Rose in a pot. Growing roses in a pot

Rose bushes in pots prefer not to fight the vicissitudes of the cold season, but simply hibernate, accumulating strength for subsequent successful flowering.

Reference! A rose may not go on vacation only if the winter turns out to be very warm. The plant can set buds in December.

Some gardeners achieve year-round flowering by stimulating the rose with fertilizing and additional lighting, but it is important to remember that with this regime the plant is quickly depleted and can either take a long pause in flowering or die altogether.

Secrets of care

What to do with a potted plant after purchase?

A domestic rose, which has been pleasing its owner with its beauty for many years, in winter, as a rule, remains in a dormant period and requires appropriate care, the same every year.

A potted rose brought from the store is usually in the flowering stage and needs to be cared for in the following way:

Step-by-step instructions on how to grow an indoor flower in cold weather at home

Preparing for the rest period

In autumn, after flowering has ended, the rose is prepared for a period of dormancy.. and at this time they reduce and provide air humidification after turning on the central heating. Nutrients added to the soil at this time should not contain a large number of nitrogen.

Do I need to move it to another location?

Heating radiators should not be located near the wintering bush., so if the rose spent the summer on the windowsill, you need to move it to another place for the winter. It is not recommended to move the pot from place to place during the dormant period of the rose, as well as to suddenly change the conditions of its home maintenance.

In the room where the rose bush overwinters, the temperature should not exceed 15-17 degrees. In December, you can take the plant out onto a glassed-in balcony, and place the pot in a bucket of sawdust so that the soil and roots do not freeze.

If for some reason the temperature in the room where the rose is kept drops below zero degrees, you need to take into account that the crop can only survive in this mode for a few days. To prevent frostbite, the soil in the pot should be covered with a layer of pine needles, and wrap the container itself with warm material.

Rose is a light-loving plant and in winter, when there is a shortage sunlight, it is compensated by highlighting phyto- or fluorescent lamps, which are placed at a height of 30-35 centimeters above the crown of the rose. The backlight is turned on three to four times a day.

The main problem for roses is heating season– the air is too dry. Humidity can be increased by spraying or by placing a flower pot on a tray with wet expanded clay.


Wintering roses do not need frequent watering., the plant rests and recovers after flowering. The soil can be moistened only two to three days after drying. About twice every ten days. Use soft water and a temperature no higher than 18 degrees.

Top dressing

In winter, there is no need to add nutrients to the soil for potted roses. The plant is in a state of dormancy, allowing for the successful initiation of future bud formation. Stimulating the plant during this period will bring it out of hibernation and force it to gain green mass, which will negatively affect the general condition of the rose. Read about how to fertilize a rose at other times of the year.


The best time to prune is in December.. The procedure is carried out as follows:

We offer a visual video:


Best time to transplant healthy plant– first half of spring, but if for some reason the rose needs to be replanted in winter, it is advisable to do this in December, while the flower has not yet fallen into deep hibernation. You can replant a flower brought from a store in winter without fear, since such a plant, as a rule, is in the growing season and flowering.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Water the rose generously, wait until the soil is saturated with moisture.
  2. Turn the flower pot over and shake a little, holding the plant with your hand.
  3. At the bottom of the new container, which must have holes for water drainage, place a layer of expanded clay one centimeter high.
  4. The soil must be nutritious. Optimal composition soil mixture - sand, humus and turf soil in a ratio of 1:4:4. You can use ready-made store-bought soil mixtures.
  5. The rose is placed in new pot and cover with soil so that there is a distance of two to three centimeters between the edge of the pot and the surface of the soil.
  6. The transplanted crop should be placed in a dark place for a day and under no circumstances should it be watered immediately; you can only sprinkle the leaves a little.
  7. After a day, the rose is moved to the east or south side.

We invite you to get acquainted with visual video process of transplanting indoor roses:

Mistakes in winter care and dealing with their consequences

  1. If a potted rose is frozen due to too low temperatures, it can be revived by transplanting it into a new container with nutrient soil, removing all frostbitten shoots and leaves.
  2. A sudden change in temperature or care conditions during dormancy can lead to flower failure. In this case, you need to restore the previous microclimate and prune.
  3. Excessive humidity invariably leads to rotting of the rose. A transplant with preliminary removal all rotten roots and subsequent compliance with watering norms.
  4. If the plant has dried out due to poor watering, you need to remove all dead shoots so that a few centimeters remain from the trunk, then moisten the soil generously and cover the rose with a plastic dome so that new shoots can quickly form in conditions of high humidity.

