The number of aerators on a flat roof is normal. Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL

The roof should always be dry. But now we are not talking about its outer side, but about the multiple internal layers of the roofing cake. At the same time, it must be dry regardless of the materials used for finishing, be it slate, or a soft bitumen coating. Condensation and moisture accumulated in the under-roof space can quickly render the entire roof unusable and significantly reduce its service life. To avoid excess moisture inside the pie, you will have to install aerators for the soft roof. Let's look at what they are and how they are installed.

To understand why it should always be dry under any roof, you first need to figure out where water can come from there and condensation can form. After all, when building a roof, craftsmen always try to make it as airtight as possible, laying it under roof covering various waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, which in theory should provide reliable protection.

The whole point is that occur in a residential building various processes related to human life. People breathe, cook, take a shower or bath. And during all these processes, the air in the house is saturated with steam - in other words, it becomes humid. Warm air rises and falls under the roof if it does not have the opportunity to exit through vent. At the top, microscopic droplets of water settle on various materials– this is how condensation forms. At the same time, air saturated with water vapor easily penetrates even the most inaccessible places through microcracks.

On a note! During the day, a person exhales about 1 liter of liquid into the air in the form of vapor. Adding to this amount all the water that gets into the air during cooking, washing floors or taking a bath, you can get a huge figure - up to 15 liters of water enters the air in the house during the day.

The accumulation of condensation under the roof poses a certain danger to all materials that make up the roofing pie. Wooden elements begin to become saturated with water, which causes rotting processes. This environment is also favorable for the development of fungus and harmful microorganisms that are dangerous to the health of people living in the house.

Metal elements (for example, fasteners) inside the roofing pie due to higher level humidity begin to corrode and gradually collapse. If water in the under-roof space, accumulated during the summer, freezes in winter, it can easily damage some structural parts (even concrete floors), since, expanding, it will exert a pressing effect on the materials. Due to severe damage, the roof may even have to be completely dismantled and rebuilt.

Also, exposure to moisture is detrimental to insulating materials. If they get wet, their thermal conductivity will increase significantly. This means that such a roof will no longer be able to retain heat well. In some cases, the insulation will need to be completely changed, because it will no longer be possible to fully dry it.

Moisture can reach the structural elements of the roof and the outside. During heavy rains or melting snow, water can still find a hole and get under the roof or into the roofing pie, even if its outer surface is well sealed. This option of additional “moisturizing” should not be excluded.

On a note! In terms of vulnerability, any soft roof suffers the most from excess moisture under the roof.

Prices for various types and manufacturers of flexible tiles

Flexible tiles

Soft roof and water

As for the soft roof, moisture actively accumulates under it in the insulating layer. At a minimum, this can cause the roof to bubble, especially if we are talking about a soft bitumen coating laid on a flat concrete roof. In this case, bubbles may occur here's why: in summer the roof can easily heat up to 90 degrees or more. Soft materials always contain bitumen, which is a thermoplastic substance - it reacts sharply to changes temperature regime(may become brittle in cold weather or soft and flexible in hot weather). When the material is heated above 50 degrees, the plasticity increases, and the quality of adhesion of the coating to the base depends, for the most part, not on adhesion at all, but on the viscosity of the components included in the material or the mastic to which the coating was glued.

Defect of ordinary roofing - formation of swellings of the roofing carpet

Between the vapor barrier and waterproofing in the roof pie there is a closed, sealed space. As the temperature rises, the pressure in this area increases to 2-2.5 t/m2. The waterproofing lifts up, lifting the roof covering, and thus bulges form.

To get rid of all the above problems, It is necessary to install an aerator during roof installation. It will ensure the removal of air to the outside, and with it moisture. The device will allow you to dry the heat and waterproofing layers and prevent the accumulation of condensation.

What is an aerator and how does it work?

A roof aerator is a design that serves to remove moisture from under the roof, including that which has formed in the roofing pie itself, and not just in the house. This element can be installed on a wide variety of roofs, having all kinds of slope angles and covered different materials. An aerator on a soft roof will prevent premature destruction of the entire roof structure due to exposure to moisture.

Inside the installed aerator, draft is created due to the formation of an area low pressure due to external wind flows and pressure differences in the space under the roof and the street. The main functions of this design are as follows:

  • removal of water vapor from the house to the outside;
  • reducing the pressure between layers inside the roof (reducing the risk of bubbles on flat roofs);
  • reducing the risk of condensation forming on waterproofing materials.

Externally, the aerator is a pipe with a cross-section of 63-110 mm, with an umbrella on top that protects the structure from rain and snow getting inside. It can also be presented in the form of a ridge strip with bars on the sides. The first aerator is installed on the roof slope, and the second variation is installed along the roof ridge.

On a note! The aerator can be installed during construction or on a finished roof.

Types of aerators

Aerators may differ from each other in materials of manufacture and design features. Most often used plastic products, however, there are also metal ones (made of steel) on sale, which are usually mounted on metal tile roofs. In fact, all aerators are resistant to sunlight, rust, temperature changes.

Table. Types of aerators depending on design features.


This type of aerator looks like a small or low pipe flat design with grate. This is the most commonly used option. This design operates in a separate area and is usually installed where there are problems with natural ventilation(on long slopes, complex roofs, in the area of ​​attic windows, valleys, etc.). Such aerators come in pitched and ridge types. In the first case, they are installed on the slopes, in the second - along the ridge. For soft tiles Usually a ridge version is purchased - it is capable of providing ventilation for about 20 square meters. roofs. Pitched aerators are usually mounted at a small distance from the ridge - about 15 cm.

