Rhythmic gymnastics exercise with a ball. Gymnastics

IN rhythmic gymnastics widely used exercises with various items: small and medium ball, rope, hoop, ribbon, pennant, scarf. They contribute to the development of fine muscle sense, eye, teach precision in movements, and improve their coordination. In addition, they allow you to create beautiful, interesting movement patterns.

All exercises with apparatus in rhythmic gymnastics are based on movements without an apparatus. Therefore, you should switch to them after systematic training in performing exercises without objects. Include one item in each workout. Start with a small (tennis) ball.

Ball exercises

Exercise No. 1

Place the ball in the palm of your right hand and lift your left hand to the side. Squatting slightly and lowering your head to your chest, throw the ball up. When finishing your throw, straighten your body, raise your head and look at the ball. (Fig. 1 a, b)

Now catch the ball with your right hand, also squatting slightly and tilting your head. At the moment the ball touches the hand, it continues to fall, thereby passing (softening) the impact of the ball on the palm. (Fig. 1 c, d)

Exercise No. 2

Repeat the upward throw with your left hand, following the same requirements. Make 4-6 throws with each hand.

Exercise No. 3

Throw the ball with your right hand and catch it with your left (4-6 times).

Exercise No. 4

At the moment when the ball is at the top, clap your hands above your head, behind your back.

Exercise No. 5

Throw the ball higher and, when it is at the top, turn in place, stepping on your toes. Stretch your arms to the sides. (Fig. 2)

Repeat the throws with the other hand, turning in the opposite direction 2-4 times.

Exercise No. 6

Hold the ball with your fingers on top. Squatting slightly and rounding your back, hit the ball on the floor. (Fig. 3 a)

After the rebound, pick up the ball in your palm and, without stopping its movement, kick it slightly upward. Do the same with your other hand. Repeat the movements 4-6 times.

Exercise No. 7

Take a step with your left foot, bending your right foot forward, and at the same time throw the ball up with your left hand. (Fig. 4).

After catching the ball, step with your other foot and throw the ball with your right hand. Repeat 6-8 times. Now complicate the throw by doing it not while walking, but by jumping on the supporting leg (8-10-12 times).

Exercise No. 8

Throw the ball with your right hand under your left, stretching it forward (Fig. 5 a), and catch it with your left palm. Then, without holding the ball, throw it with your left hand under your right (Fig. 5 b) and catch it with your right. Throw the ball continuously with each hand 4-6 times while looking at the ball.

Exercise No. 9

Throw the ball with your right hand under your bent knee left leg(Fig. 6 a) and catch it with your left hand. Without holding the ball, throw it under your right foot. (Fig. 6 b). Throws should be done 2-4 times under each leg.

Exercise No. 10

Make jump throws, that is, while throwing under a bent leg, the other leg should push off the floor. During "jumps" move forward or backward. (Fig. 7). Repeat all 2-4-6-8 times.

Exercise No. 11

Combine throws under the arm (Fig. 5 a, b) with throws under a bent leg (Fig. 6 a, b) into one continuous exercise.

Exercise No. 12

Holding the ball with your right hand, move it down and back, simultaneously bending at the elbow and then at the wrist joint. Then throw the ball in an upward arc over your right shoulder (Fig. 8 a, b) and catch it with your right hand.

This throw is called a "twist". Repeat with your left hand. Make 4-6 throws with one hand and the other. This movement can be performed while dancing the Polka.

Exercise No. 13

Extend your arms to the sides, place your legs apart. Hold the ball in your right hand. Then, squatting slightly on your right leg and tilting your body to the right, throw the ball “twisted” behind your back so that it does not touch your back and flies in an arc behind you. left hand(Fig. 9 a, b)

Having caught the ball with your left hand, do not hold it, but throw it “twist” behind your back to right hand. Repeat this 4-6 times.


Once these basic movements with the ball have been mastered, you can combine them together at your discretion into short exercises and do them as a group, standing in a circle or moving to the music with Polka or Gallop dance steps.

From a small tennis ball, move on to a medium one. This is an ordinary rubber ball, with a diameter of 15-16 centimeters. It is more difficult to do exercises with it, so first you should learn to control a small ball well.

Exercises with a jump rope

Having mastered the ball, you can move on to exercises with a skipping rope in rhythmic gymnastics. It is sold in sports stores. To choose a rope that suits your height, stand with both feet in the middle of the cord and pull the handles toward your shoulders. (Fig. 10). You can make a jump rope yourself: thread it through wooden handles hemp rope, thick cord or rubber tube.

Exercise No. 14

Rotating the rope forward, make jumps, straightening one leg and then the other (Fig. 11). Keep your body straight and your toes pulled up. Rotate the rope using only the wrist joints. Do 8-12 movements.

Exercise No. 15

Repeat the previous exercise, rotating the rope backwards (Fig. 12).

Exercise No. 16

Jump on one leg, bending the other forward (4 times). Without stopping the forward rotation of the rope, repeat the jumps on the other leg (Fig. 13)

Perform the same movement while rotating the rope backwards.

