Write what can be made from sand. What can be made from simple sand

To please your child, you don’t have to buy expensive toys in the store. It’s enough to show your imagination, look up a couple of ideas on the Internet and, together with your child, make, for example, kinetic sand, which will captivate the little one for a long time. You can look for affordable ingredients in your kitchen or buy them at your local store.

WITH kinetic sand Develop children's creativity and tactile perception in an easy and fun way

How is kinetic sand beneficial for children?

How do they name a new product that recently appeared on our market: panetic, dynamic, hygienic, gymnastic, genetic, cosmic sand. Everything is past. The real name of this miracle product is kinetic sand.

Having appeared on the gaming market, it immediately aroused delight among kids. The correct alternative names for such “magic” sand are kinetic, living, lunar. This variety implies possibilities for choosing materials for sand, but the point is one thing - to bring pleasure to the child.

With the help of such sand, a child aged one year or older can realize his desire to sit in the sandbox without leaving home. Bad weather won't stop you from digging in the sand, building towers, making sand dumplings - making magic sand at home is not so difficult, but the effect is obvious. Having fun in this way, the child unnoticed develops:

  • fine motor skills that help coordinate nervous system and muscles, activating connections between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • eye - after all, you need to estimate how much sand will fit in a particular mold;
  • perseverance - quickly completing a sand tower with your own hands is not so easy;
  • thinking - using a variety of food dyes, you will help the child learn colors, and when counting the figures made, the child will quietly learn the numbers;
  • creativity - you can build figures using beads, or you can invent new ones and sculpt them, or simply draw pictures on the surface with your finger.

The advantage of kinetic sand is that you can play with it at home without going outside.

After you have made your own version of kinetic sand, following our recipes for beginners, you should adhere to the following rules to extend its service life:

  • Before starting to play with such material, you need to dry your hands;
  • try not to place the sandbox in direct sunlight;
  • do not add components to the sand that are not specified in the recipe;
  • If water gets into the sandbox, wet particles need to be removed and dried.

Options for making kinetic sand at home

Kinetic sand, an invention of Swedish innovators, appeared here recently, but immediately found its admirers in children and parents. Today, you can prepare several versions of this sand at home. Look at what ingredients you have at home and what you need to buy to make this magical sand - and go ahead, create magic!

From starch

To make live sand from starch, you will need:

  • 5 parts of fine sand purchased at the nearest hardware store;
  • 2.5 parts corn starch(flour will also work);
  • 1 part water;
  • food coloring - from vegetables (beet juice will give a red color, carrot juice - yellow), or purchased at a grocery store.

Mix sand with starch (flour) in a large bowl, and dissolve the dye in water in a separate container. Then gradually add the colored liquid into the sandy starch and mix your mixture thoroughly. Transfer it to a container with a lid. Living sand is ready!

From semolina

For games and various decorations of household items, you can use colored semolina. What is needed for this:

  • semolina;
  • alcohol (replaced with vodka);
  • food coloring;
  • paper.

Add a couple of drops of dye into a container with semolina and add alcohol, stirring, until you get the desired consistency. Then place the mixture on a sheet of paper in a thin layer and dry it, then pour it into a container with a lid. The use of alcohol prevents the semolina from swelling, fixes the dye and dries the material.

From soda

Sand without sand - is it real? Yes, if you replace it with soda. The composition of this mixture is very simple. To make living sand you will need:

  • 2 glasses of soda;
  • 1 cup baking powder;
  • 1 glass detergent(can be replaced with liquid soap).

Gradually adding soap to baking soda and baking powder, mix the ingredients. The end result will be a wonderful airy and crumbly mass that will be a pleasure to play with.

Made from colored quartz sand

The closest thing to the original Swedish product, this kinetic sand is made using quartz sand. It consists of the following ingredients:

Thoroughly mix boric acid with glue in a 2:1 ratio (for example, 2 tsp acid and 1 tsp glue). 1 tsp. add the resulting sticky substance to 100 g of sifted sand. Then, after putting on a rubber glove, you need to gently knead this mass with your hand until the sand becomes wet. The result should be a loose substance that has excellent performance - it does not crumble and does not leave marks on surfaces.

The polymers that make up silicate glue give the mixture viscousness, and the acid prevents it from disintegrating. The resulting “smart” sand is closest in its characteristics to the original, but due to toxicity boric acid, it is advisable for a child to play with it wearing gloves. Video instructions will help you prepare this recipe at home.

Made from flour without glue

Modeling mass without sand can also be made using flour. For this you will need:

  • 8 parts flour;
  • 1 part baby body oil.

To prepare sand, you need to slowly pour oil into a container with flour, stirring until you get a homogeneous substance that is pleasant to the touch. This sand allows you to sculpt a variety of figures, using it in a new way each time. If it doesn't stick well, you can add more oil. In the video you can see different types product, including lunar.

How to make a sandbox for kinetic sand?

