✦Stretch ceilings on the balcony. Is it possible to install a stretch ceiling on a cold balcony? Is it possible to install stretch ceilings on a balcony?

In residential buildings tension type are found quite often, as they give the ceilings a much smoother surface, which helps hide the defects of old ceilings from prying eyes. If you have a great desire to install a suspended ceiling on your balcony or loggia, you should take into account the features of this constructive solution, temperature characteristics and the size of the available space.

Is it possible to do?

A balcony is, in fact, a small platform that is mounted on the ledge of a slab protruding from the wall of the building. Usually it has a fence in the form of bars made of metal or other materials. If the balcony has not been insulated, then it will be constantly cold, for this reason most modern balconies

insulated and necessarily glazed.

On an insulated balcony you can use any type of tension profile without any problems. Reviews that suspended ceilings are inappropriate on balconies are outdated and unprofessional. No special restrictions technical properties there is no such installation, which means that the choice of design can depend only on the taste preferences of the homeowner, the condition of the balcony itself and financial side


Advantages and disadvantages Let's consider the pros and cons of choosing tension structures on balconies.

  • Among the advantages are the following. Installation is done quite quickly
  • . There will be no need for labor-intensive manipulations - putty, painting or primer. Aesthetic appearance
  • . The end result of such an installation will always look very beautiful. Long service life.
  • The main thing here is to comply with all operating conditions, and then the product will last more than 10 years. Application in production
  • environmentally friendly materials. Practicality.
  • Dust will not accumulate on such a surface, so you will not need to clean these ceilings too often. Thermal insulation.
  • When installed, a layer of air will begin to form between the ceiling and the canvas - it will provide the best heating for the room. Diversity . You will be offered a huge selection of canvases of any possible color and texture. Popular shades can be combined, photographically printed on the canvas, or ordered to create a structure of several levels.

Disadvantages of technology.

  • High price. Other popular types of coatings will require much lower material costs.
  • The need to contact specialists. If you do not have the skill to install suspended ceilings, it is better not to do it yourself in your own home.
  • High chance of accidental damage to the coating. On the one hand, the canvas will have high degree strength, on the other hand, it can easily be damaged by any pointed object, especially if you use your balcony as a temporary warehouse for unnecessary things.
  • You will have to comply with certain temperature conditions . Not all products can be installed on cold loggias.


To produce tension products, PVC film or polyester fabric is used. Not every specialist will immediately notice the external differences between them, but upon closer examination, a significant difference can be identified.

PVC film

This polymer film is made of a very durable and extremely elastic material that can easily be stretched when heated. It was this characteristic that at one time formed the basis new technology installation of PVC sheets as ceiling structures. PVC films are produced strictly according to individual sizes. Typically, the film dimensions are made 8-9% smaller than the ceiling area.

During installation, the canvas should be heated to approximately 70 C using a heat gun, then it is stretched to the required parameters. Companies producing this film are ready to offer a wide range of different colors, shades and patterns. Even with active use they will not lose their richness.

This material can also withstand a fairly high distributed load.

With all its obvious positive aspects the vinyl canvas will also have a number negative points, which precisely limit its use on balconies and loggias. The most significant disadvantage – lack of frost resistance. When the outside temperature drops to below zero, this film loses its elasticity, acquires increased fragility and begins to crack even from insignificant influence. However, all this will not matter if the PVC sheet is used on a warm balcony.

In addition, PVC canvases have their own varieties.

  • Glossy (varnished). They differ in that they have the ability to reflect light and allow glare to be created. You can even find ultra-glossy products that will reflect 100% of the light.

Glossy products are presented in more than 150 colors, which will allow you to choose the most The best decision to suit any style of your interior.

  • Matte. These coatings are characterized by a complete absence of glare, although they will reflect light. Matte products are also offered in a wide range, but most often in light colors, because darkened matte designs are not very popular.

  • Satin. This is a special subtype of paintings. The texture is something between gloss and matte surface. They cannot create bright reflections, but have the ability to shimmer like mother-of-pearl. On sale you can only find bright hues such products.

  • Textured– is an imitation of the texture of various popular materials(leather or wood, mosaic or cloth, ceramics or metal). This product can be applied color photo or image (sky, leaves, landscapes).

Polyester fabric

This fabric is made from polyester threads, and then specially impregnated with a polyurethane mixture. There is no need to make separate adjustments to the fabric here. The material is sold in wide rolls and during installation it is stretched without heating. Color variations here they are more modest, and the prints do not look as catchy as on PVC products.

