Summer solstice day. Very soon one of the most powerful magical days of the year is the solstice. What date is the summer equinox in the year?

Vesti found out when and how Ukrainians will celebrate the summer solstice

The summer solstice is the day when the sun reaches its highest position. For many centuries, this day (like the winter solstice, which falls on December 21) had great value for our ancient ancestors.

Vesti found out when and how this day is celebrated.

When is the summer solstice

The middle of natural summer and the longest daylight hours of the year for Ukrainians will come on June 21 at 07.24 am Kyiv time.

Next year, 2018, the summer solstice will fall on 13.07 Kyiv time, but also on June 21.

Equinox and Solstice

The equinoxes and solstices mark the change of seasons, but not calendar, but astronomical.

The equinox is the two dates in spring and autumn when day and night are of equal length throughout the world: day lasts 12 hours and night lasts 12 hours.

And the solstice is, accordingly, the longest day (summer solstice) and the shortest night (winter).

Summer Solstice: Holiday

First day summer solstice people began to celebrate long before our era, although scientists still have not figured out at what point in time representatives of a particular culture began to celebrate this day.

The summer solstice festival was of great importance to the pagans. It was believed that many aspects of his life - from health to marital status - throughout the next year depend on the rituals performed by a person on this day. So the holiday was extremely popular.

Mentions of the celebration of the solstice can be found not only among the Slavs, but also among the Europeans and the Balts. Even today it is celebrated in Sweden, Poland, Belarus and other countries. And in Finland this day is an official public holiday.

The celebration of this day at Stonehenge deserves special attention. Most scientists agree that in the distant past, this was the place where the Druids chose to conduct their rituals. The Celts supposedly believed that on the day of the solstice, the fertilization of Mother Earth by God the Sun took place. Today, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge on the summer solstice to pay tribute to the old Celtic traditions.

Interestingly, the holiday was celebrated even in Nazi Germany. Moreover, in its scale it was not inferior to ancient pagan celebrations: with the onset of darkness, people lit fires and jumped over them, organized torchlight processions, dances and games.

Summer Solstice: Rituals

In all countries, rituals involving fire and water are held on this day. They almost always burn large fires and bathe in natural ponds or baths. These rituals are believed to help purify the soul. In Sweden, Germany and other countries, on this day it is customary to install a maypole in some public place, symbolizing the triumph of goodness.

The summer solstice is associated with the power of fire and its cleansing effect. In the cleansing flame, mothers burned the shirts worn by sick children. According to legend, the disease was burned along with the clothes.

Ritual for change

To dramatically change your life for the better, on the night of June 21-22, you need to spend an hour by the reservoir, taking with you a mug of spring water. From time to time, take a sip with the words: “As the water runs, hurries, and changes, so may my life change for the better.”

The ritual must be performed between sunset and dawn.

Ritual for wealth

Take any coin, put it in a vessel or small bowl of water, add a few drops of essential oil (myrrh, mint, orange, cinnamon) and place it under the direct rays of the rising sun.

Ask the sun to charge the coin with strength, wealth and leave it for 1.5-2 hours. Remove from the water, wipe dry, sprinkle the coin again essential oil and put it in your wallet - to quickly attract money.

Mermaid Week 2017

And the seven days before the solstice (solstice) are called Rusal Week. In 2017, Rusal Week will take place from May 29 to June 6.

Our ancestors believed that at this time the mermaids returned to their pools and no longer touched people if they suddenly found themselves on the shore of a reservoir at an inopportune hour.

Mermaid Week 2017: rituals

The ancestors collected treats: bread with salt, honey and eggs. All this was placed on the bank of a pond, stream, or near an old powerful birch tree in a secluded place. A candle was lit nearby. After this, the person mentally or out loud turned to his ancestors with words of love and gratitude, asking them to protect him and his family.

You have to leave without looking back when the candle burns out. To say goodbye, it’s good to tie a bright ribbon on a tree branch.

The summer solstice is traditionally celebrated by pagans around the world.

On June 21, pagans and Zoroastrians celebrate the summer solstice all over the planet. The most iconic place is Stonehenge, located in Britain.

Scientists believe that the mysterious structure, erected 3-2 thousand years BC, was then a kind of calendar by which time was determined.

The tradition of celebrating the summer solstice in our era came in late XIX centuries, previously it would have been unsafe to openly celebrate pagan celebrations due to persecution by the church.

Today, thousands of people from all over the world come to watch the sunrise at Stonehenge.

