The most desirable woman. What is she like? What is she like, a truly desirable woman? What is a desirable girl?

Oddly enough, men are drawn to both available and unavailable women.

Because, looking at some, they think that they are no worse than all other men. In relation to others, they experience something like a sporting interest. However, after analysis, most men are still attracted to certain types of women.

This means that they pay attention only to the type that excites them, evokes desire and is irresistibly drawn to them. So what exactly are the types of most desirable women that are considered most attractive to the male half?

In the famous series Sex and the City was shown 4 types desirable women, especially exciting for men: a female girlfriend, a sexual hunter, a real lady and an independent feminist. However, each man, from his own experience, could add a couple more points about the most desirable women.

So this is all somewhat subjective!

Actresses, singers, and sex symbols, such as Angelina Jolie And Marilyn Monroe, act as a certain image for men. Who then is she, a woman whose acquaintance makes a man lose his mind?

They say that a beautiful woman can seduce any man if she wants. A woman's appearance plays a paramount role when meeting someone, because, as you know, a man falls in love in eight seconds. And certainly not a monkey. However, there are not so many beautiful women with an ideal figure and impeccable appearance. It turns out that not every woman can seduce a man. Only ugly women naively believe that without even the slightest decent appearance you can be successful with men.

Well, let's take a closer look at what the most desirable women are.

Cute silly girl

Blondes are often called cute silly girls or just fools. They are always of interest to men, for whom they are just a toy, since, as a rule, this interest does not go beyond intimate relationships. They don’t understand that it’s not just about a pretty face, long legs and beautiful shapes, you need to have something else.

And besides clothes, glossy magazines, entertainment and pleasures, they are not interested in absolutely anything. However, this does not bother men at all, since against the background of these fools they can not only show off their intelligence, but can manipulate them and receive amazing sex from them.

A woman without complexes

All men, especially young ones, dream that his chosen one always wants the same thing as he does. So that she does not think that in some ways the initiative should come only from him. And so they are looking for a woman who has no complexes, she is not a coward and is capable of giving herself anywhere. However, it also has many disadvantages: she's probably frivolous - she smokes, doesn't care about anyone.

The motto of a woman without complexes is “ sex is not a hindrance to friendship" Walking down the street with you, she won’t watch the wedding procession with sad eyes and come up with a cunning plan to turn you from a friend into a husband. And this is important for many men.


She is also called the predator or lady hunter. Men are captivated by her beauty and arrogance. She chooses her partner herself. The Tiger woman is insanely good in bed, but absolutely unbearable in a relationship. Men cannot stand her for long, because with constant complaints she makes the man understand that he owes her and is even obliged. She considers herself a goddess created for worship.

The female tiger hunts mainly for rich men, skillfully emptying their fat wallets. Naturally, she dresses smartly, visits salons and carefully takes care of herself. In order to sleep with her, a man, especially if he is elderly, is ready to pay any money to please his male vanity and then tell his friends about how he tamed Tigress.

Business lady

She is somewhat similar to tiger woman, but she doesn’t need the man’s money, because... she earns it herself. The business lady is independent, businesslike, erudite and energetic. This is almost a feminist, capable of living without male support. She can easily " take off"Giglo, go to a male striptease, thereby showing that not only men buy sex. She pays for herself on dates, and only dates someone who earns as much as she does.

She is also arrogant, and such traits do not appeal to all men. Then why do men want her? Because their wounded male pride plays a role here, that this woman is too independent and is not inferior to any man.

In their fantasies, men usually imagine oral or anal sex with a businesswoman, since this is the only way they can feel superior to her.

A woman with character

A woman with character will not let you get bored! As a rule, this is a person who is passionate about some business. This desirable woman is unpredictable, knows her worth, is attractive, smart, energetic, calculating and hard-working, knows what she wants and how to achieve it, and is looking for a man weaker than herself to take the main role. She is not arrogant, unlike a business woman, and her requirements for a candidate are very different. In addition, she is a much better option for future relationships.

Why does a man want her?

Yes, because he really becomes interested in penetrating her interesting and not boring life.

