Paintable wallpaper - design ideas for creating a stylish interior (112 photos). How to paint wallpaper for painting without streaks yourself. Which roller to paint wallpaper with water-based paint.

Before performing finishing work, the question arises of how to paint the wallpaper so as not to spoil the material. The paint should be selected depending on the type of material from which the wallpaper is made. Correct adherence to dyeing technology will determine general form rooms.

What wallpaper can be painted

The renovation is done, the walls are covered with wallpaper, a crucial moment comes, on which the overall impression of the interior of the room will depend. It is important to know what paint should be used to paint wallpaper and how to apply it correctly to the surface, whether it is possible to change the color of a previously painted surface.

The base and coating of the material have different specifications, it depends on them how many times the walls can be repainted and the duration of operation of such a finish.

Classification of wallpaper for painting:

  • Paper wallpaper impregnated with a waterproof compound that allows it to be painted. Two-layer types are suitable for painting; thin material can get wet and peel off from the wall.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is available in regular and paintable versions. Before painting, you need to pay attention to the markings on the label.
  • Non-woven wallpaper is suitable for repeated painting. They cost more, but due to the fact that the material will not need to be re-glued after a few years, they pay for themselves during operation.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper has increased strength and is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. On paper base fiberglass threads are applied. They can be painted with water-dispersion, latex and acrylic paints up to 20 times. Easy to glue, but difficult to remove from the surface. Withstands washing with a brush. Produced specifically for painting.
  • "Linkrust" wallpaper coverings are made by applying a composition of rosin, wax, chalk and wood flour to a textile or paper base. After setting with the surface, the coating acquires high strength.

In order not to spoil the volumetric texture of non-woven wallpaper, they cannot be painted with heavy paints or compositions based on aggressive solvents.

Advantages of wallpaper for painting

Painting wallpaper with your own hands refers to simple types construction work, which does not require special skills.

Advantages of painting wallpaper:

  • After time has passed, in order to update the interior, you do not need to re-paste the wallpaper, just paint it.
  • The opportunity to create a unique interior. You can paint the surface one color or a combination of several shades.
  • The surface can be wiped with a damp cloth, unless it is painted with a water-based composition.
  • Damaged, dirty areas can be painted over using the same shade.

It is much easier and faster to paint a surface than to remove the old coating and stick new wallpaper.

Paint selection

From the right choice paint will depend on the quality of the surface and its appearance. Before painting the wallpaper, you need to purchase all the necessary consumables.

Paint is chosen depending on the wallpaper material and performance characteristics premises:

Type of wallpaperDye
1 PaperWater-based is made from two types of liquids that do not mix with each other. The thinner is white spirit. The surface painted with this composition cannot be washed, as the coloring matter will be washed off from the surface.
2 Non-wovenWater-dispersion paint is resistant to moisture. The diluent is water.
3 VinylWater-based or acrylic.
4 Fiberglass wallpaperLatex and acrylic paints are suitable for use in rooms with high humidity, the surface can be washed.

In rooms with windows facing south, it is better to use latex paint compositions; they do not fade under the influence of sunlight, but we must not forget that after opening the package the composition hardens within several hours.

Classification of paints by reflective ability:

  • Glossy compounds form a shiny film on the surface, making the room seem lighter. To obtain a jacquard effect, glossy paint is applied to the matte surface with a sponge.
  • Matte paint does not reflect light well, making the room appear less lit. Using a matte composition you can mask small surface defects.
  • Satin coloring compositions have a moderate shine and are durable. Suitable for use in kitchens and bathrooms.

What paint to paint the wallpaper needs to be decided depending on many factors. Easiest to apply to surface water-based compositions. Acrylic paint is universal and long time retains its properties.

How to calculate paint consumption

Before painting wallpaper, you need to correctly calculate how much paint you will need. It is mainly sold white, to obtain the desired shade, the entire volume of the composition is mixed with the color. If there is not enough paint, it will be difficult to maintain proportions to get the same color.

  • absorbency of the material;
  • paint consumption per m2 is indicated on the label;
  • surface area to be painted.

To determine the area, you need to multiply the length by the width of each wall, subtract the area of ​​windows and doors. Add up the obtained indicators for each surface.

