Croton propagation at home. Ways to propagate croton at home

  • at least 6-12 cm in length;
  • at least 7-8 mm thick;
  • have at least 1 leaf; a pair must be left for the apical shoot (for faster survival).

You need to examine the plant and identify those shoots that can be used for cuttings. A striking advantage of this method of reproduction is a large number of planting material, therefore, even more croton bushes on your windowsill!

Cutting/rooting process: stages

Having decided on cuttings and subsequent propagation of croton, after examining the existing mother bush, you must:

  • identify shoots from which you can cut off the tops for cuttings, as well as stems from which you can make several cuttings at once;
  • carefully cut the cuttings, laying them out on paper and not confusing where the top is and where the bottom is (for those that do not have a top);
  • Place in warm water for a couple of minutes until the milky juice comes out. It is important to remember that the cut on the flower shoot can be sprinkled with wood ash and the emission of juice will stop;
  • leave the cuttings in the air, leaving 1-2 leaves on each, removing the rest. What do cuttings need leaves for? They will allow the cutting line to be fully fed, taking root faster;
  • after the cuttings have dried in the sun (this should not be direct sunlight!), the lower part should be dipped in Kornevin, Zircon. The preparations will not only stimulate root growth, but will also saturate the cutting with nutrients and elements necessary in the first day of establishment;
  • Root the cuttings in a prepared substrate (one bought in a store will do) or in water. In the first case, to ensure the necessary humidity, the container with the cuttings can be covered with a PET bottle, jar, or a greenhouse can be built from plastic film. Be sure to ventilate! In the second, you need to monitor the temperature of the water in the container with the cuttings. A positive result - strong, numerous and healthy roots - can be obtained by providing water at 24–30°C. And no secrets!

Bright croton - reproduction and care according to all the rules

Despite the fact that croton or codiaum, as it is also called, has a strong appearance, it needs competent and timely care. Most often, this plant dies due to the dishonest attitude of its owners. A particularly incomprehensible point for those who have croton is the propagation of the flower, and whether it needs to be cut off. We answer the most FAQ for caring for this plant.

Description of the codeum

Croton is a plant of the Euphorbiaceae family. Its homeland is the tropics of southeast Asia and India. IN wildlife the flower can reach 3 m in height. At home, you can grow a plant up to 1.5 m high. To achieve this, the flower needs to be given attention and proper care. Today there are many varieties and hybrids of croton itself. various shapes. This indoor exotic blooms rather inconspicuously, but its multi-colored and variegated leaves are particularly decorative. The change in color pigment occurs in the same way as in leaves - with the onset of autumn. Only in croton this process is influenced not by the season, but by the age of the leaves.

Three ways to propagate croton

Croton propagation at home is carried out:

  • using seeds;
  • apical cuttings (leaf);

  • air layering.
  • Seed propagation of codiaum

    Growing codiaum from seeds is quite rare. Sowing of seeds is carried out at the end of winter. Before planting, the seeds are treated with phytohormones, immersed in a solution for 2-3 hours. Then they are sown superficially in boxes or small containers, lightly sprinkled with soil. The first shoots should appear within a month. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, they are planted in separate pots. Main care for seedlings is to ensure stable temperature and humidity by spraying and ventilation.

    Cuttings and leaf propagation

    The most commonly used method of propagation is buried shoots. The twig for rooting is sprinkled with soil in a flowerpot with mother plant. After rooting, the shoot is cut off and planted in a separate container.

    Propagation by apical cuttings or leaves is based on the use of phytohormones. Strong cuttings up to 15 cm long are dipped into water with charcoal and activated carbon. Leave in water until the milky juice on the cuts disappears. After this, the cuttings need to be dried a little. In order to reduce moisture evaporation, the leaves on the shoots are rolled into a tube.

    Cooked planting material planted in moist soil

    substrate and kept in greenhouse conditions until rooting. It is best to do this in the spring. Subsequent care of the cuttings consists of daily spraying and ventilation. As soon as the shoots give the first roots, after about 30 days, they are planted separately. In order for the rooting process to occur faster, the branches are dipped in growth stimulants Kornevin or Zircon. To achieve this effect, you can heat the greenhouse.

    Some gardeners claim that rooting with leaves can be done in ordinary water in the summer.

    Croton care

    This flower loves light, moisture and warmth. Croton does not respond well to sudden changes in temperature, drafts and needs moderate and stable growing conditions.

    The color of its decorative foliage depends on how well we illuminate the flower. If the plant does not have enough light, its leaves acquire a normal green color. In winter, the plant can be safely displayed on a windowsill on the south side. At this time of year, the sun's rays will not cause any harm to it. IN summer time It is recommended to place the codiaum in the shade so that the sun does not burn its beautiful foliage. With the onset of spring, the flower is gradually accustomed to sunlight. Window sills on the west and east sides - perfect place to maintain this plant.

    A stable temperature throughout the year within 20-22 degrees is what is needed for codiaum. In addition, it needs to be provided with moderate humidity, since drying out the air is detrimental to it. Therefore, croton is frequently sprayed and the leaves are washed on both sides with water at room temperature. Croton responds very well to warm showers.

    In the cold season, it is contraindicated to place the flower next to heating devices. Dryness can cause disease and pests. Careful care of the codiaum is very important here to prevent this from happening.

    Croton loves frequent watering, especially in spring and summer. Water the flower as the soil dries so that there is no stagnation of water in the flowerpot or tray. It is watered and sprayed daily, and showers are provided once a week. For these procedures, it is recommended to use warm, settled water. With a lack of moisture, the leaves of the plant droop and become limp. Such a flower needs to be well watered and sprayed, and it will come to life again. IN winter period Watering is reduced to prevent rotting of the root system.

    Possible problems in growing codiaum

    Croton reacts very poorly to stagnant water in a pot. To avoid this, drainage is placed at the bottom of the container. For this you can use broken shards, expanded clay or charcoal. For planting or replanting, use slightly acidic soil, which can be purchased at flower shop or do it yourself at home by mixing rotted manure, peat, leaf and turf soil, and sand in equal parts. For adult specimens, it is recommended to add more turf soil. It is very important that the planting soil is light and loose.

    In spring and summer, the flower needs fertilizer. Any complex fertilizers for decorative foliage indoor flowers are applied once a week. In the autumn-winter period it is fertilized once a month. Feeding is carried out immediately after watering the plant.

    If the croton is given proper care, it can bloom at home. White and light yellow small flowers, not very noticeable in appearance, take too much energy from the plant, so it is recommended to cut them off immediately.

    Sometimes croton can shed its leaves, and this is a completely natural phenomenon. Massive falling of leaves is the result of poor watering, low humidity in the room, the presence of drafts and a sharp change in temperature.

    How to properly transplant croton?