After reading this article, every woman can easily recognize herself and determine her type. But, as you know, nothing exists in its pure form. One type dominates in every woman, but traits of another type can easily be found in her.

Everyone knows the famous classic saying that “everything in a person should be perfect...”. So it is with a woman. To be desirable to a man, attractive appearance alone is not enough. External beauty must be complemented by a rich inner world and good character qualities.

The model appearance of a girl, of course, arouses the interest of a man. But if, apart from long legs and large breasts, the girl has nothing to show, then the man will lose interest in her in a couple of months. Harmonious relationships require spiritual development. Men are interested in girls in whom they see an excellent interlocutor. Reading classical literature will help a girl express her thoughts correctly and speak beautifully. The impression of a person is formed on the first date. Men are annoyed by “chirpers” who talk incessantly about nothing, as well as silent girls. Most men prefer sociable girls who can speak confidently and correctly.

A desirable woman for a man is one who knows how to defend her point of view while remaining weak at the same time. Men don't like women who try to compete with them. In that case, who will they care about? When communicating with a man, you need to show yourself weak and unprotected. To do this, you need to be interested in his opinion, ask for advice (even if you don’t need it), but not overdo it. A woman who cannot take a step without a man’s prompting becomes uninteresting to him.

Women with a sense of humor are especially appreciated by men. They consider such women to be open, smart, reliable and decent. A woman's excessive seriousness makes a man wary. To be a desirable woman, you need to learn to joke harmlessly. Men are very vulnerable to cruel jokes.

An impeccable figure, professional makeup, a bronze tan and expensive clothes can turn even an ordinary-looking woman into a beautiful picture that is impossible not to desire. But what do men mean when they glorify the fair sex, whom you want not only to add to your collection, but to make it the highlight, the main diamond of your life! What adorns her, makes her desirable to everyone, gives her this inexplicable charm and attractiveness? Which “heart stealer” do men dream of building a truly serious relationship with?

Here are 6 undeniable qualities of a woman with a capital letter

1. Disarming smile

This is not a false mask of friendliness, not a way to be polite, but a symbol of a beauty who is pleased with herself and loves life! Such a woman knows her strengths well, knows how to forgive others for their little weaknesses, looks confidently into the future, and is an open and natural person. By the way, this is what captivates.

2. Having a purpose in life

A woman who knows herself and her desires, who lives not just because, but for the sake of a big dream, is able to ignite a real flame of passion in a man. She is ambitious, not afraid of difficulties and lives not only a man’s life, but also her own. She knows how to inspire, she is interesting, and therefore is doomed to success.

3. Internal content

Men don't like dummies, but the image of cold, intellectual women also repels them. Perhaps the best combination is a rich inner world that makes her eyes sparkle and her heart beat faster. Such a woman becomes attractive even without makeup or a Chanel dress, because the desire for self-development is admirable.

4. Active life position

She has time everywhere! An excellent housewife, a wonderful mother, a good professional. She gets out of difficult situations with dignity, faces difficulties without fear, and does not give up, even if something does not go according to the script. Such a woman knows how to create a holiday out of nothing, knows how to captivate, make you laugh, you won’t get bored with her.

5. The ability to accept the world of another

Agree, an armored train that rushes like crazy and doesn’t listen to anyone, that acts extremely selfishly and cynically, can hardly be called a woman. What truly adorns a lady is the ability to listen and hear, the ability to accept the position of another, to be kind and attentive to others. This is the kind of person you want to care for and love.

6. The gait of a happy person

If a woman is happy, she automatically attracts attention! It’s just that her eyes glow somehow differently, her gait becomes lighter, her laughter is louder, and her speech is more melodic. A happy woman, like the sun, warms others with her happiness. She is filled with some special energy, so she looks younger, feels better, is ready to accomplish any feats and enjoy the little things.

There are many beautiful and slender young ladies, many of them successful and well dressed. But it is worth recognizing that the only image that truly sticks in the memory is the one that makes the heart flutter and the breath freeze. This is the magic of a woman of harmony, attractive not only on the outside, but also on the inside. The energy of a sun woman who radiates the light of joy and love without uttering words. This is the power that pacifies a man’s spirit and ignites a flame in his soul for great achievements. This is the aura of a woman desired by everyone - a woman who is impossible to resist...

