HDPE for cable in the ground. Types of HDPE pipes for cables in the ground - which ones are best to use and how to install them

During the installation of communication networks, HDPE cable pipe is very often used as a protective sheath. It is often used when laying power lines. HDPE pipe very reliably protects the cable from the influence of stray currents, aggressive soil influence and mechanical damage. Cable installation technology depends on the location and purpose of utility networks.

Application of HDPE pipes for installation of communications

For laying power lines and other engineering communications apply different types HDPE pipes. They differ design features and technical parameters:

  1. When laying an electrical cable in brick wall or floor screed use a smooth black HDPE pipe.
  2. Products with a corrugated outer side are used for installation in hidden, semi-hidden and open methods for telephone, electrical, computer and television networks operating from direct or direct voltage. alternating current, the value of which is less than 1000 Volts. Electrical equipment This type can function indoors and outdoors.
  3. To lay cables in the ground, HDPE pipes with a corrugated surface are used, which are characterized by high strength and elasticity, as well as ease of installation and the ability to restore the lost shape.

Depending on the product specification, it may be equipped with a probe. The probe is special design, designed for pulling cables inside the pipe. Using it, you can reduce the time for laying communications and power networks.

In the absence of a probe, the cable is pulled using special reusable equipment. In this case, the complexity of the process increases slightly, and there is also a need to purchase technical devices. In this case, HDPE pipes for cables that do not have a pull can be used several times. This is especially true with frequent repairs of communication systems.

Among the companies producing HDPE pipes for laying cables, DKS is now the most popular. This manufacturer produces Octopus corrugated pipes, which are used for installation hidden wiring inside the building. In addition, DKS produces various boxes and accessories that allow the installation of communications in full compliance with established rules.

Advantages of HDPE pipes

Compared to metal protective casings, HDPE cable pipe will cost the owner much less. This is evidenced by the fact that for laying power lines and other communications it is not necessary to use products manufactured in accordance with the requirements state standard. For these purposes, production from recycled materials is quite acceptable. Technical HDPE pipe is made from industrial waste mixed with various polyethylene additives. It changes a little performance and color of the product, but makes it possible to significantly reduce manufacturing costs, thereby reducing the cost.

Besides, communication pipes made of low-density polyethylene have the following advantages:

  • Individual sections of the structure can be connected without the use of welding equipment;
  • The service life of the product under normal conditions exceeds 50 years;
  • Pipes are lightweight compared to metal protective casings;
  • They have a high electrical insulation rate, so they do not require grounding;
  • Do not lose their quality due to aggressive environments and corrosion;
  • They retain their characteristics even in aggressive operating conditions and can withstand temperature changes from -25 to +70 degrees Celsius;
  • They do not release condensation onto the surface and do not produce toxic substances.

The cable inside the HDPE pipe can be laid along any desired path without the use of connecting elements, because the polymer bends very well. It is especially easy to change the design of small diameter products. At the same time, you should not bend the HDPE pipes very much, because this may cause a crease and it will not be possible to stretch the cable.

Electrical cable laying technologies

The technical features of installing HDPE pipes depend on the conditions of its use and the location of the cable. These characteristics influence the list of equipment used and required design elements.

  • Installation in fencing structures

Indoor electrical cable, closed by pipe HDPE is laid using the following technology:

  1. The location of the cable is outlined;
  2. The pipe is fixed, and it can be attached to the floor using metal brackets, and to the walls and ceiling with special fastening elements with a latch;
  3. The cable is pulled so that it is positioned freely, without tension;
  4. The structure on the floor is filled with concrete screed, and in the ceiling or wall it is sealed with plaster or other materials, depending on the size of the protective casing.

Using HDPE pipe you can reduce the length electrical wiring and carry out cable re-tensioning and repair work without the possibility of damaging the surface of walls and ceilings.

