Average height of artistic gymnasts. Diet secrets for rhythmic gymnasts from Irina Viner

The history of rhythmic gymnastics knows many female athletes. It is believed that the ideal gymnast is a girl with an asthenic build: tall, long-legged, thin-boned, who does not gain weight, even if she eats chocolates at night. But, at the same time, the world knows many cases when girls of average height and unfavorable build became champions. And how many examples of athletes who have excellent data, but did not reach the podium due to various reasons!
First of all, the texture is impressive. Such a gymnast attracts the attention of spectators, judges and coaches at competitions; she is a pleasure to watch. With the right approach, texture has more than just an external effect. Due to their light weight, thin, long-legged athletes push off easily and jump high; they have a larger range of movements (compared to their average competitors).

The most beautiful gymnasts our days can be called Victoria Shinkarenko and Anastasia Mulmina. In general, it is worth noting that the Ukrainian school of rhythmic gymnastics is traditionally famous for its texture.

Let's look at what data a gymnast should have in order to be called ideal?

Turnout. Leg turnout is the ability to turn your legs (hips, legs, and feet) outward. Turnout is the basis of classical dance; without it, some elements will not only be ugly, they will be impossible to do. Is it possible to develop eversion? It is possible, but only if there is an innate predisposition to it. If there is no inclination, no amount of exercise will “unfold” the joints; moreover, they can be injured.

Vera Sesina, Marina Specht, Irina Chashchina

Flexibility. Despite the fact that the group of difficulties called “flexibility” was disbanded, this quality is still one of the main ones for gymnasts. Flexibility is needed even to lift your leg high, not to mention, say, balance in a ring. You can remove and reduce in cost all sorts of traumatic obstacles in the rear balance, but flexibility as the basis of almost all elements will remain under any rules. It is an indicator of the plasticity of the athlete’s body and gives expressiveness to the composition, thereby contributing to the creation of a stage image.

Alina Kabaeva, Irina Kazakova, Olga Kapranova, Nadezhda Vasina, Anna Bessonova (flexibility of leg joints)

High rise. In classical dance, a high instep plays a significant aesthetic role, creating with its elongated instep together with an outstretched leg a complete line in the dance pattern.

Yana Kudryavtseva, Victoria Shinkarenko, Anastasia Mulmina, Anna Rizatdinova

Long limbs. There is even such a concept as “texture coefficient”. It is defined in the following way: measure height while standing and sitting (from the crown to the fifth point), then height while sitting is divided by height while standing and multiplied by 100%. That is, they determine what part of the height is the torso and head combined. Ballet norm (works for gymnasts): 49-52%. The lower this value, the better. The meaning of these calculations can be explained as follows: the legs must be at least the same length as the sum of the lengths of the torso and head. But it’s better if the legs are longer and the coefficient is less than 50%.

Alina Maksimenko, Anna Bessonova, Ekaterina Serebryanskaya, Tamara Erofeeva, Victoria Shinkarenko, Anastasia Mulmina

Of great importance is the so-called training. You can have great abilities, but not be able to lift your leg correctly, or, even worse, learn to lift it incorrectly. Training is associated with the quality of execution of any movements - difficulties, dance steps, acrobatic elements and even gait. ordinary life. Training, unlike all of the above characteristics, can be learned. To do this, it is necessary that the child be trained from childhood by a competent coach who will lay the right foundation. The combination of texture and training looks very impressive.

Margarita Mamun, Irina Chashchina, Yana Kudryavtseva, Anna Bessonova, Victoria Mazur, Victoria Shinkarenko, Anastasia Mulmina... In general, most of the Deryugins’ students can be included here.

Another important factor, although not related to texture, is individuality. Brilliant technique and work with the subject can provide gold medals, awards and titles. You can admire a gymnast’s ability to do 10 turns, bend in a way that is incomprehensible to the mind, or take breathtaking risks... But in order to ignite the hearts of the audience, to create a desire to see this athlete perform again, a special, unique energy is needed. Such gymnasts may not be titled champions, but they are the ones who are remembered by the audience and have the largest number of fans.

Many gymnasts have an individuality that resonates with fans, but the brightest owners of this quality include Anna Bessonova And Daria Kondakova.

How important are the above characteristics? They are not decisive, although many coaches try to select “textured” children. If your child doesn't fall into the "textured" category, don't despair! No amount of data or charm can compensate for diligence and hard work in the gym. Double Olympic champion Evgenia Kanaeva, for example, is not textured, and, as she herself said in an interview, as a child she looked little like a typical “artist.”

for gymnasts


For outdoor competitions, a sports bag on wheels or a backpack is suitable.


