Read financial literacy online. The best books on financial literacy - learning to manage your money

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Financial literacy is necessary to understand the movement of cash flows, as well as to be able to make correct assessments of market situations and make decisions with a full understanding of the possible consequences.

It helps you achieve success when running your own business in terms of the correct direction of your business and investing funds and more.

In addition, financial literacy will allow you to find the right approach to money, and also know how. The most important thing is to find out where to start your self-education.

There are several ways to obtain the information you are interested in:

  1. Studying at higher educational institutions is an ideal option;
  2. Attending special trainings and courses, whenever possible. Since, as a rule, a certain fee is charged for this;
  3. Educational books in regular or electronic form, as well as audio format. It is not necessary to read academic textbooks. There are various versions of literature on teaching financial literacy, in which everything is explained in accessible language for everyone.

It is worth noting that the best option is to study at a higher educational institution. However, this is not necessary, because you can simply read or listen to audiobooks at a convenient time.

That is, engage in self-education. This article will talk about the best books on financial literacy that everyone should read.

Financial freedom

A book like “The Path to Financial Freedom” reveals to the reader information about ways to increase your capital in various available ways.

At the same time, to achieve the cherished goal, it describes fairly simple and effective methods. Even though it was released a long time ago, it is still a success.

If you are interested in where to start your own business or how the first steps for investment are taken, as well as how to properly manage the income received, then you should read it.

In addition to the well-known work “The Path to Financial Freedom,” Bodo Schaefer has another wonderful and interesting one called “Mani, or the ABC of Money.”

In addition, Bodo Schaefer talks in accessible language about how pleasure can be obtained not only from existing wealth, but also from the process of making money when.

Millionaire Mindset

The book Think Like a Millionaire, written by T. Harv Eker, explains the need to program yourself to.

The book provides an interesting point of view that each person has his own financial program, which can be changed with the help of simple tips.

The best books on financial literacy, or how to become rich

At the same time, it has not lost its relevance to this day, since not so long ago an updated version was released, supplemented with information taking into account modern times.

Way to success

Departing from the classics, so to speak, it is worth noting a book written by a famous American billionaire, and now the President of the United States, entitled “The Art of Making Deals.”

In addition, the book may be of great interest to people working in real estate and beyond. In general, it is useful to read autobiographical books written by successful people, since you can glean interesting information from them.

Let's learn the basics by reading the best books on financial literacy

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The first step on the path to becoming a financial genius is recognizing that you have financial talent, which you just need to awaken and obtaining untold wealth will only be a matter of time.

If earlier it was argued that it is impossible to develop talent, then modern man smashes this myth to smithereens. Indeed, if there is the talent of an artist, musician, and even a businessman, then why can’t there be the talent of a financier, because the field of finance knows many names of entrepreneurs and investors whose activities can confidently be called talented. But every person can be taught to play instruments, draw and run a business. Perhaps this will not be a brilliant activity, but it will definitely be high-class work.

Accordingly, you need to accept the fact that the human brain is capable of anything, the main thing is to convince yourself of this statement. After all, our arms are not aware that they are weak and cannot do push-ups, the stomach has no idea what constitutes a solid fat deposit, only our brain knows about all this. It is the brain that needs to be influenced in the process of becoming a financial genius. There are ten simple steps by following which every person can awaken the financial genius within themselves, with the help of which they will significantly improve their well-being.

1. Decide

Not every person dreams of wealth. This phrase in our time, when everything is decided only through money, sounds almost blasphemous. But many are still confident that it is possible to achieve harmony in life without money, while remaining a happy person. An example of such love of life are Buddhist monks. But those who do not profess such principles will have to work hard.

2. Be decisive

To become the owner of wealth, you need to get rid of all bad habits and laziness, in other words, from everything that becomes an obstacle to achieving prosperity. If you lack motivation or lack determination, you are unlikely to achieve what you set out to achieve.

3. Your environment is your teachers

One of the most important components of success is the people around you. Only the rich and successful can teach you how to earn and handle money; from the poor you will learn how not to deal with finances. Try to find a person who can initiate you into the mysteries of making the right money, share his experience, so that he can answer all your questions and give you the right direction to move.