Carelessness in picking a rose inevitably leads to problems. a plant is always more difficult than following care recommendations, so when growing a prickly beauty, you should rely primarily on monitoring the condition of the flower and maintaining optimal conditions for it.

Useful video

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Rose - luxury flower, the queen among all the many varieties and species of plants, and enjoys special love and well-deserved popularity. If you want to always enjoy a beautiful view, then get indoor roses at home. This - wonderful decoration at home, because flowers delight us with their magnificent appearance and pleasant freshness. It is worth noting that this type of plant is considered delicate and demanding, so information on how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home will not be superfluous. In this article we will share with you how to feed roses in an apartment, how to care for a decorative tea rose in a pot, bush and potted roses.

Types of home roses in pots

To begin with, it is worth defining existing varieties plants. Most often, low-growing species are found on sale, which we will consider below in more detail.


This flower was bred from crossing two mini roses - Chinese and multifloral. Here short description this type of plant:

  • Rose bushes reach a height of 25-50 cm.
  • The bushes are quite dense, but at the same time compact.
  • The flowers have no aroma and are quite small in size. The diameter of roses is 3-5 cm.
  • Most often, the color of the petals is as follows: red, white, lilac, pink.
  • Polyantha roses bloom long time and very plentifully.
  • Flowers can be simple, semi-double or even densely double.

Bengal roses

Another name for this variety of flowers is Indian or Chinese. These are not wild roses; their appearance is most likely due to artificial selection and cultivation. Characteristics of the type:

  • The bush can reach 50 cm in length.
  • Flowers can be single or have 2-3 buds in an inflorescence.
  • Repeated flowering from July is long-lasting.
  • Roses of this species are semi-double and double.
  • The color of the petals is very diverse. The exception is the yellow color, which does not occur.
  • The plant has a weak aroma or no aroma at all.
  • Bengal flowers are heat-loving plants.
  • The leaf blades are small and narrow.


These roses are the most popular among flower lovers. What characterizes this type of plant? Features of miniature flowers:

  • Flowers and leaves are small in size.
  • Wide range of colors and petal colors.
  • The length of the bush does not exceed 30 cm.
  • The rose blooms for a long time and repeatedly. But there are also varieties that flower once.
  • The shoots have a branched and thin structure.
  • Miniature roses can be planted in pots at home, but can also be used outdoors in open ground.

Important! Another common variety of indoor roses is Patio roses, which in fact belong to a variety of low-growing plants of the floribunda group.

Rules for caring for a plant immediately after purchase

So, you have purchased a houseplant and are immediately thinking about how to care for roses in a pot from the store. Immediately after purchasing a flower, we recommend taking a number of useful actions:

  1. You need to start with a thorough inspection of the bush. First of all, make an assessment of the general condition of the rose and also check it for pests. After this, remove faded and dry leaves, flowers or buds, and branches.
  2. It is advisable to prune the plant. It is best to save 4-5 buds on each shoot.
  3. To protect the rose from pests, treat it with a special preparation. For example, “Fitoverm”.
  4. The fungicide solution will protect the plant from diseases. An example of a drug could be “Profit” or “Previkur”.
  5. In case inside plastic container If the soil is too moist and wet, you need to remove the flower along with a lump of soil. This must be done extremely carefully and carefully. After this, place the plant on a sheet of paper or a piece of fabric so that excess moisture is absorbed into it. Place the flower back into the container.

Where to put the pot?

Having carried out all of the above procedures, you should place the rose in a cool place, where there are no drafts and the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Important! It will take several days for the plant to adapt to the conditions of your home. During this period, you should not touch the rose or replant it.


But, of course, the flower needs to be watered and sprayed in a timely manner. For these purposes, you can use a solution of “Zircon”, which is a growth stimulator. But you can’t use it every day.

After 2-3 weeks, you can start replanting your indoor beauty.

A rose pot is an important attribute

The container in which your rose will grow plays a significant role, since the condition of the flower depends on its suitable size. How to care for roses in a pot from the store, what nuances need to be taken into account when choosing a new container for the flower? Several important aspects can be highlighted:

  • Most often, plant pots are made of plastic or ceramic. Both options are suitable, but the first is cheaper, and the second is more natural and breathable.
  • The pot should have a hole at the bottom and in the tray.
  • Experienced flower growers It is recommended to choose elongated containers.
  • Simple and quick way choose right size The pot is as follows: measure two fingers in width and height from the previous vessel.
  • But the most important requirement is the ratio of the rose’s root system to the size of the pot.