The average paint consumption is about 180 g per m2 if painted in one layer, and 250 g per m2 when painting wallpaper in two layers. The composition must be purchased with a reserve of 10-20%.

Wallpaper painting tool

Many people wonder how to paint wallpaper before painting, with a roller or brush. A roller will be needed to process smooth surfaces, and with a brush it is easy to cover hard-to-reach places and corners.

Types of rollers and the effect that can be achieved when using them:

To paint wallpaper you will need a special paint tray.

Which roller to use to paint wallpaper: a roller with a small pile absorbs paint well and allows you to distribute it evenly over the surface.

DIY wallpaper painting

How to properly paint wallpaper for painting, the main stages of the technological process:

  1. After wallpapering, the surface must dry completely, this will take 1-3 days.
  2. Remove or cover furniture and other household items. The floor is covered plastic film to protect it from paint.
  3. All joints with baseboards, door frames, cornices and other elements that need to be protected from paint are sealed with wide masking tape.
  4. Wallpaper painting water-based paint requires diluting it with color until the desired tone is obtained.
  5. Paint is most often sold white. To obtain the required shade, colors are added to it. You can mix several pigments to achieve the desired color. Stir the composition in a bucket or other container. Do a test on a piece of wallpaper. They don't pour a large number of mixture into a tray.
  6. We paint the wallpaper in one go. If you carry out painting in several stages, then transition points will be noticeable on the surface at the junction of strips that were applied at different times.
  7. First, apply the composition with a brush to corners, joints and other hard-to-reach places. After this, paint is applied over the entire surface with a roller in vertical stripes from top to bottom. Start working from the window. Make sure that there are no unpainted areas left.
  8. When applying the composition in several layers, each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

The use of a spray gun allows you to obtain a uniformly painted surface and speeds up the work process. Since there is no friction on the wall, the possibility of repainting increases several times.

Most often, it is enough to apply the dye in two layers. When diluting a composition with a color yourself, you need to take into account that the shade on the surface will be lighter than it appears in the container.

How to properly paint wallpaper for painting so that it does not lose its performance characteristics:

  • Before painting the wallpaper, you need to check the intensity of the shade on a small sample.
  • The walls are painted after the ceiling; if done in the reverse order, the composition from the ceiling can get onto vertical surfaces and form streaks.
  • The container with the coloring composition is opened immediately before performing work; if this is done in advance, the composition may harden.
  • Latex paint hardens within a few hours. You need to apply it to the walls quickly so that the entire composition is consumed during this time.
  • To restore the color of previously painted wallpaper, a composition of the same shade is applied to it.
  • How to repaint wallpaper to be painted more light shade: To obtain a lighter tone than the previous one, first apply a layer of white paint and then apply the composition of the selected color.
  • Non-woven wallpaper can be painted on both sides. First, paint the back side, wait until it is completely dry. Wallpaper is glued and after it has completely dried, the outside is painted.

When painting, it is important not to saturate the material too much so that it does not become wet and lose its qualities. How many times you can paint wallpaper depends on the material from which it is made. Most often, repainting the surface can be done from 5 to 20 times.

When starting finishing work, many people ask the question of how to paint the surface of the walls so that it lasts a long time and looks attractive. Depending on the intensity of the color, the combination of shades, the location of the stripes when dyeing, a unique interior rooms.

To focus attention on one wall, horizontally alternating stripes of the same or different widths are applied.

Dividing the wall into two colors allows you to visually expand the space.

You can watch the video to see how to paint walls with your own hands:

To make the ceilings appear higher, you can paint all the walls or individual areas with vertical stripes. Use two or more matching shades to create modern interior.

Designers recommend decorating a room whose windows face north in shades of the warm spectrum: light green, yellow, orange, etc.

Gradient color transitions allow you to create a feeling of comfort and coziness. The combination of the main color, smoothly transitioning into a lighter tone, looks very beautiful. At correct selection shades create a very warm, homely atmosphere.

Dark colors are often used in rooms that face south. They are constantly illuminated by the sun, so owners want to create a cooler atmosphere in the room.

Bright, flashy colors are suitable for accentuating a separate section of the wall. If you paint all the walls in the room in flashy colors, this design will quickly get boring and will irritate the owners and their guests.

The combination of white and black looks stylish. It is important that the shades used look harmonious and fit into the overall design apartments or houses.

