Features of ivy propagation by cuttings and layering. Evergreen garden ivy: description, cultivation, reproduction

Today, hedges are extremely popular among modern summer residents and gardeners. And the point is not only that it looks very attractive and is able to protect the site from prying eyes and unwanted intrusions, but also that its creation does not require large investments. Create a beautiful hedge that will become a real decoration personal plot, it is possible with the help of various plants - willow, spruce, barberry, but many gardeners today are increasingly choosing climbing plants to create such an unusual fence.

The advantages of such plants are obvious: they look incredibly beautiful, especially during the flowering period, grow quickly and do not require scrupulous attention. complex care. The most common climbing plants for hedges are climbing roses, ornamental beans, ivy, ornamental grapes and honeysuckle.

The climbing rose is rightly called the most beautiful view climbing plants that can become the basis of a hedge. Unlike other climbing plants, it not only blooms beautifully and profusely, and almost all of it summer season, but also has a pleasant aroma. In addition, like all types of roses, the climbing rose has numerous sharp thorns, which allows you to create an impenetrable hedge.

The traditional time to plant a climbing rose hedge is early autumn or spring. Like many other climbing plants, creating a rose hedge requires a wooden or iron frame.

As a rule, the following varieties are chosen to create living fences: climbing roses, How:

1) rose "Rmabler", which usually reaches a height of 4 meters and is considered one of the most unpretentious in care and frost-resistant species climbing roses;
2) Cordes rose, which reaches a height of 2 meters and is pleasing to the eye abundant flowering throughout the summer season;
3) rose "Climber" - one of the most high grades climbing roses (6 m), which bloom twice a season with large flowers of predominantly burgundy and scarlet colors.

Although grapes are considered heat-loving plant and mainly grows in the south, some of its varieties can grow well in northern European latitudes. Since the grapes climb well, they are used to decorate hedges.

Traditionally, virgin grapes are used to create living fences, which are unpretentious to the soil and climatic conditions of the region. In addition, such grapes grow quickly, tolerate both cold and heat well, are practically not damaged by pests, and pollination is not required for the formation of their fruits.

A hedge created from virgin grapes looks beautiful, not only in summer, but also in autumn. Maiden grapes are decorative for their foliage, which preserves green color, and with the onset of autumn it turns red, retaining its natural beauty before the start of winter.


You can create a beautiful hedge not only from fragrant roses or maiden grapes, but also from ivy, which takes up far from last place in modern gardening. IN landscape design it is used for vertical landscaping; it is used to decorate gazebos, pergolas, and house walls. A hedge decorated with ivy also looks incredibly beautiful. Ivy is an undemanding, fast-growing and evergreens, so it looks equally good in summer and winter.
Creating a living ivy fence is not at all difficult - all you need to do is plant the soil and prepare the supports. You can make supports from anything - iron, wood - it doesn’t matter, because ivy can cling to anything.

However, rapid growth and low maintenance are not all the advantages of ivy. Another advantage of a hedge created from this climbing plant is its height. A living ivy fence can be of any height - 1, 3 or 5 meters, it all depends on the height of the created frame.

Beans, which have been known to people since the 15th century, have long been no longer used exclusively for obtaining a generous bean harvest. In landscape design, it, or rather its decorative types, has long been used for landscaping the territory of a site, for decorating fences, gazebos or arches, as well as for creating living fences.

Although decorative beans are annual climbing plants, they have many advantages. Decorative beans have large flowers that are clearly visible against the background of green foliage. This plant will delight you with its abundant flowering from the beginning of summer until the onset of autumn. But even when decorative beans fade, they will not lose their attractiveness, because collected in clusters and pods they look no less impressive and beautiful.

To create living fences, the most commonly chosen types of decorative beans are:

Mammoth beans, known for their big flowers white;
- “Butterfly” beans, which are distinguished by white and pink flowers;
- French beans, which are characterized by bright red flowers.

Since decorative beans are afraid of frost and cold, they are planted in early May in well-fertilized and loosened soil, having previously provided for the presence of frames on which the beans will climb.


Low shrubs with a dense crown, known as honeysuckle, have long been appreciated by modern gardeners, who began to use it not only for good harvest incredibly useful berries, but also for creating green fences. main feature honeysuckle is something that will delight you with its beauty throughout spring, summer and autumn. At the same time, honeysuckle will delight you not only with its green foliage, but also with its flowers, which over time will turn into colorful fruits.

