Runic focus on the development of clairvoyance. Stats - development of abilities

Runic Stav "OWL (for children and not only)" Proserpina

Once upon a time I was faced with the problem of my children’s performance at school) and it was created for them this work) the work is old and has already shown itself well)


All of us who raise our children are always concerned that they sometimes fail in class, or they have no desire to study... I think this is familiar to many parents. Since I am a mother myself, as a parent of normal children who also love to do anything other than homework, I decided to create a project that will help them and, most importantly, me))

Before creating a school, I asked myself what is the reason for the underachievement of children, and not those who simply cannot learn information (we know that there are children who are SPECIAL, I’m not saying differently, I’m saying SPECIAL, I’ll step back a little and immediately I will say that the data became very good among such children), so about the reasons.
1. Child’s health (children get sick, miss school and hence the backlog school curriculum, which at the moment, in my humble opinion, is very difficult.)
2. Problems in relationships with teachers and classmates (we know how teachers love some children, while others are initially thrown back by various reasons. This is where the attitude of classmates comes from, who also like to bully someone, we know that children now in most cases are evil...)

1. Interpersonal relationships between students and teachers
2. Emotions. LAZINESS

1. Here we can talk about the hindrance of remembering in class or at home (well, how can you remember when there is love, and a computer, and simply an unwillingness to learn - they will still say that everything is bad)

The tasks of this staff were simple and boiled down to simple three points
1. Normalization of attitude towards the child
2. Normalization of the emotional background (so that the child feels more confident and stops being nervous, excessive nervousness goes away)
3. Improving the assimilation of knowledge (the volume that they need to assimilate is too large)


MANAZ - the child or the person himself, allows you to help an individual establish cooperation or contacts, find his place within the microsociety. Allows you to help an individual establish cooperation or contacts, find his place within the microsociety. To get help from others. Take a leadership position. For self-knowledge and self-realization. To take advantage of and attract help from other people. To develop your memory and mental abilities.. Helps create a stable business or friendly atmosphere in the team. Improves memory and mental abilities

ALGIZ - powerful protection, protection of the gods. For the emergence of friendly relations and strong friendship. To enhance luck and vital energy. It sharpens a person’s ability to anticipate the danger that threatens him. It will create barriers to the possible invasion of harmful forces into your life. It will help you find the strength to cope with any situation. Gives determination in solving complex, especially interpersonal issues. Helps you defend your positions and maintain your benefits.

PERTH - Perth Energy allows you to fix the problem before it happens. How it resulted in a series of events. Uneradicated stupidity will still be realized, but under the energies of Perth you can free yourself from it without waiting for troubles to materialize. When you need to find something (path, solution, knowledge). To maintain good mental health. Facilitates the process of qualitative change in consciousness

EVAZ - Evaz allows you to adapt to the situation and extract all possible benefit from it. Stimulate the process of change. To make changes very quickly. Rune of transformation. Brings a person out of “mental slumber”, helps him free himself from “obsession” with a problem that is currently insoluble. Will prepare changes and pave the way for them. Strengthens the bonds of friendship. Gives a new perspective on things. Speeds up any process.

EIVAZ - Thanks to Eyvaz, a person has the opportunity to move away from an obstacle and see a workaround. strengthen endurance; avoid confusion; release your internal resources. Used for personal protection or protection of someone close to you. Helps overcome obstacles. Protects you from unnecessary fears. Will release your inner strength. The rune of transformation changes the situation, advances towards the goal, blocking opposition

GEBO - Helps you use your time most effectively and return what you spend to your benefit. harmonization of relations. Establishing a balanced partnership. Helps maintain harmony and unity of a person with himself, nature and the world; The rune of partnership in all spheres of life and areas of human activity. Strengthens established contacts. It will help to find balance between the spiritual and physical principles in a person. Will teach you how to manage your time more effectively. Helps students during the session. Gives the gift of eloquence.

NAUTIZ - The rune promotes restraint. Helps overcome stressful conditions, neutralizes hatred and helps resolve disagreements and disputes. Curb your emotions and show restraint. Help with programming other people. To free yourself from problems and needs. To help you achieve your goals. For guard. To help in all kinds of endeavors. Gives strength to survive a difficult period of life, to get out of the crisis safely. Helps develop perseverance and endurance

LAGUZ is the rune of the water element, a fluid force rising from the well of the Subconscious. It cleanses and refreshes all levels of being, for it is a carrier of vital energy. This is power realized potential; Stabilizes an emotionally or mentally unfavorable situation. Increases mental abilities, sharpens and enhances intuitive perception of the world. Helps establish contact with the subconscious. Eliminates complexes and fears. Returns what was lost peace of mind. Helps establish new friendships and restore old ones. Stops quarrels and discord. Promotes the development of adaptability to external conditions. Strengthen intuition. Develops intuition and premonitions. Powerful energy flow.

