Akakiy: the meaning of the name, origin, character and fate of the owner. Male name Akaki: history and characteristics Translation and meaning of the name Akaki

On December 12 (November 29, old style) the church honors the name of St. Akaki of Sinai. In Russian this name sounds rather funny. And it even seems that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol chose this dissonant name for the hero of the story “The Overcoat” - Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin - specifically to emphasize the worthlessness of the hero and evoke compassionate feelings in the reader. However, the life of Saint Akaki, which was well known to Gogol, reveals to us new meanings of this story.

Akakiy: the meaning of the name

In Greek there is an adjective “άκακος”, which is translated as “kindly.” A derivative of it is the name Akakios, in Russian transcription Akaki, meaning “benevolent” and “innocent”. An adjective without the negative particle “ά” - “κακος” - respectively means bad, wicked and doing evil. Perhaps in ancient times, by giving the child the name Akakios, the Greeks tried to emphasize the baby’s non-involvement in evil and sinfulness. Non-involvement both now and in the future. Akaki is a person devoid of hatred, full of love and kindness.

We cannot say that in Russia this name was once popular, and then, much later, because of its sound it fell out of use. But it cannot be denied that it was widely heard. At least nine times during the year the Church turns in its prayers to saints named Akaki.

In Russia, the day of remembrance of St. Akakios of Sinai falls on December 12 (November 29, old style). And twice a year the Church of St. Akakios of Sinai remembers: July 20 (July 7, old style), and also on Wednesday of Bright Week, Saint Akakios is glorified in the Cathedral of the Sinai Saints, that is, all those saints who tied up on Mount Sinai.

Life of Akakios of Sinai

Akaki was a novice. He lived in a monastery under one very stern and even impudent elder. This happened in the first half of the 6th century. The elder constantly gave Akakii hard work. He not only scolded the young man, but even beat him brutally. Akaki was good-natured, endured everything without complaining, with patience, obedience, and was distinguished by great humility. One day, when he was already in his ninth year of service with the elder, Akaki died from overwork and a sudden illness. Five days later, the elder complained to another monk that something bad had happened and the novice had died. This last one didn't believe it. Together they went to the crypt, where the body of Akaki was buried, to make sure that the mentor’s words were correct. “Akaky, where are you? You died?" - the monks turned to the late Akaki, as if he were alive. “No, father,” the elder heard in response. - I didn't die. For the one who promised to do obedience, there is no death.”

These words shocked mentor Akaki so much that he chose to flee in shame and fear. Enlightened by what had happened, asking permission from the abbot, the elder lived and prayed at the tomb of Saint Akakios until the end of his days. Thus the Lord rewarded the Monk Akaki for his patience.

Iconography: what did Akaki look like?

The iconography manual is called Erminia or the iconographic original. The most famous Erminia of the 18th century belongs to the pen of the Athonite hieromonk Dionysius Furnoagrafiot. In particular, he points out that the Monk Akaki should be depicted as young, with a barely growing beard. There are not many images of St. Akaki of Sinai, dark-haired, in a monastic cassock, in a mantle, in the world. In Greece, frescoes are more common. For example, one of the most famous is the fresco of St. Akakios, which was preserved in the Hosios Loukas monastery near the city of Delphi. The monastery, founded in the 10th century, which preserves amazing frescoes and mosaics, is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In the northeast of the Athos peninsula, in the Hilandar monastery, a 17th-century image of St. Akakios is located in the refectory monastery.

At least one image is known in Russia. This is a fresco of St. Akaki of Sinai from the 14th century, made by Balkan masters. It was located in the Church of the Transfiguration on Kovalev in Veliky Novgorod. Unfortunately, in 1941-1943 the temple was seriously damaged during the German offensive. It seemed that the frescoes were irretrievably lost. However, in 1960, restoration of the temple began. Unique paintings were literally assembled piece by piece like a puzzle. In particular, in the dilapidated temple it was possible to discover a pile of fragments of the fresco of St. Akakios of Sinai. Scientists have restored it. On the fresco Akaki is depicted as a young novice. In his hands is a scroll on which it says: “The child of obedience never dies.”

Three facts about Georgia and the name Akaki

The most popular name is Akaki

The name Akaki, with the light hand of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, acquired a rather negative connotation in Russia. The image of Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin drawn by him in the story “The Overcoat” evokes nothing but pity. Especially when I remember this: “Oh, leave me, why are you offending me?” And in Russian the name Akaki cannot be called euphonious. However, in Georgia the name Akaki is still firmly included in the list of the three hundred most popular names. Politicians, athletes, writers. Young, old, newborns. If Akaki Asatiani, who ran for the presidency of Georgia in October 2013, had won the elections, then Akaki would have been the name of the president.