    Young specimens are replanted annually. Adult crotons are replanted no more than once every 3 years. This plant grows very well in nutritious soil. Transplantation is carried out in a flowerpot bigger size. If the time for replanting has come, and the flower does not need it, you should not disturb it again. For planting, you can take plastic, ceramic or clay containers. The transplantation process takes place using the method of transshipment of an earthen clod. You need to try so that the lump does not crumble, this can damage the overly sensitive root system of the plant.

    When growing croton, flower growers sometimes face the problem that after transplantation the flower simply does not grow. The reason for this may be poor lighting. A sufficient amount of diffused bright light is one of the main conditions for the full maintenance of this flower. Therefore in winter time When daylight hours are shorter, it is recommended to illuminate the plant with lamps.

    For information on how croton reproduces and what care it requires, you can watch a detailed video.

    Croton propagation: 2 simple effective ways

    He is daring, bold and unusually bright! This is a handsome croton, loved by gardeners not only for the color of the leaves, but also for their density, as well as easy growing conditions. Bottom line - luxury flower, creating a positive mood and delighting with numerous shades of foliage, from dark green, yellow to burgundy and powdery. But how to propagate croton at home in order to get not one, but several bright flowers on the windowsill? To do this, you can use cuttings and leaves of the plant; you will find a photo of the process here!

    A few words about croton (Codiaeum), or the conviction of the unconditional benefits of the flower

    The oval, slightly elongated, leathery leaves of croton attract with their density and various shades. But few people know that “codeia” means “head” in Greek. Probably, in those days, when the Greeks first saw the codiaum, they were preoccupied with styling their voluminous and colorful hair!

    But this is humor, and the facts are as follows:

  • Croton can become a real tree if professional care. Its height can reach 1.5-4 m;
  • it has a positive effect on nervous system, calming and uplifting. There cannot be depression where codiaum grows;
  • the flower disinfects the air, so it is simply necessary in the nursery.
  • For these reasons, both beginners and experienced gardeners want to grow more than one specimen on the territory entrusted to them. And here they know exactly how to do it!

    Interesting! Indoor oak, as croton is also popularly called, can be not only variegated. If you want only light green and yellow, choose the Sunny Star variety; the Variegatum variety will appeal to those who adore sangria, burgundy and Marsala in various shades, but the Mammy variety will delight you with its compactness and classic colors!

    Propagation of croton by cuttings: first things first

    In order to propagate croton by cuttings, it is not enough to prepare tools and auxiliary materials, such as garden shears/secateurs, glass jar/plastic film to create a mini-greenhouse, nutrient substrate. You need to know exactly from which parts you can take cuttings and at what time.

    His Majesty the stalk, or the one on which much depends

    Here is some good news: cuttings can be taken at any time when you decide to start growing a flower. The only exception is January-February, during these months the plant sleeps, so the croton roots will produce weak ones, or even nothing at all.

    But as for cuttings, the following is most suitable for them:

  • apical shoot with an active bud;
  • a stem shoot on which there is a single leaf;
  • the woody part of the shoot even without a bud.
  • In a word, any part of it is suitable for propagating croton. The main thing is to cut the cuttings correctly. Each of them must be:

    If everything is done correctly, the roots of the cuttings will appear on days 21-30. Let them get stronger for a month and then plant the cuttings in a permanent place of growth.

    Leaf propagation: or a method that requires increased attention

    Propagation of croton by leaves is also possible. However, when choosing this method, it is worth remembering that only healthy, middle-aged leaves are suitable for this. The whole process is the same as with cuttings. The only difference is that the sheet does not need to be dried for a long time.

    An important nuance that will help obtain more planting material is the ability to cut the sheet into pieces. Separate a fairly large adult leaf from the base, then carefully cut it crosswise into 2-3 parts (width - at least 5 cm), carry out all the same manipulations as with cuttings and root it in the substrate. Rooting in water will not give a positive result, so it is better to prepare a flat bowl in advance. To root a leaf or part of it, it is enough to deepen it 2-3 cm.

    And now you are sure that several indoor oak trees will live in your house. To live and please others, to bring positivity and contribute to the realization of the most daring plans. Look, in a couple of decades there will be a real croton grove in the house!

    Growing Croton: video

    All methods of propagating Croton (Codium) at home

    Croton (codiaum) is not only a beautiful flower, but also very capricious.

    Proper care will immediately affect its “behavior”; if it is absent, an exotic representative of the flora may “lose heart” - drop its leaves or change color.

    Therefore, the question of attention to it is a question of maintaining floral aesthetics in the home.

    several ways

  • Apical cuttings;
  • Air layering;
  • Seeds.
  • Cuttings (leaf)

    The main way propagation of codiaum - propagation by cuttings.

    They do it in the spring.


    Then cut slightly dry


    How to root Croton?

    For landing they take small pots or use mini-greenhouses air temperature 25?C, A soil – 30?C, occasionally airing and spraying Croton (Codium).

    light substrate

    put in a warm place Must be avoided hitting them direct rays of the sun.

    2 times a day

    Rooting occurs through 1-1.5 months

    in water. To do this, take a container With dark glass . Diluted in water

    2 months later, croton is replanted.

    In summer, roots grow even on a cut leaf. To do this, it is simply lowered into water. Propagation by leaves (cuttings) is the most suitable method of growing a flower such as croton (codiema).

    Air layering

    air layering summer.

    Using a bag:

    Wraps wet.

    Later one and a half to two months

    Buried shoots:

    Woody branch pinned to the ground treat with a rooting agent transplanted into another pot.

    quickly lost, for sowing. Their planted at the end of winter(January February).

    for 2-3 hours. soaking seeds in warm water – 60? C

    Maintain temperature mode at 22? C

    A month later

    The main rule wherein: maintaining humidity conditions

    useful. He

    Remember that for croton, home care and reproduction are the most important components in the life of the plant. If you show love and care to a cute guy, like a living being, and are ready to spend time on this, then there will be no problems with his maintenance.

    Why do Croton (Codium) leaves dry out and fall off? Symptoms of diseases, pests

    Grow codiaum It's not that simple.

    In the process of growing this plant, one way or another, problems arise in the form of diseases and pests.

    This plant is very capricious; not all living conditions are suitable for it.

    Even experienced gardeners sometimes they encounter such phenomena as wilting; croton leaves turn yellow and fall off. Sometimes the tips of the leaves dry out or they themselves change color and turn yellow.

    Let's talk about why croton leaves dry out and fall off? What other diseases can croton have, and treatment, and we will also figure out what problems may arise when growing and propagating codiaum.

    The tips of the leaves dry out

    Why do the tips of croton leaves dry out?

    Most often the reason for this is too low temperature air.

    What temperature conditions suitable for codiaum?

    Normal temperature
    to grow this plant +14…+20 degrees.

    In order for Croton to grow and develop well, it is necessary to provide it balance of moisture and heat, because insufficient watering can also be the reason why croton leaves dry out.

    Change of plant color

    Why do croton leaves turn yellow? If the flower has changed color, this may indicate about insufficient lighting.

