Description of the best varieties of roses: classification, photos. Varieties of roses with photos and descriptions Varieties of roses alphabetically in Russian


Roses can be either a deciduous shrub, from 30 cm to 2.5 meters in height, or highly branched vines (up to 10 m) with thin shoots. Rose flowers can be double, semi-double, simple, of various colors and shapes. They can be collected in inflorescences or solitary, fragrant or not. Shoots with and without thorns. At the moment, there is a great variety of forms and varieties of roses, with different decorative qualities and biological features. They were classified into various garden groups, but this classification is very arbitrary.

Roses. Preservation until planting.

If you purchased planting material long before planting, then most likely you have a box with a seedling with a closed root system, when the roots are in the substrate and wrapped in plastic film.

If the buds are still dormant, then such a seedling can be stored in the refrigerator. To retain moisture in the substrate, remove the film, wrap it with moistened sphagnum moss (cloth, synthetic wool or padding polyester) and polyethylene on top. In addition to its good hygroscopic properties, sphagnum also good antiseptic, therefore, will provide additional protection against rot.

If the ground is not frozen and can be dug, then it is convenient to store the seedlings in a trench instead of a refrigerator. To do this, remove the leaves from the seedling and soak the roots in water for several hours (3-5). Dig a trench 30-50 cm deep, place the seedlings in it at an angle of about 45 degrees (roots to the north) and sprinkle with earth (peat soil, garden soil) with a slide to completely cover the seedlings.

Once a plant has started to grow, do not store it simply by putting it in the refrigerator. In this case, new shoots will begin to stretch due to the stems, and not due to root nutrition, because the substrate in which the seedling is located is very poor. Such a seedling will quickly become unviable.

Therefore, it is necessary to plant the rose in a container with soil. For this:

1. Free the seedling from the film and soak the root system for several hours (overnight is possible) in water with a growth stimulator and fungicide according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Remove the soggy substrate, straighten the roots and cut off the rotten and dry ones with scissors. Shorten all the roots by a couple of centimeters to stimulate the formation of new ones.

3. If there is a paraffin coating on the stem sections, do not remove it, because paraffin protects the stems from drying out. New shoots will break through this shell.

4. Use a bucket or 5 liter bottle with a cut neck as a container. Fill the container with the bag. Subsequently, it will be convenient to remove the seedling with a ball of earth for planting in open ground.

5. Place a layer of drainage (expanded clay) on the bottom of the container and plant the plant, deepening root collar by 3-4 cm. Do not compact the soil too much and water it moderately.

6. To prevent diseases, periodically (once every two weeks) water with Fitosporin solution.

7. Store this planting in a well-lit, cool place. On glassed balcony, For example.

If you purchased a seedling with a closed root system that was planted in a container, then transfer the plant to a larger container. Care and storage as described above.

Roses. Planting in spring.

1. Soak the roots for a day in a bucket of water. Then soak in a solution of root growth stimulator and fungicide. Use concentration and exposure time according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Roses. Planting in autumn.

1. Soak the roots for a day in a bucket of water. Then soak in a solution of a root growth stimulator and fungicide (a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate or a commercial preparation). Use concentration and exposure time according to the manufacturer's instructions.

2. Spread the roots and shorten them to light sections. You may have to cut up to 10 cm.

3. Place the seedling in a pre-prepared hole so that the roots do not bend and cover with soil. Deepen the grafting site by two fingers (about 3-4 cm), if the rose is a climbing rose, deepen it more (about 5-6 cm). This way you will protect the vulnerable spot of the rose from frost.

4. To ensure the soil is well compacted, water in two stages. To do this, cover the seedling with soil, leaving a hole, and water the rose for the first time (about 2.5 liters of water will be needed). Then fill the seedling with soil level with the ground and water it a second time (about 2.5 liters will also be needed).

5. Mulch the moistened trunk circle with dry soil, without leaving a hole, so that stagnant moisture does not form around the root collar.

6. When spring planting To make it easier for the plant to develop, trim the stems, leaving no more than three buds on each. As a rule, the length of the stems remains about 10 cm.

Rose is the most popular cut crop; it is difficult to imagine a holiday bouquet without it. Rose is the most famous garden crop. The number of varieties bred is tens of thousands, which is significantly more than any other. And every year their number increases thanks to breeding work dozens of nurseries. In terms of variety of color, shape, size, aroma of flowers, abundance of flowering, and size of bushes, the rose has no equal. Therefore, despite the difficulties of care, we plant her in our gardens, and she gives us her mesmerizing “bouquets”.

Rose flowers are the most beloved garden crop by everyone without exception. Even photos of rose flowers amaze the imagination with their magnificence. This page offers general description rose flowers. The rose flower in the photo is presented below from different angles, which allows you to appreciate its attractiveness. A description of the rose flower can also be found in brief characteristics new varieties.

It is impossible to imagine the perfume industry without roses. Roses are still used in medicine, and rosehip syrup and tinctures are healthier than many modern multivitamins. At the same time, the rose continues to surprise us, constantly changing to suit our tastes and whims, and breeders create new original varieties.

Roses come in a variety of flower shapes. For centuries we have been fascinated by the goblet shape; now densely double rosette-shaped and cup-shaped flowers are in fashion, especially with a squared center. Flowers with a flat shape have natural charm. Attractive spherical and pompom flowers. Some roses resemble flowers of carnation, camellia, peony, etc.

The color range of roses is very rich, there are only pure blue ones. The color of the flower can be single-color, two-color and “striped,” mixed and “painted,” and even with a color that changes over time - chameleon varieties.

The leaves of the rose are compound, imparipinnate, consisting of a stipule, a petiole and three or more leaflets. There is a widespread belief among hobbyists that cultivated varieties have five leaves, but this is not true. Most often, tea varieties are distinguished by five leaves. hybrid roses, but this is not a strict rule. The leaves can be leathery, smooth, or maybe wrinkled.

