What is made from sand? How to make kinetic sand for modeling with your own hands: composition and recipes for making it at home

Sand is a sedimentary rock and also artificial material, consisting of rock grains. Very often it consists of almost pure quartz mineral (the substance is silicon dioxide).

Natural sand is a loose mixture of grains with a particle size of 0.10-5 mm, formed as a result of the destruction of hard rocks.
Natural sands, depending on their genesis, can be alluvial, deluvial, marine, lacustrine, or aeolian. Sands resulting from the activity of reservoirs and watercourses have a more rounded, rounded shape.

Heavy artificial sand is a loose mixture of grains obtained by crushing hard and dense rocks. The shape of the grains of crushed sand is acute-angled, and the surface is rough.


In trade, sand is classified according to its place of origin and processing:

River sand is construction sand extracted from river beds, characterized by high degree cleaning and the absence of foreign inclusions, clay impurities and pebbles.

Quarry washed sand is sand that is extracted from a quarry by washing with large amounts of water, as a result of which clay and dust particles are washed out of it.

Quarry sifted sand is sifted sand extracted from a quarry, cleared of stones and large fractions. Quarry seeded sand is widely used in the production of mortar for masonry, plastering and foundation work. And also in the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures.

Construction sand -
According to GOST 8736-93, construction sand is an inorganic bulk material with a grain size of up to 5 mm, formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocks and obtained during the development of sand and sand-gravel deposits without or using special processing equipment.


Widely used in building materials, for washing construction sites, for sandblasting, in the construction of roads, embankments, in residential construction for backfilling, in landscaping courtyard areas, in the production of mortar for masonry, plastering and foundation work, used for concrete production. In the production of reinforced concrete products, concrete high brands strength, as well as in production paving slabs, curbs, well rings use coarse sand (Fineness modulus 2.2-2.5). Fine construction sand is used to prepare covering mortars. In addition, sand is the main component in the manufacture of glass.

Construction river sand is quite widely used in various decorative (mixed with various dyes to obtain special structural coatings) and finishing works finished premises. It also acts as a component of asphalt concrete mixtures, which are used in the construction and laying of roads (including for the construction of airfields), as well as in water filtration and purification processes.
Quartz sand used for making welding materials special and general purpose.

Today I would like to run with you barefoot on the colored sand. Not what is sold in craft stores with special pictures, but what you can do with your own hands. Any colors and in any quantity. And then create from it whatever your heart desires.

How to make colored sand with your own hands?

The fastest and easiest way is to make colored “sand” from decoys and ordinary children's crayons.

To do this, you need to crumble the chalk (shape it with a knife, then chop it, for example, with a rolling pin), pour semolina And chalk into the container, close the lid and shake several times. That's all! The semolina comes out in very delicate pastel shades.

Instead of chalk you can usedry pastel, and crushed crayons can be mixed to obtain new interesting shades.

Using the same instructions, you can make colored “sand” from fine salt. If you need just a little bit of some color, you can mix crushed crayon and salt right on the table.

Now let's go back to present colored sand.

You'll have to tinker with it a little longer.
If you are using outdoor sand, first rinse it thoroughly in several waters. Then you can start painting. Let's take the usual gouache and mix it thoroughly with wet sand, it is better to do this by hand (use gloves). Instead of gouache you can use food colorings. After painting, spread the sand in a thin layer until completely dry.
By mixing gouache and food coloring you can get a wide variety of different colors, and, of course, they will be much richer than from crayons.

It is better to store colored sand in closed containers. And if you want to avoid unplanned cleaning, then tidy it up higher from the ubiquitous children's hands :)As you can see, making colored sand with your own hands is very easy.

Sand is hard rock that has been broken down into small pieces by water and wind over millions of years. Basically, such pieces are small, no more than a few millimeters in size, grains of quartz - the most common mineral on Earth, consisting of silicon dioxide molecules. Silicon dioxide is not only found in the form of quartz on sandy beaches. You can easily find it in a package of chips or crackers. It is used there as a leavening agent - this means that it prevents food particles from sticking together. But this “sand,” which you can eat along with crackers, is much finer than usual, and it does not harm the body.

Let's see what sand can consist of, besides quartz.

