A valve for bleeding air from a cast iron battery. Danger of air lock in batteries

If when turning on heating system Some batteries remain cold, this is a consequence of their airing. That is, air bubbles form in them, requiring mandatory removal. In some cases, the system begins to noticeably gurgle and murmur, as small forest streams do. All this indicates that the heating needs to be ventilated. Let's see how to bleed air from a radiator and what tools we need for this. We will also tell you where the air comes from in closed and open systems.

Reasons for airing

Many people are interested in why air appears in heating systems. And this is really surprising, because heating systems are sealed. In fact, airiness is quite common occurrence, manifesting itself in private houses and apartment buildings. Only in multi-apartment buildings the problem of de-airing is dealt with by specialized specialists from the heat supplier. IN own home You will have to deal with this issue yourself.

Before we tell you how to bleed air from a heating radiator, we will tell you about the main reasons for the formation of air locks:

  • Natural air formation when using aluminum radiators and some other types of batteries Low quality. Air bubbles are formed here as a result of the reaction between metals and water;
  • Penetration of air along with water - this may contain dissolved gases that do not appear when normal conditions, but released when heated and in contact with metal surfaces, due to which the coolant will become airy;
  • When conducting repair work– the battery may indeed become airy after last renovation. If you do not bleed the air, the battery at the repair site may be cold;
  • Violation of heating system installation technologies - air in the heating system may appear even at the stage of installation installation work. And if the installers did not observe the slopes and did not install valves that allow air to bleed from the system from the batteries, then the problem becomes permanent;
  • Cracks or random gaps in the elements of the system - air from outside is sucked in through them.

An air lock in the heating system is not always a sign that the installers did their job poorly. If the batteries are constantly airing, this may indicate problems with the water - you need to analyze it and install a water treatment system. Most often it is aluminum batteries that will air, while bimetallic radiators are practically not susceptible to this.

There is another reason for air getting into heating radiators - through plastic pipes. Some of their types are equipped with far from the highest quality oxygen barrier.

What does air affect?

The thermal image especially clearly shows how much the presence of air pockets affects the temperature of the battery.

The presence of air in heating radiators is an obstacle to their normal functioning. In the place where air pockets accumulate, a cold area is formed. As a result, operating efficiency decreases and the rooms become noticeably cooler. If the air is not released, the heating will not be able to work at full capacity.

On startup circulation pump You can hear a slight gurgling sound from the radiators and pipes - this is a direct sign that your heating system is airy. The pump cannot press through the air pockets, which is why they circulate in place, causing the formation of gurgling sounds. And raising the pressure is useless, since you need to either bleed it or try to add water to the system - sometimes this really helps.

Sometimes air pockets form directly in the pipelines of heating systems. As a result, the coolant cannot get through to the batteries, since air interferes with it. You need to somehow get rid of it, otherwise the heating boiler may fail - it will simply overheat due to the lack of normal circulation.

How to remove an air lock from a heating system

Medical experts say that diseases can be treated, but it is even better to prevent their occurrence. The same applies to heating and air congestion. Let's see how to get rid of existing traffic jams, and also talk about how to avoid their occurrence in the future.

Preventing the formation of air pockets

You can avoid the appearance of air in the heating system even at the very initial stage of its startup. To do this, it is necessary to correctly fill the pipes and batteries with coolant. IN open systems this is done in the following way:

  • We open all the valves to ensure unhindered movement of the coolant;
  • Leave the drain valve closed;
  • We begin to carefully fill the system with water.

Please note that the pressure is not very high.

When filling a closed heating system, bleed air in the following way:

  • We connect a pressure test pump, which allows pumping stable pressure in the heating;
  • Close the taps on the radiators;
  • We are waiting for the system to fill up.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the Mayevsky crane is an extremely effective tool that perfectly performs the task.

Now you need to fill the batteries with water and get rid of the air using Mayevsky taps. We go through everything sequentially heating devices, carefully open the valves, let in the coolant, remove air masses using the above taps, after which we close the valves. The pipes must maintain a pressure of one atmosphere, so it is more convenient to perform the operation together. At the final stage of work, we turn on the heating, wait until the set temperature is reached, and then repeat the procedure with the batteries.