On this day, museum staff make an exception when visiting an architectural monument and allow visitors to enter behind the stone belt. However, the use of sound amplifiers is prohibited.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation away from the Sun is at its lowest.

It is more obvious for residents of high latitudes that the summer solstice occurs on the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the height of the Sun in the sky is the highest. Because the summer solstice lasts only a brief moment in time, other names are used for the day on which the summer solstice occurs, such as “midsummer,” “longest day,” or “first day of summer.”

Summer solstice: folk signs and superstitions

On this day they found out what the harvest and weather would be like in the summer.

If there is dew in the morning, there will be a good harvest.

Weeding began on this day. It was believed that if you do not start weeding the garden on the day of the summer solstice, the harvest will be meager.

If there is thunder on this day, then expect prolonged bad weather.

It's good if you take a steam bath on this day. Collect the broom on this day. This way you can “knock out” all bad thoughts and illnesses from yourself. The body and mind will be cleansed.

The morning sunrise you meet alone or with loved ones will help give you strength for the whole year, as well as get a strong amulet.

Make your deepest wish and on this day climb over any twelve fences.

If the sky is starry, then wait this summer big harvest mushrooms

All misfortunes and troubles will bypass the house if you hang a bouquet of Ivan da Marya flowers on the threshold.

On this day you need to wash your face with water from clean natural springs and old wells. This water is considered healing.

But the rain that day did not bode well. In the evening, everyone went to jump over the fire, which promised a rich harvest and prosperity for the family. Rain and wet grass made it difficult to light fires and perform all rituals.

In general, bad weather indicated that a bad year should be expected.

But there were two opinions about people who were born on this day. On the one hand, they were considered very happy, because the Sun had patronized them all their lives, and on the other, they said that these people could put the evil eye on anyone.

This year, the astronomical Summer Solstice Day, the midsummer holiday and longest daylight hours of the year, occurred on June 21 at 16:38 GMT, when the Sun reaches maximum height. For thousands of years, this day was of great importance to our ancestors, who lived in harmony with the universe and obeyed natural cycles. Astrologers and esotericists claim that the summer solstice greatly affects all living organisms, be they people or plants.

During the summer solstice, the entire space around us is literally saturated with the energy of the Sun. This day is ideal for programming the future - from the very morning, tune yourself to a positive wave and do not miss it at least until sunset.

On this day, millions of people turn to the Sun, filled with divine power and powerful creative energy. On this day, our desires are saturated with cosmic power. And it is very important to be able to direct this energy to implement your plans, to attract success, good luck, and material achievements into your life. On this day you can and should WISH MUCH! This is the very culmination of the year when every girl can feel like a sorceress. The summer solstice day fills the space with ebullient solar energy necessary for programming your future to be positive and to realize your wildest desires.

What can you do on the Summer Solstice?

Greet the Sun. You can start the summer solstice day with a set of yoga exercises - Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). On the Internet you will find many descriptions of this practice and videos. This is a great start to any day. Fill yourself with solar energy in the morning!

Drink sun tea. If it’s sunny outside, you can brew yourself some “sun tea.” To do this you need only 4 ingredients: your favorite aromatic tea, water, honey and sunshine. Brew your favorite tea and place it on the windowsill under the sun's rays for a couple of minutes. If you live in own home and you have the opportunity to go out into your garden and charge your tea with solar energy there - absolutely wonderful! In any case, just meditate for these couple of minutes, admire the beauty of the color of your favorite tea, its transparency, aroma and imagine that the sun's rays penetrate your tea, and it is immediately filled with the power of nature, the energy of the Sun, the qualities of Light and Love. Add a spoonful of honey to the drink, watch how living gold dissolves in the drink, gold collected from hundreds of flowers, drenched in the rays of the sun. And then, slowly and savoring every sip, enjoy the taste of your tea. After such solar recharging, it will not only taste better than usual, but also have more energy! Try it!

Dress in something sunny. When you are getting ready to go outside, put on some yellow, sunny wardrobe item, gold jewelry, or a bright accessory. Just put on something to remember the holiday, that your thoughts will be saturated with the Sun all day long. This will help you create good dreams and consciously create a positive mental space.

Light the fire of inspiration. Summer Solstice Day is a great time to ignite the Fire of your Soul in order to Create. But it’s not easy to do something, compose, invent, write with the goal that someone would appreciate how wonderful we are and “pat us on the head” - praise, buy, etc. Let today’s goal be one and only: to get pleasure in the process of creation! Don’t think about the result, don’t think about what others will think, don’t compare yourself with anyone (by doing this you extinguish your fire of creativity!) You don’t have to show anyone what you’ve done at all. Create today first of all for yourself! Stay in touch with your soul and create together what you really want!

