High-yielding tomato varieties for open ground are self-pollinating. The most delicious varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Red clover - benefits and harm to the body

On open beds They practice growing almost all low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Caring for tomatoes, whose height is from 30 to 80 cm, is not difficult. They begin to bear fruit early and manage to produce the bulk of the harvest before the massive defeat of nightshade plants by late blight. Fruits can have different colors, shapes and sizes. They always keep up together.

Ultra-early low-growing tomato varieties

Low-growing tomatoes are considered early or mid-ripening. Their harvest ripens in about 90-100 days, but there are also ultra-early ripening varieties that bear fruit already 70 days after planting.

High-yielding hybrid tomato Katya F1

The bushes of this tomato variety are ideal for open ground - they have few leaves and are spreading. The flower raceme develops above the fifth leaf. Subsequently, an ovary of up to 9 fruits is formed on it, which can be collected 75-80 days after sowing the seeds.

Tomatoes Katya F1 are round in shape, sometimes elliptical. The average weight of each fruit is 110-120 g. The pulp and skin are dense, after ripening they are bright red, with a sweetish taste.

With proper care, growing hybrid Katya F1 with square meter harvest up to 10 kg of tomatoes. The fruits ripen together without cracking. They do not deteriorate during transportation, as well as during storage. Plants can withstand short-term drought and are not capricious when temperature changes occur. Tomatoes are not affected by blossom end rot and are relatively resistant to viral mosaic, late blight, and Alternaria blight.

Sanka variety tomatoes

Sanka represents the earliest varieties of tomatoes, the first harvest of which is carried out when the plant reaches 65 days of age. A squat bush 50-60 cm high above the seventh leaf begins to form the first fruit cluster with seven ovaries.

Round, bright red fruits with slightly pronounced ribbing at the base have dense pulp. The tomatoes are not watery, their taste is excellent, without acid in the aftertaste. The weight of one fruit is 100-110 g, rarely up to 150 g.

Due to their thick, glossy skin, Sanka variety tomatoes retain commercial quality for a long time, have good shelf life and are suitable for transportation. From each bush you can collect 2-2.5 kg of harvest. Sanka tomatoes grow well at low temperatures and drought. Plants are immune to most nightshade diseases.

Meaty tomatoes Boni M

The height of plants rarely exceeds 45 cm. The bushes do not lie on the ground, have short internodes and double leaves. The fruits are set in clusters, starting from the fifth leaf. The harvest ripens starting from the age of 85 days of the bush.

Flat-round tomatoes are red in color and have a fleshy core. Their weight is 60-80 g. The taste properties are comparable to the best varieties of salad tomatoes.

Boney M's tomatoes don't grow. They are not afraid of late blight and blossom end rot. Ripe fruits do not spoil during transportation and are stored for a long time.

Large-fruited low-growing tomatoes - the best varieties

Among tomatoes with low growth, large-fruited varieties are very popular. They produce a harvest of salad tomatoes with excellent taste earlier than others.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia

Despite the name, the stem and stalks of this early variety are fragile. The bush grows up to 60-70 cm, forming the first brushes from the seventh leaf. The ovary in the hand is formed in 2-3 pieces. Tomatoes reach ripeness 100-110 days after the first shoots.

The tomatoes are heart-shaped. Color them in full maturity- rich matte pink, weight - 400-600 g. The pulp is juicy with an excellent sugary taste. The seed chambers are small. The yield is average - 9-10 kg per square meter.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia needs gartering of the stem and brushes. To obtain large fruits, it is recommended to carry out pinching. The variety does not tolerate temperature increases up to plus 40 degrees Celsius. Resistant to late blight, viral mosaic, and almost not affected by blossom end rot.

Tomato variety Siberian Trump

Siberian Trump represents early varieties of tomatoes. Spreading, dense bushes up to 80 cm high produce their first harvest at the age of 105-110 days.

Round tomatoes are slightly flattened, raspberry in color. The weight of the first fruits in the cluster reaches 700 g, the rest - 300-400 g. The pulp is sweet, dense in consistency. Productivity is high - up to 17 kg per sq.m.

The stem must be tied to a support and pinched up to the first fruit cluster. The ovary is actively formed, despite bad weather conditions. The variety is resistant to late blight, fusarium and blossom end rot.

Tomato Khlebosolny

When choosing low-growing and large-fruited tomatoes for planting, the best varieties for open ground of which are discussed in this section, be sure to pay attention to tomatoes of the Khlebosolny variety. The bushes stop growing at 80 cm. The ovary is formed in small clusters of 3-5 pieces, and the first ripe tomatoes can be harvested on the 110th day from emergence.

Bright red Hospitable tomatoes, weighing 300-400 g (sometimes up to 700 g), have a flat-rounded outline. The pulp is sugary, juicy, with small seed chambers. Even in shade, the variety produces high yields. Easily tolerates frequent changes in weather.

