Gluing wooden parts. How to glue wood - advice from experienced craftsmen

Carpentry is based on precise fitting and gluing of parts, and it is the latter part that is responsible for the strength and durability of the product. There are quite a few types of wood glues, and today we will talk about the difference between them and the rules of use.

General classification of wood glues

The modern range of glues for carpentry includes more than a hundred items. Therefore, first, let’s briefly go over the types of glue, their properties and the most popular brands.

Based on their origin, all types of glue can be divided into compositions of natural origin and synthetic ones. In turn, natural adhesives can include astringents of animal and plant origin, while synthetic adhesives are divided according to the production method into condensation (formaldehyde) and polymerization (PVA, polyamide). The list of natural adhesives includes compositions based on casein, collagen and albumin; chemical compositions include PVA, formaldehyde, PVC, epoxy, as well as most universal types of glue. As you might guess, adhesives of natural origin are most widespread, primarily due to their low cost and well-established production technology.

Wood is a highly porous material, which means that almost any adhesive composition can be used for gluing. However, since most carpentry products are used for domestic purposes, it is not customary to use adhesives based on volatile solvents for gluing them. This is the second advantage of natural glue - it provides sufficient strength while not releasing any toxic substances into the environment.

However, for a number of products it is necessary to ensure resistance to various external influences. The main struggle is to increase moisture resistance, because most types of natural glue lose strength when wet. It may also be necessary to increase adhesion; this need mainly arises when gluing parts made of hard and dense wood. Here, the best performance is demonstrated by connections made with synthetic adhesives.

How to choose the right glue

If you are not a professional carpenter, do not be intimidated by such a variety of compositions for gluing wood. You can take an easier route - use time-tested types of wood glue, environmentally friendly and with a certain set of special properties.

Natural glue is supplied mainly in dry form and requires preparation before use. The main disadvantages of natural adhesives are their short lifetime (up to 2-3 days) and low strength of joints, due to the low degree of chemical purity and errors made during preparation. At the same time, natural glue is the optimal choice for fastening non-critical parts with a large area of ​​adjacent surfaces.

As a universal glue, most carpenters use factory-prepared PVA-based compounds. Well-established manufacturers are Titebond, Kleiberit, Moment, they are listed in order of decreasing product cost and, accordingly, quality. These types of glue are classified according to the reliability and quality of the connection by index D with four serial numbers. The higher the number, the more pronounced the moisture resistance and strength of the seam; additional properties may also appear. So, Titebond III glue, also known as D4 general classification, allows contact with food after drying, this glue is mainly used for assembling end cutting boards.

If the contact area of ​​the parts to be glued is small, it is required high accuracy gluing or resistance to stress, it is better to use compounds based on synthetic resins. Even ordinary EAF epoxy resin in such cases will give odds to any water-soluble glue. It is especially advantageous to use it for gluing hard wood, including thermally modified wood, as well as when connecting wood with foreign materials.

Gluing wood to plastic using epoxy glue

Preparing parts for gluing

When gluing wood, the general rules for making adhesive joints apply. The smaller the thickness of the adhesive seam, the deeper the impregnation and the lower the content of foreign impurities, the stronger the fixation. For these purposes, the surfaces to be bonded must be carefully prepared.

Gluing wooden parts carry out until finishing sanding. Preliminary contacting surfaces must be thoroughly sanded with abrasive paper with a grain size of at least 300 grit to remove fine lint that interferes with the absorption of the glue. It is important to remember that the cleaned surface is suitable for gluing only for a certain time: over time upper layer wood oxidizes, the vessels become clogged with dust and new portions of lint rise.

When using water-soluble glue, degreasing is not necessary. However, when gluing with epoxy resin or polyurethane hot melt adhesive, it is advisable to remove residues of wood resins and natural secretions from the surface using concentrated technical acetone. It is worth mentioning separately about the humidity of the parts being glued: a moderately increased moisture content (20-22%) when working with water-soluble adhesives slightly slows down the hardening process, but at the same time promotes deeper absorption and ultimately has a positive effect on the strength of the joint. But when using adhesives on liquid resins, an increased (more than 12-14%) moisture content is categorically unacceptable, so the adjacent surfaces are first dried with hot air for 2-3 minutes.

Glue application and curing

The glue is applied to the surfaces to be joined as evenly as possible. The thickness of the layer should be as minimal as possible, but at the same time sufficient to compensate for the curvature. The presence of air cavities in the adhesive seam has an extremely negative effect on the reliability of the connection. Particular attention is paid to seams with uneven thickness, reaching several millimeters at the peak: in such joints, it is recommended to mix the glue with wood flour or cellulose fiber.

