Taurus marriage compatibility. Love game “I want to control you”

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus. Which Taurus union is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign will Taurus find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Compatibility Taurus and Taurus

Both in great love and in fleeting hobbies, Taurus can be very sentimental. Two “bulls” are guaranteed success in relationships, because both of them are looking for the same thing - reliability, comfort, music and good food. These two adorable creatures are simply in love with the process of preparing and eating food. In fact, they are in love with all the blessings of life, everything that contributes to comfort - what a wonderful union they can create! Sure, he might be a little boring, but I doubt they'll notice. In the end, they simply do not like change - no, they are not lazy at all, they are only saving their strength. Taurus people have a large supply of strength and energy, because they know that it is a sin to waste it in vain, and they save it wherever possible. They are not wasteful - they are equally thrifty with money. The only cloud on the horizon of their relationship can arise only in the event of anger or stubbornness of both “Taurus” on some controversial issue - after all, none of them admits that they are wrong for fear of appearing weak. So, if you are a “Taurus” and have found a “Taurus” spouse, rejoice - happy, serene days full of pleasures have come for you!

Compatibility Taurus and Gemini

The "Taurus" - the person who is happy to be left alone to watch the grass grow - finds it extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to keep the party going all night long; and don’t forget that they are two in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic Geminis, whom you need to keep up with. For a Taurus this is almost impossible. "Gemini" loves to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence to words. “Gemini” are completely independent and soar in the air, transferring from one cloud to the next with amazing dexterity and ease. This is not at all easy for the “bull”, who hates change and wants only tenderness - and here a brief hug is possible, perhaps even a warm handshake... but the “twins” are already far away, overwhelmed by some new thought that has just come to their mind. For the success of this relationship, it is necessary, at a minimum, that the “Gemini” is ready to hug, and the “Taurus” is ready to think.

Compatibility Taurus and Cancer

This combination is a wonderful combination. “Cancer” and “Taurus”, so different at first glance, usually agree on many things. They both love to eat as much as they love to cook. They're both home-loving people, and they both love a lot of greenery (not just any grass, of course; we're talking banknotes). So far so good, but problems come with changing moods. “Cancer” is dependent on moods, is very sensitive and needs constant sympathy. You can't talk to a Cancer when his mood fluctuates between laughter and tears, and a Taurus may find it difficult to express sympathy for him, especially if the Cancer has fallen into the grip of self-pity. It's not that the bull isn't kind, it's just that the Taurus thinks moaning is a waste of time. Both of these people are great savers, and not out of greed or stinginess: they are forced to save for a rainy day by uncertainty about the future. In general, this is a harmonious union of two souls, and if the “crab” and the “ox” decide to go through life hand in hand, they may well gain a significant amount of money.

Compatibility Taurus and Leo

Undoubtedly, the relationships of people born under these signs were not established in heaven. “Leo” is too playful and too proud for “Taurus”, the hunter to pause, think and weigh everything. Both are in great need of emotional support and encouragement - and may never fully receive it: the bull is not able to constantly flatter the lion as he would like, and the lion is, of course, too selfish and arrogant to show devotion and obedience "to the bull". "Leo" may simply get bored in an alliance with "bull" and, in all likelihood, he will need a faster pace of life. "Taurus" may consider his position too difficult - after all, "Leo" always requires attention to his person. The big “cat” loves to play, embarking on risky ventures and adventures with a light heart. The big “bull” is not ready for this - he doesn’t need any adventures! He likes to travel slowly and along a proven path. Maybe you should think about it?

Compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Usually this combination is marked by very friendly relations. You both can't boast enough about each other. “Virgo” is capable of performing delicate work, “Taurus” is able to take upon itself the creation of its general outline.

All this can develop into a very strong and beneficial relationship. The character of the “Taurus” is very reliable, firm and fully corresponds to the earthly aspirations of the “Virgo” - pragmatic and down-to-earth, not at all “castles in the air”. They both speak the same language. Representatives of these negative earth signs are very reliable, prudent, caring and noticeably afraid of the unknown. You can be a great couple - go for it!

Compatibility Taurus and Libra

Both “Libra” and “Taurus” are ruled by Venus and both love beauty. But "Taurus" and "Libra" are characterized by different level thoughts, and when faced with difficulties life path representatives of this combination can become very bumpy. The slow "Taurus" approach to life issues can depress and irritate the "Libra". Usually a “Taurus” is a rather leisurely traveler, inertia is part of his nature; often he prefers to accept things as they are. On the contrary, “scales” will never get tired of weighing all the pros and cons in every situation, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. Winning a verbal duel is extremely important for Libras - in fact, it seems to them the most important victory in life. A Taurus person may find the Libra's way of making decisions very tiresome - after all, it is not easy for the Libra to come to a certain conclusion themselves. "Taurus" is not always ready for constant discussions. This is not the best alliance in troubled times.

Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio

These two really like each other and together they can make a whole. "Scorpio" is what the "bull" would like to become, the "bull" is what the "Scorpio" secretly strives to be. Of course, do not ask the “Scorpio” to openly admit this fact. “Taurus” is able to offer the depth and tolerance much needed by “Scorpio”—Scorpio sincerely wants to find these qualities in a partner. When these two decide that they are on the same path, the result of their union can be truly fantastic, be it in business, marriage, partnership or love. However, there is one “but”: how slowly they learn to use strengths and each other's talents! Each of them has what the other needs. Without a doubt, this union is very strong in material terms, but in emotional and spiritual terms, slight difficulties may arise. If they decide to overcome them together, they will certainly succeed - thanks to their extreme loyalty and devotion to each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius

This relationship can be great fun, but there is no deep compatibility that can turn it into a long-lasting union. "Taurus" is too much of an owner for "Sagittarius", "Sagittarius" is too sociable and frank for "Taurus" to like this. Taurus is usually calm and happy where he is, while Sagittarius is eager to travel and see the world. “Sagittarius” is very, very optimistic; he has very little (or no) time and patience for pessimism and despondency, so characteristic of “Taurus”. Representatives of these two zodiac signs are sincere and honest, but with one significant difference. Sagittarians will always say whatever they think, without worrying about how pleasant it will sound to their interlocutors. “Taurus” are more sensitive and will not deafen people with their truth - they will prefer to remain modestly silent.

Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn

This combination is likely to be very successful - both the bull and the goat are practical and conservative. They look at many things the same way and can be happy together. Both of them would like to reach the top. It is there that they feel safety and comfort, it is there that they are calm and serene. The "goat" undoubtedly has artistic and creative inclinations, and the "bull" and "goat" both share a love of music. Sounds good, doesn't it? "Taurus" almost always has a wonderful sense of humor, and "Capricorn" strives to keep up with him, responding with his own restrained and dry jokes. This is a great combination to make money.

So far, everything is fine, but now it’s not so good: difficulties may arise if tension appears in their relationship - after all, “Taurus” is a little slow, and “Capricorn” may be somewhat discouraged by the seeming lack of enthusiasm. However, with the natural compatibility of these signs and with little effort, they can be happy, climbing up the same path.

Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius

“Aquarius” rushes faster than the speed of light, covering the past, present and future in the blink of an eye, while “Taurus” is here and now; he is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - a state of affairs that completely confuses "Taurus". They are both tuned to too different frequencies. They may not find very many topics on which it is good for them to talk with each other... and this despite the fact that the “carrier of the jug” is known as a selfless talker, never for a moment ceasing to pour out on his interlocutors all the knowledge he has collected on the roads of the future and the past. Possessor of good old common sense, the practical bull is not very sociable, so it will take them a long time before their conversation gets off the ground. It is absolutely clear that if they join hands with mutual efforts (though only the efforts of Hercules can help), they can learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Pisces

This is a combination that works well.