Help prevent the appearance of air in the heating good radiators, for example, steel or bimetallic - in them the likelihood of air pockets is reduced to almost zero. When carrying out installation work, it is necessary to pay attention to tightness, carefully and completely tightening all connecting parts. It is also recommended to install automatic or manual air vents.

One of the air vents is installed at the highest point, since air in batteries and pipes tends to accumulate in upper parts heating systems.

What to do if air pockets form

Our task is to properly bleed air from the heating system. If in a house or apartment with individual heating If the cast iron radiators familiar to many are installed, the matter is complicated by the fact that they may not have the means to eliminate air locks. Bleeding air from cast iron battery produced in several ways:

  • By carefully unscrewing the plug using a gas wrench;
  • By removing the coolant and installing valves that allow air to be released at any time;
  • By using high pressure water - allows you to break through the airlock.

The first method is the most difficult. Firstly, the plug may be painted over with numerous layers of paint - it needs to be peeled off somehow. And secondly, the plug may completely rust to the battery body - in this case, you should use some kind of liquid to loosen the grip of the rust.

The well-known WD-40 liquid, which penetrates well into the deepest layers of rust, will help you unscrew the rusty plug.

When planning to bleed air from a cast iron battery, do not forget to place a bucket, basin or any other container under the plug into which the water will be drained. By the way, it is water that indicates that the air lock has already come out. After that, screw the plug back.

The next method is to install an automatic or manual air bleeder in a cast iron battery. The place for its installation is the same plug. We cut a thread in it and install an air vent. Now, as soon as an air lock occurs in the heating, use the vent and your problem will be solved.

If you don’t have a Mayevsky tap, you can remove the air using powerful water pressure. Connect the heating to the water supply, open the water tap and wait until the pressure can eliminate the air lock. This method is well suited for old heating systems, where no one thought much about the problem of airing.

Removing the air lock using bleeders

Automatic or manual bleeders (Mayevsky taps) will help to bleed air from the heating radiator, and at the same time from the pipes. Today they are mounted on all radiators, since airiness can manifest itself anywhere, even if all standards and rules for installation work are observed. An air valve for radiators is inexpensive, but it has many benefits - it will allow you to clear out any air congestion that has formed at any time.

In order to bleed air from the battery using a Mayevsky tap, it is necessary to determine the location of the occurrence. air lock. This is done by touch, you just need to feel the heating devices after starting the boiler. Where you find cold areas, there are plugs that interfere with the heating - it is these that we need to remove using the Mayevsky tap.

After the location of the plug has been determined, it is necessary to turn the tap and ensure that the accumulation of air detected there comes out. Don't forget to use a bucket or basin to avoid flooding the floors. A signal that the entire air lock has been safely released is a trickle of water oozing from under the valve. While the water is bubbling, it means that air masses are still escaping. We carry out a similar procedure on other batteries where plugs are found.

The easiest way is to install automatic air vents on radiators. Their main advantages:

  • Independent work that does not require human intervention;
  • Compact design - they will not spoil the interior;
  • Reliability - being in good working order, they will not let you down.

Automatic vents allow you to release even the smallest amounts of air. That is, they do not allow its accumulation. But the accumulated air masses not only interfere with the heating, but also lead to the formation of corrosion.

Now you know how to remove air from radiators - the easiest way to do this is with automatic bleeders. If you still don't have them on your system, there's nothing stopping you from mounting them in summer season when the heating is turned off. If it is not possible to install drains on batteries, they can be mounted side by side, directly on the pipe, by cutting out small area

and installing a three-piece with a valve there.


    The heating system needs constant monitoring. Air jams often occur in it, which disrupt its functioning and can cause an emergency. To avoid this, you need to know ways to bleed air from the batteries. Thanks to this, you can improve the quality of room heating and eliminate the unpleasant sounds that often appear in such cases.

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    Causes of airiness Although the heating system is sealed, air often accumulates in it. This problem is especially often observed in apartment buildings and private buildings in the first days. heating season

    The main reasons provoking it are considered to be the following: In some cases, aeration is related to the composition of the water. To fix the problem, you need to install a special filter. Plastic pipes are often used in private homes

    , therefore, the appearance of an air lock may indicate the use of low-quality barrier valves during installation.