The best standard varieties of tomatoes

Standard tomatoes of low-growing varieties are characterized by a thick, densely leafy stem. They are popularly called “for the lazy” because they require minimal care.

Tomatoes Yamal

The height of these tomatoes is only 30 cm. The bush is erect, with medium foliage. An ovary of 5-7 fruits is formed in the hand, ripening after emergence in 85-95 days.

The fruits are round in shape (sometimes flat-round), with slight ribbing, red. Weight - 70-100 g (the first fruits in the cluster weigh up to 180 g). The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet. Productivity reaches 6 kg per sq.m.

When growing, Yamal tomato does not require staking or pinching. It exhibits high resistance to late blight and resistance to drought and temperature changes.

Betta tomatoes

Extra early variety - fruits ripen in 75-80 days. The height of the plants is up to 50 cm. In the flower cluster, the fruits are tied in clusters of 6-8 pieces.

The tomatoes ripen very quickly. The average weight of the fruit is 50 g. They are round, ribbed at the stalk, and red. The pulp is juicy, moderately dense, sweetish in taste. The yield per bush reaches 2 kg.

Betta, like other standard varieties of tomatoes for open ground, is unpretentious in care. The variety bears fruit at low temperatures and is resistant to major tomato diseases.

Bottom line

It is impossible to list all low-growing tomato varieties in one article. We have selected for you the most popular varieties, growing which you will always be satisfied with the harvest.

Tomatoes are the most common vegetables that most often grow in a summer resident's garden. They contain many nutrients and can be consumed fresh, thermally processed, or canned. In addition, tomatoes can help a person fight various kinds of ailments. Every year, new productive species appear among the old varieties. They are distinguished by their special taste and ease of care. You can grow almost all types of tomatoes in unprotected open ground.

Low-growing varieties for open ground

Low-growing ones may stop growing immediately after the appearance of 5 brushes. Such varieties can produce crops early.

“Riddle” is considered the best variety. Tomatoes of this variety have a good color that lies evenly. Round shape. If we consider other varieties that ripen in short time, then it surpasses them in taste. One tomato weighs 150 g. It will take approximately 2.5 months for the fruit to fully ripen.

List early varieties for open ground you will find.

During the growth process, the bushes develop very well, and their height is no more than 45 cm. The stem of the bush is strong, and there are a lot of leaves on the bush. These factors indicate that there is no need to additionally tie up the tomatoes. The culture has one drawback: it is necessary to eliminate growing stepsons. Therefore, you need to constantly care for this variety. Stepchildren can be used for growing small bushes. These shoots have the property of good rooting in the ground. Fruits appear on the stepsons only 2 weeks later. If you do not carry out pinching, the tomato harvest will be large, but small.

The best varieties for open ground are presented.

"Crimson Giant" gives large fruits V early dates. If we talk about this group of tomatoes, which gives good harvest, then this variety is considered practically the only large-ripening one. Can weigh 700 grams. One brush can produce 6 tomatoes. Every third leaf allows the formation of leaves. The shape can be different, but generally they are flattened either on the sides or in height. The color of the tomatoes is pink, the aroma emanates from the fruit. If you properly care for the bushes, then from one such bush you can get about 15 kg of pcs. “Crimson Giant” ripens within 4 months. All this time he is able to resist various diseases.

"Anastasia" considered very early. The bushes are quite tall, they can even grow into 2 stems. An ovary forms every couple of leaves. One brush can produce 8 pieces. One tomato weighs 200 grams. If you properly care for your plants, you are guaranteed a good harvest. From one such bush you can remove 12 kg. At the tip, the tomatoes seem to taper. This feature characterizes this variety. The pulp of the fruit is juicy and soft.

"Roma" was bred in Holland by Dutch breeders. The variety is classified as mid-season. Tomatoes are similar to plums. Weight is only 100 grams. 20 pieces can grow on one brush. Most often, this variety is planted in order to later pickle or preserve the fruits.

"Rio De Grande" considered universal. The height of the bush is small, only 60 cm. Tomatoes have small sizes, their surface is smooth. Sweet in taste, they are often used for pickling. The average weight of one tomato is 120 grams.

"Watercolor"The bush has a height of 50 cm. It takes 3 months to ripen. The fruits have an elongated shape with a fairly dense skin. Weight is 110 grams. Pleasant taste is preserved even during storage. Septoria and blossom end rot are not dangerous for these fruits. These varieties are considered the best among low-growing determinate species.

Typically, the height of a bush of any of these species, like tomatoes, does not exceed 1 meter. Since low-growing varieties have a small root system, they will take up little space in the garden. Due to the fact that the fruits ripen very quickly, they are not afraid of diseases such as late blight. It usually spreads in August. By this time, the low-growing varieties had already given their harvest. Usually tomatoes are sown in the first days of May or last days April.