Exercise No. 17

Rotate the rope forward one time simply, and another time with your arms crossed. Do the jumps at the same time, pushing off with both legs. (Fig. 14 a, b). Do 8-12-16 jumps continuously. Then repeat the same thing, rotating the rope backwards.

Note: After doing two or three exercises with a skipping rope, rest, but do not stand still, do not sit down, but walk a few steps, breathing deeply.

Exercise No. 18

Fold the rope in half and take both handles in your right hand. Lean forward and rotate the rope with your right hand under your feet, jumping over it with one leg or the other (Fig. 15).

Do this 6-8 times, rest and repeat the exercise, rotating the rope with your left hand.

Exercise No. 19

Pushing off with both feet, make an energetic jump up so that at this time the rope rotates twice under your feet. This will be a double rotation. Repeat it 2-4-6 times.

Note: Individual exercises with a skipping rope can be combined in different ways. They are good to perform to Russian dance melodies.

Exercises with tape

Ribbon exercises in rhythmic gymnastics can be done in big room, in the hall and in the air. The length of the tape is 5 meters, width 3-5 centimeters. Attach one end of it to the stick using a ring. Stick length 65-70 cm (Fig. 16 above)

Exercise No. 20

Stand on your toes, take the stick with the ribbon in your right hand and make an energetic swing to the left in a large arc, and then, without stopping the movement, return it to the right with the same swing. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. (Fig. 17) Repeat this 4-6 times.

You can make circles rather than arcs by rotating the tape several times in front of you. Or do circles overhead while standing on one leg. (Fig. 18). During rotations, you can move forward with steps and jumps.

Circles can also be done in the lateral plane (Fig. 19), standing on one leg or moving forward with dance steps.

Exercise No. 21

Standing slightly bent over on two or one leg, make short rhythmic movements with the tape up and down. (Fig. 20). With this movement, the tape will wriggle like a “snake”. This “snake” can also be done with a turn in place (Fig. 21), but in this case the tape should not touch the floor.

Exercise No. 22

By rotating the tape in continuous circles in the front plane, you can jump over it, as if stepping first with one and then with the other foot. (Fig. 22)

Exercise No. 23

Running with a ribbon, during which the ribbon snakes through the air. (Fig. 23)

Combine movements in an arc and in a circle with “snake”, running, jumping and turning. It will be a nice exercise.

Exercises with a scarf

To exercise with a scarf, get a piece of silk, very light material, 2 m long and 80-90 cm wide. A gas scarf is suitable for this purpose. With it you can do many of the movements described in the exercises with the tape, for example, arcs and circles in the front (Fig. 24 above) and lateral (Fig. 25) planes. The scarf should be held with one hand by the narrow edge.

Swing the scarf, holding it by the wide edge.

Run quickly with the scarf raised above your head (Fig. 26 above)

Make jumps, holding the scarf with both hands by the wide (Fig. 27) or narrow (Fig. 28) edges.

Lean back (Fig. 29)

Stand on one leg, maintaining balance. (Fig. 30)

Note: Individual movements with a scarf can also be combined into short exercises, performing them to music.

Several guidelines for exercises with objects

Starting with the first exercise, make sure that your whole body is involved in the movement. So, when throwing a ball up, the movements should be performed in a “wave”. Free hand must remain in the same position unless she is actively participating in the movement.

At the moment of catching the ball, in most cases it is necessary to soften its impact, as indicated in exercise No. 1 (Fig. 1 c, d). The whole body takes part in passing the falling ball: body, legs, arms. A sort of “round” half-squat occurs. In general, in all exercises with apparatus in rhythmic gymnastics the active participation of the whole body is necessary.

Each exercise should be repeated, doing it with your right and left hands. Combine the previous exercise with the next one to get new short “ligaments”.

Be careful with the jump rope. Don't overload your body with jumping!

Alternate movements with rest, gradually increasing the number of jumps.

An indispensable condition for all exercises is proper breathing. He cannot be detained. Always breathe deeply and rhythmically. Remember about posture too.

After your workout, don't forget to do some final calming exercises.

Compose your own short exercises with individual subjects. Perform them as a whole group.

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1 St. Petersburg State Budgetary educational institution additional education children specialized children's and youth school of Olympic reserve Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg METHOD OF TEACHING CATCHING THE BALL IN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS AT THE INITIAL PREPARATION STAGE Performed by: rhythmic gymnastics coach Ivanova L.A. Saint Petersburg 2012

2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 Chapter 1 State of the issue under study according to the specialized literature 4 Chapter 2 Purpose, objectives, research methods Purpose of the study Research objectives Research methods Theoretical analysis Pedagogical observation Pedagogical experiment 8 Chapter 3 Methods of teaching catching the ball 10 Chapter 4 Research results Results of pedagogical observation Results pedagogical experiment 15 CONCLUSIONS 16 References 18

3 Introduction Exercises with apparatus are an important component of technical training in rhythmic gymnastics. It is enough to note that beginning gymnasts from the age of 6-7 should perform two exercises, one of which with an apparatus. In general, in the classification program, starting from the first youth category and including candidates for master of sports, 80% of all exercises are compositions with apparatus, and gymnasts performing in the master of sports program perform all five exercises with apparatus. Development rhythmic gymnastics poses increasingly complex tasks for female athletes to create not only technically virtuosic, but emotional, bright, internally meaningful, musically convincing compositions with objects (Biryuk E.V., Ovchinnikova N.A., 1989). The complication of the competitive program led to the “rejuvenation” of the representatives of rhythmic gymnastics. This has led to the fact that elements of increased difficulty must be performed not only by masters, but also by young gymnasts performing in the first category program. All this requires improving teaching methods and increasing the efficiency of the entire educational and training process at the stage of initial sports specialization, since this is where the foundations for training highly qualified athletes are laid (Klyuchnikova A.N., 1992; Gulbani R.Sh., 1986).

4 Chapter 1. The state of the issue under study according to data from specialized literature Analysis of the performances of gymnasts at competitions of various ranks carried out by a number of researchers (Biryuk E.V., Ovchinnikova N.A., 1983; Klyuchnikova A.N., 1992; Konovalova L.A. 1993 etc.) and in this work, proven low quality execution of throwing elements due to the presence of technical errors. Observations have shown that when performing exercises with objects, the most serious problem is the loss of the ball. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, according to the rules of the competition, catching the ball must be carried out with one hand (catching the ball with two hands lowers the difficulty group), secondly, the size, shape and texture of the object require more precise motor sensations from the gymnast and creates greater the probability of the ball going out of bounds. Traditional teaching methods provide for gradual (through repeated trial and error, rearrangements of movements) leading students to a given result, which is formulated, especially at the beginning of training, in the most general terms, without considering the parameters of future action (Evseev S.P., 1991) . Thus, Matveev L.P. (1976) and Novikov A.D. (1976) propose to begin teaching a motor action by creating a general idea of ​​​​rational ways of performing it and setting up to master one or another method. Initially, explanations of the technique should not be lengthy - only about the most important points, in general outline. Detailed information at this stage usually does not reach the goal: students are not able to assimilate it. The idea of ​​a new motor action can be complete only when familiarization with it includes a real “feeling” of the movements. To facilitate the first attempts to perform a complex action, it is simplified by dividing or isolating individual links, using

5 auxiliary equipment for directed feeling, and also provide physical assistance. If the trial attempts are successful, then this essentially completes the first stage of training. The first attempts to perform an action have important didactic significance, even in cases where they fail. And in these cases, they help the student to realistically assess their capabilities, and provide the teacher with information that allows them to clarify the upcoming volume academic work, individualize the methodology and further training paths. “Theory of the gradual formation of actions and concepts” proposed by P.Ya. Galperin (1965) provides fundamental proof of the possibility of mastering motor actions with a given result, that is, mastering it without trial and error. According to this theory, each action is a unity of three parts: indicative, executive, control and correction. The indicative part performs the functions of an action program, on the basis of which the executive part is carried out; In parallel with execution, control is carried out: the results of the action are compared with the program task and progress towards the goal is assessed. If a discrepancy is detected between the indicative and executive parts of the action, then adjustments are made to the latter; if these parts of the action are agreed upon, but progress towards the goal is not satisfactory, then the indicative part of the action is corrected. Teaching is most effective if the teacher controls the formation of the indicative part, the basis of the action. Direct mastery of a motor action begins with the formation of knowledge about the essence of a motor task and the way to solve it. The teacher must draw the student’s attention to precisely those elements of the action being studied, on which the success of its implementation depends. Objects that require concentration of attention when performing an action

6 are called “the main reference points of the OOD”, and their totality, which constitutes the action program, is called the “indicative basis for the action of the OOD”. The main task of the training process in rhythmic gymnastics is the technical preparation of gymnasts, especially in exercises with apparatus. The most difficult elements are the throwing elements. When performing them, gymnasts are allowed greatest number errors, with the most serious mistakes gymnasts perform exercises with a ball. In addition, the technical arsenal of rhythmic gymnastics is unlimited and constantly updated. In this regard, mastering new movements in as soon as possible seems fundamental and important. Therefore, the “theory of the gradual formation of actions and concepts” by P.Ya. Galperin (1965) is the most suitable basis to develop a methodology for teaching catching a ball, as it reduces learning time and minimizes errors.

7 Chapter 2. Purpose, objectives, research methods Purpose of the study: to develop a system of introductory exercises aimed at the formation of motor representations along the main reference points of catching the ball, in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching this element of the Task. 1. Study the features of the technique of catching an object and the most promising approaches to teaching this element. 2. Identify the most common methods of catching a ball, the degree of difficulty of their implementation and the characteristics of training. 3. To identify the level of proficiency in catching the ball by gymnasts of the first category. 4. Develop a system of leading exercises for teaching catching a ball and experimentally test its effectiveness. Research methods. 1. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of literary sources. 2. Pedagogical observation. 3. Pedagogical experiment Theoretical analysis and synthesis of literary sources was carried out in order to identify the importance of throwing and catching objects in rhythmic gymnastics exercises, studying the features of the ball catching technique and the most promising approaches to teaching this element. Analyzing the literature on the theory and methods of physical education, modern approaches to teaching motor actions were considered. A total of 32 literary sources were analyzed. Pedagogical observation was carried out to identify the object, when throwing and catching which gymnasts make the largest number of mistakes (observation protocol, see Appendix 2). Observation

8 took place at the competition “St. Petersburg Championship among Girls” for gymnasts performing in the first adult category program. A total of 150 compositions (30 gymnasts) were viewed. To analyze the losses of objects, 12 gymnasts with the largest number of losses were selected. A pedagogical experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of the developed system of introductory and special preparatory exercises. To conduct it, control and experimental groups of gymnasts of 8 people each (age 7-8 years) were organized. In the control group, training in catching the ball took place according to the traditional method, mainly using a holistic teaching method. In the experimental group, training took place on the basis of the developed methodology. Before the experiment, the homogeneity of the groups was checked according to the following indicators: the level of development of coordination abilities (Firileva Zh.E. test, 1981), the level of development of skills in mastering elements with a skipping rope (rotation, jumping rope), academic performance at school. Gymnasts from the control and experimental groups were equally unable to catch the ball. The training program was developed on the basis of the theory of P.Ya. Galperin about the “stage-by-stage formation of actions and concepts.” According to this theory, an approximate basis of action (OOF) for fishing was formed, and the main reference points (OOF) were identified. In order to form an understanding of these OOTs, introductory and special preparatory exercises were selected. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in natural training conditions. The program tasks were completed in the main part of the lesson within minutes. The experiment lasted one month, the training regimen was three workouts per week. In the control group, training took place in the same mode.

9 After the experiment, the quality of performance of the following exercises with the ball was assessed: catching the ball after a roll on the floor, passing the ball around the body, throwing and catching the ball with one hand. The assessment was carried out using the expert assessment method. statistics. All data were processed using mathematical methods. Coefficient of variation: SX V = 100%; X where SX is the standard deviation, X is the arithmetic mean. (Xi -X) SX = ; n-1 where n is the sample size. Error of the arithmetic mean: SX= (Хi-Х) n (n-1) White's T test was used to check null hypothesis when comparing samples with pairwise unrelated variants.

10 Chapter 3. Methods of teaching catching the ball. This technique was developed on the basis of the position of P.Ya. Galperin (1965) on the “stage-by-stage formation of actions and concepts” and the positions of the theory of learning motor actions by M.M. Bogen (1985). In accordance with the phases of catching an object, identified by T.S. Lisitskaya (1982), the main reference points (FRP) of catching the ball were described. In some cases, two phases corresponded to one OOT, for example, in the second and third phases. The proposed methodology is focused on minimizing errors in the learning process and involves performing introductory exercises selected for each OTP, which helps to create ideas and sensations in gymnasts for the selected OTP. Mastery of a new motor action is possible when the learner has formed ideas for all general areas. Motor ideas are formed as motor experience accumulates, so the richer the motor experience, the more likely it is to contain the ideas necessary for mastering a new action. For example, OOT, which includes rolling the ball from the fingers to the palm, with methodically correct training in exercises with the ball, should already be present in the motor experience of gymnasts. Therefore, rolling and passing the ball are included in the technique in order to renew the sensations of this OOT. OOT, which includes accompanying the ball with the hand in order to reduce its falling speed, is absent from the motor experience of gymnasts, therefore the main efforts in the learning process are aimed at forming ideas and sensations regarding this OOT. Lowering the ball in a special net, proposed in this technique, is one of the ways to slow down the speed of the ball falling and allows gymnasts to feel and concentrate on the position of the arm, body and legs in this phase.

11 Table 1 Scheme of the process of forming an approximate basis for the action of catching the ball Phases of OOT Possible mistakes 1. Orientation phase 2. Velocity equalization phase. 3.Phase of initial object capture. 4. Damping phase. The gymnast continues to monitor the ball as it begins to fall, evaluates its speed (depending on the height of the throw itself) and takes a pose ready to catch: the gymnast, standing on her half toes, pulls her hand towards the ball (OOT-1). The gymnast begins to lower her hand at the speed of the ball falling, thereby accompanying it (OOT-2). The gymnast touches the ball with her fingers and then rolls it onto her palm while simultaneously lowering her arm and bending her knee joints (OOT-3). If explained correctly, errors will not appear. Failure by the gymnast to complete this phase, which leads to errors inherent in the phases of primary grip and amortization. The ball bounces off the fingers. The clap of the ball when catching (i.e. catching the ball in the palm of your hand, without rolling over your fingers). Rolling and falling of the ball from the palm. Causes of errors: Inability to match the movement of the hand and the speed at which the ball falls. Strong flexion of the wrist joint, spread fingers. Strong flexion of the wrist joint, spread fingers. Overextension of the arm at the wrist joint or lowering the arm with insufficient speed. Particular tasks Create an idea of ​​the orientation phase. Create an idea of ​​the speed equalization phase. Restore previous experience of catching a ball when performing similar exercises. Means and methodological techniques Performing a throw without catching. Indicate: the hand extends towards the ball, catch the ball after hitting it. Use: showing and explaining, demonstrating photographic materials, because this phase is not subjectively distinguished (gymnasts do not feel it); gymnasts must be informed that for smooth contact of the hand with the ball, it is necessary to accompany the ball with the hand for some time at the speed of its fall. Rolling the ball on the floor and catching it. Perform the exercise in pairs, clarify the catching technique, indicating that the ball is rolled into the palm through the fingers, do not press the ball to the forearm. Rolling a ball down an inclined surface (gymnastic bench) and then catching the ball. Passing the ball with one hand in pairs. Catching a ball dropped in a special net.

12 5. The phase of damping the speed of the falling object. Bending continues in knee joints the gymnast sinks to her heels. The ball presses on the palm, the hand, slightly bent at the elbow joint, slows down the speed of the ball falling (OOT-4). Pressing the ball to the forearm. Pressing the ball to your shoulder. Losing the ball. Insufficient flexion of the arm at the elbow joint or strong flexion of the wrist joint. The arm is strongly bent at the elbow joint. The gymnast sharply slows down the speed of the ball falling. Moving the hand with the ball to the side, not down. Practice catching the ball in easier conditions, slowing down its falling speed. Catching a ball lowered in a special net (the coach, standing on a gymnastic bench, slowly lowers the ball in the net; the gymnast, standing opposite the coach, performs the catch ball). Focus on all phases of catching: preparing the hand, meeting the ball with the fingers, catching the ball with a roll through the fingers onto the palm while simultaneously lowering the hand and springing with the legs. Indicate that the arm smoothly lowers down and bends slightly at the elbow. Catching balloon. The use of a lightweight object sharpens neuromuscular sensation, promotes a clearer differentiation of neuromuscular efforts and proprioceptive sensitivity 6. Phase of active influence on the object The gymnast realizes confidence in catching the ball and has the ability to change its trajectory of movement (OOT-5). Losing the ball. A sharp change in the trajectory of the ball. Improve the ability to hold the ball when performing figure movements Perform swings, circles, twists in difficult conditions (in combination with exercises without an object, with switching off visual analyzer). After the gymnasts have formed motor, logical and visual ideas, they can be asked to catch the ball after throwing, thereby completing the first stage of training. In this case, the above-mentioned errors may appear, then, having determined their cause, you can return to the proposed training scheme and repeat individual exercises.

13 Curriculum schedule. classes Exercises Throwing without catching. Explanation, display and demonstration of photographic materials to create an idea of ​​the velocity equalization phase. Rolling the ball on the floor and catching it. Rolling a ball down an inclined surface and then catching the ball. Passing the ball with one hand in pairs. Catching a ball dropped in a special net. Catching a balloon. Performing swings, circles, twists in combination with exercises without an object. Performing swings, circles, twists with turning off the visual analyzer. Performing swings, circles, twists in conditions of impaired vestibular stability. Catching the ball after throwing.

14 Chapter 4. Research results Results of pedagogical observation. During the pedagogical observation, losses of apparatus made by gymnasts while performing compositions and deductions for these losses were recorded. The observation results are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Loss of apparatus in the exercises of gymnasts of the first adult category and deductions for losses. jump rope hoop ball clubs ribbon Gymnasts Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost of losses deductions losses deductions losses deductions losses deductions losses deductions 1 1 0.4 1 0.2 1 0.2 1 0.4 1 0.1 1 0, 2 1 0.1 2 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.2 1 0.2 1 0, Total: 5 0.4 6 1.1 9 2.0 9 0.9 6 1.0% 14.4 7.4 17.1 20.4 25.7 37.0 25.7 16.7 17.1 18.5 Table 2 shows that gymnasts most often make losses when performing compositions with the ball and clubs. Losses on these items amounted to 25.7% of the total losses. In second place are compositions with a hoop and ribbon (17.1%). Gymnasts are less likely to lose their rope

15 (14.4%). But in terms of the cost of deductions for losses, the first place is occupied by compositions with a ball (37%), in second place with a hoop (20.4%), then with a ribbon (18.5%), with clubs (16.5%) and with jump rope (7.4%). The high percentage of ball losses and deductions for them can be explained by the fact that the ball, due to its shape, weight, elasticity, as well as the technique of catching with a free grip with one hand, is the most complex and difficult subject of rhythmic gymnastics. Losses incurred when performing compositions with the ball can be either insignificant (0.1 deduction if the object is taken immediately or after one step) or significant (up to 0.3 deduction if the object is taken after a large movement around the court). If the ball is lost, if the gymnast does not quickly react to the fall of the object, there is a possibility of the ball going out of bounds, and therefore the gymnast, for which additional deductions are provided. Therefore, we can conclude that when throwing and catching the ball, gymnasts make the largest number of mistakes, which proves the need to improve the methods of teaching catching of this subject Results of a pedagogical experiment. Before the experiment, the homogeneity of the control and experimental groups was checked. Table 3. Statistical differences between gymnasts of the control and experimental groups according to the selected indicators. Indicators Tf Tst 1. Coordination 61.5 2. Rope skills 68, Academic performance 60.0

16 From Table 3 it is clear that Tf is greater than Tst, at p<0,05 по всем трем показателям, следовательно, статистические различия не достоверны. Отсутствие достоверных различий в группах по данным показателям позволяет считать их однородными. Таблица 4. Результаты оценивания контрольных упражнений с мячом экспериментальной и контрольной групп после эксперимента. Упражнения X Sx Тст Тф с мячом экспериментальна контрольная я группа группа Ловля мяча после правая рука 4,87 0,03 4,80 0,03 55,0 ката по полу левая рука 4,84 0,03 4,78 0,5 Передача мяча вправо 4,91 0,02 4,83 0,04 при 46,0 вокруг туловища влево 4,89 0,02 4,80 0,03 p<0,05 51,0 Броски и правая рука 4,92 0,02 4,83 0,02 48,0 ловля мяча левая рука 4,90 0,02 4,81 0,03 46,0 Из таблицы 4 можно увидеть, что средние оценки контрольной и экспериментальной групп за выполнение ловли мяча после ката по полу и передачи мяча вокруг туловища влево достоверных различий не имеют, так как Тф больше Тст. Из этого можно сделать вывод, что навыком удержания мяча гимнастки обеих групп владеют в равной степени. Средние оценки за выполнение бросков и ловли мяча имеют достоверные различия, так как Тф меньше Тст, что свидетельствует о более высоком уровне владения данным элементом гимнастками экспериментальной группы.

17 Conclusions 1. It has been established that throwing and catching objects are a fundamental group in rhythmic gymnastics exercises. According to experts, these structural groups are the most common, due to the possibility of their use with all rhythmic gymnastics apparatus. However, according to a survey and analysis of literature sources, it was revealed that there is no single approach to teaching catching a ball, which indicates the need to develop more effective approaches to training. 2. According to the survey, it was revealed that the most common methods of catching the ball are: catching with a free grip (X = 2.75 0.16), catching with legs (X = 2.25 0.16) and catching with a stopper (X = 2 .0 0.18). To a lesser extent, such fishing methods as catching behind the back (X = 1.63 0.18) and catching with two hands (X = 1.25 0.16) are used. 3. The results of the analysis of gymnasts’ performances at competitions indicate a low quality of execution of throwing and catching objects, due to a large number of losses (rope - 14.4%; hoop - 17.1%; ball - 25.7%; clubs - 25.7% ; tape - 17.1%). Based on the errors made when performing these structural groups, it was revealed that the highest percentage of losses and deductions for them are allowed by gymnasts in compositions with the ball (25.7% - losses, 37% - deductions), which indicates a low level of catching skills ball. 4. A low level of proficiency in catching the ball among first-class gymnasts was revealed (X = 4.79 0.02), which proves the need to develop teaching methods for this structural group. 5. Optimization of training in catching a ball is possible based on the principles of the theory of “stage-by-stage formation of actions and concepts” by P.Ya. Galperin. Identification of the main reference points for catching the ball allowed

18 choose leading exercises with the help of which it is possible to successfully form motor ideas. 6. The results of the experiment indicate a predominance of the experimental group over the control group in the level of ball catching (left hand: Tf=48, right hand: Tf=46, with Tst=49; p<0,05),что доказывает эффективность разработанной методики обучения.

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First of all, it's beautiful. Secondly, it is very useful. “Rhythmic gymnastics classes help develop flexibility, plasticity, and coordination,” comments Kristina Radikevich, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics; champion of Russia, multiple champion of Moscow and international tournaments and expert of the company “Gracia&Sport”. “They also improve posture and foot health, which has a positive impact on overall physical health.”

Therefore, even if you don’t fancy yourself the new Alina Kabaeva, it’s still worth a try - at least to improve your well-being, posture and figure.

How do rhythmic gymnastics training work?

Gymnastics lessons for adults are generally similar to what is done in classes in children's groups. “The training includes elements of fitness, stretching, and dancing,” explains Kristina Radikevich. “For example, at each lesson, special exercises are performed to develop flexibility and stretching, to set and correct posture, feet, to strengthen the abs, leg and back muscles. The training also includes mastering elements with a ball, mace, ribbon, jumps, turns, and acrobatic movements.”

If you have never done rhythmic gymnastics before, and in general you are not very familiar with sports, you should first master all these exercises with a trainer in the gym. But you can try to hone some basic elements, such as stretching and foot exercises, at home. This will help you understand whether you like this kind of training. In addition, even these simple exercises will be enough to improve stretching, relax the back muscles, and develop flexibility.

We asked Kristina Radikevich to compose and show us a set of rhythmic gymnastics exercises for adults.

How to build a lesson

* Start your workout with a warm-up. 4-5 minutes of joint exercises will help warm up the ligaments. Then perform 100 jumping rope jumps: 50 by rotating the rope forward, 50 by rotating it backward.

* Do the exercises consistently.

* Don't chase speed: The complex contains many stretching exercises; they cannot be performed in jerks. “Try to relax and make an effort as you exhale,” Christina reminds.

* Focus on your feelings. Mild muscle discomfort is acceptable, but sharp pain is not. The first indicates that the muscles are gradually stretching, the second can signal an injury.

* Do this program 5-6 times a week. “Regularity is very important when it comes to developing flexibility: the more often you do the exercises, the faster you will achieve results,” says Kristina Radikevich.

To perform the exercises of the complex you will need a mat and a jump rope.

Ready to start class? Repeat after Christina.

Cranking with a skipping rope

Get down on your knees. Place your right leg in front of you, bending it to a right angle. Place it on your toes, pressing your bent toes against your foot. Lean your body forward, place your right hand on your heel and slowly push it forward. After 10-15 seconds, change the position of your toes: straighten them, rest your pads on the mat and again, pushing your heel forward with your hands, stretch your foot. After 10-15 seconds, repeat everything on the other leg.

Tilt to straight legs

Stand straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders. Lean your body forward, touching your hands to the floor. Point your toes to the sides. Place 60% of your weight on your hands. As you exhale, slowly lower your pelvis down, sliding your feet more and more to the sides. Secure yourself in a position accessible to you. Start with 15-20 seconds, gradually increasing this time to 3-4 minutes.

Longitudinal twine

Get down on your knees and extend your right leg forward. Pushing your right foot forward, lower your pelvis lower with each exhalation. Watch the position of the pelvis: both hip joints should be approximately at the same level. Lock yourself in a position accessible to you for 15-20 seconds. Gradually this time should be increased to 3-4 minutes. Do the same on the other leg.

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most popular sports for girls. And this is not surprising; young gymnasts are delighted with the bright costumes, communication with their peers and their first small victories. For parents, in turn, it is important that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful. Gymnastics is the ideal sport to achieve these goals. It includes dance elements, acrobatic sketches and good psychological preparation. Thanks to this, they have grace, plasticity, flexibility, a sense of rhythm and psychological stability.

It is important for parents that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful.

Parents should know that behind the external gloss of this romantic sport there can be a hidden world: first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries to your child. You should also correlate your desires with your financial capabilities; gymnastics is not a cheap sport. Sewing bright suits, purchasing the necessary equipment and shoes will fall on the shoulders of the parents.

Having assessed the pros and cons of the sport, as well as the potential and desire of you and your child, you must definitely send your girl to learn rhythmic gymnastics.

Start of rhythmic gymnastics classes

At what age can you start training?

At what age you start doing gymnastics depends on your goals. You can start classes for yourself, that is, to maintain slimness, develop flexibility and plasticity at any age. However, it must be remembered that there is a strict age limit for serious gymnastics.

You should come to training for the first time at the age of 3 years. At this age, bring your child to the rhythmic gymnastics room for one hour a week. This is necessary so that the baby gets used to the environment. At 4 years old, a child can be brought to classes 2-3 times a week, but to overcome psychological discomfort, parents must be close to the sports school at this time.

The official enrollment of young athletes in the rhythmic gymnastics section begins at the age of five. At this age, qualified coaches can conduct a brutal selection, after which only those children who are well developed both physically and psychologically remain in the sport.

Parents should be prepared to spend a lot of time on training. By the age of 12-14, a gymnast will spend 5 hours every day in the gym. Therefore, from childhood, a child should be prepared for the fact that sport requires certain efforts, without which it is impossible to achieve success.

How to get your child interested in rhythmic gymnastics

Children and sports are inextricably linked, however, when a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal. Sooner or later, a young athlete will encounter difficulties and will not want to go to class.

When a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal.

Often parents think that children do not understand anything due to their age and that they can simply force them to go to gymnastics. However, remember that children mature psychologically very early in sports, so try to explain to your child the benefits of playing sports:

  • Future prospects
  • You can get a profession early
  • The figure of a girl gymnast is slim and fit
  • Internal psychological core

If the child is too young for serious conversations about the future and interest in prospects, try not to force him, but to distract him:

  • Buying a beautiful uniform for classes
  • Makeup and hair workout
  • Training in a swimsuit for performances
  • Purchase of equipment and accessories (jump rope, ball, etc.)

The most important thing is to distract the child before the first performance. If the result is successful, then he will have an incentive to study for a long time. If the first time is not successful, do not scold the athlete, but praise him for the elements that worked out. In both cases, it is necessary to devote a little time to mistakes so that the little athlete improves his result next time.

Never compare your child with others, and under no circumstances say in front of him that there is little chance at competitions, because there will be very strong competitors. By doing this, you are dooming your young athlete to low self-esteem. If you think that the child is still too young and does not understand anything, you are deeply mistaken. At a young age, children absorb any information like a sponge.

Gymnastics for beginners

The best option to start training is to enroll in a sports school. However, gymnastics is available to all ages. If you decide to go in for sports at a conscious age, it is best to start with individual lessons. A qualified trainer will assess your athletic capabilities and body condition. He will be able to build a training methodology for the girl in such a way as to get the desired result in a minimum amount of time and without negative consequences.

Behind the external gloss of this romantic sport there can be a hidden world: first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries.

If it is not possible to take individual rhythmic gymnastics lessons in gyms, start exercising at home. Buy a mat and comfortable sportswear, consult your doctor about the absence of contraindications and start doing gymnastics exercises for beginners.

Rhythmic gymnastics for beginners includes rules, the implementation of which will help in achieving results:

  • Training should be regular (3-4 times a week)
  • The duration of the lesson must be at least 30 minutes
  • Do not eat 40 minutes before training
  • Warm-up is a mandatory element of training; you must remember that you need to develop all muscle groups to avoid injury
  • After training, it is necessary to cool down and stretch

Basic exercises

Gymnastics basic exercises will help you learn rhythmic gymnastics at home; they include general physical fitness, so performing these elements by beginners will not require special skills. They should be performed physically separately. When your muscles get stronger and your body gets used to the stress, you should move on to more complex elements.


Beginners should perform the exercise while leaning on a chair. We perform 15 repetitions with the left and right legs. The angle of the front leg should be obtuse, the knee should not go beyond the heel. The knee of the supporting leg is lowered to the floor. The exercise uses the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks.


Performed with support on the wall. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, hand reaching to the knee. We perform 10-15 repetitions. We perform the exercise exclusively on warmed muscles. The core muscles are involved.


You should spread your legs wide apart, making sure your toes point straight ahead. We transfer the body weight from the left leg to the right, perform 15 approaches. The exercise uses the inner thighs and buttocks.

Push ups

Beginners should start the exercise with emphasis on their knees. To obtain the desired effect, you need to keep your back straight and reach your chest to the floor. The exercise uses the muscles of the back, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Knee Raise

We stretch our arms parallel to the floor, start walking, pull our knees towards our hands.

Schedule and school performance

People believe that serious sports cannot be combined with good studies. This opinion is completely wrong. Athletes often learn better than their peers due to discipline and responsibility. A busy schedule from childhood allows the child to concentrate on homework and complete homework faster than his peers.

The ball is a universal object, familiar to everyone since childhood. Its soft material and round shape encourages students to take active action. Exercises with the ball vary widely: from elementary simple to technically and physically complex. Therefore, the ball can be used both in classes with beginners and with well-prepared groups. Exercises with a ball, compared to other objects (for example, a tape, a jump rope), have a more effective effect on muscle sensitivity, especially in the arms and torso, as well as on the skin analyzer.

In gymnastics, they mainly use rubber balls of two sizes: a medium ball - with a diameter

15-18 cm, large ball - with a diameter of at least 20 cm. In competitions they use a ball with a diameter of 18-20 cm and weighing 400 grams. The ball handling technique is based on the use of gravity, centrifugal and inertial forces that arise when the ball moves. The round shape and rotating movement of the ball determine the roundness and softness of the gymnast’s accompanying movements, as well as the unity and smoothness of transitions from element to element. All exercises with the ball involve movements of the gymnast's arm and body along a swing arc. The ball must rest freely in the palm of the hand or move in contact with the gymnast and must not be grasped with the fingers. The movement of the ball over one or another part of the gymnast’s body is accompanied by a coordinated muscle impulse. The integrity and fluidity of movements is maintained by the coordinated movement of the center of gravity of the gymnast’s body (using spring movements, squats, pull-ups, etc.) and the movements of the ball. The correct technique of handling the ball shows the degree of development of coordination and muscle sensitivity in those involved.

Learning ball exercises begins with familiarizing yourself with how to hold the ball. The ball can be held: 1) on the palm (or palms), without grasping it with your fingers (Fig. 48, a); 2) on the back of the hand (or hands) - the fingers are bent (Fig. 48, b); 3) from the side - hold with both hands, the ball between your fingers (Fig. 48, c).

These basic ways of holding the ball vary depending on where your hand is and where your fingers are pointing. For example, a side grip, arms crossed (Fig. 49, a), hands up, fingers back, ball on the palm (Fig. 49, b), reverse grip (the hand is turned inward with the palm up) (Fig. 49, c).

The given methods of holding the ball are the initial or final ones in any exercise with the ball or in combination; they also occur as forms of catching or catching the ball. Therefore, it is important to achieve from students great accuracy and dexterity in using various ball grips in initial training.

Various ways of holding the ball can be trained using swing movements. The swings themselves are preparatory movements for learning and performing circles, figure eights, throwing and catching the ball. You should start learning twists only after mastering certain skills in performing various circles. Rolling and hitting the ball are technically independent groups of exercises, so their simple forms can be included in the first lessons with the ball.

At the beginning of training, it is advisable to use springing in place and in steps, transferring body weight from foot to foot, swinging arms, etc. as accompanying movements. The relatively slow pace and simple body movements allow students to closely monitor the movement of the ball.

In the future, accompanying movements must be complicated; the movement of the ball must remain continuous both during dance steps and jumps, and during the execution of “waves”, swings and turns. Contact with the ball is ensured by constant consistent and fluid movement of the gymnast's body.

If the exercises are performed correctly, then the ball softly adheres to the hands and body of the practitioner and loss of the ball is eliminated. For the purpose of harmonious and symmetrical development of the gymnast’s body, all studied elements and exercises should be performed with both the right and left hands and in both directions.

When learning exercises with a ball, typical mistakes occur. This is gripping the ball with your fingers; catching the ball hard or pressing it to the body when catching; bouncing of the ball during rolls on the floor, unevenness of the ball rolling over various parts of the gymnast’s body; violation of the tempo, rhythm and amplitude of ball movements, ball retention: uneven