Moon zodiac sign Virgo. Moon in zodiac signs

With the Moon in Virgo, people are born with a realistic outlook on life; they never look at the world through pink glasses, getting used to initially assessing everything soberly. These are born pedants and intellectuals, they are practical and pragmatic, their minds are sober and reasonable. While still very young, they stand out from their peers because they ask a lot of questions and will not calm down until they receive an intelligible answer.

Moon in Virgo for a man

These are sensitive men who, at the same time, know how to keep their feelings and emotions under control. There can be a lot of things raging inside them, but in appearance they are always calm, restrained and cold, which is why those around them consider them callous and distant. Naturally, this is completely wrong. Lunar Virgos feel other people well, understand their own kind very well, but at the same time they are very touchy and tend to close down in unfavorable circumstances. Knowing their sensitivity to others, they always try not to let others get close to them.

These are very reliable performers who carry out work in accordance with all rules and instructions, even if they themselves do not agree with the established standards, they will not argue. They also have a gene for workaholism; they simply cannot imagine what it would be like to live without work. It is very important for them to feel needed by someone, so they immerse themselves in any work process with great willingness. Lunar Virgos are trouble-free, which their surroundings often take advantage of for their own benefit, for example, by entrusting them with boring and monotonous work that they don’t want to do themselves. Not only will they not refuse, but they will also do everything efficiently and according to the established deadlines.

These are the real fighters for honesty and justice, and even a person’s high status will not be a reason for them to remain silent - they will express everything and point out mistakes even to their superior boss. For such qualities, they are disliked at work, despite their not-so-serious career successes, and many are even afraid of them. It is difficult to catch a Moon Virgo doing nothing, they will always find something to do, in the worst case they will put things in order, they really like it when everything around them is structured.

In addition to work, they will never refuse to help others - they will always come to the rescue, and it does not matter at all whether they are busy at that moment. Vanity, doing nothing - this can almost never be said about the Moon Virgo, they are too critical of themselves and the fruits of their work. However, if the bustle makes itself felt, but they themselves cannot stop, then they become very irritable and nervous in relation to their surroundings.

Moon in Virgo for a woman

These women are pragmatic, rational, receptive and diplomatic. In any case, all Moon Maidens can be divided into two groups. In the first there are those who actively manifest themselves in the outside world and turn into workaholics who focus on all the little things, work tirelessly, delve into any information and never calm down until they finish what they started and achieve their goal.

The second group includes passive individuals who do not take on many obligations due to the lack of sufficient energy reserves. Inner weakness forces them to subconsciously avoid work that involves taking on serious responsibility. Such people begin to suffer from themselves and it is difficult to envy them.

Regardless of which category Lunar Virgo belongs to, these are people with excellent memory, who, if desired, can very easily realize themselves in many areas where it is necessary to keep a large amount of information in their heads. Many Moon Virgos are, if not professionally, then at the same time interested in folk healing. They always watch their diet and try to eat only healthy food. When coming to the store to buy groceries, be sure to read the ingredients before adding the item to the cart. If the Moon Virgo lives in a family, then everyone who lives with her under the same roof eats properly.

They do not cope well with any stress, from which they immediately become tense and restless. Even when the stressful situation passes, they feel nervous tension for a long time. Often, to calm down, they start working or cleaning the house. Monotonous work helps them return to normal condition. However, it also happens that they pour out all their anger on other people, which is expressed in the manifestation of criticism. Virgo is already a critical sign, but in such situations this quality doubles.

Their parents are very demanding. Almost from the cradle, they teach their children to order, cleanliness and work. But at the same time, they are very caring, patient, and instead of arguing or spanking their child, they will have long explanatory conversations with him about why he should not do this or that way.

The Moon in Virgo for a man often characterizes his behavior with the opposite sex and shows what kind of wife is suitable for him. As a rule, such men find fault with the image of their other half and are particularly cynicistic. He likes to pay a lot of attention to the details of his appearance and clothing. For a man with the Moon in Virgo, it is important that the girl, first of all, is well-groomed and clean. Modesty is also held in high esteem. If your chosen one has the Moon in Virgo, you need to prepare especially carefully for the date. A man with the Moon in Virgo will see any stain or dirt on his clothes, and your manicure will not go unnoticed.