But on this product you can apply stylish images with acrylic. These structures can be safely placed on cold balconies, as they are not afraid of frost and even in very cold winters retain their unique properties. Also, this fabric is almost impossible to damage with a pointed object.

Installation features

Tension fabrics are secured with special profiles that are mounted around the perimeter of the entire ceiling and hold the edges of the film, thus keeping it taut.

The profile may be various forms and have various methods fixation, which is why there are several technologies for installing tension structures.

Harpoon technology

It can be found most often, but it is only suitable for PVC products. Along the perimeter of the structure there is a plastic border in the form of a harpoon, which helps it firmly hold onto the profile.

The harpoon is welded to the canvas, precisely because the place of their connection has a solid appearance and is considered completely reliable. The profile is fixed to the wall or ceiling with special screws. The harpoon edge must be placed in seat with a special spatula. The stretching must always go together with the heating of the canvas, for this the master uses heat gun. The gap that appears after installation between the ceiling and the wall will be neatly closed with a beautiful decorative insert made of plastic.

The advantage of this technology is that the canvas is removable. This means that the tension product on the balcony or loggia can be safely removed at the right time in order, for example, to get to the wiring or other types of communications hidden above it, and then put back in place.


This is one of the popular types of harpoon mounting. Installation is carried out using special plastic soldering around the perimeter of the entire product. The main difference from the harpoon version is that here the canvas will fit tightly to the wall, and therefore the insert will not be used to hide the gap.

With this installation, the profile will act as a “clothespin”. The harpoon must be carefully pushed into the seat, where it is securely clamped on both sides using pressure. To use this technology, the walls of the room must be completely smooth, otherwise all their shortcomings will become noticeable.


The role of a retainer in the existing profile will be played by a wedge or a small plastic bead. This version of the tension product also has its positive and negative features.

The advantages include simplified installation, which will not require the use of special equipment to heat the product. The downside is that the product will not be removable. Since the excess fabric used for stretching is simply cut off, it will be impossible to stretch this ceiling a second time.

September 6, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Stretch ceiling on the balcony today can be found in many apartments: this design has long moved from the category of elite technologies to the category of techniques used for inexpensive repairs. Moreover, the small ceiling area makes it possible to carry out the installation yourself. Of course, there are certain difficulties here, but below I will share my own experience of doing such work and give some useful tips.

Features of suspended ceilings on the balcony

Key Benefits

The question of whether it is possible to install a suspended ceiling on a balcony has been resolved by craftsmen quite a long time ago, and quite positively. The installation of such structures on balconies and loggias is practiced everywhere.

And if everything is done in compliance with the technology and takes into account the peculiarities of the room (I will talk about them in the next section), then there should be no problems. Installing a stretch ceiling on a loggia provides us with the following advantages:

  1. We get a perfectly flat surface without time-consuming preparation. A canvas stretched between profiles installed on the walls perfectly masks any defects in the ceiling, so even the oldest slab with concrete casting defects or traces of old finishing will be hidden from prying eyes.
  2. The material used for the production of suspended ceilings is highly moisture resistant. For installation on a balcony, this quality can be extremely useful: when the windows are opened, the probability of raindrops hitting the surface of the ceiling becomes almost one hundred percent.

  1. The covering stretched under the ceiling acts as an additional sound and heat insulator. Of course, here these properties are not as important as when finishing residential premises, but still, insurance against loud noise from above and a few additional degrees of saved heat will not be superfluous.
  2. The ceiling itself turns out to be quite durable: the warranty period for most polymer canvases is up to 10 years, and fabric ceilings, with proper care, can last 20 years or more without sagging or abrasion. So buying such a design is a long-term investment.
  3. Finally, the small size of the room itself will be a plus. Thanks to this, you can install the ceiling with your own hands, while simultaneously mastering installation technology. This was the case in my case: I tested the installation method on a double loggia, after which I easily coped with the renovation of the bedroom and living room (both rooms were quite spacious).

What you should pay attention to!

When choosing a finishing material, it is worth analyzing all the possible advantages and cons, and tension the ceiling here will be no exception. I would consider its fundamental disadvantages to be low strength ( we're talking about mainly about polymer models - it’s quite difficult to tear fabric ones), as well as restrictions associated with installation on the balcony:

  1. Stretch ceiling fabric is prone to deformation due to strong temperature changes. This means that it can only be installed on glazed loggias with good thermal insulation, otherwise after a few months the perfectly flat surface will “go in waves.”