Park roses and their photos

Park rose is a group that unites different classes of these plants. They have a natural appearance, are quite large in size and are unpretentious. They do not require winter shelter. The assignment of varieties to this group depends on climatic conditions.

Flowering is usually single with white, pink and red flowers. In autumn, many rose bushes are decorated with decorative fruits. Park roses in central Russia include certain wild species of roses and their garden forms, as well as varieties of roses rugosa (HRg), alba (A), fetida (HFt) and prickly (HSpn).

Look at the park roses in the photo, which show the richness of the colors and shapes of the buds:

Description of rose varieties with names and photos

It is almost impossible to create a list of recommended species, since all varieties of rose flowers deserve to be included. Below are some varieties of roses with photos and descriptions. Here are some names of rose varieties that you can use in your garden.

Photos and brief descriptions of rose varieties are offered:

"Amulett", syn. "TANtaluma" ("Amulit"), - Min / Miniature. The flowers are double, spherical, with petals neatly arranged in a circle, a rich crimson-pink color. Blooms profusely. Plant 40-50 cm high.

Roses "Burgundy Ice", syn. "PROse", "Burgundy Iceberg" ("Burgundy Ice"), - F / Multifloral. The flowers are medium-sized, semi-double, of rare color - dark purple with the tone of Burgundy wine, the reverse is light, silver. Bush 80-120 cm high.

Roses "Charles de Gaulle", syn. "Meilanein", "Katherine Mansfield" (Charles de Gaulle), - HT / Noble. A large lilac-lilac flower of a beautiful cup shape with a strong, wonderful aroma. Bush 80-100 cm high.

Rose variety "Comte de Chambord"- P/Antique. This Portland rose has remained popular for the third century. The flowers are cup-shaped, densely double, often lobed, pure pink in the center, lighter towards the edges. In terms of abundance of flowering, it is not inferior to the best modern varieties. Bush 80-110 cm high.

Roses "Eddy Mitchell", syn. "MEIrysett" ("Eddie Mitchell"), - HT / Noble. Velvet black-cherry flowers with a golden-yellow outer side of the petal, large, double, elongated goblet-shaped. Bush 60-70 cm high.

Below you can also see rose flowers in the photo, which illustrate the different varieties.

Roses "Eyes for You", syn. "PEJbigeye", "Pejambigeye" ("Ice fo Yu"), - hybrid Hulthemia persica / Multiflowered. The hybrid of hulthemia with roses gives it an attractive “zest”: purple spots in the center of large open lilac-pink flowers. Bush height 50-75 cm.

Rose variety "Graham Thomas", syn. "AUSmas" ("Graham Thomas"), - S / English. One of the most popular roses in the world. Flexible arched shoots, decorated with rounded double flowers - yellow “lanterns”, create a joyful mood. Growth is highly dependent on conditions and weather, and can reach a height of 2.5 m.

Rose variety “Heidi Klum Rose”, syn. "TAN00681", "RT 00681" ("Heidi Klum Rose"), - MinFl / Patio. The flowers are medium-sized, densely double, deep purple in color, with an intoxicating aroma. Bush 40-50 cm high.

Rose variety “Hommage a Barbara”, syn. DELchifrou, "Heinz Winkler" ("Omaz a Barbara"), - HT / Noble. Single medium-sized flowers of rich red color with a black velvet coating and curved petals create a unique image. Abundant flowering. Bush height 70-90 cm.

Roses "Jacqueline du Pre", syn. "HARwanna", "Jacqueline de Pre" ("Jacqueline du Pre"), - S / Shrub. Large open semi-double fragrant flowers, white with a pinkish “glow” and long bronze-red stamens, produce indelible impression. The bush is large, 130-160 cm high.

Rose variety “Leonardo da Vinci”, blue “MEIdeauri” (“Leonardo da Vinci”), - F / Multifloral. Rich lilac-pink, densely double, large, lodged flowers, collected in inflorescences, appear throughout the season. Bush height 80-110 cm.

Rose varieties in the garden

Against the background of a classic lawn, single plantings of tall rose bushes look great. Tall plants with spreading branches, covered bright flowers, immediately attract attention. Many English roses will be beautiful in this role. Ground cover roses will stand out no less impressively against the background of the lawn. And the standard rose evokes sincere admiration. Special varieties of roses have been developed for the garden, which can vary in the height of the stems and spreading of the bush.

New varieties of roses with photos

New varieties of roses are more resistant to adverse environmental factors.

Rose variety "Mainaufeuer", syn. "KORtemma", "Canterbury", "Chilterns", "Fiery Sensation", "Fiery Sunsation", "Island Fire", "Red Ribbons" (Meinaufeuer), - S / Ground cover. The flowers are medium-sized, semi-double, deep red, collected in racemes. Plant height 50-70 cm.

Roses "New Dawn", syn. "The New Dawn", Everblooming Dr. W. Van Fleet" ("New Dawn"), - LCl / Climbing grandiflora. This rose has only one drawback - it grows in almost every garden. Despite the passing years, its popularity has not diminished. A beautifully shaped hybrid tea rose, porcelain pink flowers cover the bush profusely throughout the season. They fill the air with a wonderful aroma. The plant is surprisingly hardy and any gardener can grow it. The bushes are large, 200-250 cm high.

Roses “Ruffle’s Dream” (“Raffles Dream”)- F / Multifloral. The changeable iridescent pink-apricot color with a yellow reverse adds originality to the flowers with intricately cut petals. The bushes are dense with green foliage. Plants are 40-60 cm high.

Rose variety "Sommerwind", syn. "Surrey", "Vent d'Ete" ("Sommerwind"), - S / Groundcover. One of the most popular ground cover roses. The flowers are medium-sized, double, beautiful light pink. They are distinguished by very peculiar wavy petals, cut along the edges, but the flowers appear in such numbers that you do not pay attention to their shape, struck by the beauty of the pink “foam”. Bush height 50-60 cm.