    Some argue that it is not necessary to ventilate the battery in an apartment or private house before the start of the heating season, but this opinion is erroneous. If you take a thermal image of a radiator in which air bubbles are present, you can see that the places where they accumulate have low temperature. They are cold to the touch.

    That is why when the system is aired, the heating efficiency drops noticeably. Even when the temperature outside does not drop below -3 °C, the room will be cool. In a private house, when the heating boiler is operating, low heat transfer is also observed due to the presence of air in the radiators or pipes.

    The owner of the house, when trying to start the heating system, may hear gurgling and gurgling in the radiators, which indicates the need to deflate air masses. In some cases, the sounds are sharper and resemble knocking on metal with a wooden stick. This needs to be corrected urgently as the boiler may malfunction. If there are no signs, but the radiators are still heating unevenly, you can knock on them different places metal object. In the area where air masses accumulate, the sound is louder and higher pitched.

    In the presence of large quantity the air pump that helps fill the heating system with water simply cannot push it into the pipes. At the same time, a sharper and louder knock appears. This often leads to failure of not only the pump, but also the boiler, since the latter overheats due to the lack of normal coolant circulation.

    The battery tap is for releasing air and draining water.

    In addition, the metal of batteries and pipes with prolonged contact with air begins to thin out, areas of corrosion appear, which gradually disable the device. It is also worth considering that constant and uneven heating of the material harms the system and provokes emergency situations. That is why it is recommended to bleed the heating radiators when the first signs of traffic jams appear.

    Ways to solve the problem

    Today there are several methods that help release air from a heating battery. In apartments and private houses, this process may differ. As a rule, this is due to the principle of operation of the system in the house, and in multi-apartment buildings central heating functions the same.

    To work, you will need a special adjustable wrench. If the radiator is of a new generation (bimetallic or aluminum), then a regular screwdriver will do. It is worth keeping a sufficient number of rags nearby, as well as a wide basin, since water leakage is inevitable. After this, you can begin deflating the airlock using one of the popular methods.

    Mayevsky crane

    A Mayevsky crane is often used in apartments. It is a kind of needle-type valve located on top of the battery. Models are available with and without a plastic handle. In the first case, no tools are needed. When working with a tap, there is no need to shut off the entire riser and wait for the coolant to cool. This will lead to a decrease in operating pressure. To bleed air, you must perform the following manipulations:

    Next, you need to close the tap. If the manipulation was carried out in an apartment, the system is automatically filled with coolant. In a private home, it is necessary to fill it again when the pump is turned on manually.

    Automatic air vent

    This system is called a float, it is fully automatic and does not require human intervention. The air vent is installed on the radiator in a horizontal or vertical position, reacts to the amount of coolant and releases them when air masses accumulate. When the amount of water decreases, it lowers and the valve automatically opens, releasing the plug. This is very convenient and eliminates various emergency situations.


    However, the device has a drawback - it is very sensitive to chemical composition coolant and in the presence of a large amount of harmful impurities quickly fails. Special water filters and regular replacement of the O-ring will help to avoid this.

    An automatic air vent is considered ideal option for a private home, since it does not require restarting the system and draining a large amount of water. At correct operation can last a long time.

    Battery plug

    The previous methods are relevant provided that modern radiators are installed in the apartment or house. However, in many buildings cast iron batteries work properly. Correctly bleeding air from them is problematic due to the lack of a Mayevsky tap. Instead, special plugs are installed on the radiators, fixed with paint and tow. In order to bleed air, you must perform the following steps:

    The plug must be screwed in carefully but firmly. It is recommended to additionally wrap the threads with a special tape, which will help prevent coolant leakage. Only after fixing is it possible to open the tap supplying water to the system again. This method is rarely used in homes and requires certain skills. If they are absent, it is better to contact a specialist.

    In a private house

    Many houses have Mayevsky installed, so when airing the system, you can use the same method as in an apartment building. However, usually such devices are not available, which is why the only way is to drain through the expansion tank.

    Such a device is mandatory element any heating system in the house. It can be open or closed. The first option is easier to operate, and airing the system usually means lowering the water level in the tank. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to replenish the missing amount of fluid.

    If the heating system has a closed tank, the only solution to the problem is to bleed air through the radiators. Before doing this, it is recommended to try to completely fill the system so that at least 10 liters of water flow out of the control pipe leaving the tank.

