Calculation of the number of aerators on a flat roof. Roof aerator: design and installation of ventilation elements for the under-roof space

The main purpose of the aerator for roof ventilation is to remove moisture from the under-roof space, as well as to ventilate all layers of the roofing pie. Soft roofing is most sensitive to moisture. Its design is a multilayer structure, in which materials are laid in layers. The basis is a reinforced concrete coating slab, it acts as a barrier between internal part indoors and outdoor environment. During operation, the roof covering may swell and peel due to the penetration of moist fumes from inside the building. To prevent such situations, aerators are installed on the roof as a preventive measure.

How does the aerator work?

The device is very simple. It consists of a piece of pipe, a tight-fitting skirt for attaching to the roof and a cap or cover. In terms of design, there are many solutions. The principle of operation of the aerator is based on the difference in pressure inside and outside the building. That is wet air It is removed naturally through the aerator pipe, and fresh water comes in its place. The most favorable place to install a roof aerator for metal tiles is considered to be the space at the ridge.

Individual elements of the deflector are made of materials resistant to:

  • acid and alkaline influences;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • temperature changes, the material should tolerate equally well subzero temperatures and heat;
  • corrosion.

The most the best option today are durable technical plastics and stainless steel.

Roof aerators on flat soft roof usually installed evenly over the entire surface of the roof. It is considered the norm to install one aerator for every 100 m2 of roof area. Whatever the roof covering and roof design, you should not do it yourself. The number of devices and their design are determined by professional calculations based on initial data. These are:

  • square roofing;
  • roof technical characteristics;
  • layer-by-layer composition of the roofing pie and its condition;
  • level of moisture concentration inside the building and under the roof.

For very specific premises, with a high level of humidity, all calculations regarding the number and location of installation of aerators on the roof are carried out at the design stage. It's about about baths, saunas, swimming pools, laundries. Although every builder should consider installing this necessary fixture, it will help extend the life of the roof.

Features of installing the aerator

First let's decide on constructive solutions. Aerators can be point or continuous. The first ones are located over the entire surface of the roof; they provide ventilation to individual sections of the roof. The installation of second aerators on a soft roof is carried out along its entire length, so that it is possible to ventilate the entire roof.

Point devices are manufactured in two versions:

  • Pitched ones are installed on a continuous roof surface. Places for their location are chosen where it is necessary to increase air movement. Individual components require special attention complex roofs: valleys, dormer windows, lanterns, ridges. In these areas, it makes sense to install aerators for soft or other roofing on both sides of the obstacle.
  • The skating ones are mounted on the ridge. A mass of warm, moist air, as a rule, rises up from inside the premises and goes outside through the ridge structures. At the same time, cornice ventilation ducts deliver portions of fresh air from outside. In this way, the air mass is renewed. Ridge aerators for soft roofs help enhance these processes, as well as remove bitumen fumes from roofing material.

The installation of aerators can be carried out during the construction of a building, during the replacement of roofing, or as an independent procedure for an existing roof. You can install an aerator for a flat soft roof yourself, but it is still better to entrust this matter to specialists. The process itself looks like this:

  • First you need to determine the installation location of the deflectors and choose their design.
  • A window 10-20 mm wider than the diameter of the pipe is cut out of the roofing.
  • The entire thickness of the resulting hole must be generously coated with bitumen mastic.
  • The roof aerator pipe for a soft roof should be treated in the same way.
  • The pipe is inserted into the window, secured, and then the entire structure is assembled.

Fastening to the main covering is carried out using special roofing fasteners (screws, dowels). Particular attention should be paid to the interface between the aerator and the roof. To guarantee, it is better to lay an additional layer of waterproofing or roofing material under the aerator skirt.

Advantages of roofing with aerators

The aerator itself does not function as a fan and does not remove moisture. Its main task is to promote high-quality air exchange and maintain humidity levels within normal limits. As a result of the interaction of deflectors with eaves and ridge channels, the internal cavities of roofing structures dry out more quickly. Natural air circulation is enhanced.

Properly installed roof aerators serve as a good guarantee that moisture from the outside will not penetrate under the roofing. However, it will help the flow of moist air from the premises and under-roof space to escape. This simple solution helps preserve the roof and significantly extend its service life.

