Satin stretch ceilings: pros and cons. Satin stretch ceiling - pros and cons Appearance of a satin stretch ceiling

For those who are looking for a stylish, practical and durable ceiling canvas for an apartment, country house or office, designers advise choosing satin stretch ceilings.

What is a satin ceiling?

Satin – popular material, which is used to create durable, stylish and bright attributes: from evening dresses to suspended ceilings.

China is considered the birthplace of this material. There, local craftsmen revealed the secret of a stylish and practical covering: for the first time they used a combination of fabrics such as cotton, silk and wool. The result was a noble material - satin, which is now used both in light industry and in design.

The main feature of this material is the special weave of the threads: they are twisted into thin and durable strands. And the thinner the strand, the more shine the fabric radiates.

Satin is considered ideal option for those who are looking for a basis for sewing chic dress or transforming the interior of a bedroom, hallway, or office with the help of a bright and original ceiling canvas, which is considered an “intermediate link” between PVC coatings with matte or glossy texture. Satin has an equally impressive appearance - a smooth and silky surface, high level strength and long service life.

To change the original color of the material, natural dyes are used, which make the “base” brighter and more attractive. You can choose coverings in white, pink, light green, blue color, as well as trendy design, when photo printing is applied to a single-color coating.

Satin ceiling: main types

As for the variations of satin stretch ceilings, they are divided into two- and multi-level, as well as with photo printing.

The first two options are suitable for zoning the interior of a bedroom, hallway, guest room and are used to create an impressive design. You can use any color combinations: white with blue or pink, blue with light green. This is the best approach for those who want to divide the room into several functional zones: for work, rest, leisure.

As for stretch ceilings with photo printing, this is the most advantageous option for a nursery, the interior of a cafe, restaurant, pub, where they want to create an original and unique style and attract the attention of visitors. Using bright and eye-catching photo printing, you can easily achieve this goal.

Pros and cons of satin stretch ceilings

Before making your final choice in favor of a satin stretch ceiling, you need to carefully study both the pros and cons of this coating in order to know what difficulties you will encounter during operation and how to “get around” them.

Let's start with the advantages of this ceiling covering

You will receive a canvas that is characterized by:

  • stylish appearance: the texture of this coating resembles whitewash, since it “lays” just as smoothly and perfectly on the surface of the ceiling. By choosing coatings with brighter and rich colors, you get an elegant design solution for the living room, hallway, study or kitchen. Another advantage of this coating is the absence of reflections when exposed to sunlight, while a gentle and muted glow appears from built-in lamps or pendant chandeliers installed on the ceiling;
  • implementation of bold design ideas: to make the atmosphere in the bedroom more comfortable and cozy, you just need to use recessed or spotlights. They will emit a soft and pleasant light, which will become an effective addition to the satin coating;
  • operational installation: installation of this ceiling covering takes from 2 to 6 hours depending on the size of the room. Craftsmen, as a rule, use a seamless method when attaching the covering, which means that there will not be a single seam left on the ceiling surface that would spoil the overall impression of the design. And another advantage is that you don’t have to waste time preparing the “base” on which the tension covering will be mounted: there is no need to remove stains, mask cracks and stains. After installation, all cosmetic defects will be hidden by a new stylish canvas;
  • practicality: for the production of satin stretch ceilings, a special composition is used that prevents the settling of dust and other contaminants, and at the final stage of production a moisture-resistant coating is applied. For those who have neither the time nor the desire to devote time to cleaning the coating, this best option. The main advantage of such careful processing and preparation of the material is that mold will not grow in the fibers and fungal infection, destroying the structure of the coating;
  • safety: this coating is made from synthetic fibers that do not emit toxic components that irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose and provoke the development of allergic reactions. This material can be used for installation both in the children's room and in the bedroom, where allergy sufferers often spend most of their time;
  • reliable protection: when the neighbors above you have a washing machine or Dishwasher, heating or water supply system, you begin to flood. And the ceiling covering is the first to take the blow. In the case of whitewashing or wallpaper, the outcome is sad - it will be inevitable major renovation, but by installing a satin stretch fabric, you will have a chance to save the furniture, carpet covering and expensive equipment located in the room. The secret is that the material quickly absorbs moisture and does not allow it to pass through;
  • spectacular “screen”: this type of covering is considered the best way hide any engineering connections and communications placed on the ceiling. The material also perfectly hides any wires and pipes;
  • high margin of safety: many designers recommend installing these coatings in living rooms and office spaces, where there is a possibility of ceiling deformation, since satin coatings are 15-20 times stronger than PVC or fabric ceilings;
  • sound insulation: if there is insufficient sound insulation in your home or office, then installing a satin covering will solve the problem. Thanks to it you will fence off your home or working space from extraneous sounds coming from the upper floors;
  • fire resistance: this is one of the best qualities, characteristic of this canvas. If there is a fire in a house or office, then, unlike other materials, satin will not burst into flames, but will begin to slowly smolder, and the chances of saving it will be much higher. By the way, another advantage is that during smoldering the material does not emit unpleasant odor and toxins, which means it increases the safety of the premises;
  • durability: when ordering the installation of a satin stretch ceiling, you receive a quality guarantee from the manufacturer for 15 to 20 years, since the material is truly durable, reliable and practical.