    After this, you need to start the system again. If the problem persists, it is recommended to bleed air from the battery, following general recommendations. It is worth noting that in old-style heating systems, air may appear in the radiators during intensive operation of the heating boiler.

    This is especially often observed when installing solid fuel models without a built-in thermostat. The water heats up excessively, begins to boil and pours out through the control pipe expansion tank. As a result, it becomes empty and, if there are cracks that break the tightness, air masses begin to enter the system. Then you can bleed the air using any of the the listed methods, but before this, holes or cracks must be eliminated. Otherwise, the descent will have to be repeated regularly.

    How to bleed air from the Audi 80 cooling system. [@2015]

    Prevention methods

    In order not to constantly bleed air from the radiators, it is necessary to perform all actions correctly when starting the heating system. Open type The system provides for independent filling of pipes with coolant. To do this, open all the valves, ensuring the unhindered movement of water.

    The pressure should not be too great. It is recommended to pay attention to the drain valve, which must be closed when filling the radiators. If the heating system is closed, the algorithm is slightly different. The first step is to close all valves except the one that starts the water. Next, you should connect a pump that ensures stable pressure in the pipes. The next step is to fill the system with coolant. Only after this should you bleed air from the radiators using a Mayevsky tap.

    Air in the battery is a common problem in houses and apartments, preventing normal heating of the room. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, he will be able to cope with it. a common person without professional skills.

The coolant provides us with heat during the cold season. However, situations often arise in which the battery does not warm up completely. They arise due to the accumulation of air in the far part of the radiator, which prevents the radiator from filling hot water. Therefore, it needs to be removed somehow. For this purpose, a Mayevsky valve is used, the operating principle of which is based on bleeding air pockets when the shut-off cone valve is loosened.

The Mayevsky tap is installed at the top point of the heating radiator. It can be controlled automatically or manually. When the valve is opened just half a turn, the air in the system comes out of it, freeing up space for the coolant. This device is used on all types of radiators, including old ones.

Air locks inside the heating system inevitably appear in the following cases:

  • when a new heating system is being installed;
  • in case of repair of the system and removal of water from it;
  • when installing new radiators;
  • when air is sucked into the system during its operation;
  • when there is a gradual release of air bubbles from the water, which is a natural physical phenomenon;
  • in the presence of corrosive processes, which are accompanied by the release of a certain amount of air. Aluminum heating radiators are especially susceptible to such processes in city apartments.

Design and operation of the Mayevsky crane

The classic Mayevsky tap is made of brass alloys that are resistant to corrosion. It is a housing containing a cone needle valve inside. This Mayevsky valve is controlled by a shut-off screw, adjustable from the outside. Being in closed position, the valve is able to reliably hold the coolant inside the radiator. When the screw is turned to the side, the passage hole of the faucet opens, releasing the air inside the heating device.

Outside the metal body there is often a white plastic casing, giving the faucet a more noble and modern look. The design of the product may differ in its individual modifications, but the principle of operation of the Mayevsky crane always remains unchanged. Devices differ in external thread diameters, thanks to which you can easily select suitable option for any radiator. There are taps with 1 inch, ¾ or ½ inch threads.

To control the adjusting screw, use a key for a Mayevsky tap or a regular screwdriver. A square wrench is convenient because it takes up little space, allowing you to control the adjusting screw even if the radiator is in a hard-to-reach place.

In some cases, the operation of the crane can be controlled without the use of tools at all. To do this, just turn the valve by hand, ensuring that the air begins to bleed.


There are three types of air vents, differing in operating principle and design:

1. Mayevsky manual crane. This is the simplest device that is controlled manually. If uneven heating of the radiator is detected, the tap can be opened with a key or any screwdriver, and then, as air leaves the radiator, turn the tap in the opposite direction.

2. Automatic crane. The difference between an automatic crane is the absence of manual control of its operation. Its design and operating principle are somewhat different from the functioning of a manual crane. An automatic faucet is made of brass in the form of a cylinder, but there is no needle valve in its design. Instead, a plastic float is used. How does the Mayevsky crane work? automatic control? A plastic float, depending on the presence of air in the system, moves inside the tap and controls the opening and closing of the valve. Everything happens without human intervention.