Knowing how to paint wallpaper with water-based paint and other compounds, the characteristics of these compounds and the technology for their application, you can safely get to work. By showing your imagination, you can create a unique interior in the room, and when you get tired of the design style, update it by repainting the walls in a different color.

Painting wallpaper is the most suitable option for wall decoration for connoisseurs original design. Properly painted wallpaper will help transform ordinary walls and change the atmosphere in the room without resorting to large-scale repair and preparatory work.

If you need to change the wall decoration, it is not necessary to re-paste the old wallpaper. To do this, it is enough to paste the wallpaper once and apply it each time. different shades paints, giving freshness and novelty to your interior.

Painting wallpaper will allow you to make your desires come true as best and cheaply as possible, because it is very rare to find wallpaper that will ideally meet your expectations and requirements. Wallpaper manufacturers are unable to predict all the needs of their consumers, so the only way out of this situation is to paint the wallpaper.

Painting the wallpaper in the nursery yourself

Today, the question “how to paint wallpaper” disappears by itself, because now there are many technologies that will help make any of your wishes a reality. design solution. You can easily achieve the ideal tinting not only by mixing different shades yourself, but also by computer selection.

Gluing the canvas for painting is not a difficult procedure, so even a non-professional can easily handle it. To perform it, you do not need to acquire certain skills; accuracy and following the dyeing technology will be enough.

In our article we will talk about how to paint wallpaper correctly, and also talk about what kind of wallpaper can be painted.

Which wallpaper to choose?

  1. Paper

Paper materials are the most common products on the building materials market. The main advantage paper wallpaper They are considered cheap, because the cost of paper sheets is an order of magnitude cheaper compared to competitors. Now on the market you can find both single-layer paper and multi-layer variations.

Despite certain advantages of paper sheets, it is better not to choose them as a base for future painting, because they are unlikely to withstand paint coating and your financial and time expenses will be in vain.

But there are still exceptions to every rule. If your walls have already been covered with paper wallpaper and you do not want to remove it, you can paint it, but such walls will need to be pre-coated with an acrylic primer, which will reduce the possibility of getting wet and distorting the texture of the canvas.

  1. Vinyl and non-woven

Non-woven fabrics are made from cellulose, which is modified with polyester fibers, which helps increase their strength and moisture resistance.

Vinyl coverings are produced on the basis of non-woven fabric. The production technology looks like in the following way: a PVC layer is applied to the non-woven fabric, which is a protective and decorative function.

Painted wallpaper as interesting design solutions

These types of wallpaper tolerate paint very well, and sometimes the coating can be applied more than once. That is why it is best to choose this material for wall decoration as a base for painting.

  1. Glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is wallpaper made from fiberglass. Glass wallpaper is environmentally friendly, vapor permeable, and increased level strength.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be called a unique material, because they differ high level strength and fire safety, environmentally friendly and do not interfere with moisture exchange between the wall and the air.

But this is not all the advantages of glass wallpaper. A material such as glass wallpaper is easy to stick and acts as protection for structures from possible cracking - the high reinforcing properties of glass wallpaper have been known for a very long time.

Fiberglass wallpaper is produced specifically for further painting, therefore it is considered the most suitable option for reusable coloring.

But glass wallpaper also has some disadvantages, the main one of which is their high cost.

What you need to know about paint?

When deciding what paint to paint the wallpaper with, it would be better to opt for water-dispersed compositions. You can also use acrylic or latex paints, which will also cope with this task without any problems. Such compositions are very elastic, do not contain an aggressive solvent, and also do not affect the nose with unpleasant aromas.

Paint on water-based- less durable material that is exposed to excess moisture. But, its use is possible.

For this type of work oil paint and it is better not to use enamel. These substances contain aggressive solvent components and differ low level elasticity and pungent odor.

Approximate paint consumption is shown in the table below.

Wallpaper coloring technology

Before you start painting wallpaper, you need to carefully prepare the surfaces:

  • clean and dry;
  • remove contaminants;
  • degrease fatty areas using a foam sponge.

Be careful, because wet cleaning can only be carried out on washable surfaces or painted with moisture-resistant paint. If the walls are covered with other materials, it is better not to carry out wet cleaning.