Such aerators are located along the entire length of the roof and provide maximum ventilation of the entire roofing pie, as well as the attic. The continuous form includes ridge species, as well as ventilation strips. The latter are mounted with inserts into the waterproofing layer. At the same time, they do not let water through at all.

This is a kind of ventilation option. It can be a hood or a pipe with electric drive. The model is selected depending on the angle of inclination of the slope.

On a note! The aerator market is now quite extensive and makes it possible to choose this structural element of such a shape that it can look organically on a roof of a certain type or style.

Prices for different types of ridge aerators

Ridge aerator

How to install?

The installation of aerators can be done both during the installation of the roof and after the work is completed. In general, this structural element is not difficult to install if you know how to do it. The instructions will help you understand the installation steps ( installation of a point aerator in a finished roof).

Step 1. A template cut to the size of the section of the lower part of the aerator is fixed on the surface of the bitumen shingles using self-tapping screws. You can circle it with a marker or further actions produce directly along its contour.

Step 2. A hole is cut in the roof using a jigsaw according to the shape of the template. During cutting, it is important not to damage the waterproofing and insulating layers.

Step 3. If the template was screwed, then after cutting a hole in the roof it is unscrewed and removed.

Step 4. The cut out pieces of roofing and sheathing are removed.

Step 5. Using a vacuum cleaner, particles of debris and sawdust are removed from the roof surface and from the resulting hole.

Step 6. Rubber-based glue is applied around the perimeter of the aerator base.

Step 7 The aerator is turned over and glued around the perimeter of the hole cut in the roof.

Step 8 The base of the aerator is additionally fixed to the roof surface with self-tapping screws. For ease of work, the top cover of the aerator can be removed.

Step 9 After the aerator has been securely fixed to the roof surface, the top cover is returned to its place and screwed.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Attention! If several aerators are installed on the roof, then it is important to ensure that the gap between them does not exceed 12 m. In general, 1 aerator is used per 100 m2 of flat roofing. On a roof that has ridges and valleys, aerators are mounted near the ridge.

Video - Installation of an aerator on a soft roof

Installation of a ridge tape aerator

Let's also look at an example of how it happens installation of a ridge aerator.

Step 1. The roof base is prepared for the installation of a ridge aerator. An opening 5 cm wide is made along the ridge, 2.5 cm on each side. On each side of the skate, 20 cm is measured along it. This minimum distance which should not be cut.

Another photo of the process - 20 cm is measured

Opening width - 2.5 cm on each side

Step 2. For roofs with central beams, a 9 cm wide slot is made, 4.5 cm on each side of the ridge.

Step 3. The ridge is ready for ventilation installation when the remaining tiles and beams, as well as all debris, have been removed from the surface.

Step 4. The ridge aerator is quite flexible and is sold in reels. It is rolled out along the entire length of the skate from edge to edge, including places without slots.

Step 5. The edge of the ventilation tape is fixed with nails, two from each slope.

Step 6. The fixed tape is well stretched and fixed at the other edge of the ridge. If the roof is long, then you can fix the tape in stages.

Step 7 Excess aerator tape is cut off.

Step 8 End caps are installed. Mastic is applied to them on both sides. They should cover both edges of the moisture-proof membrane between the end cap and the bottom vent.

Step 9 The tape and edge cap are nailed to the base of the roof as shown in the image. At least two nails must go through the tape and the plug.

Step 10 A layer of mastic is applied between the roofing and the ventilation tape.

Step 11 The part of the tape that has not yet been fixed is nailed to the wooden base of the roof. Nails must penetrate to a depth of at least 1.5 cm.

Step 12 To cover such ventilated ridges, you will need pieces of bitumen shingles; 3 tile elements are stacked together on top of each other.

Attention! If work is carried out in the cool season, the tiles must be preheated.

Step 13 The roof tiles are laid on the ridge starting from the windiest side. The first three-layer element is nailed to the roof through the aerator. An indent of 2.5 cm is made from the edge of the tile - a nail is driven into this point.

Step 14 The second three-layer tile element in a row is laid so as to cover the nails on the previous element.

Step 15 The entire ridge is designed in the same way.

Video - Installation of a ridge aerator

A roof aerator installed on the roof will provide the house and the roof itself with good ventilation. It will not allow condensation to accumulate and will not allow water to destroy structural elements roofs. Installing the aerator is not difficult; anyone who has carefully studied the instructions given above can handle the task.

All roofs with a rigid internal frame have one common quality - condensation periodically accumulates in the internal passages and threatens load-bearing structures premature rotting and destruction. In this article we will talk about such a useful invention as a roof aerator, which provides ventilation and keeps rafter structures dry.

Application with soft roof

Please note that installation of the aerator is possible even on flat roofs. In the case of a soft roof, a roof aerator prevents swelling of the material. The principle of this simple mechanism consists of removing moisture until it crystallizes under the roofing material. Thus, peeling does not occur soft covering from the frame structure.

Ideally, the installation of aerators on a soft roof should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house. This will save you from mold and rotting roof beams. However, even if these devices were neglected at the beginning of construction, they can always be installed later - this is not at all difficult to do.

