Heating radiators for a country house. Which heating radiators are best to choose for your home?

Due to the fact that the heating system in a dacha often operates with long interruptions, situations may arise when the coolant freezes in the system. This can lead to destruction of radiators, pipes and connections. Prevent such emergency situations allows the use of antifreeze as a heating fluid, rather than ordinary water. Antifreeze does not freeze even in severe frost. This allows you to turn off the heating while the owners are away from the dacha without fear of freezing the system.

However, the use of such a coolant also imposes its own requirements when choosing radiators. Batteries must be made of an alloy that can withstand the chemical attack of antifreeze. Acceptable level The pH for such devices can be in the range of 6.5-9.5. If this requirement is not met, the battery will very quickly become unusable due to corrosion, which will cause a leak. In addition, given the increased viscosity and chemical composition of antifreeze, high requirements are presented for quality sealing elements, which are used in connecting parts of radiator structures.

For completing heating systems in country house Most often, cast iron, aluminum and bimetallic radiators are used.

Cast iron radiators for cottages

Cast iron radiators are the most traditional type of heating devices, which are very often used in dachas. Their main advantages include:

  • high thermal conductivity of cast iron;
  • long service life;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • low requirements for coolant quality;
  • relatively low price.

At the same time, the disadvantage is the significant weight, which makes it difficult to install batteries. Also due to the high thermal inertia cast iron batteries heat up for a long time. This significantly impairs the ability to regulate heating.

The Ogint company produces reliable cast iron radiators made in modern design, which can be used with both plain water, and with antifreeze. The batteries have an optimized design that significantly improves their efficiency.

Aluminum radiators for cottages

Very often today aluminum radiators are used for summer cottages. Their main advantages are:

  • maximum heat transfer;
  • light weight;
  • small internal volume, reducing the amount of coolant in the system;
  • low inertia, which ensures quick warm-up and the ability to adjust the radiator temperature;
  • aesthetic design.

It must be taken into account that aluminum batteries are sensitive to quality and chemical composition coolant.

In the Ogint catalog you can select reliable and efficient aluminum radiators that can be used in dacha conditions. Including all battery models can work with antifreeze.

A dacha is your own house in nature, but, despite all the external and inner beauty You also need to take care of the heat inside the house. The central element of the heating system is the radiator.

But if you still have a Russian stove at your dacha, you shouldn’t disassemble it, following the advice from and finishing it with tiles, you can only enjoy its appearance, but also use it as Alternative option heating in case of possible accidents.

Choosing a radiator manufacturer for a summer residence

On the one hand, choosing a radiator is easy because heating radiators are divided into only 4 types:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

On the other hand, despite the 4 options to choose from, you need to find out and compare the technical characteristics, positive and negative sides of certain radiators, and choose the most suitable one for your dacha.

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron batteries are perhaps the most old look, but still continues to be popular with buyers. TO positive aspects These radiators should include:

  • High thermal conductivity;
  • High service life;
  • Effective work with coolants of different quality;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Installation in any heating systems Oh;
  • Relatively low cost.
    But besides the positive ones, there are also negative ones:
  • Heavy weight;
  • Difficulty in installation due to the weight of the structure;
  • Small selection of models.

    Manufacturers of cast iron batteries:

  • MS-140.

KONNER– Russian trademark, which has been skillfully using for 10 years modern technologies and lightweight design to produce quality radiators at affordable prices.
The products of this company are represented by 3 main collections:


Modern style


MS-140– this is synonymous with the quality and durability of radiators. The Belarusian company, which began its work back in the Soviet Union, combines the quality of materials and work with current modern technologies.

That is why batteries from MS-140 have not lost their popularity to this day.

MS-140 500

MS-140 300

Cheboksary World Cup famous for producing radiators with different numbers of channels. Usually there are from one to three channels. In addition, the creators took into account the shortcomings of their predecessors and made the outer side flat to make cleaning the batteries easier.


Steel radiators

Steel radiators, in turn, are divided into two subtypes:

· with sections-panels;

· with sections-tubes.