The ability to quickly learn something new is not just an attractive line from a resume for most employers, but a very important quality of a modern person, for the development of which you need to constantly train your brain. Education is not only school and university, it is a continuous process that lasts throughout life through books, various courses and trainings. But the sources of new knowledge need to be selected especially carefully, because, you see, a diploma of the fifth or even tenth higher education in itself is unlikely to make someone rich.

5. Discipline and self-control

Discipline is important not only in school lessons or military formations, but also in the processes of conducting financial business. Failure to comply with basic rules can lead to irreparable consequences, which will naturally affect financial well-being, availability of free time and communication with people.

6. Quality management

It is extremely difficult to achieve great success on your own. All expenses for the work of an attracted specialist or permanent employee will certainly pay off over time and are guaranteed to bring profit. But here it is very important to adhere to the correct managerial position, because the bad manager is the one who prefers to work with people who are stupider than him. If you become a financial genius, you need to look for specialists who will understand some issues much better.

Firstly, money needs to be invested in any case. Secondly, in order to get a stable additional income, this must be done correctly and in compliance with a number of conditions. Try to invest in the purchase of assets and minimize the cost of liabilities. It is important to adhere to some investment laws in order to save your money first and also make a good profit. Therefore, you must be well versed in the matter.

8. Assets

The main goal in the process of becoming a financial genius is the accumulation of assets, in other words, the collection of all possible funds and tools that can generate income. Do not give in to the most important temptation that can ruin the career of a successful financier in the bud; do not spend money recklessly. Buy all essential goods solely to account for the available profit from assets, and not to the detriment of your own well-being.

9. Correct literature

A lot of useful and interesting information can be gleaned from reading biographies of successful financiers from different times. Each story is an excellent guide to action and another motivation for self-development.

10. Don't be afraid to give

One of the most important laws of life is that in order to get something, you need to give something. Unfortunately, many people need to learn to accept this order of things. The effect of this law is especially obvious in the business sphere, because all the time, money and effort invested in work returns in the form of good profit. Simply put, on the path to becoming a financial genius, a person will have to cross himself more than once, giving more during training in order to receive an even greater return in the future, but in monetary terms.

If you're looking to develop your skills in business, investing, and finance, these ten steps provide a good foundation. And the most important thing that you must learn is that material well-being is achieved through constant and hard work on yourself and on your own business.

If you have not yet started a business, but have been wanting to do so for a long time, then be sure to understand the issue .

The people in our country are at a very low level. You don't have to be an expert to understand this. Investments, deposits, mutual funds, etc. This is only for financiers; ordinary people have no need to know these terms. Books on financial literacy will help you understand that this is an erroneous judgment. These are not just another textbook for economists, but real tools for obtaining, saving and increasing money.

Poor and rich, successful and unsuccessful, businessmen and employees. We live in a world where two extremes constantly collide. Some have firmly established their place in society and do not try to change it. Some try to climb one step, then another, fall, but rise again. What category of people do you belong to?

Chat with your immediate circle. What do they say about money?

– Money is like water, it flows away to no one knows where.
“You have to live one day at a time and make the most of life.”
– Life is given once and spending it on saving and accumulating money is pointless.
– I live from paycheck to paycheck and I have nothing to save.

Familiar phrases?

These phrases were foreign to me even before I studied financial literacy, but now hearing them is simply funny. Read at least one book from the list and see how much your attitude towards money has changed. If nothing happens, return to life one day at a time. She really is alone. And everyone has the right to live it as they want.

If you are used to listening to audiobooks in the car or while working out, then pick up something on financial literacy for the near future. You will spend your time profitably and learn to save money after listening.

The best foreign authors

We will start with foreign literature because they began to deal with financial planning issues long before us. We've come a long way, hit our stride and written a huge number of practical guides to action. Some became bestsellers. Let's take a look at a small selection of the best of them.

1. J. Clason “The Richest Man in Babylon”

* the electronic version of the book can be purchased and downloaded in the following formats: fb2, epub, pdf, txt.

A book for beginners, which uses the example of ordinary people to show how to form capital. It gives very simple advice on how to become rich. And although this advice is very simple, many people find it difficult to follow because it is not easy to implement. “You should keep part of what you earn for yourself” - this is the advice. It has already become a common truth; almost all authors talk about it on the pages of their financial books.