The device requires virtually no maintenance. This is a completely autonomous device. Unless from time to time you need to check whether birds or random debris have gotten inside. The pipe should not become clogged.

Roof aerators- these are special devices whose function is to free the under-roof space from excess moisture. Aerators are installed on roofs with different roofing materials and slope angles. Their presence on flat roofs with soft roofing material prevents the destruction of the roofing carpet under the influence of precipitation and moisture formed in the under-roof space.

The need to dry the roof covering

The length of the roof’s service life depends on a variety of factors: high-quality thermal and waterproofing, proper use of the material, timely preventive inspection and repair work.

Experts believe that the main disadvantage of a soft roof is the accumulation of moisture in the screed and insulation. It can lead to serious consequences.

Blistering is one of the most common defects in soft roofing. This happens for two reasons.

In warm and hot seasons, the roof surface under the influence of sunlight can heat up to 90 degrees or more. The composition of roll roofing coatings includes bitumen-polymer materials. These are thermoplastic substances whose physical properties change under the influence of temperature fluctuations. The above applies to such qualities as fragility and plasticity.

Based on research, it was revealed that heating above 50 degrees leads to an increase in the plasticity of the mastics included in the bitumen-polymer materials, and the increase in the degree of adhesion to the base depends on the viscosity of the mastic, and not on adhesion.

The vapor barrier layer (in the lower part of the roofing pie) and the waterproofing carpet (in the upper part) included in the soft roof form a sealed enclosed space.

When the roof is heated under the influence of the heat emanating from it, the moisture in the under-roof space turns into steam, which significantly increases the pressure exerted on the roofing carpet. It can reach up to 2-2.5 tons per square meter.

Due to the special qualities of the thermoplastic substances included in the waterproofing materials, under conditions of high temperature and high pressure Blisters form on the roofing due to delamination of the bitumen-polymer coating. The destruction of the roofing carpet also begins.

Even when installing a waterproofing carpet at a high quality level and gluing it continuously, it is not possible to avoid the formation of blisters.

Increase in the level of thermal conductivity of insulation. Accumulated under the layer waterproofing material moisture causes deterioration thermal insulation characteristics insulation layer.

Already with humidification by 1 or 2%, the level of thermal conductivity of the insulation increases by 30-40%. As a result, you have to spend much more money on heating.

As a result of waterlogging of the insulation, not only heat loss increases, but also mold develops rapidly.

Destruction of the waterproofing carpet and screed. The screed in most cases consists of sand-cement mortars, which are capillary-porous material. All pores are filled with air and connected to each other. When moisture enters the under-roof space, the pores are partially filled with water. As the temperature drops environment the water crystallizes and increases significantly in volume.

As a result of this process, crystallization pressure of enormous force is exerted on the walls of the capillaries, due to which microcracks form. Over time, the leveling screed breaks down. A similar process also occurs in waterproofing material.

Where does moisture come from?

Moistening the insulation layer can occur in two ways.

Moisture can penetrate into the space between the layers from the environment (fog, rain, high air humidity) through defects in the roofing carpet. It also comes from the inside of the room (vapors condensing in the under-roof space) through places of damage in the layer of vapor barrier material.

Since the amount of moisture in warm air is much higher than in cold air, then in winter time The movement of water vapor through the layers of enclosing structures occurs from the inside of the room to the outside.

It should be noted that in residential areas the air is saturated with vapor, since a person exhales about a liter of water in a vapor state per day. If we add to this indicator moisture from the process of cooking, cleaning, washing, showering and bathing, then the figure increases to 12-15 liters.

Presence of increased moisture levels in thermal insulation material is also due to the climatic factor - precipitation, air humidity during the work on installing the roofing carpet. For example, if the work is carried out in winter period, then it is almost impossible to avoid snow or moisture getting under the roof.

With a significant increase in moisture levels, eliminating its local entry through the roofing carpet and areas of intense moisture is not enough. Additional drying of the insulation layer is necessary, otherwise you will have to completely dismantle the roof and replace the insulation.

However complete dismantling roofing is not always possible.

In this case, condensation and excess moisture are removed through evaporation - without expensive and complex work to replace the waterproofing carpet and insulation.

This also makes it possible to avoid leaks during repair work.

The efficiency of evaporation is determined by the speed of the ventilation air mass flow and its circulation.