Important! The distance between the earthen lump with the roots of the flower and the walls of the vessel should be 2-3 cm.

  • The best shape for a pot is a truncated cone, open upward. But beautiful and stylish, at first glance, ball-shaped vessels are, in fact, completely unsuccessful and even harmful to plants. This is due to the fact that in the wide part of the pot the soil is very poorly ventilated, as a result the roots can rot.

Important! It may seem that it is better to take a larger pot so that the plant is not crowded and there is a reserve for the future, but you should not do this. An excessively large vessel will negatively affect the rose, as the soil will sour.

Transplanting an indoor rose

So, after purchasing a beautiful flower and adapting it to your home, you can begin replanting the plant. If you don’t yet know how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home, or how to replant a flower, then it’s time to study this process in detail.


First of all, this requires:

  • Substrate. It is best to purchase soil mixture in a specialized store or department. In addition, there you can buy soil intended specifically for a specific type of plant.
  • Drainage. Materials for removing excess water and moisture can be: broken bricks or shards, pebbles, expanded clay, foam plastic.
  • Pot. We described above how to choose it.
  • Sand or small stones 2-4 mm in size.
  • Vermiculite. A mineral that helps protect roots from temperature changes. It also retains useful elements of fertilizers, which it subsequently gradually releases to the flower.
  • Stimulants. The following substances are suitable: succinic acid, “Ribav-extra” and “Zircon”.
  • "Fitosporin". If desired, you can add such a remedy to protect the flower from soil diseases.

Making soil with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made earthen mixture. If possible, you can make an excellent substrate yourself. To do this, combine the following ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Turf is one part.
  • Humus is one part.
  • Coarse sand - ½ part.


Now let's move on to the process:

  • We take the flower out of the container and inspect it. If the roots of the rose have filled the entire vessel, and even more so if they have begun to curl, then they must be stirred up.

Important! If this is not done, then undisturbed roots will develop much worse in the future. Almost always from purchased copies root system goes in circles along the bottom of the container.

  • Some gardeners advise washing the roots and removing the substrate in which the flower was located in the store. After this, soak them in a solution of stimulants. Others are of the opinion that such a procedure is unnecessary, and it will be enough to just spray the roots of the plant with these products.
  • If you have several bushes in a pot, we recommend planting them in separate containers, so that later they will not crowd each other.
  • Preparing the substrate. To do this, the soil that you purchased in the store must be mixed with sand and vermiculite. The proportion is as follows: for one liter of soil there is one handful of mineral and two handfuls of sand.
  • We place drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  • We immerse the rose with an earthen lump on the roots into a new vessel and cover it with the prepared substrate.
  • After this, we recommend covering the flower with a bag or jar to create greenhouse conditions. The plant must be kept in this state for at least ten days.

Important! But at the same time, of course, it is necessary to regularly ventilate and spray the rose, removing the cover for a while. You can cover the flower only after the leaves have dried.

  • After ten days, the plant no longer needs to be covered.

Important! Indoor roses are subsequently replanted annually.

Important components of caring for an indoor rose

Not everyone knows how to care for roses in a pot from the store, and what factors affect the plant. In order not to lose sight of anything, we will dwell on each aspect of care in more detail.

Plant location

Beautiful and wonderful indoor roses are sun-loving plants. Therefore, the following cardinal directions are optimal for their placement:

  • Southwestern.
  • Southeast.

A window facing the appropriate side will be the most best place where it is advisable to place the flower.

Important! Although the plant loves the sun, this does not mean that it can be installed on the south side.

Excessive heat is detrimental to a flower: under its influence, rose buds become smaller, and the same happens to the leaves. In addition, they quickly begin to fade and crumble. One more negative consequence is drying out of the soil and overheating of the root system, and all due to the fact that in hot conditions the pots themselves become very hot.

Important! Overheating is extremely undesirable for indoor roses, so give preference to light-colored vessels. From May to September, wrap the pots with white paper - this will help protect the plant from the scorching sun.

The role of lighting

More from school curriculum In biology, everyone knows information about the role of sunlight for plants. It is thanks to him that the flower lives, grows and blooms. Therefore, the question arises, how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home in order to provide them with the optimal amount of light? Here's what you need to do:

  • In autumn and spring, provide your rose with an additional source of light.
  • You can lengthen daylight hours with a fluorescent lamp.
  • After sunset the lamp is turned on and left until midnight.
  • Place the source at a distance of 30 cm from the top of the flower.

Important! Proper lighting of a plant can promote its flowering until winter.