BERKANO - Promotes revival, gives the strength necessary to start something anew. Patronizes uniform and fruitful development. Gives cleansing and renewal. Helps you to let go of little things and find inner peace. Height. Sometimes subtle, but relentless and always positive. Gentle but all-encompassing action. Perthro is the revival of an object, Berkano is the opportunity for the formation and growth of this object. This is the ability to receive and assimilate the power of life.

SAVILO - Burns out what impedes the Creative Movement. To achieve victory and success. To gain the necessary strength and self-confidence. Helps accumulation psychic energy. Has a beneficial effect on general physical condition. Will clarify an unclear situation and encourage the right decision. General healing Fills the body with energy, restoring lost energy. It illuminates “littered corners” from the inside. Gives strength to action. Creates determination to complete even the most unpleasant work. which was always put off due to its particular lack of interest or heaviness or complexity.

VUNIO - Helps to determine best time For necessary actions and thus achieve the best results. Induce joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood. A state of joy accompanies new energy - energy that was previously blocked. It evokes a feeling of self-confidence - not vain pride and arrogant complacency, but a humble awareness of one’s own importance among other beings. Enhances success and happiness in all matters. Returns forces that were wasted. Clears random and superficial feelings and experiences. Eliminates alienation in relationships with loved ones. Establishing friendly contacts. Supports a person’s desire to achieve a goal. Removes energy blocks. Increases self-esteem. Creates a feeling of psychological comfort. Bringing a person out of sadness and depression.

URUZ - symbolizes confident strength, determination, perseverance, courage, physical health and assertiveness. This is the rune of inner strength. It does not manifest itself explicitly, but it shapes future circumstances and brings changes with it. It sets the situation in motion, development, contributes to its formation and makes it unstable. You may feel like you are losing control of events. But the cleansing power of the Uruz rune will expel from your life only that which can weaken you. Gives strength, creates a powerful initiative to attract useful events into your life. Gives men masculinity, women femininity, and both - confidence in themselves, their strengths and capabilities. It will strengthen your determination and help you become more independent. It will help you gain courage for the “starting push” and give acceleration to sluggish current events. Increasing immunity, giving vitality, opening internal reserves, throwing away everything unnecessary, like a locator catching the main thing on which the power of thought is concentrated.

TOURS - Make an important decision calmly and thoughtfully, gain strength to make a “starting push” that launches the mechanism of processes associated with the decision made. Accelerating your own development. Accumulation of strength before a breakthrough. To protect your interests. To weaken ill-wishers or take measures to counter them. Helps clarify a situation that is unfavorable for you and directs the course of its development in your favor. Helps neutralize psychological pressure or actions of your enemies. Gives strength and ability to think, concentrate and make important decisions.

ANSUZ - to remove shackles, including psychological ones (such as subconscious anxiety or fear that impede the growth and spiritual development of the individual). At the everyday level, it helps to remove barriers to career growth. Will make your speech convincing and attractive. Helps in achieving or strengthening success or leadership. It will sharpen your mind and help you make a wise decision. Helps develop communication skills. To receive any information - advice, news, etc. Help in negotiations, when giving lectures. Enlightenment of the mind, logic of systematization. For oratory, constructing a reasoned and pleasant-to-hear speech. To gain knowledge and experience. To successfully pass the exam and gain confidence in your abilities.

KANO - This is the force that ignites enthusiasm and lights the way. This is the inner light that transforms "raw" raw material into a finished thing. This is the rune of disclosure, internal mentoring. It helps to disperse the darkness surrounding the incomprehensible, and to see what is happening with a clear gaze. Helps you express yourself clearly and understandably; gain clarity of thought;
see what changes need to be made in your life; ignite the fire of enthusiasm; transform dead knowledge into understanding. Brings spiritual healing and peace. Dispels fears

YERA - This is in highest degree a beneficial rune that allows you to change a situation for the better. Opens up paths. Remove obstacles that prevent you from achieving results. Gives you the opportunity to find a “second wind” Helps you accurately calculate time

RAIDO - symbolizes freedom and moral responsibility to one’s own self. This means going through life your own way; live by your own mind; to be a rider, not a horse; control everyday circumstances as far as possible, and gradually expand the sphere of your influence on these circumstances; and, finally, consciously choose your path in life. Raido gives a person the ability to rule and take initiative, manage circumstances, put things in order and subject events to his will. It will help a person take control of the current situation. This rune is associated with the thelemic principle “every person is a star.” Everyone goes their own way, guided by their own will. The movement is like the wind at your back. Or you float down the river. Will allow you to expand the boundaries of consciousness.