In certain cases, glue does not have the main fastening function, but is used as a plastic filler. Such situations include strengthening joints on tenons and lamellas with glue; merging wood using the groove and microtenon method also partly falls into this category. In such cases, the glue is applied with a clear excess, after which quite painstaking work is carried out to remove the protruding residues.

It is convenient to apply glue to even and smooth surfaces with a small flexible spatula, which can be used as an ordinary plastic card. Glue is applied to grooves and small holes, as well as to tenons and folds, using a brush with synthetic bristles. When gluing parts with a large contact area, it is necessary to apply a large number of glue as quickly as possible so that it is absorbed evenly. For example, you can take the same end boards and furniture panels: to glue several dozen bars, glue is quickly rolled over them with a roller. The same applies to gluing veneer and gluing flat parts of plywood.

Almost all types of glue require exposure after application in the open air. Upon contact with oxygen, the adhesive undergoes primary curing, which speeds up the drying process assembled parts. For PVA-based adhesives, the exposure period can be up to 20-30 minutes, for natural ones - up to several hours. Manufacturers may give special recommendations, for example, polyurethane glue is kept until it completely loses viscosity, after which it is activated by temperature.

Positioning, compression of parts

Curing the parts helps increase the viscosity of the adhesive, which is good for holding the parts in the bonding position. However, this approach is used mainly in modeling and making non-critical adhesive seams. Most carpentry adhesive joints require rigid fixation of parts using clamps and stops.

Fastening parts with additional pressure not only allows you to maintain their position while the glue dries, which is almost always accompanied by shrinkage and warping of the wood from local moisture. As the glue becomes more viscous, the pressure helps to push the composition that has not yet set deep into the pores, which increases the strength of the adhesive seam.

IN carpentry A huge number of clamps of different types and sizes are used. To glue flat parts, you can also use regular bending, pressing the product to the table with a weight weighing 7-10 kg. But to connect linear elements, you need not only to maintain the corners, but also to compress the parts, which can be quite large. Ordinary linear clamps do an excellent job of this task; if there is insufficient length, a stop can be attached to the parts, but only if the place of its fixation is covered by another part of the product. It is also widely practiced to temporarily attach the stops to the frame with clamps.

To glue parts at an angle, specially shaped clamps are used, having two pairs of clamps and fixed jaws, rigidly fixed to the frame in a given position. This tool can be replaced by a number of devices, which is often practiced when gluing at angles other than straight lines. For example, wedges cut according to a general template can serve as a temporary stop. With this positioning method, it is important that the clamping force is directed as close as possible to perpendicular to the adhesive joint. For these purposes, the back parts of the clamps and stops can take a wide variety of shapes.

In conclusion, we will give a couple of practical tips on how to ensure that adhesive seams are invisible. Most wood glues are translucent for a reason. White color: after drying, minor drips can be easily hidden under a layer of protective and decorative coating. But there are a number of exceptional situations.

For example, initially invisible traces of glue on wood become clearly visible when impregnated with oil. If you plan to coat the product in this way, you need to work with glue as carefully as possible. Excess glue protruding from the seam should not be wiped off immediately; it is better to wait for it to pre-set, and then cut it off with a modeling knife. It’s the same story with drips: attempts to wipe them off will only lead to deeper absorption, so it’s better to simply blot the drop with a foam sponge, and after drying, clean the defective area with a scraper.

If small residues of exposed adhesive need to be removed, solvents can be used. Depending on the type of glue, these can be acetone (for most glues based on synthetic resins), isopropyl alcohol (for those based on PVA), toluene (for universal ones). rubber adhesives and epoxy resins), as well as ordinary soapy water (for natural reversible adhesives). Dried excess should be wiped off with a completely clean rag or cotton napkin strictly in the direction of the adhesive seam.

With the growth of technology and design ideas, they are increasingly resorting to the use of new wood-based materials. Except ordinary wood Composite materials, various wood species treated with various impregnations, as well as exotic species brought from other countries or grown in local atypical conditions are often used.

The building materials market offers a huge selection of glues for working with wood.

In any case, the processing of these materials is becoming increasingly complex. Separately, it is worth studying the issue of the need for gluing different surfaces, structural parts, furniture or construction lumber. But what exactly, what kind of glue should I use to glue the wood? In general, what types of them are there?

Can they domestic producers completely satisfy the woodworker or is it worth looking for best options from manufacturers abroad?
To answer the question of which glue is best for wood, and to choose it, it is worth examining at least the most popular types.

PVA glue

PVA is one of the most used compositions in wood processing and gluing. PVA glue for wood has been known to most people since school desks, since it is actively used for gluing paper products.

Before gluing PVA, the wood must be pre-moistened.