If we talk about emotions, then such a man is very stingy with them. When you ask him: “Why do you react this way?” - then the answer may follow: “What’s wrong?” Most often, his mind “rules” and not his emotions. The moon in this zodiac sign will not feel sorry for you for long, wiping away every tear. Such a man will help not with words, but with deeds and willingness to resolve any issue. Therefore, he is distinguished by a complete lack of understanding of women’s whims and tears, when he will be required not only to move a closet, but live communication and understanding.

Men with Moon in Virgo

This man is very great importance imparts honesty and integrity. True, here we also need to highlight some restrictions. You need to look at what sign his Sun is in. Because if it is in Scorpio, then honesty and decency may just be a mask behind which he hides in his relationship with you.

Moon in Virgo in natal chart makes a person dry and restrained in expressing feelings. The Moon in Virgo seeks to express itself through Mercury, and Mercury in astrology is the planet of the mind, and therefore a person with the Moon in Virgo controls all his emotions with his mind.

A person with the Moon in Virgo feels a constant need to do something; he cannot sit without work. He needs to feel useful and needed. A person with the Moon in Virgo feels happy if he can help and serve the people around him. The Moon in Virgo can make a person a workaholic. A person with the Moon in Virgo may engage in self-criticism if, in his opinion, the work was not done so perfectly, or was not done at all. A person with the Moon in Virgo does not know how to relax and have fun at all, especially if the fire element is poorly expressed in the natal chart or there are no planets in the fire element at all.

These people will never be careless with their belongings and property. The Moon in Virgo for a man indicates that the person has high moral qualities. He is a very hard worker, and his house is often a full bowl. But along with hard work, he is very fond of risky actions. This means that extreme relaxation is not alien to the carriers of this combination in the horoscope.

High speed and a thirst for adventure also constantly coexist with such men. Also, along with a craving for extreme sports, these men are not distinguished by great sincerity in communicating with other people and representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is very difficult to find out about his intentions and plans. But people born under this placement of the Moon achieve great success in life.

If you have acquired a man with the Moon in Virgo as a lover, and he has a family, do not even think that he will leave that family for you. Because for such men, divorce is very problematic. Divorce, as it were, does not allow them to show themselves in a favorable light of decency. All this, of course, happens at the subconscious level, and in fact he might be happy to get a divorce, but, come on... Is there a way to make him yours? Maybe there is, but for this you need to look at your joint horoscope. He will show you where to look for common ground between you.

But most importantly: men with the Moon in Virgo love slender, neat and well-groomed women. Men with the Moon in Virgo do not pay attention to decorative cosmetics - whether you are wearing makeup or not; clean and healthy facial skin is more important to them. Pimples and blackheads make them feel disgusted. So you will have to take care of your own appearance. Well, just like men with the Moon in Taurus, men with the Moon in Virgo do not like it when a woman squanders money.

Let's consider the astrological compatibility of the lunar Virgo. Moon Virgo is a very reserved person and takes love very seriously. Due to her overly analytical and critical nature, she can very rarely fully experience the joy of love. She will torment herself with questions and be tormented by trifles, constantly trying to understand whether this is the person she needs or not, how long this relationship can last, how serious it is, etc.

Virgo Moon Compatibility in Relationships

Moon Virgo is looking only Serious relationships, she doesn't need casual connections. She herself will never take the first step towards anyone. Moreover, if you take the first step towards her, you will meet a critical and even somewhat skeptical look. You will have to work hard to win her affection.

Virgo's demands are too high, and this makes her a skeptic: after all, she does not believe that she will find the ideal that she needs. Therefore, if you want to connect your life with lunar Virgo, then we must at least demonstrate to her that life with you will be calm, comfortable, stable, that she will feel completely safe and, moreover, will receive the social status that is so significant for her as a respectable and prosperous family man, who has everything in life in order.

The lunar Virgo practically cannot resist such prospects. Over time, you may be able to melt this strict and reserved nature and see that deep down in her soul there also lives a well-disguised desire to love and be loved.

Having entered into marriage, the lunar Virgo will greatly value this union, will add it to the list of her achievements and basic life values, and will not risk her well-being, even if some other prospects arise before her.

She is completely incapable of making a scandal, raising a cry and creating stormy scenes of showdown, but her family will get plenty of various barbs from her. She likes to put on a somewhat disappointed and indifferent look, as if saying: “Well, what can I take from you...” But she will not forgive you for betrayal and even light flirting with other members of the opposite sex: she sees this as an indicator of the frivolity of your relationship , which is completely unacceptable for her.

Virgo herself will be faithful to you and deep down in her soul she will be grateful for the fact that you give her a feeling of security in life. If you manage to gain her complete trust, you will eventually understand that behind this mask of cold intelligence hides a defenseless creature, desperately in need of tenderness and love, and that she is not at all alien to passion, love, romantic moods...

But she can open up like this only with a very close and dear person, in whose understanding she is one hundred percent sure. In any case, she will do everything to ensure that your home has comfort, order and peace.

Compatibility with other signs

Moon Virgo - Moon Aries

Moon Virgo compatibility. If you are an Aries moon, you may seem too impatient, aggressive and inattentive to the Virgo moon, and she will try to re-educate you. If she fails to do this, she will go into deaf opposition, withdraw into herself and will only silently give you contemptuous, skeptical glances, from which anyone will develop an inferiority complex.

Moon Virgo - Moon Taurus

If you lunar Taurus, then under certain conditions you can easily establish a good, warm relationship with the lunar Virgo. You are both looking for a serious relationship, you both value stability and comfort - this is already enough to find a common language, but remember: you need warm feelings, and Virgo is not always ready to show them.

Moon Virgo - Moon Gemini

If you lunar Gemini, this is a rare case when Virgo will be attracted to you literally from the first minute of meeting you: Virgo loves witty, brilliant interlocutors. But things may not go further than talk. You will have a nice conversation and get a lot of pleasure from it, but whether a warm feeling will arise is very doubtful.

Moon Virgo - Moon Cancer

If you are a Moon Cancer, then keep in mind that Virgo is a prickly and critical creature. But your gentle soul does not understand and does not like this. Her ridicule will hurt you, and your changeable mood will infuriate her, since it will seem to her that you, with your internal instability, cannot give her stability and security. At the same time, Virgo is unlikely to appreciate all the subtlety and originality of your nature.

Moon Virgo - Moon Leo

If you are a Leo Moon, then it is very problematic that from a Virgo Moon you will receive the worship, reverence and adoration that you need. However, if you are a wise Leo, then you will not pay attention to all her petty naggings, but simply flood Virgo with waves of your love and generosity, so that she will only have to humble herself and obey you. She will begin to show her temper somewhere else.

Moon Virgo - Moon Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, like your chosen one, then you will have to organize joint work on yourself. If you want to coexist in peace and harmony, then learn not to harass each other with endless criticism, but instead make it a rule to gradually show your true warm feelings. Otherwise, you will quietly and imperceptibly gnaw each other.

Moon Virgo - Moon Libra

If you are a lunar Libra, then you, in principle, would be able to bring peace and harmony into the life of the lunar Virgo - with some effort on her part. But she is unlikely to come to terms with your indecision. She has enough of this herself - why does she need the same hesitant subject next to her? She needs stability and protection. For lack of anything better, she will, of course, put up with you, but she will constantly hint that you are not the one she needs.

Moon Virgo - Moon Scorpio

If you are a Scorpio moon, you will most likely push Virgo away with your intense passion: she is looking for peace, and you seem insecure to her. Therefore, either pretend to be a sophisticated intellectual and hide your feelings, or simply bypass the Moon Virgo.

Moon Virgo - Moon Sagittarius

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, you can teach a lunar Virgo a lot: for example, optimism, cheerfulness, and relaxedness. But only if Virgo herself wants to learn and change. Otherwise, she will declare that she herself knows how to live. Your love of freedom and ability to not fit into the framework of society plunges Virgo into shock: she does not have the courage to be like that.

Moon Virgo - Moon Capricorn

Moon Virgo compatibility. If you lunar Capricorn, then your relationship with the lunar Virgo may turn out well: both are serious, both are looking for stability. The question is whether you can believe in the love of the lunar Virgo: you need more open manifestations of feelings, despite the fact that you yourself are reserved. In this case, understand that you need to treat each other with care and tenderness, and not demand from another what you yourself cannot give him.

Moon Virgo - Moon Aquarius

If you are a lunar Aquarius, then with a lunar Virgo you will be like two foreigners in the same apartment: she constantly analyzes her feelings, and from this you retreat into your favorite cold detachment. But if you break down the wall of alienation, you will find a lot in common: your rich inner world, will undoubtedly be close and interesting to the lunar Virgo.

Moon Virgo - Moon Pisces

If you are lunar Pisces, then in lunar Virgo you clearly lack romanticism and tenderness. However, if you have enough feeling, if you sincerely and tenderly love the lunar Virgo and are able to convincingly prove your love to her, then perhaps you will be able to stir her up. But even if you don’t completely manage to awaken this self-absorbed person, then in any case, your emotions may well be enough for two.

Virgo is a sign associated with the earth element, giving a practical mind, abilities in relationships or in exchanging ideas with other people, a love of literary pursuits or a craving for extraordinary natural phenomena. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and therefore people whose Moon is located in this sign are skilled in commercial activities. They are friendly, help those in need, but tend to think about ways to gain some benefit for themselves. Good vocal and manual skills, they perform well in areas such as gardening, sculpture or painting, as well as in activities that require attention to detail.
Virgo is a feminine sign, symbolized by the virgin, and such people usually have an attractive appearance, delicate features, and they radiate harmlessness; but in their behavior they can be nervous, absent-minded and too demanding. They usually have a delicate body, attractive eyes and a decent, reserved mind. According to the Brihad Jataka, such people are “skilled in music, dancing and the study of scriptures;
they are virtuous and reasonable; strongly attached to sexual relationships. They use other people's houses and property; their speech is pleasant, they usually have more daughters than sons; longing for distant places."
A person with the Moon in Virgo is not attached to family or home life and feels the need to be in his own company. He is shy, behaves with dignity, is skilled, can engage in the occult, and is skeptical. Nervous, sometimes cool towards the other sex. Usually such people are slim and of average height. Let us briefly note that these people can deal with facts, figures and philosophy and can help with their knowledge those who have less abilities than them.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here the Moon is visiting Mercury and Proserpina, in the sign of the element Earth.
Therefore, the Moon in Virgo gives an unconscious disposition to trifles, disgust, and a craving for asceticism. You are usually very good at perceiving little things and being able to understand their meaning. Often in a situation you can clearly see all the details at a glance, and so you can react quite strongly to any small discrepancies. Among people with the Moon in Virgo there are many excellent detectives, investigators, scientists in areas where there are a lot of painstaking measurements and a high degree of accuracy is required, they are very good programmers. Moreover, all this, apparently, usually happens to you unconsciously, of course. This position of the Moon can also give you abilities in diagnostics and medicine. Your perception is probably fragmented in principle, that is, you do not, as a rule, perceive the entire situation as a whole, but see only separate parts. In the worst case scenario, you “can’t see the forest for the trees,” but in best case scenario It is through the details that you will feel the whole situation as a whole: for Virgos, every detail reflects the whole situation. There is a saying in China: “If you catch the smallest devil by the tail, you will know where the biggest one is.”
In any case, the Moon in Virgo creates in you a certain pickiness, pedantry and an unconsciously sober view of things. Apparently, you unconsciously feel like a small detail in this world, a small wheel in a huge mechanism. Perhaps you realize that this “little wheel” must work well for the whole huge mechanism to work well, that each person must be in his place and clearly fulfill his duty. That is why, at best, you have a sense of duty. At worst, you may simply have obedient tendencies.
As a rule, you do not always like to simply show your inner world, and in some cases you are timid and constrained.
Medical contraindications. Your vulnerable areas are mainly the small and large intestines and the gastrointestinal tract (except the rectum). The diseases most common to you are colitis, enteritis, dysentery, constipation, appendicitis. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to diet issues.
When the Moon is in transit in a sign, operations on the abdominal cavity are dangerous. If you undergo surgery to remove the appendix, it often results in complications and poor tissue healing. There have been cases of deaths during abdominal operations performed during such transit. You are recommended to fast, but only for the first time. lunar days. You need to individually choose the day and phase of the moon for fasting. In general, it is recommended to fast once during the lunar phase, that is, approximately once a month.
When the Moon is in Virgo, you can perform procedures to cleanse the blood and liver, as well as treat skin diseases. This case is very suitable for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Ability to perform precise, precise work. They maintain order and cleanliness in their personal life and food. Shy. They like to work “behind the scenes”, paying attention to the smallest details (“eminence grise”). They don't ask unnecessary questions. With bad aspects - criticism and grumbling over trifles.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Rationality and the tendency to analyze take precedence over the sensory sphere. Shyness, fear external manifestations feelings and emotions. The fear of being at the mercy of feelings leads to the fact that a person is content with things that are more mundane. Common sense, love for the everyday, little imagination. Women lack the trust of other people, and they perceive their role as auxiliary, secondary. Perception is subject to the moment. Love for the security of the home. For men, the ideal woman is a housewife who takes care of the home.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Earth signs. Provides a person with resistance to external influences. The ability to control your behavior. Inability to adapt. Subconscious in the material sphere.
Moon in Virgo. Visiting Proserpina. Such a person cleans up the karmic debts of past incarnations. He has a taste for appreciating little things. The Moon in Virgo gives pedantry, a craving for asceticism, and grumpiness. Very careful. With the Moon in Virgo, excellent detectives and investigators are born.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

The Moon emphasizes the needs and complexes of the sign, and Virgo has many of them. Therefore, the lunar Virgo is very demanding of the forms that come her way, which, when worked out, leads her to perfection, but in itself makes (except for the completely harmonious Moon) her unhappy, due to the severity of tastes and puritanism, and at the same time all the people nearby with her. On the other hand, the Moon somewhat compensates for Virgo’s purely mental attitude towards forms, transferring her perception of forms into the area of ​​the subconscious, but here, unfortunately, mental programs continue to work, complicating essential perception.
If handled poorly, this (difficult) position of the Moon gives a person a rather difficult feeling that he constantly (and it is not always clear why) does not like everything: the husband dresses differently, the actors in the theater and cinema play differently, the lovers they come across are of poor quality, etc. .
Characteristic physical projections arise under the slogan: everyone is to blame but me.
Here the karmic program is more subtle than in the case of the solar Virgo; you need to find the origins of your demandingness in yourself and come to terms with something in the outside world (in terms of its inconsistency with the ideal, which in the case of the lunar Virgo can be very rich and is all intended for her personally). For Moon Virgo, awareness of Virgo's main task - service - is given to her with great difficulty.
When working with the Moon in Virgo, in addition to great success in the field of fine work with forms, good adaptation in society can also be achieved.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

You are very cautious, shy and concerned about not discovering your true feelings. Although you may love and care deeply for people, you rarely express these feelings openly and freely. Often love will manifest itself in the form of help, something tangible and useful.
It is difficult for you to believe that you are valued, that people are attached to you and that you are loved. Often you feel that you simply don’t deserve it, or that it’s all “words, words, words,” so you may seem like a rather cold, reserved, distant person, even much more than you yourself feel.
There is a critic deep inside you, which makes communication with you very difficult. You must learn to be softer with people, lower your maximalist criteria in relation to others and in relation to yourself too.
The ability to do precise and directed work, they are scrupulous in food and diet, they take care of their health, everything is clean inside and outside. Precise, shy, do not like first plans. They are pedantic in expressing feelings. Very punctual. Cunning, fussiness and timidity are possible. Colic, constipation, dysentery, indigestion.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

Sobriety, emotional restraint, intellectuality, rationalism. The Moon in Virgo loves mental games and gives the ability to study until one's hair is gray. Orientation towards one’s own will narrows the perspective of feelings, and the vision of the world, compared to the previous sign, loses its richness of colors. The contrasts of black and white turn out to be important, and the work of poets and writers receives an element of moralization and teaches us about life (L. Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Stendhal, Tyutchev, Kobo Abe). It is interesting that Tyutchev’s poetry is much more rational than the poetry of Fet, who was born on the same day as him (both Sagittarius), and descends to reasoning. As a characteristic of the Moon in Virgo, one can cite his poem “Silence”: “Be silent, hide and hide your feelings and dreams...” Virgo holds back the changeable, stops the elemental, and the feeling cannot flow in a stormy stream. The Moon in Virgo is weak, and the soul strives to rely on the rational, repeat it again, create a habit. An example of this is the paintings of I. Friedrich (Sun and Moon in Virgo), containing the symmetry characteristic of this sign: two cliffs, two trees, two people. A person with the Moon in Virgo can relax at home only when the perfect order. The Moon in Virgo adds rigidity and demandingness to leaders (Ivan the Terrible). This position is best for scientific studies (Kant, Engels, Schopenhauer, V Soloviev, Jaspers, Niels Bohr, Tsiolkovsky).