Now you know many ways to make kinetic or moon sand at home yourself. Playing with it will not only give the child a lot of new impressions and emotions, but will also make parents think about the play area. If everything is clear with storage ( Plastic container with a lid is great for this purpose), then you need to come up with a place for games.

To avoid having to collect grains throughout the apartment and vacuum after each game, just buy a sandbox or make one - it won’t require a lot of time and materials.

For games you can use a regular cardboard box big size, having previously cut its walls to a height of 10-15 cm. The inner surface of the box should be covered with smooth paper; you can use self-adhesive materials such as wallpaper.

One option is a regular plastic container, preferably with not very high sides. Before starting classes, you need to make sure that the playing surface is clean and dry. If there is moisture on it, it will harm the sand. In the photo you can see different variants sandbox made for playing with kinetic sand.

Educational games with kinetic sand

Kinetic sand made at home makes it possible to diversify games during the cold season, when ordinary sandboxes are not available. After watching the video, you can see how much fun children have playing with such magical material. There are a great many options for games with sand mass:

  • you can make the same figures different sizes and compare them;
  • using special molds, sculpt geometric figures or animals;
  • compact the mass with your fingers or a scoop, developing hand coordination;
  • combine different colors by mixing them (blue-blue, pink-red, yellow-orange);
  • decorate molded figures with beads or buttons;
  • draw with your finger, developing your imagination;
  • decorate various interior items with sand;
  • make sand compositions from different colors.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of the Reproductive Sphere and the Volgograd State Medical University clinical psychologist by specialty

Sand art

Bottle with colored sand- favorite souvenirtourists who were on holiday in Arab countries. When you look at such crafts, you are amazed: how, with the help of ordinary sand and a thin stick, masters manage to draw Bactrian camels, sea creatures, etc. Grain of sand, oriental masters create masterpieces of decorative art.

It takes a professional about 5 minutes to create one sand bottle.

Using a funnel, sand is poured into the bottle.

A picture is formed with metal steel wire.

It is important to ensure that the layers of sand are applied correctly.

The sand is carefully compacted with thicker metal wire. And this bottle is sealed with glue.

The variety of sand colors will allow you to create unique works.

How to get multi-colored sand. The paint is mixed with water and sand. Then the sand is dried and the material for creativity is obtained. Can be used regular paint for color printer.

As easy as pie. Sleight of hand, imagination and colored sand. When the bottle is filled, it should be sealed with a cloth tied in a knot, previously soaked in glue.

Quite often we can see children examining particles of sand under a magnifying glass or with the naked eye, trying to answer the question of what it consists of. But even adults cannot always answer this question. We will explain to you what sand is made of.

Looking at grains of sand, you can determine that they consist of different rocks, and therefore have different colors.

Sand is a mountain sedimentary rock, which is a loose mixture of particles of different minerals (quartz, calcite, mica, feldspar, etc.) with dimensions in diameter of 0.14 - 5 mm, and formed as a result of weathering of rocks. There are few deposits that contain almost only quartz sand. But the main part of the sand consists of a mixture of quartz with feldspar, magnetite, mica, garnet, which allows you to give the sand a variety of shades. There are also several deposits on our planet where you can find sand that does not contain quartz. For example, there are white gypsum sands or red coral sands.

Sands can be either natural or artificial.
Natural sands are usually divided into sea, river and mountain (gully) sands, this depends on the conditions of occurrence. River and sea sand have rounded particles, while mountain sands consist of acute-angled particles. Mountain sand is often contaminated with harmful impurities, unlike river and sea sand. Natural sand is a product of weathering (or wind erosion). The weathering process contributes to the destruction of the original material into various diameters particles, including sand. Wind and water can transport sand hundreds and thousands of kilometers. In connection with this, over time, sand deposits may form in the lowlands or at higher elevations. The texture of such sand greatly depends on the way in which small grains of sand were delivered to the deposits. Water is capable of moving particles of different sizes at the same time. Therefore, very often we can see how deposits with an incredibly variegated pattern and texture are formed next to some obstacle of natural origin. At the same time, the wind performs the function of filtering particles. Wind from different strengths and transports different grains of sand to different distances. In this way, deposits are formed that consist of grains of sand of approximately the same size.

Where does sand come from in deserts? Most of the sand is carried by the wind into deserts. But there are also cases when desert grains are formed by the destruction of mountains. Some deserts were originally seabed, but many millennia ago the water retreated.

Sand is also made artificially. This happens by grinding such hard materials like stone or slag.

Sand is useful and required material. It is used to make glass, concrete, water purification filters, and sandpaper.

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One of the most popular educational activities and games with a child is modeling. Modern moms use it for her different materials, among which kinetic sand is especially distinguished. It is attractive because it does not stick to your hands and does not crumble, it molds well, does not dry out and is easy to assemble. However, the cost of such sand is quite high, so the issue of preparing kinetics at home is very relevant.