    Croton requires quite a lot of light, but still under direct sunlight better not to put it, since due to burning of leaves, the plant also loses its former color and begins to turn unnaturally yellow.

    How can you tell if codiaum has too much light? Will begin to appear on the leaves of the flowerpot brown spots.

    Why does croton have green leaves? This may be due to the fact that the plant is young.

    In this case, you should provide croton good feeding.

    Red spider mite

    The problem you may encounter when growing croton is pests.

    Cobwebs on the plant are a clear sign that codiaum is affected red spider mite.

    The whole point is that with normal growth the plant secretes a special milky sap, which serves as protection against this pest.

    But if the conditions for its growth too dry, this juice is released in insufficient quantities and the plant endangered.

    In order to rid Croton of such a sore, you need carry out triple treatment means like Neoron, Actellik, etc. with a break of 7 days.

    Shield aphid infrequently affects codiaum, but you always need to be prepared.

    As a rule, you can get rid of scale insects by simply removing them manually.

    For complete disinfection, treat the flower soap solution, add 2 tablespoons of vodka to 1 liter of water and rub in a little soap.

    Wipe the leaves and stems of the plant with this solution.

    After that, leave it like this for 2-3 hours, then rinse under the shower tap.

    Gray or brown spots

    These are the manifestations of anthracnose - fungal disease which may appear due to excess moisture, this may be excessive abundant watering or high humidity air.

    For treatment it is necessary 3-4 times treat the plant with a fungicide.

    This needs to be done intermittently. in ten to twelve days.

    Moreover, treatment should be done not only for the leaves, but also for the soil.

    The leaves are falling

    Why does croton shed its leaves? What to do?

    If the codiaum trunk is exposed at the bottom, this is quite natural process dying of old leaves.

    Why do croton leaves fall off? What to do? But if the top leaves also begin to fall off, the reason for this is most likely either sudden change in temperature, either too low temperature, the conditions in which the codiaum remains for a long time.

    First of all, to eliminate such a phenomenon as leaf falling, you need to take care of the conditions under which the croton is kept. It will also not be superfluous use fertilizer to restore plant health.

    When a croton drops its leaves, the reason may be moisture stagnation, as a result of which is rotting root system . If you find that this is the reason, cut off the apical cutting and try to root it in order to re-grow the flower if the existing one dies. That's why the leaves of the croton began to fall.

    Why did the croton leaves drop? What to do?

    In most cases, the reason for the wilting of croton leaves lies in lack of lighting.

    Also the leaves are drooping when the soil becomes dry.

    To cure a plant, start it water, but gradually.

    In no case Do not immediately flood the soil with water, because after that the root system will begin to rot.

    A good place to start is to water the plant. warm water, where you need to add Elina fertilizer.

    After the soil dries, little by little increase the volume of watering. You can also sprinkle a little water on the croton leaves.

    Caring for croton at home is a painstaking and time-consuming process, and if all requirements are not met, the plant’s leaves begin to fall off.
    Beautiful plant with large leaves of interesting colors will give any room a completely different look.

    Native to the tropics of Southeast Asia - croton. The spectacular plant reproduces well at home.

    Croton cuttings will easily take root in water if the shoot is taken in summer. Croton needs a mixture of sand, peat, humus, leaf and turf soil, taken in equal quantities. In spring or summer, the plant is fed once every ten days.

    best done in spring

    Croton is poisonous. With him

    For landing

First the seeds disinfected in hot water

sprayed and ventilated

Croton propagation by leaves

Growing and propagating croton at home

How to propagate a plant at home? Cuttings or seeds? Works with croton best done in spring. Cuttings are the most popular method; gardeners less often use layering. The most difficult methods are replanting with leaves and seeds.

Croton is poisonous. With him care must be taken, wash your hands thoroughly after working with the plant. It should be kept away from hot battery, but not on a cold windowsill. It is imperative to monitor humidity: both its excess and its deficiency are harmful.


For landing Croton cut a stalk with a pair of internodes and wash the cut. This removes the film that prevents rooting.

  1. The cuttings are dipped in root powder and planted in a mixture of sand and soil, compacting it near the plant.
  2. Croton needs abundant watering warm water once every five days.
  3. A greenhouse made of film is installed over the sprout, the container is placed in a shaded place and ventilated once every two days.

Choosing a pot

For croton, a container is desirable made of plastic: it is more convenient for transplantation. To determine the size of the pot, you need to focus on the dimensions of the croton, but it is better to take a container that is tighter than one that is too loose. Excess soil “sours” leading to the death of the plant.


The soil for croton must be prepared loose, well drained. The optimal composition is a mixture of one part turf soil, the same amount of sand, two parts leaf soil and half part coal. The earth mixture must be boiled in two containers.

Find out more about the features of caring for croton at home.


By cuttings

How to plant croton cuttings? How to take cuttings correctly? Spring is most suitable for cuttings.

The woody stem is cut from March to April. eight to ten centimeter apical cuttings. It is advisable to leave one bud and two leaves. The cut is straight. The released milky juice is carefully washed off with warm water, and the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal.

The cuttings are dried, the lower part is treated with growth stimulants, and the upper leaves are shortened by half or tied into a tube to reduce evaporation. New crotons must be planted one at a time in a pot with a diameter of at least seven centimeters.

If it was not possible to prepare the soil, rooting is acceptable in sand or water. Its temperature is from 23 to 30 degrees. At a lower temperature, the risk of cuttings rotting increases, and a higher temperature can slow down growth and cause the death of some plants. The organization of indirect light in sufficient quantities is mandatory.

How to root a croton cutting? Growth stimulants will be required for rapid rooting. When the roots reach two centimeters in length, you can root the cuttings in the soil.

Special care needed by the plant in the next few weeks. It is often and abundantly sprayed, the air at a constant temperature of eighteen degrees should always be humid, and the lighting should be diffused. If all requirements are met, rooting will take no more than a couple of weeks.

You can understand that everything went well to increase leaf elasticity. The composition of the soil for a rooted cutting is equal parts of humus, turf and leaf soil, peat and sand.

By layering

When the stem of an adult croton is bare, propagation is used air layering. Summer is considered the best time for breeding. There are two methods. At first, a centimeter-wide cut of the bark is made in a circle on a bare branch. No more than 15 cm away from the end.

  1. After treatment, a dark bag is placed over the plant.
  2. The lower end of the layering is tied with twine, and when the upper end is secured, access to moisture is left.
  3. After strong five-centimeter roots appear, the stalk underneath them is cut off.
  4. It is transplanted into a pot, covered with film for a couple of weeks to maintain the necessary air humidity.

Second way - bending and fixing a woody branch to the ground.

  1. There is a cut on the bottom edge. The juice is removed from it and treated with root.
  2. After new leaves appear and take root, the plant is separated from the branch and replanted.


Growing a plant from seeds– the method is not easy and is rarely used.