Do's and Don'ts on the Summer Solstice

Take materials, tools for creativity (you can take your favorite ones or, on the contrary, those that you always wanted to try, but never got around to). And then let yourself go and let inspiration flow from you, like from a wonderful source. Don't control him, don't tell him where and how he should flow, trust him, he knows everything himself. Even if you just want to dip your palms in paint different colors and print them on paper - great, do it! Don’t strive to create a masterpiece that distant descendants will admire in museums. Enjoy the process, have fun, play around, be naughty, be happy, play!

Plunge into the fire of feelings. Allow yourself to feel whatever you want today. Throw away your criticism, doubts, dividing feelings into good and bad: - enjoy the whole gamut to the last shade! Feelings are what allows us to be real, alive! Focus on your heart center and ask yourself frequently throughout the day, “What am I feeling right now?” Listen to yourself, realize your feelings. And then say, “I accept myself and my feelings as they are.”

Free yourself from unnecessary things. The Summer Solstice Day has a powerful cleansing power. And first of all, it is concentrated in fire. On this day you can free yourself from the negativity that has accumulated in you and your life, from grievances, disappointments, you can let go of negative attitudes that prevent you from living and being happy, etc.

To cleanse yourself with a solar candle, take a candle yellow color(ideally wax, but any will do). Light it and place it on the table. Sit nearby, make yourself comfortable and relax. Make sure in advance that no one will disturb you, turn off your phone.

Close your eyes and imagine the image of the Sun, large, bright, glowing, with incredible cleansing power. Now open your eyes, and, holding this image, transfer it to the flame of your candle. You will get a small sun burning in a candle flame. Small, but possessing all the same properties that you imagined for a large sun.

Now imagine an image of what is bothering you, what you want to let go of your life and place it directly into the solar flame of your candle. Just watch how the fire cleanses and dissolves everything that you have entrusted to it. You can say to yourself something like, “I am grateful to let go of this, I have learned my lesson, and now I am clearing space for new, happy changes in my life.” After this, you can specifically formulate your desires, what changes you invite into your life. Then just sit there, meditating on the candle flame, for as long as you want.

Communicate with nature. It is believed that on this day the doors between the worlds are open, trees and plants can speak and tell us answers to hidden questions. Go to nature: to the park, to the forest, to the river or to the sea - where you will feel good and cozy. Ask your questions, and then just sit and listen, really listen to everything that is happening around you: what is nature talking to you about, what is telling you? Go to a tree and hug it, stroke the grass and feel what it feels like, what this flower smells like, what do the birds sing about, what do the clouds in the sky look like, what does the foliage on the trees whisper about?

Do whatever you want to do to connect with nature. Yes, flowers, trees and the wind cannot answer us in our language, but we can learn to feel and understand their language. Our soul has a wonderful connection with nature, so listen to what is happening around you and how it resonates within you. What does your soul want to tell you? Our ancestors went into the forest to look for the mystical fern flower and overpowering grass. They were looking for meaning and answers to questions. And they found it. The fern flower is a powerful symbol of fire and protection, while the overpowering grass heals and helps overcome obstacles. They were embroidered on clothes as powerful amulets.

Write a Letter to the Universe. Another way to get answers to your innermost questions is to write a Letter to the Universe. The ritual is very effective, it has been tested more than once. Write a letter and send him to Iriy - through the fire. Make sure that all the paper turns into gray light ash (at home you can burn the letter in a ceramic bowl). Give the ashes to the wind, let them spread your desire, question or dream around the world. The universe will definitely answer.

Following the example of our ancestors, take part in various mysteries:

Weaving wreaths, weaving goodness into your share and floating them on the water - giving your dream to the Universe (almost the same as a letter, but in the form of a wreath);

Drink honey drinks, filling yourself with the power of the Sun and nature;

Bring gratitude to nature, fire and water;

Jump over the fire to cleanse yourself, to attract the forces of the Sun into life;

Walk on coals, filling your desires with the seething energy of fire, earth and the Sun;

Purify yourself with water (in a river, stream, sea) through the ritual of ablution, plunging your head;

Lead round dances, sing songs;

Meet and see off the Sun at dawn and sunset.

You can celebrate for 3 days, because... all this time the Sun will be at its highest point. These few simple ideas you can use it to channel the energy of the Summer Solstice in the right direction and simply spend these days well and joyfully. You can use all the ideas or choose a few that you like best.