Transparent crystals here these are quartz grains, but besides them we also see grains of other minerals. The fact is that sands are actually very different, depending on their origin. Volcanic sands, for example, may contain pieces of red minerals, causing the beach to appear red. There are several beaches in the world where the green mineral chrysolite is found in the sand. That's why the beaches there are green. And in some countries there are black sands containing many heavy minerals such as hematite or magnetite.

But the most interesting thing is that, in addition to minerals, sand, especially sea sand, often contains fossilized remains or shells of simple animals and plants that lived millions of years ago.

These shells are usually made of calcium carbonate - that is, chalk. This is the same chalk that is used in the classroom to write on the blackboard, or on the street to draw on the asphalt.

Colored sand V Lately is gaining more and more popularity. Especially in the cold season, it is often purchased for children's activities. Adults are also not averse to making castles from colored kinetic sand with their children. Below in the article we will look at what this type of material is intended for and how to create it at home.

The main thing in the article

What is colored sand used for?

  • Colored kinetic sand was invented in Sweden for therapeutic purposes for children. One of the important functions of a color invention is the development of hand motor skills. This is very important in childhood, as well as in case of any injuries.
  • Second, no less important detail is a relaxing therapy from working with sand. Kneading the soft bulk material in his hands, the child immerses his body in relaxation. This is very useful in general for children and adults, as well as for those who suffer from stress.
  • Thirdly, when a child sculpts or draws with sand, he develops his imagination, fantasizes, and comes up with something unusual.
  • Fourthly, playing with sand develops accuracy, perseverance and attentiveness in the child.

Colored sand can be used as molding, it can be used to draw, paint, decorate or decorate.

How to make colored sand for creativity with your own hands?

  • Kinetic sand is a rather expensive product, but smart mothers have long come up with a way out of the situation. They created their own homemade version of colored sand, which is not inferior to its counterpart.
  • Swedish modeling material consists of a natural component, silicone and dye. Thanks to silicone, it has the property of ductility. This component can be easily replaced with corn starch.
  • A large percentage of the composition of the wonder is sand - 98%, in some cases this figure may decrease. The sand used is purified and fine. An alternative is regular sand, sifted through a sieve and fried in the oven at high temperature. This will allow the sand to be free of harmful germs in case your child wants to put it in their mouth.
  • The dye in kinetic sand is natural; it can be replaced with regular food pigment. The variety of flowers in supermarkets is replete, so your imagination has plenty of room to run wild.

What do you need to make colored sand with your own hands?

To recreate the resemblance of a store product, you will need:

  • sand;
  • corn starch;
  • dye.

The ingredients can be replaced depending on what you need it for.

How to make colored sand from real sand?

Colored sand is a new trend in creativity. This material is perfect for engaging children in game room or it will decorate a vase in your apartment in an original way. Making it won't amount to a lot of work. Materials:

  • sand;
  • food coloring;
  • dilution container;
  • drying paper.


  1. Sift the sand through a fine sieve and place in the oven for an hour at 200°C.
  2. Cool the material.
  3. Dilute the dye in a container and add sand, stir until every particle is colored.
  4. Transfer the colored material to paper and wait until it dries.

DIY colored sand from semolina and vodka: photo instructions

To decorate interior items, you can use colored semolina. This is enough a budget option to improve the style of the apartment. You will need:

  • semolina;
  • alcohol/vodka;
  • capacity;
  • dye;
  • paper.


  1. Place the cereal in a container.
  2. Add some dye.
  3. Add alcohol little by little and stir.
  4. Lay it out on paper.
  5. Once dry, transfer to a container.

The use of alcohol is necessary so that the cereal does not swell from collision with liquid, as happens with water. And the alcohol-based liquid does not have time to be absorbed into the grains, which makes it easy to color and dry the product.

DIY colored sand from salt

A good alternative to sand and no less relevant is colored salt. Salt is a fairly cheap raw material and is found in every home. Table salt has very fine particles, which is good for decorating objects, painting and drawing.


  • gouache;
  • container;
  • paper.

Execution process:

  1. Place salt in a deep container.
  2. Combine with gouache.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Transfer to paper to dry.

Recipe for colored sand from children's crayons

Colored sand can be made from scrap materials, especially if there are small children living in the house. Families with children always have crayons for drawing on the asphalt. And this is an idea for coloring sand.

You need:

  • crayons;
  • capacity.


