alcohol, but in most cases these actions only aggravate the situation, and he seriously undermines his health.

A person with the Moon in Pisces has developed parapsychological and mediumistic abilities, good artistic taste, and a penchant for music, fine arts, and theater. The most suitable professions: teacher, psychologist, doctor, actor, musician, artist, lawyer.

Attitude towards mother

The stories of adult owners of such a Moon about their mother can be very sentimental. Depending on the predominance of sad or joyful emotions, she appears either in the image of a holy martyr, or in the image of a fairy-tale fairy, but never in the image of an earthly person. They have unlimited faith in their mother, empathizing with all her emotions and states. Or, in rare cases, they express themselves in the sense that they did not have a mother at all, not wanting to understand, accept, sympathize, or have anything in common with her.


“Relative” perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Their psyche is the most plastic. They are easily rebuilt and adapted. The most important question for them is “why?”. Their perception of their mother's actions and words is determined by the context of the situation. For the sake of an idea, they easily agree even to something they are not very pleased with.

For such a child the most great importance has underlying emotions and moods of the mother. Why is she looking like that? What is he happy about? Why are you sad? If you observe, you will notice that the behavior, intelligence and mood of such a child instantly change following the change in your mood. It is impossible to hide these changes from him. And it's not necessary. This way you risk instilling indifference in your child. Rather, on the contrary, they should be talked about and explained. Otherwise, the child himself will create a whole story around your experiences. He will accept any of your states, except one - indifference. After all, for him, his mother is the person he trusts. However, it is unnecessary to dramatize what is happening, and you should not exaggerate your emotions: this will cause trauma to the child’s psyche.


A woman with this position of the Moon is truly born to take care of family and children. This is something that comes naturally to her. She knows how to create such an atmosphere in the house that both her husband and children want to spend as much time at home as possible. She always has enough patience and condescension towards people, and first of all towards her family. Many of her acquaintances strive to take advantage of her sympathy and compassion for selfish purposes. She can give her last shirt to those in need. This is where her husband will have to limit her. Otherwise, she won't be a problem.

What kind of woman is a Moon PISCES man looking for?

Such a man needs a woman who can stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut, and stand up for herself. She needs a husband so that she has someone to dedicate her exploits to. “Let the woman work with me on an equal footing,” such a man thinks, but I won’t have to carry the household, the children, and her in addition.” A real wife for him is, on the one hand, a guy he likes, and on the other hand, he is also an example of tyranny, in a life together with whom he will always have to fight and engage in “taming the shrew.”

At the same time, the wife must certainly be kind, sensitive and responsive. This is not when you call her and she responds, but when she can feel, without words, what condition her husband is in and what he needs. Of course, it is best if she expresses her concern in an unobtrusive form and is also able to adapt to any conditions. That is, she will accept her husband as he is, without complaining about his life or his salary. After all, a family is not only money and an apartment, it is also a sea of ​​love, in which this man’s companion must be ready to dissolve with him once and for all.


The Moon in Pisces makes a person extremely susceptible to any infectious and viral diseases, and at the same time, any contagious disease has a very negative effect on the condition of his blood. Lunar Pisces usually has a strong craving for alcohol and drugs, and easily falls into severe dependence on any chemicals.


It is difficult for the Pisces-Aries lunar couple to interact, because these are two antagonistic elements, it is not easy for them to understand and accept each other. Relationships are dual, changeable and incomprehensible for both: they always contain a certain mystery, mystery, understatement, intrigue. The Moon in Aries can give unexpectedly sharp reactions to the Moon in Pisces, often provokes conflicts, and the Moon in Pisces succumbs to these conflicts and suffers and suffers from this. The Moon in Pisces perceives the Moon in Aries softer and calmer, but it can also be tired and irritated by the harshness and uncontrollability of the “fiery” Moon. Although, with attentive attitude towards each other and with a sufficient level of spiritual development, these people can give each other a lot psychologically. Thanks to this interaction, the Moon in Aries becomes softer and more sensitive, and the Moon in Pisces, in turn, turns into more open and liberated.

The Pisces-Taurus lunar couple is characterized by good, harmonious, favorable interaction, especially for opposite-sex relationships. This couple will have a deep emotional understanding of each other's problems and needs, and common interests and mutual attraction provide a chance for a stable and long-lasting relationship. This is also a good combination for cooperation, but this tandem lacks activity and enthusiasm: they will expect initiative and determination from each other and can jointly “fail” the matter if one does not temporarily become a leader and take the reins of government your hands.

The Moon in Pisces is attracted to the Moon in Gemini, but often this attraction is not mutual. The relationship is unstable, conflictual, these two people can meet and separate many times, the relationship is fickle and tense. More favorable for business cooperation and friendly relationships than for love or family relationships.