Soft roofing is currently a fairly popular and actively used roofing material. It is laid on a reinforced concrete base, on which layers of insulation, waterproofing and cement-sand screed are applied. As a rule, the waterproofing layer is represented by roll materials.

Why do you need to install a roof aerator?

Depending on the quality of waterproofing and insulation work, as well as laying a soft roof, its service life may vary. Among the most common defects of such roofs is the accumulation of condensation in the insulating layer and screed. This problem can be eliminated with the help of a roof aerator. It allows you to reduce the moisture content in the roofing pie and prevent its further accumulation. Therefore, many reasonably believe that thanks to these devices it is possible to significantly extend the service life of a soft roof.

The formation and accumulation of condensation can ultimately lead to the following consequences:

  1. Swelling of a flat roof.
  2. Increase in thermal conductivity.
  3. Defects in the screed or roofing pie.

The most common problem is roof swelling, the causes of which can be:

  • Temperature increase in summer period leads to heating of bituminous materials and changes in their structure, namely an increase in plasticity. In this case, the degree of viscosity of the mastic at which the roofing material was laid will matter.
  • Vapor accumulation in the space under the roof. Since the roofing pie consists of a lower vapor barrier and an upper waterproofing layer, when the temperature rises, the liquid accumulated between them is converted into steam, creating excess pressure.
  • Delamination of the roofing cake and bitumen-polymer composition. To get rid of swelling of the coating, the waterproofing must be carefully glued to the base. You can also use a roof aerator.

An increase in thermal conductivity entails significant heat loss and additional energy costs. According to studies, an increase in roof humidity even by 1-2% causes an increase in thermal conductivity by 30-40%. In addition, warm and humid environments are conducive to mold growth.

As for the destruction of the screed, the reason lies in the porosity of the material. In the normal state, the pores in cement mortar filled with air. If the roof has excessive moisture, these pores begin to fill with condensate, which expands as the temperature drops and leads to the formation of cracks and defects in the screed. In this case, the waterproofing layer may also be affected.

When choosing plastic roof aerators in each case, it is necessary to determine what caused the increase in humidity.

Reasons for increased humidity in the under-roof space

Moisture getting inside the insulation can occur from external environment due to defects and problems in the roofing pie. In addition, it can accumulate due to the destruction or damage of the vapor barrier layer. One of the external factors of insulation getting wet can be difficult weather conditions and high air humidity.

In cases where the insulation layer accumulates too much water and, therefore, does not have time to fully dry out, it will be quite difficult to cope with the problem without additional devices. A similar situation is observed in the case of roofs that are constantly exposed to wetness. In this case, achieve positive results almost impossible.

Ultimately, the insulation will have to be replaced, for which the roof will need to be almost completely disassembled. This process will require too much material and labor resources, which not every owner can do.

To save money, you can get rid of excess moisture in the roofing pie by evaporation. In this case, all the complex and expensive work of dismantling the roof and replacing waterproofing and insulation simply will not be necessary. In addition, thanks to drying, there will be no fear of leaks, which usually occur after roof repairs.

Alternatively, you can use an aerator for ventilation. The operation of such devices is carried out due to the difference between the internal and external pressure of the air masses. Thanks to this principle, a draft appears in the aerator tube, which is created due to a decrease in pressure under the influence of wind flows from the outside.

To understand why a roof aerator is needed, here are the main functions of this device:

  1. Exhausting steam-laden air coming from interior spaces out. This process occurs constantly, therefore, moisture does not have time to accumulate on the frame structure.
  2. A decrease in internal pressure in the thickness of the roofing pie, due to which, as a rule, swelling of the finishing roofing material occurs.
  3. Preventing liquid crystallization and its accumulation in the lower part of the waterproofing layer. Otherwise, condensation penetrates into the thickness of the insulation and leads to the loss of the material’s qualities.

By design, an aerator for a roof made of metal tiles or any other material is a pipe with a cross-section from 63 to 111 mm. An umbrella is installed on top of the pipe to prevent precipitation from getting into it. Typically, a roof aerator is made from polyethylene pipes HDPE.

Rules for installing roof aerators

Installation technology roof aerators consists of several steps:

  1. A window is cut into the thickness of the screed to install the ventilation pipe. Its depth should reach the inner layer of insulation.
  2. The condition of the insulation should be checked - wet material is removed and replaced with dry material so that its thermal conductivity meets the requirements of the standards.
  3. Now the aerator pipe is fastened. To do this, first apply a layer of mastic to its lower part, and then screw it to cement screed using six self-tapping screws. Screw the screws into the aerator skirt at the same distance from each other.
  4. To prevent water from seeping under the device, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid on the base of the ventilation pipe.

To understand whether an aerator is required for a metal roof in each specific case, it is worth considering a number of factors. In particular, the type of structure and size of the roof, the level of humidity in the premises, as well as the reliability and condition of the vapor barrier layer of the roofing cake are important.

For houses with flat roofs, which do not have complex lines and are manufactured in compliance with all construction standards, the norms for the number of aerators on the roof require the installation of one device for every 100 m2.

At the same time, the distance between individual aerators should not exceed 12 meters. On roofs where the valley and ridge are clearly marked, the installation of ventilation pipes should be carried out along the passage of the ridge and in the valley itself at the boundary of the watershed.

Please note that if the building is initially planned to be used in permanent high humidity, for example, for saunas, baths or swimming pools, then special design offices should be involved in calculating the number and location of aerators.