  1. Drafts also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the coating. The flow of cold air from the gap under the ceiling can lead to the formation of a “path” of condensation; in addition, on this cold strip, the tension fabric will sooner or later begin to wrinkle.
  2. Finally, when exposed to low temperatures, polymer sheets of suspended ceilings lose their elasticity and can either sag or tear from the slightest load. That is why, if in winter you like to intensively ventilate your apartment by opening windows on the balcony or loggia, you are better off choosing a fabric option.

However, all these shortcomings can be compensated for by taking measures at the stage of installing the stretch ceiling. However, it is necessary to know about them: the sooner we take into account the characteristics of the material, the higher the likelihood that the structure will serve us for a long time and will not show signs of wear.

Methods for fixing the canvas

System 1. Harpoon

To install a suspended ceiling in any room - not only on a balcony or loggia - one of the fastening systems can be used. These systems were developed by manufacturing companies in parallel, so it is impossible to say unequivocally which of them is the best and most reliable.

I had to work with different designs fixing devices, so here I will describe their features, advantages and disadvantages.

According to statistics, the so-called harpoon system is most often used to install a stretch ceiling:

  1. A special molding with a technological latch groove is mounted on the wall along the perimeter of the balcony or on the edges of the ceiling. The baguette can be plastic or aluminum, open (in the form ceiling fillet) or hidden.
  2. The stretch ceiling canvas is cut exactly to the size and shape of the balcony, after which a rigid, jagged PVC insert, the so-called harpoon, is welded onto its edge.
  3. Next, the harpoon is driven into the technological groove of the baguette and, due to the design features, is fixed in it. In principle, it is possible to remove the harpoon, but accidental loss of it (even with severe shrinkage of the canvas in the cold) is excluded.

For installing ceilings on a balcony, the harpoon fastening method is one of the preferred ones, and here's why:

  1. The design of the locking part ensures maximum security of fixation.
  2. The strength of the connection does not suffer even with strong changes linear dimensions ceiling: if all measurements were taken correctly and the shrinkage coefficient was taken into account (for most canvases it is 10-15%), then the coating will remain smooth.
  3. Finally, an advantage is the ability to dismantle the ceiling - both along the entire perimeter and in individual areas: this may be necessary, for example, to drain water that has flowed from the unglazed balcony of the neighbors above along leaky seams.

The downside for me is that the rather high price of such a solution: whatever one may say, the installation of the harpoon on the canvas has to be done in the factory, so you definitely won’t be able to save money here.

System 2. Beading

If the quality of the surface is not so critical for you (I, for example, am not very upset by small unevenness on the ceiling of the loggia), but want to save on finishing, instead of a harpoon fastening, you can choose a glazing bead (wedge) system:

  1. As in the case of a harpoon fastening, a baguette is installed on the walls or ceiling of the loggia to attach the tension fabric.
  2. The canvas is inserted into a baguette, stretched and fixed with a wooden or plastic wedge - a glazing bead. The edges of the glazing bead snap onto the protrusions inside the baguette, and it will be almost impossible to remove this part in the future.
  3. The bead groove closes ceiling plinth, which masks the tension fabric attachment point.

This solution has a number of disadvantages compared to the harpoon system:

  1. The tension of the fabric forming the ceiling is not set initially, but is formed directly during installation. This means that there is a risk of either over-tightening, under-tightening, or creating a misalignment: all these defects will definitely “come out” when the temperature changes, for example, in the summer heat or in severe frosts.
  2. The design turns out to be non-removable, since it is possible to remove the glazing bead without damaging the baguette or canvas only in one case out of three. If the wedge is driven in loosely, the stretch ceiling will gradually sag due to insufficiently reliable fixation.

System 3. Clip

Since not only polymer, but also fabric fabrics can be used for finishing balconies and loggias, the instructions also allow the use of clip fasteners:

  1. A profile with a special latch is installed along the perimeter of the ceiling. This latch operates due to an elastic plate made of elastic PVC, tightly pressed to the base of the profile.
  2. During installation, the edge of the blade is inserted into the gap between the base of the profile and the fixing plate using a special blade. After this, the blade is removed and the blade is securely clamped between two plastic strips.