Dreamy and idealistic Pisces could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical Taurus. Without a doubt, there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in a relationship with a “Taurus”, “Pisces” are guaranteed safety. Pisces can be a great friend to Taurus and - since representatives of these two signs like to indulge in the same activities - they can make a wonderful couple. However, before Pisces and Taurus understand each other and become friends, Taurus may mistakenly consider the Fish to be a reckless and empty creature. “Pisces” is also capable of considering the “bull” too down-to-earth and rude - he strives so persistently and stubbornly to have money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. Even if both of them become involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a solution and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Compatibility Taurus and Aries

A decisive “Aries” in the same arena with a stubborn “Taurus”. Will something happen? The best moments of “Aries” are associated with moments of rest, when they are not rushing somewhere, overwhelmed by yet another crazy idea that gives them neither sleep nor peace. Also, “Taurus” has time devoted to fantasy, wisdom, warm feeling humor - then they do not reflect, angrily and gloomily, over some prank of the “Aries”. However, let us not lose sight of the fundamental differences between “Taurus” and “Aries”, the internal reasons that force them to be as similar to each other as ice and fire. For an interest in life, “Aries” need something magical - at least a glimpse of a miracle. “Taurus” values ​​peace and quiet; they are completely independent and practical. Both of you are undoubtedly looking in different directions.


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More detailed compatibility
sign Taurus with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Taurus in love and relationships

A representative of the Earth element, Taurus, strong in character and soft in soul, seeks stability in life. Patronizing Venus endows him with creativity, a special store of energy, less characteristic of other earthly signs - the sensual and aesthetic spheres are not alien to Taurus. But luck is less favorable for Taurus. Taurus achieves success, including in relationships, only through his own work and cultivating fortitude.

Precisely because Taurus does not rely on luck and intuition, he is always to some extent a pessimist, skeptic and critic. Always makes plans in detail that have negative scenarios, and does not accept unexpected turns of events. His decisions are always justified. However, when it is necessary to act quickly and boldly to achieve success or solve a problem, he often gives up, because needs time to think things through. And if he acts at random, it is often clumsy and ineffective - after all, luck is much more favorable to others.

Relationships for Taurus are a continuation of his life: in his youth, not yet getting on his feet and gaining confidence, he is rarely successful with the opposite sex. And later he prefers not to take quick first steps towards the person who interests him. First, he will weigh and carry out all the tests for his future partner in his head and only then, having thoroughly prepared, will he arrange the moment for communication and rapprochement.

Despite great internal excitement, outwardly Taurus knows how to remain calm. And in his interactions with people, he is charming and friendly, endearing himself to those around him. Therefore, if he wishes, he can get to know a potential partner calmly. But it’s unlikely that he will be lucky with favorable compatibility the first time. Because Instead of quickly chatting with a person and understanding whether he is right for him, Taurus makes plans for him based on his assumptions. Even despite the failure in dating, despite the problems in communication and understanding with a potential partner, Taurus, with his characteristic tenacity, will continue to take things by storm.

Taurus strives for a stable and cloudless relationship, where both partners will feel comfortable, confident and prosperous. Like other earthly signs, Taurus prefers to immediately indicate their position when meeting people. And sometimes this plays into his hands, and sometimes it immediately scares away his partner, who is not ready for such rapid development. Over time, Taurus realizes that this is a pretty good filter for weeding out unsuitable people. He knows how to combine romance and practicality in an original way.

Usually, towards maturity, Taurus gains experience and wisdom in relationships, becoming committed to one type of partner. And already at this time his chances of creating a strong family, which he dreamed of, become much higher. And the partner who entered into a relationship with Taurus and found compatibility with him will be very lucky - Taurus will selflessly do everything to make both of the couple feel good.

Checklist of Taurus shortcomings

  • First, answer, are you ready to wait for Taurus to decide and take the first step?
  • Do you have enough patience to listen to Taurus' reasoning at the moment when you need to act?
  • It will not be so easy for you to defend yourself against Taurus imposing his opinion. And it will be even more difficult to convince him.
  • Don't be surprised when the idea you propose is first rejected by Taurus, and after some time presented to him as his own.
  • Don’t expect kind compliments and praise from Taurus every time: gratitude for your efforts will be his silent devotion to you, willingness to provide support and valuable gifts.
  • Are you ready to believe that behind the stone mask of courage and composure of Taurus, often positive and cheerful, hides a vulnerable and raging nature inside, taking many things to heart and looking for ideal harmony instead of eternal struggle?
  • At the same time, your experiences and problems can be wittily ridiculed by Taurus. After all, in terms of his experiences, he is quite selfish and therefore deaf to those around him.

Natural compatibility of Taurus within its element of Earth: with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Practical partners of Earth signs are able to build stable and long-term relationships. Between them, as a rule, there is no burning fire of passion, but their own atmosphere of kindness, mutual understanding, subtle emotionality and, of course, common sense binds them very firmly. For Taurus, another earth sign is not only a lover, but also someone you can call 24 hours a day, someone you can call your best friend, someone who will support you in business or stop you from making mistakes.

Some may think that such pragmatic relationships are boring and devoid of romance. But earth signs really feel good, warm and fun with each other. If in addition to this there are successes in the material sphere, then they don’t need anything else at all.

The most successful pairs of the Earth elements:

  • Taurus woman – Capricorn man
  • Taurus man – Virgo woman

Favorable compatibility of Taurus with the signs of the element of Water: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer

It happens that Taurus himself gets tired of the stable and predictable way of life with an even emotional background. And during such periods he may be attracted to a Water sign partner. In which moods will change like waves, who will be very anxious and need the support of Taurus, with whom you can talk until the morning every day and always discover something new. And which finally inspires and turns on Taurus like no other before.

Not all water signs will be happy right away. Taurus will have to grow both personally and spiritually to accept this relationship. In addition, he should take into account that material support and management of the general household will also fall on his powerful shoulders.

The most successful pairings of Taurus with Water signs:

  • Taurus woman – Pisces man
  • Taurus man – Cancer woman
  • In a Taurus-Scorpio couple, gender does not play a role.

Unfavorable compatibility of Taurus with representatives of the signs of the air and fire elements: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius

Unions of Taurus with representatives of the elements of Air and Fire turn out to be contradictory and complex. And the relationships themselves are full of both minor trials and real conflicts. It is extremely difficult for practical Taurus to understand a frivolous partner who is prone to making rash decisions. It is difficult for him to decide on a relationship, and even more so on marriage with such individuals, except on their initiative. But, having tied the knot, Taurus expects reciprocity and utmost honesty in everything from their partner. Which, in his understanding, is exactly what he doesn’t receive.

Each union has its own difficulties: Fire signs are too impulsive, superficial and try to dominate the headstrong Taurus. Air signs are cold in emotions, do not know how to sympathize, chatter uselessly, are not constructive, although they are very creatively gifted.

Compatibility of Taurus with 12 Zodiac signs

The initiator of communication will most likely be the sociable Aries, who sees similar ambitions and business acumen in Taurus. Aries will benefit life experience and the sanity of Taurus, through which he passes all his decisions. Aries will attract Taurus with charisma, determination, and surprising spontaneity of actions. Taurus, who is slow to rise and make decisions, will be glad to have such a strong “friend,” the ringleader, next to whom he feels very confident and safe in any situation.

Usually, two Taurus people have mutual satisfaction with the physical side of the relationship. But not as long as we would like. Both are quite conservative and monotonous in their habits, so they literally read each other in advance after the first meetings. But in terms of fidelity, both are reliable and mutual. And they are unlikely to consider one of their fleeting hobbies as an incentive to destroy the stability so dear to them.

If we consider this couple as friends, then everything is quite good for both. There is no conflict between the elements of the signs, there are topics for discussion, and mutual assistance is present. Perhaps this friendship will not be so close. But you shouldn't go too far here. Signs have different dominant spheres, and the elements leave their imprints on life philosophies and types of thinking.

Despite their different worldviews, types of thinking and levels of sensuality, Taurus and Cancer find high mutual understanding literally from the first minutes of close acquaintance. Although at first glance they may not like each other at all. Taurus is especially guilty of superficial, dismissive assessments, while Cancer is much more sensitive in this. As the “elder,” Taurus, at the beginning of this relationship, takes on a large share of responsibility for them and for Cancer.

A few representatives of the signs of Taurus and Leo decide to move further in their relationships than in business terms. Despite the fact that in business their compatibility is close to ideal and the couple shows efficiency unattainable for many, if Leo is in the usual role of a leader, and Taurus is his faithful right hand, not afraid of difficult tasks.

The compatibility between them is really close to ideal. The fact is that they won’t be able to start communicating with anyone else as easily, find right away common topics and understand that both are speaking the same language and about the same thing. Often Taurus and Virgo become friends first. Then best friends. Well, then close friendship itself logically flows into a relationship. This option is the closest for Earth signs.