I was looking for my dear one's grave,

My heart was tormented by melancholy.

It's not easy for a heart without love.

Where are you, my Suliko?..

The popular song “Suliko” in the Soviet Union is considered by many to be a folk song. However, the authorship of the words belongs to the most famous poet of Georgia and public figure Akaki Tsereteli. Akaki Tsereteli first published the poem “Suliko” in 1895. Then music was written to accompany the poems. In 1938, the song was performed in front of Stalin and was called “folk”. The leader liked her so much that she quickly became popular.

Streets, metro and university

The author of “Suliko” Akaki Tsereteli is very popular in Georgia. Poet, publicist, writer, educator, patriot. A metro station and an entire avenue in Tbilisi are named in his honor. In the center of Tbilisi there is a monument to Ilya Chavchavadze and Akaki Tsereteli. In Kutaisi, where Akaki Rostomovich graduated from high school, there is a state university in honor of Akaki Tsereteli. In 1960, for the 120th anniversary of the Georgian poet Prince Akaki Tsereteli, a USSR postage stamp was even issued with a face value of 40 kopecks. In 1995, a 10 Georgian lari banknote came into circulation in Georgia. On one side of the banknote there is a portrait of Akaki Tsereteli. And also, Akaki Tsereteli wrote the words: “Study, my children! You will not be able to acquire greater wealth."

Agios Akakios

Not far from the Greek city of Larisa, deep in the mountains, is the town of Agios Akakios, or Agios Akakios. In Russian transcription it would sound the same as the name - Akaki. In this village in Thessaly, which in the 17th century was the village of Golitsa, another saint with the name Akaki was born - the Monk Akaki Kavsokalivit.

The name Akaki in poetry

Saint Nicholas (Velimirovich) of Serbia is also called the New Chrysostom. He dedicated a poetic sermon to each day of the year in his work “Ohrid Prologue”. One of his divinely inspired hymns tells about St. Akaki of Sinai. Maybe we wouldn’t have remembered this if not for one thing. On December 12, many worthy saints are honored. But it was Akakios, who entered patristic literature as a symbol of humility, patience and obedience, that Saint Nicholas of Serbia dedicated his lines to:

The first elder shouted loudly to the novice:

“What brother, answer us, where are you now?”

Without waiting for an answer, he again exclaimed:

“What, are you dead or alive?” -

“Living as before, when I lived in the mortal world!”

The monk from the grave responded humbly.

There is no death for the one who is faithful in obedience."

The second elder was unusually amazed,

I shed tears of amazement and fear!

And he wept bitterly and was terribly ashamed,

And he brought repentance for his evil deeds

And, having imposed a strict fast on myself,

He immediately hurried away into the desert,

To speak salvation for your soul.

How wonderful, humility incarnate,

By obedience you have earned your salvation.

Your soul of joy is now fulfilled

And the name of the Holy Church is glorified.

Saints named Akaki

In total, there are at least nine saints named Akaki in the calendar. Three times the Church celebrates the feast day of Saint Akakios of Sinai. The Venerable John Climacus dedicated his word “On Obedience” to the life of Akakios. In the Ladder, the monk shows us Saint Akaki as a symbol of virtuous patience and humility, which the Lord rewards with salvation.

January 27 (January 14, Old Style) Memorial Day of Saint Akakios, Bishop of Tver and Kashin. July, 12 July 12 (June 29, Old Style) The church remembers him in the Cathedral of Tver Saints. Saint Akaki participated in two Makariev councils for the canonization of saints, in the Stoglav Cathedral. Under his supervision, Maxim the Greek was exiled to the Otroch monastery, about whom the saint cared a lot. It was Saint Akakios who consecrated the current Tver Cathedral, the Church of the White Trinity, in 1564. To this day, there are handwritten books copied with the blessing of Saint Akakios. The bishop himself not only rewrote two Gospels with his own hand, but also created an edition of the famous Kiev-Pechersk Patericon. The Akakievskaya edition of the Patericon is one of the ten existing and seriously studied editions of the monument of church historical literature by Makariy (Bulgakov).

