Step-by-step guide on how to grow tomatoes on the balcony. How to grow tomatoes on the balcony? How to water balcony tomatoes

Gardening on a loggia is limited not only to the creation of a greenhouse. Tomatoes on the balcony, growing which is a practical form of home gardening, are becoming increasingly popular among city apartment owners. With diligence and following all the rules, you can get a harvest of completely ripe tomatoes. Many amateur home gardeners receive excellent quality fruits every season.

Tomatoes can be grown on the balcony by observing a number of simple requirements. The costs will be minimal, and the growing process is similar to the greenhouse method in a garden plot. But there are a few differences.

This culture requires a warm climate. Therefore, tomatoes must be grown in a well-insulated room that can maintain room temperature at any time of the year, even with severe frosts. The balcony or loggia must be glazed with high quality, the gaps between the frames and openings must be filled with heat-insulating material.

Modern plastic double glazed windows ideal for maintaining suitable temperature, and growing tomatoes if available will not cause problems. These types of windows also provide easy way ventilation, which is also important for a growing vegetable.

These plants are very light-loving, so tomatoes on the balcony should receive a sufficient level of light. The presence of sunlight for at least 4 hours a day in the place where the home beds are located is already suitable for the growth and formation of fruits. Most the best option for an influx of light if the loggia faces the southeast side. If the side is southwest, then there may be excess heat, especially when summer heat. By the way, it is necessary to ventilate the room at least half an hour a day - growing bushes need an influx of oxygen. But it might work well glass balcony, facing north.

Some home gardeners grow tomatoes on the windowsill. This option will do, if there is no balcony or the window in the apartment is more suitable in its location due to the influx of sunlight.

The advantages of this method are obvious - the apartment always maintains a comfortable temperature for growing, without any effort required.

But the disadvantage will be clutter and a reduction in useful living space in the room. In addition, this method can disrupt the cleanliness of the room and will always be observed. increased level dust in the room.

Before growing tomatoes on a windowsill, you need to remember that in the dark, any plant emits carbon dioxide, and its excess is harmful to health.

Necessary conditions for growth

You can grow tomatoes on a window or a well-insulated balcony if the following conditions are met:

  • high-quality seeds and suitable varieties of tomatoes have been selected;
  • a microclimate suitable for growth is provided;
  • suitable soil has been selected for the plants;
  • the correct container is selected for the tomatoes;
  • an influx of light and ventilation is ensured;
  • Watering is carried out on time.

You should also comply with the requirements for cultivation, which are similar to the greenhouse method in summer cottage: germination and feeding of seedlings, washing the soil with potassium permanganate, protection against fungal diseases, tying up large bushes.

Selection of seed varieties

Tomatoes on a balcony or windowsill can be grown from the seeds of the following tomato varieties:

  • Leningradsky early ripening;
  • Ground Gribovsky 1180;
  • Firstborn 190;
  • Peremoga 165;
  • Pear-shaped cream;
  • Sonata;
  • Siberian early ripening;
  • White filling.

You can choose not one, but several varieties for one season. This will make it easier to determine which variety will be most suitable for indoor growing.

Selecting suitable soil and container

Tomatoes on the balcony are grown in separate 3-5 liter containers for each bush. You can use plastic buckets, plastic flowerpots, but best suited clay pots. As for seedlings, transparent plastic cups are best suited for germinating them from seeds.

Soil for tomatoes is selected from the following options:

  • ready-made soil mixture “Tomato and pepper”;
  • ready-made soil mixture "Exo";
  • peat, manure humus and turf soil in equal proportions;
  • peat, sand and leaf soil in proportions 1:1:2.

It is useful to fertilize any of these mixtures with a small handful of wood ash and/or a teaspoon of superphosphate. You can use soil collected from your summer cottage or garden, but you should make sure that the soil is not too clayey.

Providing a microclimate

It's good to have a thermometer to monitor the temperature. If the temperature outside is appropriate, then it is best to keep the windows open, especially since this plant is resistant to drafts. And the extra influx fresh air never hurts.

Tomatoes in an apartment will grow optimally with 9-10 hours of regular natural sunlight. If it is not enough, then it is possible to use special daylight lamps or phytolamps for additional lighting.

The use of artificial light sources is less effective, but it helps to grow tomatoes on the windowsill in winter, when daylight hours are very short and cloudless weather may not be observed for weeks.

Growing tomatoes on the balcony (video)

Plant care

Before growing tomatoes on the balcony, you need to prepare seeds and seedlings. Before germinating the seeds, they are kept for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate 10 g per 1 liter of water, then washed. After this, they can be placed in a seedling cup.

For seedlings, the same type of soil is used as for bushes, but for disinfection it should be treated with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Watering is carried out once every 8-10 days.

Transplantation of seedlings into flowerpots occurs 10-15 days after seed germination. After this, you need to wait 10 days and do the first feeding - liquid sodium humate, urea or the Effekton mixture. This process must subsequently be repeated every 10 days. Watering tomato bushes in flowerpots may depend on the degree of soil drying and humidity, but optimal timing- every 3 days. There must be water room temperature.

To protect against fungal diseases associated with increased dampness, it is worth spraying the bushes with Bordeaux mixture. During the flowering period, it is advisable to stimulate the pollination process by lightly tapping the plant stems.After setting the fruit, the top of the bush should be lightly plucked.When the fruits are already large enough, the plant is tied up to avoid breaking the stems.

Growing tomatoes at home in winter is not so difficult, especially if you have experience caring for these plants in your summer cottage. The principles of all procedures and the necessary equipment are almost the same. And if you do this for several seasons in a row, without fear of experimenting, you can harvest a wonderful harvest of tomatoes at home on your balcony.

Feeding tomatoes with yeast (video)

Gallery: growing tomatoes on the balcony (15 photos)

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Growing tomatoes on the balcony

The best varieties of tomatoes for the balcony

To make tomatoes happy with the harvest, you need to choose the right varieties. Plants should:

The following varieties meet all these requirements: Yellow Pearl, Red Pearl, Pinocchio, Balconi Wellow, Bonsai.

Pearl yellow

Early ripening variety, hybrid. From the moment of planting to the beginning of fruit formation, an average of 3 months passes. The plant reaches a height of up to 60 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases, slight temperature changes and lack of sunlight. A ripe tomato is bright yellow in color and round in shape. The weight of 1 tomato averages up to 50 grams.

Red pearl

Early ripening hybrid. From the moment of planting to the start of fruiting, up to 95 days pass. The tomatoes are round, small, bright red in color. Weight of 1 tomato up to 50 g. The variety is unpretentious in care, resistant to temperature changes, has high stability to diseases.

