Moon Virgo Compatibility. Moon in zodiac signs

With the Moon in Virgo, people are born with a realistic outlook on life; they never look at the world through pink glasses, getting used to initially assessing everything soberly. These are born pedants and intellectuals, they are practical and pragmatic, their minds are sober and reasonable. While still very young, they stand out from their peers because they ask a lot of questions and will not calm down until they receive an intelligible answer.

Moon in Virgo for a man

These are sensitive men who, at the same time, know how to keep their feelings and emotions under control. There can be a lot of things raging inside them, but in appearance they are always calm, restrained and cold, which is why those around them consider them callous and distant. Naturally, this is completely wrong. Lunar Virgos feel other people well, understand their own kind very well, but at the same time they are very touchy and tend to close down in unfavorable circumstances. Knowing their sensitivity to others, they always try not to let others get close to them.

These are very reliable performers who carry out work in accordance with all rules and instructions, even if they themselves do not agree with the established standards, they will not argue. They also have a gene for workaholism; they simply cannot imagine what it would be like to live without work. It is very important for them to feel needed by someone, so they immerse themselves in any work process with great willingness. Lunar Virgos are trouble-free, which their surroundings often take advantage of for their own benefit, for example, by entrusting them with boring and monotonous work that they don’t want to do themselves. Not only will they not refuse, but they will also do everything efficiently and according to the established deadlines.

These are the real fighters for honesty and justice, and even a person’s high status will not be a reason for them to remain silent - they will express everything and point out mistakes even to their superior boss. For such qualities, they are disliked at work, despite their not-so-serious career successes, and many are even afraid of them. It is difficult to catch a Moon Virgo doing nothing, they will always find something to do, in the worst case they will put things in order, they really like it when everything around them is structured.

In addition to work, they will never refuse to help others - they will always come to the rescue, and it does not matter at all whether they are busy at that moment. Vanity, doing nothing - this can almost never be said about the Moon Virgo, they are too critical of themselves and the fruits of their work. However, if the bustle makes itself felt, but they themselves cannot stop, then they become very irritable and nervous in relation to their surroundings.

Moon in Virgo for a woman

These women are pragmatic, rational, receptive and diplomatic. In any case, all Moon Maidens can be divided into two groups. In the first there are those who actively manifest themselves in the outside world and turn into workaholics who focus on all the little things, work tirelessly, delve into any information and never calm down until they finish what they started and achieve their goal.

The second group includes passive individuals who do not take on many obligations due to the lack of sufficient energy reserves. Inner weakness forces them to subconsciously avoid work that involves taking on serious responsibility. Such people begin to suffer from themselves and it is difficult to envy them.

Regardless of which category Lunar Virgo belongs to, these are people with excellent memory, who, if desired, can very easily realize themselves in many areas where it is necessary to keep a large amount of information in their heads. Many Moon Virgos are, if not professionally, then at the same time interested in folk healing. They always watch their diet and try to eat only healthy food. When coming to the store to buy groceries, be sure to read the ingredients before adding the item to the cart. If the Moon Virgo lives in a family, then everyone who lives with her under the same roof eats properly.

They do not cope well with any stress, from which they immediately become tense and restless. Even when the stressful situation passes, they feel nervous tension for a long time. Often, to calm down, they start working or cleaning the house. Monotonous work helps them return to normal condition. However, it also happens that they pour out all their anger on other people, which is expressed in the manifestation of criticism. Virgo is already a critical sign, but in such situations this quality doubles.

Their parents are very demanding. Almost from the cradle, they teach their children to order, cleanliness and work. But at the same time, they are very caring, patient, and instead of arguing or spanking their child, they will have long explanatory conversations with him about why he should not do this or that way.

17 October 2017, 18:19


VIRGO is a sign of service and purity (internal and external), professionalism and modesty. Once in this sign, the Moon obeys its demands. Here we are leaving the luxurious bright life Moons in Leo. A person with the Moon in Virgo is a humble worker and a tireless perfectionist.