The Pisces-Cancer lunar couple is characterized by harmonious interaction, kinship of elements and souls, similar needs and passions. A favorable combination for friendship and joint creativity, as well as for love and marriage. Such a union is greatly strengthened by children and a joint home - in this case, the marriage will last for a very long time.

The relationship between Pisces and lunar Leo will not be easy and is unlikely to bring a feeling of happiness and harmony. Moon in Leo is drawn to Moon in Pisces, but Moon in Pisces often finds it difficult and uncomfortable with Moon in Leo. Marriage can be difficult and tiring for both, and in some cases even tragic. This combination is more favorable for friendship or for business cooperation, joint creativity. The Moon in Leo dominates in this union, and the Moon in Pisces occupies a subordinate position, and this must be taken into account.

The Pisces-Virgo lunar pair is a favorable combination for both, but they still benefit greatly from this communication lunar Virgos. They have a very strong mutual attraction, interest, desire to understand each other.

The Pisces-Libra lunar pair is a good, stable combination, especially for the Moon in Libra. She is drawn to lunar Pisces, but over time this relationship can become obsolete, become difficult and tiring for both, and lead to mutual fatigue and devastation. This combination is more favorable for love or for joint creativity than for friendship, especially same-sex friendship.

Lunar Scorpios and Pisces are drawn to each other, there is sexual attraction, psychological similarity, and emotional contact. But relationships are often difficult and painful, especially for lunar Pisces. The union can last a very long time, the couple will torment each other, break up and get back together, but since there is deep mutual understanding and a strong emotional connection, they will not be able to break off the relationship. Here lunar Scorpios “win” - psychologically they receive much more and, under the influence of lunar Pisces, they become softer, calmer and more tolerant.

The lunar couple Sagittarius-Pisces understands each other perfectly, but it can be very difficult for them to exist together. Best option– joint creativity or business cooperation. Love and marital relationships will be full of disagreements and conflicts, but it is almost impossible to break this connection - it is quite stable, although difficult for both. A great combination for friendship, especially same-sex friendship.

Lunar Capricorns are drawn to the Moon in Pisces, which can give them a lot emotionally and psychologically. But lunar Pisces are burdened by these relationships, try to avoid communication and often break this connection themselves. Friendship or business cooperation is possible in this pair.

Lunar pair Aquarius-Pisces - these two people can have a strange, attractive, almost magical union. The Moon in Pisces is very attracted to the Moon in Aquarius, she is more interested in this relationship, but over time they become equal and emotionally stable. They form slowly, but then it is almost impossible to break this connection. This union contains a lot of experiments, impromptu, adventures, incredible coincidences.

Two Moons in Pisces is a good combination. They have excellent emotional contact, they deeply feel and understand each other, and they are psychologically comfortable together. But with all this, it may be difficult for them in everyday life, and because of this family relationships may collapse, the couple will get bogged down in domestic squabbles, economic instability and material problems. Although, if they do not focus on this, they have a chance for a happy future together. These two people can have a good creative union; in the field of art they will always understand each other. This combination is less favorable for friendship.

Kira Stoletova

The location of the planets in the sky at the moment of birth of a child determines his entire future life. A special role is played by the Moon, which forms the emotional structure of the individual. The Moon in Pisces symbolizes the feminine and sensitive nature.

Influence of the Moon and other planets

Besides the Moon in natal chart 9 planets are active. The Moon in Pisces reveals compassion, warmth, and care. When connections are damaged, drowsiness, a tendency to deception and self-deception, a craving for alcohol are observed, and sexuality increases in men.

Mercury is in detriment and debilitation. It practically does not show its properties. In a harmonious aspect, this is rich imagination, ardor of mind, the ability to see benefits, in the damaged - absent-mindedness, deceit, abnormality, indicating mental deviations.

Venus is in a strong position - exaltation. In the harmonic aspect it manifests itself inner beauty, tenderness, responsiveness, in the damaged - passivity, easy suggestibility, passion for the opposite sex.

Mars is transiting in Pisces. Directs energy to the ability to sympathize, obey, endure, take care, in the damaged aspect it turns a person into a neurotic, prone to alcoholism, sacrificial love. Saturn in harmony gives a person spiritual depth, sympathy for the humiliated, attentiveness; in damage, it makes a person an alarmist, an obsessive neurotic, shy, touchy, capable of betraying.

Uranus in harmony is an increased receptivity, intuitive sense, insight, in damage - a rushing nature, painfully perceiving the world who is unable to build normal relationships in society. Neptune is in the ruling position in Pisces. In the harmonious aspect it gives inspiration, compassion, mercy, helps to develop in medicine and art, in the destructive aspect it gives immorality.