The principle of operation of the Mayevsky automatic crane is visually demonstrated in the photo above.

All automatic taps have the ability to be manually controlled, which can be used when the passage opening becomes clogged.

3. Faucet with built-in safety device . For this type of Mayevsky crane, the principle of its operation is somewhat different from the usual bleeding of air. The safety valve is able to control the coolant pressure in the system. If the coolant pressure exceeds the limit value, reaching 15 atmospheres, the valve will operate and begin to forcibly bleed the coolant from the heating system. This prevents damage to individual system elements in the event of a crash.

It is especially important to install air vents with safety valves in heating systems made of polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes, which may not withstand increased pressure.

Features of choice

When choosing a device model, you should consider some features of radiators:

How to install a Mayevsky crane

The installation of the tap must be carried out in the upper part of the radiator device on the side opposite to the flow of coolant, since it is in this place that air collects. The specifics of each system should be taken into account. If a vertical heating system is installed in the house, then Mayevsky taps are installed on the radiators of the upper floor. In addition, air vents are installed on all heating devices that are connected to the riser below the upper connection axis.

When using a horizontal system, the taps are mounted on all heating devices without exception where they can be connected.

If the Mayevsky tap is installed on a floor radiator located horizontally and parallel to the floor surface, then it is placed in the upper part of the highest point of the radiator. The adjusting screw points upward.

Many bathrooms have heated towel rails, which are heated by the coolant circulating inside them. On such devices a Mayevsky tap is installed for a heated towel rail. Installation has some peculiarities. If the heated towel rail has a bottom connection, then there is already a place for screwing in the tap. But for models with a side connection, it is necessary to modify it. A tee is cut into the supply pipe, into which the tap is screwed. The air outlet should be directed away from the wall. It is advisable to equip some models of heated towel rails with even two air vents.

Procedure for installing a tap on a radiator

1. Before installing the faucet, it is necessary to drain the water from the system.

2. Unscrew the plug located in the upper part of the radiator.

3. Screw the tap into place of the plug. The standard equipment of the faucet includes a rubber gasket that ensures the tightness of its installation. For a more reliable seal, it is recommended to screw FUM tape or oiled flax fibers onto the threads of the tap.

If a tap is being installed on an old cast iron battery, which does not have a hole, then the following modification is performed. A hole is drilled in the cast iron plug, having a slightly smaller diameter than that of a tap thread. The thread is cut inside the cast iron plug. After this, the air vent valve is fitted and screwed in.

Features of operation

Let's look at how to use the Mayevsky crane. To do this, it is advisable to place some kind of container under the battery and stock up on a dry cloth. Using a wrench or screwdriver, turn the locking screw counterclockwise a quarter or half a turn. Air will begin to hiss out of the system. When it comes out completely, water will flow from the tap. You must wait until the water starts flowing continuously. After this, the locking screw can be tightened.

If the air was successfully bled out, but the battery remained cold, then this is a sign of clogging. To clean a clogged battery, you will have to resort to the help of plumbers.

Tip: If the heating system includes pumps that force the coolant to circulate, they must be turned off 10 minutes before bleeding the air. When the pumps are turned on, air will not accumulate at the top point of the radiator, but will be carried throughout the system by the flow of water.

If the tap hole is clogged, it can be cleaned with a needle or other sharp object.

If the faucet has not been used for a long time, rotation of the adjusting screw may be difficult due to the formation of corrosion on it. If this situation occurs, use WD-40 lubricant spray. Within a few minutes after applying it to the screw thread, it can be easily unscrewed. At the end of the heating season, it is advisable to lubricate the adjusting screw with silicone grease. In this case, the thread will not be destroyed by the influence of the coolant.

If you need to replace the Mayevsky tap, use two adjustable wrenches. Use one key to hold the cap on the radiator, and the other to unscrew the tap. If this is not done, then unscrewing the tap can loosen the plug and lead to loss of its tightness.

We looked at how to bleed air from the system using a Mayevsky valve yourself and how to operate an automatically controlled device. If provided necessary care this device, check and clean it in a timely manner, the device will serve for a long time without causing any problems to its owners.

The price of a Mayevsky crane depends on its type, material of manufacture, diameter, and starts from 30 rubles.