They do not like to be in public, prefer loneliness, are reserved and dry in communication. There may be nervousness, excessive demands on others, sometimes to the point of being picky. Virgos have a developed sense of duty, they are diligent, and have high efficiency. They are skilled in music, dancing, and can express themselves in gardening, drawing, and sculpture.

Moon Virgo tries to create maximum order in her life, this helps her forget about her internal instability. She will live with an unloved husband or do an unloved job if it brings at least the semblance of stability.

The main problem of the Moon Virgo is the denial of one's personality, the inability to accept and love oneself. She considers her sensitivity to be a flaw and is literally fixated on self-improvement. She strives for stability and security even at the cost of abandoning herself. As a result, internal anxiety may appear even with apparent well-being. Virgo needs to learn not to waste energy on maintaining this appearance, but to spend it on true self-realization.

Moon Virgo is very reserved in love. She is only looking for a serious relationship and will never take the first step towards anyone. Because of his analytical and critical nature, he rarely receives joy from love and is tormented by trifles. She has a skeptical and appraising look and you need to work hard to win her favor. If you want to connect your life with Lunar Virgo, you will definitely need to demonstrate to her that you are able to provide her with stability, comfort and tranquility. She cannot resist such prospects. Virgo is completely incapable of causing stormy scenes or scandals, but she is capable of criticizing and making barbs, putting on an indifferent or disappointed appearance.

If you give Virgo security, she will be deeply grateful to you and will do everything for comfort and coziness in her home.

If you are a lunar Aries, then Virgo will see you as an aggressive, ill-mannered and impatient person, and will begin to try to re-educate you. If she fails to do this, she will withdraw and give you contemptuous glances, from which you may develop an inferiority complex.

If you are a lunar Taurus, then you will be able to establish a good relationship with the lunar Virgo. Both of you are attracted to comfort, stability, and seriousness of relationships. But if you need special warmth of feelings, then it will be difficult for Virgo to give them to you.

If you are a lunar Gemini, then from the first minute of meeting Virgo will be charmed by your wit. But things may not go beyond sweet conversations, from which you will get a lot of pleasure.

If you are a Moon Cancer, then your gentle soul will not accept Virgo’s criticism; her ridicule will greatly hurt you. The lunar Virgo will not appreciate the eccentricity of your nature. And you cannot give her stability and security.

If you are a lunar Leo, then do not expect worship, veneration and adoration from Virgo, she is not capable of this. But if you put up with her petty nagging and flood her with waves of love and generosity, then Virgo will humble herself and submit to you.

If you are a lunar Virgo, like your chosen one, then in order to live together in peace and harmony, you will need to learn not to harass each other with endless criticism, but to show your true, warm feelings.

If you are a lunar Libra, then with some effort from the lunar Virgo, you will be able to bring peace and harmony into her life. But can Virgo show that effort? Does she need the ever-fluctuating Libra? After all, she needs protection, peace, stability. She will constantly remind you that you are not the person she needs.

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then with your passion you will scare away the lunar Virgo. You will seem insecure to her. Therefore, either avoid Virgo or hide your true feelings.

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, you can teach the lunar Virgo optimism, relaxedness, and cheerfulness. But this will happen if Virgo herself wants to change. After all, Virgo does not have the courage to be as freedom-loving.

If you are a lunar Capricorn, then if you both understand that you need to treat each other with care and tenderness, your relationship will work out well. Don't demand what you cannot give yourself.

If you are a lunar Aquarius, you can find many common interests with a lunar Virgo. To do this, you need to break the wall of alienation, showing Virgo your rich inner world.

If you are a lunar Pisces, then by sincerely loving Virgo and proving it to her, you can stir her up. Your emotions are enough for two.