General and love horoscope: Monkey-woman. Monkey and Monkey Compatibility

Isn't it strange for the Monkey woman, who is so provocative, has a quick mind and is so suspicious of everything that has to do with emotions, to be so romantic when it comes to love? Her behavior makes it absolutely clear that incongruity and contradiction are distinctive feature throughout her life.

The Monkey woman, regardless of her age or condition, loves love affairs. Always on the lookout for her Prince Charming, she voraciously reads marriage advertisements in newspapers and remains alert to good opportunities. Her prince must be a man whom she can admire unconditionally - great artist, great thinker, great scientist, great statesman, great warrior, or the like. Of course, she is much more often disappointed than satisfied in her quest. Often, deception comes only after she becomes deeply infatuated with a person whom she believed, and he seemed to her perfect choice. Disappointment then changes her, even with her friends she behaves harshly: she behaves as if they are to blame for her lack of realism and insight, or as if they are responsible for her unhappiness.

At the courtship stage, the Monkey woman unexpectedly pays attention to romanticism. great place. She enjoys long-term relationships, a certain kind of “intellectual” coquetry, flirting on the phone, passionate exchanges of letters, and the like. Perhaps all her difficult tricks are necessary for herself, because... she needs to prove to herself that she is irresistible to men, and this need itself stems from her vague doubts about her attractiveness as a woman. But in love, as in all other areas of her life, inconsistency is general rule, not an exception. The Monkey woman can be quite sweet and sentimental, and then become aggressive and unleash her feminine feminism in order to break up with the annoying man. One can endlessly list her contradictions, which she finds absolutely normal, since they are the texture of her character. Because of this, it is often difficult for men to relax next to such a woman. For Monkey women real love must begin with friendship. She expects more friendship than love initial stage relationships. Whatever the reason for the separation, she always wants to remain friends with her former comrades. “Pure” love in her eyes is either a fiction or a monster.

What influences her sexual behavior? Firstly, she is too prosaic to be able to draw a clear line between love and sex, between love and marriage. Secondly, sex has no meaning for her if her path has not been paved with intellectual satisfaction. Thirdly, she will not give up on her own until the man she loves provides sufficient proof that she is truly desired. Finally, her approach to making love is complicated thing and perhaps lacks naturalness and spontaneity. This is a woman who views marriage as a necessary evil. But she can be completely faithful to one person if she wants and if she is sure that nothing is stopping her. It borders on the miraculous, however, but she can make her man the center of her life. If he is open-minded enough, her husband may find cause for jealousy, since she has so many friends of the opposite sex - in fact, of any sex and participates in many activities outside the walls of the home: he simply cannot lock her in for himself.

However, her romantic love for a man, which may have been there initially, is likely to change quite dramatically after her menopause. The Monkey woman tends to become so talkative and verbose that her husband needs to have the patience of Job to bear with her. The Monkey woman never shows much enthusiasm for having children. However, few women would be better mothers than she is. Believing in the natural goodness of man, she shows herself to be tolerant, understanding and reasonable, giving her offspring the opportunity to develop as free and responsible individuals. Here, as elsewhere, she emphasizes friendship.

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The eastern horoscope influences not only ordinary life person, but also on his behavior in a couple. The compatibility of Monkey and Monkey in love has ambiguous assessments by astrologers.

Lack of trust in the relationship and mood swings of both partners can lead to disagreements. Nevertheless, the marriage of representatives of this year can be strong and happy if the spouses work on their relationship.

Characteristics of the sign

This year endows its wards with a love of intrigue and an extraordinary mind. People born under the auspices of this animal have the following character traits:

  • artistry;
  • curiosity;
  • sociability;
  • observation;
  • cunning.

Monkeys have a resourceful character and know how to manipulate their environment. These people may seem like harmless, fun people, but upon closer communication they demonstrate the ability to guide others. Such duality of character often becomes the cause of difficulties in relationships, because it is extremely difficult to achieve a sign of sincerity from this sign.

For such individuals, the main value is information; they analyze the behavior of others well and can apply their knowledge to achieve goals. The Monkey becomes strongly attached to close people, which compensates for its fickleness and frivolous attitude towards family.