From rapid love to hatred there is only one step. The strong and dominant “boa constrictor” in the pair is Taurus. And Libra is considered a “rabbit” dependent on him. Of course, the pair “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” does not belong to harmonious types Compatibility is a bright flash of love and passion with a fairly rapid fading. Moreover, in the final, the partners strive to inflict as much damage as possible on each other.

Located opposite each other on the Zodiac circle, Taurus and Scorpio are usually either rejected at first sight, or, conversely, experience a powerful attraction. There is no neutral relationship in this pair. Unfortunately, most often in this pair one of the signs cannot stand it and gives up. Everything here is turbulent and complex at the same time.

For Taurus, a love relationship with Sagittarius will bring little positive. This type of compatibility is called “Rabbit and boa constrictor”, where Taurus becomes a helpless “rabbit” in the hands of the “boa constrictor” Sagittarius, beckoning him with its powerful energy. Moreover, a specific friendship of this kind can last literally forever. But the outcome in love is predetermined.

The similarity of temperaments and worldviews determines the favorable compatibility of two representatives of the elements of the Earth - Taurus and Capricorn. They easily find a common language both on the basis of emotional coincidence and coincidences in thinking, plans or material goals. Capricorn can act as a kind of investor in Taurus’ projects, just as an experienced father helps his matured son with finances and management in starting his own business.

As long as Taurus sees benefit in Aquarius and his bright head, he is gladly ready to provide his support and receive from him a fresh look and solutions to your problems, take something new from him to implement. In turn, as long as Aquarius has something to take in return from Taurus, Aquarius will be by his side. This makes the relationship as constructive and honest as possible. As soon as the partners decide that there is a semblance of love between them, everything will immediately become complicated.

Taurus and Pisces have excellent potential for creating a strong and lasting union. As the relationship develops, Taurus and Pisces begin to understand each other almost at the level of telepathy, often dealing only with glances and emotions. Such mutual understanding at the level of subtle emotionality and intuition, inherent in the water element, makes this relationship special in the eyes of earthly Taurus. And therefore very valuable.

Popular calculations on In-contri:

Reviews and stories about Taurus couples |

Please explain: I can’t understand my husband and I’s relationship between Elder Brother and Younger Brother. But one thing is clear - he doesn’t show much concern for me. I - 02.22.1983, he - 05.13.1979.

Ira, your sign of Pisces is the “Big Brother” in relation to the sign of Taurus. Accordingly, here we should be talking more about your concern, if it is appropriate to talk about this in the context of this couple. Caring fits rather into the parent-child relationship. Your case is, first of all, a kindred spiritual relationship between the complementary elements of Water and Earth, but with a share of mentoring from a more experienced and wise partner of the Pisces sign.

In general, Irina, I couldn’t miss your couple, because... For the first block of chakras/biorhythms, your overall compatibility is 27% and this is the absolute minimum that I have personally observed throughout the entire research period. It seems that you have more than one problem of care, and it is not worth putting it in the first place.

Amazing calculation of compatibility according to biorhythms! I've always been interested in astrology, not just ordinary general horoscopes, but individual. I do yoga. I'm interested in a person's aura. I read about chakras and kundalini, etc. The same interpretation is striking. Thank you. Incredibly interesting and exciting. May God grant you prosperity, site creators and specialists. When you read about compatibility with a person with whom you have lived for 15 years, you are convinced that such knowledge is not an empty phrase.

Now I (my date is September 20, 1977) have had a crisis in my relationship with my husband for the second year. Born on October 6, 1974. He is a foreigner. And reading the result, I realized even more than with my experience and reflection and analysis that what is still important is nationality and mentality and religion (the inclinations of each person individually and aspirations), which are also given and brought up by parents, society, as well as the STARS in moment of birth.

What LOVE we have had all these years. What intensity, mutual interest in each other and desire to be together. But heteropolarity still played a role. My husband’s ability to let things take their course had a negative impact. I, with my pedantry, love for clarity and organization, stressed him out. Only feeling and love helped to overcome all stumbling blocks.

It seems that all the family crises have passed for 1,3,5,7,9,11 years... but suddenly, for 15 years, circumstances arose that unlearned us. The housing issue and my reluctance to live in the house of my husband’s parents and his lack of understanding why this is unacceptable to me. This is how we live apart for now. We come only because of the children. My husband and son live with his parents, my daughter and I are in another city thousands of kilometers away - where my mother lives, she has her own apartment.

But what I want to say is that no matter how much I wanted to fix everything and regular attempts to find a compromise, to come up with something, living apart has borne fruit. Somehow everything internally calmed down, became reconciled... and now I don’t know: do I want them to be together?! I want one thing for sure, that the children are together and both parents are within reach, that there is a family.

So... so far so far. Something bad happened to me and through it I met a man (he helped resolve everything with the authorities), the matter ended - everything was resolved well. The man is very noble. I even invested my own money at the beginning to make the process faster. And so far I’m finding the amount. In general, good friendships emerged. We collide from time to time. We don't find ourselves alone. Both are reserved. I’m still, at least formally, married. He's decent.

In general, I don’t really understand his attitude towards me - he is very reserved. But if I disappear (his words), he finds a reason to call or dock. Like he doesn’t lose sight of it. Taking into account the specifics of his work, I sometimes need to call and consult. In general, the relationship is not completely interrupted, but nothing more is looming. It’s just that the relationship is becoming more and more warm, as if it were relatives)) Asking him: are you busy? Maybe he can report to me. It's interesting to spend time over a cup of coffee or a business lunch. One of these days we should meet to discuss some formalities in the documents.

And today I came across your site. I looked at compatibility... not even as a partner, but as a friend - with friends, too, because compatibility doesn’t matter how interested they are in each other.
It turns out that this person and I have almost absolute intellectual compatibility))) It says it’s not so important for men and women, they say a man can find it with friends, but on the other hand, it’s good. In men, when there is an intellectual match with a woman. That's of special interest)

Its date is 05/08/1980. Yes, a little younger. This confuses me a little. But according to everyone, I look like I’m 30)) And the most interesting thing is that his day and month coincide with my mother’s birthday - 08/05

Thank you again for such interesting information.

Neta, thanks for your story. The fact that your friend has a birthday on the same calendar day as your mother is really nothing more than a coincidence. But, oddly enough, there are parallels between you and your friend and you and your husband:

Date of Birth 20.09.1977 06.10.1974 08.05.1980
Biorhythms/Chakras 38% 37%
Physical 18% 14%
Emotional 99% 61%
Intellectual 13% 95%
Cordial 1% 29%
Creative 34% 8%
Intuitive 59% 43%
Higher 45% 12%
Zodiac signs Virgo - Earth Libra - Air Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4 3
Family 3 2 4
Temperament 5 2 3

As already mentioned, the probability of finding a partner with high overall compatibility in terms of biorhythms/chakras, say 70-80%, is equal to the probability of meeting a partner with whom you will have only 30-40%. You were lucky in this twice in a row. But this is not luck at all, but your subconscious, tuned over many years to a certain “wave” of the partner next to you. The specifics of the relationship, when there are 1-2 strong maxima against the background of non-overlapping levels, have also already been discussed. And, in principle, this option has the right to life. Sometimes even a good and interesting one, when there is still something “above” and the foundation of compatibility of the signs.

With your husband, apart from, I believe, there was love in the female sense at times. Almost 100% in emotions - it is very strongly felt. But crises as scheduled every two years are too much. This is already from the category of tales of family psychologists, setting up a problem couple, that you will be patient this year, and the next year everything will work out. So it was possible to stop even after the first couple of crises.

Who is the new man for you: a friend or someone more is still an open question. And the answer to it rather depends on you. From his side, everything is clear: (again) a man with a stronger character met a woman of his own element, whose sign for him is “Child” or “Student”. They have the same ground under their feet, the same topics and excellent mutual understanding. And the most important thing is that this man deeply sympathizes with you because of his intellectual maximum. Remember your emotional upsurge at the early stage of your relationship with your husband and you will understand the man next to you. A kind of male love with the mind. By the way, you and him also have some overlap in emotions. Therefore, in absolute terms, the new friend beats the husband in terms of the number of points of contact. Probably, if everything suits you, then it’s worth trying to move forward. Your age in in this case plays absolutely no role.

Thanks to the creators for the site,

Zodiac signs: Taurus-Scorpio, opposites attract. Completely suitable. As a woman here already gave feedback about the highest charm, I had such a moment too. Somehow I looked into his eyes and understood why we hadn’t met before, why now, and before we wouldn’t have recognized each other in the crowd.