Since there is a big difference between the temperature and vapor pressure from inside the roof and outside (in the hot season, the internal layers heat up to 70 degrees, and the external layers up to 90), measures must be taken to ensure that the external and internal air are mixed.

As a result, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the air temperature inside the room and a shift of moisture to the upper layers of insulation. This will lead to the creation of favorable conditions for its evaporation and partial drying of the insulation layer.

As the thermal insulation layer dries, the parts of the building and the roofing carpet also dry out. Drying the insulation using natural ventilation leads to its restoration operational properties, since this process does not affect the physical and mechanical properties thermal insulation layer.

Operating principle and functions of aerators

To dry the insulation, ventilation pipes (aerators) are installed. The principle of their operation is based on creating thrust in the pipe of the device by forming an area low pressure due to external wind flows and the use of pressure differences in the under-roof space and in the environment.

Functions of aerators are as follows:

  • help remove water vapor rising from the interior towards the roof - before it can cause any damage
  • roofing structure;
  • reduce the pressure arising in the structure, which causes the formation of bubbles on flat roofs with soft coverings;
  • prevent the formation of condensation (later flowing into the thermal insulation layer) in the lower part of the waterproofing material.

Roof aerator in essence, it is a pipe with a diameter of 63 to 110 mm, covered on top with an umbrella to protect it from precipitation getting inside.

In most cases, the material for the manufacture of aerators is low-density polyethylene.

Types of aerators

There are roof aerators different models and sizes. They are used to ventilate the under-roof space, remove condensation and remove moist air outside.

They can be installed both during construction and on an already erected roof.

During repair work, aerators are extremely necessary to timely prevent the occurrence of rotting areas in the roof structure and eliminate the risk of roof leakage.

Installation of aerators for metal tile roofing is carried out in the upper part of the roof, as close as possible to the ridge. The device body is made from a material that is resistant to acid, ultraviolet radiation, corrosion, and temperature changes. Currently optimal choice are stainless steel and durable plastic.

On soft roofs, aerators are installed evenly over the entire surface at the highest points.

Roof aerators can withstand temperatures ranging from minus 50 to plus 90 degrees. They are installed on all types of roofs and roofing.

The number of required aerators is determined by their technical characteristics and the area of ​​the roof slopes, as well as the condition of the roofing carpet and the level of moisture concentration in interior spaces.

For specific purpose buildings with increased level humidity (swimming pools, baths, saunas, laundries), the number of necessary aerators should be calculated at the design stage of the building.

Aerators are either point or continuous. With the help of devices of the first type, ventilation of individual sections of the roof is ensured. Aerators of the second type are installed along the entire length of the roof and serve for general ventilation.

Point aerators

Produced in two versions:

pitched– for installation on roof slopes;

skating– for installation on a ridge.

Pitched aerators are installed in those areas where it is necessary to increase the movement of air masses:

  • on slopes of significant length or slopes of complex design;
  • on ridges and roof valleys;
  • in those areas where the ventilated gap is interrupted.

An obstacle to free air circulation may be an attic window or a skylight. In such places, it is advisable to install aerators on both sides of the interfering part.

To increase ventilation efficiency, care must be taken to correct placement aerators. They should be located at a short distance from the ridge (about 15 cm). If the insulation of the roof structure was not carried out “under the ridge,” then a pressure chamber is formed in the upper part in which vapors are concentrated. When using an aerator, they evaporate from the roof into the surrounding space.

Ridge options are used for attics with ridge insulation. They help eliminate vapors throughout the ridge structure. Such aerators work based on the use of convection - the ability of warm air masses to rise upward. There, under the ridge, they find a way out. At the same time, cold currents penetrate through the ventilation channels from under the eaves.

One of the advantages of the ridge model of aerators is the removal of harmful fumes from bitumen, a material used in the construction of soft roofs, to the outside.

Since these devices are hidden under the roof covering, they are almost impossible to notice from the outside.

How to install an aerator

The technology for installing aerators is as follows.

  • In the place where it is planned to install the ventilation pipe, a window is cut out in the screed. It is necessary to ensure that it passes through the roofing carpet to the point where the insulation is located.
  • If for some reason the insulation in a given place turns out to be damp, it must certainly be replaced with dry material whose thermal conductivity meets the required standards.
  • After this, to securely fasten the aerator to the roof, a layer of special mastic must be applied to the base of the pipe located below.
  • To attach the aerator to the screed, use self-tapping screws, which must be evenly distributed around the circumference of the aerator “skirt”. You will need 6 of them.
  • The base of the ventilation pipe is protected by using an additional layer of waterproofing material.