Sensuality and amorousness help this sign maintain interest in marriage, but the wards of such a patron animal do not tolerate monotony and tension in relationships.

Monkey Woman

The woman owes this year her insight and unusual mindset. The opinion of such a girl has weight in society, she has self-confidence and always has many life goals.

However, the representative of this sign needs support, because she lacks the strength to complete the task. In love relationships, this woman is relaxed, she is a good housewife and a caring mother.

Monkey Man

For a man with such a patron animal Chinese horoscope No closed doors in life. He is charming and smart, his optimistic character attracts others. Such a guy is comprehensively developed, he has a large number of hobbies.

Representatives of this year are not always able to skillfully work with finances, which can affect the financial condition of the family. Such characteristics mean that next to a man there is a condescending and patient woman who can accept him for who he is.

The influence of the elements

The formation of personality is influenced not only by the patron animal, but also by the type of year. Depending on the element, the Monkey can acquire the following qualities:

  1. Metal (1980) makes people willful and stubborn. Such individuals are pragmatic, they are thrifty and know how to work with finances.
  2. Vodyana (1992) is characterized by increased emotionality, but these people rarely demonstrate their feelings. Strength This element is adaptation to any life difficulties.
  3. Wooden (2004) has a weakness for leadership, she is pedantic and rational. This type of year likes to feel like a role model.
  4. Fiery (1956) gives birth to people who live one day at a time. This applies primarily love relationship: such individuals do not know how to be faithful and quickly lose interest in their partner.
  5. Zemlyannaya (1968). Such people do not need publicity; the recognition of 2-3 friends is enough for them.

The influence of the elements and the patron animal can soften or strengthen the zodiac sign and the order of the planets at birth; the compatibility of such a couple will also largely depend on this. However common features character will be reviewed for all representatives of the same year.

It should be noted that the compatibility of signs increases if the types of the year are combined. So, a metal Monkey will suit a fiery partner, while representatives of the water element will be comfortable with a wooden one.

Pair compatibility

Such a union does not often occur in life, since representatives of this year try to surround themselves with driven personalities. With equal partners, such people feel tension due to possible competition, however, a girl and a guy of this year can develop a warm relationship due to the ease of character of both and large quantity interests.

They will not be bored; both partners know how to generate ideas for spending time together. They suit each other like friends, their friendship can last for many years.

In a working relationship, it is difficult for a couple to reach mutual understanding. Both are theoreticians, they do not know how to translate their ideas into business and need a pragmatic person nearby. Due to the lack of rationality of the patron animal, his charges in tandem are not able to do the job efficiently.


Despite good mutual understanding, in love the Monkey and the Monkey have average compatibility. The reason for this is the dislike of responsibility that is inherent in this sign.

The Monkey woman and the Monkey man will be happy to spend time together, plan vacations or cultural entertainment, but they are not able to provide each other with material support in difficult situation. The sensuality and optimism of this year compensates for the frivolous approach to relationships, but a long union of representatives of this sign is a rare occurrence.


In family life, representatives of the same sign are well compatible according to the horoscope, due to similar interests. The marriage of two Monkeys will not be boring, the partners are creative, their life together is extremely dynamic.

The couple tries to do everything together, their love of communication often becomes the reason for more guests in the house. This has a beneficial effect on the character of the spouses; they do not focus on mutual shortcomings and only see positive sides each other.

Such a marriage is built on friendly relations, but sometimes this becomes a problem. A man in this union may perceive the girl solely as a friend, and therefore is capable of cheating on her. A woman most often tolerates such behavior in order to save her family, but this exhausts her mentally.

If a Monkey guy is born under a stable and conservative zodiac sign, the couple has hope for a long-term marriage. Under the influence of air or fire signs, a man of this year is not capable of long-term relationships.


The sex of the two representatives of this year is difficult to characterize with an unambiguous assessment.

Fluctuations from passion to tenderness make intimacy extremely varied, but it is sometimes difficult for partners to predict the mood, which is why they are not always able to satisfy each other.

If the spouses’ state of mind coincides, sex between them will be intense and passionate. Both partners love to experiment; their sex life is not devoid of fantasy and charm.