1. Pajamas

2. Tracksuit for home

3. Warm clothes (if it’s cold)

4. Underwear (the quantity depends on how many days we are going)

5. Slippers

6. Towel

7. Toiletries (brush, paste, soap, cream, toilet paper)

8. Team suit (we wear it)

For the hall:

1. Training uniform (depending on the time of year)

2. Items

3. Disks, flash drive

4. Half shoes 2 pairs

5. Performance leotards (disposable bags or gloves for dressing)

6. Swimsuit or beige. panties

7. Warm-up pillows, knee pads

8. Towel - napkin

9. White socks, 2 pairs minimum

10. Warm socks (if it's cold)

11. Cosmetics, gel, varnish, everything for hair, remover for cosmetics, cotton pads, dry and wet wipes


1. First aid kit (per team)

2. Pump (per command)

3. Exercise cards (per team)

4. Food for the road, water

5. Money

6. Copy of birth certificate

7. Phone, charging

8. Pen, notepad


Permissible deviation of weight parameters for height up to 169 cm +/- 1 kg.
Permissible deviation of weight parameters for a height of 170 cm +/- 2 kg.
Texture coefficient - the ratio of sitting height to standing height multiplied by 100 - for gymnasts should be less than 50 (the lower the coefficient, the more textured the gymnast)


120 16,0 140 27,0 160 39,0

121 16,5 141 27,5 161 39,5

122 17,0 142 28,0 162 40,0

123 17,5 143 28,5 163 40,5

124 18,0 144 29,0 164 41,0

125 18,5 145 30,0 165 42,0

126 19,0 146 30,5 166 42,5

127 19,5 147 31,0 167 43,0

128 20,0 148 31,5 168 43,5

129 20,5 149 32,0 169 44,0

130 21,0 150 33,0 170 45,0

131 21,5 151 33,5 171 45,5

132 22,0 152 34,0 172 46,0

133 22,5 153 34,5 173 46,5

134 23,0 154 35,0 174 47,0

135 24,0 155 36,0 175 48,0

136 24,5 156 36,5 176 48,5

137 25,0 157 37,0 177 49,0

138 25,5 158 37,5 178 49,5

139 26,0 159 38,0 179 50,0

No. Units MS Sports categories Youth sports categories
and and and and and d d d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 All-around Points for 4 exercises 92 86 80 72 60 52
Points for 3 exercises 36
Points for 2 exercises 16
2 46 40 34 30


5. In all-around:

Assignment of sports titles and categories in the HG

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories

The sports title MS is awarded from the age of 15,
sports categories: Master of Masters - from 12 years old, I - from 11 years old, II - from 10 years old, III - from 9 years old, I junior. - from 8 years old, II junior. - from 7 years old, III junior. - from 6 years old
No. Name of the sports discipline in accordance with the VRVS Units MS Sports categories Youth sports categories
and and and and and d d d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 All-around Points for 4 exercises 92 86 80 72 60 52
Points for 3 exercises 36
Points for 2 exercises 16
2 Group exercise - all-around Points for 2 exercises with objects 46 40 34 30
Points for 1 exercise with objects and 1 - without objects 28

1. The sports title of MS is awarded with the mandatory participation of at least 10 athletes who have the sports title of MS and above, for fulfilling the following standards:
a) once at the Ukrainian Championship or Ukrainian Cup;
b) twice during the year at other Ukrainian competitions (and take places no lower than 20), championships, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Kiev, other cities (and take places no lower than 15).
The norm for the MS sports title can be fulfilled once in all-around competitions + once in group exercise- all-around.
2. The sports category of CCM is assigned, with the obligatory participation of at least 10 athletes who have the sports category of CCM and higher, for fulfilling the standards:

a) once at the Ukrainian Championship


b) twice during the year at competitions with a status not lower than the championship of the subject Russian Federation when judging competitions by judges of at least the 1st category and five judges of the republican (All-Russian) or international category.
The standard for the CMS sports category can be completed once at an all-around competition + once in a group exercise - all-around.
3. I sports category is assigned for fulfilling the following standards:
a) once at the Ukrainian Championship;
b) twice a year at sports competitions with a status not lower than competitions of sports organizations that have the right to assign I and other mass sports categories when judging competitions by judges of at least 1st category and two judges of the republican or international category.
The norm can be performed once in an all-around competition + once in a group exercise - all-around.
4. II, III sports categories, I, II, III youth sports categories are assigned for fulfilling the following standards:
once at sports competitions with a status not lower than competitions of sports organizations that have the right to assign I and other mass sports categories when the competition is judged by at least two judges of at least 1 category.
5. In all-around:
a) to be awarded the sports title of MS and the sports category of CMS, it is necessary to perform exercises only with objects.
b) to assign I, II, III sports categories, I, II, III youth sports categories, it is necessary to perform one exercise without an object, the rest - with objects.