  1. Rub the crayons on a grater.
  2. Pour salt into a container and combine with chalk shavings.
  3. Mix everything well and start drawing.

What can be made from colored sand?

Creativity is a place where there are no rules and no limits, so people invent different types activities, entertainment and hobbies. Colored sand is an example of how you can transform the ordinary into something cheerful and rainbow-colored, how to make a gloomy day happier and brighter.

Colored sand activities:

  • Drawing on a table, a special illuminated table or paper;
  • Making frescoes;
  • Modeling of different figures;
  • Manufacturing of florariums;
  • Decorating vases and other containers;
  • Making crafts;
  • Coloring stencils.

Stencils for colored sand

For every generation of children smart people come up with new entertainment. At the end of the 20th century, these were carved toys and wood carvings. And in XXI - colored sand and a variety of games with it. If earlier they painted with colored pencils and felt-tip pens, now they have been replaced by sand.

  • Current sand stencils appear on store shelves, which come in a set with colored sand. A stencil is an image with an adhesive backing.
  • Removed from the image protective film, and sand should be poured onto the adhesive surface, painting the picture in different colors.

If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made stencil, you can use PVA glue and any picture.

Colored sand frescoes

  • Creating sand murals is similar to painting with a stencil. There is also an image, a layer of adhesive and colorful material for coloring. Educational games help children develop memory, creative thinking and originality.
  • Each child colors the pictures in his own way, giving them a touch of originality and magic.

The only difference between a fresco and a stencil is that a stencil has simply sheets, while a fresco has a frame.

DIY colored sand paintings with photos

Creating paintings with sand is truly a wonderful art form. This is a new revolution in the art of painting - sip fresh air in the hierarchy of colors.

DIY florarium with colored sand

By using decorative sand You can not only draw, but also create compositions with plants. You can decorate not only with ordinary river or sea sand, but also with food-grade pigment. Thanks to the bright paint, the composition looks unusual and beautiful.

Vase with colored sand

Since ancient times, women have strived for their home to be cozy, original, and its interior to be original, not like everyone else’s, which is why they furnished their homes with beautiful curiosities. And with the help of colored sand you can create unique patterns in a vase by carefully laying it out in layers.

Colored sand for decoration: ideas for use

With the help of colored sand you can create the most unusual things. Its flowability allows it to fit into the narrowest openings. The lightness of the material has a beneficial effect on application to any surface. With sand you can:

  • Paste it over the surface of the furniture;
  • Finish the photo frame;
  • Make a colorful candle stand;
  • Build a decorated floor covering;
  • Place a small amount into the game ball.

In general, you can make anything from decorative sand, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Colored sand for modeling

  • Colored sand is great for sculpting. Its only difference is the presence of a binder; manufacturers of famous brands add silicone. Thanks to this component, sand acquires a viscous property.
  • Another big plus is that classes can be done at home at any time of the year. This is very beneficial because children love to play in the sandbox, and in the cold season not everyone has the opportunity to dig in the sand.
  • The purchased version does not require a specialized storage space and does not deteriorate from moisture or dryness.

Unfortunately, purchased sand has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • small particles are difficult to clean;
  • sticks to clothing and other surfaces.

U homemade version The only drawback of sand is timely drying.

Do-it-yourself colored sand in a bottle - an unusual interior decoration

You can stylishly decorate your interior with regular bottles and colored sand. You can use several colors at once, or alternately. It is also very popular to draw in bottles using sand. Such a curiosity will not only look great in your home, but will also become a wonderful gift for friends.

DIY crafts made from colored sand: photo ideas

You can create a lot of interesting things from decorative items: paintings, castles, crafts, decorate florariums and ordinary candlesticks.

Wedding ceremonies made of colored sand: video

  • The tradition of the sand ceremony originates in Hawaii, where wedding ceremony always spent on the ocean shore. It was there that the tradition of joining sand into a single whole arose, just as on this day two souls are joined by marriage.
  • According to ancient Hawaiian custom, the bride and groom each had a cup filled with sand of their own color. And when they poured out of their cups into one common one, they united their hearts - thereby swearing an oath of fidelity and love.

Video: how to make colored sand at home

The use of colored sand is multifaceted; you can captivate children with it, or you can get carried away with it yourself. The new entertainment was loved by many fans of painting, architecture, entertainment and ordinary women who think outside the box.