Humidity level for indoor roses

For of this flower humidity has great value. The delicate plant must be sprayed regularly and systematically. A spray bottle is best suited for these purposes, with which it is convenient to carry out refreshing procedures every week.

Important! Under the bright sunlight Avoid getting drops of water on the leaves, as this may cause burns on them. That's why best time Evening is considered the time for spraying.

You can create conditions for optimal humidity using containers of water, which must be placed between flower pots. During the process of evaporation, water will help humidify the air.

Watering flowers correctly

Unfortunately, not everyone has information on how to care for roses in a pot from the store, and simply water the plants from time to time. It seems that this is quite enough, and the main guideline is the drying of the soil. But in fact, irrigation is a very important part of care and has its own characteristics.

Important! Roses have deep system roots, and therefore they need abundant watering.

There are several nuances that are worth considering:

  • Watering is especially important when the plant is flowering.
  • It is best to water the flower near the trunk, while trying not to wet the leaves.
  • If you make a roller of earth around the rose, the water will not spread.
  • Rose roots do not absorb water cold temperature, therefore the water must be heated. Moreover, the temperature for each season is separate. So, in the warm season from May to September, water from 18 to 24 degrees is considered the optimal indicator. The same temperature is recommended for watering during the active flowering period of the rose: from the formation of buds until the end of their flowering. In the cool months from October to April, the water already has a lower temperature regime 16-18 degrees.
  • Do not water the flower with tap water, as it is oversaturated with calcium salts. Besides, tap water hard and chlorinated.

Important! It is best to use filtered water for irrigation or left standing for at least a day. There is another option for irrigating a rose with high-quality water: freeze it in the refrigerator, and then let it melt and warm up. Melt water serves as an excellent watering for the plant.

In general, we can distinguish two most common mistakes watering indoor roses:

  • Irrigate the plant often, but a little at a time. As a result, only the surface soil is moistened, but the moisture does not reach the root system.
  • Excessive watering. Excessive irrigation, which occurs quite often, will ultimately lead to the death of the flower.

Important! It is optimal to water roses once every 5-7 days. Irrigation should be plentiful to moisten all the soil in the pot.

Top dressing

The next important aspect of how to care for roses in a pot from the store is plant nutrition.

Important! Useful material and microelements improve general state flower, promote its healthy growth, beautiful view, and also prevent various diseases.

It must be carried out according to the following rules:

  • Feeding for the first time indoor flower should be carried out in the spring, when buds are setting.
  • The procedure can be carried out no earlier than one month after transplanting the rose.
  • You should not fertilize sick flowers.
  • Feeding is carried out regularly in spring summer period, with a frequency of once every two weeks.

Let us indicate the main fertilizers and their effect on flowers:

  • Phosphorus. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of roots and shoots and can accelerate the onset of rose flowering.
  • Nitrogen. Positively affects the growth of stems and leaves indoor plant, and also increases its mass.
  • Potassium. Plays a special role in the formation of good buds and flowers, and also increases the plant’s resistance to disease and drying out.
  • Bor. This fertilizer affects the leaves, or rather their proper growth.
  • Calcium. Protects shoots from withering due to harmful viruses.
  • Magnesium, manganese, and iron are needed by the plant to maintain the rich green color of the leaves of the bush. In addition, fertilizers prevent leaves from falling off prematurely.

Plant pruning

How to care for roses in a pot from a store at home so that the bush has a beautiful and lush shape, while being as full of beautiful flowers as possible? This result cannot be achieved if the plant is not pruned.

Important! Optimal time pruning is considered early spring, because it is advisable to carry out the procedure before the active growth of indoor roses begins.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • First of all, the flower is removed from underdeveloped and weak stems, as well as intertwined branches.
  • Leave about five strong and strong shoots on the bush. Their length should be average.
  • Excessively long shoots must be shortened. But make sure that there are still living buds on them; six pieces will be enough.
  • For long but slightly undeveloped shoots, five living buds will be enough.
  • It is best to remove very weak shoots. Well, if this is not possible, then leave no more than three buds.

As a result, your indoor rose is rejuvenated, timely pruning accelerates the awakening of the buds, and young shoots are stimulated to grow. In addition, only young shoots form buds.

Flowering and winter care

How to care for roses in a pot from the store so that they bloom in winter? To do this, you need to follow these rules and recommendations:

  • Starting from the middle of the autumn season, it is necessary to create conditions for the plants under which the temperature will be 5-8 degrees.

Important! Place pots of flowers on the veranda, balcony or between window frames.