March 17 (March 4, Old Style) And August 30 (August 17, Old Style) We remember the martyr Akakios, the warrior. Seeing how Emperor Aurelian (270-275) tortured Christians - brother and sister Paul and Juliana, Akakios believed in Christ, announced this and was immediately executed.

March 22 (March 9, Old Style) we remember another Akakios, Sebastian. He was one of the forty Sebastian martyrs who suffered in 320 at the hands of Emperor Licinius.

April 25 (April 12, Old Style) day of remembrance of Akaki Kavsokalivit (New), who labored on Mount Athos in the cave of Maxim Kavsokaliv. He died in 1730 at the age of one hundred years.

April 30 (April 17) The church honors Akaky Melitinsky, bishop. He came from the Armenian Melitin. He was sent by his parents to a monastery according to a vow (they prayed to God for a long time for the birth of children). Akaki not only went from reader to priest, but became a bishop. He participated in the third Ecumenical Council in 431, where he fought against the Nestorian heresy. He became famous for his gift of miracles. On the icons he is depicted as an old man in bishop's robes. 2

September 8 (September 15, Old Style) The church celebrates the discovery of the relics of St. Akakios, bishop. Melitinsky.

May 14 (May 1, Old Style) Venerable Martyr Akaki the New. At the age of nine he was apprenticed to a shoemaker. He fled from beatings. Was accepted by Muslim women. Lived in luxury and will be cut off from Christ. But at the age of 18, when the owner’s wife “was inflamed with love for him,” he fled to his homeland. Refused the Muslim faith. The overjoyed mother accepted her son and sent him to Athos, where he accepted monasticism, and then the blessing to go to martyrdom. Akaki boldly went to the Turks to confess Christ to them. There he was beheaded. His relics are kept on Mount Athos in the monastery of St. Panteleimon. September 12 (August 30, Old Style) The new one is also honored in the Cathedral of Serbian Saints.

May 20 (May 7, Old Style) Akakiy, centurion. He is also called the Cappadocian, as he was born and lived in Cappadocia. Or Akakios of Byzantium, since his relics were in the temple built in his honor in Constantinople. Akaki suffered during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Maximian Galerius. He was tortured many times for his faith. And they beheaded him out of mercy, since he held the honorable position of centurion of the Martisian regiment.

August 10 (July 28, Old Style) The church honors the memory of Akakios of Miletus, who suffered as a martyr for Christ. Three rulers subjected him to severe torture, but he remained unharmed and refused to bow to idols. In 321 he was beheaded.

Kontakion of St. Akakios

Forsake the world, you followed Christ from infancy, / the venerable wise Akaki, / imitating his free humility, / you overthrew the proud tormentor, / / ​​pray unceasingly for all of us.

Troparion of Saints Thomas and Akakios

God's shining luminary for the world / and the monks animated by the dawn, / Thomas the miracles, And by obedience, / shine brightly; / these, as those who have boldness towards God, / pray to help in battles, / that they ask from Christ God to grant forgiveness of sins / to those who honor their saint memory.

Read the article to learn more about the meaning of the name Akaki. This is an interesting personality. He may not be noticed in a crowd, but he has very positive inner qualities that are often invisible to others.

As a child, Akaki manifests himself as an unusually shy and indecisive child. Therefore, he may suffer from bullying from classmates. He doesn't know how to defend himself. Rarely does one remember childhood as a happy period of one’s life.

What else is characteristic of his behavior:

  1. He is a very kind and gentle person, which others often take advantage of, using him to their advantage. He is gullible, so he risks being deceived, from which he suffers greatly. But such events do not make him lose faith in people; he still sees only good in them.
  2. In childhood, he needs parental care and care like air. Even at a fairly mature age, he often continues to live with his parents and is afraid to go alone into adulthood.
  3. Does not strive for leadership, avoids noisy companies. And being in the center of attention is like death for him. Therefore, as a rule, he has few friends. He prefers lonely evenings at home rather than noisy entertainment.
  4. Adult Akaki is a rather quiet and inconspicuous person, but very balanced. He is a loyal and devoted friend, always ready to help if asked. But he himself does not strive to take the initiative and stick his neck out.
  5. He has a rich inner world because he constantly develops his intellect, reads a lot, and is interested in culture, religion, and philosophy. You can listen to his stories for hours. Creatively gifted, although he is shy to show his talents, often hiding them from others.
  6. Decent, polite, kind, sensitive and loves home comfort. He can make a wonderful family man and father, although his shyness and timidity do not really attract girls. But sooner or later he will still meet a worthy chosen one who will appreciate his positive qualities.
  7. Fate often provides him with bright opportunities to achieve success. But he ignores them, afraid that he will be in the thick of things and the center of attention. Stability, albeit grey, is more important to him than bold achievements and wealth.
  8. Can be jealous, touchy, change decisions on a second and indecisive. These are his shortcomings, because of which most of life's problems arise.