Pythagorean square: characters in example 111 and 11111. Of course, I had partners before and after. My question is, why is compatibility not divided between men and women? After all, it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer one than vice versa. Based on your site, I concluded for myself (I checked my exes by birth dates), I have the character “ golden mean" It's better to run from 1 and 11. Family: I have 6 (a lot). But the man must also be at least 4, otherwise he should also run away. Anything smaller didn't work out with them. Temperament: the highest number in my experience is 4 (I have 1). But that doesn't matter to me. As the author described well, a man can restrain himself, but a woman can always hold back “a little more.”

Olga, thank you for your story. It may not be easy. I'm sorry about your departed partner... But fate is such a thing. With your permission, I will leave a few comments.

The first thing of interest in your couple is the overall compatibility of 43% and two strong levels of compatibility greater than 80%, almost maximums. The first is physical and the second is intellectual. There is a more “masculine” tendency in this regard. And perhaps your personal warehouse, Olga, is aimed more at the male level. This is completely normal, just like many men who are sensitive on an emotional, heartfelt and intuitive level. They may not be the majority, but there are quite a lot of them.

What is the peculiarity of this type of compatibility, when in general the percentage does not seem to be high, but there is one or two maximums: the partners strongly feel it, live it and, like no other couple, usually value what connects them. Many people ask: what is the best way to feel or develop compatibility at one level or another? The best answer will be given to you by the couple that is supported by the party you are interested in.

Concerning higher levels compatibility, then, Olga, sorry - 2.5 months of a relationship is not quite the time to talk about them. People have been following this path for years. And most often they don’t come. According to your calculations, you have a “half” intersection at the highest chakra. It is unlikely that this could be the main motive for your relationship.

However, not only intelligence, but also emotions in your couple were far from a secondary side. After all, the very meeting of signs opposite each other in the zodiac circle is very exciting for both partners. So different and both of them missed each other so much before this meeting. Sometimes they themselves are surprised at how they ended up together. Interesting couple. By the way, they say that two opposite signs seem to have some kind of supernatural sense of each other at a distance. Perhaps this is what you meant when talking about sensory. But, you know, the danger of this unique gift is that it often becomes the cause of a breakup in such a couple. After all, each partner quickly guesses about betrayals and other bad plans that visit his companion.

Regarding the fact that it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer character, I think you are right. Only in relation to the majority. But, again, one cannot fail to take into account those women whose developed will and character helped them become bosses, directors, business owners and leaders in other areas. Paradoxically, they form the most harmonious families with husbands who are weaker in character and do not strive to lead such a woman.


Very good site! I would like to know why when choosing a partner there is no search among all the signs? I myself am a Taurus and, in my opinion, Aquarius is best suited for me, but in the selection this sign is excluded... I understand that air and earth do not combine. But there are exceptions... an example is that Taurus and Aquarius are one of the most stable alliances in Russia and Europe.

Julia, I would not take the liberty of recommending the so-called “Patron and Advisor” union (the signs are located in 4 or 10 positions) as the most stable. Here, rather, depending on your luck. But, it should be noted that luck is extremely rare. According to the statistics of reviews on In-contri over the past year and a half, there have not been many pairs of characters of this type who would be satisfied with family relationships. Although friendships and affairs are usually productive.

Nevertheless, the system recommends that you do not start only from your experience, but try to find interaction with a partner of a favorably compatible element: if you are Taurus, then for you these would be the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and if you are Aquarius, then you would be inspired by the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


Thank you for such a prompt review to the site and Anastasia. But boa constrictors live with rabbits for 20 years!!! Maybe somehow the boa constrictor can adapt and learn to appreciate his rabbit? Yes! And for some reason everything turns out the other way around - I’m looking at him like he’s looking at a boa constrictor - fascinated and bewitched! This discrepancy surprised me! What if we are an exception?)))


Hello!!! I would like to know how the character of 11111 my young man, it is written that (tyranny should be stopped before marriage), I have only 11, in Lately I began to notice and feel his aggressiveness, seemingly in small things, but somehow I didn’t feel comfortable. Maybe I'm exaggerating, of course, but I'd like to figure it out. Although according to the type of relationship (I am a boa constrictor, he is a rabbit), but in reality it turns out almost the opposite (((HOW TO EXPLAIN THIS????

I read on many sites that a Taurus woman and a Libra man are very good compatibility, everything is somehow tense and complicated.

Physical 71% - compatible
Emotional 58% - overlap
Intellectual 64% - overlap
Cardiac 82% - almost the same
Creative 5%
Intuitive 85% - almost the same
Highest 41%

Olga and Diana, allow me to answer you “wholesale”, because... your questions on similar topics.

First, about “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” in general. Here, dear friends, the point is not so much how long they live, but what the nature of these relationships is and, importantly, what their outcome is. In general, you know, it seems a little strange that people evaluate other people's attitudes, first of all, by their time. Somehow, at the dawn of the creation of this site, I already gave the following analogy on this matter: if my retired neighbor drives the same Niva for more than a quarter of a century, this does not mean that the Niva is the best and most reliable car :)) Moreover more than that great experience car owners and car breakdown statistics, which are not at all in favor of domestic brands and Niva as well.

So it is with a horoscope - it is centuries-old experience, statistics and, most importantly, a system of knowledge. And this system contains one of the fragments concerning the relations of signs, when the second is located in 6 positions from the first, and the first, respectively, in 8 positions from the second - this is if for both the counting is carried out from left to right. And with the interpretation of these relationships, you, like any person, have every right agree or disagree, because Each person is given his own will. This interpretation, of course, is also superimposed on the characteristics of specific signs, but this does not change the main line. In no case do I want to dissuade either you, Olga, or you, Diana, from your current relationship. But agree that “forewarned is forearmed.”

Therefore, Olga, you can safely try to break the record of “as much as 20 years” of living together for a similar couple. We will be happy to create on the site a top of the longest relationships “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”, where we will give you first place :) If there is one, of course. Well, for now, adapt if you are ready for it. I just ask you to read the following comment for Diana, where there will be some explanations about your type.

Diana, your situation is more complicated. More precisely, it’s not even more difficult, but rather like everyone else’s. Those. The relationship has its strengths, and there are also its weaknesses. However, there is no clear advantage. Quite good compatibility of biorhythms and chakras, although without strong compatibility in basic emotions and intellect, but still. And the main antagonism lies in the clash between the aggressive leader in the role of the “Rabbit” and you, the “Boa Constrictor”, who has a soft and even disposition. And believe me, if it weren’t “Boa Constrictor” in your place, the degree of your partner’s aggression would be much less. And all because he experiences the unusual discomfort of psychological pressure from your sign. Because of this constant confrontation, the degree of defensive aggression (in fact, it is protection) will only increase over time.

There is no interest or desire to argue with other sites that give interpretations about the relationship of signs and Taurus with Libra in particular. Moreover, I know from my own experience: most sites try to give a positive forecast for absolutely any pair. Well, or with minor inserts of negativity. In some ways they can be understood and, perhaps, this is even good for young people who are just starting a relationship and want to get a positive outlook. But, I repeat once again that a horoscope is a system. And most people, when working with a horoscope, do not see the system, but only fragments. Because of this fragmentary view, misunderstanding arises. Let's use your sign as an example to analyze the system, rather than individual fragments.

In the form of such a table, the compatibility of signs should not raise any questions at all. Absolutely clear logic: in the compatibility of even and odd signs with each other, in the distribution by elements and their compatibility, in the sequence of elements and signs.

And what is the place of Libra for Taurus here, when before Libra comes Virgo, of the same element as Taurus, and after Libra comes Scorpio, the representative of Water, which is so favorable for the element of Earth? Obviously, Libra is in this row love compatibility not prepared for Taurus the best place. But relationships between people can be not only love, but also, for example, friendly, business and hostile. So, by the way, Taurus and Libra can be pretty good friends. And in a job where Taurus-“Boa Constrictor” will be the boss, and Libra-“Rabbit” will be his first deputy, ready to carry out any instructions and always serve - and a completely excellent couple with high efficiency.

So you, Diana, are now also armed with a warning from the horoscope and Pythagoras. It's your choice to continue this relationship or not. But in your letter it feels like you are already casting doubt on them. These doubts, as mentioned above, are not unfounded. And there is a high probability that the foundations will only become stronger over time.