Next, coloring components are added to the paint. Colorants in the form of a paste will be correctly added to a container of paint, while dry pigments need to be pre-mixed with water. Mixtures based on water-emulsion or water-dispersion sometimes need to be diluted with water according to the instructions in order to achieve the required consistency.

Please note that it is correct to pigment the paint only once in the required quantity, because it will be impossible to achieve the same color when mixed again.

To apply paint to the surface of the walls, it is best to use a roller, brush or a specialized remote control. The last option is the most suitable, because the use of such a device involves spraying paint, and this, in turn, does not damage the integrity of the wallpaper. But, the use of such a device requires certain skills and abilities from the master.

If you don’t have specialized devices at hand, and you decide to use mechanically, give preference to using a roller. IN in this case You will also need a brush, but only for painting corners and hard-to-reach surfaces.

It is best to buy rollers made of natural pile or velor. Such tools will help to perfectly paint even a relief coating, without leaving air bubbles on the surface.

The use of a foam roller is possible if the structure has a deep embossed pattern. It is with the help of such a roller that you can paint only those areas that the design requires, without penetrating into inner part canvases.

We paint wallpaper with our own hands

As a rule, paint should be applied in a thin layer, trying to avoid unnecessary sagging and streaks. Do not try to cover the entire surface with a thick layer of paint at once, because you can easily correct all small errors when you begin to apply the next layer.

What and how to properly paint wallpaper for painting? We will get acquainted with the key features of the dyes used, the types of wallpaper themselves, the technology of applying paint and the tools used for this. So, let's go.

Wallpaper selection


Remember the thin paper wallpaper that covered the children's room in your parents' apartment?

So, paintable paper wallpapers have nothing in common with them, except for the raw materials used in production - cellulose.

Before us is completely different material.

  • The paper is double. The back surface is smooth; Embossing, which makes the surface embossed, is present only on the front side.
  • Thanks to its solid thickness, the material is quite durable.
  • Waterproof impregnation of the front surface allows you to repaint the coating several times.

Helpful: Don't overestimate its water resistance. It cannot make paper a washable material on its own.

The main advantage of the material is its low price. Disadvantages - limited resistance to high humidity and wear.


Its properties are somewhere between paper and polymers; in fact, both are included in its composition. The material is suitable exclusively for dry rooms with low traffic.


Vinyl wallpaper for painting is made from foamed plasticized polyvinyl chloride; the raw materials make them resistant to high humidity, and the porous structure provides excellent adhesion to paint. The material, however, cannot boast of wear resistance: in places of constant contact with clothing, it will quickly dry out.


Fiberglass wallpaper is the most durable solution, resistant to any adverse factors. Resistant to abrasion, water and aggressive detergents- beyond all praise. The only complaint about them is a certain limited choice of textures, resulting from the production technology of woven material.

The photo shows several texture options for glass wallpaper.

Paint selection

What properties should the paint have?

  • Harmlessness. We are still talking about living space.
  • Fast drying. We don't want to wait weeks for the renovation to be completed.
  • Moderate content solids at maximum coverage. A layer of dye should color the surface of the walls, and not completely hide their texture.

Don't forget: it is assumed that the wallpaper will be repainted several times. 10-15 thick layers of viscous dye will hardly leave a three-dimensional pattern visible.

Water-dispersed dyes based on acrylic resins meet all requirements. Their consumer properties can vary quite greatly depending on some specific additives.

Perhaps information about some of them may be useful.

  • The addition of latex gives the paint increased adhesion to complex surfaces and water resistance. Acrylic-latex compounds are ideal for non-woven fabrics.
  • Acrylic-silicone dyes also tolerate long-term contact with water and are not afraid of wet abrasion. They can be safely used on vinyl and fiberglass wallpaper in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Finally, they are able to reliably protect any coating (even paper) from contact with water. We mentioned above that moisture-resistant impregnation does not allow paper wallpaper to be washed; however, after painting with rubber paint, removing streaks from splashes and minor dirt will no longer be a problem. The only limitation concerns the limited mechanical strength paper: you still shouldn’t scrub the wallpaper with a hard brush.

A nuance: the paint will protect the surface from direct contact with water; however, it is vapor permeable and does not allow high humidity to affect the condition of the adhesive and substrate. It’s still not worth gluing paper in the bathroom.