Pluto in its harmonic aspect bestows strength of spirit, enormous potential, creative impulses, but in damage it makes the nature limited, striving for power, obsessed, fanatical.

General characteristics of the sign

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina considers Pisces the most mysterious sign in the horoscope. The Moon, transiting in Pisces, endows them with a wide variety of qualities. Visits the 12th house. In ancient times it was called the prison house.

This house combines secrets and intuition. A person under the influence of the Moon feels a thin line between worlds. He is capable of great sacrifice for the sake of his family. He takes the misfortunes around him to heart. He is also capable of universal love, which he fully bestows on those around him.

When the Moon is defeated in this house, they talk about secret enemies. This is a mother or wife, because the Moon in Pisces gives maternal characteristics. A strongly affected Moon forces a person to completely hide his personal life and family. The moon in a disturbed hill changes the understanding of gender, forcing a person to run and hide.

Pisces quickly adapt to current events and people, thanks to their inner sense. These are people whose emotional status changes every 2 seconds. They are caring and considerate towards others. Pisces have the ability to see prophetic dreams.

When the Moon is in transit in the sign of Pisces, it is better not to give vent to sensations. This will only make the situation worse. It is better to focus your energy on communicating with pleasant people. This will increase your energy tone and give you confidence. During this period, it is worth limiting your medication intake.

Characteristics of a Pisces woman

The Moon in Pisces for a woman makes her tender and pliable. In a stressful situation, she is unable to accept quick solutions. She is characterized by fluctuations. An inexperienced Pisces is quite capable of committing an imprudent act and losing their investments. It is better not to trust her with monetary aspects.

The Moon sign in Pisces women paints a sensual image:

  • vulnerable nature;
  • responsive to the grief of others;
  • her appearance is attractive, but it is a natural, feminine, pure beauty;
  • does not have conflicts; if she is offended, she simply leaves or remains silent;
  • she needs to maintain calm and tranquility around her;
  • she is modest, seems driven from the outside, too pliable, but this is also a consequence of her need for peace.

Astrology gives a positive forecast for compatibility with Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Fish is the image of an ideal wife. She needs a man who can openly respond to her love and sacrifice. She is vulnerable and acutely perceives her partner’s refusal to respond to her problems. She cannot tolerate betrayal or rudeness towards herself from her spouse. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved, but if her psychological comfort is disturbed, she will immediately wag her tail and pack her things.

Because of her shyness, the girl is often unable to concentrate. Her compassion not only encourages, but lifts the hopeless to their feet and has a positive effect on their well-being. If damaged Venus takes a decisive place in the natal chart, a person who is completely opposite will stand in front of you. This will be a liberated woman, too vulgar, aggressive.

Characteristics of a Pisces man

The Moon in Pisces for a man does not endow him with the most best qualities. This sign is more feminine, so the man is too touchy, sentimental, vulnerable and romantic. Along with all these qualities, a man must correspond to masculine status: do not whine, remain calm. Hiding, suppressing his nature, a person is in constant stress, which leads to alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling addiction.

Despite all the disadvantages, the man is ruled by Venus, which manages public relations and personifies internal strength, not aggressive. Such a man understands better than anyone what his woman needs. He is not chasing a standard of beauty, he needs an ordinary girl who can sympathize and live on the same wavelength with him.

In love, this is a romantic, gentle partner. Sexually, the influence of Venus and the Moon is especially noticeable. A huge storm of passions, hidden behind a mask of calm, results in love for his woman. If he becomes disappointed in his partner, he will transfer this oppression to other women. In the future, it will be difficult for him to start a serious relationship.

The lunar calendar promises this zodiac sign good prospects in professions that involve risk.

Favorable days

In the first half of the year, it is advisable to solve all your financial difficulties. Buying serious items is postponed until May-June. You should not plan conception and weddings. For Pisces, a wedding in July would be ideal.

On the first lunar day in May, the black streak will end. After waiting for the waxing phase of the Moon, you can go for a haircut; it is better to do this on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It is on these days that the muse will visit you and you will be able to choose the perfect image. On the 4th lunar day, the horoscope foretells good news for the zodiac sign.

May 15th is the perfect day for cleaning. It's time to plant flowers in the country house and put it in order, do something for the soul.

The horoscope says that the waxing moon phase in July is the right time for couples who have decided to take a responsible step to try to conceive a child. For single people - a chance to find love. 3.4, 8.11 lunar days well suited for visiting neighboring countries. On such trips you will be able to resolve all your issues and have a lot of fun.