Rose variety “Super Dorothy”, syn. "HELdoro" ("Super Dorothy"), - LCl / Super Rambler. It blooms with large clusters of small, densely double flowers of a beautiful pink color with a paler reverse side petals. The shoots are flexible, thin, almost without thorns. Plant height is 2-3 m.

Garden rose varieties

The disdainful attitude toward park roses, which are even called “rose hips,” is surprising. Given the diversity in which garden varieties roses, they deserve wider distribution, because wintering without shelter is a strong argument in their favor. And one-time flowering can hardly be called a minus, because we plant other one-time flowering shrubs.

Five garden rose varieties that overwinter without shelter:

Rose variety "Hansa"- HRg / Park. One of the best park roses. Elongated elegant buds turn into large purple-red and violet-toned double flowers with loosely arranged petals and a strong aroma. The bushes are decorated in autumn large fruits, similar to cherry tomatoes. Plant height is 1.5-2 m.

Roses “Morden Sunrise”, blue “91V8T20V”, “RSM Y2” (“Morden Sunrise”), - S / Shrub. Quite large open semi-double flowers, fragrant, yellow with pink dusting around the edges, appear throughout the season. In cold weather, pink shades are brighter. Shoots often freeze above the snow level; in severe winters it freezes heavily, but in the spring it recovers and blooms. Bush height 60-80 cm.

Rose variety "Pink Grootendorst"- HRg / Park. Small, carnation-like pink flowers appear in dense corymbose inflorescences. Plant height 140-180 cm.

Roses are ornamental plants, which take first place in terms of beauty and duration of flowering, pleasant and delicate aroma. The rose flower has been a favorite of many peoples of the world since ancient times. An image of a flower was discovered on silver coins of one of the tribes in Altai who lived 5 thousand years BC.

The rose is called the “queen of flowers”, as best decoration garden, poets sang about it and composed legends about it. For example, an ancient Indian legend speaks of the goddess of love, beauty and fertility Lakshmi, who appeared from rose petals.

Beauty of the bush with blooming roses also attracts modern people. It is planted in parklands of southern cities and in sunny areas summer cottages. Rose is a very grateful plant that will delight you with its blooms every year.

According to the topic of the article, we will concentrate our attention on considering the varieties of roses with photos. Choose roses for, purchase, and in the next article we will learn how to plant them in open ground and care for them.

It is customary to divide rose bushes into park and garden. We are more interested garden roses, which are divided into the following groups: remontant, hybrid tea, polyantha, Floribunda, patio, climbing, ground cover, scrub (shrub), standard. Let's move on and look at each group with a photo.

Repair roses

At the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of crossing various types, hybrids were bred that served as the basis for this group of roses. Plants inherited frost resistance from their European ancestors. Hybrids can bloom several times during the summer, that is, they can be remontant.

The bush is tall from 1 to 2 meters. The leaves are large and dense. The flowers are large (8 - 10 cm in diameter), round-cupped, pink or red, less often white and yellow, double with a strong aroma. The second flowering is much weaker than the first.

Variety - La Reine.

It is considered the ancestor of the group of remontant roses. Now there are about 200 varieties of them in cultivation.

Variety - Ulrich Brunner Fiss

With cherry-red flowers. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Variety - Frau Karl Druschki

With white flowers. Suitable for the Middle Urals. The flowers are snow-white, very large (12 - 14 cm in diameter, double (35 petals), in inflorescences of 3 - 5 pieces. Blooms very profusely. A good remontant winter-hardy variety.

Hybrid tea roses. Varieties of roses

Rose varieties are obtained by crossing remontant roses with tea roses. The bush is low (60 - 80 cm). The leaves are large, beautiful, of various shades. The flowers are of various beautiful colors, have a varied pleasant aroma, large, double, single or collected in small inflorescences.

Flowering lasts 30 - 35 days, then there is a break of 15 to 30 days, after which flowering continues until late autumn. The flowers are very decorative in bush and standard form, in floral arrangements, and are used for cutting. Each flower formed on a bush or standard tree is a work of art. This is a true "classic" rose.

Variety - Baccara

The flowers are geranium-red, bright, 9 - 10 cm in diameter, double (80 petals).

Variety - Valentina Tereshkova

The height of the bush is 50 - 70 cm. The flowers are pink, elongated goblet-shaped, 8 - 10 cm in diameter, double (70 petals), very fragrant. Flowering is abundant.

Variety - Alinka

Charming, large double flower up to 10 cm in diameter. Rose petals with an amazing color transition from golden yellow at the base to scarlet, coral red edge, shining with silk velvet. The aroma is subtle and delicate. It blooms from summer to late autumn, without reducing its decorative effect.

Variety - Golden Autumn (Zolotaja Osen)

The bush is medium-sized. The flowers are golden-orange with a lemon-yellow base, large 10 - 12 cm in diameter, double (30 petals), fragrant.

Variety - Karina

The flowers are large, goblet-shaped, elegant in any weather, with an invariable soft pink color of the petals and a rich, pleasant aroma. Blooms all summer until autumn.

Variety - Diamond wedding (Diamond jubilee)

Magnificent flowers, like a diamond. Very large, up to 15 cm in diameter, cup-shaped, terry, with ivory petals.

Variety - Broceliande

Each petal contains “raspberries and cream”, like a delicious melange. Rose flowers are large, up to 12 cm in diameter, double with a very pleasant smell.

Variety - Elina

The flowers are warm vanilla and pastel lemon shades, very large, 13 - 15 cm in diameter, with an elegant classic shape. It blooms all summer until autumn, the aroma is pleasant and refined.

Variety - Ingrid Bergman

Elegant classic rose, bright and unforgettable. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, densely double with terracotta-red petals of velvety shades, the color of ripe cherry. The aroma is delicate and unique.