Of course, you can install roof aerators yourself if you have at least minimal construction skills. However, you can also use the services of professional builders who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

How roof ventilation works

As has already become clear, the design of the aerator does not provide for any mechanisms that would remove excess moisture from a roofing pie. These devices are something like ventilation ducts providing air exchange. The unhindered entry of fresh air into the space under the roof helps remove excess moisture and maintain the humidity level within acceptable limits. Thus, the main task of aerators is to ensure the flow of air under the roof without interference.

The functionality of the device is maintained in all weather conditions. The fact is that the humidity of freely circulating air will in any case be lower than that of air masses that are concentrated in a confined space under the roof. Ventilation pipes can ensure that excess moisture from the outside does not enter the under-roof space, and excess humid air will be able to leave the roof freely.

It is obvious that ensuring high-quality roof ventilation is quite feasible. All you need is to install a roof aerator. This way you can be sure that moist air will not stagnate under the roof, but will be able to circulate freely.

It is noteworthy that the roof aerator does not require special care - you just need to check that the passages are not clogged. Overall it is very simple and reliable device, which successfully solves the problems of excessive moisture and allows you to extend the life of any roof.

In order to use a soft roof for a long time and, no less important, safely, you need to take care of proper ventilation under the roof. The lack of ventilation of the space under the roof is fraught with a lot of troubles - from leaks, the smell of dampness to the very rapid destruction of the roof covering material, which, believe me, is not cheap at all. Installation of aerators on a soft roof is one of important elements, but not used by everyone. We want to show the necessity of its device.

The problem can be solved by installing aerators on a soft roof. The air circulating through these artificial ventilation ducts prevents the accumulation of condensation, accordingly, protects wooden elements from rotting, mold formation, dries out the insulation layer of the roofing pie, as well as more.

Thus, the presence of ventilation aerators for a soft roof protects it from damage and guarantees comfortable living in the house.

Why does moisture condense under the roof?

Even the presence of vapor barrier and waterproofing in the roofing pie cannot completely block the access of wet vapors, human waste products, from residential premises.

When warm steam comes into contact with a colder surface, then, as is known from physics courses, it begins to condense, forming tiny drops of water. They settle on various materials and structures (rafters, insulation, etc.) and impregnate them.

Moisture can get into the under-roof space and outside. Warm air accumulated in the attic warms up the roof from the inside, which is why the snow cover on the roof begins to melt in winter. As the temperature drops, ice forms in some places. Under appropriate conditions, it also melts. Water penetrates through the joints of the roofing material, and the roof thus begins to leak.

The covering on the roof also suffers. When the temperature drops, moisture penetrating into the formed microcracks can destroy the material. As a result, microcracks become visible, perhaps even through.

The most common defects on soft roofs caused by excess moisture are:

  • Bubbles on the surface. As a rule, the top layer of such a roof is waterproofing, and the bottom layer is vapor barrier. Essentially, they form a closed, airtight loop.
  • In hot weather, the temperature of the roofing pie can reach as much as 100°. Under such conditions, the water accumulated in the circuit turns into steam, ready to evaporate. This can cause swelling on the surface or destruction of the roof.
  • The efficiency of the insulation decreases. Wet thermal insulation loses its effectiveness: getting wet by two percent increases the thermal conductivity of the insulation by forty percent. As a result, the roof begins to retain heat much worse. Accordingly, the cost of heating increases.
  • Floors are destroyed. The structure of the cement-sand compositions from which they are usually made is capillary-porous. As soon as the temperature drops, the water trapped in these pores crystallizes. Having increased in volume, it presses on the pores from the inside with greater force. As a result, they are destroyed.

What is the essence of roof aeration?

Excess moisture from under the roof is removed through evaporation, which becomes possible due to the movement of air flows. Pressure levels inside and outside the house differ greatly, so air will begin to circulate as soon as the two environments are connected.

Creating effective ventilation for a cold attic is quite simple. It is enough to limit yourself to a dormer window, cracks in the ridge area or a loose fit of the eaves overhangs.

In the case of warm attics or attics, such a solution is unacceptable, since in the cold season, unregulated ventilation will cause a decrease in the temperature in the rooms.

The best option for them are roof aerators for soft roofs (photo below), through which the spaces under and above the roof are connected. In the passage pipe of the aerator for flexible tiles, a forced draft is formed, caused by the pressure difference, which helps to draw wet vapors out.

aerator for flexible tiles

In order for roof ventilation from a soft roof to function normally, an air supply from the outside is necessary. They enter through ventilation gaps (vents) provided on the eaves. The air coming from the street heats up as it passes through the warm attic, then rushes upward - directly to the roof. Draft formed in the roof aerator , removes the air flow through the passage pipe and exhausts it outside.

On a note

Ridge aerator for soft roofing correct installation in one hour, it passes air twice through the eaves vents on the eaves and layers of the roofing cake, drying and ventilating it.

Installing aerators on a soft roof in the required quantity ensures dryness of both the roof covering and the insulation. It is noteworthy that ventilation of a soft roof through a roof aerator can prevent the accumulation of moisture under new roof, as well as drying an old cake that has already been saturated with moisture.

Types of aerators

There are three types of installations that work to ventilate the under-roof space:

  • Continuous ones are mainly mounted on the ridge. The model must be positioned along the entire length of the junction of the slopes. Externally the structure looks like corner element with holes. Open cavities are protected by barriers that prevent precipitation, dust and insects from entering the roof.