When installing communications inside a building, you can use different kinds connecting parts for fastening individual elements of the protective case: couplings, bends and other components. However, elements with a corrugated surface are most in demand for turning in places where the structure passes through the floor slab or transition between different planes. In this case, a polyethylene pipe can be bent even at a right angle, which cannot be done without using additional elements designs. According to current instructions for installing hidden electrical wiring located inside walls or floors made of non-combustible materials, the use of corrugated and smooth HDPE pipes is allowed.

  • Laying HDPE pipes in the ground

This technology is in great demand when laying communications in private homes and country houses. Before starting work, you need to carefully inspect the cable and check the integrity of the protective casing. If the shell is damaged, the protective function polyethylene pipes will lose its meaning.

  1. Make markings and dig a trench of the required depth;
  2. A polyethylene pipe will be placed in the hole the right size with or without broaching;
  3. The cable is pulled and laid in such a way that it is positioned freely;
  4. The pipe is covered with a layer of sand about 10 centimeters thick, and then with earth to a depth of 15 centimeters.

To quickly find the location of the cable, you can lay a special signal tape over it.

When using HDPE pipes to lay power networks underground, it is advisable not to use couplings and other connecting elements, because this may worsen the sealing of the system. Do not forget that the use of fittings when leading cables into a building is mandatory. To lay a cable on a straight section, it is best to use solid parts with a cross-sectional diameter of more than 4 millimeters. If the section is too long, then to tighten the electrical cable you need to use an elastic metal wire or a special nylon broach. Initially, they are launched into the pipe, and then the tied cable is tightened.

  • Cable laying without trench

To lay electrical cables located in places with difficult accessibility, trenchless installation technology is used. Most often it is used utility services, because it is performed using special equipment and sophisticated technology. The essence this method Cable laying involves horizontal drilling, which makes it possible to lay communications underground without disturbing the surface layer of the soil. Initially, the composition of the soil is studied, after which it is necessary to obtain permission to carry out such work. Afterwards, the installation of the cable in the HDPE pipe begins, which includes the following steps:

  1. Drilling a pilot well. The soil is punctured using a drill head that has built-in radiation and a bevel in the front part. As it enters the ground, a mixture is supplied through special holes to fill the well. It reduces the likelihood of collapse and cools hot equipment.
  2. The well is expanded using a rimmer, which replaces the drill head.
  3. Laying HDPE pipes with cable inside. The structure is pulled into the well using a drilling rig.

The main disadvantage of horizontal directional drilling technology is the complexity of the process, therefore, when carrying out such work, it is necessary to enter into an agreement with specialized organizations that have staff and required equipment for carrying out such work.

Cable laying with protection of low pressure polyethylene pipes ensures reliable protection communication systems for a long time, but do not forget about the installation instructions, because even a little negligence can ruin all the work.

HDPE pipe for laying cables in the ground

When choosing a product, you must pay attention to two characteristics of the pipe: the diameter of the pipe and its type.

The diameter of the internal cross-section of the pipes must be at least one and a half times the outer diameter for cables with stranded conductors and twice the outer diameter for cables with single-wire conductors.

In each of these cases, for cables up to 10 kV, pipes with internal diameter less than 50 millimeters for a length of up to 5 meters and less than 100 millimeters for a longer structure. For example, if you need to lay a cable with a small cross-section over a distance of 6 meters, then you need to use pipes with a diameter of more than 100 millimeters. When designing networks of particular importance, it is recommended to use double-walled HDPE pipes with a diameter of 110 millimeters, even in cases where some sections are less than 5 meters in length. Even though this leads to unnecessary costs, since pipes with a smaller diameter and their installation are cheaper, this gives confidence in the reliability and durability of the system.

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Laying cables in the ground is a fairly popular method of installing lines, despite the high costs. Air lines are constantly exposed to different natural factors, especially suffer when strong winds and icing. Repair work on the lines lead to serious costs, and the damage from the downtime of enterprises left without electricity can amount to fantastic amounts. Laying by trenching also has its own nuances; it requires the use of earth-moving equipment and additional protection from accidental damage. Today, pipes are increasingly used for laying cables in the ground, protecting them from rodents, high humidity, mechanical impact. The use of pipes is regulated by SNiPs and GOSTs; for each type of cable, its own types of these products are recommended. Yes, for laying power cable can not use steel pipes, and they are quite suitable for a control cable.

Range of pipes used for cable laying

For a long time, only steel and asbestos-cement pipes were used to protect cables laid in the ground. The disadvantage of the first of them was the lack of protection in case of cable breakdown. Asbestos-cement pipes are heavy, fragile and contain a mineral that is far from safe for human health - asbestos. That is why with the advent plastic pipes they have become the main material used in cable laying. Among their advantages:

  • low dead weight;
  • high strength and durability;
  • good insulating properties;
  • not subject to corrosion and rotting.

Currently, pipes for laying cables in the ground are made from high or low pressure polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC. All these materials have excellent performance characteristics. The use of pipes with different wall thicknesses, smooth or corrugated, allows you to choose optimal material for each specific type of cable. HDPE pipes for laying cables in the ground are very popular; they are available in the following types:

  • light corrugated;
  • heavy corrugated;
  • halogen-free;
  • smooth-walled rigid;
  • double-walled

Corrugated pipes for laying cables in the ground can be reinforced with steel wire to give them additional strength.

Double-wall pipes: a combination of practicality and ease of installation

IN last years Products such as those for laying cables in the ground have proven their effectiveness. This system consists of a corrugated shell made of low-density polyethylene and a smooth inner shell made of polyethylene high pressure. The pipe has high ring rigidity, which allows it to withstand significant loads. The smooth inner wall makes cable installation as simple as possible, increasing the pace of work. Despite its two-layer structure, the double-wall corrugated pipe for laying cables in the ground is lightweight, which greatly simplifies its transportation and installation in a trench. Installation of this type of pipe can be carried out in a wide range of temperatures, allowing it to work even in winter frosts. Double layer pipe has high stability to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive chemicals, which expands the scope of its application and simplifies storage. Simple couplings without sockets are used for connections, which makes installation simpler, cheaper and more reliable. The service life of corrugated double-layer pipes is at least 50 years, but in practice it is much longer.

A pipe for laying cables in the ground is universal solution for many construction and engineering tasks, such as laying electrical cables in the depths, be it the Internet, networks, signal systems or any other.

This polyethylene product avoids air gasket electrical networks in areas with frequent stormy and gusty winds.

Laying cables in the ground is one of the most popular methods of laying wires.

That is why the range of pipes specifically designed for this purpose is not limited to one or two options.

Why is this seemingly high-cost product so popular?

Reasons for using pipes for laying cables in the ground:

  • With the aerial method of placing the cable, any strong gust of wind can disrupt its integrity, which will not happen in the bowels of the earth.
  • When icing in winter time“breakthroughs” often occur throughout the year.
    IN in this case there is protection against vandals (it is much easier to cut off part of the cable hanging in the air than to dig it out of the ground).
  • Damage caused by downtime of a plant or enterprise can be significantly higher than the savings during installation.
  • If a short circuit occurs, there will still be no fire.

What pipes are used for laying cables:

  • Steel (not suitable for power lines and does not protect the line if its integrity is violated).
  • Asbestos-cement (heavy, harmful to human health due to asbestos content).
  • High or low pressure polyethylene (strong, durable and lightweight pipes that are not subject to any rotting or corrosion).
  • Propylene (made of heat-resistant and plastic propylene polymer).
    PVC (polyvinyl chloride).

HDPE (low-density polyethylene) pipes have become extremely popular in the last few years. They are light or heavy corrugated, smooth-walled rigid, halogen-free, double-walled. Each option performs its own functions.

Corrugated due to corrugations, they have increased elasticity, and when a reinforcing mesh is used inside their structure, they become heavy. This is where they got their name. Double (double-wall) shells contain not only corrugation, but also another layer - high-density polyethylene.

A peculiarity of this type of building material is the fact that the ambient temperature when laying such pipes does not matter. They are also lightweight and easy to install, and their service life is about fifty years in theory, in practice even longer.

There are several types of pipes suitable for laying cables in the ground. Among them: asbestos, PVC, HDPE, double. For different types of wiring, pipes of different qualities are used.

Use of HDPE pipes and their features

Why is it cheaper? The fact is that the material for the production of this product is waste from other industries with the addition of the necessary synthetic additives.

Among the advantages of HDPE pipes are the following:

  • Long service life (nominally 50 years).
  • No application required welding machine for connecting sections of the cable route.
  • Light weight.
  • No additional grounding is required during use.
  • Pipes do not deteriorate when exposed to environment, its factors, as well as the time factor.
  • They can withstand temperatures ranging from minus twenty-five to plus seventy degrees Celsius.
  • HDPE pipes do not emit toxic and other harmful substances, and also do not release condensation onto the surface.
  • Primary polymer integral part of the product in question, easily bends in any direction, and therefore does not require additional fasteners and connecting parts. However, you should not bend the pipes too much - the cable will not pass through.

HDPE pipes are found wide application in today's technological internet world. With the right approach to the process and the correct installation, you can achieve excellent result: repairs to the property will not be needed for a very long time or will not be needed at all.

Technical parameters, markings and types of protective pipes

What do HDPE pipe cables protect against?

From mechanical damage, stray current, chemical exposure to soil and its components.

Depending on the purpose of use, electrical and purely technical HDPE pipes are distinguished.

The first type includes additionally protected corrugated or double pipes ( distinctive feature corrugated products have a smooth inner surface).

For technical purposes, simple single-layer HDPE products are used that do not provide additional protection.

Corrugated pipes can be suitable for laying telephone, television, computer, and electrical cables in the ground.

It is important that the current flowing through the mentioned wire is alternating or constant, but not more than 1 kV. In turn, corrugated pipes are divided into two subtypes: with or without a probe.

If the first one was chosen for the work, it will go quickly and without problems. When purchasing a product without a pulling mechanism, you will also have to purchase a reusable mechanism for pulling the cable.

Technical parameters of pipes include such concepts as pipe thickness, wall thickness, color, compliance with GOST, presence of markings, number of layers. Usually for this product it is carried out next rule. The larger the diameter of the pipe, the thicker its walls.

The last parameter can vary over a wide range. The minimum wall thickness is two millimeters. In this case, the diameter of the pipe itself ranges from 16 to 50 mm. The maximum wall thickness is almost three centimeters. In this case, the diameter of the pipe is twenty to twenty-five centimeters.

Wear-resistant HDPE pipes can withstand pressure from twenty to thirty-eight Megapascals, and the linear expansion coefficient is one hundred and forty Pascals. But not all underground cable installation work requires such strong and protected products.

Therefore, manufacturers and sell in stores have a whole line of different pipes:

  • Lightweight - withstands pressure up to a quarter of a Megapascal
  • Medium light - up to four tenths
  • Average - up to six tenths
  • Heavy - up to one Megapascal

Each “sleeve” for cable laying has markings corresponding to its technical characteristics. This symbols, showing which parameters a particular product meets.

In addition, marking the pipes allows you to control the compliance of the declared quality level with that of a specific pipe.

Product classes with corresponding markings:

  • “T” – heavy pipe
  • “ST” – medium-heavy pipe
  • “OS” – medium-light pipe
  • "WITH" - middle pipe(by weight)
  • “SL” – medium-light pipe
  • “L” – light pipe

In addition to information on weight, which is directly proportional to the strength, it is also indicated by the wall thickness. To protect a thin cable underground (cross-sectional area - one and a half to two square millimeters), you will need a pipe with a radius of eight to twelve millimeters.

Moreover, the number of wires can vary from one to four pieces. If the cable has a cross-section of six to sixteen square millimeters, you will need a HDPE pipe with a diameter of twenty to forty millimeters, respectively.

The final choice should be based on a calculation of how many wires will be enclosed in low-density polyethylene. For example, for three cables, each of which has a cross-sectional area equal to ten square millimeters, you need to select the same pipe as for two cables with a cross-sectional area of ​​twenty-five millimeters.

What about thicker wires? If the cable in cross section contains from thirty-five to seventy square millimeters, then larger pipes will be needed. Namely: from 40 to 50 mm in diameter.

If the pipe is not corrugated, it cannot bend and is sold in limited lengths: for a diameter of up to nine centimeters, the length of the product can be one hundred or two hundred meters.

As the clearance width increases, the length of the polyethylene hose decreases - for example, twelve meters each.

Another important criterion for assessing the quality of a pipe is an indicator called SDR. It is calculated by mathematically dividing the outer diameter by the wall thickness. As this special indicator increases, the overall strength of the pipe becomes lower.

Laying technical protective conduits is a process similar to laying electrical conduits. The differences are only in the purpose and labeling. HDPE pipes of this type are used for laying underground networks that are not electrical. For example, heating pipeline, sewerage.

To produce such pipes, waste from other industries is used. For example, from the “PE” brands thirty-second, sixtieth and eightieth, as well as hundredth. The radius of the product can vary from one centimeter to twenty-five.

In addition to industrial and sewer water, such polyethylene products are used for non-pressure water supply systems, storm water, drainage systems, land reclamation, and crop irrigation.

Installation is carried out using fittings, adapters and couplings, since they cannot bend like corrugated pipes. In some cases, when it is necessary to ensure 100% sealing, special butt welding or a compression fitting is used.

The quality and operating parameters of HDPE pipes are judged by the markings, which show all the important technical features products.

More details about corrugated pipe can be seen in the video:

How to lay a cable underground

To lay the cable in special pipe underground you need to follow a clear sequence of the following actions:

  • Inspect the HDPE product for damage. The same should be done with the cable itself.
  • Marking the places where the pipe should be laid.
  • trenches of the required depth for the cable (at least twenty-five centimeters).
  • Laying the pipe.
  • Pulling the cable (it should eventually lie inside without tension).
  • Covering the structure with a ten-centimeter layer of sand and a fifteen-centimeter layer of soil or earth.
  • Laying warning tape along the entire perimeter of the cable laying (optional).

When performing this work, you need to remember that when laying the power cable, it is better to avoid the use of adapters and couplings altogether, or to use them only when absolutely necessary. This simple rule must be followed to ensure maximum safe sealing.

Where the structure exits the ground and enters the building, special fittings must be used. Concerning minimum section cables for laying underground, it is recommended to use not the thinnest ones. For example, a wire with a cross-sectional value of four millimeters or more is suitable.

A pipe for laying a cable in the ground under a road, near buildings, industrial structures must take into account the entire maximum load that can be placed on it from above.

But this is not the only requirement for its successful and long-term operation, as well as the operation of the cable located in it.

It is also necessary to strictly follow the installation rules.

For cable is the undisputed leader in the field of protection power wiring, communication communications and optical cable. Properties such as smooth inner walls, flexibility and great service life make HDPE pipe optimal solution in any large projects.

HDPE technical pipe for cable. The optimum ratio of price and quality.

HDPE technical pipes carry exclusively protective functions without special structural loads. Therefore, their production is made as cheap as possible through the use of recycled materials. However, this does not at all affect the quality: technical HDPE pipe for cable has proven its excellent reliability over decades of trouble-free service. Modern technologies ensure stability of the profile geometry along the entire length of the pipe, uniformity of wall thickness and density. The price of technical HDPE pipes is unattainable for analogues made from other materials.

Smooth technical HDPE pipe for cable - pulling without obstacles.

The HDPE material initially has a quality that is very useful for cable laying - smoothness. Due to the specific surface smoothness effect on the walls, the cable easily slides along the inner cavity of the pipe. No less convenience when pulling the cable is ensured by the absence of joints over a section of up to two hundred meters due to the length of the pipe. In fact, when a smooth technical HDPE pipe is used to protect the cable, any mechanical obstacle when pulling wires is eliminated.

HDPE technical pipes for laying cables in buildings and ground.

HDPE pipe has average resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which limits its outdoor use. To increase stability, black pigment is added to the composition, which extends service life in open spaces. But it is ideal for cabling indoors and closed ground. HDPE pipe is used for trench laying and laying using the trenchless soil puncture method. As a protective sheath for the cable, it is laid in monoliths during the construction of buildings and structures. HDPE technical pipes for cable laying can withstand various manifestations of static and dynamic loads over a wide range, temperature fluctuations, and exposure to most acids, alkalis, and organic compounds.

HDPE technical pipe for electrical wiring cable.

The dielectric properties of low-density polyethylene are used for the manufacture of electrical protective covers. HDPE technical pipe for cable is used when laying power cables with low and high voltage. The electrical strength of HDPE is comparable to that of mica, the best natural dielectric. Additional protection in case of cable insulation breakdown is provided by the fire resistance of the electrical pipe.

Technical HDPE polyethylene pipes for laying communication cables.

There are special technical conditions for laying communication lines, including optical lines. They involve the use of HDPE technical pipes. Simplicity of installation, the possibility of hermetic joining, low cost, physical and chemical properties, durability of at least half a century determine the advantage of technical HDPE polyethylene pipe for cable laying when choosing the protective sheath of communication lines.

Main technical characteristics of HDPE pipes for cable laying.

The main technical characteristics of the HDPE pipe for cable laying are the parameters that fix dimensions, physical, chemical and operational properties.

Based on the outer diameter and wall thickness, the SDR coefficient is derived, which determines the type of pipe - light, medium-light, medium, heavy.

Important control indicators are the density and the degree of tensile stress that determine the flexibility and elasticity of the pipe. The thermal conductivity of the material is directly related to the flammability class. For HDPE technical pipes this is class B1 or B2 (difficult to ignite and normally flammable).

Resistance to aggressive environments, low specific gravity, wide temperature Range, ease of installation and long service life have determined the popularity of HDPE pipes for electrical installation work. Our company sells any batches of pipes in Moscow and in the regions. In the catalog of our organization HDPE pipes different types, diameters and lengths. Wholesale deliveries and retail sales are possible.

When laying electrical cables, it is imperative to take care of their protection, regardless of whether communications are installed outdoors or in a building. The most common material used to protect communication networks are HDPE pipes (pipes made of low-density polyethylene), which provide reliable protection from any external influences. What kind of pipes the cable is laid in the ground will be discussed in this article.

Production of HDPE pipes

LDPE and MDPE polyethylene are used as raw materials for the production of corrugated pipes. Pipes that are not subject to combustion or are difficult to ignite, in addition to polyethylene, contain a fire retardant.

The method of producing polyethylene pipes is extrusion. All work is carried out using high-tech equipment that automatically monitors quality finished products. Close control and tracking of performance indicators allows you to optimize the costs of raw materials, minimize the likelihood of defective production and reduce the cost of final products.

HDPE pipes consist of one layer, characterized by a smooth surface. Such a pipe does not pass electricity, has excellent strength characteristics and can withstand most aggressive chemical substances. The standard color of polyethylene pipes is black. Flexible HDPE pipes are well suited for installing electrical networks in a building.

HDPE pipes for laying cables in the ground

Laying an electrical cable underground can be done using the following types of HDPE pipes:

  • Lightweight corrugated;
  • Heavy corrugated;
  • Halogen-free;
  • Rigid smooth-walled;
  • Double-walled.

To give the corrugated pipe greater rigidity, you can use metal wire as a reinforcing element. Double wall pipes feature a smooth polyethylene inner lining and a corrugated top layer. Such a device has an increased degree of ring rigidity, which provides the structure with additional strength.

Smooth-walled pipes are best option for installation of electrical cables, which greatly simplifies the process of laying communications. The ease of installation is also supported by the low weight of polyethylene products, the installation of which does not require complex and bulky equipment. Pipe connection technology involves the use of couplings without sockets.

Double-layer corrugated pipes have all the advantages of polyethylene products, including the ability to be installed at sub-zero temperatures. Standard pipe for laying cables in the ground can last more than 50 years, which is considered a very good indicator in comparison with other building materials.

Classification of HDPE pipes for cable laying

When laying electrical networks, standard black pipes are usually used. A corrugated pipe for laying in the ground is excellent for arranging various communications whose power does not exceed 1 kW - and these are telephone and television cables, computer and household electrical networks.

Cable installation can be done in three ways:

  • Open;
  • Half-hidden;
  • Hidden.

All these methods are used to one degree or another both on the street and in the building. The corrugated pipe for laying cables in the ground has all the necessary characteristics, including high strength, flexibility, and the ability to change linear dimensions and ease of installation contribute greatly to this.

Polyethylene pipes can be produced with or without a probe (broach). A broach is a special structural element that allows you to pass the cable along the inner surface of the pipe. Pipes with a probe are very convenient and can significantly reduce the time required to lay a communication line.

In addition, cable pulling in a pipe can be done using special devices, but this is very difficult and requires special equipment. Pipes that do not have a broach are quite suitable for reusable, but laying the cable in it requires a lot of labor.

Technical characteristics of HDPE pipes

According to the standards, ready product must not have any damage - various sagging, swelling, cracks and other defects are not allowed. In addition, the pipe should not delaminate. Interior pipes must be perfectly smooth, and the outer one must have a uniform structure.

Any HDPE pipe for cable laying must have high degree wear resistance. Polyethylene products are able to withstand internal pressure up to 20-38 MPa with a linear expansion coefficient of 140 Pa, depending on the type of pipe.

The working pressure value for different types of pipes is as follows:

  • Light electrical pipes – 0.25 MPa;
  • Medium light – 0.4 MPa;
  • Medium HDPE pipes – 0.6 MPa;
  • Heavy pipes – 1 MPa.

Advantages of HDPE pipes

Among the advantages of HDPE pipes, one cannot fail to note their long service life, which under reasonable operating conditions reaches 50 years. To a large extent, this is due to the complete resistance of polyethylene products to corrosion and aggressive environments, as well as the absence of condensation on the surface of the pipe. The operating temperature of plastic pipes, at which they do not lose their characteristics, ranges from -25 to +70 degrees.

Installation of small diameter pipes is quite simple and does not require the use of special equipment. Various connecting elements are also not required - the possibility of free bending (of course, within reasonable limits) allows you to lay the pipeline in almost any conditions. Besides, polymer pipes They are not current conductors, so their installation does not require grounding, and their non-flammability prevents the structure from burning even in the event of a short circuit.

Marking of low pressure polyethylene pipes

All HDPE pipes must be marked in accordance with the standards. Marking not only allows you to classify different types of pipes, but also makes it possible to control the quality of products - the applied markings are a guarantee of the suitability of the material for use.

Each pipe has symbols that display the trademark or full name of the manufacturing company. Labeling can be carried out according to national or international standards. The next element is the material of manufacture. For example, a pipe made of PE 80 is displayed as MRS 8. The pipe must also have a designation of the minimum wall thickness, outer diameter and nominal pressure (bar).

A separate paragraph may indicate the suitability of the pipe for the construction of a gas pipeline network or transportation drinking water. The last marking point is the batch number and date of manufacture of the pipe.

HDPE pipes are divided into six classes, with the following designations:

  • Heavy - T;
  • Medium-heavy - ST;
  • Medium-lightweight – OS;
  • Average – C;
  • Medium light - SL;
  • Lungs – L.

Selecting HDPE pipes for cable laying

You need to choose the protective material for laying cables in the ground wisely. Perhaps the most important parameter to consider when choosing is the number and dimensions of the communication network wires. There is a direct relationship between these indicators and the dimensions of the pipe, which can be understood if we take a closer look at the most popular standard sizes of corrugated HDPE pipes.

When choosing a material, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the pipes. The diameter of standard polymer products can vary from 16 to 225 mm. Pipes with a small cross-section (up to 90 mm) are produced in coils, the length of which can be 100 or 200 m. If the diameter exceeds 90 mm, then the length of single pipe sections is 12 m.

To assess the strength of a pipe, you need to know what the SDR parameter is equal to. To calculate this parameter, you need to divide the outer diameter by the wall thickness. Strength based on this parameter is assessed simply: the smaller the calculation result, the greater mechanical strength has the product.

Features of laying technical pipes

Technical pipes can be laid outdoors, underground and in any buildings. When laying protection in a building, the pipeline should not be located openly, but installed in concrete, brick or plasterboard walls.

The main nuances that arise during work are as follows:

  1. Installation of polyethylene pipes is possible at an ambient temperature of at least -30 degrees.
  2. If the structure will be laid in a trench whose depth exceeds two meters, you need to take care of a protective concrete channel 80-100 cm thick.
  3. If the pipeline is horizontal, the protection can be firmly concreted into the foundation.
  4. When laying HDPE pipes for cables in the ground, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of all connections - this will protect the structure from various contaminants getting into it. For connection individual parts pipes are best suited compression couplings and butt welding. Using fittings in the pipeline design, you can simplify installation and increase the reliability of the connection.
  5. In the event that the structure will operate in conditions where condensation may occur, care must be taken to install a draw-out tube that will collect moisture.

Laying electrical cables in structures

When arranging hidden wiring, it is quite possible to use smooth or corrugated pipes- There is not a single standard that would prohibit such protection.

The installation procedure for HDPE pipe is as follows:

  • First you need to mark all the points through which the cable will pass;
  • The pipe is fixed in accordance with the selected trajectory;
  • An electrical cable is pulled through the pipe;
  • The structure closes concrete screed, if the pipeline is on the floor, or with plaster if the communication is located on the ceiling or wall. Laying the cable in a pipe allows you to later repair or update the wiring without compromising the integrity of the surface under which the pipeline is located.

If desired, pipes can be attached to the floor using metal brackets, and holders with a latch are suitable for fixing the structure to the wall or ceiling. In any case, when laying the cable, you need to make sure that there is no tension.

When arranging communications indoors, you can use connecting elements for installing sections of pipeline, but best choice there will still be corrugated elements - this will avoid kinks smooth pipe, due to which the material may be deformed.

Laying cables outdoors

The need to lay cables outdoors often arises on your own land plots. Certainly, we're talking about, including the protection of the electrical network. Before laying the cable in HDPE pipes, you need to make sure that there is no damage to its structure.

Laying HDPE pipe for cable in the ground is as follows:

  • First you need to mark a trench of suitable dimensions and dig it;
  • A pre-selected HDPE pipe for underground cable laying is laid in the trench;
  • There is a cable in the pipe (there should be no tension);
  • After pulling the cable, the pipe is covered with a 10 cm layer of sand and a 15 cm layer of soil.

To ensure that the laid cable can be found in the future, it is worth leaving a warning tape or similar material above it. When laying pipes in the ground, it is advisable to refrain from connecting them using couplings and other connecting elements - they can cause a seal failure. Fittings can only be used to enter an electrical line into a building.

Trenchless method of laying cables in the ground

In some situations, it is not possible to prepare a trench for laying a protective pipeline. In this case, it is possible to lay the cable in the pipe only with the help of special equipment that makes it possible to implement a trenchless installation method, for which the soil is drilled horizontally - HDD drilling technology, which often has no alternative. Before work, in addition to preparing the equipment, it is necessary to obtain a drilling permit and conduct a geological analysis of the soil.

Cable laying in the protective pipe is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • First, a pilot well is drilled;
  • The size of the well increases;
  • A HDPE pipe with an electrical cable inserted into it is installed in the well.

When drilling a well, the soil is punctured, through which a solution will be supplied into the ground, filling the well, adding strength to it and cooling the tool during operation. To expand the well, a trimmer is used, which is installed on the equipment instead of the previously used drill head. Installation of HDPE pipes into the well is also carried out using equipment.

Horizontal drilling technology has one significant drawback - the work requires specific skills and equipment. Because of this, only companies specializing in soil drilling are able to implement this method.


HDPE pipe for laying cables in the ground allows you to protect electric line from possible damage caused by external factors. Polyethylene products have all the necessary characteristics and have affordable price, so they should be considered first.