Great site!

Calculated compatibility with yours ex-husband and many problematic things became clear. I wish I could have done this sooner, right? Then I looked at my parents to understand if suddenly the legs of the problem person were growing from there - it coincided and it became clearer. And now I (12/12/1975) fell in love with him (04/26/1983). And damn, do you want to start solving problems? How????? Help!!!

Olga, our reader Anastasia, who sent her review almost simultaneously with yours, has an answer for you based on own experience regarding the relationship of the signs forming the pair “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”. Only for you it is Sagittarius (you) and Taurus (the chosen one). And for her it is Aries and Virgo.

By the way, one more thing regarding your particular pair of 12/12/1975 and 04/26/1983. Here is simply a classic meeting of the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”: you, the Sagittarius woman and the “Boa Constrictor”, are older and stronger in character than your beloved Taurus “Rabbit”. And he is stronger than you in temperament by 1.

And here is the answer to your question in the story from Anastasia in the second paragraph:


I came across your site in search of a question about what was going on with me and my relationship with my husband. We have known each other for more than five years, almost two of which we have been married, but from time to time I had the feeling that I was in a cage and without him it would be easier for me, he increasingly “appears” to me as an egoist.

The compatibility calculation answered my question, what’s the matter, I 08/26/1988, he 04/11/1988, the “boa constrictor and rabbit” type of relationship put everything in its place in the best possible way. Just for fun, I counted a couple of my acquaintances, their relationship had some strange at first glance similarity to mine, and it became clear, the same “boa constrictor with a rabbit”, they lived together for more than 20 years, they have two children, a “rabbit” (woman) I tried to do everything for my family, but the “boa constrictor” just didn’t care, they broke up, so the “rabbit” now says that it was like a stone had been lifted from his soul.

I’ve been familiar with calculations using the Pythagorean square since childhood, since... Mom is interested in all sorts of similar studies, it’s very interesting to know your comments on these relationships and on my square. According to him, my intellectual side is not strong, if I understand correctly, it’s funny that I unlearned the mat. class, then went to university. on the mat. fak. and now I work as a programmer, quite successfully)), but my soul requires something for itself, maybe you can tell me. P.S. I play the piano, but that’s for myself).

Olga, I hope you understand that the novel “The Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit” is fiery in nature at the beginning, but tragic at the end. And this is confirmed by all the reviews that came from our readers over the year of the project’s life. Therefore, if I were you, I would not hope for the duration of this relationship. But make them another bright page in your life - why not? With your permission, we will now answer Anastasia, now that we have dealt with the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”.

So, Anastasia, your qualities according to the Pythagorean square: 111 22 3 4 66 8888 9. Hmm, you are not confident in the strength of your intellectual side and you think it’s funny that you graduated from the physics and mathematics class and now successfully work as a programmer.

I propose to compare together the squares of the most famous programmers, whose developments have made the most significant contribution to IT and our lives in general:

● Bill Gates, creator of Windows (10/28/1958): 11 2 333 4 5 7 88 9

● John Carmack, game developer (08/20/1970): 1,222 5,77 8,99

● Sergey Brin, creator of Google (08/21/1973): 111 22 33 4 77 8 99

● Larry Page, creator of Google (03/26/1970): 11 22 333 4 6 77 99

● Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook (05/14/1984): 11 2 333 44 55 77 8 9

● Pavel Durov, creator of Vkontakte (10/10/1984): 111 222 444 6 8 9

● Nikolai Durov, Pavel’s brother and the technical “brain” of the VK team (11/21/1980): 111111 22 3 5 8 99

In this series, by the way, a very interesting pair of two best friends - Brin and Page - with heart highs and highest compatibility, who created the most complex, powerful and expensive system in the world - Google. They have quite similar squares, their signs of Leo and Aries belong to the elements of Fire, between them they have five 3s, four 9s and four 7s in luck. Amazing friendship and working union.

As for you, Anastasia, it is important to understand here: the qualities that you see in the Pythagorean square are given to you from birth and undergo development throughout your life. Of course, it is easier to develop and get the effect from those things that are already given in surplus. So, for example, in the matter of the invention of the first operating system, first social network, it was a super search engine the easier it is people who had powerful inclinations of invention coupled with intelligence and logic. We also see that the combination of 9 (intelligence) and 3 (cognition), 9 and 5 (logic) or 9-3-5 in one person turns out to be quite successful. It turns out that you belong to the combination of 9 and 3 in one square. But in your case, since you have studied technical disciplines for so many years and are now successfully working as a programmer, then thanks to the notorious “10,000 hours”, you have probably developed 99 in yourself. And two people helped you on a difficult and atypical technical path for a girl six of perseverance and hard work.

Trying to find something for your soul, you, Anastasia, perhaps should turn to your strongest quality 8888 and not forget about the successes achieved in programming. Your hobby is piano. Why not create a resource that will be interesting to all pianists? Or maybe some other resource or service useful to the general public? It seems to me that Pythagoras is hinting at this with his 8888 in your square. In the previous review there was already a comment about many eights. Perhaps he will give ideas for you too.

Hello! I became interested in the compatibility of zodiac signs after breaking up with a man with whom it was interesting and exciting at first, but then simply unbearably difficult. Having read about how a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man get along, I was surprised how accurately astrologers reflect all the subtleties of such relationships, as if they were writing from us))). And of course, off we go... I started looking at compatibility by year of birth, then date of birth (interesting!!!), and having plunged into the study of compatibility with other signs, I then thought: I wish I could meet Cancer. The relationship with Sagittarius was long and painful (and there were no others), that I just wanted to believe the stars. Six months later I met my Cancer, understanding at a glance, ease of communication, common interests, etc. Of course, I checked the compatibility on different sites: the relationship is harmonious, long-term, but as they write on one of the sites, it leaves a mark of unhappiness on me, and I couldn’t find exactly how this manifests itself. Maybe you can tell me? I am 05/12/1983, he is 07/05/1963.

Opinion of In-contri and classical astrology:

Full calculation (by chakras/biorhythms, the total is 69% - above average):

Date of Birth 05.07.1963 12.05.1983
Physical 80%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 28%
Cordial 38%
Creative 89%
Intuitive 90%
Higher 73%
Zodiac signs Cancer - Water Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 3 4
Family 2 5
Temperament 3 5

Another pleasant thing, as we have already seen, is the pair “Elder brother - younger brother”, where Taurus, that is, you, Alena, is for the elder. And, as happens in most couples with roles assigned by the Zodiac, the same thing is confirmed in Pythagoras - 4 in your character versus 3 in Cancer. Although it can be assumed with a high degree of certainty that initial stage a more mature Cancer man with a “golden”, but nevertheless impulsive character, will try to show himself as a leader. But over time, you will come to natural roles where you are given the place of the first number.

It is also extremely important (this is the second main point after the favorable compatibility of signs) - high compatibility in all three higher chakras. For partners your age, and especially your date, this is key compatibility. Therefore, now we need to start working on revealing it, planning our lives together, sharing our experiences and our philosophy of life with each other - in general, building relationships, also as a deep spiritual union.

I think, Alena, that you have already read enough promising forecasts about your couple and, including on this site, you have found additional confirmation. This is all good. Only now, I’m afraid that the main problems will await you outside. What can I say: a 30-year-old girl and a 50-year-old man. Surely in the eyes of the majority it will look at least like unequal marriage by calculation. From your environment: “the old man decided to shake off the old days”, “why do you need such a thing, I should have found a young one.” From his environment: “she needs money/property from you, and then she will divorce you,” “she was deprived of her father’s attention as a child, so now she is with you, but this will pass.” And everything like that. There’s no need to even guess here—these are stereotypes of society. And this is precisely why you need to focus on the strongest and deepest aspects of compatibility in your couple in order to counter this public opinion. So that no one even has doubts about the strength of your union.

Yes, your couple probably doesn’t look traditional. Whereas in reality it is very harmonious. And hardly many people know that a Cancer man, even at an advanced age, remains at heart a sophisticated romantic and a dreamer. And next to a much younger girl, such a man himself gains a second youth. So enjoy your meeting, develop a foundation of common interests, but do not rush things regarding marriage just yet. Still, your chosen one has family type 2 and this, as a rule, needs some time. Although the initiative will most likely come more from you, Alena. And there is nothing wrong with this, but, I repeat, everything has its time.

Z.Y.: about the “seal of misfortune.” Naturally, I understood what kind of site it was. I saw him too. But, alas, he is one of those who circulate several standard answers for all couples in circles and, believe me, the “seal of misfortune” is heard right and left to every third couple. This can already be called a feature of such a site. And, by the way, there are also quite a few funny sites, by the way, much more popular than ours, where all couples are perfectly compatible with each other. Therefore, everyone chooses what they like. And if we talk about chips, then on In-contri, as you, I hope, noticed, there are no two pairs with identical calculations. Everyone is individual. As, indeed, are the people themselves.

While we're on the topic, that site uses synastry calculations, which is practically very difficult to implement as a script on the site. It can be truly reliable if two conditions are met:
- calculated manually by an experienced astrologer (I know one of these and have seen this happen)
- you know exactly down to the minute your and your partner’s time of birth

And just with the second point, everything is not as simple as it seems. We really only know from rumors and memories from our parents best case scenario what time were you born? Therefore, when the error in our time of birth is added to the error in the time of birth of our partner, then such “seals” are then obtained in practice. And in synastry it may be that a person born at 9 o’clock in the morning and, let’s say, at 10 am already have a completely different set of qualities. In my opinion, such an approach has a right to life, but its emphasis is often placed completely incorrectly. If a person is a Taurus, like you, for example, then he is first and foremost a Taurus and secondly and thirdly has the qualities of other signs. And not the dominant qualities. And in similar calculations, everything can be turned around so that you have nothing left of Taurus. Let me remind you that a difference in just one hour of birth can lead to this. Whereas in the In-contri calculation we see that a difference of a day or two in the date of birth will not lead to dramatic changes. Unless these days or two fall on border markers.

Here, Alena. It's my opinion. You can argue or agree. I wish you good luck in love, development, mutual spiritual growth and, of course, I would like you to write in a year how things are going with you. Good luck to you!

Hello! Interesting analysis psychological and emotional compatibility on this site prompted me to contact. Realizing all the positive and negative sides living together with a spouse for more than 12 years, one single question haunts me: why build a relationship and develop it if it is known in advance that there is complete incompatibility in views, interests, and temperament. I am 05/01/72, my wife is 03/21/75


Alexander, it seems to me that your calculation with your wife does not at all give serious reasons for the statement about “complete incompatibility.” This is far from true:

Date of Birth 01.05.1972 21.03.1975
Physical 1%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 56%
Cordial 62%
Creative 44%
Intuitive 51%
Higher 55%
Zodiac signs Taurus - Earth Aries - Fire
Pythagorean square
Character 2 3
Family 6 5
Temperament 6 3

As we see, apart from the physical chakra, there are no more significant dissonances. There is good compatibility on 2 “female” levels, which are key in relationships - in emotions and in the heart. And all other levels are neutral. Quite a normal situation. But intelligence, Alexander, is what you need more in your work. In family relationships this is no longer the most important point. If we talk about the temperament that you have more of - “overheated” 6, and at the same time take into account the “male” physical dissonance, then here more problem on your side. For a woman, the question of temperament is, first of all, emotional compatibility.

There is also a problem in the inconsistency of the signs “Best Friend and Best Enemy” (Aries comes before Taurus, which means he is the “Best Enemy”), but this is not the worst option for a couple according to the Zodiac. Moreover, this is also statistically the most popular option. Even if the relationships between successive signs do not build smoothly, something always attracts them and this connection has such a peculiar “neighborly” character. There is a place for friendship here, based on the fact that the signs “live” nearby, like neighbors. However, there is a place for rivalry, envy, and gloating, such as “a neighbor bought a car” - grief, and “a neighbor’s cow died” - joy. This is, of course, an exaggerated example.

In general, if you look at the couple, it seems that the woman was the initiator of this relationship, and is still the leader. It is clear that she has chosen the compatibility of all “feminine” levels, that she has a character of 3, and a maximum of 5 points for family. By the way, the difference in character between 3 and 2 is greater than, for example, between 2 and 1. Thus, 3 is already expressed a strong character. Therefore, Alexander, if your spouse, as the leading link, is happy with everything and if you don’t have any particular problems maintaining these family relationships, and you have learned to resolve conflicts, then by and large there is nothing to worry about in your couple. Moreover, the connection between two strong family men is usually long-lasting. And if we take some average ratios for comparison, then we can say that yours is even higher than the average based on the totality of all calculation indicators.

Thanks for such an informative answer! :) Honestly, I studied compatibility inside and out, but your comments are still more valuable :)
About Taurus. The age difference is in no way confusing, quite the contrary. But now there is one problem, we are far from each other, Taurus is creative, plays music, and somewhere you are right, despite the fact that he is strong, on the one hand, self-confident, caring, knows what he wants from life and knows how to achieve goal, at the same time soft, sensitive and sometimes too much on his own. And he also likes to be a pessimist. But if you fall into his hands, then that’s it, a death grip :)

With Sagittarius, everything looks more real because we are close :)
The person is very sociable, active, it would seem that such a person would not be romantic or too sensitive, but that was not the case. What kind of romantic can you look for, and you can’t take away the sensuality and tenderness. Frankly speaking, I was amazed by this discovery.
Yes, you are right about the change in mood. This trend has been noticed. But just as easily one falls into melancholy, one can just as easily pull one out into good mood back.
And I have never had such a coincidence in spiritual views and worldview with anyone yet.

Anna, you need to make a decision somehow :) But for some reason it seems that in your heart you are still with Sagittarius.

Hello and thank you for creating such a wonderful site :)
I’ll be banal, but I need outside assessment and commentary :)
My date of birth is 02/25/1994/, the date of birth of the partner with whom we have mutual sympathy is 01/12/1992/, but there are a few “buts”. I’m a typical Pisces, and actually I’m confused by the confrontation between our elements, I must admit I can feel it, although it’s not critical. What are the chances of a relationship? And maybe some details about the partner’s personal qualities.
And I’m also interested in a man with a date of birth of 05/16/1986/. I have never met a more caring person. Actually the questions are the same :)
Thanks again for your site:3


Anna, have you tried to compare head-to-head compatibility with these partners?

Date of Birth 25.02.1994 01.12.1992 16.05.1986
Physical 92% 95%
Emotional 73% 96%
Intellectual 20% 39%
Cordial 80% 97%
Creative 15% 30%
Intuitive 4% 97%
Higher 31% 7%
Zodiac signs Pisces - Water Sagittarius - Fire Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 3 2
Family 6 6 2
Temperament 3 4 4

Sorry, this compatibility table did not fit on the phone screen, so we left it for the desktop version

So different, but at the same time so similar in terms of compatibility with you, men: both have the maximum with you physically, have one more temperament, and two female levels are compatible - emotions and heart. Looks like a pattern. Or you just know how to feel “your” people well.

Let's start with Taurus. If we ignore the age difference, then he is almost ideal for you. The combination of Earth and Water is very productive, and at the same time you still have all the “feminine” highs. Here is love, albeit without boiling passions, and care with spiritual comfort, inherent in Taurus men in relation to their partners. Taurus also always tries to do as much as possible for his love object. But a kind of payment for this is that he strives to completely control it. At first it really looks like support or care, but over time he is ready to tie his partner hand and foot. And this may not always please you, as an independent Pisces woman. But, perhaps, this is the only specific nuance of relations with Taurus, which, I think, should not be considered as an obstacle. In general, I repeat, according to your horoscope you have an excellent, loving, interesting couple. There is, however, one point specifically for you that does not fit: this is that in a pair according to the horoscope, your sign of Pisces is the “Big Brother” in relation to the sign of Taurus, while in your scenario it turns out that Taurus is older in age, and equal to you in character. Therefore, the issue of unambiguous leadership in a couple cannot be decided immediately. Somewhere, perhaps, you will expect more initiative and activity from Taurus, as a man and from an elder, but they will not come. And somewhere, in his desire to once again subjugate or control you, he will receive an equivalent rebuff. So in this regard, a political struggle for leadership cannot be avoided. On the other hand, it all depends on what you, Anna, expect from this relationship. If you already feel all this in a relationship and are ready to accept it, then nothing can spoil your excellent prognosis. Taurus is strong, responsible, constant, although a little boring, ready to do great things for you - isn’t this what you are looking for?