Balcony Well

Mid-season hybrid. The fruits are small, cherry-type, with a bright yellow color. When choosing this variety, growing tomatoes on the balcony allows you to get the most bountiful harvest.


Determinate variety, ripens quickly (up to 3 months), has high yield. Plant height up to half a meter. The bushes are small in size and have a beautiful appearance and can be grown as decorative design. The weight of the tomato is up to 65 grams, the shape is round, the color is red.

Preparing and sowing tomato seeds

Best time to sow balcony tomatoes, the cultivation of which we are considering in February and March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate for half an hour, and then in a growth stimulator for 10 hours.

Then place it in a warm place on moistened gauze. After 3 days, the seeds will take root and can be transferred to small containers with soil.

The seed is planted 1 cm deep, leaving a distance between plants of up to 3 cm. It is best to grow seedlings in a mixture of peat, turf soil and humus in a 1:1:1 ratio, or use a ready-made substrate from the store.

Caring for tomatoes on the balcony during seedling development

Boxes with seedlings are placed on a southern windowsill, covered with film and placed in a warm, draft-free place. After the first shoots appear, the containers are moved to the windowsill.

Temperature and lighting

It is necessary to observe the temperature regime: at night up to plus 17 degrees Celsius, during the day - up to plus 25.

Growing tomatoes at home in winter means increasing daylight hours. Helps to cope with this task Fluorescent Lamp, which is placed at a height of 25 cm from the leaves. Turn on the lights during cloudy weather, before dawn and after sunset.

Fertilizing seedlings

Tomato feeding during the period of active development is carried out three times:

  • primary - 12 days after planting the seeds, use 1 tsp for fertilizer. urea per 3 liters of water;
  • the main one - counting 10 days after the primary one: apply organic complex fertilizer (for example, Rossa), according to the instructions;
  • strengthening - a week before planting seedlings on permanent place: combine watering with fertilizing, diluting 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska per 3 liters of water.

Treating seedlings against diseases

During the seedling development stage, it is important to protect tomatoes on the windowsill; growing and caring for them can be nullified if they are infected with fungal diseases. To do this, seedlings are treated with milk: 50 grams per half liter of water.

Picking and seating

To form beautiful seedlings it is turned in different directions towards sunlight at intervals of several days.

Diving begins after the formation of a full-fledged third leaf plate and is transplanted into a pot of small (up to 5 cm) diameter. When transplanting into a container bigger size Possibly worse root development.

After 30 days, the seedlings are transplanted into a container with a volume of 3-5 liters.

Tomatoes on the balcony - growing and pinching

The temperature on the windowsill should be no more than 30 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plants will stretch out and internodes will form on the leaves.

For balcony tomatoes, one watering per week is enough. It is necessary to use settled water at room temperature, and add it so that it does not fall on the leaves - right at the root.

For self-pollination, after the start of flowering, the balcony tomatoes are gently shaken. But more effective method pollination of tomatoes at home is treatment with the drug Ovary.

After the formation of stepchildren is completed, it is necessary to pinch the tomatoes on the balcony - growing without this measure can greatly reduce the yield, causing the fruit to become smaller. To do this, the shoots are broken off, leaving a small cutting of 5 cm on the plant.

Fertilize balcony tomatoes during flowering, and again after 14 days. Fertilizing with wood ash (1 tbsp. per 0.5 l of water) is best suited; you can use a complex mineral fertilizer.

Tomatoes on the windowsill - growing and care video

Bottom line

Once you figure out how to grow tomatoes at home, you can enjoy fresh vegetables all year round: in the summer, picking tomatoes in the country, and in the winter - on the balcony. By selecting suitable variety and by following simple rules of care, you can green your apartment, start a real home garden, and get a wonderful harvest.

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​As for watering, tomatoes from excess moisture to nothing. Therefore, it is enough to water them no more than once every 3 days. For watering, it is recommended to take water no colder than 20°C and carry it out before lunch. After watering, the soil must be loosened a little so that air can penetrate to the roots. As the soil settles, new soil is added.​

How to plant tomatoes on the balcony?

​choose a container for planting seeds;​

​The most common tomato diseases:​

The next stage is preparing the drainage layer. Since tomatoes do not tolerate excess water, drainage is indispensable. The easiest way is to cover the bottom of the pot with 2 centimeters of small pebbles or pieces of expanded clay. And only after that can you fill the container with soil or earthen mixture. The mold should be filled no more than three-quarters full.​

​Plant the seeds in soil (purchased or from the garden). Sow in furrows no deeper than 1 cm.​


​The choice of suitable pots should be taken very carefully, since good condition plant growth directly depends on the condition of the root system. In principle, the containers should not be very deep, since pots 10-15 cm deep but up to 20 cm wide are suitable here. The main factors that influence good fruiting are also the degree of illumination and the optimal temperature. The most suitable place for growing crops is wide window sill, however, if there is an insulated loggia, then it is also perfect for these purposes.​

​Even though cherry tomatoes have high level sugars, small tomatoes are low-calorie foods, and therefore do not contribute to excess weight gain. At the same time, people who suffer from peptic ulcer It is not advisable to eat them.​

How to feed tomatoes growing on the balcony?


​Third feeding: one glass of mixture consisting of three liters of water and one tablespoon of nitrophoska or nitroammophoska is consumed per plant.

​Many of us who do not have our own summer cottages and vegetable gardens, would like to try growing tomatoes on the balcony. Growing tomatoes takes place in a limited space and in a small amount of land. If you decide to grow tomatoes on your balcony, you should carefully choose the variety. Suitable for this low-growing varieties, which have a compact root system And small fruits. As a result of such demand for tomatoes, breeders specially bred indoor varieties tomatoes (for example, “Cascade Red”, “Pearl Yellow”, “Bonsai micro”).​

The first feeding of the bushes should be done a week after planting the seedlings, and then no more than once every 10 days. Organic mineral fertilizers are ideal for fertilization. It is especially useful to spray the leaves of bushes with fertilizer. Thanks to this, they will grow faster and the flowers will not fall off.​

​buy soil;​

Caring for tomatoes on the balcony

Late blight, or brown rot of tomatoes;

When planting tomatoes, deepen the plants 2 cm lower than they grew in the previous form. Gently sprinkle soil on all sides and pour generously under the root warm water. Place pots of tomatoes in the sun no earlier than a week later - wait until the plants take root.​

​Water generously and cover the seeds with soil.​

​Properly grown seedlings are the key good harvest

​Tasty and healthy Cherry tomatoes, the cultivation of which is accessible to everyone today, are grown today by many of our compatriots, and many of them willingly share tips and little secrets of a good harvest. Thanks to the long harvesting cycle, a person can always serve fresh and tasty tomatoes that have a pleasant aroma and delicious taste. In this case, it is best to pick the fruits when they are brown, which at the same time allows you to speed up the ripening of other fruits. If the weather is cloudy for a long time, many home gardeners recommend turning on table lamp to better illuminate the plant, which promotes good growth plants.​ ​But we can confidently recommend that all the rest of our compatriots eat small, tasty tomatoes.​

Rowan miracle;

​Tomatoes are light-loving plants, so you should take care of additional lighting in advance. With a lack of light, its stems will stretch. The lamp must be turned on twice a day - morning and evening for 3 hours. This will “lengthen” the day.​

Cherry tomatoes - growing at home on a windowsill

​Growing tomatoes on the balcony requires careful compliance with all agricultural technology conditions.​

What is needed to grow Cherry tomatoes on a windowsill?