Profession and hobbies

Akaki is a very efficient and responsible employee. Works honestly and to the fullest extent, does not tolerate negligence in relation to work responsibilities. But he does not strive for high positions and wealth; little is enough for him.

He can make a good scientist or writer, because he is very diligent and does not get tired of monotonous and routine work. In his work, personal space is important to him so that he can work calmly and not be distracted by chatter with colleagues.

He takes a lot of time to make decisions, he does not like to take risks, and he lacks business acumen. Therefore, he won’t turn out to be a businessman, but he doesn’t need it. In addition, he is gullible and may be deceived by business partners or clients.

As a hobby, he chooses calm logic games, for example, chess, checkers or computer strategies. Interested in philosophy, politics, religion. He may be a graphomaniac and write a book in his free time, but he is unlikely to show it to anyone for fear of criticism. He does not believe that he is capable of creating a masterpiece, even if this opinion is at odds with reality.

Sex and love

Akaki is a rather timid and modest guy. But, despite these qualities, girls like him. When communicating with the opposite sex, he behaves sincerely and honestly, but is very shy, therefore, as a rule, he attracts proactive and strong women.

When he falls in love, he shows miracles of ingenuity in courtship, behaves very romantically and achieves the girl he likes, even if it takes years. He is a monogamous man, so he chooses a partner once and for life.

Family and marriage

Akaki has been committed to serious relationships since his youth. A strong and happy family is one of his main goals in life. Therefore, he rarely exchanges for affairs and casual relationships. He may even decide not to enter into intimate relationships before marriage, which is very different from his peers.

What is characteristic of his behavior in relationships with the opposite sex:

  1. He is monogamous. Having met his chosen one, he will remain faithful to her until the end of his life, will not cheat and will never fall in love with someone else. If the girl does not reciprocate, he will try in every possible way to achieve her.
  2. He becomes a wonderful husband, faithful, loving, caring. He will do everything he can for his beloved and their children. And he chooses a wife for himself, one for whom he wants to perform real feats.
  3. In women he values ​​good manners, self-esteem, modesty and wisdom. It is important for him that the other half is a mature person who chooses the “build rather than destroy” strategy in relationships.
  4. Mutual understanding, happiness and love will reign in his relationships. This is a rare type of couples in which conflicts and quarrels do not occur, because the partners know how to politely and correctly convey their point of view and come to an agreement, choosing the solution to the problem that suits both.
  5. When Akakiy starts a family, he spends most of his time only with her. Doesn't really like guests, strangers and noisy companies.
  6. He is also a wonderful son who always helps his parents and does not leave them in adulthood.

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Professional astrologers recommend taking a more responsible approach to choosing a name. After all, the name that is given to each person at birth is a unique letter code that predetermines not only the character, but also the fate of its owner. We invite you to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Akaki.

I wonder what fate awaits its owner?

Name Akaki: meaning and origin

Akaki is an ancient Greek name that is extremely rare in the Russian Federation.

Akaki translated from Greek means “peace-loving”, “benevolent”. In ancient times, this name was given to boys born into families with modest incomes. As a rule, men named Akaki were distinguished by their flexible character, lack of conflict and hard work.

The meaning of the letters in the name

Characteristics of Akaki by the letters of the name:

  • “A” is the desire for creation, a symbol of the beginning, the desire to achieve spiritual and physical comfort.
  • "K" - reliability, ability to keep one's mouth shut and keep secrets. Endurance, enormous fortitude, insight.
  • “I” - spiritual kindness, cheerfulness, optimism and a tendency to self-sacrifice. As a rule, people with this letter in their name are romantic people.


Akaki is a rather rare male name of Greek origin. The largest number of men who bear this name are found in the territory of modern Georgia. This is explained by the fact that the local population is not in a hurry to follow fashion, but prefers to choose names based on their meanings.