  • Another nuance is the limitation of feeding and watering roses.

Growing roses in room conditions- this is an opportunity to admire the queen of flowers not only in the warm season, but also during winter cold. However, the content of this is sufficient capricious plant requires compliance with certain requirements. Therefore, amateur flower growers should familiarize themselves with the information on how to care for a rose in a pot in order to enjoy its magnificent flowering practically all year round.

Rose varieties for growing at home with photographs

Only low-growing types of roses are suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Polyanthaceae. Obtained by crossing Chinese and multifloral roses. The height of the bush is from 25 to 50 centimeters. The bushes are compact, densely leafy. The flowers are small (3-5 centimeters in diameter), most often white, red, lilac or pink. There are varieties with simple, double and semi-double flowers.
  • Bengal. They bloom with double or semi-double flowers. The colors of flowers are varied, there are only different varieties yellow color. Bushes 50 centimeters high. Flowers are formed in clusters of 2-3 pieces. The leaves are small and narrow.
  • Miniature. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 centimeters. Flowers and leaves are small. Flowering is long-lasting and repeated. Flowers can be of any color.
  • Patio. One of the varieties of the Floribunda species, suitable for growing at home.

Necessary conditions for growing roses in a pot

Light and warmth are the main components of the success of growing roses indoors. Tips for caring for a rose in a pot for beginners are simply necessary, since violation of technology has a detrimental effect on the well-being of the plant.

Placement of roses in the apartment and lighting requirements

The rose should be placed on a south-eastern or eastern windowsill. In this case, the plant will receive enough sun at any time of the year. For some varieties, exclusively southern windows are recommended. On the western window there will not be enough light and the rose will have to be illuminated. Northern windows are simply contraindicated for roses.

Roses need good lighting

You can tell if the bush has enough sunlight by looking at the condition of the foliage:

  • When there is enough sun, the leaves become saturated color and their surface is smooth and shiny.
  • Limp, dull leaves, with brown edges indicate excess ultraviolet radiation. Typically, this condition is observed when the flower is kept on a south window.
  • Pale, dull and too small leaves indicate a lack of sun.

In the summer, when there is too much sun, roses must be removed from the windowsill or shaded. You can cover the window with translucent tulle or hang blinds on the glass so that the rays are diffused.

In autumn and winter, in cloudy weather, the lack of sun is compensated by illumination with phyto- or fluorescent lamps. The backlight is turned on for 3-4 hours a day. If this is not done, the plant withers, does not form buds, and pests appear on it.

When organizing lighting, the lamp should be placed at a height of 30-35 centimeters above the crown of the rose. If the lamp is located lower, the rose will get burned, and if higher, the plant will not receive enough ultraviolet radiation.

Requirements for pot and soil

An important attribute of growing roses is the right pot. The condition of the plant directly depends on its size and quality. In principle, it is possible to use plastic and ceramic dishes, but still a ceramic pot is more acceptable, since it allows air to pass through.

The size of the pot is also important, as is its shape. Experienced flower growers advise choosing elongated pots with enough big hole at the bottom, but not huge, so that the water does not flow out too quickly, not having time to moisten the soil.

Roses feel best in ceramic pots

The optimal shape is a truncated cone with a wide neck. Vessels in the form of a ball, oval and other exotic shapes are not acceptable. The main condition is wide top part so that the moisture has sufficient area for evaporation.

Taking a pot that is too large, much larger than the size of the root system, is a mistake. The soil that is not developed by the roots of the plant will begin to turn sour when watered, and this will negatively affect the condition of the flower.

The soil for planting home roses is chosen to be as water- and breathable as possible. An ideal composition would be the following ingredients:

  • turf soil – 4 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • humus - 4 parts.

You can use ready-made substrate from the store. The range of special primers on sale is quite diverse.

You can collect the soil for planting yourself, or you can buy ready-made

Humidity and temperature

The main problem with keeping roses in an apartment is that the air is too dry, especially during heating periods. Humidity is increased by spraying the rose, placing a flower pot on a tray with wet expanded clay, and installing artificial fountains in the room.

The recommended temperature for keeping roses is +14...+16 degrees in spring, +24...+25 degrees in summer. In winter, during the dormant period, the temperature of the flower is +5...+8 degrees. It is during this wintering that the plant begins to lay flower buds.

Basic rules for caring for a rose in a pot

Care indoor rose in a pot requires strict adherence to all recommendations. Most often the question arises of how to care for a rose after purchase, since a plant brought from a store often dies in the first month.

