Capricorn lunar horoscope for May.

The beginning of the month will be successful for representatives of the zodiac house of Capricorn. During this period, everything will develop by itself, without special effort from their side. Pleasant surprises, coincidences, and meetings are likely, the benefits of which you will feel in the near future.


But still, even taking into account positive trends, this is not the time for Capricorns to relax; now, more than ever, they need to show their natural determination and ability to approach the task at hand with a sparkle, this is what will allow them to achieve excellent results.

In the second half of the month, Capricorns need to be vigilant. At this time, there is a high probability that they will make a mistake, Negative consequences which will confuse the plans of the representatives of the sign for a long time. All means are good here - do not delegate your area of ​​work, listen to the advice of more experienced colleagues, do not put off until tomorrow what can and should be done today.

Starting from the last ten days of the month, you will have to devote a lot of time to things that not only are not to your liking, but also do not bring monetary reward. In a work team, disagreements and disputes are possible that arise over trivial matters. A sense of humor will come to the rescue.


Family relationships of Capricorns do not cause any concerns. They are unlikely to have to endure any difficulties in May, because Venus will be in their ruling sector. The only thing that should not be overlooked is the relationship with children. Your heirs may become completely uncontrollable, which will cause irritation and even aggression on your part. Think about the reason for their behavior, because it is unlikely that it just happens. Maybe this is due to your attempts to organize the educational process from case to case? In May 2019, you should show the greatest possible patience and not move into the zone of outright conflict. Time and patience will play a role in restoring your parental authority, and by mid-summer everything will return to normal. During this time period, more than once you may get the impression that your offspring have completely moved away from you, but this is not so. They are simply trying to restore the status quo for your lack of attention to them. And if you always remember this little lesson from your children, you will have a great opportunity to maintain a trusting relationship with them for the rest of your life.

Capricorn Woman

In May 2019, the Capricorn woman must actively act, firmly believe in herself, in her strength and rightness. Otherwise, despite titanic efforts, many of the representatives of the sign will not be able to get off the ground. Even taking into account the fact that you are now in full combat readiness, in May 2019 the representatives of the sign will need a vacation. Most likely, this will be caused by family circumstances, and you will not have to really rest. Well, someone must also deal with family problems, and who can cope with this mission better than you!

Some Capricorn women will receive some news from the past. And if they are in a relationship or married, then it’s better to let it remain your secret forever!

Capricorn Man

For you, Capricorn men, money does not flow like before... And this will finally, in May 2019, force you to come down to earth, where money and material goods. At the end of spring, you will have the feeling that your value as a person depends on your ability to earn money, and your social status is based on the thickness of your wallet. Even if money has never played a significant role in the life of a Capricorn man, a combination of circumstances and a series of events will force a reassessment of the values ​​of many representatives of the zodiac house. This will be a very morally and mentally difficult time for you, especially if you had nothing to do with making money before.

Capricorn child

In May 2019, little Capricorns will happily explore such a huge and unfamiliar world. Dad and mom are simply obliged to enthusiastically support the interests and hobbies of Capricorn. Make sure he is provided with books and educational toys.

For Capricorn schoolchildren, studying is now a priority, and if their pride does not allow them to be lazy, they will achieve not only excellent grades on the report card, but also letters of commendation from the school management.

Older students can go on a trip with their team. Such a trip will certainly allow you to get to know the surrounding world and nature better.


At the beginning of May 2019, the health of representatives of the sign will be actively influenced by Mars, and this will provide you with enormous endurance and a feeling of increased energy. But the other side of the coin may be negative aspects associated with excess in sexual life or overeating.

Pluto, which enters its active phase at the end of the last ten days of the month, can bring you troubles in the form of decreased immunity. If you have not taken care of it (immunity) over the past months, prepare a thermometer, handkerchiefs and medicine - you will not be able to avoid a cold in the warm May!