In Virgo, the Moon gives unconscious attention to detail, accuracy, clarity, possible disgust and asceticism. They are very responsive to details. Moreover, as we understand, unconsciously. The inaccuracy “scratched” - that’s all. My mood dropped. A feeling of uneasiness came over me. It is necessary - to be sure. And so it is in everything. Virgo gives the fragmentation of life into many little things, and because... The Moon shows, first of all, the family/domestic space, and this is where the Lunar Virgos will endlessly put things in order. In the literal sense of the word. After all, Virgo is an eternal fighter against the imperfections of the World. Having cleaned one place, he methodically moves on to another, then in order (important!) further, etc. Reaching the end of the space being improved, he realizes with horror that where he started, everything has fallen apart again, and again everything needs to be brought back to normal. And the Moon Maiden will start again. And so on endlessly.

Hm... oddly enough, it is Lunar Virgos who are at risk for mental disorders. And not at all the suspicious Cancer Moons or the furious witches with the Moon in Scorpio, or the completely freaky Aquarius Moons... After all, Virgo is about RATIONALITY. And rationality leaves no room for maneuver where life moves away from order and logic. And this happens very often, as we understand. Rationality is at odds with the subconscious(Moon) and many inexplicable things simply baffle the Lunar Virgos. They can’t cry, they can’t throw a fit. In general, Moon Virgos behave quietly and reservedly. How then? Then the Moon begins to put everything back to normal. There is no clear understanding, no norm, no order - a nervous reaction as to the inexplicable. I think that for many Virgo Moons, cleaning the apartment is the best therapy. And I remembered - knitting or embroidery! Give it a try. An example from life here on Gossip. I once came across a post where a girl told how she cleans her apartment. Every day for 7 minutes. And this saves her from global cleaning once a week. Dear storyteller, if you are reading my post now, thank you so much! This is a classic Moon in Virgo. Every day in different places by a little. Always. Forever.

This is a beautiful illustration of the Virgo Moon principle. “A small wheel in the Global Mechanism of the Universe - this is how the Lunar Virgos feel” (P. Globa). And the responsibility is just that - Cosmic. Sense of Duty, obedience. But in a metaphysical sense, this is Service. Serving people modestly, a person turns the World Drum. In a small grain of sand - Space. After all, opposite the Virgo, the Boundless Ocean of Pisces stretches out. Where everything is and nothing. Where all the little things are absorbed, and there are no meanings, but there is a Single Plan.

This is such a completely esoteric story that emerges from the humble worker of the Moon in Virgo.

When we touch on the Archetype, it is the Egyptian Isis. Moon Goddess. Healing wounds, resurrecting dead gods and people. And in general, this is the image of the Great God-Giving Virgin. Like this. No more, no less. It's very esoteric. The Moon in Virgo gives purpose - caring for loved ones. And the Moon in Virgo is about healing. This position of the Moon makes excellent doctors. And if we are talking about a “magical” profession - herbalists, healers, healers.

* But in defining a profession, additional ones are always needed. factors.

In general, any profession that requires careful and precise performance of one’s duties + service to people. I knew a gorgeous waitress in that position. She was very soon promoted to head waiter. Healthy lifestyle! Definitely. We closely monitor the health of our family and loved ones. We eat right, daily routine! As for sports, well, that’s not really what the Moon in Virgo is about. Medical examination would be the correct word.

Mothers with the Moon in Virgo are the right mothers. Responsible. Clear. Perhaps they lack imagination and don't care. There is all the attention to detail and everything has to be perfect. Criticality in the family will be on high level. And this is a little annoying. Alas, she is very worried about the stupidity (as it seems to her) of her offspring. Absent-minded child? This is terrible, terrible. Children are always neat, smart, tidy. Correct, in short, children.