Having studied positive sides ceilings made of satin, you may decide that after their installation there will be no problems with maintenance and operation at all, and the coating itself is ideal. This is not entirely true.

This canvas also has a number of disadvantages that are worth paying attention to.

  • temperature regime: if the air temperature in the room drops to -5...10°C, the coating will quickly lose both its rich shade and impeccable structure - unevenness, cracks, and stains will appear on its surface, which will spoil the aesthetics of the coating. To prevent this, you will have to make sure that the room always has a comfortable air temperature. It is necessary to maintain the temperature between 10°C and +40°C;
  • deformation from contact with sharp objects: having installed a satin ceiling, for example, in the kitchen, you should not throw sharp objects - knives, forks, can openers, corkscrews, otherwise you will damage the canvas;
  • re-installation of the covering is unacceptable: if PVC or fabric coverings can be removed and installed in another room, then this will not work with satin canvas, because: 1) its size and design are “tailored” to a specific room; 2) after removal, the coating loses its original appearance and shape.

As you can see, in order to keep the satin canvas in perfect condition, you will have to take care of comfortable temperature air, and about precautions in those rooms where such a ceiling will be installed. Before ordering its installation, you should carefully consider the design: drawings, photos, color of the coating. If you have any questions regarding the choice of ceiling covering for your home, office, restaurant or cafe, please contact us - we will help you find the best option.

If you are sure that a satin ceiling will be excellent design solution for your home or office, order its installation from us. We will spend everything necessary work at an affordable price and we will realize any design fantasies!

Satin is a fabric with a dense structure, characterized by a non-standard weave of thread. Satin stretch ceiling has low shine and high performance characteristics. This canvas looks original and relaxed in any interior.

Advantages of satin stretch ceilings

Interior designers often use finishing in the form of a satin stretch ceiling to solve problems.

This choice is based on the following arguments:

  • Dense texture. The material is durable, smooth and provides a long service life. Before installation, specialists treat it with a special compound to protect the surface from dust and dirt.
  • Pearlescent effect. If you compare satin with gloss or matte finish, you can see that the material has taken the best. Namely, it reflects light, but not furniture. When the lighting changes, the hue changes.
  • Easy installation. The fabric sheet is mounted in a profile, which reduces the work time of specialists. Approximately, this takes from 3 to 4 hours. Compared to plasterboard structures, this period is short.
  • Easy to care for. Stretch ceilings require periodic dry cleaning using a microfiber cloth or using special aerosols. It is not recommended to use aggressive chemicals, hard sponges and brushes, because... they may damage the surface or leave streaks.
  • Reliability. The fabric is made of polyvinyl chloride, which imitates the weave of thread. Therefore, such a ceiling is similar to PVC film and does not fade over time. It is also not subject to deformation and has moisture-resistant properties.
  • Inexpensive cost. In appearance, a satin stretch ceiling resembles silk, but its price is much lower. In view of this, such material can even be chosen for a summer cottage.

Satin stretch ceilings have many advantages, which is why they are used in the decoration of hotel rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms and recreation areas. Such a canvas can emphasize classic interior and add a twist to modern design.

Disadvantages of satin fabric

In addition to the advantageous characteristics, a satin ceiling also has disadvantages:

  • low resistance to temperature changes;
  • high risk of damage to the canvas;
  • Specialists are called for installation;
  • Fabric production is carried out according to the size of the room, and there is no possibility of reinstallation in another room.

To make a decision on the choice of material for a stretch ceiling, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. However, it should be understood that glossy and matte ceilings have similar disadvantages. However, the finishing material is popular and in great demand because... It is environmentally friendly and requires little time to install.