DAGAZ - Breakthrough to the next round. It has a beneficial effect on the opinions and attitudes of the people around you. Helps change your own views and behavioral stereotypes. Helps achieve psychological stability and inner harmony. Transformation of a dark, bad period in life into a good one, resolution of crises and dark stripes life.

ALGIZ+LAGUZ+VERKANO+SAVILO= healing formula for healing the psychological and emotional background

ANSUZ+YERA+MANAZ= Runes of Thought. A combination of strengthening mental processes and directing them in the right direction. Harmonious projection of God into the human personality.

MANAZ + RAIDO + ANSUZ = Directing a person to the correct path, from the point of view of higher powers.

VUNIO + NAUT = We drive out everything negative in a person’s character, including laziness, we remove the negative attitude of others towards the person.


A person involved in esotericism develops some special abilities over time. This applies to those who read fortunes using Tarot cards, work with runes, practice magic or some other spiritual practices. But sometimes we want to acquire skills useful for esoteric work as quickly as possible - then we should pay attention to runic staves for clairvoyance, opening the third eye, enhancing natural abilities. They will be the topic of our conversation today.

Who can use bets to open the third eye?

It is important to understand that for an ordinary person, far from the world of magic and esotericism, opening the so-called “third eye” in most cases is not only unnecessary, but even unsafe. Just imagine what a person who has received magical abilities, but does not know how to use them and does not know the laws of the subtle world, can do! There is a great risk of attracting a lot of troubles, and in some cases it’s not far from mental problems. Therefore, let’s agree right away: we put into practice the principles described in the article only for ourselves personally and only if you are engaged in spiritual development. We don’t experiment on friends!

Runic becoming “Third Eye” from Tesy

The runic stave “Third Eye” is perfect for those who practice fortune telling and extrasensory perception. This combination of runes, made in the form of a glyph, enhances intuition and allows a person to develop those abilities that are given to him by nature: clairvoyance increases clairvoyance, clairaudience - clairaudience, clairaudience - claircognizance, etc. By the way, thanks to the action of ligature, you You can discover abilities in yourself that you didn’t even know existed.

  • The basis of the formula is the “Expansion” glyph, which triggers the work of the remaining runes and also expands the horizons of perception
  • Three Perths act as “antennas” that pick up various information coming from outside
  • Three are information flows directed into human consciousness
  • Three Eyvaz - help a person “establish contact” with other world, learn to recognize signs “from the other side”, and also protect open stave channel

We apply the runes on our own photograph in the forehead area, not forgetting about the preliminary diagnosis, and spell them out in full, as we are used to.

Attention! There is a side effect: in the first couple of days from the start of the stave, you may feel a loss of energy, constant fatigue, drowsiness - this is normal and will go away on its own.

Becoming the “Third Eye” of a runologist Cartoon

This runic stave for clairvoyance and opening the third eye can be applied not only to your photo, but also to the body, and specifically to the hand (for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right). A combination of direct and mirror, direct and mirror, Dagaz, will help you unlock your potential of intuition and clairvoyance, as well as learn to hear the voices of spirits, astral assistants, as well as any other beings of the subtle plane. Elm begins to work immediately after application, we make the disclaimer simple, short, and understandable. And the most interesting thing is helpful information from other dimensions can come to you in a dream, so after using stav, start keeping a dream diary.

Becoming “Flow - The Gift of Clairvoyance” from maxnamara

This wonderful work, composed of runes, direct and mirror, Salt, can be used on an ongoing basis to enhance clairvoyance abilities, increase the level of sensitivity and perception, as well as to increase a person’s magical, physical, and energetic power. Can be applied to an amulet from any natural material, as well as on own photo. We stipulate according to the action of the formula. The big advantage of this stave is that the revealed and enhanced abilities will remain with the person after the runes expire.

If you do not need a constant enhancement of magical abilities, but only a one-time one - for example, when it is vital to find out some information or resolve a single situation, we use a lightweight version of the ligature presented below. We apply the runes, activate them, obtain the necessary information, and gratefully destroy them. The action of the stave does not continue after deactivation; insight comes only once.