U this method fastenings have both advantages and disadvantages:

  1. On the one hand, the technique allows you to install seamless fabric sheets on balconies or loggias that are immune to temperature changes.
  2. In this case, the fabric is fixed quite firmly, and no gap is formed around the perimeter.
  3. On the other hand, in terms of fixation strength, the clip system is seriously inferior to harpoon and bead systems. In addition, when installing elastic PVC sheets, the reliability of the latch decreases even more, since the stretched elastic sheet simply slips out of the clamp.

  1. Finally, I can tell you from experience that tucking the fabric into the snap, being careful not to let it warp or wrinkle anywhere, is a very long and labor-intensive process. The situation can be partially saved by pre-applied markings on the canvas, but the pleasure is still very dubious.

Self-installation technology


As I noted above, installing a stretch ceiling on a balcony is an excellent training in the skills of installing such structures, which will be useful to us when finishing other rooms. But at the same time, you need to remember that balconies and loggia have some features that should be taken into account first of all when preparing for installation.

On my loggia I carried out work according to the following scenario:

  1. First, I cleaned the ceiling of the old finish. It was painted, so I had to remove the remaining loose paint with a spatula.

  1. Next, using a level, I checked the plane of the ceiling. The difference was no more than 5 mm along the entire length, so the tension fabric could be mounted almost closely, with a gap of no more than 1-2 cm.

  1. This is where the biggest difficulty lies. In any other room, if the ceiling has serious differences, it is enough to simply lower the installation level of the tension fabric, but on the balcony we will most likely be interfered with by the glazing frames. That is why there is a maximum gap between the ceiling and stretched fabric or PVC sheet is 30-40 mm.

If you initially plan to lower the ceiling slightly, for example, to install built-in lamps, then when glazing the loggia it is worth securing either wooden beam, or a special additional profile, which will provide us with the required gap.

  1. Next, the condition of the ceiling itself was inspected. Two discovered cracks, as well as gaps at the junctions of the ceiling slabs and the walls, were cleared of debris and filled with a repair compound based on tile adhesive.
  2. At the final stage, I treated the ceiling with several layers of antiseptic primer to prevent the formation of fungal colonies in the warm and humid environment under the suspended ceiling.


The procedure on the loggia itself did not take much time:

  1. To begin with, I applied level markings to the walls for fastening the mounting profile.
  2. Then, with the help of anchors, the baguette for the stretch ceiling was installed: I applied each panel to the wall according to the markings, drilled holes with a hammer drill in increments of 40 - 50 cm, and then hammered plastic dowels into them. I completed the final fixation of the baguette using locking metal anchors with a conical point.

In order not to damage the profile, the anchor should first be set with a hammer, and then tightened with a screwdriver or screwdriver.

  1. Since a glazing bead scheme was chosen for installation, I cut the canvas right on the spot. If you use harpoon installation, then in any case you will have to entrust the production of the canvas to professionals.
  2. Then, using a rented heat gun, the air on the loggia was heated to +45 0. To do this, I closed all the windows and doors as tightly as possible, so the warming up itself did not take much time (double-chamber double-glazed windows with energy saving helped a lot, by the way).

  1. I also heated the canvas itself in a stream of hot air (it needs to be heated to about +60...+70 0 C) and secured it with crocodile clips to the wall molding in several places.
  2. Then, removing the clamps from one of the corners, I inserted the canvas into the groove of the baguette with a spatula and fixed it with a bead.
  3. The most difficult stage for me was stretching the ceiling: while on one side it was easy enough to fix the material, on the other I had to simultaneously fix the PVC film with a spatula and secure it with a wedge.
  4. As a result, I ended up with several sagging areas (almost unnoticeable, but still!). I corrected them by carefully heating the material construction hairdryer, set to approximately 70% of power to avoid melting the PVC.

It took me a little over four hours to do everything (not taking into account preparatory stage– I gave the repair composition for cracks three days to dry). However, I spent a significant part of the time on leveling the canvas when tensioning due to lack of skill, so I fully admit that more experienced craftsman work will go faster.


Despite the fact that the suspended ceiling on the balcony in the cold may not behave the best in the best possible way, it is possible and necessary to install such structures on loggias that are properly insulated. By choosing the most suitable system from the three described above and following all the installation rules (the video in this article will help you with this), you are guaranteed to achieve the desired result.

In addition, you may find my practical recommendations: You will receive them by asking a question in the comments to the material.