Experts in the field repair work, incl. and designers draw the attention of users to the main disadvantage of satin ceilings - low resistance to frost. Because of this, it is not recommended to install it in rooms without heating. Under influence low temperatures, the coating breaks and its elasticity decreases.

Satin stretch ceilings are not recommended for installation in children's playrooms, entertainment rooms and other rooms where there is an increased risk of piercing the surface. However, like any other stretch ceiling material, it cannot cope with mechanical stress.

Based on the fact that satin is not able to absorb odor, it can be installed both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. For additional protection, you can use special wipes.

Thanks to the installation of this ceiling finishing option, you can realize design idea, are not afraid of flooding from above, and be confident in the safety of the material. For example, a satin stretch ceiling would be appropriate even in the kitchen. This is due to the fact that when heated decorative material does not release toxins or other negative substances.

Satin is a dense fabric that is distinguished by an unusual weave of threads, making it shiny, silky and dense. Satin fabric has minimal reflection and unobtrusive shine, so it looks relaxed and light in the interior. This suitable option for those who want to quickly save time on finishing the ceiling, but at the same time do not want to overload the interior with the pretentious gloss of PVC film. However, in order to draw final conclusions regarding satin stretch ceilings, it is necessary to study their pros and cons. More on this below.

Advantages of stretch fabric ceilings

Interior design specialists often use satin to decorate ceiling structures, citing the following reasons:

  1. Unique fabric texture. The canvas is very durable and perfectly smooth, which ensures the durability of the structure. Before installation, it is treated with a special composition that protects the surface from dust and light dirt, making the ceiling for a long time looks fresh and elegant.
  2. Mother of pearl effect. The surface of the fabric tends to reflect light, scattering it throughout the apartment. Thanks to the micro-relief of the fabric, the shades of the ceiling change depending on the light. For example, in natural light its color does not change, but in artificial light it becomes lighter, almost white.
  3. Easy to install. The fabric is tucked into the profile connectors, which does not take much time. To completely install the ceiling it will take 4-5 hours, which is very little compared to plasterboard structures.
  4. Care. simple and unpretentious to care for. He doesn't like sponges because they leave streaks on him. It is also better not to use abrasive cleaners and brushes: they can damage the structure of the fabric. To prevent the ceiling from losing its beauty, wipe it periodically with a dry cloth or spray it with a special spray/aerosol for satin. Alternative options care may be the following procedure: apply a 10% solution of ammonia to the fabric and wipe dry.
  5. Reliability. The texture resembles fabric, but it is made of polyvinyl chloride. The similarity with fabric will come from imitation of weaving threads. That is why such a ceiling is identical in properties to PVC film. It does not fade, does not deform, and can withstand water if your neighbors accidentally flood you.
  6. Relatively low price. Satin ceilings look like silk, but are much cheaper than this material. Almost everyone can afford this luxury.

As you can see, the advantages of this ceiling structure so many. That is why satin ceilings are often used to decorate hotel rooms, apartments and apartments.

Disadvantages of satin stretch ceiling

Along with the listed advantages, such a ceiling also has some disadvantages, namely:

  • instability to temperature changes;
  • it can be easily damaged by a sharp object;
  • installation requires calling specialists;
  • The fabric is made strictly according to the size of the room, so it cannot be used in other rooms.

Satin stretch ceiling or matte - which is better?

By technical specifications These two types are absolutely identical, but in appearance they are slightly different. A matte ceiling has no shine at all and has a characteristic graininess that makes it look like a simple whitewash. Satin, on the other hand, is able to softly reflect light and can change color depending on the lighting in the room. Thus, a satin ceiling creates a feeling of unobtrusive luxury, while a matte ceiling is created for rigor and minimalism.

Stretch ceilings have become a fashion trend recent years. They are not only beautiful, but also very practical. In addition, with their help you can reduce the time spent on leveling and painting. There are several varieties of them, among which the most popular is satin stretch ceiling. Its pros and cons are obvious even to those who are far from the specifics of repair, because the installation technology is simple and understandable, and the result obtained can be fully appreciated even by a non-specialist.

Features of satin stretch ceiling

Satin stretch ceiling is the choice of modern designers, because its colors and textures are so diverse that they can complement any interior. It is made of PVC, but has much in common in appearance with satin fabric, which is why it got its name.