  1. Seeds are soaked in January-February in any growth stimulant for several hours. It is better to sow in February.
  2. Plant the seeds in a pot with a sand-peat mixture, covering the top with film.
  3. A mini-greenhouse needs diffused light and a stable temperature of 25 degrees above zero.
  4. Shoots appear in a month.

Used for propagation by seeds only seeds that ripened no later than a year ago.

First the seeds disinfected in hot water. To swell, they are left in water for a day. Then they are planted in warm soil. Until the seeds germinate, they need bottom watering. After germination, the sprouts are transplanted separately.

In pots filled with a mixture of humus, sand, peat or crushed sphagnum, indentations are made with a stick, and the cuttings are planted one at a time. At the base of each the earth is compacted.

In summer, plants are left in water at a temperature of 25 degrees with diffused lighting. For achievement greenhouse effect The pot is covered with a jar or bag.

Twice a day daily small crotons sprayed and ventilated to harden off the plants. Rooting takes about a month and a half. After this, the plants are planted in separate pots.


Croton propagation by leaves- a rare method: to guarantee positive result it is forbidden.

  1. A leaf with a piece of stem cut with a sharp knife is washed with water and planted in a plastic cup with wet peat.
  2. Wrap the cup with the plant in polyethylene and leave until completely rooted in a bright, cool place. It can take a long time for a leaf to take root.
  3. After the roots have entwined the entire earthen coma, you can plant the young croton in a separate pot.


How does Croton (Codium) propagate at home? Exists several ways how to grow croton at home:

  1. Apical cuttings;
  2. Air layering;
  3. Seeds.

Cuttings (leaf)

The main way propagation of codiaum - propagation by cuttings.

They do it in the spring.

The cuttings must be cut with a sharpened knife from woody shoots.

The cut is made straight, leaving two leaves and one bud on the shoot.

The top cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal, after which the cuttings are placed in warm water with charcoal added to it to wash off the milky juice that is released. (We must not forget that codiaum juice poisonous, and be careful when working.)

Then cut slightly dry. For codiaum (croton), leaf propagation continues by rooting cuttings.


How to root Croton?

For landing they take small pots or use mini-greenhouses, or you can dip the cuttings in a container of water. In the mini-greenhouse they observe air temperature 25ºC, A soil – 30ºC, occasionally airing and spraying Croton (Codium).

Croton propagation at home continues by filling pots with a diameter of 12 cm light substrate, consisting of sphagnum moss, sand, leaf soil (1: 0.5: 2).

Several cuttings are placed in each, inserting them into small depressions in the soil and compacting the substrate at the base. Capacities put in a warm place, for example, on a windowsill heated by a radiator. Must be avoided hitting them direct rays of the sun.

Keep the substrate moist, cover the planting with polyethylene or jars. Cuttings 2 times a day spray, ventilate, gradually adapting to the room temperature.

Rooting occurs through 1-1.5 months: this is indicated by young leaves appearing on the apical cuttings.

The plants are then planted in separate pots with suitable soil.

The best is a composition of leaf, turf soil, sand, peat and humus, taken equally.

You can root a codiaum cutting in water. To do this, take a container with dark glass. Diluted in water 1 tablet activated carbon . Bottom part cuttings are treated with heteroauxin.

In a jar (glass, plastic bottle) water is periodically added to the cutting to replenish what has evaporated. White strong roots will come out 2 months later, croton is replanted.

In summer, roots grow even on a cut leaf. To do this, it is simply lowered into water. Propagation by leaves (cuttings) is the most suitable method of growing a flower such as croton (codiema).

Air layering

Croton propagation at home can be done air layering. This method of “multiplying the genus” is used when the trunk or the branches of the plant will become very bare. The best time for the procedure is summer.

There are two options for this method:

Using a bag:

10-15 cm below the top of the shoot, cut the bark in a circular manner, obtaining a ring approximately 1 cm wide.

From this place the codiaum will produce new roots. Cut location processed by rooting agents (heteroauxin), wraps wet peat or chopped sphagnum.

A dark film in the form of a bag is placed on top of the peat, the lower edge is tied under the cut, and the upper edge is tied above, but loosely, so that the substrate can be moistened into the gap.

Later one and a half to two months Roots 5 or more cm long will emerge from the substrate. The stalk is cut off under the bag and transplanted into a pot.

Buried shoots:

Woody branch pinned to the ground and pinned, sprinkled with earth on top. The bottom edge of the branch should be slightly cut, the escaping juice should be wiped off, the cut treat with a rooting agent. The rooted shoot is cut off from the mother branch and transplanted into another pot.


How to propagate Croton (Codium) at home with seeds? Since the germination rate of croton seeds quickly lost, for sowing use only freshly harvested. Their planted at the end of winter(January February).

The seeds must first be dipped in a solution with phytohormones. for 2-3 hours.(Some gardeners replace this procedure with a half-hour soaking seeds in warm water – 60ºC followed by their swelling during the day.) Then the seeds are sown in small containers or boxes to a depth of 1 cm.

Maintain temperature mode at 22ºC. Before emergence, the soil must be moist, for which bottom watering is used or the crops are covered with film (glass).

A month later shoots appear. When the seedlings grow a third leaf, they are planted in separate pots with a diameter of up to 7 cm.

They need to be cared for like adult plants. The main rule wherein: maintaining humidity conditions using ventilation and spraying and stable temperature.

Croton (codium) is a plant that not only has charming variegated foliage, but also useful. He can improve air quality in the apartment, eliminating toxic substances from it.

Remember that for croton, home care and reproduction are the most important components in the life of the plant. If you show love and care to a cute guy, like a living being, and are ready to spend time on this, then there will be no problems with his maintenance.

Colorful fireworks from the tropics

The leaves of the shrub, native to the tropics of Indonesia and the eastern parts of India, are large, dense, and have a structure similar to high-quality leather. Their surface is completely dissected with veins. different colors. Red, yellow, orange veins and spots are the main decoration of the flower, thanks to which it has become widespread. The foliage tone includes other, no less refined shades: burgundy, green, amber, pink, purple, brown - all these colors are generously gifted by nature to this plant. The colorful flower looks like a flash of fireworks, delighting with multi-colored lights.

Moreover, it is quite difficult to find two completely identical leaves on one plant. The color of young and mature bushes is also significantly different. Therefore, many attempts to independently determine the plant variety fail.

Codium also surprises with its variety of leaf shapes. They can be linear, three-fingered, guitar-shaped, oval or blade-shaped. Their edge can be smooth, wavy and twisted. The racemose flowers remain in the shade; they do not play any role in the highly decorative appearance of the codiaum.

Principles of plant care

Like any tropical plant, caring for croton is specific and requires painstaking care, patience and time. It needs special attention during the off-season and in the first time after purchase, when it gets used to new growing conditions. Lighting is of paramount importance. At insufficient lighting the leaves fade and lose their attractiveness. Excessive rays of the scorching sun will also harm the flower.