Runic formula "Prophet" from Cantas

Let’s complete our selection of runic staves for clairvoyance and opening the third eye with the work of runologist Cantas called “Prophet”. This ligature, applied to the amulet, allows a person to foresee future events. It doesn’t require a slander, so it’s enough just to redraw the picture on a natural stone, a wooden block, a piece of glass or cloth, and then carry it with you for as long as necessary. We stipulate quite simply - the ability to foresee what will happen. As people who have used the formula note, information about future events can come in different ways: in a dream, as a waking vision, signs, tips. Most likely, this is due to a person’s personal perception.

This concludes our selection of useful rune staves for esotericists. If you decide to use any formula from the article, share your feedback about it in the comments!

Becoming Lucid Dream 1 - Lucid Dream 1

Runes: 2Laguz-Gebo

It was possible to discover such a stave effect, quite in a simple way and as always - by accident.

Laguz - “connect” the consciousness and subconscious, and Gebo ensures their harmonious work. Thus, you can get not only OS, but informational dreams, i.e. - prophetic.

Even if the OS doesn't work out, you can expect vivid dreams or several dreams.

Becoming Lucid Dream 2 - Lucid Dream 2

Becoming Lucid Dream 3 - Lucid Dream 3

Carve these magical signs on silver or white leather at night summer solstice. Place them under your pillow and in the darkest hour of the night you will dream about everything you want.

Becoming Lucid Dream 4 - Lucid Dream 4

Svefnthorn - Sleep thorn - acts as a sleeping pill put under the pillow

Becoming From insomnia and bad dreams

For insomnia and bad dreams. Material: a piece of coal (carve it with something metal, I think you can scratch it with a needle). Place it near the sleeping place.

Becoming Astral 1

I did several different bets, this one is the simplest and ten out of fifteen people had their first OBE after use. It needs to be applied or made a couple of days before the exit, so that it changes the energy for the exit. During use, you should not use stimulants, even coffee and tea should be avoided. Its effects combine well with valerian root, preferably fresh, two to four roots 3-4 cm long, chew at night and drink half a glass of water; Although valerian is not an acquired taste.
Raido +2 Teyvaz + Laguz gives a push in the right direction, prepares the energy.
Sovilu + Evaz + Ansuz as the ability to use the astral body.

Becoming Astral 2

Working runes: 4*perto (2 horizontally, 2 vertically), 2*sol, algiz, mannaz, 2*kano, zerk.fehu, 2*teyvaz, laguz, naut, dagaz (maybe even 2), raido, 2*(ansuz+naut), kano+eyvaz.

There is not enough experience or perseverance to enter the astral plane normally, which is why the work of other authors resulted in such a position. Judging by the dreams, we managed to walk along the parallel one. Another tester said that it is advisable to use this almost immediately after cleaning, until the channels are dirty or clogged.

Becoming Prophetic and lucid dreams

This talisman is intended for lucid dreaming.
Promotes lucid and prophetic dreams, and also protects during sleep.
You can make it on wood, thick paper or cardboard. To enhance it, you can circle it with your blood. Activation is carried out by the formula pronounced 7 times “utuldi gnari trod peort tod”
Before going to bed, place the talisman under your pillow or under your bed, or at its head and go to bed. In the morning, carefully record your feelings during sleep and what you dreamed. ATTENTION: The talisman is not intended to be carried with you constantly.

Becoming "skyr draumur" - a lucid dream

It is used to know the necessary things and make predictions through a dream. It is drawn (carved) on a brass or copper plate, on the growing moon. The signs are applied from left to right, the order in the outline of the signs themselves is not important here, the dot is put at the conclusion. The finished plate, if necessary predictions are placed under the head. This stave is not used more than 3 times a month.

Becoming Prophetic dream 1

Becoming for prophetic dreams and receiving answers through sleep. Runes used: 2 Perth (direct and mirror), Evaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Ansuz, Fehu, Algiz, Mano runes and Gand-rune.

Becoming a Drimmer Prophetic dream 2

Working runes: Inguz, Mannaz (although for some reason it is completely lost, giving life to Dagaz in terms of energy and properties in the stave), 2*Tursa, Ansuz (this is the heart of the authorship of Toshka), 2*Perto, 2*Ansuz, 2*Kano, vtoroplanovo 2*yera, 2*eyvaz. A stream of dreams opened up. Dreams are wild, vivid, but interesting dreams. It was not possible to control and set the theme of the dream, no matter how much I asked to show me one thing, the dreams were completely different. Every time I used this stave, I saw in a dream some kind of stave or ligature, usually consisting of a previously familiar ligature (stav) or script.