Standard varieties of tomatoes are considered the most unpretentious; they are usually not planted, but require support. Due to the fact that many fruits ripen on the bush, the bushes can bend and break. Varieties belonging to these species tolerate cold well. Which are the most high-yielding varieties standard crops?

  1. "Betta" refers to early ripening species. Tomatoes ripen within 2.5 months. The height of the bush is 50 cm. This variety produces a small harvest, and the weight of one tomato is 50 grams. From one bush you can harvest about 2 kg of tomatoes.
  2. "Rose of Wind" refers to frost-resistant species. The height of one bush is no more than 46 cm. The weight of the tomato is 130 grams. The fruit tastes very juicy and sweet. It will take 3 months for tomatoes to fully ripen.
  3. "Polar" classified as early ripening superdeterminate species. The bush grows only 30 cm in height. And the fruits weigh 150 grams.
  4. "Severin" gives a very good harvest. This is one of the species that does not require careful care. 50 cm is the height of an adult bush. Tomatoes store well and for a long time without cracking.

Mid-season high-yielding tomatoes

"Medium Late" belongs to the mid-late species, which bears fruit very well. Among other pink varieties they are the largest. The height of the bush exceeds 1 meter. The weight of one tomato ranges from 100 to 160 grams. This variety produces a stable harvest, and the taste of the fruit is very pleasant. Tomatoes can sit for a long time, while maintaining their taste.

"Wonder of the World" It is distinguished by its unusual color and shape. Outwardly they are similar to lemon. In common parlance among summer residents you can hear such a name as “lemon-liana”. One fruit weighs no more than 110 grams. The minimum weight is 50 grams. Up to 45 tomatoes grow on the clusters growing from below. No more than 25 pieces grow on the clusters at the top. Typically, the fruits of this variety are canned or pickled.

"Tarasenko 2" grows quite tall. One brush can produce 35 tomatoes. The skin of tomatoes is dense, and the flesh is soft and sweet. The color of the fruit is orange with a reddish tint. One tomato weighs 60 grams. Due to their ability to be stored well, they can be transported over long distances.

"De-Barao Royal Pink" looks similar to the shape of a pepper. 300 g is the mass of a tomato. Tomatoes have a sweet, delicate taste and their color is pink. From one bush you can harvest 5 kg.

Self-pollinating tomatoes

The following determinant varieties are distinguished:

  • "Southern Tan";
  • "Pink Tsar";
  • "Honey Saved";
  • "Midas".

The most common large fruits include:

  • "Orange Miracle";
  • "Eagle Heart";
  • "Mikado"
  • "Monomakh's Cap".

If we consider varieties according to high level ties that have no big fruits and even shape, then the following are distinguished:

  • "Yellow Drop"
  • "Sanka"
  • "Cherry"
  • "Truffle"
  • "Shuttle".

How to grow properly low growing tomatoes for open ground without pinching will help to understand.

Ultra-early ripening

Typically, these varieties are planted in regions where there are difficult growing conditions. After planting the seeds, it will take 3 months before the fruit appears.

What and after what can be planted is indicated.

"Sanka" has a compact appearance. A healthy bush reaches 50 cm in height. When planting seedlings, the distance between the leaves should be minimal. There is no green spot in the stalk area.

"Valentina" considered good in terms of resistance to diseases and pests. Drought is not a problem for this variety. The height of the bush is 0.7 m. The bushes grow quite spreading. Pruning is not required for this species. The shape of the tomatoes is plum-shaped. The pulp is quite dense. The weight of one tomato is 120 grams.

Hybrid "Far North" begins to bear fruit after 3 months. Late blight is not dangerous for this variety. Tomatoes are colored red and have a spherical shape.

"Amur standard" gives a very good harvest even in bad weather conditions. The bushes grow up to 50 cm and produce a good harvest. The shape of the fruit is round, the tomatoes are colored red. One tomato weighs 80 grams. These tomatoes are not demanding in terms of care. Most often the fruits are consumed in fresh.


This video will tell you which varieties of tomatoes are suitable for open ground.

To get a good harvest, just choose the right tomato variety for your climate zone. It is also important to understand for what purpose you want to grow tomatoes. Some species are chosen for preservation, and others for fresh consumption. You will find a list of low-growing varieties for open ground.

When choosing the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground, you should take into account the personal preferences of each gardener. Some people choose only early varieties, others prefer large, fleshy tomatoes, while others need high yields. Experts advise paying attention to the peculiarities of caring for tomatoes that are allowed to be grown in open ground. It is advisable to give preference to seeds of those species that do not require pinching.


When choosing, first of all, you need to focus on the climatic conditions under which tomatoes will grow and ripen. For the central part of Russia, for example, early varieties are suitable. The harvest is obtained already 85-95 days after the seeds germinate and the first shoots appear.

Attention! When selecting the best varieties of tomatoes, look at the reviews. Farmers and summer residents love to talk about their experience of growing tomatoes from seeds.