​Since tomatoes have rather brittle stems, they need to be tied to pegs in a timely manner. In case of hanging varieties this is not necessary, since they are hanging.​

​plant seeds and care for them.​

​black leg;​

  • ​Important: balcony tomatoes do not like excess moisture and lack of fresh air, this means that on cold nights it is advisable to take containers with plants into warm room. But in the heat, do not forget to ventilate the room, in particular this applies to glazed balconies.​
  • ​Wrap containers with seeds in plastic bags, creating a greenhouse effect.​
  • The process of growing tomatoes begins with germination of seeds. They do this from the beginning of February and continue until April. With early sowing, the first fruits will be in April, spring seeds will be harvested in September. Also, when deciding to make a small garden on the loggia on the balcony, it is important to take into account the level of lighting, since tomatoes are light-loving plants. That is best place a south balcony will serve as a tomato plantation. On poorly lit loggias, the lack of sunlight is compensated by artificial lighting (fluorescent lamps).​
  • ​If you carefully study the features of growing this variety of tomatoes, you can come to the conclusion that, in principle, there is nothing complicated about it. Many thousands of our compatriots are turning their balconies and loggias into some kind of winter garden. Only instead of flowers you can see the ovaries of small bright red fruits. And how pleasant it is to eat tomatoes grown on your windowsill, since their delicious aroma can never compare with store-bought vegetables.​
  • ​Knowing the basic secrets of growing Cherry tomatoes, a person will be able to correctly observe all the conditions that will contribute to good fruit set and high yield in general. First of all, it should be noted that, like other Cherry varieties, they can be tall, medium and short, not counting the hybrid and varietal characteristics of each of them.​
  • ​Bonsai;​
  • Water that has stood for several days is suitable for irrigation. It is not recommended to water tomatoes with water just poured from the tap, as it is quite hard in composition.​
  • ​Before growing tomatoes on the balcony, you need to decide on the variety and time of sowing the seeds.​
  • ​Gardeners need to know that tomatoes are very often exposed to various diseases, so as soon as you see certain undesirable manifestations, you need to take care of the necessary treatment of the plant. If you comply with all the conditions for growing tomatoes on the balcony, you are guaranteed to get a decent result!​
  • ​So, first things first. First of all, you need to decide on the variety of cucumbers. There are so many of them that it’s impossible to count them all. The main requirement is that the variety must be self-pollinating. And what exactly it will be depends on your personal preferences.​
  • ​fomoz, or brown rot;​
  • ​Experienced agronomists advise watering nightshades on balconies only when necessary - when it dries out upper layer soil. It is better to do this in the first half of the day using warm water(more than 20 degrees). Pour the liquid not under the bush itself, but around it.​

Before the seedlings germinate, ventilate the pots with soil daily, removing the bag.

​There are several ways to germinate tomato seeds: directly into the soil and with pre-soaking.​

​In conclusion, it should be noted that with a responsible approach and careful study of all necessary advice and recommendations, the chances of receiving excellent result increase significantly. The most important thing is patience, which will definitely pay off with a bountiful and tasty harvest, which all family members will surely appreciate. Bright and colorful Cherry tomatoes, photos of which can be found on the Internet the best way will prove the fact that it is quite possible to get a bountiful harvest.​

Features of planting and growing Cherry tomatoes

​So here you can give general recommendations, following which the chances of getting tasty and juicy berries increase significantly. Of course, all operations must be performed with soul, but those who are going to grow Cherry tomatoes probably love to do this business. By setting a goal and describing step by step all the operations performed, you can hope for undoubted success in the form of a good harvest delicious tomatoes. And proper care of Cherry tomatoes will ensure undoubted success and the opportunity to treat your relatives with delicious vegetables.​

​Golden bunch;​

​At the very beginning of plant growth, you should carefully monitor the condition of the soil: it should not dry out, but you should not over-moisten it, otherwise the roots may begin to rot.​

  • ​You can start sowing seeds as early as February and until April. If you sow the seeds in February, the fruits will ripen at the end of June; if you sow the seeds in April, the fruits will appear in September.​
  • ​Good to know: How to plant tomato seedlings?​
  • ​After purchasing the seeds, it is important to prepare a place for cucumbers. Since they usually grow in the garden in the summer and are among the heat-loving plants, it is better to grow them on a balcony located on the south or southwest side. In addition, it is important to ensure that there are no drafts in the place where the crop is grown. And don't forget that cucumbers need enough space. On average, one bush requires up to 30 centimeters of soil.​
  • ​apex rot.​
  • Tomatoes need not only to be watered, but also to be fed periodically
  • ​Dwarf varieties of tomatoes - ideal for growing on balconies​
  • ​Cover the saucer with a piece of cloth, place the seeds on it, and cover with a damp cloth on top.​
  • ​Features of growing tomato seedlings at home - read this article on our website!​

Additional information for getting a good harvest of cherry tomatoes

Here's what you need to take into account when growing this variety of tomatoes:

Growing in suitable containers

​Little Red Riding Hood;​

At night, it is best to cover the seedlings with film or jars.

Tasty and healthy cherry tomato fruits are available to everyone

​The seeds are first soaked overnight in hot water. To do this, you can take a thermos, pour hot water into it and put bags of tomato seeds in it.​

​While many people wait for the season of berries and strawberries in particular, others successfully grow them almost all year round. In order to do this business, it is enough to have suitable balcony, the necessary skills and, of course, desire.​

​In what containers should cucumbers be grown on the balcony? As a rule, ordinary flower pots of suitable size are used for this room. You can also use them instead wooden boxes. The latter are convenient because several bushes can grow in them at once.​

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

​If we talk about pests, the ones that cause the most trouble to tomatoes are spider mite and whitefly. You can get rid of the first by spraying the bush with an infusion of onion and garlic peels (pour 200 g with a liter of water). The whitefly is destroyed by means such as Confidor.