Becoming Beyond Sleep - Lucid Dreams

Becoming is simply intended for traveling in the world of dreams, where you can become anyone, imagine any real or unreal place, becoming consists of the Evaz, Algiz runes, and the Uruz runes for strength support (to get up cheerful and full of strength in the morning), the Kenaz runes for awareness in a dream, and the Yera runes as the general result of the addition of the Kenaz runes, to achieve the transition to a lucid dream.

Becoming For travel through the worlds and the astral plane

Becoming a Ziggurat of travel around the worlds

1 - upper level - the idea of ​​​​transitioning to a new level of reality,
Interior plan, idea, plan + appeal for help to the Sun, gods
Ac - potential, energy necessary for the transition to the origin of life and growth.
Growth - as elevation in fame, career or material well-being.
As - "divine rune" denoting divine power in action. The As rune was believed to be dedicated to Odin
Ac and As form hebo
2 - level - the flow of changes that form new reality
External plan - implementation, reflection of an idea, image, into the outside world
Tir, Man, Lagu - will, energy aimed at creating a flow of necessary changes
Eh (Evaz), Rad - movement, directed effort to trigger events
The basis of the 2nd level - Ing, Odhal - the power given from above for personal reality to complete the task (base and support for personal actions)
Those. combined actions with the Armed Forces - they give strength and support, we ourselves work, embody
Level 3 - result, embodiment of ideas,
Structuring reality, according to the 1st and 2nd plans
Yr - the meaning of the rune corresponds to the concept of a bow from which arrows are shot.
onion embodies creative forces and plans. correct application of effort to achieve the chosen goal.
Gar - "spear". In mythology, Gar is associated with Odin's spear Gugnir; Gar is considered the rune of completion and completeness.
Dag - the name of the rune translates as “day”.
rune of light, health and prosperity. In addition, this is the rune of noon, as a turning point. Marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.
Wyn - fulfillment of desires, achievement of well-being through reasonable and constant efforts
Feoh - well-being, accumulation of power, ability and opportunity to achieve success and the ability to maintain it.
Ger (yer) - “year” or “season”. The culmination of the process, a bountiful harvest.

Becoming a Dream Sign - Prophetic Dreams

You need to cut it on a pine board and then put it under the pillow. Helps you see prophetic dreams, by the way, everyone sees them from time to time, but the sign helps to specify and understand them. If you interpret dreams well, then this sign can become your permanent tool.

Becoming Dreamcatcher 1

To be honest, I don’t remember who on one of the forums asked me to make a stave to remember dreams half a year ago, there was little time to do anything, so I asked Kate to make one. From which she made a very interesting Dream Catcher. I liked her idea, except for some points, so I want to post my Dream Catcher, aimed at remembering dreams after waking up.

Becoming Dreamcatcher 2

I didn’t get around to creating a normal catcher, I started writing it after reading a couple of legends about the origin of this item. Ingredients: Kano (2), Eyvaz (2), Naut (2), Ansuz (2), Perth (2), Laguz (2), Soul (2), Perth (2), Inguz, dot (we). Bad dreams get caught in the web, and the good ones slip through the hole in the middle.

Becoming the Mystery of Dreaming - for remembering dreams

Runes used and mechanism of action:

EYVAZ (translation) - channel of worlds, overcoming obstacles into the world of dreams.

TOURS - passage, gateway to sleep, clearing of unnecessary information

FEKHU (zerk) - projection of a given situation in a dream and display of the result in our world.

PERTH (up) - closing the information in the subconscious.

PERTH (down) - remembered dream, information output

KENNAZ - manifestation. displaying the received information.

DAGAZ - transformation of consciousness

LAGUZY-streams into sleep, our consciousness

INGUZ-result recording

ANSUZ+NAUT-removal of blocks existing in the subconscious. preventing you from remembering the dream.