Fill yourself with the energy of the Sun, celebrate, rejoice, create, feel, love and smile at the sun!

How to celebrate the summer solstice

The summer solstice has been celebrated for hundreds of years, all traditions have grown up around it. In the northern hemisphere, the solstice is celebrated on June 21, in the southern hemisphere - on December 21.

1. Explore the sky. From an astronomical point of view, the summer solstice occurs between June 20 and 21 (sometimes June 22) in the northern hemisphere, while in the southern hemisphere the solstice occurs between December 21 and 22 (sometimes December 23). Most years the solstice occurs on the 21st, but due to leap years Gregorian calendar, every few years the date changes to take into account leap years. If you want to witness this phenomenon, read the article "How to Watch the Summer Solstice" and make sure you take all precautions to avoid eye damage.

2. Look for the fulfillment of events in your life. The summer solstice is the harbinger of summer. This event also marks the implementation of plans in your life, and you also have the opportunity to follow the goals that you have set for yourself. A year before you make your New Year's resolution and before you set your goals, ask yourself how you are going to get there and what you need to do to get there.

Are you still focused on something or have you deviated from your goal? Use this opportunity to activate your goal and do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.

3. Read a book in nature. This is a great way to connect with the sun and nature.

4. Start looking new job, if your current job does not suit you. Start looking for the one available work which you are striving for. If you need more experience, information or training, start today by overcoming those obstacles so you can finally start doing what you want.

Start keeping a gratitude journal. Try to remember all the good and amazing things, they will push you to new achievements.

Be honest with your goal assessment - highlight those goals towards which you are moving, but cannot do it now. We are growing and changing all the time. Make sure you are not stuck on goals that you no longer need to become the person you want to become.

5. Strengthen your energy. The calm of flying, soft, warm days ahead is considered a time for self-development, personal growth and freedom. The harvest is already ripe, which means it’s time for you to ripen to strengthen your energy. Use the simplest nature of summer to lose weight, to refresh home environment(new layout, and possibly new house), adjust your diet, find exercises that you really enjoy, and not that everyone does.

Go on a summer diet based on vegetables and fruits. Don't think of it as a "diet", look at it as an opportunity to change the way you think about food in general, include more greens, more plant-based foods, more organics and less processed foods.

6. Change your wardrobe. If you haven't updated your clothes and they're starting to show signs of age, give your wardrobe a fresh look ahead of the summer solstice. Are all the clothes you have now a manifestation of your personality? Do your clothes highlight your strengths, or are they, on the contrary, not suitable for you, have long gone out of fashion, or are they simply a bad choice? Donate your unwanted clothes to charities, friends, or just throw everything in a bag, based on the quality of the clothes. Buy yourself something new that will make you feel better and help you feel more confident about the way you look.

7. Consider your tense muscles. In the Middle Ages, people believed that herbs and flowers collected during the summer solstice had healing energies and properties. While we take it with scientific doubt today, you can honor your spirit and grow your own herb garden throughout the summer and learn more about using herbs to heal from illnesses and injuries such as scrapes or headache. There are many good books on the use of plants for medicinal purposes, such as the book Geographic Guide to medicinal herbs(2012), which explains what can and cannot be used for medicinal purposes.

As you grow your veggie and herb garden, say thank you to the pollinators. Summer is a time of great pollination as trees and flowers begin to bloom. And now, in your time, bees are suffering from diseases, particularly colony collapse, which may threaten the bees' ability to pollinate. Find out all you can do to protect bees and support beekeepers who practice natural, organic beekeeping. Also think about other pollinators, including the much less attractive mosquitoes, they also play a role in putting good food on the table.

There are also other ways to heal your muscles, including exploring different healing techniques that may interest you briefly, such as reiki, massage therapy, and acupuncture. Why not go to a new healing therapy to find out what is bothering you, what pain is making you nervous?

8. Dance around the maypole. If you are lucky enough to live in a place where the locals have grown a maypole, go for it! More information on how to dance correctly can be found in the article “How to dance around a small tree.”

Grow your own tree if there are none in your city. Invite your friends and dance around the maypole during the party. To make it easier on yourself, ask guests to bring some food to contribute to the picnic.

In Sweden, dancing around the maypole is a very important aspect of the summer solstice celebrations.