All dyes on water based tinted in any color with water-soluble pigments.


Painting wallpaper with your own hands begins with preparing the dye.

  1. The paint is tinted by adding one or more pigments and mixed thoroughly. Tool – construction mixer or a drill with an appropriate attachment.

You need to tint the entire volume of paint intended for repair; Moreover, it is better to leave a small reserve for future wall repairs.

The fact is that the slightest change in the percentage of pigments will lead to a noticeable change in shade; You will not be able to get the same color again.

  1. Then it is diluted with water to the consistency of full-fat milk and again mixed thoroughly. As we remember, excess viscosity will lead to clogged wallpaper texture.

Is wall preparation required? Only if a significant amount of time has passed since they were pasted. Dust will interfere with the adhesion of paint to the surface; it can be removed with a regular vacuum cleaner with a nozzle covered with masking tape (so as not to damage the texture).

What to paint with? Medium pile roller. In addition to this, you will need a painting tray: to obtain uniform painting, the roller is first rolled out, and in no case on the walls.

The painting itself is quite standard: the dye is applied in two or three layers; in this case, each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one. Last layer If possible, it should lie parallel to the direction of incidence of the light. Each wall is painted in one step: otherwise, the boundaries of the dried areas will be noticeable.

Useful little things

  • Non-woven and vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven backing can be painted on the back side before sticking. In this case, their texture will stand out with less color intensity.
  • Another simple instruction will help you highlight the texture of the picture with color. Having painted the walls over the entire area, roll them without pressing with a foam roller with paint of a different color.
  • To obtain a multi-colored stripe or geometric pattern, use masking tape. They are used to seal areas that are to be covered with a different color; After the main area of ​​the wallpaper has been painted and dried, the already painted surface is protected from paint with tape. The pattern is applied with a brush or a narrow foam roller.


Knowing all the intricacies of the process of how to paint wallpaper for painting will allow you to create stylish interiors and designs with your own hands, without spending a large amount of money on purchasing materials. Although such wallpapers cost an order of magnitude more than usual, most people prefer them because they the best way quickly update the interior. Today we will tell you what types of wallpaper can be painted, how to prepare the surface and materials, and what the procedure is.

For all types of paper wallpaper, it is permissible to use acrylic and latex paint. The principle of applying it yourself is simple - you should paint a dry surface using a special roller.

It is recommended to paint non-woven wallpaper only with latex, that is, water-dispersion paint. In this case, wallpaper is painted from the inside and outside.

It is better to cover vinyl wallpaper with acrylic paint, which is made on the basis of latex. If you bought vinyl wallpapers made on a non-woven basis, it is recommended to choose a water-based solution for painting.

Fiberglass or fiberglass are rightfully recognized as the most durable fiberglass wallpaper, since they are able to withstand any type of paint for a long time and the number of stains provided by the application technology.

Water-dispersed materials will be needed for relief and structural wallpaper. It must be applied with a roller a couple of times. The structure on the surface is created with a special structural roller, after which you can observe a beautiful relief.

Preparation of materials

To paint wallpaper yourself, you should prepare the following tools:

  • a roller with a long pile;
  • a ditch for rolling out the roller and squeezing out excess paint;
  • flat brushes with a width of no more than 7 cm;
  • tape with magnetized film.

You also need to choose paint for finishing coating wallpaper It must perform not only protective, but also decorative function. Good paint must be resistant to the possible mechanical damage and exposure to direct sunlight, be environmentally friendly, have good coverage of the applied layer, and dry completely quickly.

Paints are divided into types according to their chemical composition. Painting solutions are usually divided into the following:

  • acrylic (aka water-based);
  • latex (water-dispersed);
  • polyvinyl acetate.

Very popular acrylic paints. They have high degree moisture resistance and abrasion, a rich palette of colors. You should prefer latex-based paint, which is not only resistant to moisture, but will also create a beautiful matte surface. When painting, a durable film appears on the wallpaper. Paints for wallpaper on latex based There are matte and glossy. Affordable polyvinyl acetate paint. All water-dispersed and water-based materials, which dry in short time, adhere perfectly to the surface and are devoid of unpleasant odor.

