Charity event “Children instead of flowers.

It's time to sum up the Children Instead of Flowers campaign.

Finally, it’s official: you transferred over 50 million rubles to support terminally ill children, wards of the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice - and broke last year's record.

Total amount - 53,250,357.19 rubles

9,795 applications came from classes who wanted to take part in the action.
These are schoolchildren from 409 settlements , including 10 other countries: USA (several states: California, South Carolina, North Carolina, Massachusetts), Egypt, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Israel, Switzerland, Romania, Belarus and the Czech Republic.

Watch this video - it shows how much you have done:

Video design - Ekaterina Kovrizhnykh
Animation - Sofia Dukhon

You can also download a poster with the results - you can print it out and hang it up at school.

There is some special, inexpressible magic in the fact that millions were raised by schoolchildren and their parents - and not transferred, for example, by a large corporation whose code stipulates social responsibility. And the fact is that the main initiators in many schools were teachers.

The event became an occasion to talk about how charity is as easy as sculpting from plasticine or brushing your teeth.
And about the fact that any of us may have a child living next door with an incurable diagnosis, whom his parents also love endlessly, and who also wants to go for walks, study and make friends - and he can if he gets help.

Evgeny Kruglov. School No. 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro (SP 2), 2 “B” class

About money

You can view a PDF file with a brief report on spending areas.

Download and study detailed financial report about income and expenses possible in ( the table has tabs “receipts” and “expenses”).

If suddenly you did not find your donation in the report, write to us at help@site with information about the date of the donation, on whose behalf it was made, the school and class number. We will recheck the data and make changes to the report.

53.25 million rubles is a fantastic amount.

Those 700 families throughout Russia who already need special food today, medicines, medical equipment, hygienic care products, devices for providing respiratory support, orthopedic products and much more have already begun to receive charitable assistance.
Another part of the funds will be spent on equipping the hospital; it is expected to begin operating next year.

Lenya will be able to breathe fully and go to school

Lena is 7 years old, he lives in the city of Taganrog with his parents and grandmother, who devoted herself to caring for her grandson - the boy needs her help even in the simplest and most basic matters.
Lenya has a disease in which all the muscles of the body gradually weaken. Because of it, the boy cannot walk, and his lungs need support to work at full capacity.

Despite his illness, Lenya is an incredibly active boy with a lot of different interests. He loves swimming - because in water his body is lighter, and his muscles work as if he were healthy. He tries to play checkers and chess, wants to learn to play the piano and sing, and cannot live a day without his computer and tablet. And Lenya was really looking forward to September 1st to go to school.

Thanks to the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign, we bought Lena non-invasive ventilation device (NIVL Vivo 40), which will help the lungs work and the boy feel cheerful and rested. The device cost 270,000 rubles.

Also purchased lightweight active wheelchair Avangard Teen for 146,800 rubles - now the boy can go to school without outside help, race through the corridors with his peers during breaks - in a word, lead the active life of an ordinary mischievous first-grader.

Lenya believes that he will learn - and one day he will definitely invent a medicine that will help him walk again.

Look who else, besides Lenya, you and your teacher helped - simply by choosing one flower instead of a bouquet:

Ilya will live at home, not in intensive care

Ilya from the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region, is 8 months old, and he spent exactly half of his little life in the hospital.
The boy spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) the most severe first type - he never learned to hold his head up, roll over, or move his legs.

When Ilya was 4 months old, due to weak lungs and associated pneumonia, he was admitted to intensive care, where he was connected to an artificial ventilation device (ventilator).
Mom could not stay and live in the department with her son constantly - only short visits were allowed, so the boy lay alone almost all day and cried when his mother left.
And the mother, leaving her son in the hospital and returning to an empty apartment every evening, dreamed of bringing Ilyusha home from intensive care - but this was unrealistic without her own portable ventilator, the price of which is too high.

Thanks to the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign and the help of thousands of caring people, the dream has come true! We were able to buy Ilya a ventilator with a reserve Supplies- filters and tubes that need to be changed regularly. All together it cost us 512,597.68 rubles.