With sections panels

Panels can be types 11, 22, 33 (this depends on the number of sheets). The sheets are secured to each other using spot welding.

Such batteries are designed for private houses and cottages that have customized systems heating, in apartment buildings On the contrary, they may not cope with the task.

Unlike cast iron, steel ones have a larger range; you can choose a model with a side, bottom or universal connection. Bottom-connected batteries are more attractive and therefore more expensive.

Batteries can be tall, narrow, wide, suitable for any layout. In addition, almost every produced battery of this type is equipped with a thermostat so that you can insert a thermostat yourself and set a comfortable temperature.

Manufacturers of panel radiators:

· Korado Radik;

German company Kermi is a leading manufacturer of quality, powerful and at the same time attractive steel panel batteries. This company is already widely known even among buyers in Russia and Ukraine.

If you value quality and lack the smallest problems in your work, choose this company.

Kermi type 11

Kermi type 22

Kermi type 33

Czech company Korado, one of the largest European manufacturers. It produces panel radiators made of Radik steel; these products meet all European quality standards.

Technical data:

With tube sections

Radiators with tube sections can be installed in any room, depending on the type of heating system.

In most cases, tubular radiators are made from of stainless steel, so you don’t have to worry about the effects of corrosion; in addition, stainless steel is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to clean.

There are many models from low to high, with a different number of sections (from 3 sections to 60), such models are perfect for any design and interior.

Manufacturers of tubular radiators:

Radiators from a Swedish company Arbonia This is a technically advanced and aesthetic product that provides the maximum level of comfort and warmth in the room. Such radiators are popular because of their quality and thoughtful details; there are models with special rounded edges for the safety of your children.

Technical specifications:

Aluminum radiators

Today, aluminum radiators are less popular than others, this is due to many requirements for the coolant, they are not protected from oxidation and they cannot withstand water hammer (in multi-storey buildings).

If you decide to install this type of radiator in your dacha, keep in mind that the system must have low pressure and a low-alkaline solution as a coolant.

But if you are a fan of aluminum radiators, then some manufacturers coat the inside of the radiators with a special compound so that they can withstand high pressure and oxidation, but of course their price is much higher than regular ones.


  • High heat dissipation;
  • Easy to install and carry;
  • Quick heating of the room;
  • Modern universal design.


  • Coolant acidity requirement;
  • Requirements for other parts of the heating system.


· Condor;

Conner We are already familiar with the manufacturers of cast iron batteries, but he also produces aluminum and bimetallic batteries of excellent quality. Aluminum radiators are represented by the LUX series, they are an example of elegance and durability, moreover, they are maximally adapted for Russian and Ukrainian heating systems.

Sira Company produces aluminum radiators according to the latest quality standards, the company carries out a number of checks to eliminate the slightest possibility of low-quality or defective goods reaching the buyer.

You can find a radiator that is suitable for your room, which will decorate it and give it a finished look. Our market offers radiators from the Diamante collection.

Technical characteristics of Sira Diamante:

Although, Russian company RIFAR began its work in 2002, it has already established itself as a supplier of high-quality aluminum and bimetallic radiators, producing products according to market requirements.

And many models will make it easier to select batteries to suit your conditions and your interior.

Technical characteristics of the ALUM series:

Aluminum radiators from Condor manufactured in Slovenia, according to high European standards, and specially adapted for Russian and Ukrainian heating systems. All models have successfully passed many verification tests, confirming their characteristics and proving that they are worthy of installation in your home.


Spanish company Ferroli began its journey with a small workshop for the manufacture of gas boilers, but thanks to perseverance and high quality products, it managed to grow into an international company, which is now the 5th largest manufacturer of heating equipment in the world.

In addition, high quality products are combined with their efficiency. And many types and models allow you to fit the battery into even the most non-standard interior.


Bimetallic radiators

The bimetallic radiator consists of a two-layer structure: the outer layer is made of aluminum and the inner layer is made of high-strength steel. We can say that bimetallic batteries do not need special requirements; they cope well with high pressure, alkaline coolant and even water hammer.