A satin ceiling can be combined with plasterboard elements, which is especially popular if you need to highlight several zones in one room. At the same time, its properties are similar to both glossy and matte. Despite its apparent matte finish, it reflects light, but does not have a sharp glossy effect. That is, the room becomes softly and comfortably lit, while the ceiling sets off the color of the walls. This is achieved thanks to the shallow surface relief.

Pink colour in the children's room

Advantages and disadvantages of satin stretch ceiling

If you choose a satin stretch ceiling that will be in color lighter than the walls, then this will allow you to profitably expand the space. Multi-level ceiling It will look impressive if done in several colors that are in harmony with each other. This technique is often used by professional designers.

Advantages of satin stretch ceiling

Satin stretch ceiling as an aesthetic element

One of the main advantages is the beauty and grace that a satin stretch ceiling has. Its pros and cons can be a topic of discussion among professionals, but it cannot be disputed that it gives any room a special appearance. Whatever room design you come up with, such a ceiling will complement it very favorably. Very often it is used to create a classic aristocratic interior.

in the kitchen

Variety of colors of satin ceilings

The fact that a satin stretch ceiling can be of any color is a godsend for any designer and anyone who wants to independently come up with something unusual for any room in an apartment or house. Pastel shades are always popular, and, for example, metallic silver will appeal to fans of high-tech style.

Any design can be applied to the ceiling using a large format printer. This interesting solution for a children's room.

blue two-level with spotlights

Safety of satin stretch ceiling

Satin stretch ceiling is absolutely safe to use. It is used to decorate interiors in preschool, school and medical institutions. Its main advantage is that it does not accumulate dust. In addition, such a ceiling does not evaporate harmful substances, therefore we can talk about the material being non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

in the living room with spotlights around the perimeter and a chandelier in the center

Reliability of satin stretch ceiling

The ability to maintain its external qualities and be used for a long time is an undoubted advantage that a satin stretch ceiling has. Its pros and cons can be subjectively distinguished in different ways, but its durability is confirmed in practice and cannot be disputed. The polyvinyl chloride from which the ceiling is made imitates the interweaving of fabric fibers, which is why it acquires special strength.

Satin stretch ceiling of an unusual color does not fade, even if the room is located on sunny side. It is not subject to deformation due to temperature fluctuations. At the same time, the ceiling can withstand a lot of weight, which is important in situations where the battery breaks or other troubles occur. The water simply drains from it without damaging its appearance.

white two-level

Smooth surface of satin stretch ceiling

Using a satin stretch ceiling, a smooth, even surface is created that masks the imperfections of the main one. Its installation takes a minimum of time, while ordinary leveling and painting is very labor-intensive.

in a bright living room

Reflection of light with a satin stretch ceiling

Although the satin ceiling does not have a glossy surface, it reflects light softly and pleasantly. In this case, there is no mirror effect.

yellow and white with spot lighting and a chandelier in the center

Cost of satin stretch ceiling

Choosing a satin stretch ceiling means saving money and getting an excellent guaranteed result. With all its undoubted advantages, it has an affordable price.

with sky pattern and birds

Disadvantages of satin stretch ceiling

Satin stretch ceilings can withstand temperature changes well, but only within a heated room. At 0 degrees and below they begin to crack and lose all their properties. Best to install PVC ceiling where the temperature is kept at an acceptable room temperature within acceptable limits.

Rules for the location of lamps:

  1. chandeliers without shades are placed at a distance of at least 40 cm from the surface so that it does not heat the ceiling too much;
  2. a chandelier can be located under the ceiling only if there is a lampshade and a low-power lamp.

The ceiling cannot be reused for another room.

It is better not to use sharp objects near a stretch ceiling. It's very easy to ruin it this way.

in the bedroom

Use your personal preferences and the advice of designers when choosing an interior solution such as a satin stretch ceiling, the pros and cons of which are described above. When choosing it for a room, be sure that it is fashion trend, especially in an unusual color scheme.

Varieties of tension structures differ in material and surface structure. They come in glossy, matte, satin. The last type of material is the golden mean between glossy and matte ceiling. Satin coatings have their pros and cons in application, which you need to familiarize yourself with.

What it is?

For the first time, satin began to be produced in China from various materials(silk, cotton, wool). The production technology is based on a specialized weave of threads. Due to the tight twisting of the threads, the material shines. The natural shade can only be seen in natural light. When the lighting is turned on, satin can change colors to lighter and calmer tones. From any viewing angle, the color will change.