Is a problem that prevents the system from working efficiently. The fact is that the battery in this case cannot heat up completely. prevents water from spreading throughout the radiator. Naturally, the issue needs to be resolved immediately. Otherwise you will pay money for poor quality heating and freeze, wrapped in a blanket.

The reason for this problem is repairing or preparing the system for the season, improper filling of pipes with water, poor sealing of elements, and the presence of air in the liquid itself. If the radiator heats very poorly, then you need to learn how to bleed air from the batteries. In principle, the procedure is not difficult, so you can do it yourself. Naturally, all actions must be done very carefully so as not to break the radiators.

First of all, you must make sure that your system is equipped with special air vents with valves on which faucets are installed. Before bleeding the batteries, decide whether you need any tools for the job. In principle, they are only required for manual air vents. In this case, for the procedure you will need a simple key or a screwdriver. With automatic descent systems everything is much simpler. However, they are very sensitive to dirt.

Before deflating the batteries, try tapping them lightly with a hammer. If you hear a very loud sound, it means there is a traffic jam in that place. Now you can start deflating. Since water will begin to drip from the pipe after it comes out, you will also need a towel or small container to collect it. Now take a wrench or other tool and open the valve. At this time, you should listen to the sounds that will be heard from the battery. The air should come out with a whistle or hiss.

Since it is quite simple to bleed air from the batteries, you should still be careful. Once the plug is gone, water will begin to ooze from the radiator. This indicates that there is no more air in the system and the valve can be closed. Do this carefully so as not to break anything. Otherwise, you cannot close the battery and you will have to call a repairman.

If, after carrying out this work, the heating does not work efficiently enough, then you will have to wash or blow out the batteries. If this procedure does not help, it means that the system is not well filled with water. You should also take into account that the air lock comes out faster if the liquid in the radiator is hot.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to remove the problem from batteries made of aluminum. Therefore, try to bleed air regularly, even if the system heats well. If the heating is autonomous, then to combat the plug, sometimes you have to drain water through the expansion tank.

Now you know how to bleed the air from the radiator yourself. Let your home be warm and cozy during the cold days of winter. Good luck!

Is the heating on, but the radiator in the house is still cold? Sensor on dashboard Is your car showing higher values ​​than usual? In both cases, there is a possibility that air has accumulated in the battery or radiator, which interferes with their normal operation. Fortunately, this common problem can be easily solved. Using several simple tools, the radiator in your car or the radiator in your home will soon do what they are designed to do - dissipate heat efficiently.


We bleed the air from the battery in your home

    Diagnose your battery. At the top of the battery - this is where the air needs to be vented - there is cold air. Therefore, when you turn on the heating (or when it is turned on heating network), either the entire battery or the top part will be cold, while the bottom will be hot. Unfortunately, completely cold battery may indicate other problems (these are described below - read them before proceeding). Otherwise, the battery must be bleed. Be careful - batteries can be very hot. Protect your hands when checking the battery temperature.

    Find the radiator key. If you decide to bleed the battery, you will first need to find something to open the "bleed valve". Look for a small valve at the top of one side of the battery. This valve usually has a small square piece on it that can be turned to adjust the valve. Radiator key is inexpensive metal tool, which is necessary to open and close air valves. You can buy them at almost any hardware store. Find a radiator wrench that is the right size for your battery, or look in your tool kit for a small wrench or other tool that is the right size to turn the valve.

    • In some modern batteries, the valves are designed so that they can be turned with a regular flathead screwdriver. Many batteries have Mayevsky taps with shut-off valve needle type. To open such a valve, you need to install the key in a special thread and slowly turn it counterclockwise.
    • Before you continue, make sure you have a radiator wrench, screwdriver, or wrench(you may need several tools) - basically something that will allow you to open the valves on every radiator in your house. When it comes to de-aeration, it is better to bleed all radiators in the house.
  1. Turn off the heat. Before venting, be sure to turn off the heating system (if we're talking about about a private house, this is not difficult to do; if you live in apartment building, you will have to wait until spring, when the heating networks are turned off), since a working heating system can air out the entire system even more. The contents of the battery must settle completely before you begin to deflate it. Wait a while for the heat in the heating system to dissipate, then check the radiator for heating. If any part of the battery is still hot, wait until it cools completely before moving on to the next step.