Many representatives of the sign should start regular exercise. May marks the beginning of a favorable period for such activities to become your habit! So, choose a sport that suits your liking and strength, and full speed ahead!

Horoscope for May 2019, Capricorn may make a mistake at work, so be extremely careful and listen to the advice of experienced colleagues.
The Capricorn woman will receive news from the past in May.
In May, special attention should be paid to children.
Horoscope for June 2019, Capricorn.

If there are any factors that could stop Capricorns in May 2017 from achieving some goals, then they cannot become a serious problem. May is a period of activity for Capricorns. If at some moments they noticed that they were not able to do something, now the activity is simply overflowing. This month you can be confident in your strengths and capabilities; do not doubt that now you will succeed in everything you have time for.

Try not to get involved in disputes and conflicts; you do not need to concentrate on the negative, otherwise positive energy will be wasted on factors that are unnecessary for you. Be wise and thoughtful, these qualities have helped you more than once in life, so they won’t let you down now.

This month the stars advise you to firmly hold your positions.

Concessions and favors, trying to curry favor with your superiors and ignoring outside pressure will only weaken your position. Try to show others that you are a strong person. Such behavior will not be perceived by others as aggression, because everyone tends to act solely in their own interests.

If there are people you can trust, try to take advantage of their support: teamwork sometimes brings greater results than acting alone.

In May, Capricorns tend to develop creativity. Original ideas and methods for solving problems will receive support from others, so do not be afraid to develop the ability to think outside the box.

Family life and personal relationships of Sagittarius in May 2017

In May, Capricorns will have pleasant chores associated with organizing their everyday life. It could be:

  • apartment renovation;
  • construction of residential or utility premises;
  • purchasing new furniture;
  • buying a home;
  • moving.

It is possible that all these events will cause conflicts between spouses. Perhaps you have own views at certain points, and they do not agree with the opinion of your significant other.

But the children, as usual, will not allow the conflict to reach a critical point, and life will continue to take its course. Capricorns themselves should try to smooth out rough edges in relationships with loved ones. Even if you are completely sure that you are right, this is not a reason for serious troubles.

If you are not happy with something in your life together, it is better to discuss it with your partner, understanding your and his feelings. Otherwise, the heat will only increase. If you see many positive aspects in marriage, try to concentrate on them.

Do not limit children’s desire to perform independent actions. Sometimes the desire to do them favors against their will becomes too intrusive. This often leads to conflicts with your children, and the older they are, the more serious the disagreements become.

Everything should be calm at work for Capricorns.

Their positions are quite stable; no one is going to deprive them of their positions. You have every opportunity to implement own ideas and ideas. Be active and approach questions creatively. This month, your bosses will pay attention to your efforts and active position.

It is possible to restore previous connections and positions. This may be due to offers from former employers. Perhaps long-standing connections will open up new opportunities for you. You should not reject such offers; such cooperation will be very fruitful for you and your future career.

However, if a situation arises in which you have to take a friend or former colleague, you should make sure of the competence and integrity of this person. If he does not live up to the trust, this will cause problems at work for Capricorns themselves.

If you were previously not paid extra for your work, or the reward was untimely, such cooperation should be stopped; it will not bear any fruit in the future. Bonuses and unexpected salary increases are possible in May.

The financial situation will be stable. There is a possibility of additional income, or an increase in monthly income.

Capricorn health in May 2017

Now Capricorns should give up some of their habits. But if it is difficult for you to do this, you should not give up such an undertaking. Pay attention to old diseases; in May they may worsen or relapse.

Take care of your kidneys, now they will be especially vulnerable even if there were no problems with this organ before.

Limit your consumption of fatty and fried foods; you should take care of your digestive system and liver.

As the horoscope for May 2017 says, Capricorn can finally breathe a sigh of relief and actively engage in an activity or creativity that interests him. Now you can fully demonstrate your talents. Or maybe interesting ideas will come to your mind, the implementation of which will help you open up, achieve what you want, and maybe even make a good profit. Creative inspiration will allow you to expand your range of interests. A serious approach to implementing ideas will help not only take your mind off routine, but also acquire an interesting additional profession.