· Light weight;

· Durability;

· High thermal conductivity;

· Easy installation;

· Many different models suitable for different interiors.


Higher price;

With prolonged use, water with a high oxygen content can be subject to corrosion.


Bimetallic radiators production Conner this is a specially designed quality products for Russian conditions. They are highly durable and can operate on any coolant. Each radiator undergoes special tests and only after successful completion of the tests does it hit the store shelves.


Global Style- this is the most famous manufacturer expensive and durable bimetal. Most models are specially designed for Russian market and operating conditions. Elegant models made from high-quality materials can be installed in any building or apartment.


Sira. Here is another popular Italian manufacturer of bimetallic radiators. This company not only cares about the quality of its products, but also produces them in three different models: strictly straight, originally rounded and unique.

As for the choice for a dacha, compare according to your capabilities and technical parameters, the information has been provided to you, all you have to do is choose.

Video about choosing a heating radiator

The autonomous heating system of a private house allows you to choose any heat radiators.

However, it is important to take them into account characteristics and location features interior spaces to organize heating of the house most economically and efficiently.

What to consider when purchasing, and what devices are best to use for autonomous heating?

Selection of the best radiators for private and country houses

Private sector heating differs from the centralized one in the absence of water hammer and stable low pressure.

It also differs in its closedness and lack of gas saturation. Therefore, the choice of radiators for your own home is not limited to the conditions common system, A depends on the preferences of the owners of the premises.

However there is technical features , which must be taken into account when installing certain types of heating batteries. Namely:

  • Durability and price heating device.
  • External shape, the presence of protruding ribs and corners, safety and the possibility of injury.
  • Dimensions of the room and heat transfer characteristics of the heating device.
  • Calculations required quantity heat and number of sections, heating radiator area.

Also, when choosing batteries, take into account their appearance and the possibility of installation into the system.

Types of heating radiators

There are several types of heating radiators: cast iron, aluminum, bimetallic and vacuum.

Cast iron for brick, stone, wooden buildings

Cast iron batteries - universal radiators for heating brick, stone, adobe and wooden houses. They are almost always installed in multi-story buildings and are often used in the private sector due to their low price and most impressive durability - 50-100 years. A high service life is achieved due to slow corrosion and thick walls.

Photo 1. Cast iron heating radiator with decorative forging. It not only warms the house, but also decorates it.

Cast iron batteries have large internal sections. Therefore, the flow of water in them is not complicated by mechanical impurities, rust, or precipitation. Coolant does not require filtration and frequent bleeding of air.

In relation to the private sector and modern trends heating, cast iron radiators have one drawback. They are characterized by high thermal inertia, take a long time to heat up, making them difficult to use in temperature control systems.

What else to consider:

  • Corrugated shape with stiffening ribs, which can cause childhood injuries. You can prevent them by installing a protective mesh or screen.
  • Significant weight and the load on the foundation, difficulties with transportation and demands on the quality of installation.

conclusions: Cast iron radiators are the traditional choice for water heating systems. They durable, reliable and inert. Perfect for traditional brick houses, heating of which operates in standard mode. They can be installed in systems from which the liquid is periodically drained, or in which there is an open expansion tank. When adjusting temperature, it is necessary to take into account that the heating system with cast iron radiators you need to “screw on” or add power in advance.


Modern batteries that differ from their cast iron predecessors weight and low thermal inertia.

They have an attractive appearance, a simple flat shape, so they rarely cause injuries.

But the main advantage is that aluminum batteries have high heat transfer coefficient, which allows their surface to quickly heat the air.

Aluminum radiators are economical in all respects. Their weight less cast iron batteries 4 times(1-1.6 kg in one section aluminum vs 5-7 kg in one section of cast iron). The internal cavity contains 2.5 l coolant (for comparison, in cast iron batteries one section contains up to 10 l). Warm-up time - 6 times faster than cast iron structures. The only lack of savings is in the price of aluminum ones. They stand in 2-3 times expensive.