Polyvinyl acetate, also known as PVA, instantly grips surfaces and dries fairly quickly. This is its advantage and made the glue so popular. It will take 15-20 minutes for the glued surfaces to practically grow together and not come unglued anymore. When gluing different wood species, it is recommended to wait 24 hours for the surfaces to be completely wetted and hardened. This allows any load to be applied to the surfaces being connected.


This is a whole series of glue that is used to process quite different materials. The most famous and used in everyday life are brands BF-2, 4 and 6. BF dries much faster when the temperature of the bonded surfaces increases and sets tightly in 15 minutes when heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. Under normal conditions, BF wood glue completely sets the surface in one hour.

Wood glue "Moment"

“Moment” is one of the most common types and is used in almost any work that is related to construction. “Moment” also, as the name suggests, glues surfaces quite quickly.

“Moment” is suitable for gluing wood to other materials.

But some of its types are not intended for all materials. Majority rubber products, for example, when processing “Moment” it begins to unfold, get wet and flow. Therefore, today for working with wood it is worth using special type"Momenta" intended for wood. In addition, “Moment” is suitable when you need to glue wood to wood or other material.

Heat resistant adhesive

This glue is often used for processing wood, which during operation, as well as in preparation for construction work, will be exposed to elevated temperatures. Such overheating occurs, for example, due to processing with electrical appliances. Not all glued beams can be processed using a router or circular saw, but heat-resistant glue solves this problem, since even when such a surface is heated, the sizing seams on it do not separate.

Initially, this type of connecting liquid was intended to glue wooden surfaces, which were subsequently fired. But if available, it can also be used for ordinary connecting work.

Casein glue

There are times when wood needs to be properly joined, after which it must withstand intense exposure to moisture and liquids that can penetrate inside, disrupting the internal structure.

The value of casein glue is its water resistance.

In this case, it is best to use a connecting agent with water-resistant properties.
Among waterproof adhesives, casein is the most commonly used. It allows surfaces to set within 8 hours, and in less than a day (in just 20 hours) the surfaces are completely glued to each other, and moisture is not a problem for them.

Wood glue

In fact, this is not a specific type of glue, but rather a prefabricated type, since it is a solution that is used to join wooden surfaces. Moreover, wood glue works well on both solid wood and plywood or fiberboard.

As a rule, wood glue is made on one of two bases - hide or bone. The first is considered the best in terms of connecting properties.

To obtain high-quality wood glue, it is important to fully adhere to the technology of its creation. Joiner's fluids have unusual ways use. So, for large surfaces, one layer of glue is used, and two layers are applied to the end connections. For the strength of the connection, the thickness of the layer plays an important role, which is optimally 0.1-0.15 mm.

Epoxy adhesive

It is the most versatile connector known today as it connects virtually any surface. It has a two-component structure, consisting of a resin and a special substance that promotes hardening. The connections made from it are quite strong.

The structure of dried glue resembles plastic, so it is well suited for gluing synthetic materials. It is often used for processing wooden furniture, metal surfaces, toys made of plastic and other materials.

A craftsman who needs to glue two surfaces can always choose one of the above types of glue, based on recommendations and ratings telling which wood glue is better. But it’s always better to try each option yourself, because there are a lot of varieties of adhesives, and each manufacturer offers something unique in its own way.

After all, sometimes it’s enough to buy carpentry compound or borrow a tube of regular PVA from your child, but sometimes you have to look for super heat-resistant and waterproof glue, and then you need to look for an imported epoxy mixture.

Video: wood glue. How to choose

One of the most controversial materials, about which even experts do not have a clear opinion, iswood glue: which one is better, more reliable and easier to use? The question is very interesting, requiring knowledge of the features and properties of different types of glue.

In contact with

What is it needed for

Wood glue is used everywhere and constantly. Everyone at least once in their life has glued some wooden parts together or repaired broken things or pieces of furniture.Wood gluingproduced by slightly different methods than joining, for example, rubber or plastic products . There is no need to perform standard operations: applying the composition, drying for about 10-15 minutes and firmly pressing the parts against each other.

Wood requires a different approach, which is determined by the structure of the material and the individual properties of each species. It requires a different adhesive composition that can be absorbed into the material and create a durable film. Currently, many compounds have been created, from ancient traditional wood glues to the most modern synthetic compounds. Question,how to glue wood, not at all simple.


Materials for gluing wood have different compositions and purposes.

Some of them are universal; joining wooden parts is just one of their many uses.

Others are intended only for gluing wood and have no other uses.

Choosing how to glue wood to wood, you should decide on the type of composition and its properties, which should be discussed separately:


One of the most common compositions, familiar to everyone since school days. Polyvinyl acetate dispersion, as this composition is correctly called, can be used for gluing paper, wood and other materials. The main condition is the ability of the bonded material to absorb moisture. It has the appearance of a milky-white thick liquid. When dry it becomes transparent. Mostly, PVA glue is used for gluing wood , because it is very convenient for this. Its features:

  • Available in ready-to-eat form;
  • dries quite quickly;
  • does not stain the gluing, the glue squeezed out when squeezing the parts can be removed without consequences;
  • diluted with water; any glue that gets onto a clean surface can be easily washed off or wiped off with a damp cloth.

There are different brands of PVA glue designed for construction work, universal or carpentry compounds. Setting time is about 20 minutes (depending on the brand), complete drying is 24 hours.

Attention!If PVA glue was stored in unheated room and frozen, then after thawing it cannot be used.


This is a two-component composition consisting of epoxy resin and hardener. Being mixed in the required proportion, the material hardens into a strong solid mass.

The curing process of the composition is purely chemical in nature, so the presence of air is not required for this.

It is noteworthy that epoxy adhesive not intended exclusively for wood , it can glue a variety of materials that do not have chemical conflicts with the adhesive components.

For him, the correct dosage of the components when mixing is important: if there is too much hardener, the mixture “boils”, bubbles and quickly turns into a solid foam mass. If there is a lack of hardener, the mass does not gain the required strength. The hardening time for different brands can vary from several minutes to one day, most often - several hours.

Epoxy glue prices

epoxy adhesive


BF glue appeared in wide use in the late 70s and early 80s of the last century. It was believed that this was the most universal and reliable composition, capable of tightly connecting anything. In fact, this is not the case; the material has a lot of restrictions or conditions for use.Designed for gluing metals to non-metals, plastics and other materials.Wood is not exactly absent from this list, but it is far from being in first place. However, if neededwood glue, waterproof and frost-resistant, then the BF-2 or BF-4 brands fully correspond to this definition. The gluing technology is quite inconvenient: it requires applying an adhesive layer, drying it “tack-free” and compressing the parts for a while to gain strength of the adhesive layer.

Heat-resistant compounds

Wood in its own way technical properties not subject to heat treatment. Therefore, there are simply no specialized thermal adhesive compositions for gluing wooden products.
, but some types of heat-resistant compounds can be used for these purposes.

There are various types of such compositions. These can be synthetic mixtures, various modified varieties of epoxy glue.

This group can include a special material produced in the form of rods, which is applied using an adhesive gun. Melted to liquid state the material is applied to the surface to be glued and pressed tightly against the second part. This method is simple and convenient, but requires the constant purchase of adhesive rods and connection to the power supply.


Carpentry (gluten) glues are one of the oldest groups, used back in ancient times. In our timewood glueused primarily for restoration of antique furniture or repair of acoustic musical instruments. The reason for this limited use is the difficulty of working with wood glues, which are sold dry and require preparation for use.

There are several types of wood glues:

  • bone;
  • fleshy;
  • sturgeon.

The first two are made from horn plates or animal skins, the latter is made from the skin of sturgeon fish. It is believed that the bone composition is better than the flesh one, but sturgeon is very difficult to find; it is used mainly by violin or guitar makers.

Important!The main feature of wood glue is its reversibility. The adhesive may be soaked in hot water, separated for repair and reconnected without causing damage to the material of the part.

Prices for wood glue

wood glue


Syndeticoneglue for gluing wood to wood- modification of wood glue, invented in 1878.

Since then, this composition has been widely used for a long time, but today its use is almost complete.

It is noteworthy that the name of the glue does not indicate any original composition, it is only a reference to the original name of the glue - “Syndeticon”, as the inventor called it.

The composition includes the following components:

  • wood glue;
  • sugar;
  • slaked lime.

Its production takes about a day, which was also the reason for refusing to use it.


Polyurethane wood gluecharacterized by high performance and high cost. The composition is suitable for gluing damp wood and can be used for both interior and exterior work. The glue foams when it dries, filling possible cavities and stopping moisture or cold from reaching them. The adhesive joint can be used at temperatures from -30° to + 100°, in addition, polyurethane is the bestwaterproof wood glue.


Another very old natural composition. Its main component is casein, a milk protein obtained from low-fat cottage cheese. Available in the form of granules from brown to white - the higher the quality, the lighter the granules.

The material is truly universal - in addition to gluing wood, it is used in manufacturing, painting, and printing.

Traditionally used as environmentally friendly furniture glue high class. At the same time, the surfaces to be glued must be protected from the glue getting on the front parts of the parts, since it is quickly and deeply absorbed, leaving dark spots. In addition, the material is hygroscopic and can deteriorate: become moldy, and there is a possibility of insects appearing. It must be stored in a tightly closed container.