Unfavorable days

In June, unfavorable numbers include the 6th, 18th, 20th and 28th. It is worth refusing to travel and work with sharp objects these days. Even kitchen knife may pose a danger.

The greatest danger for a zodiac sign lurks on transit days, especially if we're talking about on the 20th of every month. The influence of the planet intensifies these days, due to which sensations become more intense. The sign becomes aggressive, especially for people with a damaged Moon. When the aspect is damaged, irritability and emotionality appear.

It will be useful for Pisces lovers to know that May is a month when you cannot get married under any pretext.

September and March are months when people born under this sign should be especially careful and attentive to themselves. You shouldn't have surgery. Give up bad habits.

The waning phase of the moon is not the best time to make global purchases, and a haircut will not be in use.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces

IN YOUR NATAL CHART THE MOON IS IN Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces


The Moon in Pisces is the most gentle and mysterious sign. He makes desperate romantics out of people. The moon affects Pisces signs differently in women and men. But both are considered gentle and sensitive natures.

Why does a man get married? What needs is he trying to satisfy in the relationship? His Moon knows these secrets. It is she who symbolizes the role that a woman should play in a man’s life. Let's ask Vasilisa Volodina, a famous professional astrologer, in addition, she can rightfully be called an expert in relationships between men and women, what you need for a man with the Moon in Pisces:

For a man with Moon in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio or Moon in Pisces The leading instincts in life are the instincts of biological survival, namely the search for food, self-preservation and procreation. Love and hunger rule their world. Well, of course, this is not at all does not mean that the most important thing for them is to eat and have sex, but they feel calm and balanced precisely when these basic needs completely satisfied. I called the type of woman with whom they are able to stay for a long time “Mother”.

Moreover, this concept is double - you must become not only his own mother (feed, give rest, a feeling of peace and security), but also provide regular sex life and give birth to children (instinct of procreation). That is, to be a mother to himself and his children. Deep down, all men with Moon in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio or Moon in Pisces feel the need for unconditional love from the woman's side. They remain defenseless little boys forever. who want to hide under the wing of a woman, hoping that she will warm, feed, caress and protect him, no matter what happens. As composer Shainsky (born December 12, 1925, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Aquarius) says about his wife, who is 41 years younger than him: “My wife knows how to cook Ukrainian borscht and protects me from all misfortunes.”

Here is a comprehensive list of what is important for a man who is looking for his “mother”: food, sex, health, his parents and his children, his psychological balance. You have to really take care of all this if you plan to become not just his girlfriend, but also his wife. Someone will object - yes, this is important for everyone! Probably yes, but men with the “Mother” type of preference simply cannot live without all of the above. Perhaps some of you are already scared and think that a man in search of a “mother” plans to sit on his wife’s neck and survive at her expense. This is a misconception.

Just as a child doesn’t care how much his mother earns and how she feeds him, this man just doesn’t care about a woman’s earnings - physical and emotional comfort from communicating with her, love in the family will stimulate him to independent success. First of all you must be a creator cozy home, to which he will want to return. Only here “comfort” should not be confused with the word “order”; they do not always intersect. He should have an idea of ​​home as a safe haven where he can hide from the world after have a hard day and where he is definitely loved, where there are no enemies. Try to organize your family life with this man so that raids from relatives (on both sides) do not bother you often. If it is not possible to live separately from his parents, organize him his own corner ( separate room or a chair), which no one ever occupies and where he can rest, come to his senses, deal with his feelings. Let's get him some sleep: the most terrible sin with a man of this type - get him up at six in the morning on the weekend “for a run” (unless he himself started it).

Be sure to learn how to cook deliciously and don’t try to limit your food intake. For him, eating well is a basic, basic need. And if you understand that a further affair with food could end badly for him, correct this topic, persistently, but very gently - like a real mother. Try to take the quality of the food, not the quantity. Emphasize the health benefits of diet. In general, take care of his health not only with passive sympathy: “What a pity that you got sick! Will you go to the doctor yourself or call him at home?” You should, when you see an illness, make an appointment with a doctor yourself, and put on a thermometer, and brew some tea with raspberries, and give him this tea. In a state of illness, he is lost and is not always able to take care of himself - well, just like a small child.

Do not think that I am calling for the development of immaturity in a man. Everything has its limit; you don’t need to stir the sugar in your tea with a spoon. But precisely with With the help of your care, he can feel that he is loved and feel the value of marriage. By the way, men with the Moon in Cancer, the Moon in Scorpio and the Moon in Pisces often do not consider it shameful to help their spouse with housework - stand at the stove, sit with the children, help with preparing a holiday or cleaning, because this also has to do with his own comfort.