There is a saying that “all men want only one thing from women.” In fact, men want a lot from their sexual partners.


When was the last time you were the one who initiated lovemaking? You say: what difference does it make who started first? For your partner there is a difference. Initiative is the surest way to demonstrate your attraction to your partner. And if your husband has to start first every time, then it is natural that after a while he will wonder: maybe she doesn’t want me anymore?

On the other hand, you may feel that you are showing your attraction by wearing bright lipstick, unbuttoning one button on your blouse, and giving your partner a flirtatious wink as a way of demonstrating your interest in sex. Chances are your partner doesn't think so. When men say they want their partners to take the initiative, it usually means they expect them to be more direct and obvious about their intentions. That is, more “masculine” behavior.

Another question: when was the last time your husband approached you with unambiguous intentions, and you, citing the preparation of dinner, the ringing phone or other concerns, limited yourself to just a kiss? That is, they sacrificed the most intimate moments of intimacy for the sake of practicality, responsibility, and a sense of duty. Spontaneity is also a form of enthusiasm, when you show your partner that at this moment nothing matters to you except him. Your man is worth it if you put the most important things aside. It's no wonder that most men believe that the best kind of sex is spontaneous sex.


We are all, to one degree or another, victims of our habits. And when we suddenly like something, we are ready to repeat it again and again, until - phew! - we won't hate it. It is difficult to stop doing what once “worked”, and at a certain point, lovemaking turns into a set of familiar instructions - kiss, stroke, rub, etc. Which means, eventually, it stops working. The surest way to get rid of routine in your sex life is to change the time, place or style of your love relationship. And this requires a certain amount of effort, desire and, of course, a sense of humor.

Everyone has their favorite sexual positions, but if men didn't value variety, why would the Kama Sutra exist for so many centuries? Try making love in a new position each time, at least for a couple of weeks. Or in a new place. Or change the style of love relationships: romantic sex - to passionate sex, aggressive sex - to sex with elements of play, and vice versa.

Try to destroy family stereotypes. And although one of the charms of family sex is precisely its predictability and sense of security, it is necessary to avoid everyday life and routine. You can, for example, offer your husband the following game: each of you, in turn, should bring some new element into the next lovemaking - candles, music, an erotic video, a sex toy, new underwear, a new position or a new place for sex. Feelings of competition tend to increase creativity.

Frankness and trust

Only in films, a man and a woman fall into bed and, without any words, guess each other's desires. Unfortunately, many people take this standard as an example to follow, and often how good a man or woman is in bed is determined by how well he or she can intuit what their partner wants. Even many married couples do not always manage to talk openly about their sexual desires. The more you communicate about sex, the closer you will be to each other.

It's amazing how many men feel terribly lonely. In a man's world, they are taught not only to remain silent. They are taught that sharing their feelings is humiliating. When a man refuses to talk about sex in general and your sexual relationship in particular, it is usually because he is embarrassed, vulnerable and less masculine. To some extent, this also testifies to his infantilism, an almost childish belief in miracles.

To achieve emotional intimacy with such a man, he needs to be called into a frank conversation gently and carefully. The main thing is to acknowledge his discomfort and help him cope with it, and this is easier to achieve if you yourself feel comfortable. He simply needs your sincere and positive feedback. With the help of feedback, your partner will feel that there is someone who understands him and will be even more open with you.


As soon as you met, you paid maximum attention to each other, but after several years (and sometimes weeks) of living together, your attention begins to be distracted by other things - work, hobbies, friends and especially children. More and more often, both of you begin to feel that you were misunderstood, not heard and not appreciated. If you are so tired that you can’t even speak, then naturally you have no time for sex. Meanwhile, it seems to your husband that you are paying all your attention to the children, and have forgotten about him. Are household chores so important and do your children require so much attention that you can’t find time for your husband?