The name Akaki predetermines its owner a calm character. From an early age, this child will differ from his peers in perseverance, responsiveness and tact. As a rule, these boys are very attached to their mothers and prefer to spend all their free time at home. It is extremely important for parents to pay more attention to raising Akaki. The meaning of the name suggests that this child often experiences self-doubt, which is an obstacle to communication with peers. To raise a boy’s self-esteem and instill masculinity in him, parents may want to enroll him in a sports section, such as wrestling.

School years

The meaning of the name Akaki predetermines the boy’s inclination towards exact sciences. He pleases his parents with his performance at school, and teachers always set Akaki as an example to other students. The boy easily and quickly masters the school curriculum, in which he is helped by character traits such as attentiveness and perseverance.

Akaki may have difficulties communicating with peers. As a rule, many guys consider a boy to be overly secretive, withdrawn and shy. To some extent this is true. However, Akakiy, who never strives to become a leader in a team, is a rather interesting person. If he feels comfortable in the company, he is able to reveal a completely different side. This comprehensively developed boy is ready to support a conversation on any topic, tell a lot of funny stories, and give practical advice.

The meaning of the name Akaki: the character and fate of an adult man

The man, named Akakiy, has a rather calm character. He hates lies in any of its forms and does not forgive betrayal, so Akaki takes an extremely responsible approach to the formation of his closest circle. His friends are time-tested people. Akaki knows how to make friends and is always ready to lend a helping hand to a loved one.

The meaning of the name Akaki predetermines creative and artistic abilities. However, as a rule, a man does not develop them. It's all due to excessive shyness. Also, the man does not weave intrigues or participate in scams. He is not ready to take risks, since stability is extremely important to him.

Akaki does not like liars and flatterers and tries to stay away from them. However, kindness and inability to understand people often lead to further life difficulties and disappointments. Akaki, as a rule, has no enemies, he is completely unforgiving, and quickly forgets insults.

Positive character traits of a man include:

  • decency;
  • kindness;
  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • love of life.

Like all people, Akaki also has negative character traits:

  • excessive shyness;
  • impermanence;
  • jealousy;
  • indecision.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Despite the fact that a man named Akakiem is quite modest, he is always the center of attention from the opposite sex. The shyness of the young man attracts beauties, but relationships with girls are not easy for him. Akaki, as a rule, tries to be extremely honest with his chosen one, but this is not always beneficial.

As soon as Akaki meets his soul mate, he instantly transforms and becomes more relaxed. A romantic nature awakens in him, pushing a man to do crazy things. If Akakiy fails to curb his passion, he is capable of causing trouble. With age, this man becomes a real womanizer: he loves to flirt with women and knows a number of techniques with which he can charm any beauty.

Marriage and family

Professional astrologers characterize Akaki as a person capable of creating a strong union. Despite the fact that he will always be in the center of attention from the opposite sex, he can safely be called a monogamous man. Akaki will never have an affair on the side, will not follow his instincts.

He is a wonderful loving husband who surrounds his wife with care throughout her life. Akaki chooses his soul mate among women who have a calm character, good upbringing and no bad habits. He is not only a wonderful husband, but also a father who strives to spend all his free time at home with his family or out with his children.

Business and career

Akakiy enjoys well-deserved authority both among his colleagues and among his superiors. He is efficient, punctual, attentive and responsible. It is these qualities that allow a man to quickly move up the career ladder. Most suitable professions:

  • writer;
  • Researcher;
  • medical worker;
  • teacher;
  • engineer.

Akaki, as a rule, does not have business acumen and does not know how to understand people at all, so it is extremely rare for him to become a businessman.

Akaki is a fairly ancient name. It has never been particularly popular in our country; it was customary to give it to boys born into poor families. But not every parent wanted to emphasize this aspect of their lives. In the modern world, it is almost impossible to meet a young man bearing this name. However, this name form is in considerable demand in Georgia.

History of the name

The name Akaki has a precise history of its origin. It originated in Ancient Greece by combining the word “κακός”, which is translated as “evil” or “bad”, and the prefix “ἀ”, which is an analogue of the Russian prefixes “not” or “without”. Thus, the name Akaki is literally translated as “not evil”, “not bad” or “benevolent”.

Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachki - the main character of Nikolai Gogol's story "The Overcoat" - is a type of "little man"

In Russia, the name Akaki became most famous after the publication of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “The Overcoat”. Its main character was the official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. The author himself describes his character as an unremarkable petty official, devoid of any abilities and life goals, possessing only a modest character and an unhappy fate. Akaki Akakievich is a type of “little man” whom no one respects.

Name forms

The name Akaki has the following short versions: Akasha, Akaha.