Isis and Horus

A man with this position of the Moon will look for a practical-rational wife. Reasonableness is the right word. Better - a health worker or a teacher. You can open a dry cleaner together. Ideal for Moon in Virgo. The mothers of such boys did not spoil them. Possibly criticized. Oh, I don’t like such formulations (this is not professional) - but criticism is truly a destructive trait of the Moon in Virgo. Unconscious dissatisfaction, turning into tediousness. This is a real danger for the owner of such a position and for those around him. Here you need to take a more conscious approach - not allow yourself to get too carried away by the topic of improving your family member.

Isis, Osiris and the infant Horus. Everyone is here...

If we are talking about health, then Virgo’s fear of any bacteria is well known. And here there really is a danger of intestinal disorders. And one more thing - there is an opinion that in this position the hands may suffer. Apparently, this is due to the fact that Virgo is a sign of work, fine motor skills are a symbol of Virgo and Gemini, and how can it be without hands? Be careful, take care of your hands. For the Moon in Virgo, it is important to always do something with your hands! And another moment is anxiety. I have already spoken about this property of Virgo above. Here the Moon cannot relax - neither sleep normally, nor eat deliciously, nor follow her instinct, nor plunge into the collective unconscious - the Moon cannot do any of this in Virgo. Which means nerves. To say, don’t be nervous! would be idiotic. You can't beat Luna anyway. But doing “virgin” activities is a must. Rest according to Virgo. Correct. No frills.

I really hope it's still a cow...

I almost forgot, but this is important! Pets! This is the Virgo theme. Keeping animals at home is the theme of the Moon Virgos. How can you combine everything with cleanliness? Can you share? I have no idea how to fit a cat and stories about toxoplasmosis into Moon Virgo's head - and it's interesting.

Celebrities with this position are interesting. Immediately visible common feature: common sense and a kind of pragmatic, reserved approach to life in general. Without snot, I would say so. Somehow anatomically and with attention to detail.

Katherine Hepburn

Winston Churchill

Marlene Dietrich

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Let's look at our count, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Both from the point of view of everyday life and from the point of view of the Moon as his wife. This would be a good example.

If we believe this time, we have:

The Sun is in Virgo, the Moon is in Virgo + Mercury is right there and all this is in the 4th house, and a trine from Neptune and Mars from the 7th house (House of relationships, interaction with another person), Cancer on the Ascendant - all this according to Astrodatabank. It seems so similar to me (but there are some questions here, I will clarify later)... Okay.

And as a result, we see a detailed (Virgo) dissection of Human relationships (7th house). Subtle, sensitive, but like under a microscope. Deep, but - study. He's like a scientist. Not an artist! This is important to understand. There's not even any sympathy for the characters. There is scientific interest. Rational and devoid of drama. It is necessary to call Natasha Rostova a “female” - but that’s not a question. It is necessary to show that Anna Karenina was a neurasthenic, insane, immoral (!) woman - that’s easy. And the ability to show completely banal, everyday things, relationships - but under the Cosmic “sauce”, to see the depth of the Creator’s Plan in the most ordinary things. In general, he was an extremely ruthless person, to be honest. But the guy is so wow, by the way...

Looking at his chart, I don't see any problems in his marriage. But I see problems in relationships in principle: nervous, heavy, depressive or, on the contrary, acute. There are passions here (from Pluto to Venus) and hassle (from Uranus to the same Venus).

He generally had some strange ideas about relationships. Venus in opposition to Uranus is, to say the least, about weirdness. In accordance with his ideas about decency(?), he gave Sofia Andreevna his bachelor’s diary to read, which scared her wildly. Well, of course...I started to feel burdened by my marriage after just 2 weeks. And yet Sofya Andreevna was pregnant 19 times. “I live under the fear of pregnancy...”, “I feed and realize with horror that I am pregnant again.” (C) I tried to protect myself - Lev Nikolaevich was wildly indignant. And an endless number of village women as mistresses.