  • Point aerators are located in separate areas of the roof where the removal of moisture and steam is most necessary. Most often these are stingrays, less often - skates. They are installed in a certain order. Each such structure is nothing more than a ventilation pipe with a protective cap. Usually the latter has the appearance of a “box” or “fungus”.

On a note

A point pitched structure is connected to the roof by means of a flat base, a ridge structure has an angular base, through which it mates with the roof near the roofing rib.

  • Turbines are the most powerful: they extract moisture both from the roofing pie and from the premises of the house. To extract moist air, the device is equipped with an electric drive. Models of this type are selected taking into account the slope of the slope. It should also be noted that they are not suitable for installation on slopes with a large angle of inclination.

It is important to note that each type of roof covering requires an aerator made of a specific material. Let's look at a few examples. Let's start with bitumen shingles.

  • The roof space aerator in this case is made of polypropylene, which is highly impact resistant. In addition, it successfully resists temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, and corrosion. As a rule, slab joints or the highest elevation of the slope are chosen as installation locations.

  • For metal tiles. The aerator is made from metals that are resistant to various aggressive influences, including corrosion. Install on almost any part of the roof.
  • For a professional sheet. The installations are made of the same material as in the previous case, only it needs to be installed closer to the ridge.

Design features suggest significant differences in the approach to installing aerators on soft roofs.

Installation of aerators on a soft roof step by step

Let us remind you what an aerator is (look at the photo). This is an artificial ventilation duct that works both to draw moisture out from under the roof and to circulate air.

Let us consider, separately, how each type of aerator, ridge and point, is mounted.

The design of the ridge version is extremely simple. It is suitable for roofs with a slope ranging from 12 to 45°.

  • A 30–80 mm thick ventilation groove is cut on both sides of the ridge or on its top. The choice of specific thickness is initially determined by the manufacturer. To work with a solid base, use a circular saw.
  • The slots should end 300 mm short of the edge of the ridge and not violate the integrity of the slopes on both sides.
  • Ridge tiles are applied to the solid areas remaining along the edges of the ridge.
  • Then a ridge aerator is applied. All of its segments are fixed to elongated roofing nails or to screws, which are screwed through the finished holes on the part. The segments themselves are attached similarly to the parts of the constructor.
  • Ridge tiles are laid on the finished structure. The installation principle differs little from the usual method: the only difference is in the fastening elements. These must be elongated fasteners.
  • The tightness of the structure ensures silicone sealant, with which its ends are sealed.

The video details the nuances of the process of installing aerators on a soft roof.

Diagram of a point ventilation device for a soft roof

The installation diagram for the point version is somewhat more complicated:

  • As you know, soft roofing is laid on a continuous sheathing made of plywood or OSB. A hole is cut out in it, deepened to the heat-insulating layer. Its diameter must exactly correspond to the dimensions of the internal opening of the artificial ventilation gap channel. If the diameter is smaller, then dents will begin to appear on the surface of the roof covering, where moisture or dirt will accumulate; if it is larger, then an additional sealing gasket will be needed.

If for any reason the insulation in this place is too wet, then it must be completely or partially replaced. In this way, it will be possible to maintain the thermal conductivity of the heat insulator at the proper level.

  • To mark, the skirt is placed on the sheathing, the contours of the ventilation duct opening are traced using a pencil or nail, and a hole is cut out using a jigsaw along the resulting contour.
  • An aerator skirt is placed on top of it, which is fixed with at least 6 roofing nails or screws.

According to the recommendations of some manufacturers, in addition to fasteners, bitumen mastic is additionally used to increase adhesion. With this approach, first sealant is applied to the back side of the base of the tube and firmly glued to the slope, after which fasteners are used.

  • A protective frame is put on the skirt and screwed with self-tapping screws. After that, a cap is installed that protects the roof pie from the penetration of precipitation, snapped into place and secured with self-tapping screws.
  • The joint is sealed and an additional layer of waterproofing is required.
  • The installation of the remaining point models (according to calculations) is carried out similarly, which form a single ventilation system.
  • The tiles are laid on top of the skirt, cutting the petals along the abutment line.

  • When installing aerators, the size and shape of the roof, the state of the vapor barrier, and the degree of air humidity are taken into account.
  • It is recommended to install aerators for flat roofs with a simple configuration at the rate of 1 fungus/100 sq. m of roofing surface. However, they should be no more than 12 m apart from each other.
  • If the roof structure has valleys or a clearly defined ridge, artificial ventilation ducts are located in watershed areas.
  • Calculation of ventilated installation systems for buildings with high level humidity is best left to construction design companies.
  • Professionals recommend completing aeration systems from the same supplier. This way you can reduce the risk of problems occurring when defective parts are replaced.

The most popular brands of aerator manufacturers

One of the first models of the family of solid devices is the ridge. Let's start with him.

  • Ridge Master Aerators(USA) (Plus and other modification of HipMaster). The profile shape design, it is patented) eliminates damage.

Ridge Master models can only be installed on strictly horizontal ridges. They are not recommended for use on inclined ridges. Hip Master is suitable for these cases. Let us note some advantages of ventilation aerators from this manufacturer.