George Samuel Clason calls for simple rules:

  1. For every amount of money you earn, save at least 10%. Appetite comes with eating. You won't notice how you gradually move to 20, 30 or 40%.
  2. Consult with knowledgeable people. I treat this advice with caution for the simple reason that we don’t have many of them in our country. Therefore, in the first stages of accumulating and increasing your funds, I recommend reading professional literature and be sure to filter the information received there.
  3. Money must work. This is taught in the first years of university. They just don’t say how to do this with the small sums that most of our country’s population have at their disposal. I looked at savings mechanisms for families with low income in an article about how.

2. R. Kiyosaki “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”

The problem with many people is that they spend as much as they earn. Money rules their lives.

This was the case with our family. When my husband and I first started living together, we were both young professionals with low salaries. We made do with inexpensive things, bought cheap products. Over the years, our professional level grew, our earnings grew, but our expenses also grew. Expensive food appeared in the refrigerator, trips to restaurants. Fortunately, we quickly saw the light.

The only rule that you need to learn from the book is to invest your money in assets, that is, in what brings money, and not in what takes it away. Due to financial illiteracy, we often confuse these concepts. Read Robert Kiyosaki's book and learn to distinguish between them, and also understand how rich and poor people think. What type of thinking do you consider yourself to be?

3. N. Hill “Think and Grow Rich”

The book was published at the beginning of the 20th century and was reprinted more than 40 times. Considered a bestseller. The book contains the author's experience in studying the psychology of successful people. The main conclusion that Napoleon Hill makes and conveys to us is that wealth is work, constant work on oneself, the search for ideas and action.

The book contains stories of famous millionaires who believed in themselves, in their idea and went towards it, despite the ridicule and misunderstanding of others.

Motivation at the stage of realizing that we are missing something in life and doing it wrong is very important. Everyone must go their own way to understanding the need to manage their own money.

N. Hill's book inspires, teaches you to think and get rich. If you need a magic kick, welcome to the pages.

4. Bodo Schaefer “Mani, or the ABC of money”

The first impression from the beginning of reading is that this is not for you, but for your daughter or son. Children's literature. The book is written from the perspective of a 12-year-old girl who is learning the basics of financial literacy with her dog Mani. But first impressions are deceiving.

It will be useful not only for teenagers, but also for adults. After all, many of us are still children when it comes to money. The author explains in simple and understandable language the basic principles of wealth. What is money? How to learn to earn them? How to save and increase? You will find the answers on the pages of the book.

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to show this book to your children. They are unlikely to tell you anything about money at school. And in adult life, it is better to spend time not on learning the financial ABCs, but on developing a financial strategy and tactics for getting rich.

The best domestic authors

Books by foreign authors take into account the realities of the Western world, where issues of financial literacy are given much more attention than in our country. Therefore, people there are more savvy in this matter. This is understandable, why teach how to earn money in a country where there were no financial instruments for accumulating and increasing it, except for Sberbank.

Only since the 90s of the last century has there been a need to talk about what money is, where it comes from and where it then goes. It took a few more years to develop our own financially successful people who shared their personal enrichment skills. Therefore, there are still few books by domestic authors on the market, but that makes them all the more valuable.

Let's look at the most popular of them. Two of them are from Vladimir Savenok, who is one of the first financial consultants in the post-Soviet space.

5. V. Savenok “How to draw up a personal financial plan and how to implement it”

Vladimir Savenok has been professionally involved in finance for more than 20 years. As he himself notes, his book is written in a language understandable to everyone. The author, in a very accessible form, teaches how to work with money, understand its movement and experience the pleasure of managing it, and not the other way around. Vladimir points out that financial planning is mandatory for every person and individual family, regardless of income level.

This has been verified by my own experience. Only 2 months have passed since the beginning of financial planning in our family. I clearly know how much our family income is and all the expense items down to the last penny. The first item in our expenses is the amount of 10,000 rubles, which we put on deposit every month. We plan a family budget for a month in advance and try to stick to it. So far the flight is normal.