Affectionate address to Akakiy: Akashenka.

Related names are: Akakios, Akasiu.

The church analogue of the name is identical to the secular one - Akaki.

What middle names will Akaki’s children have: Akakievna, Akakievich.

The most suitable patronymic for the name Akaki: Arkadyevich, Ivanovich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Nikolaevich, Petrovich, Stepanovich, Timofeevich, Kharitonovich.

Spelling of the name Akaki in a foreign passport: AKAKII.

Transliteration of the name Akaki - Akakii

Table: the name Akaki in foreign languages

Name days and patron saints

The name Akaki appears ten times in the Orthodox calendar. This means that one of the following saints will be the patron saint for a person named Akaki:

  1. Akaki Sinaisky. A novice of the monastery who lived in the 6th century. He was distinguished by patience, chastity, and unquestioning obedience to the elders, who constantly reproached Akaki, beat him and burdened him with backbreaking labor. However, the saint steadfastly endured any adversity. But after nine years of such a life, Akaki fell ill and died.

    When the elders came to the crypt where Akaki was buried, one of them asked the saint lying in the coffin: “Akaky, are you dead?” - to which the Monk Akaki, showing obedience even after death, replied: “It is impossible for one who has committed himself to obedience to die.”

  2. Akakiy of Apamea. Akakiy was subject to torture and torment of three rulers at once. They tried to force the saint to convert to the pagan faith, to which he responded with a categorical refusal, as a result of which he was subjected to torture. But no pain could force him to renounce Jesus Christ, and then the tormentors cut off Akaki’s head.
  3. Akaki Melitinsky. The saint was born in Armenia into a family of pious parents, who gave him to Bishop Otrius to serve in the church. The bishop raised Akakios, made him a reader in the temple, and then elevated him to the rank of priest. The saint was devoted to the church, taught children and adults the Holy Scriptures, and spread faith in Christ in every possible way. When Otrius died, Akaki took his place, becoming a bishop.

    Akaki Melitinsky died in 435

  4. Akaki Sevastian. The saint served in the Roman troops and was a Christian warrior. The commander called on all soldiers to sacrifice to idols, but those who adhered to the Christian faith (about forty people) refused to carry out his will. Then they were captured, stripped and left to stand on a lake covered with ice all night. In the morning, the tormentors found the soldiers safe and sound, which infuriated them. They burned the martyrs alive at the stake.

    Forty Christian soldiers suffered for their religion

  5. Akaki Cappadocian. The saint lived in the 3rd century, served as a centurion in the Martisian regiment. During the persecution of Christians, Akaki was subjected to severe and mocking torture, and then beheaded.

    The Holy Martyr Akakios especially helps those who turn to him with prayer in the fight against the flesh

  6. Akakiy Athos. The saint was born into a Christian family, but in his youth he changed his faith to Mohammedanism. Then Akaki repented, went to Mount Athos, began to live in severity and became a monk. He could not forgive himself for his apostasy, so he decided to go to Constantinople, where he openly declared his faith in Jesus Christ. The saint was cruelly tortured and tortured, and then beheaded.

    Akakiy of Athos, following Euthymius and Ignatius, spoke publicly about his

  7. Akaki New. The saint lived in the Holy Trinity Monastery in Zagori. Then Akaki went to Mount Athos, where he ate almost nothing, but only prayed. For his exploits, the saint received the gift of unceasing prayer and learned divine revelations.

    The Monk Akaki the New departed to the Lord on April 12, 1730, having reached almost a hundred years of age.

  8. Akaki Prussian. Acacius, together with Manander and Polyenus, served as presbyter under Saint Patrick, who was a bishop in Bithynia. The presbyters were engaged in preaching the Christian faith, converting pagans, for which they were subjected to the death penalty.
  9. Akaki Ptolemais. Akakios, together with two other soldiers, tortured Saints Paul and Juliana. The torturers were so amazed at the steadfastness of the believers that they themselves believed in Jesus Christ, for which they were immediately executed.
  10. Akaki Latrian. The saint lived in the 10th century, when Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus reigned. Akaki became one of the founders of the Myrsinon Lavra of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The saint had the gift of working miracles.

Akaki's name day will be celebrated:

  • March 17;
  • March 22;
  • April 13;
  • 25th of April;
  • April 30;
  • May 14;
  • May 20;
  • June 1st;
  • July 20;
  • 10th of August;
  • September 28;
  • October 13;
  • November 6;
  • 12 December.