In modern gardening, more than twenty species of climbing honeysuckle are now known. The most common among them are:

Honeysuckle – climbing honeysuckle, which can rise to a height of up to 10 meters and will delight with its flowering for at least three weeks;
- American honeysuckle, which is distinguished by powerful dark purple shoots, dense crown and red fruits;

Evergreen honeysuckle, which can bloom for several months, blooms with large red-orange flowers and is capable of producing a generous harvest of brightly colored berries.

A hedge decorated with honeysuckle has many advantages. Firstly, such a fence will look attractive with early spring until the first frost. Secondly, it grows very quickly (the average growth of 3-5 summer plants in one season is 1.5-2 m). Thirdly, with the help of honeysuckle you can create not only a beautiful, but also an impenetrable hedge.

The listed plants are considered the most common in European latitudes. However, you should not stop your choice only on them, because in the world there are many other, no less beautiful climbing plants with which you can create an attractive and graceful hedge.

Creating a hedge is not only a labor-intensive, but also an exciting process. This element has been very actively used in landscape design for many decades and still remains popular.

To get a good result, you need: first, choose the right plants; secondly, carry out the landing correctly; thirdly, carry out the formation in a timely and skillful manner.

Not all plants can be used to form a fast-growing perennial hedge, which is important both for external fencing and for internal landscaping.

If you plan to create something capital, not for one season, then you should take a responsible approach to the choice of plants and selection of varieties. For hedges, it is better to plant frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding species. The possibility of disease and pest damage should also be taken into account. How less attention will demand planting for itself, so much the better. Frozen twigs, fallen dried specimens, chlorotic leaves and leaves eaten away by caterpillars greatly reduce the decorative effect. Fixing such problems will take time and a lot of skill.

However, even if the most unpretentious and adapted species and varieties are selected, for quick results you will need to ensure optimal conditions growth. Planting material for a hedge is taken at the age of 2-3 years (the exception is conifers, which grow slowly in the first years of life). More mature plants have a voluminous root system and are sensitive to transplants, and from annual seedlings, obtaining a full-fledged hedge will require more time. The most realistic period within which it is possible to form green hedge, subject to the use of high-quality planting material - 2 years. And this applies only to fast-growing species that give good growth.

Plants need reserves to grow quickly nutrients There is also a sufficient amount of water in the soil, so planting is carried out in fertilized soil and regular watering is provided in the first years, especially during dry periods. If the cottage is located in an area close to groundwater, then for most plants you will need good drainage in the form of a layer of crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom landing pit or trenches.

To eliminate the risk of freezing of young seedlings, in the first 2-3 years they must be covered for the winter with non-woven material or a mulch layer of dry leaves, pine needles or spruce branches. For fencing fruit trees, it is undesirable to use rowan, since it has common diseases and pests with apple trees, and such plantings can turn into a nursery.

Plants for fast and long-lasting results

To quickly create an eco-fence, you can use low-growing (about 1 meter in height) and medium-growing (2-3 meters in height) shrubs, evergreen conifers, climbing vines and even trees. At the same time, you need to understand that if you use conifers, then in any case there will not be such a quick result as with shrubs.

Green fence made of thuja

These species are ideal both for uniform plantings and for multi-tiered compositions as a background for low-growing shrubs. Planting material coniferous plants taken at the age of 5 years, it is preferable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system.

Below are best options for a fast-growing hedge with basic characteristics.

Ornamental shrubs

Bladderwort viburnum

Forms a lush crown with spreading branches. It reaches a height of 3 meters. The leaves are large and carved, depending on the variety, and may have a lemon or purple color, a brownish or purple tint.

It reacts negatively to lime content in the soil and does not tolerate waterlogging (heavy soils require drainage). It is photophilous, frost-resistant, but in severe winters the tips of young shoots may freeze, and it is resistant to gas contamination and dust.

The natural appearance of the plant is a spreading, fountain-shaped bush. Immediately after planting, trim the top, in the first years side shoots shorten by a few centimeters to obtain a powerful fluffy bush.

Derain white

Has a spreading crown. The height exceeds 2.5 meters. In addition to decorative leaves with a light border, it is attractive in spring with fluffy inflorescences of white or cream color.

Grows on any soil. Growing in Siberia, it perfectly withstands the vagaries of nature, but does not tolerate drought well and is shade-tolerant. Pruning begins the next year after planting and is carried out twice a season to maintain the correct shape. Without pruning, the bushes become bare below and look sloppy.

Forsythia ovate

Spreading shrub with early flowering: yellow flowers bloom before the leaves and thickly cover the shoots.

Prefers light, breathable and calcareous soils. It has good winter hardiness and drought resistance, and is photophilous. Adult plants are pruned after flowering to developed buds.