But even the best varieties of tomatoes growing on the balcony need feeding. Experienced gardeners use it as fertilizer. different variants mixtures. For example, someone prefers exclusively organic products and waters their tomatoes with a solution of chicken manure or mullein (diluted with water 1:5). But more often they use mineral fertilizers, which are sold in specialized stores. 30 g of a ready-made mixture of mineral fertilizers and 10 liters of water is quite enough to water a fairly large balcony garden. For the first time, such fertilizing should be done about a week after planting the tomatoes on the balcony. In the future, feed the “bed” every 10 – 12 days. To make tomatoes on the balcony develop more quickly, you can use foliar fertilizers.​

​Fill a 200-gram plastic glass (preferably transparent) with soil and pour boiling water over it. Wait until the soil cools down.​

​Place the saucer in a plastic bag.​

​Tomatoes are loved in all corners of the world. This vegetable is used in cooking in almost all countries, and the tomato can be subjected to any heat treatment and used in any form. It was the variety of ways and uses of tomatoes that led to the development of varieties and methods of growing this vegetable.​

Tomato varieties for the balcony

Land for planting is usually taken in a ratio of sand and black soil of 1:4 or 1:3

Caring for tomatoes on the balcony


​As soon as the seedlings have two leaves, the tomatoes need to be plucked. Young plant carefully removed from the ground when

​In the store you can buy soil ready for seedlings or take it from your own personal plot. Small containers are filled with earth, inside which grooves no more than one centimeter deep are made. Then they are watered abundantly and the seeds are sown.​

​For growing strawberries on the balcony, remontant varieties are the most suitable. If you are making strawberries for the first time, you need to purchase seeds at a specialized store, and in the future they can be obtained from fresh berries. To get a harvest this year, you need to start planting no later than mid-January.​

Growing seedlings correctly

​Now it’s time to choose the soil. It will not be difficult to purchase it in a specialized store. However, it is worth considering that one bush requires about 4 liters of soil. By the way, if you wish, you can prepare it yourself and thus avoid unnecessary expenses. To do this, you need to take humus, peat and regular soil from the garden in equal parts and mix thoroughly together. After this, add 200 grams of ash and 20 grams of superphosphate in granules. Mix everything again and use it for planting cucumbers.​

​As the subtitle suggests, you can grow a lot on your balcony. This means that it all depends on your personal preferences. Most often, herbs, vegetables and fruits are grown on the balcony.

Experts call a urea solution (add 1 teaspoon of urea to 3 liters of water) a good feeding option. You can also mix a tablespoon of superphosphate and wood ash with 3 liters of water, or use nitroammophoska dissolved in water for watering (1 tablespoon per 3 liters of liquid).​

Method No. 1

  1. ​Using a pencil, make a hole in the ground and place several seeds (if already sprouted, then one per cup).​
  2. ​Place in a warm place (can be on a radiator, placing a board under the bottom of the plate).​
  3. ​Tomatoes can be grown both on the ground and in a greenhouse using seeds or ready-made seedlings. But not all summer residents know how to grow tomatoes on the balcony. From this article you will learn all the secrets of growing tomatoes on the balcony.​
  4. ​Cherry tomato seeds are not soaked before planting, but are immediately placed in boxes, cups or other containers prepared for planting, planting them not very deeply in the ground. It is recommended to cover the soil with transparent cling film
  5. ​Pinocchio;​
  6. ​with a fork, and then planted in plastic dishes. One plant is planted in one container. It is deepened into the soil up to the cotyledons, then watered.

Method number 2

  1. ​After this, the furrows with the seeds need to be covered with a small amount of soil. The containers with seedlings themselves are placed in plastic bags to provide greenhouse growing conditions.​
  2. ​The location of the balcony is fundamentally important for growing strawberries, as this plant needs sun. This means that a balcony on the south side is best suited, although with additional lighting, skilled gardeners successfully grow strawberries on the north side.​
  3. ​The next stage is planting seeds. You need to get seedlings from them, therefore, first the seeds are laid out in a small saucer on top toilet paper moistened with water or wet sawdust. After a couple of days, the seeds will germinate, and they will need to be planted in a regular plastic cup, placed about 5 mm in the ground. Before you begin this process, you need to prepare the pots. If they do not have holes for water drainage, then you need to make them yourself. After this, cover the bottom of each container with drainage (expanded clay, pebbles or broken bricks are used for this purpose). After 2-3 weeks, the first leaves should appear and then the seedlings are planted in separate pots. It is very important that they have holes for water drainage and drainage itself (expanded clay, pebbles or broken brick).​
  4. ​In more detail, dill, parsley, onions, celery, herbs, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, celery, ginger, strawberries, strawberries, mushrooms, pineapples and many other exotic fruits are in demand.​
  5. ​Methods of forming bushes​
  6. ​Cover the containers with film and place in a warm place.​
  7. ​Periodically moisten the fabric with seeds.​
  8. ​Tomatoes can be grown almost anywhere on earth. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions. Tomatoes can also grow on the balcony. For this you should use good land, a support for a tomato branch, which must be stuck into the ground immediately upon planting. Tomatoes need to be watered quite often. If the tomatoes stand in the sun all day, then they need to be watered even more abundantly. To grow tomatoes on the balcony, it is important to ensure that they are not attacked by various insects, including small mites and whiteflies. Also, you need to keep an eye out for leaves that have changed color and drooped if you watered the soil. In this case, it is necessary to look for insects on back side leaf.​

Method number 3

After the first shoots appear, the film is removed, but not earlier than 5 days after planting.
  1. ​Balcony miracle;​
  2. ​Next, you need to water the tomatoes twice a day - morning and evening. If the weather is cloudy outside and the soil in the container is still wet, then a single watering is enough. After each watering, the soil is loosened.
  3. To harden the seedlings, they must be placed in the refrigerator for several days.
  4. ​It is important to take into account the fact that strawberries do not like the wind, so it is important to place containers with them exclusively inside the balcony. By the way, as for containers, hanging flower pots, multi-tiered pots, wooden boxes and even bags are suitable for growing strawberries.​
  5. ​Now all that remains is to properly care for the cucumbers. They need to be watered daily and fed from time to time. After the 6th leaf appears, the stems are tied to a peg and the tendrils are removed. When the number of leaves doubles, the plant needs to be pinched and wait for the harvest. On average, with proper care and compliance with all the rules for growing cucumbers on the balcony, one bush produces about 10 fruits.​

Growing seedlings

​Of course, not every balcony has the appropriate conditions for growing certain crops, but many of them are not so picky, which means you can test your abilities as a gardener in practice.​

​Beautiful tomato bushes can also serve as a decorative element for the balcony. But a beautiful tomato “crown” does not form on its own. To make the bushes look aesthetically pleasing and produce as much harvest as possible, grow low growing plants better in two stems. If there is a place on the balcony for tall tomato plants, then leave only one shoot - it is better to get rid of all the stepsons. Also, do not forget to remove shoots coming from the leaf axils from time to time, but at the same time try not to damage the main stem. This is done in order to “clear” the bush from excess branches, making room for inflorescences and better lighting of the plant. To avoid the development of diseases, you should promptly clean the bush from yellowed, fallen or already diseased leaves.​

​After the sprouts appear (on the 3rd day), place the containers in a cool place (window sill).​

When white roots appear in the grains, plant them in the ground.