Surface preparation

It is recommended to carry out painting when everything has already been completed. Finishing work, including laid flooring. You need to start by cleaning the floors, after covering them with cardboard or hardboard. You cannot use a film intended for long-term protection of wood, since moisture from screed mortars can damage the wood. It is also necessary to cover the window sills and protect the heating radiators.

To quickly paint it yourself, you should remove the baseboards and door frames. It is permissible not to remove them, but to protect them with masking tape. If you are dealing with high-quality paint, it will cover the surface in just one repaint. But to get a great result, it is better to cover the wallpaper in two layers.

Painting process

Many people are interested in how to paint wallpaper for painting. If you want to do this kind of work with your own hands, then remember that everything paints and varnishes must be applied to a dry surface.

After wallpapering a wall, you should wait at least 1 day.

Most often, wallpaper for subsequent painting is painted in classic bright hues. Therefore, the choice of color for painting will depend on your preferences. If you want to cover dark-colored wallpaper, you should first apply a neutral paint, followed by a layer of your favorite color.

The entire painting technology is divided into several important stages. First, preparing the paint involves diluting the product and mixing it. The main thing here is to achieve the desired condition and uniformity. Next, using masking tape, glue all the joints of the walls at the junction with the floor and ceiling. They also protect baseboards. Surface painting is carried out in one approach. Using a brush, cover the corners and joints, then go over the wall with a roller. This is done from top to bottom. Even if painting is carried out in two layers, gaps should not be left. Then the paint will cover the surface without streaks. Most often, two layers of surface coating are used. After waiting for the first layer to dry, apply the next one.

If water-based paint is chosen for painting, then it will need to be given the desired color. This is done in two ways:

  • Self-cooking. A powder or liquid color is taken and added to the paint gradually. It is best to mix the solution with a whisk or mixer. The more color the color is, the more intense the final shade will be. For the convenience of consumers, manufacturers place a color palette on the packaging. It is also important to choose correct type roller, depending on whether you want a thick or thin layer of paint in the end.
  • Computer tinting. Another way is to tint the paint immediately at a hardware store. You simply select the desired shade, and the computer system itself will add the required amount of pigment and mix the paint.

To create an unusual interior design, many choose to decorate the walls in two or more colors. Experts advise combining similar shades - gray and blue, beige and pink. You can choose a brighter combination - for contrast, it is recommended to prefer light and bright colors. Gradient coloring has proven itself well - when a smooth transition is made between similar shades. To define boundaries, it is recommended to use dividers such as wallpaper strips, moldings or borders.

Before choosing a DIY painting method in two or more colors, you should decide how you see the end result. There are many popular options for using paints on wallpaper.

A beautiful result is obtained by alternating horizontal stripes of different or the same width, as well as dividing the wall horizontally into different shades.

You can visually raise ceilings by applying vertical stripes.

There is also painting one wall in a more saturated color compared to other surfaces.

Repair option with wallpaper for painting is suitable creative people who cannot look at walls of the same color for a long time. The advantage of this finishing method is that to update the interior it is enough to buy new paint and cover the surface with it.

What is paintable wallpaper?

This type differs from traditional external wall coverings in its voluminous coarse-fiber or embossed structure. Sweeping drawings, as a rule, are absent. This pattern allows you to use your imagination and experiment with how to paint wallpaper for painting. Photos with examples can be seen in various design magazines and in this article.

The advantage of such wallpaper is that each subsequent layer is cheaper compared to the cost of purchasing a new roll of material and gluing it.

Many buyers are interested in how to paint wallpaper for painting if it has already been applied specific color. Experts say that this material is designed for 5-15 layers of coating. When changing wallpaper, you can simply dismantle the old ones by removing them from the wall.

Types of wallpaper for painting

1. Fiberglass. This type of material is very strong and durable. It is made from quartz threads, which contain sand, dolomite, lime and soda. The surface of such wallpaper imitates various textures. This feature allows them to visually align the walls, making the interior more comfortable.

2. Paper. During production, such wallpaper is impregnated with a water-repellent composition, which retains its properties even after several stains. Despite this, it is not recommended to wash the walls. This material also has a relief structure. Great for both walls and ceilings.

3. Non-woven. This material is obtained from dense fiber, which is pressed during production. Textured surface created by applying foam vinyl through a stencil. This material is easy to glue; it allows you to hide small unevenness in the walls.