Stretch ceiling - beautiful finish for any living space, and when a loggia or balcony is insulated and made part of, for example, a living room or separate room, PVC canvas of any texture and color becomes an effective completion of the renovation.

But what if the loggia becomes a residential area only in the summer, and there is no need to insulate it? Is it possible to order a suspended ceiling for cold balcony? We have a solution for this situation, and we will talk about it in this article.

Such a solution is a stretch ceiling made of polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane. It is durable, high quality, durable material, which is not afraid of either frost or heat.


We present our new product, cold stretch ceilings. The canvases can be safely installed in rooms where the air temperature drops to -30 C. This is possible due to the fact that latex is additionally added to the material.

Advantages of installing suspended ceilings on the balcony

In a loggia or on a balcony - this is a solution to many problems, as it has a number of advantages.

Fig.1. Installation of suspended ceilings on the balcony

  • Provides a perfectly flat, smooth surface, hiding any defects in the base floor.
  • Installs in just a couple of hours, without dirt or debris. Repairing the ceiling on the balcony will not require cleaning in this and adjacent rooms.
  • Eco-friendly and completely safe.
  • Frost and heat resistant. The fabric can withstand temperature changes within the range from –40 to + 80°C without changes.
  • Lightweight, does not put a serious load on the reinforced concrete slab.
  • Does not deteriorate from precipitation, wind, dust and street litter.
  • Does not turn yellow or fade.
  • Doesn't need difficult care, easy to brush or vacuum clean.
  • If you want to change the design, fabric ceiling can be painted on water based, it’s best to use acrylic, or paint it.
  • Does not need repair or replacement for decades. Manufacturers guarantee half a century of durability!

Features of the technology for installing suspended ceilings in loggias

Textile stretch ceilings are installed in loggias or balconies using the same technology as in traditional rooms. However, this installation has several important features.

Fig.2. Fabric stretch ceiling on the loggia

Since a balcony or loggia is meant to be unheated, rainy and frosty periods make this room damp and damp. This does not harm the fabric, but it remains underneath reinforced concrete slab ceilings To prevent fungus and mold from forming on the subfloor under the suspended ceiling, it must be treated with an antiseptic primer.

Usually a suspended ceiling on a balcony is done after it has been glazed. And here lies the greatest difficulty: you need to connect the structure of the frame and the suspended ceiling so that the frame doors open.

In this case, the ceilings on the balcony may be very crooked. And if in other rooms the ceiling can be lowered to the required height, then in a loggia this distance can be only 3–4 cm. Therefore, it is worth planning the renovation of the balcony, and warning the window technicians so that they take this point into account.

The solution is to use an additional element that separates the frame structure and the ceiling, to which the tension system frame can be attached. In this capacity, a wooden beam or a special additional profile is most often used.

Reviews about suspended ceilings on the balcony

In addition to information from specialists, you should also read reviews from people who have already installed fabric tension fabric. So, what do our clients think about whether it is possible to install a suspended ceiling on a cold balcony?

Antonina Ivanovna, Lyubertsy

In general, I am an opponent of suspended ceilings. Everything in my entire apartment is simply painted with water-based emulsion. But I’m tired of repainting the ceiling in the glass loggia in the spring; it cracks and turns yellow from frost and moisture.

Fig.3. Cold stretch ceiling on the balcony

There is no point in insulating the loggia; in cold weather I only use it for drying clothes. But in the summer, when it’s hot, I practically move there: I eat, sleep, read and knit. I've had a fabric ceiling for three winters now and it looks like new. Spend it once and no more repairs are needed.

Mikhail, Moscow

In winter I only go out onto the loggia to smoke, but in summer I have something like an office or workshop there. I first asked the experts whether it was possible to install a suspended ceiling on a cold balcony, whether it would absorb the smell of tobacco or glue, or whether it would turn yellow from smoke.

But they convinced me that the fabric does not absorb odors and does not change color. The ceiling has already survived one winter without changes, and it remains white, as it was, although we often smoke in the loggia with friends.

Svetlana Igorevna, Podolsk

I will express not only my opinion, but also my friends who also have fabric stretch ceilings installed. They have significant disadvantages. Firstly, the price is steep, and secondly, it’s a problem to find smart craftsmen, and defectors spoil even an expensive ceiling.