Casein glue prices

casein glue


Pasty adhesive compositions used for joining poorly formed parts. Thick material fills small voids like putty, sealing the seam and stopping the access of moisture, cold or other unwanted influences. Typically, wood gluing is not one of the main specializations of such compounds, but for uneven surfaces this choice is quite justified.

Basic properties

Good glue for wood it must have a number of specific qualities:

  • strength;
  • resistance to water;
  • good adhesion to any type of wood;
  • non-toxic composition;
  • versatility of use;
  • high drying speed;
  • the composition must be sold ready-to-use;

Many modern compositions have such properties, for example,wood glue "Joiner". Most traditional adhesive compositions, for all their advantages, require too long and labor-intensive preparation, which makes work inconvenient and reduces productivity.

When choosing wood glue, you should pay attention to some points:

  1. If gluing is permanent, then it is best to use some kind of synthetic irreversible compound. To connect parts that can later be disassembled, for example, musical instruments, it is better to choose traditional types - bone, casein and the like.
  2. When gluing light wood, you should not use casein glue. The seams will darken and the work will look sloppy. The best choice- “Joiner” glue, which, when dried, becomes approximately the same color as the wood.
  3. When buying PVA glue, pay attention to its consistency. If there is a separation of the material into more liquid and thicker fractions, it means that the glue was frozen during storage or transportation. Such material cannot be used, it has lost its qualities.

Homemade recipes for preparing the composition

Some traditional types of glue can be prepared independently at home:

  • Casein glue is made from low-fat cottage cheese, which is soaked in a soda solution and washed under running water. Then the mass is dried to a dry powder, which is diluted with water immediately before use.
  • Sometimes an ordinary paste helps to get out of the situation. It is brewed from flour (6 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) by adding an aqueous solution of flour to boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil, cooled and used for its intended purpose.
  • Wood glue is made in a water bath: in a bowl placed in a container of hot water, heated on a tile. Ready-made wood glue has a liquid and flowing consistency and is used asfurniture wood glue.

Important!Wood glue has a strong, stale smell, sometimes even too strong. Before preparing it, you should consider whether to use a ready-made composition.

General gluing rules

Each type of glue has its own specific methods of use. TO general rules This may include the need to clean and dry the surfaces to be glued, and first do a dry assembly without glue to check the accuracy of the fit. If the parts cannot be pressed together with a little manual effort, then you need to put off gluing and fit them better. The connected parts are pressed and fixed with clamps until the glue dries completely (usually it is recommended to keep them for 24 hours).

Using glue to join wooden parts is an old but effective technology. Modern synthetic compounds can greatly enhance the strength and stability of the joint, ensuring high-quality service of the glued parts.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Glue wooden crafts Not only professional carpenters, but also home craftsmen often have to do this. In some cases, neither nails nor screws can cope with the task. Then you have to select the appropriate wood glue. Available in domestic stores a wide range of both domestic and foreign compositions. They differ significantly in both price and quality. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is important to take into account several nuances.

Criteria for choosing wood glue

    When purchasing, you should determine purpose of glue. There are universal products that can connect wooden elements among themselves, as well as with other materials (metal, glass, plastic). This is an excellent choice for hobbyists or furniture makers. But carpenters prefer to use narrowly targeted adhesive mixtures; they work best on wood and its derivatives.

    Having decided on the tasks, it is worth take into account the characteristics of the tree. Not all types of wood glues can work with damp or resinous wood. Much depends on the density of the material.

    It is important to look a little into the future. If the glued product will be in a dry room, then almost any glue will do the job. But at high humidity or low temperature, the strength of the connection can only be ensured by a narrow range of products.

    The strength of a seam is determined in different ways. It's one thing when a part can only support its own weight. Completely different properties are required from glue under constant impact loads.

    Environmental friendliness is also an important factor. If the smell can be combated by airing or using ventilation, then contact of glue with food can be dangerous to human health.

    Few craftsmen continue to make wood glue according to old recipes. Today, manufacturers offer compositions based on PVA, organic resins and polyurethane. All are suitable for wood, but have limitations for other materials.

Our review includes the best wood adhesives. When selecting products for the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:



    chemical composition;

    expert opinion;

    consumer reviews.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of wood adhesives

Glue type



Affordable price

Environmental friendliness


Ease of use

Insufficient strength

Afraid of moisture

Destroyed when high temperature(+60°С)


High strength to dynamic loads

Inert attitude to temperature changes

Moisture resistance

UV resistant

High price

Strong smell

Based on organic resins

Connection strength

Versatility of use

Resistance to water and aggressive compounds

Acceptable price

Skin protection required

High consumption

Requires precise mixing of ingredients

Rating of the best wood adhesives

Nomination place Name of product price
The best glue for wood based on PVA 1 291 RUR
2 129 RUR
3 490 ₽
4 149 RUR
5 205 ₽
The best polyurethane adhesives for wood 1 385 RUR
2 477 RUR
3 450 ₽
The best resin wood glues 1 503 RUR
2 480 ₽
3 250 ₽
4 590 ₽

The best PVA wood glue

One of the most environmentally friendly wood glues is a water emulsion of polyvinyl acetate. There is no toxic odor during work, so ventilation is not a mandatory requirement for a carpentry workshop. The availability of the product allows it to be widely used. Experts paid attention to several models.