Lighting rules and temperature conditions in the house

Most appropriate place for croton - windows facing east or west. If you still choose a south window, then it should be shaded by a thin Roman shade or blinds. A north window is only suitable if it is possible to organize artificial lighting.

Temperature is an equally important factor affecting the condition of the flower. The temperature issue is especially relevant during the transition from one season to another. This is due to the possibility of sharp jumps in the mercury column, especially towards zero. In the summer, ordinary warm heat is enough for the plant, room air. Moreover, in the summer it can be taken out onto the loggia or veranda. The main condition is t -+13°С-+14°С and above and reliable protection from the wind, as well as direct rays of the sun.

Care in spring and summer

In spring and summer, the plant must be moistened abundantly. The soil is watered as a dry crust forms on the surface of the soil. If the summer is hot and the air is not humid enough, then the leaves are carefully wiped with a cloth soaked in water. During active growth and development of shoots in warm spring and summer, it is necessary to constantly feed.

Once every two weeks, crotons are fed with special fertilizers, which include the entire complex of necessary substances.

Winter care for croton

In winter, the plant needs to be provided with no less comfortable conditions - t - +18°C - +20°C, sufficient light, non-dry air, no drafts. During the heating season, a problem arises with dry air, which is contraindicated for croton. The minimum permissible humidity for normal plant growth and development is 45%. Therefore, with heating devices constantly on, it is necessary to regularly humidify the air around the codiaum bushes. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, and fertilizing is stopped altogether.

Breeding croton - an overview of the most effective method

To grow a new codiaum yourself, you need to know several plant propagation techniques. If you follow some simple rules, propagating croton at home will not seem so difficult. Exist following methods propagation of croton - using seeds, leaves, parts of the trunk and cuttings. The least labor-intensive and effective of them is the cutting method. This will be discussed later in the article.

Croton cuttings at home

The simplest method is to propagate croton by cuttings. The main advantage of this method is that croton can be propagated by cuttings all year round. To do this, the apical parts of the stems are cut off - cuttings with compaction - a growth point that will serve the further development of the plant.

Sometimes, as planting material, parts of the stem with a leaf and a bud are cut, from which shoots and leaves will subsequently emerge. Thus, croton is propagated by leaves at home: one leaf, without a bud and a small portion of a stem, will develop a good root, but will not produce a new plant. Therefore, propagation of croton by leaves or trunk is a conventional name. In fact, the leaf is cut off along with a bud and a piece of stem. They will ensure further growth of leaves and roots.

Technique for cutting and planting cuttings

If a cutting cut from the top of a flower is used as planting material, it must be at least 7-10 cm in height u. When croton propagation by stem is used, a part of the stem is cut out between the nodes, on which there is a healthy, developed leaf and bud. The best way to survive the rooting process are cuttings cut from shoots that have already become lignified.

The cut must be made at a right angle using a clean, disinfected tool. You can disinfect pruning shears, scissors or a garden knife by using an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate or dousing them with boiling water.

After milky juice appears on the cut surface, wipe it with a dry paper napkin and leave to dry for several hours. Then the cuttings are placed in containers with warm water.

It is important to monitor the temperature of the water in which the cut shoots take root. It must be constantly maintained at +24°C - +30°C. Exceeding these limits is fraught with rotting of the petiole or the development of pathogenic bacteria, which will lead to the death of the seedling. Climatic conditions during root germination coincide with those that are organized for adult plants. When small root shoots, 2-3 cm long, appear, they can be planted in the soil. You can see the article: Exotic flytrap plant: rules for indoor keeping.

Spectacular crotons are quite demanding to care for. However, if the grower pays due attention to the plant, it will delight you with variegated foliage. In today's article we will talk about how croton propagation is carried out.

In order for the propagation of homemade codiaum, which gardeners often call croton, to be successful, it is necessary to meet certain conditions that do not depend on which method you choose.

First of all, you need to prepare a suitable pot for the new croton. The container should not be too deep, but wide. Be sure to take care of drainage at the bottom of the container, which should be at least 3 cm. Use expanded clay, broken brick or small pebbles as drainage. Also prepare a tray with water in which you will place the flowerpot.

Codium is planted in spring or summer. The new shoot is inserted into the ground so that its roots do not touch the drainage.

The soil mixture for a new croton should be as similar as possible to the soil in which it grows in its homeland. The substrate can be prepared at home. To do this, mix peat, humus, sand and turf soil in equal proportions.

Which method to choose

Cuttings or leaves

Most often, croton propagation is carried out by cuttings. Not only apical shoots take root well, but also cuttings with one leaf or a dormant bud. Croton propagation by leaves without a bud will not occur.

The best time for pinching is the first months of spring, when the shoots are actively growing. You need to cut off a fragment that contains a bud and an adult leaf blade. You need to pinch the top within 6–10 cm, then the future croton will have a strong trunk and rhizomes. In order for a piece of the stem to take root in the future, it must be cut from a healthy shoot.

We offer step-by-step instructions for preparing planting material:

  1. Dry the cut areas with a napkin.
  2. Large leaf blades that select nutrients at the cutting, cut it in half.
  3. If the lower leaves also interfere with rooting, remove them.
  4. We keep the cuttings in the air for a couple of hours.
  5. Place the planting material in a glass of water.

It is very important that the temperature of the liquid is 24–30 °C. If it cools down, the roots will develop slowly and the seedling may eventually die. Planting material should be exposed to the diffused rays of the sun throughout the day.

When roots appear on the cuttings, you can transplant them into the ground. It is enough that the shoots are 2–3 cm long, then they will not be damaged during transplantation, and the plant will quickly grow. If you have chosen the correct composition of the soil mixture, then within a couple of weeks the croton will acclimatize and quickly take root.

Video “How to propagate croton by cuttings”

Video about how to propagate codiaum (croton) by cuttings at home.

Air layering

When the trunk or branches are left without leaves, croton propagation is carried out by air layering. This method is interesting, but very painstaking. The summer months are most suitable for this procedure. Let's consider two methods of such reproduction.

The pouch method involves cutting off the bark in a circle at a distance of 10–15 cm from the top of the shoot to create a ring 1 cm wide. This place will be the launching pad for new roots.

The cut area is being processed special means for rooting and covered with peat. A film is placed on top like a bag, which is tied at the top and bottom so that a gap remains, through which the peat is moistened for 60 days until roots 5 cm long appear from it. After which the cutting can be cut and transplanted into a pot.

You can also propagate croton using the buried shoot method. To do this, the branch on which the bark has formed is pressed to the surface and sprinkled with earth. Then the bottom edge of the branch is cut. Any juice that comes out must be wiped off, as it is poisonous. The incision is treated with a special agent to root it. The shoot is separated from the mother branch after rooting and transplanted into a flowerpot.


Like other plants, croton can reproduce by seeds. But they apply this method rarely. If a gardener decides to undertake such an experiment, then he needs to know the following:

  • this is a long process;
  • plants that appear in this way rarely retain the characteristics of the variety.