But the main thing that V. Savenok draws attention to is the mandatory implementation of the acquired knowledge. Otherwise, the book will become just one of...

6. V. Savenok “Million for my daughter. Step-by-step savings plan”

The title of the book already contains the main message. The author explains how to accumulate capital, what investment mechanisms to use, how to protect money from inflation. A book for those who do not live in the present day, who think not only about their own, but also about the well-being of their children.

If you have never heard what stocks, bonds, and pension insurance are, then the author talks about it in text and pictures.

In an easy, accessible form, characteristic of all V. Savenok’s books, he teaches the art of accumulation using practical examples and personal experience. The book is not only theoretical material with practical examples. This is a workbook. What it is? You not only read, but also fill out the calculation tables given in the book, which are a savings plan.

The book can become your reference book for the next 10, 15 or more years.

7. Yu. Sakharovskaya “Where does the money go. How to competently manage a family budget”

This book is not about how to live on credit or spend exactly as much as you earn. This is a book for those who are wondering where all their salaries go and why they can’t save for a house by the sea, their own house or car.

Yulia Sakharovskaya is a financial consultant for managing family finances. She teaches how to compile and optimize expenses and talks about the main savings tools. The main principle is that this should not happen at the expense of the everyday joys of the family.

Last update: 02/17/2019

In "Money or the ABC of Money" The story about financial literacy is narrated by a girl who started earning money in her youth. Her Labrador dog helps her cope with many things.

Surprisingly, the book was originally intended for children. Moreover, even adults will find a lot of new things for themselves in the work.


  • Luck, upon closer inspection, turns out to be just the result of a lot of work and careful preparation.
  • If you continue to think the same way you thought before, then the results will be the same as before.

It is not large enough in volume, it is easy to read, literally in one day.

Using simple examples, Bodo Schaefer shows step by step how to achieve financial well-being. Moreover, even from the process of making money you can get real pleasure. A total of 34 patterns in handling personal finances are listed.

It doesn’t matter that all the events take place in Germany and through the eyes of a child. The rules can easily be transferred to Russian realities.

Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" will change your worldview

A detailed example with a table of expenses on how to distribute money in a family

A lot of people criticized the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” without really understanding it. And this is not surprising, because after reading it they tried to instantly get rich or at least find some secret to attracting money in the work.

Robert tried to convey that you need to work, not spend everything you earn, but invest your free money in business.

Unlike other books, Kiyosaki did not talk about building a business for beginners. Robert only draws the reader's attention to psychological moments in his mind. This is especially true of financial stereotypes that haunt people until retirement age.

The writer gives advice that:

  • You should not move to a four-room apartment when your salary increases - because the rent will increase significantly.
  • Do not buy an expensive car at the first promotion - the cost of fuel and components will be proportional to the investment.
  • To dine at expensive establishments, you don’t have to work three jobs.
  • Do not spend your accumulated funds on entertainment. They need to be put into action to obtain active and passive sources of income. After all, you definitely won’t be able to jump above your salary right away.
  • After opening your first new source of income, you need to think about starting a business.

The author says that modern education does not allow people to organize their own business. In schools they tell us that we just need to work (they don’t tell us where and how) and then we can become a sought-after specialist. The same thing happens at the university. And then the person is surprised that he is already 40, and nothing interesting happens in life.

Kiyosaki gives up the idea that you need to learn to come up with your own entrepreneurial business and become the “uncle” for whom others work.

Selected quotes:

Rich people acquire assets. The poor and middle class acquire a liability that they consider an asset.

This book is more about worldview. Shows the life of the majority and its other version.

Vladimir Savenok “How to draw up a personal financial plan” - practical examples

If you want to achieve financial confidence and stability, you should read this book in its entirety. Then you will be able to gain control over your own money and learn how to manage it correctly.

Vladimir Savenok– Russian specialist in the field of personal finance.

He talks about it in detail:

  • how to get money to work for you, no matter what amounts are available at the moment;
  • how to find financial resources to achieve personal goals with the help of proper financial planning;
  • how to achieve complete financial independence.

The book is written for every person. The narration is told in an interesting and simple language. The reader does not have to understand boring terminology and look into special textbooks.