An upright growing shrub up to 2 meters high with large spherical inflorescences. Demanding on soil fertility and moisture. Light- and heat-loving; shelter is required in the northern regions. Does not require formative pruning.

Fruiting bushes


Very decorative all year round, has long spines, is represented by dwarf and tall forms. Unpretentious. You can choose varieties for different conditions growing. Easily adapts to any shape. Pruning is carried out after flowering and at the end of summer.


It has compact bush up to 2 meters high with thorny shoots. In the spring it is beautiful with numerous white flowers, in the summer with dark green, purple or bright red leaves, and in late autumn with blue “ball” berries. Grows on any soil. Frost-resistant, tolerates shade well. The bush turns out dense and neat without frequent pruning.

Rose hip

A medium-sized thorny bush, very attractive during the flowering period. Does not tolerate stagnation of water and close groundwater. Grows well in different climate zones. Formative pruning is carried out annually in the fall after leaf fall.


Tall thorny shrub with abundant flowering. Any soil is suitable, including poor and heavy clay soils. Frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. Without pruning, it does not lose its decorative effect. The planting can be formed to any height. In practice, an impenetrable solid wall is created by merging the side branches of neighboring bushes.

climbing vines

Maiden grapes

Liana with large beautiful leaves. It is undemanding to soil types, but in the first years it responds well to fertilizing and fertilizers. Frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests, shade-tolerant.

Shaping involves tying and guiding the vines. Rapid growth requires mandatory pruning in the first year after planting to remove protruding and overgrown shoots. You should also periodically sprinkle compost on exposed growing roots.

Garden ivy

Evergreen liana. Prefers fertilized and moisture-absorbing soils. It does not like the sun; young plants must be covered for the winter. Autumn pruning of “loose” and dry elements is required, as well as shortening of shoots to obtain a lush hedge.


A climbing plant with long and bright flowering, suitable for creating a hedge with a height of 1 to 2 - 3 meters (depending on the variety). Prefers well-drained loams. Light- and moisture-loving, in the middle zone they require shelter.

Pruning depends on the varietal group. In some cases, pruning of faded shoots under the first developed bud is used, in others - autumn pruning young growth at a distance of about 30 cm from old wood.

Common hop

A powerful vine with bright green leaves, attractive in its own way during the flowering and fruit formation period. Unpretentious and very aggressive, light-loving. Requires strong support and regular pruning to control the spread.


Purple willow

A low (up to 1.5 meters) bush with a rounded crown and silvery leaves. Undemanding to fertility, tolerates waterlogging well. Light-loving, drought-resistant, has good winter hardiness. With the help of formative spring pruning, you can create low hedges of any shape.

Holly willow

Reaches a height of about 8 meters. Even poor soils are suitable for it. Adapts well to growing conditions. Mature plants are trimmed at the beginning and end of the season.

White acacia

It is valued for its graceful leaves and snow-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Grows on poor and saline soils. Drought-resistant, heat- and light-loving, does not tolerate harsh winters. Pruning is carried out to limit growth and activate branching, without regular care turns into thickets and produces numerous shoots.

What to choose from all the variety? A matter of taste. Ornamental shrubs will become not only a barrier or a means of zoning, but also an effective decoration of the garden.

Fruit-bearing, fast-growing shrubs for hedges will not only decorate, but also bring benefits in the form of healing berries. However, with such cultivation with frequent haircuts, you should not expect large yields. If you want to make jam from hawthorn or barberry for the whole family, it is better to plant a separate bush and care for it accordingly.

The most fast growing hedge will be obtained from vines (grapes, hops), and in a short time you can form a high and dense eco-fence. But for vertical growth, vines require support, which must be quite strong in order to withstand the growing weight of powerful shoots over the years. Rapid growth requires regular and correct pruning so that the plant does not weave everything around.

Trees are also suitable for long-lasting plantings. Willow and white acacia give very good annual growth and quickly reach the desired height. A hedge made of them does not have to be high - with the help of pruning you can easily change the natural appearance of the plant.

Landing rules

In order for the hedge to be sufficiently dense and the plants do not oppress each other, it is necessary to maintain the recommended planting scheme. It is more convenient to plant in a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.6 m wide. The seedlings are aligned with twine - this is important for creating flat wall. Climbing plants are spaced every 0.25 m; for low-growing shrubs, an interval of 0.5 and 1 m is acceptable; for tall shrubs, the distance is increased to 1.5 m.

For most species it is more favorable spring planting, but autumn is also allowed, provided that the seedlings take root before frost. Many representatives will need a garter to the support, so stakes with twine should be prepared in advance.