Becoming a Time Machine - time travel through dreams

Mannaz - You
Perto - creates a temporary tunnel for movement.
Lagu and Yera - provide time streams and travel along them (clockwise - the future, counterclockwise - the past). Evaz - provides the object with access to the tunnel and facilitates its travel through time streams. Operating principle: becoming creates a temporary tunnel to move an object through time, and also forms flows to move to the past and future. The formula ensures that the object enters this tunnel and flows, and also contributes to the return of the object to the present. Necessary condition: when making a reservation, you must clearly formulate the time period and purpose of the trip.
Stav tested it on himself and another rabbit. I drew on myself with a marker (left hand) and on the photo. The test was carried out in two directions: traveling within a conscious state and through dreams. In both cases it worked. When traveling into the past, the picture was clear and clear. The point of impact, as stipulated: a given period and time. In particular, I watched how my relatives, whom I only know from photos, met. I saw details that were unknown to me. I checked the information through other relatives - it matched.
Once again I checked how the damage came to me and who sent it. The experiment was a success. I saw everything in detail, even heard the dialogues and the curse itself. I also checked it on a friend. According to him, the transfer went well. He saw everything he needed. As for experiments with dreams, it worked too. The main thing is to clearly define the task, period and goal. But in in this case the information was conveyed as in any dreams, allegorically and in hints. As for the future, there is one catch. Not all pictures are clear. The target is not always hit, often before the agreed time and after a certain moment there is a return to the present. During the “debriefing” we found out that those events that have already taken shape in the future (i.e. the point of “no return” has been passed) are visible. Otherwise, the journey simply stops.
How many times have I tried this pattern (and I have tried it many times))), anyway, it works better for me when I just write runes in a line.
Mannaz Perto Evas Yera
, where I stipulate that Lagus are variants of probabilities. I look through it, choose the option I like right in the walkthrough, and it is implemented. The parts then come together on their own.

Becoming night dreams - for shamanic journeys through worlds 1

Allows a person to choose which world he would like to go to, what he would like to see or learn there, becoming possible to use not only for shamanic travel, but also for clairvoyance.
The center of the stav is Gaman (Fate).
Access to energy channels of other worlds.
Mannaz-Eihwaz-Ehwaz-Jera - For shamanic journeys, lucid dreams. Plus a safe return.
Perth - the road to the dream I want to go to, opening the gates to the world of dreams, protecting the spirit while traveling to OS,
Gand - rune
Mano runes
Ansuz - indicating the direction in a dream, where you need to go, remembering the information received in a dream, after waking up,
Eyvaz - protection of the spirit during travel, the return journey - so as not to get lost
Laguz - protection, indicating the path, a push to exit into the OS,
Fehu - remembering information, the way back
Kano - protecting the body from attack, a push to exit into the OS, getting the necessary information you came for
Uruz - protection and push to exit
Algiz - protection
Soulu - the energy of stav, a safe way back, remembering the information received
Raido, Berkano - pointer to the right path.

Becoming a Shamanic Journey - for shamanic journeys through 2 worlds

In the center is the “Book” rune - Bitihe (Book).

Knowledge, wisdom, creativity, poetry, literature, science, magic, invention, philosophy, cognition, communication, information, analysis, initiation, intuition, other realities, progression, learning, achievement, aspiration, profession, beauty, aesthetics, taste, sensation , pleasure, bliss.


1. Receiving and transmitting information.

2. Scientific works, theorems, discoveries.

3. Establishing connections with the gods.

4. Spiritual growth and improvement in all areas.

1. Oshekha (Star).

Magic, shamanism, ancient cults, understanding the world, occult experience, connection with the unknown, music, prosperity, mercy, the pinnacle of the spirit, achieving goals, power, self-control, wisdom, finding your place in the world, productivity, success, leadership, good changes, support , science, discoveries.


1. Communication with gods and higher powers.

2. Opening energy channels of superpowers.

3. Implementation of plans.

4. Success in everything.

2.Abuka (Sky).

God, higher powers, nature, cults, life, spirituality, space, mind, unity with the world, harmony, help, salvation, glory, union, bright individuality, awareness, philosophy, culture, art, poetry, literature, honesty, friendship , reality, experience, prosperity.


1. Gaining spiritual and mystical experience.

2. Initiation into traditions and cults.

3. Restoration of mental and physical health.

4. Strengthening creativity.

5. Cleansing from negative impacts and heavy karma.

3. Gaman (Fate).

Occult secrets, fate, evolution, acceptance of the world, self-control, energies of the Earth and Space, vision of the future, submission to a higher will, spiritual path, eternity, cyclicality, passing exams, miracles, manifestation of invisible power, rebirth through crisis, formation, karma.


1. Development of magical abilities.

2. Changing fate through a crisis.

3. Access to the energy channels of other worlds.

4. Finding the warrior's path.

4. Amin (Father).

Life force, masculinity, protection, protection, salvation, will, charisma, effectiveness of actions, fast decision all issues, sex, wisdom, intelligence, composure, success, influence, hypnotic gift, magic, persuasion, reliability, forethought.


1. Increase in personal and magical power. Increased potential.

2. Protection from destructive magic with a retaliatory strike to the offender.

3. Solving business issues and making a profit

4. Help in studying and acquiring new knowledge.

5. Help in passing exams.

5. Ephe (Peace).

Universe, gods, spirits, terrain, peace, law, regularity, expediency, life, obligations, salvation, various help, mercy, rationality, nature, support, influence, wisdom, knowledge, happiness, adventure, comprehension of truths, harmony, love, forgiveness.