Never deny him sex, for him this is tantamount to refusing food. In the case of this man, it is completely unacceptable to “punish” or try to control his behavior in this way. A mother is the one who feeds and cuddles, despite the fact that she is angry and dissatisfied with something. By the way, even before marrying this man, be sure to ask how he sees the “childish” question for himself, how many children he would like. Men in whose horoscope the Moon is located in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are often openly child-loving and Perfect marriage imagine him having many children. This issue is fundamental for him, it is better to agree right away.

Treat him and your relatives with respect and attention. Do not refuse them help and care. Emphasize that you are all one family, and make an effort to call your mother-in-law not Angela Mikhailovna, but mom. If he himself has a complicated or ambiguous relationship with his family, try to immediately delve into this issue, understand who is who, and correctly “fit” into this established world.

An example of a man with a water Moon is our brilliant contemporary Michael Jackson (born August 29, 1958, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Leo). Although Michael endured a lot of attacks about his sexual orientation, he managed to get married twice. Nothing much is known about his marriages except that he loved his three children very much and spent a lot of time with them. By the way, this one of the needs of these men is to keep their personal lives secret, without dwelling too much on it - it’s calmer, and they need psychological peace no less than they need food and sex. The topic of relatives has also always been very important for Michael: a bunch of brothers and sisters, a tense relationship with his father, but a very warm relationship with his mother - right up to his death.

And finally, the painfully important topic of health - the hyperbaric chamber, pathological disgust and masks in public, at the same time endless plastic surgery. Perhaps the singer’s path would not have been so tragic if he had happened to meet a woman who could become his real mother. Keep in mind that men with the Moon in Cancer, the Moon in Scorpio and the Moon in Pisces are extremely vulnerable, anxious, sensitive and suspicious people who need constant reassurance and encouragement from the woman they love.

Race car driver Michael Schumacher (January 3, 1969, Moon in Cancer, Venus in Aquarius) was much luckier. He found his beloved, who bore him children and gives him constant care and affection. As Michael himself says, happiness is family, children, beautiful house and money to spend on a quiet, peaceful life. Michael's wife found the right key to his heart: after another injury, in order for him to think about his health, she refused to give birth to his second child. And she changed her decision only after Michael reconsidered his view on risk in the profession. Everyone thinks that Michael is a brutal reckless driver, but he loves to cook Italian pasta on his own and tinker with the children at home, sharing all household responsibilities with his wife.

I noticed that male actors with the Moon in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces often achieve success in the roles of “simple guys”, sometimes not very intellectual, but attractive for their closeness to the people and basic life values. Still, it’s easy for an artist to play himself, it’s more convincing! An example is the magnificent actor Sergei Bezrukov (October 18, 1973, Moon in Cancer, Venus in Sagittarius). With all the scale of his talent, his roles always show a touching, slightly naive mixture of a sensitive man and a child, so close to the Russian soul: Yesenin, Bely in “The Brigade” or policeman Kravtsov in “The Station”. His wife Irina says about him this way: “...When Sergei comes home, he is laconic and calm. He wants to be looked after, fed, listened to. There is no stress or company at home. The husband comes home as if to a place where he wants to isolate himself from the bustle of the world. He once said: “If you liked to gather noisy companies at home, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stand it for long.” Seryozha goes straight home after work.”

Another “simple guy” of our screen is the wonderful actor Viktor Loginov (February 13, 1975, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Pisces), who became very famous in the role of Gena Bukin (TV series “Happy Together”) - simple, sometimes to the point of cynicism, a man burdened with his family and its survival. Victor himself is the father of five children and hosts a television program with a title appropriate for this astrological type, “Eat and Lose Weight!” As I have said, The theme is “I want to eat!” very relevant for men with a water Moon and certainly plays out in their biography along with the themes of procreation and psychological comfort.

Also, ideal compliance with the image of a “mother” suggests that a woman should be able to save a man in a difficult situation - like a real mother. For example, musicians Robbie Williams (February 13, 1974, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Capricorn) and Sergei Mazaev (December 7, 1959, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Libra) openly admit that the women they loved pulled them out of many years of drunkenness.

Perhaps all of the listed features of this astrological type are clearly demonstrated by the famous journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov (October 20, 1963, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio) treats his family and wife with exceptional tenderness. He is proud of his children, of whom there are already seven, and of his parents. Despite the fact that Vladimir is more often interested in acute social problems in his work, the topic of nutrition did not bypass him - there was excess weight, and the fight against it, and even the publication of a special book on this topic.