Damn (sorry), for the count in general, questions of ethics, morality, ethics stand separately and are the subject of his study (Jupiter squared by the Black Moon and Neptune squared by the Nodes), including through his own actions, in which he was “broad” " And he himself generally threw away generally accepted norms and rebelled (here he is, Aquarius on the cusp of the 9th house) in the end.


Count Tolstoy lived modestly, by the way (according to the Moon in Virgo). Those who have been to the Moscow estate or Yasnaya Polyana, I think, will agree. I was especially struck at one time by the menu that Sofya Andreevna compiled for the entire crowd. And her famous Cookbook. Something from the series “semolina pie”, “black bread cake”...

Apple cream, for example:

“Take two glasses of baked pureed Antonov apples, two cups of fine sugar and one egg white; make a quartet of glue and put in a piece of vanilla; beat the apples with sugar and put the boiled glue in it and pour it into the mold” (C) In general, this is a very “virgin” book. Everything is extremely careful and modest. Nothing extra! Everything takes into account the needs and characteristics of the stomach (she even has notes - we prepare something separately for the count).

This despite the fact that she herself is actually never a Virgo. And even according to the Moon it’s not Virgo. And Leo and Sagittarius. And where did she “break herself” like that? And her Mercury is in Virgo. She turned out to be a very (very!!!) reasonable aunt. After forty years of marriage, Sofya Andreevna stated, not without sad irony:

“... a genius must be created in a peaceful, cheerful, comfortable environment, a genius must be fed, washed, dressed, his works must be rewritten countless times, he must be loved, not given reasons for jealousy, so that he can be calm, countless children must be fed and raised, which a genius will give birth to, but with whom he is bored and has no time to tinker.”

She was generally very gifted by nature, but with such a “comrade” you could easily go crazy. He literally “rolled” her up.

“He walks on a knife...” That’s why the diagnosis given to the countess by one of the doctors may not be far from the truth: paranoia. There were violent hysterics and threats to die... The countess was greatly hurt by the publication of the “Kreutzer Sonata”, in which Tolstoy mercilessly cruelly debunked the modern institution of marriage. “... I myself felt in my heart that this story was directed at me,” she wrote down. Sofya Andreevna in her diary on February 12, 1891, - that she immediately inflicted a wound on me, humiliated me in the eyes of the whole world and destroyed the last love between us ... "

Once Sofya Andreevna needed an urgent operation, which the doctors reported to Tolstoy. The Count replied:

“I am pessimistic about my wife’s health: she suffers from a serious illness. The great and solemn moment of death has approached, which has a touching effect on me. And we must submit to the will of God. I am against interference that interferes with the grandeur and solemnity of the act. We all have to die not today, tomorrow, in five years. And I am leaving...” When the doctor asked what he advised to do to calm his wife’s torment, he answered: “Suffering is necessary: ​​it helps prepare for the great act of death...”

Permission for Sofia Andreevna’s operation, thank God, was given by the children, and the countess lived after that for another fifteen years.” (c)

Ruthlessness and obsession with Higher Plans. It’s interesting that he spent his whole life dealing with issues of morality, but I can’t call him a moral person.

I was looking for purity (Virgo!!! “I feel a feeling of destruction in front of her. She is so impossibly pure and good and whole for me. I don’t own her because I don’t dare, I don’t feel worthy. Something torments me. Jealousy of that to a person who would be worth it. I’m not worth it" (c)) and plunged into cold cruelty (also a Virgo, by the way, and Aquarius)) ... There is no warmth, unfortunately. There is emasculation and categoricalness. This is the danger personal planets in Virgo, you may not see the forest for the trees, too carried away by putting things in order in the World.

Next post-Moon in Libra.

A person whose Moon was in the sign of Virgo at the time of birth is characterized by emotional coldness, increased skepticism, pedantry, and pettiness. Everything is “sorted out” for him, and his disgust, neatness and scrupulousness often take on painful and perverted forms.

Those around him consider him a bore and a grouch and avoid him. It is usually very difficult for such a person in sensual and emotional terms. It is difficult for him to “open up”, to become spontaneous, liberated, to free himself from inner coldness, suspiciousness and psychological pressures.

A person born with the Moon in Virgo is able to express his thoughts clearly and clearly. He is very critical, partial and intolerant of the shortcomings of others.

Lunar Virgos are unsurpassed intriguers and players; they are often vengeful and vindictive. They are very scrupulous in everything related to health and diet issues, they love to read medical literature, invent imaginary illnesses for themselves, look for all sorts of symptoms and visit doctors with or without reason.

By the way, lunar Virgos often make excellent doctors, especially in the fields of surgery, pharmaceuticals, dietetics, dermatology, and gastroenterology. They are very attentive to documents, numbers and calculations: they have an analytical mind and excellent memory, and in addition, they can be safely entrusted with the most labor-intensive and responsible work that requires attention and accuracy. Therefore, such people can make excellent translators, journalists, and investigators.

Attitude towards mother

Adults with such a Moon are themselves emotionally very restrained. When talking about their mother, they first of all note that she taught them self-discipline, accuracy, and attention to detail. Remembering their home, they say that it always reigned perfect order, everything was in its place, the table was set according to the rules... etc. If the relationship was not good, they claim that they never felt emotional closeness with their mother and their communication with her was purely formal: lessons, duties home, food.


“Relative” perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Their psyche is the most plastic. They are easily rebuilt and adapted. The most important question for them is “why?”. Their perception of their mother's actions and words is determined by the context of the situation. For the sake of an idea, they easily agree even to something they are not very pleased with.

For such a child, rituals are important: when the mother combs him, feeds him, bathes him, and dresses him. Plays a primary role in his perception of his mother semantic load the environment that his mother creates for him. The important thing is not that his mother dressed him, and not that in a beautiful blouse, the important thing is that his mother put on such a blouse because she loves and wants him to be handsome. Teach such a child to water flowers, feed fish, make something from a construction set, and dress dolls. Avoid general phrases and instructions: “clean up”, “what beauty!” Tell me specifically what needs to be removed, what you think is beautiful, and most importantly, why.


Such women are rational and practical. This is someone who always has cleanliness and order in their house: every thing knows its place, and for each family member there are instructions for how he should live and act. There should be no unforeseen events or surprises. Everything is according to the regulations, according to the regime, according to the rules. Boring? But it's reliable. In household chores, women born under this position of the Moon are efficient and hardworking. They love to look after those who need care. Both household members and pets act as their wards. And in matters of raising children, such women are responsible to the limit. Children for them are a type of work that needs to be done as well as possible.

Yes, perhaps a woman of this type will be characterized by a little excessive attention to the material side of life. But without this, there is no place for lofty matters to unfold, right?

What kind of woman is a Lunar VIRGO man looking for?

For this man, a wife is a woman who knows her duties around the house well and copes with them just as well. She must be neat, collected, responsible, practical and reserved. And sentiments and feelings are the next thing. They will only distract from family worries, and the house should not be neglected, the husband should be fed (and with the “right” food), the children should be well-groomed and everything like that.

By the way, if a woman herself invites him to sign a marriage contract, where it will be clearly stated who is obligated to whom and what, he will simply be in seventh heaven and will instantly be convinced that she is his ideal choice.


The main problem of lunar Virgos is indigestion and intestinal diseases. They need regular cleansing procedures and proper nutrition to avoid troubles in this area. You should also take care of the pancreas, spleen, gall bladder, and monitor the condition of the skin.


Coldness and misunderstanding can complicate the relationship between the Moon in Virgo and the Moon in Aries. It is difficult for them to interact with each other, especially at the verbal level, they speak different languages", often irritate each other and become strangers. However, if both people are spiritually developed and sincerely strive for mutual understanding, they will gain a lot from this relationship. The Moon in Virgo can teach the Moon in Aries a sober view, greater attention to detail, can a little cool and calm the hot Moon, while the Moon in Aries can give the Moon in Virgo emotional and energetic nourishment, teach openness and sincerity, and help get rid of excessive dryness, gloom and prudence.

Moon in Virgo can irritate Moon in Taurus with its nagging, dryness and skepticism, and if Moon Virgo does not learn to be softer, they will not avoid problems. This combination is more favorable for business communication and cooperation.

A complex, although quite stable, alliance can turn out with the Moon in Gemini. Thanks to the lunar Virgo, as a rule, this is a long-lasting and stable couple. They have a good understanding and can always reach an agreement. And even if these people do not fully feel each other, it is difficult for them to part. This combination is more favorable for friendship or for a mature marriage than for love.

The Moon in Virgo has a difficult relationship with the Moon in Cancer. They find it difficult to relate to each other, and even if attraction and mutual interest are possible at first, this relationship is unlikely to last long. Business cooperation is also unfavorable; these people are unlikely to work well together and understand each other.

Things are unlikely to work out for lunar Leo with the Moon in Virgo harmonious relationships. This is a difficult combination, especially in terms of personal and family relationships. Business cooperation can be much more favorable, especially if the lunar Leo is the boss and the lunar Virgo is the subordinate.

A strange, but quite stable combination can result from two lunar Virgos. It is more favorable for cooperation and friendships than for love and marriage. But, if these people have formed a couple, there is a high chance that it will last for a long time. Two Moons in Virgo will always torment each other, harass each other over trifles, find fault and get angry, but it is very difficult for them to part, they will “get bogged down” in this relationship.

The Moon in Virgo has a good interaction with the Moon in Libra. They are drawn to each other, Moon in Virgo is comfortable and cozy with lunar Libra, but sometimes she greatly irritates Moon in Libra with her pettiness, tediousness and dryness. With some effort on both sides, a relationship can give a lot to both, and this communication will have a particularly beneficial effect on the lunar Virgo, she will be able to better understand herself and find inner harmony.

With the Moon in Scorpio you can have a very good alliance. Both friendships and love can develop, family relationships, but they are unlikely to last long. But the more freedom and spontaneity they have, the greater the chance that they will be happy. The Moon in Scorpio is much more attracted to the Moon in Virgo, including sexually. At the same time, Moon Virgo may remain cold towards Scorpio, but psychologically they still feel good and comfortable with each other.

The Virgo-Sagittarius lunar couple has a difficult interaction, sometimes very strange and incomprehensible even for themselves. They will touch on each other's problems too deeply, and this can repel and frighten them, especially the Moon in Virgo. But at a high level of development, if a couple learns to forgive each other and accept someone else’s point of view, everything can turn out well. This combination is much more favorable for business cooperation than for personal communication.

With the Moon in Capricorn there are strange, dual relationships that often develop uneasy, long-term, people have to overcome a wall of cold and misunderstanding. The Moon in Virgo is drawn to the Moon in Capricorn, but the opposite attraction often does not arise: the Moon in Capricorn is burdened by this connection, although it does not dare to break it. This combination is more suitable for friendship or business cooperation than for love and marriage.

The Virgo-Aquarius lunar couple has a difficult relationship for both, and harmony in this union is almost impossible to achieve. These people will torment and harass each other, and often such relationships, starting as friendship, end in hostility and complete rejection of each other. The relationship is quite dangerous for both, and especially for lunar Aquarius, they can lead them to depression and despair, awaken internal complexes and cause self-doubt. For lunar Virgos, this interaction is more favorable.

The Virgo-Pisces lunar pair is a favorable combination for both, but lunar Virgos still benefit greatly from this communication. They have a very strong mutual attraction, interest, desire to understand each other.