One of the main conditions is that the seeds must be recently collected, since their germination capacity is lost over time.

They should be planted in February. First, the seeds are poured with warm water. After 15 hours, they are soaked for a couple of hours in a solution of phytohormones. Next, prepare the soil mixture and fill the containers with it. The prepared seeds are buried 1 cm into the soil and a small greenhouse is made, covered with a jar or film.

Seeds are germinated at a temperature of +24 °C. Watering the seedlings is carried out through a tray. After 30 days, the first shoots will hatch. They require attention because they are weak and develop very slowly. When a couple of leaves appear on them, they can be picked. Care for seedlings is the same as for adult plants.

At the final stage, the seedlings are planted in separate flowerpots.

We told you how to propagate homemade croton. Some methods were simple, others were only possible experienced flower growers. Which method to choose is up to you.

Croton propagation at home. Another wonderful indoor flower that will decorate you home garden on the windowsill there will be croton (codiaum). Despite the fact that this plant has a strong appearance, it needs proper care at home.

What you will learn from this material:

This article will tell you about what care is needed, as well as how croton propagation occurs at home.

Croton description

Croton or codiaum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. India and Southeast Asia are considered the birthplace of this flower. Codiaum can grow up to three meters in height in its homeland, but at home - a maximum of one and a half meters. In order to get such a tall flower at home, you need to organize proper care for it.

Today, croton at home is represented by a variety of hybrids and varieties. The leaves of this plant are decorative. They are quite variegated and multi-colored in codiaum. Characteristic feature The leaf blade of this plant is a transformation of the color pigment with the onset of autumn.

Moreover, the factor influencing the color of the leaves in this situation will not be the time of year, but their age. Inconspicuous flowers form against the background of leaves. Light yellow or white small flowers form on croton. To prevent them from taking a lot of energy from the flower, it is recommended to cut them off.

Croton propagation methods

Spectacular crotons are considered not the easiest to maintain, but with due attention and patience the plant responds to care good growth and healthy variegated foliage. And if you wish, you can also get a new croton, which can be propagated at home in three main ways:

  • using cuttings;
  • sowing seeds obtained independently or purchased;
  • through air layering.

Preparing the soil for planting croton

The soil should be well drained and loose. Croton does not tolerate stagnation. The acidity of the soil should also not be too high - from 6.1 to 6.5. The best option for the soil mixture it looks like in the following way: (1 part); leaf soil (2 parts); sand (1 part); coal (0.5 parts).

You should also sterilize this soil mixture by boiling it in two containers. It is important to know! To avoid stagnation of water, you should place expanded clay, charcoal and clay shards on the bottom of the pot.

Propagation of croton by cuttings at home

Cuttings are the simplest and most effective method. Not only is it possible to obtain planting material throughout the year, but not only the tops of shoots with an active growth point, but also stem cuttings with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small fragment of the stem can be rooted.

This method is often called propagation of croton leaves.

If you take only a leaf for propagation, it will give powerful roots, but further development you can't wait. Without a bud from which the shoot would begin to grow, get a young specimen ornamental plant will not work. Best time for cutting cuttings - this early spring when the shoots do not actively grow:

  • When cutting the apical cutting, its length should be within 6–10 cm. In this case, the future plant will form a good root system and form a small, strong stem.
  • Stem cuttings are obtained using a straight cut so as to obtain one internode with an adult leaf and bud.

To ensure that the cuttings take root and subsequently grow, it is better to cut them from lignified, healthy shoots. For successful propagation of croton, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • A cutting suitable for rooting must have at least one full leaf. That is, the leaf, before rooting the cutting, must go through all stages of growth and acquire sufficient rigidity.
  • In order for rooting to take place quickly and efficiently, you should use water whose temperature is not lower than 23 and not higher than 30 degrees. At lower temperatures, the cuttings are likely to rot. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the rooting process may slow down, and some cuttings may die. You should also take into account the room temperature and, if necessary, maintain desired temperature water. A gradual decrease in temperature, although it will not lead to rotting of the cuttings, can significantly slow down the rooting process.
  • The cutting should receive enough light, but directional lighting should be avoided.
  • Using stimulants to treat cuttings will speed up the process of root formation.

When the roots have grown at least 2 cm, the cuttings should be rooted in the soil. For several weeks, the cutting requires special care:

  • the air must be humid,
  • The plant should be sprayed frequently and regularly,
  • provide diffused lighting to the cuttings,
  • maintain the air temperature at least 18 degrees.

If all the necessary conditions will be taken into account, the roots will strengthen within one to two weeks. A sign of this will be an increase in the elasticity of the sheet.

Propagation of croton by seeds at home

Croton is very rarely propagated by seeds at home due to the rather long duration of the process. In addition, plants from seeds do not retain their varietal characteristics and grow slowly. For sowing, use only freshly harvested seeds (they quickly lose their viability). They are sown in February:

  • The seeds are soaked in warm water for 12-15 hours, and after that they are kept for 2-3 hours in a solution of phytohormones;
  • Prepared seeds are sown in containers with a moistened substrate of sand and peat (2:1) to a depth of no more than 1 cm and covered with a lid, film or glass;
  • Optimal temperature Range when germinating seeds +22+24 °C;
  • Water the crops through a tray;
  • After about a month, shoots appear;
  • When the seedlings grow three leaves, they can be picked.

Caring for seedlings is the same as caring for adult plants.

Croton propagation by air layering at home

In a situation where the croton trunk or its branches are very exposed, you need to use propagation by air layering. The best period For this, summer is considered. There are two ways of such reproduction.

  • on a bare stem or branch, no more than 15 cm from the end, make a circular cut of the bark about 1 cm wide (this is where the flower will produce roots);
  • treat the cut with any rooting stimulant and wrap it in damp crushed sphagnum or peat;
  • Make a bag out of dark film and put it on top of the cut: tie the bottom edge with twine on the stem, and secure the top edge so that there is access for moisture;
  • when strong roots at least 5 cm long appear from the bag with the substrate, after about a month and a half, cut off the cutting underneath;
  • Plant the resulting cutting in a pot, covering it with film for the first time to maintain air humidity.
  • bend down a woody twig, attach it to the ground and sprinkle it with earth;
  • You can make a small cut from the bottom edge of the branch, wipe off the juice and treat with root;
  • You can separate it from the parent branch and transplant it into a separate pot when new leaves grow, shoots or the shoot takes root.

Croton care at home

This flower loves light, moisture and warmth. Croton does not respond well to sudden changes in temperature, drafts and needs moderate and stable growing conditions. The color of its decorative foliage depends on how well we illuminate the flower.

If the plant does not have enough light, its leaves acquire a normal green color. In winter, the plant can be safely displayed on a windowsill on the south side. At this time of year, the sun's rays will not cause any harm to it.

In summer, it is recommended to place the codiaum in the shade so that the sun does not burn its beautiful foliage. With the onset of spring, the flower is gradually accustomed to sunlight. Window sills on the western and eastern sides are an ideal place to keep this plant.