Disadvantages of aluminum heaters:

  • Life time- less than that of cast iron and is 15-20 years. The shortened service life is due to aluminum corrosion and thin battery walls. You can combat this deficiency by controlling the quality of the coolant, which is quite possible in autonomous heating systems of a private home. The heating system must be completely closed, distilled liquid is poured inside.
  • The corrosion process produces hydrogen inside aluminum batteries. This causes airing with gas plugs. Which in turn initiates the appearance of cracks and leaks. This disadvantage is combatted by installing bleed valves. They must work automatically.

conclusions: aluminum batteries can be installed in the heating system of a private residential building with a closed expansion tank, subject to control of the composition and quality of the coolant. The heating system must fill in special liquid, install automatic bleeding devices. These batteries are ideal for temperature regulation.

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Bimetallic batteries are one of the latest expensive developments to emerge as an alternative to quickly corroding aluminum batteries. Bimetallic structures soldered from two metals- steel core and aluminum cover. This combination improves corrosion resistance(steel is less susceptible to corrosion than aluminum) and maintain high heat transfer, thanks to the aluminum surface.

Photo 2. Bimetallic heating radiator mounted on the wall. The device consists of several sections.

Bimetallic heaters - ideal for private houses with any walls. Due to their light weight, they are installed inside heavy brick buildings and hung on the walls of light frame houses. The only one disadvantage bimetallic batteries is their high price.


The latest advertised model of heating batteries with reduced fluid pressure inside. Positioned as a highly efficient design that quickly releases heat and warms the space efficiently. However, vacuum batteries are heating devices with unproven effectiveness. They have a lot of negative reviews and a high selling price.

The design of a vacuum battery differs from cast iron and aluminum batteries the presence of a sealed internal cavity, inside which vapors of ethanol (alcohol) or vapors of a saline solution of lithium bromide circulate. These substances are coolants, their circulation is limited by the radiator cavity, inside which the pressure is greatly reduced (evacuated to a vacuum level). The reduction in pressure ensures that the alcohol and lithium bromide are converted into steam.

Through the internal cavity of the vacuum radiator there is a pipe through which ordinary coolant moves- water.

From the hot water, the pipe inside the radiator heats up and transfers heat to the vapor coolant. The steam settles on the cold surface of the outer walls of the radiator and gives off heat to them.

Thus, fluid circulation occurs with its constant evaporation and condensation. These processes ensure heat transfer.

Such complex explanations of the operation of a vacuum radiator do not always make it possible to understand why its efficiency is increased. In fact, many customer reviews say that vacuum batteries consume less energy and at the same time warm the room worse. To achieve the same effect, instead of one aluminum section, you have to install two vacuum heating radiators.

Types of steel batteries

There are two types of steel radiators: tubular (sectional) and panel. They differ in design and price. There are also convector models with a built-in blower. What to choose for heating your home?


Panel radiators represent the most inexpensive designs of heating batteries.

They are enough effective, practical and safe, since all the tubes and protruding ribs in them are covered with a flat steel casing.

Their appearance resembles a flat box suspended from the wall under the windowsill and radiating heat.

Another advantage of steel radiators is their price. Combined with light weight, ease of installation, and aesthetic design, the price ensures panel structures popularity among buyers and developers.

Attention! When choosing a steel panel radiator, it is important to remember its service life - 20-25 years.


Tubular structures differ from panel ones in price - they are more expensive. By technical specifications the two designs are comparable. There is a slight difference in the operating pressure inside the batteries. Tubular radiators can withstand greater pressure than panel ones. But for the private sector with an individual heating circuit, this factor is not important.

Tubular radiators also called sectional since each pair of pipes is combined into one section.

Heating battery consists of several sections, the number of which determines the amount of heat that the radiator emits over a period of time.