Problems in a couple

Despite the strong spiritual closeness eastern horoscope, the spouses may have certain disagreements. The reasons for them are:

  1. Financial instability. Both partners do not strive for career growth and do not know how to plan expenses. Similar tactics family budget leads to a lack of material security for the couple.
  2. The struggle for leadership. Both the man and the woman in this union consider themselves the head of the family, but when it comes to responsibility, the partners try to shift responsibilities to each other.
  3. Daily discussions of problems and planning expenses will help your partner put his life in order. Proper distribution of tasks will become the basis for a strong and happy marriage.


    The relationship between the Monkey girl and the Monkey guy is rated average. In general, the marriage of these individuals can be strong and happy if the partners can distribute responsibilities among themselves.

    Passivity according to the horoscope can lead to separation. Also, the variability of a man and the emotionality of a woman leads to frequent scandals and disputes.

To be honest, the Monkey man cannot be called a very nice person, because he literally demonstrates his superiority in everything and wants to dominate in any area and in any circumstances. If he was born in the year of the Monkey, the horoscope describes him as a man with a very strong character who always stands his ground.

The main thing for him is to satisfy his own needs and whims; he takes little account of other people, so it is not easy to coexist with him. The characteristics of the Monkey man are such that in his youth he most often leads a varied social life, has many love affairs, and collects adventures with ladies, like others collect stamps.

Monkey man in love

A young Monkey man conquers a woman, and then, when he pleases, leaves her without any sentimentality or strong feelings. However, he is very passionate, including in love, therefore, despite his complex character, he usually does not complain about the lack of interest in himself, especially from beautiful ladies. His attention can be attracted by a woman who is very confident, free, aware of her worth and knows how to enjoy life. Gray mice, afraid to take advantage of the opportunities that fate provides them, have practically no chance.

These are too inquisitive people with a thirst for life to immediately settle on any one permanent port. However, with age the situation changes. If a Monkey man falls in love sincerely, he turns into a faithful and devoted partner.

These are the characters of the Chinese zodiac who know how to turn courtship into a real show. How to understand that a Monkey man loves you? A charmed gentleman can stand on his head and crawl out of his skin to surprise his partner with something original. He will rent a glider for you, organize diving, buy half of the bouquets in the store and place them under your window.

What is important is the effect produced and your awareness that the man who wants to conquer you is an absolutely wonderful and extraordinary man, capable, like a magician, of changing your life forever. The Monkey man is very eloquent in love and skillfully draws pictures of the future. Unfortunately, people of this year according to the eastern calendar often bluff and lie, which it is advisable to remember. They do this not out of malice, but simply for fun.

How to conquer a Monkey man:

  • Be compassionate, tolerant, do not take away his freedom, do not try to plan his time by leaving him at home. It is unlikely that he will like it and certainly will not help attract the Monkey. If you are dreaming of a family man, then you have come to the wrong place.
  • Be natural. In the company of this man, you should not and cannot even pretend to pretend to be someone: naturalness, if you want to conquer the Monkey man, remember: sincerity is the key to his heart. Always rely on your intuition in this matter. Any signs of artificiality or falsehood can scare him away. Therefore, if you are seriously interested in winning a Monkey man, the horoscope advises you not to overact.
  • Focus on originality. It's safe to say that it doesn't hurt to have a surprise every now and then. He will be glad that you care about him, that you are interested in him - this is very important for him, as for most men. A woman who wants to connect her life with this guy, to keep the Monkey man for a long time, should take care of spontaneity and freshness in this relationship, although in this matter she can hardly count on the actions of her partner. This is a smart, cheerful person, he loves change and a varied life. Go on a trip with him, listen to his jokes, constantly surprise him with something. But, first of all, spend as much free time with him as possible, share his passions, sometimes crazy ones.
  • Become part of his circle. Monkeys cannot stand loneliness; they need male company like air. Therefore, you have no choice but to love his friends.

Monkey man in a committed relationship

The chosen ones of the Monkeys need to have angelic patience. In life, these men are guided more by reason than by feelings, but their mood, nevertheless, is extremely fickle. They have an innate tendency towards change, a kind of vagrancy.