  • A special patented system for protection against precipitation and wind. She has special design internal partitions designed on a computer.
  • The protective frame is ultrasonically welded.
  • Built-in interlocking edges allow you to quickly and much more securely connect structural parts, increase resistance to weather influences, and ensure an accurate fit to the slopes.
  • The aerator successfully resists crushing. It features support for fasteners and specially designed ribs to keep the roof line level and smooth.
  • There are no dents on the structure, for example, from branches or cracks when sharp changes temperature, it is resistant to hammer blows.
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 40 years.
  • TOawning aerator for soft roofing TechnoNIKOL– completely similar to Ridge Master, but differs in length. Ventilation efficiency: approximately 1 element/25 sq.m.

TechnoNIKOL company also offers various options point models. Here are some of them.

  • KTV pitched. Used exclusively on roofing coverings of their bituminous shingles. They are attached to the roof through a passage element during the installation of soft tiles. The device is difficult to notice on the roof. Ventilation efficiency: approximately 1 element/5-10 sq.m.
  • KTV-alpha. This is an economical version of the pitched model of the KTV aerator for flexible tiles. Protected from weather influences and insects by a polyurethane (reticulated) filter. Ventilation efficiency: approximately 1 element/20 sq.m.
  • Pilot pitched. Used on roofs covered bitumen shingles. It is attached to the roof through the passage element directly during the process of laying the roofing material. The lower sliding element allows it to be fixed strictly vertically at any roof slope. Ventilation efficiency: approximately 1 element/5 sq.m.

  • Finnish manufacturer SK Toute offers a wide range of purpose aerators. Vilpe Vent models fundamentally different from products from other manufacturers:
  • Exclusively high quality materials used, which ensures excellent characteristics of such systems: exceptional resistance to aggressive environmental influences and ultraviolet radiation.
  • They are reliably protected from corrosion.
  • They are universal, that is, they can be installed on any roofing system.
  • High degree soundproofing.

Installation of a soft roof does not tolerate trifles. Sometimes, thinking to save money on such a seemingly optional detail as roof ventilation, the developer faces a lot of troubles. The roof begins to leak, the house smells of dampness, and icicles accumulate on the eaves. And, the apotheosis of everything, is the rapid destruction of expensive roofing material. Such troubles occur because moisture penetrates into the soft roof pie, seeping into the insulation, rafter structures and the bitumen coating itself. The problem can be solved by installing artificial ventilation ducts - aerators - on the roof. Air will circulate through them, drawing out excess moisture and drying the internal pie of the structure.

Thus, installing aerators on a soft roof is a process recommended by experts, and in some cases (over attic floor, for example) – mandatory, preventing its damage and ensuring a comfortable stay in the house.

It is clear that aerators provide ventilation and drying of the roofing pie from moisture. But where does it come from? After all, manufacturers initially position soft roofing as airtight. Moreover, the under-roof pie contains layers of hydro- and vapor barrier (vapor barrier - if there is insulation).

But this does not save you from the presence of moist vapors. They are an indispensable attribute of any living space, formed in the process of cooking, washing, bathing and even, ultimately, human breathing. According to research, every day in a house where a family of 4 lives, 2-4 liters of water vapor are generated, some of which accumulates in the under-roof space.

When warm steam comes into contact with a cold surface (during sudden changes in temperature outside and inside), it condenses. As a result, tiny droplets of water begin to saturate any structures and materials that they can “reach”. First of all, these are rafters, sheathing, and insulation.

Another way for moisture to penetrate is from the outside of the roof. Warm steam, accumulating in the attic, heats the roofing from the inside. In winter, the snow lying on the roof begins to melt. Ice crusts form, which, as the situation worsens, also melt. Water penetrates the joints of the covering, and the roof begins to leak.

In addition, the coating itself suffers, which in any case has microcracks. Moisture penetrates there and, when the temperature drops, tears the material. Cracks become visible, sometimes through. The coating becomes unusable.

On a soft roof, the effects of excess moisture manifest themselves quite quickly. You may notice:

  • The appearance of bubbles on the surface. A soft roof pie, as a rule, includes a waterproofing layer (on top) and a vapor barrier layer (bottom). In essence, it is a closed, hermetically sealed circuit. In summer, the roofing pie heats up to 80-100°C, as a result of which the moisture accumulated in the circuit forms steam and tries to evaporate. This situation entails the appearance of swelling and destruction of the roof.
  • Reduced efficiency of the heat insulator. Wetting the thermal insulation layer even by 2% leads to an increase in its thermal conductivity (and a decrease in insulating properties) by 40%! Accordingly, such a roof ceases to fulfill its functions in terms of heat retention, and heating costs increase.

All this leads to destruction of the structure of the roofing material and the occurrence of leaks.

Purpose of aerators

How to prevent moisture from settling on roofing surfaces? Or should we dry structures already saturated with moisture?

The laws of physics will come to our aid. Moisture can be removed by evaporation, which occurs during the movement (circulation) of air currents. Since there is a significant difference between the internal (in the house) and external (outdoor) pressure indicators, for air circulation it is enough to ensure the process of communication between the two environments.

If the attic is cold, then effective ventilation can be ensured quite simply - through dormer windows, loose eaves overhangs, cracks in the ridge. For warm attics And this solution is not suitable for attics, since in the cold season unregulated ventilation will reduce the temperature in the room.

In such houses, it is most acceptable to use roof aerators - ventilation ducts connecting the under-roof and above-roof spaces. After installing the aerator, due to the pressure difference, a forced draft is created in its pipe, which pulls out wet vapors from under the roof.