Mila will be able to walk with her mother

Three-year-old Mila with her parents and older sister Katya live in Tyumen.

More than anything else, Mila likes to explore the world around her: looking at flowers, birds, insects crawling past - on a picnic, which sometimes the whole family manages to go on. Watch children playing on the playground and squirrels frolicking in the park while taking a walk.
And one day, during a trip to the dolphinarium, the girl’s delight knew no bounds! As her mother wrote to us, “with every jump of the dolphins, Mila’s eyes widened, and her heart was ready to jump out of her chest.”

But the girl rarely managed to get out to children’s events and simple walks. Mila too SMA - spinal muscular atrophy. The muscles of her body and lungs are weak due to the disease, so the girl is helped to breathe by a mechanical ventilation device (ventilator).
It is portable, but it weighs a lot, and to leave the house Mila needed a spacious stroller that could accommodate both the girl and the device.
And the stroller should be comfortable and ideal for Mila - the girl’s weakened body needs to be properly and carefully supported.

Everyone who participated in the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign helped buy Mile special Stingray stroller— even long walks will be a pleasure in it. The stroller cost 275,792 rubles.

*The stroller for Mila was not included in the interim financial report, since it was paid for on 10/01/18 - but the purchase will be reflected in the final report following the results of the promotion.

And here are a few more children whom you have already helped - and who asked to convey their gratitude to you. For example, Yaroslava’s mother (you will see the girl in the page below) wrote the following letter to her coordinator at the Vera Foundation:

“Tatiana, hello! We have no words of gratitude, only tears of happiness! We thank everyone who participated in collecting and purchasing a stroller for our daughter! We say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! The stroller is very cool, just cool, Yaroslava fits in it like a glove: so much support, correct positioning - now walking on the street will be a pleasure. Thank you very much to you and the entire BF team!”

Fedor and his pedal trainer
Neidan and respiratory support apparatus
Yaroslava and the stroller
Roman and portable aspirator

A few more stories are about children from Moscow and the Moscow region who were helped by the House with a Lighthouse Children's Hospice with funds received as part of the campaign.

Veronica will be able to inhale and exhale

Veronica is 11 years old and has congenital muscular dystrophy.
Veronica has to take several types of medications every day.

Teachers come to her home to study mathematics, Russian and English (and foreign language she teaches with great pleasure and loves additional classes, which are arranged for her by volunteers).

Due to the weakness of the respiratory muscles, Veronica has difficulty breathing.
But thanks to the promotion for the girl purchased a non-invasive pulmonary ventilation (NIV) device- to supply air into the lungs under pressure, thereby reducing or completely replacing muscle work. In addition, Veronica often needs rehabilitation, for which she has to go to the sea - and on the road she cannot do without this device.

We also purchased a humidifier.
All this cost 280,000 rubles.

Ira will be able to walk with her mother - not around the apartment, but on the street

Ira is two years old.
She lives in Moscow.
Her diagnosis is cerebral palsy and many associated diseases, including epilepsy. The girl also has short bowel syndrome and constant dystonic attacks.
Ira already has leg orthoses, a verticalizer and an indoor wheelchair.

Thanks to Ira's promotion managed to buy a special stroller so that the girl spends more time on fresh air— the stroller cost 323,547 rubles.
Mom tries very hard to ensure that her daughter’s daily routine is as busy as possible, and that the girl spends more time outside the walls of the apartment.

Vanya is no longer at risk of infection

Vanya lives in the village of Bobrovo, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
The boy short bowel syndrome- with this disease, the intestines do not work at full capacity.

Vanya is only 1 year old, he has already undergone three operations, but at the same time he remains a positive and energetic child: he is sociable, loves when people show attention to him, and is always happy to be the first to start acquaintances - at the first meeting he immediately takes your hand and looks into your eyes and smiles.

Thanks to the campaign, we purchased a special drug TauroLock U25000 for Vanya, which is used to prevent the formation of biofilm in catheters - in other words, the tube remains sterile with high patency, and there is no risk of infection. The drug cost 137,500 rubles.