Fill the trench with a fertile mixture of compost, sand and peat. Shrubs require stimulating pruning after planting, which allows you to get a highly branched, lush bush. Lianas (with the exception of maiden grapes) are not pruned in the first year, allowing them to develop a root system and grow green mass. In the first year, plants need good watering and mulching with humus or compost.

When planting fast-growing plants, you need to take into account two of their disadvantages: the need for frequent cutting and the strong development of shoots. Over the years, such a fence can behave like an invader in a summer cottage. Tall, powerful fences can shade small areas, which must be taken into account when choosing plants.

For those who are prone to extravagance, great solution for decorating a dacha or country house combined hedges will become different types or from several contrasting varieties of the same species.

Evergreen garden ivy (Hedera) is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful ornamental plants. It can be grown both in the garden and in room conditions. This plant is quite unpretentious. However, of course, you need to follow some rules when growing it.

general description

Ivy belongs to the family of swallowtails. It is a very beautiful climbing vine. Sometimes evergreen ivy is also called hedera. One of the features of this plant is that its vines are not limited in growth. Indoors they can reach a length of 6 meters, and in gardens - sometimes 30 m.

Most often, garden evergreen ivy (H. helix) is grown as an ornamental plant in Russia. The flowers of this basic form have small sizes and collected in racemose inflorescences. The leaves of common ivy are leathery, shiny, five- and three-lobed. In nature, this plant climbs along the surface of walls or trees using aerial roots.

An ivy leaf, depending on its shape, can have the most different shades. Varieties of this ornamental crop, both dark and light green, are grown in gardens and indoors. Ivy varieties with variegated leaves are also considered very beautiful.

What plant forms exist?

In addition to ordinary ivy, other types of garden ivy are grown at home and in gardens. The following are considered especially beautiful forms among lovers of ornamental crops:

  • wax ivy (hoya);
  • Canarian.

Both of these varieties are valued by gardeners primarily for their beautiful large leaves. Like Canary and wax, they grow very quickly. They also do not require too much complicated personal care.

Wax ivy: description

The ordinary form of this ornamental crop is most often grown in gardens. In indoor conditions, the most common question is: Is it possible to keep this plant at home? This is a question many gardeners ask. The fact is that this beautiful form of ivy is often called muzhegon. It is believed that this flower, among other things, can bring financial well-being to the family. However, at the same time, as some superstitious people believe, he also drives men out of the house.

But be that as it may, this plant is actually very beautiful - hoya (wax ivy). Is it possible to keep this form at home? Every housewife should, of course, answer this question herself. In Asian countries, wax ivy, unlike Russia, for example, is not considered a muzhegon. This decorative form is grown everywhere there. Moreover, in Asia, many people believe that wax ivy, on the contrary, brings family happiness.

Canary ivy

It is also very beautiful and popular with gardeners and hobbyists. The vine of Canary ivy outdoors can reach a length of 20 cm. Main distinctive feature This form is characterized by the unusual coloring of the leaves. The plate itself is green with a silver tint. At the same time, there is a white stripe along the edge of each leaf. The three-lobed leaves of Canary ivy are large in size and look really very impressive.

How to grow indoors: preparing the pot

Ivy is a plant that has long vines, but at the same time a not very well developed root system. Therefore, a very large pot for this decorative culture No need to use indoors. Quite good for ivy suitable container medium size. In order for the plant to develop well, its pot should be filled with a soil mixture of the following composition:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf soil.

All these components must be taken in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. Stagnant water garden ivy is evergreen, like most others indoor plants, does not love. Therefore, you should definitely put broken shards or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot.

Garden ivy: planting and care indoors

The ivy plant is considered shade-tolerant. But you still need to place it closer to the window (south or east). Direct sunlight should not fall on its lashes. Ivy, although it is a southern plant, does not like heat. In summer optimal temperature for it it is 17-23 C, in winter - 13 C. This plant is not at all afraid of drafts.

Choosing a place for ivy should be approached immediately with maximum responsibility. The fact is that this plant really does not like moving. It will be possible to move a pot with this vine in the future only as a last resort.

Ivy is a plant that requires regular but moderate watering. There should be no standing water in the pot with it. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil in the pot under the ivy should always remain slightly moist. In summer, this plant is usually watered twice a week, in winter - once.

In the warm season, it is advisable, among other things, to spray ivy. It is worth carrying out such procedures when the air temperature in the room rises above 20 C.