In addition, the horoscope warns that the Monkey man is very demanding in relationships, life with him is a constant struggle with his boredom, because monotony and routine Everyday life he gets bored very quickly. If his partner does not want someone to quickly replace her in this place, she needs to strive to maintain interest in herself, introduce some kind of novelty into their life together, and do everything possible so that the partner of the Year of the Monkey does not become sad. I must say, this is a rather difficult task, because this is an extremely demanding person and will probably not be satisfied with something simple and ordinary.

In addition, it is difficult to part with such a partner. After separation, a series of endless returns and new separations begins. But a wonderful feature of the character of Monkey men is that even after a final separation, they are able to come to the aid of their former partners.

Two similar person met and paid attention to each other. What awaits the pair of two monkeys?

General information about the compatibility of female and male monkeys

The pair is shiny and bright. This is a rare case when two people with self-esteem are able to form a strong union. Their life will be full of events and impressions. The monkey man is a real lighter; in his life there is only room for fire and bright colors.

A woman and a man born in the years of the monkey share the following qualities:

  • Constant desire to do something and not sit still;
  • Desire to be in society and company;
  • Love of conversation, argument, discussion;
  • Impressionability and daydreaming;
  • The ability to grasp everything on the fly, intelligence, practicality.

Mutual understanding reigns in a pair of monkeys, but there is a lack of trust and sincerity. Both are a little roguish, they know about it and feel this trait in their partner. At first, their communication will resemble a subtle diplomatic game, where everyone tries to outsmart their opponent.

But in the end, they can catch fire with real, genuine love. Their feelings are strong, intense and remembered for a long time.


In love

Many signs find it difficult to communicate with a restless, noisy monkey. But the monkeys themselves do not consider their own eccentricity and capriciousness to be a disadvantage. In each other, they will finally meet a partner who will not nag them and call for order and calm. It is not surprising that once they meet, they decide to become a couple.

The love of two monkeys is very peculiar:

  • Their communication will be accompanied by a slight spirit of competition, the desire to beat and outperform a partner;
  • Instead of standard romantic monkey phrases can use jokes and jokes;
  • Each of them is prone to lying, and each of them perceives it as normal, does not dramatize or reproach the chosen one;
  • Nobody's going to play second fiddle, but they will not openly claim the role of leader either;
  • They sincerely admire each other and they don't try to hide it.

This couple will attract everyone's attention, many will envy them. Two businesslike, sharp people, two individuals with a capital “P” will become the center of any party.

Despite their sociability, monkeys have almost no really close friends. Those around them are interested in them and are drawn to them, but primates have difficulty establishing close contacts. If they can get each other's support, everyone will appreciate it. Together they can feel very good and comfortable.


Most monkeys are careerists. Primates often view marriage as just another tick on their list of goals.

But if a monkey really falls in love, he can lose his head. Their decision to get married can be very sudden, oddly enough, a joint family life will not be a burden to these freedom-loving people.

This is explained by:

  • They rarely quarrel;
  • Capable of making concessions (principledness is not their nature);
  • A monkey man will allow his wife to do work and lead an active life outside the home;
  • She will not demand from him hourly calls and text messages, romantic confessions and other things.

Both do not perceive marriage and love as a duty and do not force each other to fulfill any obligations. Monkeys are looking for an interesting and extraordinary partner; stability and reliability are secondary for them.

However, difficulties in marriage may arise:

  • Both do not like to take responsibility;
  • Men of this sign do not want to devote themselves entirely to their family;
  • Tend to seek benefits in marriage;
  • They don’t want to limit themselves in anything;
  • Everyone is used to considering themselves the best, both with a crown on their heads, which sometimes leads to conflicts.

In bed

The sexual sphere is very important for both. In this pair, she is often the connecting link.

Their sex life is characterized by:

  • Bold experiments;
  • Lack of conventions and strict frameworks;
  • Temperament and passion;
  • Constant changes in mood and behavior of partners.

They will be the best for each other. Only another monkey will understand and fully appreciate the playfulness and imagination of a monkey.

In sex they both:

  • Liberated and devoid of complexes;
  • Passionate about the process;
  • They are not afraid to admit their desires and fears to their partner.