Modern manufacturers make satin from synthetic threads on a fabric base with a thin layer of polyvinyl chloride. This is PVC film with a coated finish. Its front side has a smooth silk surface. Satin ceilings are superior to other types of suspended ceilings due to the durability and strength of the material.

Satin stretch ceilings have some distinctive characteristics compared to other types of stretch coverings. For example, satin material has a perfectly smooth surface without grain. This coating can softly reflect light. It does not create glare from the lamps used.

Mother-of-pearl colors are available only for satin ceilings. This is another advantage of the satin finish. Home distinctive feature such a ceiling is a fragmentary reflection light, as a result of which interior items are not reflected on the film coating. The use of matte stretch ceiling in small room helps reduce the height of the ceiling; this does not happen with a satin finish.

Advantages and disadvantages

Satin stretch ceilings have their own advantages when used.

  • Their color palette consists of 120 colors (from white pastels to rich bright colors). It is possible to apply an image to the ceiling. You can create a special starry sky effect.
  • Using a satin stretch ceiling, you can hide unevenness and minor defects of the ceiling surface.
  • PVC material can take any shape, which allows you to create complex multi-level ceiling structures.
  • Satin ceilings have excellent vapor barrier. They do not allow moisture to pass through. If neighbors cause a flood in the apartment, satin will reliably hold liquid up to 100 kg per m2. In this case, the material stretches. After you get rid of the water, the coating returns to its previous appearance.

  • This material treated with an antistatic agent, this coating is not subjected to large cluster dust and condensation. This feature allows you to install a ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • This is an environmentally friendly material. It does not cause allergic reactions. Can be used in children's rooms and preschool institutions without harm to health.
  • Satin tension coverings do not require special effort to wash different kinds pollution. It is enough to use a regular soap solution. In some cases, the use of ammonia is permitted.

  • Satin coating is a fire-resistant building material. It can withstand high combustion temperatures without emitting harmful substances.
  • The affordable price of the material makes it in demand among buyers.
  • If necessary, the satin ceiling can be easily disassembled and reinstalled. This opportunity allows you to independently replace the electrical wiring under the suspended ceiling.

  • The material does not fade when exposed to ultraviolet rays. It is not susceptible to mold and mildew.
  • The canvas has good soundproofing qualities, which is especially important for residents of apartment buildings.
  • It's universal finishing material, which is used in all residential premises. It can be used in any stylistic interior design.

Satin coverings, like other types of suspended ceilings, also have disadvantages. The ceiling stretch covering has a certain interval temperature conditions for use.

It is allowed to construct such ceilings at temperatures from +5 to +60 degrees. At low degrees, satin material becomes brittle, which will lead to deformation. With more high temperature building material loses its elasticity and elasticity.

If the satin coating is equipped with spotlights, you need to pay attention to the maximum heating temperature. It should not exceed 60 degrees. Chandeliers that do not have a shade must be installed at a certain distance from the ceiling surface. Minimum distance is 40 cm.

Spicy and cutting tools may damage the ceiling covering. Wet cleaning of the ceiling must be done with extreme caution.. It is necessary to familiarize children with the rules of games so that toys do not damage the structure. When installing a tension covering, unpleasant odors are released. It takes a certain amount of time for such odors to dissipate.


Exist different variations tension structures using tension satin film. The simplest of them are single-level options. In them, the film is stretched over the entire area of ​​the ceiling. In other cases, the tension panel is an insert of a certain level. To create such systems, drywall is used. With its help, you can make the ceiling special, emphasizing its design with a stylish pattern of stretch satin film.


There are several types of satin finish. Often, homeowners choose a single-color design. A classic variation is white canvas, which harmonizes with all interior styles. In dark rooms (corridor, hallway), it is better to use two-tier structures with lighting. The satin coating can be given various shapes, for example, it can be an arch shape, a wave, a circle, a rectangle.


Satin stretch ceiling slightly resembles a matte finish. This fabric has less roughness, the appearance looks like water-based paint or coated paper. The reflectivity of such a material is low. This allows you to fill the space with volume. Due to the silky appearance, a feeling of textile is created, which makes the interior expensive.


Often, a plain fabric is used to decorate the ceiling surface. In this case, shades can be combined with each other, highlighting, for example, different levels in-line design. Pastel shades are mainly used to decorate the ceiling area. Many designers opt for a white shade: it harmonizes with all interior images. Externally, this coating looks like ordinary whitewash.

At proper lighting there will be a transfusion of shades.