Several more children have already received help from the House with a Lighthouse. We share with you our touching gratitude.

“I would like to thank everyone who helped purchase food for Kirill.
It took a very long time to select one for him, everything previously recommended was not suitable... Kirill was vomiting and the convulsions were getting worse. We no longer hoped that he would begin to absorb anything, but then this food was recommended to us - and it worked.
Kirill began to feel much better and gain weight, but it turned out that the cost of food was simply not affordable for us. We just didn't know what to do.
Thank you very much!!!"

"Hello, friends. My name is Yaroslava, at home everyone calls me Yasya. I'm already 4 years old.
I have SMA (spinal muscular atrophy type 1 - 2) - a disease in which muscles weaken and I cannot walk, sit, stand, and at night I sleep with a NIV machine.
I do breathing exercises with an AMBU bag - so that there is no deformation chest so that the lungs open as expected.
I have equipment - a cough cougher and an aspirator. And all my devices require consumables (masks, catheters, tubes, filters). I also don’t eat well: I need special nutrition that will allow me not to lose weight and get all the necessary vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates.
I have all this - and thanks to this I live. I eat and do not lose weight, I am very glad that you - kind people, philanthropists, helpers - support me and other children at the House with a Lighthouse Children's Hospice.

Although my family is complete - mom, dad, brother and me - but dad doesn’t live with us. We live with my grandmother, who works seven days a week to pay for rented apartment. My mother sits with me, helps me, she is my legs and arms...
Of course, we do not have the opportunity to purchase everything necessary for my life.

I really like to draw, play hide and seek with my mother, and play with dolls with my brother (just shhh...).
I am a very cheerful girl, I enjoy life thanks to you, dear ones. Thank you for being with the Children's Hospice, and for being with the Children's Hospice: you support our home, you give us a chance to live, smiles and little joys. Mom and I say thank you very much!”

“My son’s name is Zakharov Kirill, he is 1 year and 11 months old.
He has an incurable genetic Krabbe disease.

A year ago we were given this terrible diagnosis. We didn’t know what to do - our son was getting worse every day, and we couldn’t help him. We still cannot help him with anything - this disease cannot be cured.

It is very difficult to live with the thought that one day he will no longer be with us. Sometimes you give up.

We have a large family, I have two more sons - twin brothers. Now I'm in maternity leave, my husband works as a driver. The older boys went to school, getting the children ready for school is a whole story; we are now having a very hard time financially.

We are incredibly grateful to the Children's Hospice for taking us under their care.
Our boy is under the care of doctors from the hospice, they bring us everything necessary for Kirill: feeding tubes, special food (it was very difficult to find one for Kirill; we struggled with food, because he had terrible allergies to almost everything), an aspirator, a device for breathing, all sorts of creams and sprays for care (all this is very necessary, because Kiryusha has very sensitive skin: any foreign touch causes redness all over the body).
At the hospice they even help us with diapers and diapers. Help with purchasing medications. They also make splints for our feet. We didn't think our boy would need so much!

We pray for people who help terminally ill children and support their parents. It can be very difficult, both morally and financially. With this help it becomes easier. Thank you!!!
Gratitude from Kirill’s mother for regular supplies.”

“Hello, Dear Benefactors!
We express our deep gratitude to you from the Yaromich family for helping us in difficult times. life situation.
We are financially unable to provide our family with everything we need on our own: in our family only dad works, and we simply don’t have enough money for two children!

Our eldest child Artyom (6 years old) was given a terrible diagnosis - a rare genetic disease in which the child cannot walk, talk or even just move. It was also difficult for Artyom to eat on his own. We were recommended to put a gastrostomy and tracheostomy on our son to make it easier for him to breathe and eat. That’s what we did - but Artyom couldn’t gain weight, and we were diagnosed with dystrophy...

But after your fund began to help us, our performance changed for the better! Artyom began to gain weight - and even began to smile more often! What could be more important than a child’s smile?
Thank you very much for your help. And for your Big Kind Heart.

Yaromich family."

In September, the foundation's volunteers conducted 63 lessons of kindness: We watched videos with our students, had discussions, drew messages for our students, discussed why hospices are needed and why hospice is about life.