Updated 01 Apr 2016. Created 25 Jan 2012

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that requires a lot of physical effort from the athlete. But even with many hours of training, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. The gymnast's figure must comply with the standards accepted in this discipline. Only this will help you perform all the elements with ease and look impressive. What parameters are considered ideal in this sport?

Ideal parameters for gymnasts

Girls with light weight and thin figure have an advantage.

Gymnast competing for high awards must have an ideal figure. This will help her not only attract the attention of the judges, but also perform most of the exercises efficiently. Girls with light weight and thin figure have an advantage. This helps them perform all-around exercises without errors and get high scores.

For each gymnast, the parameters are determined individually.

The weight that is desirable for a particular girl is suggested by the coach. He takes into account her physique, all volumes and load. If the indicators are slightly exceeded, the girl is recommended to lose weight.

When calculating the ideal weight for this discipline, it is important to know not only the height of the gymnasts. All body proportions must be taken into account. The height and weight table for gymnasts provides only approximate values.

Gymnastic parameters are far from those accepted by WHO.

Girls competing in this discipline must adhere to a certain diet and consume vitamins.

The norms calculated for performing athletes will help you get closer to victory. Recommended parameters are approved by international sports organizations.


Table of height and weight of gymnasts

120 16,0 140 27,0 160 39,0
121 16,5 141 27,5 161 39,5
122 17,0 142 28,0 162 40,0
123 17,5 143 28,5 163 40,5
124 18,0 144 29,0 164 41,0
125 18,5 145 30,0 165 42,0
126 19,0 146 30,5 166 42,5
127 19,5 147 31,0 167 43,0
128 20,0 148 31,5 168 43,5
129 20,5 149 32,0 169 44,0
130 21,0 150 33,0 170 45,0
131 21,5 151 33,5 171 45,5
132 22,0 152 34,0 172 46,0
133 22,5 153 34,5 173 46,5
134 23,0 154 35,0 174 47,0
135 24,0 155 36,0 175 48,0
136 24,5 156 36,5 176 48,5
137 25,0 157 37,0 177 49,0
138 25,5 158 37,5 178 49,5
139 26,0 159 38,0 179 50,0

For heights up to 169 cm, the deviation should not exceed 1 kg.

If height exceeds 170 cm, then the permissible deviation is 2 kg.

The proportionality coefficient of the leg length ratio should be no more than 50.

Beautiful, slim and fit figures rhythmic gymnasts cause the admiration and envy of many. How do girls manage to remain strong and resilient and look so beautiful? How is the diet of gymnasts different, and what are its main secrets?

Gymnastics is not inferior in intensity to ballet training. Gymnasts have significant workloads, so nutrition is very important for athletes.

Diet of gymnasts

  • The diet should be designed so that when consuming low-calorie foods, weight remains unchanged, and muscle mass was maintained at the proper level.
  • Protein first. To maintain muscle mass and not store fat, you should eat foods rich in protein. These are: meat, fish, legumes, cottage cheese, milk.
  • Fried, smoked, flour and sweet foods are excluded.
  • Of the desserts, only dark chocolate is allowed (it contributes to energy metabolism), natural marmalade and dried fruits.
  • Meals are fractional, small portions of food several times a day allow food to be digested quickly.
  • Compliance with diet. The timing of meals is very important for physical activity. Eating should take place no later than 2 hours before training.

Some young gymnasts admit that they often break the rules and eat forbidden foods. However, excess calories are burned very quickly during intense training.

Menu for the day

Sample menu for one day for gymnasts:

Diet from Irina Viner

President of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation Irina Viner recommends fasting days on buckwheat and green tea. Such a diet, according to the famous trainer, allows you to quickly and effectively lose excess weight.

  • for breakfast buckwheat(the cereal is poured with boiling water and after two hours it is ready to eat);
  • Drink 2-3 liters of green tea during the day;
  • after 18 hours - do not drink or eat anything.

The diet is designed for 3 days and promises weight loss from 3 to 5 kg.

Many followers of Irina Viner received high-quality results on a similar diet.