The month is also perfect for starting changes in your life. It's time to say goodbye to the past that weighs on you and start general cleaning inside yourself. Don’t be afraid to enjoy life, don’t hide your positive emotions, your fears of scaring away your luck are in vain. Develop, improve your skills, show individuality, this will help you do favorite hobby business of life.

The end of the month is a wonderful period for Capricorns - workaholics. You will be faced with many important and interesting work tasks that will require your serious concentration.


Dedicate this month to taking care of your health. Now you are full of strength and energy, do not waste it on bad habits. Better get busy physical activity. Running, hiking, cycling, gym or just physical work on personal plot will do you good. It is better if your classes take place outdoors.

Now is a great time to improve your diet. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fasting days will be useful.

Capricorn's desire to change his life will also affect his appearance. You can afford to change your hairstyle and wardrobe. Skin care and cosmetic procedures will also benefit.


As the Capricorn horoscope for May 2017 recommends, representatives of the sign no longer need to put off their lives for later. You can live the life you want now, there is no need to wait any longer. Now you can and even should set big goals for yourself and work towards their realization. Thanks to unconventional thinking, creativity and ambition, many representatives of the sign will be able to advance in career ladder. The main thing is to approach your work seriously and with soul.

In the month of May, Capricorns will have various trips and business trips, as well as meetings related to work issues. When faced with obstacles, try to overcome them with steadfastness and confidence. For those Capricorns who long time I wasn't happy with the job, it was time to change it.

Try to establish business contacts and attract allies to your side. Especially in the second half of the month, try to go out more often and make new acquaintances with potential partners and clients. Teamwork will be more effective in your business.

All decisions must be carefully considered; there is no need to rush now. Develop and implement new technologies in your business in order to increase labor efficiency.

The last days of the month will bring difficulties in work and relationships with colleagues.


The financial horoscope for Capricorn for May 2017 portends a stable situation. You can’t count on big profits, but the month of May won’t bring any significant losses either. But additional income is quite possible. Real estate transactions will be especially successful.

In the first half of May, Capricorns will be able to lay the foundation for the future. The main thing is to organize the work correctly. You must learn to properly manage your time and delegate authority. Take care to make your work more efficient.

The second half of the month should be aimed at establishing business relationships that will guarantee your financial well-being.


For family Capricorns, May will bring troubles around the house. Perhaps it will be a renovation, or maybe even a new home. Try to resolve conflicts that arise in the family without quarrels. Spend more time with your family, especially with children. Together you can find an interesting hobby that will bring you closer together. The month is favorable for going to theaters, parties and other bonding activities together.

As recommended love horoscope for May 2017, Capricorn will become the life of the party. Thanks to your sociability, you will gain many fans. Romantic relationships will give you a taste of life, but try not to lose your head.

For those Capricorns who have met their soul mate and are ready to formalize the relationship, the time has come for a favorable time. The next three months are very successful for this.

Man – Capricorn

As the horoscope for May 2017 recommends, a Capricorn man must engage in self-development. Now you are full of charm and interesting ideas. You attract people to you, easily establish business connections and actively move up the career ladder. Try to clearly plan your budget, do not avoid additional ways to earn money. Now the Capricorn man strives with all his might to realize himself in what interests him.

Take care of your health. Hike to Gym or a swimming pool will help maintain morale.

Capricorn Woman

As the horoscope for May 2017 says, a Capricorn woman should not refuse those who need her help. The month will spin you into a whirlwind of events and promises many romantic encounters, surprises and bright emotions. Now you can meet your soul mate. For married women, the horoscope recommends not to provoke quarrels and avoid jealousy.

Don't forget about yourself, your appearance. Try to update your wardrobe, but not at the expense of your budget.