Enthusiastic descriptions in catalogs and praise for the flower's form may give you the impression that the hybrid tea rose is the ideal rose. This is not entirely true. Some varieties form bushes with unattractive, stiff branches, and their flowers quickly deteriorate in wet weather. They bloom less often and are inferior in brightness to Floribunda roses. They are demanding good conditions for growth.

Be careful when choosing roses from this group. Not all varieties are suitable for garden decoration - some are intended specifically for exhibitions, and their beauty can only be appreciated by judges.

The hybrid tea rose is rightfully considered the queen of roses - but it is not without its drawbacks.

Polyantha roses

This group of rose varieties was obtained by crossing the Chinese rose and the multifloral rose. It is distinguished by long flowering and an abundance of small multi-colored flowers collected in large clusters, most without aroma.

Rose bushes are low, up to 60 cm. Flowers are 3 to 4 cm in diameter, often double: white, pink, red and salmon. They bloom profusely and continuously from mid-July until frost. The plants are winter-hardy, but require light winter protection. Grows and blooms well in open ground on its roots. Look great in landscape design as borders.

Variety - Gloria Mundi

Flowers with orange-red flowers. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Variety - Lady Reading

The flowers are dark red. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Variety - Orange Triumph

The flowers are orange-red. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Floribunda roses - beautiful roses

The varieties of this group were obtained as a result of crossing polyanthus varieties with hybrid tea, Pernetian and other varieties. After the rapid spread of Floribunda roses, polyantha roses somewhat lost their purpose.

By the nature of the inflorescences they are similar to polyanthus, and by the size of the flower and often in shape they resemble hybrid tea. The flowers are simple, semi-double and double. There are fewer of them in inflorescences than in polyanthus and they are not so densely located. Each brush opens several flowers at the same time. Floribundas have all the colors typical of hybrid teas. Many varieties have a scent and bloom profusely and for a long time.

The following varieties are suitable for the conditions of the Urals: Alen, Anchor, Glacier, Display, Fire Flame, Charleston, Highlight. Like all garden varieties, they require shelter for the winter. They look great in landscaping and in various compositions. They occupy a leading place in the design. Good for planting in flower beds.

Floribunda roses are on average hardier, more reliable in damp climates, and easier to care for than hybrid tea beauties.

Variety - Anna (Annapurna)

Charming white rose, like first love. The flowers are single or collected in small inflorescences, double, graceful goblet-shaped, milky white petals, pleasant, delicate aroma.

Variety - Arthur Bell

Translated, it means a wonderful and irresistible handsome gentleman. The flowers are large amber-yellow, 10 cm in diameter, semi-double and very fragrant. The stamens are bright red-crimson - they glow beautifully in the gold of the petals.

Variety - Hot chocolate

The rose attracts attention with the extraordinary coffee and terracotta pink shades of the petals, changing color as they bloom from light salmon-orange to rich brownish cherry. Outlandish chocolate rose.

The flowers are large, up to 9 cm in diameter, with a delicate delicate aroma, resistant to rain and especially good in cold autumn weather. The height of the bush is up to 1 meter.

Variety - Berleburg

The flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, double, the petals are pink-crimson with peach and fuchsia shades. The aroma is subtle and refined. Bush height up to 80 cm.

Variety - Clair renaissance

The flowers are gorgeous, large, up to 12 cm in diameter, and as they bloom, they form a huge bowl with many wavy silk milky pink petals. The aroma is fresh and subtle. Bush height up to 150 cm.

The use of roses from this group creates the opportunity to give landscape design suburban area of ​​many colors. They can be grown as a bush or as a standard. Among them there are varieties for planting in hedges, as well as dwarf varieties. Almost all dwarf varieties, about 50 cm tall, have recently been allocated to a special group of popular patio roses.

Rose varieties - patio

The group of patio roses was formed quite recently. There is no exact definition of a patio group. Now this group includes varieties of Floribunda roses, which do not exceed 45 - 55 cm in height and form dense bushes. These varieties have smaller flowers and leaves, but bloom profusely throughout the season. The popularity of the patio group is growing.

Variety – Anna Ford

It is a lush small bush, dressed with small leaves and strewn with inflorescences of many small flowers. Requires shade during part of the day. The leaves are dark and highly shiny.

Variety – Gentle touch

The flowers have features of hybrid tea roses, which become flat over time. The inflorescences are robust and consist of many pink flowers that appear throughout the season. It ranks high among other patio varieties.

Variety – Sweet magic

Golden-yellow flowers are collected in large flaming racemes. Over time, the petals acquire a pink blush. The zone is good for growing in a tub, along the edge of a flower bed or border. The aroma is quite intense.

Climbing roses

The climbing variety of roses has been indispensable from the last century to the present day. Hybrids appeared as a result of crossing multi-flowered roses with North American climbing and hybrid teas. This is how a new group appeared tall bushes with abundant flowering on last year's shoots. Flowers in large inflorescences, simple or double, varied in color.

Their main purpose is to cover part of the house, trellises, fences, architectural structures,

garden arch,

old trees.

The group of climbing roses is divided into five types:

  1. Climbing multifloral
  2. Climbing large-flowered - with single or few flowers in an inflorescence
  3. Climbing racemes - with inflorescences like Floribunda roses
  4. Climbing species - wild roses and their close relatives
  5. Climbing miniature

Unfortunately, the climbing forms of these roses usually do not retain the ability of the bush forms to rebloom and produce only one or two waves of flowering.

Variety – High hopes

The flowers are double, pale pink, fragrant. The plant is unpretentious, with shiny, beautiful and healthy foliage with unusually abundant flowering at the end of the season. Suitable for decorating arches and pergolas. Repeat flowering.

Variety – Golden fragrant (Golden parfum)

Flowers with honey aroma. Amber-yellow goblet-shaped buds open into bright, saffron-like, densely double flowers with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm. It blooms profusely with a short break. The bush is very powerful, vigorous, up to 3 meters high.