After all, most people are accustomed to the following: when the conversation turns to finances, they begin to yawn and understand practically nothing.

Usually, few people know about the work of insurance companies and financial risks. After reading this book, I want only one thing - to act!

Selected quotes:

What is the minimum you can “pay yourself”, or, in other words, invest? 10% of your total income.

There are quite a few examples in the book. from everyday life (our realities, not another country), which everyone can adapt to themselves.


In the comments, share useful finds (books) and how they helped you.

P.S. For those who think that all this is not applicable here, I can only say that everything is in our heads.

Everyone knows that a person is what he thinks about. This is why it is extremely important to fill your mind and your memory with the useful knowledge and things that you need. If you are going to start a business or economics activity, or just want to know how to earn and spend money correctly, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with our selection of the best books on financial literacy.

The best books about financial literacy - our selection

Now there are many books in which you can find interesting information about financial literacy, however, if you want to increase the level of your knowledge in this area, then it is best to read the following publications, which are included in the recognized TOP of the best publications:

“Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill

This book is considered the first one that should be read by those people who want to learn how to use money. It won't make a million dollars fall on your head, but it will change your attitude towards ways of making money, and, in fact, towards them themselves. The main idea and main message of the book is that to earn big money you need to change your way of thinking.

“Rich dad. Poor Dad”, Robert Kiyosaki

This book, like the previous one, became a real bestseller. She talks about how a person's way of thinking can influence his financial condition. The book describes the views on the life of a successful person and an ordinary ordinary employee.

“Think like a millionaire”, T. Harv Eker

This bestseller in the world of books on financial literacy, like other best books about money, can be called more philosophical than practical. The author of the publication claims that after familiarizing yourself with his creation, you will be able to understand why some people are financially secure, and some work to no avail all their lives. The book will reveal the secret of how to achieve financial success in life and where to start on the path to financial well-being.

“One Minute Millionaire”, Robert Allen, Victor Mark Hansen

The book is divided into two parts. The first is more practical and provides precise and clear advice for those who want to become a millionaire. The second part tells the story of a man who, thanks to the advice and rules from the first part, really managed to get rich.

"The Richest Man in Babylon" by Clason George

This work will teach you how to properly manage personal finances and understand the channels through which money comes and goes from us.

“The path to financial freedom. The first million in seven years”, Bodo Schäfer

This book also addresses the issue of the influence of thinking on success, and also describes real examples of how people were able to earn large amounts of capital in a short period of time.

“Multiple Streams of Income” by Robert Allen

“Mani, or the ABC of Money”, Bodo Schaefer

Another work by Bodo Schaefer in our selection. This book will help you decide what exactly money means to you, and only then teach you how to earn it correctly and how to save interest on your profits.

“Where does the money go”, Yulia Sakharovskaya

The work of the Russian author Yulia Sakhorovskaya tells us about the proper management of personal finances. This is a fairly practical book that talks not about how to make money, but about how to distribute it correctly so that there is enough for everything.

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!” Richard Branson

This book is less about financial literacy and more about its emotional and motivational component. The author's main message is contained in the title of the book - if you want to make money, then go ahead and do it!

“Rich Woman”, Kim Kiyosaki

“7 Strategies for Achieving Wealth and Happiness” by Ron Jim

Jim talks about specific strategies, following which, you can achieve success in your favorite business and earn good capital from it.

“Personal State”, Stuart Lucas

Another well-known book that describes in detail and clearly not only how you can earn good capital, but also how to manage it correctly.

It's hard not to notice that sometimes the names of the authors are repeated. The fact is that the people who wrote these books really managed to achieve success in the financial sector, and now, among other things, they are engaged in helping others learn how to use money. And for this, one book may not be enough.

Why do we need books to improve financial literacy?

Actually, this is exactly what they are needed for - to increase the level of readers’ knowledge about the basics of financial literacy and teach them how to use their money. In fact, in our time, this information is needed not only by those people who are going to work in business or business, but also by everyone who wants to be able to handle their financial capital. If you live from paycheck to paycheck and any more or less serious purchase causes you to ask, “Where can I get the money?”, then books on financial literacy will help you control your incoming and outgoing financial flows.