When choosing tomato varieties for open ground among the best, many pay attention to Alpha tomatoes. The first specimens appear after 85 days. The plant is standard. It is low-growing (height usually does not exceed 50 cm) with a dense, thick stem.

Characteristics of tomatoes grown from “Alpha” seeds in open ground:

  • color bright red;
  • weight up to 100 g (on average they weigh 55 g);
  • round shape;
  • the pulp is moderately dense, there are few seed chambers.

Many consider Alpha tomatoes to be the best variety that can be grown in central Russia in open ground. Thanks to their rapid ripening, tomatoes begin to bear fruit as early as July, even in cool regions. In the south, farmers and summer residents have been harvesting crops since June.

Hybrid Ksyusha F1

Fans of larger tomatoes may be interested in the seeds of the hybrid Ksyusha F1. These are early tomatoes; mass ripening is observed already on the 95th day from the moment of seed germination. The bushes are determinate, with medium foliage.

The grown fruits have the following characteristics:

  • weight 100-300 g (most tomatoes weigh 130-160 g);
  • rounded-flattened appearance;
  • taste with sourness.

When choosing which varieties will be best for open ground, keep in mind that the Ksyusha F1 hybrid is high-yielding. From each m2 you can collect up to 18 kg of fruit.


You can get a harvest of large tomatoes in cold regions in July, and warm ones in May-June if you buy Nastenka seeds. The advantages of these varietal tomatoes include:

  • early ripeness (the harvest is already on the 105th day);
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • high yield (about 12 kg can be collected from each m2);
  • resistance to the most common diseases.

Farmers and summer residents receive fruits that differ in the following characteristics:

  • heart-shaped;
  • weight 150-200 g;
  • the taste is pleasant, delicate, sweet and sour;
  • deep pink color;
  • medium density pulp.

First, you need to sow the seeds to obtain seedlings. When transferring plants to open ground, it is better to choose the following planting scheme: 70x40. There should be an average of 4 plants per 1 m2.


For many gardeners who have previously used Sanka seeds, they are the best for open ground. Judging by the reviews, the first ripe specimens already appear on the 85th day, if you count from the date of seed germination and the appearance of the first shoots. They begin to ripen en masse, the average weight of a tomato is 100 g.

Comment! Many people call the seeds of this variety the best for open ground due to the fact that the harvest can be harvested almost throughout the summer.

The bushes grow small; the standard height for them is 50-60 cm. With proper care, you can get up to 15 kg of ripe fruits from each m2 of planting.

Tomato characteristics:

  • color deep red;
  • the pulp is dense, not watery;
  • the shape is round and regular.

The seeds of this variety are chosen by those who need tomatoes for salads with a pleasant taste, for canning and preparing tomato products. Some consider Sanka to be one of the best tomato varieties that are suitable for planting in open ground in Siberia. Thanks to their early ripening, they can produce a good harvest even in short summer conditions. But experts recommend using covering material when planting in the soil for the first time.


In Russia, it is necessary to grow mid-season varieties in open ground, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. In Siberian conditions, it is recommended to use covering material when replanting. If there are no unexpected cold snaps, the tomatoes will be able to ripen and produce a good harvest, subject to periodic fertilizing.

According to the advice of experienced agronomists in total area plantings of early varieties should occupy up to 15%. Most of the land should be devoted to varieties that have an average ripening period.


For many, Demidov tomatoes are the best variety that can be grown in open ground. Characteristic Features are:

  • low foliage of bushes;
  • average ripening period: about 110 days;
  • short stature 60-65 cm;
  • resistance to diseases.

Advice! Demidov seeds are purchased by lovers of juicy, fleshy pink tomatoes. Special conditions and they do not need special care.

Fruit characteristics:

  • the shape is round, with weak ribbing, which is visible only near the stalk;
  • dry matter content 3.6-4.3%;
  • weight 100-200 g.

But gardeners must remember: with improper, uneven watering, the fruits begin to crack.

Peach red

You can get interesting tomatoes if you buy Red Peach tomato seeds. Their skin is covered with light fluff, which is why breeders gave them such a characteristic name.

Red peach is grown in open ground. The bushes are indeterminate; they grow up to 180 cm in height. They have one stem, but it is powerful, strong, the foliage is dark green, medium-sized, appearance the leaves resemble potato ones. The root system of these tomatoes is well developed.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The red Peach harvest can be harvested starting from day 110-115;
  • circular shape;
  • color is bright, red;
  • the taste is characteristic tomato, sweet, without pronounced sourness;
  • weight 150-300 g.

You can understand what one of the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground looks like if you look at the photo. The advantages of these tomatoes include a long shelf life, and they also tolerate transportation well. They can last up to 9 weeks without spoiling.