If you manage to properly build a relationship with this man and become a real “Mother” to him, he will be attached to you forever and obedient like a child, or almost like a child. One of the strongest marriages in our show business is the Strizhenov family. Alexander Strizhenov (born June 6, 1969, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Sagittarius) met his wife Ekaterina as a teenager, and they have been together ever since. Under the watchful supervision of his wife, Alexander tries to follow a diet and struggles with excess weight, since the topic of love for food has not passed him by. He himself says this: “Wise women always pretend that they are sheep around a shepherd, but in fact they lead. In general, real men are henpecked. And those who consider themselves the center of the Universe are complex types. I am henpecked. My women pretend that I am in charge, but in reality I am completely subordinate to them.”

Based on materials from books by V. Volodina.

Each horoscope is as unique as its owner. In addition to the position of Venus in a sign, there are many other indicators in the horoscope that determine how a man will behave in a relationship and what to expect from a woman. Find out from a professional astrologer how your man’s heart opens.

The Moon in Pisces speaks of sensitivity, strong receptivity and deep impressionability. People with the Moon in Pisces are usually calm, friendly, compliant, they love comfort, convenience, not only at home, but everywhere they happen to be. They have a rich imagination, a vivid imagination, vivid dreams that take them away from the real world into the world of illusions. This, however, is good soil for creative activity, but it makes them helpless and vulnerable to the reality of life. They are pliable, non-aggressive, always give in, but this is not because they agree with what is happening, but because of mental instability, inability to defend their opinion and out of fear of offending someone. They themselves are very vulnerable and dependent on their mood and momentary mood. They have a quick and sharp reaction to any irritant, both external and internal - they often withdraw into themselves, and nothing can bring them out of this state.

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Therefore, often these people outwardly look indifferent, lethargic, dreamy and phlegmatic, but in fact they are subject to very strong and deep emotional experiences. In addition, they are compassionate, merciful, intuitively understand people and feel their condition, especially those who need help. The fate of many of these people is unusual, and their lives are unique. For the most part, they are endowed with phenomenal or extrasensory abilities; they are mediums and clairvoyants. They are idealists, romantics and utopians, they believe in God, even if they received an atheistic upbringing.

If the Moon is damaged - infantilism, passivity, inertia, laziness, attacks of apathy, distrust or painful excessive gullibility, indecisiveness, inconstancy in love and friendship. They are haunted by various fears and litigation, often of a financial nature. Often this position of the Moon indicates a strong tendency towards intrigue and gossip; snitching, anonymous accounts, self-deception, fraud, addictions, and an immoral lifestyle are not excluded.

A favorable configuration with Mars promotes everything related to creative activity.

Unfavorable configuration with malefic planets – poor health, mental disorders.

Characteristics of the Moon in Pisces

in - related.

Feeling + expectation = hope

Keyword: emotional instinctiveness.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Pisces: waiting, emotionality, good nature, willingness to help, helpfulness, sociability, sensitivity, sometimes medial predisposition.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Pisces: carelessness, instability, susceptibility to influence, temptation, lack of ability to resist, lack of vitality, dependence of mood, inferiority complex, danger of being used and letting everything take its course, tendency to enjoyment.

Violations of Moon aspects: tendency to intrigue and deception.

Features in the male horoscope: a man with Moon in Pisces wants a devoted, kind and compassionate partner who will greatly influence him and become necessary in his personal life, but not necessarily in his career.

Features in the female horoscope: In a woman's horoscope, excessive emotions can lead to health problems. Women with this Moon position usually marry late. At the same time, this position indicates someone a quiet magnetism that attracts men.

Health disorders: leg diseases (swelling), colds, digestive disorders, need for drugs, addiction to alcohol.

Moon in Pisces in the natal chart:

You are easily influenced by outsiders, full of understanding and very kind-hearted. You are an emotionally naive person who is constantly dismissive of other people's shortcomings. At the same time, you are easily vulnerable and tend to be sad and cry over every little thing.

You do not like cold and objective facts; you are overly sensitive in relationships with people. Sometimes you lack a sense of humor and common sense.

Your senses can deceive you due to your highly developed romanticism and optimism. You see everything in a rosy light. Because you try to see only the good in everything, you are frightened by reality and the truth of life. You are talented in music, poetry and art.

Depending on the aspects, this may be the best or worst position of the Moon. If the position is favorable, you are a real dreamer, but if it is unfavorable, this can lead to complete self-deception or loss in illusions. You are a quiet, compassionate, friendly, gentle person. You good character, but you are too insecure and dreamy. You often change your mind, so you can be cowardly and prone to depression.

The Moon in this position appears in those who have unmanifested extrasensory abilities. When do you want to implement someone plan, then you are faced with many difficulties due to which you are very upset. You need love and protection, you love beauty, harmony and comfort, if this is not there, then you suffer.