Thirdly, at a high price it is absolutely unsightly appearance- Just white ceiling and that's all. But the advantages of fabric ceilings are also significant. They do not deteriorate from frost and humidity, do not turn yellow, do not crack, do not mold, and are almost not dirty and washable.

I can give advice to those who are planning to install: do not overpay for trademark. German ceilings are no worse than French ones. They look and operate almost identically.

Nowadays, many people are trying to remove junk from their balcony and make it a cozy place to relax. fresh air. However, to achieve such an effect, simply removing the trash is not enough, you also need to think about it interesting decoration, lighting, furniture. Naturally, all this is possible on a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia. Previously, there was an opinion that install suspended ceiling in such a room it is expensive, inappropriate and not practical. However, technology does not stand still, tension coverings are being improved, and most importantly, they are becoming more affordable. So today this type of cladding is quite appropriate and available for a loggia. In this article we will focus on the nuances of ceiling finishing, or rather, we will consider how relevant it is to install suspended ceilings on the balcony.

Features of tension coverings

Fabric or film web stretched over metal carcass, it became the best option ceiling decoration for many rooms. Thanks to quick manipulations, the ceiling turns into a perfectly smooth surface, which can be of absolutely any color. What is also attractive is that this material is very easy to care for.

Often, finishing with tension coverings was mainly used for rooms, and for small rooms, simpler cladding was chosen. Nowadays, suspended ceilings on the balcony are not uncommon. Moreover, quite often even two-tier structures are created in such rooms, which allows you to create unusual effects and add originality to the interior.

How appropriate is it to install this material on the balcony?

Whether to install a tension covering on a balcony is a matter of your preferences and capabilities. At least there are no technical restrictions in this regard, but there are some nuances. Not every covering can be installed on a loggia.

Let's look at the advantages of using this material on the balcony:

  • Quick installation, which does not bring a lot of construction waste.
  • Hides an imperfect base surface.
  • Allows you to apply different types lighting fixtures, hiding all electrical wiring under its surface.
  • Waterproof. For film coatings it is 100%, and for fabric coatings it is slightly less. When using a film ceiling, water can be retained by the film for a long time, and after draining, the surface will quickly return to its original state.
  • Resistant to temperature changes and low temperatures is characteristic only of fabric canvases, while film ones are more sensitive in this regard. Fabric ceilings can be installed even in unheated premises.
  • Resistant to mechanical damage also typical only for fabric coverings; film products, on the contrary, are easily damaged by a sharp object;
  • UV resistance
  • Durability. PVC film will serve you for about 10 years, and fabric ceilings will delight you with an unchanged appearance for more than 20 years.
  • Visual expansion area. A small room can easily be made more spacious if you install a glossy coating on the ceiling and use furniture with mirrored doors. These materials are highly reflective, which creates the illusion of spaciousness and also enhances illumination.

Attention! PVC film coverings cannot be installed on a poorly heated or uninsulated loggia, as it deteriorates from low temperatures. In this case, it is better to use fabric sheets that perfectly tolerate such a microclimate and have excellent frost resistance.

  • Unlimited design possibilities! This material has a wide variety of colors; film ceilings have a range of over 200 shades. You can also apply any print to this material - a drawing or photo printing, or use various decorative stickers with drawings.
  • Adds noise and thermal insulation, especially if insulating material is placed in the interceiling space.

What you should pay attention to!

When choosing a material for finishing any room, you need to analyze not only the advantages of the material, but also its disadvantages. Stretch ceilings on the balcony also have their disadvantages, albeit few. Not even disadvantages, but features that are important to consider.

So let's look at what these features are.

  • The main disadvantages include low strength, however, this only applies to PVC film, because fabric ceilings are quite difficult to damage mechanically.
  • The tension fabric is prone to deformation due to temperature changes. Therefore, it can only be installed in glazed loggias where thermal insulation is provided. Otherwise, the stretched covering will become covered with waves within a few months.
  • Drafts also have a bad effect on this material. They provoke the appearance of condensation due to temperature differences, which can also cause the fabric to wrinkle over time.
  • If we talk about film coatings, then when low temperature they may sag or crack under slight load.

In general, fabric ceilings are more suitable for finishing a balcony, as they are more durable and frost-resistant. This material has only one drawback - a poor range of colors, presented mainly in pastel shades. And also their surface can only be matte, without shine.

However, if you have well insulated your balcony, then finishing with film material is quite acceptable and from an aesthetic point of view it is much more interesting. You can choose different textures: glossy, matte or satin. This material also has the richest range of colors.