Hybrid Bogach F1

Many lovers of salted tomatoes know about the hybrid Bogach F1. After all, it is ideal for canning whole fruits:

  • the shape is plum-shaped, cube-shaped, slightly ribbed;
  • number of cameras 2-3;
  • weight 90-110 g;
  • the skin is dense.

A distinctive feature of these tomatoes is their ability to set fruit even in unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions. Therefore, many take them for cultivation in the northern regions of Russia. During the ripening process, they are light green in color, and when fully ripened they become red; there are no light or green spots in the area of ​​the stalk. Their productivity is high, about 6.5-8 kg per m2. The developed hybrid Bogach F1 for open ground is resistant to verticillium and not susceptible to infection with the tobacco mosaic virus. It retains its presentation for a long period, and the hybrid tolerates transportation well.


One of best views tomatoes, according to a number of summer residents, is Chernomor. It belongs to high-yielding tomatoes with an average ripening period. The main advantage is the unique color. When ripe, it changes from light green, with a characteristic spot in the area of ​​the stalk, to rich red-burgundy, with a purple tint clearly visible.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • the weight of the fruits is large, the weight of individual specimens reaches 300 g;
  • the shape is rounded-flat, slightly ribbed;
  • The taste is rich tomato, with a sweet and sour aftertaste.

Many consider this tomato variety to be the best for growing in open ground in Ukraine, Moldova, and the southern regions of Russia.

The seeds of such tomatoes are purchased by summer residents who like to grow a variety of crops in the garden. They are great for salads, processing into tomato products, preparing side dishes, and hot dishes. It is also considered the best due to the fact that Chernomor can be used in dietary nutrition. After all, it contains a large amount of antioxidants, like other varieties of dark tomatoes.

Gina tomatoes

Gina is rightfully considered one of the best mid-season varieties. But such tomatoes can only be grown in open ground in the southern regions.

The bushes of the Gina variety are not standard, they are low-growing (about 50-60 cm), and consist not of one stem, but of three, growing from the very root. They were recognized as the best due to their ease of care: the plant does not require pinching, gartering, or shaping.

Features of the variety:

  • after seed germination it takes 110-120 days to ripen;
  • the yield reaches 3-4 kg per m 2;
  • weight of tomatoes 200-300 g;
  • dry matter fraction up to 5%;
  • the skin is dense, thick;
  • the pulp is soft, juicy, fleshy, aromatic;
  • the shape is flattened-rounded, slightly ribbed;
  • color is bright red.

The advantages include large fruit size, the ability to transport and store for a long time.

Late ripening

Those who set aside space for planting the best late-ripening varieties in the open ground will be able to treat themselves to a delicious tomato in September-October. This group includes many favorite large fleshy tomatoes.

Warning! They ripen within 120-150 days. Residents should take this into account middle zone Russia and northern regions.

Bull's heart

Some of the best late varieties Tomato for open ground is considered Ox's heart. Varietal tomatoes are large; many are attracted by their juiciness and bright taste and aroma. The developed hybrids are distinguished by increased productivity and large fruit.

Oxheart tomatoes, depending on the type, can be red, orange, or gold. During the first harvest, specimens weighing more than 400 g are found on the lower branches.


  • the peel is thin, easily separated from the pulp;
  • weight 150-400 g;
  • heart-shaped;
  • the pulp is juicy, fleshy, with a small water content, no veins;
  • the taste is pronounced, sweet with a slight tomato sourness;
  • seed content is low.

Tomatoes have excellent taste, which is why many people prefer to eat them fresh. But you can also use them for processing into tomato products.


Fans of whole-fruit canned tomatoes often buy seeds of the Rocket variety. Tomatoes are unpretentious, so they can be safely planted in open ground. These best, according to many, tomatoes are classified as mid- and late-ripening. They begin to ripen after 115 days.

Description of tomatoes:

  • elongated, oblong shape;
  • color red;
  • weight 40-60 g;
  • the pulp is dense.

The yield of the low-growing Rocket variety can reach 10 kg per m2. Rocket tomatoes are used mainly for canning whole, preparing tomato paste, puree, and juice.

Each gardener himself determines which variety of tomatoes for open ground will be the best.

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It’s hard to imagine dacha farming without growing such vegetable crop like tomatoes. This soft, juicy and tasty vegetable occupies not the last place on the dinner table.

The main advantage of tomatoes is that they can be grown all year round: in the warm part of the year - in open ground, in winter - in and even own apartment. But summer residents and gardeners still get their main tomato harvest in the summer from garden beds. For these conditions, there are many varieties of this vegetable. What varieties of tomatoes should be planted in open ground?