Career promises to develop successfully. But some difficulties may arise with health. Get a full medical examination.

Love horoscope

May 1 - May 10. You may be offended by being perceived almost as a servant. If your loved one displays the traits of a dictator and begins to command, you will immediately put him in his place, regardless of all his feelings and attitude towards you. May 11 - May 20. Thanks to Venus, you will forgive your partner, even if he was clearly wrong. It will be difficult for you to resist the charm of a person who will begin to shower you with flowers and invite you to your favorite restaurant every night to beg for forgiveness. By the middle of the month, expect pleasant gifts and surprises from someone who loves you so sincerely.

May 21 - May 31. Just recently you didn’t know this person, but now you can’t live without him. And this is not surprising: despite your unapproachable appearance, you are quite a passionate person if your brakes suddenly fail.

Romantic date. The best place for a memorable date will be a honeymoon room in a luxury hotel. It is difficult for you to prepare yourself for love without an atmosphere of romance and luxury - you need everything to be like in the movies. Use a famous romantic movie as a model and arrange a date in a style that suits your tastes. Just keep in mind: you need to take full responsibility for organizing the “event”; your loved one will only pay for your whim.

Family horoscope

Children will now become especially important to you in your family. In the middle of the period, there is a high probability of disagreements due to the fact that you take on too many household chores. We’ll have to remind everyone once again that you are a woman, not a dishwasher. And your calling is not mending children’s clothes and husband’s socks, but something more. By the end of the period, you will finally be able to set your loved ones in a respectful manner towards yourself.

The secret of happiness. The main thing for you is family relationships- be in love. If there is sincere love for your household in your heart, then everything in the house will quickly improve, even if there were problems before. Don't hide your sincere feelings and emotions.

Holiday horoscope

The optimal vacation for Capricorns is a tropical paradise island, where only your loved one will be nearby. If you have children, a joint vacation will be remembered for a lifetime. The main thing is that you are accompanied on vacation in one way or another by love for your children, husband, and lover. Then you will feel a renewal of feelings, a surge of strength and good spirits.

Place of power. You will experience indescribable delight in places where the forces of nature manifest themselves - at a waterfall, in an exotic reserve or a relict forest.

Horoscope of work and money

Buy yourself something you have long dreamed of - jewelry, some clothing, an elegant bag or expensive cosmetics. You so rarely allow yourself to do something like this that now no one at home will judge you. In the middle of the Taurus period, unplanned expenses for household chores will arise.

Purchase of the month. The best way to spend money on children's education is to pay for a course of classes, for example, foreign language, this will be useful to your child in the future.

Horoscope health

In the middle of the period, you will need to contact specialists. Your positive attitude will make doctors warm to you. They will not only help you solve your problem, but will also give you a lot of valuable advice for the future. Write down these recommendations, they will come in handy.

Horoscope for May 2017 for Capricorn men

Love. At first, the ladies around you will even envy you - you got such a passionate and temperamental gentleman. He will surround you with attention, but in the middle of the Taurus period his gallantry may temporarily decline. This is due to urgent work matters, and for Capricorn work will always come first.

Tone. Your chosen one will truly enjoy playing sports. Many Capricorns are excellent athletes, and now he will want to work out in a comfortable and beautiful environment, in a modern fitness center with a spa and other pleasant treatments.

Finance. The need to spend money strictly according to plan turned out to be very upsetting for your Capricorn. Now he wants freedom in this matter too. And the chance to receive additional income will definitely appear. Many Capricorns may become much richer in May than they were.

Hobbies. Your chosen one's hobby will most likely be related to children, their activities and studies. There are many options. Some Capricorns may seriously concern themselves with writing a popular textbook or encyclopedia for their child, others will begin to compose fairy tales, and still others will begin to draw pictures and comics.

Horoscope for May 2017 Capricorn child

0-6 years. Your baby will show the most attractive qualities of his character. By the way, he may now have his first crush - right in kindergarten.