Variety - Sympathie

The flowers are exquisitely elegant in shape, double, with a spectacular, rich red-crimson color of velvet petals. The aroma is pleasant, quite strong. It blooms continuously all summer and autumn, maintaining the excellent shape and beauty of the petals in any weather. Height 250 cm.

Ground cover roses

Before buying such a rose, it is better to find out what size it reaches when it grows. The bush can reach a height of 20 cm to 2 meters and is divided into four subgroups:

  • Small creeping roses 30 - 45 cm high and no more than 1.5 meters wide
  • Large creeping roses more than 45 cm high and more than 1.5 meters wide
  • Small drooping roses reaching 95 cm in height and about 1.5 meters in width
  • Large drooping roses with a height of at least 1 meter, a bush width of 1.5 meters or more

In varieties of the first two subgroups, the stems grow horizontally and can sometimes take root at the nodes. Varieties belonging to the last two subgroups form spreading bushes with arched drooping branches.

Rose varieties are unpretentious, bloom profusely, many all summer long, are resistant to disease, and winter-hardy. Flexible shoots allow them to be bent to the ground, which ensures good wintering. Plants of the ground cover group can be planted in flower beds and retaining walls, decorate slopes and mask unsightly places. They are also interesting in group plantings.

Thanks to its high growth energy and strong branching density, the rose grows quickly, forming a dense, well-leafed bush with a wide habit, where the diameter significantly exceeds the height. A delightful, elegant living carpet blooms profusely until the autumn frosts.

Variety – Suma

This Japanese variety. It blooms not only in summer, but also in autumn.

Variety – Magic carpet

The rose is original - it has small, spicy-fragrant lavender flowers located along the entire length of the arched branches. It is also grown in a tub or basket.

Shrubs - shrub roses

Shrubs translated from English as “shrub” is a bush. Scrub bushes have tough branches. The flowers are very diverse in shape and color, with and without scent. Many varieties are distinguished by their power, reaching a height of 2 meters. There are also low-growing scrubs. The bushes are winter-hardy and require light shelter for the winter; they are very resistant to disease.

Modern scrub varieties have all the positive qualities. Scrubs can be used in single, group and mixed plantings.

Variety - Sahara

The flowers are golden-sunny, numerous, up to 7 cm in diameter, double, collected in racemes. Blooms profusely in summer and again in autumn. The bush is tall up to 175 cm, spreading.

Variety - Chantal Merieux

Standard roses

A standard rose is a rose tree, a creation created by man from plants. Such a plant has a trunk - a rose hip, onto which some kind of varietal rose. The stems vary in grafting height. Standard trees require shelter.

If desired, you can decorate the tree with two flowers.

Famous varieties: Pimprenelle, Burgundy Ice, Rosarium Uetersen, Super Dorothy.

Photos of rose varieties - video

The growth and development of roses, their attractiveness and ability to bloom depend on many factors. The next article will be written about all this.

Rose rightfully won the title - Queen of Flowers. I don’t know a single person who would not admire the beauty and pleasant aroma of these flowers. Its beauty never ceases to amaze with its variety of varieties, a certain charm, and abundance of colors. There is a certain magnetism in it that makes you admire its petals again and again.


Roses are divided into 3 large groups:

(I adjusted the classification at my own discretion)

1. Flowerbed roses (large-flowered and multi-flowered)

2. Climbing roses

3. Garden roses

4. Popular and funny varieties of roses

Most often, amateurs (not breeders) grow hybrid tea and remontant varieties on their plots, and less often polyanthus varieties. Of course, the main success when growing roses is correct landing and proper pruning.

To get multi-colored petals, they are painted with special paints.

Rose varieties: large-flowered

Remontant and Bourbon


Remontant rose on Latin bifera means "twice blooming". In Europe, they were the first roses that could bloom again. They were bred by the French originator Laffaye at the turn of the 19th century, crossing Bourbon, Damask and French varieties.

The variety of remontant roses has spread widely and gained popularity for more than a hundred years.

At the end of the 19th century, a completely new subgroup was developed: tea-hybrid, the popularity of remontant weights has decreased.

The flowers of remontant roses are very large, double, with a pleasant aroma, pink, red, less often white, and very rarely yellow. The leaves are large and rich. The bushes are vigorous, dense, reaching a height of 1.5 – 2 m.

Some varieties are able to bloom until the first frost, but in most flowers the secondary flowering is weaker than the first, and in some it is completely absent.

As for winter, these plants must be completely covered; they freeze very much, as a result of which they bloom much worse. Severely affected by powdery mildew.

They most often reproduce by vaccination. They are used for growing in flower beds, for cutting, some varieties are suitable for forcing.

Here are some varieties: George Dixon (1912), Magna Harta (1876), Sansengrus (1912), Marie Baumann (1863)…

Alfred Colomb 1885

The flowers are raspberry-red, dark, medium-sized, double. Very fragrant.

photo Varieties Alfred Colomb are very old

Heinrich Munch

The flowers are soft pink, pure tone, large, densely double, with a delicate light aroma. The variety is winter-hardy.

photo variety Heinrich Munch

Marie Baumann

Carmine flowers are red, large, double. Blooms until late autumn.

photo Variety Marie Baumann

Frau Karl Druschki

Widely distributed variety. Large pointed buds. Snow color - white, very beautiful. Winter-hardy.

photo variety Frau Karl Druschki


The original rose was allegedly found in 1817 on the island of Bourbon, formerly called Reunion Island, hence another name for the flower - Reunion.

It is the result of crossing Damask rose (R. damascena) with Chinese rose (R. chinensis).

Bourbon roses were actively crossed with Damask and also French roses, as a result of which remontant roses appeared. The variety is not widespread; today they are almost never grown. They are also called antique roses. They are more valuable to collectors and breeders. David Austin created his unique flowers by crossing ancient with modern varieties.

Although, the variety is quite beautiful with large, multi-petaled, fragrant, spherical buds.