Firstly, it should be noted that the difference between varieties lies in the shape, color of the fruit and the ripening period. Secondly, the average growing season is about 80 days. It should also be said that there are varieties that can be stored for a long time, and there are those that spoil very quickly. They need to be eaten initially (as a rule, these are early varieties). Late-ripening tomatoes can be grown all year round. Their ripening time is 100 days.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Planting tomatoes in the garden is carried out by first growing seedlings. This process begins at home around March. Ready seedlings are planted in open ground around May (it all depends on the region and weather conditions). The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground are:

Anastasia. This type of tomato belongs to the early and productive varieties tomatoes for open ground. The approximate yield from one bush is about 10-11 kg, in some conditions you can harvest a little more (up to 13 kg). This is ensured by the high growth of stems characteristic of the variety, on which many tassels are tied. Each brush is capable of producing 5-7 tomatoes. The fruits have a red, tapering shape to the tip. Weight - up to 180-200 g.

The plant cannot support such a weight without additional tying, so every 15-20 cm it is necessary to tie it to a supporting structure (a strong wooden stick, a trellis, a metal support). The first tie is carried out at a height of 20 cm from the soil surface. This early variety of tomatoes for open ground has excellent taste, for which many summer residents love it.

Mystery. This is a super early stunt new variety tomato for open ground, since it appeared relatively recently. But despite this, it has already received a lot of positive feedback. The fruits appear on 75-85 days. They have a round shape with smooth, clearly defined boundaries.

The stems of the bush grow even, neat with large foliage. Their height rarely reaches 40 cm. Considering this, tying up the plant is not necessary.

The weight of an average Riddle tomato fruit is about 150 g. The fruits are of medium softness, so they can be easily transported in boxes.

It should be remembered that this variety abundantly develops many stepsons, which should be trimmed in time with garden pruners.

Stepchildren do not need to be thrown away, they take root well, and they can turn out to be good, fruitful seedlings. This will ensure an additional harvest; they will lag behind the main parent seedlings by only 1-2 weeks in development. If pinching is not carried out, the fruits on the parent bush will be small.

Crimson giant. It’s not for nothing that this variety has such a loud name. Its fruits really have huge parameters - the weight of a tomato reaches up to 700-800 g. Therefore, the Raspberry Giant belongs to the large varieties of tomatoes for open ground. On average, you can collect fruits no more than 500-600 g. Each cluster grows about 5 fruits. They tie after about 2-3 leaves. How do they hold on and not break off the stems? The fact is that the structure of the stem is very strong; this property is inherent at the genetic level of this cultivated plant.

The fruits are round in shape with flattened poles. Color – red.

This tomato is the best in taste, very juicy. Refers to the sweet varieties of tomatoes for open ground. The peel of the fruit is medium thin. They can be transported and stored without any problems, since they are resistant to damage.

Harvest. Another representative of mid-early varieties. Despite the name, its yield can be approximately 1-3 kg. inferior to the same tomato variety Anastasia. Despite this nuance, under certain care conditions and timely application of fertilizers, one bush can produce about 11 kg. fruits By the beginning of August, you can pick ripe tomatoes. Medium varieties for open ground tend to bear fruit for a long time. This period can last until the active fruiting of later tomatoes.

Roma. This variety is characterized by small (80-100 g) fruits. On one ovary there can be up to 18-20 pieces. The stems of the Roma variety are very large and can reach a height of up to 2 m. Such a plant needs to be tied to a strong support.

It should be noted that this is an imported version of tomatoes. He is originally from Holland, so he loves warmth. This is one of the best Dutch tomato varieties for open ground in the Moscow region.

The Roma tomato variety is excellent for pickling and canning. They taste excellent. Very often the fruits are used in various salads. This is also ideal for lovers of lightly salted tomatoes. Color - red. They have a round shape and store well.

In addition to the above types of tomatoes, there are many good varieties. Among the large selection and wide range need to highlight:

  • Giant 5. Characterized by large fruits that weigh about 1 kg. It should be noted that they are very tasty. The plant bears fruit well in open ground. This is a mid-season variety that is grown as a salad option. The bush of the plant is not large (up to 60 cm). Despite his small stature, it is advisable to tie him up.
  • Pink Elephant. Small, tiny fruits weighing up to 50-70 g. They are very sweet. Up to a dozen of them can form on the hand. They belong to mid-season varieties. The color of the fruit can be very different - orange, crimson, pink, red, yellow.
  • Matroskin. The fruits are small, do not exceed 100 g in weight. Bushes can reach 60-100 cm in height. From one such plant you can collect up to 12 kg. tomatoes. The fruits themselves have different colors.
  • De Barao. Mid-season quality tomatoes, one of the most preferred best tall varieties of tomatoes for open ground in Ukraine, Belarus and the Moscow region. They are distinguished by small fruits weighing up to 300-400 grams. The shape of the fruit is oblong. The coloration is red, yellow and black (dark purple), sometimes with a green tip. The bushes are very tall, up to 2.5 m. The fruits bear fruit for a long time and are stored because they have dense skin and pulp, not juicy, and excellent in taste. Ideal for preservation. There are also giant tomatoes De Barao, weighing up to 800 g per fruit.
  • Orange cream. Very small tomatoes with crispy skin. They are very juicy inside. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 70-90 g. Up to 8 pieces can be formed on the hand. The plant itself is small - up to 1 m tall.
  • Wonder of the world. Representative of yellow tomatoes. Due to the similarity of its fruits to lemons, it was called Lemon Liana. One of the most resistant tomato varieties for open ground. The weight of the fruit reaches 60-100 g, no more. One ovary can produce up to 5 tomatoes. The plant looks like a long vine, so it will need several supports. Staking the stems of this variety is required.