Relations with Sagittarius will obviously be hotter. If not to say that they are diametrically opposed to the Pisces-Taurus relationship. It is not for nothing that according to the horoscope, Taurus and Sagittarius are each other’s main enemies - “The Rabbit and the Boa Constrictor.” So living with a Sagittarius is just like being on a powder keg. He is active, always ready to go somewhere, easily changes goals and mood... but also expects the same from his partner. Ideally, he needs either an equally fiery girl next to him, or a girl of the Air element, so as not to let his Fire die out. Well, Water, like no other, perfectly extinguishes any fire. Therefore, conflicts are inevitable. Although there are special couples of people from representatives of Water and Fire, who over time have learned to live in conflict and even enjoy those puffs of steam that occur as a result of the meeting of their elements. The plus for Sagittarius in your calculation is that he also has impulsive character 111 to match your sign. And this is stronger than your 2 and means that leadership is in his hands.

If they held a vote on who you should choose as your long-term partner, Anna, then Taurus would certainly win by a good margin. But now, at 20 years old, are you interested in everything long-term? :) And what is “long term” for you? Surely, you would like, first of all, vibrant relationships, impressions, emotions, albeit often contradictory, so that, as they say, there will be something to remember later. Therefore, for such an experience, Sagittarius is a great option. But Taurus is still in a different age category, so most likely he is now looking not for impressions, but for a family. So, Anna, see for yourself what you are looking for in a man at the current moment.

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A lot of famous and talented people were born under the sign of Taurus. Lenin, Shakespeare, Catherine II, Balzac, Marie de Medici, Freud, Cromwell - they all left a bright and significant mark on history. This earthly sign evokes the admiration and envy of those around him, because he attracts money to himself like a magnet, he manages to make a profit where others have never dreamed of. Slowness, stability, a realistic view of the world, indecision, greed - these are the traits inherent in most Taurus.

General characteristics of the sign Taurus

Most representatives of this sign have a calm, balanced, thoughtful character. They do not tolerate disputes, prefer to resolve any conflicts peacefully, and wait until the last minute. But when patience comes to an end, it is very difficult to hide from their anger. They prefer the role of an outside observer and act on the principle of “measure twice, cut once.” The sign of Taurus makes a person practical; he does not have his head in the clouds, does not invent castles in the air, and prefers silent work to empty chatter.

The influence of Venus and the Moon endowed the representatives of this sign with sentimentality and sensuality, so they are distinguished by both simple and refined taste. Such people prefer high-quality and expensive clothes made of wool and silk, gentle, calm perfumes, and do not change the chosen style if it really suits them. Nature has endowed Taurus with good health, so they can live to old age and practically not get sick. They like to drink, smoke, eat and work a lot, which sometimes leads to excessive obesity, hepatitis, brain disease, schizophrenia, and overwork.

Taurus man and Taurus woman have much in common, but at the same time they are different in character. Representatives of beautiful bodies are greedy for expensive and beautiful things: cars, clothes, jewelry. It is very important for them to be admired. If others idolize a woman and almost carry her in their arms, then she becomes indifferent to sex, because she has already satisfied her Venus nature. Men are also not averse to becoming owners of luxurious things, but they will never give up sex either. In bed, they are often unrestrained, but prefer a passive role, giving the reins to their partner.

Advantages and disadvantages of Taurus

In our time, when everyone is racing to show their ambitions, to make their desires come true at any cost, Taurus are almost the ideal of virtue. These peace-loving people do not scatter themselves on several things, but prefer to concentrate on one thing. Perhaps this is why they manage to get on their feet and make a good fortune in a short period of time. It is the representatives of this sign who most often propose ideas that are insignificant at first glance, which then turn into national values. The compatibility of two Taurus in marriage is almost ideal, since he knows perfectly well how to conduct business, treats his other half with respect, and she will always support her husband with wise advice.

However, this zodiac sign also has disadvantages. Taurus man and Taurus woman very often like to indulge their desires and weaknesses. They do not know how to take advantage of opportunities, so they often fail in business; over-caution and self-doubt only get in the way. Spiritual life is not for Taurus, but he should at least pretend for his partner, show some emotions, listen carefully to his other half, and not let everything pass by. An earth sign very often indulges in gluttony, and this threatens obesity.

Qualities of Taurus men

Many women dream of marrying a calculating, successful, attentive and fair Taurus. Such a man immediately attracts attention with his calmness, prudence, self-confidence, and respectful attitude towards his partner. He never suppresses a woman with his strength, prefers equality in intimacy, and gives his other half the opportunity to open up and show their capabilities.

The Taurus man is not prone to romanticism, and he cannot be called a sophisticated lover, but he still knows how to excite women. Cunning tricks do not work on him; he is too smart for this, does not listen to outside opinions, and relies only on his own experience. The characteristics of a Taurus man show that he is a serious, honest and devoted person, capable of for long years maintain a happy marriage.

Qualities of Taurus women

Refined, sensual, capricious, charming - this is all about the woman of this sign. She loves to surround herself with luxury, favorably treats people who give expensive gifts, prefers strong, self-confident, rich men. The Taurus woman is very popular with members of the opposite sex. Men understand that it won’t be easy with such a demanding and impulsive chosen one, but they still seek her favor in order to experience refined sensual pleasure.

This epicurean easily changes partners in order to learn something new, previously unknown. Married life can be unstable, or, on the contrary, it can be long and happy. Physical strength, common sense, and business acumen are given to a person by the Taurus sign. A woman loves success and wealth, so she will guide her husband, give him self-confidence, and will not allow him to stumble and suffer defeat.

character compatibility

Of all, the most pragmatic and rational. Even when falling in love, he never loses his head and is in no hurry to take the first step. Such a person carefully looks at the chosen one and is indecisive. Only representatives of the same sign will understand each other perfectly and will patiently go through the courtship process together. These are strong, balanced and attentive individuals who prefer not to demonstrate their intelligence. For them, the world is based on true values, so it is always stable and harmonious.

Taurus get along well with each other because they know how to perceive people as they are, without embellishment. They avoid highly intellectual and spiritual circles because they believe that insincere and hypocritical people gather there. Taurus are most comfortable being together, because they are practical, and only people who are interesting and beneficial to them are allowed into their circle of friends and acquaintances.

in love

It is difficult to find a more harmonious couple than their ideal marriage; the hit rate is almost 100%. Representatives of the earth element will feel good together, since they know how to create warmth and comfort in the house. A peaceful character and calm disposition contribute to the quick resolution of conflicts, so their home is quiet and it does not lead to loud scandals. Taurus can choose his soul mate for a long time, look closely at her, weigh the pros and cons, but then he will make any sacrifices for the sake of his loved one. It is difficult to find a more devoted, responsible and formidable family defender.

The similarity of characters and worldviews helps a couple create a happy union and enjoy spending time together. The two of them can engage in contemplation of nature, objects of art, and decorate their home with taste, because no one appreciates beauty as much as Taurus. In love, compatibility is great, since both the man and the woman show firmness. And it is combined with an understanding of the partner’s feelings and desires, with tenderness for the other half, care and optimism.

Taurus and Taurus: Marriage Compatibility

The most successful union between representatives of the same sign is observed among Taurus. It is difficult for such people to find their ideal partner, since they lack imagination, look at the world realistically, are prone to hoarding, and avoid the spiritual and highly intellectual world. They understand each other perfectly, therefore, being in the same harness, they go together towards a specific goal, showing double persistence. Taurus and Taurus - compatibility in marriage is ideal, since they will never get tired of each other's company, such a couple can spend hours discussing plans for the future and solving problems that have arisen. Together they can achieve a lot; they are excellent partners who feel comfortable and good about being under the same roof.

A Taurus woman can cheer up her husband at the right time, give him practical advice, and refrain from reproaches and claims. She has a unique ability to create coziness and harmony in the home, and the ability to spend money wisely gives the interior luxury. Men spend a long time choosing their soulmate, but when they choose a specific person, they will not notice anyone around them. A Taurus in love is ready to shower his beloved with expensive gifts at least every day, and a woman born under this sign will appreciate them. These two are only determined to serious relationship. Taurus and Taurus - 100% compatibility in marriage, they will be faithful to each other and devoted to the family to the end.