When choosing pastel shades (for example, sand, beige, lilac, cream), it is recommended to use the color of the stretch ceiling, which is 1-2 tones lighter than the room furniture.

An original solution There will be a choice of bright colors (red, coral, orange, light green). In good daylight, such coatings will be matte; in artificial light, the canvas will acquire a pearlescent sheen. In addition to plain coloring, tension structures can have different patterns. The most popular design variation for a stretch ceiling is applying photo printing and creating a “starry sky” effect.

How to choose?

If you decide that installing satin stretch ceilings is the right decision for the room, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing such building materials. There are several nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a stretch ceiling.

Room size

This coating can be installed in almost any room standard size, but there are some explanations. The maximum coverage width is 5.5 meters.

Installation of the structure in large rooms will not be without seams. Although they are not so noticeable, the appearance of the structure may change.

Color spectrum

The choice of color depends entirely on the homeowner's preferences. However, experts do not recommend using dark shades in small rooms. In this case, the room will visually decrease in volume, and the coating itself will create a feeling of constriction. The color of the ceiling should be in harmony with general style premises.


Please note the manufacturer. The quality and service life material. It's better to choose trademark, which has positive customer reviews.

The choice of manufacturer means a lot: the benefits from quality product more.

How to care?

Caring for satin stretch ceilings does not require much effort or special tools. To ensure that the coating remains perfectly clean and beautiful, and also has a long service life, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for these types of ceilings. Periodically wipe the building material with a dry cloth. A cloth napkin will also work.

To get rid of contamination, you need to apply soft cloth, soaked in ammonia. The simplest and cheapest way to clean is to use regular soapy water or dishwashing detergent. But before applying such solutions to the coating, it must be tested on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the ceiling.

Do not use abrasive substances, hard cloths or brushes. This can damage the ceiling surface, resulting in the need to replace the ceiling. Modern manufacturers of satin stretch ceilings make special cleaning products that are designed to clean these surfaces. To create the original look of a stretch ceiling, you can use polish.

Examples in the interior

Satin ceiling materials are often used in living rooms, studios, halls decorated in modern or classic style. In such rooms you can bring to life the most original and unusual ideas. Modern designers offer a wide range of design options for satin coverings: this ceiling is used in almost all rooms.

Tensile structures can imitate various objects, including wood, leather, and metal.

Living room

For a small living room, it is better to use a single-level stretch ceiling design, designed in light shade. To highlight individual areas of the guest room, use coatings that are painted in 2 or more colors. To maintain the special zoning effect, install lighting various forms. For small room dimensions, this variation will not be suitable, because in this case the ceiling will drop by 7 cm.

Hidden lighting can be used as additional lighting. It visually increases the height of the ceiling surface, creating a floating effect. If the ceiling surface has minor unevenness, it is better to use an arched ceiling model, which creates a smooth transition to the wall. The living room looks original with a ceiling decorated in black with snow-white inserts and decorative elements.


The use of satin stretch ceilings in the kitchen has its advantages. Bright hues ceiling material can visually increase the space of a small kitchen. If you install lighting fixtures various types, you can zone the room, highlight the work area and the dining area.

It is important that the color of the satin material is in harmony with the furnishings in the kitchen.

It is not recommended to use blue colors in the kitchen. This color is believed to reduce appetite. For brave people The red color of the ceiling material is suitable; it increases appetite. In this case, you need to install kitchen set to match the stretch ceiling.


Tension systems designed in bright colors with printed images in the form of cartoon characters, a favorite movie character or fairy tale are suitable for a children's room. You can build a ceiling on which stars and planets will be depicted. For a girl, delicate shades of pink are suitable, and for a boy, it is better to choose light green and turquoise tones. It is necessary to take into account the child's age and preferences.


Ceiling covering blue tint in the bedroom it will have a calming effect, it will set the mood for peace. You can apply a tint to the stretch film Ivory, which will fit into almost any interior design. It will look original in combination with dark shades of wallpaper.

To create a romantic mood in the bedroom, you can use pearl shades.


Such a room usually has a small area and is practically not illuminated. To visually enlarge and spacious a room, it is recommended to use light colors of the ceiling covering. To create a flickering effect, you can install spotlights. For the height of the ceiling, a special effect of the daytime sky or metallics of three shades is used: gold, bronze, silver.

Silver-colored coatings allow you to visually increase the height of the ceiling. This is the color that is used to create multi-level structures. An ideal variation for a hallway is a two-level system with multi-colored lighting.