Choosing paint for wallpaper

Many buyers are sure that it does not matter what or how to paint the wallpaper before painting. This is wrong. Depending on the type of wallpaper you are purchasing, it is advisable to immediately select suitable paint. It can be water-dispersion, water-emulsion or latex. That is, these are coatings in which only water is the solvent, and not a chemically active composition. Otherwise, the latter will begin to penetrate the wallpaper and destroy its structure.

Before painting the wallpaper, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the color of the coating. Ready-made formulations do not always fully satisfy customers. Therefore, stores sell special coloring pigments that can bring the paint to the desired shade. It is important to understand that the same color will look different in different lighting.

Types of wallpaper paints

1. Water-dispersed. This paint contains acrylic polymer. Therefore, it can also be called acrylic in another way. A special feature of water-dispersion paint is its high speed drying on the wallpaper, which makes the application process quick. The finished layer of such a coating has water-repellent properties. Paint can only be removed with a special solvent. Water-dispersion paint is suitable for fiberglass and paper wallpaper.

2. Water-based. IN liquid state in properties and texture it resembles water-dispersed paint, but on wallpaper it behaves completely differently. This coating is characterized by the fact that after drying it can be easily washed off with water. This happens because water-based paint contains PVA, which is a binding component. After the polymerization process (or drying) is completed, the solvent still cannot resist dissolution by water. Water-based paint is best used in dry rooms.

3. Latex. This paint forms an excellent elastic coating on wallpaper that is resistant to mechanical stress and moisture. Latex paint looks glossy. The degree of characteristic shine varies, this indicator is marked on the packaging. The larger it is, the better the wallpaper will resist the penetration of water into it. Coating latex paint makes them washable. Therefore, they are often used in kitchens and hallways. It is advisable to use latex type of coating in rooms on sunny side, since it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and therefore fading. It is also suitable for non-woven wallpaper.

Types of painting using wallpaper

1. Wallpaper is first glued to the walls, and after drying, it is covered with paint of the desired color.

2. The rolled material is painted with inside and only after that they glue them to the walls.

3. Only the wall is covered with bright paint. Then wallpaper is glued onto it. Looking through them, the paint looks matte.

Preparatory work

1. Cover with masking tape all baseboards, trims, and window sills adjacent to the walls.

2. Cover the entire floor area with thick paper or polyethylene. The latter is sold in construction stores. To avoid injury, the temporary covering must be securely fixed to the floor with tape. If it is not possible to remove all the furniture, then you need to take care in advance about how to paint wallpaper for painting in the interior. That is, to cover everything from dust and drops.

3. All workers must wear clothing with long sleeve and gloves.

How to paint wallpaper for painting

Before you start covering the wallpaper with paint, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Wool or velor roller. You need to keep in mind that these materials will not leave air bubbles or streaks on the wall. The usual foam rubber can ruin the design.
  • Tassels. They should only be used in hard-to-reach places.
  • Spray. It provides the most uniform and smooth wall covering.
  • Paint tray. You need to pour a small amount of the composition into it and distribute it evenly over the roller.

Wallpaper coloring technology

If there are several surfaces in the room that require coating, then you must first decide how to paint the wallpaper for painting the ceiling, and only then start working on the walls. Working with a roller at height requires some skill. If these are glass wallpapers, then they must first be primed. All other species of this material After gluing, you just need to dry for two to three days.

The ceiling is painted using a roller. You shouldn’t put too much liquid on it, otherwise it will start to drain, getting on everything around it. In hard-to-reach places, be sure to cover everything with a thin brush. The paint must be diluted immediately to cover the entire ceiling, since it will be very difficult to obtain the same tone again if necessary.

Painting the walls starts from top to bottom. Depending on the color saturation, you can go through the same places several times, and then proceed to the next area.

Many designers prefer to paint walls in several colors. This move helps to separate the areas of the room from each other. The owners of the apartment can do this themselves if they decide in advance how to paint the wallpaper in two colors. Each subsequent section in this case will be processed after the previous one has completely dried. You can create a clear boundary between colors using a wide spatula.

As already mentioned, you can change the color of such walls more than ten times. Before painting the wallpaper again, you need to remove dust, dirt and greasy stains from the old layer.

Thus, there is nothing difficult about changing the color of the walls yourself.