Roses need careful care

You need to care for a rose in a pot from the first day it appears in the house. It is necessary to carefully examine the purchased specimen for the presence of diseases and pests. First of all, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of the bush, remove all dried and blackened leaves and withered buds.

It is advisable to immediately trim the shoots, leaving 4-5 buds on each. If pests are noticed, the plant is washed warm water and treated with an insecticide. The next day, the bush is treated with a fungicide to prevent fungal diseases (Profit).

After a week, the rose must be freed from store-bought soil and utensils.

You need to transplant the flower into a larger pot, filling it with fresh, nutrient substrate. This procedure can be carried out a week after purchase: the rose must first adapt to growing in new conditions. While getting used to the conditions of the apartment, you can spray the rose with a growth stimulant, for example.

The soil under the plant must be changed after purchase.

Rose transplant rules

Before the procedure, you need to learn how to plant a rose in a pot so that it quickly begins to grow. For transplantation, prepare a pot of suitable size and shape and place a layer of drainage (5-6 centimeters) on the bottom.

Vermiculite is added to the prepared soil mixture for looseness. To prevent root diseases, the soil is treated. Water the rose bush, remove it from the old pot and free the roots from store-bought soil.

Then the bush is placed in a new pot there so that root collar appeared above the soil surface. The roots must first be straightened. To avoid causing injury to the root system, the bush should be placed in water for half an hour. This procedure will fill the roots with moisture, and they will straighten out on their own.

After transplanting, the bush needs to create greenhouse conditions. The rose is covered with a transparent cap and kept in this state for 7-10 days. The cap is removed daily for 20-30 minutes and the rose is sprayed, and as soon as the leaves dry out after spraying, the plant is covered with a cap again.

When replanting, you need to ensure that the root collar remains above the soil surface.

After 10 days, the plant finally takes root in the new pot, and the cap can be removed. In the future, transplant the rose into new containers with partial replacement soil testing is carried out annually, in early spring.

Watering rates and schedule

Roses love feeding and watering

Proper watering and timely feeding are one of the important measures for caring for an indoor rose in a pot. . Exist certain rules watering that must be observed:

  • Watering is done with warm, settled water strictly at the root.
  • The water temperature depends on the season: from May to September - 18-24, from October to April - no higher than +18 degrees.
  • Watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried, avoiding waterlogging. Excess water leaked onto the pan is immediately drained.
  • Frequent and meager watering is not acceptable for roses. The bush is watered generously to thoroughly wet the earthen ball. Experienced flower growers advise watering the rose well once every 7 days, flowering bush– once every 5 days.

Necessary fertilizers for roses

Rose needs feeding. Since the disadvantage nutrients leads to slower growth and lack of flowering. Timely feeding also increases the plant’s immunity and helps fight pests and diseases. During the growing season, indoor roses need feeding once every two weeks. The first feeding is carried out 30 days after transplantation.

For fertilizing, it is necessary to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to use ready-made liquid fertilizers industrial production, which are diluted in water for irrigation.

Pruning roses at home

The rose bush must be pruned regularly, removing dried leaves and wilted buds. Timely pruning gives the plant a neat appearance and stimulates continuous flowering.

Wilted buds must be removed

In late autumn, pre-winter pruning of the bush is carried out. Each shoot is shortened by 10 centimeters. There should be at least 4-5 buds left on each shoot. The shoots obtained after pruning can be rooted to produce new plant specimens.

Reproduction methods

The main method of propagating indoor roses is cuttings. Optimal timing rooting of cuttings - May-September. For rooting, lignified shoots are taken, which are cut into pieces of 10-15 centimeters using pruning shears. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight, the lower cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Each cutting should have 3-4 buds.

The workpieces are placed in a moistened sand mixture and cover with a glass or plastic cap. After the first leaves appear on the cuttings, the caps are removed. After 2 weeks, each cutting is planted in a separate 300 ml pot.

Caring for a rose in a pot at different times of the year

Rose needs to provide a period of winter dormancy

Cultivating indoor roses in different times years have their own characteristics, since a plant, even grown in an apartment, obeys the general laws of nature and is affected by the change of seasons:

  • in spring The main event is filling the root system with moisture to awaken the rose after winter dormancy. After the first leaves appear, the rose is transplanted into a new pot, watered and sprayed generously. To start the growth processes on warm days, roses are given walks on fresh air. The flower is first placed in the shade, then gradually begins to be exposed to the sun.
  • In summer The rose is regularly watered, sprayed, and sanitary pruned. The main activity is protection from pests and disease prevention.
  • in autumn The period of preparation for winter dormancy begins. At this time, reduce watering and stop feeding. In autumn, roses are pruned.
  • in winter The rose is at rest. The question of how to care for a rose in winter arises most often among inexperienced gardeners. Due to inexperience, many gardeners continue to stimulate the development of the bush, and this negatively affects its condition. Winter maintenance requires minimal watering (once every 30 days), low air temperature - no more than +15...+16 degrees.