For volunteers who were preparing to teach kindness lessons, we organized a master class on public speaking and prepared materials: with a sample lesson plan, ideas on what to talk about, videos, and so on.

Afterwards the volunteers shared:

“30 children sitting so quietly that you could hear a mosquito flying by :)”

“...The mother who initiated the class’s participation in the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign died at the First Hospice - and she is very kind to the fund. The children also knew about the foundation and who we help.

I told them about the fulfillment of desires, that the main help is in attention. She told how once San Francisco was remade into Gotham City, the city of Batman, to fulfill the wish of a boy with leukemia.

We talked about how we can help everyone in different ways: children, animals, the planet. About collecting good lids, sorting garbage, refusing plastic bags, about bird feeders, and so on. At the end I told them the story of Oscar, the dog I picked up and eventually found him a home. They really liked it..."

“I had the honor of teaching my first lesson!
Thank God for third graders. But so that you understand the level: there is a person working on a perpetual motion machine - and literally any day it will be ready!

Discovered for myself the new kind good deeds - to shoo insects out of the house :) Exactly SWEEP OUT.”

“We played a game where the children, passing the lemon to each other, complimented and good words.
We concluded that saying kind words is not so difficult - but receiving them is very pleasant. The exercise really cheered up the children and gave the whole class a general positive attitude.

We also talked about the fact that it is also important for a person who does bad things to hear kind words - so that this will help him improve.”

“To be honest, I was scared to go to the seventh grade: it seemed that they would not listen. And I wasn’t afraid of third grade. As it turned out, it was in vain :) If the seventh graders sat for all 40 minutes and listened to me with their mouths open, then the little ones listened right up to some comment or giggle - they had some kind of mechanism that turned on the general bacchanalia in the class, which is not so - it's easy to cope with.

But everything worked out.
The children were sincerely surprised by the cost of equipment and consumables for the disabled, admired the amounts collected, and cried when I showed them a video about Artyom and wheelchair racing...”

Special thanks to everyone who took part in the event from September 1 to 7 photo competition on the fund's Odnoklassniki page — and shared photos from the school assembly and “kindness lessons.”

A special system in Odnoklassniki counted the number of votes - and at the end of the competition, it determined the three winners:
2 “B” class of Moscow school No. 1383 (the photo was posted by the teacher who initiated the action),
4 "A" class of secondary school No. 6 of the city of Shchekino
and 4 “A” class of school No. 183 in Novosibirsk (the photo was also posted by the class teacher).

The winners received pleasant surprises from the foundation team.

We talk about this everywhere and will not tire of repeating: thank you for listening, thinking about it - and coming on September 1 to the line with one flower or sticker, or ribbon, and transferring the saved funds to the fund.
We thank the teachers for their initiative.

You are all making a small revolution.
And rest assured, your help will not wither 🌿

On the eve of September 3, Philanthropist selected several fund shares that you can join to help children. Participants in the action - schoolchildren and their parents - decide not to buy 20-30 bouquets for the teacher for Knowledge Day, but instead give the class teacher one bouquet from the class. Parents transfer the saved funds to a charity fund that helps children. In addition, these days you can hold “Lessons of Good” - employees of charitable foundations come to schools and talk about their work and help.

Over the course of five years, the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign, which was started by the Vera Foundation, began to be carried out by more than a dozen Russian foundations, including the foundations “Our Children”, “Creation”, “Sunflower”, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, “Life Line” and other. “Philanthropist” already talks about why this is important. There is still time until September 3 to join the fund's shares.

How to join

  1. Agree with the teacher and parents of other students in the class that the class (or even the whole school) participates in the action and agrees not to give 20-30 bouquets, but to buy only one from everyone.
  2. Register on the promotion website (depending on the selected fund).
  3. Receive promotion symbols. The foundations provide flags, balloons, posters and other holiday souvenirs.
  4. Come to school on Knowledge Day, bring one flower for each student and make a common beautiful bouquet for the teacher.
  5. Transfer the saved money to help children in the care of one of the funds.