As already mentioned, the need to install ventilation is determined depending on the shape of the roof, its size, the degree of indoor air humidity, general condition vapor barrier of the roof structure.

If the roof is flat, with a simple configuration and parameters that comply with standards, then for every 100 sq. meters, it is recommended to install one aerator.

It is necessary to ensure that the distance between the aerators is no more than 12 meters.

When located on a roof with a pronounced ridge and valley, aerators are installed along the ridge and at the boundary of the valley watershed.


The modern construction market offers a wide selection of different models of roofing aerators. The minimum price for the device is 260 rubles, and the maximum can reach up to 3000 rubles.

You can navigate the cost of aerators based on the examples given.

  • A three-piece aerator equipped with a special pressure ring to the roofing for absolute sealing around the pipe. The height of the device is 260 mm, weight is 330 grams. One device is designed for 50-60 square meters roofs.

    Costs 450 rubles.

  • A similar device, also with a clamping ring for reliable insulation and improved aesthetic qualities, designed for use in regions with a lot of snow. One device serves 50-60 sq. meters of roofing. Aerator height – 360 mm, weight – 320 grams, cost – 550 rubles.
  • The aerator, consisting of 4 parts, is equipped with a unique cap to create additional draft in the pipe, which greatly increases the efficiency of its use. Used successfully in areas with significant snow cover. Device height – 470 mm, weight – 1.23 kg. Designed for 80-100 sq. meters of roofing. Price – 850 rubles.
  • Aerator of 4 components(clamping ring, 2 “skirts”-bases, cap) is used in cases where ventilation is necessary both above the insulation (especially when it is a vapor barrier) and under the vapor barrier. Designed for 50-60 sq. meters. Height – 340 mm, weight – 780 g. Costs 950 rubles.
  • A 3-part aerator, the principle of operation of which is based on the difference in the caused air currents pressure. A specially designed cap helps create additional traction. Recommended to use for 80-100 sq. meters of roofing. Height – 450 mm, weight – about 1 kg. Price – 1150 rubles.

When buying aerators, it is better not to try to save money, but to purchase a high-quality model. In this case, it will be possible to avoid unscheduled repairs of the roof and ceilings of the upper floor premises.


  • An aerator is a device for freeing the under-roof space from excess moisture and protecting the roof structure from rotting and destruction.
  • Removal excess moisture necessary, since it leads to the formation of bubbles, an increase in the level of thermal conductivity of the insulation, and destruction of the waterproofing and screed.
  • To evaporate moisture, measures must be taken to mix external and internal air.
  • To effectively dry the insulation, ventilation pipes or aerators are installed.
  • Aerators are either point or continuous.
  • Point aerators are divided into pitched and ridge aerators.
  • Installation of aerators can be carried out both during construction and on an already in use roof.
  • Prices depend on the specific model and range from 260-3000 rubles.

Video instructions on how to install a point aerator on flexible tiles.

Product Description:

Aerator roofing TechnoNIKOL 160x460 mm, black, made from a block copolymer of ethylene and propylene, which ensures high reliability and resistance to impacts external environment on the roof. Ensures reliable operation for 25 years.

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 160x450 mm, dark brown in color, has a smaller wall thickness and is made from a mixture of polymers that ensure resistance to operational loads for 15 years.

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 75x340 mm, black, made from a mixture of polymers and used only for roof repairs.

The plastic of the aerators has additional UV protection, which allows them to be used in all climatic zones Russia.

Application area:

Roofing aerators TechnoNIKOL 160x460 mm and TechnoNIKOL ECO 160x450 mm allow you to effectively remove excess moisture from the roofing pie. Installing aerators prevents the formation of blisters under the roofing material, which significantly increases the service life of the roofing covering. Installation of aerators when installing or repairing a combined roof additionally increases the effectiveness of mineral wool thermal insulation by reducing its humidity.

In systems with mechanical fastening of the roofing carpet to the base, it is recommended to install one aerator per 150 m 2 of roof. The most optimal is to place aerators in the roof ridges at a distance of 6-8 meters and at the highest points along the valley (line of funnels).

In roofs laid on cement-sand screeds using Uniflex EPV Vent and Technoelast EKV Vent materials, at least 1 aerator per 100m2 is installed. Aerators are installed evenly over the roof surface. The optimal arrangement is considered when the majority of aerators are installed in watershed areas and the distance between aerators does not exceed 12 m, and the distance to the vapor barrier structure (parapet, expansion joint, walls) does not exceed 6m.

The design of aerators implies additional opportunity insulation with expanded clay gravel. This prevents freezing of the roof where the aerator is installed and the formation of excess condensate on its walls.

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 75x340 mm can only be used for roof repairs. The aerodynamic shape and reduced flow area allow it to work only after the roof has sufficiently warmed up. It is installed 1 per 100 m2, regardless of the method of roof installation and only prevents the formation of swellings under the roof. Its design does not imply additional insulation with expanded clay gravel.

Roof aerators are prohibited from being installed in combined roofs above refrigerators and ice arenas.

Manufacturing jobs:

Installation of aerators and requirements for their installation are described in the instructions for use given on the packaging. Can be used in all climatic regions according to SP 131.13330.


In a warehouse protected from exposure to precipitation.


Transportation is carried out by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Packaging Details:

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL 160x460 mm - code EKN 34591, roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 160x450 mm - code EKN 39091, roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 75x340 mm - code EKN 5489.

People living in their private homes may encounter a problem such as the accumulation of excess moisture under the roof. This has a bad effect on the properties of the thermal insulation layer. There is a cardinal solution - dismantling the roof and then replacing all the insulation. This method is quite expensive and time consuming, not to mention the fact that it cannot be used in every season. The second method is to install a device such as a roof aerator.

Roof aerators, what are they?

A roof aerator is a device that is designed to provide ventilation to the space under the roof. With its help, you can avoid the accumulation of moisture, extend the life of the roof and preserve its properties. This process is called “aeration”, which is where the name of the device comes from.

Aerators are designed to ensure air condensation and are installed directly on the roofing. Since roof structures and covering materials vary, aerators have their own installation and operation features for each type.

Principle of operation

Roof mounted aerator

The operating principle is based on one of the laws of physics, in which excess moisture can be evaporated - this process directly depends on the speed of circulation of moist air. The air temperature outdoors and indoors varies greatly, and therefore there is a need to ensure diffusion processes during which mixing occurs different types gas environment. This can lead to a drop in indoor temperature, and moisture will collect under the surface of the roof. Upon contact with the external environment, they will create ideal conditions to squeeze it out. It is on this law that the principle of operation of the device is based; in fact, it all comes down to using an aerator for ventilation.

Important! Aerators come in both iron and plastic, so before installing them you need to calculate whether the roof and corrugated sheeting can withstand the load from the device.

There are several varieties that will suit different roofs. For example, aerators for metal tiles, flexible tiles and others are sold. If you do not know how to properly install these devices, then it is best to use the services of a specialist.

Aerator for pitched roof

A pitched roof has a sloping surface. However, the space in attics often becomes difficult to navigate and often resembles a warehouse. It follows that the need for insulation and installation of additional ventilation disappears completely. The optimal angle for this roof is usually in the range from 30 to 50 degrees. On a pitched roof, snow does not actually accumulate, since it simply rolls down, but there is an unwanted load from the winds.

Note! A roof aerator is usually installed exclusively on insulated roofs directly above residential premises.

Installed aerators on a pitched roof

The supporting structure consists of timber rafters and sheathing. The insulation is usually placed between rafter legs And inside, after which it is insulated using a vapor barrier coating. In any case, there is humidity in the air of a living space; the coating protects the insulation from moisture. A special film against moisture and water is installed on the outside, which protects the insulation from rainwater and condensation.

At first glance, the structure has no flaws, but not a single coating is capable of absolutely protecting the roofing pie. Consequently, moist air accumulates and stagnates under the roof covering, which causes wood to rot and steel to corrode. Installing aerators helps combat this problem, as the devices create fresh air circulation.

Important! For this type of roof, 2 types of aerators are installed: point and ridge.

Point-type devices are mounted at the highest point, approximately 150 mm from the ridge. The air outside is colder, and when it gets into the under-roof space, it becomes warmer; accordingly, according to the laws of physics, it tends to rise upward. As a result, simple air circulation occurs.

Flat roof aerator

IN flat options the roof has a different structure: the floor slabs are leveled using cement-sand screeds, after which insulation is laid. Then another cement-sand screed is mounted on top of the insulation, or two layers are used flat sheets from asbestos cement. After installation, the welded roofing carpet is firmly bonded to the screed. However, during operation, materials may experience changes in ambient temperatures. Coefficient thermal expansion for concrete, cement, asbestos and bitumen varies quite a lot, so unwanted stresses result from this. Adhesion and connections are disrupted, and air bubbles appear accordingly.

Flat roof aerators

Important! Aerators on flat roof are mounted under the deposited layers, which allows you to remove stress and remove bubbles. IN in this case It is preferable to use a roof aerator for a soft roof or an aerator for a flat roof.

Aerators that are used for roofing made of bituminous materials of a guided nature are not particularly special. design features, they consist of the usual elements:

  • skirts;
  • tubes;
  • cap

Typically, aerators are made of high-strength polypropylene and can withstand temperatures ranging from -50 to +130 degrees Celsius. Such roofing devices with an area of ​​80–100 m² should be located at a distance of 12 meters from each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the devices is the ability to remove most of the moisture, which helps to avoid damage to the roof. This leads to the durability of the materials and even protects the roof from leaks. Removing moisture may cause metal shingles to not corrode or cause the problem to occur later. Plus, a dry roof better retains its thermal insulation properties. This will make it possible to seriously save on heating. This also helps to maintain a favorable microclimate in the building, which, in turn, helps to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold.

Also aerators are quite a budget option to eliminate unwanted moisture in the roofing pie. In 2018, their cost varies from 300 rubles to 5,000 rubles per piece. There is a huge variety of aerators on the market now. different companies, both foreign and domestic.

Important! The device is suitable for installation on any type of roof and can be combined with all types of roofing materials. Installation can be carried out on roofs of complex shapes where there is a difference in height. The aerator can be installed at any stage of construction or during the operation of the building. Installation does not require special skills or tools.

One of the disadvantages is the inability of point aerators to provide proper ventilation of the entire roof covering; this can lead to the appearance of an area where air will stagnate.


Aerators have many classifications. Below is the most popular:

Best models

There are many devices on the market designed to remove moisture from under the roof. Below are the most popular ones in Russia.


The Polivent aerator is a line of devices for ventilation of the roof space. It contains both ridge and point aerators. The manufacturer of this line is the TechnoNIKOL company from the Russian Federation.


The products of this German company are designed for installation on horizontal skates. The Deke ridge aerator provides excellent ventilation and is of unsurpassed German quality.

Airridge Felt

Aerators from the Finnish company SKTuoteOy. They are made using new technologies, which helps to avoid deformation of the ridge, and the unique arrangement of air grooves ensures best ventilation and prevents moisture from getting inside from precipitation.


Special aerator "Tegola" is a device Russian production, perfectly protects against moisture and ensures excellent air circulation.


Devices from the already well-known Finnish campaign SKTuoteOy. Offered big choice colors, the devices are characterized by ease of installation, corrosion protection and durability.

Ridge Master Plus and Hip Master

Pair American companies, producing mainly ridge aerators High Quality, which eliminate condensation well and regulate the microclimate.

Aerator Ridge Master Plus and Hip Master


The KTV Aquasystem aerator is a machined model from the Russian manufacturer Stroymet. It has proven itself well on the market, is easy to install and functions properly for many years.

Installation of roof aerators

Each type of aerator has its own characteristics and installation methods, which are described in detail in the instructions for them.

Installation of ridge aerators

This type of aerator is the easiest to install, but due to the fact that it must be installed along the entire length of the ridge, you need to have exact dimensions roofs and correctly calculate the number of devices. They are recommended to be installed on a roof with a slope of 12-45 degrees.

Important! This aerator is mounted exclusively on the ridge, which ensures excellent air circulation in the attic.

Operating standards:

  • It is imperative to have holes on the overhangs to promote air flow.
  • Installation of devices along the entire length of the ridge so that they form one system.
  • Tile ridges are usually placed on top of aerators, thus masking the devices and not damaging them. appearance roofs.

The installation technology is carried out in compliance with the following steps:

  1. With help circular saw a groove is cut out at the base for ventilation and other needs of the system. If only 1 aerator is installed, then the hole should be located at the top of the ridge, if two - on the sides of the ridge. The slots are made in such a way that they break off 30 cm from the edge of the ridge.
  2. Ridge shingles should be located on the sides of the ridge.
  3. All segments must fit together, using the example of construction kit parts. The aerator is attached to the roof using special nails extended type or screws.
  4. The aerator profile is covered with tiles. The petals are attached with an overlap.
  5. Afterwards, it is necessary to seal the ends of the aerator where it comes into contact with the roof.

Installation of point aerators

If it is not possible to install ridge aerators, then they can be replaced with point ones. You need a few more of them, but you also need to calculate the area for mounting them.

As a rule, they are used:

  • On roof coverings where the slope is less than 12 degrees, or on flat structures.
  • For greater efficiency ventilation system or as a supplement.
  1. A hole is cut to fit the internal gap of the channel next to the aerator.
  2. Afterwards, the aerator skirt is mounted, which is secured with special roofing nails or other fasteners.
  3. The top of the skirt is glued with waterproofing materials.
  4. The skirt is glued with shingles, slightly trimming at the points of contact.
  5. The aerator mesh is placed over the skirt and then secured with self-tapping screws. Afterwards, the cap is installed and also secured with fasteners.

Thus, using the tips and instructions, you can quite successfully install aerators of any type of model on different types roofs The devices will improve the moisture situation in the house and extend the life of the materials from which the roof is made.

One of mandatory elements ventilated roofs is a roof aerator, which is installed to remove water vapor and moisture accumulating in the under-roof space. Number of aerators per flat roof depends on its area, as well as on technical features devices selected for installation. According to requirements building codes for every 100 sq. There should be one fan per m of roofing surface. For installation, select the highest points at the junction of the insulating boards. Thanks to the installation of deflectors, it is possible to increase the service life of the waterproofing carpet, as well as prevent the appearance of blisters on the surface of the soft roof due to temperature changes. On pitched roofs covered with metal, flexible (bitumen), ceramic or cement-sand tiles, ventilation devices are installed as high as possible, but do not reach the ridge closer than half a meter.

Experts have found that when using soft roofs, the main disadvantage is the accumulation of excess moisture in the insulation and screed. Increased moisture in these layers of the roofing pie causes a number of negative consequences, namely:

  • Blistering of the roof covering, which appears as a result of heating the soft roof in summer time due to the delamination of bitumen-polymer materials under the influence high temperatures.
  • An increase in thermal conductivity is provoked by moisture accumulated under the waterproofing, which worsens the thermal insulation properties. Theoretically, it has long been proven that when the level of humidification increases by 1-2 percent, the thermal conductivity coefficient increases by 30-40 percent. This leads to an increase in heating costs for the facility. In addition to heat loss, waterlogging of the layers of roofing carpet can lead to the development of mold.
  • The destruction of the waterproofing carpet and cement-sand leveling screed is caused by moisture entering the pores of the material. After the ambient temperature drops, the water that has penetrated into the pores crystallizes and its volume increases. This process is accompanied by the appearance of microcracks and destruction of the leveling screed. Similar negative processes occur in the waterproofing layer, violating its integrity.

What does a roof ventilation device look like?

The roof aerator promotes the release of water vapor from under the roof surface

The roof aerator is made of pipes, the diameter of which can vary from 63 to 110 mm. The top of the pipe is covered with an umbrella, which prevents precipitation from entering the fan. These devices are made from the following materials:

  • AISI 316 stainless steel;
  • polypropylene.

These materials provide the aerator with resistance to ultraviolet rays and atmospheric precipitation, corrosion damage and mechanical stress. Roof fans are used in different climate zones. They can be operated at temperatures ranging from -50 °C to +90 °C. Even plastic aerators are able to withstand short-term exposure to the flame of a burner used when laying roll bitumen-containing materials.

Manufacturers produce aerators different shapes and appointments

Important! These devices can be installed not only when installing new roofs, but also when performing routine repairs of long-built roofs. At the same time, it is possible to save on roof maintenance costs.

Installation of aerators during the construction of new roofs

When laying new roof on a base made of reinforced concrete slabs ceilings, install plastic aerators on the bottom layer of material. In this case, the work is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • in the intended installation location of the fan, a hole is cut in the screed layer, insulation, reaching the vapor barrier layer; hole diameter ranges from 80 to 120 mm;
  • expanded clay is poured into the resulting hole;
  • apply mastic, glue or sealant to the horizontal part of the aerator to ensure better adhesion of the device to the roofing carpet;
  • wait for the mastic, glue or sealant to harden and additionally fasten the fan using six self-tapping screws screwed in around the entire circumference of the pipe skirt;
  • Next, the top layer of the roofing carpet is fastened, and the aerator should be in the place of the end overlap of two adjacent roofing panels (overlapping width - 150 mm);
  • the roofing material in the area where the aerator is installed is laid loosely;
  • then it is necessary to fuse (apply or spray, depending on the chosen technology) a patch from the top layer of roofing material at the junction of the aerator and the roofing carpet so that it covers the skirt of the device and extends onto the roofing carpet at a distance of at least 150 mm.

Aerators are chosen depending on the purpose

If the installation of a soft roof will be carried out in one layer, then the aerator must be installed directly on the screed.

When installing deflectors in a roof with a base made of corrugated sheets, you can follow the rules described above. However, there are slight differences, which are that the hole in the intended installation location of the roof aerator must pass through upper layer insulation to the bottom layer of thermal insulation. Then the ventilation device is attached long screws to the corrugated sheet through the insulation or directly into the insulating board itself.

Important! When performing routine repairs of an old roof, a hole with a diameter of 80 to 120 mm is cut in the carpet. Depending on the number of layers, the hole reaches the vapor barrier layer or the screed. Afterwards, the aerator is installed, mastic is applied and then secured with self-tapping screws. The work is completed by applying the top layer of the fused roof.

Installation diagrams for roofing aerators

  • Schematic structure of traditional unused roof , on which the ventilation device is installed:

Traditional unused roof with an aerator.

  1. layer of expanded clay;
  2. vapor barrier layer;
  3. thermal insulation layer;
  4. leveling screed;
  5. bottom waterproofing layer;
  6. top waterproofing layer;
  7. roof aerator body;
  8. protective umbrella.
  • Scheme of an unused roof, which includes one layer of waterproofing:

Scheme of an unused roof with one layer of waterproofing.

  1. layer of expanded clay;
  2. slabs reinforced concrete floor;
  3. vapor barrier layer;
  4. thermal insulation layer;
  5. leveling screed;
  6. waterproofing layer;
  7. roof aerator body;
  8. protective umbrella.
  • Schematic structure of a traditional roof in use, on which the ventilation device is installed:

  1. layer of expanded clay;
  2. reinforced concrete floor slab;
  3. leaning out lightweight concrete;
  4. vapor barrier;
  5. thermal insulation layer;
  6. leveling screed;
  7. waterproofing layer;
  8. washed gravel;
  9. protective umbrella;
  10. roof aerator housing.
  • Schematic structure of the inversion roof on which the ventilation device is installed:

Inversion roof with aerator.

  1. layer of expanded clay;
  2. reinforced concrete floor slabs;
  3. ramp made of lightweight concrete;
  4. vapor barrier layer;
  5. thermal insulation layer;
  6. leveling screed;
  7. waterproofing layer;
  8. drainage;
  9. washed gravel backfill;
  10. finishing coat from paving slabs;
  11. protective umbrella;
  12. roof aerator housing.


The need to install a ventilation system depends on the complexity of the roof shape and its size, as well as on the state of the vapor barrier and the degree of air humidity in the interior. When installing several aerators, maintain a distance between them of 12 m. On roofs with a pronounced valley line and ridge, aerators are installed along the ridge and in the valley at the watershed. For objects operating in conditions high humidity(laundries, baths, saunas, swimming pools), perform accurate calculations of installation points ventilation devices should engineers of design organizations.

A well-planned roof must have aerators

It is also better to trust the installation of ventilation systems and their individual elements to professional companies that have mastered the intricacies of the technology for performing these works. Self-installation carried out with errors will only worsen the condition of the roof. If the roof carpet is destroyed, the cost of repair may not be comparable to the wages of professional roofers.