You can fertilize ivy with the usual universal dry mixture for indoor plants. Such fertilizing should be applied at the frequency indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Caring for ivy in the garden

Garden ivy is native to Northern Europe. And therefore this plant is quite hardy. However, the climate in Russia, unfortunately, is still more severe than in Europe. Therefore, it is possible to grow ivy in our country on the street mainly only in southern regions. Only some varieties of common ivy are suitable for the middle zone. Moreover, they are used in in this case can mainly only be used as ground cover.

The place for this plant in the garden is chosen depending on the color of the leaves. For dark green ivy, partial shade is also quite suitable. Forms with variegated leaves need bright lighting. This decorative plant is watered in the garden using approximately the same technology as in indoor conditions. The ivy leaf of almost any variety is actually very beautiful and represents the main decorative value of this plant. Therefore, it is better to water the vines in the mornings or evenings using the sprinkling method. This way, it will be possible not only to moisten the soil under the ivy, but also to wash away the dust from its lashes.

You can feed this ornamental crop with ordinary rotted manure. This plant also responds very well to ash. Ivy of any variety, of course, first of all - ornamental plant. This liana is hardy and unpretentious. But sometimes it happens that the ivy lashes slow down and its leaves turn pale. In this case, the plants should be fed with urea ( Matchbox 10 liters per bucket of water).

Ivy propagation

It is not difficult to grow this ornamental crop on the site or indoors. Ivy is most often propagated by cuttings. Cut off planting material at the same time in spring or summer. The length of the selected cuttings should be approximately 10 cm. The cut branches just need to be stuck into moist soil. Ivy cuttings take root very easily and quickly. There is absolutely no need to keep them in water before planting. There is no need to treat them with any means that stimulate root formation.

New long lashes grow from cuttings very quickly. Within a year you will be able to see lush independent plants on the site.

If desired, you can try to propagate evergreen garden ivy not by cuttings, but by shoots. It is also very simple and quick way. Shoots for ivy propagation are not too long - with 8-10 leaves. Such planting material must be pressed into wet sand. Only leaves should remain on the surface. In about two weeks the shoot will take root. All this time, the sand should be kept moist.

The branch that has taken root must then be dug out of the ground and cut into several parts so that each of them has a leaf and a root. Next, planting is done in the usual way - in pre-prepared beds or pots.

Hedges are one of the most practical and convenient options site fencing. Especially if you choose evergreen and fast-growing perennials. These plants require care only at first, until they get stronger, and further care consists of periodic mowing and watering during dry seasons. It is very important not only to choose such plants correctly, but also to plant them correctly, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to form a beautiful and durable hedge.

Climbing types of perennials are the fastest growing. In just one season, they grow several meters, forming a continuous carpet of leaves. Unfortunately, not all evergreen vines tolerate frost, so for regions with cold winters the choice of such plants is small. Most often on summer cottages use periwinkle, euonymus and ivy.

Periwinkle belongs to the evergreen climbing subshrubs, and can be used to create hedges up to 1.5 m high. The stems and leaves of the plant are characterized by amazing vitality, are not afraid of frost, and always preserve fresh look. Periwinkle flowers are quite large, most often blue and blue, although other shades are also found. Periwinkle grows well in poor soils, can grow in both sun and shade, and tolerates drought well. If overgrown stems are cut and stuck into moist soil, they will certainly take root.

It is recommended to plant the plant in early autumn - until mid-September. To create a hedge, you will definitely need a strong trellis of appropriate height, since without support the periwinkle will spread along the ground. To achieve the greatest decorative effect, the soil must be thoroughly loosened and fertilized with organic matter. Periwinkle grows best in loamy, well-drained soils. Optimal distance between plants from 20 to 30 cm.

In the first year, the planting should be covered for the winter, because fragile stems and roots can freeze. In the future, such measures will not be necessary. Periwinkle tolerates pruning well, but for better tillering it is recommended to pinch the shoots. Once every three years you can fertilize organic fertilizers, add leaf soil.

Euonymus has many varieties, including climbing varieties. Particularly popular are the varieties of euonymus Fortune (Blondie, Harlequin, Sunspot), distinguished by the decorative colors of their leaves. The plant loves fertile, loose soil and abundant watering, but reacts poorly to stagnant water. Variegated varieties need to be planted in sunny places, since in the shade they turn dark green, but varieties with white and yellow leaves It is better to place them in partial shade, as they will burn in the sun.