9. Plan a trip. Decide to spend the summer solstice away from home, find those places where the summer solstice has been celebrated for centuries. Basically, Stonehenge is just the place for the avid solstice watcher. Stonehenge aligns the sunrise with the solstice, for general viewing. However, you should be there very early as thousands of people will also want to celebrate this day at dawn. The other two places where people celebrate the summer solstice are Sedona in Arizona and Cairo (where a ancient temple sun).

10. Organize a bonfire party. The bonfire is an integral part of the traditional celebration of the summer solstice. Fire has always been considered the guardian of people, frightening in the night, real and mystical at the same time. Today, you can reinvent fire as a wonderful reason to celebrate the solstice for you and your friends. The main thing is to find a place where it is legal and safe to light a fire - check with your local authorities first. Some places prohibit fires due to dry terrain, so plan a fire-free party if this is not possible.

11. Honor the sun. If you enjoy yoga, you can try exercises called Sun Salutations. These exercises are designed to train both body and soul, achieve harmony, balance between meditation and physical exercise. Start these exercises on the day of the summer solstice and try to make it a habit.

On the solstice holiday, the energy of the planets has an extremely strong influence on the human biofield. On this day, you can attract success and prosperity into your life with the help of proven traditions and signs.

The summer solstice is a celebration of balance, harmony and calm pursuit of your destiny. On this day, many people discover true roads and are given resources to overcome problems and obstacles on the way to their goals.

Traditions and signs of the holiday

Since ancient times, the Celts have celebrated the solstice, strictly observing the customs and traditions of this time. The union of the elements of the Sun and the elements of the Earth promised a fertile year, good luck in all matters and successful overcoming of life's adversities.

This day is considered the most powerful time, perfect for any practices related to protection from evil spirits, increasing material wealth and strengthening family ties.

The summer solstice is still the best day for marriage: the energy of the planets on this day contributes to the strength of any union.

In the past, it was during the Solstice that “blood” promises were made. In the esoteric environment this tradition remains faithful to this day.

Rain, thunderstorm or cloudy weather on June 21 marks the wrath of the gods. To avoid disaster, it is necessary to make sacrifices to the water element: throw a wreath of flowers, honeycombs or fresh milk down the river.

On the night before the holiday, you can wish for success in one of the areas of life: love, money, health or spiritual development. To do this, you need to put four ribbons under your pillow at night: red, green, yellow and white. In the morning holiday you need to pull out one of the ribbons by touch: its color will indicate what will most likely come into your life before the next solstice.

To attract wealth and prosperity into your life, on the evening of June 21 you need to jump over the fire. The same action was performed to seal family bonds between spouses.

At dawn on the solstice, dew and well water are collected. It is believed that water from any natural source on this day is healing and can not only improve health, but also enhance magical abilities.

In order for your cherished wish to come true within a year, you need to climb over 12 fences before dark.

To improve your health and increase your income, you must watch the dawn on the summer solstice.

One more in a good way Making a wish on this holiday is considered a “conversation” with the Sun. To do this, at noon you need to go out into a sunny meadow, raise your hands to the sky, palms up, and say what you want out loud. The energy of the Sun can greatly enhance your intention and help make your dream come true.

Do not miss your chance and understand that fate is on your side, folk signs about happiness will help you. We wish you a great holiday and more joyful moments. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.06.2017 06:28

The summer solstice is a special time in esoteric terms. It is associated with the beginning of astronomical summer...

The summer solstice is an important astronomical phenomenon that has special energy. There is a belief that on this day cherished dreams come true, the main thing is to make them correctly.

On the morning of June 21, 2017 at 7:24 a.m. the summer solstice will begin. At this time, the solar disk literally freezes above the earth and penetrates into the darkest places, illuminating them with its light. From an astronomical point of view, this is a rather dangerous period. When the energetic influence of the Sun reaches its peak, its effects can take a detrimental turn. However, this will not affect people who know how to deal with negative energy attacks.

Time is imbued with ancient traditions, customs and magic. Previously, the longest day of the year was celebrated on a grand scale: it coincided with the celebration of Ivan Kupala Day. Currently, Ivan Kupala is celebrated on a different date. However, in some European countries, the summer solstice is considered a national holiday and is a day off.

The magic of the summer solstice

Our ancestors believed that during the solstice it was possible to receive powerful help from the Higher powers, fulfill your deepest desires, change your destiny and gain longevity.