The influence of the name Akaki on a person

Akaki is a modest, kind and gentle guy, he will never harm strangers, he always behaves decently and exemplarily.

The young man has a creative nature, but his talent is rarely fully revealed. It's all about Akashi's insecure and shy behavior. But the man is distinguished by loyalty and devotion, and tries to surround himself with positive people. He loves to have fun; his great love is intellectual and sports games. This person does not strive for a luxurious life; it is much more important for him to achieve a stable existence. Akaki is prone to constant introspection; he meticulously analyzes all his actions and decisions. Such a character trait can easily outgrow all boundaries and become a serious flaw. In addition, a vulnerable and sensitive disposition, as well as a strong dependence on the opinions of others, can be considered disadvantages.

Akaki is distinguished by modesty, vulnerability and good nature

Akakiy in childhood Little Akaki is an inconspicuous, modest, polite and overly calm child. Parents who call their son this name can be sure that he will not turn into a hooligan or bandit.

This baby is distinguished by great curiosity, he is not afraid of change and innovation, he easily finds contact with adults, and has light and relaxed conversations with them. The boy can support any conversation, even one where non-childish issues are discussed. The child is prone to creativity and is interested in art. He has the greatest affinity for drawing and music.

To gain self-confidence, Akaki needs to engage in wrestling Even after reaching adolescence, Akaki does not lose his attachment to his home. He has a trusting relationship with his parents. Such a soft and infantile nature can harm this young man - his peers often take advantage of this good-natured guy for their own selfish purposes. To prevent such a situation, mom and dad need to send their son to the sports section.

Classes will help Akasha become more self-confident and strengthen his character. Boxing or other types of martial arts are best suited for these purposes. In addition, young Akaki loves various puzzles, riddles and secrets. Such love allows him to become an excellent young researcher or detective.

Hobbies and talents

Akakiy loves logic games and puzzles

Profession and career Such a person is capable of becoming a clergyman, scientist or writer. This man is a responsible executive, but rarely receives a leadership position. After all, a lack of self-confidence will not allow a guy to become a good boss, and he himself does not want to take on such responsibility. He needs to be able to work autonomously, have a lot of time to make decisions and not be fussy.

Akaki is able to realize his Atlanteans in writing

It is extremely rare for Akaki to become a successful businessman. For such a role, he lacks business acumen and independence, in addition, the guy is very trusting, so he is easy to deceive. A man is also not destined to become a millionaire. He earns just enough to provide for the basic needs of his family.


Akaki is the owner of good health. It is rarely more than anything serious, and is not prone to problems with the heart or blood vessels. The only weak point in this person’s body is the digestive organs. He should definitely adhere to a healthy diet, avoid overeating, and also give up fatty foods and alcohol. Herbal teas will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Akaki is a quiet and shy young man, but this does not prevent him from being very attractive to women, and his modest character only increases the interest of women in this guy. But still, some problems in communicating with girls are still present. A man is not able to independently show signs of attention to the person he likes, and if she does not take the first step, then his passion will remain unrequited. But sensing interest on the part of his beloved, Akaki begins to look after him beautifully, showing romance and passion. Strong feelings can provoke a loss of self-control, then the guy commits reckless actions, which he later regrets.

Akaki waits for signs of attention from the woman he likes and only then begins to act

Family and marriage

Creating a strong family is the main goal in Akaki’s life. Once married, he doesn’t even think about cheating and flirting with other women. A quiet, modest, well-mannered, worthy girl becomes his chosen one. Their relationship is almost perfect, there is love, happiness, and mutual understanding. This man does not attend noisy parties or spend time with friends. He devotes himself entirely to his beloved woman and children. He is prone to strong jealousy, but only if there is a real reason for it. Akaki does not forget about his parents, he is always ready to help them.

Akaki’s family life can be called ideal

The following rhymes will help you write a poem for Akaki: double, everyone, in attack, soft, dudes, onlookers, banknotes.

Table: compatibility of the name Akaki with female names

How does the time of year in which Akaki was born affect his character?

Winter Akaki is ambitious, efficient, but too trusting. He doesn't understand people well, which is why he often suffers. Spring is a sentimental and impressionable person who needs the support of loved ones. The summer man has an arrogant and original disposition. He is prone to aggression and shocking. Akaki, born in autumn, is endowed with a complex character. It is difficult to find a common language with him, since the guy is fickle in his manifestations.