It should be noted that euonymus belongs to poisonous plants, and if there are children in the family, it is better to find another perennial for the hedge. When planting, be sure to use protective gloves, and upon completion of planting, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Euonymus cuttings are pre-rooted under film for 1.5-2 months, and only then planted on permanent place. The distance between the seedlings is about 20 cm. To form a hedge, it is necessary to install supports along which the growing shoots are directed. In summer the plants are fed mineral fertilizers twice a month. Euonymus does not tolerate frost very well, so it is recommended to cover it with spruce branches or dry leaves for the winter, especially in the first years. Formative and sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring.

This evergreen perennial has many advantages over other climbing plants:

  • tolerates cold well and withstands short frosts without losing its fresh appearance;
  • all its varieties are highly decorative due to the shape and color of the leaves;
  • the height of an ivy fence can reach 3 meters;
  • grows quickly;
  • goes well with all garden plants.

What does ivy look like - photo

To ensure that the hedge does not lose its decorative value, the ivy needs to be watered regularly and complex fertilizing should be carried out periodically, starting in early spring. The soil should not dry out and water should not stagnate; the dosage of fertilizers should also be strictly adhered to, since an excess of nutrients reduces the attractiveness of the vine.

Formative pruning is carried out in the fall, at which time old or damaged shoots are also removed. In regions with frosty winters, it is recommended to cover ivy with dry leaves. The most decorative varieties are characterized by increased sensitivity to cold, and therefore are more suitable for the southern regions. Ivy is propagated by cuttings, which are rooted in containers before planting in a permanent place. When planting rooted cuttings, leave 30-50 cm between plants, and the soil must be mulched.

Like euonymus, ivy is poisonous and skin contact with the plant may cause swelling, itching and redness. True, not everyone is sensitive to this poison. However, it is necessary to wear gloves when planting plants and performing pruning, and it is recommended to wash clothes that the shoots may have touched after completing the work.

Coniferous plants

Decorative conifers grow much more slowly climbing perennials, but among them there are several fast growing species:

  • Serbian spruce;
  • Thuja Brabant;
  • Arizona and balsam fir;
  • Lawson cypress;
  • Leyland's cuprossociparis.

All these types of conifers are very decorative, resistant to cold, not too demanding on the soil and lend themselves well to shaping. Hedges made from coniferous plants look great at any time of the year and go well with any garden styles and plants. When choosing varieties, one feature should be taken into account: conifers with blue and golden shades of needles should be planted in sunny places, while dark green ones feel better in partial shade.

It is not recommended to plant conifers on heavy clay soils, as well as in lowlands where water stagnates. Optimal soil for them it is a mixture of turf soil with peat and sand in equal proportions. When planting seedlings, it is very important not to destroy the earthen ball, otherwise the survival rate may decrease. The distance between plants depends on the type of hedge. When creating formed fences, this gap is 20-50 cm, and for free-growing hedges, seedlings are distributed in increments of 30-70 cm, depending on the characteristics of the variety. Usually, coniferous hedges They are always made in single rows so that the plants do not shade each other. With a lack of lighting, the lower branches are exposed, and the living fence does not look so impressive.

Coniferous hedge (Leyland cypress or Kupressociparis)

Best time for planting conifers - this is the end of August-September. One-year-old seedlings from containers can be transplanted in the summer, choosing a cloudy day for this. In hot weather, plants need to be shaded, this will help them acclimatize and take root faster.

During the period of appearance of young shoots, plantings need regular watering and periodic spraying of the crown. Abundant moisture in the summer increases the resistance of seedlings to frost. With the onset of cold weather tree trunk circles should be mulched and the plants covered with spruce branches or straw.

Deciduous evergreen perennials

Among deciduous trees there are also evergreen species that remain decorative all year round. These plants grow quickly and are easy to trim, which allows short time create neat hedges on the site.

Evergreen barberry

Barberry bushes are very strong and hardy; with proper pruning, they form an impenetrable living wall. Among the evergreen varieties, the fastest growing are boxwood, small warty and Juliana barberry. The plant is great for both molded and free-growing hedges; it looks impressive in a single-row planting and in composition with other shrubs.

It is recommended to plant evergreen barberry species in partial shade, unlike deciduous species, which prefer sunny places. The soil can be any, but on nutritious and permeable soils the decorative value of the bushes is much higher. Planting is carried out in spring and autumn; seedlings must be with a lump of earth or in a container. You should not purchase planting material with small, poorly grown roots, as well as seedlings whose roots are exposed or affected by disease. strong beautiful hedge Such plants will never work, you will only waste time, effort and your money.

When planting, the root ball must be placed flush with the soil line, and the soil around the bush should be well compacted, watered and mulched. In regions with cold winters, it is recommended to cover barberry with non-woven material with the onset of the first frost. Sanitary pruning is performed in early spring, formative pruning in summer.