One of the most popular educational activities and games with a child is modeling. Modern moms use it for her different materials, among which kinetic sand is especially distinguished. It is attractive because it does not stick to your hands and does not crumble, it molds well, does not dry out and is easy to assemble. However, the cost of such sand is quite high, so the issue of preparing kinetics at home is very relevant.

Popular recipes with sand

Kinetic sand, practically no different from the original, can be made from 300 grams. sand, 1 tsp. stationery silicate glue and 2 tsp. boric acid. First, boric acid and office silicate glue are mixed, and then sand is added. After thorough mixing, you can already play.

But its disadvantage compared to the purchased one is drying, and the presence of boric acid in the composition may have Negative consequences for the health of the child, so you should play it with gloves.


Let's look at other popular manufacturing methods using sand, starch and water. To make an analogue of Swedish kinetic sand at home, you will need:

  • Quartz sand– small and clean. You can purchase it at a pet store (sold for rabbits, birds and chinchillas) or a hardware store. Before preparing a homemade kinetic, many mothers advise calcining it in the oven. Take 4 glasses.
  • Starch – corn or potato. It will need half as much sand, that is, 2 cups. If necessary, starch can be replaced with corn flour.
  • Water. You will need 1 glass.
  • Dye.
  • A container in which you will mix the ingredients, as well as a spatula for mixing.


Method one:

  1. Combine sand and starch in a prepared container, mixing the ingredients well.
  2. Add water in small portions and mix the mixture thoroughly until you reach the desired consistency. The analogue of kinetic sand is ready.

You can clearly see the process of making kinetic sand with your own hands in the following video.

Method two:

  1. Mix starch and water to obtain a non-Newtonian fluid.
  2. Add sand to this liquid and mix everything well.

Recipe without sand

If for some reason you are unable to use sand, it is quite possible to make an analogue of the kinetics without it using the following recipes:

  1. Grind children's crayons for drawing and mix them with semolina until smooth.
  2. Stir 250 g of starch in 100 ml of water, and if the mass turns out to be very dry, add a little more water.

And another less popular method due to its composition: mix 2 cups baking soda with 1 cup baking powder and 1 cup dishwashing liquid (or liquid soap). Stir the mixture until smooth. If the mixture is too wet, add more baking powder. The sand should be doughy and fluffy. After playing, store it in a container.

According to this recipe, the sand turns out to be snow-white and very soft, but not very pliable: the figures from it are fuzzy. We recommend trying a small amount first: take 2 tbsp. soda, 1 tbsp. baking powder and 1 tbsp. liquid soap. It is better to play it with spoons and molds, rather than with your hands.

How to paint?

To color homemade kinetic sand, you can use food coloring, which you can find in any supermarket. They can also be successfully replaced with watercolor paint or gouache. The desired dye is diluted in water and added to the mixture of sand and starch before pouring the water into the mixture. Next, you just need to bring the sand to the required consistency.

Is it different from the store bought one?

Of course, you won’t be able to prepare a material completely identical to Swedish kinetics at home, but the sand will be very similar to store-bought sand. Consistency home option will be practically the same and the child will be able to sculpt various figures from it.

Also keep in mind that homemade sand made with starch will dry out over time and you will have to add a little water to it. However, you know exactly what you put into the material you created with your own hands, you saved money and you can play a variety of games with your child.

Benefits of playing with kinetic sand

  • By playing with this type of sand, the child will develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, concentration and imagination.
  • Kinetic games are calming, help relieve stress and provide emotional relaxation.
  • You can play with this sand in the rain and in winter. This safe material unlike the example better than sand from the sandbox in the yard.
  • During games you can learn counting, shapes, colors, sizes, letters and much more.

How to play?

With homemade kinetic sand you can:

  • Make different Easter cakes.
  • Cut out shapes with cookie cutters.
  • Roll the sausages and then cut them.
  • Make a cake and cut into portions.
  • Play construction using cars.
  • Play hide and seek by burying small objects in the sand.
  • Play with stamps, leaving different marks on the surface of the sand.
  • Sculpt and cut out letters or numbers.
  • Play “excavation”, taking buttons and tiny toys out of the sand.
  • Draw with a sharp stick.