Even though you are growing tomatoes on the balcony, they need to be fed. For this, a solution of chicken manure in a 1:1 ratio with water is suitable. Tomatoes love spraying on the leaves. This does not need to be done often, not every week. In addition, tomatoes must be treated with root.

​For better germination Immediately after planting the seeds in the soil, the ground is watered with warm water


Feeding tomatoes

​Planting tomatoes on the balcony requires strict adherence to agricultural technology conditions. In this case, the result will be tasty, ripe fruits. And now, in addition to flowers and cucumbers on the balcony, you can also grow delicious tomatoes.​

Seedlings need to be ventilated daily and ensure that the soil remains moist. If there is not enough moisture, then you can moisten the substrate using a spray bottle.​

​It is very important that containers for growing strawberries have holes in the bottom through which excess water can be removed. As for the soil, strawberries are not particularly picky, but the main condition is that it must be saturated with humus. While growing strawberries, the soil needs to be fertilized periodically. It is recommended to do this no more than once every 10-14 days. As fertilizers, you can use a mineral complex or special fertilizers for strawberries.​

​Tomatoes are another crop that can be grown in a garden on a balcony. As a result of your labors, you will receive bright, aromatic fruits that simply cannot but delight you. But this is only a result, and you need to work hard to achieve it, just like in any garden.​

How to form a beautiful bush?

​We invite you to learn how you can grow cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries on your own balcony.​

​The most common problem when growing tomatoes on balconies is fungal diseases caused by excess moisture. You can overcome the problem by increasing the lighting of the balcony and frequently ventilating the room. Bordeaux mixture gives good results in the fight against tomato fungi.​

The main enemies of tomatoes

It is advisable to illuminate with artificial light, water only when the top layer of soil dries out.

​Water with warm water, but do not over-water it.​

  • ​If you grow tomatoes on your balcony, you can attract their pollinators. To do this, plant flowers nearby. You can simply shake the tomato bush. You can pollinate a tomato yourself using a soft brush. Tomatoes on the balcony are a plant that can easily become perennial. Most good bush tomatoes need to be trimmed in the fall and left to winter in flower pot together with others flowering plants. And in the spring, you can remove small shoots or babies from such a tomato and plant them in the ground.​
  • After the sprouts have grown by 5-6 cm, thinning is done, but if not all of the seeds have sprouted, thinning may not be necessary.


​Among a huge selection of different varieties of delicious and healthy tomatoes We can highlight Cherry, a variety that was bred in the mid-70s by scientific breeders. His main feature is the delicious sweet taste, the small size of the tomatoes, and the arrangement not in pairs or singly, but in clusters. A big advantage here is also the fact that today it is quite possible to grow Cherry tomatoes on the balcony and windowsill, and with proper care and perseverance you can get a very good harvest. So anyone who does not have their own personal plot can make such a mini-vegetable garden right on their loggia or balcony.​

  • ​10 days after transplanting the plants, the first fertilizing is carried out. Next, you will need to feed the tomatoes two more times before you plant them in a large pot.​
  • ​Water the strawberries as needed and periodically ventilate the balcony so that the soil does not rot. The optimal temperature is not lower than 18°C.​
  • ​When growing tomatoes, you must comply with the same conditions as when growing cucumbers: choose varieties, a place on the balcony, a container for seedlings, soil and provide the plants with proper care. But observing all these requirements, you just need to make an allowance for the fact that tomatoes have their own specifics, which means they need to be grown not exactly the same as cucumbers. But, what about?​
  • ​For many city dwellers, having their own vegetable garden near their home is just a dream, so their need to care for vegetation remains unfulfilled from year to year. This can be easily fixed if you plant cucumbers on your own balcony. On the one hand, self-realization, and on the other, a natural and healthy product that can so rarely be found on supermarket shelves in summer time. And this is not to mention what kind of cucumbers are sold in winter.​

​Ingredients for the mixture:​

Vegetable garden on the balcony. Growing cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries on the balcony | Women's Questions

Vegetable garden on the balcony: there are no limits to imagination

​To grow tomato seedlings, you can use either a purchased mixture or soil from the garden, preferably from a bed where nightshade crops have not grown before. It is also easy to prepare the soil yourself by mixing peat, turf soil and manure humus in equal parts.​

​Place the seeds in the refrigerator for several days to harden.​

​In principle, you can grow any variety of tomatoes on your balcony. They can also be planted in a regular bucket. Tomatoes on the balcony grow very quickly, no matter how much you care for them. Tomatoes grow due to the abundance of warmth and light on the balcony, quickly acquire their first leaves and stretch upward towards the sun. After just 2-3 weeks spent on the balcony, tomatoes such as cherry tomatoes can acquire inflorescences. But for this, the tomatoes need to be watered abundantly, not allowing the soil layer to dry out, but also making sure that there is no water left in the tray or pot. Otherwise, this may lead to rotting of the plant.​

​The plants are periodically watered, the soil is kept loose (to allow air to reach the roots).​

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony?

​Tiny Tim;​

​To get a bountiful harvest of tasty and juicy tomatoes, you should carefully study the secrets of their cultivation, since without this it is not easy to achieve success. Only by knowing the breeding characteristics of the variety, the rules and time of sowing, the composition of the soil, the irrigation regime and the degree of lighting can one achieve a good result.​

  • Mineral fertilizers and mullein are suitable as fertilizing.
  • ​As the strawberries grow tendrils, they need to be tied up or used as seedlings. It is very important to protect the bushes from all kinds of diseases and then after a while you will be able to enjoy the taste of your favorite berries.​
  • ​First of all, it is worth considering that tomatoes love warmth, so if you grow them directly on the balcony, and not on the windowsill, then this should be done no earlier than March (if the balcony is not glazed, then you need to wait another month). It all starts with planting seedlings. It is first grown like cucumbers in small containers (usually disposable plastic cups), and then plant each bush separately in large pots. As for pots or boxes for tomatoes, they should have holes through which excess moisture can be removed. First, expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pots, and only then soil. It should be taken into account that one tomato bush requires at least 3 liters of soil, and if the plant is tall, then at least five.​
  • ​If you wish, you can grow cucumbers on your balcony yourself at any time of the year. To do this, you just need to meet the following conditions:
  • ​copper sulfate (10 g) diluted in water (0.9 l);​

​With the appearance of seedlings, wait until the plants get stronger and become stronger, then transplant them into larger containers for a permanent “place of residence.” Planting tomatoes is an important process, so we will pay attention to all stages.​

Carefully place the tomato seeds in fabric bags.