1. Receipt and accumulation of various energies.

2. Finding harmony and balance.

3. Love magic.

4. Restoration of spiritual and physical health.

6. Gibi (Bird).

Meditation, flight of thought, philosophy, creativity, art, literature, religion, gender, respect, freedom, lightness, luck, temptation, beginning, omen, mystery, purity, communication, fulfillment of desires, brightness, naivety, courtesy, shamanic journeys, good luck .


1. Help with everything planned.

2. Development of creative abilities.

3 Ease of communication with people and spirits.

4. The magic of influence and hidden manipulation of others.

Along the edges there are 6 Jurja runes - Number 6: advancement to spiritual levels of consciousness, awareness of spirituality through matter, opening new paths of growth and development, the emergence of new opportunities, the wisdom of a mature person, moving forward based on past experience. Money numerology calls for using the number 6 for harmonization of the spiritual and material principles, so that money does not hinder, but helps spiritual development. Number 6 brings profit through experience and awareness of reality.

Inside the camp

Solar shield - protects you from any magical attack, has a mirror effect (Soulo, Eyvas) - protection during magical development

To attract Divine energy, feed the castasta

Calling on the forces of nature for help and knowledge (Lagus, Ansus, Urus, Perth).

And Litera ofugletur hi? meira - “letters, on the contrary, are large” - carrying great power

Becoming a flight to a gandre - Get an answer in a dream

1. Becoming the “flying gandre” (gandre is a kind of “magic staff”, this word also denoted magic wands used for “clear vision” and “flight of the spirit”):

The stav is drawn, starting with the central cross, then a group of signs in the center, and at the end the signs at the ends of the cross, starting from the top clockwise. Here you need to pay attention to the signs at the top of the “cross”, the first and second circles need to be drawn with breaks, otherwise, you will get another stave with a different meaning. This stave is drawn or cut out only on a branch of any bush (not on a tablet). After making it, the spell spell is read:
"Eg andar i draumi dulbuningur
me? Gandria gildi skal finna nu,
hof?ar til einn hli?i? opnast,
ekki mein taka. "

"Yeg andar and draumi dabyoningin,
mad Gandria Gildi Skal Fina Nyo,
hefdar til ein hlidid opnast,
ekki mein taka"

Approximate translation:
"I will see spirits in a hidden dream,
With gandr I will now gain strength,
I will open the gates to Odin,
Taking no harm."
When you need to find out something in a dream, put it under the pillow and read the spell again (to yourself).

Becoming Penetrate into a person's dream

Mannaz - rabbit, Gebo - connects me with his subconscious and makes it possible to penetrate his dream (Perth) naturally and unnoticed by him (Laguz). I had the photo for about two weeks, but penetrations occurred when I stuffed the photo under the pillow and drew a line on myself, as if creating a channel. It’s possible that it works without it, and these are just my concerns, but my OS experience is insignificant.

Becoming Past Incarnations

Formula "Past incarnations"
yer -pert - laguz -ansuz -dagaz - laguz-pert - yer
Perth - past incarnations
ansuz - the path deep into oneself
laguz - opening the subconscious
Dagaz - a bridge, a transition from one state to another. open information blocks
yer -result. Gives us the opportunity to learn a lesson from actions performed in the past for further harmonious development. The formulas are discussed while you draw in your own words and tell the runes the task. The action is one-time if the runes are applied to oneself and long-term if a talisman is made, but you cannot wear it constantly without removing it.

Becoming Ferðalög hinum forna heimi - Journey to Another World

Working runes: Middle: Celtic Ogham: PM, SM, DM, cardinal directions; S-Kat, V-Blat, Yu-Sate, Z-Fis, center - Midhe, 2 horizontal sides: Alpha runes: 3 o, g, x, L

2 vertical sides: o, g, u, L

Having become more focused specifically on opening the gates for one person, while the gates open only for his spirit, because the runes limit physical access to another world, preserving the operator, becoming powerful enough and allowing him to freely travel to the desired world, while being protected . Plus becoming good protection from all external influences, it closes a person from everything, it is especially good if a person needs to take a time out, then becoming will create a warm, circle of peace that will give a person strength for further actions, will help to recover, gain strength, relax, on the other hand, becoming can help in solving any matters that are most important for a person. Draw on yourself, or on paper and under your pillow.

"This RF moves me into a parallel reality (with minimal differences from the existing one), in which I have (or will soon have) this and that (or in which I am such and such) (with the obligatory preservation of such and such in my life or such -the conditions of my life)."