Cherry laurel is an evergreen perennial, although in cold regions it may shed its leaves. There are many varieties of it known, but only cherry laurel grows quickly. All other species are slow-growing, and therefore are less in demand in private gardening. The plant is given a decorative appearance by numerous white flowers collected in brushes up to 12 cm long.

Cherry laurel tolerates shade well, withstands frosts down to -25 degrees, and grows on calcareous, sandy loam, humus-carbonate soils and loams. At the same time, the plant reacts poorly to lack of moisture: it grows worse, stops blooming and bearing fruit. When planting, leave 50-70 cm between seedlings; the root circle must be mulched. Formative pruning is carried out the following year, at the end of summer; in the future, the bushes should be trimmed twice a year.


Boxwood - decorative landscaping

For hedges, boxwood is considered the most the best option. This plant can be given any shape, it tolerates cold and shade well, and is undemanding to the composition of the soil and moisture. True, most types of boxwood cannot be called fast-growing, especially dwarf varieties. If you don’t want to wait a long time for the hedge to form, choose tall plants.

When planting, the seedlings are placed in a row with a step of 15 cm, watered abundantly and the shoots are immediately cut to two-thirds of the length. The soil needs to be mulched or covered with black agrofibre. The best time for planting is spring. In mid-June, the bushes should be fed with mineral fertilizers. There is no need to trim the boxwood in the first year, but the next year you can form a hedge. An adult bush is trimmed once a month, starting in April and ending in September. After pruning, the plants must be watered and fed, which contributes to the formation of a thick, dense crown.

Video - Fast-growing perennial evergreen hedge

Of all the diversity garden plants plot owners willingly choose a beautiful evergreen vine - garden ivy.

It is used in vertical and hanging gardening; a hedge made of ivy looks picturesque.


Read more about. As for gardening, ivy can be supported by arches, gazebos, trees, fences, or the wall of a house. Exactly this the ability to tenaciously attach to almost any object unites numerous varieties this outdoor plant.

In Russia, preference is often given to four types of evergreen vines, which are more frost-resistant than their counterparts.

Common garden ivy

Hedera helix or common ivy is a commonly found species.

    1. The vine has shiny dark green leaves, which are decorated with white veins. The sucker-shaped roots help the climbing shrub cling to trees and other supports.
    2. The length of the vine can reach 30 meters; it is good to use in vertical gardening. Common garden ivy is also used as ground cover plant.

  1. The plant is a honey plant; the flowers produce white honey with a mint aroma. But a person can be poisoned by berries, unlike birds. Pigeons and blackbirds especially love them.
  2. The shrub likes places where there is partial shade and no wind. This species is considered the most winter-hardy.
  3. Features a large varietal diversity. Each variety has its own highlight - Eva and Mona Lisa are predominantly yellow in color, Sagittaefolia has star-shaped leaves.

Colchis ivy

Hedera colchica is Colchis ivy, also called Caucasian ivy. There it is found in its natural habitat. This liana is powerful, strong, capable of rising up to 30 meters in height based on its support.

Large leaves make the plant decorative, which can reach a length of 20-25 centimeters, and a width of 17 to 20. The leaf blades are often solid, the three-lobed form is less common. The leaf color is mostly green, but spotted varieties are also found.

In terms of growth rate, Colchis ivy is faster than ordinary ivy, but it is more afraid of frost. Liana loves partial shade and fertile soil.

The purple, tree-like and jagged forms of the plant are more common.

Ivy Boston

This is also a liana - tree-like, lush and dense. It can reach a height of 20 or even 30 meters.

The liana is particularly decorative; it looks great if decorate gazebos, high hedges and fences with it. Ivy looks especially picturesque on a house - with the onset of autumn, the leaves turn from dark green to orange and red.

Boston is typical sensitivity to frost. It requires diffuse lighting; the plant suffers from direct rays of the sun. The growth rate of the vine is good; during the season the shoot grows by 3-4 meters. The plant can be propagated by seeds.

Crimean ivy

Crimean ivy is a rather unpretentious plant, resistant to drought and frost. But at the same time wet soils loves, as well as shaded places.

Crimean ivy is an evergreen strong vine, the trunk of which can reach up to 1 meter in circumference. The length of the vine itself reaches 30 meters.

Crimean ivy leaves are usually dark green, glossy, different shapes- from solid to arrow-shaped five-lobed.

The flowering period of this honey plant is from September to October. Inflorescences in the form of spherical umbrellas emit a sweet to the point of cloying aroma. By winter, the fruits ripen, which will decorate the ivy until next summer.