Bourbon rose varieties: Baron J.B. Gonella, Baron Girod de l Ain, Reine Victoria, Rose Edouard, Griseldis.

Louise Odier 1851

The buds are deep pink with a cool tint. With a very strong aroma.

photo Variety Louise Odier

hybrid tea and Pernetian roses

The tea-hybrid rose was obtained by crossing tea roses with remontant roses. She inherited a pleasant smell from tea roses, and repeatable flowering from remontant roses.

Tea-hybrid has bushes from 0.4 to 1.2 m or more. The flowers are large, 8 - 16 cm in diameter, very beautiful, graceful, usually densely double (20 - 70 petals). The variety is distinguished by its richness of color. It blooms intermittently, starting from the first half of June, until frost.

They need to be covered for the winter coniferous branches, cover with soil to a depth of 30 - 40 cm. Tea-hybrid varieties are quite winter-hardy and can withstand short-term frosts down to -10, but compared to tea and remontant varieties they are more resistant to fungal diseases.

For example, variety Gloria Day, is almost not affected by powdery mildew.

They are suitable for decorating gardens and parks, forcing closed ground, and some varieties are for pot culture.

Gloria Day

The Gloria Day variety is a miracle of selection; the flower is not only beautiful in itself, but is also valuable to breeders as a mother when breeding new varieties. The flower is winter-hardy.

photo Varieties Gloria Day are often planted here

This is the most beautiful and widespread rose, there are hundreds of varieties. There are climbing forms from the same varieties of hybrid tea roses. Vigorous climbing forms for harsh climates middle zone Unsuitable for Russia.

The leaves of hybrid tea roses are quite large, dark green in color, and often consist of five leaves. Please pay special attention to this feature. They usually reproduce by grafting on rose hips. You should know this and never forget.

Often the rootstock produces shoots that kill the cultivated plant. If left unnoticed, your rose bushes may turn into wild roses. The shoots must be destroyed by cutting off at the very root

Knowing that a cultivated variety has 5 leaves allows stems with a large number of leaves, spines and rapid growth to be considered savages or rose hips.

Pernetian rose Today combined with tea-hybrid, since there are no significant differences between them.

Here are a few varieties:

Sophia Loren 1986 USA

flowers of the Sophia Loren variety are named after the famous actress. photo

Virgo 1947

The buds are long, snow-white, large, terry with a very pleasant aroma. Flowers last in water for 6 - 8 days.

photo Variety Virgo


The buds are yellow with carmine edges, large, double. Blooms profusely and smells great. The variety is prone to fungal diseases.

flowers of the Geisha variety, painful photos


The rose blooms slowly. The buds are sharp, beautifully shaped, amazing coral - orange color with a silvery tint, fragrant.

photo Variety Super Star

Blue Nile 1981

The flowers are large, colored bluish-lavender. There are no natural blue roses, but such a group was created artificially by breeders. And the blue nile applies to her.

who has seen a more original color than the blue nile flower? photo

Varieties rozGru: multifloral

P polyanthus and hybrid polyanthus

Polyantha rose obtained as a result of hybridization already in 1875 in France by the originator Guyot. The second name for polyanthus roses is multi-flowered.

The flowers are small (3 - 5 cm in diameter), color scheme: pink, red, white, less often yellow. Different types from simple to densely double, collected in large inflorescences.

The bushes are low 40 - 60 cm, dense, compact, leaves are small. They usually bloom from the second half of June until frost. They reproduce well by rooting cuttings.

For the winter, you need to hill up the soil to 15 - 30 cm, in the spring you need to cut it short - above the second or third eye, after which the shoots quickly grow back. More resistant to fungal diseases than hybrid teas.

A very decorative variety of roses, blooms for a long time, is winter-hardy, therefore it is often used for landscaping.

Here are a few varieties:

The flowers are small, 5-6 cm. They bloom lushly tassels of 5-10 roses on one branch.

photo by Bonika

The height of the bush is 90 - 100 cm. The flowers are yellow, bloom twice per season with a strong aroma.

photo Arthur Bell

Orange triumph

Bush 50 cm high, flowers 3-4 cm in diameter. Double buds, salmon-red, orange tint. There is no smell.

photo variety Orange Triumph

Hybrid polyantha roses:

The first varieties of hybrid polyanthus roses appeared in the early 20th century as a result of mixing polyanthus with hybrid tea varieties. From the former they borrowed the abundance of flowers, as well as the duration of flowering, from the latter - large-flowered species. It became a separate independent group only in the 20th century (30s.)

Hybrid polyanthus rose blooms from the second half of June (has breaks during flowering) until the coldest weather. There is often no smell. It is distinguished from the polyanthus group by the fact that the inflorescences have fewer flowers, but the choice of colors is much larger. Their palette is rich in salmon, scarlet and other rare colors, which polyanthus do not have.

Flowers are simple, double, semi-double. The rose is quite frost-resistant; for the winter it needs to be hilled up to 25 - 30 cm; it rarely gets sick with fungal diseases.

Here are some varieties:


The flowers are pure white, wide petals, high center, very large, double buds, collected in small inflorescences. They smell strong.

photo variety Iceberg


The bushes are medium 50 - 60 cm, bloom profusely and for a long time. The buds are small, orange-red in color, smell very richly, semi-double inflorescences.

photo variety Concerto

floribunda and grandiflora roses

The floribunda rose stands out for its richness of color, especially orange, coral, lilac, lilac shades, which have not previously been found in roses. Their flowers often resemble tea in shape - hybrid varieties, collected in small inflorescences at the ends of the shoots, bloom continuously, very profusely throughout the summer.

Quite unpretentious, quite resistant to fungal diseases. More winter-hardy than tea-hybrid ones, although they also need to be covered for the winter.

Floribunda rose is propagated by grafting and also by cuttings. It gradually takes the main place among group plantings, borders, and very often it can be seen as a potted plant.