The moment of transition is imperceptible, small overlaps are possible (what you remember or see changes, the time may not coincide with your previous reality).

Don't forget about the stability factor - if you want a permanent result, then diagnose a world in which the result is constant. So that there are no complaints: “I moved to where he loves me, but he loved me for two minutes, and then stopped loving me.”

Becoming the Solar Bridge - the road to the Slavic-Aryan gods

This is a very ancient runic talisman, which I publish with the permission of the person who showed it to me. He says that the time has come for those who must come to come, and therefore the seal of secrecy is removed from many things. With the help of this sign, I made my first out-of-body journey. The “Solar Bridge” opens a direct path to the gods of the Slavic-Aryan pantheon. Of course, not everyone can cross this bridge, but I think that most visitors to my site will succeed. By working with this ancient sign, someone will gain knowledge and experience, someone will find solutions to their problems, and someone will be able to change their life with the support of the Slavic gods.

Relax and concentrate your attention on the sign. Soon a bridge will begin from the bottom of the sign forward. Top part the sign will be as if the sun is moving over the bridge, opening the way for you. Don’t be afraid to mentally walk forward across the bridge. An amazing adventure awaits you.

Sometimes, instead of a bridge, a transparent tunnel or road appears.

Becoming a gate - journeys through the runic worlds

Becoming is intended for traveling through the worlds of Yggdrasil (the tree of runic worlds). I tried to get out through sleep - they didn’t let me through the gate into the desired world (inexperience was taking its toll).

Becoming the Dream of a Beginner Shaman

Finska- runir: T is a rune for gaining strength, can be used as a rune of “initiation” in a sense, as it opens a person’s abilities, helps him control and develop power, can open the gift of clairvoyance if a person has the prerequisites. Sometimes used in staves for well-being and prosperity, as a rune of personal success. O - the rune is used to increase magical power, to increase abilities (not only magical), used in fortune telling and for oracles as a rune of secret knowledge, can be used in staves for clairvoyance and in staves to get what you want..K - rune of personal power, used to increase magical power, to attract good luck and success in rituals, can be used to discover (magical) abilities, in clairvoyance stakes as a rune for opening a gift, can be used as a call rune spirits..I - the rune of working with dreams, often used in staves for clairvoyance and recognizing who stole or killed, sometimes used in trance techniques, can be depicted on tambourines or other ritual instruments.

C - rune of change, can be used in staves to change perception, OS, can be used in trance techniques, helps the spirit leave the body, used in staves designed for traveling through worlds. Often used in the symbolism of magical objects that are designed for spirit travel

Review by Vannadis:

Elka excellent work Everything is very well done, the runes are chosen perfectly, the structure of the stave is competent and consistent, everything is absolutely correct and well done, it turned out great to create a shamanic amulet. It can be used in any techniques related to clairvoyance, with trance states, with traveling through the worlds , everything in it is taken into account and the protection of the practitioner, and the removal of barriers to travel, and the opportunity to learn something hidden, everything turned out correctly and well, we can also add that the talisman reveals a person’s abilities to some extent, removing various blocks both conscious and subconscious, facilitating the process of trance and clairvoyance, opens up all the possibilities for using power, becoming can also be placed on ritual objects or used as a personal seal, which opens up any action, everything turned out great

Becoming to reveal clairvoyance

The stave is based on three runes - Kano, Vunyo, Laguz. Additional runes – Gebo, Eyvaz.

Kano reflects the unfolding of potential, the light of knowledge and the guiding ray.

Vunyo – positive emotions, the joy of learning and the transition of knowledge into understanding the essence of things

Laguz – intuitive, true knowledge itself

Gebo - interaction and union, the combination of true knowledge and logical facts

Eyvaz is a necessary test, an analogue of initiation. This rune clearly stipulates the achievability of the final result.

It is also possible to use the stav in a simple three-rune version of Vunyo-Kano-Laguz, Wkl, where the promotion of knowledge occurs through emotions. It is a little lighter than stave and is suitable for a gentle and optimal enhancement of abilities. Becoming is written on the hand, and is activated by breathing. It is not recommended to wear it on yourself for more than five days.

Sample clause: By the power of the runes, I ask the gods of Asgard to allow me to see the invisible, know the unknown and understand the hidden. With the Kano rune I illuminate my path, the Vunyo rune gives joy, Laguz gives hidden knowledge. Together Gebo’s world is held together and through Eyvaz his soul is comprehended. In the name of Odin!

Becoming provided by my partner - the site

Letters from our readers

Subject: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Larisa(lu****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Larisa and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to change my life for the better and get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy any more toys or new things for your children, nor will you please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across an article on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.