The Moon in kinship contributes to the strong sensitivity of Pisces in the near world. People of this psychotype experience a feeling of maternal tenderness towards all children of the Earth, human, animal and plant. The moon endows this psychotype with a strong instinct of self-preservation, intuition, the ability to read dreams, and find answers to everyday questions in them. In his natural state Pisces are dreamy, absent-minded and tender, vulnerable.

Moon in the decanate sign of Pisces

Lack of will, little vital energy. Unhealthy, sleepy calm. Tendency to passive pleasures, passive experiences. Internal hesitations prevent you from making the right choice.

Love of home and family life. Hospitality, sociability, luxury, comfort, inactivity, laziness.

Activity, strength, energy, desire to act. Increased interest in the opposite sex, sexual adventures. With negative aspects to the Moon - internal anxiety and mental restlessness, internal struggle.

Historical persons with Moon in Pisces

Charles VII, Johannes Morinus, Francesco Petrarca, Leonardo da Vinci, Henri Lafontaine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Honore Daumier, Edgar Allan Poe, A. S. Eliseev.

Moon transit through Pisces

The Moon in the sign of Pisces increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and distant. The transit Moon in Pisces can cause self-pity, a desire for solitude, a desire to escape from problems, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages and drugs. But it is precisely at this time that talents most often manifest themselves, and for old problems they are found unexpected decisions. The sense of reality is weakening, so it is better not to take on important matters, but this period is conducive to clarifying the facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, whiny, find it difficult to concentrate in class, and prefer to “fly in the clouds.”

At this time, you cannot give free rein to negative emotions, as this will not only not help you discharge, but, on the contrary, will unsettle you for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful to be in nature at this time, especially near bodies of water - it increases your tone and adds mental strength. It is not recommended to contact fortune tellers, as their prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Caution is required when taking medicines, it is advisable to limit the amount of liquid consumed.

With a damaged Moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative slant. Self-pity can cause bouts of blues, even depression. Often there is a desire to run away from problems, up to complete isolation and reluctance to communicate with anyone. Whims, reproaches, complaints, and tearfulness are possible. People experience unreasonable anxiety, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, and may have nightmares. Naturally, the strength of these manifestations depends on the planets that the Moon aspects and the aspects that the Moon has in the natal chart. You should be careful with medicines, for chronic patients these days it is better to slightly reduce the dose prescribed by the doctor. There is also a risk of accidental drug poisoning household chemicals, errors in prescribing and administering medications, etc. (in case of additional instructions in the natal chart).

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • For preparatory work, concluding contracts, capital investments;
  • for social activities;
  • to solve legal problems, initiate trials and proceedings;
  • for cases related to hospitals, monasteries, closed institutions;
  • to visit foreign countries, communicate with foreigners;
  • for appeals to sponsors, patronage, charity events, protection of human rights, assistance to the sick, disabled, incapacitated, people deprived of life and destiny;
  • for advertising, public speaking, creative work and everything related to art, including communication with people of art;
  • for dating, love affairs, intimate contacts, engagements, family celebrations, parties;
  • for marriage, provided that the Moon is in the first half of Pisces;
  • for foreign trips, recreation, hiking, excursions, trips to water basins and sea spaces, best on the 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th Lunar day, for training and the use of phenomenal abilities, meditation, entering or inducing trance, parapsychological experiments, fortune telling, conducting hypnotic, mediumistic and spiritualistic sessions and other spiritual and occult practices;
  • to visit church, communicate with spiritual people and clergy;
  • to visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • for fishing, hunting, fishing, brewing beer;
  • for new buildings, agriculture;
  • for planting, replanting, fertilizing and watering plants, mowing lawns.

Bad timing

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for new businesses, enterprises and big endeavors;
  • for a trip to the mountains, mountaineering;
  • to contact fortune tellers and soothsayers;
  • for hair cutting, pedicure;
  • for some types of canning (salting, pickling, fermenting, that is, those that involve the addition or release of liquids; but if the harvest is harvested during the Moon in Pisces, then any preparations are not recommended);
  • for operations on ankles, feet, toes, tendons, ligaments, digestive system organs, lymph nodes;
  • for foot massage, water treatment procedures, taking narcotic drugs.


  • promise more than you can deliver;
  • deception, fraud, spiritual traps;
  • various kinds of excesses associated with food, alcohol and sex;
  • poisoning, viral and infectious diseases.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

Feeling + expectation - hope

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Calm, just calm! For it is mental balance and tranquility that are a good prerequisite for maintaining vitality and good health during the days of the Moon’s transit through the last sign of the Zodiac, the sign of Pisces. And efforts to preserve peace of mind During this period, you will have to make an effort, since in the days of Pisces people become more sensitive, vulnerable and unprotected from negativity from the outside.