Diseases and pests of indoor roses

Violation of the rose's maintenance conditions leads to the development of diseases and damage to the bush by pests. When keeping roses in a closed, unventilated area, diseases develop:

  • Leaf spotting. It is caused by a fungus and appears in the form of small spots of black or dark brown color. Cause of spotting - high humidity and disruption of air exchange. The fungus gets on the leaves during watering, especially when it is carried out in violation of the rules for leaves. Treatment of the fungus is carried out with the drug or Topsin.
  • Powdery mildew. Leaves and stems become covered with a white, powdery coating. The disease develops when too low temperatures content. The affected parts of the plant are removed, then the bush is sprayed with a fungicide - Topaz products.

House roses are quite often affected by powdery mildew.

A common problem with growing roses at home is insect pests. Weakened plants at low humidity contribute to the appearance of spider mite. Infection is indicated by lightening of the leaves and the appearance of yellowish dots on them. In this case, the bush is washed with soapy water and then treated with an insecticide - Vermitek.

The plant can also be affected by aphids. In this case, a sticky coating appears on the leaves, and small black dots appear on the underside. The methods of pest control are the same as for spider mites.

Growing roses at home will require some effort from the gardener, but the result is worth it. With proper care, the interior of the apartment will be decorated with a charming flower with a pleasant aroma.

You can learn about the rules for growing roses in a flower pot in the proposed video material. Enjoy watching!

Hello, dear friends!

Growing the queen of flowers, the rose, at home is not as difficult as it seems. In order for these wonderful flowers to bloom on the window in winter, it is enough to know the answers to three questions and apply these answers in practice. So, what do you need to know to grow roses at home in a pot in cold weather?

1. What roses will grow at home?

2. What conditions do they need to create?

3. How can it be propagated?

Varieties and varieties of roses for home growing

There are many varieties and varieties of roses, but not all will be able to grow and bloom in a residential area. For such a room, compact and miniature species roses such as:

Miniature roses. Their usual height does not exceed 30 cm, but there are bushes no higher than 10 cm. Such roses bloom with small double flowers, with a pleasant aroma or no scent at all. Miniature leaves are dark green, matte. They bloom from spring to autumn.

Tea roses. IN flower pots varieties no higher than 50 cm in height will be able to grow. Such roses bloom long and profusely, their fragrant flowers come in different shades.

Bengal roses. Ideal look for indoor growing. The plants bloom luxuriantly throughout the year, the bushes are small, below 50 cm, small, double and very fragrant flowers, red, white or Pink colour. The bushes are lush, with small leaves.

Polyantha roses. They form numerous shoots, suitable in height for growing on a window. They bloom long and profusely. The bush is strewn with inflorescences of cream, pink or carmine colors.

The type was chosen. What conditions must be created for the queen?

Conditions for growing roses at home

What do you expect when growing roses at home - to get a flowering bush in late autumn, winter or early spring. This can be achieved by growing the rose in a cool, bright room, like in a greenhouse. It is moderately warm there, long daylight hours and high air humidity. You can get similar conditions at home. It is enough to place a rose on a window illuminated by the sun. Fence the plant away from heating devices a foil screen, install additional lighting to extend daylight hours and periodically spray the bush with warm (2-3 degrees higher than the air temperature) water.

In summer, indoor flowers are taken outside. During the first days, depending on the weather, they must be protected from sunlight. It is useful to spray in the morning and evening hours rose bushes water. Such procedures refresh the rose, increase air humidity and reduce the risk of harmful insects. But it should be remembered that water procedures should not be carried out in cloudy weather; the development of the bush may slow down. In the fall, without waiting for frost, the flowers are returned to the windowsill.

To do this correctly, it is very important to maintain the optimal humidity of the earthen ball. It is necessary to water in such an amount that water flows out of the drainage hole. You can leave water in the pan for no more than 2 hours, after which excess water must be removed.

Now, having received answers to primary questions, you can grow roses at home in a pot and take proper care of them. See you!