On all Slavic holidays, people assigned a special place to healing and magical properties plants. On the longest day, the fern gained cult. It was believed that the gentle rays of the sun helped this plant gain color and powerful strength. Searching for it was a dangerous task for daredevils. According to legend, the spirits of the forest reliably hid and protected the fern in the hopeless thicket. A dark force could overtake anyone who dared to pick a flower and take it away along with the power of speech. However, with the adoption of Christianity, the tradition of searching for ferns moved to the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

According to legends, swimming on the day of the solstice could heal a person and enrich him with the energy of the Sun. Magic force water increases noticeably at the moment the daylight lingers in the sky and lasts until noon the next day.

Ritual actions during this period helped our ancestors look into the future and direct powerful force to their benefit. Spices served as a subject for fortune telling. The mint and thyme collected at dawn were smoked under the light of the sun during the day. At night, people lit fires and threw grass into the fire. If smoke spread along the ground, trouble awaited a person, and if the tubers of the rack rushed upward, it was a sign of happiness, prosperity and prosperity. Also, the smell of burnt grass scared away the evil spirits that, according to legend, walked in the area.

Solstice is the period of weddings. Our ancestors believed that it was the solar power that would help protect the family union from infidelity, betrayal and grief. In 2017, astrologers agree with this custom. The presence of the Sun on June 21 in the constellation Cancer will bring happiness, love and mutual understanding to everyone who decides to cement their bonds, because this Zodiac Sign symbolizes family, care and devotion.

On the night of the summer solstice, it was customary for young people to jump over the fire. It was believed that such a ritual protected against adversity, illness and dark forces.

Signs for the summer solstice

At a time when the line between worlds is thinning, it is important to be careful. Signs will help you with this:

  • healing power possesses water collected at sunrise;
  • the girl who danced around three bonfires will certainly get married this year;
  • a bouquet of medicinal plants collected on the day of the summer solstice should definitely be hung at home to scare away evil spirits, evil spirits and diseases;
  • rain is a sign of God's wrath;
  • protect your home from bad influence nettles will help, which should be placed at the threshold;
  • the collected dew will help heal children from illness and disobedience;
  • those born on the summer solstice have magical power and the gift of healing;
  • in order for the family to be strong and the children to be healthy, the husband and wife must jump over the fire together;
  • Embers from fires will protect against thieves and fires.

Currently, pagan holidays are losing their characteristics and original appearance. However, this does not make the summer solstice any less significant. On June 21, don’t forget to make a wish while looking at the sky. The energetic forces of the beginning of astronomical summer are incredibly high and can speed up the process of making your dreams come true. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

The connection between man and nature is hard to miss. With the development of the era of technology, many inhabitants of the Earth have completely forgotten that their roots do not originate in soulless machines and numbers, but in nature native land. With the worsening environmental situation, some people are thinking about returning to ecological ways of thinking, which is why many people are now turning their attention to holidays associated with natural phenomena. This includes the well-known holiday - Summer Solstice Day.

When is the summer solstice in 2017?

The date of this event is not constant, so leap years it falls on June 20, in turn in low-growth years - on June 21. And since 2017 is not a leap year, then accordingly the Summer Solstice Day is in 2017 June 21st will come.

This geographical event is observed not only on our planet. For example, on Uranus this phenomenon lasts as long as 42 years, and on Mars it practically coincides with the earth’s - the difference is only a few days.

What holiday is it?

Previously, this event was one of the the most significant national holidays, because it was believed that it was from this day that real summer began. In addition, our ancestors celebrated this holiday, attributing it to the beginning of many field works. Now it is no longer easy to determine who was the first to notice that there is a day in the year when the light part of the day is longer than the dark part. One thing is known that this knowledge came to people long before our era and spread throughout to the globe(see what date it will be in 2017).

This holiday is celebrated all over the planet, only it wears different names depending on the country in which it is celebrated: in the Baltic countries it is called Ligo, in Germany - Mittsommerfesta, in Finland - Juhannus.

Traditions for celebrating the summer solstice

Many traditions of our ancestors have gone into the distant past, but, for example, throwing wreaths woven from meadow grasses and flowers along the river and jumping over a fire have remained to this day. It is interesting that the ancient Slavs avoided swimming in bodies of water before this event. It was believed that before the summer solstice, rivers and lakes were inhabited by all sorts of evil spirits that would try to drag someone into the dark depths.

Folk signs, rites and rituals

Our ancestors came up with many conspiracies, the purpose of which is to find happiness and good luck in certain matters. It was believed that on this day the Sun god most closely monitors people, which means he is most receptive to requests. On this day, the girls wondered about their betrothed. Women prayed for the health of their children and husbands, and men asked God to give them a decent harvest.

Also see: see what else in June 2017.