A stable temperature throughout the year within 20-22 degrees is what is needed for codiaum. In addition, it needs to be provided with moderate humidity, since drying out the air is detrimental to it. Therefore, croton is frequently sprayed and the leaves are washed on both sides with water at room temperature. Croton responds very well to warm showers.

In the cold season, it is contraindicated to place the flower next to heating devices. Dryness can cause disease and pests. Careful care of the codiaum is very important here to prevent this from happening.

Croton loves frequent watering, especially in spring and summer. Water the flower as the soil dries so that there is no stagnation of water in the flowerpot or tray. It is watered and sprayed daily, and showers are provided once a week. For these procedures, it is recommended to use warm, settled water. With a lack of moisture, the leaves of the plant droop and become limp. Such a flower needs to be well watered and sprayed, and it will come to life again. In winter, watering is reduced to prevent rotting of the root system.

Another wonderful indoor flower that will decorate your home garden on the windowsill is croton (codiaum). Despite the fact that this plant has a strong appearance, it needs proper care at home. This article will tell you about what care is needed, as well as how croton propagation occurs at home.

Croton description

Croton or codiaum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. India and Southeast Asia are considered the birthplace of this flower. Codiaum can grow up to three meters in height in its homeland, but at home - a maximum of one and a half meters. In order to get such a tall flower at home, you need to organize proper care for it.

Today, croton at home is represented by a variety of hybrids and varieties. The leaves of this plant are decorative. They are quite variegated and multi-colored in codiaum. A characteristic feature of the leaf blade of this plant is the transformation of the color pigment with the onset of autumn. Moreover, the factor influencing the color of the leaves in this situation will not be the time of year, but their age. Inconspicuous flowers form against the background of leaves. Light yellow or white small flowers form on croton. To prevent them from taking a lot of energy from the flower, it is recommended to cut them off.

Croton propagation methods

Showy crotons are not considered the easiest to maintain, but with due attention and patience the plant responds to care with good growth and healthy variegated foliage. And if you wish, you can also get a new croton, which can be propagated at home in three main ways:

  • using cuttings;
  • sowing seeds obtained independently or purchased;
  • through air layering.

Preparing the soil for planting croton

The soil should be well drained and loose. Croton does not tolerate stagnant water. The acidity of the soil should also not be too high - from 6.1 to 6.5. The best option for a soil mixture is as follows: turf soil (1 part); leaf soil (2 parts); sand (1 part); coal (0.5 parts). You should also sterilize this soil mixture by boiling it in two containers. It is important to know! To avoid stagnation of water, you should place expanded clay, charcoal and clay shards on the bottom of the pot.

Propagation of croton by cuttings at home

Cuttings are the simplest and most effective method. Not only is it possible to obtain planting material throughout the year, but not only the tops of shoots with an active growth point, but also stem cuttings with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small fragment of the stem can be rooted. This method is often called propagation of croton leaves.

If you take only a leaf for propagation, it will give powerful roots, but you can’t expect further development. Without a bud from which a shoot would begin to grow, it will not be possible to obtain a young specimen of an ornamental plant. The best time to take cuttings is early spring, when the shoots have not begun to actively grow:

  1. When cutting the apical cutting, its length should be within 6–10 cm. In this case, the future plant will form a good root system and form a small, strong stem.
  2. Stem cuttings are obtained using a straight cut so as to obtain one internode with an adult leaf and bud.

To ensure that the cuttings take root and subsequently grow, it is better to cut them from lignified, healthy shoots. For successful propagation of croton, the following rules should be taken into account:

  1. A cutting suitable for rooting must have at least one full leaf. That is, the leaf, before rooting the cutting, must go through all stages of growth and acquire sufficient rigidity.
  2. In order for rooting to take place quickly and efficiently, you should use water whose temperature is not lower than 23 and not higher than 30 degrees. At lower temperatures, the cuttings are likely to rot. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the rooting process may slow down, and some cuttings may die. You should also take into account the room temperature and, if necessary, maintain the desired water temperature. A gradual decrease in temperature, although it will not lead to rotting of the cuttings, can significantly slow down the rooting process.
  3. The cutting should receive enough light, but directional lighting should be avoided.
  4. Using stimulants to treat cuttings will speed up the process of root formation.

When the roots have grown at least 2 cm, the cuttings should be rooted in the soil. For several weeks, the cutting requires special care:

  • the air must be humid,
  • The plant should be sprayed frequently and regularly,
  • provide diffused lighting to the cuttings,
  • maintain the air temperature at least 18 degrees.

If all the necessary conditions are taken into account, the roots will strengthen within one to two weeks. A sign of this will be an increase in the elasticity of the sheet.

Propagation of croton by seeds at home

Croton is very rarely propagated by seeds at home due to the rather long duration of the process. In addition, plants from seeds do not retain their varietal characteristics and grow slowly. For sowing, use only freshly harvested seeds (they quickly lose their viability). They are sown in February:

  • The seeds are soaked in warm water for 12-15 hours, and after that they are kept for 2-3 hours in a solution of phytohormones;
  • Prepared seeds are sown in containers with a moistened substrate of sand and peat (2:1) to a depth of no more than 1 cm and covered with a lid, film or glass;
  • The optimal temperature range for seed germination is +22+24 °C;
  • Water the crops through a tray;
  • After about a month, shoots appear;
  • When the seedlings grow three leaves, they can be picked.

Caring for seedlings is the same as caring for adult plants.

Croton propagation by air layering at home

In a situation where the croton trunk or its branches are very exposed, you need to use propagation by air layering. The best period for this is summer. There are two ways of such reproduction.

  • on a bare stem or branch, no more than 15 cm from the end, make a circular cut of the bark about 1 cm wide (this is where the flower will produce roots);
  • treat the cut with any rooting stimulant and wrap it in damp crushed sphagnum or peat;
  • Make a bag out of dark film and put it on top of the cut: tie the bottom edge with twine on the stem, and secure the top edge so that there is access for moisture;
  • when strong roots at least 5 cm long appear from the bag with the substrate, after about a month and a half, cut off the cutting underneath;
  • Plant the resulting cutting in a pot, covering it with film for the first time to maintain air humidity.
  • bend down a woody twig, attach it to the ground and sprinkle it with earth;
  • You can make a small cut from the bottom edge of the branch, wipe off the juice and treat with root;
  • You can separate it from the parent branch and transplant it into a separate pot when new leaves grow, shoots or the shoot takes root.

Croton care at home

This flower loves light, moisture and warmth. Croton does not respond well to sudden changes in temperature, drafts and needs moderate and stable growing conditions. The color of its decorative foliage depends on how well we illuminate the flower. If the plant does not have enough light, its leaves acquire a normal green color. In winter, the plant can be safely displayed on a windowsill on the south side. At this time of year, the sun's rays will not cause any harm to it. In summer, it is recommended to place the codiaum in the shade so that the sun does not burn its beautiful foliage. With the onset of spring, the flower is gradually accustomed to sunlight. Window sills on the western and eastern sides are an ideal place to keep this plant.