Infographics of the Vera Foundation provided by the press service

"Children instead of flowers" of the Vera Foundation and the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse"

Who it helps: The Vera Hospice Assistance Fund and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice offer to support more than 700 families with seriously ill children on Knowledge Day. Using the funds raised, the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse Children's Hospice will purchase breathing apparatus, consumables, strollers and chairs, medicines and special food for seriously ill children and provide families with psychological and legal support.

About the promotion: Over the course of several years, the Children Instead of Flowers campaign has become very popular - in 2017, the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice supported 1,157 schools and 6,500 classes from 132 cities and towns in Russia. As a result, together we collected a fantastic amount - more than 39 million rubles - and were able to help 463 seriously ill children across the country.

"Flowers with Meaning" by the Foundation "Creation"

Who it helps: The goal of the “Flowers with Meaning” campaign is targeted assistance to children with various diseases - the wards of the fund.

About the promotion: The Creation Foundation has been holding a charity event on September 1 for the third year and it is called “Flowers with Meaning.” Based on the results of the campaign, the fund provides a report on which child’s treatment the money collected by each class or school went to.

In 2017, 15 classes from 6 Moscow schools participated in the fund’s campaign. In total, “Flowers with Meaning” collected 240,040 rubles, which we used to pay for treatment for 6 children with various diseases: 3 girls and 3 boys under the “The Road Can Be Overcome by Those Who Walk” program.

“Lessons of Good” by the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation

Who it helps: assistance to children with brain tumors: payment for examinations, treatment, medical supplies, consumables and rehabilitation courses.

About the promotion: The foundation is holding the “Lessons of Good” campaign on September 1 for the fifth time. In 2016 and 2017 alone, 134 classes from 61 schools took part in it. Over the course of two years, students and their parents transferred almost 1.5 million rubles to the fund. In some cases, both foundation employees and volunteers come to schools on the first day of school and, during class hours or even recess, talk as clearly as possible about the work of the foundation and helping children.

“Children instead of flowers” ​​Foundation “Our Children”

Who it helps: The funds raised go to the programs of the “Our Children” foundation, which is engaged in a systematic solution to the problems of orphanhood in Russia.

About the promotion: This year the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is held by the “Our Children” foundation for the fourth time. This action not only allows you to support the foundation’s programs (in 2016, more than 200 thousand rubles were collected, in 2017 - more than 84 thousand rubles), it also has an important information function: it allows you to convey ideas about competent assistance to orphans and talk about problems of social orphanhood in Russia.

“Kind bouquet” of the Life Line Foundation

Who it helps: The funds collected go towards targeted assistance for those who require expensive treatment.

About the promotion: To take part in the action, you need to fill out the form via the link before August 31 and the fund will send a poster and thanks to the teacher and class. If desired, you can also Classroom hour and tell children about the importance of doing good deeds.

“Children instead of flowers” ​​by the Sunflower Foundation

Who it helps: The money raised will go to help children with primary immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases to the Sunflower Foundation.

About the promotion: This is not the first time that the Sunflower Foundation has held a campaign in honor of September 1st. You can agree to collect a common bouquet from the class (not necessarily sunflowers) until September 3. To participate, you must fill out and send a form to the fund. All participants will receive a detailed email on how to organize a class meeting, as well as information materials, balls, flags and gifts.

"Flowers for Life" Foundation "Life is a Miracle"

Who it helps: The money collected will go to help children with severe liver diseases - wards of the Life is a Miracle Foundation.

About the promotion: The campaign is carried out jointly with the fund’s partner flower shops. To participate, you must register.

The charity event “Children instead of flowers” ​​will traditionally be held on Knowledge Day. Its essence is simple: do not buy it for the teacher, but give one bouquet from the class. The money saved is donated to help sick children. Every year more and more schools join the action. Last year, 6.5 thousand classes from different regions Russia. Then almost half a thousand families received money. Currently, 700 children across the country are waiting for help. Read more in the material of MIR 24 correspondent Artem Vasnev.

- They gave you one bouquet, and was that enough?