Important for the private sector: if in multi-storey buildings an increase in the number of sections leads to better heating of the room, then in the private sector the situation is different. The heat radiated into the room depends little on the area of ​​the radiator. It determined by the heat coming from the heating furnace. When increasing sections in a room of a private house, the amount of heat in the system remains the same. Therefore, heating efficiency can be significantly improved only by modernization heating stove.


Convector radiators have built-in fan, which ensures the movement of heated air. The name “convector” is associated with the physical term “convection”, which means mixing air flow. In heating a private home, convector models are often used as portable batteries with the simplest connection.

For them to work, it is enough to supply electricity to the house and arrange wiring and sockets suitable for power. Electric convector installed in the room, ensures rapid heating.

Photo 3. Floor-standing convector heating radiator. There are holes in the top of the device through which warm air.

Convector radiators affordable and less affordable in payment for their work. To heat a house electrically, it is necessary to properly insulate its walls, ceiling and foundation. Then heating with convectors will be effective and affordable. - an alternative to cast iron batteries for energy-saving and frame buildings.Odnoklassniki

To heat a private home, an autonomous heating system is often used. Compared to an apartment, the requirements and approach to choosing radiators change somewhat.

The choice of heating devices is influenced by the lack high pressure in the system, the ability to control the quality of the coolant and eliminate the presence of water hammer. Considering all these aspects, figure out which radiators to choose for heating a private country house, quite simple.

What metal batteries should be used in a country house?

There are a large number of battery designs on the heating equipment market. According to their design, all heaters can be divided into the following types:
  1. Panel.
  2. Sectional.
  3. Tubular.
There is also a classification based on the metal used in the production of radiators. It is customary to distinguish the following equipment:
  1. Cast iron.
  2. Steel.
  3. Bimetallic.
  4. Aluminum.
  5. Copper.
Each metal has its own performance characteristics, heat transfer coefficient and other features. To determine the best radiators, you should consider in detail the disadvantages and advantages of each.

Cast iron radiators are time-tested classics

Sectional batteries - the main advantage of cast iron is the high quality and strength of the metal. Thick-walled cast iron makes the batteries almost eternal. The advantages include:
  • Reliability and durability.
  • Possibility to add sections to increase the total power of the device.
  • Corrosion resistance and unpretentiousness to the quality of the coolant.
The disadvantages include low heat transfer, unsightly appearance and large dimensions of the device, stealing free space.

In the event of an emergency shutdown of the boiler, the heated cast iron battery will cool down for a long time and will not allow the coolant temperature to drop quickly.

Bimetallic, aluminum and copper batteries - high heat transfer and reliability

If we talk about heat transfer, then you cannot find better copper and bimetallic radiators. The batteries can withstand high pressure and practically do not react to the quality of the coolant.

It is not advisable to install bimetallic models for a private home. Radiators of this type were originally developed for connection to central heating.

As an alternative, you can use aluminum batteries, which are less expensive than their bimetallic counterparts. At the same time, the heat transfer of radiators is in no way inferior to devices made of two metals.

Steel radiators are a cheap and popular option

For autonomous heating of a private home, steel heating devices are most often chosen. This is due to many factors: low cost, beautiful appearance, good heat transfer performance.

Bottom and top connections are provided, the possibility of operation in one and two-pipe heating systems.

The disadvantage of steel batteries is the susceptibility of the structure to corrosion. Another disadvantage is the inability to add power if there is an error in the calculations, as is the case with cast iron or bimetallic contractions. Place batteries in rooms with high humidity prohibited.

As practice has shown, for a private country house it is better to use aluminum, cast iron, steel and copper batteries.

How to correctly calculate the number of sections

Calculation of the power of heating radiators in country house depends on several factors. The calculations look like this:

When connecting, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of connecting batteries. Heat transfer decreases as sections are added. Therefore, for heating, several radiators with an equal number of “fins” are installed.

Which brand of radiators is better to choose for a house outside the city?

There are Italian, German, Turkish and domestic heating radiators on the market. You can also buy several Chinese-made models.

When determining which brand of radiator is better, you should take into account consumer reviews and the quality of the product itself. Below is the popularity ranking. The list is compiled in descending order of popularity.