On a note! If you like to intensively ventilate your apartment in winter, then it is better to opt for fabric ceilings, which have micropores and allow air to pass through, which is why they are less prone to condensation. Another option to solve the problem is to install ventilation grilles in PVC fabric. This will balance the temperature under and above the stretched covering and also avoid condensation.

What colors are relevant in decorating a loggia?

Since loggias are rarely spacious, it is best to opt for light colors. Most often, glossy PVC coatings are used for finishing, as they have high reflectivity, which makes the room visually more spacious.

In general, the color of the ceiling can be any, especially when using gloss, which the darker, the higher its reflectivity. With proper lighting, such a balcony will not be dark even if black gloss is used.

If you have chosen fabric ceilings, which never have a glossy surface, then only light colors are optimal, otherwise you can make the loggia dark and uncomfortable.

In custody

  1. Stretch ceiling is a wonderful finishing option for a loggia. It is practical, durable, aesthetically pleasing.
  2. There are certain nuances when choosing of this material for cladding a balcony.
  3. If it is insulated and glazed, then you can use any type of tension covering - both film and fabric.
  4. If the balcony is not heated and is used mainly in the warm season, then cover it with a fabric covering - it is frost-resistant and can withstand temperature changes well. Film sheets can sag and crack at low temperatures.
  5. On the aesthetic side, great design possibilities are provided by PVC film, which can be glossy, which visually doubles the space. She also has the richest color scheme, and the possibility of applying any drawing or photo printing.

Today suspended ceilings Moscow demonstrates everywhere: they are in apartments, offices, in public places. Their high popularity is explained by a number of advantages of such an interior element. But is it worth stretching the ceiling covering on a balcony or loggia? This question worries many Muscovites.

Why do you need a suspended ceiling on a balcony?

Ceiling installation of any materials on balconies and loggias is not required if we are talking about using these premises as a small-sized warehouse for storing unnecessary and forgotten things.

If you want to organize in your apartment cozy corner, where it will be pleasant to sit in the evening with a book or a cup of cocoa, or increase the space of a room or kitchen by adding balcony square meters, then stretching the ceiling is what you need!

Exactly this finishing option ceiling covering is not threatened by humidity, temperature changes and even flooding, while stretch ceiling allow you to create a cozy, modern and aesthetic interior in any room, even such a modest size as a balcony. In addition, the canvas and the structure itself can be made not only in the form of a rectangle or square. Balconies and loggias of non-standard configurations (in the form of a semicircle or trapezoid) are also excellent for stretching ceiling fabric.


· Ability to use almost any color scheme in finishing.

· Both fabric and film tension fabrics are suitable for loggias, you just need to take into account individual characteristics each apartment.

An important advantage that they have suspended ceilings, price. For such small room, like a balcony, you won’t need a lot of money.

· Stretch ceiling allows you to bring coziness to your interior design.

· Over time, the stretch fabric does not change its attractive appearance - the colors do not fade, the surface remains as smooth as it was immediately after installation.

Nuances when stretching ceiling coverings on balconies and loggias

In our company, tensioned ceiling structures will be manufactured for rooms of any size. As a rule, balconies and loggias do not have large areas, so installation will not take much time, and it will not cost much.

You just need to take into account that for insulated balconies, inside which there are no too sharp temperature changes, ceilings made of both fabric texture and film are suitable. At the same time, inside the structure itself, under the stretching material, you can lay a water-repellent and insulating material, which will eliminate drafts from above.

In those loggias that are used only in summer and are not insulated, it would be most reasonable to use fabric stretching. The film web can become deformed during frost or summer heat.

In addition, textiles are more resistant to mechanical damage, which is important for balconies and loggias where skis, cornices, and other tall objects are periodically stored.

Although film stretch fabric also has an important advantage - it glossy surface allows you to visually increase the space of a small room. And this option has much more shades to choose from.

Stretching the fabric will not interfere with the installation of lighting fixtures; they can still be placed on the ceiling. But you already have to take into account the height ceiling structure and durability of the material itself

to temperature effects so that the heating of the lamp does not lead to surface deformation.

When thinking through the design of a suspended ceiling on a balcony, it is necessary to take into account the features of the glazing. If the windows do not open, then the canvas can be stretched up to the level of the glass. If the doors are opened for ventilation, the ceiling should not interfere with them.