German wood glue Kleiberit 303.0 has many advantages. But experts focused on such quality as water resistance. It was this fact that became the key in determining the winner of the rating. This PVA glue is also the leader in sales in our country. Consumers managed to appreciate the versatility of the adhesive composition. It can be used to connect different types wood, fiberboard, chipboard, veneer, etc. Some craftsmen admire working with hardwood. The gluing process itself does not cause any difficulties. It is enough to press the parts to be joined for 6...10 minutes to get a single whole.

In addition to moisture resistance, users note resistance to low temperatures(up to -30°C). The white color after drying also does not cause discomfort.



    ease of use;

    resistance to low temperatures;

    moisture resistance;


  • not detected.

The high performance properties of ULTIMA STOLYAR PVA adhesive were appreciated by workers in the printing and woodworking industries. They account for the lion's share of sales in Russia. Manufacturers, as well as experts, speak flatteringly about the extraordinary strength of the seam (0.9 kgf/cm). Therefore, it is possible to glue parts that are subsequently subjected to high dynamic loads. For its excellent strength, fast setting time and transparency, the material was awarded second place in our rating.

The adhesive is also resistant to low temperatures. It is able to maintain working properties after 4 cycles of deep freezing (down to -35°C). Finishers have found another use for this PVA-based glue. They glue reinforcing tape, glue wallpaper, and seal joints.




    frost resistance;

    transparent seam;


  • takes a long time to dry.

Domestic wood glue Moment Super PVA D3, moisture-resistant, boasts high performance characteristics. It can be used for gluing a wide range of products made from natural wood, veneer and materials containing wood inclusions. The product is somewhat inferior to the leaders in the duration of pressing (15-20 minutes) and final drying (24 hours). The glue does not leave marks on parts after drying, for which it deserves third place in the rating.

PVA aqueous dispersion remains operational within temperatures from +5 to +30°C. This feature is often indicated by craftsmen in reviews as a minus of the adhesive composition. But users have no complaints about durability, transparency, and accessibility.



  • long drying.

A wide range of materials can be joined using TEX PVA Carpentry Professional glue. This is not only wood, cardboard or paper, but also leather, linoleum and tiles (not ceramic). Such unique properties achieved thanks to excellent adhesion. At the same time, the seam has high strength and elasticity. The composition itself is white, which should not frighten users. After drying, it becomes transparent and does not externally spoil the formed knot. Masters mention ease of use, lack of unpleasant odor. The adhesive composition has earned a place in our rating.

The reliability of the clutch does not cause any complaints among professionals. The glue consumption is somewhat high (1 kg per 4-7 sq. m), and it takes a whole day to dry.



    environmental friendliness;

    high strength;


  • high consumption of material.

If it is necessary to glue parts together so that the seam is not visible, craftsmen give preference to the Krass PVA PVA D3 composition. The material will not spoil appearance the most noble wood, which is often important in the manufacture of luxury furniture, doors or when laying parquet. The glue has good moisture resistance; this quality significantly expands its scope of application. Experts included this PVA-based product in our rating also for the elasticity and strength of the seam. The manufacturer managed to create the glue without organic solvents, so the mixture turned out to be environmentally friendly.

Professional carpenters and furniture makers note such a feature of the adhesive composition as the possibility of application to a damp surface. And the properties of the seam are maintained in a very wide temperature range (0-100°C).


    transparent seam;

    water resistance;

    strength and elasticity;


  • long drying time.

The best polyurethane adhesives for wood

Polyurethane adhesives are highly durable. Bonded parts can be subjected to both static and dynamic loads. The seam is not afraid of moisture, sunlight, or temperature changes. Our review presents the best polyurethane products.

A real breakthrough in the field of adhesive technology was the development of a polyurethane composition for wood, Titebond Polyurethane Wood Glue 2300. Experts unconditionally gave this product from the USA the first place in the rating. The manufacturer managed to find the optimal balance between pressing speed (45 min) and retention time of working properties (20 min). The glue perfectly bonds any wood-based materials, from natural wood to wood chip products. However, the scope of application does not end there; you can permanently glue metal, plastic, ceramics, stone and a number of other materials.