Taurus friendships

Basically, Taurus choose interesting, reliable, wealthy, well-connected people as friends. They prefer to communicate with friends who know how to appreciate beauty, enjoy a calm conversation over a cup of tea, and attend theaters and concerts. People turn to Taurus for support, wise advice, financial assistance, and they really don’t refuse, because, despite their natural greed, they are also generous. However, earth signs do not like manifestations of physical weakness, whining, and they are unlikely to get along with people who wear inexpensive clothes or wear cheap perfume.

Taurus bosses

Taurus feels confident in a leadership position; he chooses proven, well-proven people as his subordinates; he knows the value of everyone. For such a boss, only the end result is important. The main thing is that the work gets done. Taurus does not like change, so he is wary of new products; he cannot expect an instant reaction to his proposals, since he needs to think everything over carefully.

Taurus subordinates

This is an excellent employee - without unnecessary ambitions, efficient, hardworking. It should be understood that representatives of this sign are often clumsy, therefore urgent work It's better not to give it to them. Taurus must see the fruits of their labor, otherwise they will lose inspiration. These are excellent business executives who will instantly put things in order in the office: they will select high-quality furniture, plant flowers, hang paintings. They work conscientiously, but for a decent pay.

The main hobbies of Taurus

Representatives of the Earth element love to do handicrafts. Everything that can be done with their hands, they do excellently. These people cook deliciously, both women and men, they weave, they make something, they like to tinker in the ground, so they often engage in gardening. As true connoisseurs of art, they can listen to music all day long and love to go to concerts and exhibitions. They will be happy to engage in drawing and calm sports games. Taurus loves nature, so he prefers to spend all his free time outdoors: fishing, hiking, in the country. He reads biographies of great commanders.

Compatibility of Taurus and Taurus love relationships can turn out very successfully, because both partners have the same idea about the relationship and their characters are quite similar. Their love can be called truly earthly, because Taurus cannot be classified as dreamers and builders of castles in the air. They know exactly what they want from life and prefer a bird in the hand rather than a pie in the sky. Let's take a closer look at the compatibility horoscope of a Taurus woman and a Taurus man in love and marriage.

Taurus: Characteristics of the sign

Anyone born between April 21 and May 21 can consider themselves a Taurus. The element of this sign is Earth, so he is not interested in luxury or jewelry. He will not promise his partner castles in the air or anything that he cannot give. This person is open to communication with others and will not plot behind someone’s back.

Taurus takes his work seriously and representatives of this sign make good employees. They carry out the instructions of their superiors without question and will not contradict him in anything. These people do not like change and prefer to stay in the place where they were born and raised. The Taurus house has everything you need for comfortable stay, but no luxury items. But he doesn’t need these things, since he considers them a waste of money.

In love, Taurus is faithful to the last. He would rather divorce his wife if he suddenly falls in love with someone else, but he will not start an affair on the side. Not even a child can stop him from getting a divorce. But you should not think that men born under this sign make bad fathers; far from it, they love their children very much and continue to care for and love them even after a divorce from their wife.

What are two Taurus like in a romantic relationship?

A Taurus woman and a Taurus man often start their relationship with sex, and they consider this normal. For a Taurus girl, sleeping with someone she likes on the first date is not something supernatural or indecent, especially if her partner was also born under the same sign as her.

Sexual compatibility between these two zodiac signs is very high. These two easily guess each other's desires and their relationship is easy to build. They don’t often have to throw each other fits of jealousy and violent hysterics, since they both don’t like it. There will be not only love between them, but also friendship. Taurus would prefer to be friends with their soulmate than with someone else, and it often happens that a woman of this sign has a best friend not just some girl, but her own husband.

Two bulls, of course, can quarrel, this happens in all couples, but these unpleasant moments will quickly pass and the lovers will easily come to peace.

And they will prefer to resolve their conflicts in bed, in which they have a real idyll. Neither the guy nor the girl in this couple will be deprived of sex. There will be few romantic dates here, but none of the partners need this. They prefer to start a family right away rather than caring for a loved one for years.

When these two are just dating and not living with each other, then everything will be fine in their relationship and there will be very little friction. Everyday life can bring discord into their couple, but all this can be solved if true love lives in the couple. But whether a Taurus is in love or not can be easily determined by his behavior. This is especially pronounced in men of this sign. They are determined and courageous and prefer to win the heart of their beautiful lady at any cost.

What is the family relationship like between two Taurus people?

Taurus makes a wonderful husband and wife. They will not cheat on their partner, even if their relationship is experiencing temporary difficulties. They prefer to break up immediately if things get too bad and will never spoil the relationship with cheating. Taurus are homely and always know how to run a household.

They know how to earn money, but if they don’t have enough of it, they won’t rush to look for a part-time job. Representatives of this zodiac sign can be generally difficult to move and push into action. They are sometimes quite stubborn and stubborn, which can irritate the second partner.

Children cannot strengthen the marriage of two Taurus, and the woman in this couple should not think that if she gives birth to a child, she will be able to establish a difficult relationship with her husband.

From the outside it may seem that such a couple lives a boring life and there is no passion in their relationship, but this is not at all the case. They are attracted to each other and these people never get bored both sexually and in all other respects. Taurus do not like change, so they prefer to start a family once. Frequent changes of partners are alien to them and they do not welcome divorces. A woman of this earth sign looks closely at her future husband for a long time before deciding to marry him, but she is not prone to making mistakes in choosing a partner for the family, so she knows how to immediately see a good spouse.

Taurus, both women and men, are not used to playing, as they say, in public and pretending to be someone. Their behavior is transparent and does not conceal a second meaning. The partner always knows what to expect from his other half and this brings harmony and mutual understanding to the couple. They feel comfortable and protected in a relationship with a partner of the same sign, which cannot be said about the relationship between Taurus, for example, and Leo.

This is the kind of relationship two Taurus can have. It is worth noting that there will be more understanding in this couple if they learn to give in to each other and the woman should be wiser in this relationship. She should trust her man more and rely on his responsibility and masculinity, then the union will be strong and happy.

People born under the sign of Taurus are reliable, constant and loyal. Their strong determination, stability and willpower attract people to them. And Taurus people love their home and prefer to spend as much time there as possible. They know how to appreciate simple earthly joys - delicious food, comfort and coziness. They are reserved and do not like to show their feelings; they would rather show their affection for a loved one through everyday care. They need a certain degree predictability in relationships, so Taurus compatibility in love and marriage depends on how willing the partner is to match this necessary condition. A person who is too unpredictable is unlikely to be compatible with them.

These people are calm and respectable, their demeanor seems to tell others that they will be reliable partners. Taurus has many virtues, which makes him one of the best in the Zodiac in love and marriage. But there is one trait that can create tension in a relationship - stubbornness. They are reluctant to give in to their partner. They are stubborn and will resist changes in the relationship until the last moment, but their lovers can reassure themselves that their love is constant.

Taurus has the best compatibility in love and marriage with the zodiac signs Virgo (August 24 - September 23), Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) and Taurus (April 21 - May 20). Good love compatibility with representatives of the zodiac signs Pisces (February 19 - March 20) and Cancer (June 22 - July 22).

Incompatible signs for Taurus are Leo (July 23 - August 23) and Aquarius (January 21 - February 18), although an alliance with Aquarius can be useful for career, and with Leo for emotional support. Relationships with Gemini (May 21 - June 21) can benefit them financially. Regarding marital compatibility, one of the best selections is Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). A partnership with Aries (March 21 - April 20) will be fruitful for spiritual development.

Read more about the love compatibility of Taurus with all twelve signs of the Zodiac in the articles below:

Horoscope of compatibility of Taurus with zodiac signs

If you are in a relationship with a Taurus, you will need patience. They like it when a love affair develops slowly, so don't push them, give them enough time. It is very important for them, first of all, to provide for themselves financially, only after that they are ready to accept obligations towards their partner. But if the choice is made, they remain faithful to their soulmate. They need a life partner to be their best friend. They are romantic creatures and will care for their loved one like a prince or princess. Remember that in love with them you need to be simple and natural - Taurus will appreciate this.

Neither men nor women born under this sign should marry early. Their first love and marriage are often a mistake, and yet, for the most part, they are precocious and marry early. Taurus in relationships are prone to manifestations of jealousy; it can push them to rash actions, which they bitterly regret later. In love and romantic relationships, they give themselves without reserve. If they love, then no sacrifice is excessive for them, but if they hate, then with bullish obsession they are ready to fight to the last.