Akaki's character acquires additional qualities depending on the time of year in which the guy is born

Table: the character of Akaki depending on the zodiac sign

Zodiac signPerson's character
AriesA man is characterized by sentimentality, vulnerability and gentleness. He tries to hide his vulnerable nature from outsiders, as he considers it a symbol of a weak person. He tries not to share his experiences with anyone, even with his closest friend.
TaurusThe guy is prone to straightforwardness and harshness in communicating with strangers. But you can always be sure that he is telling the truth. It is difficult to find a common language with such a person, as he tries to impose his opinion on everyone.
TwinsHe is a sociable and cheerful young man who dreams of being under everyone’s attention. He is prone to defiant behavior, and all for the sake of gaining attention. The guy often falls in love, but he is not interested in serious relationships.
CancerThe person has an emotional and sensitive disposition. A man takes everything too seriously and can be aggressive towards others. But such behavior is just a mask hiding an insecure young man.
a lionHigh self-esteem, pride and self-esteem are the main character traits of this guy. This type does not know how to perceive critical statements, loves to receive praise and compliments, taking them for granted. Often has an arrogant and selfish disposition.
VirgoThe young man is shy and unsociable, but tries to hide these shortcomings. He does not know how to trust others and has no close friends. He would never trade loneliness for fun in a noisy company.
ScalesNature is complex and fickle. Today a guy may confess his love to a girl, but tomorrow he will forget her name. This is a very frivolous and naive person, endowed with a simple and cheerful disposition.
ScorpionThe man is hardworking, responsible, and endowed with the traits of a leader. However, he does not always achieve success, because he can be too hot-tempered and aggressive. Critical remarks hurt the nature of this young man. He will never compromise.
SagittariusThe personality is ambitious and persistent. The guy is used to saying what he thinks. As a result, he often spoils relationships with others. This type of person is a romantic and a dreamer who wants to find his soulmate.
CapricornThe guy has an executive and diligent character. He has high demands both on himself and on other people. He is inclined to idealize those around him, which is why he is often disappointed in them.
AquariusNaivety, gullibility and immaturity are traits inherent in this person. He has good relationships with everyone around him, but does not know how to understand people at all. Such a person is often betrayed and deceived, but the young man does not harbor grudges.
FishThis person is endowed with an impressionable and sentimental disposition. The guy is very unsure of himself, he needs constant support and approval from everyone around him. He has been looking for eternal love all his life, sincerely believing in its existence.

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters that make up the name Akakiy

How the letters that make up the name Akaki affect his character:

  1. Letter A. Hardworking, persistent and enterprising young man. Strives for an active life, wants to feel harmony with himself and the world around him. Such a strong and persistent spirit, bright appearance and the nature of a leader. The guy acts based only on his own thoughts.
  2. Letter K. A person has a strong and persistent character. He always achieves what he wants, knows how to keep secrets, and is endowed with a charming, mysterious and refined disposition. In dealing with people he is tactful and flexible.
  3. Letter I. The young man has a rich imagination, an insightful and lively mind, and notices even small details. It is important for him to feel harmony with the outside world. The guy is sensitive, kind and gentle with his loved ones.
  4. Letter Y. Nature is unpredictable, fickle, impulsive and passionate. A man often pays attention to little things, missing important details. He does not make contact well, does not accept compromises, and is not able to support in difficult times. Too focused on his own shortcomings.

Akaki strives to achieve external and internal harmony

In Rus' there was a sign that on the day of memory of Akaki Melitinsky, which takes place on September 28, the flight of wild birds begins. It was customary to store domestic birds for the winter, and shear sheep.

Table: matches for the name Akaki

Photo gallery: men named Akakiy who left their mark on history

Akaki Rostomovich Tsereteli - Georgian poet, one of the leaders of the national liberation movement in Georgia in the 60s of the 19th century Akaki Alekseevich Khorava - Soviet actor, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, professor of the Georgian Theater Institute Akaki Ivanovich Chkhenkeli - active participant in the revolutionary movement in Georgia , Menshevik Akaki Gavrilovich Shanidze - Soviet philologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician of the Georgian Academy of Sciences

Akaki has many chances to achieve great success in life, but this insecure and modest guy rarely takes advantage of his opportunities. A man is afraid of losing a stable and smooth existence, chasing illusory happiness. Akaki is satisfied with his quiet life, devoid of surprises.

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Akaki, manifestation in love

Akakiy, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to put your feelings into forms that can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.