​When tomatoes grow on the balcony, they need to be watered early in the morning before the sun rises high so that the liquid that gives strength and energy can be absorbed into the soil layer of the tomatoes. If you water your tomatoes in strong sun, this watering will not produce any results. The water will evaporate quickly. On the contrary, you can injure the vegetable. Tomato leaves can get sunstroke if their moisture evaporates too quickly due to excessive sun.​

​In order for home-grown Cherry tomatoes to produce a bountiful harvest, they must be fed periodically, but not more than once a week.​


Cherry tomato seeds also play an important role, they must be of high quality and alive. The experience of many gardeners who grow Cherries right in their apartments suggests that anyone with a responsible approach can grow them. To do this, you just need to properly prepare the place, which should be dry, warm, ventilated and well lit by the sun throughout the day.​

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony?

​First feeding: water the bushes with 1/3 cup of urea solution with water (1 teaspoon per 3 liters of water).​

​Obviously, it is quite possible to organize a vegetable garden on your own balcony and grow vegetables, fruits and other edible crops on it. You will see this from your own experience if you try to use our recommendations.​

​Since tomatoes love light, it is recommended to grow tomatoes on balconies located in the south and southeast. Owners of southwestern balconies should take into account that tomatoes can be successfully grown on them, but in clear weather summer days Additional shade will be needed, otherwise the plants will die. As for the north side, only for experienced gardeners It is possible to grow tomatoes on the balconies located on it.​

​decide what variety you want to grow;​

​slaked lime (20 g), diluted in 100 g of water.​

You can make containers for seedlings yourself

​Pour hot water into a thermos.​

​With proper care, fruits can be harvested from a tomato grown on the balcony within a month after planting the seeds in the pot.​

​If planted tall varieties, then it is necessary to place pegs to which the plant will be tied.​

​Regardless of the characteristics of each variety, all fruits have a pronounced taste, while having the same mineral and vitamin composition.​

Growing strawberries on the balcony

​Cherry tomatoes varieties that can be grown on the balcony:​

​Second feeding: ½ cup of a solution consisting of one tablespoon of superphosphate, a spoon of wood ash and three liters of water is poured onto the plant.

​Zyatko Nadezhda specially for the site Women's Questions​

​Tomatoes like dry and warm air Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 22°C during the day and 13°C at night. During the period when the bushes bloom and bear fruit, it is recommended that the temperature be 2-4 degrees higher. Unnecessarily wet air will not benefit tomatoes. It is advisable that the humidity should not be higher than 65%. It is imperative to ventilate the balcony, but not earlier than 2 hours after watering.​

​choose a suitable place for the vegetable garden on the balcony;​

Mix the ingredients. Store the finished mixture for no more than a day.​

​First of all, prepare containers for subsequent planting of nightshade crops on balconies. These can be conical buckets, large pots, wooden or plastic boxes. But it’s worth considering: one plant will need about 3 liters of soil.​

​Dip the bags of seeds into a thermos with water and leave overnight.​

Varieties of small tomatoes take root especially well on the balcony. They are not so large, the same as the bush itself. It is this property that helps small tomatoes, for example, the cherry variety on the balcony, ripen faster and much easier. At the same time, growing such tomatoes on the balcony will not bring you any undue trouble.

​It should be noted that all Cherry tomatoes, varieties of which are intended for growing at home, usually bear fruit 2-4 months after planting. In this case, maturation occurs quite quickly, and when good fertilizers And abundant watering the bush can bear fruit for 5-6 months. It is important to know that Cherry tomatoes do not shoot, and for a good harvest, the main leaves of the bushes cannot be cut off. During the period of ovaries, there is no need to feed, since this should be done at the very beginning of planting, when the shoots are stretching and the ground part is developing, and also after the fruits have set and turned into small green berries.

How to grow tomatoes and peppers in a greenhouse How to grow tomatoes on the balcony Growing tomatoes on the balcony

Who said that it is impossible to create your own mini-vegetable garden on a balcony or loggia? This is absolutely real, and also useful and extraordinary. Here I would like to note that tomatoes take root well on the balcony.

Tomatoes can be combined with flowers, and you will get a magnificent composition that will create a mood throughout the entire period of its growth and development.

Tomato varieties for balcony conditions

Growing tomatoes on the balcony certainly involves some nuances. Now we will talk about this.

Important: The main task is to choose the right variety of tomatoes - this is 50% luck.

Please note: Since seats(pots, boxes) will have a limited amount of soil, then low-growing varieties should be chosen.

Tomatoes should have a compact root system and small fruits.

Some of the most common varieties and hybrids are:

  • Max;
  • Gina;
  • Balcony miracle;
  • Cascade Red;
  • The pearl is yellow;
  • Florida is amazing;
  • Balcony Red;
  • Bonsai micro, etc.

Note that this is only a small part of the varieties that exist. These varieties and many others were bred by breeders specifically for growing in balcony conditions. Let's take a closer look at one of the popular varieties. For example, Balcony Miracle - tomatoes that grow and bear fruit well on balconies.

Characteristics of the Balcony Miracle tomato variety

  • This type of tomato belongs to determinate varieties of tomatoes, that is, the growth height of the plant is limited (no more than 50 centimeters).
  • This is an ultra early ripening crop.
  • Intended for growing on loggias, balconies, verandas. However, it is also suitable for growing in open ground.

Please note: This variety of tomatoes is suitable for both salads and pickling. In addition, the above-ground system is particularly decorative, and the fruits are marvelously beautiful.

  • Each bush can please you with a harvest of 2 kg of tomatoes.
  • This variety does not require garter.
  • The average time until full ripening is 85-90 days;
  • Has not large fruits, their weight is about 65 grams, their shape is round, their color is bright red.

Please note: Balcony miracle tomatoes - growing this variety is perfect in home environment.

Moreover, if you take into account the main advantage - the possibility of harvesting early.

Please note: Tomatoes can also be grown on sunny balcony, and in the shaded. The main point is good lighting of the balcony.

It is advisable that the sun appears on the balcony for at least 3 hours.

Key points in growing tomatoes for balconies or loggias

Sowing seeds

  • Tomato seeds are sown in February - March.
  • The soil mixture is poured into cups and watered some time before planting the seeds in water.
  • It is not necessary to soak the seeds; you can sow them dry. Place 2 grains in plastic or paper cups.
    The depth of seed placement is about 1 - 1.5 centimeters.
  • After the shoots have appeared, the stronger plant is left, while the other one is pinched but not removed.

Soil for tomatoes

To grow seedlings of future tomatoes, there are several options for soil mixture, for example, you can take:

  • A ready-made substrate called “Living Earth”;
  • Soil mixture “Tomatoes”;
  • One part of peat + turf soil + manure humus.

Seedling care


Water the seedlings not often: about once a week, or even once every 10 days. In this case, the water should not be cold (room temperature) and settled.

Air temperature

In the room where seedlings are grown, the air temperature should not exceed: during the day - 20-22 degrees, and at night - not lower than 16 degrees.

Tip: At elevated air temperatures, you should ventilate the room, for example, by opening a window.

It is very important here that the flow of cool air does not reach the seedlings.

Top dressing

Before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, it is advisable to fertilize them 3 times. Fertilizers can be purchased at any specialty store.

You can read about the dosages on the packaging.

  • The first feeding is carried out after the sprouts appear on the 12th day.
  • The second feeding is carried out 10 days later relative to the first.
  • The third feeding is carried out a week before planting the seedlings in a permanent place.

Important: If you want to get ideal seedlings, in other words, beautiful and even ones, you should turn the cups with seedlings every few days to the light.

Planting seedlings

It is best to plant each seedling in a separate pot, but long ones can also be used for these purposes.

Water the seedlings in advance, remove them from the cups and transplant them into the middle of the pot.

Caring for tomatoes on the balcony

  • Tomatoes, including balcony tomatoes, are sun-loving and light-loving plants. They should be placed in the sun.
  • It is necessary to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged or drying out. Watering tomatoes is carried out in dry weather every other day, only at the root.

Advice: In order to speed up the process of development and formation of fruits, you can perform the following action, it is called “tearing the roots.”

You need to take the plant by bottom part stem and gently pull up. As if trying to pull it out from the ground, this way the small roots break off.

After this, water the plant and hill up the soil around it.

Please note: It would be a good idea to feed tomatoes throughout the entire period of growth and ripening.

That is, add, for example, a few tablespoons of wood ash under each bush.


Vegetables are useful and beautiful landscaping. This will bring special joy to true plant connoisseurs. Growing tomatoes on the balcony is easier than other vegetable crops.

They do not require close care, so this task is easily accomplished. Feel free to create original compositions, and your balcony will be a unique island of nature.

Tomatoes contain many vitamins and even cancer-preventing substances. Unfortunately, this vegetable is not available year-round in all geographic regions. fresh. Therefore, in order to get a harvest in the cold season, you can grow tomatoes on the balcony. It is recommended to plant low-growing and cocktail tomatoes at home due to their small size.


What varieties of tomatoes are best to choose?

When, it is necessary to remember that not all varieties are suitable for cultivation on the balcony. If you choose the wrong variety, additional difficulties may arise and the harvest may be disappointing.

Balcony varieties should be chosen for planting. After all, the conditions on a balcony or loggia differ from those that exist in open ground or an industrial greenhouse. There are also General requirements, which are taken into account when choosing a specific variety.

Requirements for tomato varieties for growing on the balcony:

  1. Size. Considering limited space, it is better to choose determinant (low-growing varieties). Plants of this type have a compact root system and a height not exceeding 100 cm. Excessively branched varieties should be avoided.
  2. Fruiting period. Preference should be given to early ripening varieties. The sooner the plant begins to bear fruit after germination, the better.
  3. Productivity. The so-called raceme varieties of tomatoes are well suited for growing on a balcony or loggia. The fruits ripen in clusters and almost simultaneously with each other. They are believed to have increased yields and greater disease resistance.
  4. Versatility. It would be good if the fruits of the selected variety can be consumed both fresh and canned.
  5. Appearance. The tomato plant can be more than just a source of your favorite vegetables. He is quite capable of competing with ornamental plants. Lush green plants and bright fruits different forms and flowers look very impressive and can decorate any balcony.

Low growing tomatoes

Small stature (no higher than 100 cm) does not at all interfere with abundant fruiting. Tomatoes ripen quickly and almost simultaneously. Another advantage of determinate varieties is good disease resistance and rare formation of stepsons, which makes care easier.

The most popular low-growing varieties for growing on the balcony:

  • "Pinocchio";
  • "Balcony miracle";
  • "Balconies of Yelou";
  • "Sugar Cranberry";
  • "Cherry";
  • "Bonsai".

Photo gallery

Balconies Yellow Balcony Miracle Bonsai Cherry Pinocchio Sugar Cranberry

Cocktail tomatoes

Cocktail varieties are a new direction in tomato breeding. Characteristic for cocktail tomatoes small size fruits (from 40 g to 60 g). They can be different color(from light yellow to bright red), have excellent taste and aroma. Tomatoes of this variety can be grown all year round.

Popular cocktail varieties for the balcony:

  • "Butterfly";
  • "Romantic";
  • "Ballerina."

Photo gallery

Ballerina Butterfly Romantic

Optimal conditions for growing tomatoes on the balcony

Tomatoes - southern heat-loving plants. For full development and abundant fruiting, they need enough warmth and light. Therefore, when planting tomatoes in a loggia or balcony, you need to take care of the appropriate microclimate.

Necessary conditions on the balcony:

  1. Temperature regime. Balcony varieties of tomatoes are grown with early spring until late autumn, and some all year round. This means that in the cold season you need to take special care of the air temperature on the balcony. Optimal temperature for this crop during the day it will be + 26 degrees, at night - not lower than +15 degrees. Therefore, a glazed and insulated loggia is best suited. A thermometer is installed to monitor the temperature.
  2. Sufficient lighting. In spring and autumn, daylight hours are shorter than in summer. During these periods, it is necessary to equip additional lighting. This is done using special lamps(luminescent), which are sold in hardware stores. You will also have to install an outlet on the loggia.
  3. Balcony location. Loggias facing southwest or southeast are more suitable for growing tomatoes.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To grow balcony varieties of tomatoes, the seedling method is used. Seedlings will require containers or other suitable containers- pots, cassettes.

Seed preparation

Before placing seeds in the soil, they should be prepared. First of all, you need to inspect the seeds and remove spoiled and damaged ones. Selected seeds are treated (etched) for 20 minutes. in potassium permanganate, after which it is kept in a solution of a growth stimulator for 10 to 12 hours.

Purchased seeds do not require disinfection. Before the seed material enters the packaging, it undergoes all necessary processing.

Preparing the container and soil

When growing tomatoes, you should prefer soil with neutral acidity. Ready-made mixtures for tomatoes that are commercially available are suitable. However, they will have to be further enriched. You can prepare the mixture yourself by mixing humus and turf soil in equal parts. To improve soil looseness, experts advise adding peat, but in moderation.

You can increase the nutritional value of the soil by adding wood ash or superphosphate.

The choice of container depends on the specific variety and the room in which the plant will be located. If the space is quite large, use deep wooden boxes and pots. If you need to save space, hanging boxes and flower pots are suitable.

Sowing seeds

The sowing soil should first be slightly compacted. Then grooves are made in it and seed material is placed in them using tweezers. The distance between seeds should be at least two centimeters. The seeds are slightly buried and sprinkled with soil on top. Then they are irrigated with warm water using a spray bottle.

Seedling care

Containers with seedlings are covered with film and placed in a warm place (temperature not lower than 25 degrees). Watering (irrigation) should be done once a day for a week. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed on the windowsill. If the quality of the seeds is good and all rules are followed when sowing, the first shoots will appear in 5-7 days.

Top dressing

When the first leaves form on the seedlings, the seedlings should be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. A second feeding will be necessary before picking the seedlings. Next, it is recommended to fertilize tomatoes in accordance with the needs of the plant and the characteristics of a particular variety.


After the first true leaves appear, the seedlings should be pruned. Before the procedure, the seedlings need to be watered so that the soil becomes pliable. When transplanting seedlings into individual pots, so as not to injure the young roots, use a special spatula. The central rhizome must be removed. Then the plant is transplanted into an individual container, buried to the growth point, covered with soil and watered with warm water.

Tomatoes can be transplanted to a permanent location after 4-5 weeks, when the plants are sufficiently strong.

The classic method in the video from “Harvest Garden”.

Caring for tomatoes on the balcony

Growing tomatoes on a balcony requires timely implementation of a number of agrotechnical techniques. In addition, it is necessary to observe moderation in feeding and watering.

Top dressing

After the young bushes are moved to a permanent place, the use of complex fertilizer is stopped. It promotes the growth of green mass of the plant, which harms fruiting. To stimulate the ovaries, it is good to use aqueous solutions of superphosphate or potassium phosphate. When determining the frequency of feeding, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations for a particular variety.


To increase the yield, it is necessary to carry out pinching regularly. The first stepsons appear along with the flower cluster. The most powerful is formed under it. The stepsons located below it must be removed. They draw moisture and nutrition onto themselves, which has a detrimental effect on the harvest. In addition, an overgrown bush creates conditions for the rapid spread of diseases.

There are two ways to pin down:

  1. Just break off the stepson with your hand. They break it out to the side and even if it is not completely removed, it still does not pose a threat.
  2. Trim using scissors. It is recommended to disinfect the scissors first to avoid infection.


In order to enhance the growth of the main stem, they resort to the pinching procedure. In early ripening varieties, the bush is usually formed into 2-3 stems. In this case, the main stem and 1-2 more lateral ones are allowed to develop. 4-5 fruiting clusters are left on the main stem, then the top is pinched off. It is recommended to leave 2-3 brushes on the stepsons and also pinch the top.

The procedures of pinching and pinching are necessary in order to properly form the bush. These agricultural techniques give the plant the opportunity to grow and bear fruit normally, receiving sufficient amounts of nutrients.


Tomatoes are a moisture-loving plant and therefore you need to strictly monitor watering. The soil must always be moist; for this, tomatoes must be watered at least once every three days. When watering, do not pour water on the leaves or stems. For this reason, it is better to use a rubber bulb or funnel rather than a watering can. If you place them in the middle of the soil layer at the edge of the container, then water will flow into the soil without touching the green part of the plant.

Watering tomatoes is carried out only with warm water.


Tomatoes are a self-pollinating plant. But in order to get a rich harvest, the fruits are helped to set. During the flowering period, you should lightly tap the inflorescences or shake them. Also, to speed up the ovaries, you can spray the flowers with special products purchased at gardening stores.

Diseases and pests of tomatoes

The most common tomato diseases:

  1. Late blight (brown rot). Dangerous disease, which is fungal in nature and spreads quickly. The first signs are brown or brown spots on the stem, leaves and fruits of the plant. The occurrence and spread of the disease is facilitated by a warm and damp microclimate, so it is important to prevent overflow and ventilate the balcony in a timely manner. At the first manifestations of the disease, the fruits should be removed and diseased plants destroyed. Affected unripe tomatoes are placed in hot water(60 degrees) for 2 minutes, then ripen in a dry, warm place.
  2. Fomoz. The disease affects the fruits of the plant. Favorable conditions for the disease are too humid air and an excess of nitrogen in the soil. The symptom is the formation of a brown spot in the area of ​​the stalk, which indicates that the process of rotting has begun. Affected fruits should be removed and destroyed.
  3. Apex rot. The disease affects still green fruits and manifests itself in the form of black spots and a rotten smell. Favorable conditions For the occurrence of disease, there is a lack of moisture and calcium in the soil. Another probable cause is an excess of nitrogen. If watery or dry black spots are found on the fruit, the diseased plant must be treated with a solution of calcium nitrate. Affected fruits are destroyed.
  4. Cracking of fruits. The disease is not infectious. Cause of the disease - improper watering. Due to excess moisture, the skin of the fruit cannot withstand the pressure and begins to crack. The cracks heal, but the tomatoes ripen earlier, without gaining enough weight. Therefore, you need to maintain the correct watering regime and choose varieties that are resistant to this disease.

In addition to the listed diseases, pests can cause significant harm to tomatoes. The most dangerous and common are spider mites and whiteflies.

Spider mites feed on cell sap, settling on the underside of leaves and entwining them with their web. This leads to gradual drying and falling of both the leaves and flowers. You can fight him folk method or using ready-made drugs purchased in a store.

Traditional methods:

  1. Garlic infusion. 200 g of crushed cloves are infused by pouring 10 liters of warm water. The resulting product is sprayed onto the leaves.
  2. Alcohol. The affected areas of the plant are sprayed with alcohol from a spray bottle. The treatment is repeated after 7 days.

Purchased funds:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Akarin;
  • Apollo;
  • Iskra-BIO.

Whitefly - small insect, which lays larvae on inside leaves. They are pale green in appearance and oval in shape. By sticking to the leaves, the larvae begin to feed on cell sap and cause the spread of sooty fungi. As a result, the plants dry out and die. For the prevention and control of the pest, Confidor and Mospilan are used.

Additional factors influencing the growth and development of tomato

The growing season and fruiting of tomatoes can be affected by:

  • climatic conditions;
  • individual needs of the variety;
  • the degree of branching of the plant and the type of bush.

Given these circumstances, the recommendations given are general. Before planting tomatoes on the balcony, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of growing a particular species.