    Open the battery valves. Make sure both the intake and exhaust valves are in the "open" position. Then insert a radiator wrench (screwdriver or other tool) into the desired location of the air valve located on the top of the battery. Turn it counterclockwise to open the valve. A hissing sound should appear - if so, you are doing everything correctly, air is escaping from the battery.

    • Opening the air valve will allow cold air to escape, preventing fluid from building up through the pipes connected to the heating system.
  2. Collect water from the valve. Typically, when air leaves the battery, water drips from the air valve. You will need kitchen towel, or some kind of rag to catch any drops. You can use a small bowl or plate instead.

    Wait until water stops dripping from the air valve. When a steady stream of water comes out of the air valve (not a mixture of air and water droplets), you have released all the air that was in your battery. Retighten the air valve (turn clockwise) and make sure there are no leaks. Use a rag to wipe up any water that spills near the battery.

    Repeat this process with each battery in the house. To ensure that the entire heating system is vented, it is best to bleed all radiators, even if only one has problems. In order for the heating system to work properly, the radiators must be vented regularly. Most often, it is enough to bleed the air once a year, as well as after each repair or any modification to the heating system.

  3. If you have a boiler heating system, check the boiler pressure level. By releasing excess air from the radiators, you have reduced the overall pressure of your home's heating system. If the pressure drops too low, the heat may not reach some of the radiators (especially those located on the upper floors of your home). To restore the pressure of the heating system, you may need to add water to the boiler.

    • For home heating purposes, a pressure of 0.8–1 bar is sufficient. The higher the pressure, the higher the height to which your system will be able to send heat. Too low or too high buildings may require lower or higher boiler pressure, respectively.
    • If your boiler has automatic system filling, it should automatically maintain a pressure of 0.8–1 bar without your intervention. If not, add water manually - open the boiler water supply valve until the pressure readings rise to 0.8–1 bar.

Bleeding air from a car radiator

  1. Look for signs that indicate your car's radiator is failing. Air must be removed from a car radiator for the same reason as from a home battery - an air lock has formed in the car's cooling system. As a result, antifreeze stops circulating effectively, which leads to overheating of the car. If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, your car's radiator most likely needs to be bled.

    • Abnormal heat on the dashboard temperature sensor.
    • Fluid leaking from the radiator.
    • Strange smells coming from the engine, especially sweet smells (due to antifreeze leaking and/or burning).
    • Additionally, it may be a good idea to bleed the radiator after replacing parts in the cooling system or after performing Maintenance. During maintenance, air may enter the system - monitor the temperature readings after any changes to the cooling system.
  2. Locate and loosen the vehicle's air valve. Some cars have air valves built into the cooling system and work by releasing air, just like the air valves on a house battery. Check your vehicle's owner's manual to find out where to find the air valve. It is usually located at the highest point of the cooling system to most effectively release air that would normally rise to the top.

    • To bleed air from your car's radiator using the air valve, simply loosen it until you hear a hissing sound of air escaping. Use a rag of some sort to catch any coolant that spills out, and then tighten the valve again when it produces a steady stream of coolant.
    • In some cars No special air valves. Don’t worry, it is still possible to bleed air from the radiator of such a car, but in other ways (read below).
  3. Before lifting the vehicle, be sure to loosen or remove the radiator cap.
    • On some car models, the radiator may not be located at the front - if you are unsure, check your car's owner's manual.
  4. Perform the "purge and fill" procedure. Once you've bled the air out of your car's radiator, it's a good idea to add new coolant. It's possible that the air that was inside was artificially increasing the amount of coolant being displayed by the gauges - there could be a coolant shortage in the system that you didn't even realize was there. Remove old coolant from the system, and add new coolant according to any instructions in your vehicle's owner's manual. Below are given general instructions for replacing coolant in cars:

    • Allow the engine to cool completely.
    • Place a drainage container under drain valve radiator to collect old coolant.
    • Fill the car radiator with water, then drain it from the drain tap.
    • Close the drain valve and add new coolant - usually a 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and distilled water (not tap water, since it may contain dissolved substances).
    • Bleed the radiator again to remove any air introduced during the cleaning and filling process.
  • Wear old clothing while performing this procedure - fluid from the battery or radiator can be very dirty.