In friendship

It doesn’t matter if they belong to the same gender or different genders. The two of them are interested in each other, they have a similar sense of humor, both are enthusiastic and curious natures. Monkey Friend:

  • Does not make special demands on friends and is able to be friends with anyone;
  • Does not perceive friendships as something meaningful;
  • Able to charm any interlocutor and quickly establish contact;
  • Breaks up with people easily.

From friendship the monkey expects:

  • The opportunity to have a person who is ready to break loose at any moment and go have fun;
  • News and gossip;
  • Intellectual debates and disputes;
  • Help.

The two monkeys will provide all this to each other. For a monkey, a friend is not a close and dear person, but a companion in adventures and games, someone with whom you can have fun and spend time usefully. Two monkeys will make a great friendly duet.

In progress

If in their personal life a slightly eccentric, flighty monkey has some problems, then in work matters they are constantly lucky.

Every person born in the year of the monkey has the following qualities:

  • Innate intelligence, high intelligence;
  • Phenomenal memory;
  • Ability to do several things at once;
  • Diplomatic talent and ability to negotiate and conduct business;
  • The desire to act here and now and get what you want.

Only another primate can compete with a monkey, but together they are invincible. But they are afraid of problems hard times experience with difficulty, for more efficient work the team should have a more stable person, for example, a bull or a horse.

In percentages: 90%

Negative sides of the union

A monkey is always a difficult character. Sometimes they say about such people that they are “on their own.” The monkey is proud, sometimes behaves disrespectfully, and is unfamiliar with the concepts of obligation and duty.

Monkeys rarely manage to build a happy marriage and trusting relationships with loved ones. Although in a union of two monkeys there are significantly fewer problems than in other pairs.

But still, misunderstandings do occur. The most common causes of conflict are:

  • Spending by both partners;
  • The desire of both to dominate the family;
  • Excessive love of freedom and infidelity.

Even if there are not many problems in the union, you will have to work on the relationship. But who, if not a monkey, knows how to work hard for his own benefit?

To strengthen their often light-hearted and optional connection, it is recommended:

  • Try to be as frank as possible with your soul mate;
  • Discuss the rules of conduct in advance family budget;
  • Don't perceive your lover as a rival, do not try to prove to him your superiority, great intelligence, etc.;
  • Pay more attention emotional intimacy with a partner;
  • Refrain from fleeting connections on the side;
  • In a difficult situation, do not shift responsibility on each other's shoulders, and solve them together.

Compatibility of Monkey and Monkey is a very cheerful and cheerful union of two dreamers, adventurers and endless romantics. But the couple lacks the harmony that smoothes out the negative character traits of a man and a woman. Constant contact between two Monkeys can become quite explosive.

Character of the Monkey woman according to the horoscope

A woman born this year is characterized by inconstancy, although she gets along well with all signs of the zodiac circle. But such openness hides natural tact: the Monkey will not offend anyone without reason. She loves communication and enjoys discussing any topic. After all, such a lady is well-read, she is drawn to knowledge, loves to learn something new.

If she has an enemy, the woman will throw all her strength into fighting him. She tends to remember evil for years, but does not hide the negativity within herself, but clearly and directly expresses her complaints.

The girl knows how to get out of any situation, and there are absolutely no behavioral patterns in her life. She was born in the year of the double sign, and can direct her energy and mind in the right direction or rush into the arms of new adventures.

Compatibility in love of a Monkey woman

A man for a Monkey is a support, her life beacon, which keeps her from rash actions. In love, a woman is impetuous, sensual, she opens her soul wide open, which often leads to disappointment.

The monkey is certainly not a mystery woman, but her natural cheerfulness, beauty, intelligence, ability and desire to earn money attract representatives of the stronger sex to her like a magnet.

Of the traditional character traits that are valued in women, Monkeys received the following qualities:

  1. The ability to understand and support a partner. Most often, this trait manifests itself in the character of the Monkey, born under the sign of Virgo, Capricorn, Libra.
  2. She never reproaches her husband for lack of money; she tries to earn money herself to support her family. Behavior characteristic of the signs Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius.
  3. Original and resourceful, she decorates the house, is passionate about design, and spends money wisely. You will find these character traits in the sign of Gemini and Pisces.
  4. The Monkey's cooking is not the best, but this is compensated by her boundless love for her husband and children. This behavior is typical of absolutely all Monkeys.