7-12 years old. Capricorn schoolchildren will become interested in creativity. Many will show acting skills, participate in school productions, or ask their parents to enroll them in a theater club. In addition, your child will suddenly become interested in going to the theater or music concerts. Give him this opportunity.

13-17 years old. Your teenager is now ready to make some important decisions regarding love and feelings. He may decide to have an early relationship or, conversely, he will understand that it is better to wait. Your task, as a parent, is to listen sensitively to the child’s condition and be aware of his affairs. Don't avoid having frank conversations with him.

Read the monthly horoscope 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Many Capricorns will be incredibly happy in May 2017, but will hide all their emotions and worries under the mask of absolute indifference. And all because they will be afraid to frighten away their luck. Fortunately, your fears will be in vain; no one can stop you from enjoying success and joyful moments. This month, Capricorns will be able to say goodbye to their past and let it go. It's time to do some spring cleaning in your life and inner world. If something doesn’t work out for you, leave it in the care of your loved ones. They can make your life brighter and more interesting. Develop your most strengths, gain experience, improve your skills and increase your knowledge. Soon your favorite activity will become your life's work. You shouldn’t even try to merge with the gray mass and bend under the ingrained social foundations. Show your individuality anywhere and everywhere, be original and boldly defend your opinion. It has the right to be! Just be yourself and don't play any roles.

Capricorns – unique creations and the only specimens of their kind that do not win thanks to something, but win in spite of it. In the first ten days of May 2017, act in the same spirit and do not be afraid of any obstacles. You can do anything, the main thing is to believe in it. Allow yourself to dream, because dreams come true. Never look back, except to look and remember some important life lessons. Only pleasant meetings, sincere conversations and a lot of fun await you ahead. Remember, laughter prolongs life. Treat all funny situations and problems with a sense of humor, and you will see how the problem will not become a problem, but only a question, the answer to which you have already long ago prepared. While spending a lot of time communicating with your friends and loved ones, avoid contact with people called energy vampires. They will suck all the strength and optimism out of you. Be careful. Don't let them take advantage of your reliability.

Capricorns are far-sighted and prudent people. They like to look into their lives many years into the future. But believe me, if you now, from the second ten days of May 2017, begin to live the way you see it in the distant future, then you will have no need to wait decades. Start changing your life today and don’t put it off until later. After all best time- it is now. Start looking for a high-paying job now, stop being content with pennies! Change old and bad habits to new and useful ones. Set big goals for yourself and don’t doubt the reality of their implementation for a single moment. The movement of Mercury in Taurus suggests that from mid-May 2017 you have every opportunity to realize most of your grandiose plans. And even if someone nearby giggles at your thoughts, laugh heartily with him. After all, luck is on your heels, just have time to dream and plan. Many Capricorns during this period can advance their careers thanks to their unconventional thinking and initiative. Your activity and determination will definitely lead you to success. Put your soul into everything you do, and everything around you will be real, genuine and sincere. Capricorns are very neat people, and this quality is an excellent tool for demonstrating their professionalism and competence.

Capricorns love cleanliness and order so much that it is very difficult for them to let a stranger into their lives, even a loved one. But in the third decade of May 2017, under the influence of Venus, they will finally open not only tightly in their hearts closed door, but also in your home for great and sincere love. Your relationship with your loved one will be on the verge of the impossible. Only Capricorns are capable of such feelings, completely immersing themselves in them. Your chosen ones will simply become an integral part for the representatives of your zodiac sign, with which they form one whole. Despite all this, try not to lose your head and keep a sober mind, no matter how intoxicated your feelings are. You need to think about what will happen tomorrow and, of course, do not forget that there are other aspects of life that require your direct participation. And be careful not to crush your loved one with such a strong pressure of feelings. Everything should be in moderation. The stars advise Capricorns to slow down a little and not run ahead of the locomotive, because you may simply not have time to see the most important life moments that will happen to you.