Irrational bouts of blues, a feeling of dissatisfaction and rejection of the imperfections of the world around us do not contribute to good health during the days of the Moon in Pisces. There is a persistent and insurmountable desire to escape from pressing problems. Some choose alcohol or drugs as their assistants, blurring the already tenuous connection with reality. Others unexpectedly discover a craving for meditative practices. Still others are simply looking for solitude in order to wait out this difficult period in peace and quiet.

Of course, to maintain good health in the days of Pisces, you must try to fight negative emotions, using the maximum means and possibilities. But alcohol (and even more so, drugs!) can only increase vague anxiety and fears, causing bouts of unreasonable self-pity. And from the blues to depression, as you know, the path is short. Often during this period, even quite mentally stable people report sudden mood swings, depression and nightmares.

On the other hand, if you follow a number of simple recommendations, the days of the Moon in Pisces can pass, if not unnoticed, then at least without negative consequences. Be that as it may, you should save your strength in this period, try to avoid communicating with unpleasant people, pay special attention to vulnerable areas of the body and, finally, refrain from abusing not only alcohol and psychotropic drugs, but also medications.

Moon in Pisces and our health

Vulnerable organs: immune system, lymphatic and endocrine systems; lower limbs(mainly toes, feet, ankles); skin covering.

Invulnerable organs: vegetative nervous system, eyes (especially the retina), duodenum, small and large intestine; abdominal cavity (spleen, liver, pancreas); circulatory system.

If you get sick during the Moon in Pisces :

Any sane person understands that it does not matter what sign of the Zodiac the Moon is in, but if a chronic sore worsens or if there is sharp and prolonged pain in any part of the body or a specific organ (especially a vulnerable one), you should consult a specialist. However, not every person knows that during the transit of the Moon through the sign of Pisces, special care should be taken when taking medications internally.

So, if we are talking about an exacerbation of a chronic disease, on Pisces days it is recommended to slightly reduce the usual dose of drugs or start taking their more gentle analogues (after consulting with your doctor, of course). In general, when the Moon is in Pisces, poisoning is not uncommon, and this obliges us to be even more attentive to the quality of medications (pay special attention to the expiration date of the medicine).

If you just can’t get to the bottom of the reasons for the sharp deterioration in your health during the days of Pisces, it makes sense to pay attention to your own dreams. It is during this period that our subconscious acts as a good diagnostician of the state of our body, which is often reflected in the content of our dreams. And although with the Moon in Pisces dreams are rarely calm and peaceful, you should still pay special attention to disturbing dreams and nightmares.

During this period, the disease is unlikely to threaten you if you are a person with iron nerves, a clear conscience and a stable psyche. Then your dreams during this period will be harmonious and beautiful. If, against the backdrop of some aggravated illness, you are tormented by nightmares, there is a high probability that the cause of your poor health is not a physical illness, but a mental one. Perhaps the treatment of a disease that manifested itself during the days of the Moon in Pisces will take a lot of time, but one must begin to tune in to a positive mood, drive away dark thoughts, and stop angering God and others immediately.

What not to do:


Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Pisces

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up...” And it’s true: friends, relatives and acquaintances of Lunar Pisces repeatedly hear these words from them. And since they are not able to understand the depths of the psyche of people born under the Pisces Moon, sometimes they themselves and those around them often stop paying special attention to the Pisces Moon’s mood swings. As a result, the latter react sharply to such an attitude, often diluting their complexes, fears, feelings of loneliness and emotional dissatisfaction with alcohol and/or drugs.

Alas, the Moon in Pisces very often “rewards” both men and women born during this period with an unstable psyche, increased sensitivity, suspiciousness and vulnerability. Such a “bouquet” creates fertile conditions for an unhealthy psyche, reduced immunity and susceptibility to various viral and infectious diseases, which are quite often observed in Lunar Pisces.

Attempts to avoid routine, craving for excesses, as well as alcohol and psychotropic drugs do not at all help combat the above-mentioned problems. It would seem that this is not the strongest foundation for the development of a healthy personality... And how can it be strong, if even the lower parts of the legs of Lunar Pisces are vulnerable areas from birth?

Does this mean that most people born under the Pisces Moon are doomed to feel inferior throughout their lives? Not at all. There can be no talk of any damage. On the contrary: nature has made Lunar Pisces sensitive, subtle and, often, highly artistic people.

Their responsiveness and enviable intuition are highly appreciated by those around them. Their romanticism, which is so often lacking in others’ lives, is a kind of outlet for society. And ourselves Lunar Pisces sometimes all you need is a little willpower and self-confidence, so that with the help of friendship, active pastime, the right