Very important point: in order for the process of drawing air through the aerator to become possible, it is necessary to common system provide a supply of fresh cool air. Otherwise, air masses will not circulate. To do this, ventilation ducts are installed in the eaves, where Fresh air. Passing through the attic space, it heats up and rises up to the roof.

Thanks to the draft created in the aerator, it passes through its pipe and is thrown out into the street. With properly equipped ventilation, in just 1 hour air flow Passes through the roofing cake 2 times, drying and ventilating it.

Accordingly, by installing soft roof aerators in the required quantity, you don’t have to worry about the dryness of the coating and insulation. Therefore, it is more correct to begin their installation at the construction stage. But, if for some reason this did not happen, you can do it later. The main thing is not to wait for fatal roof defects to occur (swelling, destruction of the material). Fortunately for many developers, with the help of aerators it is possible not only to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the new roofing pie, but also to dry the old roof already saturated with moisture.

Types of aerators

For soft roofs, aerators are used that are made of impact-resistant plastics that can withstand temperature changes, corrosion, and exposure to UV rays. Depending on the design features, purpose and mode of action, There are 2 types of aerators: continuous ridge and point.

The ridge aerator is classified as a continuous ventilation system, since it is installed along the entire length of the ridge to aerate the entire under-roof space. In appearance, the design is corner piece with openings protected by special barriers - from insects, dust, snow.

Point aerators are installed on separate sections (points) of the roof, usually on slopes, less often on ridges. Each such aerator is ventilation pipe, protected from above by a cap of various configurations. Usually general form the design resembles a “fungus” or “box”.

The point slope aerator has flat base(skirt), through which it is connected to the roof. The base of the point ridge aerator is angular, designed to mate with the roof in the area of ​​its upper horizontal edge.

Differences in the designs of available types of aerators also imply a significant difference in their installation technologies.

Installation of a ridge aerator

The ridge aerator is the easiest to install; it does not require special calculation of the quantity, since it is usually installed along the entire length of the ridge. Installation of a ridge aerator is recommended on roofs with a slope of 12-45°. At the same time, it is mounted only on the ridge, ensuring air circulation in the attic space.

Usage standards:

  • It is necessary to have vents on the eaves to ensure air flow;
  • it is recommended to install the aerator along the entire length of the ridge, connecting its segments into one structure;
  • ridge tiles are mounted on top of the ridge aerator, thus appearance the roof does not suffer from “alien” elements.

Installation technology:

  1. In a solid base circular saw cut a ventilation groove. There can be one (at the top of the ridge) or two (on both sides of the ridge). The total thickness of the ventilation gap should be 3-8 cm (depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the particular aerator). The slots are made so that they end 30 cm before the edge of the ridge, that is, the roof remains solid on both sides of the ridge.
  2. Along the edges of the ridge (where the ventilation gap was not cut) ridge tiles are laid.
  3. Mount the ridge aerator. Each of its segments is secured using elongated roofing nails or screws screwed through ready-made factory holes. In this case, the segments are connected to each other, like parts of a construction set.
  4. Cover the aerator profile with ridge tiles. Its petals are mounted overlapping, according to the usual method, no different from the technology of laying it along the ribs. The only difference is the fastening elements. IN in this case the tiles are nailed to the aerator with extended roofing nails
  5. The ends of the aerator, where they meet the roof, are sealed with silicone sealant.

Example of works in the photo:

The video will help you understand in more detail the intricacies of roof aeration on a soft roof:

Installation of point aerators

In addition to the ridge aerator, it is possible to use several point analogues. These aerators are used:

  • on roofs with a slope of less than 12°, as well as on flat roofs;
  • to improve ventilation efficiency, in addition to the roof aerator;
  • if installation of a ridge aerator is impossible, for example, if there is no ridge or if there are abutments of the roofing material to vertical surfaces and walls.

Usage standards:

  • installation of point aerators is carried out on slopes, at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m from the horizontal edge of the ridge;
  • it is necessary to ensure air flow on the overhangs;
  • one aerator provides effective ventilation of 5-100 m2 of roofing (depending on the diameter and shape of the structure); in accordance with these data, their number is calculated - from 2 pieces or more.

Installation technology:

  1. IN continuous lathing cut out a hole that matches the size of the internal gap of the aerator channel. To do this, the base (skirt) of the aerator is placed on plywood (OSB) and the contours of the hole are drawn on the roof through the passage channel. Marking is done with a pencil or nail. Using a jigsaw, cut a hole along the line.
  2. Place the aerator skirt over the hole and secure it with roofing nails or self-tapping screws (at least 6 pieces). Some manufacturers recommend using an adhesive fixation method in addition to fasteners. In this case, the back side of the skirt is coated bitumen mastic, glue it to the base, and only then secure it with fasteners.
  3. Glue the top of the skirt with bitumen glue to waterproof the junction.
  4. The skirt is covered with shingles, cutting them at the junctions.
  5. An aerator mesh is put on top of the skirt, screwing it with self-tapping screws. Then the cover (cap) is mounted, snapped into place and also screwed in with self-tapping screws.
  6. The remaining point aerators are installed in the same way (in accordance with the calculations), which in the total mass will form a single ventilation system.

This is what it looks like:

More visual information about the stages of installing a point aerator can be obtained by watching the training video:

Thus, installing aerators is not a difficult job, even self-taught craftsmen can do it. However, the benefits from it are enormous!