Here are some varieties:

Varieties Quinn Elizabeth

The buds are silvery-pink, sharp, beautifully shaped. Blooms abundantly until frost, and is almost not affected by powdery mildew. Smells great.

photo variety Queen Elizabeth

Leonardo da Vinci 1993

Blooms profusely, continuously, very light, almost imperceptible scent, resistant to frost and fungal diseases. The flowers are raspberry-pink, large 7.0-9 cm.

Leonardo da Vinci variety

Golden wedding 1992

Tall varieties of Golden Wedding grow up to 70 cm, the flowers are large, pure yellow, but weakly fragrant. Good disease resistance.

photo variety Golden Wedding

Margaret Merrill

The buds are very delicate, light white in color, very fragrant. The variety is surprisingly very resistant to various diseases.

photo variety Margaret Merril

Purple Tiger 1991

A unique rose of charming color: along the contour it is purple-lilac in color, there are streaks of pink, lilac, and white tones. The variety is not resistant to powdery mildew, black spotting.

PURPLE TIGER varieties


Climbing roses are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. semi-climbing roses height 1.5-3 m.
  2. climbing roses height 3-5 m.
  3. climbing roses height 5-15 m.

hybrids wichuraiana Vihurana

Rose Vihurana grew in eastern Asia. At the turn of the 19th century, Vikhurana was crossed with a multi-flowered rose; these hybrids gradually conquered Europe, eventually becoming the founders of modern climbing roses.

The rose is evergreen, native to East Asia, blooms in inflorescences of 5-10 white buds, 4 cm in diameter. The leaves are very characteristic - dark, shiny. Very prickly.

In our climate it doesn’t winter well because it doesn’t sleep)

Climbing rose Heidekonigin Vihurana hybrid

The bright pink buds have a coral tint, the scent is light - classic roses.

photo of Heidekönigin variety

hybrids multiflora multiflora

In the 18th century, the multiflora (multifloral) rose was brought from Japan. Breeders repeatedly crossed climbing roses with tea roses, remontant roses, and hybrid teas, as a result of which new unique varieties were bred. They were characterized by powerful growth, which produced shoots 1-4 m long. This had not happened before.

Varieties of this group weave or climb; the shoots are very powerful, long, flexible, spread well, and have curved thorns that firmly cling to the support. In China, in its natural homeland of growth, it can reach 7 m.

Multiflora is very unpretentious, it surprises with its endurance and resistance to diseases, tolerates partial shade, strong winds, bad soil. The flowers are very fragrant and attract many insects.

rose liana multiflora photo

hybrids of tea rose Climing

If translated from English, “climbing” means climbing. The climbing group includes various varieties - these are hybrid tea, floribunda, grandiflora, but they do not withstand our harsh climate and, unfortunately, are almost not common.

These varieties form powerful looping shoots that must be preserved during the winter; they bloom the next year, which is very difficult to do for our climate. Flowering time of the variety: May - September (before cold weather).

Climbing tea rose hybrids are a climbing mutation of tea-hybrid roses, often very beautiful crimson flowers, a pleasant smell, and a classic shape.

Here are a few varieties: Double Delight, Chrysler Imperial, Madame Jules Gravero, Ena Harkness Claiming.

Chrysler Imperial climbing

photo variety Chrysler Imperial


Miniature roses

Such roses were brought to us from China back in 1810. Today interest in them has awakened. These are the smallest specimens in the whole world, flowers with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm, of various colors, often graceful in shape, densely double, as a rule, have no smell (but not all).

They bloom very profusely throughout the summer. The bushes are dwarf up to 20 cm tall, compact, and have many leaves. The variety is very resistant to fungal diseases.

Flowers of many varieties successfully winter in our dacha under ordinary shelter. Easily propagated by green cuttings and grafting. Often used for low borders, creating rock gardens, small rock gardens, and often grown as a houseplant.

Here are some varieties: Lavender Lace, Yellow Bantam, Hee-Ho, Red Cascade…


Red-coral color, blooms on shoots of last year, as well as this year. Gorgeous variety, fragrant.

photo of the Hiho variety are of Chinese origin

Angela Rippon

bush height 30 cm, carmine-pink color, very fragrant.

photo variety Angela Rippon

Green Ice

Very cool variety, white color, present green tint. The aroma is weak.

photo green ice variety


Park roses appeared in our country at the turn of the 19th century. These were immigrants from Holland, France, and England. There are no words - the flowers are very beautiful, but not all varieties feel comfortable in our area. Roses require proper care, especially protection from winter cold.

Park roses include the most decorative types rose hips, their hybrids with cultivated varieties. Tea rose, originally from China, played a very important role in the creation of the modern range. Its ability to re-bloom was fixed in hybrid varieties.

Plant height is from 40 cm to several meters. Winter hardiness is normal. Large white, cream, yellow, pink flowers, beautifully built, have a strong pleasant aroma, reminiscent of tea.

Park roses can be divided into:

  • romantic roses
  • scrub roses (shrub)

Here are some varieties:

Harlequin decor 1986 (shrub)

height 150 - 170 cm, flowers 9 - 11 cm in diameter, double, weak aroma. The color is raspberry-pink, and in the center there is a yellow eye. Resistant to diseases, practically does not get sick. Frost resistance -40!!

photo variety decor harlequin is very common

Rhapsody in Blue 2002 (shrub)

The buds are a stunning purple color, the center of the flower is white. The buds are gorgeous, 6–8 cm in diameter, semi-double, very fragrant. Disease resistant.

photo variety Rhapsody in Blue

Maria Theresa 2003 (romantic)

The bush is strong and dense, the buds are cup-shaped, delicate pink in color, the flowering is very abundant. A find for any garden.

Photos of the Maria Theresia variety will give harmony to your garden

Popular and funny varieties of roses


Very popular roses among our compatriots. Prices are usually a little higher than others. When asked:

What kind of rose is that growing here? So beautiful!