  1. Ferroli.

All these brands are popular and have many positive reviews. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the design, connecting heating radiators in a private home is quick and practically effortless. The product has a service life of at least 15 years and is provided with a manufacturer's warranty.

You can choose other models based on facilities, building features and technical aspects.

Rules for the location of batteries in the house

To make the most efficient connection, you must strictly follow the rules for installing heating radiators. The most effective recommendations can be identified:
  • Placing radiators in a private house. Heating devices are located in such a way as to create a heat flow that reduces heat loss. Recommended installation locations for batteries are under windows, on load-bearing wall building.
  • Selecting a radiator connection diagram. Traditionally, systems with forced and natural circulation of coolant, single-pipe and double-pipe, are used. The scheme with forced circulation is considered to be the most effective.
    Two-pipe systems, with natural coolant movement, are used for cast iron and aluminum batteries. This is due to the diameter of the side wiring connection.
    Steel radiators are designed to connect a ¾ pipe, which is not enough to ensure the flow and circulation of liquid naturally.

Methods of connecting heating radiators in a country house affect the heating efficiency. The main disadvantage of a system with forced coolant circulation is that it cannot work during a power outage. The problem is solved by connecting a generator or installing a bypass. Systems with natural circulation are ineffective and require strict adherence to slopes.

There are two options for connecting radiators - upper and lower. With natural circulation, the first method is used. The coolant is supplied through the upper outlet. The bottom connection is used for closed systems with high pressure.

At correct installation, the heating system is assembled sequentially, starting from connecting the radiator closest to the heating source, and ending with the last heating device.

What is better to use as a coolant?

Water or antifreeze can be used as a coolant. It is necessary to consider what type of radiator is installed in the heating system.

Antifreeze is not suitable for cast iron and steel batteries. For the first, the weak point is the connections between sections. Under the influence of antifreeze, the gaskets become deformed and leak. Steel batteries are sensitive to the quality of the coolant. The use of antifreeze reduces the service life.

For aluminum, copper and bimetallic batteries, any type of coolant can be used.

For a private home, it is better to use steel, cast iron and aluminum radiators. The high cost of bimetallic batteries and the lack of high pressure in autonomous systems makes their installation for heating a country house impractical.

Radiators and radiators - which are best for a private home? This is the question every owner of a country house asks himself when he decides to secure his home. autonomous system heating. Today we will look at which radiators to choose for your dacha.

Not all radiators can be used for installation in an apartment where a centralized heating system is installed. But all types of appliances are suitable for a country house. Indeed, in the water that passes through pipes in private houses, most often there are no impurities with chlorine and alkali. A variety of materials are used for the manufacture of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • metal (steel);
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal

Types of heating devices for a country house

And according to their design, aluminum and other devices are divided into sectional, tubular, panel and convector. Let's study each type of heating radiator for installation in a private home - knowledge about the advantages, disadvantages and operating features will help you make right choice.

The simplest type of radiators is cast iron. These products are still popular on the market, despite their more modern counterparts. It is quite simple to explain this popularity - cast iron products have many advantages, including:

  • strength and durability, time-tested - can last two decades or more;
  • the ability to assemble a radiator from a different number of sections;
  • rust resistance;
  • low level of heat transfer;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical attack.

Cast iron radiators

Strength is due to the fact that cast iron batteries are equipped with very thick walls. But this is precisely the main disadvantage of the products - too much weight due to the heaviness of the materials used for production. Low thermal conductivity is considered both a plus and a minus at the same time. The main advantage is that the batteries, although they warm up slowly, also cool down slowly - if the heating turns off, the radiators will remain warm for some time. But you won’t be able to quickly regulate the temperature using regulators with such radiators.

Another disadvantage of cast iron batteries is their unpresentability. True, on the modern market you can find models with an exclusive design, but their cost will be significantly higher than the price of ordinary radiators.