- Yes, my parents gave me one bouquet, and I was glad.

Mathematics teacher Yulia Yakovleva has been in the profession for 13 years. In the career of every teacher, a bouquet on September 1 is the norm. But five years ago it appeared new tradition, which has become an all-Russian campaign: saving on bouquets for charity. The meaning of the flash mob: one bouquet goes to the class teacher, the rest of the money goes to seriously ill children.

“The greatest joy on Knowledge Day is to meet our children on the threshold of school,” noted Yulia Yakovleva, mathematics teacher at School No. 498 in Moscow.

In Russia, this year the lines will bring together 15.5 million schoolchildren. A million of them are first graders. The kids are guaranteed to come with flowers. The average bouquet in Moscow is about 1,500 rubles, in the regions the price tag is 1,000 rubles. Simple arithmetic. If on September 1st all schoolchildren in the country come with flowers, then it will be quite a decent amount - 15 billion rubles.

“Agree with the teacher to come to the lineup with one flower instead of a bouquet. Put it all into one beautiful bouquet, and use the saved money for charity and make hundreds of seriously ill children happy,” says the PR director of the Vera Hospice Fund.

Last year, 132 cities took part in the event. Raised millions. The Vera Foundation reports for every ruble. This is for the skeptics. The Bashinkaev family doesn’t even think about it. Parents are doctors, they know what pain and illness are, and they tell the truth to their children.

"Very correct solution. One bouquet of it will be enough for the teacher. But children still need money more,” says Zulyana Bashinkaeva.

Mom, returning from work, brings each of her four children a carnation. The round sum is converted into good. The funds will also go to help this blond girl - Kira is now undergoing a rehabilitation course.

Second-grader Kira got an electric scooter just this spring. She will now ride it to school. The girl has a serious genetic disease - . The body is naughty, and Kira dreams of becoming an actress.

“Well, we have dances at school and I liked the dances. Everything works out for me and I don’t need to do anything there at all. It’s easy to remember,” says the schoolgirl.

"On New Year Kira participated, we had a concert, Kira was our Snow Maiden. I sewed a dress for her walker. And she made a splash there,” said her mother Alla.

All schoolchildren still have time to be a wizard. And their parents have the opportunity to give them this opportunity.

The charity event “Children instead of flowers” ​​will traditionally be held on Knowledge Day. Its essence is simple: do not buy it for the teacher, but give one bouquet from the class. The money saved is donated to help sick children. Every year more and more schools join the action. Last year, 6.5 thousand classes from different regions of Russia took part. Then almost half a thousand families received money. Currently, 700 children across the country are waiting for help. Read more in the material of MIR 24 correspondent Artem Vasnev.

- They gave you one bouquet, and was that enough?

- Yes, my parents gave me one bouquet, and I was glad.

Mathematics teacher Yulia Yakovleva has been in the profession for 13 years. In the career of every teacher, a bouquet on September 1 is the norm. But five years ago, a new tradition emerged, which became a nationwide campaign: saving on bouquets for charity. The meaning of the flash mob: one bouquet goes to the class teacher, the rest of the money goes to seriously ill children.

“The greatest joy on Knowledge Day is to meet our children on the threshold of school,” noted Yulia Yakovleva, mathematics teacher at School No. 498 in Moscow.

In Russia, this year the lines will bring together 15.5 million schoolchildren. A million of them are first graders. The kids are guaranteed to come with flowers. The average bouquet in Moscow is about 1,500 rubles, in the regions the price tag is 1,000 rubles. Simple arithmetic. If on September 1st all schoolchildren in the country come with flowers, then it will be quite a decent amount - 15 billion rubles.

“Agree with the teacher to come to the lineup with one flower instead of a bouquet. Put it all into one beautiful bouquet, and use the saved money for charity and make hundreds of seriously ill children happy,” says the PR director of the Vera Hospice Fund.

Last year, 132 cities took part in the event. Raised millions. The Vera Foundation reports for every ruble. This is for the skeptics. The Bashinkaev family doesn’t even think about it. Parents are doctors, they know what pain and illness are, and they tell the truth to their children.