The product is water resistant, but in conditions with constant high humidity It is not recommended to keep formed knots under water. The composition is not afraid of frost, but before use it should be warmed to +12°C.


    fast gluing;


    high seam strength;


  • high price.

The German glue Kleiberit 501.0 is not inferior to the winner in versatility. It can also be used to connect wooden, ceramic, and polymer parts in different combinations. In addition, this polyurethane composition is advantageous in its heat resistance and moisture resistance. Experts put the glue in second place for its impeccable quality, but the long curing period (24 hours) did not allow it to become a leader. Bonded parts can be used in sunlight or rain, not to mention inside buildings. The strength of the seam is not satisfactory even among professionals.

Craftsmen note the ease of use and predictability of the glue. The only disadvantages they include are the corrosive odor and adhesion to human skin.



    weather resistance;

    heat resistance;


    takes a long time to dry;

    pungent smell.

The adhesive composition for wood from Belgium SOUDAL 66A has excellent adhesion. In this component it has practically no competitors. Therefore, wood can be joined not only with each other, but also with various building materials(except for polyethylene and polypropylene). Experts also gave it third place in the ranking for its high water resistance. The parts may be wet, but the glue will do its job without any problems. The mixture perfectly fills any unevenness due to foaming. But the strong expansion did not allow the product to take a higher position.

Masters note a wide temperature Range(from -30 to 100°C), in which the strength of the connection is maintained. Therefore, it can be used for work both inside and outside buildings.


    excellent adhesion;


    excellent water resistance;


    high price;

    expansion upon drying.

The best resin wood glues

Adhesive compositions based on organic resins remain in demand. Their strength and resistance to moisture, petroleum products, and aggressive substances is beyond doubt. The most popular of these is epoxy. Only the master needs to ventilate the room and protect the skin of his hands. Here are the best resin based adhesives.

Chemists from Germany managed to create the most durable wood glue based on epoxy resin. The composition of UHU PLUS ENDFEST 300 is a two-component product. It can be used to connect a variety of materials. It is not recommended to use glue only for working with polyethylene, polypropylene and glass. Experts gave this product the first line in the rating for its ultra-strength. Getting ready glue solution quite simple, and the setting time is 90 minutes. The seam is completely polymerized in 12-24 hours.

Among the advantages of the glue, professionals note moisture resistance, high impact strength and durability of the seam. But in order to get the full set of these properties, the proportions when mixing must be observed.


    high strength;

    seam durability;


    moisture resistance;


  • high price.

The one-component wood adhesive TITEBOND ORIGINAL WOOD GLUE received a lot of praise from carpenters and furniture makers. It is an emulsion based on an aliphatic resin. Experts call this composition the best specialized product for professional activity. The connection of parts with tongues and grooves is especially strong. After drying, the emulsion becomes moisture resistant, and the seam can withstand impact loads perfectly. Thanks to deep penetration glue manages to bind the structure like natural wood, and shaving-fiber elements.

Professionals speak flatteringly about the ease of use and quick hardening of the seam. Only the emulsion consumption is quite large (180 g/sq. m), and work time is only 5-10 minutes. The material is worthy of second place in the ranking.



    high consumption;

    short working hours.

EDP ​​EPOXY wood glue is sold on the domestic market at the most attractive price. This is one of the most popular compositions among amateurs and professionals. With its help you can create new units or repair old furniture. Characteristic Features A popular epoxy is good adhesion, high strength, moisture resistance. The resinous base allows the addition of various fillers. There is no shrinkage during the polymerization process. The composition is not recommended for use on items that will come into contact with food.

Experts gave the glue, proven over the years, only third place in the rating due to the long drying time. In addition, the ease of use leaves much to be desired.


    affordable price;

    no shrinkage;

    moisture resistance;


    takes a long time to dry;

    not convenient to use.

The best professional wood glue

In professional activities, wood glue requires not only a strong connection of wood, but also ease of use and quick setting. The seam must retain its qualities even when exposed to atmospheric conditions. From the variety of proposals, experts chose the most popular model.

Titebond III Ulimate 1416 One Part Wood Adhesive provides an extra strong bond. The product meets the stringent ANSI/HPVA Type I requirements, indicating high water resistance of the joint. In addition, experts call it the first adhesive that can be cleaned with water. Among its competitors, this composition is distinguished by its strong initial adhesion. The dried seam can be sanded; the manufacturer allows it to come into contact with food. Another important advantage of the glue is its ability to be used for outdoor use.

Professional carpenters are completely satisfied with the quality of gluing various types of wood, laminate, paper, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. The glue is extremely popular in Russia and is a real bestseller.


    super strength;

    environmental friendliness;

    water resistance;

    fast setting;


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Today's market offers us a huge amount various types glue. They differ in setting time, drying time, moisture resistance, load resistance, gluing density, and so on. In this article we will talk about the types of glue and how good they are for gluing wood to wood or other materials.