Popular recipes with sand

Kinetic sand, practically no different from the original, can be made from 300 grams. sand, 1 tsp. stationery silicate glue and 2 tsp. boric acid. First, boric acid and office silicate glue are mixed, and then sand is added. After thorough mixing, you can already play.

But its disadvantage compared to the purchased one is drying, and the presence of boric acid in the composition may have Negative consequences for the health of the child, so you should play it with gloves.


Let's look at other popular manufacturing methods using sand, starch and water. To make an analogue of Swedish kinetic sand at home, you will need:

  • Quartz sand– small and clean. You can purchase it at a pet store (sold for rabbits, birds and chinchillas) or a hardware store. Before preparing a homemade kinetic, many mothers advise calcining it in the oven. Take 4 glasses.
  • Starch – corn or potato. It will need half as much sand, that is, 2 cups. If necessary, starch can be replaced with corn flour.
  • Water. You will need 1 glass.
  • Dye.
  • A container in which you will mix the ingredients, as well as a spatula for mixing.


Method one:

  1. Combine sand and starch in a prepared container, mixing the ingredients well.
  2. Add water in small portions and mix the mixture thoroughly until you reach the desired consistency. The analogue of kinetic sand is ready.

You can clearly see the process of making kinetic sand with your own hands in the following video.

Method two:

  1. Mix starch and water to obtain a non-Newtonian fluid.
  2. Add sand to this liquid and mix everything well.

Recipe without sand

If for some reason you are unable to use sand, it is quite possible to make an analogue of the kinetics without it using the following recipes:

  1. Grind children's crayons for drawing and mix them with semolina until smooth.
  2. Stir 250 g of starch in 100 ml of water, and if the mass turns out to be very dry, add a little more water.

And another less popular method due to its composition: mix 2 cups baking soda with 1 cup baking powder and 1 cup dishwashing liquid (or liquid soap). Stir the mixture until smooth. If the mixture is too wet, add more baking powder. The sand should be doughy and fluffy. After playing, store it in a container.

According to this recipe, the sand turns out to be snow-white and very soft, but not very pliable: the figures from it are fuzzy. We recommend trying a small amount first: take 2 tbsp. soda, 1 tbsp. baking powder and 1 tbsp. liquid soap. It is better to play it with spoons and molds, rather than with your hands.

How to paint?

To color homemade kinetic sand, you can use food coloring, which you can find in any supermarket. They can also be successfully replaced with watercolor paint or gouache. The desired dye is diluted in water and added to the mixture of sand and starch before pouring the water into the mixture. Next, you just need to bring the sand to the required consistency.

Is it different from the store bought one?

Of course, you won’t be able to prepare a material completely identical to Swedish kinetics at home, but the sand will be very similar to store-bought sand. Consistency home option will be practically the same and the child will be able to sculpt various figures from it.

Also keep in mind that homemade sand made with starch will dry out over time and you will have to add a little water to it. However, you know exactly what you put into the material you created with your own hands, you saved money and you can play a variety of games with your child.

Benefits of playing with kinetic sand

  • By playing with this type of sand, the child will develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, concentration and imagination.
  • Kinetic games are calming, help relieve stress and provide emotional relaxation.
  • You can play with this sand in the rain and in winter. This safe material unlike the example better than sand from the sandbox in the yard.
  • During games you can learn counting, shapes, colors, sizes, letters and much more.

How to play?

With homemade kinetic sand you can:

  • Make different Easter cakes.
  • Cut out shapes with cookie cutters.
  • Roll the sausages and then cut them.
  • Make a cake and cut into portions.
  • Play construction using cars.
  • Play hide and seek by burying small objects in the sand.
  • Play with stamps, leaving different marks on the surface of the sand.
  • Sculpt and cut out letters or numbers.
  • Play “excavation”, taking buttons and tiny toys out of the sand.
  • Draw with a sharp stick.

Sand is hard rock that has been broken down into small pieces by water and wind over millions of years. Basically, such pieces are small, no more than a few millimeters in size, grains of quartz - the most common mineral on Earth, consisting of silicon dioxide molecules. Silicon dioxide is not only found in the form of quartz on sandy beaches. You can easily find it in a package of chips or crackers. It is used there as a leavening agent - this means that it prevents food particles from sticking together. But this “sand,” which you can eat along with crackers, is much finer than usual, and it does not harm the body.

Let's see what sand can consist of, besides quartz.

Transparent crystals here these are quartz grains, but besides them we also see grains of other minerals. The fact is that sands are actually very different, depending on their origin. Volcanic sands, for example, may contain pieces of red minerals, causing the beach to appear red. There are several beaches in the world where the green mineral chrysolite is found in the sand. That's why the beaches there are green. And in some countries there are black sands containing many heavy minerals such as hematite or magnetite.

But the most interesting thing is that, in addition to minerals, sand, especially sea sand, often contains fossilized remains or shells of simple animals and plants that lived millions of years ago.

These shells are usually made of calcium carbonate - that is, chalk. This is the same chalk that is used in the classroom to write on the blackboard, or on the street to draw on the asphalt.