A woman endures grievances and insults from her partner hard; she remembers all the bad things. And when negative emotions accumulate, he may go in search of new love or adventure. But a woman easily experiences a breakup; she views it as a step forward, not a tragedy.

Character of the Monkey man according to the horoscope

A man born this year is ambitious. He is a master at making plans and bringing an idea to a successful logical conclusion. Men of this sign almost always become careerists who are ready to neglect friendship, family and love for the sake of their work.

A man will achieve success in all areas of activity that require flexible thinking, quick thinking and the ability to make a deal with his own conscience:

  1. Politics and diplomacy are suitable for a Scorpio, Leo or Capricorn man.
  2. Tourism business and the service sector are specialties for Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces.
  3. Financier, lawyer, commerce are suitable for Gemini and Aries.

In any field of activity, a man should avoid florid phrases and unrestrained statements that can tire others.

Compatibility in love according to the horoscope of a Monkey man

Relationships with this zodiac man are difficult, and most often end in separation. A man cannot suppress the boss in himself at home, rushing to manage everything around him from buying a car to preparing soup. Of course, such behavior is not to the taste of women.

But a man can always find a new lady, because his masculinity and athletic physique help him to be the center of female attention. The Monkey man is surrounded by flocks of fans; in addition to his attractiveness, he is financially independent and gladly patronizes and indulges all the whims of his other half.

In love, a man’s negative character traits are manifested in the following:

  1. Frivolity, he is capable of treason.
  2. A man is ready to provide for his partner, but he sincerely does not understand that besides this, a woman needs a little attention.
  3. If his wife contradicts him or expresses doubts about his strength, then he gets offended and can be rude.

Compatibility of Monkey woman and Monkey man

In this union, a woman sees a continuation of herself in a man, she understands that they are very similar. This helps her smooth out conflict situations, because she assumes and guesses about those things that could anger him.

Do you think their life will be calm and measured? No, the couple lives like on a volcano, daily clashes drive each of them crazy. The problem for partners is that they are used to looking down on other people, thinking that they are the most talented, smart, beautiful, etc. As we understand, this position does not strengthen the marriage.

But their life is still in full swing: there are always guests in the house, they will happily go on a camping trip, go to the sea like savages. The couple likes travel, unexpected events, they delight each other with surprises.

Both are quite frivolous in financial matters. They earn money, but they don’t know how to plan expenses, and a few days before payday they can “live” on the change they have emptied from their pockets.

Friendship binds partners, but love is postponed, and even if the couple separates, the man and woman do not interrupt communication.

Marriage compatibility between Monkey man and Monkey woman

The eastern compatibility horoscope of this couple is unfavorable, although the happiness of the family depends on many factors - date of birth, month, specific year.

From a man's point of view, he will receive not a wife, but a prize. She is a wonderful housewife, loves children very much, and manages to combine her career and family. Besides everyone positive qualities The Monkey woman is a passionate lover, and the union of two Monkeys is sometimes tightly sealed by sex.

But the man is unstable, seeing his partner as a friend, he easily cheats on her, starts short-term affairs, and easily spends money on his whims. Most often, she is aware of what is happening, but family is important to her, and she tries not to ruin it with her jealousy. In such a family, no one weaves intrigues, because Monkeys will never offend a person dear to their hearts.

Sometimes the Monkey woman becomes despondent, and her partner frivolously shifts absolutely everything onto his wife’s shoulders - raising children, household chores, financial support. He is passionate about his life, and is unable to discern the tremulous soul of his partner under the mask of indifference.

Monkey sexual compatibility horoscope

Sex with Monkeys is sex with different people. Today the partner is passionate, and tomorrow he is very tender and even vulnerable. Their mood is difficult to predict, but in the union of representatives of this sign everything flows just fine.

They understand each other at a glance, both are sexually distinct, and maintain mutual attraction throughout their entire life together. A man in sex is a skilled lover, and a woman is a dreamer and an addicted person.