Types of glue that we will consider in the article:

  • Epoxy
  • Heat resistant for wood
  • Polyurethane
  • Syndeticone
  • Carpentry
  • Casein
  • Adhesive pastes

Let's talk about each type of glue in more detail.

Polyvinyl acetate glue or PVA glue

For wood, PVA glue works great. It is non-toxic and generally harmless to human health. Withstands a good load, about 60 kg/1cm2. The shelf life of PVA glue is unlimited. Application is easy.

  • PVA glue completely dries within a day, and the setting time is 15-25 minutes.

PVA glue is actively used for gluing wooden parts and is used in the manufacture of wooden furniture. The only important drawback of PVA glue is its low resistance to moisture.

Epoxy glue for gluing wood

Like PVA glue, epoxy dries completely within a day. But, unlike PVA, epoxy glue has good moisture resistance. Among other things, epoxy glue is distinguished by its versatility. Suitable not only for wood but also for any other materials. Also, epoxy adhesive has high strength, resistance not only to moisture, but also to oils.

The adhesive contains resins and hardeners. Be careful when working with epoxy glue. Causes irritation upon contact with skin.

Before use, epoxy glue must be “made”. The adhesive components provided in the kit are mixed according to the instructions and stirred for 5 minutes. After mixing, the finished mass is applied in a thin layer to the surfaces to be glued and joined with slight pressure.

Glue BF-4 and BF-2

Adhesives of the BF series are used for gluing wood precisely BF2 and BF4.

To achieve higher bond densities, processed parts are often dried in a special oven or using thermostats. But even without special drying, BF adhesives have very good density gluing.

BF glue is suitable not only for gluing wood to each other, but also for gluing wood to plastic, metal, glass and other materials.

  • BF-4 is excellent for outdoor work with wood, as it has frost resistance and good elasticity.
  • BF-2 has proven itself to be more suitable for indoor use. Has good heat resistance and moisture resistance.

Before applying BF series adhesive, the surfaces to be bonded must be degreased. It is important that surfaces are clean. BF glue must be applied in several layers.

The first layer of glue is called a primer, after application it must be left for 1 hour if drying occurs in air, without drying in an oven, etc. (BF dries in an oven for 15 minutes).

After an hour, apply a second layer of glue and let it dry a little. Next, connect the parts and leave until completely dry.

Heat resistant glue

Heat-resistant glue is applied using a special glue gun. The glue itself is produced in the form of rods, which are inserted into the glue gun.

Heat-resistant glue is more often used to join small parts, since it is molten and applied from a glue gun and hardens very quickly. Heat-resistant adhesive is excellent for gluing wood and gluing it to other types of surfaces. It is highly resistant to high temperatures.

Polyurethane wood glue

Polyurethane glue is simply a godsend for gluing wood. Resistant to moisture, heat, cold, provides stable gluing of wood, including hardwood. Resistant to loads.

Polyurethane glue is extremely popular for gluing wood

Syndeticone wood adhesive

Syndeticone glue has proven itself to be excellent for gluing wood to other types of surfaces. Before applying the glue, it is left to swell for 24 hours, only then applied to the surfaces to be glued. Syndeticone adhesive has a high level of resistance to various types of influences (moisture, heat, cold) coupled with high level strength.

Syndeticone glue contains slaked lime, dry wood glue and sugar.

Wood glue

Wood glue is used for wood, and when gluing, the wood must be dry. Wood with a humidity higher than standard (12%) will not bond well. The quality of gluing will be significantly worse.

Wood glue is sold dry. To prepare the mass for use, the required amount of dry glue is poured with water, according to the instructions. The glue should be infused until it swells completely, for 6-12 hours (depending on the amount of glue). After the required amount of time has passed, the remaining water from the adhesive mass is drained, and the glue is placed in a water bath and heated until the lumps dissolve. Under no circumstances let the glue boil.

When applying wood glue to the surfaces to be glued, its temperature should be in the range of 30-50 degrees. Drying time for wood glue is 6-8 hours. Glue is applied to the surface along the fibers once. When gluing the ends, you need to coat the surface twice.

Casein glue for wood

Casein glue is very water-resistant and is used for gluing paper, cardboard, fabric and leather to wooden surfaces. Casein is sold in powder. To prepare the glue, the powder is diluted with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The glue needs to be mixed within an hour. Both surfaces to be glued are processed, wait 5 minutes and connect.

The glue dries completely in 20-24 hours, and the setting time is 15-20 minutes.

Please note that the glue should be applied very carefully, because if it gets on the wood it leaves stains that are almost impossible to remove.