Two-day diet for weight loss

If a gymnast urgently needs to lose weight, she can adhere to the following menu:

  • Day 1: cocktail of tomatoes and herbs;
  • Day 2: cherries in any quantity.

Liquids allowed are water and unsweetened green tea.

Contraindications for the diet

  1. The diet for gymnasts is quite strict, so it is not recommended to switch to it immediately from a nutritious diet - a sudden change in diet is fraught with stress for the body.
  2. This type of unloading is good for intensive training. If you have a sedentary job or a sedentary lifestyle, you should begin to practice this nutrition system gradually, getting used to strict restrictions.
  3. A diet based on buckwheat and green tea, as recommended by Irina Viner, can cause undesirable consequences: green tea affects arterial pressure. Therefore, you should independently master the recommended diet by choosing individual options nutrition.

Secrets of a beautiful figure

  • Once a week, athletes eat fruit.
  • Half of the vegetable and fruit diet is taken up by white cabbage.
  • Instead of fruit juices, whenever possible, use vegetable juices.
  • Carbohydrates are eaten for breakfast, proteins are eaten for lunch.
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, mandatory weight control is carried out.

How gymnasts pump their abs

Hello, friends! Very often I write about various exercises that a person needs to perform to increase height, but I somehow avoid exercises that do not need to be performed. Not the point. Today I decided to write an article about how and why exercise in a sport like gymnastics contributes to stunted growth in children.

Look at various events with the participation of gymnasts, for example, at the Olympics. Have you noticed that although they have beautiful, well-developed bodies, gymnasts are almost always short or average in height? The question immediately arises: how does gymnastics affect the growth and development of the person doing it? What do the studies say?

The connection between being a gymnast and being short.

I found one study that was done in Greece. He spoke rather harshly about the activities rhythmic gymnastics. I recommend reading it, although it’s in English. In short, the point is that gymnastics leads to a lag in physical development and delayed puberty.

During the study, researchers measured the height and weight of male gymnasts who competed in international championships and visually inspected their genital areas to determine whether these areas of the body were fully developed. A genital examination may seem like a very strange exercise, but in fact it is a completely scientific way to identify problems in the body, including zinc deficiency. Finally, the athletes were asked to fill out a questionnaire: write down the height of their mother and father; answer questions about your workouts; write how many times a year they take part in competitions.

The results showed that the male gymnasts were underweight. Their height was lower than that of their parents, and those athletes who trained the most intensively were the shortest. Sexual development was delayed by an average of 1–2 years.

Following this conclusion, members of the International Gymnast Federation raised the minimum age for participation in all competitions by 1 year. It gave the children one extra year to grow up. Overall a good step, but there are still thousands of gymnastics centers around the world that continue to take children as young as two or three years old to prepare for major competitions. It’s just that now they have one extra year to prepare, but hardly anyone explains to parents that classes at this age can interfere with the normal growth of children.

Why does gymnastics slow down growth? Experts have several points of view on this matter. Some argue that due to constant loads in early age occurs in children hormonal disbalance. Another point of view is that the short stature of gymnasts is a consequence of high stress and shock loads on the skeleton, especially on the spine. There are also those who add nutrition as a reason, more precisely, very small portion sizes and calorie restrictions.

Do gymnasts have healthier bones?

Another study, also in Greece, tested bone age and bone density in female gymnasts aged 9 to 14 years. To check bone age, scientists studied areas of bone tissue responsible for growth, the so-called human growth zones (I wrote about what these are). At a certain point, these zones close and the growth of bones in length, as a rule, stops. One of the goals of the study was to find out: do the bones of gymnasts stop growing earlier than those of ordinary girls?

It turned out not. The researchers looked at 2 groups of girls: gymnasts and non-gymnasts. The condition of growth plates in the two groups was similar, but bone density was greater in gymnasts. Despite this, their height was lower.

To summarize, we can say that the identified connection between gymnastics and short stature of gymnasts does not allow us to recommend this sport for early childhood training. childhood. Girls should definitely not start doing gymnastics before the age of 5 or even 7, and boys should not start doing gymnastics before the age of 8. But even if you follow this recommendation and start doing gymnastics professionally according to all the rules, then, most likely, this will still bring problems to the child. Therefore, professional gymnastics, like, probably, any professional sport, is not the most beneficial activity for a growing body, in my opinion. If you do something like this, the main thing is to avoid overtraining. Gymnastics classes twice a week, not lasting more than an hour will be optimal.

Well, that's all I have for today! See you in the next articles!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev