Full name Ian Ioanna. The meaning of the name Yana, origin, character and fate of the name Yana

If you have looked at this page, it means that you are interested in learning more about the owner of the name Yana, the meaning of this name, character and destiny.

Yana, exact specification person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

Origin and meaning of the name Yana

Name Yana. What is its origin and meaning

A girl named Yana has a very difficult character. It combines emotion and calmness, peace of mind and passionate impulses, prudence and spontaneity. She often suffers from the “excellent student” syndrome, when she needs to be the best and the first everywhere and in everything. It is extremely important for this woman to have authority in all areas of life. But even such strong representatives of the fair sex have moments of feminine weakness, when she needs support, the manifestation of tender feelings and understanding.

The name “YANA” itself has Hebrew roots, literally translated as “Grace”, “God’s mercy”. From the Turkic language this name literally means “soul”, “new life”.

There are three myths about the origin of the name Yana. One of them says that this name is a feminine derivative of the Hebrew male name Jan. The second myth refers us to the West Slavic male name John, which was transformed into the female Yana. And finally, the third myth is believed to be female name appeared as a derivative of the male name Janus - the ancient Roman two-faced God. Hence the presence of characteristic opposites among the owners of the name.

  • Yana's talisman is emerald, ruby, and jade stones, which can bring her good luck.
  • Colors that have a positive effect on Yana: crimson, green, red.
  • The number “4” accompanies good luck in the fate of this girl.
  • Her element is air.

Yana's totem animal is the termite. It personifies fussiness, the inability to sit in one place, and activity. All these traits are inherent in Yana.

Patron plants are chestnut and peony. It is believed that Yana should wear chestnut fruits as a talisman. This will protect her from evil spells and the evil eye. And the peony is a symbol strong people, wealth and longevity.

Full characteristics of the name Yana, character traits and fate of Yanochka

What kind of character might the girl Yana have?

The characteristics of the name Yana cannot be called unambiguous and specific. For example, in early childhood These girls can be called difficult children who are used to getting what they want from their parents with the help of whims and hysterics. Therefore, when you name your daughter Yana, it will be better for you to be patient. In addition, these girls are characterized by stubbornness, a desire to show off and brag to others, and even to lie. From an early age, the Yans stand out among their peers for their arrogance, so they rarely have close friends. Girls with this name love to get offended with or without reason. But they just as easily forget their grievances if you praise or appease her. Yana loves to be a star and the center of attention. Usually this is her dad's fault, who overindulges and encourages his daughter's every whim. Subsequently, Yana will most likely demand worship from her husband.

These girls really don't like to study. Usually in the class they have the position of “average” in academic performance. But they always actively participate outside the life of the class and school.

Yana is talented, but lazy. Therefore, with early age it is necessary to develop various interests in it and eradicate laziness.

The character of a child with this name has polar opposite qualities. She is stubborn, proud, capricious and demanding! If Yana feels bad, then everyone around her must feel bad. Suddenly everything changes dramatically and our girl is already gentle and sweet, sympathetic and good-natured. But this is only in those moments when Yana herself vitally needs it.

What fate awaits Yana?

Even after becoming an adult girl, woman, the owner of the name Yana does not reconsider her priorities, convinced that only she is right in everything. All her relatives and friends should fuss around her, creating comfort and harmony in her life.

For the sake of her love, she is ready to swim across seas and move mountains. But having failed in feelings and relationships, these girls fall into long-term depression and begin to treat others even more indifferently and cynically.

Having become an adult and wise woman, Yana becomes more restrained than in her youth. But arrogance and narcissism still prevail in her character.

The owners of this name are very observant and know how to adapt to any living conditions. They are punctual, prudent and careful. They always look elegant and take care of their appearance. Behind external calm and indifference, a riot of temperament and a whole range of emotions can be hidden.

Only love can tame the rebellious nature of these women. Feelings that Yana gives herself over to without a trace, but also gets the most from them. Such women know how to manipulate men, provoking them to “heroism”. Yana gets married quite early. He knows how to truly love and demands the same feelings from his chosen one.

In the family, her husband is given the role of henpecked, since Yana is always in the foreground and must play the main roles in every episode of family life. The mother-in-law may not like this, so the relationship with her does not work out.

These women are excellent housewives, loving and faithful wives and wonderful mothers. For them, the most valuable thing in life is their family.

Sex for Yana is a source of pleasure that she will drink to the dregs.

This woman can realize herself in such professions as journalist, writer, politician. Any areas of activity where communication with people is required. Yana perfectly realizes her creative potential in the design of clothing, premises, furniture, etc.

The meaning of the name Yana, like all other names, is directly related to its history. The history of this name goes back to distant, pre-Christian times and read about it in our article.

Linguists believe that the name originated from a modification of the name John (the feminine form of the name John). But this is not the end of the chain. The name John comes from the Hebrew Yochanan (יוֹחָנָן), which translated means “Yahweh is merciful.” If translated more literally, the translation would be “the mercy of God.” So we can say that The meaning of the name Yana is "God's mercy".

Yana is not the only name derived from the name John. This name became the source large quantity names in many languages ​​of the world. It is believed that from this name also came the male names Ian, John, Jack, and the female names Yanina, Zhanna, Joanna and many others.

The meaning of the name Yana for a girl

Yana is growing up to be a rather complex child. He is usually quite pretty and this allows her to create good first impression. However, as soon as you get to know the girl better, some unpleasant moments immediately appear. She can be stubborn for absolutely no reason. She is also prone to boasting. It requires a lot of effort and a subtle approach for decent upbringing.

Yana doesn't like to study. She knows that she knows how to make an impression and tries to use it in every possible way. She usually gets good marks for her “beautiful eyes.” Has good data for the theater. He uses his innate theatricality with pleasure and easily masters acting as a profession.

Yana's health is good, but her vitality is average. She loves to sleep. The transition from sleep to wakefulness takes quite a long time for Yana.

Short name Yana

It has no abbreviated forms due to the brevity of the name itself.

Diminutive names of Yana and derivative names.

Yanka, Yanika, Yanya, Yanochka, Yanka, Yanulya, Yanusya, Yanusha, Yanushka, Yanyusha, Yanika

Name Yana in English

IN English language Yana's name is spelled Yana, Iana and Jana.

Name Yana for international passport- IANA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006. Previously, the correct spelling was YANA.

Translation of the name Yana into other languages

in Belarusian - Yana
in Ukrainian - Yana
in Polish - Jana

Church name Yana(V Orthodox faith) - not certain. The name is not a church name and at baptism Yana chooses a different name.

Characteristics of the name Yana

If you try to characterize Yana, then probably the first thing that comes to mind is independence and a tendency towards selfishness. She loves to stand out and considers “dullness” to be something unworthy of her. He doesn’t understand people who don’t have this type of character and even despises them. But all this does not mean at all that it is difficult with Yana. She is touchy, but she still needs a reason to be offended. If you communicate with Yana showing mutual respect, then communication with her is very pleasant. She has a good sense of humor and a good sense of style. But such an attitude must first be earned.

At work, Yana is quite successful. She doesn't like to strain herself and Yana's work usually becomes her hobby. This makes her feel better about having to do something. Has good inclinations for business vision and a good analytical mind. This is a rather interesting situation, since at school and institute she usually does not do well in analytical subjects. From this we can conclude that if Yana likes to work, then she will be successful.

Yana’s family occupies an important place in her life, but she is in no hurry to create one. It is important for her to understand compatibility with her partner and his resistance to her character. If Yana truly fell in love, then she becomes a wonderful wife and mother. The change, however, will be intended primarily for those at home; others should not get their hopes up.

The mystery of the name Yana

Yana's secret can be called that she suffers from narcissism. Or rather, her loved ones suffer from this. From them she demands worship of herself, and especially from her husband. This behavior is more noticeable in childhood, since Yana does not yet know how to hide it. As she gets older, she successfully hides it from unwanted eyes.

Another secret of Yana is that she is prone to manipulating people. Yana doesn’t like to make efforts to achieve a goal; it’s better to let someone else work on it. Some of Yana's acquaintances do not even notice that for her they are just a tool in achieving her goals.

Of course, after reading Yana's secrets, it may seem that she is not very good man. But you need to understand that, to a greater or lesser extent, we also resort to these unpleasant methods. Let's not judge others for their small or big shortcomings, but rather let's do something more useful.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Phalanx.

Name color- Raspberry.

Tree- Chestnut.

Plant- Peony.

Stone- Ruby.

Yana is extremely erotic and uncontrollably strives for sensual pleasure. However, it seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit her weaknesses to him.

She puts a lot of effort into appearing strong and independent. She likes to manipulate men, sometimes she tries to play the role of a mother in relation to them - Yana is generally characterized by theatricality, a certain mannerism. But she is easily excitable, passion can literally overwhelm her, and, trying to hide her feelings, she begins to portray a little innocent girl who is possessed by an intemperate man. From such pretense she: experiences erotic pleasure. After intimacy, she will try not to meet with her partner again, and if this is impossible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who can take care of sex. In order to satisfy her desires, both receive great pleasure from intimacy.

“Winter” Yana loves male company, adores the atmosphere of enthusiasm and worship; if she sets her eyes on a man, she will achieve her goal. She is difficult to please, she requires long courtship, compliments, declarations of love before agreeing to intimacy. Inventive in sex.

Yana loves changing sexual positions during intercourse and is not shy about telling her partner about it. “Winter” Yana likes sexual striptease as part of love foreplay. She really needs to see her partner’s complete satisfaction, so a man’s orgasm is the greatest pleasure for her, if not carnal, then spiritual. Yana also likes it when her partner offers her several positions to choose from, and she has the opportunity to choose. She likes the position more than other positions - she is on top of her partner. In this position, she herself can manage the process and receives the greatest pleasure. Yana prefers long sex with short rest breaks. If her partner cannot withstand her pace, she mercilessly breaks up with him.

Yana places a special place in her life for sex. She gets excited easily, but rarely loses her mind. Possesses certain experience, knows how to benefit from sexual relationships. When choosing a partner, pays attention to whether he likes long-term love game; if not, she quickly breaks the connection. Yana has a well-developed fantasy, she is inventive and free in sexual games, and demands the same from her partner.

Yana is jealous and suspicious. Having received evidence of her husband’s infidelity, she will not get a divorce, but she will show him her character. My husband loves to hold it in his hands.

“Autumn” Yana is calculating and selfish, which manifests itself even in love. Tries to date wealthy men who can improve her financial situation. The same goal is pursued in marriage. However, for a mature man she cannot be a good match - she is too extravagant and chaotic - and young admirers cannot satisfy her material needs. “July” Yana Vladimirovna easily manages to intrigue and lure a man, but upon closer acquaintance he remains disappointed. She is moderate in sex, loves to do everything for show. She does not marry the person she dreamed of; the marriage cannot be called happy, but the spouse is guaranteed peace and a measured lifestyle. In the family, the leader is the husband, but he takes into account the opinion of his wife. Children of different sexes are born.

Men suitable for marriage: Sergey Mikhailovich, Pyotr Pavlovich, Mikhail Sergeevich, Oleg Semenovich, Andrey Leonidovich, Leonid Yaroslavovich.

Oleg Stepanovich, Eldar Emilievich, Nazar Pavlovich, Rodion Efimovich, May Leonidovich are undesirable.

Women named Yana often display linguistic abilities. They are endowed with an analytical mind, very responsible, painstaking, focused and love precision. However, they tend to hide their emotions and pursue secret hobbies. Sometimes they can be knocked down by gusts of emotions and passions. If they devote themselves to creativity, they may experience a lot of doubts because it is difficult for them to see the practical component of their activity.

Personality of the name Yana

Yana is female uniform named Jan. The name is Russian, Catholic, Slavic, Orthodox. Translated, it means “the mercy of God.”

The meaning of the name Yana

Women named Yana can be very selfish and can sweep away people in their path without any remorse. They are always independent and act in life as they see fit. They never listen to the advice of others, believing that they know better how to do it. The influence of her parents puts a lot of pressure on her, so when she creates a family and becomes the center of it, this seriously softens her character. She is a hard worker and an individualist, she is very clever with money. Her serious disadvantage is her changeable character, she herself quickly gets tired of this.

As a little girl, she is a sweet and obedient girl, although a little touchy, and it is not at all difficult to hurt her ego. But on the other hand, she calms down quickly. She likes to play with dolls and sew beautiful outfits for them with her own hands. At school she is neither good nor bad, rather average, she doesn’t have any particular favorite subjects, but she helps her out. If she likes a boy, then she will make every effort to look the best in his eyes, then her studies will improve and she will look better. He never considers teachers an authority, so he can argue with them.

Having grown up, if Yana loves and believes, then she can move mountains, and if she is disappointed, she will become apathetic, lethargic and indifferent. She is often overly confident, selfish, and truly believes in her special purpose. Yana is neat, can work with her time correctly, gain trust in order to get what she wants. She is not so strong, but she is not lacking in observation skills, which makes up for the lack of the first one.

Often these girls choose a field of activity that is related to service. For example, they make good make-up artists, photographers, and fashion designers. Yana likes her work and will approach it creatively. There are always a lot of grandiose plans for the future in her head. She is very ambitious and feels misunderstood and not appreciated enough.

If she is lucky, then Yana will meet a person whom she will love deeply, with all her soul and heart, then she will change a lot. She will be more loyal, gentle, and her present and future will become calmer. She wants to have a big family and often this all comes true. She always has enough strength for both her career and her family. However, if she realizes that the person nearby is not the one she dreamed of, then she will leave without hesitation and will not torture herself.

Girls with this name are well versed in male psychology. They are characterized by emotionality, mannerism and theatricality, but thanks to these qualities they achieve everything they want from men. These are very attractive women who never have problems with attention from the opposite sex, and do not spare money on good cosmetics and beautiful clothes.

Very often, even living with her beloved in perfect harmony, Yana is constantly at odds with her mother-in-law, since the latter is not happy that her beloved son is under the thumb of his wife and fulfills her whims. As a rule, Yana has only one child, but she dotes on him and pampers him as much as possible. She is very jealous, but her husband, turning a blind eye to his wife's problematic character, is still happy with his choice.

The fate of the name Yana

  • Career by name. Their innate analytical abilities often lead these girls into scientific work. But they also make good managers, secretaries, and lawyers. If Yana takes on something, she will definitely finish what she starts, and this is her strength, which is highly valued by employers. She is very lucky in business, her investments are often successful and bring big profits. It is especially favorable to start your own business in the field of real estate.
  • Love and relationships. These girls cannot stand betrayal and infidelity in any of its manifestations, and they also do not like long showdowns. Therefore, having learned that the man has cheated, she will simply leave without further ado. These women demand from the stronger sex, first of all, respect in their direction.
  • Yana's health. Often girls with this name cannot boast of good health in childhood and are born weak and restless. At an older age, Yanas have difficulty withstanding temperature changes, which is why they become lethargic and weak. They have a weak nervous system, which can weaken even more with age, so you need to be more patient when raising these girls. They begin to speak early, immediately clearly and without obvious defects. Particular attention should be paid to the lungs throughout life.

Winter Yana she is stubborn and persistent, so she walks towards her goal with a firm step, and nothing will stop her from turning away from her intended path. But it is not possible to significantly adjust plans better side Her qualities such as excessive emotionality and hot temper can. Winter Yana has a huge number of fans, but for a happy married life she needs a calm and reasonable man who can pacify her ardent temper.

Spring Yana She has refined taste, she is ambitious, ambitious and selfish. Her love for her own person is truly limitless, so she expects real worship from those around her. It is not surprising that in the life of spring Yana there are few friends who are ready to give up everything they do to support this arrogant person. This woman needs an affectionate and gentle man who can melt her icy heart.

Summer Yana she has an explosive character, and at the same time she is very vulnerable and touchy, which prevents her from building relationships with people correctly (and this is fraught with problems at work and in the family). Her pride does not allow her to be the first to reconcile, which is why year-old Yana often suffers. The ideal of this woman is strong man who can protect his beloved from all troubles and misfortunes.

Autumn Yana she is reasonable and practical, she has excellent control over her feelings and knows how to control her emotions, so few people suspect what is going on in her soul. In people, this sincere and open woman values ​​intelligence, honesty and kindness. The autumn Yana man is highly moral, devoted and responsive, he is able to react sensitively to the troubles of other people.

Stone - talisman

Stones that can bring Yana good luck are ruby, emerald and jade.


This red stone eliminates melancholy, improves sleep, fights bad mood and human passions. Also, from time immemorial, ruby ​​has been considered a symbol of dignity, passion and vitality. It brings its owner good luck, happiness and longevity.

Ruby brings in family life peace, tranquility and harmony, helps resolve contradictions, resolve conflicts and revive former love between spouses.


Emerald is considered a stone of wisdom, pragmatism and prudence. It brings good luck only to moral and decent people, while it promises not only misfortune, but also illness to hypocrites and liars. In addition, this stone helps with insomnia, strengthens memory and eliminates heart disorders.

In many cultures, emerald symbolizes passionate and faithful love that does not wane over the years. This stone can enhance the gift of foresight.

Emerald helps you move along career ladder, because it enhances mental capacity and concentration.


This stone, which has strong energy, enhances such human qualities like gentleness, justice, courage and courage. It is believed that jade helps to find a way out difficult situations and gives enlightenment, clearing the mind of unnecessary thoughts.

Jade is a symbol of vitality, health, longevity, perfection, strength, power, as well as greatness and good luck. He protects from evil eye and brings peace to life.


The colors that patronize the owners of the name Yana are crimson, green and red (you can read more about the listed colors in the article).




Animal - symbol

Yana’s totem animal is the termite. This insect symbolizes activity that brings changes to life, which can affect life both positively and negatively.

In addition, the termite personifies fussiness and restlessness.


The most fortunate were the Jans born under the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Why? The answer to this question can be found in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life.”


Chestnut and peony are plants that favor Yana.


In the Christian tradition, chestnut symbolizes chastity, protects against evil spells, and increases strength in the fight against temptation.

Chestnut is considered a sunny tree, giving warmth and energy, filling with strength and energy, eliminating pain and illness. At the same time, the chestnut increases its owner’s selfishness and daydreaming, which can negatively affect his fate.

White "candles" (flowers) of the chestnut tree represent light, purification, goodness, self-confidence and tranquility. The buds of this tree help lift the spirit, give optimism and instill peace in the soul.

Interesting! The fruits of two or three chestnuts, which must be peeled, put in your pocket and carried with you, will help protect you from evil spells and the evil eye.


This flower symbolizes fidelity, a happy and strong family life, while the red peony represents not only perfect beauty and love, but also such qualities as honor and wealth.

There is a belief that peony attracts unmarried girls and for women, a soul mate. But immediately after the wedding, in order to avoid attracting trouble, peonies must be removed from the parental home (or the place where the unmarried girl lived).

Peony is the flower of powerful, ambitious, courageous and chosen people, to whom it bestows good luck, prosperity, power, wealth and longevity.


The metal named after Jan is tin, symbolizing diplomacy, flexibility and gentleness of character. People who are patronized by tin know how to not only adapt to existing circumstances, but also find a compromise.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Yana

Name translation

The name Jana is translated from Hebrew as “mercy of God” and “grace.” From Turkic this name is translated as “soul” and “new life”.

History of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Yana. According to one of them, the female name Yana is a form of the Western Slavic male name John.

According to another version, Yana is the female version of the male name Yan, which has Hebrew roots.

Among the options for the origin of this name, one cannot help but consider one more: it is believed that this female name comes from the name of the ancient Roman god Janus, depicted with two faces. This deity was the personification of opposites - beginning and end, entrance and exit.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Analogues of the name Yan: Yanochka, Yanusya, Yanka, Yanulya, Yanchik, Yan, Yanusha, Yanushka.

The mystery of the name Yana

Patrons of the name

IN Orthodox calendar there is no name Yana, so the owners of this name do not have their own church name days.

But! Yana is often baptized under the name John in honor of St. Joan the Myrrh-Bearer.

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend of the name Yana

The Myrrh-Bearer John had a fairly high social status, so she did not communicate with the poor or homeless who followed Jesus Christ. At the same time, she prayed earnestly and adhered to all the commandments of Christ.

But trouble happened - Joanna’s only son fell ill with a fever. For the sake of saving his son, who was not helped by the medications prescribed by the court doctors, his father named Khuza turned to a wandering beggar preacher (it was Jesus Christ) with a plea for help. But Jesus was in no hurry to go to the palace where his friend John the Baptist was executed. Then Chuza prayed even more for help, and Jesus healed the courtier’s son, thereby showing that he was above revenge and human malice.

Only after miraculous healing Khuza and Joanna learned who saved the life of their only son. Herod himself learned about this, who, taught by his entourage, remembered that Joanna often listened to the Baptist, and therefore could secretly bury his head, which was not given to his disciples for burial.

Khuza was afraid of Herod's anger, so he hastily divorced his wife and kicked her out of the house, as a result of which Joanna lost her high social status (there is a version that she herself left home to avoid trouble). As a result, Joanna became a poor wanderer who followed the Savior. Moreover, she sold the jewelry that she was wearing, and for the proceeds she fed the poor women who followed Jesus with cakes and fish.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Yana:

  • Yanina Zheimo;
  • Yana Poplavskaya;
  • Yana Druz;
  • Yana Esipovich;
  • Yana Arshavskaya;
  • Yanina Lisovskaya.

Famous athletes named Yana:

  • Yana Khokhlova – figure skater;
  • Yana Uskova – handball player;
  • Yanina Batyrshina – rhythmic gymnast;
  • Yana Nekrasova – curler;
  • Yana Romanova is a biathlete.

Jana Frey - famous German children's writer.

Yana Diaghileva - rock singer and poetess, who was a member of the Civil Defense group.

Yana Churikova - Russian TV presenter of our time.

Yana Rudkovskaya - famous Russian music producer.

Eva Bushmina – one of the soloists of the group “VIA Gra” (her real name is Yana Shvets).

The meaning of the name Yana

For a child

As a child, Yana can easily be called difficult child, who, with his whims and even hysterics, is used to achieving everything he wants. Therefore, the girl’s parents should be patient if they want to overcome their daughter’s stubbornness. In addition, little Yana loves to lie and boast in order to impress others. From an early age, she has an arrogance that prevents her from making real friends.

One cannot help but note little Yana’s excessive touchiness, but she forgets her grievances very easily, especially if you shower her with compliments and appease her with praise. It is important for her to be the center of attention, and Yana will achieve this in every possible and impossible way. This behavior is partly to blame for her father, who spoils his favorite too much and indulges all her whims (later he will demand worship from his husband, Yana).

Studying is a sore subject for her, since Yana does not like to study (in the class she is an “average student” who “doesn’t have enough stars in the sky”). She perceives going to school as a duty (and more often even a duty). What prevents Yana from joining the ranks of the “good girls” is her laziness, which the girl doesn’t even think about fighting.

The girl is selective in her choice of friends: she can be accompanied by bright and emotional peers who, from childhood, have been trying to show their individuality.

Overall, Yana is talented creative person, the makings of which must be developed.

For a girl

Growing up, Yana does not reconsider her priorities, because she sincerely believes that she is doing everything right. Therefore, you should not be surprised that young Yana is a stubborn, capricious and demanding person (this is especially true for guys who must look after Yana like a delicate and fragile flower). Friends also feel constant pressure from Yana, because if she feels bad, then everyone should stop what they’re doing and rush to her aid.

If necessary, Yana can transform into a sweet, gentle, charming and soft girl, because she is also characterized by such qualities as sympathy, kindness and responsiveness (she just, due to selfishness and self-confidence, does not always show them).

If Yana truly falls in love, she can move mountains, but any disappointment makes her apathetic, irritable and indifferent to the troubles of other people.

In young Yana amazingly combines indecision and confidence, gentleness and stubbornness, affectation and intolerance for the shortcomings of others. One can only envy her self-confidence and determination, which is what those around her do, who find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that all doors are opening for Yana. At the same time, few people realize that in this proud and artistic nature lives a kind and gentle child, who simply needs to be won over in order to reveal everything. positive sides her character.

For woman

Adult Yana acquires wisdom and restraint, although she is in no hurry to part with her narcissism. She still craves everyone's attention, for which she spares no effort, time, or money (Yana is always beautiful, well-groomed and elegant).

Among positive traits The owners of this name can be noted for their excellent observation and ability to adapt to existing circumstances. In addition, Yana is careful and knows how to manage her time wisely (she builds her life according to a certain plan, which she tries to adhere to as much as possible).

Yana can boast strong character, therefore, it is extremely difficult to subordinate it to your will and drive it into any framework. She is emotional and temperamental, but outwardly she is always calm and reasonable. Only when left alone with herself can she give vent to her feelings.

The only thing that can significantly shake her stable world is love or passion (she gives herself over to these feelings without reserve, since only they can fill her with energy and give her real happiness). It must be said that Yana is beautiful, smart and charming, so she easily manipulates men who are ready to do any heroism for the sake of their chosen one.

Description of the name Yana


Morality, honesty and decency are quite abstract concepts for Yana. In relation to herself, she, of course, demands compliance with all moral principles, but she herself rarely acts as an honest, fair and objective person, which is to blame for her selfishness.


One can only envy Yana’s physical condition, although she does not do anything special to maintain it (it’s just that nature itself has endowed her with excellent health). But mood swings of the owner of this name can provoke the development of mental disorders, including depression and melancholy. Problems with the cardiovascular system may also occur.


Yana is passionate, temperamental and amorous, and she gives herself completely to feelings, so love disappointment is like death for her. But for her it is important not only to love, but also to be loved, therefore, without reciprocity, she cannot imagine love and relationships.

Love stimulates her, makes her kinder, softer and more tolerant. But in a state of love, she is characterized by a certain theatricality, mannerism, affectation and even cloying, which can bore a man or completely alienate him.

Yana is looking for a strong, caring, patient and tactful man with whom she can not only spend a pleasant evening, but also build a strong family.

This woman tries to look independent, self-sufficient and independent, although she urgently needs, first of all, a devoted and loving man who can give her stability and peace.


Amorous Yana gets married quite early, which does not prevent her from building a strong family, and all thanks to the right choice men. So, her chosen one is young and promising, or wealthy, but not young. In any case, she will appreciate her husband and support him in every possible way.

Yana will marry someone who can appreciate all her talents. In addition, for the owner of this name, such characteristics of her husband as devotion, honesty and fidelity are important. Yana herself knows how to truly love, and therefore demands the same from her other half.

Most often, Yana marries once and for all, because family values she tries to take care, no matter what, because only in the family circle she feels a real woman, capable of giving warmth and affection.

Family relationships

As in any other family, there are scandals in Yana’s monastery, which never reach the point of no return, that is, divorce. Yana's explosive character does not let her husband get bored, whose responsibilities include taming his obstinate wife, who, being married, still wants to shine and please others.

In the family, Yana is the head, both public and unspoken, which does not really please the mother-in-law, who does not want to see her son in the role of a “henpecked” (let’s immediately make a reservation that Yana never makes serious decisions alone, but only after as he consults with his husband). But over time, the tense relations between the women level out, since Yana is a wonderful housewife, a loving mother and a faithful wife, for whom nothing is more important than the interests of her family.

But Yana’s husband will have to be patient and show all his diplomacy in dealing with a jealous, capricious, grumpy and overly emotional wife, who sometimes forgets that a woman’s strength is in her wisdom.

Yana loves and pampers her children very much, especially if there is only one child in the family.


Without a twinge of conscience, Yana can be called an erotic and sexy person, whose sensuality attracts men. But, afraid of being used, she puts on a mask of coldness and mannerisms, so it is not easy to reveal her potential.

With her loved one, Yana liberates herself, becomes inventive and free from prejudice, which her partner cannot but like. Intimate life for her it is a source of pleasure, from which she tries to drink to the dregs.

Mind (intelligence)

Yana has a lively and developed mind, which, combined with excellent intuition, helps her understand the inner feelings and experiences of others. She knows how to take quickly right decisions and overcome various difficulties.


Sociable and open, Yana will find herself in professions related to communication: this could be the service sector, journalism, or politics. The owner of this name will reveal her creative potential in the modeling business, when creating clothing or furniture design (Yana generates a lot interesting ideas, which can, if used skillfully, develop into a successful business).

Analytical skills help Yana make an excellent career in the scientific field.

Yana loves her job and tries to approach it creatively, which brings her considerable pleasure. Her determination and ambition contribute to the rapid growth of her career and recognition from her superiors, which is important for the ambitious, responsible and scrupulous Yana.


Yana is an excellent businessman (or businesswoman), because she knows how to invest money in win-win operations. In addition, she has an entrepreneurial acumen that helps her earn money where others would not see even a hint of profit.


Yana can be called a real needlewoman who prefers to spend her free time doing various chores: she furnishes the house, creates decorative miracles with her own hands, draws and embroiders.

Character type


Yana is a bright and interesting person. She loves to surround herself with equally extraordinary people who know how to think outside the box. If you want to win the trust of this woman, then when communicating with her you will need such qualities as intelligence, poise, restraint and, of course, a sense of humor.

Yana thinks long and carefully about her decisions, weighing all the risks (this woman does not like adventures at all, since any risk entails changes in life, which Yana does not like). It must be said that this woman belongs to the category of people who know how to say “no” to their desires if they go against her capabilities. This realistic view of things helps save Yana time, money, and effort.


Yana is the owner of a well-developed intuition, which, combined with a brilliant mind, is the most powerful weapon in life.

Horoscope named after Yana

Yana – Aries

This is an active, ambitious and purposeful woman who has a huge number of plans that may seem unreal to many, but for Yana-Aries nothing is impossible. This woman is strong-willed masculine character, she is adamant, calculating and practical. But still, Yana-Aries is a woman, so she also has such qualities as charm, tenderness and good nature. It is not surprising that this sensual woman captivates men, who must remember that they will have to constantly fight for power with this female leader.

Yana – Taurus

Passionate, narcissistic, assertive and stubborn, Yana-Taurus hears only herself, so communicating with her is quite difficult for co-workers, friends, and even those closest to her.

In addition, she never compromises, considering only her opinion as authoritative. This is a real egoist, convinced that everyone should think exclusively about themselves. She is surrounded by only strong, strong-willed and determined people who know how to achieve everything themselves. The Yana-Taurus man must provide her not only with stability, but also with thrills.

Yana – Gemini

This is an emotional woman whose mood is unpredictable (it changes often and without any reason). Jana-Gemini hides her vulnerability, touchiness and vulnerability behind the mask of a strong and assertive woman, and such a split nature does not lead to anything good, since over time she can lose herself. The feigned mystery of Jana-Gemini attracts men, but still not everyone can come to terms with the changeable disposition of this woman.

Yana – Cancer

This impressionable, dreamy, but at the same time nervous and irritable person lives in her own amazing world, where there is no place for everyday life, anger and betrayal. This attitude to life leads to the fact that Jana-Cancer is absent-minded and inattentive, which negatively affects her professional activity. This trusting woman, who quickly forgets insults, needs a decent, devoted and reliable man who will help her cope with all life’s troubles.

Yana – Leo

Vain and power-hungry, Yana-Leo knows her worth. She always strives to be the first, but she will not resort to anyone’s help or listen to other people’s advice, since she is firmly convinced that she will achieve everything herself. Yana-Leo feels chosen, so she will not allow anyone to take over the palm. From the outside it may seem that Yana-Leo is kind, attentive and sympathetic, but in fact real help it is extremely rare. This woman’s partner must come to terms with the fact that he will have to give in to his chosen one in everything.

Yana – Virgo

Closed, principled, but at the same time very charming and feminine, Yana-Virgo loves order in everything, both in business and in her head. Her life is subject to a strict regime, compliance with which is the key to her success. She is smart and hardworking, but she often lacks determination and drive to achieve her goals. Yana-Virgo knows how to position herself in the company of men in such a way that they will fight for her hand and heart. This woman will choose an erudite, honest and devoted man.

Yana – Libra

This sociable, open, gentle and trusting woman is pleasant to talk to, sweet and charming. Yana-Libra is attentive to people, kind and sympathetic, so she always has many friends whom she will never leave in trouble. Jana-Libra believes that it is human nature to make mistakes, and no one has the right to condemn someone who has stumbled. On the contrary, you should extend your hand to him and help him up. Many men like this temperamental woman, but she strives to find the one and only.

Yana – Scorpio

Willful, eccentric and stubborn, Yana-Scorpio rarely understands herself, so it is completely difficult for others to understand her. Her plans change instantly, as does her mood. This woman does not know how to control her emotions, which is fraught with serious trouble, given her explosive nature. If Jana-Scorpio loves, then fiercely, and if she hates, then until her last breath. She also has an ambivalent attitude towards her beloved: in the morning she can be passionate and sensual, and in the evening she can be cold and unapproachable.

Yana – Sagittarius

This active, impatient and temperamental woman is full of energy and life plans. She manages to do everything everywhere, any business is successful in her hands. It is interesting that her desire to live “to the fullest” is perfectly combined with practicality and a strong position in life. Such unbridled energy magnetically attracts men who are attracted by the openness and sensuality of Jana-Sagittarius. But keeping this emotional woman is not easy, because she must be constantly surprised.

Jana – Capricorn

This is a firm, strong and self-confident woman who easily adapts to any circumstances. Everything that Jana-Capricorn undertakes, she does perfectly, so she is capable of reaching unprecedented heights in her career. Unbreakable willpower helps her achieve everything she plans. Jana-Capricorn is able to charm her partner on the first date, but it is very difficult to win her favor. She is not interested in noisy parties, she strives for a quiet family life.

Yana – Aquarius

Practicality, restraint, independence and prudence are the main features of Yana-Aquarius. This confident woman does not like to talk much, preferring to act. At first glance it may seem that she is modest, shy and indecisive, but this is not so. Jana-Aquarius has a flexible analytical mind; she carefully thinks through her actions, so she rarely makes mistakes. In matters of love, you should not expect passion, ardor and constant manifestations of feelings from this woman. And one more thing: don’t expect this businesswoman to become an ideal housewife.

Yana – Pisces

This touchy, capricious, sentimental and irritable nature is always dissatisfied with life. At the same time, Yana-Pisces wants to please everyone, which she does quite poorly due to her difficult character. She is touchy and vindictive, and she will never be the first to make concessions, since she is used to being pitied. Any troubles make Jana-Pisces withdrawn and rude. This woman loves her chosen one passionately and sincerely, although she is not averse to flirting with other men in order to test her feminine charms on them.

Compatibility of the name Yana with male names

Yana and Dmitry

These are like-minded people, reliable partners, but not passionate lovers.

Yana and Vadim

Active Yana cannot come to terms with the fact that the calm Vadim is not able to fight for his place in the sun. The difference in worldview and temperament becomes the reason that the couple breaks up. Patience and understanding are the way to successfully build Yana and Vadim’s family.

Yana and Oleg

Passion, the struggle for power, love of freedom make the relationship between Yana and Oleg not only bright, but also explosive. Any disagreement in this couple develops into a real scandal, which threatens breaking of dishes, insults, and weeks of silence.

Yana and Ruslan

At first glance, this contradictory tandem seems prosperous and happy, but in fact, not everything is perfect for Yana and Ruslan. Yana's irritability and her desire to be in the center of attention are unacceptable for the thorough and shy Ruslan.

Yana and Kirill

The union of Kirill and Yana, based on love, is doomed to a happy future, in which there will be fame, material well-being, understanding, and trust. After all, both strive for the same goals.