A stable temperature throughout the year within 20-22 degrees is what is needed for codiaum. In addition, it needs to be provided with moderate humidity, since drying out the air is detrimental to it. Therefore, croton is frequently sprayed and the leaves are washed on both sides with water at room temperature. Croton responds very well to warm showers.

In the cold season, it is contraindicated to place the flower next to heating devices. Dryness can cause disease and pests. Careful care of the codiaum is very important here to prevent this from happening.

Croton loves frequent watering, especially in spring and summer. Water the flower as the soil dries so that there is no stagnation of water in the flowerpot or tray. It is watered and sprayed daily, and showers are provided once a week. For these procedures, it is recommended to use warm, settled water. With a lack of moisture, the leaves of the plant droop and become limp. Such a flower needs to be well watered and sprayed, and it will come to life again. In winter, watering is reduced to prevent rotting of the root system.

Croton is an extremely interesting plant. Strong beautiful tree or fluffy shrub with bright colorful leaves whimsical shapes can decorate not only your home, but also be your friend both in your study and in the office. For these purposes, one flower is not enough, so it’s time for you to think about propagating croton at home.

There are several ways to propagate croton: seeds, cuttings, leaves and air layering.

Propagation by cuttings is most popular among Croton owners. Well-ripened cuttings 8-15 cm long, which are cut from the main or side stem, are suitable for it. This process is best done at the end of winter or spring, when there is more sunlight, although at any other time of the year cuttings can be successfully rooted using daylight lighting.

Cut from a prepared shoot lower leaves, wash off the milky juice released from the wound under water, blot it with a napkin, make a powder charcoal and let the cutting dry for at least a couple of hours. The remaining leaves on the shoot are tied into a tube; the top leaves that are too large can be cut in half so that the cutting does not lose all its moisture. A well-dried cutting is planted in a prepared container with drainage and a mixture of sand and peat, covered with a film with holes for ventilation and placed in a warm place with diffused lighting. The shoots will begin to grow in about a month. Almost all types of crotons are propagated using this method. The remaining parent tree, after cutting the cuttings, will certainly grow new shoots.

Rooting Croton in water

You can try to root croton shoots in warm, settled water, the temperature of which is 25-27 °C in summer; this method is most effective. At other times of the year, you need to monitor the temperature of the surrounding air and water in the container with the cuttings. If the water cools for a long time, then root formation first slows down and then stops altogether. The seedling will rot and die. In warmer water, above 30 °C, there is a high probability of bacterial flora developing. When strong white roots 2-3 cm long appear, the seedlings can be transplanted into a prepared container under a film for subsequent rooting. The temperature during the rooting period should remain high, about 25-27 °C. We must ensure that the soil does not dry out. The lighting should be bright but diffuse. Daylight hours are long. After a month, the shoots usually take root well, and they need to be transplanted into a prepared pot with drainage and a nutrient mixture. When the flower becomes crowded and the root system fills the pot completely, the croton will need to be transplanted into a larger pot with a diameter of 13-15 cm.

You can also try rooting a stem cutting with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small stem fragment. This method of propagation is often called propagation of croton by leaf or leaves. Such a cutting is obtained by cutting directly from the stem so that it contains one internode with an adult healthy leaf and an axillary bud.

Leaf propagation

Similar to propagation by cuttings, planting material is prepared for planting, rooted, and temperature, humidity and lighting are monitored. But, it is important to know that if you plant only a leaf in the soil or put it in water, and it even produces good strong roots, you will still not receive further development of the plant, because without a bud from which a new shoot would begin to grow, a young decorative flower don't get it.

Croton propagation by seeds

Seeds are more often used for growing hybrids, since the seeds of indoor codiaums do not retain their parental properties. Seeds obtained from blooming flower, cannot be stored for more than a year - they will lose their germination. You can buy croton seeds at the store. The time to plant seeds is January or February. Your seeds must be disinfected. To do this, they are first immersed in hot water for 30 minutes, and then kept in water at room temperature for 24 hours. Special growth stimulants, for example, heteroauxin, can be added to the water, and then planted in loose, well-fertilized soil under a film to a depth of 1 cm. At a temperature of 25-27 °C, the seeds in the greenhouse will germinate in about a month. The greenhouse is ventilated. When the first shoots appear, they are carefully watered and begin to accustom them to room temperature. Bushes with two or three blossoming leaves are transplanted into separate pots. Since the seed shoot of indoor croton is usually broken off at the very beginning of flowering, so that it does not take away the croton’s strength and does not harm the decorative appearance of the plant, propagation of croton at home is usually carried out using its shoots.

Croton propagation by air layering

It happens that the stem of a croton becomes bare for a number of reasons. The flower loses its decorative effect. To save the situation and grow a new young tree, you can get air layering from the old one in two ways.

First way

At the end of spring, or better in summer, a circular cut of the bark is made on the croton stem at a distance of 15 cm from the top of the plant. The strip should be about 7 cm. The place of this cut, for the rapid formation of roots, is treated with growth stimulants and wrapped with sphagnum moss. Then everything is wrapped in dark plastic film. The upper edge is easily strengthened so that it can then be opened slightly during regular moistening of the moss. And the lower edge is strengthened and tied with a rope. Sometimes they do it differently: they put a plastic ring cut from a plastic glass or bottle around the cut on the stem, fasten it well and fill the space with peat, as shown in the diagram.

Rooting scheme by air layering

In any case, the roots on the stem should appear in a month, but you will need to wait until they grow well and become at least 5 cm, so that in the future they can provide young plant nutrition and moisture. Only then can the cuttings be cut and the air layer planted in the prepared soil. Choose a shaded place for the pot for several weeks. Good watering and spraying of the plant is required.


Second way

A woody shoot is selected from the plant and bent to the ground. To speed up the formation of roots, in the part of the shoot that is closer to the ground, part of the bark is removed and this place is treated with a growth stimulator. The place of future rooting is secured with a wire pin and sprinkled with soil. In two to three weeks, new leaves should appear from the ground. When they are old enough, the air layering is ready for transplanting. Carefully dig it out of the ground and transplant it into your pot in a permanent place. Don’t forget that it takes time for the plant to get stronger, take root well, and begin to grow on its own. Place the pot in a bright but shaded place, water and spray.


When propagating croton at home, you should remember that this flower is poisonous. indoor plants, therefore, during all operations with it, you must be careful and wear gloves. If juice gets on your skin, be sure to quickly wash the area of ​​contact and your hands with soap to avoid burns.

But if you decide to grow a lot of these wonderful flowers, and you are not afraid of difficulties in their further cultivation, the effort and time spent will pay off - amazingly beautiful bushes and trees will decorate your home for many years and create comfort and a wonderful atmosphere in it.