The presence of a fairly wide range of tomatoes will allow any summer resident to choose the variety that is suitable for himself.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground, video

Many summer residents and owners of small plots of land are interested in which varieties of tomatoes for open ground are best to choose for growing in their garden. You can't count the options on your fingers.

How to choose the optimal tomato?

Currently, there are many varieties of tomatoes. When choosing tomatoes for open ground, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • ripe fruit size;
  • ripening time;
  • size, branching and height of the bush;
  • size of the root system;
  • required soil composition;
  • climate of the region;
  • features of care;
  • method of preserving the harvest;
  • options for using ready-made fruits.

An important point when choosing tomatoes is the height of the bush. According to this criterion, tomatoes are divided into:

  • tall (indeterminate);
  • medium-sized (determinant);
  • short;
  • dwarf (superdeterminate).

Determinate varieties of tomatoes for open ground are very popular. These are high-yielding plants that are resistant to pests and diseases. Hybrids and varieties bred in Russia undergo special acclimatization to local weather conditions. Low-growing tomatoes for open ground - very a good option not only for your own garden, but also for mass production. The main thing is to choose the right specific variety for the growing region.

It is worth remembering that very large fruits of tomatoes for open ground are not a prerequisite for high yield. Large-fruited tomatoes are usually grown for home cooking. They are used to make salads, hot dishes, tomato sauces, juice, etc. Large-fruited tomatoes are planted as ornamental plants.

It is better to develop vegetable growing as a business using the best varieties with medium-sized fruits. The most effective will be the use of hybrids. This will allow you to get from 12 to 20 kg of tomatoes from 1 m² of land. Such tomatoes can be offered for sale in natural and/or canned form.

Productivity of different types of tomatoes

High yields will make tomato cultivation a profitable business. Tomato species bred in Holland are used for outdoor cultivation. You can also use new varieties obtained in Russia based on Dutch samples.

The high yield of such tomatoes is achieved due to the large number of fruits ripening on each bush. At proper storage these tomatoes for a long time retain their presentation and pleasant aroma.

The main disadvantage of hybrids is the low percentage ascorbic acid and/or sugar. This directly affects the good taste of the product. Therefore, they are often grown for sale. For home cooking, it is better to use tomatoes with a high content of sucrose and vitamin C.

Resistant species

In regions with high humidity air and in cold spring (for example, in Siberia), you can grow tomatoes specially bred for such cases. Vegetable growers call such varieties extreme. Their main advantages:

  • resistance to various types of pests;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • high productivity;
  • significant mass of fruits;
  • ability to grow and bear fruit in difficult weather conditions.

In the northern regions of Russia, especially in Siberia, extreme tomatoes are very popular due to their good taste. They are grown both for home cooking and for sale.

Ultra-early and large-fruited tomato varieties

Sales of fresh produce at last season's prices - reliable way making a good profit. This effect can be achieved by ultra-early ripening tomatoes. Ripe fruits appear at the end of July.

From the moment of planting in open ground until final ripening, such crops require no more than 65 days. Using seedlings makes it possible to harvest in 55 days.

Early ripening tomatoes do not require the use of additional fertilizers, growth accelerators and other chemicals. The fruits are tasty and completely safe for health.

The main thing is to provide stable growth for ultra-early tomatoes. temperature regime. It is advisable to pre-harden the seedlings. This will increase the plants' resistance to temperature changes.

The main disadvantage of early-ripening tomatoes is the susceptibility of the foliage to Fusarium wilt and late blight. Therefore, plants must be treated with preparations with the required copper content (Medyan Extra, etc.), as well as Fundazol.

Early variety tomatoes

Early tomatoes are planted in open ground in May. Exact date Disembarkation depends on weather conditions. Favorable soil temperature at the time of planting is +17°C. After about 80 days you can harvest. U individual species the ripening period is extended to 100-115 days.

The productivity of early ripening varieties is high. Such tomatoes are more resistant to fungal and other diseases.

The harvest of early varieties ripens a little later than that of early ripening varieties. However, the safety of fruits, resistance to various types of pests, and the rate of increase in vegetative mass are noticeably higher than that of early-ripening varieties of tomatoes.

Large-fruited varieties are considered to be those that produce tomatoes weighing at least 600 g. Species of this group are bred through selection, so at the same time, such tomatoes develop resistance to weather conditions, pests and diseases.