Thanks to aerators, water vapor is drawn out from the roofing pie, condensation is prevented from settling, mold, mildew and mustiness appear. All this has a positive effect on the service life wooden structures(rafters, sheathing, sheathing), the work of thermal insulation, the microclimate of the living space.

A common problem roofing structures is the accumulation of moisture and condensation. A device called an aerator will help solve this problem. It may also be called a weather vane or deflector. What is its functional purpose?

Main functions

They consist of three points:

  1. Preventing the formation of condensation that forms in the lower layer of waterproofing. It negatively affects the material, reducing its waterproofing properties.
  2. Discharge of steam rising from the interior to the surface. Its accumulation under the roof causes damage to wooden structures.
  3. Protection against the formation of bulges and bubbles by reducing the pressure between layers of roofing materials.

Now it’s worth finding out what causes the increased humidity of the coating.

Moisture formation in the roof structure

The most common and widely used is soft roofing. Especially when it comes to industrial and civil buildings. It consists of several layers called a pie:

  • reinforced concrete floor;
  • vapor barrier layers;
  • screed made of sand-cement mixture;
  • thermal insulation coating;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • roofing;

Of the items listed above, the vapor barrier is the most susceptible to moisture accumulation. This can happen due to various factors:

  • environmental influences;
  • raising vapors from the upper rooms through the attic floor.

In the first case, dampness appears if there is a violation of the coating. Various climatic conditions can lead to direct penetration of moisture or its accumulation from humid air.

In the second option, rising steam settles on the vapor barrier and cement screed in the form of condensate. A wet vapor barrier layer increases its thermal conductivity by 30-40%. In addition, fungus and mold form in the closed, unventilated space of the pie. (Recommended reading for more full disclosure information article on protecting walls from various types destructive impact. ?) In addition to this problem, roof dampness can lead to other negative factors.

Effects of exposure to moisture

roof aerator - weather vane

  1. Destruction of the screed. In most cases, it is made from a cement-sand mixture; after hardening, it is a porous structure. Pores are normally filled with air. At high humidity, such a surface is capable of absorbing moisture and accumulating it. At low temperatures the liquid in the pores freezes. In this case, crystallization and expansion occur, which lead to the formation of microcracks and destruction of the screed structure.
  2. Effect on the waterproofing layer. The processes occurring in the screed also affect the waterproofing, as a result of which its structure is destroyed.
  3. Blistering of the surface. This defect is caused by two factors:
  • steam is formed in the space under the ceiling. This occurs between the vapor barrier and waterproofing layer. The water accumulated between them high temperatures ah turns into steam, due to this the swelling of the roof occurs;
  • exposure to high temperatures in summer season. Heating leads to changes in bitumen-polymer materials, that is, to their softening and increased plasticity, which causes the formation of blisters;

A roofing aerator for soft roofs will help you avoid high humidity, as well as damage and defects. You just need to decide on the choice of device.

Types of aerators

There are a huge number of materials from which roof aerator deflectors are made, but the most effective of them are plastic and stainless steel. They are resistant to the following factors:

  • temperature changes;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • corrosion;
  • acidic environment;

Whatever material the roof aerator is made of, its main task is to remove condensation, ventilate moisture and ventilate the roof space. The roof aerator provides various sizes and modifications, photos of some of them are presented . They can be of various sizes and modifications.

The most the best option For soft roof is an aerator roofing technoNIKOL 160x460mm, photo shows that it consists of three parts. Its design provides:

  • long service life of the roofing covering;
  • removal of generated moisture from all layers of the roof;
  • improvement of thermal insulation properties;

One of the latest models– roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL eco. It not only meets all the requirements of a “breathable” roof, but is also made from environmentally friendly raw materials.

If you want to receive quality roof with a long service life, you should install a TechnoNIKOL roofing aerator. Its price varies depending on the design and modification. You can always pick up best option by cost.

Calculation of the number of aerators

First of all, you should decide on the number of ventilated deflectors. To do this, you need to know the roof surface area and the technical data that the weathervane roof aerator provides. If the roof plane is inclined, they should be located evenly on the highest areas.

If the coating configuration is simple, then the standard provides for one roof aerator per 100 m²; you need to buy the calculated quantity for installation.

Important point! The distance between ventilated pipes should not be more than 12 meters.

You can install roof aerators yourself, but to do this you need to have minimal construction skills. If there are none, then it is better to turn to the services of specialists.

Installing a roof aerator

It can be carried out both during the installation of the roof and already on finished design. In the first case, they must be laid down by the project. If the premises will obviously have high humidity premises, such as a bathhouse or sauna. Ventilated outlets must be provided at the design stage of buildings. Such projects should only be carried out by special design organizations. In the second option, the roof polyvent aerator is installed in the following sequence:

  1. Marked required amount places where deflectors will be located.
  2. A window is cut in the screed in the right place. It should go deep to the location of the insulation.

IMPORTANT! If the vapor barrier layer is wet, it must be replaced with a dry one so that it meets thermal insulation standards.

  1. Roofing aerators for flat roofs are installed in ready-made nests. Bottom part pipes, which must be connected with special mastic.
  2. Fastening must be done using self-tapping screws. They should be located evenly along the entire perimeter of the aerator skirt. Their total number must be at least six.
  3. The base of the pipe from above is also additionally protected with waterproofing.

The roof aerator for metal tiles has a different design and is mounted on both sides of the ridge with a distance of at least 60 cm. It is advisable to carry out installation work in the summer.