Cuttings and seeds are suitable for propagating vines.

Garden ivy: planting and care

When caring for this plant, you should remember that all varieties of ivy love fertile soil. Plants can also be planted in loam. But clay soils are not suitable for vines - oxygen will not reach the roots, and there is too much moisture in such soil, ivy does not tolerate it well.

It is better to plant ivy in the spring so that the plant has time to get stronger, grow and gain strength for a successful winter. The liana is more suitable for places on a hill, without winds and drafts.

ADVICE: For planting, you need to choose high-quality seedlings. A young vine should have a healthy, not sluggish root system, shiny leaves and many strong shoots.

How to plant ivy

The plant is planted like this:

  • prepare the soil - take a universal substrate or make up a mixture that includes equal parts of soil (turf and leaf), sand and peat;
  • dig a hole a little deeper than the root of the seedling;
  • the bottom of the hole is covered with drainage;
  • plant a vine, fill the hole with soil mixture or substrate;
  • water the planted crop.

How to get rid of ivy?

Sometimes a gardener is faced with this question, because a plant can quickly fill the entire territory of a dacha or garden.

You will need to cut the vine with pruning shears at the base and completely dig out the roots. Remove the shoots so that they do not take root again. If young growth does appear, use herbicides.

Ivy care

Young ivy, especially at first, will require a lot of air and moisture. It will be necessary to carefully loosen the soil, especially after rain, so that a dense layer does not form. It is also good to mulch the soil with porous organic matter.

Ivy in the garden is watered summer period up to 2 times a week if there is little rain. The plant loves moisture, but not its excess.

In order for the vine to develop well, it is periodically fed in the summer. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers promote the growth of new shoots; they are applied in the first half of summer. Then you need fertilizing with fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus, which will strengthen the shoots.

To prevent the bush from growing too much, it requires pruning.

This way you can give the vine the desired shape.

Dry branches are removed so that they do not spoil the decorative appearance of the perennial.

But you shouldn’t immediately start pruning frozen and weakened shoots right after the snow melts in the spring. This is done already in June, when the movement of juices ends. Then the ivy will better tolerate pruning.

In the southern regions, the plant overwinters without shelter. IN middle lane Some types of vines can tolerate cold well under snow cover. You can cover the plants with burlap, film, spruce branches, and fallen leaves.

Climbing vines in warmer climates do not need to be removed from their support, but in regions to the north it is better to lay them on the ground and insulate them.

NOTE FOR GARDENER: Variegated ivy varieties are good to grow as hanging plants. They carry winter cold worse than other species, and during this period, baskets with perennials are placed in a home greenhouse or winter garden.

Ivy propagation

The liana is best propagated by cuttings.

The cuttings should be approximately 10 cm long.

They can be placed in water or in a container with a loose and moistened mixture of sand and garden soil.

When the roots appear, the ivy should be planted for permanent residence in open ground Location on. Cuttings are planted at least 50 cm apart from each other, but the distance should not exceed a meter.

There is another way of reproduction. The shoot is placed on the soil, lightly pressed into it to deepen it aerial roots. The vine is watered, and in about a week (maybe 10 days) these roots will turn into underground roots. Each will form a separate plant.


A plant in the garden can be attacked by various pests:

  • scale insect;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly

CAREFULLY: Ivy is most threatened by mite attacks. Particularly harmful to the plant spider mite. It releases a thin web that entangles the vine. The leaves begin to turn yellow and die.

The liana can also suffer from fungus if it was grown in excessively humid conditions. Affected leaves and stems will have to be removed.

Why a perennial may lose its attractiveness:

  • variegated leaves become monochromatic if the light-loving variety of ivy grows in the shade;
  • the tips of the leaves dry out and turn brownish when the plant is too hot and the air and soil humidity is insufficient;
  • leaf blades may turn yellow due to increased watering at low temperatures and excess feeding.

Garden design

The shrub is very effective in the garden and country house design and provides room for creativity. They are good at decorating, not too much nice looking building's facade. A tree covered with ivy, green arbors, arches and columns will decorate any area.

A hedge is a great way to demarcate an area.

As a ground cover, the vine creates dense green carpets. And the proximity to roses will be especially impressive, highlighting the grandeur of these flowers.

And this video shows a gazebo made of ivy that grew over 4 years:

Perennials are also used in design alpine slides. Varieties with small leaves will look beautiful.

It is not in vain that gardeners have looked at this plant to decorate their plots. With proper care, ivy grows beautifully and will delight the eye for a long time on the street, on the wall of a house or on a fence with its decorative appearance.