Productivity is relatively low - no more than 7 fruits per bush. To prevent branches from breaking off under the weight of large tomatoes, be sure to tie them to a trellis.

Large-fruited varieties of tomatoes are grown, as a rule, for home cooking and garden decoration. From 1 tomato you can make a salad for fun company or make a decoration for the holiday table.

What determines the yield of tomatoes?

The best tomato varieties require a little more attention while growing them. At large quantities fruits the plant requires abundant watering and more nutrients.

For different regions The Russian Federation should select tomato varieties with ultra-early, early or medium ripening periods. Otherwise, the fruits may die due to autumn cooling.

Basic criteria for choosing tomatoes for open ground:

  • short-term growing season;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • immunity to diseases, including after special treatment;
  • acclimatization to the conditions of a particular region;
  • adaptability to growing and maturing in open ground conditions.

Hybrid tomatoes have high yields, but the taste is often better than varietal tomatoes.

On small area It is not advisable to grow many varieties of tomatoes. It is enough to select 6-8 varieties. A garden with tomatoes planted in it will be especially good. for different periods fruit ripening. This will provide your family with fresh tomatoes for the entire season. When planting tomatoes that ripen at the same time, you can select varieties with different shapes, wide color scheme fruits, different bush sizes, etc.

The main thing is that all planted tomatoes can grow and bear fruit in the conditions of a particular region. The coincidence of the basic rules of cultivation will greatly facilitate the care of the crop. Over time, every vegetable grower will be able to personal experience choose the most delicious tomatoes for open ground to suit your taste.

You should definitely take into account the main purpose of growing tomatoes - for salads, juices, cocktails, home canned food, etc. If tomatoes are widely used in home cooking, it would be advisable to give preference to varieties for universal purposes.

Selected varieties of tomatoes

For canning, you can grow tomatoes of the variety ERK. The ripening period is no more than 110 days. The fruits are small, weighing about 100 g. The variety is high-yielding - about 100 tomatoes on each bush.

Fresh tomatoes are well preserved Washington. Each bush ripens many fruits weighing approximately 200 g. Washington tomatoes are popular due to their sweet taste and high density of fruits.

For therapeutic and dietary nutrition, tomatoes of the variety Pink flamingo. Tomatoes have a beautiful pink color. The taste is pleasant, with a reduced content of food acids. Specific gravity each fruit - 300-350 g. This tall variety with a bush height of up to 120 cm, so it is necessary to make a garter.

Tomato varieties Alpha ripen no longer than 3 months. The bushes are low-growing with a dense and thick stem. No pinching is required; you can immediately sow in open ground. The fruits are small - approximately 70-80 g. The color of a ripe tomato is rich red. Alpha tomatoes can be used fresh for salads and other dishes or pickled.

Tomato varieties Carotene belong to the mid-early cultures. The fruits contain a lot of acids and beta-carotene. Carotene tomato allows you to make very tasty canned food. Fruit weight is average - up to 150 g.

High yield varieties

Among the varieties with the best performance we can mention tomatoes Gina. The height of the bush is small - up to 80 cm. The branching is average. No tying or pinching is required. The fruit has a classic round shape and a rich red color. Specific gravity is approximately 250 g. The tomatoes are very meaty, juicy with a thick skin. From 1 m² you can harvest up to 10 kg of Gina tomatoes.

Tomatoes Budenovka have a weight of up to 0.5 kg, and do not crack. The fruit ripening period is up to 115 days. High stability to pests and temperature changes. Special care not required. From each bush it is possible to remove up to 8 kg of ripe heart-shaped fruits. The pulp is very fleshy and sweet.

Variety Crimson Giant was bred by hybridization, so these tomatoes are resistant to weather changes, pests and diseases. Determinate bushes grow up to 120 cm. Productivity is up to 20 kg per 1 m². Raspberry Giant is good fresh or for preparing various canned foods. The variety is very popular for mass cultivation.

A little about standard tomatoes

Standard tomatoes are one of the varieties of hybrids and determinate varieties. Tomatoes are usually early ripening. The bush is low due to a weak root system. There is no need to control the height of the plant.

The branching is small, so the bushes are very compact. This allows you to plant many plants in a small space. plot of land. Bushes can be planted very close to each other. The main disadvantage of standard varieties is weak immunity. The crops are not very resistant to diseases and pests. Required special processing.

The most popular standard varieties of tomatoes:

  • Domintor;
  • Standard Large-fruited;
  • Hartzfeuer.

Tomatoes of standard varieties are especially successfully cultivated in open ground. Such tomatoes can also be grown in greenhouses, especially in cold regions (for example, in Siberia).

Tomatoes are widely used for preparing various dishes and canning, so these vegetables are invariably in high demand. With proper business organization, growing tomatoes will bring good income.