“Very right decision. One bouquet of it will be enough for the teacher. But children still need money more,” says Zulyana Bashinkaeva.

Mom, returning from work, brings each of her four children a carnation. The round sum is converted into good. The funds will also go to help this blond girl - Kira is now undergoing a rehabilitation course.

Second-grader Kira got an electric scooter just this spring. She will now ride it to school. The girl has a serious genetic disease - . The body is naughty, and Kira dreams of becoming an actress.

“Well, we have dances at school and I liked the dances. Everything works out for me and I don’t need to do anything there at all. It’s easy to remember,” says the schoolgirl.

“On New Year’s Day, Kira participated, we had a concert, Kira was our Snow Maiden. I sewed a dress for her walker. And she made a splash there,” said her mother Alla.

All schoolchildren still have time to be a wizard. And their parents have the opportunity to give them this opportunity.

UPD. Friends, we have calculated everything and summed up the final result of the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign.

The result is fantastic - 39,560,000 rubles!

You can watch the final video, download a poster with the results and a financial report, and also read the stories of the children you helped.

On September 1, Knowledge Day, we invite all teachers, principals and parents of schoolchildren to join our “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign.

The idea is simple: limit yourself to one gift bouquet for the teacher. And an amount equal to the cost of the remaining flowers will be transferred to support terminally ill children in Moscow and other cities. With these funds we will be able to purchase breathing apparatus, strollers and chairs, medicines and special food for terminally ill children. 700 children - wards of the foundation's regional children's program - are waiting for our help « Faith » and children's hospice « House with a lighthouse » .

This year, teachers from Moscow schools were also encouraged to participate in the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign.

The fund has prepared for all participants flags with campaign symbols, postcards for teachers, posters.

To fill out a form for a participant in the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign.

By what date do you need to transfer money?

Most the best option- make the translation before September 5, so that we can sum up the results and prepare a report as soon as possible. But there is no strict deadline, we will update information about the total amount of funds raised.

Where and when can I pick up flags and cards for children?

From August 14 to August 31, in our office near the Smolenskaya metro station. Address: 2nd Nikoloshchepovsky lane, 4. We work on weekdays, from 11 to 20 hours.

We have also prepared bright posters indicating that your school is participating in the “Children instead of Flowers” ​​campaign. You can download them in A3 ( and ) and A4 ( and ) formats.

Can I receive campaign symbols (flags, posters and postcards) only after I make a donation?

No, you can get promotion symbols right now. You can make a donation at your convenience.

Is there a minimum donation amount to receive the flags?

No, there are no restrictions on the amount of donation.

Do I need to reserve flags or call before coming?

Yes, be sure to call us before coming to check availability.

We want air balloons"Children instead of flowers." Is it possible to borrow or buy balloons from you?

We are not selling or giving out balloons this year, but you can buy them yourself and print them. We can send you a logo to print on balloons by mail.

Can we help a specific child specifically - raise money just for him and buy everything he needs?

No, we do not have this option, thank you for your understanding.

If you want to buy something yourself, see the current list needs - At the bottom of the page we have listed “Children's Program Needs.”

How to transfer the collected money to the fund?

A class donation can be made in one amount online, or each parent can transfer funds on their own.

In any convenient way: online, through Sberbank (according to ours), through any other bank, send an SMS with the amount to number 9333 (for example, “500 FLOWERS”). You can bring a donation to the fund's cash desk (on weekdays, from 11 to 18; a passport is required to conclude a donation agreement).

It is preferable through Sberbank, since it does not charge a commission.

When transferring, be sure to indicate the school number and classes, this is the only way we can calculate receipts and take your transfer into account in the report.

Here's what it looks like if you donate through the payment page:

Step 1. Select the required amount or indicate your own. Choose any payment system.

Enter email. Please indicate that you agree to the terms of the donation agreement. Click “Continue”.

Step 2. Fill in your full name (preferably), address (optional), phone number.

In the comment field, indicate the school and class number. Next - “Donate”.

If you transfer money online through Sberbank, indicate the school and class number in the comments.