Your relationship has become so comfortable and so ordinary. You know this because:

a) instead of a silk nightgown, you wear warm pajamas to bed,

b) you don’t paint your lips, knowing that your husband has to come home from work,

c) having gone to the cinema together, you are no longer afraid of the young and pretty girls around you

d) you almost never go to the movies anymore.

But once upon a time your knees trembled and your palms sweated at the mere thought of your loved one. Where did it all go? Remember that you love the person next to you. It’s not at all difficult to bring back the old wonderful moments, you just need to start paying more attention to the man, and attention specifically in the emotional sense, and not ironing his shirts more often than usual.


If you think that sex can only be had in bed, it's time to expand your horizons. The unusual setting - the elevator, the entrance, his office - only excites him. A drop of healthy adventurism should be present in every woman. Sometimes you really have to step over your moral inhibitions and do something truly brave.

Men want to see an attractive woman next to them. With which they will feel more confident and, of course, will be able to enjoy love. Therefore, it will be useful for many girls to learn how to become a desirable woman in order to be liked even more by the opposite sex. And also be able to save it. When such girls appear in public, they definitely attract attention, and men simply do not take their eyes off them. So let's talk about what desirable women have in common and how you can become one of them.

1. They are confident

The confidence that a woman exudes can easily win hearts. Attractiveness comes not only from appearance and beauty, but also from a person's personality characteristics. When describing the most desirable characteristics for women, self-confidence was one of the top ones. Attractiveness and confidence make a woman simply irresistible. She is able to conquer any man, is worthy of respect from others, and knows well what she is worth. The most necessary trait of a woman is the ability to confidently walk the path of life. Such girls know that attractiveness comes not with expensive clothes, but with...

2. They don't chase men

Some women spend a lot of time calling and chasing a man who doesn't always show interest in her. You should know that running after people is just a waste of time. Understand that if a person’s feelings are real, he will look after you and run after you, and not you after him. This is exactly what men should do, not women. And you, in turn, should take care of yourself and your life. And this is another effective way to become a desirable woman.

3. This type of girl does not rush into intimate relationships

In order to become a desirable woman, you should not rush into sex. Especially with people you don't know well. Smart girls prefer to wait for a guy to demonstrate his commitment and love. They view dating as an opportunity to evaluate a person. For such women. They are good at distinguishing men who are looking for a long-term relationship from those who are just looking for a one-night stand. Desirable women take their time in relationships and do not feel pressure from anyone. But when they are ready, they can fully satisfy their man's sexual desires. They will definitely reciprocate, knowing that this is vital.

4. They have sensuality

Desirable women have sensuality and warmth. They have no problem attracting real men. They can ignite passion in the bedroom. And their smile and look makes a man feel needed. It also gives him the strength and motivation to work and achieve his goals.

5. They know how to control themselves

The next important step on how to become a desirable woman is to control your emotions. It is difficult to find an attractive woman who will behave in an inappropriate manner. They know how to control themselves. And they don’t waste time and energy on events that won’t bring them progress.

Desirable women overwhelmingly know when it's really necessary. They understand that happiness comes from within and not from an external source. They create positive emotions by satisfying their needs from various sources. Thereby reducing the pressure on your partner. These girls spend time with their friends. Attend various activities that ignite their passion. And they exercise regularly to relieve stress. Desirable women inherently understand that a balanced life means happier relationships.

6. Such women avoid gossip.

Smart girls prefer to use their time productively rather than indulge in petty gossip. They understand that those people who speak ill of others and gossip all the time will do the same in their absence. Desirable women know that gossip and unnecessary conversations create many problems. Especially when it comes to loved ones. And petty gossip and useless conversations are typical of immature girls.

7. They aren't afraid to communicate their needs.

Desirable women are not afraid to talk about their problems and needs. It is not difficult for them to tell a man about their desires and dreams. By making your needs known, who will value them and treat them with respect.

8. They don't seek attention.

Although, it may seem to such women that someone is watching them all the time, but they do not focus on this. This type of woman radiates energy that attracts men. But they never waste their precious time trying to be noticed. They believe that they deserve attention in a more worthy way. Instead of trying to find him by constantly updating selfies or posting life events on social networks. They earn respect by their actions, not by asking for it.