Miniature blooming roses in pots today occupy one of the most honorable places in home gardening. Many gardeners buy and grow these graceful plants, despite their capriciousness, because beautiful rose in a pot is not only an exquisite design element, but also the pride of every housewife. IN comfortable conditions it can bloom almost all year round, but for this the flower must be provided proper care. How to care for homemade rose and what conditions of detention does she need? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

In pot culture, as a rule, low-growing plants or plants are grown, represented by several varietal groups:

  • Bengal roses. IN wildlife are not found, so there is an assumption that they are bred artificially specifically for home grown. Roses were brought to European countries back in the 18th century. The bushes are low-growing (up to 50 cm), the leaves are small and narrow, the buds are double, different color palette except for shades. Blooms for a long time - from spring until the New Year. The plants do not need rest and do not shed their leaves in the winter.
  • Miniature Chinese. This is a dwarf form of the same Bengal roses, very different small flowers(1–2 cm in diameter). They were brought to Europe early XIX century. The bushes are low (15–25 cm), dense, the leaves are small and openwork, the buds are densely double.
  • Mini flora or Patio. A relatively new group of varieties occupying an intermediate position between Floribunda and miniature roses. Represents multi-flowered low growing plants, blooming profusely almost all year round. It is believed that Patio roses were bred by Irish breeders in the 80s of the last century. Today this is one of the most promising areas in pot culture and landscape design.
  • Polyantha roses. They were obtained by crossing dwarf multi-flowered roses with forms at the end of the 19th century. Their height is only 30–40 cm, the bushes are compact, dense and very decorative. Buds may be different sizes(3–5 cm) and color palette, with the exception of yellow.

Selecting a location

House roses are light-loving, so the best place for them is a windowsill on the south or southwest side of the house. In summer, it is better to take the pots out into the air, and if this is not possible, then the plants need to be shaded from the sun. If this is not done, the leaves and petals may get burned, and flowering will occur at an accelerated rate, which is not in the best possible way will affect the decorativeness of the rose. In addition, about once a week the pot on the window must be rotated, which will ensure uniform development of the crown.

Temperature and lighting

The temperature regime for indoor roses should be as close as possible to natural conditions. In summer it may suffer from excessive heat, overheating and drying out of the soil, and in winter from drafts and cold. Optimal temperature During the flowering period, 22–25 °C is considered and this temperature should be maintained at home.

Do not place the rose next to indoor heat sources (radiators, air heaters). During the dormant period, it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 10–15 °C, and if possible, move the plant to a cool place. also in winter time the flower may need additional lighting.

Watering and humidity

Homemade rose loves wet air, and since indoors it is usually excessively dry, the plant needs to be sprayed periodically. During the active growing season and summer, spraying is carried out with settled water daily. It is necessary to ensure that drops of water do not stagnate in the axils of the leaves. In winter and cloudy weather there is no need to spray the flower. A comfortable microclimate can be provided by a tray or any container with water near the plant.

The frequency of watering depends on the growing season. In winter, when the plant is resting, watering is carried out rarely, only to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the spring, when the rose wakes up in its pot, it needs to be watered more often. In summer, during flowering, watering is carried out daily or as needed, making sure that the soil is always slightly moist.

Long and abundant flowering takes a lot of strength from the rose, which needs to be replenished. Since liquid fertilizers are preferred for it, during watering the plant can be fed with a solution of manure, mullein, as well as ready-made complex mixtures. With the simultaneous use of mineral and organic fertilizers We feed the flower alternately once every 2 weeks.


It is difficult for an indoor rose to adapt to a new place, so replanting is carried out only as a last resort, when the flower has grown greatly and is cramped in the same pot. Of course, if you bought a rose in a disposable pot with substrate, then replanting is inevitable. However, there is no need to rush. Before, give it 1-2 weeks to adapt, and if during this time the flower does not wither or weaken, you can safely proceed to replanting. To make the process painless, the bush is moved to a new pot along with a lump of earth.


Formative pruning for a rose in a pot, which is cared for at home, is required. It is carried out after all the buds have faded and the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This usually happens in October-November, sometimes later. During pruning, you should thin out the bush, remove all faded buds, damaged and weak branches, and shorten healthy ones to 5-6 buds. You can leave the leaves. During the dormant period, there is no need to fertilize or water the flower.

Some roses don't need rest. If your beauty blooms continuously, then pruning can be done in the spring, before the next flowering, since during this period the movement of juices slows down. Now that you know how to care for an indoor rose in a pot, you won’t have any problems growing the capricious “queen of flowers.”

Video “Care for a home rose”

From this video you will learn how to care for your home flower.