You can often hear the proud answer:


That’s it, we don’t know any more information, and it doesn’t matter to us at all that there is no such variety as Dutch, but there is a country and breeders.

Holland has rightfully deserved to be the flower capital of the world. Every year a lot of roses are sold all over the world, Dutch ones take pride of place among them, because they are always the best, the most beautiful, the most resistant varieties bred by the best breeders.

Dutch breeders always use the most modern methods when growing flowers, successful technologies, trying to improve the quality of varieties as much as possible. The Netherlands grows flowers all year round, and huge areas of land are allocated for greenhouses for this purpose.

Here are some varieties: Reine de Violettes, Red Fairy, Buffalo Bill, Diamond Jubilee, Happy Chappy...

variety Eden

Tall rose 150 - 300 cm high, up to 200 cm wide. The flowers are large, 10 cm in diameter, with a light, pleasant aroma. Disease resistant.

photo variety Eden Rose

variety Terracota

bicolor rose, coral-orange, soft pink hue, strong pleasant aroma.

photo terracotta

variety Rosenstadt freising

Amazing coloring, can't get enough of it. The buds are large and very fragrant.

photo variety Rosenstadt freising

Blue, brown and black roses

Blue flowers:

Blue, brown, black roses are so strange, interesting, very unusual. Opinions on these colors vary, there are those who squeal with delight, and there are people who absolutely do not like them, considering them too artificial, not natural, simply terrible.

Let’s say I just love blue roses, I planted a climbing one in my dacha - Indigo! I bought it at a garden fair. The flowers are not very large, 4-5 cm, but all the neighbors are surprised.

The first blue rose was bred in the mid-19th century (1855) by the Cochet brothers. It was conventionally blue, since the leaves turned blue only when they bloomed.

But the breeders did not give up; using classical breeding methods, gray-blue and purple hybrids began to be created.

On the threshold of the 20th century (1909), the breeder Schmidt discovered the Veilchenblau rose; it became the ancestor of all blue roses. Only the blooming flowers have violet petals, but over time they fade to light lilac with a blue tint.

photo Veilchenblau

After the discovery of Veilchenblau, a revolution began in blue rose breeding. It was actively crossed, but only lilac, violet, lilac, and pink flowers were obtained.

Only in 2002 was the rose Rhap sody in Blue released, which became truly blue, and did not have a conventional name, like its predecessors. The buds are lilac in color, but when they bloom they become grayish-blue.

Agree, it contains a bluish tint.

The world does not stand still. Genetic engineering comes to the aid of breeders. Scientists were able to isolate the blue gene from other plants, introduced it into a rose, and as a result they got a new genetically modified sky-blue flower.

The most interesting thing is that the blue rose was developed by a Japanese corporation specializing in the production of whiskey. It took Suntory scientists 14 long years to create a genetically engineered sky-blue rose.

It was not possible to produce a flower with blue petals using a “natural” method, because it does not initially have the necessary gene for the blue pigment delphinidin, which “colors” many vegetables, fruits, berries (for example, blueberries, eggplant, blue grapes), except for this gene, rose does not contain the necessary coloring substances, the required level of acidity.

Since 2002, blue roses have been freely sold, and now buying them does not cause any problem.

Very mesmerizing with its beauty, photo

Brown flowers:

You won't surprise us with blue roses anymore. Therefore, brown, chocolate, coffee flowers that you want to eat are gaining more and more popularity)). Genetic engineering has given us new beauty. The shades vary from light brown to dark chocolate, and sometimes there are shades of rust.

Of course, they need to be “fitted” with our usual flowers so that everything looks harmonious, but as for me, this beauty is suitable for any garden, and will go especially well with yellow, blue, and deep red neighbors.

Here are some varieties: Coffee - Break, Terracotta, Leonidas, Delbara Malicorne, Chocolate Ruffles, Estelle de Meilland.


The variety is very beautiful terracotta, brick brown. Over time, the petals become darker and brown, and there is almost no smell.

photo variety terracotta

Delbara Malicorne 2005

Magic bloody red color is very close to brown. The buds are cup-shaped, small, up to 7 cm in diameter, the smell is weak.

photo variety Delbara Malicorne

Hot Chocolate or Harkness

American variety of very rare color; as the flower blooms, it becomes more brown. The color is richer in autumn and also in summer when it is cold.

the variety received the “Rose of 2006” award, photo

Black flowers:

Breeders all over the world have been trying to breed black flowers for a very long time, well, people are drawn to everything unusual. Of course, it is impossible to obtain a pure black color, because, as in the case of blue roses, the necessary pigment is missing.

There are varieties very close to the ideal - black Baccarat, schwarz Madonna, black magic, black tea, black prince.

Black Baccarat 2003

The buds are dark burgundy in color, very elegant, with clearly visible black outlines. The peak of darkness occurs in autumn when it is cold.

photo by Black Bacarra

Black magic 1997

the buds are very dark, seem almost black, the aroma is light and barely perceptible.

photo variety black magic

English roses Austin

Its flowers differ from others with the naked eye, the shape of the buds and bushes. David Austin's roses combine the two main aspects of this flower - the shape of the bud (rosette or cupped) with varied, repeated flowering.

David Austin made a splash among rose lovers. He began to cross ancient varieties with modern varieties, the result exceeded any expectations. The new varieties turned out to be elegant, densely double, the buds are huge, capable of blooming all summer, and are quite resistant to diseases.

I associate his roses with spring beauties - peonies. The buds are just as large and very fragrant. Many varieties are similar to old romantic roses.

Here are some varieties: There are a huge number of them (more than 200), it’s very difficult to stop to make a choice))

This is a real novelty. It was named after Prince William's wedding to Kate, Duchess of Cambridge. The flower is very delicate, reminiscent of a bride's dress.

photo William and Katerina

Pilgrim 1992

photo of Rose The Pilgrim variety grows well and does not get sick

Darcey Bussell

the flower's name is like the queen of the English ballet

photo of Darcey Bussell variety is often found