9. These girls maintain a certain level of independence.

Desirable women understand that they have their own lives that go beyond relationships. They don't cling to their partners and know that men strongly dislike clingy women. They do not lose their individuality and do not cling to guys, thereby losing their sense of dignity.

Girls who constantly see only benefits in guys do not know how to form social connections and behavior in society. Desirable women make smart decisions and know how much time they are willing to devote to their relationships and their goals, prioritizing everything. They make relationships just a part of their life, and not a replacement for it. While many girls mistakenly combine their lives with the life of their partner, in the hope of a more serious relationship. Smart women understand that independence makes them more attractive.

10. They understand humor

A sweet smile, pleasant laughter and a sense of humor are the easiest way to become a desirable woman. They always look for the positive, even in difficult situations. And when such a woman is among a group of people, she changes the atmosphere and makes communication fun and relaxed.

11. They have hobbies and interests.

Passion makes a girl even more desirable. Be it a career, a hobby or a cause she believes in. Such a woman will do everything possible to constantly grow, develop and achieve her goals. Desirable women work hard to become better at their jobs or hobbies. They don't put things off until later. They know what they like to do and what gives them pleasure. They use their time well to take care of themselves and. And when you start doing this too, you will no longer think about how to become a desirable woman.

12. They are honest with other people

Honesty is one of the most important characteristics of a person. Being honest about your feelings, insecurities, desires, likes and dislikes is critical to establishing deep relationships with men. It is impossible to build a long-term and committed relationship with a woman who cannot be trusted. And they are obstacles to happiness.

13. Desirable women are smart

Beautiful appearance is what initially attracts a guy to a girl. But her intelligence forces a man to be with her. You don't need to have a PhD. Desirable women are very intelligent in terms of understanding the world and its people. They have an impeccable understanding of life that comes from experience and from many mistakes and lessons.

14. They grow up earlier

Maturity is a trait that only comes through experience. No matter what kind of life a person has had. He finds ways to use his past experiences to become stronger in the present. This is a reward that he receives for overcoming certain obstacles on the way to his dreams. Instead of thinking about the past, they live here and now, easily accepting various challenges.

15. Such women accept themselves

Accepting yourself is how you can become a desirable woman. What makes many girls attractive is the fact that they are not ashamed of their physical flaws. Some women complain that they are not beautiful or are too fat. Lack of self-acceptance is a sign of low self-esteem. To become a desirable woman, you don't need to have the perfect characteristics or wear the most stylish clothes. Such women have beauty that comes from within. They accept all their flaws and act elegant and charming.

16. They are good communicators

They have clarity of thought and this shows through words and phrases. They are logical and have the right mix of rationality and emotion. Desirable women don't overdo their talking. Because they know how important it is to be a good communicator and that you need to value other people's time. They will let others talk, and show interest in the person. Such girls can not only have energetic conversations, but also know how to listen and resolve conflicts that arise in their relationships. They have the ability to have deep and intelligent conversations, which greatly increases their attractiveness.

17. Men like calm women more.

A desirable girl behaves calmly when she is in a romantic relationship with a man. After all, she knows that this is extremely important for establishing a happy relationship. If a woman is anxious or nervous, most men will think that she is not interested in being around him or that he is unable to satisfy her desires.

18. She shows femininity

This means that the girl is not being rude. Nowadays, women are different, and some try to compete with men. Even the most beautiful woman instantly loses her attractiveness if she behaves like a man. Femininity is not only delightful, but also attracts the attention of other people.

19. They empathize with others

Sympathy is a recommendable character trait for any person, and it is natural for a desirable woman. Such people psychologically support their loved ones, and are always ready to lend a shoulder so that the person can cry or express what hurts in his soul.

20. Loyalty makes a woman desirable

Being faithful is one of the most useful character traits in a person. If there is mutual fidelity between partners, this means that people have certain values. Instead of blindly following any new guy. Some women are permanently free of any obligations and sleep with everyone who catches their eye. But in order to become a desirable woman, you must think and act completely differently. After all, if a girl cannot be faithful, then there is no reason to court her, waste time and money. After all, she can at any moment simply leave.