Steel batteries are produced in two types: they can be tubular and panel. Panel panels are two connected plates with a thickness of up to 2 mm. Their advantages include low inertia, radiation large quantity warmth, modern stylish look, the ability to manufacture products different forms, low cost and resistance to ghosting inside the heating system. However steel types radiators have the following disadvantages:

  • high risk of rust;
  • restrictions on use in heating systems in which the coolant contains various alkali reagents;
  • it is impossible to choose the number of sections - steel radiators are produced as pre-assembled panels.

Steel battery

One of the varieties of steel radiators is tubular models. Their main advantage is interesting design and the ability to choose the appropriate form. You can buy a product with an internal coating of special steel polymer compounds, which will reduce the risk of rust.

Autonomous types of heating in private homes are most often made in the form of a system of pipes and radiators, where the coolant is hot water. Such systems are called . If you have just such a system installed at home, it is better to opt for aluminum heating radiators for a private home. They have advantages such as:

  • light weight, which allows you to install radiators even on fragile plasterboard walls;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high level of heat transfer;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature with special taps.

Aluminum radiator temperature control valve

However, aluminum products have some disadvantages, which it is advisable to know about in advance. For example, the coolant in such radiators must be free of chemical additives and solid particles that can destroy the material. In addition, aluminum radiators are known for their threaded connections not the most High Quality, which increases the risk of leaks.

You can find it on sale today new type radiators are bimetallic. Such batteries are made of an alloy of aluminum and steel, which makes them quite practical and reliable. The design of the device is presented in the form of a steel core, which is coated with aluminum. As a result, the coolant passing through the steel elements does not harm the aluminum. Thanks to this design, such radiators can also be used in apartments with centralized system heating. The main advantages include:

  • the ability to withstand pressure surges in pipes (up to 35 atmospheres);
  • light weight due to the use of aluminum;
  • high level of heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiator

If we talk about the disadvantages, there is only one – a fairly high price. Such radiators cost more than aluminum, steel and cast iron, which slightly slows down their widespread use.

How to choose the right heating radiators for a private home? Here, not only the appearance of the products is important, but also the power - when purchasing a device, you need to find out how much power is needed to heat the system. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first. So, to heat one square meter in a room with a ceiling height of three meters and one window you need about 100 W. Then simply multiply the area of ​​the room by 100 watts. And to make the calculations even more accurate, do not forget:

  • if the room has one window and two external walls, add about another 20% to the calculated power;
  • if there are two windows and two external wall– add about 25-30%;
  • when the window faces the northern part, it is worth adding at least 10% to the calculations.

Having carried out such calculations, you will be able to more accurately select suitable radiator for home. And the power of devices can always be seen in the documents - the “passport” of the device. By the way, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of heating batteries you decide to choose for installation in a private house; if you install them incorrectly, they will decorate your home, but will not provide the right heat for heating the room.

Choosing radiators for a country house

Let's look at where to mount radiators - this information will definitely be useful to you when you create. So, batteries should be placed under light openings - windows. This place always has the most heat loss, even if you have modern double-glazed windows installed. A radiator placed under the window will warm the air around it. After which the heated air rises and creates a curtain in front of the window, preventing cold from entering the room.

When choosing which heating radiators are best to purchase for a private home, do not forget about the importance of the length of the devices - it must correspond to the width of the window opening. As a last resort, the length should be at least 50% of the window width. IN corner room worth posting 1-2 additional devices along external walls exposed to cold air. When planning to install heating risers, mount them in the corners, which will ensure their heating and will avoid the possibility of blackening the walls and the appearance of mold in them.

And do not forget that access to batteries must be open. Many owners of private houses cover heating radiators with sheets of plasterboard, which is undesirable - this will complicate the process of cleaning and repairing the devices if necessary. In addition, the use of such a fence will lead to a revision of previously carried out power calculations.

We told you how and which heating batteries are best to choose for installation in a private home. Now you know that when purchasing devices, you need to take into account the quality of the water in the pipes, the power of the devices, their appearance, and even the possibility of installation on fragile partitions, if necessary.